11 STEAMSHIP - EVA FIRST .German Vessel Leads Out-- ward Bound Fleet of Car riers for Month. CARGO FOR VLADIVOSTOK Large Quantity of Lumber Will Be Discharged at Manila Arabia Will Be Ready to Clear by Tuesday Marin Notes. wk . rn nf 1 SS4.RIO feet of lumber laden at Portland and a large quantity of general merchandise taxen at ou.n. ports, the German steamship Eva cleared . -i;.tir onri Manila yesterday. TBVr.rFZl? wiTTb 'dis- -. 4i m, finnr and Ken- I eral merchandise are principally im Cihaplan nnrt The Eva is the first vessel to clear for eign this month. She will be followed, however, by a lartre number of craft for foreign ports. The August business Is usually light but the prospects are at present for a larger export business than that of the same month of last year. During that period the foreign exports consisted of 9.W3.307 feet of lumber, no hot pnri ai M1 barrels of flour. The Arabia, which is scheduled to sail for Hongkong and Japanese ports next week, will take a quantity of flour and there u,..ril -rjirt loadinc lumber wnicn win h rearlv bv the end of next week. During her stay in Portland the officers of the Eva had trouble with the Chinese crew, who were bent on going ashore. Eight sailors were lodged in the County Jail and held there until yesterday when they were returned to the ship. The Eva left down for Astoria. WIIALE SMASHES FISHNETS Sea Monster Makes Trip Over Co lumbia River Bar. ASTORIA. Or.. Aug 13. (Special.) Captain Robert Jones and the crew of the motor scnooner mum rived In on Wednesday from Nestucca, toll a whale story that is ampiy yen ned by several fishermen who are per sonally interested in it. irt.r rrnsslnir in over the bar and approaching Sand Island, a large black object was seen on the water near some fishermen who had their nets out .nH it was believed to be a log. but ..HHon water rose in the air from it. and it was then discovered to be a .whila hlnU 111 IT The whale had evidently accldently wandered into the river ana men learning of Its position in shallow water, became alarmed and suddenly started for the open ocean again. It went through several gill nets, carry ing them with it and the fishermen had to cut the nets away to prevent their hoiti from being towed to sea. The last seen of the whale he was going out over the bar with a trail of nets dragging Denina. QCEEN AMEL1E CHARTERED . British Steamship to Load Wheat at ' Portland for , Europe. ' Th. RrUish steamship Queen Amelie, Z7M tons, has been chartered for outward v,t lnariimr at 26 shillings and 3 pence. Th. tifampr is now in San Francisco harbor and will arrive here the latter part of next week. She will receive cargo Immediately. Steam charters are the only ones which hum heen recorded during the last few days. There ta an excess of steamships in Pacific waters and rates are low. The sailing ship owners are holding for a min imum of 27 shillings and 6 pence for the United Kingdom for orders and 9 pence off for direct port. Few sailers are taken as long as the rates for steam are lower. VHTjE ENTERS THE COLUMBIA Becomes Entangled in Gill Net and Fishermen Lose Gear. cantaln Olson, of the steamship Alli ance, reporte that a whale, which had en trrl the mouth of the Columbia River, became entangled in a gill net yesterday and that the net was cut away by the fishermen. The whale had entered the mouth of the river and in the vicinity of No. ( buoy struck the net. He startea forward. taking net and fish boat with him. Captain Jonefl, of the schooner Delia, who entered about an hour after the Al liance, savs that the whale got headed out to ea at Buoy No. 8 and that the . fishermen were compelled to cut away. The leviathan took the net to sea Marine News of Tacoma. TACOMA,- Aug. 13. The Norwegian steamer Tricolor Is In port to load 2 000.000 feet of lumber for Australia. The steamer came from Vancouver, where she discharged raw sugar. She will finish loading at Everett. The British steamer Bermuda ar rived In from Van Anda, with 400 tons at romer ore. The French bark Marechal de Gon taut towed out tonight bound for Mel bourne, with a carge of lumber. Ths steamer Watson spent the day h.r discharging and loading coast- p!a freight. She returns to Seattle tomorrow. The steamer Mackinaw arrived from Seattle to coal and load outward freight. The steamer has Just complet ed her first voyage of the season to Nome and Kotzbue Sound. 'o Quorum at Port of Portland. No business was transacted by the Port of Portland yesterday. There was no quorum present and the meeting was not called to order. Messrs. Driscoll, Swi gert and Adams and Knglneer Lockwood were on hand at the appointed hour but another member was necessary to con stitute a quorum. There were several im portant matters to come before the meet ing. . Washington Goes to San Francisco. The steamship Washington, which was reported as having struck on the sands near Point Arena, will load for San Fran cisco. No Investigation or repairs will be made at Portland. Inspectors Edwards and Fuller directed Captain Nason to make a report to the inspectors at San Francisco. The Washington Is apparently undamaged. She Is not leaking. Russian Bark Albyn Goes Ashore. Advices to the Merchants' Exchange ..a. . V. th P 1 1 l- a i n n rtarlr Alrtvn Can tain Lundahl. which sailed from ' Port- land May 15 with a cargo of lumber for Port Natal, went asnore off uuroan. IN AUGUST With the assistance of tus the vessel was floated and tt Is thought that she is uninjured. The Albyn proceeded to her port of discharge. Log naft Goes Adrift at Astoria. ASTORIA. Or., Aug: lX-The Hammond log raft that arrivea auwn evening from Stella was made fist to the dolphins below Flavel and It was 'the , intention of the steamer u. " -' . .rrlv. In this morn In it and tow .1 T..,l .,, la-ht "wa a -foot s-inch and during lh run oui me . .Varied to In her going she knocked down a portion of the Fort Stevens wharf and then piled up ffli.ne .... ... .- by the Jetty sands. From what can be lilrH she is perfectly intact and can be taken off at the next high water. San Pedro Shipping News. SAN PEDRO, Cai.. Aug. steamer ueorge v.. i-iuci o-..- -- for Portland, via San Francisco and Eureka, with freight and passengers. The steamer Daisy arrived from Ho nolulu with 800,000 feet of lumber. Th. steamer Chehalis departed for Grays Harbor via San Francisco. Marine Notes. The British ship Ancaios will flniBh. to day at Linnton. The steamship Alliance, will sail for Coos Bay tomorrow night. Captain Andrew Hohen Has returned from a trip to Ban Francisco. The regular Oriental liner Aleeia la quo from San Francisco tomorrow. The steamship CaBco left down yeoter dav with a full cargo for San Francisco tu- .t..mhln R D. Inman left down for presrotts yesteroay m a part cargo at Linnion. Arrivals and Departures. PORTLAND. Aug. 18. Arrivea rnu.i, STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. Due to Arrive. Name From. Arabia Hongkong. . . . Row City.... San Francisco Alliance Com Bay Breakwater. .Coos Bay...-. Data. In port In port . In port .Aug. IS .Aug. 18 Geo. w. Eldersan rfaro State of Cal.San Francisco. .Aug. jo Alesla Hongkong "" j Roanoke Los Angeles. . . Aug. .5 Numantla.... Hongkong Sept. l" Scheduled to Depart. Name. For. Data. Rota City... San Francisco. Aug. 15 Alliance Coos Bay Aug. 15 Arabia Hongkong Aug. 15 Breakwater. .Coos Bay Aug. iw Geo. W. ElderSan Pedro Aug. 20 State of Cal.San Francisco. Aug. 22 Roanoke Los Angeles. .. Aug. 2T Alesia Hongkong Aug. 27 Numantla.. ..Hongkong Sept. 30 Entered Thursday. Casco. Am. steamship (Ahlln). with general cargo, from Fort Bragg. Roanoke. Am. steamship (Dun ham). ' with general cargo, from Ban Pedro. . Alliance, Am. steamship (Olson), with general cargo, from Coos Bay. Cleared Thunnlay. Casco, Am steamship (Ahlln), with . ballast, for Grays Harbor. Roanoke, Am. steamship, (Dun ham), with general cargo, for San Pedro and way. Bva. Ger. steamship (Schonwaldt), with 1.854.640 feet of lumber, valued af 1 7,444.84. and general cargo, for Manila and Vladivostok. steamship Braemount. from San Francisco. Knlleri steamshln Roanoke, for San Pedro; i.Rmihin rMi for San Francisco: steam ship R. D. inman. ior pan rrancww Prescotts:-German steamship bv, tor Ma nil. nnri Vladivostok. Astoria. Or., Aug. 13. .jonaiiion or me oar at 5 P. M.. smooth; wind, nortn, a mues weather cloudy. Arrived at 6:30 A. M. and left ud at 10 A. M. British, steamship Brae- mont. from San Francisco. Arrivea at :iJ A. M. Schooner J. Marhoffer, from San Fran cisco. Log raft adrift. San Francisco, Aug. 13. Sailed Schooner Mabel Gale, for Portland. Cleared Britten steamer Strathlyon. for Portland. Durban. Aug. 13. Russian bark Albyn was aground off port, but was floated with as sistance and- Is believed, to be undamaged. Sydney, Aug. IS. Aeon, overdue, had not arrived at Aolate August 2. Shanghai. Aug. 13. Arrived prior to today v-u.ovian ii.omiihin Guernsey. Shangnal, Aug. " .cuu-.j n.iot-nav from Portland. Valparaiso. Aug. l.t. Arrivea - Serapls from Hamburg, etc., for San Fran' cisco. . San Francisco, Aug. IS. Arrived Steam m- i9v.rifif from Tacoma. Sailed Schoon er vihal Gale for Astoria: steamer Palsy flt,.hlt for Grays Harbor; British steamer strathlyon for Portland; British steamer ft Tides rnt Astoria Friday. High. Low, 1:BS A. M. 9.1 feet'8:37 A. M 0.8 foot 2:55 P. M... 8.8 feeti:06 P. M l. reel TRUCKS TO COUNTRY CLUB STREETCAR COMPANY BEGINS WORK ON SWITCHES. . R. & X. Will Also Prepare to Ac commodate Fall Crowds When Mayor igns Ordinances. With the granting by the City Coun cil Wednesday of the two franchises for the laving: of spur tracks by the O. R. A N. and the Portland Railway, L.ight & Power Company from tneir main lines to tne country uuo tract, the last barrier in the way of provid ing adequate transportation facilities for the crowds during the week's races, as well as for the handling of the stock show exhibits has been removed. Yesterday construction crews of the street railway company began tha work of extending the .even switches on the Hose City Park line so that they will be able to accommodate trains of four cars each. This will mean a three or four-minute service, with each train able to handle about 600 pas sengers. In addition to this line, the street railway franchise Includes the laying of an extension from the Montavilla line, which is already double-tracked, so that these two lines will be able to move a crowd of between 7000 and S000 people an hour. The O. R. & N. franchise contem plates spur tracks Into the Country Club grounds to take care, not only of the passenger traffic, but to handle the. livestock show exhibits so that they may be delivered at the doors of the stock barns inside the grounds.: Plans for such Improvements are practically completed in the offices of Chief En gineer Boschke, of the O. R. A N.. and work will be begun on the spurs, pas senger station and sidetracks the mo ment Mayor Lane has signed the ordi nances. Quarter-mile dashes by singles, tan dems and teams of the Mrs. Leota Zapp atrinr of aweeDStake Shetlands of Cali fornia will be features of different dan dunnsr the race week. The en tire herd of 11 ponies, each of which atanria without a defeat in stock shows on the Coast, will appear on special I days of the race week. Mrs. Zapp is now in Spokane arranging similar evenu igr ui iawioiaio TIIE 3IORXIXG ARRIMAN INVITES OREGON GOVERNOR J. P. O'Brien and F. S. Stanley Also Bidden to Conference With Wizard.. PARTY WILL LEAVE TODAY Automobile to Be vsed lor lrip From Shanlko to Pelican Lodge. Development of State to Be Discussed. it -a Harrlmnn has Invited Governor Chamberlain. J. P. O'Brien, vice-president of the Harriman lines In ureon. 8. Stanley, president of the Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company, to make him a visit at Pelican Bay. The three guests have accepted the Invitation and are to leave today on the trip. Pelican Bay la the estate secured laet vear by the famous railroad president with the intention or numm dence for at least a part of each Sum mer. He has had the place Improved and has caused to be installed all modern conveniences necessary to keep himself in touch with the outside worm, un tne oc casion of his arrival a few days ago the ci.miih Kails Chamber of Commerce elected him a member of that body and Its officers met him and escorted him to the rooms, where he addressed, the people and promised to aid In tne upDUiiaing oi v, nrt nf the state, without, however. making any direct promise of railroad extension Into tne interior. The visitors leave today for Shaniko, whence they will proceed by automobile through Bend on to Klamath Falls and Pelican Bay. Vlce-Preeldent O'Brien said last night that bo far as he Knew, Mr. Harriman's purpose in extending the in vitation to himself and the others was to obtain further information concerning the rjreurress made In the development oi Oregon since his last trip into this state. Mr. O'Brien said the Governor was doubt less invited because of his well-known ability to epeak authoritatively on tha subjects presumably to be discussed. "The Governor," continued Air. u nen, "I understand, has said since receiving his invitation to visit Pelican Bay, that he expects to discuss the construction of the Central Oregon road and of the Crater Lake road with Mr. Harriman. The Gov ernor is said to have added that he was about to make the trip because he be lieved something for the advantage of Oregon would result from a conference with the president of our systems." Mr. Stanley is president of the Des chutes Irrigation Company and has given a great deal of study to transportation as well as Irrigation matters and his visit to Mr. Harriman's lodge at this time Is regarded with much Interest in railroad circles. He Is closely related to various development organizations in the state and is regarded as a good representative to present the various improvements ad vocated for the good of the state. Mr. O'Brien said the trip would prob ably take about ten days or two weeks. and that the return trip wouia De across to the main line and north on the South ern Pacific. Will Inspect O. R. & N. Lines. Julius Kxuttschnltt, director of maintenance of the Harriman systems; "W. W. Cotton, general attorney; M. J. Buckley, general superintendent, O. R. & N.; G. W. Boschke, chief engineer, and James F. Graham, superintendent of motive power, leave today on a tour of Inspection of the main and branch lines of the O. R. & N. Vice-President O'Brien would also have been of the party, but was unable to Join It on account of his visit to President Harri man at Pelican Bay, Klamath County. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS T. T. Strtrble Tr to Lewis P. Love, 103.37 acres in Lewis Love D L C in Sec 14. T 1 N. R 1 E $ D. J. Buckley to Lewis P. Love. Lots 1. 2, Block 117; Lot 4, Block 116: Lot 8. Block 11, city; also 103.37 acres beg at pipe In south line of Lewis Love D L C in Sec 14. T 1 N, RIB, 4409.75 feet east of stone at southwest corner of said D L C Portland Tr Co. of Oregon to A. F. Hershner, Lot 1, Block 9, Chicago. Q. F. Johnson and wife to Frank R. mihsrt et at. undivided one-half of Lots 7. 8. Block 326, city 15,000 Daniel Hayes to R. W. Turner. 10 acres commencing at point which Is northwest corner of south half of nnnhn'Mt nnarter of Sec fi. T 1 S. ' n s E 1.000 J. C. Buckley and wife to T. E. Ham mersly et al.. Tract 17. Taylor's . subdivision of Sec 2, T 1 S, R 1 e L530 Frank H. Gates and wife to Mrs. C. F. Pfluger, Lot 5, Block 8, Feurefs Addition 330 Ladd Estate Co. to Sarah vlgars. Lot 6. Block 22, Ladd's Addition 3.700 Thos. C. Devlin to Oregon Realty & Tr Co.. Lot 2. Tract "B," Smith's Addition, excepting north 100 feet thereof 1 John J. Hawes and wife to Fred A. Erlxon. west 34 feet of Lot 7, Block 25. King's Second Addition.. 8.200 Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to chas. R. Springer, Lot 11, Block 29, Rossmere 550 Isaac Vanduyn et al. to VTm. L. Wood. Lot 6, Block 118, Portland. 7.500 H. B. Waaler and wife to Wm. M. Banschbach. Lots 10, 1L 12. Block 18. Arbor Lodge 10 Moore Investment Co. to Wm. Bansohbach, Lot 2, Block ,50, Ver non 650 7 A Anderson and wife to Lillian HSrned, Lots 32. 33. Block 11, Peninsula Addition 50 Jos. M. Healy et al. to Geo. S. Burns. Lot B. Block 3. Waverlelgh Heights Addition 475 Salvatore Greco et al. to Qaetano Mongelll, Lots 27, 28, Block 5. Tabasco Addition 1,120 C. A. Dickinson and wife to Martin I. Conwell, east half of Lot 16 and north 10 feet of east half of Lot 15. Block 11, Central Albina 2,700 Wm E. Hartel and wife to A. S. Stone. Lot 6. Block 15, St. John.. 850 Edward F. Cannon and wife to San ford C. Mills. Lot 8, Block 3, Can non's Addition 800 W. D. Larrabee et al. to J. B. Teon. Tract in Sec 11. 12. 13. 14. T 1 N. R 1 W. being part of W. W. Baker D L C 1 Chas H. Turner and wife to Marie Wicklund. Lots 8, 9, Block 86, Ver non 1.730 Robt Uv". Wilson to Harry J. Mlllatt, Lot 18, Block 10, Council Crest Park ..' 630 Chas Lomerlne and wife to Myrtle B. Wormoth. Lot 7, Block 6, W. Piedmont -. 700 J. w. P. McFall to Bruce A. Frost, Lot 5. Block 5. N. Mt. Tabor 800 Security Savings & Trust Co. to Sarah A. Mulligan, Lot 8, Block 21, Belle Crest 10 Chas. Lome'rlne and wife to Wm. Reldt, Lot 1, Block 1, Cloverdale Tract 1.500 Martin OUon and wife to James E. Redmond, Lot 11, Block 2, Center Addition 200 Total ,...147,500 Thursday Real Estate Transfers. Charles Cleveland and wife to J. M. Casebeer. tract "A" as subdivided in oartltlon suit of estate of Sam uel Moss, being a portion of the George Shrlver donation land claim in sections 14 and 23. township 1 south, range S east, with excep tions t 3,500 R. 1. Eckerson and wife to F. Gouter- mont, lots 110 and 111. Arleta Park 600 John T. Francis tw Thomas F. Mur . pby, 1 acre 200x100 feet, commenc- OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY, inn at northeast corner of the Campbell tract, on the N. B. Jones donation land claim..... - Aloys Harold to J. W. Molloy. lot 2S. block li Harlem Addition: lot 7, bloi-k 12. Masslllun Addition. .. James M. Push and wife to Nelson J. Kendall and wife, lot 1J. block 5, Tremont Park -V!lliam M. Kapua and wife to V. H. Weed, southerly half of lot 134. section 1. Greenwood Ometery Mount Tabor Investment Company to E Shelley Morgan, lot 2 and nortn one-third of lot 3. block AL. Kath- erlne .",:'' L" '.' Li" M. A. Laraen to Frank Kitcuh et al lot 18, tlock 4. Midway Annex Ad dition, agreement for sale. . . . . . . Henrietta E. Falllns: et al. to James S. Michael, lots 13. 14. block 18. John Irving's First Addition .. . Nancy H. Jackard to Margaret M. Levinson. lot 4. block 6, Dunn s Ad dition ,v".j;";" T M Word (Sheriff) to Meridian In 'ves'tment & Trust Company, lot 8. black 42. Sellwood. certificate of 11 Porter" "and wife to j. M- Wol-g-amott. lot 8. block 42. Sellwood.. R. U Stevens tSheriff) to Charles Cleveland, that part of northwest quarter of section 23. township 1 south, range 3 east. 5414 acres, as conveyed to Charles Cleveland Behina O. Gaston to Frlti Richard Schrleber and wife, lot 3. block Vallev View Addition Moore Investment Company to D. C. McLeon. Jr., and wife, lot 14. block 16, Vernon Municipal Railway Improvement Company to O. H. Calkina. lot 10. hlnlr 1A Terrace Park 600 3.000 3,500 BOO 400 10 Jarobs-Stlne Company to Cyril Rel ton. lots 7. 8. block 7; lots 19. 20, 21. block 8. Hyde Park l.SOO Harry L. Keats and wife to L. Y. BllllngSley. lot . nmr V,. mil-- mouth Villa Extension Kenneth A. J. Mackenzie and wife to quale Do Giovanni, lot 11. block 22. Kenllworth Addition R R Foster to Theodore Kaseberg. lot 'l". block 11. Arleta Park No. 2 Mkhael O'Brien and wife to Edward Donnelly, lots 5 ad 6, block 4, and lot 3. block 3; lot 7, block 2, Tuinh'fl Add BOO 800 1 10 Charles A. Hunt and wife to Jack Claussen. lots 15 and 18, block 6, Williams' Add. No. Z O. Waggoner to Kordby Craven Investment Co.. lot 18 and east 20 3-6 feet of lot 17. block 11. Park View Ext M23 Peder H. Jeppesen and wife to Jacob M. Duff and wife, lot 4, oioca za, Multnomah 2,600 Title Insurance Investment Co. to Walter Vv . Woodrurt ann wire, snmn ij of lot 4. block 2, General Ander son Add 2,300 C. E. Smith and wife to Smith Watson Iron orks, unaiviaea z- of lots 1, 2, 7 and 8, block 107. ltv Thomas M. Anderson and wife to Title Insurance & Investment io-, lot , block 2. Anderson's Add O. M. Smith and wife to A. P. Itch ier, north 37 feet of soutn nan of lots 10. 11. block 1, Madeline... 3,500 1.400 Benjamin F. Russell and wife to Harry FTinit ana wire, ioi 9, owe 2. subdivision of Brown tract In section 14, T. 1 S., R. 1 E B. H. Bowman and wife to Wlllara M. Conklln et al, lot 11, diock i. Eastland Addition eso 4.000 1.250 S75 1 Harry T. Nieolai and wife to Charles H. Heller, lot H, diock hi, uoscners Second Addition, and lot 6, block 10. Sherlock's Addition Earl C. Bronaugh and wife to P. J. Molls, lot 1, DIOCK i, rsronaugu a Addition Moore Investment Company to K. Brandt, lot 12. DIOCK 10, vernon.. Ferdinand C. Smith to Charles E. Smith, nortn half or oioca iui, ray J. Frank Watson and wife to smith A Watson Iron works, unaivmea one-third of lots 1, 2. 7. 8, block 107 rltv R. L. Stevens (Sheriff) to J. M. Berry, lot 16. OIOCK 11, west ronianu Addition T. S. McDaniel and wife to O. B. Wicyline, lot 10, block 5, and 6 feet Immediately north thereof, vnrir view Extension 8.000 450 Moore Investment Company to G. M. Rosenstlel, lot 10, diock hi, ernon H C Lavcock and wife to Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Com pany and Oregon & Washington Railroad Company, right of way for Ingle spur track E N. Barney and wife to M. Adella Sheldon, lots S. 6. block 0, Ports mouth Villa Extension ........ W H Moxon et al to Maud Sikes. lots 8, 6 Arvidsons Subdivision of block 13 North St. John Will H. See and wife to W. T. Will i ... ..... inta "11" and "E" Mount 425 570 Tabor Park 3.500 Mabel Williams to nene nanegan, lot 8. block 74. Sellwood E M. Rasmussen and wife to E. E. Vallnacr n'ORt hfllf Of lOtS 5. 6. block 290. Hawthorne Park. 8,50? Merchants Loan & jrusi company u Homer Franklin, lots 20, 21, block 8, Willamette D. E. Buchanan et al to P. H. Schulderman. west half of east half of lota 5, 6, block 26, city C P Jordan et al to J. B. Watklns. 'lots 1 2. block 2; lot 8 and west half of lot 7, block 1 .Garbade 10 1.830 Total ..$46,738 Have your abstracts made by the Security Title & Trust CO., I vnamoer ot DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Aug. 13. Maximum tempera ture, 68.4 degrees; minimum. 66.2 degrees. River reading at 8 A. M., 7.5 feet; change in last 24 hours, rlee .1 foot. Total rainfall (5 t M to 5 P. M.). .56 inch; total since Sep tember 1. 1807, 40.05 inches; normal. 44.71 inches: deficiency. 4.66 Inches. Total sun shine August 12. none; possible. 14 hours. 18 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level), at 5 P. M., 29.96 inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at 5 P. M., Pacific time, August 13. WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the last 12 hours the barometer has risen slightly over Western Oregon and' west ern Washington and quite decidedly over the astern Dortlons of these states ana laano. At this writing a shallow trough of low nresxim extends) from eastern British Colum bla south to Nevaaa. ana uim aim wi weather continues unsettled over the greater portion of the Pacific States, except in Cali fornia. Moderately neavy rimia in extreme Eastern Oregon, extreme Eastern Washington and Idaho and good rains fell last night in the Willamette vauey ana in coast counties. The temperature nas taiien very decidedly east of the Cascade .Mountains and it is warmer in the Willamette Valley and the Sound country. The indications are for generally lair weather Friday In Western Oregon and West ern Washinirton and for showera and thunder storms In Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washing ton and Idaho. The temperature win con tinue below normal. FORECASTS. For the 28 hours ending midnight. Aug. 14: Portland and vicinity Probably fair; west erly winds. Oregon and Washington Fair west, thun der storms east portion; westerly winds. Idaho ThuncUr storms. EDWARD A. BEALS, District Forecaster. AT THE HOTELS. The Portland W. C. Taylor. New York; W E Mushet, E. Hutchin.Ton, San Fran cisco' G B. Watson, A. F. Green and wife. Berkeley; A. Berry, city; D. Lindner. New York- A. T. Hawley. W. P. Doveli. R. B. Alber'tson. Seattle; E. Whitson, Spokane; J W Gtlman San Francisco; M. Gilliam, Seattle-' W. Howaath. Everett; J. A. Hart wick A Almlller, Seattle; F. E. Ralnsolds and 'wife. New York; A W. Van Ness, M. M Matthews. San Francisco; W. O. Kraft, Jr New York; A. B. Saurman, San Francisco- W W Turner and wife. El Paso; M. Bishop, New- York; W. J. Kerr, Corvallls; Mrs T Paddock. San Francisco; A. F. Lau'sen.' Jr., Chicago; B. G. Lee, G. P. Lee. Mrs L L. Phillips. Memphis; Chas. Schneixer. San Francisco: B. H. Paull. St. Louis: Rex Belcher. A. F Jergins. Los Angeles- F Noah. Seattle; Geo. Wad, Eugene; A Hughes and wife, J. Griffiths and wife, Denver- Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Mevls. Miss Mevls Philadelphia: C. de Slbour. Paris: M Gervln. H. Wilklns. Philadelphia; E. B. Bennett A I. Ormsble, A. T. Ormsble, New York- W P. Hedges, San Francisco; J. B. Adams Washington; Wm. N. Reynolds, Jr.. H G Clymore and wife. San Mateo; W. H. Adams and wife, Spokane: X J. Egan and wife Honolulu; A. P. Tom. Los Angeles; E Hlnderson and wife, San Francisco; E. j' Stoltz New York; J. P. Vollmer. Lewis-ton- Dr and Mrs. E. O. Stratton. Oakland; R B King. Chicago: Geo. W. Jones.-Wasco; M' Asher San Francisco; C. G. Merrill, Boise- A E. Bather, Minneapolis; c. M. Levey St. Paul: H. C. Nutt, Tacoma: B. G. Williams. Seattle; B. F Hanlon. San Francisco; 3. A. Lindsay, Victoria; J W. Patterson and wife. Rev. and Mrs. A. D. Pell New York; F. F. Plowden. Mrs. H. P. Waddell. Miss waddell, C Toxer, San Francisco- D. , M. Hamilton. Minneapolis; J. G. Megler and wife, Brookfleld. The Oregon George H. Grover. Hailey, Idaho' F. Kretschmar. St. Louis; J. E. Lind burg. D. Kelly and wife. Denver; M. J. Clifford. Oakland: Hugh C Gearln. city; J. P Kieran. San Francisco; Joe Heller. Chi cago; L. D. Wolford, city; E. S. Calen dar, Seattle; G. Reddlck. Sap rranclsco; J. AUGUST 14, 1903. Laton. Denver: Oscar Oppenhelmer. Se ttle: W. F. Gasklns. riew ii, -- Msdden. R. W. Jesup. San rancic. r. -Hull. Kelso; E. Satlow. Kan CU, J. elchensten. Dallas, lex.; , w ch. wife and daughters, m. v"'' "1 d Rogers. J. R. Walsh. Cincinnati; tm?- Goodin. Muncle. Ind.: John L. uoyai, furt; A. F. Smltz. Bar, H- Kali, faeatTie; r. o- . - Sobblns. Seattle; H. M. Crooks. Albany. harles T. Early. Hooa Kiver; "". ney. city; D. P. Murphy. Ban r ",,- C. Yeoman, re tin. an.5 Eug,ne; W. C. Hard n. Texas; W H M :oin. jr.. - -r - Cot. cago; Mrs. J. n. l n -. d age Grove; natnan .."- vrk. Weiser. Idaho; K. , T H. Ausley. sail rram.-u. - "j. - Hewitt, Stockton, (at.; t. a. d""'"V "A f vbIUb; H Freoncn, riinm . -; , M Fisher. F. Whltberk. Nampa. Idaho. s. . Carter. Oakland; W. H. Eccle Hood Bl ; P. M. Haelpln. ivew in, Ctn. blat. Wlnlock: Miss Jessie B. Jones, ten tralla: E. C. Halllday and wife. -'". ni.. Coatend.l"The,'dodn fe j: Lhar-LChEyeninn'ge,S- Ko Wilson. 'Spokane. The Imperial Mrs. r. c "jr.hers Mrs. Lysick. The Dalles; F. M. Cpratners. Kelso; N. D. Carman and ramiij. Waftuns and child; Miss C. T.Maosl5a'r?lV Jordan Valley: J. G. Gilbert W F Harrell. Stevenson "af" - ; -'i.r,,"s. Astoria; W. i. Weslafar,- Pittsburg; W. L. Thomlykee. Astoria; John Anaerson. ,""'t . M1si Mrs. K.. A. KOMins. wni.. , i, ir Edith Gross, Los Angelas; JamH 1. Alameda; Virgil Cooper. Baker City; Charles u. .-no-. ""J-V-ri- Moon. Eugene: L. B. Avery ana wii. B. C: J. K. rox, uos ". -V, ,,. Northfleld; Ed Klddly. I.-land C ty; " . .V i. , . . n tr Hnwlev. clti . J. Gray. Pendleton; Herman Gregg and wne. C. C. Jantxer and wife. Hood River; Mrs. R. N. Deffleld. Sclo: M. a. -i"-'. Eugene Brock. Stella; W. W. Av-ery CTigf ne. viiS. R Crofort. Kelso: L. B. Whitten. Spo kane; The Gold Dust Quartet. ka.m,ok?v,t ' A. B. riaraen. ijoiaenuam, """"'"i r,i.- , c, T7-i at x Coimnhell and wire. i-ranis cii'aii, ... ""i Chemawa; Bert Moeon. lone; (r. A- .Haii' Sherman; W. A. Mlssneh. Independence .. B. A. G. Morgan, tfaiem; joim "' . j u-iihnit- w. in. Simonton. Belllngham; F. hi. Kamsey, cm. Perkins, San Jose; George Neuman, Kentucky. -. 1. 1 n . ir a wmev. ftievensiMi, John Bartman. Calo; J. W. Rivers. Oallce ; C A Leu. Mrs. rl. ran vim u. . o ' o Portland: A. Keller, IlirUH, . S3. i... . t Thm nnllea- R v.. Archer. Chenalls. C. L.. Mitchell. San Francisco; C. w. sneveri. Arlington; Lime rssner, ,""sr"-, " . j 1. 1 unnuan. lvinllv Breslawn . T T Km Ih Cltv: I W . JUUKn. City; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith. Spokane; Jas. J. Armstrong. Denver; Jas Smith, La Grande; E. J. M".,""1' V. h ... , m. u vtr rmw Korthneio. wen. LorvHiiiB, m. tt. -- - - . l. 171 T3arnoB POM 11(1 : 1 . P. TtllUCll Hood River; C. K. warn, rm... o rviiiiTTB Rnokane: G. P. Lewnsden, Ho - brook; C. A. Jersten, Allen S. Archer. Wal- E. Sxham. nr 1 .OS AIIKH, v. Forman port and; Mrs. u. mrn ."l n.. jr w P Northrop. inwrnur.D, jwl... - ,,T.ii, anu Bon, Tim.. - -j,, v i Murray; Wm. f-mitn. t.ncou.ti, . ii- 1 1.. OAtinnd. 1 sn Nora. Self. MifB Lula Duf'ftn. Allen bufftn, Chas. puffin.. B. n Rrun. I. a Lamas: t. v. o.m son, Bakersneia; u. w. ". " . Trat,inr iTeiHo- w .t. Good. Kale; F. rj. Rowell. Sc'holls; j. S. Trimble, Forest Grove; Mrs. Eric Manueia. una J. rjel n "i ir;l, n Arleson. Spokane; R. E. Runyan. Roose- ...l. ti c.hmlnah ActtnrlR! HUKII mho.iii. Dav'tonj H. J. Jackson and wife -Walla -t-iio- u.nr tr Roherts. Jas. Roberts. . ana., ....... j -i t n Collins, wife and two children, Boston: F. fpencer, loppenisn; u.o. v. -p H. Aranaugh.' Thurlock; Chas. Branal, San trranclsco- .1 W McGowan, Mcuowaii, u. Francisco w tti Mrs. Her. Gaston; H. Plnkerton nu "' Weston; H. E. Hobert, La Center; J. m Simpson. Spokane. rk. at rhurlM M Skaaie. rr-aianin; Norton. C. E. ColllnB. city; l Newberg; Mr. jassaoay anu w..-. r. u rnrTmRYl White Salmon: Mrs. I. M. n'. xr r. Xdieller. Oak Point .i mii'i... -vfi.Ciillv Long Beach: R. ! Mclsaac, A. Mclsaac, Hood River; P. Bran- ner. city; Wm. gidsoh, unmooa, j. . Woodland; G. Simpson. Milwaukee, G. la. Harris. C. A Bell, J. Downing and wife, Tacoma- M. Winkler and wife, walla wana , ,.;.'. ..j ., Tnlrlnnd- M C. Bowen Chemawa: C. D. Heirrl, city; Miss Nellie Welsk. Kelso; E. Murry. J. C. Mich. Hiiis boro; B. Chase. Kalama: V. H. Coffey. War renton; Mr. Weather and wife, city; J- Els- .i. .Vi a. vv n Schnffer Woodland ru t., jvii"', tt . u. - . w -a Camfts: O. V. Davis, j . rl -'v...- iritiv.nM. i. m Parker. Newberg Miss Jessie Dow'nlng. Miss Alice Early, T w.ant onH wife and daughter, Toutle; j. R. Morris, Independence :E. V. Kirsch. C. K. Klrscn, city; n. j. Boring: J. W. Reeves Galice; J. W. Schrod er A. M. Krlcheam. Camas; H. D. Martin, city- J. W. West. Banks; J. W. Ruble. Sa lem T. Grasdal. Oregon City; B. S. Owens, Amboy; Chas. Hoggard. Reno; D. J-np"" ard. Vancouver; J. E. McCall, Corvallls. C. Foreman, wnue oaimuu; ... '""X1V.. V, berg- W. S. Sheppard, North Yamhill, t M. Knoles, Kelso; .C. J- B rower. McMinn ille- s Tarell. British Columbia: F. Schaf er. liolalla: W. M. Hartman Miss V Hart ' - t..i. r. tJo and wife. Franc! Weist, P . M. Hill.' Cyrus Welst. Kelso; p. C Mlchall. Kelso; S. B. jonnson. .. ui.. r Rravnt. C. Wilker. Seattle R. Namhner, Six Lakes; Mrs J. M. Bro-wn Glnn. city; R. Reeves. C. Humphrey. Pen UI.. u r Mni pr (IRK roim n. ej. .t.- Th. t.ik FVank J. Kllmm, John L. o c-..r,.im- t M Wlesel. Den ver: Chas. F. Brady. Oakland: Mrs. W . H Carrolten, Ellens-burg; J. A. jonnson. r.iu. T ott. Vnrth Vftlrlma- D. L. Rich. City C C.' Llghtfoot. Astoria; A. R. Cummings, t... iJt m 13 TvTcrilllilrav. city; Miss E. Sharp, Tacoma; Mrs. J .D. Reed and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Walker. Mrs. D. A. Walker, San Antonio; Mr. ana Mrs C S. Boereton, Woodstock; Mrs. M. t Bowman. Newberg; W. W. Redneld. Min neapolis: W. T. Martin, La Fayette; Miss Maude Clum. St. Paul; Miss Maude Bate ham, Mosler; Joseph Johnson. Seattle; Mrs. H. S. McKlnley, city: F. W. Bullock F. W. Bullock. Jr.. Chicago; J. F. Baker, Ralph Baker. U Grande; S. T. Likens. Gobel; J. H. McGrath. Fort Stevens; Mrs. C. Phillips. Chicago; E. E. White, Salem; J. 6mlth, city: J. H. Ruble, Salem; F. R. Wagner and family. Goldfleld: H. E. Grit man. Ritzvllle; John Danz. Seattle; ; C. L. Murdav, Eugene; John Dickson and wife, Brandon; Mrs. C. D. Emmons, Eugene. The Danmoore Delia Weiser DIx. Detroit; P. i. McKenna. Wllmerding. Pa.: Mrs. G. N. Martin, Miss Webb, Waterville, Tenn. : E. C. Genereaux. Seattle; Pauline Howard. Iy Angeles: Eva Tattersall. Redlanda; Helen R. Hlrschfelder, Agnes McMartin. Ventura; Elis abeth Walters. Bernlce Gustave. Maud B. Garner. Los Angeles; Senna Satterlee. Mon rovia; I. O. Marsted and wife. Newcastle; A. Renhanan, city v.-. v. jmuuio. ruin. Brown and wife. New York; J. S Hall, city: C R. Loffert. Spokane; E. R. Merton. Sioux City- C C Casey and wife, Wayalde; G. M. Gillette,' Sioux City; W. D. Ordway, Seattle; W A Politz. Miss A. Rudolph. New York. P'B Edgers. Salem: Mrs. E. Stuart, Asto ria; I. L. Langdon, Chicago: C. D Madedn. St. Paul: C. H. Carlson. Jliaaeapolls; D. B. Rogers, Salem. The Nortonla Francis B. Starke city; Miss B. M. Eddon. The Dalles: Mrs. C. Walker. Seattle; H. L. Woods, city. F. K. Snencer. Newark: E. F. Barret, Peoria; K. A. Clements. Mrs. K. E. Hood. Boise; H. Y. Willis St. Louis: Mrs. L- Vashburn. Boston; C. Rose, L. N. Gleason. Astoria; H. P. Wal ters Seattle- Mr. and Mrs. C. Newhall, Denver-' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Walters. Tacoma. The Cornelius H. L. White, Minneapolis; Mrs T W. Clark. Vina E. Clark. Des Moines-' Clara B. Faster, Mathilda Ecker len Vancouver; E. E. Taylor, New York: E E Wilson Corvallls; Nella Walker, Wil ber Mack Orpheum; D. H. Perterson. Nel lie Perterson. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. B. T Irvine Corvallls: D. E. Hirshneld. Texas; Miss Robinson. McMlnnville; G. S. Paine, Wlnslow; Miss F. M. Bendey. Detroit; Miss S F Bain. Portage; H. P. Hlldreth, Seattle. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES (FOR CASH ADVERTISING.) Following rates will be given only when advertlxina- Is ordered to run consecutive days. Dally and Sunday Issues. The Ore. ronton charges first-time rule each insertion (or clastilfied advertising that Is - not run on consecutive days. The flret-tluie rate Is charged fur each Insertion In The Weekly Oregonlan. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board." "House keeping Rooms," "Situations Wanted." IS words or leas. 15 cents; 16 to 20 words. SO cent!.: 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No discount for additional Insertions. Matrimonial and Clairvoyant ads, one time rate each insertion UNDER ALL OTHER HTADS. except "New Today." SO cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; CI to 28 words, 50 cents etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half i no further discount un der one month. Above rates apply to advertising paid In advance only. All book entries will be charged In lines 14c per line for first In sertion and 7c per line for each consecutive Insertion. Special rates on contract given on application. "NEW TODAY." (gauge measure agate), 14 centa per line, first Insertion: 7 cents per line for each additional Insertion. TELEPHONE ADVERTISEMENTS For the convenience of patrons The Oregonlan will accept advertisements (excepting "Situations Wanted") for publication In classified columns over the telephone. Bills for such advertising will be mailed Imme diately and payment Is expected promptly. Care will be taken to prevent errors, but The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken over the telephone. Telephone; Main 0j A ttuua. AMUSEMENT. ANTAGES THEATER Jth and Stark sts. Week Commencing Monday, Aug. 10. BEVEX ZANZIBAR ARAKS, wniriwum j-.-.- and Pyramid euuaera. ZISKA A KING, Burlesque Magicians anu Kings of Comedy Magic. ""," ances Dally 2:30. 7:30. V. M. PoPU'ff prices: Lower lioor and first six rows In dress circle. 25c: back balcony. 15c: box seats. 50c Any seat weekday matinees, THE GRAND-Vaudeville deLnxo Another Great Show Mannel Romalne assisted bv The Fall of '64." Tom Glllen. The Mozarta Cadleux. Louise Auber, Eta Poley Bros. & 1'aimer Misters "Down Muslo Bow." MATINEES 15-25-50C NIGHTS THEATER 15-25-50-750 Season of Advanced Vaudeville. OI'F-MX. MONDAY EVEN INC". -J. ALL STAR riiAltni. aw. Sale of seats opens -Wednesday, Aug. l-i. USE; Carlos' Society Circus 30 BEAUTIFUL DOGS, MONKEY COMEDIAN AND KIDD THE MAN BABOON. 3 o'clock today. Tonight In Alrdome. The Great New York Success, "The Show Girl" Cars First and Alder, transfer all parts city. WHERE TO DINE. Hot Weather DietrlaiTRCa.. !"i 8th at., near Washington. MEETING NOTICES. PHALANX LODGE, NO. 14. meets every i-lday evening in I- O. O. F- Hall, Grand ' j c. ri sir a fraternal lnvlta- ?ion extended "all Brother KnUht to meet with us. O. S. HbDEb, h.. K. . PORTLAND LODGE. NO. S5. A. F. AND A. M. Special communi cation this (Friday) evening at 7 o'clock. Work in M. M. degree. ' visitors welcome. By order w. oi. uabsat.O LODGE. NO. 15. I. O. O. F. ..nn. his (Friday) evening at 8 P M. Work In the Initiatory degree. Visitors welcome. COZENS. Secretary. PHALANX LODGE. NO. 14. K. OF P. Mfets at 8 P M. Friday evening, corner of Grand ave and East Pine .... All members of the order Invited to eoy a fraternal welcome. ENGROSSING RESOLUTIONS TESTIMO nlals. memorials, etc. Ellis, 500 Columbia bldg. DlF.D- PEERT Tn this city, August 12. a tne family residence 689 Minnesota a Don ald Peerv aged 11 months 14 days. 1)8 fced son of Mr and .Mrs. Earl Peery. Funeral announcement later. VAN ALSTINE In this city. August 13. at 1804 East 10th St.. Emma J. an Al stlne, aged 59 years, 7 months and US days. Funeral notice later. FUN KRAI, NOTICES. n w.m-T t i-tlT .IPvlnr A a And acquaintances a respectfully Invited to attend the fu neraf s?r?lces of. Rockwell L. Rushlight SroUter of A. G. Rushlight. Councilman at A. B. Hemstock s chapel e.asi ui.. teenth and Umatilla avenue. Friday. Au gust 14. at 2 P. M. Interment MUwaukle Cemetery. CRIG The funeral services of the late George Craig will be held at Dunning. Mc a fiiihaiiirh's chapel, corner ith and Pine ste., today (fTtoayj. at i M. li Friends In- terment nose uy ",Dl1'' vited. EDWAKD HOCMAN CO.. Funeral Dlrect ors. 220 8d St. Lady assistant. Phune M QOI. J I FINLEY SON, 3d and Madison. -Lady assistant. Phone Main 9, A 151)9. Dunning. McKntee Gllbaugn, Funeral Il rertor" 1 ith Pine. Phone M 430. Lady asst. ZELLER-BVRNES CO.. Funeral orf. 18 KutselL Kast 10g- Lady assistant. .- h DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 East Aldir. lJy a'slstant. Thune East Hi. Grand Central Station Time Card SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving; Portland Roseburg Passenger Cottage Grove Passenger.. California ExpTess San Francisco Express .... West Side Corvallls Pasenger Sheridan passenger Forest Grove Passenger. . . Forest Grove Passenger. . . Arriving Portland Oregon Express Cottage Grove passenger Roseburg Passenger Portland ExpTess West Side Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger ... Forest Grove Passenger 8:1(1 a, m. 4:15 p m. 7:45 p. m 1:30 a. 7:00 a. m. 4 : 10 p. m. 1 1 :00 a. m. 6:40 p. m. 7 : 1 S a. ro ll :30 a. m. 5:30 p. m. 11:15 p. m- 6:35 p. m. 10.30 p. m. 8 :00 a- m. 2:50 p. m. NORTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving Portland Tacoma and Seattle Express ... North Coast & Chicago Limited Overland Express Arriving Portland North Coast Limited - Portland Express Overland Express 8:80 a. m. 2 :00 p. m. 11:45 p. m. 7:00 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 8:35 p. m. OREGON RAILROAD NAVIGATION CO Leaving; Portland Pendleton Passenger Chicago-Portland Special Spokane Flyer Kansas City Chicago Express. Arriving Portland Spokane Flyer VJ 'ir'J ' Chi., Kan. City & Portland Ex.. Chicago-Portland Special Pendleton Passenger 7:15 a. m. 8:30 a. m. 8:15 p. m. t):u0 p. m. 8:00 a. m B:45 a. m 8:50 p. m. 5:15 p. no. ASTORIA COLUMBIA RIVER. Leaving Portland Astoria & Seaside Express..... Seaside Special (Saturday only). Astoria Seaside Express Arriving Portland Astoria & Portland Passenger... 8:00 a. m. 2:20 p. m. 5:30 p. m. 12:15 p. m. Portland Express 10:00 p. m. Seaside Special (Sunday only). .110.20 P. m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Leaving Portland C. P. R- Short Line, via Spokane Via Seattle Arriving Portland C. P. R. Short Line, via Spokane. Via Seattle 8:15 p. ro ll :45 p. m. 8:00 a. m. 7:00 a. m. Jefferson-Street Station SOUTHERN PACIFICJ Leaving Portland Dallas passenger .... Dallas Passenger .... Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger 7:40 a. m. 4:15 p. m 10:15 a. m. 5:50 p. m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Arriving Portland I Wllsonville Local .............. Salem and Intermediate Local .. Wllsonville Local Salem and Intermediate Express. Salem and Intermediate Local.. Wllsonville Local Salem and Intermediate Express. Salem and Intermediate Local.. Salem and Intermediate Express. Leaving Portland Salem and Intermedials Local.. Wllsonville Local Salem and Intermediate Express. Salem and Intermediate Local.. Wllsonville Local Salem and Intermediate Express. Salem and Intermediate Local . . Wllsonville Local - Salem and Intermediate Express. 7 :05 a. m. 8:15 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 11:20 a. m. 1 rtO p. m. 4:45 p. m, 4:00 p. m. 5:40 p. m. 8:15 p. m. 6 25 a. m. 7:35 a. m. 8:35 a. 11:10 a. m. 1:10 p. m. 2 :U5 p. m. 8:30 p. m. 6 : 10 p. m. 6:05 p. m. AUCTION BALES TODAT. cS. at 2 p. m at 211 w .. .. corner Second and ia h. Portland Auction t-O-. mi in famhlll t 10 A. ! J. T. Wilson, auction eer. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE AT Mt. Tabor A new, modern bungalow, near Bel mont and Prettyman ve.; six rooms, furnace, etc. ; lot 100x100 ; price $3500. GEO. K. CLARK Or JOHN W. COOK 330 Chamber of Commerce. Phones: Main 5047. A 3252. Cheap Building Lots See the lots we are selling frnm sSoOO to $800 each on Thompson, Tillamook, Hal- sev, Schuyler, Jiroaaway, "YVeidler, .Clackamas and "Wasco streets. Mall S VonBorstel 80S I Burnslde St. and 104 Scond St. House and S22 Acres Only $2200 P3S Here is a special buy of 23 acre-, nil In cultivation, with nloo ti-roonird house and other outbulldlnsrs. S mil 11 errhord and gtrtlen. On tha elee trle line, n-ilu lee-eold water att tbe door. House cost BKt. Here la at ehnnee to make a BO per rent increase tn the next year. Homeseekers' Infor mation Bureau, 333 Chamber of Com merce. CHEAP QUARTER -BLOCK HOLLADAY AVENUE PRICE $1100 lOOxinn on the southeast corner of 21st and Hoiladuy ave. It Is cheap. va can make easy terms. Mall & VonBorstel 302 E. Burnslde St. and 104 Second St. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and terms to suit; spe cial rates and favorable terma on large loans on buxlnesa properties. Funds Loaned for Private investors. A. H. BIRRELL SOS McKay Bid., 3d & Stark. 80 ACRE SNAP 13 miles west or poruanu . " electric line. Price $2600. TtiinK oi it. land is wortn iuu to v' around this. One of the Rreatest bar Kaina ever listed with us, so call at once. GAIILAAU nnri.iu.i, 101 Fourth St. FOR this month we will sell watches for the amount loaned and one months In terest at Uncle Myers. l si -. Alder. BUSINESS corner, 33 1-S feet on Weldler, 50 feet on Grand ave.. northwest corner In quire 504 Kast Jiurnmug. . iiisnn Now $fi5oi for a short time, o-roora house. fwri . mum o- GILLETTE-RIGGS LAND CO. Bd. Td. bldg. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews. F. V. ft Co.. M S340, S3 Hamilton si Baker. Alfred A.. 115 Ablngton bldg. , , . u.,i.- it-)? rhmber of Comm. area. Cook. . B. 8, CO.. 503 Corbett bldg. Crusslcy Co., iuo- Ooddard, H. W.. Main and A 1743. 110 d St. Jennings a Co. Main 188. 06 Oregonlaa. Kinney a Stampher, 831-38$ Lbr. Ex. M 43S. Jjtt. M E.. room 411 Corbett Dunning. Mall a Von Borstel, 104 2d st, 803 B Burnslda. Palmer, H. P.. $18 Commercial Club bid. M 8i09, A $853. . , . Parrlsh. Watklns a Co., 250 Alder St. Reed. Fields 1 Tynsn . Btard of Trade bldg. Klchardson. A. a., i-i -oi". - Bchalk. Geo". D., 254 Stark st. Mali, ,892. A $. The Oregon Real Estate Co., 68 Third su (Holladay Addition.) Veteran Land Co., 822 Chamber of Commerce Waddel. W. O.. SOB Lumber Exchange bldg. White. B. F.. $27 Vk Washington et. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BY OWNER, new o-room house, on Bl mont St.. het. East 24th and $5th lot 35x1 -IS- street at each end; price, 3i.. improvement paid. John Amber.on. 791 Belmont. NEW. modern house. 0 large rooihs and attic- full ha-ement. gas and electric light, fine view. cl.e In, East SI. :t.t.-(l. $500 down. W. J- Dsy. i"ar". FIVE corner 100x100 on Nnrthrup st . FI1M00: choice location; ntlght dlvldej splendid buy. Vanduyn a Walton, 61a Chamber of Commerce. f 80x00. COLLEGE, near Park; all Improve mentspald: suitable for a single flat or home ?-!750. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. CORNER lot and large house. $5000; two cottages. 208 and lill Gibbs St., $.1000; South Portland, pays 11 per cent. Owner. 841 Front st BEST buy In Irvlngtcn. beautiful new 8 room home, comer lOOxluo block trom carMne 7iXX). Starr Bros.. 4M Worces ter bldg. BEST buy In Irvlngton. beautiful new 8 room house, block from carline; $ij00. tarr Bros.. 429 Worcester bldg. SMALL tract within 5 miles of Courthouse, choice land, good roads and water, Slot) per acre. 825 Lumber Exchange. LOT 50x100 on 31st si., half block f rora carline and Gladstone St., for $500 cash. 352 East 11th St. $200 BUYS a farm and a lot with a waranty oeed; will treble In less than a year. Sea Stevenson a Taylor. sOVs WasMngton Bt. X24O0 Beautiful home, only two left out of seven; $300. $20 monthly; 3 blocks south of Hawthorne, East 44th. Dr. Darling. S4000 BUYS city bus.neee that pays $500 per month. For particulars- address X 145. Ore- gonlan. MODERN house, nearly new. See this If you want a g..od home; terma Phone owner. Woodlawn Kt.-.;!. ACRE, absolutely clear and level, on Mount Scott carline; $12Kl; half cash. 35 Lumber Exchange. MUST sell quick. 7-room house, two lots, flowers, fruit and shade trees; owner on premises. 1108 K. Yamhill. IF YOU want a strictly modern 5-room cot tage cheap, see owner, 1 Kast Morrison St.; must sell, leaving city. J370O MODERN 6-ronm cottage, lot 50x100. Irvlngton, near corner. East 3:tM. FOR SALE 60-room hotel. $12,000; a snap. Call owner by phone. A 257. TWO aeres In MUwaukle. some small fruit and grapea M. B. Hag an. c4 2d.