TIIE--3IORXIXG OBEGOIAY THURSDAY, . JULY .16, 190S. 11 RED LETTER DAY FOR CROHN Annual Frolic at Bonneville by Portland Association Huge Success. NEARLY 2000 TAKE PART Picnic Most Successful Yet Given by Organization Dancing, Ball Game, Dinner, Field Sports and Baby Show Features. How many folks were up at t, and S o'clock again. To psek out of the window to aee if there was rain? Everyone was wide awake before the clock struck six. . Mater making sandwiches, father dolnc nix: Each and all excited so they wouldn't miss the train, Oolnx to the rocers' picnic at Bonneville attain. Verse by Mrs. 8. B. Vincent, awarded first prize by the Portland grocers at their annual picnic yesterday.. Although the day opened dark and threatening, the grocers and their friends flocked to Bonneville yesterday to the annual picnic. Nearly 2000 grocers par ticipated in the frolic, which was pro nounced by those attending the affair the most successful gathering since the Portland merchants commenced holding annual picnics. Not an incident occur red to mar the pleasure of the picnlcers. There was a light shower on the way to the picnic grounds and another Just as the merry-makers were boarding the two special trains for home. These in cidents did not Interfere in any way with the day's programme. The fun throughout the day was fast and furious and from the time the gro cers' trains left the Union Depot at 8:60 yesterday morn Jig until they returned at 8:16 last night, the picnickers enjoyed every minute. So varied was the enter tainment offered that everyone present was assured of a delightful day. There was something doing every minute and several attractions going on at the same time. Grocers Dance in Pavilion. Parsons' Orchestra furnished music on the trip and had a big audience throughout the day. for dancers filled the Bonneville pavilion and enjoyed them selves thoroughly from the time they landed from the train until they boarded the cars to come back to the city. The . "Merry Widow" waltz and other popular dance music echoed throughout the Bon neville Park all day and the feet of the dancers kept time to the music until the toot of the engines warned them it was time to return to town. The picnic dinners spread under the trees at Bonneville were greatly enjoyed by the grocers. Family parties and groups of friends made pictures of contentment throughout the park and the dinners were relished as only such out of door spreads are enjoyed when business cares are for gotten and the picnickers are bent on having a Jolly day of it. A feature of the day was the baseball game betwen the grocers and a picked team from the salesmen of the local wholesale nouses. Bert Fnrrell undertook to handle- the Indicator but before the first inning was well under way there were loud cries of "kill the umpire!" Despite protestations from both sides against unfavorable rulings, Mr. Farrell held down his position with rare im partiality .considering the hot rivalry be tween the two teams. After a number of the most sensational plays by both teams, the game was won by the grocers, the score being 10 to 8. Batteries for the salesmen were Kelt and Keller and for the grocers. Green and Donaldson. Field Sports In Afternoon. Promptly after dinner, the field sports were started. A large number of events were run off that occupied most of the afternoon. In all there was warm rivalry between the contestants, there being a large number of entries in each event. The different event resulted as follows: Boys' lOO-yard dsh Orlnnell first. Clark second Purnell third. Running broad Jumj Livingstone first, '.Robinson second. Hamilton third. Salesmen's 100-yard dash (Kelt first, Breed second. Hoffman third. Grocers' clerks' race Clay first, Schoen- Iorn second, Scales third. Fat men's race Formoehlen first. Chehak second. Obers; third. Orocers' Joo-yard dash Hamilton first, Cassou second, Long third. Grocers' wives' race Mrs. Brown first. Mrs. McMillen second, Mrs. Voelker third. Race for girls under 15 Maud Tyler first. MJldred Monahnn second. Ruth Daly third. Ladles' r-KK race Mrs. Voelker first. Mrs. Kltnk second. Mrs. McMillen third. Girls' egg race -Mildred Freeman first, Alice Campbell second, Louise Masters third. Sack race. 23 yards Robinson first, Liv ingstone second. Thurston third. Baseball throwing contest Breed first, Bchoenborn second. Jamison third. Boys' pie-eating contest Rider first, Liv ingstone secona. Ladles' tug of war Winners, Mesdam Andross. Breeding. Walker, Pllger, Miller and saterlee. Poetry writing contest Mrs. S. B. Vin cent, first. Many Entries In Baby Shaw. In addition, there was an added fea- ture in a baby show that attracted a great deal of attention, and some fond parents started to groom their babies for the show as soon as they arrived on the grounds, although the baby show was the last thing scheduled for the afternoon. After long considera tion on the part of the judges, the first prize was awarded to Mary Bement as the prettiest baby on the grounds. Prizes were offered in all the events that were well worth striving for, and this made the competition more keen among the various entries. On the whole, the sports at yesterday's picnic were the best ever held at the annual gathering of the grocers and this may be .aid also of the entertainment of fered in general. The two special trains that returned to the city last night were filled with tired, but happy grocers and their friends, who count the annual picnic as one of the red letters days in the whole year's calendar. HANGED CURSING PRIESTS (Continued from First Page.) are prepared. Alia approached the al tar, and, kneeling, awaited the arrival of the priest officiating at the com munion, not knowing. Alia has said, or caring who it should be. A number of other communicants had assumed the same posture, and positions at the com munion rail were practically all taken. When Father Leo beloved by all who knew him both In and outside the church appeared with the consecrated wafers, all at the rail seemed im pressed with the solemnity and s&cred ness of the service and inspired with thoughts of God. Alia, however, ac cording to his own statement, could barely restrain a desire to spring at the throat of the priest, despite the place, the scene and the peculiarly sa cred character of the aotion In pro gress. Along the line passed the priest, placing upon the tongue of each suc cessive communicant the consecrated wafer and repeating the lines of the mass declaring the Eucharist thus ad ministered is the Savior himself in person. Alia was now the next in line. Father Leo. placing the wafer upon the tongue of the stranger, all unsuspect ing of the murderous design In Alia's heart, began: "Take, eat; this is my body " but stopped,- horror-stricken. The subject of the praver had spat the blesssed morsel from his mouth. Almost simul taneously with this desecration a shot rang out and Father Leo Bank to the floor mortally wounded. A bullet from a revolver tired by Alia had penetrat ed the priest s body near the heart. Father Wulstan Workman, hearing the shot, rushed from the adjoining sacristy just in time to administer to Father Leo the last sacrament. Father Leo expiring a moment later In the arms of his brother priest. Immediately after firinfe the shot, Alia, with a curse, darted toward the main aisle of the church and rushed for the doer. With hair disheveled and smoking gun flourishing over his head he made his way to within ten feet of the portal, where he tripped and fell. Policeman Daniel Cronin, who was among the worshippers, wrenched the gun from Alia's hand and dragged him to the street in an effort to protect him from the maddened worshippers. Outside, the policeman and his charge were surrounded by several hundred persons who were about to tear Alia from the officer's hands, when several priests and Franciscan Brothers' appeared on the steps and pleaded with the enraged people to leave the avenging of the awful mur der to God. The presence of the eccle siastics interceding for the life of the destroyer of a beloved brother had ef fect, Tiie single policeman was per mitted to take Alia away in a buggy hastily driven to police headquarters. Several hovrs later Alia was spirited out of town in an automobile and taken to Colorado Springs for safekeeping. The trial was comparatively brief, but eveiy opportunity of defense was given, Insanity was offered as a plea to escape the noose. The best alienists in Denver testified that Alia was sane and he was sentenced to be hanged. A petition from citizens in Alia's natfve town in Itrly, pleading for his life and declaring that he was undoubtedly in sane, was forwarded to the Italian Consul here, but for some reason un explained was never presented to the Governor. Many believe that the murder of Father Leo was part of an anarchistic plot sgalnsi the Catholic clergy, but nothing has recently transpired tend ing to substantiate this view. Previous to coming to Denver, Father Leo lived at Paterson, N. J. ' Paterson is the headquarters of the Franciscan Monks in this country, and it has been thought possible that he incurred the enmity of some one or perhaps a group of anarchists there, personal in its na ture and applying only to him. His great popularity and goodness of heart went strongly to disprove this theory, and no evidence to support it has come to light. Whether or not Alia brooded over fancied wrongs until his mind be came diseasod, it is admitted that for years he had entertained a hatred for the priesthood, and on this Sunday morning he had apparently lost all power of control for good, but the cunning of evil remained. The result was murder which has no parallel In history. AIRSHIP STRIKES SNAG Count Zeppelin Again Forced to Postpone His Flight. FRIEDBRICKSHAFEN. July 15. A second accident today postponed for a week the 24-hour flight of Count Zep pelin's airship. The damage done yester day was repaired and the airship brought out of its shed at 11 o'clock this mornlnsr. Before sufficient way had been acquired to permit or proper steering, a gust of Wind blew the Alrshln Qffflinat tha bIpa the floating shed. The side steering geat oi ine snip nit tne walls of the hall, 20 yards of the outer rubber-covered silk covering was torn away and the side pro peller was bent. The balloon remained hanging In this position for 10 miles. Its bow In the tir and its stern resting in the water. It was eventually freed from this position and towed back to the shed. DEATH RECORD OF DAY J. M. Green, Republican Leader. CHAMBERLAIN, a D., July 15. J. M. Green, ex-Republican National Com mitteeman, was found dead In bed here today. Heart diseaae is supposed to have been the cause. Mrs. S. H. Doremus, Centenarian. NEWARK, N. J., July 15. Mrs. pallia Hall Doremus, of a noted New Jersey family, died here today aged 104. Nebraska Overtakes Fleet. HONOLULU. July 16. The auxiliary ship Glacier was in wireless communica tion with the Connecticut, flagship of the Atlantic fleet, late last night. The Ne braska has rejoined the fleet. DAILY MBTEBOTiOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, July IS. Maximum temper ature. 70 degrees; minimum temperature, 55 degrees. River reading at s A. M-. 14.4 feet. Change In last 24 hours. O.l foot. Total rainfall (5 P. . M. to 5 P. M. ), .01 inch. Total rainfall since September 1, 190T. 3D inches; normal rainfall sines Sep tember 1. 1907. 44. Ta Inches. Deficiency, 5.73 Inches. Total sunshine, 8 hours, 54 minutes. Possible sunshine 15 hours. J4 minutes. Bsrometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M.. 30.18 Inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at 6 P. M.. Paclfla tune. CO Wind. m 3.? il 15? : t STATIONS. Baker city Bismarck Boise Eureka Helena North Head Pocatello Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento , Salt Lake San Francisco.... Spokane Taooma Tatoosh Island. .. Walla Walla 94 0.40-12 N 90 0.00 8 W Sfl O.OO' 8 NW I9O 0.O0 SO N .'84 0.1! 8 NW . an o. z 8 sw . 84 0.22' .'Oil 0.001 4IWW 4 9 ONE !S 4 NE 192 O.OW rtS-O.OO IS W 174 0.30 12 SW 5S0.S4! 'S WSO.OOi 6 S 74'0.32 6S . WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the last 13 hours good rains have fallen in Northeastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. These rains were general In that section, and amounted to a third of an Inch or mors. Good rains have also fallen In the Sound country and a few small showers have oc curred In ths Willamette Vallay. The temperatures are much lower in Northwestern Oregon and Washington, and It ts slightly warmer' in Southeastern Idaho and ths Interior of California. The Indicatlosa are for fair and warmer weather In this district Thursday, except in Southern Idaho, where It will be cooler and probably fair. FORECASTS. ' Portland and vicinity Thursday fair and warmer; westerly winds. Oregon and .. Washington Thursday fair, warmer, except near ths coast; westerly winds Idaho Thursday fair, cooler south por tion. SOWARS A. lHT,aT District Foracastsr. (Clear Clear Clear Clear ICIoudy Cloudy Clear Jciear MTlear Clear Clear k:iear Cloudy (Rain .Cloudy Clear THE PORTLAND PORTUXO, OJl XTBOPEAJT HM MODERN RESTAURANT COST ONE ninnv DOLIABa . HOTEL OREGON CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS' Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Dp European Plan. Free Bus WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Props. Centrally Located liK'SrSDSSPr. lmg Diffuses ?3fc?S5. FIFTH jcHk'JS1 Most Centrally 1 r . j liHtf Every Modern Sai3 ELEGANT, CAFE AND GRILL 'Bus meets all J. F. DAV1ES, President St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND. OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50c TO $150 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION THE Park St. Bet. Morrison and Alder CALUMET HOTEL AUCTION BALES TODAY. At Baker's auction house. 182 Park St., furniture, etc. Sale at 10 o'clock. Baker A 6on. auctioneers. By the Portland Auction Company, 211 1st St.. at lO A. M. Good assortment of furniture, etc. At 509 Mill st furniture of cottage. Sale at 2 P. M. Baker & Son, auctioneers. At Oilman's, 411 Washington St., at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gllman. auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. SWISS HALL ASSOCIATION' OP PORT LAND. OR.: Meeting: notice The first meet ing of the stockholders of this corporation will be held on the 15th of August. 1908. in the German Hall. 14 11th St.. In the City of Portland, Or., at 7 P. M., for the purpose of electing the members of the board- of di rectors, making and adopting by-laws and for the transaction of euch other business as may pvoperly come before the meeting. Portland,' Or.. June 30. 1906. ALBEECHT STREIFF. Secretary. For the Incorporators. ARBUTUS CIRCLE NO. 273. TV. OF tV. Members are requested to attend the funeral of our late Neighbor Anna Simonsen tomorrow (Friday) July 17. at 10 o'clock A. M. Ser vices at cathedral. lMh and Davis su. MINNIE SCHULZE, G. N. A. W. SCHMALE. Clerk. GOLDEN RULE ENCAMPMENT. NO. 28. I. O. O. F.. meets this (Thursday) evening. Grand avenue and Pine streets, work in Golden Rule degree. Visitors welcome. E. B. HOLCOMBE. Scribe. SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. 2. I. O. O. F. Members are requested to meet at I. O. O. F- Hall Friday evening to pay a fraternal visit to Hasaio Lodge No. 15. OS V OLD. Sec rr 2&3 mJJm READOTJABTEBs) FOB TOURISTS sa COMMERCIAL to families and sin gle gestlemext. Tbs m--fr"M" will bs pleased ax aU times to show rooms and give prices, A mod ern Turkish bath es tablishment in the. hoteL H. C. BOWIH, Ml Modern Improve Imperial Hotel Seventh and Washington Phil. Metschsoa etc Sons. Praps. Phsns Rates 51.00-S1.50-52.00 COMPLETELY REMODELED AND REFURNISHED. New Perkins Hotel AND WASHINGTON STREETS. Located. Large, Light Sample Rooms. r - . - . . eii - Convenience, Including Phone in Every Room. 75 Rooms with Private Bath.- trains. . Rates gl.OO and no. W. S WETLAND. Manager. C O. DAVIES, Sec and Trees. A Strictly First-Class and Modern Hotel Containing; 170 Room. Only American and European Hotel in Portland. Distance Fhe la Every Room. Auto Bni Meet All Trains. Ratee American. $2.00 per day aad up. Bate EurooeAn. Il 00 per day ana ud. Per month, single room and board, $45 to $95 according to room. For twe. 975 ta $113. Board without room $30 per month N0RT0MA HOTEL ELEVENTH, OFF WASHINGTON" ST. Portland's Only Roof Garden American Rates to Families and European Our Bus Meets All Trains Sample Suites, frith Baths, for Traveling- Men THE DANM00RE Portland's new hoteL 475 WsMBBlna'ton. eoraer 14th., orp. HelllK Theater. Enrenean plan l-Oe a. 4 Vs. Bus meets all trains. DAN J. MOORE, Proprietor. Hotel Meere Clatsop Bsaeb, Bee side. Or. Open all year. For Infor mation apply at The Danmeore. COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS As Well as Other Travelers Who Come to Portland and Make Their Home at "THE CORNELIUS" . Corner Park and Alder, are all delighted with Its ap pointments and furnishings situated one block from the clanging- street cars, one Is assured of a good night's rest. Several large sample rooms In the hotel. Rates Single, 1.50 and up; double 2.30 and up. DR. C. W. CORNELIUS, N. K. CLARKE, Proprietor. Manager. HOTEL, LENOX Portland's new and most modernly furnished hotel. Third and Main streets, fronting on the beautiful City Plaza and adjacent to business center. Free 'bus to and from trains. Up-to-date grill. Excellent cuisine. Telephone in every room. Private baths. EUROPEAN PLAN, AMERICAN PLAN, $1 to S2JSO Per Day. ' f.3.30 to t-t Per Day. O. H. SPENCER, Manager FUNERAL NOTICES. VEPDEH In this city, July 15. at the family residence, 10 B. Ninth street North, Emma Hazel iVedder, aged 16 years 4 months 21 days, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Van R. Vedder. Friend are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral ser vices, which will be held at 635 East Couch street at 2 P. M. Friday, July 17. Inter ment Rivervlew Cemetery. SIMONSEN In this city. July 15, Anna Si monsen, wife of T. L. Simonsen; mother of Hurcbell and sister of Miss Flora Rob ertson, aged 26 years 2 months and 27 days. The funeral services will be held at the cathedral, cor. 15th and Davis sts., at 10 A. M.. Friday, July 17. Friends invited. Interment Rivervlew. WEED In this city Wednesday evening, Johanna Charlotte weed, beloved wife of W. H. Weed, aged 70 years. Funeral will be held from ber late residence, 562 Till amook street. Friday morning. July 17. at 10:30 A. M. Friends Invited. Services at grave private, HUGHES The funeral services of Joseph A. Hughes will be held at the Cathedral, cor ner Fifteenth and Oavls streets, at 9 A. M., Friday. July 17. Friends invited. Inter ment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. EDWARD HOLMAV CO., Funeral rrtrect ors. Z2Q 3d st. Lady assistant. Phone M 507. J. P. FTNTaET A SON. Funeral Directors, Third and Madison. Phone Main 9, A 1599. Dnnnins, McEntee ft GUbaogb, Funeral DU rexrtors, 7th & Pine. Pbone M 4S0. Lady asst. ZELLER-BTRNES CO- Funeral Direct ors 273 RusselL East 1066. Lady assistant. F. Ald S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East r. Lady assistant. Pbone awt ox. AMUSEMENT. MARQUAM THEATER Phonas: Main , A 1020. Tonight S.-15 P. M. T. DANIEL. FRAWLEY Supported by Mlaa AlUeea Mar and Daphne Pollard. THE SPOILERS Next Week "Mme. Bans Gene." THE GRAND-YaadeTille deLaxe This Week. THE RIY'A -LARf.ON TROUPE, Ths Famous European Novelty Acrobata ECKERT BERG, SELB1X1 C.ROVIN'I. APOLLO POUR. ANNA BRIGHAM, ALEXANDER SCOTT FRED BAUER, GRANDA6COPB. - LYRIC THEATER Both Phones Main 48SS, Home, IDXe. Week Commencing Monday. July IS. seventh week of the famous Blunkall-Atwood Stock Company In the Sensational Melodrama. "THE TIDE OF LIFE." One of the Season's Big Events. Matinees Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday, Sunday; prices 10c and 20c; every evening at 8:30; prices 10c. 20c and 80c Next Week "The Player.' THE Select Swimming Classes every morning- this week. Matron In attendance for ladles. Free sate for season ticket buyers. TONIGHT 8:SO, New Bill In Alrdoma, -A NIGHT IN VENICB." Brightest, Jlngllest, Breeziest Show In Town. Blr Ballet. New Specialties. Bee the unique May-pole Dance and other orig inal features by Allen Curtis and his com edy Stars. ROLLER SKATING. Pleasant as In Winter. ' Rink electrically cooled. Average temperature on floor 20 de cree cooler than outdoors. Cars First and Alder.' Baseball! RECREATION PARK Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts. LOS ANGELES vs. PORTLAND July 14, 15, 16, 17,' 18, 19. Games begin weekdays 3:30 P. M.; Sunday, 2:30 P. M. Admission Bleachers, 25c; Grand stand, 50c; Boxes, 2oc extra. Chil dren: Bleachers 10c, Grandstand 25c. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys under 12 free to Bleachers Wednesday. WHERE TO DINE. ' tarlan Cafe, 105 6th St., near Washington. Grand Central Station Tims Card SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Leavina Portland- Roseburg Passenger Cottage Grove Passenger.. California Express San Francisco Express West Side Corvallls Passenger . . . . Sheridan Passenger ....... Forest Grove Passenger .. Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland- Oregon Express Cottage Grove Passenger.. Roseburg Passenger Portland Express West Side Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove passenger . . Forest Grove Passenger . . 15 a m. 15 p. m 45 p. m. 30 a, m. 00 a. m. 10 a. m. 00 s. DL 40 p. m. 13 a. m. 30 a. m. 30 p. m. 15 p. m. 35 p. in. 30 a, m. 00 a. m. ;50 p. m. NORTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving!- Portland Tacoma and Seattle Express... North Coast A Chicago Limited. Overland Express Arriving Portland North Coast Limited Portland Express Overland Express 8:30 a. m. 2 :00 p. m. 11:45 p. m. 7:00 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 8:85 p. m. OREGON RAILROAD NAVIGATION CO. Leavina Portland Pendleton Passenger Chicago-Portland Special Spokane Flyer Kansas City A Chicago Express.. Arriving Portland Spokane Flyer Chi.. Kan. City A Portland Ex.. Chicago-Portland Special 7:15 8:80 8:15 6:00 8:00 9:45 8:50 5:16 a. m. p. m. p. m. a. m. a. m. p. m. p. m. Pendleton passenger ASTORIA COLUMBIA RIVER. Astoria. & Seaside Express Seaside Special (Saturday only). Astoria A Seaside Express Arriving Portland . Astoria & Portland Passenger... Portland Express Seaside Special (Sunday only). 8:00 a.-ra, 2:20 p. m. o:u p.m. 12:15 d. m. 10:00 p. m. 10:20 p. m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tavln Portland C. P. R- Short Line, via Spokane. 8:15 p. m. 11:45 p- m: Via Seattle Arriving Portland C. p. R. Short Line, via Spokane. Via Seattle 8:00 a. m. 7 :00 a. m. Jefferson-Street Station SOUTHERN PACIFIC. 1eavtaa- Portland Dallaa passenger Dallas Passenger . . . . . Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger . . . . . 7 :40 a. m. 4:10 p. m. 10:15 a. m. 0:50 p. m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Arriving: Portland WUsonvtUa Local SaUm and Intermediate Wllsonvllle Local Salem and Intermediate Salem and Intermediate Wllsonvllle Local Salem and Intermediate Salem and Intermediate Salem and Intermediate Leaving Portland Salem and Intermediate Wllsonvllle Local Salem and Intermediate Salem and Intermediate Wllsonvllle Local Silem and Intermediate Bilem and Intermediate Wllsonvllle Local Malem and Intermediate 7:05 a, m. Local. .. Express. Local.. . Express. Local. . Express. 8:15 a. 10:80 a. m. 11:20 a. zn. 1:30 p. m, 4:45 p. m. 4 :00 p. m. 6.40 p. m. 8:16 p. m. 0:25 a. m. 7:35 a. m. Express, Local . . . 8:35 a. hi ll : 10 a. m. l : 10 o. Express, Local. . . J:05 p. m. 8:30 p. m. fi : 10 p. m- s:uo P- m. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS ftoa Monti A I-". wo iii.uuwv equal ot tne best bao mantle on the market. Barretts, 410 Mor rison. Both phones. IVAftH 5000 cords flrst-elaas 4-foot fir Tf uuu wood. $5 per cord delivered. Phone Mala 4435. Eagle Creek Fuel Con pany. 408 Corbett Blda. our own conservatories, Martin A Forbes. S4T Washington st. Both phones Coat A Ice Company, opposite City Library. Both pnonea 71 viwnAa Let as squId your IlCCUli; sCiAiuica nw home. Our prices are right- All work guaranteed. Western Electric Work a 61 Sixth street. Tl ; Knives, Forks and all 811 ver- a laiiug wars re plated as good as new. Oregon Plating Works. 16th and Alder. Mam S575. A agTS. Win O'Malley A Neoberger. 83T Wash Tf lllO n,.n. .rf rswt Phona Main 28ft4. Free delivery. A gallon ot 10-year-old Ingle- nook Port. H-PU- The Portland Fuel Co. seasoned VTOOa flr cordwood. 4 ft-. $5.5; sawed. 86.00. Bard wood and coat. xara E- Morrison st. Phones B xo. a iv-v. fAal K em merer coal, the best Wyoming "vna coal; gives more beat ana less asa. Church ;y Broa, 18th and Marshall sts. Phones Main Ml; A NEW TODAT. $27SO Cash will handle modern 6-room house, 100x100; corner Grand avenue,, near Skidmore; will rent from $30 to $35 per month; owner leaving the city. $2500 Swell 5-room new bunsralow: $1000 down, balance terms; Portland Heights. Death in the family, must sell. FRANK BOLLAM 128 Third Street. North Beach 32 Acres $100 per Acre This Is one of the nrettlest nieces of Acre age on the whole beach. Fine ocean front age, wnn Deautuui growtn of trees. Kali road intersects property. Half a dosen persons can each have a fine frontage, with several lots, and enough property will ba left to pay full cost three or four times over. Phona owner Main 5Sj or call 146 Second st. 30 Less Than Actual Value 315 acres right on the Willamette. between Portland and Salem. No finer farm in Oregon. See us today. The Jacobs-Stine Co. 148 Fifth Street. 10NET Rtr.ictlv ninHprn n.srlv . n.w hnn.i.' 7 larare 'rooms; East Eighth, near Burnslde; easy walk from West Side business district; $4000 cash, H cash, balance t per cent. . DEVLIN 6 FIRE6AUGH BOS-9 Swetland Bldg.. Cor. 5th and Wa8nington. $12 Per Acre A 600-aere stock farm in Linn Coun ty. It can't be beat. Enough timber on place, according to actual cruise, to pay for it. The Jacobs-Stine Co. 148 Fifth Street. ACnn 6-room modern house. on OH-UUU Willamette Heights, J1B10 cash; gas range, blinds, water heater. Martin J. Higley 132 THIRD STREET. Mortgage Loans Lowest rates and terms to suit: special rates and favorable terms on large loans on business properties. Funds Loaned for Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL, 201-20S McKay Bldg-.. Sd and Stark. Flat of 4 rooms. Nob Hill, for rent, (37. SO. Includes everything. Furniture for sale. $725. Must be seen to be ap preciated. FRANK BOLLAM, 128 Third St. Mortgage Loans Lowest rates of Interest. LOUIS SALOMON. 233 Stark street, near Second. I NEED MONEY. I own 60x100 on Washington street, and must sell at one. You ,can pur chase this from me for what Is cost two years ago. J 82, oregonlan. Abstracts Law yers Abstract and Trust Co. Sulla 8, over Portland Trust Co. Bank. M. 660. - - A 4221 OGORas FLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. A 23 Worosstsr Building. Paon. Mala 8371. FOR this montb w. will sell watch, for th. amount loaned and ons month's in terest at Unci. Myers'. 14S Id St.. near Alder. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES iron rASW ADVERTISING. Following; rates will bo riven only when advertising Is ordered to run consecutive days, uwuiy nnu duuwhj """i"" -jronlan chanre first-time rate each insertion lor ciasemea aavenisiMB w on conseutivo days. The first-time rate t is cnarjreu Ior etcn uueruus w .j 'Booms," "Booms and Board." 'House keeping- Booms," "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less. 15 cents; 16 to 0 words. 0 cents. 21 to 5 words 5 cents, etc. No aiscouni iot aaaiiionai uiwnmu. U..lmnnial a4 s" I al lV Vft Y t ataiS. AIM lime raie escn imwnin. A L AUtK ALL iri nr-tv nr ast?. iwa. QA Mnta fa IK vnrrla nr IfHMi 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half j no further discount un der one month. Above rates appiy 10 layrnismi pm advance) only. AU book entries will be chars ed In lines 14c per line for first In sertion and To per line for each consecutive Insertion. Special rates on contracts siven on application. "NEW TODAY." (ffaure measure agate). 14 cent per line, first insertion: 7 cents per line for each additional insertion. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BARGAIN Modern bungalow, nrst-class In every respect, good neighborhood, close to car and school; $2400. 300 cash will handle this. Sheppard. 63 2 Couch bldg. 'FOR SALE or rent, a 5-room cottage in North Portlend. See owner, room 607 Buchanan bldg., 286 Wash, ct. FOR SALE BeautiTuI bungalow, best part city, cheap. F. E. Bowman. 216 Cham ber of Commerce. FULL lot and house In Highland, modern, close to car. $2tKM). MARTIN J- HIGLEY. 132 Third St. 1RVINOTON Beautiful lot, surrounded by fine homes, improved, 100 feet from car line. G 87, Oregonlan. LEAVING CITY Pretty suburban borne, 130x130. 7 roome, garden," fruit, $2600. S 81. Oregonlan. FINS business corner, M block on Alberta st.; $1800, 5450 down. See McCarthy, 41 Ablngton. lOOalOO Woodstock Ridge; fine unobstructed view of city; bargain. Phone owner. Main -8001. FOR SA1.E. by owner, choice corner, 5 Ox 10O, Kast 14th and Yamhill. In full or part. Barette the Tailor. - REAL ESTATE DEALERS.. Andrews. F. V. A Co., M S540, S3 Hamilton ai Baker. Alfred A.. 215 Ablngtoa bldg. Chapln A Herlow. 83S Chamber of Commerce, Compton, J. F.. Pac A A 1348. 100 Ablagton bl Cook. B. S. A Co.. 503 Corbett bldg. Crussley Co.. 708-9 Oorbett bldg. at 785A Ooddard.' H. W.. Main and A 1743. 110 Sd st. Jennings A Co. Main 188. 206 Oregon la a. Kinney A Stampher, 681-532 Lbr. Ex. M 44 SA Lee. M E.. room 411 Corbett building. Mall A Von BorsteL 104 2d st. 882 K Bumslda. O'Donnell, J. F.. M. 4561 A A 2S81. 280 Stark Palmer, H. P.. 818 Commercial Club bldg. M Sft99. A 2653. Parrlsh. Watklns A Co., 250 Alder St. Reed, Fields A Tynan.. Beard of Trade bldg. Schalk. Geo. D., 264 Stark st. Main 892, A 802, She r key, J. p. A Co.. 122H Sixth st. Swensson, A F. A Co.. 353 Washington St. '.Che Oregon Real Estate Co 88 Third at. tuoiiaaay Aaaiuon.) Veteran Land Co.. 822 Chamber of Commsrce Waddel. W. O.. 308 Lumber Exchange -bldg. White. B. F-. 227 Washington st. FOR SALE RKAti ESTATE. HALF ACRB TRACTS. We are offering the beet thing In acT or half acre tracts in Portland; water mains laid and terms of only . $10 cash and $10 per month. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO.. 110 3d St. MODERN 6-room house with 6 good plas tered rooms, besides reception hall, ass. bath and toilet, dining-room paneled in dark finish, china closet built In, good fireplace, lot 50x100, east front, lots of fruit, cherries, apples, raspberries, good garden, good neighborhood, wide porches, front and back hall and back stairway : this Is a property well worth $2750, but will sell for $2100 If taken soon; $rin0 down. $25 per . month. See Sweet, 204 Corbett bldg. ALL FOR $1800. A good 6-room house, 2 porches, corner lot 50x100; 135 rose bushes; all kinds of ' berries, good garden, new $S50 piano, $75 sewing machine, carpets and most of household furniture go with place; only 3 blocks from good carline; $1200 cash,- bal ance like rent. - , SWEET. 204 Corbett Bldg. LOTS ON EASY TERMS. $8000 100x75 on Hawthorne ava. IrtOO 100x100 on E. 35th st.. 1OO0 5Sxl00 on E. 34th 8L 50 50x100 on' E. 31st St. S30 10x118 on E. 32d st -Sttn 40xl2 on E. 87th st , 650 4;txl00 on E. Madison. 600 tnxino on E. Madison. EAST SIDE INVESTMENT C.. 37th and Hawthorne. Tabor 114T. MILWAUKIE HEIGHTS acreage, near Ore gon City carline, cleared or not cleared, $.100 and up; adjoining land sells for dou ble the price. acres on the Willamette adjoining Mllwaukie, 300 feet bf river front. For further information see THE CROSSLEY COMPANY. INC., 709 Corbett Bldg. T 50x100, E 17th and Main sts.. street Im provements In and paid. 50x100, 20 th and E. Everett sts.. Im provements in and paid. 100x110 on Fulton carline, lays nice, street graded, cement walk, sewer; price very low for quick sale. See owner, 300 Lumber Exchange. 24 TRACTS sold. 20 more left, of choice walnut, fruit and vegetable land; SO min utes' rids on Salem Electric tine on coun ty road, county school, churches, stores and physician; $125 to $235 per acre while it lasts; -easy terms to parties who will Improve the property. Deal direct; no agenta. L 66, Oregon fan. TEUWILLIGER hon.estead on the West Side, three carlines through the prop erty, ten minutes from business center: graded streets, cement walks, fine view; lots from $400 up. Phone M 8177. A 4450. J. C. Costello, 331 Chamber of Com- $2550 7-room modern house in Sellwood ; nearly new; cement basement, walks, steps and retaining wall, street Improved and everything nrst-class; terms If desired. C. B. LUOAS. - 320 Corbett bldg. A MODERN house of 8 rooms, with lOOxlOO feet, in the most desirable part of Hol laday Addition, within easy walking dis tance; price much below actual value for quick sale. W. O. Waddel, 300 Lumber Exchange. FRACTIONAL lot on Broadway carline, west of 8th at.; rush price, $1000. walk ing distance and fine location for home; best of car service; all street Improve ments in and paid. Chapln fc Herlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES, nice level valley land, fine soil, all cleared and under cultivation, - less than one mile from station on West Side line; only $150 per acre. F. J. Catterlln Co.. room 3 Chamber of Commerce. BY OWNER, new 5-room bungalow, mod ern, near carline, beautiful shade trees and lawn. $1800; terms. This is a bargain. F. P. Shaughnessey. Archer Place, phona Tabor 644. " FLAT property, strictly modern. In finest -condition: good location, very close in, West Side; plenty of yard; pays -10 per cent; price $9000 if taken at once. Write owner. J 85. Oregonlan. . 1 ARE you looking for a tmap? Hero It la: Two houses on a -scre tract, hear the Fair ground; price $2100, terms; If this Interests you. call 607 Buchanan bldg., .286fc Wash, etreet. - - - - MODERN 5-room bungalow, desirable loca tion, cheap; small payment down. Hard ing ft Reynolds Co., 315 Chamber of Com merce. FOR SALE Two corner lots In Alberta at a sacrifice. First-class place -for a paying bakery. Apply 1057 East 26th St., N. Price $1050. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BY EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATT'T. ' D. A. TUFTS, 303 H WASHINGTON ST. HOUSES for sale in aU parts of the cUv acreage close In, and farms In Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 4466. Kinney Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. 6-ROOM modern house, lot 50x150, on .Sac ramento st., near Union ave., a fine home, $:t;ioo. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third fit. FOR SALE Comer, 100x100, with 4 cot tages, near Burnslde bridge, East Side; owner must sell; a positive snap. 8 65. Oregonian. '-" $2100 FINE 8-room house, modem, full lot. fruit, berries, etc., in Highland, on 12th st. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third St. LOT In West Piedmont, near car,-$5000, $59 down. $10 per month; lot below original cost on 48th st.. near carline, easy terms. B 88. Oregonlan. ' ' WILL take Oregon Trust and Title Guar antee accounts for full value on real es tate. J. W. Benson. Room A. Atchison bldg. a ACRE near Mt. Scott carline, - absolutely clear and level; $1100. ' 826 Lumber Ex change. VERY choice acre at erd of Maverly-Richmond line, fine view, good sell: price $1500. Call for McGrath. Main 3177..- $00 CASH, balance easy payments, fine bungalow, full lot, near " Hawthorne ave. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third St. . 7-ROOM houfe. Highland. New. modern; a big snap. $.250. John P. Sharkey Co., 122 H 6th st. Main C50. A 2537. 14-ROOM house and lot on Overton, near 19th; a 20 per cent investment. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third St. FILE listings In sight; no handling of cards; our solicitor will call: complete outfit, $6.50. Main 5634. - - - NICE modern house and quarter hlock in Highland. 1 block to carline. $4200. ... . MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. 5-ROOM house, extra large lot, close -to car, only $1200; small payment down. Call 513 Chamber of Commerce. 1RVINGTON Full lot on 13th St., near Tilla mook; price reasonable. Owner. K 00, Ore gonian. ' : HAVE you a lot In piedmont or In Alberta territory to sell cheap for spot cash? B 87. Oregonian. . .. 8-ROOM bungalow; acre of ground; all kinds of fruit. Call 531 Beck bldg. P hone Main 8304. ; IRVTNGTON house Little beauty. saU at bargain price, .near carline; terms,, Q 66, Oregonian. 4