Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 14, 1908, Page 13, Image 13

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Uoosua With Board.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 20th year;
rooms with board, use of sewlnff-room,
use of library; Women a EtchaiiK. Ad
dress Mrs. Ella Kiwllngi, Supt.. CIO
Flanders St.
BLAKELY HAUL, 800 Jefferson, large, de
lightfully coo! rooms, with first-class
board ; beautiful grounds; for location,
comfort and price, cannot be equaled In
NICELY furnfsned atry rooms with board,
home cooking, free phone and bath, walk
lug distance, reasonable. The Llndell. 2o2
THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morrison,
3 blocks west of Portland Hotel; special
Summer rates; large, airy rooms, with
good board, by week or month.
LARGB front room with board for two; resi
dence location ; walking distance, reason
able. 624 E. Morrison.
ltJS1 K'TH Large, handsome front room,
with or without board; other rooms; run
ning water.
THE MARLYN, Washir gtcn and 17th, well
furnished rooms, hot and co.d water,
home cooking, permanent or transient.
GOOD room and board for gentleman, also
table board. 574 Glisan St., cor 18th.
Madison; handsome brick. Just completed;
4-room. reception hall and bath residence
apartment, possessing every modern con
venience, including electric automatic ele
vator and telephone exchange; hardwood
floors throughout; the maximum of con
venience, elegance and equipment at ex
ceedingly reasonable terir.aj location and
surroundings unsurpassed; only two left.
THE WALDORF Fireproof apart
ments, finest building In Northwest, ele
xators. stam heat, janitor service; send
for booklet. The Waldorf, 7th ave. and
Pike st.
IONIAN COURT Elegant 8 and 4-room.
reception hall and bath residence apartments-
new. including all modern conven
iences; walking distance; terms reason
able. Apply janitor. 18th and Couch.
lumbia, furnished and unfurnished mod
ern apartments; excellent location and
moderate, rents.
nindern. steam-heated; 625 Everett, near
15th. Apply W. L. Morgan, 213 Ablngton
bldg. i
JT'LY IS Modern unfurnished 5-room apart
ment, with bath, telephone, gas and elec
tric light; West Side. AF 70. Orego
nlan. FURNISHED 4-room apartment for three or
four months; complete, modern and very
convenient. Apply to Janitor, The Shef
field, 7:h and Jefferson sts.
Fl" RNISH ED and unfurnished, modern
uteam-hented apartments, 4 and 6 rooms.
401 10th. Fiat E.
TTIB CHKTOPA, 18th and Flanders, mod
ern -4-room unfurnished apartments. Apply
to janitor.
FURNISHED and unfurnished steam-heated
apartments. 3 or 4 rooms; modern. Cottl
Drug Co., 1st and Sherman.
BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent.
12th and Columbia. "The Braintree."
& ROOMS, front and hack porch, station
ary range, modern, $12 per month, or will
furnish flat for desirable tenant, reason
able price, , new building. F. P. Shaugh
nessey. Archer Place. Phone Tabor 644.
FOR RENT Flat 444 Park st, 6 rooms and
2 rooms In attic; fireplace and furnace;
new and modern: no children; $35. Phone
Tabor 763
MODERN flats, all sizes, for rent. East and
West Sides, Portland Trust Company of
Oregon, 6. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone
Exchange 72-
FOR RENT room flat, bath and gas. 214
Hall fit., rent $17. Jennings & Co., 2o0
Oregonian bldg.
66: EVERETT Lower b-room flat, rooms
newly tinted; ront $33; no children. A
MODERN 5-room lower flat, best location,
close In. Park and Harrison sts Inquire
220 :su
$1R New corner flat, centrally located, four
rooms, bath, pas, corner Chapman and
Jf'flVrson. Inquire Wakefield, Fries.
FOR RENT New 5-room lower flat, close in:
nice location. Inquire on promises. 529
FOR RENT 3, 5, and 6-room flats, walking
distance. West Side; rent reasonable. M.
E. Lee. room 411 Corbett bldg.
MODERN 6-room flat, furnace, fireplace,
porcelain bath, set tub. veranda, shades;
reasonable. Main 21 tiO.
TWO now strictly modern 5-room flats,
ynrrt, fireplace.- furnace, gas, electricity.
2"2 lllli st.
FOR RENT 5-room. strictly modern flat, at
4:t uth st. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett
MODERN 4 and 6-room flat, reasonable,
near 23d and Washington. Call fore
noon. Pacific 1245.
F"R KENT 6-room furnished flat; rent
$.127.0. 823 Corbett tit. Apply between 11
and 4.
FLAT for rent; 6 rooms; modern improve
ments, ii'j 7th.
NEW. modern 2. 3. 4. and 5-room flats on
Williams ave, Phone E 3719.
6 AND 7-room modern flntj; heat, hot water,
Janitor service. 715 Johnson. A 1G78.
2st;t.j lttTH. 5-room modern flat, $18. W. L.
Morgan. 213 Ablngton bldg.
TWO 5-room flats, $10 pep month- 150
Page st. Phone East 0."U.
FOR RENT Furnished 3-room flat, close in.
Inquire 271 7th.
Housekeeping Rooms,
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms
on ground floor, running; water and con
xenlences. 2U 13th St.-
4'it East Morrison, cor. Sth. newly furnished
hou.skerpln(i suites, electric lights, baths,
rates reasonable.
FINELY furnished modern housekeeping
apartments. 67 N. 14th, bet. Davis and
THREE very desirable housekeeping rooms,
modern conveniom-es, gas, bath, cloeo in.
Inquire 228 Larrabee.
W A YN E WOOD 109 North ISth. newly fur
nished 2 and 3-room suites; running wa
ter; fine location.
THREE airy bay window rooms, completely
furnished; lovely yard, private residence.
42'. 3d st.
FOUR clean, light furnished housekeeping
rooms, grouna noor ; siuk. Dam, yara
M month. 692 Front.
HOUSEKEEPING or sleeping room: cool,
outside rooms; bath, gas, walking distance,
cheap. 3?2-j Hawthorne ave.
HOUSEKEEPING or sleeping rooms, very
central: new management; bath, gas; $2
up. ill w est i'arK.
THE JEFFKRSONIAN, 514 Jefferson St., 2
and 3-room suites, strictly modern bouse.
Main 5432.
TWO suites hnuyekeeptnjr rooms. 2 rooms niceiy xurnisnea, ngnts. Dams. Sll
Glifan st
BEAUTIFULLY lcrated bay-window, unfur
nished 2 -room suite in centrally -locat"d
apariraem-nouse. .sua jenrerson. cor. Oth.
THE ELMS Housekeeping rooms, com
pletely rurnisnea ana 3-room suit'
Phone, bath. h-at. 191 14th at.
FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, modern
accommodations. waiKing distance, big
ard. 313 14th. corner Clay.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping room
SS 11th st.. cor. Stark.
NICE suite of room, pood location, gas,
phone and bath, ill Everett st.
THREE light. clean front rooms, facing
veranda; modern. Mun 2160.
205 11TH ST. FurnhjVed housekeeping
looms, w 4iMiiK viinni'v.
2 PLEASANT rooms; furVtehed for house
keeping; no children. 2t2 14 th st.
TWO" furnished housekeeping rooms for
rent. iu. on can me. ;tv ntn st.
NICELY furnished housekeeping apartment.
ts rooms. au between v ana-1. 4o rayior.
NICELY furnished nousckeepifcg rooms.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms,
st., bet. Morrison a no. Alder.
3 VERY nice modern housekeeping rooms.
arst noor, taunarjr ana siuk. Osu il
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts.;
newly furnished, fully equipped fOr house
keeping, including gas ranges, with the
free use of electric lights, hot water, baths,
large reception room and laundry room;
furnished apartments from $16 ux,; also
single rooms; with similar conveniences,
92.50 per week uo. There is nothing In
comparison in the city for the money.
This place will bear Inspection. Short dis
tance from Union Depot. Take S" or
lOth-st. cars going north, get oft at Mar-'
shall St. Fhone Main 677L No dogs
THE best housekeeping rooms In the city
for the money. $10 to $25 for two rooms.
Strictly modern. The G lend or a, 19th and
Couch, cne block from Washington. Fhone
Main 0280.
ADULTS 5 nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, close in and on West Side, near
car, on Porter St.; terms reasonable; ref
erences. Phone Sell wood 1109. 564 E.
6th st.
$30 Three nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, lower flat; piano, sewing machine,
free phone, water, gas for lighting and
cooking. 424 Jefferson at. Phone Pacific
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms: gas ranges, hot wa
ter, free bath free phone, both floors;
nice suites from $12 up.
THE ONSONTA. 187 17th St., near Yamhill,
thoroughly furnished, gas range, hot and
cold water In each apartment, both tele
phones and laths free; terms reasonable;
no children.
THE OTIS Housekeeping and transient;
best rooms fop the money. 371 E. Burn
side; walking distance; gas. free phones,
bath and electric lights; well ventilated.
TWO large connecting front rooms, with
alcove, nicely furnished, new home, use
laundry and porches, very reasonable. 762
H. Salmon st.. near 23d.
TWO suites of front housekeeping rooms,
ground floor; nice yard ; all convenient ;
bath, light, laundry and phone free; coma
and see. 374 2d. Phone Main 2220.
DESIRABLE . unfurnished rooms.1 brick
building, centrally located, saving car
fare. 211 Second, corner Salmon.
$1.50 WEEK up, large clean furnished house
keeping rooms. laundry and bath, 184
Sherman at.. South Portland.
THE SANGERT Washington and Trinity,
between 19th and 20th; newly furnished
2 and 3-room housekeeping apartments;
private baths.
ROOMS for light housekeeping1; also single
rooms for young nen; modern conven
iences: central. 82 E. 10th st. Phone
East 168.
LOOK Very desirable housekeeping suites.
s.l per week; front on Washington. B04fc
HOUSE, 2 rooms, closets, gas, etc., fur
nished for housekeeping; rent reasonable.
550 5th st.
BEAUTIFULL centrally located front rooms.
large, airy, newiy papered and painted;
both pnones. 634 Morrison.
LARGE inexpensive housekeeping rooms, good
location, also sleeping rooms; free phone,
bath. Main 3S16.
3 ROOMS, partly furnished, modern, to
aauits; cnoice neignbornood, walking dis
tance. 249 Grand ave. North.
THREE or tour nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms, good location. 390H -Jefferson
st., cor. 10th.
4S7 TAYLOR, tear 14th st.. nicely furnished
two-room housekeeping suite; modern con
veniences; price reasonable.
PLEASANT furnished housekeeping rooms,
single or en suite; close walking distance;
prices reasonable. 555 Morrison.
FIVE completely furnished housekeeping
rooms ; can rent out two. 094 2d st.
Phone Main 1813.
TWO large, pleasant front rooms, newly
lurnisneu, modern, private xaraiiy; no
children. 407 Holladay ave.
NICELY furnished room with housekeeping
privileges. $1-: also parlor room, witn use
of kitchen and dining-room. C67 Everett.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, veiy cen
tral; electric lights, gas, phone and bath.
70 10th at. N.
TWO nuli-ely furnished housekeeping rooms.
Apply HI First, room 18, between Stark
and Oak.
46S TAYLOR, near 13th, 3 or 4 nicely fur
nished rooms, with sink, also 2-room suite,
central; rent reasonable.
THREE or four nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms, good location. 39o Jefferson
St., cor. 10th.
ELEGANT suite; bath, gas, electric lights,
phones, use of piano; adults. 282 Park
St., ntar Jefferson.
FRONT alcove suite, furnished for house
keeping; also single room completely fur
nished, 165 N. 10th.
WHEN YOU MOVE you always need SOME
BUY AT NO-RENT prices; the sav
ings will exceed cost of moving.
one-half: collect rent on balance.
Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone East 2029.
RENT Modern 6-room house, near East Sth
and Everett St., alt freshly cleaned and
painted; nice neighborhood; really desirable;
rent $22.50. Buchtel ft Kerns, 360 East
FOR RENT Modern 6-room cottage, close
In, Eabt Side, $20 ; also one for $16. In
quire 408 Tillamook sc.
6-ROOM house, close In ; first-class condi
tion, reasonable rent to desirable tenants-.
Smith's Rental Agency, 105 Sherlock bldg.
SPLENDID nine-room house, walking dis
tance, convenient for renting rooms. 300
Margin, cor. Halsey.
UP-TO-DATE new 6-room house, gas, elec
tricity, fine bathroom, sleeping porch. 513
East Market st.
NEW, modern house, 7 rooms, Harrison
Station. Woodstock carline. $15 month.
Phone Main 5802.
6-ROOM cottage for rent, 388 Eugene St..
3d st.
$20 Modern 7-room corner house, gas, elec
tricity, porcelain plumbing. 742 Clinton.
Phone Sellwood 807.
8-ROOM modern corner house; good condi
tion. 120 E. 15th st. Inquire 395 Taylor.
Main 0533-
MODERN house. Q rooms, furnace, fireplace,
porcelain bath, concrete basement: 'rent
$35. Inquire room 301, The Dekum bldg.
MODERN 7-room house, newly tinted through
out: fine lawn. 931 East Flanders. Phone
East 552.
6-ROOM cottage, good condition. 573 Madi
son, near Chapman, West Side. Key 253
. hapman.
NICE COTTAGE. 6 rooms and bath, gas and
lawn. Inquire 461 Montgomery, cor. lth.
HOUSE of 14 rooms. 90 N. 17th, near Wash
ington. Apply 53 N. iBth. corner Davis.
FOR RENT Two-room house, with base
ment. Phone Tabor 440.
WE rent houses and flats. Haverstlc t
Gallagher. S43i Washington st.
Furnished Houses.
FURNISHED HOUSE Furnished 4-room
bungalow and bath, 2 lots, near Mount
Scott car. inquire 1041 E. 19th St., N.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished house jf 4 rooms.
ture for sale. Will sacrifice. Box 236,
COMPLETELY furnished apartment of five
rooms; references exchanged, phone Pa
cific 400.
FOR RENT Furnished flat of 7 rooms for
about 2 or 3 montns. jau io re noon at 265
13th st.
WIDOW will rent home, furnished complete.
piano; central; adults; references. 290
Park st.
6-ROOM. well-furnished, modern flat, fire
place, gas water neater, stationary tubs,
walking distance. 2 North ltith st.
3-ROOM furnished flat, alcove, bath and gas.
Inquire 125 N. 14th.
NEW 6-room house, furnished. 772
hill. Phone B 1625. East 3128.
SIX rooms of a nicely furnished 6-room
house; $35 per month, pnone iuast zioo.
MODERN 6-room Irvington house, fur-
MODERN 6-room house, close In. Inquire
WELL furnished fiat, 6 rooms. West Side,
A .WAikinc distance. Phone- Maui 2183,
Furnished House.
MODERN 6-room house In Irvington. . to
rent for two months; reasonable. A E 82,
Oregon Ian.
7 ROOMS. East Side, walking distance. Bel
mont st., C H. Munroe. 227 Vk Wash.,
suite 66.
Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale.
FURNITURE of 11 rooms; house all fur
nished for sleeping rooms or can be made
Into suites for housekeeping; basement
kitchen; dining-room for boarders; house
full. Sell cheap on account sickness,
phones: Pacific 602, A 3099. Near 8th and
Everett sts.
14 ROOMS Elegantly furnished; swell lo
cation; part housekeeping; will clear you
)3 mommy aoove your own rooms and
rent; small payment down; very easy
terms. A 5048.
SEE me before buying a furnished flat or
roomtng-nouse; I have some bargains. E.
N. Koontx, 243 Stark st. Phone Main 197S.
A 1970.
S-ROOM flat for rent, furniture, for sale; bar-
-' " "T1
FURNITURE of 11 rooms house modern;
sell cheap; choice neighborhood; rent $40.
Phone Pacific 922.
FURNITURE of 4-room flat for sale; a bar
gain, narrison court, nat s.
Bummer Resorts.
For rent, two new, modern 6-room cot
tages: fine plumbing, electric lirhts, well
furnished, fireplaces, 3S-foot verandas, free
fuel; 2 blocks of beach. See Johnson, 204
Mohawk bldg. A 4321 Main 5607.
FOR RENT New 6-room furnished cottage
at beasiue ; a good location and a nice
place; rent reasonable for season. Fort
land Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor.
3d and Oak sts.
FOR RENT Six-room cottage on beach.
completely rurnisnea for one or two fami
lies; splendid view of ocean, $150. M. S.
Miller. 861 Rodney ave.. Portland, or
6ea View, Wash.
WANTED 6 to 7-room furnished cottage at
oeasiue, or.; give lull particulars. J. J.
Jennings, 206 Oregon iaa bldg. ' Phones
Main 188, A 2188.
SEAVIEW Remodeled 7-room house, fur
nished, fireplace, good water. Apply 813
11th. Main 1147.
FOR RENT One furnished room on the
ridge at Sea View, Wash. Phone Tabor
763. 1
FIVE-ROOM cottage at Seavlew, furnished;
an wood for season. Call William Hoil,
Washington bldg.
FOR RENT 5-room cottage, well furnished.
at ixearnart, ur. ; rent reasonable. Phone
Main 4143.
LONG BEACH. Wash., small, comfortably
furnished cottae for July. Apply 300 Jef
ferson, phone A 6345.
FOR RENT 4-room cottage at Long Beach.
item . c iuu, luiuiaueu. rogui Alain J.OI
or A 1614.
MRS. SARAH CHAMBERLAIN. private u-uu i uoiiiH , uume cooumf, lAing
Beach, Wash.
TWO completely furnished cottages. Seaside.
Phono A 3T1
FOR RENT 5-room furnished house, Cen
tervllle. Long Beach. Phone Sellwood 1121.
AT SEASIDE Small furnished cottase, $45
season. rtione is 1244.
FOR RENT Brick building;, 20x100. suit
able for bakery ana restaurant, general
merchandise, billiard hall or moving pic
tures; best location In Woodburn, Or.
Inquire 1041 E- 19th st. N., Portland.
FOR RENT New. modern S-story brick
warenouse, ouxiw, in wnoiesaie district.
Jno. P. Sharkey Co., 6th and Washington.
Telephone Main 550. A 2537.
FOR RENT Two-story brick building, 25x
mu reet, on Front St., between Yamhill
and Taylor. 183 Madison st.
430 WASHINGTON ST. Store room, 25x60;
iot zoxiuu; o rooms upstairs, ta. j. Daly.
221 Failing bldg.
FOR RENT Store-room or part thereof, 83
ibi at. w. iusn. ai xat st.
OFFICES to rent In the Worcester and
Hamilton buildings at moderate rate. Ap
ply to Robert Strong, 710 Ccrbett bldg.
ON E or two good office rooms, centrally
located, with or without some furniture.
Inquire room 125 Ablngton bldg.
COURT rooms, $12.50 up; outside rooms on
Washington or Fifth $20 ud. 315 S wet
land bldg.
FOR RENT A few offices in Couch bldg.
Apply room 808.
GROUND floor office space opp. Chamber of
Commerce. 272 Stark.
TO LET Half of office.
Club bldg.
208 Commercial
THE AUDITORIUM, 208 H 3d at., large
hall to rent for meetings, dances, etc.,
on Friday and Saturday nights.
Arnold & Co.. Main 7311, S51tfc Morrison st.
Devlin ft Flrebaugh, 508-9 Swetland bldg.
W. W WILLIAMS. 413 Marquam building.
$5uu A restaurant, centrally located, or
interest $34 H); doing fine business; must sell
on account of sickness. Call room 530
Lumber Exchange.
REAL estate business, sober, energetic part
ner wanted to show land, etc.; pay active
man $150 month; little money required
Particulars 248 Stark st.
SALOON MEN. call and look over our list;
we have paid special attention to your
wants and can please you. no matter what
you want. 627 Corbett bldg. 1
FIRST-CLASS general" store, fixtures, horse
and wagon, in live suburb of city; party
going East, must sell at once; $1200. Shep
pard, 612 Couch bldg.
We can give you a special price on anv
mining stock or bond? F. J. Catterlln ft
Co., room o. tramoer or commerce.
ROOMING-HOUSE. 12 rooms, one block
from public library; $300. 611 Swetland
RESTAURANT, fully equipped; doing a goo4
businese; centrally located; on account of
health must sell. (527 Corbett bldg.
HAIRCUTTING, 25c, shoes shined free, the
Model, the finest 12-cnair shop in the city.
. wi tun sc.
GROCERY for sale. East Side, close in
fine clean stock. Invoice $1400; low rent;
lease; goo a location, w 84, Oregonian.
PARTNER wanted, solid grocery, small
amount of money required. call 248 H
stark st.
BARBERS Half Interest ood (3) chair
shop, your price, good location. 285 Stark
R EST Al RANT for sale. 433 Wash., bet.
11th and 12th; party going Eeet; will sell
18 ROOMS on Washington St.; a neatly fur
nished place: one day's special' price on
tnus ior srou. e-r uoroett mag.
HOTEL At a bargain; 5-year lease; alwavs
full: free of debt; fine transient; all rooms
light. Fhone A 1856, room L
FOR SALE At a bargain, variety store in
best town in Southern Washington. N
to. uregonian.
WANTED Party with cash to put up an
ice plant on a oona nae proposition. Aa
dress H 82, care Oreetnian.
CONFECTIONERY Must be sold; this place
is aoing tne ouemess; id; a genuine snap.
V5U Swetland bldg.
FOR SALE at invoice, good saloon: good
business. If taken at once. Call at 80 North
2d and Everett.
FOR SALE First-class photograph studio.
fitted complete; a biff bargain. Portland
Photo Supply Co.
WANTED Partner with small capital for
motion-picture now; must travel, isewman.
CORNER grocery, goes location, fine business
good reaeoos for selling. K 80, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS little cash grocery business
for sale cheap. K. s. oregonian.
FIRST-CLAPS little cash grocery business
ior sale cheap. M ?, oregonian.
A DELICATESSEN and rrocery stock, Itt
aulre 154 Grand ave.. cor. Belmont,
144 rooms. 2S private baths, new house,
strictly modern, all In 3 and 4-room
suites, with private baths; rent $625; 3
year lease; Income $1200 per month and
better, clears above all expenses $400 per
month; this house was never on the mar
ket before; if you want an up-to-date
apartment-house now is your chance, but
you will' have to hurry for this will go
quick; It will pay 60 per cent on your
money; price $6500.
417, 41S Corbett Bldg., 5th and Morrison.
Lamont, important terminal point on
the new Spokane. Portland ft Seattle Rail
road now on the market. Best openings
In the West for all lines of business and
all the professions. Exceptional oppor
tunities for investment in lots. Roun
houses, machine shops, blacksmith shops,
section houses, freight and passenger
depots and many other Improvements to
be installed by railroad company. It will
be a big pay-roll town. In a rich agricul
tural country. A town with something to
back it up. Write for maps and litera
ture to the Fred B. Grinnell Company,
sole agents. Terminal bldg., Spokane,
INVESTMENT" of $10,000 will secure In Boise.
iaano, irom tne capitoi riotei uompany,
representing the creditors of the former
owner, five 5) years' lease on the Capitol
Hotel. Buffet, Restaurant. together with
complete outfit, furniture, fixtures and
stock, all In first-class condition; managed
at the present by private party for the
benefit of the creditors. This hotel pay
now more than expenses, and cost original
ly close to $25,000. For further Informa
tion and particulars, communicate with or
apply to Robert A. McAfee, cashier. First
National Bank. Boise. Idaho."
The best furnished, most modern 35
room house in the city; location unsur
passed: private baths, hot and cold water
t In every room; clears $70O a month over
grade proposition in every particular, and
$5000 wjll handle it.
Washington st. Room 201.,
10 rooms, nice corner dwelling. In fine
West Side location; 8 minutes walk from
this office; most modern 10-room house In
the city; rent only $50; lease If desired;
furnishings first-class; good as new, cost
ing twice as much as price asked. Is)ere
Is a snap. $050.
326 Washington st. Room 201.
LEADING photograph gallery for sale In best
xown in eastern Oregon; population iu.uuu;
only one other gallery; business will clear
$150 to $800 per month; this is the bee
photograph proposition In state and will
be sold at bargain; have other business in
terests. Address R. O. Cooper, Baker City,
Only $400 buys a 1 5-room flat, furnished
with iron beds, maple and oak furniture,
Brussels and B. B. carpets; all good as
new; new building; rent only $10. Would
.be a bargain at twice the price.
326 Washington. Room 201.
The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab
lished 1895) furnishes free Information on
opportunities in mercant lie or manufac
turing lines, city or country.
204-205 Ablngton Bldg.
" 'Rooming-house. "
80 rooms. 40 rented unfurnieheo" : pays
expenses; 40 furnished; near Washington
st. ; we are going to give this away for
$700; the first one get this. 627 Corbett
FORCED sale, must have some money
quick; 4-room new cottage, choice lot 5x
JO0. In splendid district and close to car
line; s a ri flee to $1500 to sell today; small
payment down, balance to suit you. West
ern Land Co., 248 Stark st.
ONE of the best retail cquntry stores 4n
Lane County, Or. ; doing nice business;
will sell stock and rent buildings; party
must havs at least $3000 cash. This Is a
spienaia opening. investigate. Address
Leek Box 21, Fall Creek, Or.
REAL ESTATE man wants bright man as
partner to show land, etc.; can make $150
to $2u0; no experience necessary; very little
cash required. Particulars Multnomah In
vestment & Realty Co.. 386& Washington
st., room 11.
PARTNER wanted in a well-established bi
cycle and snorting goods store in a town
of about 3500 population, 8t miles from
Seattle; must have from $3000 to $4000 to
invest; a good automobile mechanic pre
ferred. AD "5, Oregonian.
CIGAR, fruit and confectionery etand. large
ice cream parlor; living rooms, with fur
niture and yard; fine trade; rent $20. Sick
ness cauie of selling. Make me an offer.
Tel. A 2858.
REAL ESTATE broker will take a reliable
man as partner; will give and require A-l
references; we have thoroughly investigated
this and know what we are talking about.
627 Corbett bldg.
20-ROOM. well furnished. tood location.
rent $65 ; only $so0; 20-room hotel on
Washington st., a first-class place, $2,000;
60-room hotel, $4000. C. S. Arnold Co.,
351 Morrison.
626, 627. 628 Corbett Bldg.
Main 3517. ' A 2772.
Business Investments, Real Estate and
WOOD business, etc., realiable partner want
ed at once: will pay active man $150 to
'ou a momn; experience unnecessary and
little money required; secured, i-ail S4
Stark st.
BUSINESS men. Investigate this money
maker- BChooi and church supply house,
excellent business. Reason for selling,
business In California needs attention. Ad
dress box 370, Eugene, Or.
Wta pay special attention to business open
ings. Before buying, call us up and see
wnat we can oner you. jr-none Main 44SS.
KInnev & Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Ex
' change bldg.
WILL nav soot cash for a small rooming-
house, well located: 10 to 20 rooms, that
Is a bargain; give price, rent, number of
rooms and auuress; quick action. O 78,
CONFECTIONERY, fruit, soft drinks and
periodical stand and fine store at one of
the beet hummer resorts on the Coast; now
paying1 ?Uw; will be sold at a sacrifice.
627 Corbett bid.
SHOES shined free, shaving. 15 c;nts, hair-
' cutting 25 cents; neck shaved free. ' The
Model, the finest 12-chalr barber shop
in tne city.
$40O GETS half interest in small manufac
turine olant and machines made ud: in.
come $5 to $6 a day. Call 325 Lumber
COLLECTOR wanted by solid firm as part
ner, will pay you $125 monthly salary, also
ttg pronts; uttie money required. I'articu
lars 248 Stark St. '
A STOCK of ladies' cloaks, suits and mill!
nery for sale; store for rent, fixtures for
sale; best of reasons for selling. Paris
ian (Jioau &, suit nouse, Spokane, Wash
WANTED Partner in saloon business: first
class house and doing good business; good
lease and old-established place ; capital
required tuuu. i su. uregonian.
SPECIAL Cash business for sale, clearing
$250 to $3K a month, trial given if want
ed; price $3500; vou pay $12hK down and
balance irom proms, au starK sl
GET in the motion-picture theater business;
fortune made In a short time; only small
capital required ; locations granted. See
Newman 293 Burn side.
A SNAP Cash grocery, doinff strictly cash
business; cheap rent; living rooms; good
location ; sell invoice. Inquire 23d and
TWO small cash grocery stores, doing a nice
business; living room? in the rear; will
pay to Investigate these. 627 Corbett
TRANSFER business, rood location end oer-
manent trade; good Income; will sell or
trade for good Portland property; price
$JU0. call JLiUmoer jxenange.
PARTNER In real estate office; good chance
to make money : slow required, s.vj cash
rest from commissions. Call room 630 Lum
ber Exchange.
PARTNER wanted for a strictly cash busi
ness; will pay live energetic man $25 to
$35 a week; $250 required. Duties quickly
learned. tjaii Mam bu
FOR SALE Hardware store and Imple
ments; value $10,000; alao house and four
lots; good location; terms reasonaDie, Ad
dress L. Box 264. Athena, Oregon,
I HAVE a splendid: opportunity for a bright
business man to get into an a-i proposition;
medical man preferred. L 85. Oregonian.
GOOD cook wants partner to handle cash
and do buying; $300, $200 required. 272
rourth st.
Bring it In quick, and we will put It
In with some of our money and make you
26 per cent net. Do not hesitate. Act
Butterworth-Stephenson Co., Inc.
317 Ablngton Bldg. Main 8529.
EXPERIENCED man In dry goods, cloth
ing and shoes, to talte interest in depart
ment store in live country town of 5000;
good opening; about $5000 required. Ad
dress C 67. Oregonian.
Money to T-".
704 Dekum Bldg. '
HOURS 8 A, M. TO 6 P. M.
To pay any other company, furniture
house, or for any other purpose, call on
the old reliable company.
Best Terms.
We do not advertise misleading terms
or rates, but give you our charges In
plain figures.
12 Dekum Bldg.
402 Rothchild bldg., cor. 4th and Wash.
The recognized bank of the wage
earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist,
engineer or employe can obtain money of
us on his note without security.
$15 return to us $4 a Mo.
$J0 Return to us $S a Mo.
$50 Return to us $13.35 a Mo.
Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries.
Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc
Money loaned on salarv or chattel mort
gage; business confidential.
Mo. Seml-Mo. Wkly.
$75 return to us.... $20. 00 $10.00 $5.00
$50 return to u la a.i tLT
$30 return to us.... 8.00 4 00 2-00
$15 return to us.... 4.00 2.00 1.00
zuu mckay BLDG, cor. 3d and Stark sts.
MONEY advanced salaried people and others
upuii ineir own names witnout security;
cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices
In 00 principal cities; save yourself money
by getting my terms first.
TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton bldg., 106 3d.
WE pay the highest cash for Title Guar
antee ft Trust Co., Oregon Trust ft Sav
ings Bank, Merchant time certificates
German-American time certificates. We
buy and sell Home Telephone bonds
Cohn Bros.. 180 First at.
SALARY and Mortgage loans to salaried em
ployes and on Pianos, Furniture, ware
house Receipts, Hoises, Insurance Policies
and all kinds of securities.
205 Ablngton Bldg.
X BUY Oregon Trust, German-American,
i.itie Guarantee, Merchants aocounts,
phone bonds and other collateral; will also
exchange orooertv for same If etas 1 red.
Thomas McCuaker. 20a Couch bldg. Main
TO LOAN, large anfl small amounts on
West Side and cloe-in East sme reai
estate security at low rate of Interest.
Apply to C. F. Ffluger & Co.. room 14
Muikey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts.
WE will buv your telephone bonds and stock
and pay the highest cash price for Oregon
Trust, Merchants National or Title Guar
antee accounts. The E. L. Fraley Co.. 418
Chamber of commerce.
MONEY :oaned on ralaries; no other security;
my system is best for railroad men, clerks,
bookkecepers, streetcar employes and others ;
business confidential. F. A. Newton, 511
Buchanan bldg., 286 Washingn st.
WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry
at reasonable Interest for leng or short
time. A. ft M. Delovage. jewelers, 260
ashlngton st.
WE buy Oregon Trust ft Savings, Merchants
.National, iitie uuarantee a i rust ac
counts for cash; also stocks and oonos.
613 Corbett bldg.
$100,000 to loan In sums of $1000 or more
to suit, 6 to 7 per cent on improved realty.
M. G. Griffin, 261 Stark, opp. Cham, of C
MONEY to loan on real estate, anywhere
and any sum; $100 and up; oee us.
Vaughn ft Burt, 40a Corbett bldg.
LOANS on real estate, cf-attels or personal
security. W. A. Hathaway, 10 Washing
ton bldg facific 183Z
$400o Omaha and Tacoma Tl. bonds, with
50 shares stock, at 65 and 70 if taken at
once. H . Oregonian.
HAIRCUTTING, 25c. shoes shined free, the
Model, the finest 12-chair shop In the city.
01 0th st.
MONEY to loan in sums of $200 to $1000 on
city, farm or timber land. Correspondence
answered. r oa, uregonian.
MONEY to loan on improved city property;
no commission. can room 4U. washing
ton bidg.
$1000, $700 AND $1200 on real estate se
curity. Newton jucuoy. Room 715 Ore
gonian bldg.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The
Loan uo.. io uekutn niog.
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral
security. c w. faiiett; ao4 en ton bldg.
Loans on dwellings $500 to $150V 2 or S yra.
wara, attorney. AiisKy biog. uain tjo.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contracts. W. 21. Nunn, 60S Sherlock bldg.
$15,000 TO loan on Improved property; no
commission, b tvi, uregonian.
Loans Wanted.
WANTED To borrow $600 for one year on
640 acrqrs land, 7 per cent interest. L 83,
WANTED Loan of $1250 on bungalow In
Sunnyslde wortn saiuu. Jtr tw, uregonian.
WANTED To borrow $2000. improved real
estate. Farrlngton, 416 Cora. Club bldg.
$4000 ON good West Side city property; will
pay i per cent interest. L sz, uregonian
POUND Where hair mattresses are reno
vated. returned day. 228 Front.
Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair
Factory. H. Metzger.
LOST Ladv's nocketbook. Sundav even i nr.
containing reference and scenic postal
cards, in Union Depot or on streetcar; re
ward If returned to Mrs. Jones, 215 10th
LOST on Portland Heights. June 22, black
and white pointer- dog; collar, no name
has extra toe on right hind foot; liberal
reward. Phone Main 5ittT.
STRAYED from Dexter Stables during fire
Monday nieht. one white horse. Address
Townsend Creamery, phone Mam 4077.
TH0 PARTY who took white Spits puppy
Friday evening is known; return same to
3S1 East Davis and avoid trouble.
T .rST Allvor wntrh fob between Pnrhftt
bids, and 2d and Stark. Phone Main 5718
or A it 6. : rewara.
LOST Irish setter doe. red. female, near
First and Davis sts.; reward, $50, Circula
tion Dept.. uregonian.
SILVER Scotch Terrier bitch, answers to the
name of Zaza. Return 2il Couch St.; re
LOST Gentleman's gold watch fob; reward
offered. Phone Main 904.
LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorene Nerve
Tonic Tablets, zac nox. mysseus fnar-
niacy, 227 Morrison St., bet. 1st and 2d.
GERMAN. French. Spanish and other for
eign textbooks and literature a specialty,
A. vv . scnmaio to., i bu
MRS. OBROCK Masseuse, bnths, salt glow.
OO-l l ' Do 1r ' 1oin 9403 A
Mme. Courtwright. sftfin and scalp treat
ments; facial deformities corrected; plastic
surgery. 20 jnieuner Diag. M. do42. a zouv.
LADIES Whatever your ailment, call o
Dr. Ketchum, graduate; . advice free.
170 3d St. Main S770.
MOLES, wrinkles. superfluous hair re
moved. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 330 Fliedner
bidg. Pac 135.
FILES cured without operation by a well
established physician. Box SOO, city.
DRS. ATWOOD; private hospital; maternity
cases; good care; terms right. Ad. Alisky b
BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 34
East 18th. st. North. Phone B 4034.
If you have any disease that you have
recently contracted, or that has become
chronic, we will cure It. If you have
piles, constipation, rheumatism, prostatic
disease, or stricture, call on us and we
will cure you. -Don't delay.
508 Merchants Trust Bldg. Entranc 326 tt
Washington st., cor Sixth.
EVERY woman owes it to herself to look
as attractive as possible. Time. IU heaitn
and worry cause lines, wrinkles. hollow
cheeks; removed instantaneously by a
harmless and painless method. Any wo
man can be made to look 15 years
younger. This reads like magic, but it
is merely advanced science. Consultation
absolutely confidential and free. 431 Flied
ner bldg., 10th and Washington sts. Main
ana an imperfections of the scalp, nair
and face removed, bUFts developed, su
perfluous hair removed by the latest
French method; all the rage In Paris; no
electricity: faces bleached: booklet free.
acml Institute.
146 11th St.. bet. Alder and Morrison.
For manicure and massage parlor, S
elegantly furnished rooms and bath, pri
vate entrance; right down town location;
rent only $27 per month; party leaving
for the East and will sacrifice; don't fail
to see this for It's a snap; price $300.
417 and 41 Corbett Bldg.
Now Is the time to attend to your furs.
No charge for storage, when repairs amount
to $5. Goods callled for. Remodelling, re
pairing' snd re-dying eklUfully dome at
Summer prlees. Old mink blended to look
like new. Ladles call and see process. A.
Reiner, practical furrier, expert fitter. COS
Washington st. Phone A 5472.
If you wish to avoid the knife, " come
to us! We cure all female diseases:
Constipation, piles, rheumatism, neural
gia, all forms of nervous and blood dis
eases. Consultation fiee.
508 Merchants Trust Bldg. .
Entrance 326 WastingUn st., cor 6th.
in neaitn, unnappmesa and ege changed
by our wonderful process into loveliness,
health, happiness and apparent youth. In
formation personally or by letter; confiden
tial and free. The Rejuvenator Co., 301-2
Fliedner bldg., 407 Wash. st. Phone Main
SWEDISH trained nurse, Helslngfors gradu
ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles
and nervous disorders by hand rubbing,
steam sweat and tub baths; both sexes.
7 East 11th st.. one door from East An
keny car. Phones East 260. Home B 1803.
Psycho-magnetlo and suggestive thera
peutics; a full line of electrical appliances,
newest end most Improved electrical
blanket. AH diseases successfully treated.
Room 30. 350 ifc Morrison at. Main 201L
SUITS pressed while you wait, 50c. To visit
ers or Portland noteia and to puDiic at targe:
Suits pressed at 5oc at Gilbert, the tailor's.
66 6th St., next to the Oxford Hotel. Ladies'
Bklru? pressed, 50c Feathers and boas
cleaned and curled. Phone Main 4104.
YOU can't work when you don't sleep
well; Palmo Tablets make you sleep and
give you steady nerves; 60c a box, 6
boxes $2.50. All druggists, or address the
J. A. Cleroenson Druic Co., Portland.
LA DISS Ask your druerglsc tor Chlchestera
Dlamonl Brand Pills. For 25 years known
as the oest, safest. Reliable. Take no other.
Chtchesters Diamond Braad Pills are sold
by druggists everywhere.
SHOES shined free, shaving, 15 cents, hair-
cutting 25 cents; neck shaved free. The
Model, the finest 12-chalr barber shop
In the city.
DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton
Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed
periods, $2 per box or a poxes $0. J-r.
Pierce, 181 H 1st st.
PERSONS of marriageable age, either sex,
desiring acquaintance or companion, send
10c for circular. Portland ' Introducing
. Bureau, 181 1st st., cor. Yamhill.
DRESS suits for rent, all sizes: $1.60 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips sewed, prompt cans and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 3 Stark.
WANTED Middle-aged housekeeper to, go
out of city, light work, one child- Ad
dress W. c. Tumson, eaverton, ur., rt. xj.
No. 3, box 54.
HAIRCUTTING, 25c. shoes shined free, the
Model, the finest 12-chalr Bhop in the city.
vi uth st.
ANY person knowing the address of Ed M.
Durkker kindly address Box N 83, Ore
gonian. LADY'S barber shop, halrcuttlng 25c. 12
N. 4th and Hurnside sts.
HYPNOTIST. with subject, wanted to
travel, at once. K 59, Oregonian.
PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely, single
people; circular ioc. zzv isx sr.
Proposals Invited.
OFFICE Constructing Quartermaster. Fort
Mason. San Francisco, Cal.. June 10. 1908:
Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be
received here until 11 A. M. and at of
fice Constructing: Quartermaster. Honolulu,
H. T.. until 8 A. M.. July 15. 1908. and
then opened for the construction, plumbing
and electric wiring or in buildings at v ort
Shafter, H. T.. In accordance with plans
and specifications on file here and in of
fice Constructing Quartermaster, Honolulu,
H. T. For further information and nec
essary blanks apply to Constructing Quar
termaster, Honolulu. H. T., or to the
undersigned. Deposit of twenty-nve dol
lars required to insure return of plans,
etc. Envelopes containing proposals to
be indorsed "proposals tor ruDiic build
ings. Fort Shafter. H. T.," and addressed
to Constructing Quartermaster, Honolulu,
H. T.. or Major George McK. Williamson.
Quartermaster, U. S. A., Fort Mason, Cal.
Bids will be received at room 200. Ore
gonlan bldg , up to and Including, July
18. ior tne transportation and cart
age of all editions of The Oregonian and
Evening Telegram to the postoffice. ex
press omces, trains, boats, streetcars, etc..
rrom August l. io, to August l. iwjy.
For Information as to amount of work
and time required apply to the mailing
Clerk, eitner newspaper, irom z to a
o'clock any afternoon. The right to reject
any or all bids is reserved.
July 2, 1908-
NOTICE Bids for the construction of a 98-
room brick hotel and department store will
be received before end until July 15, 1906.
The owners hereby reserve tne ngnt to re
ject any and all bids. Only bids delivered
bv bidder in person win oe consiaerea
Bonded security will be required. Plans
and eoecincations win oe rurnisnea in ma-
math Falls, Klamath County, Or., where
building is to be erected during Summer
and Fall of 1908. L. Jacobs ft Co., Klamath
Falls. June 23, '08.
THE Citv of Woodburn, Marion County,
Oregon, is about to grade, till and gravel
3000 feet of street. Correspondence and
bids are solicited for the furnishing of
flrst-class gravel ior macadamizing, t. o.
b. cars, Woodburn. Oregon. Address L.
W. Duran r, Cr airman street committee,
Woodburn. or.
States for the District of Oregon In the
matter of Israel Korn, bankrupt. The un
dersigned will receive sealed bids up to
ia o clock noon oi xuesaay, juiy i.
for the stock of furniture, hardware, stoves.
etc., located at 243 Front St., Portland, Or.,
of the Inventory value of $752.72. Inven
tory la on file at the office of the under
signed and property may be Inspected on
Certified check of 10 per cent of the
amount offered must accompany each bid
and the sale is made subject to confirma
tion by tne court.
Dated Portland. Or.. July 6, 1908.
R. L SAB IN. Trustee,
7 First St.
ARCHITECTS, contractors, engineers, get
Pacific Builder ft isng:neer. bj.j tn. com.
Accordion Plaiting.
MISS O. GOULD, 335 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac
cordion and knife plaiting and pinking.
E. H. COLLIS, 24 Worcester block, publln
accountant ana estate agent. Auditing,
investigating, systematizing; permanent
keeping oi cooks ana records a specialty
Chamber of Commerce, office systematiz
ing and general accounting. Established
H. J. HEFTY, room 203 Gerllnger bldg.. 2d
ana Aiaer,
Assayers and Analysts.
svna ere-xesune .wore asv sLornson at.
Assay era mad Assttysts.
PAUL BAUMEL, assay er and analyst. Gold
dust bought. 207 Alder st.
Wells ft Proebstel. mining engineers, chem
lata and aiu&ayers. 24 Washington.
removed his law office to suite 1, The
Chambers, 250 Alder St., cor. 3d st.
Bicycle and Electrical Repairing.
SHAW ft MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en
gine and electrical repairing. 326 Stark st.
WM. DEVEST and Estelle Deveny, th
only scientific chiropodists, parlors 30$
Gerllnger blug., S. W. cor. 2d and Ader.
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs M. D. Hill,
room axu FUedner bldg. Phone Pac, lod.
Commission Merchants.
TAYLOR, YOUNG ft CO., ship brokers, com
mission mercnants. sneriock biog., rortiaao.
LESSON. 26c Open-Alr Summer Dancing
tcnooi; 'Opening today and this evening.
Prof. Wal. Willson's School. SSOi Wash
ington at., bet. West Park and 10th sts.
losr and Horse Hospital.
Dr. C. E. Brown. D. V. S. D. C. M. Dog,
uurwi nuspiui, j.tx i otn at. union l raoB t-o.
SHOES shined free, shaving, 15 cents, hair
cutting 2 cents; neck shaved free. Tha
Model, the finest 12-chair barber shop
in the city.
HAIRCUTTING, 26c shoes shined free, tha
oioqoi, cne uueai j.-cnair anop in we City.
91 0th St.
Feed b cores.
E. L. COOPEit ft CO., hay, grain, feed
union avv. b.ast ion, a xoxt.
Gasoline Engine.
Stationary, marine. electric equipments.
launches, accessories, wholesale, retail;
engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.
Harness and Saddlery.
THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale sad
dle and harness mnfre 80-86 1st. Main 224
Junk. Hides and Pelts.
L. SHANK ft CO.. purchasers of hides, pelts-
iu ihiiuw, uiu ruuoen, mauui aii(
sacks. 812 Front st.
Launches and Yachts.
FOR charter and sale marine hardware.
gasoline engines. See Heyes, 171 Madison.
Leather anr? Findings.
laDiisned ib5. Leather and findings:
Stockton sole leather acd cut stock; full
line Eastern Jumbos. 181 Front st.
CHAS. L. MASTIC ft CO.. 74 Front, lea the
oi every description, tap mirs'. findings.
ICB machines. Complete installations. Aim-
strong Machinery Co., Spokane, Wash.
EMIL THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil of
oovuiK. A i do. fine 334. rac
Osteopathic Physicians.
415-10-17 Dekum Bldg.,
Third and Washington Sts.
Phone, office. Main 340.
Residence, E. 1028.
Paints, Oils and Glass.
RASMUSSEN ft CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils,
Class, sash and doors Cor. 2d and Taylor.
F. E. Beach ft Co.. the Pioneer Paint Co.
Window glass and glazing. 135 1st. M. 1334.
Patent and Pension Attorneys.
PROTECT your ideas. Wt can patrnt it.
mouiLon Bcotey. attorneys, &U4 Colum
bia bldg., Portland. Or.
R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat
ents; infringement cases. 604 Lekum.
PATENTS, trade-marks, copyrights. A. J.
aiaiier, n iommonweaun oiag.
J. J. HIRSHHEIMER, pen:sion and patent
SttOmpV. rilllTTlu T.ahha hlr
Photo Engravers.
PERFECT printing plates. Hlcks-Chatten
.engraving lo., corner za and Aider sts.
DESIGNERS, photo engravers, Neiss ft Con-
Hubber Stamps.
ALSO trade checks and all effice poods. P.
T r no, t..i. 1 . V- , -
The largest sign-makers in the North
west. Sth and Everett sts. Phone Prlvats
Exchange 65. Home A 1155.
vis. CO 3d st. Bargains In 2d-hand safes.
THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d st Safes
at factory prices. Second-hand safes.
Showcase, Bank and Store Fixtures.
SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar
and store fixtures made to order. The
Lutke Mfg. Co.
THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co., showcases,
cabinets, store and office fixtures. 28 Couch
st. Main 2703.
Storage and Transfer.
General transferring and storage, safes
pianos and furniture moved and packed
for shipment. 209 Oak at., bet. Front and
1st. Telephone Main 547 or A 2247.
Street paving.
WARREN Construction Co., street paving,
sidewalks and crossings. 314 Lumber Ex.
Portland office, 402-3-4 Worcester block.
NEW and second-hand typewriters, all'
makes, repaired, sold and rented; also
state agents the Visible Fox. The Type,
writer Exchange, 84 3d st. Main 606.
8PECIAL prices, all makes rented, sold, re-!
paired. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407.
Veterinary Colleges.
SAN FRANCISCO Veterinary college, next
season begins Sept. 15. Dr. C. Keane, '
Pres. 1818 Market st. Catalogue free.
Wholesale Jobbers.
WADHAMS ft CO., wholesale grocers, man
ufacturers, commission merchants. 4th
and Oak.
GET your wood sawed ; Gasoline Traction
Wood Saw Co. ; prompt and reasonable.
Phone East 1525.
Cord wood bought and sold in carload lots
only. Address 402 Wells Fargo bldg.
FIRST-CLASS fir cordwood. sold in car
load lots only; O. W. P. Main 8508.
Established 1859.
Capital fully paid $1. 000,000.00
Surplus and undivided profits .. 400.000 00
W. M. LADD President
W. H. DCNCKLEY Cashier
R. . HOWARD, JR Assistant Cashier
J. W. LADD .. Assistant Cashier
WALTER M. COOK Assistant Cashier
Accounts of banks, firms, corporations and
individuals solicited. We are prepared to
furnish depositors every facility consistent
with good banking.
Portland, Oregon.
No Interest paid on accounts.
R. L DURHAM Vice-President
R. W. HOYT Cashier
GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier-
S E. CATCHING 2d Assistant Caabler
United States Depository.
Drafts and letters of credit issued, avail-'
able In alt parts of the world.
Collection a specialty.