3 Straw Sailor Hats Value, to $2.50 at $1.39 lfMi6i) cy 'Sfefejly! scarfsandsquares All Neckwear, Vals. to 75c for 19c $l-$1.25-$1.50Neckw'r49c Friday we will sell our entire stock of new and stylishWomen's Neckwear Lace and Net Bows. Jabots, Ascot Ties, Embroidered Bows and Neck- wear of every description. Values up to -fl g" 75c, Friday Bargain Day Also our entire stock of Women's Neckwear, sell ing regularly at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. - Afn day Bargain Day. EC $1 Muslin Underwear, 59c One great sale lot of Gowns, Corset Covers and Drawers, made of cambric and nainsook. Gowns cut circular neck, lace trimmings. Corset Covers cir cular neck, with lace, insertion, beading and ribbon trimming. Draw ers various styles. Values to $1.00 for v. Many Unadvertised Specials in Muslin Underwear, Kimonos, Etc. Lace,Chiffon,ChantiIlyVeils $1.50,2,50,3.50 Values 98c Our greatest offering in Ready-tcearjyeils all kinds and styles in one grand Friday Bargain Sale Lace VeilsTChiffon Veils, Chantilly Veils, Embroidered Veils 1, 1, 2 and 3 yards long. All colors. Not a single veil in the lot worth less than $1.50, and most are regular $2.50 to $3.50 veils, while fQ they last Friday ..70C Ml Today Only We Will Ml mm Sell 200 Dozen Men's jM BllVtflU a'. HI 1 If 1 IH III MAMiMl '. Collars ;g ffl "Redman" Brand "r- I -I WashGoods"o65catl5c The biggest Wash Goods bargain yet offered 5000 yards of this season's choicest and daintiest fabrics, including Imported Voiles, Imported Zephyrs, Imported Organdies, Fancy Madras, Imported Dimities. Values to 65c g yard, Friday Bargain Day lU C. B., La Vida, W. B. Corsets Vals.to$8.50at$1.89 For Friday Bargain Day only we offer a lot of odd lines and sizes of C. B. a la Spirite, La Vida and W. B. Corsets in various styles, in cluding low and medium bust, dip hip aad short hip, made of coutil and batiste. Regular values up to $8.50. On the bar- G1 qA gain table for Friday only at pl0s $5 Lingerie Waists $2.38 $3.50 Union Linen Skirts $1.35 100 Soft Mull and Lawn Lingerie Waists, very fine and very prettily trimmed, with filet and Valenciennes laces in richly-designed patterns. Some have yokes of shirred Val. lace; others elaborately made of lace with Baby Irish, medallions, shirred lace collars also tucked with -$2.38 lace edging. Values to $5.00, on sale at Only a limited number of these pretty, cool White Wash Skirts, made of union linen and sold regularly up to $3.50. They are tailored so that they hang gracefully and are exceptional in stylet,. Less than wholesale cost Friday at. $1.35 35c Tan Hosiery 23c Women's Tan Lisle or Cotton Stockings, made with seamless foot and double heels and toes; all the new tan shades. o O Reg. 35c quality for fcOC Embr'd'er'd Black Stock ings, 3 Pairs for $1.00 Women's fine black lisle thread or fine maco eotton Stockings, with embroidered insteps, in a great va riety of fancy patterns; values to 6oc pair. Three 11 (( pairs for f.i..vrvr 25c Children's Hose, 3 Fairs for 50c Children's black Cotton Stockings, lxl rib, double heel, toe and knee, guaranteed fast black; regular SS" 2oc values, 3 pairs for OvC Women's Lisle Vests 29c Women's tine lisle Vests, lojw neck, no sleeves, regular 43c quality Women's lisle Union Suits, low neck, no sleeves, umbrella style. Regular 98c quality. . . . 29c 63c Lace Clearance Vals. to $1.00 Yard, 29c A general clearance in the Lace Section including Appliques, Net Tops, Bands and high-grade laces of every description, all in one sale lot. Values to $1.00 yard, r f Friday sale .. .. .&&C Friday Notion Bargains 2ic Shirtwaist Belts, elastic and self-aajusting 6c Linen Shoe Traces, 6 pairs for XO J1.50 Feather Dusters, very large size, at i&8i 10c Curling Irons, hidden spring, medium 70 20c Furniture Polish, cleans and polishes, at 12'4 25c Shinola Brush and Dauber. Friday 18 10c Rising Sun Stove Polish, a cake 25c Jena Opal Globes, tits anv burner XSd 20c Gas Torches. Friday Bargain Day 5c Gas Tapers, "Never Drip," box 2H 5c Shelf Paper, lace edge, -all colors 4e 25c Gold Dust, 3-pound package 1S 15c pkg. Pearline, the great cleanser Sc 10c can Dutch Cleanser, newest and best. 8d Men's Suspenders, 29c Mens Fine Lisle Suspenders, made with white or tan. calf leather ends, double slot loop, etc. ; WASH SUITS $5.85 ft it i Snm'- 100 Wash Suits of plain and striped duck. All color stripes. Real values $10.00 Lipman-Wolf e 6c Co Challenge Sale of Silk Gloves These Glove prices are absolutely the lowest quoted In States, and every pair Is a standard make on which everybody knows the price. We still challenge any merchant in America to offer values that equal them. (signed) LIPMAN, WOLFE S CO. $1.75 "Kayser?' Silk Gloves, 95c Yes, these are the same 16-button Silk "loves that were scarce last year at $1.75 a pair. The low price is made possible by the low cost of raw silk at present. All with double-tipped fingers; all sizes in black, white and leather shades and colors. Everv nair new, Kayser and other standard makes. Regular price f J? $1.75 pair, Friday Bargain Day C?OC $2.50 Silk Gloves, 16-Button, gl.55 Highest-grade "Kayser" and "Fownes" 16-button length Silk Gloves in black, white, the wanted colors. Double tipped, best qualities, all sizes. Values up to $2.50, d1 f? a pair '. -f)J.JO 75c Two-Clasp Lisle Gloves, 25c Pr. any city Is the United $8.00 Suitcases at $5.69 $5.50 Suitcases at $3.69 Matting Suitcases, linen lined, shirt fold, straps all around, heavy cowhide corners, strong tC CO brass locks and belts ipiJ.VJiJ Matting Suitcases, straps all around, heavy cowhide corners, fancy lined, shirt fold, tO CQ $5.50 values pJ.VJZ $2.50 Couch Cov'rs $1.49 $3.00 Hammocks, $1.89 Heavy reversible tapestry Couch Covers, in beauti ful Oriental patterns, 3 yards long, 60 fl- A q inches wide, values to $2.50, at V TJ Gopd, serviceable Hammocks, made of double twine, finely woven, with upholstery pillow, d- Qq ppreader and deep valance ' . .P 1 Oi Lace Curtain Sale Great general sale of Lace Curtains of all kinds from $3.50 to $7.50 pair, includ ing handsome patterns in Renaissance, Cluny, Bat tenberg, Irish Point, Cable Net, Nottingham and Novelty Lace Pat terns, white or Arabian color, 2y2 and 3 yards long, 45 to 54 inches wide, all reduced as follows: Regular $3.50 Lace Curtains $2.29 Pr. Regular $4.50 Lace Curtains $2.89 Pr. Regular $5.50 Lace Curtains $3.89 Pr. Regular $6.50 Lace Curtains $4.68 Pr. Regular $7.50 Lace Curtains $5.45 Pr. - White and Fancy Vests Vals. to $4 at $1.55 500 Men's White and Fancy Vests, high grade and excellent workmanship and trim mings.. The latest models and patterns with piped and flap pockets. Flannels, mercer ized, silk mixtures and washable fabrics; stripes, checks, olaids and neat ffprt light and dark shades. Values all the wav up to $.uu, at our low sale price. $1.55 PHONE LINE TO DAK GROVE LOCAL, PARTIES ORGANIZE TO PUT IX SYSTEM. Tt Connection With Portland Over Pacific States Wires Con struction to Begin at Once. OREGON CITY. Or.. July 33 (Special.) An important telephone deal has just fceen completed in the organization of the Oak Grove Telephone Company, with a ' capital stork of $4000. divided into 400 shares at $10 per share. The majority of the stock has been subscribed and or ganisation was perfected Tuesday night at the first meeting of the stockholders. Judge Dlmlck. of this city, is taking care of the legal end of the new corporation. It is proposed to establish an exchange at Oak Grove, with trunk lines to Port land and free connection with the me tropolis. The new company has entered Into an arrangement with the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, through George Hall, its Clackamas County man .Iter, under which the system will be op erated on the same basis as St. John. Jdontavtlla ar.d the Sellwood lines into Portland. The Oak Grove company is to have the exclusive privilege of operating telephones in the following territory, with the excep tion of such instruments as the Pacific Company may already have in operation: From the Intersection of the south boun dary of the Selwood golf links with the Willamette River; east two miles; thence south to the intersection of a line drawn east and west to Meldrum's Station; thence west to the Willamette River; thence following the course of the river to the point of beginning. The new" system will be in operation inside of two months, with at least 60 I pnones. t eclar poles were distributed yesterday and there will be no delay in commencing the work. The equipment will be standard throughout and the central energy plant will obviate the ring ing of a bell to call the central operator. It is probable that a five-cent rate be tween Oregon City and Oak Grove win be maintained. Make Long Auto Trip. SAN DIEGO. Cal., July 23. J. A. Gabel, wife and small cocker spaniel. In an automobile, equipped with tent, cots and fishing tackle, have just com pleted a trip across the United States, north and south, having left Chehalls, Wash., June 22, traveling through Portland, the Willamette Valley and Eugene, on the old California-Oregon stage route, over the Siskiyou Moun tains, through the Trinity Mountains, down the Sacramento Valley to San Francisco, thence via San Luis Obispo to Los Angeles and the coast road to San Diego and Tla Juana, a distance of 3000 miles, without an accident and only once stuck In the sand. Charres Lipplncott, Inventor. PHILADELPHIA. July 23. Charles Lipplncott, a member of a well-known Philadelphia family and an inventor of note, is dead at his home in this city, aged 83 years. See Rosenthal's window, shoe bargains. PVPILS NEED CHRISTIAN IX FLUEXCE, SAYS I. B. RHODES. Lectures at Bible School on Evil Ef fects of Attempts to "Ape" . Vniversity Students. ALBANY. Or.. July 23. (Special.) That the High School offers the chief problem to those engaged in Christian work regarding boys, was the thought advanced in the Summer Bible school here today by I. B. Rhodes, of Port land, secretary of the Oregon-Idaho In terstate Y. M. C. A. He pictured startling conditions from the view point of a Christian worker in the present-day High Schools, and said the boys in the High School need Christian influence more than any others. That the present conditions are due In large measure to the fact that High Schools try to "ape" university students, was the opinion of Secretary Rhodes. High School fraternities received a denunciation at the hands of the speaker. Commencement festivities, continuing a whole week, with Junior Prom.. Senior dancing party, etc were also listed as having a demoralizing effect. Unclean athletics, with attendant im morality, were also mentioned br the speaker as a condition to be reformed. With a motto of "anything to win" the students take dishonest methods, he said, and are brought in touch with un desirable influences. He said investi gations had revealed immoral condi tions existing in many High Schools that were startling. There were a number "of important meetings at the Bible School today be sides all of the regular daily confer ences in the school courses. Rev. A. J. Folsom, of Forest Grove, superin tendent of the Home Mission work of the Congregational Church of Oregon, led an interesting conference Jhis af ternoon on "Waste in Church Work Because of Lack of . Interdenomina tional Agreement." The address in the auditorium this afternoon was delivered by Rev. Dr. W. S. Hol, of Portland, on "Church Finances." Rev. Folsom gave the address in the auditorium tonight. He spoke on "The. Debt of English Literature to the Bible" and delivered a very entertain ing address. A feature of the meet ing tonight was the singing of Fred Butler, formerly with the Chapman Evangelist corps and who has recently been singing in Portland. He rendered two selections. Congressman Richmond P. Hobson, of I man, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. here today I esslty of a greater navy and the Japan Alabama and Dr. Samuel Parkes Cad- I engaged In a joint debate on the nec- I ese war situation. Meets Hobaoa In Debate. MARSH ALLTOWN. Ia.. July 23. TEA If weary, tea is rest; good tea If wakeful, sleep. If dull, animation. If silent, talk. Toar tracer rehires yar noaay if ya doa't like Schrllinr'i Best; ve pay him. ONE - FOURTH OFF ON ALL OUR TRUNKS Tourists and those intending to travel are in vited to inspect our exclusive showing of high grade trunks. For a few days every trunk in the house will be placed on sale ' At One-Fourth Less than the regular price. The line includes Wardrobe, Saratoga, Dresser, Steamer and Hat Trunks, and they are the famous "Likly"make. Trunks from $4 to $75. SOLE AGENTS FOR "CROSS" LONDON LEATHERS EXCHANGE 11 H0IWE1S1U W00DARD, CLARKE S CO. FOURTH AND WASHINGTON