Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 16, 1908, Page 16, Image 16

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We Have the Only Stock in the City of the New Earl & Wilson "Redman" Brand Collars 2 for 25c Portland Agents "Nemo" Corsets
Tomorrow Meier (h Frank Store's 9 64th Friday Surprise Sales
500 Pairs of Lace Curtains
$1.25-$20VaIs. Half Price
The 3d Floor Curtaiy Store offers for
tomorrow's 964th Friday Surprise Sale
500 odd pairs of Lace Curtains consist
ing of Nottinghams, Irish points, clunys,
renaissance and all class of novelty lace
curtains 500 pairs to select from
White, navy and Arabian colors Only
one pair of a pattern A large New York
sample line purchased by the curtain
buyer on a recent trip to the Eastern
market Beautiful patterns and qualities
Values ranging from $1.25 to $20 a
pair, but remember only one pair of a
kind Your pick Friday - 0ira
at one half regular prices 2 1 ICS
See Our Fifth -Street Window Display
Custom shade and drapery work is our
specialty Best materials, etc. 3d floor
Fifty $ 1 6 - $ 1 ?.50 Refrigerators $ 1 2.69
In the big Basement Store, tomorrow, a timely offering of the celebrated "White
Mountain" Refrigerators; solid oak case, thoroughly insulated walls, removable
ice chamber and ice grate; 30 pounds' ice capacity; height 40 ins., depth 17 ins.,
length 25 inches; very best model, well made' and finished; the best ft O Q
regular $16 and $17.50 values, to be sold tomorrow at this low price. V .0-r
A great sale of Gas Stoves in Basement Store an opportunity you should not miss.
$6 French Gowns at $2.98
$2.50 Drawers $1.49 Pair
Tomorrow two unusual Surprise Sale
1 " "" r -
bargains in muslin underweardepartment
Fine Nightgowns and Drawers at prices
never before quoted on undermuslins
of equal style and quality Come early
Lot 1 Women's very fine French hand-made Night
gowns; low, round neck, with embroidered fronts,
drawn up at neck; hand-embroidered eyelets with
ribbon embroidered scallops on neck and sleeves;
very dainty and pretty styles', values fl? QA
up to $6 each; your choice, special, ea.'P,'0
Lot 2 Women 's fine cambric and nainsook Drawers,
flounces of lace edginp and insertion, clusters of
tucks, beading and ribbon; values up to 1 .Q
$2.50; on sale tomorrow only at, pair. V
We are Portland agents for "Nemo" Corsets. The
only complete stock in the city, and expert fitters at
your sen-ice. On sale on Second Floor. : See them.
Covered Jelly Glasses at 30c Per Dozen
14-Quart Preserving Kettles at 64c Each
Great Friday Surprise Sale bargains in the Basement Store tomorrow. See them.
10,000 half-pint covered Jelly Glasses; buy all you want, tomorrow only, doz..30
300 14-quart gray Granite Preserving Kettles, regular 80c values, at, each.. 64
200 Ironing Boards, best made, folding model; great value, on sale at, each.. 95
300 Hose Reels, strongly built; the best regular 90c value, on sale at, each.. 69
Mail and phone orders will receive prompt and careful attention; take advantage.
2000 Pairs Ladies' Oxfords
Tans and Patent Colts
$3.50 Values at $2.45
For tomorrow's 964th Friday Surprise
Sale 2000 pairs of women's tan Russia
calf, brown kid and patent colt blucher
oxfords, tip or plain toes, light or heavy
soles, medium heels All sizes and widths
women's oxfords of standard manufacture
and selling regularly at J C
$3.50 pair, Friday at only
$2.50 White Oxf 'ds $ 1 .69
Tomorrow, 1000 pairs of women's white mercerized
canvas Oxfords, Blucher style, turn sole, covered
wood heels, plain toes ; all sizes ; best C 1 CQ
$2.50 values, at this low price, the pair. W r
$3.50 Japanese Parasols at $1.53 Each
3000 Pairs of Silk Gloves at -37c a Pair
For tomorrow's 964th Friday Surprise, 500 choice Japanese Parasols; hand-painted,
assorted colors, detachable handles; all new, pretty designs and color fl 1
combinations; the best regular $3.50 values, at this special price, each. V 'JJ
Tomorrow, 3000 pairs of women's two-clasp Silk Gloves, double-tipped fingers, also
two-clasp Milanese Lisle Gloves; black, white, tans, browns, modes, navy fTf
and gray; all sizes; best regular 65c and 75c values, on sale at, the pair. C
Mailorders will be promptly and carefully filled. $1.75 Long Silk Gloves 'at 98c pr.
Entire Stock of Ladies' Fine Suits
Wool, Silks, Pongee and Rajah
Values From $15.00 to $100
hi A
In Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit
Store for tomorrow our Annual Mid-
summer Half Price Sale of all our Spring
and Summer suits An event that never
fails to attract an enthusiastic throng of
eager buyers The sale continues for
one day only, Friday, and those who
come early get the cream of the bar
gains Included will be found wool
suits, serge suits, rajah suits, pongee
suits and silk suits in long, short and
medium lengths, semi or tight fitting
coats, plain tailored garments or trim
med in fancy braid and buttons Skirts
are full pleated or - plain gored, also
trimmed in bias folds or narrow stitched
bands All new up-to-date ready-to-
wear apparel of the highest grade and
selling regularly at prices ranging from
$15.00 up to $100.00 a suit Your
l2 Price
choice Friday only at
reg. marked price
We direct particular attention to the
wonderful values in raiah silk suits
sM" All the best shades and materials in
both wool and silk suits Come early
1 000 Handsome New Veils
Values Up to $5 at $1,69 Each
Tomorrow Our Greatest
Surprise Sale offering of z
beautiful new
Widow" veils
1000 of
them purchased from
leading New York importer
at a price far below regular
value As always yon are
invited to share in our good
fortune The assortment
includes handsome fillet nets,
brussel nets with rings,
chantilly veils Dots and squares finished with
ribbon and narrow lace and chenille dotted
borders Black, brown, navy,
Copenhagen, cream, white
handsomest lot of high grade
season Values up to $5 each -1 Q
Buy all you wanfrFriday at only p I
Kghtblue, pink, Jj f U -MAX
and green The II' M Vi
veils shown this JL iff 'V
75c-$l Embroidered Linen Kerchiefs 39c
Regular 25c All Silk Ribbons at 15c Yard
For tomorrow's 964th Friday Surprise, & great sale of 100 dozen women's fine hand
embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs, hemstitched and scalloped edges ; very pretty
styles, beautiful material; the best regular 75c and $1.00 values; buy Q
all -you want ow. them at this very special price, each take advantage. J'C
For tomorrow, two great special lots of all-silk Taffeta Ribbons, 5 inches 1 CT
wide; a complete range of all the best shades; regular 25c value, at, yard. C
2000 Men's Vests at Half Price
In the Men's Clothing Store, second floor, to
morrow, a great half price sale of fancy vests
Fancy linens, woven oxford's, mercerized materi
als, tricots, French flannels, etc., etc. AHthis
season s best styles in stripes, dots,
fancy figures, checks, overplaids
All sizes, 35 to 46, regular and
stouts Every fancy vest in the house
included Bargains every man wants
$ 1 .50 vests 75c
$2 vests $1.00
$3 vests $1.50
$3.50 vsts$ 1.75
$4 vests $2.00
$4.50 v'sts $2.25
$5 vests $2.50
$6 vests $3.00
See Morrison-street window display Continuation of the Great
Midsummer Sale of Men's, Young Men's 3-piece and Outing Suits
Wash Goods Remnants at One Half Price
1000 Pillow Tops and Backs at 33c Each
Tomorrow we place on the Wash Goods Counters thousands and thousands of rem
nants of white and colored Wash Goods at half regular prices; batiste, swiss, Ay
percales, ginghams,' lawns, silk mulls, etc; all lengths, all grades, at half price. 2
Tomorrow, 1000 stamped and tinted Pillow Tops and backs, to be embroidered ; in
handsome floral and conventional, designs, and in great variety; the best Tfcfc
regular 50c values buy all you want of them at this special price, each.C
On sale in Art Department, Third Floor. Free lessons in Art Embroidery Work.
400 Fine $ 14 Waists $3.95 Ea.
For tomorrow's 964th Friday Sur
prise we announce a sensational off
ering of women's fine Dress Waists
7-400 of them in the lot High-class
waists for all occasions Figured
nets, foulard silks and taffeta silks,
messaline silks, etc. Fancy and
plain tailored effects trimmed with
silk braid, lace, medallions, applique,
covered buttons, cord and pleating
Color assortment includes white,
tan, gray, brown, navy, black.
stripes, checks and polkadots All
are prettily made and finished New
up-to-date waists of exceptional
style and quality Values up to
$ 1 4 each Choice to- 5 Q C
morow only at, each yOiJ
See Fifth-Street Window Display
Our entire stock of fine Lingerie
Waists marked at great special re
ductions from regular selling prices
Second floor Take either elevator
1000 Beautiful $3.00 Belt Pins 98c Each
The Jewelry Department offers for tomorrow's 964th Friday Surprise Sale a great
special lot of lQflO handsome Belt Pins, manufacturers' samples, no two alike, pretty
antique designs, in gold, silver and Pompeiian gold; with or without fancy stone
settings; grand assortment to select from. The best regular $3.00 values; QO
buy all you want of them tomorrow only at this special low price, each. "OC
See the Fifth-street window display. No mail or telephone orders will be filled.
2000 Yards of Embroideries
Values to $2 Strip at 49c Strip
In the Lace Department for To
morrow's 964th Friday Surprise
Sale an immense special purchase jfffiffM
of 20,000 yards of swiss, nain- i$wxf&
sook and cambric embroideries se- Wilffltt
cured from one of the largest im
porters in the country at a price
way below regular value 4?4 and
5 yard strips 1 to 9 inches wide
Beautiful patterns in English eyelet
and blind work Great assortment
in both edges and insertions
Dainty embroideries for trimming
women's and children's undermus
lins etc. Values up to $2
a strip, on sale per strip
See Fifth-street window display
Come early if you want the best
50c Tailored Collars on Sale at 5c Each
$1.00 Dress Trimmings at 47c Per Yard
Tomorrow, great Surprise Sale of women's Tailored Collars, in colored effects, plain
and embroidered styles, great assortment; sizes 12 to 1414; values to 50c, each. .'50
Tomorrow, a broken line of Dress Trimmings in choice styles, all kinds A f
and widths; values from 75c to $1.00 a yard, to be cleaned up at, the yard.
Special lot of $1.25 and $1.50 Dress Trimmings, odd lengths, in the very
best styles and colorings; great speial values, on sale at this low price, yard.
5000 Men's Shirts $1.00 Values at 49c
Tomorrow another Great Friday Surprise
Sale of Men's Coif Shirts at half value
AH new Spring and Summer shirts in
plain and fancy colorings, attached or de-
tached cuffs Stripes, checks, dots and
figures in endless assortment All sizes
and sleeve lengths Included will be found
about 1 00 dozen white pleated shirts, all
style pleats Every garment in the lot
sold regularly at $1 Buy all
you want Friday at this low price
See Morrison-street window display
Mail and phone orders carefully filled
2 " Redman" Collars 25c
We have the only stock in the city of the new Earl & Wilhon "Red-Man" brand of
Collars at 2 for 25c. It's guaranteed the best collar for the money, and a model
for every man. Let us show you this splendid assortment. Take advantage.
Ten Thousand Pairs of Men's Hosiery
25c and 35c Values on Sale at 15c a Pair
For tomorrow's 964th Friday Surprise Sale, a great bargain in men's plain and
fancy colored Half Hose; 500 dozen in the lot; cotton and mercerized material,
figures, stripes and checks, in grand variety; all th& owort coiarings and combina
tions; a splendid assortment to choose iroiicj twfne In all sizes; PS beC 1
regular 25c and 35c values; buy all yu want of them at this low price, pair. C
Mail and phone orders will be promptly and carefully filled. Take advantage of sale.
Great special bargains in men's Summer Underwear, in all grades. Let us show you.