Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 14, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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Fr . . ,r ..- f HKI.P WAXTTO-naLUE. T WANTED-AGENT3. ' "
( FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. I ml-bhh J " 1 " I r- I
i : .
Ws are offerlag the best thins wf
f or half acre traot to P or"nd-.,wri
mains laid and urmi or only $10 cash
'c H U RHI LL M A.TTH B W 8 CO..
110 2d St.
TIXB quarter block m Albina; great bar-
''l-roVm' in Hollalav-. Addition, on
graded rl; mt walks . nice lawn,
with rose hushes. In rood district, close In.
Snap at 3t.
S-room house In Sunnyslde: all modern
convenience!, for $4000.
Choice lot in I-ogan's Add., H block
from E. A. car; $10t.
Good lot oa Grand ave.; first-class ln-
vestment at $
Chamber of Commerce.
A BfXCH of choice lota In Irvlngton. John
Irving and Holladay Addition, cheao A
numhr of select homea. 8. 7. and 8 rooms,
several bungalows at cost: one very nice
home, fine furniture and carpets at a bar
gain. This la the portion of Portland
where all refined people should live Come
, and aee It. One 10to-acre tract, fine lo
t cation. Call at office, cor. ISth and Hai
, sey st.. Irvlngton. Broadway cara Phones
Esst 896. C 1093: residence. C 1508,
i 1271. Dolan ft Herdman
p3i Here Is a special bargain of 8 acres.
1 mile of electric line, of deep, rich soil,
no rocks, with S acres In potatoes that
will produce 500 sacks; these go with the
place If sold soon; best of wagon road;
this Is adjoining land that Is covered with
standing timber that Is now being sold
for $250 per acre; $2000. with omy $600
cash. Homese-kers- Information Bureau.
3.13 Chamber Commerce.
2.33 acres, only ooo feet from Oregon
Electric carltne depot: can make 15 lots
or more 50x100; 6c car fare. 17 minuter
ride, high and sightly; lots selling at
$330 S times further from depot; this Is
a snap, but you will have to act quickly;
terms. Russell ft Houston. 444 Sherlock
bid., 83 4 3d st
40xlo lot; best buy. homeslte. West
Sid: Improved street, cement walk; come
quirk If you want It.
$.1000120 acres, fine fruit land, near
Gold Hill. Jackson County.
$8000 10 acres, only 8 miles from city.
819 Chamber of Commerce.
6PLENDID chance, party leaving city, for
sale, brand-new delicatessen store, fine
building and lovely living-rooms, right on
carline In very pretty suburb of Port
land; beautiful lot. building and stock
all for $3200 If (nken quick. staub A
Sawteil. corner S2d and Belmont sts.
Phone Tabor 1811.
$33"0. $500 cash, balance easv terms; modern
6-room house, clcse In. East Side.
$7700 11-room modern houie on Nob
Hill, lot alone worth $6o0O.
, $4500 15oo cash, modern house, fine
view, on carline. In "Willamette Heights.
A GOOD Investment $1250 secures two good
lota, 5xl00 each, well Improved, comforta
ble house of & rooms; party will rent the
house for one year or longer: room for two
or three more cottages. For particulars
see owner at l.Vs Madrona St., or Geo. W.
Turner. 415-16 Kothchlld bldg.
' CHEAPEST corner lot IN Portland. lOOx
loo. south and east exposure. 3 blocks
from 2 lines of cars, cement sidewalks,
street Improvements all In and paid for;
high ground, unobstructed view of moun
taina Holladay Park. $S200. R. A. Mar-
1 shall. 620 Chamber of Commerce.
With full 50x100 lot. No. 489 East Davis,
between Ninth and Tenth streets; price
$4250. Terms may be had. This is a real
250 Alder St.
:' $3750 7 -room modern residence, full base
ment. 8 large bedrooms with closets, com
bination light fixtures. Improved streets,
two carllnea. excellent neighborhood.
Moore Frost Land Co.. 717-718 Swel
land bldg.
o-room house In perfect condition, all
modern conveniences, comer East Taylor
and 80th St.. lot 51x105; price $4.Vo. half
cash. The Crossley Co., Inc., 70S and 709
1 Corbett bldg.
Nice large 9-room house on 1.1th St..
rear Irving; this house has furnace, fire
place and Is a snap at $6000; come quirk.
t,russl ft Gantner, room 7 Canterbury
bldg.. 2'5 Washington, cor. 3d.
Good 0-room house, full lot. shrubbery,
cement walks, modern plumbing, gas,
enameled bath, cement basement, furnace;
Gllsan near 21st; $7500. Room 8. north
west cor. 3d and Washington.
Build now on the prettiest H block on
Srhuyler st.: this corner win not last
long; Improved district; all Improvements
paid: want cash or would not sell till Fall.
Phone East or B 1S94.
A VERT cheap corner. Cooks Addition GO
feet from carline. $looo cash, balance
long time at 6 per cent. Jas. Bell, room
15, Lafayette bldg.. cor. Oth and Wash
ington sts.. Portland.
East Everett St.. on two carllnea, mod
ern 7-room house, full lot. beautiful lawn,
roses, fruit trees. $.1000. Haverstlc ft Gal
lagher. 843to Washington street.
360 TAK3S one of the pretties homes In
Albina, 6 large rooms, modern and up-to-date:
fine neighborhood; sverytblng nrst
! class; terms.
C. B. LUCAS. 822 Corbett Bldg.
f BEAUTIFUL lot In Irvlngton: will sell for
cash only: terms very reasonable; paved
i street, cement sidewalk, four-foot bank, six
blocks from school, near carline. Phone
Mr. Scott, Main 1306 or East 625, evenings.
' $2500 7-room house by owner; modern con
1 venlences; pantry, closets, halls, basement,
fruit; lot 50x100; near public and Cath
t ollc schools; Vancouver and Woodlawn
cars: half cash. 820 Dekum avenue.
ELEGANT large 8-room modern house, near
the East Side High School, a beautiful
home; $5000. a snap; part cash. Grussl ft
Gantner. room 7 Canterbury bldg.. 205
Washington, cor. 8d st.
Oregon City canine. 2 acres or more; all
In cultivation: best of land. C. W. RIs
ley, owner. Rlsley'a Station P. O.. MU
HOUfES for sale in all parts of the cits'
acreage close In, and farms In Oregon and
Washington. Phone Main 4486. Kinney ft
Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg.
Rents houses, collects rents, sells country
and cltv realtv, timber lands, notaries pub
lic. A 4321. 2o Mohawk bid.. Main 5007.
WHY PAT RENT? $160 cash, balance to
suit, buys a modern 5-room cottage, near
carline. A. 8. Draper, room 32. Lafayette
bldg.. cor. 6th and Washington.
NICE corner lot, 424X110. on Bancroft ave..
South Portland, a fine view: $750, a snap.
Grussl & Gantner. room T Canterbury
bldg., 265 Washington St., cor. 3d St.
BIO SNAP Half block on Union ave., only
a block and a half from Morrison st.; im
provements already made; $18,000, easy
terms. AE 130, Oregonlan.
ELEGANT home. John Irving first addition,
7 rooms, fine lot. complete; $1000 cash,
balance monthly payment East c06,
Dolan at Herdman.
PORTLAND Information Bureau, rooms,
houses and flats rented. phone A
1256. 614 Swetland bldg.
10 ACRES of sightly ground, suitable for
platting, on good car line; $3600. CaU
room 40, Washlagton bldg.
FOR SALE 100 feet on Williams ave., cor
ner, with two good buildings. Income $65
a month. AE 152, Oregonlan.
$1400 4-room modern house. furnished,
half cash. S. Thornton, opposite M. E.
Church. Woodlawn.
BT OWNER, quarter block with 7-room
modern house or house and one lot. 1294
E. Taylor st-. a bargain.
$71t0 Beautiful lot on Broadway St.. near
2Mh; street Improved; perfect title, 416
Chamber Com.
LOT near Alberta carline for sale very
cheap for cash. J. J. Oeder. cor. Grand
ave and E. Ankeny.
-room house, 438 Emerson. Phone Wood
. law 1262.
$27O0 14-room house and lot. Overton at.
' MARTIN J. WIG lev, 122 THIRD ST.
$625 Beautiful full lot at Weldler and Lane
between Hancock and Broadway sts.. all
Improvements paid, where lots sell around
for $7oo-$750. It Is high and sightly.
Owner. 46 North 15th st.
8 lota earner, fruit, garden. 6 rooms,
livable now. $100 will finish: $160O. Vi
cash. See owner. 2S8 East Morrison, near
NO one will buy your property if you add
on big agents commission; list It with
me. 1 will not charge you commission or
advance the price
AN Independent living. 10 acres, best gar
den land, all cleared and fenced, to mile
from station, on new Oregon Electric line:
cheap and on easy terms. Houston. 444
A GOOD home 6-room house, ground lOOx
2oo. good barn and chicken house and
young fruit, on Oregon Electric, cheap;
terms. Houston. 444 Sherlock.
BEAUTIFUL 7-room house and lot, 100x100,
at Mt. Tabor, must be seen to appreciate,
$5000. Grussl ft Gantner, room 7 Canter
bury bldg., 213 Washington, cor. 3d.
$H7M 6-room modem house on Eat Ankeny,
west of 24th st.: fixtures all complete; fine
lawn; location the best; terms If desired.
C. B. LUCAS, 322 Corbett Bldg.
6-ROOM modern house, with barn, lot 50x
125. in Upper Albina. close to car, reduced
from $3000 to $2600 for quick sale; half
cash. See owner. 325 Lumber Exchange.
$21.000 SWELL new apartment building.
West lde. close In. income $225 month;
first-class Investment; terms. S 15S, Ore
gonlan. $37O0 WILL buy 6-room strictly modem house
In Piedmont, full lot, fruit trees, cement
walks and retaining walls; terms..
C. B. LUCAS. 322 Corbett Bldg.
HOLLADAY Park snap. 50x320. 0-room
modern house, cheap at more than price
asked. Owner. 730 Multnomah St.
$900 BUYS 5-room cottage: lot 33x100. on E.
Morrison. Room 320 Swetland bldg.
$10O0 150 cash, nice home near carltne.
TroOM house, 100x100 lot. 43 Oxford St.,
East Side. North. Phone Woodlawn 1340.
310 acres. 275 under fine cultivatlcn.
80 acres In timber, living stream through
land, soring at house, tine well and wa
ter svsiem at barn, barn under way of
construction, will be 90x150 feet: 6-room
house, family orchard of assorted fruits
In full hearing, placo fenced and cross
fenced: 12 miles' from Vancouver. 8 miles
from R R. town. 1 mile from country
town. Price S0 per acre. $10,600 cash.
Would sell 150 acres with 110 acres
cleared land and timber for $55 per acre.
This is accorded the best dairy propo
sition In Clark County.
Citizens Bank Bldg.. Vancouver. Wash.
IT takes only 2.Mo to handle this up-to-date
stork ranch of 2005 acres, balance lo years'
time; this property Is located on the John
Dav River; there Is some scattering pine
timber, but most of the land Is the best of
bunch gra5 and is finely located on the
river, where the Winter Is mild: land Is
all under 8-wlre fence, a good bam. cor
rals, feeding racks and all outbuildings, good
5-room house, bearing orchard of 2io trees,
grapes and small fruits: fine garden. 130
tone, of hay In stack. If you want this st
$6 per acre, -vou can have It. Geo. W.
Turner 415-TB Rothchlld bldg.. Portland.
Nice level land, about ,18 acres swale,
very rich bottom, drained by creek: land
all suitable for buildings; a lot of tim
ber, ash. oak and fir; nice groves for
buildings; located on base lino read 12
miles west of Portland, close to Oregon
Nursery, where new town Is springing up;
price $10O an acre; will give terms Ap
ply to M. L. Noble Land Co- Forest
Grove, Or.
BEST land huv in the vicinity of Portland
10H acres, all In cultivation but 11 acres;
good house and 2 barns; 80 rods from
trading town. 13 minutes" walk to Salem
carline 40 rods from months' school,
about 22 miles from Portland; $S5 per
orre. You will see this land is worth
200 per acre. Why not buy now? Terms.
Catt-irlln ft Mann, 213-214 Gerllnger bldg.,
cor. d and Alder sts.
45 acres In cultivation, 12 acres bearing
orchard, 7-room house, barn, fruit drier
and other buildings, tools and stock;
paved road all way to Portland, only two
miles from Tigardvllle; $11,000; terms on
part of this. a
35 ACRES, near McMlnnvIlle. good soil,
fine for fruit and dairy. 6-room house,
barn. 60 bearing fruit trees, plenty of
water. $2100. half cash.
40 acre,s at McMlnnvI'le. good soil and
water, new 7-room house and barn, $6000,
half cash. 825 Lumber Exchange.
315 acres right on the Willamette be
tween Portland and Salem; no finer farm
In Oregon: see us today.
BEST farm In Clackamas County; large
house, bam, two springs and usual build
ings; 15 arres, 100 In cultivation; 7 a '-res
hops, B acres' strawberries; bargain at $25,
U00, or would rent.
Chamber of Commerce.
110 ACRES, near Dallas, good aoll and
well Improved, good buildings, plenty of
water. $14,000. one-third cash.
251 acres, near Dallas, good soil and
buildings; farm paid 10 per cent for last
10 years, $38,000; $10,000 cash. 323 Lum
ber Exchange.
DON'T write a letter; buy a one-fare return
ticket; see 100 acres, bouse, bam. 28 cattle,
hay. fine little valley home, good neighbors,
and you will buy It for $1250 cash; $lo50. 10
years, If you want, at 6 per cent lnt, O.
Middlekatiff. Yaquina, Or.
FOR SA1.G By owner. 10 acres, all cleared,
excellent fruit or garden land. mile
from Forest Grove electric line and two
miles from Forest Grove. Price $1500.
This Is a bargain. Address P. O. box 814.
Forest Grove, Or.
2714 ACRES, near Beaverton. 17 cleared,
good 10-room plastered house, with fur
nace, good well, also running wati.r. barn
and outbuildings. fruit. garden. etc..
horse. 2 cows and calf. $55oo. 325 Lum
ber Exchange.
170 ACRES, near Warrenton. 5-room good
house, with ba'h and cellar, good barn
and outbuildings, good orchard and pas
ture. $4250. Including stock and imple
ments. 323 Lumber Exchange.
PARTIES wanting Information Willamette
Valley, the garden stpot of Oregon, call and
get booklet. Willamette Valley Information
Bureau, 312 Bd. of Trade, cor. 4th ft Oak sts.
BARGAIN Owner 5 acres, 7 miles out Eta
cada line, near Gilbert Station, and school,
2H cleared, house, cellar, young fruit
trees. L. F. Wagner.
WHO wants the best farm In the Willam
ette Valley? For particulars call upon
or write Connell. Lung ft lmbrle. Hllls
boro. Or.
No matter, small or large. If you want
good value for jour money, see
F. FUCHS. 22H4 Morrison St.
6TOCK RANCH Seven sections famous Al
berta country; best proposition In North
west; price right, particulars S. M. Rob
bins, 335 chapman St.. Portland, Or.
10 ACRES best garden and berry land:
black soli: 9 miles from city; will sell
cheap on easy terms. C. H. Pfaffle, Hills
dale. Route No. 2.
gO-ACRE improved farm, good team, build
ings, stock, tools; all $2800; bargain. 302
Goodnough bldg.
HOMESTEAD relinquishment, tributary to
Portland. 327 Worcester block.
FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olmsted
Land Company. Salem. Or.
WANTED To buy a good home of 6 or
more rooms In good location; state price
and location; no agent. J 153, Oregonlan.
CITY real estate and farm land wanted:
we have buyers for bargains; will deal
only with owners. 403 Weils-Fargo bldg.
WANTED River acreage or Inside acreage
from ownera only; state particulars. C 144,
Oregonlan. 1
WANTED Flret-class restaurant in good lo
cation; mu.t be strictly O. K.; state
price. J 153, Oregonlan.
CASH paid for lots convenient to Alberta
car. contract or deed; give location and
price. S 152. Oregonlan.
WANTED To rent 15 acres more near sta
tion, with Improvements; state particulars.
D 143. Oregonlan.
WANTED A copy of the Black Book.
In Albina, Jlontavilla t.
John, Sunnyside, Sellwood,
Portland Heights, Woodlawn,
Irvington, 'way up town or
anj-where, you need not come
to the business offiee of Tho
Oregonian to insert an ad
vertisement. Just take the
phone either one and read
the ad to the clerk. Bill will
be sent you the next day.
Convenient, isn't it T
MAIN 7070
And no matter what you want, this newspaper can satisfy you
If you want help in your store or kitchen,
If you want to borrow money,
If you want to buy or sell a house or lot,
If you want to rent a room, a house, a flat or a farm
A few lines in The Oregonian want column will usually satisfy
;he want. Try it tomorrow.
''Situation Wanted" advertisements not accepted over the telephone.
SO acres, near Woodburn. one of the
richest sections of the Willamette alley;
15 acres In cultivation and 2j acres in
pasture; 40 acres. In timber and good
' wood; house and 2 barns; milkhouse.
woodhouse. chicken-house; rural telephone
and mall; plenty of all kinds of fruit
and running water on the place; price.
$:l5O0; will take $20OO worth of city
property, balance on plenty of time.
603 Corbett Bldg.
30-acre farm In Willamette Valley, on
the West Side Railroad, about 32 miles
out of Potrland. mile from rallrcad
station' 25 acres under cultivation,
acres sloshfd off. 15 acres of good oak
wood: good house and barn; .spring
water, rural mall; price. $3000; will take
$2000 worth of city property, balance on
easy terms.
603 Ccrbett Bldg.
SALE or exchange, brick block. 0x0 feet,
occupying best corner In live town of sooo.
100 miles from Portland. This ProP'"
pays monthly Income of J11
Portland residence, value t0OO to $10.
000: some cjish. balance on time.
627 Corbett bldg.
1"0 ACRES wheat land In Gilliam County, t
"miles from Blalock. at $20 per acre; all
tillable- 75 -acres broken, not In crop; sur
rounded by large ranches; will exchange
for rooming-house or house and lot. OOT
Buchanan bldg.. 2S6H Washington St.
60 ACRES, near Aurora; good buildings;
fl"e54OacVes0near Dallas, about cleared
house and 2 barns. $3700; will take real
estate as part payment. 325 Lumber
TO TRADE Thoroughbred mare. new
rubber-tire runabout, harness. blankets,
etc.. for good residence lot. Answer, O Iuo,
WFLL-PAYING 43-room rooming-house; ex
cellent furniture; will exchange for resi
dence worth $2SOO. Call 613 Chamber Com
merce. .
A $12,000 Klickitat hiu fruit and farm
tract to trade towardPortland home or
business property. Ftank Lee. 147 Vk
Front st.
OF rOURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to
bny sell or trade business or property fol
low the crowd to Stevenson ft Taylor,
2Sti Washington, room 311.
UNIMPROVED farm lands, on Columbia
River, good soil, for city property. 32T
Worcester bldg. '
WHAT have you to trade or exchange? W.
Lawrence ft Co.. B15 Lumber Exchange
bldg.. 2d and Stark.
INCOME property In good, thriving towns
for farms or Portland real estate. 325
Lumber Exchange '
WISCONSIN timber land, farms and city
property for exchange for Oregon timber
or Portland property. C 133, Oregonlan.
HAVE 40 acres zinc land 8 miles of rail
road, assay 42 per cent xinc, to trade
for Portlani home. S 151. Oregonlan. .
THREE rooming-houses In good location,
two at $.-0. one at $.100; to trade for real
estate. 325 Lumber Exchange.
WILL trade for what you have. Gu Smith.
404 Buchanan bldg.
IF YOU want to buy. sell or trade any
thing, call 325 Umber Exchange.
640 ACRES wheat land to exchange for res
idence. Smith. 404 Buchanan bldg.
Buy now; timber Is at the lowest notch;
Invest while you can get In at the bot
tom and reap the benefits of all the In
crease. I can supply you with any sixed
tract, from 1UO acres to thousands of acres,
pine or fir. C. J. McCracken. 304 McKay
WE are practical timber dealers, with per
sonal knowledge of the best timber tracts
In the Northwest; can give reliable Infor
mation and correct values of large or
small tracts.
535 Chamber of Commerce.
Chicago. New- Orleans. Seattle.
829 Chamber of Commerce.
ANOTHER 10.000,000 relinquishment In the
Slletz;,also 2 timber filings. 3.000.000 each,
6 miles from the S. P. R. R-. Southern
Oreson. These are all good. A. W. Nelson
ft Co.. Lafayette bldg
WE are constantly acquiring fins tracts of
timber for sale and are headquarters for
lumber enterprises of all kinds, phone
Main 44S6. Kinney Stampher. 631-32
Lumber Exchange bldg.
$150 PINE timber claims, guaranteed. Cali
fornia. No Are risk. Oliver & Havlland.
Board of Trade bldg.
Government locations. 827 Worcester blk.
WANTED Patented claim in Slletx ter
ritory, Lincoln Co. Call or write, room
15, Lafayette bldg.
TIMBER Lands wanted. C J. McCracken
304 McKay bldg.
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
FOR SALE Team horses, weight about
1000 pounda each; also new light express
wagon and new harness; price $275. In
quire at room 200 Oregonian bldg.. or call
or address A. P. Langenberg, Clackamas,
GOOSENECK, trucks, butcner. grocery, and
bakery wagons, buggies of all kinds,
horses, harness and saddles, for sale or
rent. 211 Washington.
ONE heavy team, heavy wagon and har
ness at half their value. J. Hamilton,
Yacolt. Wash.
FOR SALE) Any one of three good delivery
hors. Call 530 Williams. Phone East
23 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho
tel 'bus. saddles, harness, cheap to close
out. Hubert ft HalL 66 4th st.
COVERED top delivery wagon for sale.
Inquire 818 Savior st.
FOR SALE Young team draft horses. Ap
ply 808 Davis at
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 24 Montgomery.
1 HORSES, buggies ana narness lor sale or
A 6003.
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
FOR SALE At the Star Livery Stable. Front
St.. between Columbia and Clay. 1 span
of 5-year-old sorrel mares, well matched.
' with a practically new wagon and har
ness, at a bargain
AT the Union Stockyards, mare and horse, 3
years old. broke double to perfection, weight
2i!00 lbs., for $300.
FOR SALE 2-cyllnder 6-passenger Pope au
tomobile; new lamps and tires; In best of
shape; must be eold this week, or will
trade In and pay difference for some small
business. , B 152, Oregonlan.
) L 1-
AUTOMOBILE for sale: Stevens Duryea. 4
cylinder, with top, lamps, Gabriel horn,
clock, extra tires and tubes, etc. ; guaran
teed to be In first-class condition; $1300.
L 123, Oregonlan.
I HAVE a single-cylinder. B-passenger tour
ing, car. Cadillac; all In fine condition;
new tires: I am going East. Make me
an offer. L 132. Oregonlan. '
$000 A REAL bargain. 4-cyllnder 80 h. p.
5-passenger automobile; good as new; top,
lamps, etc. Hartman, 46 2d St.
BARGAIN Ford car. two seats. In perfect
order. Call for an appointment. E. F.
Prevost, 21 '4 North 3d St.
WANTED Runabout, new or second-hand.
Address, stating condition and best price,
H 94. Oregonlan.
WILL trade a high-grade piano for auto
mobile even, or will pay some difference
Phono A 2858.
FORD runabout automobile, good car, rea
sonable. 403 Corbett bldg.
VERY nice piano for sale; price $'JS; party
leaving city; must sell today. 683 Gllsan.
CORRUGATED sheet Iron roofing, brand
new, both In galvanized or black painted.
In all sizeB. Get our prices and save
347-333 Gllsan St.. N. E. cor. 8th St.
?oth galvanized and black painted. In
most all sizes and brand new. Let us save
you money.
347-353 Gllsan St., Cor. Eighth.
FOR SALE New and -econrt-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments: w- rent
tables, with privilege of buying: modern
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender.
40 Third st.
IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $5000.
parties Interested call MaglnnU ft Son.
403-4 McKay bldg.
50 SLIGHTLY marred sewing machines, all
makes, sold at great reduction this week
only, cash or Installments. White Sewing
Machine Store. 420 Washington St.. cor.
rents you the latest films, song slides, sup
plier etc., at the lowest prices. 203 Burn
side. SCHOLARSHIP for- sale cheap. complete
course In architecture with International
Correspondence School of Scranton. Pa. A
144. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Two second-hand Washington
nand presses, one paper cutter and lead
and rule cutter. Write Dufur Dispatch,
Dufur, Oregon.
FOR SALE Conn cornet, late model, full
gold plate, nearly new. For particulars,
address P. O. box 452 Corvallia. Or.
FOR SALE OR RENT, Logging and Hoist
ing engines, rails, cars. etc. Railway
Equipment Co., 74 1st, A 2363. Main 2363.
ONE double buggy harness and one heavy
saddle, both In good condition, cheap. 160
E. 84th, cor. Belmont.
$400 TO $500 worth of Jewelry. clocks,
silverware and findings. IO per cent be
low cost. Apply K 151, Oregonlan.
6PACE on walls of nlckelodion for rent,
22x22 inches. $2 per month. Model Nlckel
odion. 69 N. 3d.
OLD VBLINS bought and sold. Choice old
Instruments always on hand. L. Winters.
818 Tllford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood
at loweat market prices. Hoover, 313 Water
St. Phone Main 7451.
A 4x5 CAMERA, good condition; price $4
90 Nebraska st. O. Hlldebrandt.
FIR and pole oak wood In carload lots. F.
W. Vandervelden, Roy, Or.
supplies, slides. Alms for rent. 165ft 4th at.
FOR SALE Mated homing pigeons. Write
Mary J. Shaw, Forest Grove, Or.
FRESH Jersey cow, fine milker, 4 gallons.
First house Goddard Station, St. John car.
WANTED Salesmen, all lines; bookkeepers
and stenographers. Commercial Abstract
Co.. 408 Commercial Club bldg., 301 Oak St.
12 North 2d st. Both Phones.
WANTED Young men to study teleg
raphy; positions, $60 to $90 month when
competent. Call Oregon College, 83 6th st.
BRIGHT young man. outdoor work, small
capital required. 411 Commonwealth
bldg.. Sixth and Ankeny.
WANTED A good live man to manage an
office and write fire insurance. Call from
8- to 11 A. M.. 33 Chamber Commerce.
WANTED First-class registered union
plumber. Apply M. Barde ft Sons. 5th
and Gllsan sts.
WANTED First-class barber, steady Job,
good wages. Call 91 6th st.
WANTED First-class violin player who can
read at sight. Apply to R 154, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Remington typewriter,- nearly
new, good condition. AE 153. Oregonlan.
BARBER wanted: steady Job for a good
man. 122 N. 6th st.
WANTED Two first-class nonunion barbers.
266 Alder st.
WANTED Experienced Iron worker for bench
work. 404 Davis St.
WANTED All-around cook; no others need
apply. 65 Russell st
WANTED Office and errand boy in whole
sale house. AF 133. Oregonlan.
SHOE salesman, bookkeeper and stenographer.
P. A. A C. Co.. 323 Wash. at.
WA.MCO iwv respectaoio men -
en. able to pay 110 down and $10 per
month for nine months, to write us for
particulars about Gordon Falls, the new
textile town on the Columbia River, 29
miles from Portland, where large woolen
mills and other manufactories are to be
established. We give stock free with
bonds, and want every employe to have
an Interest in the town and share In the
Profits. Gordon Falls Electrio Mrg.
o.. Commercial Club bldg.. Portland. Or.
10,000 POSITIONi
For graduates last year: men ana
women to learn barber trad In eign.
weeks; help to secure positions; graduates
earn from $15 to $26 weekly: expert In
structor; tools free; write for catalogue.
Molar System of Colleges. S3 M. 4th St..
Portland. Or. .
WANTED Expert electrical aid at I5-0
per diem. An examination will be held
at the Navy-Yard. Mare Island. Cal.,
August 81, 1008. to nil the above posi
tion. For application and further infor
mation, address Commandant. Navy-Yard.
Mare Island, Cal.
MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster
ing and bricklaying, day and night classes,
no books, free catalogue: special lo
tuition; easy Installments. Coyne National
Trade 8 oil 00 1, 239-240 Eighth St.. San
AMBITIOUS, energetic young man to learn
promoting. financing and the placing of
high-grade securities; prospects of per
manent position, with good pay. R 10.
Employment Office Men's Department
26 North Second St.
Phones Main and A ISM.
Help free to employer
WE want a man capable of overseeing as well
as managing the real business of the office
and representing It with business men;
must be able to furnish high-class reference
and also cash bond of $2000. AD 154.
Oregonian. .
WANTED Young man for office position:
must have thorough knowledge of ledger
work; give experience, references and sal
ary expected. Good opening for right
man. P 140. Oregonlan ,
POSTAL clerks, lettercarrlers, call at once
In regard to preparing for examination:
good salary, steady Job: opportunities for
advancement. Pacific States Schools. Mc
Kay bldg:
GOOD, honest hustler, with small capital
can secure Interest In real estate business
that will pay $150 month. Particulars.
31S Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison.
BARBER shop for sale, flrst-claas, 2-chalrs
good location, rent $10 a month: $100
cash; good chance for young man. Address
O 157. Oregonlan.
WANTED Young man experienced In fig
uring costs, profits, in wholesale grocery"
house: give experience and salary wanted.
K 152, Oregonlan
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors.
Catholic and German magazines, cash
commission advanced. Benedictine Press.
603, Goodnough bldg.
MEN wanted to locate on Northern Pacific
Railroad timber land: cruise guaranteed
from 6,000,000 to 15.000.000 feet. Inquire
at 350 Ivy st.
SALESMAN wanted to handle specialty line
laces, for small tewns of Oregon, Dakotas
and Washington on commission. Gold
water Bros.. 484 Broadway, N. Y.
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tics' easy terms: positions secured: money
earned while learning. Watchmaking. En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle.
YOUNG man from country who Is strong
and active and would like learn business
ways; give all particulars. Position open
August 20. L 150, Oregonlan
MARRIED man to handle outside for su
burban grocery; give particulars; no inter
view. A 155, Oregonian.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon portrait or book
agents; winning offer. Cutberth Studio, De
kum bldg.
FIRST-CLASS men to write health and ac
cident Insurance. Union Guarantee Assn..
Commercial Club bldg., 5th and Oak sts.
For Men 250 Burnslde Street.
Phone Main 5694.
WANTED Strong, active boy about 16
years old. willing to work. John Clark
Saddlery Co.
JAPANESE and Chinese employment
agency. 289 B-irnslde st. Main ?-309.
WANTED Renned. capable, neatly dressed
woman for responsible position; good
money. Call 11 to 12 A. M.. or 2 to 4
P. M.. room 508 Merchants Trust bldg.,
6th and Washington.
THE St. Louis Agency lias some of the best
orders for good help with good people at
good prices and It Is very Important that
some of those be supplied Friday. 14th.
209 4th. Main 2030.
Thoroughly experienced and competent
saleswomen wanted in underwear, dress
findings, hosiery, gloves, etc.
848V Wash. st.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phones Main and A 2692.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
WANTED Experienced salesladies in our
millinery and neckwear departments;
none but experienced need apply. The
Silverfleld Co.. 4th and Morrison.
Ladles' Department 206W Morison st.
Phones: Main 1062: A 2064.
$436 Washington St.. corner 7th. upstairs
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED Cook and housekeeper for con
tractor, steady Job for right person. Ad
drees E. J.. Aurora. Or.. Box 9.
WANTED Renned. capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co. 609 Roth
chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework. 703 Northrup st. Phone Main
WANTED Young ladies to study telegraphy;
positions, $60 to $90 per month, when com
petent. Call Oregon College, 63 5th st.
LADIES to make pillow tcps at home;
good pay; Instruction free. Call 452
Washington st
GIRL for general housework, three In fam
ily; fine home for good girl. Apply 808
Clackamas st.
. ;
VOGUE School of Millinery A thorough
course taught In six weekst terms rea
sonable; position guaranteed. 375 Stark.
WANTED Experienced fur liner and girls
familiar with fur work in general. H.
Llebes ft Co.. 288 Morrison st.
WANTED Girl for general housework,
family of three. Apply 374 Taylor St.,
cor. West Park.
A WIDOW living alone would like a lady
to live with her as companion and helper,
small salary.. B 2468.
GIRL for general housework in family of
three. Apartment No. 1. King Hill apart
ment. King st.
WANTED Young girl for general house
work. Call between 2 and 4 P. M. 443
E. 12th st. N.
MILLINERY lessons given at 549 Morrison
St.; satisfaction guaranteed. Phone A
OFFICE girl, experienced with typewriter,
wanted. State experience. AE 150, Ore
gonian. YOUNG WOMAN stenographer and cashier
to substitute for one or two weeks. B
163, Oregonian.
CAPABLE woman for housekeeping and as
sist In care of child. C. C. B., Gresham,
GIRL wanted Coffman'g candy store, 350
Washington St. .
WANTED Pantry girl at Winter's restaur
ant, 230. 1st st.
-CHOCOLATE dippers wanted: best wagea
Good-Roblin Candy Co.. Vancouver. Wash.
WANTED Young girl to assist In house
work for couple. Apply J. Asher. 242 1st.
WANTED Experienced lady's maid who
can sew. Address R 132, Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER Prefer one who can
help on books. 231 Stark st.
GIRL for general housework; good wagea
790 Flanders st.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 333
Sherman st. .
GIRL for general housework and assist with
cooking. 321 8th st.. cor. Clay.
GOOD girl for kitchen work In private boarding-house.'
CaH 251 7th st.
.WANTED Good waitress. . 68 Morrison St.
TWO waitresses. Seaside. $35; 2 beach. $30,
fares paid; waitress. Eugene. $25; Dalles,
$30; 3 city. $8 and $9. ..,,...
Pantry woman, $35 and board: 9 kitchen
hands. $7 and $8 a week and board: 2
housekeepers, Shanlko and La Grande;
Hotel rooks.
Family cooks, second girls, nurse girls
and girls for general housework.
Stenographer and bookkeeper planing
mill company, east of mountains, $60;
Young lady for doctor's office.
343 Vi Washington St.. cor 7th.
WANTED Housekeeper on stock ranch
near city. $25 month. Inquire room 1.
206H Morrison st.
WANTED Girl for eeneral housework. 655
Washington Bt.
AGENTS wanted Get subscribers St.
Joseph's Blatt. German weekly. $1 year;
agent gets 50c commission t21.000 sub
scribers already); agents making $5 to
$10 per day. Call 8:00. 603 Goodnough
TWO amateurs for dramatic company;
must pay own traveling and hotel ex
penses ($12 weekly), free Instruction;
fine opportunity for practical road expe-
, rience. F 152. Oregonian.
WE secure positions for our students; drills
In any system of shorthand: day or night
classes. Business University. Worcester
WANTED Good cook and dishwasher, man
and wife preferred : boozers need not ap
ply. Hotel Salem. Salem. Or.
LIVE solicitor, man or woman, for office
trade. 231 Stark st.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WANTED A clerical position or bill col
lecting have had 8 years' clerical exper
ience in railroad office, familiar with
handling correspondence, operate type
writer; can give best of references with
former employer and cash bond If neces
sary; living wagea to start with. F 151
WANTED Position with good city firm:
young Eastern man. good business exper
. lence, can give A-l references; interview
Saturday. Address B 151. Oregonlan.
SITUATION wanted by young man of 24 as
RSSletant bookkeeper or clerk. Address
V. W. G., 946 Belmont ave.
EXPERIENCED man who understands care
of stock and gardening wants work In city
ot country with wife, good housekeeper
and cook; one child. Young Women's
Christian Association. Main 6267.
WANTED Position driving team, watch
man, gardening or any kind of work; can
furnish references. Phone Tabor 162. be
tween 7 and 8 evenings, or address K 153.
MARRIED man with high-school education
desires permanent position where temper
ance and honesty will be appreciated. R
143. Oregonian.
YOUNG married couple desire situation at
once; wife first-class cook, man assist
ant or all-around man; small hotel or
ranch. R 155. Oregonlan.
YOUNG civil engineer, university ajraduate,
5 years' practical experience, good Instru
ment man. draftsman, etc., desires posi
tion. Address D l."t2. Oregonian.
WANTED Position with good city firm;
young Eastern man. good business exper
ience, can give A-l references; interview
Saturday. Address B 151. Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wants situa
tion in private family, good references.
L Call mornings, 350 East 39th st. Phone
1 aoor loo-.
SITUATION WANTED by young man of
28 as meatcutter or clerk in grocery; best
of references. Address J. W. K., 223
Hall st.
DRAFSTM AN and designer desires situa
tion, experience in structural steel, archi
tecture and heating and ventilating. Ad
dress L 146. Oregonlan.
YOUNG . experienced merchant with first
class local references, wishes to be active
on the outside representing or selling. H
134, Oregonlan.
SITUATION as porter or other work, by col
ored man. Pacific 731. or 335 Couch; ref
erencea JAPANESE schoolboy wants housework or
position as porter; speaks English. R 158,
YOUNG good Japanese boy wants situation
to do housework; speaks well. . AD 153,
NICE Japanese wants situation wait on
table and housework In family. O 150,
AN honest Japanese wants position at any
kind of housecleanlng work. O 155. Ore
gonlan. WANTED Work on farm by man and wife:
wages reasonable. Call or address 409
Salmon or phone East 5609. Jacobs.
JAPANESE boy wants to do housework,
chamberwork or plain cooking- for fam
ily. AE 131. Oregoniai
WANTED Position as superintendent or
foreman, 25 years' experience; reference.
Phone East 103.
A JAPANESE student -wishes position as
any kind of office work, experienced. S
144, Oregonlan.
YOUNG German wants position In a good
private house; experienced as waiter. AE
J34. Oregoiian.
YOUNG man wishes position as chaffeur; Is
an experienced driver; references fur
nished. A 143. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by experienced night
watchman; can give good reference-. Ad
dress A 163, Oregonlan.
CAPABLE salesman desrtres contract for
Puget Sound territory: can show A-l
record'. AC 161. Oregonlan.
GERMAN wants position In a factory or any
kind of work. AD 151. Oregonlan.
PICTURE-FRAME maker desires work. D
130, Oregonlan.
TWO experienced dairymen wish positions;
can furnish references. A 154, Oregonian.
PAINTER will do high-class work by the
day or contract. AF 160. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE Employment Co., 268 Everett,
Main 4059. A 4073.
POSITION as egg-candler or grocery clerk by
young man. and references. Phone E 2120.
Japanese employment office; furnishes all
kinds of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6521.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
GOOD stenographer desires permanent po
sition, accurate, good penman, can spell;
best references. C 1709.
STENOGRAPHER, thoroughly competent
and experienced, desires position. W 131,
YOUNG lady with experience wishes posi
tion aa assistant in general office work.
J 140. Oregonian.
ANY kind day work wanted Friday and
Saturday. Phone Main 7.123. room 4.
YOUNG lady, experienced, wishes position
as cashier. J 141, Oregonlan.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the
day; experienced. Phone Tabor 483.
A NEAT, capable lady wishes position as
housekeeper in widower's family. R 156.
WANTED Position as liouselceeper In ho
tel or lodging-house, willing te work, rea
sonable pay. M 152. Oregonlan.
IT'S cooks, pantry girls, waitresses, second
girls, experienced child nurse, housekeep
ers and general housework, girls the M.
Louis must haro Friday. 14th. 209 V4
4th. Main 2039. A 2824.
SKILLFUL American laundress desires day
work, 25c per hour. Fine Ironing a spe
cialty. Main 5462.
SITUATION wanted by young lady as cash
ier in restaurant; has good references. D
141. Oregonlan.
WOMAN wants situation housework In a
small family, city or country. 42 -Water
WOMAN wants work by the day. Telephone
Main 6759.
EXPERIENCED cook wishes a position: no
washing and Ironing. H 160, Oregonlan.
DAY'S work wanted. Phone, . Mala . 6140 g-
CAN give few good salesmen exclusive con
tract whereby you can make $100 to $200
per week: write today, giving references.
410 Corbett Bldg., Portland.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If
so. we need you; complete outfit free; cash
weekly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
BIGGEST repeat order of the age; every pur
chaser Immediately becomes a booster; no
talking. Address The Sola Specialty Co,
Box 371, Santa Barbara, Cal.
THE Oregon Nursery Co., Salem, Or. wants
more salesmen: liberal terms; outfit fur
nished. Full Information on application.
WANTED To rent bouses, cottages, flats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
TruBt Company of Oregon, B. E. cor. 4
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
WANTED Well recommended young man
desires permanent board and room in pri
vate family: state terms and location. S
137, OroRontan
WANTED Couple without children, to take
three rooms furnished for housekeeping
by doing work for rent: references re
quired. O 151. Oregonlan.
WANTED Room and board by young man
In private family on East Side; christian
Scientist preferred. C 132. Oregonlan.
WANT to rent small barn or garage within
a few blocks of 15th and Belmont. K 155.
WANTED Small furnished flat or cottage
at once; close In; must be reasonable. Par
ticulars box AD 152, Oregonlan.
WANTRD Choice flats, furnished and un
furnished; also rooms to rent, 514 Swet
land. Phone A 1256.
$900, .1 vears. 7 per cent, first mortgage,
on $5000 property. R 151, Oregonlan.
WANTED Modern 6 to 8-room house nortn
of Washington st. Phone Main 909.
The Port of Portland will pay $1.25 per
cord for fir or cedar brush in large or
small lots delivered by wagon at the foot
of 12th st. For particulars call at or tele
phone the office. ty Hull. John P. Doyle,
clerk of the hoard.
And any thing else you have to sell.
Main 5655. A 412L
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy houBohold furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 N. 8d st. Phone Pacific 172$.
PUPILS who cannot attend school. Instruc
tion glvtn at the home In the common
school branches. Call bet. 9 and 11 A. M.
Phone Main 3208.
WANTED Diamond. one or two-karat
stnne; state lowest price and particulars.
Phone Main h4."8.
WANTED Second-hand well-drilling outfit
In good condition, for cash or exchange for
real estate. Call 231 Worcester bldg.
WANTED Team outfits to take dirt con
tracts; station men on rock work. Travers
& Hanley, 1 Ncirth 2d st.
WANTED Good second-hand phonographs.
Call or address Newman, 293 Burnslde.
Phone Main 8458.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
CLOTHING Phone M 1861 83 N. 3d.
Highest prioa paid; prompt attention.
WANTED A dog; state breed and price.
B 147. Oregonlan.
Furniished Hooms.
Portland's Best Family Hotel.
American or European Plan.
Only ten minutes' walk from business
center, cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves.
Car passes hotel every minute. Very
reasonable rates. Largest, coolest and
most comfortable rooms to be found any
where, with every modern convenience.
Large, well-kept lawn.
DO you realize that 3'ou can get an outside,
steam-heated, elevtrlc-lifchtcd roam at the
Barton, cor. 13th and Alder sts.. for $10
up per month ? This house Is being re
painted, repapered and put in first-class
condition by the new owners. Nice large
parlor In connection. Suites, with running
water. $22.50 to $35.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 18th and Wash
lngton sts. Newly furnished throughout:
new buildings, sultej with baths, hot and
cold water In every room. Phone Main
71U5. Long-distance phones In all rooms.
DESIRABLE rooms, two large connecting
front rooms, ground floor; all furnished;
hot and cold water, also large basement
room, good light, street entrance, suitable
for dressmaker; best location. 181 6th.
THE WILLAMETTE, 3224 Stark St. Largs
light rooms, well furnished, Bingle or en
suite, boc to $1 day; $2.5o to $5 week. Mrs.
Hart, manager, A 5192. Main 9017.
HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496.
Hotel Buahmark, Wash, and 17th, nrst-class
furnished rooms, single or en suite; all
modern conveniences, $3 weekly up; dally.
75c up; special monthly rates. Main 6647.
THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay-window
and other outside rooms; electric lights,
baths, etc.. $2 50 week up; translenta
269 to Washington.
214 Columbia st. 1 block from Salem Electrio
depot; running water In all rooms, bath andt
phone, A 1539; 60c to $1 day. $2.50 to $4 wk.
2U3 10TH ST. Newly furnished rooms; hot
and cold water in rooms, furnace heat;
rooms $10 per month and up. Phone Main
FOR RENT Nicely furnished, desirable
front room, modern conveniences; excel
lent location: close In; references. 803
12th St. Phone A 3640.
FURNISHED rooms, large, modern, ground
floor room, hot and cold water fireplace,
very desirable two persons. 512 Morrison
ONE large furnished front room, first floor,
for two gentlemen, $4.50 per week. 144
11th, between Morrison and Alder.
440 TAYLOR, near 12th. very neat single
front room for gentleman; private family,
modern, reasonable.
$T LARGE, bright, furnished well lighted
room, quiet, central, fine porcelain bath.
825 12th st. rhones Pacific 2102. A 3702.
THE. COZY. 195 7th. nicely furnished rooms,
with or without board; 2 blocks from P.
O., 1 Hotel Portland. .
NICELY furnished rocms. down town lo
cation. $2.50 and $3 per week. The Ray
mond. 170 11th.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and biths free. 327 Vs
Stark, corner 0th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
ELEGANT clean furnished rooms, $3 to $5
w eek. 340 to Ankeny su .Phones and bath
2 FURNISHED rooms at 273 21st, cor. Over
ton. Main 7010.
THE DORMER. 283 13th Beautiful rooms,
steam heat, hot water, rates reasonable.
62 12TH ST- Lovely furnished rooms, $16
" month; running water.
FOR RENT Two large front rooms; running
water, free bath. 453 Morrison.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia: modern
rooms, bath, 50c to $1 a day: $2 to $4 wk.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5
wk.; also transient rooms. 343to Morrison.
NICELY furnished rooms and transient. 95
11th st.. cor. Stark.
Rooms With Board.
PLEASANT front and side rooms with
board, private family. Phone A 3622. 328
6th st.
THE MARLYN, Washlrgtcn and 17th. wsll
furnished rooms, hot and co.d water,
home cooking, permanent or transient.
COZY front room for lady, two meals, mod
ern, homelike. Phone Main 6485. $22.00
FOR one or two gentlemen In prlvata
home. Kings Heights. Hamburg cooking.
J 130. Oregonlan.
GO to 22 N. nth st. for good board and room.
Phone A 3207.
NICE room and good home cooking, suitable
for gentlemen. 5(4 Gllsan St., cor. ISth.
FURNISHED rooms with board. Tbs Ozark,
220 Attn su, ....