Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 21, 1908, Image 1

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VOL. XL VIII VO. 14,865.
$250,000 JUDGMENT.
Federation Officials
Cited to Appear.
Alleged to Have Violated Buck
Stove Company Injunction.
St. Louis Corporation Files Sensa
tional Petition In District Su
preme Court Accusing Labor
Leaders of Disobeying Writ.
WASHINGTON. July 20. In the
Buck Stove & Range Company's case.
Justice Sanderson, of the District Su
preme Court, today summoned Samuel
Gompers, president of 'the American
Federation of Labor; Secretary Frank
Morrison, of that organization, and
John Mitchell, of the executive coun
cil and ex-president of the United
Mineworkers of America, to appear in
court on September 8, to show cause
why they should not be punished for
contempt of the courfs Injunction or
der. Basis of the Action.
The citation Is based on a petition
of the Buck Stove & Range Company,
of St. Louis, which alleges that an
order- Issued by Justice Gould forbid
ding a National boycott by the Ameri
can Federation of Labor has been vio
lated by the public utterances and ad
dresses of the three labor leaders
It also Is stated that Gompers caused
to be published In the Federatlonlst,
the official organ of the Federation, a
certain article reflecting- on the court's
decision, and in alleged open defiance
printing the name of the Buck Stove &
Range Company In the "We Don't Pat
ronize" list.
Gompers Defies Court.
. Gompers Is said to have said to sev
eral newspaper men:
"So far as I am concerned, I wteh tp
state this: When It comes to a choice
between surrendering my rights as a
free American citizen and violating the
decision of the court, I do not hesitate
to say that I shall exercise my rights
as between the two."
Other utterances are quoted, and It
Ifl alleged Gompers and Morrison. In
furtherance of an alleged plan to nul
lify the court's order, have published,
editorially and otherwise, offensive to
the court's decision, the name of the
Buck Range & Stove Company.
References, it is claimed, were made
to the decision for the purpose of
keeping alive the boycott, as it existed
before the order of the court, and were
so framed as to affect the sale of the
company's products. John Mitchell, at
a meeting of the United Mlneworkers
last January, put to a vote a resolution
imposing a fine' of $5 on any member
of that organization who purchased a
stove or range of that company's make.
The . resolution also provides for the
expulsion of a. member in default of
payment of the fine. '
Chicago School Census Falls Below
Two Million Mark.
CHICAGO. July 20. (Special.) Chicago's
"Two Million" Club Is about to receive
severe shock. The school census of Chi
cago, which has been under way for sev
eral months. Is now practically com
pleted, &n,d the count does not reach the
two million mark. The exact result will
be announced the last of the week and
will be about 1,50,000.
The general school census four yeans
ago showed a population of 1.714,144. Sup
erintendent Monroe says that the gain
has been about 50.000 people a year.
"There are two thingn which people are
always Inclined to exaggerate," said Mr.
Monroe. "One Is the population of the
city they live in and the other the
amount of money other people have
There will be more encouraging news
for the population boosters when the city
directory figures are given out early nxt
week. The count of directory names has
been practically completed, and It is ad
mitted that the result will show a de
cided gain over last year. Using, the
usual multiple, the directory people will
show a population more than 800.000 in
excess of the school figures.
Entire Population at City of Monaa
tlr Joins Movement.
VIENNA. July 20. The Young Turkey
faction, according to the Neu Freie
Presse corespondent at Monastlr. Euro
pean Turkey, has gained control of the
entire third army corps and part of the
second army corps. The revolutionary
committee at Monastlr has assumed con
trol and the authorities are powerless, al
most the entire population having Joined
rn the movement
Erring Son Allowed One Hour to
Bid Farewell to Aged
SALES, Or., July 20. (Special.) A radi
cal departure from the methods which
are commonly believed to prevail In state
prisons has been Inaugurated by Gov
ernor Chamberlain, who today allowed a
convict to go home to say farewell to his
mother, who Is about to die. The name
of the convict and that of his mother will
not be made known. It seems that the
woman Is very old, Is suffering from con
sumption and that she can live but a
John Mitchell, of the Executive
Council, American Federation of
Labor. Cited With President
Gompers and Secretary Morri
son on Contempt Charge.
few days. She has been pleading for a
chance to see her son before she dies
and it was at her request that the Gov
ernor let the prisoner go to his home
in the custody of a guard.
The convict will be permitted to talk
with his mother one hour, then will be
brought back. The favor was extended
not to him but to his mother. This is
not the first time this has been done,
but Governor Chamberlain is the first
executive who has allowed a prisoner to
be taken outside the walls on such a mis
. About a year ago a woman whose son
was a convict became ill and the doc
tors declared that her death was a mat-
ter of but a few days. In response to
her appeals the Governor let her son go
home. The yisit had such a favorable
effect upon her that she began at once,
to improve and soon recovered her health.
Passengers Who Were Caught in Ice
Sue at Nome.
SEATTLE. Wash., July 0. (Spe
cial.) Passengers who were on the
steamship Ohio, which took 41 days to
make the trip from Seattle to Nome,
have sued the White Star Steamship
Company, her owners, for $65,000. ac
cording to a telegram received by
Frank Waterhouse & Company, her
agents. The vessel will be held at
Nome until bonds are furnished for her
release. The suits are the result of
the long delay In the ice, which cost
some of the passengers heavily .-. and
caused a great deal, of indignation
against Captain Conradt. The Ohio's
passengers for the south left on the
Northwestern. , ;
Mr. Waterhouse said that the tickets
sold the complaining passengers espe
cially release the company from any
liability for delays due to the- tee, and
that his lawyers say the persons who
bring the suit have no case. He ex
pects to have the bonds to release the
Ohio ready tomorrow.
Superintendent of Nevada Mine Is
sues Stringent Edict.
RENO, Nev., July 20. Superintend
ent Vanderhoeff, of the Copper Flat
and Nevada Consolidated Mines, at Ely,
has posted a notice that no man who
expects to work for the concern will
srooke cigarettes. This order applies
to all men, whether living on or off the
company's property. Miners applying
for employment will be asked, the no
tice reads, whether they smoke. Ap
plicants are told not to seek the super
intendent unless they do not.
Vanderhoetf believes that his men can
do more work if they do not use cigar
Prominent New York Officials Take
In City After Seeing Denver.
SEATTLE. Wash., July SO. (Special.)
A party of prominent New Yorkers
reached the city this morning from Yel
lowstone Park, and today visited the
Exposition grounds. Besides Mr. Whalen.
whose home is at Rochester, the party In
cludes James J. Hoey, member of the
Assembly from the Thirteenth District;
Attorney P. J. Walsh, secretary to Jus
tice Newberg. of the State Supreme Court:
James A. Foley. Assemblyman from
Charles F. Murphy's district; Michael
8kelly, clerk of the Third District Court,
and Richard J. C. Couch, a New York
business man.
The party attended the Denver conven
tion and then came West. Mr. Whalen is
considered a leader In the Democratic
party of the state and his friends have
started a movement to make him Gov-
erno , . ,
Leaders Give Hitch
cock High Hope.
Men From Sixteen States Talk
About Conditions.
After Some of Members Narrowly
Escape Death In Auto Smash,
Conference Lays Plans to
Sweep Entire West.
The first session of Republican leaders
with Chairman Frank H. Hitchcock, of
the National committee, opened at 2 P.
M. today and continued until nearly 8
o'clock. During that time members of
the National committee and the chair
men of state central committees from 16
states and the territories addressed the
assembly and explained state conditions.
Tonight Mr. Hitchcock Is talking indi
vidually with the leaders from the West
ern states for the purpose of working
out with still greater detail plans for
opening and conducting the campaign.
The greatest enthusiasm was displayed
by all the participants In the conference.
Narrow Escape In Auto.
Because of the late arrival of some of
the Western leaders, no effort was made
to get together in the forenoon. In
stead, those men who had already as
sembled secured automobiles and made
a tour of the Garden of the Gods and
Manltou Springs. The machine carrying
C. C. Bursum. chairman . of the New
Mexico committee; W. E. Martin, a Re
publican leader of that territory, and T.
L. Weed, one f Mr. Hitchcock's clerks,
stalled on a steep hill approaching the
balanced rock, and through the' failure
of the brake, suddenly started down hill
backward. The chauffeur commanded
his passengers to jump and they suc
ceeded in clearing the car just as It
reached the brink of a deep gully. The
car turtled and was wrecked .on the
rocks below, with the chauffeur, Thad
deus Thomasewski. underneath. He was
not seriously hurt.
Two oars were closely following the
wrecked machine. In one Mr. Hitchcock
was riding and In the other was James
T. Williams. Jr., of Washington, D. C,
who la associated with Mr. Hitchcock.
Through prompt action on the part of the
drivers of these machines a collision was
averted, but both cars and their occu
pants were In danger of being carried
over the brink. The portion of the road
Where the accident occurred is danger
ous for automobiles and most riders take
detours to avoid It.
At 2 o'clock the representatives of all
the states and territories Invited by Mr.
(Concluded on Page 3.)
Actress Testifies to Load of Debt, No
Assets and Claims Which
She Cannot Collect.
NEW YORK, July 20. lira Leslie Car
ter, who was divorced some years ago
and has since remarried, but who retains
her first husband's name for the stage,
testified today that she is now without
funds, deeply in debt and that her last
theatrical tour under her own manage
ment was a financial falure. Her
appearance before the United States
Mm. Leslie Carter. Who Applies
to Be Adjudged a Bankrupt,
DecrariDK She Hai 9! o Money
and Is Deeply in Debt.
Commissioner was brought about by a
summons compelling her to submit to
examination in an effort to discover
other assets than those given In the
schedule which she, filed with a tuition
in bankruptcy some time ago.
Mrs. Carter said her financial troubles
dated back prior to November, 1907, when
for tf'&ecorid'flme she started out for a
road tour under her own management.
"We had little more than our railroad
fares when we started out that time,"
said she. It had cost us a lot of money
to get the scenery out of storage. The
tour was not a. profitable one, in fact we
had a loss."
Mrs. Carter said she has a claim for
$16,659 against Charles B. Dillingham, the
theatrical manager, and also that there
Is a sum of money due' her from David
Belasco, under whose management she
appeared In leading roles for many years.
She said the claim against Belasco was
of long standing. She left Belasco's man
agement two years ago.
Kills Wife and Himself .
VICTOR. Colo., July 20. Charles Wll
helm, long-time resident of the district,
shot and killed his wife this afternoon
and then turned the gun on u,
blowing oft the top of his head. Domestic
troubles are said to have been thecause.
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Eastern Democrats
Criticise Platform.
Measure Passed by Senate
Was as Bryan Thought.
Editor of Voice Says Many Prohibi
tionists Will Support Xebraskan.
Appeal to Democrats for
Campaign Funds.
FAIRVIEW. Lincoln, Neb.. July 20.
Influential Eastern Democrats today noti
fied Mr. Bryan that In their opinion the
anti-Injunction plank, adopted at Denver,
was hardly worth the paper it was writ
ten on, the reason alleged by them be
ing that the Tavid B. Hill bill passed by
the Senate, which is specifically indorsed
by the Democrats, simply carried out the
common law provision, granting 'a jury
trial in contempt cases "in the Jurisdic
tion of the presiding Judge." The plank
was drafted on the assumption that the
HiU bill was paased only after it was
amended by Senator Allen, of Nebraska,
to make the trial by Jury mandatory at
the demand of the defendant.
While Mr. Bryan Is reasonably sure of
his ground, the allegation that he and
the majority of the- resolutions committee
had been "tricked," caused him worry
and he admitted that he was to have an
Inquiry set on foot. '
Provisions of Hill B11L
The Associated Press correspondent
this afternoon relieved his suspense by
explaining to him that advices from
Washington showed that the HiU bill, as
finally adopted by the United States Sen
ate, in 1896. provided for the summary
punishment by the court in direct con
tempt cases, but ' makes it mandatory
for the court to grant a trial by jury in
all cases where such contempt was com
mitted outside of the jurisdiction of the
court and where such Jury trial was de
manded by the accused. This was the
Allen amendment, as Mr. Bryan remem
bered It, and It cleared up what threat
ened to become an awkward situation for
the Democratic candidate.
Effect of Prohibition Vote.
The part that the prohibition question
will play in the campaign was talked over
between Mr. Bryan and Wiley B. Phillips,
editor of the California Voice, of Los
Angeles, who is returning from Columbus,
O., where he was a Qelegate to the Na
tional prohibition convention.
"We agreed," said Mr. Phillips, "not
to discuss for publication what was said
at our conference."
Mr. Phillips, however, volunteered the
statement that unquestionably a number
(Concluded on Page 3.)
Commissioner of Pensions Also
Hands $20,000 to Step-Sister
Under Decision.
BLOOMINGTON. 111., July 20. (Spe
cial.) Veepaslan Warner, United States
Pension Commissioner, today paid"
$190,000 to his father's widow, Mrs. Isa
bella Warner, being part of the amount
she recovered in a suit against the
Commissioner, the decision in which
was upheld by the Supreme Court. The
whole amount ordered paid Mrs. War
ner is nearly $250,000. The $190,000 Is
the first payment.
Mr. Warner also paid $20,000 to his
Frank Morrison, Secretary of the
American Federation of Labor,
Cited With Samuel Gompera
and John Mitchell on Contempt
stepsister, Mrs. Minnie Warner Met
tler, and arranged to pay Arabella
Warner Bell a similar amount. The
whole estate will be settled as soon as
In defending the suit brought by the
widow, Warner, as executor, insisted
that she had no right to a share In
the estate, as ahe had exerted undue
Influence over his father to persuade
him to narry her. He also 'charged
that Mrs. Warner had negro blood in
her veins, and that she successfully
concealed this from the 'elder Warner.
Inkthrower Turns Attention to San
Francisco Dandies.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 20. (Spe
cial.) The ink-thrower who has been
keeping fashionably dressed women on
Van Ness avenue in terror by ruining
their costly gows with splashes of
writing fluid, seems to have turned his
attention to the men for the time at
least. - Men who wear fancy Summer
suits of light .colors have been his
victims for the past two days, and more
than one dandy mourns the ruin of his
pet pair of light trousers.
Lens Peiser, who suffered from the
ink-thrower last night, says he was
riding on the platform of a Market
street car upon which also rode two
small boys and an old man of 60 years.
When he alighted his trousers were
bespattered with Ink. He thinks the
old man is the criminal, for whom a
dozen detectives are looking.
Seattle Man Juggled Accounts to
Cover Papr and Racetrack Losses.
SEATTLE, Wash., July 20. (Special.)
William C. Pruyn, bookkeeper for Dex
ter Horton & Co., bankers, Is charged in
a complaint issued today with embezzling
$2500. Pruyn confessed to the theft.
The checker at the bank discovered that
some of the accounts In Pruyn's charge
were badly tangled, and finally uncovered
the $2500 shortage. His system was a sort
of endless chain. He carried an account
check Instead of subtracting the money
from his own account, he would take It
from that of another depositor. When
this depositer brought his book to be
balanced, Pruyn would restore the money
to his aooonnt, taking H from the account
of still another depositor. .
Poker, the racetrack and other extrava
gances are said to be the cause of the
young man's downfall.
French President Welcomed by King
and Dignitaries.
COPENHAGEN. July 20. President
Fallieres ,of France, accompanied by For
eign Minister Plchon, arrived here this
afternoon aboard the French battleship
Verile. escorted by a squadron. Presi
dent Fallieres, arter his trip in the North,
will visit Sweden. Norway and Russia.
The French President was welcomed by
King Frederick, the Royal Princess, mem
bers of the dlplomatlo corps and high
state dignataries. Subsequently he en
tered a carriage with the Danish King
and proceeded to the Christian VII Pal
ace at Amallenborg.
Thomas Edison's Enormous Factory
Abandons Short-Day Schedule.
ORANGE, N. J., July 20. The plant
of Thomas Edison, which employs 2300
men, resumed operations on full time to
day. . after running on a reduced time
schedule for many months.
Opening Rally of Cam
paign in Oregon.
Republican Standard-Bearer
Is Cheered to Echo.
United States Senator Fulton, Tio
Principal Speaker, Says It It
Too Early to Discuss
Decorated with nags and bunting, wttlt;
pictures of the Presidential nominee, and1
overflowing with a sweltering crowd of
enthusiastic citizens, the Baker theater
last night was the scene of the first vol
ley of political and patriotic oratory thai'
is to be fired in the Interest of the Re
publican party during the Presidential
The lower floor was crowded; the bal
cony and gallery packed, the aisles lined
with standing men. and even the stags
and the wings behind the scenes were
filled. The big throng cheered lustily at
the slightest allusion to Taft or the Re
publican nominees.
It. was the first rally of the campaign,
and if the enthusiasm that was displayed
is Indicative at all, it means that the Re
publicans of the state have reaolved to
keep it in the Republican column by an
overwhelming majority.
Theater Closely Packed.
Long before the meeting was celled that
seats had been captured and the aisle
filled. A band aided in bringing out the
crowd, but the house was filled before its
arrival. When it appeared It began with
"The Star Spangled Banner." As th
stratus of that patriotic air filled the
house, some one behind the scenes low
ered from the flies on the stage a hugs
picture of William H. Taft, and tha
crowd lost Itself In riotous applause.
On the stage were seated many of the
most prominent political leaders of tha
state. The list included United States
Senator Fulton, many who are prominent
in local politics, Beveral from other parts
of the state and a number of members
of the state Legislature.
More conspicuous than this entire array
of political prominence, however, was
Mrs. Woodcock, seated at the extreme
left corner of the stage at a table re
served for newspaper men. Armed with'
a big "RoSsevelt flag," a "Roosevelt fan"
and the usual amount of unquenchabla
patriotism, she waved the flag vigorously
and smiled rapturously.
The meeting was called by the Forty
(Concluded on Page 2.)
The. Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 90
degrees; minimum, 02.5.
TODAY'SShoHere, possibly attended br
thunder; cooler; variable winds mostly
Persian revolutionists control Tabrii and
hah loses Northern Persia. Page 2.
Steamplpe on battleship Kearsarg-e ex
plodes. Injuring three men seriously.
Fleet continues festivities at- Honolulu.
Page 2.
Taft defend criticism of couqts. Pmpe
Eastern Democrats find mare's nest for
- Bryan on Injunction Uue. Page 1.
Republican leaders of West confer with?
Hitchcock. Page 1.
August Eberhard suspected of deliberate)
murder of aunt. Page
Gompera and Morrison summoned for con
tempt in Ignoring boycott injunction.
Page 1.
Walker denies he ' got stolen money, banla
officials contradict him. page 4
Mrs. Leslie Carter says she Is bankrupt; ex
husband mentally Incapable. Page 1.
Americana win three big events In Olymplo
games. Page T.
Wabash team turns tables on Chicago
ladles and wins, 12 to 8. Page 7.
Oakland open's -week's series with Portland
here today. Page 7.
Pacific Coast.
Posse lying In wait for Sweet Home robbers;
battle expected. Page ft.
A. HI n man. prominent pioneer, died at
Forest Grove.. Page 6.
Salem Company leads In state rifle shoot.
Page 6
Cottonwood, Idaho, suffers $300,000 fire loss.
Page 6-
Options on wheat In local market lose cent.
Page 15.
Stock Exchange at New York absorbs offer
ings. Page 15.
Chicago wheat market holds firm, though
other cities slump. Page 15.
Captain Reed, of tug Waliula, says that 30
feet of water can be secured on the Co
lumbia bar within two months by dredging.
Page 14.
Portland and Vadnlty.
Republicans hold enthusiastic Taft rati flea
tion at Baker theater, page 1.
Dr. Gustav Baar discusses results of his re
searches Into nature of Ox'aluna, Page 11.
Catholics of Oregon hold great educational
conference In this city. Page 10.
Henry E. G-. Cooke says his company had
no contract to acquire public lands.
Page 10.
Plan on foot to raise hotel and restaurant
liquor licenses from $300 to l&iHJt
Page 18.
dinger Hermann may be called as witness)
in the Booth trial. Page 10.
Prominent Chicago capitalists are her
looking for Investments. Page 14.
Showers and cooler weather predicted toft
today. Page lft.