I - ! 1 SnnATION W4STED-MALE., ! WANTEDTO BE!T. v nn u 1 1 . f- n h i I hA I I r.. v i IAI.P- ACRE TRACTS. We are ortering the beat thlr.g tn aers. or half aqre ln;U In Portland : water mains laid and terms or only $10 nit and 110 per month. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO.. v. 110 2d at. CHOICE lot on Beacon Heights, $1100; Small hotel In thriving suburb, making money; ground and building only $3000. or will sell furniture for $350 and lease at "H.l'daylhrark choice lot. $1100 and street improvements. Irvingum cut face lot. $1400 and street lmpro tmfnti: easy terms. HAKTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. A GOOD HOMB AND PAYING INVEST M BNT. 10 lots, over an acre, with 7-room mod em house; 2 blocks from car. 20 minutes out- 7 large aborted fruit tree over acre exceptionally fine raspberries. y"'d J.o tin season; a good buy at $4000, terms. . ft FiREBAUGH, 60S-9 Swetland bldg., cor. Sth and Wasp. RIVERFRONT ACREAGE. Beautltul grove of maple, nr. alder, etc.: 83 minutes) out on half hourly service; each acre tract has a frontage of over lnC feet directly on the river; all of this land is h th and drv. level and sightly: a paradise soot, at Portland s door; cheajr than ny thlng on the river. K. J. Daly. 222 Fall ing tide. APARTMENT-HOUSE SITES. Suitable lor moderate priced apartments; will return excellent Income on this class of Improvement ; g.od neighborhood, close to warehouse district: lnsi.Ie lot $.. corner $;(-: also two lots near Multnomah Club for $3250 each. E. J. Daly. 222 Fall ing bldg. . IRVINGTON QUARTER BLOCK. Build your home on prettiest Quarter Mock tn best residence section: sewer, gas, street Improvements, right elevation, with shade, on boulevard. Want cash for business and will sell at sacrifice. .No agents. Phone B or East 18114. A SNAP. 14 lots. Iinxliio. price $1706; terms; 17 minutes- ride on Oregon Electric line. So car fare: this is the best buy in town; Investigate: good land. Rl-SiiU. & HOUSTON. 444 Sherlock Bldg., 83V, Third St. NEW COTTAGE $.. Brand new 4-room cottage, near Anna bel nice lot and shade trees; price Is $.2"i0 $1O0 cash, balance $16 per month. C.russl A Gnntner. room 7 Canterbury bldg. 205 Washington, cor. 3d. "THIRTY people visited our office last week looking for small farms of 6 and lo acres, lr your farm Is well located and priced right we can dispose of It for you. Better list It with us. Kom'nei'keri' Information Bureau. W8 Chamber Commerce. A BARGAIN $1000, easy terms. B-room House and lot at E. 44th and Morrison us ; house In good condition; pump and pure soft water; perfect title. Call at 307 Market St.. or call up A 3707. be tween 5:30 and 7 P. M , and ask for W. M. FINE new residence, choice location. John Jrvlng's First Add.;, easy payments; fix tures In. fine quality; best furnace, elec tric, gas, complete. $1000 down, balance to suit at per cent. Phones C 1093, East 8'.)6. Dolcn Herdman. ELEGANT home. S large rooms, strictly mode-n and walking distance, near East Side Hlph School; price Is $5000 and- ws can makfl terms to suit; owner muat go East. Grussl ft Gantner. room 7 Canter bury bldg.. 205 Washington, cor. 3d. S-ROOM new house. No. 1 plumbing, graded street, sewer, fine lot. Aoxloo. flowers, fruit trees, etc.; only $ll0O; $r00 down, balance to suit. East 12th at. W. J. Day, 268 Stark. RISLEY TRACT. Oregon City carline. 2 acres or more; all In cultivation: best of land. C. W. Ris ley. owner, Klaiey's Station P. O., Mil waukee. 16 ACRES, all level, suitable for platting; 14 miles from Mt. Tabor reservoir; $t25 per acre If taken at once; V, cash, balance to suit purchaser. B 134, Oregonlan. . 0 ACRES unimproved good land, 16M) cords of wood, near Heaverton and. Salem Elec tric lire, on county road, $55 per acre. Ap ply owner. 407 Mohawk bldg. -ROOM modern house on E. Madison st.; lot 48xloi); fruit and shrubbery: only $2tSO0, $.Vo down and $20 per month. Oonklln Bros.. 302 Rothchlld bMg. 1 - BY OWNER, new 6-room house, on Belmont St.. bet. East 24th and 25th: lot :5xl :S; street at each end; price $';CW; Improve ments paid. John Amberson, 701 Belmont. . , CLOSE-IN WEST SIDE HorBE. Near 12th and Clay: modern, about 4 rears old; 7 rooms: lot 40x100; $6400. B. J. Daly, 222 Falling bldg. FINE lot on E. Taylor St.. 43x100, 3 feet above grade: onlr $. Vi cash. Conklln Bros.. 3"2 Rothchlld bl.lg. ii"r.o t'Joo rash. $15 month, new fi-room bungalow, bargain; owner, James Howies, Pacific C&i. ' V, BLOCK. 4 houses. West Side; $10,000; will pay good interest. Phone owner. Main 6S29. - $12,500 TAKES the best unimproved busi ness1 corner In Eugene. Call or address 5-:2 Olive St.. Eugene. Or. LOTS and new 6-room house. 4 blocks to car; $5'tO. eusy terma Room 320 Swet land birtg. HOUSE and corner lot. Sellwood; hot water hat. first-class plumbing: an Ideal home; $1MV Phone Main ARSTRAiTS EXAMINED BY EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATTT. D A. TUFTS. I0.4 WASHINGTON ST. HOUSES for sale in all parts of the elt acreage close In. and farms In Oregon and Washington Phone Main 44S6. Kinney as Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. 6MAJ.L payment. $12 monthly, pretty 4 room cottage, large lot. faces north. Hurry. Angeles. 4li Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth and Ankcny. $1550 5-room cottage, modern, corner, fine lawn, easy terms. 1459 Hodney. Phone Woodlawn 2173. ' 4.KfM)M cottage and lot. on St. John carline, 1 $750 terms Forced sale. Room 4. Mul krv bldg. Main 7145. A 1240. FINE 40-arre farm at Tigardvllle, 23 tn cultivation: must be sold; see me. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 THIRD ST. $22oo Fu'-l lot and modern 5-room cottage, furnished complete. at 842 GatltenbelB art., for a few days only. $750 Beautiful lot on Broadwajr St., near 2Hth; street Improved; perfect title. 410 Chamber Com. VERY choice ar at erd of Maver!y-Rlch-njond line, fins view, good soil: price tl5K. call for McOrath. Main S177. FOB SALE TIMBER LAND. TWO timber claims. S.OoO.OOO each, hi Pine, 5 miles from railroad; easy to get to; cruise guaranteed. A. W. Nelson A Co., Lafayette blitg. FOR BALE Timber claim with million feet, IS million cedar, at Foreeg Gcove near Gales Creek. E 1B1. Oregonlan. THREE fine timber tracts containing over 7.5OO.000 feet for sale at reasonable pries. Smith A Everett. 810 Swetland bldg. TIMBER claim relinquishment for sale: good sawmill location. Apply E. J. Catlett, Condon, Or. JOHN B. HAVILAND Timber lands. Gov ernment timber claims. CHOICE YELLOW PINE CI,AIMB. Government locations. 327 Worcester tolk. TO LEASE. TO lease for term of years, at very ches-p rental. T5xl00. close in on 8d St.; fine lo cation for any kind of brick or frmroa building. Hall A Co.. Concord bldg. WANTED TIMBER USUI WANTED Relinquishment In Slletx thst will go 10 million or better; cash. D 132, Ore gonlan. . ' TIMBER Lands wanted. C J. McCracken 304 McKay bldg. FOR SALE FARM 30 PER CENT LESS THAN ACTIAL VALUE 315 acres right on the Willamette be tween Portland and Salem; no finer farm in Oregon: see us today. THE JACOBS-ST1NE CO., 14a FIFTH ST. .- . . . . .. .j I nivTrnKEAL ESTATE. I iuto o.ii- i I - I'M no. ft.mnm honae and lot in North Irving ton on ltn si. ttuii. ru-e. ,oK'--. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. READ these over, then see us: Farms, hundreds of mem. large 01 small. 82 acres. S miles of Tigardvllle. on Tualatin River, to mile to railroad station; electric line will run by this place In 8 months; 50 acres low land. 2. acres In crops, 2 acres best beaver bottom land; plenty of water, good house, big barn, with a complete outfit of farm Im plements, 8 cows, span young mares, chickens, bogs. etc.. and crops all go with place; $75 per acre; M cash. bal. long time. ' Another snap 28 acres. 20 acres In crop, balance fine timber; 1 Vi miles from Tigardvllle. near electric Una; plenty of fine spring water, land lies nice; $120 per acre, with crops. BIG SNAP. 20RO acres, with line buildings, plenty of water, 250 In crop; $25 per acre; will consider other property for exchange. 420 acres, wheat and fruit land. In Washington: all In cropsi plenty of water, fine level land; $40 per acre; will con sider exchange. 2S6V Washington St., room 607 Buchanan bldg. FARMERS DO NOT MISS fHE81S BAR- GAIMS. SHOOO On good terms, for a beautiful 50-acre tract, only 9 miles from Portland, 42 acres in cultivation. 7 acres orchard, all the crop, stock and Implements. Noth ing as cheap around Portland. Finest kind of fruit and grape land. $17,000420 acres of the finest river bottom land on the Willamette, 173 acres in cultivation, balance contains timber of more value than asked for the whole place; S cash, balance 6 per cent; cut the timber off and have the place for nothing. All kinds of farm bargains close to Portland and all over the state. Make your wants known and you will be well served. F. Fuchs. 221 j Morrison st. NO. 33 127 acres 7 miles from R. R. sta tion, 12 miles below Forest urove; place lies hi Scroggin Valley: 22 acres cleared and In good cultivation. good house, chicken-bouse, barn 311x52. will hold 25 head of stock and 80 tons) of hay. hay fork and all complete; creek running tcrough the place: SO acres of bruwh land, but easily cleared: good lot of cedar and fir timber, 0 good milch cows. 5 good 2-year-old heifers. 2 2-year-old steers, bull. head of young stock. 1 hogs, good bunch of chickens, young and old. everything goes with the place: also Included In this bargain ta young team, with harness-. 2 wagons and other farm machinery: telephone in house; price $25o0 If taken at once. RALPH ACKLEY. 803 Corbett bldg. TWO CHEAP ONES. 10 ACRES ON THE BASE LINE ROAD. 5 miles from city limits, nesr electrlo line. R. F. D. :' under cultivations 2 acrea orchard, good water, 8-room house, barn, 2 wagons, tools, etc.; all for $21o0, terms. 4o acres, 18 acres under cultivation. acre good orchard, spring, well and fine creek runs through place: one honse. 2 cowe. 3 hogs. 4 chickens, new wagon, hack, plow, harrow, eto. ; 4-room house and household furniture: a cream route brings in $45 per month, requires 2 days per week; all this for $2100. M. CADONAC. 270H Washington, rooms. ORCHARD LANDS AND STOCK RANCHES, . . ...... . . -. . . 1 uour.i: PA LKI .KiMO ACL j . ...... . We have some choice large tracts or land In Southern Oregon. admirably adapted for orchards; one tract of a lit tle over 1000 acres at $75 per acre; A SNAP. Must sell quick. We also have some large stock ranches with big back ranges adjacent, and some msgnlticent Irrigated dairy farms. We buy and sell and soil right. Corre spondence or a visit solicited. GRANT. BURDIO STAPLES REALTY CO.. Hotel Oregon. Ashland. Or. 62 ACRES NEAR TUALATIN. 45 acres In cultivation, 12 acres bearing orchard. 7-room house, barn, fruit drier and other buildings, tools and stock; paved road all r to Portland, only two miles from Tigardvllle; $ll,OO0; terms on part of this. THE JACOBS-STINB CO., 141 FIFTH ST. AGRICULTURAL Homeaeekets, Attentlonl We have 50,0ijo acres or tne oesi lanus, soil adapted for all kinds of farming, near R. R., schools and churches; within 80 miles south of Portland; land ready for the plow from $10 to 20 per acre. For further Information call or write Gold schmldt's Agency, Land Department, 2o3Vi Washington, cor. 3d. 10 ACRES beautifully located, good level land, half mile from town. 1 mile from St. Martins Springs. 5 acres cultivated, SO walnut trees, young family orchard, good well. 6-room house, new barn and chicken-house. 25 chickens. 3 tons of hay, household goods, tools; price for quick sale $1700. Address J. L. Olson, Box 27, Carson, Wash. 80 ACRES land 12 miles from Vancouver, m miles to country town; w acres culti vated. 60,000 feet green timber. 6-room house, silo, 2 barns, chicken-house, "eto.: lu, acres assorted fruits, living stream and spring, 8 cows, all farm toole). including cream separator, bay and crops; $70O0. half cash. bal. 6 per cent Interest. 511 Swetland bldg. 100 ACRES, half cleared, 7 miles from North Yamhill: house. spring water, chicken-house, large barn, goat shed and good voting orchard; price $25O0; Im provements worth price asked. Apply 002 Guild ave.. Portland. Pacific 1174: DON'T write a letter: buy a one-fare return ticket; see IOO acres, house, barn, 28 cattle, hay. fine little valley home, good neighbors, and you will buy It for $1250 cash; $K-o0, 10 years. If you want, at 5 per cent Int. O. Mlddlekauff. Yaquina, Or. FOR SALE By owner, 10 acres, all cleared, excellent fruit or garden land. It mile from Forest Grove electric line and two miles from Forest Grove. Price $1500. This Is a bargain. Address P. O. box 814, Forest Grove, Or. 10O-ACRE stock and dairy farm up the val ley : good soil, part- open pasture, small buildings; a snap at $12.50 per acre. GARLAND SH ELTON, 191 4th St. 85 ACRES. 5 miles from McMinnvllle. good soil and fine for. fruit and dairy. 6-room house, barn and outbuildings, 60 bearing fruit trees, plenty of good water, excel lent roads, $210). 325 Lumber Exahange. A SNAP 40 acres fine land close to Van couver, HSR. , IBIHB UUUBfl ""I H, L1UIL, cows, horses. Implements, everything to go to work with; $2!A. terms. 611 Swetland b.dg. $560 FOR 6 acres of some of the best land In the Willamette Valiey; one and one half miles from Cnnby; will sell for $50 down and $10 a month. D 128. Orego nlan. $18 PER ACRE 320 acres. 8 miles from Salem, 120 acres cleared, balance fir and oak timber; 7-room house and large barn, very low price but must be sold to closs an estate. N 107. Oregonlan. $0600 BLYS 400 acres; one of Lincoln County's best stock farms, on railroad and river; 100 acres Improved. 10acre orchard, good build ings. Lock box 86. Elk City, Or, EXCEPTIONALLY good 120-acre Yamhill County farm; nearly all cultivated; good buildings, neir school: $40 per acre. 3u3 Goodnough bldg. 80 ACRES. 43 cultivated; water; house, barn, cattle, machinery, grain, hay; $2200, terms. Angeles. 411 Commonwealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny. 11 ACRES good land one mile from Oregon City, running water, some timber. $100 per acre; terms. G 109, Oregonlan. 80 ACRES 3 miles from Oregon City on county road; fir and cak timber; $S0 per acre. T 119. Oregonlan. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, tributary to Portland. 327 Worcester block. FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olmsted Land Company. Salem. Or. WANTED REAL FSTATK. WANTED Good land on lake or river shore, near good market; reasonable price; Irri gated fruit land preferred: state price and all particulars. I. Swanson, 256 tN'. Seeley ave., Chicago, III. WANTED 6 or T-room house. East Side, north of East Morrison St.; can pay $11400 cash: atata pries and location. D 135. Oregonlan. WANTED Two good building lots In desir able location; first-class architect will draw house Diana In payment f. same. Address E 136. Oregonlan. WANTED A 5-room oottags or bungalow on the West Bide: state lowest price and exact location In first letter: will deal with owner -only. Address S 119, Oregonlan. FARMERS If you have a good farm for sale and want It sold quick; list with F. Fuchs. 221V, Morrison it CITY real estate and farm land wanted; we have buyera for bargains; will deal only with owners. 403 Wells-Fargo bldg. WANT to buy from owner 5-room cottage on East Side, close In; $3o00 cash; state loca tion. O 131, Oregonlan. WANTED From owner, two lots, total price under $1000: part time. E 115. Oregonlan. I WANT 6 or 6-room house: lot improved: not over $2500 cash. D 131, Oregonlan. THE 3IOEMXG OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, room house, east of Williams avenue and north of Fremont at-: must be a snap. R 13S. Oregonlan. SMALL HOME wanted. $1W to $300 down, balance monthly. Give exact location and price. D 134. Oregonlan. WILL pay cash, one or two lots, suitable for flats: give location and price Bret letter. E 13S, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. 10O-ACRE farm on the Weet Side R. R. to trade for city property; has a good 7-room huse. good barn, outbuildings, fine water, all fenced and cross-fenced; 2 acres In cul tivation, 7 acres In hops, 20 acres of th best oak wood and balance In pasture; 15 acre of pasture can be stumped out. as stumps are rotten; crop Is fine and plenty of all kinds of fruit; price $45(0; can trade this place without any cash being paid. RALPH ACKLEY. 603 Corbett bldg. EXCHANGE or sale; large wheat ranch, 800 acres In grain, balance In Summer fallow, plenty of water. R. R. station on the ranch: will trade for Portland property. For par ticulars call or write W. Lawrence & Co., 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. GROCERY store to exchange for house and lot worth about $1400; this place Is well located and has) an old established trade: parties must leave city at once to protect valuable homestead. Spencer & Co.. 611 Swetland bldg. 60 ACRES, half cleared and In good crops. 15 acres beaverdam. good house and or chard, fine well aud creek, on county road and railroad, near Aurora, $6500; will take house as part payment. 320 Lumber Ex change. 159 ACRES In Polk County. TO acres culti vated. 20 good oak timber, balance excel lent pasture; fair 5-room house and 2 barns, 125 bearing fruit trees, $3700; will take vacant lots In payment. 325 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Grocery store for nice residence propertv. well located; rooming-house for swell bungalow on car line, at the Gold schmldt's Agency Business Department, 253 Vi Washington st. 60 ACRES, half cleared and In good crops, 15 acres beaverdam. good house and orchard, fine well and creek, on county road and railroad, near Aurora. $0500: will take house as part payment, 325 Lumber Exchange. WILL exchange for vacant lots In good location, a 7-room modern house on East Belmont st.. valued $3O00; mortgaged, for $1500. S 131, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE for general merchandise, grocery or city home, a nice farm in Yamhill County, near good city; pries $5000; no agents. R 119, Oregonlan. 100x100 WITH One, large dwelling. In Holla day Addition, will exchange up to $10,000 for stock of general merchandise or gro ceries, city or country. AF 128, Oregonlan. 80 CHOICE lots In Los Angeles. Cal., to exchange for Oregon or Washington farms or city property. Room 607 Bu chanan bldg., 286V, Washington at. A $12,000 Klickitat talll fruit and farm tract to trade toward Portland home cr business property. Flank Lee. 147 Va Front at. Ztt ACRES, fenced, close In, berries and potatoes, 5-room cottage, $2000; terms. Angeles, 411 Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth and Ankeny. HAVE fine complete motion-picture outfit, consisting of fine feature films, gas outfit, eto. for sale, or will exchange for acreage or lot- Main 8458. A FINE 24-ac.re tract for sale or exchange by owner, located 6 miles from Portland; a bargain for cash: will take a heme or business. S 128. Oregonlan 10 ACRES near Clackamas River and sta tion, well cultivated, good house and barn, $4500; will take house in exchange. 325 Lumber Exchange. TO EXCHANGE for lota or housa and lot, a nice 40-acre tract near Centralis, Wash. Price $1400. R 123. Oregonlan. IKiOO EQUITY In a new, modern bunga low; balance $1500, on easy terms; what have you to trade. O 127, Oregonlan. IF you wish to exchange house, lot, farm or "business for something elee, call or write 618 Chamber Commerce. UNIMPROVED farm lands, on Columbia River, good soil, for city property. 327 Worcester bldg. EXCHANGE 20 acres, Beaverton; 8 bear ing fnult trees, for city property. D 138. Oregonlan. HOTEL property bringing good rent to ex change for farm with Implements, near Port land; $65o0. 325 Lumber Exchange. WHAT have you to trade or exchange? W. Lawrence & Co., $16 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. LARGE hardware business to trade for Valley farm, consideration 2o,00O. R 115, Oregonlan. 100-ROOM rooming-house; will exchange for farm or city property. Address AB 89, Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE, paying well, gocd lo cation: exchance for city property or J acreage. AC 135, Oiegonlan. LOT that cost $100; will exchange for flrwt class typewriter. Call 818 Chamber Com merce. . 40 ACRES wheat land to exchange for res idence. Smith, 404 Buohanan bldgj 8-ROOM house for lots or acreage. Price $2500. State Land Co., 1331 First st- TO EXCHANGE Cord wood for good heavy team. Apply 6o2 Rothchlld bMg. WILL trade for what you have. GUI Smith. 404 Buchanan bldg. IF you want to buy. sell or exchange any thing, call 825 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE. Horses. VelitcLre sad Harness. 125 BUYS chunky team, mare and horse. 8 and 8 years, weight 2785, and harness; also good camp wngon; $205, pair horses. 6 and T years, weight 2900. and harness; $110, pair brown horses. 10 and 11 years, weight 25O0- $125. pair ntsres. weight 20O0; $i2S, fine bay driving mare, 7 years, weight 1150 Ask for Patterson horses. Stock yard's Exchange. 17th and Quimby sts. Take S. or ltlth-et. cars. FOR SALE Horses, at the Union Stockyards. We have left 8 bead ranging from looo to 1200 lbs.; will exchange one horse for buggy and single harness; must be In good order. Come at onoe and call for Condon horses. O. MASTERS, of Dallas. Just arrived with a carload of broken and untoroken horses, weight from 800 to 1200 lbs., from $25 to $B per head. Can be seen at Stockyards Exchange. 17th and Qulmby sts. Take S. or 16th-st. car. FOR SALE 1 span 6 and 6-year-old light horses; 1 bay mare, T years old. weighing 1100; 2 cheap delivery horses, weighing 1160. Phone East 4804. WANTED 8 single delivery horses, color bay. black or sorrel; weight 1100 to 1150 lbs., sound, age from 6 to 8 years. Phone Main 5331. FOR SALE Cheap, driving rig, also ons express outfit; must sell at once; will take cow or chickens In exchange. 838 East 2sth st.. W.-W. car. GOOSENECK trucks, butclwr. grocery, and bakery wagor-. buggies of all kinds, horses, harness and saddles, for sale or rent. 211 Washington. 35 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho tel 'bus. saddles, harness, cheap to close out. Hubert HalL 269 4th st. $300 BUY'S my fine Morgan surrey horse and Studekaker stanhope. Inquire Dr. S. C. Slo cum, 415 Mohawk bldg. AT A SACRIFICE; Road horse, buggy, har ness as good as new. 14 Union ave. North. FOR 8 ALE Young team draft horses. Ap ply 808 Davis st, A YOUNG team for sale, weight 2400 lbs., . price $300. 458 Williams ave. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sals. 284 Montgomery. GENTLE buggy and delivery horse. 6 years old, about 1000 lba Inquire at 128 3d. STANDARD bred road horse, city broke, weight 1200 lbs.- 60S Alder St. Automobiles. AUTOMOBILE 20 horsepower; seats five; top. lamps, etc.; $450. 617 Tourny bldg. paoiflc 244 FOR PA LE-S-passenger Stoddard-Dayton automobile In excellent condition. Inquire room 85, Concord bldg. WANTED Runabout, new or second-hand. Address, stating condition and best price, H 94. Oregonlaiu 5-PASSENOER Cadillac la Una condition, $000. F 136, Oregonlan. Automobiles. FOR SALE 1908 roadster with all equip ments and In perfect condition: why buy new when can secure slightly used car Just as good and for lees money? Call and let us show you. at CROWE GRAHAM, loth and Washington. FOR SALE A model G, "07, seven-passenger White steamer. In the very best of condition; a bargain for any one wanting a fine car. Address Eugene Gun Co., Eu gene. Or. - ACTOMOHII.E tor. sale; Stevens P0a. 4 cyllnder. with top. lamps. Gabriel horn, clock, extra tires and tubes, etc.; guaran teed to .be In first-class condition; $1300. L 123, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Emerson upright piano, partly used; price $200; terms. 503 East Couch St. MUST sacrifice my new Chlckerlng piano; yours for $400 for quick sale. C 181, Ore gonlan. Klscelxan BATHTUBS BATHTUBS. PLUMBING MATERIAL. We carry a complete stock of plumbing material and piping of all kinds, on which we can save you from 15 to 75 per cent from the plumber's price. We furnish reliable registered plumbers to Install the work If desired. Let us show you. M. BARDE SONS, N E. Cor. 4th and Glisaa Strets. FOR SALE New and eecond-hand billiard and pool tables: easy payments: w rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures: cheap prices. Brtinswick-Balke-Collender. 49 Third st FOR SALE TILLAMOOK COUNTY WARRANTS. IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $5000. parties Interested call Maglnnls St Son. 403-4 McKay bldg. FOR SALE- OR RENT, Logging and Hoist ing engines, rails, cars. etc. Railway Equipment Co., 74 1st. A 2303, Main 2363. I j 0.00 SINGER sewing machine, with at tachments: automatic 'bobbin-winder; perfect condition. Call 3S3 E. Morrison. FOR SALE One 10-horsepower traction en gine. $200. Henry Kllnkman, Milwaukee, Oregon, or phone Sellwood 1091. OLD VIOLINS bought and sold. Choice old Instruments always on hand. L. Winters, 818 Tllford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts. FOR SALE Complete scholarship In I. C. S bookkeeping and stenography: cost $70 cash; will sell for $20. C 103. Oregonlan. FINE 11-months-old female bear, tame as a kitten. La Tosca saloon, 307 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. BULL TERRIER puppies and two old dogs cheap: party going away. Call 423 East 6th st. WILL sell $20 tuition Holmes Business Col lege for $15. Call 269 Cherry st. East 62S1. NEWMAN MOTION PICTURE CO. rents you the latest films, song slides, supplies, etc., at the lowest prices. 21)3 Burnside. FOR BALE 2 full-blooded. English bull ter rier pups, 4 months old'. 1108 E. Clay St. Phone Tabor 1283. . FOR SALE: Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 318 Water St. Phone Main 7461. FINE fir wood for No. 1 $3.26 or car No. 2, $2.60 on the car. K. Uchiyama, R. F. D. No. 4. Box 124. Hogan Station. Gresham, Or. 20-FOOT launch and boithouse. first-class; cash or real estate. Phone Main 7314. FOX Terrier and Spanish Angora Poodle for sale. 409 Washington. MOVING-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, slides, films for rent. 165)6 4th st. FOR SALE Course In I. C. S. on mapping and surveying. O 323, Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE, WANTED General blacksmith, city. $3; 2 flunkies and 1 dishwasher for camp, $30; yard tallvman, $2.25; others. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., 12 North 2d. Both phones. WANTED at once first-class chocolate and bon bon dipper; no other need apply; steady work at good wages; references re quired. Address Crescent Candy Co.. 952 Pacific ave.. Tacoma, Wash. WANTED Young man w'lth $50, to show property, can clear $2000 yearly. F 139, Oregonlan. OFFICE BOY for newspaper office; hours, 8 A. M. until 5 P. M. $8.50 weekly; must reside with parents or guardians; good chance to learn trade. E 134. Ore gonlan. C. K. HANSEN, JR. Employment Office Mens Department. 26 North Second st. Phones Main and A 163$. Help free to employers. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS call In regard to preparing at once for examination; good salary to start; steady employment to ambitious young men. Pacific States School, McKay bldg. WANTED Bright young man to 'show city properties; experience unnecessary; small capital needed. Hurry. 411 Common wealth bldg.. Sixth and Ankeny. WANTED Team outfits to take dirt con tracts, station men. rock and dirt work. Travers Hanley. No. 7 North 2d st. Main 727, A 2290 LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op tics; easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learning. Watchmaking. En graving School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle. WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers, stenographers and clerical men. Commer cial Abstract Co.. 407-8-9 Commercial Club bldg. . 1 A GOOD honest hustler with small capital can secure Interest In real estate business that will pay $150 month. Particulars 818 Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. WANTED At once, marker and assorter; must be accurate; no booxer need apply. Address Aberdeen Steam Laundry, Aber deen. Wash. PHOTOGRAPH coupon portrait or book agents; winning offer. Cutberth Studio, De kum bldg. TRAVERS & HANLEY, employment agents. No. 7 North 2d St. Telephones Main 727, A 2200. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP. CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. 12 North 2d it. - Both Phones. 6TANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 250 Burnside Street. Phone Main 6604. 6ALESMBN, all lines, bookkeepers and steno graphers, city and county. P. A. & C. Co.. 323 Washington sit. WANTED Young men to study telegraphy; positions. $00 to $00 per month when com petent. Call Oregon College, S3 Sth st. WANTED Steady man to work In business as partner; pay active man $3 to $5 a day; $200 required. Call 248 Vi Stark st. $150 REQUIRED, want man to take In terest real estate business. T 131. Ore gonlan. WANTED Slack barrel cooper. Inquire Western Cooperage Co., Room 622 Corbett bldg. FIRST-CLASS men to write health and ac cident Insurance. Union Guarantee Assn.. Commercial Club bldg., 5th and Oak sts. PANTS and vest makers wanted: would prefer man and wife; steady work; pants $3. vests $2.50. Andrews & Berry, La Grande, Or. WANTED Experienced groceryman to go to Seaside month of August. Apply Wascher Bros., East 15th and Broadway. BRIGHT bov for wholesale grocery; perma nent position. Apply 7:80 A. M.. 184 Front St. WANTED Strong and honest boy about 17. 74 1st st. WANTED Two good salesmen. Apply 805 Board of Trade. JAPANESE and Chinese employment agency. 289 Burnside st. Main 309. . WANTED A flrrt-class finisher. Apply J. G. Mack & Co., 8th and Stark sts. WANTED A helper for the kitchen at Win ters' Restaurant, 230 1st st. WANTED Man who understands how to stack oats; referentes. Phone Tabor 1462. BARBER wanted; steady Job for a good man. 122 N. 6th st. ' EGG CANDLER Wanted. Call Main 4077. WANTED Two good chauffeurs. Call to day, 72 North 6th st. AUGUST 5; 1908. $3000 to $10,000 a year In the real estate business for man who Is looking for a future is offered by one of the largest real estate firms which Is now being or ganised: men wanted in every section of the state: a great opportunity for in vestors with a few hundred dollars to make a fortune; Investment guaranteed and. secured by 8 per cent real estate. We control large traeta in which for tunes will be made; we control the finest fruit and farm land, tn which we will take In a few partners to participate In the large profits, at the same time acting as our representative. Answer, with full particulars. R 114. Oregonlan. WANTED 1000 respectable men and wom en, able to pay $10 down and $10 per month for nine months, to write us for particulars about Gordon Falls, the new textile town on the Columbia River. S3 miles from Portland, where large woolen mills and other manufactories are to be established. We give stock free with bonds, and want every employe to have an Interest in the town and share In the profits. Gordon Falls Electric & Mfg. Co.. Commercial Club bldg.. Portland. Or. PARTNER for employment agency; old-established money-maker; references and $200 required. , $300 buys H interest In well-ptfylng real Mate business; chances .seldom offered. Particulars PACIFIC BUSINTOKS EXCHANGE!, 303 Vj Washington st. 10,000 POSITIONa For graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In elghr weeks: help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly: expert In structor; tools free: writs for catalogue. Moler System of Colleges. 85 N. 4th sU Portland. Or. WANTED Expert electrical aid at $5.04 per diem. An examination will be held at the Navy-Yard, Mare Island, Cal., August SL 1008. to fill tne above posi tion. For application and further Infor mation, address Commandant, Navy-Yard. Mare Island. Cal. RELIABLE man to show property: only hust ler having references and some cash need apply; good salary guaranteed, also liberal commission. Call or address PACIFIC BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 303 Washington St., suite 4. A THOROUGHLY first-class, up-to-date dry and wet cleaner and spotter; salary no ob ject to right max; state experience and ref erence. Apply , at once New City Dye Works, Tacoma, Wash. MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster ing and bricklaying, day and night classes, no books, free catalogue; special low tuition ; easy Installments. Coyne National Trade School. 239-240 Eighth St.. San Francisco. t WANTED Energetic young man to travel and learn good paving business; references required. Call 10 A. M. to 2 P. M.. room 1, The Mercedes. 20th and Washington. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS, 16 years and over, 10 work In fac tory. Apply at once, Ames-Harrl-Neville Co., 5th and Davis sts. TODAY S cooks. 2 out of town f30"''!? 6 waitresses, 3 out of town i20"?"? 17 gen. housework, 2 out of town. -$24)-$Jo 2 housekeepers, out of town '!Ho 1 lady companion $-0 1 experienced bookkeeper. 6t. Louis, 209I4 4th. Main 2039, A 2524. NOTICE. Large list of new positions at our offlos today. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladles' Department. 2l5V, Morrison st. Phones Main 1062, A 2064. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 84314 Wash. St.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phones Main and A 2682. Help Supplied Free to Employers. YOUNG lady of good appearance for solicit ing very respectable high-class proposl - tion: fine chance for right party. Address C 133. Oregonlan. A GIRL for general housework, no cooking; German or American preferred. 674 Hoyt street. WANTED Experienced lady demonstrator. Address with references. AB 124. Ore gonlan. ' WANTED At once, competent woman copk, one used to handling orders for crowd; $12; no Sunday. C 138, Oregoniam GIRL tor general housework; small family; good wages; call In afternoon. 564 Hoyt st. EXPERIENCED millinery saleslady who also understands the work, at once. In quire 403 Morrison. LA RGB business firm desires a woman not under SO. who Is trustworthy and energetic experlenoe not necessary, Y 127. Oregonlan. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. LasSss' Department 205-V4 Mortson St. Phones: Main 1062; A 2064. WANTED Young ladles to Btudy telegraphy; positions. $00 to $00 per month when com petent. Call Oregon College, 83 5th st. WANTED An experienced young girl to assist In the care of a baby. Apply 251 St. Clair at. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY $43 M Washington st., corner 7th. upstalra Phone Main 2092. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co. 60S Roth chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. BT LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY wants orders for good help. 20H 4th. Main 2039. A 2524. WANTED Bookkeeper for two weeks, be ginning August 10. V 119. Oregonlan. DINING-ROOM girl. Glendora Hotel, 19th and Couch. FIRST-CLASS waitress wanted. Palace Res taurant, , 129 4th st. WANTED Good woman cook for Testaurant. 386 Morrison St. WANTED Operators on pants; steady work. 109 2d St.. room 2. . WANTED Girl for general housework. Call at 333 Sherman. WANTED A nurseglrl to assist In second work. A.ppiy 00 roini WANTED Girl for general housework, no laundry. Call mornings. 731 Kearney st. GIRL for cooking and general housework. 64S Lovejoy st. ' BARBER wanted; steady Job. 205 Morrison St. WANTED Girl for general housework; must be good cook. Apply 755 Everett st. CHAMBERMAID wanted Cornelius Hotel, Park and Alder sts. HKLF WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. WANTED Five men and women to work for Brotherhood of American Yeomen In Oregon. California and Washington: can make good salary. Address H. A. Miller, Coast Manager. General Delivery. WANTED Singers, comedians. etc. for vaudeville and dramatlo stage. Newman theatrical circuit. 293 Burnside. ' SITUATION' WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED Position as salesman, either road or Inside: have traveled Oregon. Washing ton and Idaho past 12 years and California past two years and always successful; ex perience In most standard lines; will start cheap until show .what I can do; try me. Salesman, East 22, loth st. WANTED Office work or bookkeeping, either permanent or temporary, or small sets of books to keep up: long experience In business of different kinds; steady and reliable. Write me. K.. East 22, 10th-st. YOUNG man wants office work as clerk or assistant bookkeeper; 8 years' expedience: " age 22; good references. S 123, Ore gonlan. ; YOUNG man, stenographer, desires position at $00 have best references and exper ience. P 115, Oregonlam Miscellaneona. ALL-AROUND baseball player; 3 years on state league In East; will play any time. C 132, Oregonlan. GOOD colored man wants situation as Jani tor, good references. Phone Main 6140. YOUNG man wishes work of any kind for board and room. F 135, Oregonlan. PAINTER wants day or contract work; prices reasonable. o 110, uregoman. YOUNG German man and wife, wants any work In city or country. P 124. Oregonlan. DRAFTING, surveying, estimate done by hour. Civil engineer, 30, N. 8d St. Miscellaneous. 60BER. all around handy man. good meat and vegetable cook, wishes P0;""'rte'th," hotel, restaurant or ranch or for party out camping: Is not afraid of work; wages no object; best of references given. K i-i oregonlan. WANTED A position as steward and store, keeper or manager and steward by gen tleman from East; country hotel Preterref!. salary no object: flne of references. thoroughly competent. D 133, Oregonlan. ADVERTISING man. good stenographer, thorough correspondent, desires ofter from commercial establishment ; am now em ployed in railroad publicity work; first class credentials. B 131. Oregonlan, WANTED By a first-class butter-maker, a position; can take charge of any size creamery; It) years' experlenoe; best of ret erences. W 119, Oregonlan. WANTED Position as Janitor or watchman; experienced; good references; capable to take charge of building. 11 M. lerkes, Wellington Court, city. WANTED Position by an experienced rail road freight checker and receiver; could take charge of a warehouse; best of ref erences. PI 27. Oregonlan. I A GOINS. colored, desires situation as Janitor or any kind of work, as porter work; give good references. S35 Coucn st. Phone Pacific 731. SITUATION wanted, handy, reliable, middle aged man, garden, care horse, chores, etc. Anything with tools: small wages. B mo, Oregonlan. STEADY married man, 30. Intelligent, good appearance. Spanish War veteran, position requiring reliability. Offer me anything. L. H. 688 Missouri. WANTED Positions with lumber company as scaler or timekeeper, by two young men; Eastern and Western experience. Q 189. Oregonlan. ' WANTED By Japanese boy. to do fine cooking of family or boarding. V 115, Ore gonlan. YOUNG Scotchman, gardener, wants Jobbing work at private place; good references In this cltv. Address S 115, Oregonlan. A YOUNG, sober man wants work of any kind In wholesale house. R 137. Ore gonlan. A YOUNG man desires a position of any kind, with chance of advancement- F 134, Oregonlan. SITUATION wanted, first-class engineer, traction or stationary work. Wm. Duncan, Gresham, Or. Phone Gresham 31L POSITION wanted by hotel clerk: can give A No. 1 references; willing to wait on table. E 133, Oregonlan. A JAPANESE wants some house work or schoolboy work; good English. H 120, Oregonlan. YOUNG married German with high school education, wants any position in city. P 119. Oregonlan. WANTED Job of housework or schoolboy or any other kind work; Japanese boy. O 119, Oregonlan. WANTED Situation as nightwatchman or Janitor by married man; good references. F 132. Oregonlan. YOUNG married man, some experience steam fitting, good gas fitter, wants position, city or country. Address 05 E. 8th N. 1 . . - JAPANESE boy wants a position to do housework and help cook. G 134. Orego nlan. YOUNG man willing to work wants steady position In city. J. M. Elder, 248 Jeffer- HONEST Corean boy. experienced cook, wants position In family; private house. Phone Main 5613. GOOD B flat clarinetist In city wishes to Join band or orchestra. E 135. Oregonlan. JAPANESE Employment. Co., 208 Everett. Main 4659. A 4073. Japanese employment office; furnishes all kinds of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6521. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. STENOGRAPHER, experienced In general office work, wishes position or will sub stitute; any machine. East 4240. WANTED A position to do general office work: good references. Address R 188. Ore gonlan. Dressmakers. WANTED Young lady wants offlcs work, with typewriting. Call B 2280. DRESSMAKER wishes engagements; best references. Phone Main 4100. I BEWING wanted to do at home. Phone Woodlawn I960. Housekeepers. CAPABLE middle-aged lady would like to take care of rooming-house, housekeeping rooms in return. D 136. Oregonlan. GIRL experienced to do genuine housework wishes a place. American family, in city, for fair wages. T 115, Oregonlan. 2 YOUNG girls wish positions for general housework. 6S8 Thurman St., North Port land. SCANDINAVIAN girl. 16 years old. would like work. Call at 172 ti St.. near Gllsan. Miscellaneous. THE St. Louis Ladles' Agency has a list of several good situations; must have today somo good help for them. 209 4th. Main 20S9. A 2S24. COLORED woman for chamber work or cook for bachelor or any kind of work by the day. Phone Main 6678. WANTED A position by lady experienced as cashier; Nickelodlon preferred. E 132, Oregonian. GERMAN girl wants day work, washing. Ironing preferred. Phone Main 1023, after 6 P. M. LADY COOK desires position In good city restaurant or hotel; references. V 116, Ore gonlan. A YOUNG girl wants chamber work. Call up A 8231. Miss Olson. COLORED woman with city reference wishes work by the day. Phone Main 8438. EXPERIENCED woman wants any kind of work by the day. Phone Main 4519. TWO Swedish girls would like work by the day. A 2823. WANTED Work a' chambermaid. R 135, Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. CAN give few good salesmen exclusive con tract whereby you can make $100 to $200 per week: write today, giving referencea UNITED WIRELESS TELEGRAPH CO., 410 Corbett Bldg., Portland. AGENTS wanted at once, can put to work good real estate salesmen, extra good seller. If you want to make money call at 148 oth st.. room A. AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goodsT If so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem, Or. THE Oregon Nursery Co of Salem, Or., wants more salesmen; liberal terms; out fit furnished. Full Information on appli cation. AGENT who can speak German can make $500 month; no experience required. A 139, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, "sts. stores, orices, rooming-houses, etc Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange i2. " WE NEED IT That's why .we have to pay more than other dealers for second-hand , f"rs The Ford Auction Company. East 888, a 2311. , . . 1 WANTED Early In the Fall, and for sev- eral "months, a furnished house on the West Side: must nave at least 3 bedrooms: best of care taken of everything; adults only. H 139. Oregonlan. WANTED To rent 10-room house, close in. West Side. Phone East 106. WANTED Bv gentleman, room and board In private family, Geo. Veasey. gen, del. NEW or nearly new 7 or 8-room house In desirable location. Phone B 1276. . WANTED To lease or purchase one or more greenhouses. E 120. Oregonian. TO RENT Ranch from 40 to 160 acres. Ad dress D. McAvay, 454 Manhattan st. YOUNG lady would like home in refined tm lly adults: home privileges; references. O 135, Oregonlan. WANTED Two connecting front rooms or alcove, two gentlemen; references given; rates. R 134. Cregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS, WANTED Experienced mill man who Is capable of overseeing the construction and operation of a 40.000 capacity mill; 8 to 4 years' steady employment ; must be able to take a small Interest In business. tali room 3. over Merchants National Bank. WB PAY TOP PRICES FOR. FURNITURE. And any thing else you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main 6655. A 412L WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy housohold furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fulr Deal." 62 N. 3d st. Phone Pacllio 1722. WASTED A restaurant cheap for cash, also rooming-house, cigar stand and gro cery. P 12S. Oregonian. WANTED Medium slie white porcelain bath tub, must be reasonable; state price and size. R 127, Oregonian. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone Bast 1067. WANTED A diamond ring, 1 to a karat atone. Phone Main M58. WANTED Bicycle for boy 9 years old 1.. . t- 1 Ot A mt win excnaiiBu .icci. - CLOTHING Phone M 1851 83 N. Id, wi,l,..i ro-lrv. naiH: nromut attention. I WANTED Used cash register; will pay cash. phone Main 1433 or A 1433. FRANK M. to write to University Park. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL SARGENT. Portland's Best Family Hotel. American or European Plan. Only ten minutes' walk from mislness center, cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves. Car passes hotel every minute. ery reasonable rat.js. Largest, coolest and most comfortable rooms to be found any where, with every modern convenience. Large, well-kept lawn. DO you realize that you can get an out side, steam-heated, electric-lighted room at the Barton, cor. 13th and Alder sts.. for $10 up per month? This house Is being repainted, repapered and put in first-class condition by the new owners. Nice large parlor In connection. Suites, with running water. $'J2.50 to $35. HOTEL PALMER, cor. Park and Alder, un der new management: thoroughly reno vated throughout, rooms! single or en suite; transients, $1; special rates by the week: free bath and places. Mrs. N. A. Hills prop. NICELY furnished rooms, writh private fam ily, hot and cold water, furnace heat; everything brand new and clean. t"T couple or gentleman. Close in. BiO1 13th. HOTEL FRANKLIN, oor. 13th and Wash Ington sts. Newly furnished throughout: new buildings mltej with baths, hot and cold water In every room. Phone Main 7183. Long-distance phones In all rooms. 203 10TH ST. Elegantly furnished rooms, ' hot and cold water, furnace heat, everything brand-new and clean at reasonable rates; easy walking distance. 203 10th St. HOTWt. RiTHHMARK. Washington and 17th firht-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; every modern convenience. $3 week ly up; dally, 75o up; special monthly ratea Main 5647. THE WILLAMETTE, 322 Vi Stark St. Largs light rooms, well furnished, single or en suite. 6i'c to $1 day: $2 60 to $5 week. Mrs. Hart, manager, A 5192. Main 8017. KICK newlv furnished front rooms in pri vate house, with bath, rent $2. $3 per week, nice yard. 808 Mill St., 4 blocks from City Hall. HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Washington Modern rooms, single and en suite; also housekeeping; running water; private and free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496. PACIFIC HOTEL, 214 Columbia st. 1 block from Salem Blectrlj depot; running water In all rooms bath and , phone, A 1539; 60c to $1 day, $2.60 to $4 wk. FURNISHED front rooms, suitable for one or two, in private ramlly. between 6th and 7th. 421) E. Davis. 302 COLUMBIA Large, room. first floor; electrlo light, bath, phone; easy walk to business; reasonable THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths fr-ie. 327 Vs Stark, corner Oth. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. THE COZY. 195 7th st., nicely furnished rooms, with or without board; . two blocks from postofflce, block south Hotel Portland. JOHN HOUSE. 200 Vi Wash., Joseph West, prop. Furnished and unfurnished nousekeeplng rooms; transient. 60c. ROOMS for gentlemen; quiet, private house; easy walking distance; rates reasonable. 3o5 12th st. FUR KENT Single or en suite, elegantly furnished. In fireproof bldg. Call Phon. Main 3318 WILL rent 2 large nicely furnished rooms, to gentlemen who would appreciate privi lege of nice home. A 126. Oregonlan. FURNISHED room, new private home; mod ern conveniences; good location. Inquire Monday, 331 11th St. WEI LINGTON COURT Beautifully fur nished 4 and 3-room suites; strictly moa ern throughout. Cor. 15th and Everett sts. HOTEL ROYAL, 108 V, 4th: nice rooms. $1.60 to $5 .reek. 50 cents, $1 nlgnt. THE RANDOLPH, Sd and Columbia; modern rooms, bath, 6oe to $1 a day: $2 to $4 wk. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5 wk; also transient rooms. 843 Vi MorrL NICELY furnished rooms, 2 blocks from high school. 103 East 11th St. B 2368. LARGE, airy front room, furnished or un furnished. South Portland. Phone A 30)1. FOR RENT Nicely furnished suite, close In, reasonable. Call 273M) 7th sU NICELY furnished room for one or two, with bath. 200 7th st. Unfurnished Rooms. THRF-B unfurnished rooms for rent. Inquire at SO East 12th, corner Stark. Rooms With Boar A SUITE of two nicely furnished rooms, with first-class board, suitable 'or three young men all conveniences, nice yard, good home booking, very reasonable. Astor Bouse. Tth and Madison. PORTLAND Women's Union, 20th year: P with board, use of "'n-reA: use of library; Women s Lxchange. Ad dress Mrs ila llawllngs. Supt.. 614 Flanders st .,. .; t.. oNI AT., corner loth and Morrison, 1 blocks west f Portland Hotel: special Summer rates; large, airy rooms, with good board, by week or month. THE OTIS Housekeeping and transient best rooms for the money. 377J4 E. Burn md: walking distance; gas free phones, bath and electric lights; well ventilated. THE COLONIAL, corner loth and Morrison, 3 blocks west of Portland Hotel; special Summer rates; large, airy rooms, with good board, by week or month. LARGE, airy rooms: every convenience: hot and cold water, extensive grounds, excellent board; walking distance. 617 Kearney. A 2018. racinc ai4. THE OLDS Room and board, $30 per month: elegantly furnished, home cooking, all whl'e labor; bath, both phones free. 178 Eila st., cor. Wash. 33 NORTH 17TH ST. One block off Wash ington, well furnished corner suite; also single rooms: board optional. GOOD rooms and board, cozy place, fine resi dence district: rates very reasonable, close in: will make it homelike. 442 Jefferson. NEW, modern, corner house, swell location, corner room. West Side, reasonable terms. Phone Main 2211) 25S UTH Front alcove room, suitable fof two, also single room, with board; private, family. . FIRST-CLASS rooms and board. $25 per month. The Glendora, 1 block front Washington on lth. THE MARLYN. Washlrgtcn and 17th. well furnished rooms, hot and co.d water, home cooking, permanent or transient. BACHELORS' club has room for two gentle men; references. Phone East 106. FTJRNISH ED rooms with board. The Oaark. 225 11th su 5 1