Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 07, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Women 's Long Aprons
65c Vals. 29c
An astonishing special that will bring bargain-seekers
here in swarms. Full length
aprons, just like cut, made of the best
quality Amoskeag Gingham, on sale at
twenty-nine cents. Every housekeeper
knows what a useful garment this is, and
knows that it is impossible to buy the goods
and make 'them up for so small a price.
There are just one hundred doien for Fri
day selling, and while they last, one of the
greatest bargains ever known in OQ
Portland is in force. 65c aprons: . .
Women's Skirt Chemises, made of extra
fine nainsook, with low round or square
neck, trimmed with insertion, beading and
Valenciennes or Torchon lace; also with
lawn ruffle and tucks. $2.50 tfl tCk
values. During this sale only. .P OU
Cushion Tops, stamped and tinted in a great
variety of designs; appropriate for parloif,
dens or porches; material of dark or light
shades, with plain baclf to match; OQ
values to 65c; special for this sale.."1
WashGoods Friday 10 c
White cloth, figured in rings, dots or floral effects; some with fancy
mercerized stripe; a large quantity and superb 25c quality, 1 fg
on sale Friday at the remarkably low price of, the yard X C
Tuxedo Veiling,
in plain or dotted
mesh, large vari
ety of colors;
also Chiffon Veil
ing in all the
wanted shades ;
regular values to
65c yd. Special
Friday 17
Swiss,' Lawn or
Batiste materials,
good widths, and
edging or inser
tions, suitable for
trimming muslin
wear, lin g e r i e
dresses, etc. Val
ues to $1.25 'the
yard, only. .69
Stationery and Smallwares
WRITING .Tablets,
ruled or unruled.
regular price 20c
each. Special
Cabinet Box Stationery, 50 sheets and 50
envelopes to match, English Vellum finish,
regular 50c box for only 25
Bone Hairpins, shell color, six in box,
straight or crimped style, reg. 19c box.lO
Hair Eolls, all shades, reg. 25c vals. spl.l9
Hair Roll Retainer, holds hair roll in place,
worth 35c each, special, this sale....25
tionery, regular
price 2oc the box.
Special for Fri
day only
4711 Talcum Powder, a regular 25c
value, special for Friday, only. 11 .
Tooth Brushes, best quality, regu
lar 25c grade, special Friday 15
Post Card Albums, hold 200 cards.
regular 25c value, special 16
Crepe Paper, Dennison's-make, reg
ular 15c roll, special at. ...... .10
INGRAM'S Milkweed
Cream, a well-known
toilet help, on special sale
here Friday. The
regular 50c. jar
sells for only
Neckwear net. anS co1:
ored embroidered
bows, also colored silks and net bows.
A few large embroidered jab- a q
ots, worth to 75c, for rSC
Values to $1.50 at. . .. 89
Values to $1.95, spl..$1.27
Paper Napkins, large
assortment of fancy de
signs, worth 35c
per 100. Special
price only
Best American Thread, in black or white,
special Friday, 6 spools for only . .25
Pearl Shirtwaist Buttons, plain or fancy,
regularly 25c dozen, special Friday... 10
Toilet Soap, guestroom size, a good soap
for hotel use, spec, price, Friday, cake. .1
Moth Bags, keep clothing, etc., safe from
the moths, 75c size, this sale for only 49
)ARNING Cotton, on
spools, black or
white. Specially reduced
tor Friday to
three spools for
Savings on Curtains and
Enamel Beds
LACE CURTAINS Of choicest quality
and extremely pleasing patterns. They
come in " Arabian, Filet Net3, ' Tambours,
Scrims and Novelties ; regular values
from $10 to $30 the pair, under-priced like
$10.00 Grades $ 5.95
$11.00 Grades 6.65
$12.00 Grades 7.50
$12.50 Grades 8.00
$13.50 Grades jjj 8.75
$15.00 Grades . .$ 8.95
$17.50 Grades $11.50
$18.50 Grades 12.35
$19.00 Grades S12.75
$21.00 Grades 13.95
$25.00 Grades 15.00
$30.00 Grades $18.50
Very tasteful Window Hang
ings in grenadine, filet, Brus
sels, net and novelty effects.
About 300 pairs in the lot, and
values run to $9.00 the pair.
Choice only 4.75
Enameled Iron Beds $5.35
Regular $ 7.50 values S5.35
Regular $11.50 values 7.95
Regular $12.50 values. $8.75
Regular $14.50 values S9.65
Regular $15.00 values. .... 9.95
Regular $16.50 value's. . .810.75
Regular $17.50 values. . .11.50
Regular $18.50 values. . .12.50
Regular $22.50 values. . .S17.00
Regular $25.00 values. . .18.50
76th Friday Economy
Supplies Vacation
Wants at the lowest
Possible Price.
Annual Sale of Mussed Linens
Friday is the fifth day of this remarkable sale, bnt it is by all means the
best one yet. Lots were getting low, and we have 'added to the assortment
by hundreds of new pieces. Some of them show scarcely perceptible traces
of handling, and selections are now larger and values even better than
Monday, the first day of the sale. Therefore, come promptly and come
prepared to buy liberally. There is not a question but that yon will do so
when you see the magnificent values and the snperb qualities awaiting you.
Table Cloths, 2x3 yds., in- Size 2x22. $7.50 values. $5.50
stead of $4.50, now 3.25 Size 2y2x3, $3.50 values. . .5.75
Cloths, 2x3Vb yds., $7 vals. 4.85 '2Vzx3H yds, $9.00 values. $6.00
2.'x2U, $6.50 vals., only. 4.45 II 2y2x4 yds., $14.50 value
Richardson s Finest Grade $1.00 grades, at....
Wash Huck Towels, with $1.25 quality at...
plain, hemstitched, scalloped $1.50 grades, for..!
or fancy drawn-work borders, $1.75 grades, for. . . ,
Short lengths of Table Damask, amazingly low
priced. 330 pieces in 2 and 2l2-yard lengths. The
longer pieces for $1.75, and the fc" A g
2-yard lengths at the low price of . . . .P
koo ds. embroidered hand-work done by
Irish peasants; high-grade linens, are on
cola at f nil ntx-i n tr vat-it lrtw nnnpa"
$1.50 qualities, special. .'. .1.00 $2.50 qualities, special. ... $1.65
$2.U0 qualities, special. .. .1.35 $3.00 qualities, special. ..$2.00
....75? " ". V'UMk
1.13 .. ; . V. .. 'Wl
.$1.35 . . . ." J .
&rfr? .' -j'. ' ' ' Mi?)
tt j y m
- . w -. . .
fSt . . - . . .. . (I VK
$4.00 qualities, special. ..2.65
$5.00 qualities, special. ..3.35
t - I'mimM mm . i j. mn ii i
$1 Chevron Silks 59c
An extra special on chevron striped Oriental Silks, in navy,
brown, reseda. Copenhagen blue, tan or cream. An CQ
unusually good $1.00 grade, priced Friday at OiC
SILK PONGEES A clean-up of absolutely pure silk weaves,
in the most wanted shades; regular price $1.00 the jQ
yard; Friday only- . , ..OSC
Women s 25c Vests at 17c
Buy a good supply and have plenty of changes; low neck,
sleeveless, Swiss ribbed Vests, regularly sold at 25c -t j
each: extra good values Friday at X C
Women's Lace Trimmed
Pants Umbrella style, with
fitted tops; sell regularly at
75c the pair; aq
Friday tUC
Women's Union Suits Lace
trimmed, umbrella knee, knee
length, regularly $1.15 suit;
special while they ' qq
last, only.
Men 's Wear
Ve ryLo w Priced
Men's Silk Shirts, cream, blue or white,
in polka dot and striped effects. Regu
lar $5.00 values, special, CJO Ak
Friday PJ.tU
Men's Summer Underwear, silk fin
ish, covered elastic seams,
regular $1.25 values, at. . .
Rattan and Straw Suitcases, in all
sizes, for men or women. Every one
in our stock Fri- .
day at 4 SS
Men's Half Hose, in great variety of
shades and patterns; regu- nfi
lar 50c; half price Friday.. OC
Dinner Sets Priced at $3.29
The latest shapes, with spray'
decorations, and full gold-lined,
40-piece sets, regularly flJO OQ
worth $4.94, at
50-piece sets, $
values, at, per set
50-piece sets, $7.50 A QC
High Grade Silk
Parasols $1.59
60-piece sets, worth CjC AC
$9.00, this sale. for. . . PU
Sets of 100 pieces, splendid as
sortment, regularly worth $14.90
each, special, for CQ
Friday, only M3 --
Decorated Semi-Porcelain Dinner.
Sets, in odd lines and patterns,
half regular price.
Mason Jar Rubbers, extra C
heavy, 1 dozen for only....'
Chinaware, in odd pieces, dark
blue, with heavy gold line; Fruit
Saucers, Oatmeal or Berry Bowls,
Bowls and Bread and But- Q,
ter Plates, choice each 5C
8-in. Plates or Cups and 1 O
Saucers selling at only. . . X
Jelly Glasses, special eaeh...2
Simplex Fireless Cookers, abso
lutely sanitary, practical, econom
ical; no pads to absorb odors
or moisture; every part easily
cleaned; every one guaranteed to 'j
do perfect work if directions are
followed. Complete with cook
ing utensils, for the JJC (f
very low price of... P,UU
Blue Flame Cook Stoves, Gas Hot Plates,
Window Screens, Refrigerators, Coal Oil
Lamp Stoves, and All Sorts of Helps and
Hot Weather Comforts on Sale at Spe
cial Prices During This Sale.
Surely you'll not miss this special.
High-grade silk parasols, in de
cidedly popular shades, brown,
blue, tan, green, also in natural
pongee with colored silk border,
or in black or white with fancy
border. Have handles in colors
Regular values
sale of the year, onlyP J
to match covers,
to S3. 75 each,
SHORT KIMONOS Made of fancy lawn
in very pleasing styles. A rare chance to
secure pretty and comfortable house-gar-
ments at decidedly small cost. 'White
ground, figured patterns, worth CQ-
to $1.25 each, special OJC
LINGERIE WAISTS-Of good quality
lawn, trimmed with lace, embroidery,
tucks, etc. Regularly worth to on
$2.50 each; Friday for onlyk OJ7C
3 pr Women's Hose 50c
Plain or lace effects, in white or fast
black. The best 25c grades in this store,
famous for its hosiery values. With this
lot we also include a number of children's
hose in black or white ; worth 45c the
pair. Choice of women's or chil- A
dren's, 3 pairs for . ; JJC
T . T.I
iere. ana you can Tina tne oest snoe
sort of footwear that YOU want to
They are free and will aid you
bargain of your
wear. Ask for
choosing at this
, But Men . Who Make Betting
Business Barred.
Ordinary Bets Between Individual!
Legal, but Betting With All
Comers or Recording Such
Bets Is Ieclared Crime.
. NEW YORK. Auk. 6. The making of
an ordinary bet as distinguished from the
! practice of betting with all comers was
declared by Judge Gaynor of the Supreme
Court today to be not a crime. The case
I was that against George Sterling, who
was accuser of violating the new antl
', gambling laws by betting a basket of
golf-balls on the result of a golf game In
I Nassau County. Long Island. Justice
' Gaynor dismissed the case and ruled as
; follows:
"The difference between ordinary bet
1 ting and gambling is too plain to require
. words. An ordinary bet Is not a crime,
whether made In your parlor, on the golf
, links or racetrack, nor Is the making
of a note or memorandum thereof, but.
f you hold yourself out to bet and bet
ai! comers, or generally, or become a gen- I
eral recorder of such bets or of bets be
tween others, you are guilty of a crime."
"All that the last Legislature did In
respect to the gambling laws was to make
them apply Inside of the racetrack en
closure as well as outside. As to the
writing of a memorandum of a bet on a
card by the relator, It is enough to say
that section 351 of the penal code is con
fined In plain terms to the case of per
sons engaged In the recording or register
ing of the best of all comers as a practice
or business. That is common gambling
or aiding and abetting common gambling,
which the law does not tolerate."
Arizona Authorities Unwilling to
Care for Afflicted Woman.
TOMBSTONE, Arts.. Aug. fc Local
health and county authorities are in a
quandary regarding the disposition of
Mrs. Wardwell, the leper, who is now un
der quarantine here. Steps to have the
unfortunate woman and her husband de
ported have met with many legal compli
cations, and added to this Is the fact that
the afflicted woman has become violent
ly insane. She escaped from the guard
at the isolation quarters, and made her
way toward the residence section of the
city, creating quite a scare before she
was recaptured and returned to the place
of surveillance. Clerk Berner, of the
Board of Supervisors, .has wired the
State Department at Washington for per
mission to deport the patient to the leper
colony at Molokal, Hawaii. Pending ad
vices from the department, both General
Wardwell and hie wife are heW in quar
antine. The husband, who is suffering with can
cer, t avows his Intention of accompany
ing his wife if she ie deported. ,
Detachment Japanese Troops
Murdered in Corea.
Lure Their Country's Oppressors
Into Bills and Kill Them From
Ambush, Using Stones
and Muskets.
8T. PETERSBURG, Aug. . Further
details have been received from Posset
Bay regarding the annihilation last month
of a detachment of Japanese soldiers on
the Russo-Chlnese frontier by a band of
Core an insurgents. The Japanese troops
were encamped on the frontier near Hun
Chun. They were attacked unexpectedly
the night of July 11 by a strong band of
Corean Insurgents and perished to a man.
Russian Cossacks who were scouring
the frontier noticed the disappearance of
the Japanese flag from over the encamp
ment. They thereupon visited the place
and found traces of a fierce struggle and
the dead bodies of the Japanese. The
local population was questioned, but pro
fessed entire ignorance of the occurrence.
The Corean insurgents are daily becom
ing more daring. They attack and kill
individual Japanese, or even small de
tachments. Recently three Coreans cap
tured by the Japanese offered to act as
guides to the Insurgents headquarters in
th mountains. The detachment was thus
lured Into the hills, where It was set upon
and overwhelmed by Coreans in ambush.
The Coreans made use of stones and muskets.
Search for Gasoline Whaling
Schooner Fruitless.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 6.-A letter
received In this city today from one of
the whalers now in the Arctic says that
though a thorough search has been made
for the missing gasoline schooner Olga
no trace of her has been found. When
last seen, in October, 1907, she was far
to the eastward of Herschel Island head
ing for the ice-bound sea.
Conditions In the Arctic are reported to
be very bad this year. For weeks the
whalers Thrasher, Bowhead and Belve
dere lay locked In the ice to the north
of Nome, and the men were forced to en
dure many hardships. They Anally got to
Unalaska, where they replenished their
supply of coal before proceeding on their
' On Sale Today.
11.75 quality, in all colors, double
tipped fingers, on sale today at 95c a
pair. Long Lisle Gloves, 76c a pair
short Silk Gloves. S8c a pair. All Par
asols and Bathing Suits at cost. Mc
AUen & McDonnell, Third and Mor
Epeclal sale fine shoes at Rosenthal's.
Given Up by Lawyers After
Much Dodging About.
Bankrupt Broker Arrested at Los
Angeles on Charge of Embezzling
Railroad Stock and Sent
to San Francisco.
LOS ANGELES. Aug. . Frederick
Dorr, the stockbroker, whose offices, in
this and other cities of the West were
recently closed because of alleged failure
on his part to meet obligations, tonight
is being speeded back to San Francisco,
where a warrant for the alleged embezzle
ment of 110 shares of Milwaukee Railroad
stock, valued at J14.000. was sworn out
against him yesterday. Dorr succeeded
In evading the police at San Jose last
night, and later at Santa Barbara, and
arrived in this city from the latter place
at 3:30 this afternoon.
Several police detectives were at the
Arcade-street station to meet his train,
but he escaped arrest by getting off at
San Fernando-street station, where he se
cured an automobile and drove at once
to the office of W. J. Hunsacker, one of
his attorneys. Lynn Helm, another law
yer, had been telegraphed for by Dorr and
met the latter at Santa Barbara this
morning. The two arrived In Los Angeles
this afternoon and then Mr. Helm turned
his client over to other attorneys. Dorr
was In consultation with lawyers until 7
o'clock tonight, while the city was be
ing searched for him by detectives.
Half an hour before the train left for
San Francisco, at 7:30 tonight. Judge
Hunsacker turned Dorr over to the police.
The accused broker accepted service of
the San Francisco warrant and agreed
to go north at once and face the charge
filed against him there. Walter J. Trask,
an attorney, accompanied Dorr, the latter
Insisting before he left the city that he
would have no trouble
charge against him.
In squaring tha
Seven Yachts Capsized.
LAKH GENEVA, Wis., Aug. . In a re
gatta sailed in wind and water so stiff
that seven yachts were capsized, George
Buss, brother of Chicago's mayor, was
tangled yesterday In the submerged rig
ging of his boat, Tankee Girl, and was
dragged out unconscious. The rescue was
made by J. J. Mitchell, president of the
Illinois Trust & Savings Bank: J. C. Hate
ly and Ferd W. Peck, who were aboard
Mr. , Mitchell's steam yacht, Louise.
Rosenthal'" wlnaows are money-savers.
Cut out the "Blues" ve the
liver and stomach a rest by eating
The dainty, delicious, malted corn flakes,
made of the best white flint corn com
bined with barley - malt. Grisp, tasty,
easily digested. Supplies more strength
than you can gain from any other food.
Ready-to-serve with cream or milk. Ask your grocer for It.
The only Malted Corn Flakes.