TITE MORXIXG- OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, JULY 24, I90S. 1 Women's 75c Hose 39c Women's 7 Sc Vests 49c Each - 1 v : : : '- 1 These Vests are low neck, sleeveless style, in the very popular Swiss ribbed effect.- Splendid quality lisle yam, with lace trimmed yoke ; in all respects an ideal Summer garment; cool, neat, dainty, serviceable, and regularly worth 75c each. Supply your ACk Underwear needs Friday at t-JC Women's Swiss Ribbed Vests Low neck, sleeveless style, of good quality cotton yarn, crochet trimmed yoke and armholes, regularlv 25c f j each ; special only .' V Women's Swiss Ribbed Pants Umbrella style, lace trimmed. I Q fitted tops, sell regularly at 75c the pair; special Friday T'JC Lace Curtains Are Much Reduced Irish Point, Arabian Brussels Net, Soutache, and novelties. Several hun dred pairs in the lot. Cheap enough to use in the Summer cottage, good enough for the finest home. Regular price from $8. to $25 the QiA r7tZ pair. All low priced, the $8 kind selling for, the pair. P O An immense number of Hose are included in this unusual sale. They are fine lisle yarn jn boot lace, all-over lace, embroidered ankle or plain lisle. They come in white, black, blue, cardinal or pink. There are Hose for wear on every occasion, in some of the most popular shades and decidedly the most popu lar designs. The regular values run to 75c the pair. It is a bargain that should bring throngs of thrifty shoppers. Buy all 3Tou want at, the pair 39 ome to the 274ih Friday Economy Sale Silk Jumper Costumes 1 $9.98 Those cleverly-constructed Dresses are combinations of silk and net. They are in one-piece Jumper styles, and the materials are the preferred shades and designs small, neat figures and checks predominating yokes and sleeves are good quality net, trimmed with' dainty Valenciennes lace. Buttons and piping are also used as trimming. . 'Tis a lot we captured at a price much below their real worth, and they are on sale today for the lowest price quoted this season on a dependable garment.- A good range of sizes, a wide choice as to coloring and designs, and, CJQ QQ mind you, values run to $25. Special at only. . Ps.sO 3 -Day Sale Jap Silks The sale is of unusual interest because of its timeliness. Right now is when you need silks of this sort. 27 and 36 inch widths, regular values 85c to $2.50 the yard, now on sale at the following reduced prices. sr. Trim 9ed Hats 98c to $4.98 In this lot go clever affairs in the season's best millinery modes, regularly worth $2.50 to $16.50 ; , flowers, ribbons, quills, etc.j generously and tastefully used as trimmings; shapes are in preferred models and colorings. All trimmed hats reduced, and you may choose a very smart one for $4.98, or even as QQ low as VOC DUCK TAM O'SHANTERS, OUTING HATS, ETC. Just the thing for wear at the beach and on Summer outing trips, remarkably reduced to onlv FLOWERS HALF PRICE Roses. Marguerites, Foliage and flowers of all sorts and in all grades; especially suitable for the decoration of late Sum mer headgear, regardless of former price. J J A W E selling' at IlJALr OUTING AND READY-TO-WEAR HATS, also Children's and Misses'-hats in large as sortment, worth to $1.25 each, choice Fridav, -l ( onlv . . AUC The 85c grade The $1.50 grade 65c The $1.00 grade 77c The $1.25 grade.... The $2.00 grade, special, yard.... $1.09 $1.39 The $1.75 grade, special, yard The $2.50 grade, special, yard 92c ....$1.23 $1.69 Special Sale Hammocks 19c Canvas Weave Hammock, with concealed spreader and QC pillow, worth $1.10", "at OOC Canvas Weave Hammock, con cealed spreader and tl 1 tt pillow, worth $1.50, at . P O Jacquard Weave Hammocks, con cealed spreader, pillow and val ance, $1.85 value at tJ1 the very low price of. . P .OO A Regular $2.50 Hammock for only. Jacquard Weave Hammocks, regu larly worth $2.00. special price, only... Jacquard Weave Hammocks, worth $2.25 each. On spe- !?1 CtCZ cial sale at, each $1.85 nocks, regu- $1.50 $3.10 Large-Size Hammocks, in hand some striped pattern, with con cealed spreader, lay-back' pillow ana wide valance, reg ular $4.50 value; sp'l. Large-Sized Hammock, of striped design, same description as above, worth $5.00. Special JJO Ef at the low price of -. pOOi Croquet Sets. 8 balls and 8 mal lets, handsomely finished, regular ly worth $4 the set.' J0 QfT Special sale price, set. P'0 Croquet Sets, 8 balls and mallets, beautifully finished and packed in hardwood box, a $5.00 tO Cf set at the low price of. .PJ-' Bathing Suits MerisShirts$U5 Boys' and Men's Bathing Suits are very low priced here. A full line to choose from, all sizes, in the prevailing and preferred col orings and designs. Men's Golf Shirts. A full assort ment of patterns in Chambray or Madras materials. Splendid fit ting garments, regularly worth $1.50 each, Friday $ 1 1 5 Boys' All-Wool Jersey Sweaters, in navv, royal or cardinal, QO sizes 24 to 34, $1.25 values. ?OC Men's Negligee Shirts, in tan, blue, cream, white or fancy tfjl QQ effects, $2.50 values, at.P A 'O Men's Fancy Half Hose, in dots, stripes and Jacquard pat- OQ terns, 50c quality, special. ,i Long Silk Gloves friUJtJr $1.10 Silk Gloves in rich, lustrous black, the much-wanted 16-button or elbow length of a quality ana maKe wen Known to discriminating snoppers. All sizes in the lot. Kegular price $2.zo the pair; special for the low price of only Kayser Silk Gloves, 2-clasp length; regular price 60c per pair, special only Women's 16-button length Silk Gloves, in small sizes only, black and white; regular $1.75 to $2.00, today only. Embroideries, blind or openwork designs, edges or inser tions, 35c value, low price. of only ; . . . Fans, Silk or Paper Fans, in Japanese, souvenir or fancy designs, reg. worth to 60c each; on sale today at only. Save Won Bathing Suits Women's Bathing Suits go at V4 below the regular prices again Friday. Cleverly designed frocks made of splendid materials, fast color, trimmed with braid to match. Values $2.50 to $8.50 Regular $2.50 values, special. Regular $3.00 values, special. Regular $4.00 values, special. $1.88 $2.25 $3.00 Regular $5.00 values, special. . Regular $6.00 values, special . . Regular $8.50 values, special. . $3.75 $4.50 $6.38 $2.50 Purses Friday $1.19 Combination purses and card cases in seal, Morocco, Levant and bead effects, regularly worth to $2.50 each. Spe cial Friday, only $1.19 Wash Goods Half Price This sale has caught the town by storm. All econom ical Portland was here yesterday. 'Tis a sale the like of which we have never before been in a position to an nounce at this time of the year. The very cream of the season's choicest fabrics in sheer and corded novelties suitable for the construction of Summer gowns, dainty dresses for beach wear, kimonos, dressing sacques, children's dresses, etc. We again call your attention to the mammoth window display, Fifth and Washing ton streets, and earnestly advise early buying. Don't mind if you are crowded a bit. You will touch elbows with a good-natured throng, all bent on securing the Wash Goods bargain of their lives. Half lOXfor price, regular 25c goods now going at, yd. . I & HVMMnM m 1 1 A I i I 40c 'IfpH 19c r . $3 Petticoats for Only $1.98 Women's Petticoats of black Heatherbloom, made with deep ruffled flounces, finished with clusters of three straps each, also with shir ring and ruffles. These skirts outwear any kirt made, and have the same rustle and $1.98 silk richness, Absolutely fast black full size, regular $3 each, special ARTISTS' APRON S Mother Hubbard style, full length, long sleeves, made with straps and large pockets. Material is the best grade of blue and white check gingham, worth $1 each, rj special O C TEDDY BEAR CUSH ION SLIPS, in 10 differ ent designs, tinted, with design appliqued in bear cloth; backs and borders of fancy art material, worth 75c ; spe- og cial, this sale OOC Big Notion Values Shelf Paper, 10-yd. piece, in all colors, regular price 10c, special, the piece. 5 Stationery, English Vel lum, plated; 50 sheets of paper and 50 envelopes, regular price 50c, on spe cial sale at, the box..25 Flower and Fern Baskets, Japanese bamboo, 3 sizes; worth 60c, special, 46; worth 7.U-, special o6; worth 85c, special.. 66 Dress Shields, light weight, medium size, reg ular price 20c, pair. 15 Auto Veils and Hat Drapes In chiffon or lace, great variety of colors and pat terns. Two grades, worth to $5.00 for SI. 89. and worth to $3.00 for. .S9C Stationery, Hurd's Swas tika, a Swastika symbol on each sheet of paper, 24 sheets of paper with envelopes to match; regu lar price b"0c. .special sale price, the box 39 Writing Fluid, Carter's 4-oz. bottles, regular price 10c. special, bottle... 6 Toilet Pin Books, best English pins. reg. price 10c, special, the book.7 Needle Books, fancy, as sorted needles; regular price 3oc, special, ea.25 Hair Pins, wire, worth 5c, special sale price.. 3 Belt Buckles Many styles and sizes, regular price 65c each. On special sale Friday only at the very low price of 49 EACH Ribb'ns Double-faced Satin Ribbon, changeable taffeta, or black silk taffeta. These are all 6 in. wide. The satin comes in assorted colors, the fancy silk in changeable effects, and the black lustrous, permanent dye. They are suitable for hair bows, millinery uses, sashes and numberless purposes. There are miles and miles of these silken strips, and the regular values run to 75c the yard ; your choice just for Friday 19c CHILDREN'S HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, in plain white, or with colored borders; also in 1 Q cross-bar effects, regular 5c value; 6 go at 1UC CHD7FON HAT DRAPES, iy2 yards in length, assorted colors, regular values 75c and $1.00; extra special '. 29c Remarkable Sale of Shoes Women's shoes worth to seven dollars now on sale at three thirty-nine pair All low shoes worth to $6.00, all high shoes with French or Louis heels . (except "Peggy From Paris"), all Laird-Scho-ber High Shoes, every pair of Pingree shoes and Oxfords, and any $3.50 shoe or Oxford in our entire stock, included in this remarkable offer. Sale contin ues for today. Choice po OQ at low price of ipO.OJ MEN'S SHOES AND OX FORDS Every pair of Men's Oxfords we own, worth to $7, all $4 high shoes and 20 styles of high shoes, worth $5 and $6 the pair. Edwin Clapp & Son's Oxfords included in the assort ment. Choice for (o rQ. this sale ipO.OiJ WOMEN'S OXFORDS, in white canvas or black kid, many styles, all height heels and light or heavy soles, values to $3 ; full line of tf - AQ sizes; we fit them at. V Stirring Sale of Odd China Closing out odd lines of Semi-Porcelain and China Dinner Sets, and odd pieces of Dinnerware at greatly re duced prices. Take advantage of sale. DECORATED PORCELAIN RE--DUCED Tea Plates, special, each 7$ Bread and Butter Plates, each . . 5 Sugar Bowls, covered, special.. 33 Cream Pitchers, special, eaeh...ll Vegetable Dishes, covered, each. 57 Vegetable Dishes, uncovered, ea.l4 Turkey Platters, special. each..57i DECORATED CHINA Breakfast Plates, special, each.l7 Cake Plates, special, each 25 Sugar Bowls, special, each 40 Creamers, special sale price, ea..2o PRESSED GLASSWARE Berry Bowls, special, each 9 Vases,"" 9-inch, special price, ea.l5 Footed Jelly Stands, each, sp'l. 15 Wine Glasses, special, each 3 Jelly Tnmblers, special, each... 2 Other pieces at intermediate prices Wonderful Q I O I startling Parasol bale Every silk parasol in our magnificent stock, reduced for Friday and Sat urday selling. Nowhere on the Pacific Coast can yon find snch a com plete assortment as is carried here, and no store in Portland or elsewhere can or will offer better values than these. Ton will find them in plain colors, or with fancy ribbon borders, Dresden, plaid and other designs. They are fitted with fancy rustic wood handles, some trimmed with gun metal. We quote here a few examples of the values you will find. There are not a large number in any one lot, so we advise early selection. C9 OH for Parasols fL.UU orth $5.00. for Parasols worth $6.50 to $7.50 each. tC flfl for Parasols jHJ.UU ,orth $8.00. $4.50 $3.00 $7.50 for Parasols worth $4.50 to $6.00 each. Cl T? for Parasols 4H.ld worth $7.50. for Parasols worth $9.50. $3.75 $11.50 $14.50 $18.50. for Parasols worth $5.50. Parasols Wth $15. Parasols ' worth Art Pottery Vz Below Regular THE NEW FALL SHAPES AND MANUFACTURERS SAMPLES IN ARTISTIC DECORATIONS Vases, 8-inch, regular djl OO price $2.00 ; special, each. .?.00 Vases, 13-inch, regularly worth $5, special, each. Vases, 18-inch, regular price $9.00, special, each. Jardinieres, 6-inch, regu lar price $2.50; sp'l, ea.. Bohemian Art Glassware, a large shipment just received, hundreds of handsome and useful pieces; ranging in price from 65c up. Take advantage. Beauty Pins, gold plated or enamel tops, in many different designs, 15c values; on special sale, three pairs for..... Collar Pins, in rose and diamond shapes, with ruby or tur- OC quoise centers, 65c values. . .. $3.33 $6.00 $1.66 In the Toilet Goods Hospital Absorbent Cot ton, in 1-lb. sealed pkg.; special, Friday, lb... 29 Tooth Powder, Sanitol, regular price 25c, ea.l6 Toilet Paper, gem, regu lar price 5e the roll, spe cial sale price, 2 for..5i Bathasweet Bath Pow der, or rice powder, regu lar price 25c, special sale price, the can 17J Hair Rolls, 18-inch, best quality, in all shades, reg ular 30c value, each.22 Nail Buffers, ebony, olive or rosewood, good quality, regular price 50c, special sale price, each. . -3SJ Writing Tablets, bond or linen finish, all sizes; reg ular price 10c, each..7 Hooks and Eyes, black or white, 2 dozen on a card, all sizes, regular price 5c, special, the card 3 Toilet Soap, Jergen's old fashioned glycerine, oat meal, or elder flower, large size cakes, cake. 8 $10 Croquet Sets $5 Each Set in a Handsome Hardwood Box, 4 Balls and Mallet to the Set. Handles screw in mallets, arches are set in wooden posts. Elegant finish; C fifi regular professional set, $10.00, special PJ W