Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 16, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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Two choice Iota, each 50x100. situated
17th st, between Tillamook and Thomp
son sts. ; fine shade trees, paved streets
both sides, cement walk, parked terrace
and sewer connections.
$1350 each Half down.
And balance on easy Installments. Apply
to Dr. S. C. Slocum. owner. 415 Mohawk
r-ROOM MANSION at Monlavilla and lOOx
100 lot. corner. House Is new, strictly
modern and up-to-date; flrepiace. Finest
house in MonLa. villa- In our control only
until Saturday. Price only $3500, 91500
cash, balance long; time at 6 per cent.
C. P. Pfluger & Co.. room 14, Mulkey
bids;., 2d and Morrison sts.
$3650 WILL buy a beautiful 6-room modern
house In Central Alblna; elect neighbor
hood ; house is new ; fixtures and shades
go with house; must be seen to be appre
ciated; terms.
320 Corbett bids;.
t am offering; for sale choice land set
to walnuts to be cared for for four years,
14 miles from Portland on electric car
line; terms to suit you; other excellent
fruit land for sale.
W. E. BURKE. 920 Chamber of Com. bldg
$1600 WILL enable you to call your own
a good 6 -room cottage on nice 50x100
corner lot, close in and right on the W.
B. carllne; full concrete basement, fruit
trees. Terms If desired. Apply at C. F.
Pfluger & Co., room 14, Mulkey bids;., cor
ner 2d and Morrison sts.
BEAUTIFUL building- site. 100x100. on the
southwest corner of E. 13th and Division
sts., facing; Ladd's tract. Price only
41800 for the whole quarter block: must
sell at once. C. F. Pfluger & Co., room 14
Mulkey bldg.. corner 2d and Morrison
If you don't ask me at ones to tell you
how to get an Irrigated farm for $200.
$10 down and $10 per month. You will
never have another such opportunity.
203 Couch Bldg. Main 7646.
AT Mt. Tabor, 100x100 corner; fine view; 6
room modern house; large living room; fire
place, paneled dining-room, china closets,
Dutch kitchen; fine garden and lawn; price
$:800; $2;-H)0 cash, balance mortgage. P. O.
Box 7S8, city.
1-story house; 4 rooms downstairs; fin
ished, plastered, wired, plumbed; sew ere con
nected; streets graded; all assessments paid;
lot 50x100; $loo down and $10 a month;
price $1400. Highland Realty Co., 1061 Union
Two new 5-room bungalows. $2400 and
$3000. also two 6-room houees well locat
ed, $.1000 each, and several others larger
snd better. See us before buying. Van
duyn & Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce.
$1800 New 6-room modern bungalow, only
block from carllne; located In University
Park; lot 50x100; owner leaving city; small
cash payment; balance like rent. F. J.
i'atterllu & Co., room 3 Chamber of Com
merce. 9230ft WILL buy 6-room modern houee in Al
blna; lot 60x100; one block from carllne;
hnue nearly new; price reduced from $2700;
must be sold; cash, balance long time.
820 Corbett bldg.
I OWN five villa tracts which I will sell
on easy terms at prices way below ad
joining property, unusually attractive la
every way. Meet me at end of Rose City
Park carllne tonight between 6:30 and
8:30 o'clock. F. I. Gollehur.
-ROOM modern houee on E. Madison st.,
west of 38th : absolutely a bargain at
$2000; only $500 down; lot 60x100; lots
of fruit and shrubbery. Conkltn Bros.,
302 Rothchild bldg.
THREE B-room houses, modern, either one
$100 down. $15 month. Will take Title Guar
antee & Trust accounts on first payments.
C. W. Wells, Stewart's Station, Mount
Scott line. Phone Tabor 600.
BARGAIN $2400; new, up-to-date Colonial
bungalow, o large rooms, bath,, pantry, good
basement, corner 60x100, 3 blocks from car.
near Ainsworth ave.; terms, by owner.
Phone Wood lawn 22o0.
$3300 New 7-room strictly modern home
on East 83d at., near Hawthorne ave.; owner
leaving city; this is a bargain. F. J. Cat
terlln & Co., room 3 Chamber of Commerce.
$250 DOWN. $750, $15 per month : 5-room
plastered house and large lot. between
Hawthorne and Belmont sts. Inquire 383
E, 3 2d st.
$15.000 Whole block, close in. income on
part of block, $912 year, balance good
for manufacturing or warehouse site. Ap
ply Fuhr, Osborne Hotel, East Side.
1 CAN" sell your property for your own
price, no commission charged under new
MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third St.
A SNAP, direct from the owner. Just for 6
days, 7-room house, gas, bath, on Market
st.. near 14th, for $2800. Apply 400 Mar
ket St.
STRICTLY modern house, fine view Willam
ette Heights, $1500 cash, balance easy
MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St.
2 FINE lots on E. Taylor, near 39th st..
Improved; sewer, 4 feet above grade; $725
each; easy . term. Conklin Bros., 302
Rothchild bldg.
FOR SALE Best business site In Belle
Crest, corner Sandy Road and Coleman
ave. and nearest to Country Club. 100x80;
price $2000. J SO. Oregonian.
LOT in West Piedmont, near car. $50O, $50
down. $10 per month; lot below original
cost on 4Sih st., near canine, easy terms.
B H8, Oregonian.
$tk0 BUYS fine West Side acre tract, near
car; best soli; 5c fare; $150 down. James
C. Logan, Room 411 Corbett bldg.
10 ACRES of slg-htly ground, suitable for
plat tins, on good carllne; $3000. Call
room 40 Washington bldg.
SACRIFICE two corner lots, one block from
Alberta car. for $600; quick sale. Purse,
823 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7309.
CHOICE building lots for sals In all parts
of the city. Washington ft Oregon Realty
Co.. loS 2d st.. Portland.
COUNCIL CREST lots $600 up; owner. Yerex
Pros. Co.. 302 Goodnough bldg. Willamette
Vailey farms.
NEW 5-room bungalow; modern; river view,
street improvement, at Gratton's Grove, on
SWlwood line. Owner, 354 College st.
$0iKl Modern house, 3 rooms, full lot, in
MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third St.
$2400 Reauttful new home. $300; $20 monthly;
3 blooke south Hawthorne, E. 44th. Dr.'
J. M. KERR & CO. ''
Real estate, farms. 268 Stark st., room
10. A M48. Main 1222.
CENTER of East Portland, on 8th street,
nice h'ime for $4r0.
MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St.
CHEAP Must sell 5-room cottage, with bath.
Inquire 931 Rodney ave. Phone Woodlawn
NIB home, center of East Portland, on 8th
st.. $iroo.
MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third St.
ONLY $1000; ntce 6-room plastered house;
flne garden lot; near Mt. Soott car; terms.
James C. Logan. Room 411 Corbett bldg.
8-room home ; your own terms. Call room
40, Washington bldg.
Jk-ROOM bungalow, near .carllne. new, mod
ern, way below price, at $2400.
MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third St.
BARGAIN Corner, lot on E. 87th st., near
Hawthorne ave.. only $700; part cash.
Conklin Bros.. 803 Rothchild bldg.
FOR SALE 60-room hotel, $12,000; a snap.
Call owner by phone, A 257.
COrxriL CREST 2 lots on contract at a
sacrifice. J S8. Oregon ian.
S'i ACRES cultivated, fertile, young fruit,
5c fare, a snap. 243 Stark.
$1250 4-room modern cottage. See 8. Thorn
ton. 134S B. 8th t., Woodlawn.
5o H.-P., 1907 model, fine condition, complete
in every detail: leaving city; must sell or
exchange. Smith, 404 Buchanan bldg.
640 ACRES wheat land to exchange for res
idence. Smith, 404 Buchanan bldg.
WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith.
404 Buchanan bldg.
40 ACRES wheat land to excbange for ree
tdenoe. Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg.
IF yon want to buy. sell or exchange house,
lot or business, call 335 Lumber Exchange.
WIT A, trade for what yea bare. Gus Smith
4JUL .Bimhsnan, biLc
FOR SALE Or will trade for stock farm
in Willamette Valley, a first-class fruit
ranch on east bank of Willamette; 50
acres; 40 under cultivation, as follows:
. 16 acres in oats. 7 acres peaches. 5 carry
ing fine crop now ; 1 acre loganberries,
ready to pick; abundance of several dif
ferent varieties of cherries; strawberries
and all small fruits; private fish pond;
good set of buildings; good well; 1000
gallon tank, with gteoline pumping and
wood-sawing outfit; water piped to
house and barn ; Oregon City Transpor
tation Co.'s boats it nd you at the dooi.
2 miles from Can by. 17 miles In direct
line from Portland. Call or addresa F
R. May. 265 Wash, st-, Portland.
100-ACRE farm on the West Side R. R. to
trade for city property; has. a good 7-room
house, good barn, outbuildlnge, fine water,
all fenced and cross-fenced; 28 acres In cul
tivation, 7 acres in hops. 20 acres of the
best oak wood and balance In pasture; 15
acres of pasture can be stumped out. as
stumps are rotten; crop is fine and plenty
of all kinds of fruit; price $4500; can trade
this place without any caeh being paid.
RALPH AC K. LEY, 603 Corbett bldg.
88-ACRE fruit farm at Forest Grove, 2
miles from town; has rural mall route and
telephone ; 4 acres in grapes. 0 acres
prunes, 2 acres pears and cherries, 1 acre
strawberries, all In cultivation except 2
acres, which is stump pasture ; good new
8-room house, new barn, fine epring water,
good road; the place will bring about $2000
yearly In about 2 years; price $6000; will
trade for city property.
RALPH ACKLEY, 603 Corbett bldg.
60 ACRES, 30 miles from Portland, right on
railroad; half cleared and in excellent crops;
15 acres beaverdam, good house, with at
tic, porch and basement ; fine well, creek
and orchard; $6500; will take houee and lot
as part payment. 325 Lumber Exchange.
ONE share In steamship Westerner paid last
year 14 per cent; price $1000; will trade
for vacant lot in good location and pay
difference up to $400. Call 325 Lumber
FIVE acres, all cleared, 5-room house,
. small barn, good spring and well, close
to car, only few miles out, only $2300;
would accept Portland property. Call 513
Chamber oX Commerce. '
10 ACRES near Clackamas station, all
cleared and in cultivation; good house and
barn ; $4500; will take house and lot as
part payment. 325 Lumber Exchange.
A $12,000 Klickitat hili -fruit and farm
tract to trade toward Portland borne or
business property. Fiank Lee, 147
Front st
IF you want to sell or exchange houee, lot,
farm or business for something else, call
513 Chamber of Commerce.
WILL exchange a small block of stock In a
good paying mine for a good rooming-house
in city. .P. O. box 607. city.
640 ACRES Eastern' Washington wheat land
for Western Oregon or Washington land.
AD 77. Oregonlan.
A FINE timber claim, 6.00O.OO0, exchange
for Improved farm or Portland residence
327 Worcester blk.
TO EXCHANGE Al vacant Portland prop
erty and cash for farm. W. A. Messner,
Independence, Or.
WILL exchange 5-roonr cottage, fractional
corner. Wes.t Side, for lots or acreage. G.
E. Walling, owner. 243 Stark st.
WILL exchange farm 140 acres, price $2500.
for good rooming-house or any other good
business. Garland & Shelton. 191 4th st.
LARGE touring car, one year old, in good
repair, for a runabout same age and some
cash or a lot. E S7. Oregonian.
2 claims in Josephine County, cruises
4.000,000 each; price $500.
1 claim in Siletz, cruises 6,000,000; price
$000. .
1 claim la Slletx, cruises 7,000,000; price
1 claim In Slletz, cruises 9,000,000; price
504 Dekum bldg.
Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle.
829 Chamber of Commerce.
WE are constantly acquiring fine tracts of
timber for sale and are headquarters for
lumber enterprises of all kinds. phoca
Main 44S6. Kinney & 15 tamp her, 031-32
Lumber Exchange bldg.
FOR SALE 5,000.000 - feet good saw timber,
cedar, spruce, hemlock, 160 acres deeded
land; good transportation facilities), near
Chinook. Wash. Address P 4, Oregonian.
I CAN locate several parties on guaranteed
2 million yellow pine Government claims.
$225 fee. D 87, Oregonian.
TWO homestead relinquishments, one $500,
one $250; in Rogue River alley. Daniel
Law ton, Brownsboro, Or.
GOOD homestead relinquishment for sale In
Hood River Valley cheap; running water.
Box 5, Hood River, Or.
RELINQUISHMENT in Tillamook County
for $250; also patented claim with 5.000,
000 feet, for $1800. 218 Worcester bldg.
Government locations. 327 Worcester blk-
FARM to rent, owner will leave town, two
miles from Portland, will sell 3 horses, 1
cow, 2 wagons, potatoes, hay, etc.; 15
acres In orchard will give free; & snap.
Inquire 91 N. 7th St.. city.
WANTED A good 40-acre farm, suitable for
dairy, with implements and stock, not too
far from R. R. One on Willamette or Co
lumbia rivers preferred. Price not to ex
ceed $3000. Send particulars to C. F.
Pfluger & Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d
and Morrison sts
WANTED Farm partly cleared and In cul
tivation, near Portland, Beaverton dis
trict preferred ; must have good water
and be on good road; will pay up to $rO00
cash. Give full details. A 89, Orego
nian. HOMESTEAD relinquishment wanted,
Washington or Oregon, state price and
full particulars, no agents. F 90, Ore
X WANT to buy a strictly modern, up-to-date
home of 5 or 6 rooms; must be in
good location. I want to pay about $S00
cash and balance on easy monthly pay
ment. Will pay up to $4000. Owner or
agents. R SO. Oregonian.
WE have a client who will pay spot cash, not
to, exceed $35O0, for a residence in Sunny
side; this must be a snap; owners only. Call
513 Chamber Commerce.
A CLIENT wishes to purchase new modern
cottage, 5 or 6 rooms; $1500 to $2000; can
pay $250 cash and -monthly payments; own
ers only. Call 613 Chamber Commerce.
BELLE CREST lot wanted for cash at
original price. Geo. . Veasey. Danmoore
FOUR-CYLINDER touring car for a good
lot in Irving ton, Holladay or Burnside
district. E SS. Oregonian.
WANTED House and lot or fraction, with
in walking distance; state location, price
and terms. M 89. Oregonian.
MODERN house, large lot, $3000 to $5000;
monthly payments; describe and give terms.
J 86. Oregonian.
WANTED For cash. 5 to 20 acres within 9
miles city. Particulars K 89. Oregonian.
PARTY desiring to build will pay cash for
lot. not over $1350. P 73, Oregonian.
TIMBER Lands wanted. C. J. McCracken
304 McKay bldg.
NOTICE For fine, level lond, part cleared,
part timber, part timothy, at $10 to $30
fer acre, in an enterprising country, no
rrlgatlon needed, address C E- Long,
Greer. Idaho.
FOR reliable Information on small acre
age, dairy or fruit land call or address
O. W. P. LAND CO..
Immigration Bureau. 1st and Alder sts.
WANTED Party with money to take an
acreage proposition for cutting in email
tracts; timbered, cleared and fruit; near
city. O 75. Oregonian.
FOUR Wallowa Valley farms, under irriga
tion. $35 per acre, with crop; terms, O 82,
FOR SALE Lincoln County dairy ranches,
timber claima C. J. Smith Realty Co..
W aid port. Or. '
FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olxastod
Land Company, ffmlrm. Or.
26 acres near Hillsboro, all under cul
tivation; good house, barn, chicken-house,
etc.; crop goes, with place; $125 per acre.
cash. bal. time.
110 acres 3 miles from Reedville: 80
acres under cultivation, big orchard, house,
2 bam, chicken-house, etc."; running
water, well at house; this is a fine place;
will sell all or part; price $55 per acre,
cash, bal. on time.
10 acres near Tigardville. on Tualatin
River; email house, acre cleared ; 60O
cords of wood on this place; price $130O.
$5O0 cash. bal. terms.
2 email tracts. 6-7 acres each. 9 miles
west of Portland. 2 miles from email town;
god road, fine soil, on U. P. W. Co.'s new
electric line; price, 6 acres, $650; 7 acres.
$750. cash.
Above are only a few of the bargains we
can offer you.
607 Buchanan bldg., 286 Wash.
160 acres. 40 acres cleared. 3 million
feet fir timber, several springs used for
Irrigation, 150 apple trees. 2 years old.
good condition; 8-room house and barn;
$4750, cash $1750.
10 acres. 1 mile out. S acres cleared,
set to strawberries and apples; running
water through place, a small house, some
timber; $1250, half cash.
80 acres, 8 miles out, unimproved, very
rich soil; lies well for apple orchard,
covered with hazel. . cherry brush and
fir timber; $25 per acre If taken within
10 days. This will double In one year.
40 acres unimproved, very rich shot
soil and adapted to Winter apples; located
In the apple belt, a good investment;
$1500. $800 cash.
160 acres, close to Husum. unimproved,
about 50 acres good fruit land, balance
rolling: 2 million feet fir timber; 1
miles from White Salmon River.
R. FIELD & CO., White Salmon. Wash.
To investigate our "Palouse Orchards,"
Irrigated tracts in the Washtucna Valley.
We want you to put It alongside of any
of the many projects on the market and
Judge for yourself. We are satisfied that
you will decide In our favor. We have
a gravity, irrigation system, abundance of
wauar, perfect drainage, deep, rich soil,
and three railroad systems traversing the
valley. Our terms to settlers and Im
provers are very attractive. Call or write
for full Information
246 Stark St. Portland, Or.
114 ACRES, 60 acres in cultivation, 3 In
orchard, 20 In Fall wheat, 28 in oats, 6
in potatoes and 5 in corn, 25 acres slashed.'
the balance In oak and fir timber; 6-room
box house, fair barn and all other out
buildings; on county road and R. R., 1
mile to town and 1 mile to boat landing;
buy this and get the crop for $60 per
acre; it's a bargain; only 80 miles from
the city. Geo. W. Turner, 415-16 Roth
child bldg., 287 Washington st.
RANCH of 480 acres, with relinquishment
40-acre homestead, in Grant County, Ore
gon; 100 acres in heavy timber. 75 acres
In cultivation, and 125 acres more can be
cultivated; 340 acres fenced. 250 acres
under ditch; good water rights and or
chard; two dwellings, two rarns. cattle
shed, corral, granary, chicken house,
woodshed, workshop; price $6500, terms.
Apply to C. F. Pfluger & Co., room 14,
Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts.
$2500 ONLY A nloe 4u-acre farm in Mult
nomah County, 23 miles east of Portland;
18 acres under cultivation, good large
barn and other outbuildings; nice 2 -acre
orchard, good springs, running water all
year around ; finest of soil, some good
timber; an ideal place for the man who
knows how to appreciate a 'good farm.
For a short time only at that price. C.
F. Pfluger & Co., room 14. Mulkey bldg.,
corner 2d and Morrison sts.
80 acres fine soil, 30 acres In hay and
garden, 100 bearing fruit trees of good
variety, full crop, 7 head of cattle, good
team of horses, harness and wagon, 3
hogs, all household furniture, 5-room
house, good barn, chicken-house, milk
house, . mile from school, 1 mile to R.
R. station and boatlandlng; prioe $2600,
easy terms. A. I. Long & Co.. Kalaraa,
FARM of 120 acres, 9 miles from Portland,
near the Oregon City carllne, 70 acres
clear and under cultivation, balance nice
timber. Fair buildings. Land is nearly
all level and soli best In Oregon. No
gravel or rocks. Nice orchard. Fine for
subdividing.. Only bona fide buyers need
apply. Price one-half of property adjoin
ing. Apply to C. F. Pfluger & Co., room
14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts.
600-ACRE ranch, free rent, good buildings,
plenty water, timber, etc.; fine valley,
plenty fruit ; $500 buys all stock, crops,
hay, etc. ; 10-year lease to right party.
Best opportunity on Pacific Ccast (fare
$1. Call or address Pacific Business Ex
change 303 Washington st., suite 4.
Phone Main 8675, A 2U82.
YOU can make a nice little home of this
33-acre tract. 8 acres in cultivation, 4 in
clover. 11 acres slashed and burned; some
good timber, no buildings, on county road
1 miles to town; 14 mile to boat land
ing, 30 miles from Portland. A bargain
at $1500; terms. Turner, 415-16 Roth
child bldg.
80 ACRES 17 miles northeast of Vancouver;
40 In piling timber and cedar, 20 slashed,
20 In cultivation, 75 large fruit trees, 30
tons of hay,' five milch cows, milk separa
tor, hoga chickens, water from spring
piped to the house; price $2000; $700 down,
balance 5 years. . 311 Worcester bldg.
FINE homestead relinquishment near
Portland; good soil. 327 Worcester bldg.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
" I I I M . -
I HAVE Just arrived with a carload of
horses and mares weighing from 900 to
1400 pounds, all well broken every way.
Among this lot are one big pair of
matched sorrels, weighing 2SOO; one pair
of matched blacks, suitable for any pur
pose; one pair matched bays, several de
livery horses, few cheap farm mares, one
handsome pony, some nice driving horse a
, Call stable, 17th and Quimby sts., on cor
' ner. 16th-st- car to Quimby. walk half
block west. Phone Main 8383.
TWO BARGAINS A very fine bay mare
Barley runabout and harness, complete;
lady can drive. Took second prize at
last horse show. Also stylish chestnut
gelding, not afraid of cars or autos; free
driver, 7 years old; guaranteed sound. O.
R. C. Stables. 14th and Yamhill.
FOR SALE Fine horse and Studebaker
Stanhope, horse 16 hands high, chestnut
sorrel ; lady can ride or drive ; lots of
style; won 2d prize for combination
horses at horse show. Inquire Dr. S. C.
Slocum. Mohawk bldg.
SEVERAL head of saddle and driving1
horses, cheap; must be sold and they are
all gentle and used to the city. 313
Water st. Phone Main 7451.
TWO good, strong bay horses, single or
double, cheap. 463 GUsan st., corner 12th
FOR SALE: One black horse. 4 years old.
city broke, weighing 1200 pounds. Phone
East 4804.
VERY nice coal black, small pony, saddle
and bridle. Nobby Stables, 12th and Flan
ders sts.
23 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho
tel 'bus, saddles, harness, cheap to close
out. Hubert A Hall. 266 4th st.
ONE span light horses, 5 and 6 years old;
one sorrel driving mare, 5 years old.
Phone East 4804.
LIGHT gooseneck wagon, team and harness
' will be sold very cheap; owner In other
business. Call 360 E. Morrison.
WANTED To buy a horse for general
delivery. Call 128 1st st.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 2U4 Montgomery.
A 4-SEATED trap. In No. 1 condition, for
sale. Edwards A Co.
190T 6TODDARD-DA YTON touring car, top
and glass front; $1400.
1907 Stevens-Duryea. top; $1250.
1903 Franklin; $850.
These cars have been traded In on
Pierce and Cadillac and must be sold at
once; no reasonable offer refused.
16th and Alder. M 6470.
SECOND-HAND automobile, fine condition,
4-c Under, carry six persona, for sale
cheap or exchange for real estate or acre
age. Hall, 24J6 Fourth st.
AN automobile, good for sightseeing; will
carry 10 persons); will eell or exchange for
real estate. Address E. B. Rodman. 003
Alder st.
60 H.-P., 1907 model, fine condition, com
plete In every detail; leaving city; must
ell or exchange. Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg
$44 0 TWO-SEATED Ford automobile few
sale, or will trade for lot. 215 Oregonian
bldg. v
CADILLAC runabout. 500 cash, 1C 11th
st. Phone Main 1578.
$400 Schh-roer Sons Upright Grand piano;
like new; $173; eacy terma. 6X1 7-tf. Pa-
AUCTION SALE of second-hand hydraulic
plant, for account of whom it may con
cern I will sell at public auction on
Thursday. July 16. 190S, at 11 o'clock A.
M. on the premises for account of whom
It may concern and for cash, the follow
ing hydraulic plant consisting of one
06x16 Tatum ft Bowen boiler, one 60x16
Fairbanks-Morse boiler, one Advance
pump, 14x26x14x12, one Fairbanks-Morse
pump, 16x9x12, oil burner, outfit, feed
pump, lot of crude oil, 8. 10, 12.-inch pipe,
building and other articles belonging to
. said plant. The plant Is located about
four blocks 'beyond the Acme Lumber
Mills, near St. John, and sale will take
place on premises. Take St. John car and
get off at Northern Hill. J. T. Wilson,
auctioneer. -
COAL MINE: A half or quarter Interest in
a partially developed property of about
400 acres, can be had cheap if taken now;
four veins of coal "from 3 to 16 feet; one
- vein with 44 feet of good clean coal Is
opened within 300 feet dk rail transpor
tation; mine can be shipping coal within
60 days; a rare opportunity for a profit
able investment. See B. Fallows. Mining
Engineer, 534 Chamber of Commerce.
SO SEWING MACHINES, slightly damaged,
at very low prices.
Singer, Wheeler A Wilson, Domeetlo.
Household, Standard, New Royal and others.
100 second-hand machines at your own
price: old machines taken In exchange;
machines1 sold on monthly or weekly pay
ments); no interest on contract sales.
S. 8. SIGEL,
835 Morrison st.
Get our prices on the above if you want
to save from 15 to 50 per cent from the
plumbers price. Make us show you.
IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $5000,
parties Interested call Maginnls A Bon.
403-4 McKay bldg.
FOR SALE New and recond-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments; wa rent
tables, with privilege of buying; modern
bar fixtures; cheap prices. B runs wick -Balke-Collender.
49 Third st.
GASOLINE launch, 81 feet, canopy top, 15
H. P., 4-cy Under engine, brass finishings,
quarter-sawed oak decks, complete, with
boathouse. A 42, Oregonian.
MOTION-PICTURE machines, films, song
slides, etc., for rent ; also bought, sold
and exchanged; lowest rates. Newman,
293 Burnside.
HAVE your roof painted with "Eloato";
inexpensive; adds years wear; good on
any kind of roofs. Northwest Roofing Co.,
511 North 22d st. Phone Main 4897.
LADY lust arrived from San Francisco
has for sale ladles fancy evening gowns
and opera coats; in town only short time.
Call room 323 Perkins Hotel, 2 to 4.
FOR SALE Mergantnaler linotype machine
and pony Optlmus press; (practically new
and In first-class order. Inquire 12 Ham
ilton bldg.
YAMATO WOODYARD The best fir wood,
cut from big timber. Tor Winter supply.
$5 to $5.50. E 818, B 1807. East 6th and
NEW L. C. Smith Bros typewriter; latest;
cheap for cash. Phones East 631. C 1722.
Address F 57, Oregonian.
FOR SALE 350 cord of fir wood and 160 of
oak. Inquire at Johnson's Coffee House, 3
North 3d st.
FRESH Jersey cow for sale; gives 4 gal
lons of milk per day; price reasonable.
674 East Taylor st. Phone East 42.
A $66 quartered oak bedroom suit, complete
for $25, at. the Ford Auction Co., 369 B.
ENGLISH SETTER, male, 2 years old
good-looker and a fine worker, $60. Inquire
658 Halsey or 311 Dekum bldg.
FOR SALE CHEAP New, well-built row
boat, 16 feet long, 6-foot beam. K 90,
FOR SALE cheap, one heifer. Long year
ling. See L. W. Blair, 235 Hart ave. So.
NICE desk, chairs, rug. fireproof safe. No. 2
L. C. Smith typewriter; at sacrifice. Call 323
Lumber Exchange.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover. 313
Water st. Phone Main 7451.
OLD VIOLINS and stringed Instruments
, bought, sold and exchanged. L. Winters.
S18 Til ford bldg.. 10th az.d Morrison sts.
FOP. SALE At a bargain, set International
Encyclopedia. Address W. B. Kindle. 919
E. Yamhill sr.
FOR SALG Man's bicycle, also good camera,
dark-room materiale and magic lantern.
Call today, 429 Market at.
PRETTY Iron beds, $1 and up, at the Ford
Auction Co., 369 E. Morrison st.
WILL trade some good-paying stocks for good
automobile. P. O. box 607, city.
GOOD Fox typewriter for sale, $40. T 87,
BARBER SHOP, 4 chairs, for sale. .12 N.
4th st.
supplies, slides, films for rent. 16&H 4th st.
FOR SALE New cash register; bargain.
Call afternoons at 360 Washington st.
SALESMEN Who can furnish horse,
wagon and bond can make from" $175 to
$20O ; none but first-class men need ap
ply. 402 Wash. st.
WANTED An automobile driver. Pope To
ledo. -Must understand his tuslness. Ad
dress Clackamas Health Resort, Oregon
City, Or.
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op-
tics; easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while learning. Watchmaking, En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle.
WANTED4 Japanese boy for general house
work; must be first-class cook and will
ing to take care of yard. 156 East 57th
WANTED Young man to do light work
around college In exchange for tuition In
telegraphy. Oregon College, 83 5th st.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon, portrait or book
, agents; winning offer. Outberth Studio, De
kum bldg.
WANTED Boy. strong and willing; prefer
one having had some experience putting on
automobile tires. 72 N. 6th st.
WANTED Man and wife on farm. Eastern
Oregon ; fare paid ; wag8 $45. Pacific
Employment Co., 12 N. 2d st.
WANTED Reliable man for active interest
in real estate office; can easily make $125
per month. Room 10. 253 Washington.
WANTED A young man as clerk in general
merchandise store. Call room 329 Worces
ter bldg.
WANTED Partner with small capital for
motion-picture enow; must travel. New
man, 293 Burnside.
For Men 250 Burnside Street.
Phone Main 5694.
'FINE opening for rustling young man; small
capital; hurry. 411 Commonwealth bldg.,
6th and Ankeny.
MAN WANTED with $100, secures interest
money-making legitimate business; inves
tigate. B 89. Oregonian.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon, portrait or book
agents; winning offer. Cutberth Studio,
Dekum bldg.
12 North 2d st. Both Phones.
WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepere,
- stenographers and clerical men. Commercial
Abstract Co., 407-8-9 Commercial Club bldg.
CARRIAGE blacksmith helper. 369 2d at.,
WANTED A good harness maker, -with good
references. 72 N. 6th at.
SIGN artist for writing window cards. Call
Main 7429 between 8 and 9 A. M.
BARBER wanted, regular Job to the right
man. J. H. Milks. Rainier, Or.
REGISTERED drug clerk; honest and capa
ble. Telephone 13 to 4, Woodlawn 2294.
WANTED At once, good all-round pressera.
Standard Cleaning Works. 261 5th st.
WANT One first-class waiter. Apply at 41
3d st. Peerless Saloon.
STRONG, willing boy: light work. Royal
Bakery, 11th and Everett.
YOUNG man aa shipping clerk, must be ex
perienced in stationery line. 303 Second st.
JAN xpexleAced 000k wanted. 404 vi-ii
Wanted If you can earn a better sal
ary, if you can command it by sheer abil
ity, if you can show us that you are
a high-grade competent man whom we
can confidently put before an employer,
who must appreciate your ability and will
buy your services so much cash for 0
much value call and we can save you
a vast ' amount of trouble and expense
In obtaining Just the position you desire,
402, 403, 404, 406 Swetland bldg.
WANTED A man who is thoroughly ex
perienced In working In greenhouses or
florist's, to take charge of procuring
roses for out of town shipment. Call
between 9 and 12 o'clock to see Mr. N. B.
Walton, Portland Hotel.
For graduates last year: men ana
women to learn barber tmde in eight
weeks; help to secure positions; graduates
earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert in
structor; tools free; write for catalogue.
Moler System of Colleges. 85 N- 4th st..
Portland, Or.
WANTED For U. S. Army, able-bodies, un
married men, between ages of 18 and 35.
citizens of United States, of good charac
ter and temperate habits, who can speak,
read and write English- Apply to re
cruiting officer, Ainsworth block. 3d and
Oak sta. Portland. Or.
WANTED Partner, handy with tools; light
work inside and out, for real estate owner;
good pay, large profits; splendid chance; $300
required. Particulars Pacific Business Ex-
. change. Washington at, Suite 4. Phone
Main 8675, A 29b2.
MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster
ing and bricklaying, day and night classes,
no books, free catalogue : special low
tuition; easy installments. Coyne National
Trade School, 239-240 Eighth St.. San
- - -
WANTED Experienced tea and. coffee wagon
man to take orders and deliver as agent;
experience necessary ; state reference and
salary, or salary and commission expected,
L 86, Oreaonian.
WANTED A good bright young man, 21
to 30 years of age, for delivery dept. of
dept. store; must know the city; good
opening to right party. Address, giving
references and phone, M 80, Oregonian.
- c. K. Hansen, jr.
Employment Office Men's Department.
28 North Second St.
Phones Main and A 151$,
Holp free to' employers.
WANTED Experienced drivers for delivery
wagons of a large department store; only
men who know the city thoroughly and
can Inclose A-1 references need reply;
also give phone number. M 81, Oregonian.
WANTED TODAY Energetic man to tend
office, collect, etc., as partner; pay you
good salary, also big profits; $500 required,
secured. Particulars 246 Stark st.
REAL ESTATE man wanta hustler for half
interest in office; active man can make
$150 per month. Call room 818 Alisky
bldg., 3d and Morrison.
WANTED Single young man to travel and
learn good paying business; references. Call
10 A. M. to 2 P. M., room 1, The Mer
cedes. 20th and Washington.
ONE real estate salesman capable selling
outside property, finest selling contract in
the city, large commission, give ex peri nee,
K S3, Oregonian.
ACTORS, actresses and piano player for road
show; can us one or two talented ama
teurs. Address W. Honig, 107 3d et.,
Room 4.
WANTED First-class teacher to help stu
dent In High School algebra during Sum
mer. Address E 90, Oregonian.
WOMAN to do pressing In dye house. $1.25
a, day; saleslady for patent medicine;
pantry woman. $;K; others.
343 Washington st.. corner 7th, upstairs.
ers, chambermaids, waitresses. . cooks, sec
ond girls and general housework. 209
4th. Main 0413.
WANTED- A woman to help cook and wash
dishes with other lady cooks. Address
Clackamas Health Resort, Oregon City,
WANTED Competent. experienced sten
ographers desiring positions call and reg
ister free .employment department. Under
wood Typewriter Company, 6$ Sixth st.
WANTED An experienced girl for second
work; good wagea. Apply mornings, Mrs.
Lang. 20th and 1 Jackson sta.. Portland
Heights. Phone Main 2644. A 6204.
Ladles' Department 205 Morrison st.
Phones: Main 1062; A 2064.
FIRST-CLASS cook for small hotel in coun
try; woman preferred; good wages; good
home to right person. H 88, Oregonian.
GIRL wanted for general housework. 1069
Thurman. corner of 32d. Willamette
EXPERIENCED waitress rwanted to go to
Long Beach, Wash., good wages. Call at
5S0 Second st., cor. Grant, Portland, Or.
SPECIAL shorthand classes, any system,
places you quickly Jn position. Business
University, Worcester block.
&4314 Washington st., corner 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED-Reflncd. capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co . 603 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
WANTED A girl, for cooking and wash
ing only. Apply 668 Everett st. Phono
Main 5829.
COMPETENT girl for general housework; good
wages; small family. 794 Kearney St., cor.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework;
good wages to competent person. Tele
phone Pacific 3010.
WANTED A young girl to assist In general
housework. 408 32d st., Willamette
WANTED Man, for fruit, vegetable and fish
market, with reference. Palace Market,
260 Yamhill.
WANTED Young lady for cashier and assist
ant In dental office; give part icul are. L 90,
A MIDDLE-AGED woman to do chamber
work, and housekeeper. Address 804 N
EXPERIENCED stenographer for office as
sistant, short hours, state experience and
salary required. F, SO, Oregonian.
WAITRESSES Coast, city. Hood River, Kent,
Heppner. Shanlko, Warrenton, Estacada;
other work. "Drake's, 2054 Washington.
WANTED Girl for general housework :
must be good laundress. Phone -Main 2910,
A 1924.
ESTABLISHED house can place a woman of
tact and business ability; no office work.
L 75, Oregonian.
GIRL wanted to do general housework: must
know eome thing about cooking. Apply 564
Hoyt st.
WANTED Lady solicitors, easy work, good
pay; experience not necessary. S 84, Ore
gonian. LADY for second work and nurse girl in
small family. Phone East 4892.
YOUNG lady wanted at once to learn the
barber trade; good wages. 12 N. 4th st.
COMPETENT girl, for cooking and general
housework. 374 E 12th. N. Broadway car.
WANTED Housekeeper on farm, to cook for
one man. Pacific 1284.
WAITRESS wanted In private boardlng
. bouse. Call 225 West Park.
GIRL for general housework in family of 2.
O 81, Oregonian.
WANTED A good 'girl for general house
work; must be good cook. ( Tabor 107.
WANTED Young girl to assist In light
housework. 447 10th St.
A COMPETENT gtri for cooking and house
work. Call after 10, 680 Hoyt.
WANTED Girl for second work. Call morn
ings, 246 King t.-
TWO girl Ironers for laundry Apply 26th
and Upsher.
WANTED Cook, restaurant. 433 Washing
ton, bet. 11 and 12.
WANTED Young girl to assist with general
housework. Call forenoons, 725 Weldler st.
GIRL wanted to assist with general house
work. Apply. 747 GUaaA st.
GIRLS, 16 years and over, to work In fac
tory. Apply at once. Ames-Harris-Neville
Co., 6th and Davis sts.
WANTED 10 cooks, $25 to $45; 3 wait
resses out of the citv. $25. room and
board, fare paid; waitresses, city. $7 to
110 week: housekeepers, $15 to $20; girl
for general housework.
Large list of other positions too numer
ous to mention here.
Ladles' Department. 205 H Morrison.
Phones Main 1062. A 2064.
WANT, today. 3 waitresses. $20. $25. room,
board; 7 general housework. $20. $25 and
$30. room, board; 3 2d girls. $20. $25,
room, board; 3 A-l cooks. $40, $50 and $60.
209 ft 4th sc. Main 2039. A 2824.
843 Wash. st.. cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phones Main and, A 2692.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
Thoroughly experienced and competent,
wanted In several departments.
Bookkeepera and Clerks.
WANTED Position, clerk hotel or rooming-house,
day or night, middle-aged, ex
perienced, references; quits present posi
tion July 25, city or country. K. 84, Ore
gonian. YOUNG man, sge 30, desires position as
bookkeeper or salesman; capable of hand
ling men; 10 years office and outside ex
perience. H 90, Oregonian.
EXPERT bookkeeper would keep small set
of books mornings or afternoons; moderate
charges, city references. J 84, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by a single, middle
aged man as Janitor or assistant; under
stands horses, cows, gardening. N 80,
WILLING and honest Japanese boy wants
situation as cook and housework. In city
or country ; speaks good English. M 82,
SITUATION By an elderlv, as office
assistant, timekeeper or other light work;
good penman and accountant; moderate
salary. R 85. Oregonian.
YOUNG man with 5 years experience as
stationary marine engineer, would like
to have position, can give the best of
references. E t6. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED man wants situation In
printing office, city or country; have had
experience in both ; also experienced news
paper man. P 90, Oregonian.
HON EST Filipino boy of 19 wishes position
as bellboy In hotel or housework In boarding-house;
speak and write English. H 86,
SITUATION wanted, hoisting or stationary
engineer; large experience and can furnish
good reference. Address Engineer, 517
Chamber of Commerce.
EXPERT gasoline engineer wants steady
position, has 100-ton marine license. D
88. Oregonian.
A JAPANESE desires position in a family
as house worker. Address J. Obara, 311
Everett st.f city.
JAPANESE young boy, honest and gentle,
wants chamber work or any kind hotel
work. S 121 N. 15th.
MAN and wife want position as cooks in
boarding-house or steamboat preferred.
R 84. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted ty a young man who
understands house and garden work. J
80, Oregonian.
JAPANTSE wants situation to do any kind
of work short time of every morning or
evening. N 89, Oregonian.
WILLING and honest young Japanese boy
wants situation any kind work in city or
country. M 87, Oregonian.
YOUNG man attending college wants posi
tion evenings; good elevator man. Phone
M S0O1.
COREAN boy, experienced, good cook,
wants position. Phone Main 5013, Pacific
CHINESE cook wants work for hotel and
boarding-house, or restaurant. O 83, Ore
gonian. GOOD Japanese boy wants situation for
housework. Speaks English well, G 89,
Oregonian. '
YOUNG German wishes any kind of po
sition in family. G SS. Oregonian.
EMPLOYMENT wanted by a sober-man; will
accept anything. - A 90, Oregonian.
WANTED Position, by young man; will do
anything. L 88, Oregolnon.
JAPANESE housecleaners want work by day
or hour. Phone Pac. 2148. 121 N. 16th.
A GOOD Japanese boy wants to work in a
Christian family. A 86, Oregonian.
Japanese .employment office; furnishes all
kinds of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6521.
PAINTER wishes to contract roof work.
Addresa C 91, Oregonian.
A GOOD strong Japanese wants any kind
30b during 4-T mornings, j w oregonian
JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish'all
kinds help. 268 Everett. Main 4659, A 4073.
GOOD Japanese cook wants situation In
'hotel, restaurant or family. P. O. box 598.
Bookkeepera and Stenographers.
EXPERIENCED, accurate, reliable operator
desires position; hours 9 to 5; $11.75 per
week. Main 6813.
SCHOOL TEACHER, graduate of Chicago
High School; 1 year experience In teaching,
wants situation. P 70, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED, accurate, clerical operator
desire position; best references; $11 week;
9 to 5. Main 6813.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants position;
good references furnished. J 87, Ore
gonian. Dressmakers.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, shirtwaists and
Summer dresses reasonable. 427 Salmon
st. Mrs. McLeland.
A COMPETENT seamstress desires sewing;
terms, $2 per day. F 88. Oregonian.
WANTED By a reliable woman, light
housework or sewing a few hours every
day. S 83, Oregonian.
NURSEG1RL wants position to care for chil
dren evenings. Call Pacific 220. Call
Delia Stepner.
EXPERIENCED infant's nurse wants posi
tion; will go to coast. A 88. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED cook, middle-aged, wants
position, wages not less than $30; good
references. F 86. Oregonian.
RESPECTABLE middle-aged woman wanin
position to assist with general housework
in private family. M 88, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS girl wants general house
work ; wants good wages. Apply 76 W.
Park st.
NEAT girl wishes place doing second work
in Christian family. Address 104 N. 14th
M Iseellaneons.
WOMAN wants work by the. day; washing
, and Ironing and houseeleanlng. and take
home laundry. 466 E. Alder st.
LADY wants work by the day. houseelean
lng. washing; also take laundry home. 467
East AsU.
COMPETENT woman wishes position for
chamber work or housework. F 87, Ore
gonian. ELDERLY German lady, good cook, wants
position In good Christian heme. 471 E.
12th st.
WANTED To do chamber work in rooming-house;
experienced, T 86. Orego
nian. WANTED Washing and sweeping by day.
331 Market St.
WANTED Work by day. no half days;
references. Woodlawn 16-1 1.
. 1
EXPERIENCED manicuring girl wants po
sition ia b&rfcer siicp. J 1, Oregonian.
era cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, sec- 1
ond girls, housemaids, 209 H 4th. Mala '
6413, A 2S24.
ELOCUTION, Interpretive reading, publle
speaking and debating. 25c a lesson. Call
or address Miss Ray, 1461 Vancouver ave.,
city. "
ATTENTION agents, Mexican Drawn Work
Waist Patterns, latest novelty; better :
than the Pongees ever were; unlimited '
possibilities; men and women earn $10 a
day, crew managers $25; get husy before
too late. Write today for samples and '
exclusive agency.
H. GOLDB ERG & SONS. Importers,
Omaha, Nebraska.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods T If ,
so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash
weekly. Write for choice of territory. ,
Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem, Or.
WANTED Well furnished house of 8 or .
IO rooms in good residence district for
one year or more, from August 1, by re- 1
sponsible family of three adults. Address,
giving location and brief description. V
41, Oregonian.
W A N TED To ren t houses, cottages, flata,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon, 6. E. cor. Sd
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
WANTED Three furnished housekeeping
rooms by desirable young ladies; refer
ences; East Side, vicinity Steel bridge
preferred; gas. bath, phone, laundry. B.
G., 409 Broadway.
FOUR or 5-room cottage, furnished or unfur
nished; with barn. 260 Ev Water. C. L.
WANTED Small furnished house; bath, .
gas, yard; must be reasonable; stats
terms, location. O 80. Oregonian,
WANTED--To rent, small house; West Side
preferred. Ewtng, -529 Failing at.
WANTED House of 14 to 20 rooms. In rood
condition. West Side. Phone Main 7504.
And any thing else you have to sell.
Main 5655. A 412L
WANTED By refined young lady (steno
grapher) ruora with board in refined private
family ; will lunch out ; can give the very
best of references; state price. K. 86,
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy housohold furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 N. 3d st. Phone Pacific 1722.
WANTED Covered buggy, with extra long
bed, in good condition, with pole and
steel tires. Cash if price is low. O 6S.
care Oregonian.
WANTED Second-hand phonograph and ree-!
ords; also motion picture machine. Phone1
Main 8458.
1 (
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
CLOTHING Phone M 18S1 88 N. d.
Highest prioe paid; prompt attention.
WANTED Large refrigerator, suitable for
hotel use. Phone Main 8592.
WANTED A little girl to board; nice home.
Main 8394.
WANTED A transit; must be in first-class
condition S 82, Oregonian.
WANTED Good moving-picture machine;
also graphophone. cheap. 429 3d st.
IF you want window screens, call C. Ziegler,
889 Michigan ave. Phone Woodlawn 2132.
WANTED Used cash register; will pay cash.
Phone Main 1433 or A 1433.
SINGLE rooms or suites, cheap; suitable for
young ladles or gentlemen. M 90, Ore
gonian. Furnished Rooms.
HOTEL PALMER, cor. Park and Alder, un
der new management; thoroughly renovated-
throughout; rooms ( single or en suite;
transients, $1; special rates by the week;
free bath and phones. Mrs. N. A. Hills,
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sts. Newly furnished throughout:
new buildings, suites with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phone Main
7195. Long-distance phones in all roomx
IF you are looking for the best rooms in
the city for the money, phone the Glendora
for particulars; rooms $5 to $15 per month;
strictly modern. 19th and Couch, one block,
from Washington. Main 6280.
HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and 17th
first-class furnished rooms, single or en
suite; every modern convenience. $3 week
ly up; daily. 7So up; special monthly rates.
Main 5647. ,
HOTEL KENYON. 18th and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; alo
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496.
THE ANGELUS. 272 6th. ccr. Jefferson.
Front suite furnished, also single room,
free phone, bath and light; rates rea
214 Columbia st. 1 block from Salem ElectHo
depot; running water in all rooms, bath and
phone, A 1530; 50c to $1 day, $2.50 to $4 wk.
FOR RENT Two large nicely furnished
front rooms, very desirable; close in;
references. 303 12th st. Phone A 8840.
3 NEATLY furnished, light, airy rooms In
private home; modern and dose in; adults
only. Pacific 1284.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 827 H
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea.
THE AUDITORIUM. 208 3d. newly fur
nished, elevator, baths, hot, cold water la
each room; permanent and transient.
412 MAIN ST., newly furnished room, with
bath. In private family, with all con
veniences. NICELY furnished room, 395 Washington
st. Inquire at Royal Bakery, 360 Wash
ington st.
258 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms;
private family; new house; every con
venience; gentlemen only; reasonable.
THE WILLAMETTE, 322 Stark St., large
light rooms, well furnished, single or en
suite, 50c to $1 day; C2.50 to $5 week.
LARGE front room, in new furnished pri
vate home; bath phone, close in; very
reasonable. 381 llih. I'hone Main 7912.
THREE furnished rooms. 166 E. 16th, 8outhf
1 block from Morrison; breakfast served If
COOL, comfortable rooms, newly furnished,
walking distance, all conveniences. 530
Davis, bet. 15th and 16th.
THE ANKENY Clean. beautifully fur
nished rooms, $3 to $3. 349 Ankeny
St., both phones and gas.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia; modera
rooms, bath, 50c to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk.
HOTEL- ROYAL. 108 4th; nice rooms,
$1.50 to $5 -veek. 50 cents, $1 night.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 te
$5 wk; also transient rooms. 343 MorrL
THE DORMER, 283 13th. beautiful rooms,
modern, every convenience; $2.50 and up.
2 NICE sleeping rooms; rent reasonable. 262
VERY comfortable small front room; modern:
$2 per week. 180 17th, cor. Yamhill.
NICE furnished rooms for rent; $10 month.
125 6th st., second floor.
MAXWELL HALL. 207 14th. clean, light
rooms, hot water every room; reasonable.
Booms, With Board.
FIRST-CLASS rooms and board. $25 per
month. The Glendora. l block from
Washington on 19th.
258 1 1TH Large front alcove room, also
single room, with board, in private fam
ily. WELL-EQUIPPED bachelors club has
room for 1 or 2- gentlemen; references.
P 85, Oregonian.
THE MARLYN. Washington and 17th, well
furnished rooms, hot- and co.d water,
home cooking, permanent or transient.
PLEASANT third floor room with board,
walking distance, good location. 38T 12th.
FRONT rooms with or without board. 328
6th st. Phone A 8622.
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Oxark.
225 11th st.