14 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1908. FOB BALK REAL ESTATE. HOLLADAY PARK BARGAINS. A good lot on Multnomah St.. in Hpl laday Park, 50x100 ft.. ft. above aide- walk: good houses on each side and fac ing lot ; owner going away ; a snap If bought soon; close to Irvlngton and Broadway cars; price, $UO0; cash, balance terms. An Ideal home We have a "ro?m louse on Multnomah St., lot 50x20 ft., house 2 years old; house Is modern and In finest shape; no repairs needed, and would be cheap at $".750; price. $47.0; 230 cash, balance terms; close to Irving ton and Broadway cars. These pieces must be sold soon as own ers are going away Come in today and we will take you out In our automobile. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. 92600 B. Hoyt St.. 6-room house, fruit, and roses, full lot. nice home. $5000 Lot 100x150, modern house, fruit, nuts, garden, lawn, roses, cement walks and basement, lovely home. East Side. SSOOO 7-room modern house, full lot. E. Ankeny. beam ceiling, furnace, gas and electric lights. 15000 Modern house, fireplace, etc., Irvlngton. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third st. MUST BELL. QUICK. Modern 5-room bungalow on improved street, only one block from St. John car line, in University Park; full lot; price $1X; small cash payment, balance like rent: owner leaving city. P. J. CATTKRLIN A CO.. Room 3 Chamber of Commerce. 13050 WILL buy a beautiful 6-room modern house In Central Albina; select neighbor hood; house is new; fixtures and shades go with house; must be seen " to be appre ciated; terms. C. B. LUCAS. 322 Corbett bldg. A SNAP. 14 lots. .10x100. price $1700: terms; 17 minutes' ride on Oregon Electric line, 5c car fare; this is the best buy in town; Investigate: good land. RUSSELL & HOUSTON. 444 Sherlock Bldg., ft34 Third -gt. 2.V0 WILL buy 6-room modern house In Albina; lot 60x100; one block from car line: house nearly new; price reduced from $2700; must be sold; i cash, balance long time. -. B. LUCAS, 322 Corbett bldg. 6-ROOM modern house; full lot on East Main and close In: very sightly; an hon-eMly-built and well-planned house worth S4tO0, but for reasons will sell now for $3400. HENKLE & HARRISON. Ml Cerllnger bldg.. corner lid and Alder. $4.100 Modern house. Willamette Heights, fine view, streetcar In front of door. $37,10 Modern bungalow. 6 rooms, cor ner Int. Holladay's Addition. $.i70n 7-room modern house. Highland. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. MUST sell. $075. beautiful full lot, between Broadway and Hancock sts.. all improve ments paid. Including 6-foot cement side walk. The swellest residence district on the East Side, only 15 minutes out; terms. Owner, 46 N. 15th st. FOR SALE Modern 5-room cottage, cement basement, cement walks all around the house. Creston Addition, Clarke's Station, near greenhouse; few hundred down, bal ance easy terms; a bargain. Owner, E 119, Oregon ian. 6-ROOM cottage, a bargain, corner lot. 1 blot-k off Alnsworth avenue, house mod ern, finely finished, close to cars; price $2O0; terms to suit. Call owner by phone, Woodlawn 931. between 7 and 9 evenings. NEW 3-room cottage, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, electric lights, shades, screens, linoleum in kitohen. fruit, berries; small payment, balance monthly. 6S1 South ave., Sellwood car. 15 PER CENT down and $25 per month buys a new modern 6-room house and lot In Waverlelgh Heights; price only $2750. Address owner. 777 E. 8th at. Phone Sell wood 1104. 11 ACRES, close In; 10 In cultivation; good house and barn, running water;, 10-cent fare to city; price $UR00. O. W. P. LAND CO., lt and Alder sts. FINE QUARTER BLOCK, nicely improved, on Union ave.. near Holladay. now pay ing a fair rate of Interest on the price. HENKLE & HARRISON, Ml Gerlinger bldg., cor. 2d and Alder. $500 West Fide; good Income-bearing property; 0-ronm house, at 412 lUh st. ; $2000 each required, balance at 6 per cent. V. A. Rosshaeh, owner, 1415 Broadway, Ppnkane. Wash. FOR SALE TIMBER LAND. 90,000.000 FEET of limber In Jackson Coun ty. Or., 30 per cent sugar pine, balance white pine, fir and cedar, close to S. P. Ry. ; a good milling proposition. This property is known to be rich In gold ?uartz and placer mines; will be sold at ow price. F. C. Harlow Co., Mllwau kle. Or. WE are practical timber deaters, with per sonal knowledge of the bast timber traots In the Northwest; can give reliable Infor mation and correct values of large or mall traots. WHITTEN 4 BRYANT. 536 Chamber of Conimeros. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON, WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA. JAMES IX LACEV CO.. Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle. 629 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. GOOD BUYS. In timber you will find a specially good Investment at today's prices. I can give you large or small tracts In almost any location. See what I have to offer. C. J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. WE are constantly acquiring nne tracts of timber for sale and are headquarters for lumber enterprises of all kinds. Phone Main 446. Ktnney & Stamp her. 031-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE 5.OO0.0O0 feet good saw timber, cedar, spruce, hemlock. 100 acres deeded land ; good transportation facilities, near Chinook, Wash. Address p 4. Oregonian. RELINQUISHMENT, Southern Oregon. 5 million; have your own cruiser examine It. JUU. R 131. Oregonian. GOl NO on business; locate you on valua ble homestead for $'.H. O 116 Orego nian. CHOICE YELLOW TINE CLAIMS. Government locations. 327 Worcester blk. TIMBER claims open for immediate filing, ''all room 15 t-afayette bldg. WANTED REAL F.STATR. UANTF.O To purchase an eight or nine-room dwelling, strictly modern, in desirable West Side resilience district ; approximate price, $H0 to $10,000 cash. Address S 124. Ore gonian. N EAR Waverly or Sellwood carltne. close In. small house or bungalow, immediately, gte price and exact location. G. Strong. tn2 E. Sherman, phone Sellwood 77. WANTED For cash, residence lot. walking distance of Hawthorne and Grand ave.. give location and price. X 121. Oregonian. WANTED To invest $25,000 to $50,000 in good West Sute- property; only good buys considered. AB 120, Oregonian. WANTED 10 to 15 acres of land, close to city; cash transaction. M 133. Oregonian. WASTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED To buy 35 to 60 million feet good timber, with or without mill; prefer to deal with owners. T Oregonian. SIX good homestead locations ready for entry; locating reasonable. Y 123, Ore gonlan. TIMBER Lands wanted. G J. MoCrackea 304 McKay bdg. FOR RENT FARMS. DAIRY FARM FOR RENT. Including ten cows. team, wagon tnd harness, cans and cream separator; other stock, crop. Implements. chickens and garden for sals to the amount of $750; in the dairying district of Washington County. 178 acres, lease $240 year. B. S. COOK CO.. 603 Corbett Bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. $5 ACRES 6 miles from MoMlnnvllle; good soil, fine for fruit and dairy, 6-room bouse bam and outbuildings; tk bearing fruit tree, plenty of good water, excellent roads; $2100. 326 Lumber Exchange. 10ft ACRES Sv, miles from good valley town; An orchard, small oak grove; balance crop and pa st ure ; new house and barn ; $2970. 802 Goodnoug-h bldg. 11 ACRES good land one mite from Oregon City, running water, some timber, $100 per sere; terms. Q 109, Oregonian. HOMESTEAD relinquishment tributary to fort land. SIT Worcester block. FOR WUlainette Valley lands lo4 Qrnnn$iir fisissn. Qc OfanstW FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS FAR BELOW MARKET VALUES. 82 acres, 3 miles from Tlgardville and on the Tualatin River, also on the New berg and Tlgardville electric line, all fenced, fine soil, with plenty of water, spring at house, big barn, ehlcken-houses, etc.. 50 acres low land. 25 acres in crops, balance pasture and fine oak and ash tim ber. 9 cows, span young mares, chickens and hogs; a complete outfit of farmer's Implements, everything goes; price $73 per acre, half cash, balance any old time. $9 acres, on Estacada line, near Esta cada. 50 acres cleared, balance fine timber, fine house, barns, chicken-houses, etc., all fenced and fine level land, best of soil, plenty of fine water; price $70 per acre, with good terms, or will exchange for stocked stock farm. 8 acres. 12 miles west of Portland, all In crops, fine soil, plenty of water, nice orchard, good house, barns, etc. ; price $1600. third cash, balance long time. 3 2 acres, 9 m lies west of Portland, 6 acres cleared, balance fine timber, all fenced, fine soil, plenty of water, on good Toad; price $135 per acre A REAL SNAP. 27H acres, 22 Vi acres in crops, balance fine timber, plenty of fine running spring water with a nice fishpond, 1H miles from Tlgardville station, h mile to new elec tric line, nice level land, best of soil, guarantee this to be worth $20O per acre; will sell for $120 per acre; terms. Room 607 Buchanan Bldg., 2&6 y Washington Street. 160 ACRES adjoining town of Yamhill; fine river bottom land: 110 acres in tine state cultivation; 10 acres In orchard; good mod ern 11-room house, good barn and granary, newly painted, new outbuildings, with barn for 25 cows: running water on place; the best buy in Willamette Valley in a good dairy farm. Price $100 per acre. 340 acres H nille from Yamhill; 300 acres In fine state of cultivation; good family orchard., well fenced, house and 3 barn, well watered and -adapted for fruit. The best buy in the valley for platting in small t racts. Price S65 per acre. W 11 la m otrte. Valley Information Bureau, room 312 Board of Trade, corner 4th and Oak sta. ORCHARD LANDS AND STOCK RANCHES, DAIRY FARMS AND CITY HOMES. We have some choice large tracts of land In Southern. Oregon. admirably adapted for orchards; one tract of a lit tle over 1000 acres at $75 per acre; a SNAP. Must sell quick. We also have some large stock ranches with big back ranges adjaoont, and some magnificent Irrigated dairy farms. We buy and sell and sell right. Corre spondence or a visit solicited. GRANT. BURDIC STAPLES REALTY CO., Hotel Oregon, Ashland, Or. 840 ACRES H mile from Yamhill. 300 acres in fine state of cultivation; good family orchard, well fenced, house and 3 barns, well watered and adapted for fruit. The best buy in the valley for platting In small tracts. Price $05 per acre. Willamette Valley Information Bureau, room 312 Board of Trade, cor ner 4th and Oak sts. 10 ACRES beautifully located, good level land, half mile from town. 1 mile from St. Martin's Springs. 5 acres cultivated. HO walnut trees, young family orchard, good well, tt-room house, new barn and chicken-house. 25 chickens, 3 tons of hay, household goods, tools; price for quick sale $1700. Address J. L. Olson, Box 27, Carson, Wash. FARMS FOR SALE Special snap! 160 acres 1 mile south- of Moeler, 6 miles from Hood River; 2 acres cleared; 5 springs; good apple land : $,'(0 per acre for quick sale; case of sickness; adjoining land sold at double price. J. W. Wledrlck, Hood River, Or. A SNAP for some one; 16 acres 5 miles from Vancouver. Wash.; houee, bam, well, all fenced : good team, wagon, harness. Im plements, cows. pig?, chickens, household furniture; all for $1750, terms. 511 Swet land bldg. FOR SALE Hood River apple land by owner; 40 acres unimproved, 10 miles from Hood River, on main Mount Hood road; land rolling, under ditch. cIobo to school. Address P. O. Box 593. Hood River. Or. FIVE acres on Base Line Road. 1 mile from Montavllla. 3 blocks from school, level, small house, owner needs money and must sell; will be on the market for few days et $075 per acre, worth $800. Smith, 404 Buchanan bldg. FOR SALE By owner, 10 acres, all cleared, excellent fruit or garden land, mile from Forest Grove electric line and two miles from Forest Grove. Price $1500. This fs a bargain. Address P. O. box 314, Forest Grove, Or. $18 PER ACRE 320 acres, 8 miles from Salem, 120 acres cleared, balance fir and oak timber: 7-room house and large barn, very low price but must be sold to close an estate. N 107, Oregonian. 64 ACRES near Estacada carltne. running water. 20 acres under fence. 3 acres in orchard, $1700. half cash, balance 6 per cent. Western Oregon Trust Co., 14 Chamber of Commerce. 80-ACRE well-Improved farm. about 30 miles from Portland: an good rich land; $04i0. terms. D 117, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE for house and lot in Portland. 100 acres well-Improved farm S miles from North Yamhill; all crops. Implements, horsea and stock; 00 acres in cultivation; 3 acres apple orchard; price $500O; will take home worth not more than $3000; terms for balance. COAST COMMERCIAL CO., Dekum bldg. WE have 12 acres only 4 miles from city limits on a fine road; all lies level; quar ter mile to a graded school, handy to R. R. station; all clear and in grass; some bearing cherry trees. Will trade this for good 6-room cottage in city. HENKLE & HARRISON. 511 Qerltnger bldg.. corner 2d and Alder. BEST corner in Centralia, 90x90, 2-story brick store and offices; rented $i; per month: will take in exchange for Portland residence, $700o to $10,000; some cash and balance income from property. The May Holland Company. 627 Corbett bldg. FOR TRADE A large wheat ranch. 800 acres in grain this year; good buildings and plenty ot water ; R. K. station on filace. For particulars call or write W. awrence A Co.. room 315 Lumber Ex change bldg. Phone Main 7357 or A 5753. 60 ACTt ES, half cleared and in good crops ; la acres beaverdam, good house and or chard, right on county road and railroad near Aurora; $H50O; will take house and lot ae part payment. 325 Lumber Exchange. 5000 shares, par $1, company owning and developing oil field near Payette and On tario, real estate or automobile; oil and natural gas already encountered. L 116, Oregonian. 92500 13 ACRES fine land. Joining Glad stone Park, half mile Oregon City car. for house and lot In Portland. 610 Couch bldg. Phone Main 2405. 160 ACRES of timber to exchange for cut over land, suburban lots or acreage. For particulars ee Turner, 415-16 Rothchild bldg., Portland. Or. A $12,000 Klickitat hilt fruit and farm tract to trade toward Portland home or business property. Fiank Lee, 147 Front st. FOR EXCHANGE New house, lot 50x100, good residence part of city, close In. for rooming-house or grocery. M 12L Ore gonian. WHAT have you to trade or exchange? W. Lawrence & Co., SIS Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark, TO EXCHANGE for house and lot. timber claim In large timber belt, worth now $;tO00. Address AB 121, Oregonian. FARM in the Willamette Valley to trade for citv property. Ralph Ackley, 603 Corbett bldg. 100-ROOM rooming-house; will exchange for farm or city property. Address AE 89, Oregonian. WILL exchange a fine grocery for anything you have; no agents. Address owner, N 114, Oregonian. 640 ACRES wheat land to exchange for res idence. Smith, 404 Buchanan bldg. WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith. 404 Buchanan bldg. FOR SALE. Hones Vehicles and Harness. NICE young team. 1000 each, or will sell separate. 630 East Brooklyn. Sellwood 1103. AT A SACRIFICE Road horse, buggy, har ness as good as new. 14 Union ave. North. FOR SALE Young team draft horses. Ap ply 308 Davis st. FOR SALE Five-year-old team; weight 2400; broke double and single. 458 Williams ave. FOR SALE or trade, 1 light team, 6 and 6 years old. Phone East 4804. WANTED Sound, young horse, weighing 12O0 or more. Apply at 42 Union ave. N. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 204 Montgomery. GOOD, gentle horse for sals. Fox Co 209 e-eootnd, st. The Servant Problem HOW TO SOLVE IT The maids usually leave when they are most wanted. How many housewives have found this to be true provoking and aggravating though it is. ' But there is a remedy. Just glance at the situation wanted column on the want page this morning, and you may have your choice of "Portland's best serving maids. If you cannot find one you want, just advertise, and you surely will, for everybody reads The Oregonian wants. YOUNG Norwegian girl wishes place as second girl or light housework. Phone Sellwood 2S4. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE: Horses in the stockyards; Just arrived, one car of horses from Condon, Or., ranging from 1000 to 1150 lbs. We also have a epan of horses weighing 3300 lbs.. 6 and 7 years old. These horses ere all broke. FOR SALE Horses in the stockyards, just arrived, one car of horses from Condon, Or., ranging from 1000 to 1I50 pounds. We also have a span of horses weighing 3"UK) pounds. 6 and 7 years old. These horses are all broke. WANTED 3 single delivery horses, color bay, black or sorrel, weight 1100 to 1150 lbs., sound, age from 6 to 8 years. Phone Main 5331. WANTED Horses to board by day or month, best of care taken of all horses and rigs, everything new. Kirby, near Russell st. 25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho tel 'bus. saddles, harness, cheap to close out. Hubert Hall. 266 4th st. A NO. 1 driving horse, buggy and harness for sale; a bargain. Dr. Froom's barn, 14th and Yamhill sts., city. 4 DELIVERY horses for sale cheap. Call East 4BU4. FOR RENT Large stable, near business district. Phone EaBt 3141. Automobiles. FOR SALE 4-cyllnder 1908 model run about, with top, curtains, lamps and stor age battery, guaranteed in perfect run ning order. Sell for cash or trade for real estate. AP 120. care Oregonian. Phone Tabor 722. AN automobile, good for sightseeing; will carry 10 persons; will sell or exchange for real estate. Address Ev B. Rodman, 503 Alder st. WANTED Runabout, new or second-hand. Address, stating condition and best price, H 94, Oregonian. Pianos. PARTY INTENDING to purchase piano at Eilers Piano House can have $100 credit slip for $80 cash. Phone East 5829, bet. 9 and 11 A. M. $500 V0SE5 & SONS' upright grand riano, excellent condition; $225, terms. 617 Tour ny. Pacific 244. Miscellaneous. BATHTUBS BATHTUBS. PLUMBING MATERIAL We carry a complete stock of plumbing material and piping of all kinds, on which we can save you from 13 to 75 per cent from the plumber's price. We furnish reliable registered plumbers to Install the work If desired. Let us show you. M. BARDE & SONS. N. E. Cor. 4th and Gllsan Streets. FOR SALE New and reconfl-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; w- rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender. i9 Third st. FOR SALE TILLAMOOK COUNTY WARRANTS, IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $5000. parties Interested call Maglnnis & Son, 403-4 McKay bldg. GASOLINE launch, 81 feet, canory top, 15 H. P. 4-cy Under engine, brass finishings, quarter-sawed oak dorks, complete, with boathouse. A 42, Oregonian. FOR SALE Good 28-ft. family launch, fan tall, good engine, air pump and whistle, seat 20, fine condition, canopy top. What have you to trade? X 124, Oregonian. OLD VIOLINS bought and sold. Choice old instruments always on hand. L. Winters. 818 Tilford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts. FOR SALE 35-ft. launch, complete with machinery, for less than cost. A snap. Address J. O. Badger, Toledo. Wash. FOR SALE OR RENT, Logging and Hoist ing engines, rails, cars, etc. Railway Equipment Co.. 74 1st. A 2363, Main 2303. FOR SALE One 10-horsepower traction en gine, $200. Henry Klinkman. Milwaukie, Oregon, or phone Sellwood 1001. FOR SALE 110-loaf Roberts portable oven, new. cheap. A. G. Humphrey, Goldendale. Wash. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. flr and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover. 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451. FOR SAIG Complete scholarship in I. C. S. bookkeeping and stenography; cost $70 cash; will sell for $20. C 103. Oregonian. FINE ll-months-old female bear, tame as a kitten. La Tosca saloon, 307 Washington et., Vancouver, Wash. NEWMAN MOTION PICTURE CO. rents you the latest films, song slides, supplies, etc, at the lowest prices. 203 Burnslde. FAMILY horse, bay. 1200 lbs. ; sell or ex change for lot or housepalnting. 243 Stark st. 3tt-INCH Bain wagon, new; good set of team harness. 10th and Jefferson sts. NO. 7 Remington typewriter, very cheap; good as new. M. Heaman, 402 3d st. LARGE refrigerator, gas range, office desk! at K85 E. Alder st. 20-FOOT launch and boathouse. first-class; cash or real estate.- Phone Main 7314. MOVING-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, slides, films for rent. 165 4th St. CALL Main 1037 for good fir wood. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Frenchman -with $300 to Invest and take position of trust on road; salary, expenses. 225 Lumber Exchange bldg. WANTED A boy with wheel to deliver; steady job. Call at Westers Market, 840 First. PHOTOGRAPH coupon portrait ' or book agents; winning offer. Cutbertb. Studio, De kum bldg. GOOD opening, position and interest, ex perience not necessary, small capital re quired. 411 Commonwealth bldg. Hurry. DENTIST Good all-around) man to operate and take impressions. New York Dental Parlors. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP. CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. 12 North 2d st. Both Phones. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 250 Burnslde Street. Phone Main 5694. YOUNG man about 18 for office work. Ad dress, with references. AJ 12L Orego nian. STUDY LAW in our night school, now In session. Portland Law School. 6SO Wor cester block. BARBER Wanted Friday eve., Saturday, guarantee good man $6. 1683 E. 13th St., Sellwood. FIRST-CLASS coatmaker wanted; prices $10 and up. Address A. NetteLblad, Aberdeen, Wash. WANTED Young man at ones to learn barber trade, terms reasonable. Call 772 Mississippi ave. TR AVERS & HANLEY, employment agents,' rvo. t -nrin st. xeiepnones Main 727, A 2290. GOOD lot for housepalnting and decorating. 243 Stark St. Phone Sellwood 370. WANTED Young man for light steno graphic work. A E 123, Oregonian. WANTED A salesman to solicit for a shoe house. Room 39 Hamilton bldg. JAPANESE and Chinese employment agency, 2S9 Burnslde st. Main 309. WANTED Experienced chooolate dlppera Apply 110 N. 4th st- Ideal Candy Co. BARBEB wanted, for Saturday. 50 1st st. HELP WANTED MALE. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE Requires the services of an experienced buyer of groceries and provisions; only those having wide experience and can show a successful record need apply. Ad dress In confidence. Meier & Frank Com pany. $3000 to $10,000 a year in the real estate business for man who Is looking for a future is offered by one of the largest real estate firms which is now being or ganized; men wanted in every section of the state; a great opportunity for In vestors with a few hundred dollars to make a fortune; Investment guaranteed and secured by 8 per cent real estate. We control large tracts In which for tunes will be made; we control the finest fruit and farm land, in which we will take in a few partners to participate In the large profits, at the same time acting as our representative. Answer, with full particulars. R 114, Oregonian. WANTED 100 0 respectable men and wom en, able to pay $10 down and $10 per month for nine months, to write us for particulars about Gordon Falls, the new textile town on the Columbia River, 29 miles from Portland, where large woolen mills and other manufactories are to be established. We give stock free with, bonds, and want every employe to have an Interest In the town and share in the profits. Gordon Falls Electric & Mfg. Co., Commercial Club bldg.. Portland, Or. 10,000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trnde in eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert in structor ; tools free ; write for catalogue, Moler System of Colleges. B5 N. 4th St.. Portland, Or. WANTED Expert electrical aid at $5.04 per diem. An examination will be held at the Navy-Yard. Mare Island, Cal., August 31, 1908, to nil the above posi tion. For application and further Infor mation, address Commandant, Navy-Yard, Mare Island. Cal. WANTED Man to operate an electric floor surfacing machine who can purchase an interest when he has it demonstrated to his satisfaction it's a good investment. Call new residence. East 9th and Multnomah and eee machine work. MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster ing and bricklaying, day and night classes, no books, free catalogue; special low tuition; easy installments. Coyne National Trade School, 239-240 Eighth St., San Francisco. C. K. HANSEN, JR. Employment Office Men's Department. 26 North Second st. Phones Main and A 152. Help foes to employers. LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op tics; easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learning. Watchmaking, En graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle. FIRST-CLASS men to write health and acci dent Insurance. Union Guarantee Asso ciation, ground floor. Commercial Club bldg.. 5th and Oak. WANTED Thoroughly experienced price clerk for wholesale hardware house; good position for first-class man. Address T 107, Oregonian. A MAN with ability and small capital can secure Interest in real estate business that will pay $125 month. Particulars 318 AlLsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers, stenographers and clerical men. Commer cial Abstract Co., 407-8-8 Commercial Club bldg. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, dry goods salesman, city; salesmen, all lines, for country. P. A. & C. Co., 323 Wash, st.. rooms 39-41. WANTED A first-class marker, also shirt polisher, on a high-gloss machine; good wages. Apply Vancouver Steam Laundry, Vancouver, Wash. WANTED Steady man to work in etore as partner; pay active man $4 a day; $200 cash required. Call 248& Stark st. WANTED Two flunkeys.. $30; farm hands, $30; yard tallyman. $2.25; others. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., 12 North 2d st. Both phones. ADVERTISING solicitor wanted. Call 319 Lumber Exchange bldg., today (Friday), or phone Main 1110. WANTED 145-lb. boxer. Call at Imperial Billiard Hall. 7th and Wash. sts. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADY to take ohara-e of house on ranch close to city, ona with grown daughter preferred, a 110. oregonian. HANSEN'S- LADIES' AGENCY. 848 V Washington St., corner 7th, upstair. Phone Main 2692. A GOOD, honest and competent girl wanted to assist in general housework. 410 Second st. pnone 15.4. WANTED Athletic girls to join traveling company; five months engagement; salary and expenses paid. C 117, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, mast be good cook, good wages. 358 N 3Jd, Willamette rieignta. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co . 009 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Good girl to assist in house work, small family of adults. Call 7H6 Kearney st. WANTED AT ONCE A woman cook, one who understands plain cooxing. Apply in pereon, 186 5th st. WANTED Girl for cooking and housework must be good cook; 3 in family; small wash. Call Saturday afternoon. 121 23d. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for father and 38-year-old son. Call after 6 P. M at 674 Washington st, or uhone A 4098. WANTED At once, experienced lady steno grapher; must be competent. B 118, Ore gonian. WANTED Waitress at 208 Columbia St., at once. WANTED Bright, healthy girl for doctor's ofTIf Annlv A Ti 122 Oreeonlaii. WANTED Young lady to learn barber trade. 201 " tJurnsiae st. WANTED Good girl for general house work. 257 N. 22d st.. corner Northxup. TOUNO woman for office, -$75 to $130 month, must have jaiw. W izo, uregonian. GIRL for general housework, one who under stands cooking. Apply 080 Lovejoy st. GIRL to do general nouseworK; good wages for good girl. Phone E 2887. COMPETENT hairdresser and manicure. Rosenthal Sisters, lo 7th st. LADY barber wanted at once and will teach young lady trade. 12 N. 4th St. WANTED A saleslady of good address to solicit for shoes. Room 39 Hamilton bid:. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED An experienced stenographer, to a capable, thoughtful person ; one looking for advancement through responsibility: this means a desirable and permanent position: Incompetents and beginners, please do not apply. T 106, Oregonian, GIRLS, 18 years and over, to work In fac tory. Apply at once, AJnes-Harris- eviue Co., 5th aad Davis sts. TODAY 3 cooks, private boarding. 1 out town. $30-$."0: 12 cooks, private families. 1 out town. $20-$.15; 3 second girls. $15-25; 5 waitresses. 3 out town. $20-$25: 12 gen eral housework. $20-$30; I child's nurse. $;I0; 2 girls, 14 to 16, assist housework, $10. St. Louis Ladles Agency, 209H 4th. Main 2039, A 2824. WANTED TODAY. Cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, house keepers, house girls, etc., city and coun try; good wages. Large list of new positions every day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladies' Department, 205 Morrison st. Phones Main 1062, A 2004. WANTED Experienced first-class cook; ref erences required, ism a 11 family; no wash ing or housework; wages $45. H. E. Carr., Northeast corner 1st and Ankeny, 2 1st street. LADY for general office work, one who un derstands bookkeeping and stenography ; state references and salary expected. D 105. Oregonian. WANTED Lady of business ability to rep resent a leading New York corporation, strictly legitimate business. P. O. box 205, Madison Square, New York. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843 Wash, st., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phones Main and A 2692. Help Supplied Free to Employers. WANTED Experienced lady demonstrator. Address with references, ajj i-w. ure gonian. WANTED Bright girl for laundry office work, experience preferred. Address AH 122, Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework in family of three; good home. Address AD 123, Oregonian. WANTED Sister team, song and dance, or male team, must be A-l. Apply box office. Lyric Theater. It A. M. today. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladles' Department 206 H Mori son st. Phones: Main 1062; A 2064. GIRL wanted for light housekeeping, 350 San Rafael st. WAITRESS wanted. 863 Morrison st. KELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE, WANTED Five men and women to work for Brotherhood of American Yeomen in Oregon, California and Washington ; can make good salary. Address H. A. Miller, Coast Manager. General Delivery. WANTED Middle-aged couple to take care of Invalid lady for her board and the use of an acre of ground. Mrs. Gray, Archer Place, 3 blocks north of store. FIRST-CLASS proposition for agents and so licitors1, either sex. Call between 10 A. M. and noon. Room 60S, Perkins Hotel. WANTED Singers, comedians. etc.. for vaudeville and dramatic stage. Newman's theatrical circuit, 203 Burnside. SITTJATIOX WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED Position as salesman, either road or inside; have traveled Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho past 12 years and California past two years and always successful; ex perience In most standard lines; will start cheap until show what I can do; try me. Salesman, East 22, 10th st. THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer, bookkeeper and office man of 25, now employed, as city salesman, desires open ing where loyal and efficient service will be recognized, railroad, mining and mer cantile experience; salary reasonable. O 128, Oregonian. WANTED Office work or bookkeeping, either permanent or temporary, or small sets of books to keep up: long experience in business of different kinds; steady and reliable. Write me. K., East 22, 10th st. YOUNG man of several years' experience banking, wants position, good references. W 124. Oregonian. AS stenographer and office assistant; ex perienced and industrious; have refer ences. P 132 Oregonianr YOUNG man desires position as office man, assistant bookkeeper; salary no object. V 122. Oregonian. YOUNG man, exceptional office ability, de sires position as stenographer, small of fice; moderate salary. 333 Montgomery st. Miscellaneous. WANTED A position I am a young man of ability and good character; have had 8 years' experience in a general store and want a like position in the City of Portland or Salem; can furnish Al recommendation and references. Address D. A. Cleveland. 171 W. Park St.. Port land. Or. A MIDDLE-AGED man wishes position. care of stock or teamster; strictly sober and industrious; city or country, x lau, Oregonian. WANTED Position by married man. un derstands care of stock, good driver and all-round practical farmer, v 12tt ure gontan. WANTED Position of trust where execu tive ability Is an object, city references; will be available Aug. 15. A 120. Orego nian. WANTED Position in real estate, farm, inn oi- in-mimnce office: 6 years' exDe- rience In bank; best of references. T 128. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by first-class circular sawyer and filer; good all-round miiiman; experienced foreman; best of references. Address box 805. Centralia, Wash. LUMBERMAN wishes position In lumber office or as yardman; nest or reierenoea. V 123, Oregonian. WANTED Position by young man ex perienced in flour and feed stores, ware- nOUSS WOIn, v wirisuiutm. NICE Japanese wants position, do any kind work, morning or evening. AB 12a, Ore gonian. WANTED Position by young man experienced in gasoline and steam engines; references. G 128. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by industrious and sober man; OO garuemiiB, care iiuiwc ui n-uiumv blle; good references. AC 121. Oregonian. w a VTV.n TEx-oerienced second girl, refer ences required. Call before 11 A. M. 63 Lucretia place. ALL-AROUND baker, bread and cakes, wishes X) sit Ion In city or country. F 128, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED Japanese cook wishes po sition in family at beach. Phone Pacific 2148. GERMAN man and wife, no children, want work on farm or private place, au izi, Oregonian. sltlon in family boarding-house, phone Facino 3W. WANTED Position as watchman; six years recommendations, j. w. lowier, oio nooa street. WANTED Position by young man thoroughly experienced In automobiles ; references. G 132. Oregonian. WILLING young Japanese boy wants posi tion; do any kind of work. A 115, Ore . gonlan. EXPERIENCED bartender wants situation; good references. AF 124. Oregonian. COLLECTOR wants your delinquent accounts to collect. B 119, Oregonian. GOOD Japanese wishes position, as chamber work or saloon porter. AB 123, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS chef wants position in or out of town. ' Pacific 989. JAPANESE boy wants position to do house work: no cooking. P 123 Oregonian. COMPETENT man wishes steady position, barn man or cuffer. AD 125, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants situation as oook or doing housework. 452 Burnside. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. Japanese employment office; furnishes all SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers ssd Stenogrmpherm. FOR a good stenographer, for substitute or Main 4504. STENOGRAPHER, with general office ex perience, wishes position or will substi tute; must have work. East 4246. Preesmakers. WANTED Dreramaklng at 330 Ren too St., Dei. firoaaway ana -unerry; mm tcoats and skirts) specialty. Mrs. Ryan. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking of all kind a reasonable. Room 2. The Dormer, 2 S3 13th st., cor. Jefferson. DRESSMAKER, tatlor gowns specialty, 12 per day Pacific 23S. PROFESSIONAL nurse wants charge of la- Ian t and go to beach, or will take ma ternity cases; terms reasonable. Phone East 261. WELL experienced nurse will take most any kind of nursing- or elderly person. Main 3038. PLEASANT home, best care during con finement Dy capaoie nurse; rates low; references. Phone Woodlawn 247. Domestic GIRL wants place to do general housework. Appiy vveriou, cwner loin; oaae- ment. Housekeepers. MARRIED lady would Ilka employment from 0 to 3, except Sunday. Phone E 1824. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED laundress and cleaner wishes work Friday and Saturday; call Main 7315. room 32. before 8 A. M. ST. LOUIS LADIES AGENCY wants orders for good help. 209 4th. Main 2039, A 2824. DAY WORK by neat young woman, laundry or cleaning; strictly reiiaoie, a 117, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED suit saleslady wants posi tion; can make alterations; best of refer ences. H 1 1L Oregonian. TWO women want cooking; will taks charge of boarding-nouse. t-Mt mv. HOUR or day work wanted,' Phone Main 3394. LADY wants washing or cleaning, 23 a per hour. E 117. Oregonian. TWO girls want general housework. 635 Savier st. A YOUNG girl wanted, chamberwork. Call up' phone A 3231. Miss Olson. WANTED AGENTS. CAN put to work cracker-Jack real estate salesman ; installment payments; extra good soller. extra good commissions; right man can make $100 per week. Address, giving experience. X 123, Oregonian. AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. CAN give few good salesmen exclusive con tract whereby you can make $100 to $200 per week: write today, giving references. UNITED WIRELESS TELEGRAPH CO., 410 Corbett Bldg., Portland. THE Oregon Nursery Co.. of Salem, Or., wants more salesmen; liberal terms; out fit furnished. Full information on appli cation. WANTED Good agents to sell photo cou pons, best seller out. Call 362 Washington. WANTED Solicitor for family liquor store, 364 Washington st. WANTED TO BENT. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. BL cor. Sd and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED Location for dears and confec tionery stand, where you catch the traf fic. AF 123. Oregonian. WANTED Board and room in private famfry for gentleman; must be central. Phone Main 510, Home A 3510. WANTED To rent 10-room house, close In. West Side. Phone East 106. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE- PAY TOP PRICES FOB. FUR N ITU R IS. And any thing else you have to selL PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main 6655. A 4121. WANTED To buy 1 upright 8 to 13 H. P. boiler, 3 or 4 wooden tanks, 600 to 2000 gallons capacity; l copper kettle, to 50 gallons capacity. Address T 101, Ore gonian. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes: we also buy household furnishings. highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 K. Bd st. Phone 1'aclnc 1722. WANTED 100 tons rye straw. For par ticulars address P. Sharkey as Son., 53 union ave.. Portland, or. WANTED Diamond, one-carat or two carat stone, state lowest price. Box 24 iU, uregonian. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. CLOTHING Phone M 1851 88 N. fid. Highest prioe paid; prompt attention. WILL buy a second-hand, safe at a bargain. P izu uregonian. WANTED Used cash register; will pay Phone Main 1433 or A 1433. FOR RENT. ST. JOHN HOUSE. 2054 Wash.. Joseph West, prop. Furnished and unfurnished housekeeping rooms; transient. 50c. FURNISHED rooitL bath, el ec trio light, $L50 week. 422 E. Couch, one block from urana ave. FROM $1 to 2.50 week, furnished or un furnished. L. Stalnaker, m Union ave. Furnished Rooms. PACIFIC HOTEL. 214 Columbia st. 1 block from Salem ETectrlo depot; running water In all rooms, bath and phone, A 1530; 000 to si oay, sz.ou to $4 wk. THE WILLAMETTE, 822 Stark at., large light rooms, well furnished, single or en suite, 50 o to $1 day; $2.50 to $5 week. NEATLY furnished room by week or month, reasonable; bath, and phone. Pacific 2691. 587 Washington. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Este. PLEASANT front room, suitable for two gentlemen; private family. 2S2 12th st. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia; modern rooms, bath, 60c to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5 wk; also transient rooms. 843 H MorrL NICE furnished room in private family; half block from two carllnes. 5&4 3d st. WELL furnished front room : bath, phone. 194 1-3 13th st. $8 AND up, comfortable furnished rooms. 415 Taylor, cor. 11th. DESIRABLE room, fine view, walking dis tance. 58 Lucretia St.. bet. 22d and 23d. PLEASANT corner room, modern. 542 Mor rison st. BEAUTIFUL clean roms at the Ankeny, ' 349 H Ankeny, cor. 7th; $3 to $5 week. Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENT Basement of 8 rooms, central location, T4 7th et.; rent $10. Apply Wilson's barber supply house, 72 6th. NICELY furnished front room, all con veniences; gentlemen preferred. Fhons Main 5020 or 175 14th. FURNISHED room, private family, suitable for two gentlemen, with or without board. 427 3d. LARGE room, running water. Immense closet, bath; $16 per month. 187 6th St., near Yamhill. 302 COLUMBIA Large room, first floor; electric light, bath, phone; easy walk to business. ROOM for rent; rtnminsT water, bath, toilet.. 260 Montgomery'. FOB RENT. Furnished Rorms. THE new owners of the Barton, cor. 18th) iuia Am or bib., wisa 10 announce that the same is being lepalnted. repapered and 8ut in first-class condition throughout, utside rooms, including steam heat, elec tric lights, free bath, phones, etc.. $10 up per month; suites, with running water, $25 to $35. BOARD and room for one or two young men to private lamwy, no oiner ooaraers; ust. of phone and bath, and all the comforts of home. $18 per month if together or $20 occupying separate rooms, 186 E. 23d st . Sunnyside car. Phone East SS30- HOTEL PALMER, cor. Park and A'.der. un- vated throughout; rooms' single or en suite; transients, $1; special rates by the week; free bath and phorea. Mrs. X. A. Hills, prop. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. Uth and Wash ington sts. Nawly furnished throughout: new buildings, sultej with baths, hot and J water in every room. Phone Mala Tia5- Long-distance phones in all rooms. THE MERCEDES. Newly end elegantly furnished rooms, with all modern conveniences, $3 per and UD Th Mercedes, corner 20tli and Washington sts. looklnsT for the best rooms la tne city for the money, phone the Glendora for particulars; rooms 5 to $15 per month; strictly modern. 19th and Couch, one block from Washington. Main 0280. HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and 17th vijb. aiugie or en suite; every modern convenience. $3 week ly up; dally 1 5a up; special monthly rates. Main 6647. HOTEL KEN YON. 18th and Washington 1 Modern rooms, single and en suite; also housekeeping; running water; private and free baths; rates reasonable, paclflo 0d. THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay-window and other outside rooms; electrlo lights, baths, eta ; $2v50 week up; transients 209 V Washington. WILL rent 2 large nicely furnished rooms, to gentlemen who would appreciate prlvU lege of nice home. A 125, Oregonian. THE AUDITORIUM, 208 Vs 84. newly fur nishea, elevator, baths, hot, cold water 1ft each room; permanent and transient. 446 TAYLOR, near 12th, very desirable single front room for gentleman prLu&te family; modern reasonable. THE COZY, 195 7tti Nioely furnished rooms, wiin or wiinout nome oooaing. one diocs south Hotel Portland, two from Post off ice HOTEL ROYAL. 106H 4 th; nice rooms. $1.50 to $5 week. 50 oenta, $1 night. Rooms Wltn BottrC PORTLAND Women's Union. J Oth yar -rooms with board, use of sewlng-room. ' use of library: Women's Exchange, Ad d ress Mrs. E Ua Kaw lings, Sup U. 41(1 Flanders st. LARGE, nicely furnished east front room, 1 cay window, with board, strictly hoxn 1 cooking, all modern oonveniences, walking . distance, suitable for gentlemen. Phono Main 5400. 805 6th st BLAKELY HALL, 800 Jefferson, large de lightfully cool rooms. with first-olasd board ; beautiful grounds; for location comfort and price cannot be eaualed In city. THE COLONIAL, comer 10th aad Morrison S blocks west of Portland Hotel; special Summer rates; large, airy rooms, with good board, by week or month. BEAUTIFULLY furnished suite, hot and cold water, also single rooms with board, first-class desirable location, beautiful lawn. IBS 11th St. Main 5330, A If 5 80. WANTED Two gentlemen to board with private family, who desire comforts of home life, with every convenience. Phono East 106. NICELY furnished rooms, first-class table board, strictly home cooking, modern, $6 week: easy walking distance. The Lin dell. 200 Market. ROOMS and board, suitable for two; modern, also table board. Phone East 722. H East 8th st- North. 83 NORTH 17th St., one block oft Washing ton;, well furnished, corner suite; also sing la rooms; modern; board optional. FIRST-CLASS rooms and board, $25 per month. The Glendora, 1 block from. Washington on 19th. FIRST-CLASS board, desirable cool room, adjoining bath, private, modern and rea sonable. 521 Couch st. FOR 2 young ladies or young married cou ple, good home cooking; only 15 minutes ride, W.-R. carline. 573 B. 17th. THE MARLYN. Washington and 17th, well furnished rooms, hot and co;d water home cooking, permanent or transient. $23 FOR one. $40 for two rooms, with board in Ideal home. 470 Main st. FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozark. 225 11th st. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Madison sts. Elegant residence apart ments, possessing every modern conven ience. Including automatio elevator, tele phone exchange; the maximum of con venience, elegance and equipment; loca tion and surroundings unsurpassed. SEATTLE. THB WALDORF Fireproof apart ments, Anast building in Northwest, ele vators, steam heat, Janitor service; send for booklet. The Waldorf, ?th ave. and Pike st. ROOSEVELT APARTMENTS, 668 ILoarney, near 2.1st Handsome colonial steam heated building, just completed; 5-room apartments, possessing modern conven iences; splendid location; reasonahla sent. W. L. Morgan, 322 Falling bldg. APARTMENTS. Bryn Mawr, 185 Bast 15th, corner Tam-t hill. 4 and 5 rooms, new and convenient! fireplaces, gas range, refrigerators, screens shades; moderate rents; ready for oocu. pancy August 1. - mm f THB SHEFFIELD Unfurnished 4oonV apartment with bath; new, modern and 1 fully equipped for convenience rent ra- 1 sonable and location saves carfare, AjplJt to Janitor, Seventh and Jefferson st- , IONIAN COURT Elegant 8 and 4-room, reception hall and bath residence apart ments' new. Including all modern conven iences; walking distance ; terms reason able. ..Apply Janitor, 18th and Couch. "THE BUELL APARTMENTS," corner Sal mon and 14th sts., are now ready for oc cupancy; new and .up-to-date, all the mod em conveniences- private phones, elevator etc. Call 473 Salmon, next door. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 5-room apartment with bath and all modern conveniences, including telephone, gas and electrlo light, without further cost. K 113, Ore gonian. THE LUXOR APARTMENTS, cor. 13th and Clay Three and four-room apartments, furnished and unfurnished; strictlymodern throughout. Under new management. CINCINNATI APARTMENTS. 10th and Har rison. Furnished and unfurnished mod ern apartments; walking distance; rent reasonable. IRIS AP A RTMENTS, 3d and MI 1 1 sts. J 4 room, $32; o-room, $40, unfurnished. In quire apartment 22, 24H Mill st. WELLINGTON Flats $37 50 5-room mod ern, steam-heated; 525 Everett, near 15ttu Apply W. L. Morgan, 322 Falling bldg. COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS. 11th and Columbia- August L two front 4-room modern apartments; rents moderate. BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent. 12th and Columbia. "The Bra in tree." Flats. 8-ROOM upper flat, 647 H Yamhill; $45; new and modern. Key at 547 Yamhill, near 17th. 6BNOSTAKB & LYMAN. 00 Fifth St. MODERN flat of 5 rooms, centrally located. West Side, Nob Hill district, janitor, steam heat. The Ames Mercantile Agency. Swetland bldg. $15 PER MONTH Strictly modern upper flat of 3 rooms and bath; in choice neighbor hood and close to four oarllnes. H. W. Lemcke, Corbett bldg. Main 117T, A 2635. I 14 ROOMS, upstairs at 548H Williams av, corner Knott, very reasonable to good tenant. Wakefield, Fries & Co., 220 Stark. 4-ROOM modern flat for rent. Inquire owner, , 62S Williams ave. FLAT for rent; - rooms; modern Improve ments. 449 7th. NEW 6-room lower flat, close in, nice loca tion. Inquire on premises. 529 Everett. FIVE-ROOM modern nat. 36S 2d., close in. Sealy. Mason & Co., 4th and Morrison. NEW modern 4-ror-m unfurnished, flat. 5 minutes to postofflce. Inquire J372 6th. j A MODERN o-room ooloadal flat; No. a 12th, near Ankeny.