15 THE MORNING QBEGOSIAy. FRIDAY. AUGUST 14, 1903 T AT TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE: Tha importance of this announcement, the one to which I have carefully led up, can be seen when I assert I am in absolute control of a corporate institution adequate to cope with the machinery of the SYSTEM. I .hall make demonstrations of its power to perform what 2 have predicted for it. To get the voltage of my dynamo, keep in your head the financial factors I have so insistently urged upon your attention. 1 The SYSTEM'S billions are made by its power to fix and sway the stock market values of the 70 billion of securities which the American people now hold. 2 The System's "right" to use the people's money deposited in the banks and trust companies of the Nation supplies it with the millions necessary to the process of fixing and swaying the values of American securities. 3 The stock market must be the theater of opera tions for whosoever purposes to dislodge the System's head on the American people. All these necessary condi tions are here in the "National Stock" LEGAL NAME, BAY STATE COMPANY. CAPITAL, ONE BILLION DOLLARS; 20,000,000 SHARES. CAN INCREASE TO ANY NUMBER OP BILLIONS. FREE FROM TAXATION. BACKED BY A SOVEREIGN STATE.. NOW HAS 60,000 STOCKHOLDERS. INTENDS TO HAVE 20,000,000 STOCKHOLDERS. THE ONLY CORPORATION IN EXISTENCE TO DAY WHOSE SCOPE AND LEGAL AND STRAT EGICAL POWERS ARE UNLIMITED. CHARTERED TO OWN AND OPERATE BANKS, TRUST COMPANIES, RADLROADS, INDUS TRIES AND TO BUY AND SELL AND HOLD ITS OWN AND ANY STOCK IN EXISTENCE AND TO CARRY ON ANY AND ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS. Today I am in absolute control of this extraordinary Institution, the only one of its kind on earth. I am its president and have the proxies of nearly all Its stockholders, with special instructions from them to elect my own board of directors. "National stock" is the one instrument that unites all the privileges and attachments essential for a pro longed contest with the System. I know the how, when and why of the System's movements. I am now ready to put this instrument to work. That skeptical, wedded-to-old ways Wall Street and the System and the Press may instantly see that my claims, notwithstanding they read Jules Verneish, and sound "business is business," I point them to the fol lowing : In the past, as these three classes, Wall Street, the System and the Press know, I have never failed to secure the attention of the people, and then their money support. However radical my plans seemed at the start-off, time demonstrated their soundness. Boiled down, this is what I propose to do. In "National Stock," I have a corporation with un limited capital stock. The stock I shall offer in prac tically unlimited amounts to the people, constantly ad vancing the price in the open markets, that every buyer may, if he wishes, sell what he has bought at a profit. This means that every buyer of "National Stock" will become an agent for the making -of new stockholders amongst their friends and associates. The proceeds of the sale of stock will be used in active operations in the market, with and against the System, as seems best in my judgment, in underwriting and any other ways that will return the institution profit. Illustration: Whenever in the past I have appealed to the people in the interest of a stock and they have responded, the money they paid has always gone, less my pay for the job, to the corporation whose stock I had sold, thereby leav ing me helpless to protect its price in the market. Bear in mind, there are two classes of people who buy stocks: Speculators and investors. The marketing of a stock is only a first move in a stock manipulator's business. To be successful, he must establish his proposition on recognized trading basis. This can only be done by delib erately making a market for it. Example : My first moves in wielding the power of "National Stock" for the benefit of its stockholders, the public, will be certain and aggressive operations in American Smelt ers, National Lead, Trinity and First National Copper, St Paul Railroads and Yukon gold. An event still soggy in the public mind will show the procedure. At a time when the market was hardly out of the convulsions of the panic, and when even the bys tem could not. sell any stock to the public, I undertook for the American Smelting group of capitalists, ine Guggenheims," to .sell to the public 700,000 shares of Yukon Gold incidentally worth then and now $12 to $io per share which I did in two hours on Saturday, March 23, at from $5 (par) to $7. By the rules that govern such transactions I turned over to "The Guggenheims the proceeds of the shares I had sold less my pay, there bv leaving the stock unprotected and exposed to the at tacks of the System, which, fearful of my success, jumped on its value, thereby inducing speculators to believe they had been tricked and causing them to sell, leaving the market price under the thumb of the system. Had "National Stock" handled Yukon, the money paid by the public would have been retatined to support the stock in the market, buying all the stock that was offered, either by those who wished to sell f or profit or by those who, by selling freely, wished to attack the value, the result being that in a short time the stock would be firmly established on a rock-bottom basis on its intrin sic value, $12 to $15, and impregnable to speculative at tacks After this had been accomplished, the money re ceived for the stock then outstanding would have been paid over to "The Guggenheims." With the resources of "National Stock" this could be done, not only in Yukon, but in the other stocks which I have mentioned, and in any others to which National Stock" directs its powerful attention and stocks wnicn the Svstem's machinery has perched too high can be yanked down to their proper level by "National Stock. That there shall be no misunderstanding as to the character of "National Stock," I say right here at the beginning of its career that the chief theater of its first operations will be the stock markets of New York, Bos ton and Philadelphia, and eventually London, Pans, Ber lin The funds derived from the sale of its shares will be applied in exactly the same manner as the System uses the people's savings in banks and trust companies to sway and fix the prices of the stocks in which it deals. You already know something of the profit possibili ties of such operations; but, conducted on the scale per mitted by the resources I shall command, results will be as stupendous and as certain as the System's own pro cesses. Whatever "National Stock" sets out to do in the market, its ready and unencumbered millions will enable it to crush through in spite of the System's opposition. Those same ready and unencumbered millions will be as effective in forestalling any stock move of the System with which "National Stock" does not concur. A Word Here : It ha developed since the writing of my first advertisement that It Is a physical Impossibility to print in this space even In this full page, what I Intended the plana of "National stock." I have, therefore, decided to break off here and rush the fall story Into a pamphlet. 1 This means that the first necessary action which confronts me is the getting of this pamphlet Into the hands of every man and woman In America. With my story of "National Stock." its intentions and plans tn the hands of the people, the people will buy "National Stock." If the people buy "National Stock" now at the market price, say $1-60 to $2 per share, they will make a profit of at least 500 to 750 peT cent, for every dollar they Invest now wiU turn into $10 which performance win cause the people to enthusiastically back "National Stock" In Its battle against the System. With the millions of tie people's savings, and their enthu siastic backing "National Stock" will be able to bowl over the Svstem in short order, and "National Stock" will become the not when greatest Instrument of modern time for the xlgng of the peo- Pl9'' XS wen admit before urth to?"V advertisement, have been published, and at a oct of W0 r no other purpose than to get .the public into a of mind where they must have the story of "S-tlonal 3 of its plans and intentions. I mean by this th at tbe-e ments were not published for the purpose of ,n Stock" or for securing buyers for it now. but pose of getting before the millions a document of too a nature to publish In a newspaper 9 V-tnd I intend to compel every man and woman In ?lc " for the pamphlet now. not next month or the month after next. but now, I say now because? 1 Everyone who gfet it must re&d it- .k J-Everyone who reads it will at once becorn. a b in "National Stock." Whether he buy. a single share for a dollar and a half to two dollars, or 13.000 shares for . f ant' la of no import to "National Stock." What "National Stock wants must have U going to have, is stockholders, a vast number of stockholders. . - It now ha. rising 60.000. the largest number of ' poratlon in the world, with the exception of the Steal Trust. It intends to increase this number In less than SO daJ- Kome a 3Everyone who reads this pamphlet will not only stockholder, but will because of a certain document contained ' In each pamphlet, create other stockholders. .',tiB 4-Eh day that goes by will, because of workings of "National Stock" plan, cause the price of "National Stock" to mount higher. Stock Market Activity. . w t ., -rmna must have a copy now, "National Stock" has advanced In the markets to $10 per 'hare. Bear in mind, as my plans work out. tfe. "t""1 " ing will mean Increased activity in "National Stock in the stock market, of the country, which, as I will steer it. wll I make for constantly advancing prices until the excitement generated by "National Stock" will top all of the past stock which I have created, notwithstanding: The culmination of my Imalgamation flotation caused mobs of buyers to "oudkth National City Bank, tho Standard Oil bank, the biggest bank in Amer-Say and 'night at the opening of subscriptions The tremendous activity and rise of Trinity (1000 per cent in less than 1000 stock exchange hours) last year brought ha mob ers to the Stock Exchange as to cause a panic and the barring f MyTuko'n campaign caused the calling of the New York police to Wall street to control the great army of buyers who flocked to that center, and the "Lawson Panic." in December. 1904. dropped prices over $100,000,000 in three days. Also bear In mind another reason for great activities and price advance. I will advertise throughout the world at the com pletion of each of my stock market deals Uielr exact history, showing in the results the big profits which have accrued to "Na tional Stock." which profits will be reflected at once in increased activity and advance tn the price of "National Stock." The arguments contained in this series of advertisements are not intended to urge the purchase of "National Stock." They are solely for the purpose of showing the public aU classes of the public that it is a duty they owe themselves to Send at once for the "National Stock" pamphlets, which will be sent free to all upon application. Later on, my advertising will be brutally brief in its effort to Induce the public to buy "National Stock and bru tally thorough in its assaults upon the stocks of which the Na tional Stock" has first gone short, and brass-bandedly booming of the stocks of which it has first gone long. These advertise ments are solely for the purpose of getting 20,000.000 Natioanl Stock" pamphlets into the hands of 20.100.030 people now. To that end I earnestly ask the following classes to apply at once for this pamphlet: Bankers, Broker,, Minister, School Teacnera, City d Town OfTlciar.. Presidents and Cashiers of "National Bank, Presi dents and Treasurer, of Saving. Banks, head. ml Labor Unions, Snpertntendenl. of Mine, and Manonctorle. and ot.er bnsl ne..e, Xew.pa.er Editor, and Reporters, weekly and monthly periodical writer., Po.tmi.tre... and PoitmMtm, and sav ing, bank depositor.. I call the attention of these particular classes to this pam- phlet because each copy will contain a document extraordinary in itself and of vital interest to each member of the classes I have enumerated. NEW BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES EXTRACT "A" FROM PAMPHLET. With the funds secured by the sale of "National Stock." banks and trust companies will be established, in whioh the peo ple will deposit their money to be loaned out at rates of interest only large enough to conduct a legitimate banking business and to make a fair return to stockholders. Today the System banks exhibit statements showing enormous earnings and surpluses, which If their deposits' were loaned back to the people at fair rates 'would be as Impossible as the palaces in which many of these banks and trust companies are housed, costing millions wrung from borrowers and returning nothing on the Investment. Exainple En(rland jjay there is a National Bank and Trust Company, two of the scores in New England controlled by the System. Their combined deposits belonging to the people are tlB 030 000 and their combined stock, belonging to the Sys tem has risen in value in a short period more than $12,000,000. The' enormous profits, fully set forth in the annual statements of these institutions, which they have siphoned fron ts community of New England, in addition to $$.000,000 which is per cent annual Interest on the capital stock of both. wer. not accumu lated by the production of anything marketable or by any recog nized form of business, nor are they the conservative iproflts of Terminate banking, but they are the rich spoils of System manipu lation of tne people's deposits, augmented by the wreok. by con solidation, of many of If.w England's oldest and soundest banking ,nSU ConTrtnting this situation "National Stock" win tak a part of tie proceeds of the sale, of its stock or th. profits made in it. stock market operations, and set up dupflcate banking Insato onfongside of these two. The '"-fon Stock ideal charter that will bar even the owners of -., ..our in a- directly or indirectly any profits oth-ir tnan nv P?r cent upon thrcapital Invested. AU surplus wilt be returned annutny to the depositors in the form of interest upon deP" r nw throughout New England In the form ol Reduced ?oan rates, nor will "National Stock" retain for itself or direction of the institution. Their ""W""1, Iutely Placed tn the hand, of the best of the old tank Jf"a: who will be selected from those who have been driven out of business, or from savings bank officials. .,., ,.,,- After these facta have been advertised, as "National Stock will advertise them, it is inevitable that the P-tor- ' System institutions, when the opportunity is offered will transfer ail or a great portion of their deposits to the new that the borrowers will secure their loan, from the tlons. And the establishment of these two banking Institutions by "National Stock" will make easier the creation of similar mo tions in the other large cities wherever the buslmes, men .and de positors are being exercised between the upper and nether mlU stones of the System. GREAT PROFITS IN "NATIONAL STOCK' EXTRACT "B" FROM PAMPHLET. "National Stock." after it has made helpless the Rockefellers. ' Harrimans and Morgans tn the same way the System "nd" helpless the people last October, after it has vast sums ' of Its treasury and ha. banded together at least 1.600.000,000 of In telligent stockholders, will use these stockholders and Its vast re sources to convert back to the people's ownership the great in dustrial and financial institutions of the country. No miracle is promised here, but the disintegration inevitable from the coup. I shall inaugurate will loosen the System's hold on """ and they will be taken possession of and reorganised by aona Stock." in the mere process of events. The backbone of a'"a Stock." which can and will bring about these things is in Its stockholders. The more stockholders there are the greater will be its power to accomplish these things that, I have set down, the quicker the results from the application of that power and tha richer the results to each stockholder. In buying as much "Na tional Stock" as you can afford, and In canvassing amongst your friends for additional stockholder, boar In mind: l"Nationnl Stock" today is selling at about $1.50 to $2.0 per share In tho open markets of the country. 2 Every additional stockholder will cause the price to ad vance beyond what you pay for it. 3 Neither "National Stock," nor myself, nor any one con nected with it, have any stock for sale, directly, to you or to anv one "National Stock" will be dealt in only In the open mar ket, where all have the privilege of buying and " r'C 4 All orders for stock should be sent to reputable New York. Philadelphia and Boston Stock Exchange and curb Broke. .. 5 All money received by "National Stock" frem the sale of stock and all profit made by it in any way will be the property of all stockholders alike. 6 Not a dollar of "National Stock" funds or property come, to me. in profits, salaries, or in any way. "National Stock" starts with about a million cash. Before the eublic or the System are fairly aware that it has begun business this million will have been turned Into 40 the selling of 2.500,030 share, of "National Stock" a an average of 12 Der share and 2,500.000 shares at an average of $4 per share, and with thta 16.000.000 thus received it will have mad. proflt. of $24,000,000 out of Wall and State streets stock deals. TREMENDOUS MARKET DEALS EXTRACT "C" FROM PAMPHLET. It is common knowledge that In many of my P" 8c market campaigns, whenever I predicted the rise or fall of a Ttock the stem could make it go temporarily the other way by r r :rtor H; welTtrr-etono "ZZTS ZZXZ.Z mV advfee from' $1 to 46. was driven next to ,14. then allowed to "."on through tho list of all other stocks I have betters ttt XSTZ -d'to ST plSTwS go to 00 and at 120 St. Paul will go to 175. Smelters because . of purchases by tho people who absorbed my advice imme diately mounted to 73. when the System drove It back to below 60 Today It is 102. two point higher than the 130 I Predicted II plul was driven back to 90. Now it is 147. on Its way to the 175 Vothat System which has done all these thing. I have but and you wUl be powerless to prevent. When you read in one of w ;.u m. ... .. ..r BOSTON, August IS, 1W8. THOMAS W. LAWSON . . -. i i 1 ..... ,irBa TTnr 7ft I I II I f I T A I I I I fk I fsTliT H" "' 800 "3.. 27 i Den & Rio G 4 s. 92 1 IRIUL ll I 'H UU L U I I III! I i r U I II U I IU I M III I I VI o.- HilILn I uniiiuiiui.ii i BEARS TAKE'HOLDllP Hammer Stocks Down in Ab sence of Support. SELLING, HOWEVER, SMALL Iss Favorable Conditions Reported by Iron and Steel Reviews. Weakness in Rock Is land Group. t H.-C-TV voRK. Aur. 13. The manner which the market a-ted today croved very -i i A rh. nn1.nirr fhffct Attempted . ..ni.ln it A lull In the activities of tha nowerful party In the speculation which has favorod the advance by all the devices of. leadership and tranlrulatlon was evident a nariv of Drofesslonal operators acted on this evidence to mve on the short side of the market and helped on the action that resulted from the withdrawal of the foster tn measures of the bull ar;y. This bear movement was conducted with extreme cau tion and with signs of timidity covering operations being risumed at small reces sions In prices. The amount- of the liqulda tlon Induced by the recession in prlceg proved moderate and there was nothing like tha precipitancy in unloading with which o Lrolonged an advance as had rred usually culminates. This lack of resemblance to the usual eouree of speculative movements waa the cause for the reserve shown by the bear. n.rtv In pursuing their apparent advantage. Their attitude covered a Xear that they ere being lured Into uncovering them- ivea to a renewed attack which might help on the forthcoming projects of the powerful lull organisation. The suspicion was strengthened by the conviction that the bull party has not made any effective rli.rrihutlon of Its holdings, the genera speculative public having held back from h. rr-.rket with great tenacity. Late in the day. weakness In the Rock suggestion of more for a bear turn In the tack on prices became weak closing at tne th. action of the market was attnoui. to purely technical causes and found no explanation In any positive development In the div'i news. There is. however, a rather striking contrast In some ol tne views on Industrial affair, that hare been heard In the stock market and those that come from strictly trade sources. The complaint voiced by the leading iron and steel reviews over the tardiness of the revival in that In dustry Is an example. Today's publication of those authorities caicuiaiea to aasn .an guine views over the present stage of im- provemr iiu " " . - . talned of the future. The episode In the outsiae mantel was not relished, as a factor likely to discour age any public Interest In the stock mar ket. The performance there has not been equalled since the like lnciaent oi tne flotation of a mining stock under th same auspices- Great excitement accompanieu n iui ij spurt In Bay State Gas. after which tne price yielded before the steady auj,ply of stocks. Some special weaknesa In the local traction stocks was due to the announcement by the president of the New Haven Railroad of the intention of that company to take a subway route Into lower New York City. Bonds were irregular. mmi s&ies. par lue. 3.336.400. United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSINO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Cloetng pales: High. Low. Amal Copper .... 35.2"0 SIT, Am tar roun. - -- l'f7 ."OIH X"01 1.9O0 35 345, loo 21 21 S.TOO Jill, 3H4 IOO 12 12 8.000 661, 100 lf'S 3.1iW 13714) iOO 93 4.Rnn 491 4.B00 80ii IOO S.900 93 preferred Am Cotton OH.. Am Hd & 1-t pf- Am Ice Securl... Am Linseed Oil- Am Locomoiin... do preierreu im Smelt Kef. 42.BOO do preferred -. . Am Pugar Ref.. Am Tobacco pf Am Woolen . ... Anaconda Min Co Atchlaon do preferred .. Atl Coast Line.. Bait Ohio do preferred ... Brook Rap Tran. M . SH Canadian Pacific. 2"0 l-2 Central Leather .. 1.400 26 do preferred Central of N J... Chea & Ohio 1.300 Chicago Gt W. 1-' , ' Chicago A X W.. 500 11 C. M St Paul. 3T.400 14i C, C. C St L. . 100 6'H Colo Fuel Iron T.5"0 Colo Southern.. 2.2O0 33 : do let preferred - -- do 2 preferred. l34 Consolidated Gas.. TnO 14" Corn Products 800 20ij ins 133 93 2rt 47 SS &3 52 171 29 43 42H Bid. 7f 103 34 5 21 30, 10V4 107 97 107 13.H4 H3 S8 94(4 HZ 64 1, 81 B2i 171 974 424 K1014 lo 1444 14S S7 4 S4 34 S 33 S3 S3 " 51 13'4 138i 19. 1iO Pi 10 37 2.6O0 24 V, 3(0 39 Vi 600 30 100 146 22.4O0 140 2.000 7T4 1.600 139S(, 1.200 l-"1! 8.7O0 200 35 10 1,900 2S 25 Del Hudson.... D & R Grande... do preferred . . . Distillers' Securl.. Erie do 1st preterrel. do 2d prefrered. General Electric. Gt Northern pf . . . it Northern ure.. lllnols Central .. nterborough Met.. do preferred ... Int Paper do preferred! ... Int Pump Iowa Central .... K C Southern ... do preferred . . . Louis ft Naohville Mexican Central Minn & St Louis M St P & S S M. l.sno 11A4 Missouri J-'acmc. iu.m-v t Mo. Kan & Texas 5.1O0 331. do oreferrec ... National Lead ... l.0 89V, X Y Central .... 3.600 1V9 N T. Ont & West. 2.0OO 434 Norfolk West. 2.400 . 5. North American .. .00 64 Northern Pacific. 44.800 14fii Pacific Mail -t-r? Pennsylvania 10.100 12" People'. Gas...... fO 06 p u at pi . Preseed Steel Car 2iO 3 Pullman Pal Car.. JO t? steel spring.. 68 3T 23 ti 394 29 4 146 134 67 1374 124 334 104 68 37 2314 39 294 144 13S4 08 137 12 334 10 1.900 111T4 8(1 184 364 26 4T 97 IOO 1184 1.100 20 Riadlng 1Z."V it n.nnhlfo Steel ... (0 4 do preferred ... Rock Island Co.. '"" do preferred ... 17.300 St L A S F 2 pf. 300 St L Southwestern do prererrea . E!-Sheff1eld .... POO Southern Pacific .. 29.800 do prelerrei . . Southern Railway- do preferred ... Tenn Copper 4 . on 404 Texae & Pacific. 8.100 25 Tol. St L A West 4O0 2. do preferred ... 1.200 S(J Union Pacific ...101.400 1MH. do preferred ... 3.2HO 854 U S Rubber 800 35 4 do 1st preferred. 2O0 1014 U S Steel 69.-0 4., do preferred ... f.9"0 1104 Utah Copper 8.100 44 Va-Caro Chemical. 400 28 do preferred ... IOO 1J7 Wabash 3oo 13 do preferred ... 1.(00 284 Westlnghouse Elec 1.6O0 .3 Weetern Union ... 2 6. Wheel A L Ble.. 3O0 9 Ttlecfm.ln Central. 2.100 24 Total sales for the day. 744,uw snares. PONDS. NEW YORK. Aug. 13. Closing quotations tj S Rfg 2s Reg.l02H'N T C, Gen 3s 91 do Coupon 103'Northern Pae 8a 72 V S 3s Reg 100 do 4s. ...... ..1024 do coupon. .. .100 ! Southern Pa-c 4s. 84 TJ S Nw 4s Reg. 120 4 Union Pac 4s 101 i do Coupoa.....iaHlWU Central 4... 84 2r.4 174 24 4 5'4 1104 J104 16 30 118 57 324 64 87 '4 1084 42 75 63 144 25 1254 96 75 34 166 43 126 23 4 60 18' 334 27 17 40 634 93 1184 194 484 38. 26 374 l.M 4 65 34 IOO 46 109 4 44 28 105 13 27 74 56 9 23 4 119 57 32 4 654 66 108 ?r4 64 1254 964 75 S3 1654 44 126 23 80 4 17 334 27 63 95 1184 20 ''88 254 26 57 157 65 34 4 101 464 1094 43 2S 107 13 27 74 56 94 23 86 9-18; do for ac- .63 44 .64 .06 .66 .20 .51 4 1.00 1.62 13 4 .28 4 .02 4 .63 4 Storks at London. ' LONDON. Aug. 18. Closing quotations: Consols for money, rnunt. 86. Anaconda 10 I Norfolk West. .774 Atchison H5l 00 ,prl ;,'. dO Pfd C' UIHttOU K Ti.w i. nhin 97 Pennsylvania .. Canadian Pac. .1.76 vi ! Rand Mines Ches & Ohio... .444Readlng Vhl Gt Western. .07 Southern Ry Chi. M r bi ir , De Beers ij soumern rac .. Erie Z4 ao piu -o do 1st pta 4" ?,u S"' , Grand Trunk . . 1 8 4 j Wabash Illinois. Central. 1.4., , do pfd. Miss K AT 33!Amal Cop ... N Y Central. .. .1.13 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. Aug. 13. Money on call easy, 114 per cent; ruling rate, 1; closing bid. 1; offered at lVi- Time loans dull, .but slightly firmer; 60 days. 2. and 90 days. 242 per cent; six months. 34S4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, SM'SA per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual busi ness In bankers,' hills at 4.8490(34.85 for 60 day bills and at $4.8645 for demand. Commercial bills. $4.846'4.64. Bar silver. 52c. Mexican dollars. 45c. Government bond., steady; railroad bonds, Irregular. LONDON. Aug. 13. Bar silver Steady. 24 l-8d per ounce. Money. 1-34T per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 15-l(Vffl5-l per cent; three months' bills lgl T-l per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 13. Silver bare, 62c. Mexican dollars Nominal. Drafts Sight. 10c: telegraph. 12U Sterling 60 daya 4.85: eight. 14.87. Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. ' August 13. Today', statement of the Treasury balances In the reneral fund exclusive of the $150,000,000 ntH eeserve ShOWS Available cash balance $196,063,137 Gold coin and bullion 44.2O-J.036 Gold certificate. 33,286.490 Wool at St. Loni. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 13. Wool. firm. Terr! tory and Western mediums, 156 ISc; fine me diums. 10215c; Una, Wtt.ua, Chicago Market Strong From Start to Finish. ALL NEWS IS BULLISH September December . May September January . . October . September October ... January . September October . . . January Improved Demand oy r.ipris Reported Low Temperatures in Western Canada Ca bles Are Steadier. CHICAGO. Aug. 13. Strength In wheat was In evidence from the beginning of trade to the end of the session. A feature of busi ness was liberal purchases by the Influential trader whose heavy sale, yesterday caused the market to slump 2 cents. The market wae bullishly affected at the start by com paratively steady cables and by advices from Western Canada claiming that low tempera tures had prevailed last night throughout Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Later in the rtv statistical news encouraged further buy ing. An Improved demand by exporter, wa. another Important factor In the situation, a-ntemher opened 4Se higher at 924 924924e and advanced to 934c. where It closed. Corn was bullish nearly all day. The market closed firm for September and ' May, but easy for December. September closed at 77c. ... Oat. were weak. September cloeed at 47 04 1 MjC. Provision, generally were weak September pork was off 24C, lara was on ' if uw-u and ribs were 124c down. . The Leading futures ranged as follows. WHEAT. September . Dec, old... Dec, new . Open. High. ..$ .924 $ .9.14 .. .044 .954 .. .04", .!.. .90 i 1-00 Low. Close. .924 -84 .94 .954 .94 4 .95 CORN. .. .774 .78 ,. .6.1 .65 ,. .634 ' -44 OATS. .. .47 .47 .. .474 .484 ,. .49 .50Vt MESS PORK. ..15.05 15 05 ..16.02 105 ..15.15 15.20 LARD. .. 9.25 9.27 .. 9.35 9.37 4 .. 9.17- 9.20 SHORT RIBS. .. 8.62 8.67 .. 8.72 8.77 .. 8.17 8.17 .774 .64 .J4 .47 .47 .49 14.874 15.974 15.00 9.20 .3" 9.15 6 57 8.65 8.12 .77 .64 .63 .494 14.9714 16.02 16.10 9 25 9.35 9.17 S.63 8. 75 8.15 No. 2 yellow, 80 S white, 484S40C-, choice Cast quotations were ae ronows. Flour Steady. . Wheat No. 2 Spring. $1.101.15: No. $1.04(61.13: No. 3 red. 3roe. Corn No. 2. "r Sic. Oats No. z. 40c; --- No. 3 white. 47sr4c. Rye No. 2. 774Cff(S4C i"ir malting. 6567c. Flaxseed No. 1. H i; .o. 1 v-u..- $134. M 7(Vff.l7.1. TUllOtny ser.i 11..... Short ribs Sides (loose). 8.50flS.(5 Mess pork-Per barrel. $14.95(515.00. n-hl-ky Basis of high wines. $1.J(. ' wnisny o Receipts. Shipments. 37 COO 26.0(H) Flour, barrels 1'42'otO 26fl.i0 Wheat bushels j; u., om Corn, bushe s 3.12 OOfl 173,000 Oats, bushels 7000 1.0"O Rye. bushels o-i OOO 13.000 Barley, boshels -'w" "'"" Grain and Produce at New York. x-FW YORK. August 13 Flour Receipts. ISOOoT exports. 4000; steady, with trade ""wheat Receipts. 93.00O; exports. 50,000; spoTnrm: No. 2 red. $1.004 1 : "ator and $1.00 a"0"1'- N- , Northern Duluth. $1254 f. o. b afloat; f." V. n-(ni.r K1.0211 f. o. b. afloat. On reports of frost In the Canadian North- west. rains In Manitoba and export trade estimated at 1.000.000 bushels and rather hulllsh statistics, wheat advanced lc a bushel, closing e to lc net "Inner. September closed. $101; December. $103; May closed $1.00. Hops and wool CJulet. Hides and petroleum Steady. Grain at San Franrlseo. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 13. Wheat Firm. ' Barley Steady. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $1.574-8 ' 1.621s : milling. $1.6.VS 1.674- Parley Feed, $1.32401374; brewing. $1.40$ 1.45. Oats Red. $1.45(31.60; white, Sl.40ffl.B2tt: black, $1.40Tfl.474. -Call Board sales: Wheat No trading, narley December. $1.8641.38T4. Corn Large yellow. $1.8.Va 1.90. European Grain Markets. LONDON. Aug. 13. Cargoes quiet and easier owing to American advices. Walla Walla, prompt shipment, at 38s 6d; California, prompt shipment, 38s. English country markets quiet but steady. French country markets steady. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 13. Wheat September. 7 4d: December, 7s 5d; March, nominal. Weather, cloudy. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA, Aug. 13 Wheat Unchanged. Bluestem, 90c; club, SSc: red, 8flc. Dairy Produce In the East. CHICAGO, Aug. 13. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was firm. Creameries. 19622c; dairies, 1720c. Kggs Steady: at mark, cases included, 14 616c: firsts. 184c; prime firsts, 20c. Cheese Steady. 114(6 13c. NEW YORK. Aug.13. Butter Quiet and steady, unchanged. Cheese Steady. Eg:" Steady. unchnngedMMMMiMMMM DOWNING-HOPKINS CO. ESTABLISHED 1SBS BROKERS STOCKS --BONDS --GRAIN Booght and sold In cash and aa margin. Private wire v RoomsJOl-talOConch Building Telephone M3SSJ A223T.