Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 19, 1908, Page 11, Image 11

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Two National Guard Regi
ments at Springfield Or
dered Withdrawn.
Negro Accused or Assault That Pre
cipitated Bace Riots Indicted.
Citizens Unite to Restore
Peace In City.
SPRINGFIELD. 111.. Aug-. IS. That tha
race war situation in this city is con
sidered much less serious was evidenced
tonight, when Governor Deneen ordered
the First and Fourth Infantry Regiments
to take tralsn for their homes tomorrow.
"I took this action after a conference
with Bherlff Warner. Mayor Reece. Major-General
Young, Adjutant-General
Bcott, General foster and General
Wells." explained Governor Deneen to
night. "Doe that mean that you consider all
danger of serious trouble pastr" he was
"It means that we can properly guard
the city with the troops which wlww. re
main. There will still be the Second and
Seventh regiments under General Fosted
In the western division, and the Third and
Fifth under General Wells. The depart
ure of the First and Fourth will lessen
our forces by about 1000 men, leaving a
good 2000 here."
Lesson to Lawless.
Major-General Young said:
"The mob eelment has hsd a lesson,
and the way citizens with knowledge of
riotous misdeeds are responding to the
appeal for Information on which to base
Indictments will furnish further Instruc
tion to the violently Inclined. We are
getting news on which we will be able
to make many arrests of Importance, and
these arrests will render the situation
much easier to handle. With the ring
leaders behind the bars, there will be lit
tle for the military to do."
There were the usual baseless alarms to
night, but up to midnight nothing of a
serious character had occurred. Deputy
Sheriffs reported an entire . absence of
trouble or excitement at the Woodside
Coal mine, where the white miners re
fused to work with the negroes. Some
nervousness was reported as existing fur
ther out, at the Tuxhorn mine, but no
- clashes.
Miners Must Return.
The refusal of the whites to work with
their colored comrades was considered at
an all-day session of the examining board
of the State Federation of the United
. Mine Workers of America. As a result of
this consideration an order was Issued
that the union does not recognize the right
of the miners to cease work. All were or
dered to report back at their posts tomor
row. The walkout today was not in a body,
but by Individuals and small groups of
miners who feared that the negroes,
alarmed at conditions, were armed and
would cause trouble, prepared themselves
for any outbreak. The negroes protested
-the most peaceful Intentions.
While the Sheriff of Sangamon County
is glad of the presence here of the Na
tional Guardsmen, personally he and his
deputies will feel much safer when they
are gone, according to stories told to
night by deputies.
Terrorized by Soldiers.
Nearly all of last night's shooting, ac
cording to Chief Deputy Long, was done
by soldiers. Long was riding In the
wagon with other deputies and soldiers,
among them being Lieutenant Rldgeway.
of the First Infantry, whose scabbard
waa struck by a bullet, and Deputy
Sheriffs John Canfleld and Harry F.
Kramer. It leaked out tonight, despite
efforts of Canfleld to keep the matter
secret, that one of last night's bullets
went through his hat. Others whistled
over Deputy Kramer's head.
"Who will be the first to sriow his sin
cerity by telling what he knows of recent
crimes?" exclaimed State's Attorney
- "Not one of you but knows something
about it," said he. "Who will be the
first In doing a citizen's duty by giving
this Information to be presented to the
State's Attorney?"
"Bully for you," and as he greeted the
lawyer's appeal, "I'd like to know who
put that "regardless of race or eolor In
the resolutions," demanded Dr. Scott,
chairman of the city Democratic com
mittee amid an uproar. "It's bad Judg
ment at this time," he shouted. "It will
be a firebrand to the mob. It will only
excite it again."
"I'm responsible for it," cried Attorney
Logan Hay in answer and Dr. Scott sub
sided amid the cheers which greeted
the lawyer.
"I bow to the bad Judgment of the
meeting," said Dr. Scott.
Adopt Strong Resolutions.
Dr. Hall then read the resolutions,
which were unanimously adopted with
such sturdy cheering that some people In
the street below thought that another riot
had begun.
Satisfaction Is expressed by citizens
and localnewspapers with the personnel
of the grand Jury, which was selected by
Judge Crelghton to listen to evidence at
1 o'clock this afternoon, us memoersnip
is about evenly divided between this city
and smaller towns in the vicinity. Law
yers, merchants and one reporter are
anion others on tne jury. Mine oi
them foresee a long and tedious task, and
sought to be excused, but Judge Crelgh
ton firmly declined to allow anybody's
personal affairs to Interfere with public
Today's session of the grand Jury was
devoted to hearing witnesses In the case
of the assault of Mrs. Hallam. George
Richardson, the negro whom Mrs. Hal
lam Identified as her assailant, although
not positively, was Indicted. Mrs. Hal
lam, members of her family. Including
Mr. Hallam, and the police who re
sponded to a call for, help after the
crime, were the witnesses who told their
stories. Richardson protests his Inno
cence. Probe Rioting Today.
The grand Jury will meet again tomor
row morning to begin its general Inves
tigation Into the riots.
.The funeral of Frank Demore, who was
killed by the mob. was held today, the
sermon being preached by Rev. Timothy
Hlckey. vicar of the diocese of Alton.
Father Hlckey Is credited with great In
fluence and his plea to those present at
the services was thoughtfully heard.
"Keep off the streets and don't spread
foolish reports and the trouble will soon
be over." said the vicar.
The determination of Governor Deneen.
announced today, not to surrender Pri
vate Klein, who killed a young man at
Kankakee in pursuit of his orders to
guard the car, has a deeper significance
than merely protecting the Individual
soldiers. It la felt that unless a Arm
stand la taken In behalf of the soldier
who kills In the discharge of his duty,
even though such action would appear
over-zealous in civil life, the morale of
the National Guard will be Injured.
The Guardsman who has his orders
must not be made to feel that he Is run
ning a risk of trouble with the ctvll au
thorities. Pickets Are Fired On.
An attack upon pickets and the
forced heglra of 159 negroes from corn
fields on the outskirts of the city to
the State Arsenal kept the mllltta busy
this morning. The Bring upon the sen
tries and their answering shots oc
curred less than two blocks from the
headquarters of General Young at the
County Jail. No one was hurt but the
firing caused consternation In the dis
trict. The trouble followed an attempt to set
fire to a building on Eighth street, bs
tween Jefferson and Madison streets. A
negro who had been ordered away from
the place several times during the night
was discovered lurking in a shadow by
Private George Howell, of Troop B,
First Cavalry. Howell ordered the man
to move on, but the negro's reply was
a shot from a revolver. He dashed down
the street disregarding the commands of
other sentries to halt. As he turned Into
an alley. Corporal Adelman and Private
H. Lowenstein, both of Troop B. nred at
him. The shots went wide, but they
aroused the headquarters, two blocks
away, and Company E, of the First In
fantry, was sent to the place on the
double quick.
Fugitives Xot Found.
The alley and adjacent houses were
searched, but no trace' of the fugitive was
discovered. The shooting happened short
ly before daybreak, and was the third
occasion of the night in which attempts
had been made to assassinate militia
The clearing out of the cornnelds soutn-
east of the city was the result of suc
cessive nights of terror in Harvard Park.
An inspection of the cornfields late yta
terday showed that at least 150 negro
refugees had camped therein. The preo-ence
of the negroes Is thoucht to have oeen
responsible for the disturbed conditions
in the suburbs.
Three Months for Theft.
Jack Lund. Jointly indicted on a lar
ceny charge with Michael McMurray, was
sentenced by Judge Morrow In the Cir
cuit Court yesterday to serve three
months In the County Jail. Weary with
the long confinement while he awaited
trial. Lund decided to change his plea of
not guilty to one of guilty. The two men
stole clothing and other valuables belong
ing to Harry Behoof, and worth about
$225. The crime was committed May 26,
the goods being taken from 453 Morrison
Hotel Portland J. A. Devot. and wife.
A. A. Coha. San Francisco; Mr. anil Mrs. J.
C. Poore, Cleveland: MUs H. Hotchkiss, Misa
Cleave. Berkeley; L. K. Freeman, Pasadena,
R. Michaels. Rorwell: L. B. Harris: Mr E.
T. Barnette. Seattle; Mrs. J. E. Dlnneen,
Spokane; Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Bleckenaderfer.
Mrs. C. Blecke-nederfer, Denver; T. B. Scha
bal; W. B. Roberta and wire, Spokane; J. A.
M. Rohb. Los Angelee; L. F. Anderson and
wife. Mrs". D. S. Baker, Mrs. B. F. Stone,
Miss Ruth Stone. Mia? Edna Stone, Walla
Walla: E. M. Can) and wife. Taooma; M. H.
Arurwon, Seattle: Mis. R. Strlnch; F. H.
Hunter and wife, Los Angeles; A. Rosen
berg. William Kenechey. Jr., New York; W.
F. Broderlck a-rd wife, San Francisco; C. B.
Raymond. D. E. Raymond. Sheridan; Mra.
G. E. Ford. H it. Odell, H. H. Meyer, San
Francisco; Mr. and Mra. W. Llttleneld. Kan
ma City: A. L. Oral. St. Paul; W. W. Phil
buck. Seattle; Mrs. H. A. Alexander. Mle
L. B. Alexander. New York; S. U. Arm
strong. Oakland; Mr. and Mra. L. M. Blgelow.
Washington; H. S. Hagan, San Francisco;
Mr. and Mra. L. F. Phlppa Cincinnati: Mrs.
N. M. Campbell. Douglaa Campbell. William
Campbell. Ixtroit; B. S. Glbbs. New York;
C. H. Snyder. San Francteco; Alton B. Par
ker, DeLancey Nicoll. New York; R. W.
Craig. Phoenix; M. Sllverton, New York: N.
O. Noonan. N. B. Thompson. Toronto; S. W.
Reddln, Loa Angeles; A. T. Nelson. Detroit;
H. S. Yearaley, G. I. Canfleld, Spokane: G.
Anderson and wife, Spokane; F. F. Flnley,
C. Remechel. Seattle; W. L. Mack. Grants
Pass: A K. Hall. Minneapolis; Mra. W.
Blakelock, New York; H. Metiulne ana wire,
Herman McGulre. Mlnneapolia: W. P. Scott
and wife, Chicago: William Kenschene. Jr.
New York; w. H. Ristenpart, Jr.. urana
Rapids; A. Rosenberg. New York; 1. Cohen
and wife. Pendleton; S. Crabb. Louisville;
C. L- Jukley: R. S. Hota. Chicago; Mr. ana
Mrs, M. S. Cornell. E. N. Cornell, New York:
Mr. and Mra. E. H. Berneteln. Dayton;
James VanPelk and wife. St. Paul; H. M.
Van Holsen and wife, Kansas City; Mm.
Crutcher, Miss Crutcher. Castle Rock; T.
Keoghn; Jl. Sebrioe, Caldwell; H. Norton.
San Francisco.
The Orewon F. B. Bennett. Tolt; C. O.
Dawson. Mason City; A. Babb and wife,
Ethel Babb, Stella Shepherd, Springfield; K.
B. Hoonlng and wife. Corvejli.-. G. Restur.
San Francisco; E. D. Bronk, Plalnfleld; W.
J. McDonald. Seattle: J. J. Roberta, wife
and baby, Salem; Mrs. W. R. Slade. Ox
ford; F. W. Kellogg, Milwaukee; Opal Bash,
Arlington: R. Watson. Tillamook; E. J.
Shaw, Spokane: F. A. Mlasberger. J. Knon
berg. Napa; F. B. Jonea and wife, Chicago;
A. Carlaon and wire. Guat Carlson, Aber
deen; S. Browder, Shanlko; E. A. Cary,
North Platte; J. C. Hart, St. Louts; H. B.
Schuler, Spokane: D. J. Fry. Salem; G. W.
Dorman, St. Paul; M. T. O'ConneU. Win
lock: E. Parsons. Eugene; Mra. Z. Du Rene,
Portland; S. Shyman. Seattle: May O'Nell,
L H. Plnkham, Spokane; W. S. Clayton and
wife. San Jose; R. O. Cowling, Walla Walla;
M. H. Douglas. Grlnnell; Mr. and Mra. M.
Shaflroth. Coollnga; E. 6. Newberg and
wife. Tacoma; O. L. Springer. Sullivan; W.
P. Smith, S. Schmidt. Astoria: A. Dickin
son. Raymond; C. Coleman, Salem; H. B.
Malon, Eugene; A. Rosenberg. W. Klnschey,
New York; Mr. and Mrs. w. L. Stirling and
son. Walla Walla; G. C. Hall. A. H. Lind
say. San Frail Cisco; s. E. Kramer, New
York: R. W. Jeesup, San Francisco; I. M.
Devltt. Payette; F. J. Knkrht. Seattle; J.
Falrman. J. C. Qulngle. Hastlnga: Mrs. S.
M. Wood. Mra. R. B. Proll, Alameda: A. V.
Deadayler. Athens; J. G- Brady, Oakland;
A. E. Eherhart, F. 8. Eberhart. C. W.
Smith, walla Walla; G. F. Cohos, Pomeroy;
A. P. Meaker, T. L. Meaker, Spokane; M.
K. Jones, Panama; U. 8. G. Kuhn, Chicago.
The Imperial L. R. Kufua and family.
The Dalles: E. B. Williams. Forest Grove;
J. A. Vennes. Laura Wilson. Flora Wilson.
Grace Wilson. Viola Wilson. Hood River:
Geo. H. Clark. Vancouver: W. B. Roberts,
Spokane; C. L. Bunn, North Yamhill; D.
Tremey, Carlton: W. R. Ray and wife.
Clinton: F. J. Crine, San Francisco: W.
W. Condon. Tlllarr.cok; A. Andrews, Hepp
ner; G. F. Nye. A. E. Nettelblad. Aber
deen: W. O. Powell. Aberdeen; E. H.
Black, Seattle: W. M. Kldd and wife,
Dallas; Mis. Mary E. Spear, Pasadena; 1
W. Harklna, Pas-o: Mrs. J. C. Lanangan.
Seattle; W. J. Gray, Pendleton; J. C. Lon
ragan. Seattle: A. Decker. Grand Rapids;
L. H. Reed and wife, Fairbanks; J. B.
Youner, Fosslt; A. J. Schmiff. Miss Schnilff,
Qarber: A. Lipplrcott and wife, Kaneas
City; W. R. Bllyre. T. J. Sllter, Albany;
E. A. Bean and wife, Eugene; P. M. Gar
land. Lebanon: Chaa Brann. San Fran
cisco: C. B. Walking, Clatskanle: J. H.
Jar-vis. White Salmon; Jas. R. Coleman.
Salem; E. M. Brldwell, McMlnnvlIle; J. E.
Willis. Chehalla; Jessie Davidson, Iowa; C.
E. Smith. Glet; F. Eneelman. C. W. Saman
aon. Iowa; T. H. Wegant. Salem: M. W.
Cross, Northfleld; E. W. Powers and wife,
A. M. Kaiser. Salem; James D. Mtlr and
wife. Butte: W. H. Wehrur.g. Hillsboro:
E. F. Lent and wife. Reno; O. G. Lee and
wife, Oklahoma; R. C. BlBhop. Mrs. Bishop,
Salem: Mra G. S. Llles, Buffalo; D. D.
The Perkins S. J. Snyder. L. M. Dagle,
New York: J. B. Smedley, Spokane; E. J.
Smith and wife. Burlington: P. L. Holt,
Vancouver: J. B. Young. Fossil; C. J.
Curtis. Astoria: C. H. Wallls. Grand; O.
E. Shipper. Lyle; G. W. Fletcher, Boise;
F. VV. Woolley. city; C. C. Combea and
daughter, Elma; Louis G. Cook. Minneap
olis: Mrs. 8. S. Horner. Miss E. Horner,
Boise; John Ashby, Lewlston; D. Tremey,
Condon; G. C. Clark. Aberdeen; H. A.
Brewer. Portland: F. C. McKean. Sallna;
E H. Steeling. San Francisco; W. M.
Kldd. F. K. GabeL Dallas; A. R. Wil
cox John B. Kerrigan. San Rafael;
Mra K. Kiess, Vancouver; A. Anderson,
Heppner: G. B. Thomas, T. W. KofTer. Van
couver; L. B. Ayers, C. J. Kauffman, The
Dalles; B. Ferguaon, San Francisco; A. F.
Learett. Sacramento; W. Schroeder and
wife. Omaha; W. C. Hodges. Eureka: T. A.
Riely Redondo: J. K. Durnfod, Eureka; N.
Taylo'r Wenatchee: J. Green, Mrs. P. J.
Green M Miller, Morro; A. Wolfe and wife,
Moscow; J. G. Bray. Oakland; T. E. Lee.
Chicago- V. B. Avery, Corvallls; A. B. Moss,
H A Woods, Chicago; C. M. Johnston,
Denver: Miss Barber. Los Angeles; J. H.
Morrell. E. Veil. Oakland.
The 8t. Charles I. L. Young and wife.
Salem; D. D. Palmer. Newark: H. B.
Honey, Kennewlck. R. Snider. Stella: O.
E. Sheppey. Lyle; Lee McGrew, Salt Lake;
I. Sunler. Seaside: B. Wlllaon. A. J. Wil
son. Vancouver; S. J. Hornlbrook. Golden
dale; J. M. Phelpe. Sandy: F. M. Coffer.
Newport: M. Hutchinson. Rainier; W. P.
Beard. Banka; J. K. Mclntlre. J. McDon-
Eead Our Announcements, Every
Word of Them, Then Come and See
for Yourself and ou Will Know
Why We Are rnrnlshlng 10 to 15
Homes Every Day of This Sale With
Pianos, Pianos Within Beach of
Every Pnrse, on Terms of Six Dol
lars Cash and Six Dollars Monthly.
This store has become Portland's and
the Northwest's principal distributing
center for pianos of the best makes, De
cause we have maintained a strict Dar
tler pgainst inferior Instruments and
we always have on exhibition at our
store a widely varied assortment or.
well-known manufacturers' latest mod
els the Inexpensive, the medium
priced and the best. Furthermore, we
command undoubted advantage over
the average dealer and the so-cla med
larare houses, by reason of our direct
. : i.w iu. E-aataen -"Tl II Tl 1 1 T R C' -
connections w 11.11 liio i.e... . . ..
turers and we have developed a vast
. , .1 .1 nlonriH VPAT-
OUtiet several muuoauu "",'"
ly -which cannot help influencing
prices most favorably to our customers
But rarely. Indeed, Is It possible to
offer such values and terms as are in
this sale. th.
Yearly contracts are made by mis
house to take certain number of car
loads each month of different manu
facturers the pianos are built for us
. ' - - - rtt mArAlV
ana tne mununtiuiti .i
hold until we say ship, he must have
room in his factory and he ships our s
lust as agreed. It's business for him to
do so. and usually we want them Just
as ordered, and If not forthcoming we
bold him responsible, so its up to us
to take care of them, but when the
hot weather made piano selling stop,
our warehouse and our store soon tinea
and kept on filling. .
Something had to be done and that
quickly. Some two weeks ago we de
cided to test unheard-of-bef ore terms.
"A Dollar a Week," coupled with
greatest low prices the result, one
hundred pianos advertised were taken
at rate of 10 to 20 a day at the close
of the sale. . .
This helped some, but we round we
were again pressed for room, aa sev
eral more, carloads, uprights and
grands, had come In.
Another this present sale at greatest-known
reduction on reliable pianos
was started last Monday on terms or
Six Dollars down and J6 a month, and,
from indications ibhown in Mondays
and Tuesday's selling, this sale will
exceed our other one. Just closed, in
last buying. .
Intending purchasers should not wait
too long rarely, Indeed, Is It possible
to offer such values as are to be found
In this sale we do not mention all, we
have a store full pianos to fit any
pocket-book and pay only J6 and piano
Is sent home then six dollars a month
. . . 1 ..." amnlint hill
interest, not on mo mn
on balance due from date of one pay-
Illt'll L 111 tjic " -A ' .
ence between cash and time accommo
dation. ,
Today is the day to share In these
pay $138 Instead of 26& and $152 for
the $275 models.
Finest $400 pianos reduced to $243,
and $350 styles at $197. Our $294 big
i ,, o-oino- fast worth close to
double the sale price.
tjome nnu nunic uie i".o j
. . . . , . ..-til Bhniir
to pay tor a pianu .im
you the Instrument and guarantee for
every uuui j u . v- -
lar. It Is stating the facts conserva
tively that on an average the pianos
in the "Jlx-dollar" sale are well worth
double the prices now asked and we
strongly advUe all who contemplate
. i a. J n snr i-l a r in tnA
purcraainK 10 uu ou nvw i.v. j -"
day for choice. If at a distance and
yOU Cannoi cunveincnu ,viij.
selection to us. mention the price, also
- j .1 i nnJ rn.A vmi nTAr31 fl flH
second cu. ., "".'V,.
wftetner soil, mcoiuiu ui unmaui.
we'll guarantee absolute satisfaction.
The piano must te rignt u dtosui
nere, eise we wouia nut ju
strongest guarantee ever given "Tour
xitoney twcK it imi n l c i ... w , -
exenanse pnvnesc. i"';w i.'""Y
this sale i arries with it the above
guarame? v i i, r auauiuiu i
Kllers piano House. 853 Washington
St.. City.
aid. Seaside: J. J. Honsel. city; W. T.
r Tt 8 Miller, cltr: J. F.
Smlty, 'Aatorla: Mrs. J. B. MendenhalU
Frankle Mendennall. Mrs. a. a. mii
Sheridan; Elisabeth Hyde. Dea Moines; J.
A. Berry and wife, St. John; Mra J. w.
Quick. St. Helens: R. Smlthllne, Manor:
XT. Thatcher, Forest Grove; C. R. Tyler
and wife, Hood River; C. N. Krueher. city;
J F. Baker. Ralph Baker, La Grande; J.
D. Hoffman. Buffalo; L. W. Grimes, city;
J. H Lee. Anderson; J. Harkesa, Waulalla;
W E. Moore, Kalama; J. E. Eldrldge.
Champoi; W. J. Fullerton. Warren; D.
Slrolt. Bkamakawa: J. Stutchell. Budgeton;
M. C. Brooke and wife. Helmeston; J. L.
Moore nnd wife, Tacoma: J. Williams, C.
Woodruff, Seattle; Mr. Morris and wife,
city; J. L. Downing-. Salt Lake; W. E.
Vaug-hn. Goldendale; P. Chrlstencon. White
Salmon; L. D. Broadhead. Hood River: W.
E. Cole, city; H. Elliott, Madras; J. P.
Islerll, Boyd: J. D. Oyan, Kelso; C. An-'
deraon. La Grande; J. F. Pondexter, city;
R J Watts. B. Wlllaon. Vancouver; L.
Wagner, Newberj: D. J. Stewart. I. Steph
enson and wife. Vancouver; R. H. Ferger
aon Falrvlew; W. C. Cook, Erfaula; 8.
Hoffman. Dayton; H. E. Stewart, North
Yakima; H. Janson, Galea Creek; Roy Al
len. La Center; H. H. 8nyder, Washouaal.
The Cornelius Mlas Mabel Adams. Miss
Frances Adams. Miss E. McClalne, Mrs. C.
W. Kene, Alfred Ooolldge. Sllverton, Or.;
James L. Carter and wife. Denver; George W.
Sllderberg, Vancouver, Wash.; H. B. Wilaon.
Nehalem; J. B. Clifford, Willie Clifford,
Caldwell, Idaho; C. L. Manning. San Fran
cisco; F. J. Naylor, Foreat Grove; Bert Wil
son and Wife: The Dalles; Lela L Glasscock,
Haldee B. Glasscock. Los Angeles; A. Gelrer,
Eugene: S. M. Gallagher, H. Wise. Astoria;
C. E. Hammond and wife. H. H. Hammond,
Marv Hammond, H. H. Stewart, Mra H. H.
Stewart, Ean Antonio; George Hlbbard and
wife. North Yakima: A. Stahl. city; E. Mc
Lernan, Sidney. Neb.
The Danmoore Chas. Williams. Ban
Francisco; C. K. Roberts, St. Louie; B. C.
Ralne, Seattle; George Prlnge and wife, Mis
soula; E. G. Oaen. San Francisco; C. a
Peoples. St. Paul; P. L. Lake, Spokane; F.
R. Mitchell, city; Clarence Cooke, New York;
R. R. Anderson, Oakland: F. L. Flanders,
F. R. Wright, Seattle; F. A. Barrey. St.
Louis; M. L Murphy, Chicago; A. L. Jonea
Seattle; Mies Roee Smith, M. B. Roberta,
St. Paul; B. R. Kelaey. St. Louis; Mlea De
Vine. New York: Mlaa Tate, Minneapolis; M.
R. Mlers. Chicago; M. B. McCumber, Mls
aoula, Mont.; G. M. Olsen. Scappoose; Telma
Allen. Seattle: Frank Nuggent. Spokane.
Gas Mantles S o?"?tt best SS
mantle on the market. Barretts, 410 Mor
rison. Both phonee.
Wr j &000 cords first-class 4-foot flr
UUU wood. $5 per cord delivered,
phone Main 4435. Eagle Creek Fuel Com
pany, 408 Corbett Bid.
I'lu-fet Cut Flo" always fresh from
1 OTIS I our own conservatories. Martin
A Forbes. 347 Washington st. Both phones.
fatal Rock Springs Coal. Independent
vUol Coal ft Ice Company, opposite City
Library. Both phones.
Electric Fixtures
prices are right. All work guaranteed.
Weatern Electric Worka. 61 Sixth atreet.
pioftnre Knives. Forks and all Sllver
AloWllfe ware replated aa good as new.
Oregon plating Works, 16th and Alder. Main
2J75. A 2575.
; O'Malley Neuberger. 827 Waah
uw lngton atreet. Phone Main 2384.
Free delivery. A gallon of 10-year-old Ingle
nook Port, $1.60.
W nr. A The Portland Fuel Co. Seaeoned
H UOU nr cordwood. 4 ft.. IJ.50; sawed.
$6.00. Hard wood and coal. Yard 287
E. Morrison at. Phone E. 28, B 102S.
mine coal: alves more heat and leaa
ash. Churehley Bros.. 13th and Marenall ata.
Phones Main 831. A 8931
tl. 117 TWaNo meat. Van
UUl Iiratuci J'lOlurUn Cars. loa
Sth at., near Washington.
r MM 6 1020 MATINEES
THEATER 15-25-50-75C
Advanced Vaudeville Wee August IT.
Bond Ben ton Sadie Rhermmn
(iritis' nroaigies Eene, Mraan s imo
Melville & riteteoo
Clifford Btirke
Wilbur Mnck
Orphram Moving
Stars of AU Nations.
All this week: O Hana San A Co ; Kauff
man Bros.; Sldl A Co.; M'rritt Sc Lov
Tralnor Dale; Elliott E. Beamer; the
Blograph. presenting "The Vlklng-a Daugh
ter" and "The Lady politician."
Matlneea dally, IS centa; two shows at
night. 15 and 25 centa
THE GRAND-VaudeTille delnxe
Another Bis Bill.
rbamplon awlmmera
5f the world. The
inly act of lta kind
lulea Garrison Co.,
presenting a "Mod
trn Rom-in." The
Pantser . Trio. Ele
anor Blanchard. Al
Lesnhardt. Llnd
itrom Anderaon.
before the public to
"Confessions of a Wife
Starting Bunday. August 23
" The prices have not changed.
Seats on sale Thursday
Baths Open B A. M.
Man vs. Baboon, 3 P.M.
Unique, Funny.
Cars First and Alder.
ivniiw win vrTTTRAKa OF THE N.
T . - n.,,rl in attend the funeral
of Comrade B. H. Holmea. Wednesday. 10
A. M . from th. late reaidence. 1169 Eaat
A. M. Stated communication this
(Wednesday) evening. Masonic Tem
ple. West Park and Yamhill streets,
at 8 o'clock P. M. Work In mark
master's degree.
A. M. KNAPP, Secretary-
Samaritan lodge. NO. 2. I. O. O. F.
Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening
at 8 o'clock, business of special Importance,
all members who possibly can are earnestly
requested to attend.
A. F. AND A. M. Stated com
munication this (Wednesday) eve
ning, 8 o'clock, Eaat 8th and
Burnslde its. Final action on Ufa
memberahlD resolution; also re
port of committee on by-laws. A full at
tendance desired. Visitors welcome.
ay oraer w. sa.
J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary.
111. A. F. AND A. M. Stated
communication this (Wednesday)
evening at 8 o'clock, Maaonlo
Temple. Work in the M. M. de
gree. Visiting brethren welcome.
C. E. MILLER. Sec.
slala, memorials, etc. E11U, 500 Columbia bldg.
HOLMES At hie reaidence, 1199 Eaat Tay
lor at.. Richard H. Holmes, aged 78 years,
beloved husband of Mary I. Holmea, fath
er of T. P. and O. G. Holmea, of thla city,
etepfather of Mrs. Harrison Dufur of
Dufur, Or. Funeral will take place from
the above number today, August 19, at 10
A. M. Friends Invited. Interment Lone Fir
EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Funeral Direct
ors, MO 8d at. Lady maatatant. Phone M 607.
J F. FINLEY SON. Sd and Madison.
lwij assistant. Phone Main 8, A 1HU9.
fUnnlDg JDCDniCfl OK Uliuauau, uun mi -
rectors', 7th Pine. Phone Al 430. Lady aast.
or. 1 KoMell. Eaat 1088. Ladx aealatant.
Alder. Lady assiatanc anon. svas o.
Grand Central Station Tims Card
Leaving Portland
Roaeburg Passenger
Cottage Grove Passenger.
California Exj.resa
San Francisco Express ...
West Side
Corvallls Passenger .......
Sheridan paaaenger ......
Foreat Grove Paaaenger. . . ,
Forest Grove Paaaenger...
Foreat Grove Paaaenger...
Arriving Portland.
Oregon Expreaa .
Cottage Grove Paaaenger
Roaeburg Paaaenger
Portland Express
West Bide
Corvallls Passenger
Sheridan Paaaenger
Foreat Grove Passenger ..,
Forest Grove Passenger. . ,
Forest Grove Paaaenger....
8:15 a. m
4:1D p m.
T:45 p. m
1:80 a. m.
7:15 a. m.
4 : 10 p. m.
1 :00 p. m.
6:40 p. m.
8:&0 a. m.
7:15 a. m.
11:30 a. m.
6:30 p. m.
11:16 p. m.
6:20 p. m.
10:80 p. m.
8:00 a, m.
11:50 a. m.
4:60 p. m.
Leaving: Portland
Tacoma and Seattle ExpreM . . .
North Coaat & Chicago Limited.
Overland Express ,
Arriving Portland
North Coaat Limited
Portland Expreaa
Overland Express
8:30 a. m.
2 :00 p. m.
11:46 p. m.
7:00 a. m.
4 :15 p. m.
8:35 p. m.
Leaving Portland
Pendleton Passenger
Chicago-Portland Special .......
Spokane Flyer
Kansas City Chicago Express.
Arriving Portland
Spokane Flyer
Chi.. Kan. City & Portland Ex..
Chicago-Portland Special
Pendleton Passenger
7:15 a. m.
8:30 a. m.
8:16 p. m.
8:00 p. m.
8:00 a. m.
9:45 a m.
8:50 p. m.
5:15 p. m.
Leaving; Portland
Astoria Seaside Express
Seaside Special (Saturday only)
Astoria Ai Seaside Expreaa
Arriving Portland
Aatorla Portland Paaaenger. . .
Portland Expreaa
Seaside Special (Sunday only).
8:00 a. m.
2.20 p. m
6:30 p. m.
12:15 p. m.
10:00 d. m.
10.20p. m
Leaving Portland
C. P. K. Short Line, via Spokane
Via Seattle
Arriving Portland
C. P. R. Short Line, via Spokane.
Via Seattle
8:13 p. ro
ll :45 p. m.
8:00 a. m.
7:00 a. m.
Jefferson-Street Station
Leaving Portland
Dallas Passenger ....
Dallas Passenger-....
Arriving Portland
Dallas Passenger ....
Dallas Paaaenger
7:40 a. m.
4:16 p. m.
10:15 a. m.
5:60 p. m.
ioi . a
Arriving; Portland
Wilaonvllle Local
Salem and Intermediate Local . .
Wilaonvllle Local
Salem and Intermediate E'xpreaa.
Salem and Intermediate Local..
Wilaonvllle Local
Ealem and Intermediate Expreaa
Salem and Intermediate Local..
Salem and Intermediate Expreaa.
Leaving Portland
Salem and Intermediate Local. .
Wilaonvllle Local
Salem and Intermediate Expreaa
Salem and Intetmedlat. Local..
Wllaonvlll. Local
Salem and Intermediate Express.
Saiem and Intermediate Local ..
Wilaonvllle Local
Balam and Intermediate
7:05 a.
8:13 a.
10:30 a.
11:20 a.
1:30 p.
4:45 p.
4 :00 p.
6 :0 p.
8-13 .
I 6.33 a.
7:35 a
8:85 a.
11:10 a.
1:10 p.
2:05 p.
8 :30 p.
6:10 p.
:0J p.
M'LEAN Entered i Into rest August 18.
Mary Louise McLean, widow of the late
General Nathaniel C. McLean, ut the res
idence of her Major William
H. Gage. U. S. A.. Vancouver Barracks,
Wash. New York. Cincinnati and Louis
ville papers please . copy.
At Wilson's rooms, corner 2d and Yamhill,
it 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer.
Idaho, on the main line of the ORE
GON SHORT LINE, 15,000 acres of the
best fruit land In the West will be
thrown open for settlement. The sale
will be conducted under the supervi
sion of the State of Idaho, full protec
tion being- guaranteed for title. Easy
terms, low prices, great surplus of
water. Special rates on all railroads.
Call upon
B. S. 000K & CO.,
Corbett Bldg-, or Write Main Office,
, Boise, Idaho.
Special Snap!
Lot -50x70, on 24th and Northrnp;
swell location and sightly; improved
street and sidewalk. First c
served. Below market jyice.
First come, first
9 .
Frank Bo 11 am
128 Third Street.
$4000, King St.
Fractional lot near Washington.
Where can you buy a choice flat site,
walking distance to business center,
for that price. Flats so located will
rent for fo more per month. This is
a bargain.
615 Chamber of Commerce.
Corner, 100x100
Absolutely the best buy In the city
for fashionable apartment-hou6e. Most
desirable location In Nob Hill district,
and the price is under surrounding
quarters. Act quick. It won't last as
the price la to be advanced. Call at
office for particulars.
515 Chamber of Commerce.
The best block In Nob Hill dis
trict, surrounded by handsome homes.
A bargain.
A 2302, Main 3U2. 204 Stark St.
Contractors or Homebiiilders
f40e--For a lot on Lucretia street, 136
feet north of Washington, right in
the midst of the big bugs. Wljl pay
big if Improved with flats, or will
make a fine home In the most Belect
F. Kl CHS. 221 H Morrison St.
Splendid Bargain
Will buy a modern, 8-room house, prac
tlcally new; close In; on Cherry st.
1.13 First St.
Loweit rate and terms to aultf spe
cial rate and favorable ter ma on larsr
loans on buklnei properties.
Funds Loaned for Private Investors.
203 McKay Bid-., 3d & Stark.
h hot ran f q imx2?c
n d
n k.
M. 660. -
Mortgage Loans
Lowest rates of Interest.
738 Stark Street, near Second.
FOR SALE 80-room hotel. $12,000; a snap.
Call owner by phona. A 25E7.
Following rate, will be given oaly when
advertising; Is ordered to run consecutive
day.. Daily and Sunday Issues. The Ore-
?onhin charge, flrat-tiine rate each Insertion
or claKlfled advertislna that I. not ran
on eonaeeuliv. days. Th. firat-tlnie rat. Is
charged for each Insertion In Tu. Weekly
"Koomi," "Booms and Board." "Home.
keep In Booms," "Situation. Wanted." 15
word, or leu. 15 cent.; 16 to 20 words. 20
cental 21 t. 25 word.. 25 cenU, etc Mo
discount for additional inkertlona.
Matrimonial and Clairvoyant ads, oaf
time rate each insertion
"New Today," 80 cent, for 15 word, or less)
IS to 20 word., 40 cents; (1 to 25 words, 60
cent, eto first Insertion. Each additional
insertion, one-half: no further discount un
der on. month.
Above rate, apply to advertising paid in
advance only. Ail book entries wiU be
charged In line. 14c per line for first In
sertion and 1o per line for each conseeutive
insertion. Special rates on contract given
on application.
"NEW TODAY. (gaoge men. tiro agate),
14 cents per line, first Insertion; t cent,
ner line for each additional insertion.
the convenience of patron. The Oregonian
will accept advertisement. (excepting
"Situation. Wanted") for publication in
classified columns over the telephone. Bills
for such advertising will be mailed Imme
diately and payment 1. expected promptly.
Care will be taken to prevent errors, but
The Oregonian will not be responsible for
error. In advertisement, taken over the
telephone. Telephone; Main 1T: A 60.
61X-KOOM modern house for $2000. small
cash and monthly payments. We will
.how you where thi. Is the same as get
ting free. Come and see. Call 518 Cham
ber of Commeice.
Three acres, beautiful tract for resi
dence purpose, right la Mllwaukle, gent
ly rising knoll with park-like trees.
Goodnough & Stearnea, Washington bldg.
IRVINGTON' home, choice location, 6 large
room, and sleeping porch, fireplaces, hard
wood floor, etc. ; price $6500, Includes $2O0
fixtures and hard-surface pavement. 444
E. 18th at., near Tillamook.
FOR SALE; 7-room modern house, Portland
Heights, fine view, 60 by 100 corner, paved
streets, $7000; half cash, balance time.
Inquire owner. 520 Elisabeth st.
a-ROOM house, modern and up-to-date,
with 2 lots. 50x90, price $33SO; terms. Nut
Grove Addition In West Piedmont, l block
from car. S27 Board of Trade.
$2350 8-ROOM modern house, built for a
home. 162x100; 100 feet from earllne;
$1250 cash. Western Oregon Trust Co.,
14 Chamber fit Commerce. .
Andrews, F. V. Co.. M 1340, 33 Hamil(on bl
Baker, Alfred A., 115 Ablng'on bldg.
Chapln Herlow. 882 Chamber of Commerce,
Cook. B. 8. A Co.. 603'Corbett bldg.
Crosaley Co.. 708-0 Oorbett bldg. M 7S55.
Fields, C. E. & Co., Board of Trad. bldg.
O-tddard. H W . Main and A 1743 110 2d sL
Olllette-Riggs Land Co., Board of Trade.
J.nnlags A Co. Main 168. 200 Oregonian.
Kinney Btampher, 581-533 Lbr. Ex. M 4435
Lea, M E.. room 411 Corbett building.
Mall Von Borstol. 104 2d at, SS2 E Burnald.
Palmer, H. P.. 21$ Commercial Club bldg.
M 8699, A 2653.
Farrlsh. Watkln. A Co.. 250 Ald.r st
Richardson. A. B.. 221 Com. Club Bldg.
Scbalk. Geo. D 264 Star st. Main S92. A 893
Sharkey. J, P. Co., 122 tt Blxth st.
Ewensson, A F. Co.. iii'ik Washington st
The Oregon Real Estate Co.. 66 Third sr.
. tHolladay Addition.)
Vstoraa Land Co., 822 Chamber of Commerce
Waddrl, W. O.. 809 Lumber Exchang. bldg
White. B. P.. 227H Washington st
Swell- new home, 8 rooms, hardwood
floors, tiled kitchen, tiled bath and toilet,
fireplace, furnace, cement basement, elec
tric and gas fixtures, with billiard room,
' 30x40, frescoed all over, garage and stable,
.elect location; $9000. terms. 445 E. ISth
st. N., between Tillamook and Thompson,
1800 Buys 4 acres, mostly In cultivation. 1
mile south of Beaverton. reached by 8. P.
H. R-. 5 trains each way dally, and the
new- electric line almost completed; He.
Just right; soil fertile; easy terms.
1900 10 acres choice land, recently
burned over, 1 miles from car, unim
proved. A .nap.
gssoo 5 acres: all kind, of Improve
ment.; splendid 9-room house, barn, buggy-shed,
wood-shed, wash-house, the best
of bearing fruit, the most beautiful flow
ers In Oregon, half mile from carllnea,
school, churches, stores. Surely this should
appeal to sensible buyer wno wants to live
In the country with the advantages of city
life; 8 miles from Portland.
Main 5933. 116 Ablngton Bldg.
FOR 8AL.I: New 2-story, 6-room house,
Brooklyn Heights, full concrete basement,
stationary washtubs, wood lift, piped for
furnace; Winter's wood; halls, combina
tion fixtures, large pantry, hot and cold
water. Bull Run water, large porches, eaxt
facing splendid view. 30 minutes' walk to
business center. 2 blocks to carline, school
and stores; will Include all new furniture
If desired and sell on small payment down,
balance like rent; this Is exceptionally
good buy and will sell on sight; you will
pav no commission and get full value for
your money. For particulars Inquire H
100, Oregonian.
00 acres on Dairy Creek, near Forest
Grove, 35 acre. In cultivation, 5 acre,
hops, 2 acre, orchard, 3 acres potatoes,
balance hay and grain; 25 acres of the
finest creek bottom In Oregon; not an acre
of the whole 60 that cannot be cultivated;
food house, fair barn and other outbuild
ngs; would make an Ideal small dairy
farm; price $.1300.
608 Corbett Bldg.. Fifth and Morrison Sts.
A BUNCH of choice lots in Irvlngton, John
Irving and Holladay Addition, cheap. A
number of select homes. 6, 7 and 8 rooms,
several bungalows at cost; one very nice
home, fine furniture and carpets at a bar
gain. This Is the portion of . Portland
where all refined people should live. Ccme
and see It. One 154 -acre tract, fine lo
cation. Call at office, cor. 15th and Hal
sev sts.. Irvlngton Broadway cars. Phones
East 896. C 1993; residence, C 15U8, C
1271. Dolan & Herdman.
6-ROOM cottage, story and a half, modern,
built for a home 4 year, ago; full brick
basement; fine bath; best of plumbing;
property in pink of condition; rent. $18
per month; lot 50x100; all Improvements
In and paid; E. 22d; 20 minutes' walk to
Madison-, t. bridge, and only half-block
to 2 carllnes. Pi-Ice, $2700. No agents.
Owner, O 160, Oregonian.
$5200. '
New, modern 7-room bouse. In Irvli:g
ton. SOxO-foot lot. on corner; beautiful
home; wilt be .old for $2200 CBSh down,
balance for 2 or 8 years at 0 per cent per
annum. We can recommend thla to any
one wishing a very desirable home In line
resldenci location.
250 Aider Street.
$1950 buy. a good 6-room house and lot,
60X1U0. In Brooklyn; Improved streets, close
in, block from Brooklyn school, two blocks
from Engine Hall, aoress to two carllnes:
several bearing fruit trees: good neighbor
hood; barn. If Interested phone Main 7225,
between 12 and 1.
$1900 On good terms, for lot and good
7-room house; only 17 blocks from City
Hall. West Side; Just the thing for a
family who want to pay off the prop
erty from the savings of carfare.
F. FUCHS. 221 Vi Morrison st.
Three houses N. W. comer 13th and
Flanders, must be moved to make way for
warehouse. Apply at 10 A. M. dally on
premises, or Information may be obtained
at room 32 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Wash
ington. Phone A 235T.
MODERN 6-room house. Just completed:
fireplace, electric and ga. fixtures; full
cenvsnt basement: new lawn; 10-mlnute
car ride to center of city; a beautiful little
home; can be had on easy payments.
415 Commercial Club Bldg.
$2600 6-ROOM house. E. Hoyt.
$2.W0 5-room bungalow. Alberta st.
$3000 2 houses, rented for $30 per
$2600 Bungalow, near Hawthorne ava.
MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 1.12 3d st.
Lot BOxlOO feet, east frontage, on E.
2Rth, between Clinton and Division sts.
Nice building site. Terms.
250 Alder Street.
$5500 FOR 7-room attractive modern home,
lot 75x100, Irvlngton.
$4500 for a strictly modern new 7-room
house Just completed In Holladay Park.
615 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE Quarter block, northwest cor
ner 21st and Irving sts. For business rea
sons. If sale right av. ay. $11,000. On In
vestigation you will find this a safe t'uy.
and a real bargain. M. G. Griffin. 208
Stark St.
$1060 will take one of the finest building
sites In Rose City Park; cement sidewalks,
ground cleared and ready to build on;
close to carline. terms. C. B- Lucas. 822
Corbett bldg.
$3000 A very deelrable 6-room cottage, recep
'tlon hall, beam ceiling, large rooms
and all Improvement; lot 5oxll; fruit
trees and shrubbery, 1 block from Will
lame ave. car.; can be had on terms, by
seeing The Span ton Co.. only. 270 Stark.
Have buyers waiting for cottages, pay
ment from $100 to $300; answer at once
If you want to sell.
82 Lafayette bldg., 6th and Washington st.
BLOCK of new store, and flats for sale; In
come $300 per month,
$2000 cash, balance to suit, buys strictly
modern bungalow. Ingram. 612 Couch
11600 This Is a good buy. situated In St.
John, 6-room cottage and four lots; will
make terma See the Spanton Co.. 270
Stark St.
CORNER lot and large house. $.1000: two
cottages. 209 and 211 Glbbs St., $3000;
South Portland, pays 11 per cent. Owner,
841 Front St.
$2600 GOOD 7-room house, garden and
fruit, one nioca irum car. .o i,namDer
of Commerce.
$750 Beautiful lot on Broadway st., near
28th; street Improved; perfect title. 418
Chamber Com.
ONE acre at South Mount Tabor, all In fruit
and berries. $1500; easy terms; a snap. 511
Swetland bldg.
PLATTING tract, best small on. on the
market. Walling 243 Stark.
Lot on Union avenue, with four S-room
cottages, renting for $875 per year, for $5iO.
An eight-room house In Sunnyslde. with
modern plumbing and all the requisites for
making a nice home; has good basement,
fireplace, nice yard, carpets on the floors
and wood In the basement; all for $5250.
Another one in the rame district that does
not take quite as much money. Has elgnt
rooms, gas and electric light, bath, base
ment, on a good street. Plica $4000. Terms
if you want them.
House and lot on East Taylor; houee has
bath. furnace, two fireplaces, laundry,
plumbing all modern. Bargain at $5260;
$3000 cash.
25 acres near Lents; $5000; $1000 cash.
balance as you like. ,
St. John business property, whole block,
2iXI feet from R. R. ; aaaeesed value $61o0;
will eell for $5000.
Five-room houee In Sunnyslde, on good
carline; $600 cash will handle this, the bal
ance like rent. Price $3050.
Fine quarter bock in Alblna; good place
for a flat building; near S. P. shops: high
and sightly. Bargain at $2500.
Fine bungalow on E. 10th St., 8 rooms
and bath, modern plumbing, sightly lot, ia
very desirable residence district. $3000.
Quarter block on Portland Heights on
Spring street, $o250: H cash.
Two more on the Heights, only higher
up: fine view of the surrounding country;
title perfect, abstract free. A enap at $1000.
Business property In Alblna, 100x100; good
Investment at $2500.
Good corner In South Portland on Corbett
St., $2500. .
Nice little 6-room modern cottage, with
basement, on Webster st. $23t wlll buy
this: $000 cash and the rest at $25 per
Five-room cottage on Michigan avenue,
bath, cement basement, newly papered and
varnished. $500 cash, balance like rent.
Price $2000.
Four lots in St. John, sire looxioo. fenced'
with 6-room house and barn, tor $2000.
A homelike little cottage at Arleta.. with
three rooms and bath, near carline. 41600.
Rlchtly lot on Maryland St., 100x100, for
Improved comer on the FflM Ankeny car,
line. 50x100. Good buy at $1000.
Owning a place of your own has rent1
paying skimmed.
Chamber of Commerce.
See the following new, modern bunga
low we have to offer on easy pavmema,
close to carllnes. school, and good stores:
$2250 each, two 6-room, E. 12th and Mil
dred. $2"00 each, 2 6-room. E. 12th and Mil
dred. $1''0. fi-room, E. 87th, near Hawthorne,
$2!NI0 5-room. E. 40th and Salmon ete
$22t0 5-room, E. 3Sth. near Hawthorne,
$2400 6-room, E. 34th, nenr Hawthorne,
5ot Hoard of Trade.
8 acres, only $1720, on time payments.
Spring well nlone Is worth the money.
17 minutes' ride on new electric line; aUo
living water running all the time. Just
the place for chickens and ducks; also
valuable for platting Into lots If you want
to do . 1400 feet from depot; lot. sell
ing further away for $300. If you hurry
you can get thla.
$3 Third St.
Extra good house, full lot. 1 block
from car; If taken at once $2850; $1000
Beautiful extra large lot, RR-ft. front
on river (Improvements Included); will
sell all or half. $1000.
521 Ccrbett bldg.
CHOICE lots on Ash. near 24th: fine build
ing sites; prices below prevailing values,
Gold;chmldt's Agency. 253Vj Washington,
corner 3d.
lO acres, right In the city, all platted
and ready to sell lots; water, gas and
carllno; surrounded'by thickly settled dis
trict; terms.
511 Gerllnger tldg., cor. 2d and Alder.
75x100. tine 8-icom house, beautiful lot,
water on all floors, finished in quarter
sawed oak and redwood; price $7750;
good terms.
521 Corbett blilg.
$0000 12 acres, highly cultivated, on
the Oregon City line, inly 30 minutes
ride from Portland: station right on the
place. James J. Flynn, 612 Chamber of
Swell building site. 70x140. on Patton
road. 50 feet to car; water, ga.
In road; best lrentlon for home on the
Heights; must sell this week; $2000;
part cash.
J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber of Commerce.,
6-ROOM modern house; small lot; corner
on E. 14th st., near new High School;
the very best surroundings; $4500; easy
611 Gerllnger bldg., cor. 2d and Alder.
Near 17th. choice lot. ready to build
on; If sold by Sept. 1 will take $2500.
511 Gerllnger bldg.. cor. 2d and Alder.
FINE HOME Strictly modern, extra well-;
built, practically new; very sightly location;;
choice neighborhood: large, old trees oa
lawn; owner leaving city. East ISO. 94
East ITth.
50x100 WITH nice modern 8-room house,,
elegnntly finished. large porch; price
$7000; good terms.
521 Ct rbett bldg.
8-room modern house, large lot, near
both carllnes, easy terms. Owner, A. 1
Dundas, 225 Lumber Exchange. Main
504.V .
TO purchasers. I must sell my 6-room resi
dence, new. Just finished; elegant, modern
60x100 lot. Walnut Park. Call 110O Rodney
ave.. or phone Woodlawn 1141 for Infor
mation. 10 ACRES, about 4 cleared and in berries,
fenced and on county road, fl miles out on
Estacada line, fare c; $:l.100, $1400 cash,
balance 5 years at 5 per cent. 325 Lumber
31K10 6-ROOM new and modern dwelling,
full size lot. choice location. In Sunny
slde, 1 block from carline. James J.
Flynn, 512 Chamber of Commeice.
CORNER. 40x65. Broadway and E. 7th;
Improvements good and all paid: $1550,
all or half cash. Culver. 623 Chamber
of Commerce.
Beautiful home, corner. $300: $20
monthlv; 3 blocks scuta Hawthorne,' E.
44th. Dr. Darling
A LOT. 50x100. on Brooklyn .t.. with
shanty, plumbing. $S50 by owner. 875
Brooklyn st. phone Sellwood 1042, Wav
erly Heights
TWO new 5-room bungalow cottages on
South ave.. Midway; $."oo down, smnll
monthly paymer.ts. Sellwood car. 681
South ave.
A COUNTRY home for a city man; 3 acres
and 6-room house, barn, hay. fruit, eto. :
good terms. See Purse, 823 Chamber of
Commerce. Main 73o9.
CHEAP 6-room house, 19 fruit trees, lot
50x100, $1400; $SO0 down. N 164. Ore
gonian. ONE lot on Wasco st.. near 24th: price
$800 If taken this week. Phona East
503 mornings. '
FOR RENT Bam. four stall; room for
wagons: close In, East Side. Phone East
ACRE absolutely clear and level, near Mt.
Scott carline. $1200; half cash. 325 Lum
ber Exchange.
SIGHTLY, modern 7-room houwe on West
Side: easy terma Call room 40 Washing
ton bldg.
ACRE tract cloee In. West Side: lies fine;
price only $600: best In Portland. . M. E.
Lee. room 411 Corbett bldg.
IRVINGTON 60x100 let, modem 8-room
house, never occupied $7500 cash. Owner,
K. O. Lundstrom, 481 Worcester bldg.