Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 14, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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THE MOKiiliMi OKKliUMA, XDESliAI', J UXY 14:, lUo.
FINE HOME? of 16 acres, new house of
rooms, nil in cultivation, 4 acr in Eng
lish walnuts, 6 acres in Royal Anne cher
ries S years old. At a sacrifice of 93250,
ball cash.
7 acres on the Tualatin RIer, 3 mil en
to Hllisuoro, S acres in cultivation, balance
pasture and timber for cord wood ; fair
buildings, all stock and implement includ
ed. Price, 42500, easy terms.
18 acres near HiUsboro, 17 In cultivation.
1 acre timber finest of soil; would make a
beautiful home; no buildings. Price, $1800;
708-708 Corbet t bids.
We are offering the best thins; In more
r half acre tracts In Portland: water
mains laid and terms of only $14 cash
and $10 per month.
110 3d at.
NEW 6-rhom house on Oregon City carline;
2 acre, all cleared and in a high state of
cultivation; all fenced; good well of water;
price only $2800, cash, balance to suit
New 4-room house in Overlook, just com
pleted; lot 50x100 feet; 4 rooms, bath, pan
try, reception room, basement; beautiful
view; lot worth $1000; house cost $1080;
owner leaving- city; must sell this week;
will take $1500 about cash.
245 Stark st. Phone A 3600.
24 TRACTS sold. 20 more left, of choice
walnut, fruit and vegetable land; 30 min
utes' ride on Salem Electric ilne on coun
ty road, county school, churches, stores
and physician; $125 to $235 per acre while
It lasts; easy terms to parties who will
improve the property. Deal direct; no
agents. L 66, Oregon Ian.
MILWAUKIE HEIGHTS acreage, near Ore
gon City carline. cleared or not cleared,
$300 and up; adjoining land sells for dou
ble the oriee.
2 acres on the Willamette adjoining
Milwaukie, 300 feet of river front. For
further Information see
709 Corbett Bldg.
A GOOD Investment Several choice lots in
Holleday Park from $800 tip. All street
Improvements paid. Buy now and take ad
vantage of the raise soon to follow upon
completion of extensive improvements now
under way in this very desirable resident
section. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Cham
ber of Commerce.
60x100. E 17th and Main sts.. street Im
provements in and paid.
60x10. 20th and E. Everett sts.. im
provements in and paid.
lOOxl lo on Fulton carline. lays nice,
street graded, cement walk, sewer; price
very low for quick sale. See owner,
309 Lumber Exchange.
3 acres of very fine land, in cultivation:
living spring; only 15 minutes' ride from
business center, for $1800, upon easy terms;
3 lots same distance out in any other di
rection will cost you as much; here Is a
chance. Russell A Houston, 444 Sherlock
bldg., 83 3d st.
$2750 Portland Heights property; cosy little
bungalow; two level lots with fir trees;
modc-rn conveniences: large open porch;
near carline. Present owner would rent
from purchaser and deduct year's rent from
purchase price. See owner, 306 Chamber
of Commerce.
$1600 WILL enable you to call your own
a good 6 -room cottage on nice 50x100
corner lot, close in and right on the W.
R. carline; fuH concrete basement, fruit
trees. Terms if desired. Apply at C. F.
Pfluger & Co., room 14, Mulkey bldg., cor
ner 2d and Morrison sts.
BEAUTIFUL building site. 100x100. on th
southwest corner of E. 13th and Division
sts., facing Ladd's tract. Price only
$1800 for the whole quarter block: must
sell at once. C. F. Pfluger & Co., room 14
Mulkey bldg., corner 2d and Morrison
$2550 7 -room modern house in Sellwood;
nearly new; cement basement, walks, steps
and retaining wall, street improved and
everything first-class ; terms If desired.
320 Corbett bldg.
(rood 4-7room house and S lots. 50x100,
on St. John carline; must have money se
will sell for les" than actual value Instead
of putting agent's commission on actual
value. Owner, 417 Marquam bldg.
C-ROOM bungalow, new and modern, full
lot, cement basement, roses and shub
bery, near carline. In Vernon, a very
pretty home, $2400; $1000 cash, balance 3
MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third st.
Two new 5-room bungalows. $2400 and
$3000. also two 6-room houfes well locat
ed. $3' too each, and several others larger
and better. See us before buying. Van
duyn & Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce.
$4 254.8-room house, furnace, fireplace, ce
ment walks and everything modern; 20
mfnutes' walk to Chamber of Commerce, on
East Side, across Steel bridge; terms.
Whalley, 018 McKay bldg.
$3.'too 5-room modern house on Sacramento
st., near Union ave., lot 5Oxl50, nice
lawn, fruit and shrubbery; this makes a
very nice home within walking- distance.
AIARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St.
$2000 rt-room house, lot 50x100. on East
Mrulison. west of :tS;h : modern, lots of
shrubbery, only $500 down, balance same
us rent. Conkiin Bros. 302 Ho th child
FLAT property, strictly modem. In finest
condition ; good location, very close in.
West Side; plenty of yard; pays 10 per
cent: price $9000 if taken at once. Write
owner, J 85, Oregonlan.
f2l()0 K-room house, full lot, cherries, ap
ples, prunes, raspberries and currants;
gas, east frontage, fireplace, bath, etc
12th st. Highland.
MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third st.
BEAUTIFUL bungalow near Hawthorne
ave., H rooms, cement basement, furnace,
fireplace, hard-wood floors, modern plumb
Inc: onlv $4700. part cash. Conkiin Bros.,
302 Rothchild bldg.
$5000 West Side; good income-bearing- prop
erty ; 9-riKim house, at 412 10th st ; $2000
cash required, balance at ft per cent. F. A.
Jiossb.irh, owner, Spokane. Wash. 1415
FOR SALE Two corner lots in Alberta at
a sarriflc. First-class place for a paying
bakery- Apply 1057 East 26th, St.. N.
Price $1050.
BARGAIN .Modern bungalow, first-class in
every respect, good neighborhood, close to
car and school : $2400. $30O cash will
handle this. Sheppard. 612 Couch bldg.
FOR SALE, on Mt. Scott car line, new
6-room cottage, bath, toilet: $200 down,
balance easy payments. Snap. B 72,
14-ROOM house and lot on Overton, near
lith, $2700; $1500 cash, balance 6 per
cent, 2 vears.
MAKT1N J. HIGLEY, 132 Third st.
HOUSES for sale in all parts of the ottw
acreage close in, and farms in Oregon and
Washington, phone Main 44S6. Kinney A
Stampher. 5S1-32 Lumber Exchange bldg.
FOR SALE Now. strictly modem elx-room
house, corner East 10th and Schuyler; choice
location; cheap, to close out estate. Inquire
24' Front st.
BALE 2 lots, near Haw thorns ave. and
32d: two n?ar 23d and East Burnside;
cheap If sold this eek.. Owner, G 82,
STRICTLY modern 6-room house, West Side;
good location, walking distance; $4000 takes
this; some terms. 627 Corbett bldg.
$1250 4-room cottage, full lot. east face,
close In and close to car; $300 cash. Room
630 Lumber Exchange.
100 FEET square, corner Grand ave.. 6
room modern house. $4500.
MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third st.
NEW 5 -room bungalow; modem: river view,
street improvement, at Grafton's Grove, oa
Sellwood line. Owner, S54 College st.
WILL BUILD you a 4-room cottage and
f u rn 1 sh the lot for $ 1000 $ 1 00 cash,
oalance $10 a month. Arleta, Box 476.
5-ROOM bungalow, full lot. near Hawthorne
ave., $iHH cash, balance $2i per month.
MARTIN" J. HIGLEY, 132 Third St.
$240 Beautiful new home, $300; $20 monthly;
3 blocks south Hawthorne. E. 44th. Dr.
$1200 5 -room cottage, full lot, lawn and
rosoi; close In. on East Side. Main 7734 .or
room 530 Lumber Exchange.
6-room home; your own therms. Call room
o. Washington bid.
Two choice lots, 1 OOxlOO. situated 17th
st., between Tillamook" and Thompson
sts.; fine shade trees, paved streets both
sides, cement walk, parked terrace and
sewer connections.
$2700 Half Down.
And balance on easy Installments. Apply
to Dr. S. C. S locum, owner, 415 Mohawk
7-ROOM MANSION at Montavllla and 10Ox
100 lot. corner. House Is new, strictly
modern and up-to-date; fireplace. Finest
house in Montavilla. In our control only
until Saturday. Price only $3500. $1000
cash, balance long time at 6 oer cent.
C. F. Pfluger & Co., room 14, Mulkey
bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. .
I am offering for sale choice land set
to walnuts to be cared for for four years,
16 miles from Portland on electric car
line; terms to suit you; other excellent
fruit land for sale.
W. E. BURKE, 620 Chamber of Com. bldg
Better see me at once about an irri
gated farm for $2O0, $10 down and $10
per month : this Is better and cheaper
than Government land and Is going fast.
Thos. McCusker. 205 Couch bld. Main
SACRIFICE SALE, account of sickness, Sun
nyeide home suitable for large family, three
lots, flowers, fruit and shade trees, $3350;
Anabel cottage, modern, paved street,
$1850; Portland Heights, lot commanding
unexcelled view, $1150. Owner, D 71, Ore'
$3650 WILL buy a beautiful 6-room modern
house In Central Alblna; select neifshbor
hood; house is new; fixtures and shades
go with house; msut be seen to be appre
clted; terms.
820 Corbett bldg.
They help some. You get 6 per cent In
terest while you wait; you get a home with
them; they are such "a goodness."
317 Abington bldg. Main S629.
$2300 WILL buy 6-room modern house In Al
blna: lot 60x100; one block from carline;
house nearly new; price reduced from $270O;
must be sold; cash, balance long time.
320 Corbett bldg.
FRACTIONAL lot on .Broadway carline,
west of 8th st.; rush price. $1000. walk
ing distance and fine location for homei
best of car service; all street improve
ments in and paid. Chap in A, Herlow. 332
Chamber of Commerce.
WHEAT RANCH S00 acres In Gilliam
County, three miles from station, in
choice section; will sell now for $15 per
acre or will trade for Portland, Willam
ette Valley or Hood River property. S 73.
Oregon tan.
A POSITIVE snap which must be seen to
be. appreciated, for a few days only;
owner must sell. 5-room modern, nice
home In Highland, 2 blocks to carline,
only $2000.
MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third st.
TERWILLIGER homestead on the West
Side, three carlines through the prop
erty, ten minutes from business center;
graded streets, cement walks, fine view:
lots from $400 up. Phone M 3177. A
4460. J. C. Costello, 331 Chamber of Com.
I OWN five villa tracts which I will sell
on easy terms at prices way below ad
Joining property, unusually attractive in
every way. Meet me at end of Rose City
Park carline tonight between 6:30 and
6:30 o'clock. F. I. Gollehur.
A MODERN house of 8 rooms, with 100x100
feet. In the most desirable part of Hol
laday Addition, within easy walking dis
tance; price much below actual value for
quick sale. W- O. Waddel. 309 Lumber
strictly modern 6-room house, gas range
and water heater, electric and gas fix
tures, blinds, etc., complete, $4500; $1500
cash. -
MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third st.
BY OWNER, new 5-room bungalow, mod
ern, near carline, beautiful shade trees
and lawn, $TS00; terms. This Is a bargain.
F. P. Shaughnessey, Archer Place. Phone
Tabor 644.
$1850 6-room house In Woodlawn; plas
tered, tinted, vired. good plumbing, fine
basement; 50 chickens, good cow; graded
street. See S. Thornton. 134S E. 8th St.,
Very desirable, full slxe. suitable for
flat or home. Must have money, will sell
cheap. Both phones, 3126. mornings.
THREE 5-room houses, modern, either one
$100 down. $15 month. Will take Title Guar
antee A Trust accounts on first payments.
C. W. Wells, Stewart's Station, Mount
Scott line. Phone Tabor 600.
Beautiful modern home, 6 rooms, in
heart of lrvlngton, lot 50x100. beautiful
lawn, trees and flowers, owner leaving.
Call 607 Couch bldg. A 213.
FINE lot, $115 down. $10 per month: 50x100,
cement walks, curbs, water In and paid;
building restrictions; large homes around;
$050. Jas. C. Logan, room 411 Corbett
SHOES shined free, shaving, 15 cents, hair
cutting 25 cents; neck shaved free. The
Model, the finest 12-chair barber shop
In the city.
B A RGAIN $2400 ; new, up-to-date Colonial
bungalow, 5 large rooms, bath, pantry, good
basement, corner 50x100, 8 blocks from car,
near Alnsworth ave. ; terms, by owner.
Phone Woodlawn 2200.
WHO wants a dandy modern 5-room cottage
one block from car and 3 blocks from
school for $2250 on terms? H 71, Ore
gonlan. $1400 East 14th St., bath, hot and cold
water, basement, roses, shrubbery, full
lot, 5-room house, easy payments.
MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third st
$15.000 "Whole block, close in. income on
part of block, $912 year, balance good
for manufacturing or warehouse site. Ap
ply Fuhr, Osborne Hotel, East Side.
A SNAP, direct from the owner. Just for 6
days. 7 -room house, gas, bath, on Market
St., near 14th. for $2800. Apply-490 Mar
ket st.
WEST SIDE A modern 6-room house and
Uh; part terms. W. H. Ban eke, 60S
Wilson st.
HAIRCUTTING, 25c, shoes shined free, the
Model, the finest 12-chair shop in the city.
91 6th st.
CENTER of East Portland on 8th St., 5
rooms, full lot. $4500, fruit, garden and
berries and flowers.
MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third at.
10 ACRES of sightly ground, suitable for
platting, on good carline; $3600. Call
room 40 Washington bldg.
BARGAIN $2300, almost new 5-room cottage
near Williams ave.; terms. Owner. Phone
East UZsi.
EVERETT ST. Nice home. $6000; good
terms ; a rare chance. 233 Worcester
BY OWNER Modern S-room house and lu
lots, set in fruit and berries; worth $5500,
only $4000; $3000 cash. Owner, 108 2d st.
$25,000 block: snap; ,$2600 each; 16 quarter sec
tions timber. Room 8. 88 3d. Swank.
Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle.
829 Chamber of Commerce.
WE are constantly acquiring fine tracts of
timber for sale and are headquarters for
lumber enterprises of all kinds. Phone
Main 44S0. Kinney A Stampher, 531-32
Lumber Exchange bldg.
FOR SALH 6.000.000 feet good saw timber,
cedar, spruce, hemlock. 160 acres deeded
land ; good transportation facilities, near
Chinook, Wash. Address P 4, Oregonlan.
IF YOU want to locate on a fine pine tim
ber claim, address L SO, Oregonlan; you
pay for location after you see the tim
ber. TWO homestead relinquishments, one $500,
one $250; in Rogue River valley. Daniel
Law ton. Brownsboro, Or.
i, 4-MILLION yellow and sugar pine claim
In Lake County for $50 per acre. G 85,
Government locations, S27 Worcester blk.
WILL pay cash to owner for modern 6-room
house, close In, near carline. L. Richard
son,. 1113 Belmont st.
B ELLE CR EST lot wanted for cash at
original price. Geo. Veasey, Danmoore
PARTY desires good modern home, lot or
one to five acres: cash. O 77. Oregonlan.
PARTY desiring to build will pay cash tor
lot, not over $1S50. P 7S, Oregonlan.
To Investigate our "Palouse Orchards,"
Irrigated tracts In the Washtucna Valley.
We want you to put It alongside of any
of the many projects on the market and
Judge for yourself. We are satisfied that
you will decide in our favor. We have
a gravity irrigation system, abundance of
watr. perfect drainage, deep, rich soil,
and three railroad systems traversing the
valley. Our terms to settlers and im
provers are very attractive. Call or write
for full information
246 Stark St., Portland. Or.
MUST SELL. Price $8000. terms on half;
rich dark red eoil; 8 acres vineyard, fam
ily orchard, apples, plums, almonds, figs,
grape cuttings rooting, 15 acres com, 15
acres hay, second cutting now in progress,
stream running through, irrigation ditch,
all stock and farming equipment., horses,
cattle, hogs, chickens, full eet of black
smith tools, placer . mine, good head of
water; all crops go with, possession. Ad
Grants Pass. Or.
RANCH of 480 acre, with relinquishment
40-acre homestead, in Grant County, Ore
gon: 100 acres In heavy timber, 75 acres
In cultivation, and 125 acres more can be
cultivated ; 340 acres fenced. 250 acres
under ditch; good water rights and or
chard ; two dwellings, two barns, cattle
shed, corral, granary, chicken house,
woodshed, workshop ; price $ 6500, terms.
Apply to C. F. Pfluger Sc. Co.. room 14,
Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts.
$6.00 PER acre will buy a choloe tract
of unimproved land consisting of 320
acres situate on the Little Kalama River,
ten miles from Woodland In Co wilts
County. Wash., well w ate red, some level,
some rolling and some hilly, but all fine
land, suitable fcr farms or first-class
stock ranch. Railroad being surveyed
through the land; improved farms and
school near.
S. G. LANE, Woodland, Washington.
$2500 ONLY A nice 4o-acre farm in Mult
nomah County, 23 miles east of Portland;
18 acres under cultivation, good large
barn and other outbuildings; nice 2-acre
orchard, good springs, running water all
year around ; finest of soil, some good
timber; an Ideal place for the man who
knows how to appreciate a good farm.
For a short time only at that price. C.
F. Pfluger A Co.. room 14, Mulkey bldg.,
corner 2d and Morrison sts.
80 acres fine eoll, 30 acres In hay and
garden, 1 00 bearing fruit trees of good
variety, full crop, 7 head of cattle, good
team of horses, harness and wagon, 3
hogs, all household furniture, 5-room
house, good barn, chicken-house, milk
house. 3i mile from school, 1 mile to R.
R. station and hoatlandlng; price $2500,
easy terms. A. I. Long A Co., Kalama,
FARM of 120 acres, 9 mHes from Portland,
near the Oregon City carline, 70 acres
clear and under cultivation, balance nice
timber. Fair buildings. Land is nearly
all level and soil best In Oregon. No
gravel or rocks. Nice orchard. Fine for
subdividing. Only bona fide buyers need
apply. Price one-half of property adjoin
ing. Apply to C. F. Pfluger A Co., room
14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts.
80 acres choice apple land near White
Salmon, small bearing orchard, 10 acres
lashed, cheap buildings, good spring
water, some very good timber. Only $3000,
on easy terrre. Vanduyn A Walton, 515
Chamber of Commerce.
32 ACRES 25 In cultivation, good apple, wal
nut, grain, grass land, 7-room house, barn,
buildings, fruits, gardens, etc.; 32 miles S.
Portland; half mile west Oregon Electric
line; $5000 ; no agen ts. Box 15, Ro ute 1,
Woodburn, Or.
NOTICE: For fine, level lond. part cleared,
part timber, part timothy, at $10 to $30
per acre, in an enterprising country, no
irrigation needed, address C. E. Long,
Greer, Idaho.
W A NT ED Party with money to take an
acreage proposition for cutting in small
tracts; timbered, cleared and fruit; near
city. O 75. Ore eon tan.
FOR reliable Information on small acre
age, dairy or fruit land call or address
O. W. P. LAND CO.,
Immigration Bureau, 1st and Alder sts.
FOR SALE Lincoln County dairy ranches,
timber claim. C. J. Smith Realty Co.,
Waldport. Or.
FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olmsted
Land Company. Salem, Or.
FINE homestead relinquishment near
Portland; good soil. 327 Worcester bldg.
K) ACRES, 30 miles from Portland, right on
railroad; half cleared and in excellent crops;
15 acres beaverdam, good house, with at
tic, porch and basement ; fine well, creek
and orchard: $6500; will take house and lot
as part payment. 325 Lumber Exchange.
25 ACRES rich bottom land, cleared, on
good road and bordering on stream, ad
joining city of Win-lock, Wash. ; 6-room
house, bam and other buildings; fruit,
fenced, etc. ; trade for a residence. Brace,
owner, 268 Stark St., room 32.
ONE share in steamship Westerner paid last
year 14 per cent; price $1000; will trade
for vacant lot In good location and pay
difference up to $400. Call 325 Lumber
EXCHANGE New, modern 5-room cottage,
with bath, toilet, electric lights, on ML
Scott carline. What have you? B 71,
10 ACRES near Clackamas station. all
cleared end in cultivation; good house and
barn; $4500; will take house and lot as
part payment. 325 Lumber Exchange.
WILL exchange 175-acre stock ranch near
town, R. R., or Columbia, price $4250,
for rooming-house. Garland A Shelton,
191 4th st.
A $12,000 Klickitat hill fruit and farm
tract to trade toward Portland home or
business property. Fx anlc Lee. 147
Front st-
SUBURBAN home or lot on West Side, for
good team, harness and wagon.- A F 81,
640 ACRES Eastern Washington wheat land
for Western Oregon or Washington land.
AD 77. Oregonlan.
A FINE timber claim. 6,000,000, exchange
for improved farm or Portland resldenco.
827 Worcester blk.
WILL exchange 5-room cottage, fractional
corner. West Side, for lots or acreage. Q.
E. Walling, owner, 243 Stark st.
640 ACRES wheat land to exchange for' res
idence. Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg.
IF you want to buy, sell or exchange house,
lot or business, call 329 Lumber Exchange.
WILL trade for what you have, Gus Smith.
411 Buchanan bldg
FROM owner, large or small timber tracta
Murdock & Young, 407 Buchanan bldg.
TIMBER Lands wanted, C J. McCracken
304 McKay bldg.
WANTED A good 40-acre farm, suitable for
dairy, with imploments and stock, not too
far from R. R. One on Willamette or Co
lumbia rivers preferred. Price not fo ex
ceed $3O00. Send particulars to C F.
Pfluger A Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d
and Morrison sts
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
I WANT to lease a span of ponies, or one
fair sized horse and covered wagon
(camping purposes), for a month. Phone
Pacific 1410, or call 1066 Macadam.
WANTED Two delivery horses, city broke,
sound, not over 8 years old, weight 1150
lbs. Call J. A. Rum ford, 290 3d st. Main
TWO good, strong bay horses, single or
double, cheap'. 465 Gllsan st., corner 12th
FOR SALE One black horse, 4 years old.
city broke, weighing; 1200 pounds, phone
East 4S04.
A BARGAIN If taken this week, fine driv
ing horse, buggy and harness. Phone A
25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho
tel 'bus. saddles, harness, cheap to close
out. Hubert Halt 266 4th at.
ONE span light horses. 5 and 6 years old;
one sorrel driving mare, 6 years old.
Phone East 4S04.
WANTED To buy a horse for general
delivery. Call 128 1st st.
SECOND-hand rubber-tire top buggy. 303
East Morrison st.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
A 4 -SEATED trap", in No. 1 condition, for
sale. Edwards A Co.
In Portland unless you keep
yourself posted by reading the
Real Estate
Nothing changes over night so
frequently as real estate values.
If your property is not just
what you want, advertise it
for sale in The Oregonian; sell,
it and .then buy a home bet
ter suited to yourneeds, from
the list published every day.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
I HAVE Just arrived with a carload of
horses and mares weighing from 900 to
1400 oounds, all well broken every way.
Among this lot are one big pair of
matched sorrels, weighing 2SOO; one pair
of matched blacks, suitable for any pur
pose; one pair matched bays, several de
livery horses, few cheap farm mares, one
handsome pony, some nice driving horses.
Call stable, 17th and Qulmby sts., on cor
ner. Ittth-st. car to Quimby. walk half
block west. Phone Main 8383.
FOR SALE Fine horse and Studebaker
Stanhope, horse 16 hands high, chestnut
sorrel, city broke; lady can ride or drive;
lots of style; won 2d prlxe for combina
tion horses at horse show; $450 buvs both
horse and trap. Inquire 415 Mohawk bldg.
HANDSOME, stylish, sound combination
horse, coming 4; 15.3 hands, weight 1100;
lady broke ; no better or prettier in city ;
also new runabout, harness, saddle and bri
dle; outfit $300, or sell separate. Mr. Gol
den, 295 Morrison.
UPRIGHT Grand New England piano, $100,
$10 down, $7 month payments. 617 Tour
ney. Pacific 244.
1007 STODDARD-DA YTON touring car, top
and glass front: $1400.
1907 Stevens-Duryea, top; $1250.
1909 Franklin; $850.
These cars have been traded In on
Pierce and Cadillac and must be sold at
once; no reasonable offer refused.
16th and Alder. M 6470.
SECOND-HAND automobile, fine condition,
4-cylinder, carry six persons, for sala
cheap or exchange for real estate or acre
age. Hall, 268 Fourth st.
AN automobile, good for sightseeing; will
carry 10 persons; will sell or exchange for
real estate. Address E. B. Rodman. 503
Alder st.
60 H.-P., 1907 model, fine condition, com
plete in every detail ; leaving city; must
sell or exchange. Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg
AUTOMOBILE Stevens Duryea, guaranteed
to be in first-class condition, with $500
equipment, for $1400. O 74. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE 1908 roadster, good condition;
all extras. Address P. O. box 420, city.
CHEAP Automobile runabout, seats 2, can
be made to seat 4. Call 86 North 3d st.
CADILLAC runabout, $500 cash. 169 11th
st. Phone Main 1578.
adder), the $125 one for $75 cash; 6-foot
standing desk. $12; folding beds, $3 up to
$18; Davenport bed. $7.50; white maple
desk, $4.50; blrdseye maple dressing table.
$12.50; $45 quartered oak sideboard, $20;
white maple chiffonier, $0.50; dressers,
$4.75; uood iron beds, $2; black walnut
bookcase and desk, $10; iron folding bed.
$7.50; antique four-drawer chiffonier,
$3.50; cook stoves. $5 and up to $10; Jewel
gas range. $10; four-hole steel range. $15;
carpets, rugs, linoleum, matting, tents,
camp furniture; everything to furnish a
house at way-down prices. McGrath Fur
niture Company, 66 North 3d, between
Davis and Everett. Main 2087.
COAL MINE A half or quarter Interest in
a partially developed property of about
400 acres, can be had cheap If taken now;
four veins of coal from 3 to 16 feet; one
vein with 4V4 feet of good clean coal is
opened within 300 feet of rail transpor
tation; mine can be shipping coal within
60 days; a rare opportunity for a profit
able investment. See B. Fallows, Mining
Engineer, 634 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE: Two trl-color collie dogs, pup
pies 7 monthB old, sired by Westland
Duke, dam Portland Duchess, large and
healthy; both will make good show dogs;
price, $;i0 each; complete pedigree fur
nished with each puppy. For further par
ticulars address J. Murrone, 1260 MUwau
kie st.. Portland, Or.
Get our prices on the above If you want
to save from 15 to 50 per cent from the
plumbers' price. Make us show you.
IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $5000,
farties interested call Maglnnls & Son,
03-4 McKay bldg.
FOR SALE New and recond-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments: wo rent
tables, with privilege of buying; modern
bar fixtures ; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender.
49 Third st.
GASOLINE launch, 31 feet, canopy top, 15
H. P., 4-cylinder engine, brass finishings,
quarter-sawed oak decks, complete, with
boalhoue. A 42, Oregonlan.
MOTION-PICTURE machines. Alms, song
slides, etc., for rent ; also bought, sold
and exchanged; lowest rates. Newman,
203 Burnside.
HAVE your roof painted with "Elasto";
inexpensive; adds years' wear; good on
any kind of roofs. Northwest Roofing Co.,
Sll North 22d at. Phone Main, 4897.
YAMATO WOODYARD The best fir wood,
cut from big timber, for Winter supply,
$5 to $5.50. E 818. B 1867. East 6th and
KEW L. C. Smith Bros.' typewriter; latest;
cheap for cash. Phones East 531, C 1722.
Address F 57. Oregonlan.
OLD VIOLINS and stringed Instruments
bought, sold and exchanged. L. Winters,
318 Til ford bldg.. 10th ai.d-Morrison sts.
FOR SALE 350 cords of flr wood and 150 of
oak. Inquire at Johnson's Coffee House, 3
North 3d st.
ENGLISH SETTER, male. 2 years old,
good-looker and a fine worker, $60. Inquire
658 Halsey or 311 Dekum bldg.
FOR SALE: Best dry 4-ft. flr and oak wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover. 313
Water st. Phone Main 7451.
FRESH Jersey cow for sale, gives 4 gal
lons of milk per day; price reasonable.
C74 East Taylor st. Phone East 42.
FOR SALE Parti-colored pedigreed Cocker
Spaniel puppies. 651 Love joy at.
FOR SALE Young Jersey cow with heifer
calf. L. H. French. 151 4th st.
BARBER SHOP, 4 chairs, for sale. 12 N.
4th st.
supplies, slides, films for rent. 165H 4tn st.
FOR SALE New cash register; bargain.
Call afternoons at 360 Washington st.
NEARLY new Bridge Beach Superior Range.
454 East 12th. North. Phone C 1964.
NEW gat range at 91 15th st. Phone Pa
cific 2454.
PARTNER in good cash business to work
in office, $150 required. Call 275 Burnside.
WANTED Two men of ability, only hust
lers need apply. 400 Oregonlan bldg.
BARBER wanted with a few dollars. 181
Morrison st.
Wanted U you can earn a better sal
ary, if yon can command it by sheer abil
ity, If you can show us that you are
a high-grade competent man whom we
can confidently put before an employer,
who must appreciate your ability and will
buy your services so much cash for eo
much value call and we can save you
a vast amount of trouble and expense
In obtaining just the position you desire.
402, 403. 404, 405 Swetland bldg.
BOY WANTED Would you like to know
how lots of office boys, errand boys, mes
senger boys, all kinds of boys with
"steady jobs." have doubled their wagesT
Would you like to increase yours ? It's
easy enough, and without interference
with your present work, and the pay Is
good. Mr. J. C. Havelv. Jr.. 110 First St.,
near Washington, Portland.
10,000 POSITIONa
For graduates last year: men and
women to learn barber trade In eight
weeks; help to secure positions; graduates
earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert in
structor; tools free; write for catalogue.
Moler System of Colleges. 85 N. 4th St..
Portland. Or.
WANTED For U. S. Army, able-bodies, un
married men, between ages of 18 and 85,
citizens of United States, of good charac
ter and temperate habits, who can speak,
read and write English. Apply to re
cruiting officer. Alnsworth block. 3d and
Oak sts., Portland. Or.
WANTED Experienced sewing machine
salesman to take entire charge of whole
sale and retail business In city of 1O0.0O0.
salary $125 per month, no commission.
Call 10-11 today, room 627 Corbett bldg.
H. &. Smith.
WANTED 10O0 men to call at 1 0th st.
and get your shoes shined free, hair cut
ting. 25 cents: shaving, 15 cents. Neck
shaved free. The Model, the finest 12
chalr barber shop In the city.
WANTED Reliable man to sell our new
map Portland and 25 miles of Its sur
roundings, price $1. mounted on linen,
$ 1.2-5 ; wanted by every business man in
town; good commission. Call morning 709
Corbett bldg.
WANTED By one of the largest art glass
manufacturing concerns on the Coast, a
first-class representant for high-grade
lamp shades and electric fixtures, for
Portland and Oregon; give references. H
77. Oregonian. .
WANTED Reliable man for real estate of
fice ; references and some cash required ;
splendid permanent position; $28 per week,
also liberal commission. Call or adress
Pacific Business Exchange, 303 4 Washing
ton St., suite 4.
MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster
ing and bricklaying, day and night classes,
no books, free catalogue; special low
tuition; easy Installments. Coyne National
Trade School, 280-240 Eighth St.. San
WANTED A good bright young man. 21
to 30 years of age, for delivery dept. of
dept. store; must know the city; good
opening to. right party. Address, giving
references and phone, M 80. Oregonian.
Employment Office Men's Department.
26 North Second at.
Phones Main and A 152$.
Help free to employera
WANTED Experienced drivers for delivery
- wagons of a large department store; only
men who know the city thoroughly and
can Inclose A-l references need reply ;
also give phone number. M 8L, Oregonian.
RESIDENT salesman to take charge of
Oregon Sate; line paint, varnishes, ship,
brewers pitch. Asp hal turn Products Co.,
WANTED An automobile driver. Pope To
ledo. Must understand his tuslness. Ad
dress Clackamas Health Resort. Oregon
City, Or.
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
I tics; easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while learning. Watchmaking, En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle.
WANTED Steady, sober man to work In
cash business as partner; will pay active
man $25 a week ; experience not neces
sary; $250 required. Call 248 Stark st.
WANTED Man to learn mining broker
age business; good pay; no soliciting or
capital required. T. W. McGovern. 832
Market. San Francisco.
ONE real estate salesman capable selling
outside property, finest selling contract in
the city, large commission, give experlnce.
K 83, Oregonian.
REAL ESTATE man (wants hnsler for half
Interest in office; active man can make
$150 per month. Call room 31S Alisky
bldg., 3d and Morrison.
WANTED Young man at once to learn
barber trade; steady work, union shop;
terms reasonable. Call 772 Mississippi
ave., city.
IF YOU want to lease a good business, that
can be located any point not taken, and
is protected by patents, address M 83,
WANTED Man to take half interest in
paying business; small capital. W 87, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Bright young man. with $50 to
show property and make $100 monthly
See Vordorfer. 225 5th st.
FIRST-CLASS solicitor, must have had ex
perience with dye works. Reliable Dye
Works, 309 1st St.
WANTED Experienced cook of good moral
character; man preferred. AG 81, Ore
gonian. WANTED Experienced I. C. S. representa
tive before 11 A. M. H. Harris, 425
Washington st.
SALESMEN in all lines, bookkeeper and sten
ographer, city and country. P. A. & C.
Co., 323 Wash, st., rooms 39 and 41.
ALL around good cook for small country
hotel. $30, and 1 dishwasher and helper.
$20. A. Gette. Llnnton, Or.
WANTED Partner with small capital for
motion-picture show ; must travel. New
man, 293 Burnside.
"WANTED Young man to do light work
around college in exchange for tuition in
telegraphy. Oregon College, 83 5th st.
WANTED Reliable man for active interest
In real estate office; can easily make $125
per month. Room 10, 253" Washington.
WANTED A flrst-c'.ass , pantsmaker; only
first-class need apply; prices from $3.50
upward. Ponlschll & Son, Hoquiam, Wash.
For Men 250 Burnside Street.
Phone Main 5694.
WANTED A man to take a position of
trust. $150 a month; $2500 cash security.
511 Swetland bldg.
EXPERIENCED blllmg clerk wanted, one
who runs typewriter. Apply Standard; Oil
12 North 2d st. Both Phones.
WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers,
stenographers and clerical men. Commercial
Abstract Co., 407-8-9 Commercial Club bldg.
METAL-WORKER partner In established
house-work and roofing business. O 76,
POSTAL CARD salesman.
Company. 102 N. 6th st.
D. M. Averill
WANTED Man In real estate office. $25 re
quired. L 84, Oregonian.
WANTED Yard foreman. Oregon A Wash
ington Lumber Co., South Portland.
YOUNG man as shipping clerk, must be ex
perienced in stationery line. 203 Second st.
LIVE salesmen can make from $100 to $400
per month selling lots for the Span ton
Co. Every assistance given with the best
selling proposition In Portland. Only live
workers need call. The Spanton Co.. 270
Stark st.
WANTED A good strong, girl for general
housework. Inquire 745 Northrup st.
GIRL wanted. Apply I. Kaufman, 54 id st.,
near Pine.
YOUNG lady wanted at once to learn the
barber trade; good wages. 12 N. 4th st.
MIDDLE-AGED or elderly lady house
keeper on ranch. L 81, Oregonian.
A DINING-ROOM girl; steady work. Apply
at Glendora Hotel, 19th and Couch.
GIRL wanted to assist with general house
work. Apply 747 Gllsan st.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Apply 602 Hancock st.. lrvlngton.
EXPERIENCED pressers on ladles gar
ments. Vienna Dye Works, 226 3d st.
WANTED A chambermaid at 225 llth st.
WASHWOMAN wanted. 374 Grand ave.
GIRLS, 1 years aad over, to work In fae
tory. Apply at once, Ames-Harris-Nevlile
Co.. th and Davis sts.
WANT, today. 3 waitresses. $20, $25. room,
board; 7 general housework, $20, $25 and
$30. room, board; 3 2d girls, $20. $2.V
room, board: 3 A-l cooks. $40. $50 and
$60. 209 4th st. Main 3039, A 22-4.
WANTED An experienced stenographer,
billing clerk and all-around office hand.
Willamette Tent A Awning Co., Front and
843 Wash, st., cor. 7th, upstairs
Phones Main and A 22.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
Thoroughly experienced and competent,
ranted in several departments.
ers, chambermaids, waitresses, cooks, sec
ond girls and general housework. 209
4th. Main 5413.
BRIGHT, active saleswoman; must be well
acquainted in city; good proposition for
right party; no canvassing. W 75, Ore
gonian. WAITRESS wanted from about IO A. M.
to 5 P. M. ; wages $5 per week and board;
extra money on Sunday; extrsv money on
Sunday. 564 Williams ave.
WANTED A woman to help cook and wash
dishes with other lady coeks. Address
Clackamas Health Resort, Oregon City,
WANTED Office girl; must write good hand
and have references. Call between 8 and
10 A M.. 301 Til ford bldg.
Ladles' Department 2O0 Morrison st.
Phones: Main 1002; A 2004.
WANTED Reliable colored girl or woman,
with reference, for cooking and general
housework. Phone Main 6548.
WOMAN to keep house for man with child
and invalid wife. Call 289 Morrison sU
for particulars.
CHAMBERMAID in small rooming-house,
$20. room and board. Ill N. 17th; call
WANTED Girl to do housework, small
family, good wages. 310 Chamber of Com
848 Washington St., corner 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED Lady canvasser for city and
beach; good commission. Room 4
Armlnlus Hotel, 410 Morrison.
STENOGRAPHER wanted, must have ex
perience in general work. Apply 320 Cor
bett bldg.
WANTED Good, reliable girl or middle
aged woman for general housework; must
be experienced cook. Apply 194 East 12th.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wanted as house
keeper for widower and 2 sons. Inquire
in the morning. 628 Flanders st.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co, 603 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
tem, places you quickly in position. Busi
ness University, Worcester block.
ESTABLISHED house can place a woman of
tact and business ability ; no office work.
L 7ft, Oregonlan.
WANTED Reliable girl for general house
work and cooking at 810 Lovejoy st.
GIRL to assist with housework; small fam
ily; lower flat. 552 Kearney st.
WANTED Girl for general housework; good
wages; small family. 874 Savter at.
COMPETENT girl for cooking, housework.
Call after 10. 680 Hoyt st.
WANTED Experienced pantry woman. Ap
ply 148 5th st.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WANTED Position, clerk hotel or rooming-house,
day or night, middle-aged, ex
perienced, references ; quits, present posi
tion July 25. city or country. K 84, Ore
gonlan. I WISH to represent some good, reliable
wholesale house in acting as their repre
sentative in the Rogue River Valley dur
ing fruit season. R 60, Oregonlan.
EXPERT bookkeeper would keep small set
of books mornings or afternoons; moderate
charges, city references. J 84, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man wants position as bookkeeper
with responsible Arm, permanent. Address
X 80. Oregonlan. ,
STEADY, reliable young married man wants
position in wholesale house or other in
side work ; Al references. F 75, Ore
gonian. WILLING and honest Japanese boy wants
situation as cook and housework. In city
or country ; speaks good English. M 82,
Or gonlan.
GOOD Japanese boy wants situation, cooking
and housework; speak English well. E 79,
JAPANESE young boy. honest and gentle,
wants chamber work or any kind hotel
work. S 121 N. 15th.
POSITION wanted by a young man who
understands house and garden work. J
80, Oregonlan.
SITUATION wanted by Japanese gardener
having many yiars experience in city at
Nippon Florist Co., box 27 Arleta.
A JAPANESE, neat and honest, wants a
situation as house worker. Phone Main
JAPANESE, experienced cook, wants situa
tion on Summer resort on coast. Pacific
2148. 121 N. 15th st.
A RUSTLING young Englishman of good
character wants a position of any kind.
Is 69, Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants position in private
family, cook or housework. Pacific 986, A
4577- .
JAPANESE boy wants position as schoolboy,
speaks English. Mlnto, Japanese Mission,
121 N. 15th.
Japanese employment office; furnishes all
kinds of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6521.
A GOOD Japanese boy for housework. H
84, Oregonlan.
A JAPANESE boy wants position to do
housework. G 73, Oregonian.
JAPANESE Employment Co- will furnish all
kinds help. 268 Everett. Main 4659, A 4073.
JAPANESE cook wishes job in family or
hotel; $40 a month Main 8309.
GOOD Japanese cook wants situation in
hotel, restaurant or family, p. O. box 598.
PRACTICAL roof painter wishes work by
contract. Call or address 345 Couch st.
HOUSECLE ANING of any kind. Phone A
4482. Fisher.
COREAN boy. experienced ccck, wants po
sition. Phone Main 5613. Pacific 350.
YOUNG man. good habits, would like po
sition driving team. 82 Wocus.
STEAM engineer wants position in small plant
in city. W. H. Relchletn, 73 B. 6th st. N.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
STENOGRAPHER wants position; will
work for nominal salary. Phone Main 6S0O
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, shirtwaists and
Summer dresses reasonable. 427 Salmon
st. Mrs. McLeland.
GOOD dressmaking done at a reasonable
price special to working people. "Phone
Main 4394.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the
day, experienced. Phone Tabor 4S3.
LADY wants work by the day. houseclean
lng. washing; also take laundry home. 467
East Ah.
LADY housekeeper would like to get posi
tion housekeeper in hotel, city or country.
X 70. Oregonlan.
NURSEG1RL wants position to care for chil
dren evenings. Call Pacific 220. Call
Delia Stepner.
A TRAINED nurse desires a few more en
gagements, maternity preferred: terms
reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 219T.
EXPERIENCED nurse wants work by day
or week. phone Main 1528.
SITUATION war.ted as second girl by young
lady. J 83. Oregonian.
PERMANENT Christian home and salary of
$5 per month for obedient, capable little girl,
age IS. Apply by letter only. Mrs. Lola
G. Baldwin, city.
YOUNG woman, experienced all household
duties, offers her services In exchange for
room. K 85. Oregonian.
DESIRE cere of rooming-house for board for
myself and two small children; must have
work. N 82. Oregonlan. -
EXPERIENCED, accurate, clerical opera
tor desires position, best references. $8-75
week. 9 to 5. Main 6813.
WOMAN wants work by the day, washing,
ironing or housecleanlng. Phone Main
FEW day places wanted, good laundress
and cleaner, phone Pacific 1395. 8 to 9
A. M.
FIRST-class cook wants position cook, hotel
or camp, country; would like boy XX
years oia. y i. oregonian.
EXPERIENCED manicuring girl wants po
sition in barber shop. J M. Oregonlan.
ATTENTION agents, Mexican Drawn Work
Waist Patterns, latest novelty ; better
than the Pongees ever were ; unlimited
possibilities; men and women earn $10 a
day, crew managers $25; get busy before)
too late. Write today for samples n&
exclusive agency.
H. GOLDBERG A SONS. Importers,
Omaha, Nebraska.
WANTED 1000 men to call at 91 th st!
and get your shoes shined free, hair cut
ting, 25 cents; shaving, 15 cents. Neck
shaved free. The Model tha finest 12
chair barber shop in the city.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell ooda7 If
so. we need you; complete outfit free; cash
weekly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or.
WAN TE D To ren t houses, cot tagea, fiats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon, S. XL. cor Jd
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
WANTED 6 to T-rcora furnished cottage
at Seaside, Or. Give full particular a J.
J. Jennings, 206 Oregonian bldg. Phones
Main 168, A 2183.
WANTED To rent, houseboat, furnished
or unfurnished. Address C. H. Crag head,
260 E- Water st.
WANTED A 5 or 6-room flat. West Side
walking distance, modern. Phone Main
WANTED Room and board for two. perma
nent; with yard preferred. N 85, Ore
gonlan. BUSINESS girl, good references, wants room
with breakfasts In private family, vicinity
of Irving and 21st sts. Y. W. C. A.
WANTED DeBk room, state terms. M 84,
WANTED House of 14 to 20 rooms. In good
condition. West Side, phone Main 7504.
And any thing else you have to selL
Main 5655. A 412L
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
Bhoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 N. 3d st. Phone Pacific 1722.
WANTED Covered buggy, with extra long
bed, in good condition, with pole and
steel tires. Cash If price Is low. O 68.
- care Oregonlan.
WANTED Second-hand phonograph and rec
ords ; also motion picture machine. Phone
Main 8458.
6POT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
CLOTHING Phone M 1861 83 N. $d.
Highest prioe paid; prompt attention.
IF you want window screens, call C. Zlegler,
889 Michigan ave. Phone Woodlawn 2132.
WANTED A second-hanc. safe, about four
or five feet high. V 70, Oregonlan.
WANTED A little girl to board; nice home.
Main 8394.
WANTED Used cash register; will pay cash.
Phone Main 1433 or A 1433.
Furnished Rooms.
HOTEL PALMER, cor. Park and Alder, un
der new management; thoroughly reno
vated throughout; rooms ( single or en suite;
transients, $1 ; special rates by the week ;
free bath and phones. Mrs, N. A. Hills,
IF you are looking for the best rooms In
the city for the money, phone the Glen
dora for particulars; rooms $5 to $15;
strictly modern 19th and Couch, one
block from Washington. Main 6280.
HOTEL FRANKLIN cor. lath and Wash
ington sts. Newly furnished throughout;
new buildings, suites with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phone Main
7193. Long-distance phones In all rooms.
HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and 17th
first-class furnished rooms, single or en
suite; every modern convenience. $3 week
ly up; daily, 70c up; special monthly rates.
Main 5647.
SHOES shined free, shaving, 15 cents, hair
cutting 25 cents; neck shaved free. The
Model, the finest 12-chair barber shop
in the city.
THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay window
and other outside rooms; electrio lights,
baths, etc.; $2 50 week up. Transients.
269 Washington.
214 Columbia st. 1 block from Salem Electrio
depot; running water in ail rooms; free bath
and phone; 50c to $1 ay; $2.50 to $4 week.
HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; alo
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea
THE AUDITORIUM, 208 3d, newly fur
nished, elevator, baths, hot, cold water In
each room; permanent and transient.
NEATLY furnished single room in private
family for $2 per week; phone and bath.
Pac. 1437. 408 Couch st.
258 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms;
private family; new house; every con
venience ; gentlemen only ; reasonable.
NICELY furnished front room or rooms en
suite, bath, gas, phone, on carline. 680
3d st.
NICELY furnished room. 395 Washington
st. Inquire at Royal Bakery, 360 Wash
ington st.
THE WILLAMETTE, 322 Stark at., large
light rooms, well furnished, single or en
suite. 50'j to $1 day; $2.50 to $5 week.
WHY live in close rooms? We have good
outside rooms; electric lights and bath,
phone; $6 per month up. 2u.
181 FIRST ST., cor. Yamhill, nicely fur
nished rooms, reasonable; both phones, bath;
permanent or transient.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia; modern
rooms, bath, 5oc to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk.
HOTEL ROYAL. 108 4th; nice rooms,
$1.50 to $5 week. 50 cents, $1 night.
TWO cool, cozy furnished rooms in private
house. 547 Yamhill st.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to
$5 wk; also transient rooms. 343 MorrL
THE DORMER. 283 13th. beautiful rooms,
modern, every convenience; $2.50 and up.
MAXWELL HALL, 0f 14th, clean, light
rooms, hot water every room; reasonable.
NICELY furnished rooms, also housekeeping
rooms. 208 6th sU
FURNISHED room, conveniences. $1 per
week. 566 Johnson.
263 12TH Nice room for housekeeping suite
Rooms With Boar
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozark.
225 llth sr.