Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 19, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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I UK MIX KdL J"- I I -
10-roora absolutely modern hom(. nr
car. on 100x200 lot. Ibli U good homo,
cement wall In front of home, fountain
In yard; fine bath. Dutch kitchen, fire
place. S lu bedroom sewing-room,
large closeta fine cement bssement. furnace-
valla all tinted. large porch, an
kinds of fruit, nlca shade cm lonj
lawn; price $6500. balance easy lnstail-
87th and Hawthorne. Tabor 1147.
5250 Corner lot. dealrable home, all Im
provement, cloee In. East Side.
30O0 Fine corner lot. desirable loca
tion. East Hide. t ,
$000 Quarter block. Eaat 11th; It will
par to eee thl quickly.
$2000 sOxloO-foot, West Elde; no other
bargain equal to IL -
$;iO a bargain, nonee and 3 Iota near
University Park Station.
818 Chamber of Commerce.
A BUNCH of choice lots In Irrlnrton, John
Irving and Hoiladay Addition, cheap. A
number of select homes, 8. 7 and 8 rooms;
several bungalows at cost: one very nice
home, fir.e furniture and carpets at a bar
Cain. Thle Is the portion of Portland
where all reared people should lire. Come
ana see It. Oae lo-acre tract, fine lo
cation. Call at office, cor. 16th and Hal
sy sts... Irvlneton. Broadway care. I'hones
Inst 8S6. C 1893: residence, C 1508, C
1271. Dolen A Herdman.
$300 My beautiful home will be sold
his week, the neatest and moet homelike
on the market. 7 rooms and bath, tinted
and frescoed, wash trays, cement floor to
basement, cement walks and strictly mod
ern throughout; beautiful lawn and roses;
don't buy until you see this; terms. Owner.
1M0 E. Madison, phone B 2126, Tabor
FINE quarter blork. nicely Improved and
room for other bulldlnics. on Union ave.,
near Holladay; now paying a god rate
of Interest on the price; furniture In
611 Gerllnger bldg.. cor. 2d and Alder.
(2700 f 16V) CASH takes a house and lot
on Overton at. that will rent for $40
per month.
MARTIN J. EIGLEY. 132 8d at.
Rents bouses, collects rents, sells country
and cltv realty, timber lands, notaries pub
lic. A 4321. 204 Mohawk bid.. Main 560i.
16 CASH and $850 In monthly payments
of 1S for a nice home In Montavllla,
half block from carllnc.
MARTIN J. H1GLEY. 132 3d at.
2'i acres suburban home, good buildings;
near car; sale or trade. Agents wanted.
K. Buetlkafer, 265 Salmon.
$"00 BUYS a farm and a lot with a waranty
deed; will treble In less than a year. See
Stevenson A Taylor. 26 Washington st.
FOR SALE Fine lot 60x100. Belle Creet,
overlooking race track, magnificent view;
$650. terms. Main 8579. '
LOTS $5 down. $5 per month; owner oyr
loaded; must sell at sacrifice. XV 153, Ore
gontan. 14O0 4-room modern house, furnished;
easy terms. 8. Thornton, opposite M. E.
C'hurch, Wood lawn.
ACREAGE lO or 20 acres choice land east
of Montavllla. sua per stirm. r .
17750 MODERN 11-room house. Nob HilL
MARTIN J. HIGLET. 132 3d St.
ono-ACRE mock ranch. 70 miles fromPort
land; fins Improvements; bargain at $20 per
acre; to for city property.
Wanted California ranch In exchange ror
grocery store on West 6ld.
Comer lot and 9-room MMe, Souty,
Portland, value $.1500, trade for lots': i
room bouse and 2 lots. St. John, trade for
grocery: 2 houses. Albina, trade for acre
age near river preferred; wanted, a stock
ranch. Western Oregon, for 12 acres 6 miles
from city. hlhly Improved, value I12.0O0:
errfeken ranch, the best near Portland, for
larger grounds; 5-10 acres, suitable for like
purpose value $40OO. Property and land
everywhere to exchange for business
chancea Call and consult o about your
25.1 u, Washington, cor. 3d.
80 ACRES, part In cultivation. Joining good
Valley town. 20 acres being Inside city
limits. 11-room modern house, cement
basement, hot and cold water. also i5-room
house. The 20 acres platted will pay for
the property. Will accept good Portland
residence as part pay. Parties Interested
win not be disappointed by Investigating.
Call 013 chamber of Commerce.
CELL or exchange brick block. SO by 91
feet, occupving beet corner In live town
of WO, 100 miles from Portland; this
property pays monthly Income of 272SJ;
will take Portland residence, value $;l00
to $10 000; some cash, balance on time.
The May-Holland Company (Inc.), 626-627-62
Corbett bldg. '
VE have 12 acres only 4 miles from city
limits on a One road; all lies level; quar
ter mile to a graded school, handy to k.
R station: all clear and In grass; some
bearing cherry trees. Will trade this for
a good 5-room cottage in city.
611 Gerllnger bldg.. cor. 2d and Alder.
10 ACRES excellent fruit land. 1 mile
from Colfax. Placer County. CaL. $30 per
acre: fine soli and water; will trade for
- O-egon town or country property; pic
tures of ndjolr.ln- land can be seen at 325
Lumber Exchange.
49 ACRES. 25 cleared, 3 acres In bearing
orchard, near Forest Grove, house, barn
and outbuildings, good water, creek.
$3000; will trade my equity of $lO0 for
house and lot. 325 Lumber Exchange.
jt (12.000 Klickitat mil fruit and farm
tract to trade toward Portland home or
business property Flank Lee. 147
Front st.
go ACRES, half cleared. 25 miles from city,
good 9-room plastered house, orchard,
creek, toov'tf: will take house and lot up
to (4000. mortgage for balance. 32S Lum
ber Exchange.
OF COURSE1 CERTAINLY! If yon want to
bov, sell or trade business or property fol
low the crowd to Stevenson & Taylor,
2S6H Washington, room 311.
i BLOCK on West Side. Improved and
bringing $450 a month. $35,000; will take
$."000 cash. $15,000 in real estate and bal
ance In mortgage. 325 Lumber Exchange.
FOR SALE or trade, equity In fine view lot
on Portland Heights carllne. improve
ments In. for anything of value, realty
preferred. V 100. Oregonian.
10 ACRES all cleared, good house and barn,
at Clackamas Station. $4.0: will take
house and lot In exchange. 325 Lumber
APARTMENT site, 100x100. West Side, for
small farm o.- city property and some
cash. Wailing. 243. Stark st.
"WHAT have you to trade or exchange? W.
Lawrence A Co.. 116 Lumber Exchange
bldjr.. 2d and Stark.
MODERN' 6-room house, Sunnyslde. $:lO00.
for acreage or lots. A. Bundas. 225
Lumber Exchange.
WILL trade fine paying motion picture
theater near Portland for acreage. Par
ticulars Newman. 21)3 Eurnside st-
I VIMPROVED farm lands, on Columbia
Hlver, good soil, for lty property. 327
W'oroeeter bldg.
j yoxj want to buy, sell or exchange any
thing call 325 Lumber Exchange.
ynzLi trade for what you have. Gu Smith.
4i4 Buchanan bldg.
WE are practical timber dealers, with per
sonal knowledge of the best timber tracts
in the Northwest; can give reliable Infor
mation and correct values of large or
email tracts.
B3S Chamber of Commerce.
Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle.
829 Chamber of Commerce.
tt-r .ra constantly acquiring fine tracts of
timber for sale and are headquarters for
lumber enterprises of all klnda Phone
Kn Si Ktoe, Stamphsr. 631-32
Lumber Exchange bldg.
lOSO acrea In T. 22 8.. R- 12 W. the
finest tract of sprue timber on the Coast,
for sale For particulars and terms ad
drees H. Wade. Gardiner. Or.
(10.000 BUYS 30 to 85 million In Sfletx;
direct buyers only. Owner, Y 15. Ore
gonlan. C A'-i' on us for snaps. Five million patent
ed claim. $l0O. 218 Worcester bldg.
FEW choice yellow pine claims, ready for
filing. AB 117. Oregonlan.
Government locations. 827 Worcester blk.
. c . i will south of Aurora, on
F P. R- R- 8" acres In cultivation. 15
acres beaverdam. all fenced, running
water, orchard, good well, good
house, outbuildings; on county road. $1K
ter acre: hair casn. naiance j
Will exchange for Portland property.
B0 a res. 7 rollea southeast of Oregon
City, macadam road, church and sckool
near, i'O acres in cmuiuN. .
timber and pasture, fruits of all kinds.
1 acre Irrigated for garden; 6-room house,
good well and running water: barn 36x44.
chicken house, granary; $300 cash. $J000
balance 2 years. Exchange for small
stock ranch.
48 acres on Taylor Ferry road. 14
miles from Portland. H miles from
electric car. 114 miles from S. P. R. R. ;
87 acres upland. 10 acres beaverdam
In onions. IS acres orchard and fruits;
all fenced, running water, springs; will
produce about SBuuO worth of onions in
one year; $500, cash $1000, balance 7
per cent.
60 acres 2 miles south of Tualatin sta
tion. 3 miles north of Wllsonvllle; 8
acres under cultivation. 3 acres orchard,
20 acres slashed; 2500 cords of wood;
land level and tillable; 6-room house,
celled, papered; large barn, all Imple
ments: $aooo. half cash, balance 5 years
at 8 per cent.
6K7 Buchanan bldg.
286i Washington st.
$ooo for a beautifully located 50-acre
farm with all the stock, crop and ma
chinery: only 9 miles from the center of
Portland: excellent for fruit and grapes.
. Land adjoining selling at $200 and $300
' per acre; good terms given. .
$45 per sere for splendid 233-acre dairy
ranch on the Columbia. This place can
keep' 100 cows, and $3600 cash, balance
to suit, will iandle It.
$15,000 for a splendid 200-ncre ff.rm.
all In cultivation; handy to '2 colleges;
with B0 cattle. 40 hogs, 4 fine horses
and all the machinery; half cash, bal
ance 6 per cent. This Is the cheapest
farm In Marlon County.
If you want to buy a good farm of any
size or kind In Oregon, and wish to get
good value for your money see
F. FUCHS. 221 H Morrison st.
88 ACRES, li miles from railroad station;
29 acres In cultivation; 24 acres in 6-year-old
apple orchard, best variety. Land all
level In well-Improved country. Price
$130 per acre.
Borne fine 10-acre tracts at Morrow Sta
tion; all in cultivation: $100 to $125 per
acre. Also acreage at Boring, Curtlss and
140 arres, 70 In cultivation: 8-room
house; fine barn; several good springs on
the place; 3 miles from Lents Station; no
gravel; big bargain at $80 per acre.
O. W. P. LAND CO..
First and Alder Streets.
Ws are offer! g the beet thing la acre
or half acre tracts In Portland: water
mains laid and terms of only $10 cash
aad (10 per month.
U0 2d St.
FINE 33-acre tract, 10 miles from Port
land. 29 In cultivation, fine house and
barn, 2 orchards, no gravel. running
water, 2 good wells, on fine road, near
store, school and church; the best buy
- In county; $S0OO; good terms.
16 acres fine land. 14 in cultivation,
running water, fine soil; the cheapest
place In county; $200 per acre.
If you want a real bargain in booses
and lots or acreage, call on
411 Corrmercial bldg.
Phone Main 8965.
$21,000 30 acrea, all highly cultivated,
close to Portland and only 30 minutes'
ride on the Oregon City line; 0-room
house, full concrete basement, hot and
cold water: 30H-gaI. tank, with engine:
nrst-claFS barn; 3-rooru cittage and 7
outbuildings; will divide into small tracts
to suit purchaser, or will exchange for
Portland property. James J. Flynn, 512
Chamber of Commerce.
HOME In the Casc'adea 60 acres. A-l fruit
land, 6-room house. 6 acrea In orchard,
good Spring, cow. chlcker.s. horse and
buggy; good garden, within H mile of Co
lumbia R. A North-Bank Railroad. Take
train at Vancouver and get off at Home
Valley P. O. $2500, terms. Also 12 acies
cleared land, with old orchard, for $375.
I meet the train. II. Graham, owner.
Home Valley, Wash.
For city property, 1H0 acres A-l wheat
land located at Gooseberry, Or., the cream
mheat-raislng belt of Morrow County; no
Irrigation: about 110 acres spring grain In
this year: wfll sacrifice for cash; If Inter
ested, phone owner. Main 7225, between
12 and 1.
DON'T writs a letter: buy a one-fare return
ticket: see 100 acres, house, barn. 28 cattle,
hay. fine little valley home, good neighbors,
and you will buy It for $1250 cash; $1050. 10
years. If you want, at 6 per cent Int. O.
Mlddlekauff, Yaqulna, Or.
FOR SALE By owner, 10 acres, all cleared,
excellent fruit or garden land, mils
from Forest Grove electric line and two
miles from Forest Grove. Price $1500.
Tlsls Is a bargain. Address P. O. box 314,
Forest Grove. Or.
PARTIES wanting Information Willamette
Valley, the garden spot of Oregon, call and
get booklets. Willamette Valley Information
Bureau. 312 Bd. of Trade, cor. 4th A Oak sts.
WrHO wants the best farm In the Willam
ette Valley? For particulars call upon
or write ConnelU Long sc Imbrle, . HUls
boro. Or.
HOMESTEADS for location, Goodnoe Hills
Jrult Land. Room 616 Commercial block
or P. O. box 641.
FOR SALE t acres spuds; a snap for
somebody: will pay you to Investigate. R
102, Oregonlan.
HOMESTEAD relinquishment, tributary to
Portland. 327 Worcester block.
FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olmsted
Land Company. Salem. Or.
WE have a positive Inquiry for flats that
'pay 10 per cent net or better: must be
able to handle with t00. Starr Bros.,
42S Worcester bldg.
FIVE or 6-room, one-story house, not over
$2500; will give nice lot worth $700 as
first payment, or $300 cash. M 104, Ore
gonlan. CITY real estate and farm land wanted;
we have buyers for bargains; will deal
only with owners. 403 Wells-Fargo bldg.
HAVE customers for property, both resi
dence. Income-bearing and business. Zim
merman. 621 Corbett bldg. Main 1675.
5-ROOM bungalow, not over $4.o. My
house part payment, balance cash. AB
150, Oregonlan.
LAWYER will sell your property; regular
commission; advice given. X 157, Orego
nlan. WANTED Lot on Council Crest: must be a
bargain for cash. S 160, Oregonlan.
6 OR 6-ROOM house. East Side, $2500 to
$3500; payment $750. AB 156. Oregonlan.
WILL buy cheap lot anywhere; state price.
T 162. Oregonlan.
8-year lease on most prominent block
In city. See my agent, 303 lj Washing
ton st., suite 4.
TO lease for S years. 13 acres choice berry
land near Tremont. Mount Scott line. See
W. A. Wash. Nashville or address Lenta
LARGE tract of fine wheat land for rent
on Columbia River, near Portland. G
Irtn. OreronlsTi-
TIMBER Lands wanted. C J. McCracken
304 McKay bldg.
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
TWO ponies 3 years old, 1 mare 5 years
old with colt, buckskins, cheap. 2i4
Front St.. saloon.
EQUITY In choice residence lot for fcood
driver and runabout. 243 Stark.
WANTED Heavy teams and wagons. Jones
Lumber Co, 281 4th St.
FOR SALE! Young team draft horsea AP
. ply S08 Davis st.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 264 Montgomery.
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
FOR SALE At the stock exchange. 17th
and Qulmby. one 7-year-old registered
Hambeltonlan trotting stallion, with a
mark of 20 and a fine fold getter, per
fectly quiet and gentle, thoroughly city
broke, woman or child can drive him;
will be guaranteed every way. For sale
at a bargain.
FOR SAl.Si 1 earn noreva, .cihi'i " " -
1000 pounds each; also new light express
., .. a ... 1,a-nCB. nrtc. S97.V Ttl-
qulre at room 200 Oregonlan bldg., or call
or address A. P. Langenberg. Clackamas
FIRST-CLASS family horse, perfectly safe
for lady to drive; one of the nicest
horsea In the city; do" not phone, but
apply to Ben A. Bellamy, grocer, 401
Hawtnome avw.
-ct t s.venr-old real brown nily.
gentle. 1100 lbs.; make good single drlv
u. o, show Durnoses, or v. Ill ex
change for lot. 11 Liberty St., Arbor
Lodge station.
GOOSENECK trucks, butcher, grocery, and
bakery wagons, buggies of all kinds,
horsea harness and saddles, for sale or
rent. 211 wasningtou.
1100-LB.. 7-year-old horse, good harness
and wagon, also cheap driving rig; will
take cow In exenange. ooa iwi -oni
Woodstock car.
FINE black mare. 8 years old, weight 1450;
city broke: tocay oniy. imjuiie aiuuiu a
..-!- i-.k CWI.kK,, trim Kith.
norse swim, ,
et. cars.
25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho
tel' 'bus. saddles, harness, cheap to doss
out. Hubert Hall. 266 4th St.
SPAN horses, 1350 lba each, almost new
wagon and harness, cnean. iw,
FOR SALE Fine bay mare, 7 years old,
and nearly new Bailey bike buggy; a bar
gain for cash. Main 8579.
HORSE for sale, 6 years old. weight 1500
lbs. Anderson s siaoie, ioa jaiierauii.
FOIc SALE 0-year-old bay mare, $40. J.
Do Konlng, 3d and Pacific sts.
8-PASSENGER 4-cylinder WInton; coet $2750;
in one cunuiijun, suviu ....... -
Would accept good real estate, and, if nec
essary, assume some difference. If you
want a good machine, this is worth Investi
gation. Call 613 Chamber Commerce.
AUTOMOBILE or sale; Stevens Duryea, 4
eyllnder, with top, lamps, Gabriel horn,
clock, extra tires and tubes, etc.; guaran
teed to be in first-class condition; $1300.
L 123, Oregonlan. .
$40015 h. p. 4-cylinder Ford runabout,
in good condition.
$y00 30 h. p. 4-cyllnder car. In fine
condition. W. G. Hartman, 48 2d st.
OWNER leaving city wHl sell his "Reo ' 5
passenger touring car. glass front, full
equipment, new tires, fine condition; pries
$8-0. Phone Woodlawn 2200.
WANTED Runabout, new or second-hand.
Address, stating condition ana ot ptw
H 94. Oregonlan.
FORD runabout automobile, good car. rea
sonable. 403 corbett mag.
both galvanized and black painted. n
most all sizes and brand new. Let us save
you money.
347-353 Ollsan St., Cor. Eighth.
CORRUGATED sheet Iron roofing, brand
new, both In galvanized or oiaca pamu,
In all sixes. Get our prices and save
847-353 Gllsan St.. N. E. cor. Sth St.
FOR SALE Milch cows, fire havlirg de
stroyed our barns, we offer for sale about
50 head of select milch cows. Jerseys and
. grades, some fresh now and others to be
come fresh during the Winter. Oak Grove
Creamerie, Scappooae, Or.
FOR 8ALE New and -econd-hand billiard
ana pool tames; eay pwtucui., w
tables, with privilege of buying: modern
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balks-Collender.
48 Third st.
IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $5000,
parties Interested call Maglnnls Son,
403-4 McKay bldg.
60 SLIGHTLY marred sewing machines, .all
makes, sold at great reduction this week
only, cash or installments. Whits Sewing
Machine Store, 420 Washington St.. cor.
NEARLY new View Camera with fine
lenses and complete outnt; also one assay
er's scale, made by Christian Becker, very
cheap. Call room 8. Washington bldg.
A $100 L. C. SMITH shotgun, nearly new;
a $35 Winchester ririe, so cauoer, ex
tra light weight; want diamond or cheap
for cash. H 164. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE OR RENT, Logging and Hoist
ing engines, rails, cars, eta Railway
Equipment Co., 74 1st. A 2.10 3. Main 2333.
FOR SALE: A lady's ring, set with ruby
and diamonds, very -swell, cost $400; win
take $2O0. V 181. Oregonlan.
SPACE on walls of nlckelodlon for rent.
22x22 Inches, $2 per month, Aloael is'lckel
odlon. 68 N. 3d.
FINE Jersey bull, will exchange for horse.
tow, wood or anytning i can use. oja n,al
2Sth at., Woodstock car.
FOR SALE) $10,000 of contracts on one of the
best tracts in tne city, at o per cent inter
est; principal guaranteed. Mum eouz.
OLD VIOLINS bought and sold. Choice old
Instruments always on hand. L. Winters,
818 Tilford bldg., 10th and Morrison sta
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover, 813 Water
at. Phone Main 7451.
FOR SALE Gasollns woodsaw, new. In
first-class running order. Apply 22 Broad
st.. Montavllla. Phone Tabor 1883.
COW. coming 4 years old. for sale. $30:
giving 2 gils. of milk per day. Call at 613
McKay bldg.
FOR SALE Remington typewriter, nearly
new, good condition. AE 153, Oregonlan.
supplies, slides, films for rent. 165Vj 4th st.
DUCK LAKES; best to be had. T 163, Ore
gonlan. FOR SALE Mated homing pigeons. Write
Mary J. Shaw. Forest Grove, Or.
WOOD SAW for sale. Inquire 861 1st st.
WANTED to communicate at once with
party X 158 advertising fcr cholnman.
K 161. or telephone.
FIRST-CLASS salesman, all lines, city and
country. P. A. A C Co.. 32314 Wash
ington. WANTED Strong boy to work in bakery.
Call between 8 and 8 A. M., Royal
Bakery, 11th and Everett
JAPANESE and Chinese employment
agency. 289 Burnslde st. Main J-309.
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine
Depot. P. Loratl. 148 4th. Pacific 21S3.
WANTED A second bread baker. C51 2d
st. M 160. Oregonlan.
WANTED Butcher, first-class hustler; ref
erences. X 163, Oregonlan.
MAN and wife to work on ranch, near city.
Inquire 3-12 Johnson St., opposite depot.
CARPENTERS wanted. Apply at Arleta
echoolhouse. Mt. Scott car.
WANTED A good, young, reliable meat
cutter. Address Box 115, Eugene, Or.
WANTED Experienced budders In nursery.
Address Brooks & Sons, Carlton, Or.
FURNITURE polisher wanted. Apply J.
G. Mack Co., 5th and Stark sis.
WANTED Prescription druggist. V 162,
GOOD carpenter for finishing work; apply
at once. Hall, 32d and Going.
WANTED A boy to learn the optical busi
ness. Apply 173 4th st.
WANTED Foreman for logging camp, $4
per day and board. 16 N. 2d st.
WANTED Heavy teams and wagons. Jones
Lumber Co.. 201 4th St.
BUSH ELM AN wanted; one that's handy
on new work. C17 Washington rt.
WANTED Young man for office work. Ap
ply Anderson & Crowe, 8 A. M.. 245 Ash st.
WANTED A first-class draughtsman. Ap
ply room 401, Board of Trade bldg.
BARBER wanted; steady Job. 205 Morri
son st.
WANTED Good woman cook. 3S6 Mor
rison St.
.9 K . - . " ,
WANTED Competent, experienced sales
men to sell building lots in one of the best
additions within city limits; excellent
values for the money: improvements are
in; we pay larger cash commissions than
any real estate firm in city; men with
an earning capacity of $500 per month in
vited to Investigate. Address Y 151, Ore
gonlan. 10.000 POSITIONS.
For graduates last year; men and
women to learn barber trad in eight
weeks: help to secure positions; graduates
earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert in
structor; tools free; write for catalogua
Molor System of Colleges. 85 N. 4)th St..
Portland, Or.
WAITERS 'First-class steady waiters. $60
per month salary; also dinner waiters;
must have Tuxedo coats. Apply head
waiter. Commercial Club. 5th and Oak.
WANT an expert bungalow man, one with
original Ideas and who can make correct
estimates on cost of carpenter work and
take entire charge of work. Might give
you several contracts; must be good
finisher. Address, giving your phone. T
164, Oregonlan.
WANTED Expert electrical aid t (5.04
per diem. An examination will be held
at the Navy-Yard, Mare Island, Cal.,
August 81, 1008, to fill the above posi
tion. For application and further infor
mation, address Commandant, Navy-Yard,
Mare Island. Cal.
WANTED Young men to qualify for clerk
and carriers' examination soon; must be
strong and of good habits; steady Jobs and
fair salary- Call today. . Pacific States
School, McKay bldg.
MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster
ing and bricklaying, day and night class,
no books, free catalogue; special low
tuition; easy Installments. Coyne National
Trade School. 238-240 Eighth sc. San
Employment Office Men's Department.
26 North Second St.
Phones Main and A 152$.
Help fr-ee to employera
WANTED A Janitor for an apartment
house; must come well recommended,
married man preferred; steady position;
' give phone when answering. P 161, Ore
gonlan. WANTED At once, salesman experienced
In bristle goods, druggists' sundries and
toilet articles. Address, with references,
AC 157, Oregonlan.
GOOD all-around blacksmith and horse
shoer, one that will do floor work; wages
$3 per day and steady work. Address
Charles Wilson. Burns. Or.
WANTED Reliable man to be cashier, etc.,
in restaurant as partner; will pay activa
man $4 a day and board; $200 c&bh re
quired. Call 248' Stark st.
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tics; easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while learning. Watchmaking, En
graving School, cor. sth and Pike, Eeattla.
WANTED Railway mail clerks, postofflce
clerks, carriers; examinations here No
vember 18; preparation free. Franklin In
stitute, Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED Reliable pprtner, well paying
real estate office, old established money
maker. Particulars 303 s Washington St.,
suite 4.
MOTION picture operators earn $35 weekly;
learn the business In short time; easy work;
letioons reasonable. Particulars, Newman,
203 Burnslde.
GOOD honest hustler, with small capital,
can secure Interest in real estate business
that will pay $150 month. Particulars
318 Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison.-
WANTED One more practical mattress-
Mattress Factory. 811 J. St., Sacramento,
PORTER wanted by Jobbing house; none
need apply unless witn nrst-ciass references;
steady position for right party. W 458,
SOLICITOR, with rig, for cleaning and
dyeing works, best location on East Side;
great opportunity for hustler. Phone East
4737. or C 1342.
WANTED First-class horseshoer. at once.
Address New York Turf Shoeing Shop,
Forest Grove, Or.
WANTED Young men to study telegraphy;
positions $00 to 5no month wnen compe
tent. Call Oregon College. 83 th St.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon portrait or book
agents; winning offer, Cutberth Studio, Do
kum bldg.
FIRST-CLASS men to write health and ac
cident insurance. Union Guarantee Assn.,
Commercial Club bldg., Sth and Oak sta
WANTED Honest partner as treasurer for
motion picture theater; must have $300.
Particulars, see Newman, 23 Burnslde.
For Men 250 Burnslde Street
Phone Main 56D4.
WANTED Salesmen, all lines; bookkeepers
and stenographers, commercial ADStract
Co.. 408 Commercial Club bldg., 301 Oak St.
12 North 2d st. Both Phonea
WANTED Lumber salesman In city; sal
ary $75 per month; stats experience. X
irr, cjregonian.
WANTED Young man with small capital
to show property. Angeles, 411 common
wealth bldg.
WANTED Cashier In lunch counter; ref
erences and $.00 raquirea. particulars
303 Washington St., suite 4.
WANTED One brick mason and one sign
painter. A. njricason, uiacHHiuaB x tivoiu,
Oregon City.
Probably the Most In
teresting Pages of
Are the
Classified Pages
You will find there many
little stories of human inter
est. Some one of your friends
may want a servant. One of
' your husband's best friends
may be advertising for a new
boarding-house. Your neigh
bor may have lost her watch
or her pet eat. The man who
formerly lived across the
street advises through the
"Notice" column, not to
trust his wife, as he will not
be responsible for her debts.
Your milkman may want to.
sell one of his cows, or that
pretty bungalow down the
street you admired so much
is now advertised for sale,
and so on through the hun
dred and one needs and de
sires of the human family.
A few lines of type will
bring changes, untangle tan
gles and solve riddles in the
daily life.
You really have no idea
how interesting (and profit
able, too) the classified pages
are until you have read them
a few times.
2 ROLfE carpenters, city. ... - T,'r'
2 at $3; 8 hours; 2 rough carpenters, $3..K,
8 hours, all cltv.
Kramer for tunnel timbers, $3.50, long
Job see boss here: free fare.
2' shlnglers. 80c M-, tools furnlrtied.
Hotel clerk, with references, man under
40; pantryman, $35; waiters, cooks, camp
heR." R. laborers, teamsters, rock men. tun
nel men $1.75 to $3.50, FREE FARE,
C. R. HANSEN. JR., 2 N- 2d St.
WANTED Young man with some money to
learn barber trade. .526 East Harrison st.
Housekeeper, no objection 1 child, $25
and fare paid; 2 waitresess. Coast, $35; 2
at $30; 2 waitresses, inland. $25; 2 walt
respes. small country hotel, close In, $25;
8 waitresses, city. $7-$S-$0 week.
Woman to do washing, city, $1.25 a day:
2 pantrymen with some experience, $35 and
board out.
2 family cooks, $40 and $35; boardlng
houpe cooks, $35 to $45; camp cook for
men, $20; second girls, housegirls, girle to
assist; all kinds of nice places.
34,H Washington St., cor. 7th. upstairs.
WANTED First-class saleswoman for kid
gloves, hosiery, underwear and fancy
goods. Good stockkeeper. Give full par
ticulars, references and salary expected
in first letter. Preferably department
ctore experience. Lock box C, North
Bend, Or.
TWO girls, one for general housework, one
competent to look after small children,
to go to the coast for one month; perm
anent situation afterwards In city; good
pay and a nice place. 354 N. 32d. Phone
Main 6208.
WANTED A thoroughly capable, expe
. rienced saleslady for a ladles' suit and
cloak department: only experienced per
son wanted. Apply between 9 and 11 A.
M. Wednesday. Gevurtx Bros., corner E.
Burnslde and Union ave.
WANTED Teacher, female, term 9 months,
salary $55 per month. Apply to Frank
Koblltz. clerk District No. 11, Skamok
awa. Wahkiakum County, Washington.
Don't answer except prepared to take up
work at once.
WANTED A young woman competent to
take charge of a millinery department In
country; able to sell and make altera
tions; good salary for right person. Ad
dress X 408, Oregonlan, to arrange for in
terview. WANTED Refined, capable, neatly dressed
woman for responsible position; good
money. Call 11 to 12 A. M.. or 2 to 4
P. M.. room 503 Merchants Trust bldg-,
6th and Washington.
1 COOK, private boarding-house, $35; 2 sec
ond girls, $15. $30; 2 kitchen helpers. $20;
.4 cooks, private families, $25. $45: 8 gen
eral housework. $20, $35. The St. Louis
Agency, 2O0Vj 4th st. Main 2039.
iiZi Wash. St., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phones Main and A 2692.
Help Supplied Fres to Employers.
LADY agent to sell our oil perfumes; latest
thing on the market; sells at sight. The
Olivette Co., 1014 Lark In st., Saa Fran
cisco, Cal.
LADIES wanted, house to house canvassers,
small sales and large prqflts. Mt. Scott
Washing Compound Co., 2S First St.,
WANTED Young ladles to study teleg
raphy; positions $60 to $!)0 per month
when competent. Call Orecon College, 83
6th st.
WANTED Girls to work on machine;, ex
perienced hands and used to power pre
ferred. Portland Glove Works, 8214
Front st
THOROUGHLY competent and truetworthy
' woman for chamberwork In first-class
Tooming-house: 20 rooms; good wages to
satisfactory person. R 16L, Oregonlan.
LJPMAN, Wolfe A Co. require an expe
rienced auditor on checks. ApFly to Mr.
Ladles' department 206 M orison st.
Phones: Main 1062: A 2064.
YOUNG lady wants young lady partner,
rooming-house business; splendid oppor
tunity; references. P 1 62. Oregonlan.
S48V Washington St.. corner 7th, upstalra
Phone Main 2602.
MRS. HOWE'S Ladles' Employment Agency,
32014 Washington St., room 307, Merchants
Trust bldg. Phone Main 8836, A 3266.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co. 60 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington
WANTED A girl for general housework In
family of three; must be experienced. Ap
ply mornings, 794 Lovejoy st.
VOGUB School of Millinery A thorough
course taught In six weeks; terms rea
sonable: position guaranteed. 375 Stark.
WANTED Housekeeper for small rooming
house. Apply at 2524 1st St. from 2
P. M. to 4 P. M.
WANTED Girl to assist in general house
work; wages $5 a
week. Call 360 13th
WANTED Girl for general housework in
family of 8 adults. Inquire at 730 Irving
LADIES to make pillow ton at home; good
pay; Instruction free. Call 452 Washing
ton st.
WANTED Girl or woman to do genera
housework In small country hotel. Ad
dress R. Moslacher, Kent. Or.
WANTED By wholesale house, competent
stenographer; best of references required.
W 157, Oregonlan.
WANTED Reliabla woman or girl to do
laundry for small hospital; salary $25 per
month. Address AD 150. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED girl fos general housework
and cooking In small family; good wages.
Apply 822 Marshall, near 25th.
GIRL to assist with general housework,
family of three. 566 E. Yamhill. East
WANTED A gir; for general housework
and cooking at 735 Flanders, between
22d and 23d.
WANTED Girl for housework, family of
two. Call 8024 Park st. Phone Paclflo
WANTED Experienced cook in family of
three; references required. Apply 6S9
Flanders st.
WANTED -At Yale Laundry, 'a woman to
do hand washing. 600 E. Morrison.
GIRL for second work and care of child.
674 Everett st.
LADY to work In home bakery. Phone A
10S7, or Main 1117.
WANTED Young girl for general house
work; two In family. 443 E. 12th st. N.
WANTED A good dining-room girl at 77
West Park st.
WANTED A chambermaid. Baumann
Hotel, 412 N. 19th St.
A COMPETENT girl for general housework,
wages $25. Main 4152.
WANTED A cook, also second girl. Apply
Mrs. Wasserman, The Norton.
SHIRTMAKER wanted. Jacobs Shirt -Co.,
291 V4 Stark st.
WANTED at once First-class chamber
maid: Apply 300 Jefferson, Blakely Hall.
WANTED Girl for dining-room. 225 11th
st. Mr D. Jay.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 833
HOUSE girl who can cook. Apply 900
Northrup st. . .
WANTED A girl for general housework,
$20 per month. 723 hi Kearney St.
WANTED Competent cook for family of
three. 245 St. Clair st.
WANTED Girl for general housework and
cooking. Call mornings, 412 Burnside.
MILLINERY lessons given at 475 Morrison,
50c a lesson. Phone A 4753.
WE secure positions for our students; drills
in any system of shorthand; day or night
classes.' Business University, Worcester
block. '
SOMETHING new for boys and girls to
work on during vacation; can easily make
from $1 to $2 a day; age from 12 to 18
years. 415 Marquam bldg.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
A-l BOOKKEEPER and accountant seeks
permanent position, experienced as head
bookkeeper, office manager, etc.; best of
references. Address "Accountant," Box
249, Denver, Colo.
ACCOUNTANT, rapid, able, conversant with
all lines office work; highest local refer
ences; open for position. AC 160, Orego
nlan. (
WANTED Set of books for part of each
day; experienced man. V. W. G., 646
, Belmont st.
Bookkeepers and Clarks.
YOUNG man succeeded from warehouseman
to expense clerk on rp-llroad and from
axman to recorder and timekeeper on IT.
5. G. S., seeks permanent position. K 104.
IF you need a man with plenty of nerve
(not the kind that's turned down), who
will go anywhere, do anything that's
honorable and capable of doing anything
that doesn't require more than a school
or practical business education, kindly
answer; must be something that pays
fair for hard work; am best fitted for
outside; have been In city 21 years; am
24. H 12. Oregcnlan.
WANTED Position as foreman, a thorough
mechanic and box man wants position as
foreman of planing mill: can handle a big
proposition, having 14 years' experience as
foreman; best of references. Address J 163.
DRUG CLERK Wide city and country ex
perience; good window dresser and adver
tiser; references; expert relief man. Apply
to Victor Matstrom. Sth and C, Tacoma.
Wash. '
YOUNG man, English, sober, reliable. 8e
slres position to care for horses, garden,
lawns, handy with tools and paint
brushes. R 164, Oregonlan.
A FIRST-CLASS coatmaker with good
knowledge of cutting would like a perma
nent position. In or out of town. L 162,
YOUNG man. practical experience self ac
quired, university education, is anxious
to enter wholesale house with view to
traveling. H 163. Oregonlan.
WANTED Accounts to collect by an up-to-date
collector. Commission or salary.
Can furnish bond. Best of references. AC
163, Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wants situa
tion in private family; good references;
wages $30 and up. sVddress E 163. Ore
gonlan. CAPABLE married couple want to take
entire charge of bachelor's home; go
anywhere; city references. AB 159. Ore
gonlan. PRINTER Good Job compositor: non
union man. wishes position at reasonable
wages. O 164, Oregonlan.
STEWARD, chef with complete crew desires
change, country house preferred. AB 158.
NICE Japanese wants position at housework
or any other kind work. G 161. Ore
gonlan. MIDDLE-AGED printer wants situation; city
Job office preferred; long experience at
newspaper printing. V 166, Oregonian.
WANTED Situation as porter in hotel by
young man of good habits. M 161, Ore
gonian. JAPANESE boy wants housework, dish
washer porter or chamberwork. V 164,
STRONG boy wishes to learn trade, print
ing or electrician preferred. C. S. 1091
Corbett st.
FIRST-CLASS meat-cutter and sausage-maker
in city or country; steady and sober. L
161, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man with experience wants work In
grocery. Phone Pacific 805.
POSITION as watchman or clerk; city or
country. N 161, oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS house painter wants work;
wages reasonable. Y 167, Oregonian.
B. OZASA. civil engineer, draughtsman. 30 H
N. 3d st.. city.
CHEF and wife want situation In private
family; long reference. Y 155, Oregonlan.
JAPANESE Employment Co., 288 Everett.
Main 4659, A 4073
Japanese employment office; furnishes all
klnda of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6521.
ACTIVE young man desires position, noth
ing menial. J 164. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
STENOGRAPHER (beginner) wants posi
tion in office; willing to work. Phone
A 2481.
STENOGRAPHER understanding bookkeep
ing desires position; moderate salary to
begin. Address AB 157. Oregonlan.
FOR a good stenographer or bookkeeper, ex
perienced or beginner, phone Clerical Of
fice. Main 4504.
DRESSMAKER wishes engagements; best
referencea. Phone Woodlawn 2180.
DRESSMAKING. $2 per day through Au
gust; excellent work. A 2386.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the
day; experienced. Phone Tabor 483.
LADY of pleasing manner would like to
take charge of rooming-house, thorough
ly experienced: not afraid to work; best
of references given. K 160, Oregonlan.
A NURSE going to Seaside will take a
baby or child to care for while awsy.
Call Main 1323.
IT'S COOKS, pantry girls, waitresses, second
girls, experienced child nurse, housekeep
ers and general housework girls the St.
I.ouls must have today. 209 4th. Main
2039. A 2824.
WFLL educated Swiss lady desires posi
tion as governess tr. companion, four
languages, oil painting. Address O 162,
ANY kind day work wanted for Wednes
day and Thursday. Phone Main 7323,
room 4.
EXPERIENCED young lady wants situation
aB clerk or will take full charge of cigar
store. Phone. East 6465. Room 33.
COOK, first-class, restaurant or hotel or
boarding-house; wages $45 or $50. 435
Alder st.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants work;
references; state wages In letter. L 156,
WANTED General housework la private
family; bo laundry; competent and good
cook. A 2064.
WOMAN wants work washing and sweep
ing, 20c per hour. Phone East 878,
room 21.
YOUNG lady would like a position as
tutor In a private home. M 162, Ore
gonian. WANTED By German girl, position with
German family to do general housework.
Inquire 405 East Market st.
COMPETENT woman wants day work for
Wednesday and Thursday. Phone Tabor
TWO good Scandinavian girls wish to do
housework. 127 16th st. N.
THE Oregon Nursery Co., Salem, Of., wants
more salesmen; liberal terms; outfit fur
nished. Full Information on application.
WANTED to rent for the Winter, complete
ly furnished 5 or 6-room house or cot-
' tage In good location, within 21) minutes'
ride of central part of city. Main 1208,
or address 824 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats,
stores, offices, rooming-bouses, etc Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. $d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
WANTED About October L. five or six-room
modern house or cottage. West Side pre
ferred. Address, stating rent and location,
li 160, Oregonlan.
WANTED to rent Small house in Irving
ton, furnished or unfurnished. O 163,
PORTLAND Information Bureau, can rent
flats, houses and rooms; we have renters.
M. 8820, A 1256. 514 Swetland bldg.
WIDOW, employed during day. would like
room and board in private family for
self and little girl, 7. P 164, Oregonian.
WANTED to rent Well furnished house,
close in, suitable for rooming; 10 to 15
room O 161. Oregonlan.
OFFICE, phone and mall privilege, give lo
cation ana price. auuc xr
nian. r
RENTERS furnished for housekeeping
rooms and small furnished flats Portland
Information Bureau, 514 Swetland.
WANTED Nicely furnished 4 or 6-rsom;
cottage, close In; must be reasonable. M
163, Oregonlan.
And any thing else you have to selL
Main 6655. A 4121.
WANTED-r-Men's - cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy housohold furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 N. 8d st. Phone Paclflo 1722.
GOOD second-hand flat or roll-top drop
typewriter desk;, must be in good con
dition; cash. 222 Falling bldg.
THE Ford Auction Co. want all the second
hand furniture they can get. They pay
the price. East 988. B 231X
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone Eaat 1067.
CLOTHING Phone M 1S61 83 N. $L
Highest prlos paid; prompt attention.
WANTED Steady work for active team of
2500 lbs. T 158. Oregonlan.
Furnlishrd Rooms,
Portland's Best Family Hotel.
American or European Plan.
Only ten minutes' walk from business
center, cor. Grand and Hawthorne avea
Car passes hotel every minute. Very
reasonable rates. Largest, coolest and
most comfortable rooms to be found any
where, with every modern convenience.
Large, well-kept lawn.
DO you realize that you can get an outside,
steam-heated, electric-lighted room at the
Barton, cor. 13th and Alder sts., for $10
up per month? This house is being re
painted, repapered and put In first-class
condition by the new owners. Nice large
parlor in connection. Suites, with running
water, $22.50 to $35.
NICELY furnished, large aJcovs bedroom
and sitting-room, suitable for two, home
conveniences, breakfast If desired; rent
reasonable; references exchanged. Eaat
Alder St., near 20th. Home phone B 1621.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. llth and Wash
lngton sts. Newly furnished throughout;
new buildings, suites with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phone Main
7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms.
293 10TH ST. Newly furnished rooms; hot
and cold water In rooms, furnace heat;
rooms $10 per month and up. Phone Mala
COMFORTABLE furnished rooms close in;
couple refined young business women pre
ferred; clean, cool; reasonable; good loca
tion. Mrs. D. W.. 422 V Jefferson.
THE WILLAMETTE. 322V4 Stark St. Largs
light rooms, well furnished, single or en
suite, 60c to $1 day; $2.50 to $5 week. Mrs.
Hart, manager, A 6192. Main 9017.
THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay-window
and other outside rooms; electric lights,
baths, etc.. $2 50 week up; transients.
269 Washington.
IN PRIVATE family, furnished room, con
noting bath, hot and cold water, gas,
furnace heat, phone, pleasant home. 606
5th st.
HOTEL KENYON. 18th and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Paclflo 4U6.
214 Columbia at. 1 block from Salem EelectHe
depot; running water in -all rooms, bath and
phone. A 1539; 50c to $l'day. $2.50 to $4 wk.
Hotel Bushmark. Wash, and 17th. flrst-alsss
furnished rooms, single or en suite; all
modern conveniences. $3 weekly up; dally,
75c up; special monthly rates. Main 6647.
LARGE, newly furnished rooms, walking
distance, all conveniences. &30 Davis St.,
between 15th and 16th. -
TWO large nicely furnished front rooms,
suitable for two persons. The Gladstone,
174 13th Bt.. corner Yamhill.
FURNISHED entire upper floor, private
entrance, new, modern house. 12 min
utes' ride. Phone Sellwood 289.
$7 PER MONTH, large, bright furnished
room quiet, central, fine porcelain bath.
325 12th st. Phone Pacific 2102, A 3702.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable: new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
ONE large front parlor, furnished, very de
sirable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; 7 blocks
from P. O.;' cheap. Main 4069.
82 COLUMBIA Large, cool, first-floor
room, electric light, porcelain hath, tele
phone, easy walk, reasonable.
THE TEMPLE. 343 4 Yamhill St.. nicely fur
nished rooms $2.50 a week and up; tran
sient. 25SV4 13TH ST. Nicely furnished front
room, private family, new house, every
convenience, gentlemen oniy.
THE ANKENY Swell furnished rooms. $3
to $5; phones and bath. 340 Ankeny.
NICELY furnished front bedroom. $9 per
month. 266 12'.h St.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia: modern
rooms, bath. 50c to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5
wk. ; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison.
THE DORMER. 2S3 13th Beautiful rooms,
steam heat, hot water, rates reasonable.
Unfurnished Rooms.
UNFURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; a
few left for respectable parties only: heat,
Ilcht, bath and elevator service. Tourny
blilg., 2d and Taylor.
Rooms With Board.
BLAKELY HALL, SOO Jefferson, one of the
nicest private boarding-houses In city;
large, airy rooms, running water; beau
tiful grounds, finely located for tourists,
transient or permanent guests. A 5345.
THE COLONIAL, corner loth and Morrison,
3 blocks west of Portland Hotel; special
Summer rates; large, airy rooms, with
good board, by week or month.
YOUNG mnn, If you want first-class room
and board, for $5.50 and $6 per week,
all conveniences, good home cooking, call
at the Aster House, 7th and Madison.
A VERY pleasant and nicely furnished room,
suitable for two; running water, use of
phone and hath; close In; board of de
sired. 410 2d st.
NICELY furnished rooms, first class table
board, strictly home cooking, modern. $6
week; easy walking distance. The Lin
dell. 269 Market.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 20th year; rooms
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary; Women's Exchange, Mrs. Ella Raw
lings. Supt.. 510 Flanders St.
THE OLDS Rooms and board. $30 per
month, elegantly furnished, home cooking,
all white labor, bath, both phones fres.
178 Ella at., cor. Washington.
ROOM and board In private family. Phone
Sellwood 536. Address Mrs. Almy, Wood
stock, Or.
COSY front room for lady or gentleman,
modern and homelike; two meals. $22.50
month. Phone Main 64 85.
FIRST-CLAPS rooms and board. $25 per
month. The Glendora, 1 block from
Washington on 18th.
THE MARLYN. Washlrgtcn and 17th. well
furnished rooms, hot and co.d water,
home cooking, permanent or transient.
430 YAMHILL ST. Room for rent with
board if desired. Call, phone Main 4993.
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Oxark.
225 llth st.
THE SHEFFIELD Unfurnished 4-room
apartment with bath; new, modern and
fully equipped for convenience; rent rea
sonable and location saves carfare. Apply
to Janitor, Seventh and Jefferson st.
and 14th Bts., new and up-to-date three and
four-room apartmenu?; private phone, bath,
automatic elevator, steam heat, etc.
CINCINNATI COURT, 10th and Harrison;
4 and 6-room apartments, all conveni
ences; also elegantly furnished apart
ments for sale. See Janitor.
BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 5-room apartment
with bath and all modern conveniences.
Including telephone, gas and electrlo
light, without further cost H 113, Ore
gonlsn. THE IRVING, 21st and Irving ets.. unfur
nished 4-room apartments, new, mod
ern; verandas; location first-class; rent
reasonable: referencea Apply to Janitor.
unfurnished apartments, new, modem,
best location in city. Apply to Janitor,
21st and Flanders.
BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent.
12th and Columbia, "The Bralnuee."