Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 14, 1908, Page 13, Image 13

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' . ; rr. " I I .
. - - m 1 nY-CTK.. 11 r.w. I . - I
FOR I . I " I
Booms With Board.
BWKELT HALL, 3CO Jefferson, one of the
nicest private boarding-houses in city,
large, airy rwir running ater: beauti
ful ground., finely located for tourUts. tran
sient or permanent guests. A Ma.
THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morrison.
3 blocks west of Portland Hotel; special
Summer rates; large, airy rooms, with
good board, by week or month.
PORTLAND Women" Union. 2mh year: room
Vh kV.rJ us of sewing-room and II
br.rV: Women'. Exchange. Mrs. Ella Baw
ling.". Supt.. 610 Flanders St.
THE OLDS Room and oard. I3 per
month, elegantly furnished, home cooking.
Sll whit, labor; bath, both uhones free.
173 Ella St.. cor Wash.
BEAUTIFUL largo front bay-window room,
new flat, walking distance; davenport or
open bed; sultanie ir i v'--"-.
vlthout board. 340 6"-h at.
NICELY furnished rooms, first-class b.
board etrletlv home cooking, modern 0
week;' easy walking distance. The Lindell.
29 Market.
FIRST-CLAPS rooms nnd board. $25 per
month The Glendora. 1 block from
Washington on ll'th.
Madison s's F.iegant residence arart
ments. possessing every modern conven
ience. Including automatic elevator, tele
phone exchange: the maximum of con
venience, elegance and equipment; loca
tion and surroundings unsurpassed.
THE WALDORF Fireproof apart
ments, finest building In Northwest, ele
vators, steam heat. Janitor service; send
frr booklet. The Waldorf. 7th ava. and
Pike si
IONIAN COURT Elegant S and 4-room resi
dence apartments, each having private ves
tibule and bath, steam heat, hot and cold
water, gas range. refrigerators. window
shsdee and screens, telephone and Janitor
service. Apply Janitor. ISth and Couch.
near 21"t Handsome colonial eteam
heated building. Just completed; 5-room
apartments. possessing modern conven
iences; splendid location: reasonable rent.
TV. L. Morgan. 322 Falling bldg.
lumbia, elegant 4-room residence apart
ments, possessing every modern conven
ience; excellent location, reasonable rent;
walking distance.
THE SHEFFIELD Unfurnished 4-roorn
apartment with bath; new. modern and
fully equipped for convenience; rent rea
scnable and location eaves carfare. Apply
to Janitor, Seventh and Jefferson st.
BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 5-room apartment
with bath and all modern conveniences.
Including telephone. gas and lec"'c
light, without further cost, H 113. Ure
gonlan. '
unfurnished apartments, new modern,
best location in city. Apply to Janitor.
21st and Flanders.
em, steam-heated! 525 Everett, near 15th.
Apply W. L. Morgan. 322 Falling bldg.
BEAUTIFUL 3-room apartment for rent.
12th and Columbia. "The Bralnlr.'
STRICTLY modern B-room flat: cement base
ment snd fireplaces, 1 block from E
Fide Huh School. Apply Rogers. Hart
Gibson Co.. 116 2d st.
MODERN flat of 5 rooms, centrally located.
West Side. Nob Hill district Janitor,
steam heat. The Ames Mercantile Agency.
Swetland bldg.
CENTRALLY located flat; rooms light,
cheerful, modern; hnve veranda: beauti
fully furnished: adults; reasonable. 309(4
5lh st.
MODERN fists, all sixes, fcr rent. East and
West Sides. Portland Tiust Cjmpany or
Oregon. 6. K. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone
Exchange 72.
COMPLETELY furnished modern 5-room
Hat East Portland Heights. Junction J
carllnes; very desirable. Phone Scllwood
MODERN 0-room flat, furnace, fireplace,
porcelain bath, set tub. veranda, shades,
reasonable. Main 2160.
MODERN 4 and 6-room flat, reasonable,
near 23d and Washington. Call fore
noon. PaclOc 1243.
8-ROOM modern flat, walking distance.
West Side; rent reasonable. M. E.
room 411 Corbett bldg.
B-ROOM strictly modern flats at o3 and
41KI4 12th St.; rent $31.60. M. E. Lee.
room 411 Corbett bldg.
MODERN 0-room lower flat, best location,
close In. Park and HarrUoa eta Inquire
2-'U 1st.
4-ROOM modern flat for rent,
owner. 628 Williams ave.
S6l 16TH. 5-room modem flat, $18. W. l
Morgan. 322 Tailing bldg.
A MODERN 5-room colonial flat; No. 8 E.
12th N.. near Ankeny.
Housekeeping Room.
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, also
single rooms; all conveniences; r-nt rea
sonable. Call all week. 3t Pine, be
tween 5th and 6th.
652 EAST ASH 2 furnished housekeeping
rooms: modern conveniences, private fam
ily; walking distance. -
WAYNE WOOD." 10O N. ISth. newlv fur
nished two and three-room suites; running
water: walking dletance.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; yard
and porches, easy walking distance: no
children. 533 Yamhill.
THREE large housekeeping rooms, unfur
nished. Nob Hill district. Call 680 Gllsan
st. Phone Main 45.
CHEAP Two furnished housekeeping
rooms, pantry, bath, hot water, sink in
kitchen. 191 Park.
T15 10TH. cor. Salmon, beautiful front and
back parlor, kitrhen. furnished housekeep
lag: ground floor.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
bath, gas and phone; moderate rent. 348
JEFFERSON I AN. 514 Jefferson, choice 3-room
suite, strictly modern apartments; direct
car line to depot-
461 EAST-MORRISON, cor. 8th. newly fur
nished housekeeping rooms; electric lights,
baths: rates reasonable.
412 loTH Comfortable 2-room housekeep
ing suite, modern conveniences; nice
neighborhood: $12 month.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, first
floor: also single housekeeping, upstairs.
450 Yamhill.
SUITE completely furnished; gas range,
laundry basement. 146 N. I6th; walking
distance. Phone Main 5173.
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms;
bath, ga stove and phone; $12.50 per
month. 665 Water.
SUITE, two rooms. well furnished, gas
range and Ushts. phone, bath. $3 week.
6521 Thurman.
THE NEWCASTLE apartments, furnished
and unfurnished housekeeping suites, also
single rooms. 3d and Harrison.
322 14TH ST. Light front furnished alcove
housekeeping r-wms. walking distance;
bath. gas. phone.
LARGE front room ana alcove for light
housekeeping; close in. Inquire 163 West
BEAUTIFULLY treated bay-window, unfur
nished 2-room suite in centrally locatl
apartment-house. 805V Jefferson, cor. 6th.
TWO or three rooms, furnished or partly
furnished, modern, walking distance. 249
Grand ave North.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
brlrk building, central, rates reasonable.
S2t 1st st.
468 TAYLOR ST Three nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms, first floor; modern
TWO rooms furnished for housekeeping; nice
yard. 21Q 14th st.
2 NEAT rooms. $10; ground floor, lsrge
yard, range, bath; no children. 411 4th.
201 13TH ST Furnished housekeeping
rooms for rent.
NICELY furnished front room; also house
keeping suites- 414 5th St.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 149 13tl
St.. bet Morrison and Alder.
427 SIXTH st.. walking distance, furnished
housekeeping suite. A 4975.
Housekeeping Booms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts..
"FwW furnished, fully equipped for house
keeping, including gas n"
of electric lights, hot water, baths, large
reception room and laundry room: beauti
ful lawns and verandas surrounding the
building. Furnished apartments from $18
up; also single rooms; with similar con
veniences. $2 r.O per week up. There is
nothing in comparison In the city for the
money. This place will bear Inspection.
Short distance from Union Depot. Take
S" or ltlth-st. cars going north, get ore
at Marshall st. Phone Main 6771. No dogs.
Cor "1st and Flanders sts Main 27S2.
Newly furnished housekeeping rooms;
8 rooms, bath and reception hall, the
nicest and most completely furnished
apartment-house In the city; steam heat,
hot water all the time; good Janitor
service: no children.
Washington, cor. 20tb Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot wa
ter, free bath free phone, both floors;
nice suites from 112 up.
THE ONEONTA. 1S7 17th St.. near Yamhill,
thoroughly furnished, gas range, hot and
cold water In each apartment, both tele
phones and baths free; terms reasonable;
no children.
THE SANGERT Washington and Trinity,
between lltth and 2th: newly furnished 2
and 3 -room housekeeping apartments; pri
vate baths.
THE OTIS Housekeeping and transient:
beet rooms for the money. 377H E. Burn
side; alklng distance; gas, free phones,
bath and electric lights; well ventilated.
FOR RENT Two large, well furnished rooms
for housekeeping; only 10 minutes" walk
from 6th and Washington sts.; heat, light
and phone. 75 14th at. North.
80S 13TH Housekeeping suits; also single
room, with gas plate; modern conveni
ences; no children.
BUITE furnished housekeeping; 12.50 per
week up. Boom 19. 91 i First, near
WHEN YOU MOVE you always need BOMS
BUY AT NO-RENT prices; tne sav
ings will exceed cos of moving.
eupv one-half: collect rtnt on balance.
Grand ave. and E- Stark. Phone East 21)29.
NICE flaj. S rooms asd bath, on East Side;
''iLroom modern house, all conveniences:
$25 month.
Chamber of Commerce.
FOR BENT 8-room house, all modern lm
provements; aiso inia " -
tlon; rent reasonable; long Uase. Gevurta
& Sons. 173-3 ist si.
MODERN 8-room house, with garden, nice
neighborhood, spienaia v u,
walking distance; month $40. Call Rich
mond J.1.
FOR RENT 5-room cottage, 734 Kearney
St. near s.ia-st. canine, -newiy i cm-
rent $20. C. F. Pfluger 4 Co., room 14
Mulkey bldg., 2d ana Morrison sis.
Epvrv rooms nn d bath. In good repair,
ith store under: will lease: Thirteenth.
near Washington. Sheehy Bros; Main
4-ROOM house, close In: first-class condi
tion, reasonable rent to desirable tenant.
Smith's Ilental Agency. 105 Sherlockbldfc.
MODERN house. rooms, two fireplaces.
e...nB ler-trleltv snd SS. 84 E. l.'th
st . rent $32.60. Call at room 301 Dekum
Civ ivr. i.t iib move vou : brick building
ground floor for storage at reduced rates.
Van Horn xranaier to., xaiu ioia
ICTV-IZ ., . rim hnilSC- flimiCI Shd gSS.
.' shades. fine bathroom and
eleeplrrg porch. 512 East Market at.
803 14TH and Columbia. 8-room modern
flat, $25; Al condition, itey ins jenc
son st. .
vtmiiTRV s-room flat, with splendid view;
Portland Heights: walking distance; near
carllne. Phone Main zjui.
. , . unm-iv .-ronm rottase. 8112 Ganten
V,.in ve Inaulre 27 N. 1st st. Main
18M. A 1081.
B-ROOM plastered house. $1500. $H0 or $'-'00
down, balance ne tcni. yj -'
FOR RENT Modern 8-room house. 395 11th
st. Phone Main so..d. i.-...
MODERN 8-room house and attic. Call
5H Ella st.
IF TOi: want a room, house or flat call up
A 12J6.
FOR RENT A 6-room house 412 Hall at.
Call 22W IJlll. racmc
new. modern 6-room house. $22.50. 781
Williams ave.
HOUSE 8 rooms, bath. gas. 28T 13th St.,
near Jefferson st. J. Bulllvant. Main 53d
a-nnoM house for rent on E. 15th. Call
28 E. 15th st. East 4012.
7-ROOM modern house, corner Union ave.
and Ivy at. can dov ivy sl.
FOR RENT by September 1. 8-room house
inquire at rwu tj, .....
S-ROOM modern house for rent. 328 Jack
son st.
FOR -RENT 6-room cottage, carpets for
sale. in v"i roi.
WE rent houses and flata Haverstlc
Gallagher. 343V. Washington st.
FOR RENT New 5-room modern cottage.
Inquire 414 otn st.
6-ROOM house, bath and gas. 709 Davis St.
near zza. x-nu-iw
Furnished Houses.
.ici -v furnished house on Porter st
terms moderate; adults preferred; refer
ences. Phone aenwoim i ivw.
A FINE well furnished residence on Porter
m.: moderate terms; adults preferred. Phone
Sellwood ins.
s-T.w 7-room modern house, furnished
r,ri. I2n nir month. 458 Leo ave.. Sell
2.t 5-room cottage, modern, completely
furnished: walking distance 3i0 Mill St.
Phone Main 644 i.
8-ROOM furnished flat, alcove, bath and gaa.
Inquire io r.
TO RENT 8-room house, nicely furnished.
on Nob Hill. J '
FIVE-ROOM fist for rent. 344 Col. Call be
tween 12 ana 4.
$18 PER mo., furnished 4-room upper flat.
1V4J Loroeu t. iiv a ........ . . .
House for Kent Furniture lor Sale.
nr. ii. ....... - .
. . .ii i.i. n nuV furniture
.i i . . . . i . i urifTV
14 rooms. n nc p.,,v... . ,
hrussels carpets', heavy Iron beds, cable
net curtains, fine linen, large leather up
holstered chairs, hot and cold water In
rooms, furnace heat; will give a 2-year
lease at moderate rent; this place will
easily clesr $75 per month: will sell on
. .. i .. 1 min.,taa wAllc In renter
of city; you can't beat this and you will
say so when you see it. rnnne .to, u...
9 ROOMS, good furniture, thoroughly clean,
in minutes- walk to th and Washington:
tholce location; 4 rooms pay rent. Phone
A 3-i'T-
FURNITURE of 6-room house, cheap, pos
session given immediately. Phone C 1307.
313 Hancock.
FURNITURE 6-room uprer flat for sale,
fiat for rent; four blocks Hotel Portland.
2ii0s 7th st. Phone A 3504
FURNITURE of 5-room cottage for $175; a
snap If taken at once; good location. 110
12th. near Wash.
OAK furniture of 4-room cottage. Iron beds,
range, nice bedding, rugs, clean home,
cheap rent. 60B E. Clay st.
7-ROOM house In housekeeping suites. Call
309 7th st
jgyv elegant furniture of 8-room house,
cheap. Phone A 5711.
FURNITURE 6 rooms, for sal; house for
rent. 582 5th; call forenoons.
Summer Resorts.
NOTICE All persons going to Spirit Lake
and Mount -St. Helens can get the stage
for that point at the Ca.tle Rock Hotel.
Castle Rock, Wash. For any Information
regarding same, address the proprietor.
M Fowler. Castle Rock.
HOUSES at Seavlew. Wash., for rent by H.
B. Chrlstlanson. box 51, Seavlew. Wash.
TWO large furnished rooms st Centervlile,
Aug. 15. Sept. 16. 839 William ava.
I mTm vwr I dvo'V1 - - - .
Summer Resorts,
JUST OPENED The Mountain Kest ain-
tng-room. cascade bocm, , D.
home-cooked meals. r0c: lunches all
hours. 5 minutes- walk from boat or train.
430 WASHINGTON ST. 25x50, soutn sioe
of street; win remodel troni to
rooms uptair If desired; also storeroom
rear drug store. llnh and Washington
living rooms downstairs. E. J. Daly.
Failing bids.
FOR RENT Upper Alblna. 2 stores. long
lease; 2 6-room nats; z -room uni, uu..--ing
new and modern, cheap rent to steady
tenants. rt
CANADIAN LMrLUlJlE'." ' v w.
Phone Main 3074. 21 N.
2d St.
ON EAST SIDE'S busiest corner, best lo
cation to open new ousine.s in t.-ij.
Grand and Hawthorne avenues; Intersec
tion 8 carllnes. Call on or phone Omar L.
Bauschbach. East 291. Sargent Hotel.
FOR RENT New. modern 3-story ones;
warehouse, ooxiuu. in wnuie.aie uin
Jno. 1. Sharkey Co.. 0th and Washington.
Telephone Main 550. A 2537.
DESIRABLE Washlngton-st. store for rent;
good light ana rear entrance, icill,
S. Morion Cohn. 107 6th at., room 5.
FOR RENT Store; best location In city;
lease and nxtures ror saie. Apyijr
well Tailoring Co.. 142 2d St.
NEW brick store, two floors. 23x100 each:
Jobbing district, long lease. icmuu..,.
rent. C 119, Oregonian.
FIP.ST-CLASS grocery store, with fixtures.
with low rent. v
OFFICE SUITE, two rooms. In heart of whole
sale district, 1V per jui.,...,..
Best location. $10 and up.
815 swetland bldg.. 6th and Washington.
FOR RENT Desk room. $10 per momV.' 'VT
eluding pnone. itoom ""
FURNISHED office or deskroom for rent;
concrete ouumns;; iBH'ii"" .
141. Oregonian.
FOR RENT One-half of office, well lighted;
use of phone: wen miltea tor stenograpner,
second floor. 213 Couch bldg.
PRIVATE office, both main lines, use of
reception room, tvui rcuiuio. '-
btt bldg.
GROUND-FLOOR desk room, including both
phones; sio. ovugnaM ........ v.u
DESK-ROOM for rent. Inquire room 6JS,
Chamber of commerce piug.
FOR RENT A few office In Couch bldg.
Apply room ouo.
THE AUDITORIUM. 208,4, Sd St., large hall
to rent for meetings, aances, etc.. db r ri
day and Saturday nights.
vnft RENT 8-room house, modern In all
resnects. with large Darn, newiy puin
and fitted with electricity and latest sta
ble appliances, for the care of 8 to 12
horses; near business center East Side.
AddIv td I. Gevurtx 4 Sons. 173-5 1st
st.. or phone Main 3244. Home A 1280.
Arnold & Co.. Main 7311. 351 Vs Morrison st.
W. W. WILLIAMS. 413 Marquam building.
WTC nsv sneelal attention to business open
ings Before buying, call us up and se
what we can cner you. fnone main J.
KInner 4 Stanipher. 531-32 Lumber Ex
change bldg.-
V. D. SMITH delivers fir wood direct from
cars to you: all wood guaranteed A No.
1. out of bkr live trees, first growth, thick
bark; special . prices on large mnuuui.
Phone Main 56S3.
HOTEL Town of 2500 people. Eastern
Washington, clearing big money: gooa
reasons for selling; price $2O00. $1000
cash will handle It: cheap rent. Call 209
Commonwealth bldg.
NO one will buy your business If you add
on hi stents' commission: list It with
me. I will not charge you commission or
advance In price.
DELICATESSEN Restaurant, one of the
moet attractive places on the East Side:
ertnH inmtlon and making good money
J.450 handles this. Call 613 Chamber
IK von wsnt to buy a grocery, rooming
house, confectionery or other business, we
will make it to your interest to call. 513
Chamber Commerce.
NICE little confectionery, doing fine busl
nee and very low rent; only $450: If you
see this place you will like it. Call 513
Chamber Commerce.
WANT sood bookkeeper, gentleman or lady,
, in.,.et s'iHio In eood business propo
sition and take charge of books; $00 per
month. O !". oregonian.
at? nnd nvturs. including furniture of
m-or Mlnnn: sood business. King
lease, cheap rent; good location; $T.50
cash, balance terms. Af .i. tjregonian.
PARTY to take whole or part Interest or
nosltlon laaies- tailoring. Biiirmsiow,
and gent's shirts; good business and lo
cation. Address Tailors. 125 10th st.
for SALE Barber shop. good location.
long lease, cheap rent: good business: In
vestigation; sold to the highest bidder.
Make me an offer. N 153, Oregonian.
FOR SALE 20 shares of preferred United
Wireless Telegraph Company at $17 per
ahare. bearing 7 per cent interest a isi,
A SNAP Good paying grocery buelnesa,
central: sell or exchange for city or farm
property; bargain; investigation invnuu
Beswlck 4 Co.. 250 Oak st.
trivrwrr mil boarding stable: flrst-cl;
horc snd wsflTons. doing a good business;
fine location; large stable; long lease, at
cheap rent. V 132. oregonian.
A GOOD well located saloon on 3d st., near
center of city; nne nxiures. pooi wli
good business; s.llino. easy terms.
NOW is the right time to kill weeds. Due
to a proper tool, weeds can be dug out
of a lawn at one-third of original cost. A
159, Oregonian.
x-riT? sai.f. 8 good placer mining claims
will take two or three good span of
work horses, wagons and harness; bal
ance cash. W. D. Moore. Medford. Ol
FINE-PAYING butcher business In a thriv
ing little city. Appiy ni oo iinvn
SALOON for sale, doing good business; good
location. Phone Main 3991. between 11.30
and 12:30.
iA.nnnu hotel, dolne a good business
long lease. cheav rent; fine location. Ad
dress bOX J 11. ci, juuil. ui.
GOOD Daylng grocery In prosperous and
growing suburb; Invoice, $3000; country.
Address AC 132. Oregonian.
CREAMERY for sale cheap If taken at
once: good location. Address A 92. Ore
gonian WANTED Some good paying business by
a business man; must be flrst-clas. M.
150. Oregonian.
ELEGANTLY furnished 8-room boarding
house; everything new; first-class; must
be o!d Immediately. A 6711.
THREE small rooming-houses In good lo
cation. $50 and $:ioo respectively; cheap
rent. 325 Lumber Exchange.
WANTED Ftrsl-elsss restaurant in good
cation; must be strictly O. K. ; state
price. J 153, Oregonian.
400 CORNER gtocery. clean stock, rent
$15. long lease, at 421 1st St.. corner
GOOD hotel and bar In city and several
good country saloons for sale. Addres
Columbia Brewing Co.. Tacoma, Wash.
FURNITURE of 8-room house, 3 suite
housekeeping rooms, rented; close In; $175;
snap. 611 Swetland bldg.
12-ROOM 1M blocks, from library, all rent
ed: $275. 611 Swetland bldg.
WE have a place for a good bright man
with $500 cae-h. 511 Swetland bldg.
$12K BUYS rooming-house of 23 rooms. Room
320 Swetland bldg.
LODGING-HOUSE. 15 rooms: central: great
bargain: $475; see it. Phone Main 8835.
SALOON for sale. 295 Hawthorne ave.; a
bargain: long lease.
BARBER ship. 4 chairs, cheap If taken at
once. A 146. Oregonian.
HERE Is your chance: A very centrany lo
cated 20-room rooming-nouse on
ton St.. with nice furniture, good carpets,
splendid bedding and well furnished other
wise; the rooms are all nice, clean and
light: house Is always full; very low rent
and a long lease; nothing in Portland to
compare with it for the money; only
don't fall to see this If you are l"in
for a roomir.g-houee that to Just in the
right location. Room 3-5 Gerlinger bldg..
Portland. Or., cor. 2d and Alder sts
lO-room house, well arranged snd Prtly
furnished with best grade furniture and
carpets; beautiful corner location near
High School: rent tM. with lease for 2
veanp- this Is an exceptional opportunity
for some one who wishes to use some of
their own furniture; price only 00.
508-9 Swetlsnd bldg.. cor. 5th and wash.
INVESTORS If you are looking for a first
class business we have a number that
will bear closest investigation tan
see our list of hotels. rooming-houses
general stores, drugstores, wholesale and
commission business, barber shops, con
fectionery and cigar stoies. groceries, sa
loons and almost any business you maj
desire. The May-Holland Company. 627
Corbett bldg.
ROOMING-HOUSE. 20 rooms and restaur
ant, rent only tu. aumg n. u..: uu.....--.
price onlv $930 complete; all outside
rooms and well located. What do you
think o-room, very central, always full,
will clear $300 month and have your liv
ing free; price only $S00. Garland &
Shelton. 191 4th St.
I HAVE timber which will cut JO uuu coru.
fir. Within a miles ui rnmwc...
miles from Portland. I want proposition
from somebody who will cut this wood
and get It out of the way. Will accept
anv reasonable offer. AP?1 be'wf,en.1l
o'clock and 1:30 P. M. to A. Crofton. 414
McKay bldg.
The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab
lished 1S95) furnishes free Information on
opportunities In mercantile or manufac
turing lines, city or country.
403-4-6 Swetland Bldg.
FOR SALE General merchandise business
of $ a year in goou io - - :
, i. .....l.u ll.rnftm house. 2 lots
each' 80x143 feet. 2-story store building
24x48 and lot; postoffice In store; ciose
To denot: no drayage. Price $3000. Stock
at Invoice. T 154. Oregonian.
WE can suit you In rooming nouses, we
can suit vou in location, we can uii
ln price and terms; a few exceptional op
portunities listed with us this week; see
us about It. Goldschmldt's Agency, dusi
ness chance department, 253 Washing
ton, cor. 3d.
FOR SALE Meat market in a thrifty near
by town of 200H, only snop, uomg
business; if lnterestea win yay i
...ia,. ntii henr close investigation
" owner retiring from business; price $1400;
$iiio, balance to suit, auuism
av honest unrlght real estate man. doing
ini.F.-' little cash reaulred: it's the
man. not his money. 607 Buchanan bldg..
26Vi Washington st. .
PARTNERSHIP established produce com
mission business, owner oouxcu i p.
account sickness; will clear you $-50 per
month If you are willing to work. A
genuine bargain. Particulars 248 V4 StarK
A FINE buy in a grocery, witn tn1 mar-
running 1 wagon, with living rooms in
eonneetion: must sell by thJ first of Sep
tember at Invoice. B 141. Oregonian.
$2000 will buy a flour and feed business In
thlS City. WOnn nUU; onri '
retire from business. If Interested call
room 607 Buchanan bldg., 2Stt v asn
lngton st.
.no.,. . AnA furniture and lease on
mon.v-maklnir first-class country hotel;
will stand your closest Investigation.
F. FUCHS. 221 Morrison st.
uiufn V nartner wanted. I
want good rellaDie man to mno
cant depend on hired help; $1.00 re
quired. I am making gooa muiiu
my agent.- 248 Stark st
$3.V(0 gives half interest in business that
nets $7OO0 a year. For particulars apply
to Richard Morwood McCann. attorney-at-law.
room 1, 23014 Alder st. R 150. Ore
gonian. (
FOR sale a business clearing -j io
$300. ' 802 Commercial bldg., Sd
n-a.i.i., p.nn nnf one u.
tt last mil best effort.
d , v GTiTE GAS. Catterlln & Co. will
take your order. Chamber of Commerce
r,.T3TvirT ,.,nr to attend office and
,h.r iroods: $1500 required; pay $1")0
i.r month: bank references. Call 248V4
Stark st.
RESTAURANT Best location In Portland,
mi k .rti at an evtremely low figure;
noin.r a rraoker-lack business. 627 Cor
bett bldg. .
We cat give you a special price on any
mining stock or Donor r. j.
Co.. room 8. Chamber of Commerce.
6ALOON for sale cheap; good location, long
lease, reasonable rent. Address 22i Vs
Burnside st.
f none roam iaai.
FOR SALE1 Meat market in best town In
valley 1800 Inhabitant; one other shop;
low rent. Address D 153, Oregonian.
cTgaR business. $1500 buys It; will clear
$'i0 per month, good location, full in
vestlgatlon. Call 248 Stark st.
SPECIAL $325 buys cigar stand, owners
will guarantee profit $4 per day. on all
expenses. Call 248 Stark t.
GROCERY store. $200 buys one of the best
in city for the money. Answer quick, my
agent, 248V, Stark st.
GROCERY store at Invoice; close In: 8 liv
ing rooms: rent $25. Phone Pacific 1032.
Home A 8351. Owner.
6-ROOM cottage, modern. West Side, walk
ing distance. 815 Board of Trade bldg.,
Phone Main 1650.
WASHINGTON-ST. store for rent; suitable
for any business. S. Morton Cohn. 10 1
6th st.. room 5.
$500 BUYS a cash store If taken at once:
doing good business; living rooms. Phone
Main '2615.
ROOMING-HOUSE for sale. 30 rooms, well
funished; central location. L 143. Orego
nian $4000 BUYS city business that pays $500
per month. For particulars, address X
143. Oregonian
BARGAIN $1500. part cash Best 11-room
transient house In city, best of furniture
and carpets. Apply 87 H 6th st.
$1350 BUYS best lodging-nous? In Portland;
can run dining-room. M 8b20, A 1256.
SALOON for sate, with good lease, cheap.
Inquire 304 1st st.
MUST SELL 200 shares Comstock Golden
Gate. Make an offer. O 154. Oregonian.
GOOD opening for restaurant or barber shop.
269 6th st.
The New
to be seen everywhere about
the city indicate the advance
ment in Portland Real Estate.
There are innumerable oppor
tunities in Real Estate pub
lished in The Oregonian every
The one that will suit your
bank account and desires may
be there today. If it isn't, in
sert a four or five-line ad in to
morrow's issue. It will bring
you what you want.
ROOMING-HOUSES The following nave
been carelully examineu uj . " . .
recommend them as good Investments.
14 rooms, worth $1400 only Viion
24-rooms. apartment-house f., 7 o
32-room, fine transient, cash ij'oon
62-room. close In. 6th st i.oou
627 Corbett bldg.
Immediately In well established busi
ness: must be right man; $30 weekly
salarv to commence and third share Ol
profit's: small capital required. Address
today for personal interview. 151, ore
gonian. WANTED Partner, to be cashier.
money required; a enap in mumi
house; must go today. Cigar and confec
tionery, with living rooms, cheap for cash.
Manufacturer offers a good paying position
to right party for very little money down,
balance to come out of business, iti Biars.
WANTED Druggist or doctor to take full
charge of corner drugstore; pro "'"i
town; one who can take half Interest and
assume management. owner has other
business. No competition. flourishing
town, with two colleges; rich country sur
rounding. Splendid opening for eltner.
Mt. Angel drugstore. Mt. Angel. Or.
MAN to handle Washington. Idaho. Alaska
and take charge of our gooas at
fair at Seattle. A staple line and patent
novelties; can make In the next
year. Must invest $1000 to $2000 as se
curity; no experience necessary, but must
have references. AC 150. Oregonian.
WANTED Man with $450 cash as partner
in cleaning, dyeing, pressing i....
place Is now fourth In slse fn the city,
and will piy the Investor $40 weekly.
Applicants must be sober and Industrious.
Phone Mr. Hamilton, East 473i.
REAL estate broker, established for a num
ber of years, with business neum
000 year, will take a partner; references
given and required. W. Lawrence 4 Co..
815 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and
Stark sts.
FOR SALE Bakery, grocery, confectionery,
lunch room In connection; good cash bus
iness. In good town; no opposition In
bakery. R 157. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery- store
in fine location; will sell at Invoice; sick
ness cause for selling. Call at 307 1st st.
and investigate. BargalnJ
HOTEL for sale. 68 rooms; saloon; very
cheap. Inquire 83 N. 5th st.
tjttst AURANT cheap; sickness in family;
"gold for man and wife. ,190 Madison st.
BARBER' SHOP for sale, 3 chairs, 2 bath
tubs. $375. Inquire 405 Washington St.
Proposal Invited.
IN the District Court of the United States
for the district of Oregon. .In the mat
ter of J. B. McFarland. bankrupt 1 he
undersigned will receive sealed bids at
' his office, room 8. No. 7 1st St.. Port
land, Or., up to 12 o'clock noon of Sat
urday. August 22. 1908. for the following
described real property, towtt: Lot' l.
2 and 3 In Block 60. In Junction City ,
Lane County. Or., together with the build-
i i r at thrTPflfl. At I nO
r'ind r ace bid. i will also be
received for the following described per
sonal property, towlt: A stock of mer
.....,i. consisting of hardware. Imple
ments and machinery of the inventoiy
value of $868.63. together with a lot of
blacksmith s tools and Implements of the
inventory value of $624.81. Cash or a
certified cheek for 10 per cent of the
amount offered must accompany each
any and all bids, and said sale Is made
suhlect to conftrr.'ation by the court. Bids
mav be submitted for both said real anu
personal property or for eacn one
iT, t. -a i.i real and personal prop
erty may be lnspeoted upon application
to A. J Kaiser, at Junction City. Or.
R. L. Sabin. trustee.
GENERAL Depot, Q. M. Dept.. Jefferson
,j t,i 11 inos Sealed proposals,
In triplicate. Indorsed on cover "Proposals
for Q M. Supplies." and addressed to un
dersigned, will be received here until 10
o'clock A M., August 20, 190S, for Mis
cellaneous Supplies required for Man a.
. oi,j.,inle which will be fur
nished on application to this Depot and
the Depot at New York. Preference given
to articles of domestic production or man
ufacture. The right Is reserved to reject
or accept any or all bids or any part
thereof Further Information furnished on
application. George Ruhlen. Asst. Qr.-Mr.-
Generai, u. . Army. uii v.
CALL for bids Sealed proposals for the
construction of a drainage syBtem, com
bined curbs and gutters, and about 54,000
square yards of hard-surface pavement In
accordance with the plans, specifications
and other data now on file and open to
Inspection In the office of the City Engi
neer of Lewiston. Idaho, will be received
until 8 PM. September 4, 100S. Each
proposal shall be accompanied by a cer
tified check on a Lewiston bank in the
sum of $5000. The right to reject any or
all bids Is reserved. John E. Nlrkerson.
City Clerk. Dated Auguat 11, 1908.
SEALED proposals. Indorsed "Proposals for
Naval Hospital Buildings.' will be re
ceived at the Bureau of Yards and Docks,
Navy Department, Washington, until 11
o'clock A. M.. August 20. 1908. and then
and there publicly opened., for construct
ing three buildings and their passages for
Naval Hospital at the V. S. Navy Yard.
specifications will be furnished by the
Bureau or by the Commandant at the
Navy Yard named, upon deposit of $..
as security for their return. H C." Holly
day, Chief of Bureau. August 8. 1908.
Tncret Sound. WaBninfiluii. 4ria.
fice Boise. Idaho. July 15, 1908. Sealed
proposals. In triplicate, will be received
here until 11 A. M., August 15. 1908, and
then opened, for constructing, plumbing,
heating and electrlc-wlrlng of a brick hos
pital at Boise Barracks. Idaho. Informa
tion, furnished on application. U. S re
serves the right to reject any or all bids
or anv pert thereof, proposals should be
Inclosed In envelops. sealed, indorsed
Proposals for Hospital." and addressed
to the Constructing Quartermaster.
SEALED bids for installing water pipes and
hydrants for fire protection at the dry
dock will be received until 11 A M.. Au
gust 19, 1908. For particulars apply to the
Port of Portland. City Hall. John P.
Doyle, clerk of the board.
PROPOSALS wanted for constructing six
miles lumber flume. Profile and particulars
at 430 Worcester bldg.. Portland.
. Miscellaneous.
Notice to hereby given that the under
signed as receiver of the Davles Electrical
Corporation, at 10 o'clock A M. on the
22d day of August, 19o8. at 1115 South C
street, in the City of Tacoma Wash, will
offer for sale at public auction, In bu.k.
to the highest bidder for cash, all of the
stock of merchandise consisting of elec
trical supplies and fixtures, good will and
assets' of said business (except accounts
and bills receivable), the sale at once to
be reported to the court for confirmation
or rejection. Complete inventory and goods
can be examineu i iL.'"
F 9 BLATTNER, Receiver,
Tacoma, Waeh.
HAVING severed my partnership with the
Arm of McMahon 4 O'Connor, I hereby
wish to thank the patrons who favoreus.
HARRIS, the tailor, formerly cor. 6th and
Meier has removed to the cor. of 6th
and Alder, upstairs.
ARCHITECTS, contractors, engineers, get
Pacific Wilder 4 Eng'neor. 815 Ch. Com.
FOUND Where hair mattresse. are reno
vated returned same day. 228 Front
Maln 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair
Factory. H. Metzger.
T,eT Friday July 31, between 19th and
King Gllsan and Washington streets, one
pearl and diamond pin; liberal reward.
Address A 150: Oregonian.
LOST Bay horse, weight 1100 lbs.
hone on one hind foot. Notify
Hlckman Co- 287 1st st. Main 3121.
, oaf Turquoise and diamond ring between
3d and Marshall and 24th and Overton;
reward. Call A 3310.
LOST Silk umbrella: gold and pearl handle;
name engraved. Mabel Miller. Main 79o4.
Liberal reward. '
FOUND 1000-pound bay horse. Phone Ta
bor 238.
LOST Jade cufT link In the business district.
Phone Pacific 2212.
LOST A Multnomah belt pin
846 Washington St.: reward.
Return to
Money to Loan.
MONEY to loan on real estate, anywher
and any sum: $100 and up; see us.
Vaughn 4 Burt, 402 Corbett Bldg.
i-ash TO LOAN Reasonable terms, prompt
CA,!rvtce H?nr? C. Prudhcmme. 306 Cham,
of Com. Insurance and Real estate.
Money to Loan.
ii'iTtliil'T CffTHlTV
ijiiiiiiiiii ruij
402 Rothchlld bldg.. cor. 4th arid Wasn.
The rskognised bank of the "
earner. A clerk, bookkeeper. machlnut;
engineer or employe can obtain money o.
us on his not without security.
$15 return to us J
$30 Return to us V,v5f a Mol
$50 Return to us !335,..
Confidential; no unpleasant ln,1ulrle'.
Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc
Money loaned on salary or chattel mort
gage; business confidently. Senl,.Mo wkly.
$73 return to us....$200 $10.00 $5 00
..a . il l'. n IS-.
ov return to us.... ., ,.i
no r.i,..n ... ... h nn 4 00 i oo
$15 return to us.... 4.00
i ou l.oo
209 McKAY BLDG.V cor.' Sd and Stark s:a
SALARY and mortgage loans to salaried
employes and on Pianos. Furniture. YV are
house Receipts, Horses. Insurance Policies
and all kinds of securities.
403 Swetland Bldg.
MONEY advanced salaried people and oth
ers upon their own name, without se
curity; cheapest rates, easiest payment.,
offices In 60 principal cities; save your
self money by getting my terms first.
TOLMAN. 817 Lumber Exchange Bldg-
MONEY .oaned on ralarle; no other security,
my system is best for railroad men. clerks,
bookkeeepers, streetcar employes and others
business confidential. F. A. Newton, oil
Buchanan bldg., 26i Waahlngy.n U
LOANS made quickly and privately on
salaries, pianos and furniture. Insurance
policies; purchase contracts, diamonds
and Jewelry. E. Pierce. 512 Oerllnger bdg.
WB pay the highest cash price for Oregon
Trust accounts or German-American certifi
cates; we will sell your telephone bonda.
The E. L. Fraley Co.. 41S Cham, of com.
WE buy Oregon Trust ft Savings. Mer. hants
National. Title Ouarantee A run ac
counts for cash; also stocks and bond..
511 Corbett bldg.
WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry
at reasonable interest tor n us
time. A. 4 M. Delovage, jeweler
Washington st.
$100,000 to loan in rums of $1000 or more
to suit. 6 to 7 per cent on Improved realty.
M G. Griffin, 26 1 Stark, opp. Cnam. of -
LOANS on real estate, chattels or personal
security. W. A. Hathaway. 10 W ashlng
ton bldg Pacific 1832
SEVERAL amounts up to $2000 to loan on
r.i.mnrtn security. Starr Bros.. 4-8
Worcester bldg.
$100,000 to loan in sums of $1000 or more
on lmproveu. pruyenjr. vouj .
322 Mohawk bldg.
TFLEPHONE bonds and Title and Oregon
accounts bought at highest market price.
Cohn 13ro., ISO 1st st.
: l
uovev in loan on imoroved city property
reasonable Interest. Coast Co-nmerclal Co.
604 Dekum bldg.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. Th
Loin Co.. tio Dekum bldg.
MONEY to loan on good city property at 6
to 7 per cent lntereat. 305 Gerlinger bldg.
State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W E. Thom
as, state agt. Multnomah Co. 400 C. of C.
MONEY loaned on all kinds of seturlty. 403
Wella-Fargu bldg.
TO LOAN Sums $500 to $3000 on city
realty. Gruber, B26 Board of Tiaue blue.
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral
security. C. W. Pailett. 304 Fenton bldg.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contracts. W. H. Nunn, 449 Sherlock bldg.
$500 on real estate security.
J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber of Commerce.
Loans Wanted.
WANTED Seamstress willing to assist as
lady's maid for the Winter. Address 11
15.1, Oregonian.
LOANS wanted, 10 per cent per annum,
semi-annually; real estate security. AD
150, Oregonian.
WANTED To borrow $.1000 at 8 per cent on
improved city residence property; security
flrtt-class. E 154, Oregonian.
FOR SALE $4500 and $11000 certificates on
Title Guarantee 4 Tniet Co. W. L. Mor
gan, 322 Failing bldgJ
Now is the time to have jour furs re
modeled and repaired Kedylng and
blending skillfully done. All work
stored free of charge. Remember, you
will save money by ordering your new
fur NOW. Call and select the skins.
Latest styles on hand and perfect lit
guaranteed. Will call at residence and
give estimate. A 6472. A. Kclner. 563
Washington st. Practical furrier, designer
and expert fitter.
and all Imperfections of the scalp, hair
and face removed, busts developed. ?up
perfluous hair removed by the latent
French method; all the rage In Paris; no
electricity; faces bleached, booklet Tree.
Facial Institute,
146 llth St., bet Alder and Morrison.
8U1TS pressed while you wait. 5oc. To visit
ors of Portland hotels and to public at laige:
Suits pressed at 5oc at Gilbert, the tailor's,
66 6th St.. next to the Oxford Hotel. Ladles'
skirt pressed, 60c. Feathers and boa
cleaned and curled. Phone Main 4904.
Psycho-magnetic and suggestive thera
peutics; a lull line or electrical appliances
newest and most Improved electrical
blanket. All diseases successfully treated.
Room 3a 35014 Morrison St. Main 2011.
SWEDISH trained nurse, Helslngfors gradu
ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troublos
and nervous disorders by hand rubbing,
steam sweat and tub baths; both seiios.
7 East llth St.. one door from East An
keny car. phones East 200. Home B 1MI3.
YOU can't work wnen you don't sleep
well; Palmu Tablets make you sleep and
give you steady nerves; 50c a box. 6
boxe $2.50. All druggists, or address th
J. A. Clemenson Drug Co.. Portland.
XaADIES Ask your druggist tor
Diamond Brand Pills, tor 25 years know
as the best. safeJt. Reliable. Take no other.
Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills ar sold
by druggist everywhere.
HARTMAN Detective Agency. No. 503. 4. 8
Swetland bldg.. one of the beat oianld
gencies on the iacinc cut i i-
Svldence furnished by this is re
liable and we guarantee same.
A GENTLEMAN of good address, stranger In
the city, would be pleased to meet a lady
of refinement; correspondence confidential :
object matrimony; no agency need reply.
153, Oregonian.
A YOUNG gentler an would like the ac
quaintance of a lady not over 30 years
of age, not more tnan 4 feet tall; ob
ject, matrimony. Please Inclose photo.
L 153, Oregonian.
WHEREABOUTS of Jos. H. Kohlman or
his brother-in-law. Mr. Blumenthal. Ad
dress Mignon Samuels. 1104 West 14th st.,
Oakland, Cal.
DRESS amlts for rent, all sixes: $i.50 month
keens your clothes cleaned, prensed. buttons
sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
' verles. Unique Tailoring Co.. 3ul Stark-
rR SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton
wont Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods.
$2 per box or 3 boxes) for $5. 1. J pierce.
J. ,, Kirirf cor. 2d and Alder.
prRSOKS of marriageable age, either sex. de
.lrlng acquaintance or companion, send loo
for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau.
613 Gerlinger bldg.. cor. 2d and Alder
, .TilES Whatever your ailment, call on
Dr Ketchum. graduate; advic free.
l76Mi 3d t. Main 8770.
T icT oowers restored by Dr. Lorensf Nsrv
Tonic Tablets. 26c box Eyssell'. Phar
macy. 227 Morrison St.. bet. 1st and 2d.
n-rm electric massage shampooing, scalp
treatments, call up Sellwood 11S8; will
call at jour re3ldence.
GERMAN, French. Spanish and other for
elsn textbooks and literature a specially.
A. W. Schmale Co.. 229 1st st.
LADIES Whatever ycur ailment, tall on
Dr. Ketchum. graduate: advice free.
17014 3d st.
Phone Main S770.
mot ES wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
Mrs. M- HU1 330 "Uednr bldg. M 3473.
If you have any acute or chronic dis
ease or run-down condition or nervous
trouble, we can cure you, even though
others havu given you up.
See us. We have special departments
for the treatment of men. also for the
treatment of diseases of women, with a
ladv specialist in chaxiin.
'Mso for the eye. ear. nose and throat.
Including the proper llttlnic of classes, and
a special treatment for catarrh and .kin
diseases. , .
Each department Is In charge ol a
specialist who understands the work.
Consultation free.
SOU Merchants Trust Hldg.. llth and Vt ash.
M EN C V r. E D.
Quickly and permanently; modern electrlo
titatmont for diseases of the prostate and
nervous debllitv. 1'iUs cured witnout op
eration or pnm. W. 1 Howard. M. D..
3O4-0 liothehlld bide, 4th and Wash.
MRS OBROCK Mtsseuse. baths, salt glow,
alcohol rub, cream massage: referencea
282 Vs. Park. Main 2403; A 2734.
Mme. CourlwrUhl. skin and scalp treat
ments, facial aerormitie emmirti, u.anj
suieery. 225 Flieuner bliig. M. 5tU2. A 2u09.
DKS. ATWOOD; private hospital; maternity
cae; good care; terms risjui- a'j h
BALM OF FIGS tor all female diseases. 54
East 13th st. zvortn- room n. tuai.
DON'T forget the number. 12 N. 4th St..
near liuriisldo. Lauy parotr Buoy.
PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely, slngl
people; circular IOC. i-D- isx st.
LITTLE Rlrl, 22 months old. for adoption.
Phone East 403.
PILF.S cured without operation by a welt
established physician. Lox 300. city.
El. H. COLLIS, 824 Worcester block, publln
accouutaut and estate agent. Auditing,
Investigating. systeiuattKuit: ; permanent
keeping of Looks and reLOids a specialty
Architects aud Builders.
SEE Johnson about bungalowa
hawk bid. A 41121.
Assnyers and Analysts.
Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, chem
ists and assayor. 244 Washington.
PAUL BAUMEU asuayer and analyst. Gold
dust bought. 2u7 Alder st.
and ore-testlug work. ISO Alurrlson st.
Bicycle and K.eictrical Ucpairirur.
BHAW Ji MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en
gine and electrical repnti'tutf- 3J0 &te.rk st.
Coul und Wood.
Y AM ATO WOODY Alt D. wholesale and re
tail. The lent lie wood lor Winter sup
ply, $4.00 to $5.50. Last 0th and Maiu
tiust (US. 11 1SUJ.
W.M. DEVENY and Ertelle Deveny, lb
only scientific ehliupodurta in the city. Par
lors 302 Uei iiUKor uldg., d. W. cor. 2d and
Aider., riiuno lalu 13ul.
Chiropody and Pedicuring,
room 3J0 fc'lteuncr bid.
Mrs. M. D. Hill.
i'Uone Main 34i3.
Coimulhsitin Merchants.
VAYLOK, YUL'.NU 4 CU., snip brokers, com
mission merchant!. Sherlock bid., Portland.
FIHST-CLASri dressmaking at lowest prices.
Mrs. Angeles, 242 5th and Aluitv
LESSON. 2."ic Open-Alr Summer Dancing
School; opening today und tola evening.
Prot. Wal. W'tllson's School, llMlVa Wash
ington st.. between W. l'urk and loth bis.
1 eeu biore.
E. L. COOPER & CO.. hay, grain, feed. 12
Union ave. East 1517, B 1517.
Harness ana Saddlery.
THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale sad
dle and harness mnfrJ &0-S6 1st. Main 2d
Junk, Hides and Pelts.
L SHANK & CO., purchasers of hides, pelts,
wool. furB. tallow, eld rubbers, nietAls ana
sacks- 312 Flout St.
Launches ami Yachts.
FOR charter and sale marine hardwurs,
gasoline engines. See Heycs, 171 Madison.
Leulher ant' i-imliugM.
tablished 1658. Leather and findings:
Stockton sole leather ui:d cut stock; fu.l
Hue Eastern Jumbos. 181' Front St.
UI1AS. L. MASTICli 4 CO., 74 Front, leather
of every dencrlpliou lap r.lll's'. findings.
ICE machines. Complete Installations. Arm
strong Machinery Co., Spokane, Wash.
R. J. JENNINGS, mines and mining. 601-4
Oerllnger bldg.
EM IL THIELHOltN. violin tearher. pupil ol
Sevclk. A 4100. Pine 3:14. Pac. 2Uti.
Osteopathic Physlcluus.
415-10-17 Dekum Bldg..
Third und Washington Sis.
Phone, office, Alain 349.
' Residence. E. 1U2U.
Paints, Oils and Class.
KASML'SSK.N 4 CO. Jobbers, paints, oil,
glass, sash and doors Cor. 2d und Taylor.
Patent ar.l pension Atrorueys.
R. C. WR1UHT. domestic and foreign pt
ents; inf rlugelueut 004 Lekum.
PATENTS, trade-marks, copyrights. A J.
Matter. 411 Commonwealth blOg.
J. J. HIKSHHEIMLIK. ptnikion and patenl
attorney, rooms 20-21 Latbe bldg.
Photo Engravers.
PERFECT printing plates. Hlcks-Chattea
Engraving Co., corner 2d and Alder sts.
Rubber Stands.
ALSO trade checks and all cfllce goods. P.
I). C. Co.. 231 Stark st. Both plioiivs 1407.
The largest sign-makers 111 the North
west. 6th and Everett sts. I'houe Prlval
Exchange 55. Home A 1153.
vis. 00 3d st. Bargains In 2d-haud safes.
THE MOSI.ER SAKE CO.. 10S 2d St. Safe
at factory prices. Second-hand safos.
Sb.uivcuse. Bank and Store Fixture.
THE Jamc I. Marshall Mfg. Co., showcase,
cabinets, store and office fixtures. 2a Couch
st. Main 27Q3.
Storage and Transfer.
C O PICK Transfer and Storage Co., offlc
"and commodious four-story brick ware
house, with sepernte Iron rooms and fire
proof vaults tor valuable. N. W. corner of
Vd and Pine sts. l'lanos and furniture moved
and packed fcr shipping. Main 590, A 191)6.
General transferring and storage, safes
rjlanos and furniture moved and packed
for shipment 200 Oak st., bet Front and
1st. Telephone Main 547 or A 2247
Utreet raving.
WAHREN Construction Co.. street paving,
sidewalks and crossings. 314 Lumber Ex.
Portland office. 402-3-4 -Worcester block.
NEW and second-hand typewriters, all
makes repaired, sold and rented; also
state agent, the Visible Fox The Type
writer Kxchanga, S4 3d st. .Main 606
SPECIAL prices, all makes rented sold, re
palred. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 140T.
Wholesale Jobber.
WADHAMS 4 CO. wholesale grocers, man
ufacturers, commission merchants. 4ta
and Oak
Portland. Oregon.
.o Interest paid on account.