Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 13, 1908, Page 10, Image 10

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We are offering the best thin to ten
r half acre tracts In Portland; water
mains laid and terms of only Sift cub
and tlO per month.
U0 2d St.
CHOICE lot In Holladay, John Irving and
Irvington addition cheap, soon be all
sold ; number very select homes, 6 and
T rooms, also a mansion or two; very rea
sonable; few bungalows at cost. Now is
the time to secure a home in the most
fashionable part of Portland. For fur
ther particulars call at office, corner
15th and Halsey st. Broadway, Irvington
cars. Phones: Office, C 1903; East 896.
Residence. C 1508; C 1271.
One of 5 rooms, new and modern, pan
eled walls. Dutch kitchen, built-in side
board, double floored and boarded; 47th
and East Harrls.-n. Price $2600. $500
cash, balance $20 per month.
One of 6 rooms and bath, modern In
every respect, Jusi finished; block from
carline. Price $2500. $200, balance $20
per month.
J NO. P. SHAP.KEY CO.. 122 6th St.
16 ACRES of the finest kind of garden land;
adjoins city limits; half mile from carline
or R . R . station ; so Id very reasonable If
taken at once.
508 Welle-Fargo bldg.
H. R. Butler Mgr. Hood River branch
office. Hood River Hotel.
24 TRACTS sold. 20 more left, of choice
walnut, fruit and vegetable land; 30 min
utes' ride on Salem Electric line on coun-
- ty road, county school, churches, stores
and physician; $125 to $235 per acre while
It lasts; easy terms to parties who will
improve the property. Deal direct; no
agen ts. L 66. Oregonian.
The swellest 5-room bungalow in Hol
laday Addition; built for a home; beauti
ful finish; every modern convenience; cora-
Slete in every detail; full corner lot; only
- blocks from Broadway car; price $5700.
F. J. Catterlin & Co.. Room 3 Chamber
of Commerce.
3 acres of very fine land, in cultivation;
living spring; only 15 minutes' ride from
business center, for $1800, upon easy terms;
8 lots same distance out in any other di
rection will coat you as much; here is a
chance. Russell & Houston, 444 Sherlock
bklg., $ZM 3d St.
1450 Choice lot on Willamette Heights;
grand view, facing the harbor and
mountains; Raleigh st.. just west of
29th St.; all improvements In; a big
202 McKay Bldg.. Third and Stark.
$2750 Portland Height property; cozy little
bungalow; two level lots with fir trees;
modern conveniences ; large open porch ;
near carline. Present owner would rent
from purchaser and deduct year's rent from
purchape price. See owner, 306 Chamber
of Commerce.
I OWN sevaral cnoice lots near the corner
of Killingsworth and Patton ave., that I
will sell to parties who desire to build,
on easy terms, and at low figures. Send
name and addrcea and terma wanted to C
77, Oregonian.
$4250 8-room house, furnace, fireplace, ce
ment walks and everything modern; 20
minutes' walk to Chamber of Commerce, on
East Side, across Steel bridge; terms.
Whalley, 613 McKay bldg.
Nice lots, 50xlO0x close to carline; cement
walks city water; not far out; terms.
Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny.
$3750 Best buy on Portland Heights today;
6-roonA bungalow, space for 3 nice rooj-js
In attic; modern improvements, lot 50x100.
See Henry C. Prudhomme, 306 Chamber of
$5000 West Side : good income-bearing prop
erty; 9-room house, at 412 10th at; $2000
cash required, balance at 6 per cent. F. A.
Rossbach. owner, Spokane, Wash. 1415
$1S50 6-room house in Wood lawn; plas
tered, tinted, wired, gcod plumbing, fine
basement; 50 ohickens, good ct-w; graded
street. See S. Thornton. 1348 E. Sth St.,
. Woodlawn.
$$00 FOR a lot one block of Hawthorne
ave.: terms. $50 cash. $15 per month.
Purse, S23 Chamber of Commerce. Main
FOR SALE, on Mt. Scott car line, new
5-room cottage, bath, toilet: $200 down,
balance easy payments. Snap- B 72,
A RARE BARGAIN $1100. 3 lots, south
east corner Willamette Boulevard. Mc
Keuna avenue. J. C. Werschkul, 615 E.
$15.000 Whole block, close in, income on
part of block $012 year, balance good
for manufacturing or warehouse site. Ap
ply Fuhr, Osborne Hotel, East Side.
FOR SALE New. strictly modern six-room
house, corner East 10th and Schuyler; choice
location; cheap, to close out estate. Inquire
240 Front st.
EQUITY of $' for $400. in new 7 -room mod
ern hou?e; terms on balance of $2200; on
Mt. Scott carline. A 5062; parties leaving
FOR SALE House and 3 lots; high state of
cultivation ; near Laurel wood Station; a
bargain for cash. 621 Corbett bldg. Main
WHO wants a dandy modern 5-room. cottage
one block from car and 3 blocks from
school for $2250 on torms? H 71, Ore
gonian. 5 ROOMS and reception hall, modern im
provements; shrubbery, fruit trees, cheap
on account of leaving city. Call 432 Pres-
COtt St.
ACRE near Myrtle Park station on Mt. Scott
line, absolutely clear and level, only $1100;
building all around It. 325 Lumber Ex
change. BALE 2 lots, near Hawthorne ave. and
32d ; two near 23d and East Burnslde;
cheap if sold this v eek. Owner, G 82,
S-ROOM modern house, near Union ave;
$20 cash, bat. $25 month; $2500. State
Land Co.. 133 i First at.. Room 1.
$1200 Fine building lot 100x100. corner 16th
and Wygant sts., one block Alberta car.
Phone East 636$.
NEW 5-room bungalow; modern; river view.
(reet improvements, at Gratton's Grove, oa
Set I wood line. Owner. 354 College et.
WILL BUILD you a 4-room cottage and
furnish the lot for $1000 $100 cash,
balance $10 a month. Art eta. Box 476.
$2400 Beautiful new home, $300.; $20 monthly;
8 blocks south Hawthorne, E. 44th. Dr.
THREE lots with river view, $225 each.
Purse, 823 Chamber of Commerce. Main
7-ROOM house at Mt. Tabor, good location,
near carline, $:;O0V. 216 Chamber of Com
merce. Main 12SKI.
8-room home; your own terms. Call room
40. Washington bldg.
WEST SIDE A modern 6-room house and
lot ; part terms. W. H. Bancke, 6S8
Wilson st.
5 ROOMS, large lot. 4 blocks to car; only
$1200; small each payment, 'balance month
ly. Ca 1 1 513 Chamber Commerce.
LK AVI NG CITY Pretty suburban home,
120x130. 7 rooms, garden, fruit, $2600. W
73. Oregonian.
10 ACRES of sightly ground, suitable for
platting, on good carline; $3600. Call
room 40 Washington bldg.
$3500 7-room house with large grounds, fine
garden; block from car. 416 Chamber Com
merce. BARGAIN $2300, almost new 5-room cottage
near Williams ave.; terms. Owner. Phone
Hast 1623.
BY OWNER Modern 8-room house and 10
lots, set in fruit and berries; worth $."500,
only $4000; $3000 cash. Owner, 16S 2d st.
WILL sell my equity In one or two lots on
St. carline, near car barns. W. O.
B.. 314 Abington bldg.
FOR SALE 8-room houw. East Side. 15 min
utes from 3d and Morrison. $1700 cash,
balance 3 years. B 79, Oregonian.
MODERN new 5-rooxn bungalow, nice loca
tion. Montavilla; $2000; terma Owner.
Phone Tabor 311-
$050 New house, ctrner lot. on E- 38th,
near Hawthorn Owrer, 161 Morrison at.
IRVINGTON Owner will sell his handsome
new home of 8 big rooms and plenty of
closets; improved street, corner quarter
block and surrounded by nice homes, nice
lawn and a roomy side and front porch;
also upstairs sleeping porch; everything
modern and nothing lacking to make the
house comfortable; two big fireplace, fine
Interior finish; $11,600. including carpets,
linoleums, oilcloths, shades and fixture;
$4000 cash, balance suitable terms. AD 84,
HOMESEBKERS and others, attention. A.
L. Murphy, secretary of the Mlddleton,
Idaho, Commercial Club, will be at the
Hotel Portland. Portland, Or., from July
13 to 18 Inclusive, and will be pleased to
meet any one interested in learning about
opportunities ooffered in the agricultural
and horticultural lines in Idaho. Watch for
him at Washington points later.
A teautiful home of 8 rooms and re
ception hall, billiard room, fireplace, fur
nace, gas and electric light, on full block,
with fine trees and shrubbery of ail
kinda Two blocks from carline. Price
JNO. P. SHARKEY CO., 1224 th at.
I am offering for sale choice land set
to walnuts to bo cared for for four years,
16 miles from Portland on electric car
line; terms to suit you; other excellent
fruit land for sale.
W. E. BURKE, 620 Chamber of Com. bldg
Better see me at once about an Irri
gated farm for $200, $10 down and $10
per month; this is better and cheaper
than Government land and Is going fast.
Thos. McCusker. 205 Couch bld. Main
SACRIFICE SALE, aocount of sickness, Sun
nyeide home suitable for large family, three
lot?, flowers, fruit and shade trees, $3350;
Anabel cottage, modern, paved street.
$1860; Portland Heights, lot commanding
unexcelled view, $1150. Owner, D Tl, Ore
They help some. You get 6 per cent In
terest while you wait; you get a home with
them; they are such "a goodness."
317 Abington bldg. Main 8529.
WHEAT RANCH 800 acres In Gilliam
County, three miles from station, in
choice section: will sell now for $15 per
acre or will trade for Portland. Willam
ette Valley or Hood River property. S 73.
Two lota, 40x120. with alleys; small new
house; lota all planted to garden; 8 min
utes' walk from end of W.-W. carline;
price $650; easy terms. Owner, J 73, Ore
gonian. TERWILLIGER homestead on the West
Side, three carlines through the prop
erty, ten minutes from business center;
graded streets, cement walks, fine view;
lots from $400 up. Phone M 8177. A
4450. J. C. Costello, 331 Chamber of Com.
$3:0, 80x100, S. W. corner Water and
$7000, 80x200, adjoining on the west.
Terms. Phone owner. East 1507.
1HREE 5-room houses, modern, either one
$100 down. $15 month. Will take Title Guar
antee & Trust accounts on first payments.
C. W. Wells. Stewart's Station, Mount
Scott line. Phone Tabor 660-
OWNER offers new, modern 6-room house
for sale; full basement, fireplace, cement
walks, east front, nice lawn and garden;
price $4300. terms. 1137 Williams ave.
Take the U. car to Walnut Park.
Beautiful modern home, 8- rooms, in
heart of Irvington, lot 50x100, beautiful
lawn, trees and flowers, owner leaving.
Call 607 Couch bldg. A o213.
BARGAIN $2400; new, up-to-date Colonial
bungalow, 5 large rooms, bath, pantry, good
basement, corner 50x100, 3 blocks from car,
near Atnsworth ave. ; terma, by owner.
Phone Woodlawn 2200.
FLAT property, strictly modern, in finest
condition ; good location, very close in.
West Side ; plenty of yard ; pays 10 per
cent; price, $9000 If taken at once. Write
owner, R 77. Oregonian.
HOUSES for sale in all parts of the citv
acreage close in, and farms In Oregon and
Washington. Phone Main 44S6. Kinney &
Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg.
27x73 Union ave., near Tillamook; suit
able location for a building with store
below and rooms above; $1150. Culver,
623 Chamber of Commerce.
60 ACRES, near Portland, right on railroad,
about half cleared and in splendid crops,
15 acres beaverdam land with fine ash
wood, good houBe with basement, porch
and attic ; fine well, orchard and creek ;
price $0500, half cash, would also take
good Portland property. Call 325 Lumber
EXCHANGE New, modern 5-room cottage,
with bath, toilet, electrio lights, on Mt.
Scott carline. What have you? B 71,
A $12,000 Klickitat hilt fruit and farm
tract to trade toward Portland home or
business property. Fi ank Lee. 147 H
Front st-
10 ACRES, all clear and In cultivation, close
to Clackamas btation, good house and
barn. $4500; part cash or trade for good
Portland property. 325 Lumber Exchange.
FOR SALE or exchange, good business for
$1000; investigate it; it will pay you. A
76, Oregonian.
IF YOU want to buy. sell or exchange
house, lot, farm or business, call 325 Lum
ber Exchange.
640 ACRES Eastern Washington wheat land
for Western Oregon or Washington land.
AD 77, Oregonian.
SUBURBAN home or lot on West Side, for
good team, harness and wagon. A F 81,
IF you are interested in selling, buying or
exchanging property or business, call 513
Chamber Commerce.
100-ACRB farm in Willamette Valley to trade
for city property. Ralph Ackley, 603 Cor
bett bldg.
A FIN E timber claim, 6.000.000, exchange
for improved farm or Portland residence.
327 Worcester blk.
640 ACRES wheat land to exchange for res
idence. Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg.
WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith,
411 Buchanan bldg
As you wish, fir or pine, any sized tract
from single claim to large tract. I can
give you timber for Immediate operation
or a tract to hold as an Investment. See
me before buying. C. J. McCraken, 304
McKay bldg.
Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle.
620 Chamber of Commerce,
IF YOU are In the market for large or small
timber tracts, it will pay you to see me.
I have the choicest of buys, from 60 cents
up. Thos. P. Thornton, 319 Chamber of
Commerce bids.
WE are constantly acquiring fine tracts of
timber for sale and are headquarters for
lumber enterprises of all kinda Phone
Main 44 SB. Kinney & Stampher, 531-32
Lumber Exchange bldg.
FOR SA-LB 5.O00.0OO feet good saw timber,
cedar, spruce, hemlock, 160 acres deeded
land; good transportation facilities, near
Chinook, Wash. Address P 4, Oregonian.
TWO homestead relinquishments, one $500,
one $200; in Rogue River valley. Daniel
Lawton, Brownsboro, Or.
A 4-MILLlON yellow and sugar pine claim
in Lake County for $50 per. acre. G 85.
Government locations. 327 Worcester blk.
under the general price in its neighbor
hood, mail plat of tract, with lot or lots,
or land marked on same, or description
and location, with lowest cash price, to
V 67, Oregonian. Nothing too small,
nothing too big. to be considered, only it
must be a CASH RAISING proposition as
to value. All details strictly confidential
if so desired.
WANTED West Side property, close In,
something producing small Income now. for
building on later; will pay around $20 000'
replies confidential. F 76, Oregonian.
WANTED Small acreage convenient to car;
state price, terms, agent or owner. V 81,
PARTY desires good modern home, lot or
one to five acres; cash. O 77, Oregonian.
PARTY desiring to build will pay cash for
lot, no over $1350. P 78. Oregonian.
To investigate our "Palouse Orchards,"
Irrigated tracts In tb-e Washtucna Valley.
We want you to put it alongside of any
of the many projects on the market and
judge for yourself. We are satisfied that
you will decide in our favor. We have
a gravity irrigation system, abundance of
water, perfect drainage, deep, rich soil,
and three railroad systems traversing the
valley. Our terms to settlers and im
provers are very attractive. Call or write
for full information
246 Stark St., Portland, Or.
FINE dairy farm of 50 acres, 1 mile to
railroad ; choice, level bottom land, all
tiled and In cultivation; fine lO-room
plastered house, 2 good barns, good c r
chard. 10 acres hossitrelllsed and wired,
2 hop-houses, windmill, mjawer, rake,
cultivator rake, hop spreader, baler and
water tank; price $7750 This Is a bar
gain, but must be sold to settle estate.
Choice 38-acre fruit farm. 16 acres In
prunes, grapes, pears, cherries, strawber
ries ; fine new 8-room house, new barn,
springs water; $5000. will take a Portland
residence In part payment. T. H. Little
hales, Forest Grove.
Orchard1 land in small tracts In the
famous Klickitat Hills, on the Installment
Also some very fine bargains in small
improved places with bearing orchards,
from $35 an acre up. Call and get full
60S Welle-Fargo bldg.
Branch office Hood River Hotel, Hood
River. H. R, Butler, Mgr.
MUST SELL Price $8000, terms on half;
rich dark red soil; 8 acres vineyard, fam
ily orchard, apples, plums, almonds, figs,
grape cuttings rooting, 15 acres corn, 15
acres hay, second cutting now in progress,
stream running through. Irrigation ditch,
all 'stock and farming equipment, horses,
cattle, hogs, chickens, full set of black
smith tools, placer mine, good head of
water; all crops go with possession. Ad
' Grants Pass, Or.
$6.00 PER acre will buy a choice tract
of unimproved land consisting of 320
acres situate on the Little Kalama River,
ten miles from Woodland in Cowlite
County, Wash., well watered, some level,
some rolling and some hilly, but all fine
land, suitable fcr farms or first-class
stock; ranch. Railroad being surveyed
through the hind; Improved farms and
school near.
S. G. LANE, Woodland, Washington.
80 acres choice apple land near White
Salmon, small bearing orchard, 10 acres
slashed, cheap buildings, good spring
water, some very good timber. Only $3000.
on easy terms. Vanduyn & Walton, 515
Chamber of Commerce.
32 ACRES 25 In cultivation, good apple, wal
nut, grain, grass land, 7-room house, barn,
buildings, fruits, gardens, etc.; 32 miles S.
Portland; half mile west Oregon Electric
line; $5000; no agents. Box 15, Route 1,
Wood bum. Or.
NOTICE For fine, level lend, part cleared,
part Umber, part timothy, at $10 to $30
per acre, in an enterprising country, no
irrigation needed, add re as C. E. Long,
Greer. Idaho.
LINCOLN CO. orchard and dairy lands,
near deep sea harbor and railroad; mild
climate, pure water; improved and un
improved; $7 to $40 per acre. . O. G.
Da aba. Elk City, Oregon.
WANTED Party with money to take an
acreage proposition for cutting In small
tracts; timbered, cleared and fruit; near
city. O 76, Oregonian.
FOR reliable information on small 'acre
age, dairy or fruit land call or address
6. W. P. LAND CO.,
Immigration Bureau. 1st and Alder sts.
38 ACRES, two miles from Eugene. All
under cultivation ; 2000 fruit trees ; good
buildings. For full particulars see Henry
C. Prudhomme, 306 Chamber of Commerce.
80 ACRES good fruit land, beautiful loca
tion for Summer resort. Price $3000. In
quire 909 East Glisan.
FOR SALE Lincoln, County dairy ranches,
timber claims. C J. Smith Realty Co.,
Waldport. Or.
FOR Willamette Valley lands
Land Company. Salem. Or.
FINE homestead relinquishment near
Portland; good soil. 327 Worcester bldg.
WILL buy tract of timber' up to 1,000,000
000 feet or more at 40c thousand guaran
teed, and put up deposit against expenses.
Thomas P. Thornton, 319 Chamber of Com
merce. FROM owner, large or small timber tracts.
Murdock ft Young, 407 Buchanan bldg.
TIMBER Lands wanted. C J. McCracken
304 McKay bldg.
FOR LEASE Lot 50x100, North Portland,
close in. G 76, Oregonian.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
HANDSOME, stylish, sound combination
horse, coming 4; 15.3 hande, weight 1100;
lady broke; no better or prettier in city ;
also new runabout, harness, saddle and bri
dle; outfit $300. or sell separate. Mr. Gol
den, 285 Morrison.
FOR SALE 1 black mare and buggy, fam
ily broke, between 1100 and 1200. or will
sell separate. Tomlinson ft Cassidy. 211
Washington st.
WANTED Two delivery horses, city broke,
sound, not over 8 years old, weight 1150
lbs. Call J. A. Rumford. 290 3d st. Main
A BARGAIN If taken this week, fine driv
ing horse, buggy and harness. Phone A
26 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho
tel ' bus. saddles, harness, cheap to close
out. Hubert & Halt 266 4th St.
FOR SALE Two nice drivers, broke bdth
single and double and under the saddle.
Phone East 1522.
WANTED To buy a horse for general
delivery. Call 128 1st st.
SECOND-hand rubber-tire top buggy. 303
East Morrison st.
CAMP WAGON Good up-to-date camp wagon,
cheap. Call 488 East 18th st.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 284 Montgomery.
A 4-SEATED trap!. In No. 1 condition, for
sale. Edwards ft Co.
1907 STODDARD-DAYTON touring car, top
and glass front; $1400.
1907 Stevens-Duryea, top; $1250.
1906 Franklin; $850.
These cars have been traded In on
Pierce and Cadillac and must be sold at
once; no reasonable offer refused.
16th and Alder. M 6470.
SECOND-HAND automobile, fine condition.
4-cylinder, carry six persons, for sale
cheap or exchange for real estate or acre
age. Hall. 266 Fourth st.
AN automobile, good for sightseeing; will
carry 10 persons; will sell or exchange for
real estate. Address E. B. Rodman, 503
Alder st.
POPE TOLEDO 35 H. P.; most all wearing
parts new ; nice top. glass front, lots of
extras; a decided snap at $1350. B. W.
Padhsy. 206 V- 1st.
60 H.-P., 1907 model, fine cendition, com
plete in every detail; leaving city; must
eell or exchange. Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg
AUTOMOBILE Stevens Duryea, guaranteed
to be in first-class condition, with $500
equipment, for $1400. O 74. Oregonian,
CADILLAC runabout, $500 cash. 169 11th
st. Phone Main 1578.
KRANICH & BACH parlor grand piano, near
ly new. for sale $500; original cost $1000.
Phone Main 6962.
UPRIGHT piano, like new. $125, $10 down,
$6 month; might rent. 617 Tourny. Pacific
FOR SALE Complete set of butcher's fix
tures, cheap. 319 Williams ave., corner
FOR SALE Parti-colored pedigreed Cocker
Spaniel puppies. 651 Lovejoy st-
supplies, slides, films for rent. 1664 4th st.
BARBER SHOP, 4 chairs, for, sale. 12 N.
4th st.
NEARLY new Bridge Beach Superior Range.
464 East 12th, North. Phone C 1964.
600 TONS practically new steel I beams,
sizes from 4-In to 30-ln.; -all 1-ngtha.
54 Iron tanks, from 10 to S000 gallons
10O tons angle, flat, bar and rod iron.
In all lengths.
100 tons flat sheet iron for roofing,
siding, etc., all sizes and In perfect con
dition. 100 tons black and galvanised corru
gated roofing iron, all brand-new. which
we are selling far below the wholesale
50 tons practically new galvanized
smooth wire, continuous length.
25 tons chicken wire netting, all sixes.
100 tons grate - bars, all kinds and
100 tons steel shafting, all sizes.
Large quantity of second-hand gas fix
tures, at one-fourth regular price.
Pipe In all sizes and kinds, -lnch up,
galvanized or black, new or second-hand.
We also carry in stock pipe fittings of all
kinds. Including valves, cocks, etc. All
our pipe is guaranted to" have perfect
threads and couplings.
200 tons steel cable, sizes from H-lnch
up to IH-inch. Will cut In lengths to
we carry in stock both new and second-hand
steel rails of all kinds, size
tfrom 8 lbs. to 90 lbs.; fishplates and
spikes. Also, about 200 tons of con
tractors' rails, all sizes and" lengths.
OF CHICAGO of second-hand pulleys,
gears, sheaves, shaft -boxes, all kinds,
and belting In sizes from 1-inch to 36
inch, both in leather and rubber and in
new and second-hand.
347-353 Glisan street. corner Eighth,
Northeast corner Fourth and Glisan sts.
adder), the $125 one for $75 cash; 6-foot
standing desk. $12; folding beds. $5 up to
$18: Davenport bed, $7.50; white maple
desk, $4.50; birdaeye maple dressing table.
$12.50; $45 Quartered oak sideboard, $20;
white maple chiffonier, $6.50; dressers,
$4.75; good iron beds, $2; black walnut
bookcase and desk, $10; iron folding bed,
$7.50; antique four-drawer chiffonier,
$3.50; cook stoves. $5 and up to $10; Jewel
gas range. $10; four-hole steel range. $15;
carpets, rugs, linoleum, matting, tents,
camp furniture; everything to furnish a
hoase at way-down prices. McGrath Fur
niture company, 66 North 3d, between
Davis and Everett. Main 2057-
COAL MINE A half or quarter interest In
a partially developed property of about
400 acres, can be had cheap if taken now;
four veins of coal from 3 to 16 feet; one
vein with 4 feet of good clean coal ia
opened within 300 feet of rail transpor
tation; mine can be shipping coal within
60 days: a rare opportunity for a profit
able investment. See B. Fallows. Mining
Engineer, 534 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE Two trl-color collie dogs, pup
pfes 7 months old. sired by Westland
Duke, dam Portland Duchess, large and
healthy; both will make good show dogs;
price, $30 each; complete pedigree fur
nished with each puppy. For further par
ticulars address J. Murrone, 1260 Milwau
kle St.. Portland, Or.
2000 CORDS of good fir wood, standing. 3
miles from R, R. station, downhill pull;
very cheap If cut this Summer.
508 Welle-Fargo bldg.
IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $5000,
parties interested call Maglnnis & Son,
4U3-4 McKay bldg.
FOR SALE New and r-econd-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments: w rent
tables, with privilege of buying; modern
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender.
49 Third st.
GASOLINE launch, 31 feet, canopy top, 15
H. P., 4-cylinder engine, brass finishings,
quarter-sawed oak decks, complete, with
boat ho use. A 42, Oregonian.
MOTION-PICTURE machines, films, song
slides, etc., for rent; also bought, sold
and exchanged; lowest rates. Newman,
203 Burnside.
HAVE your roof painted with "Elasto" ;
Inexpensive; adds years' wear; good on
any kind of roofs. Northwest Roofing Co.,
Gil North 22d st. Phone Main 4897.
YAMATO WOODY ARD The best fir wood,
cut from big timber, for Winter supply.
$5 to $5.50. E 818, B 1867. East 6th and
NEW L. C. Smith Bros. typewriter; latest;
cheap for cash. Phones East 531. C 1722.
Address F 57, Oregonian.
CHEAP Two No. 1 young cows, also new
bath cabinet. 1383 E. Irving at., Monta
villa car. Windmill Station.
OLD VIOLINS and stringed instruments
bought, sold and exchanged. L. Winters.
313 Tllford bldg.. 10th and Morrison ata
FOR SALE 350 cords of fir wood and 150 of
oak. Inquire at Johnson's Coffee House, 3
North 3d st.
ENGLISH SETTER, male, 2 years old,
good-looker and a fine worker, $60. Inquire
658 Halsey or 311 Dekum bldg.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover, 313
Water st. Phone Main 7461.
FRESH Jersey cow for sale, gives 4 gal
lons of milk per day; price reasonable.
674 Eaet Taylor st. Phone East 42.
WANTED A man to go over this entire
city to buy and collect roses for us; pre
fer one acquainted with the growing of
roses and flowers, but any good hustler
will do. Write giving full details about
yourself and salary desired to start. Give
telephone number. Address box 50. Ore
gonian. WANTED Local salesman, every .town
Oregon and Washington; big commission.
Address 209 Commonwealth bldg., Port
land. RESIDENT salesman to take charge of
Oregon Sate ; line paint, varnishes, ship,
brewers' pitch. Asphaltum Products Co.,
REAL ESTATE man wants hustler for half
interest in office; active man can make
$150 per month. Call room 318 Alisky
bldg.. 3d and Morrison.
WANTED Reliable man for active interest
in real estate office; can easily make $125
per month. Room 10, 253H Washington.
WANTED Butcher, country shop. $60;
carpenter. $3.50, city. Pioneer Employ
ment Co., 16 North 2d st.
WANTED Man to take half interest in
paying business; small capital. W 87, Ore
gonian. WANTED Bright young man. with $50. to
show property and make $100 monthly.
See Vordorfer, 225 5th st.
VIM, vigor and virility restored for $1. Ad
drees with age, single or married, Portland
P. O. box 346.
WANTED Experienced cook of good moral
character; man preferred. AE 81, Ore
gonian. DRUMMER with traps, wanted on Satur
day evening. Prof Wal Willson'a Dancing
School, 386 4 Washington st.
SALESMEN In all lines, bookkeeper and sten
ographer, city ana country. t. A. & C.
Co., 323H Wash. St., rooms 39 and 41.
WANTED High-class man shirt polisher
. and finisher. Salary $20. American
Laundry Co.. Boise. Idaho.
W A NT E D -Partner with smal 1 cap! tal for
motion-picture enow; roust travel. New
man, 293 Burnside.
WANTED Salesman for article used In
every house; big commission. Call 209
Commonwealth bldg.
WANTED A first-cass -pantsmaker; only
first-class need apply; prices from $3.50
upward. Ponischll & Son, Hoqulam, Wash.
For Men 250 Burnside Street.
Phone Main 5694.
12 North 2d st. Both Phones
f , ,
WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers,
stenographers and clerical men. Commercial
Abstract Co., 407-8-8 Commercial Club bldg.
SOLICITORS wanted to take orders for job
printing, good pay, steady work. The
Acorn Press. Monmouth, Or.
METAL-WORKER partner in established
house-work and roofing business. - O 76,
WANTED Experienced groceryman.
ply L, Mayer & Co., 148 3d at.
WANT a live salesman, for city work. Call
at 184 Morrison st.
NEAT, quick dishwasher wanted. Stein's
restaurant. 266 - Stark; no Sunday work.
POSTAL CARD salesman. D. M. Averlll
Company, 102 N. 6th St.
WANTED Yard foreman. Oregon ft Wash
ington Lumber Co., South Portland.
Wanted If you can earn a better sal
ary, if you can command it by sheer abil
ity, if you can show us that you are
a high-grade competent man whom we
can confidently put before in employer,
who must appreciate your ability and will
buy your services eo much cash for eo
much value call and we can save you
a vast amount of trouble and expense
In obtaining Just the position you desire.
402, 403, 404, 406 Swetland bldg.
10,000 . POSITIONS.
For graduates last year; men and
women to learn barber trade In eight
weeks: help to secure positions; graduates
earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert In
structor; tools free; write for catalogue.
Moler System ot Colleges. 86 N. 4th st.,
Portland. Or.
BOY WANTED A good opening; for an en
ergetic boy under 14. Chance to learn
business methods. Short hours and good
pay. Need not interfere with other duties.
Work in spare moments all Summer. Mr.
J. C. Havely, Jr., 110 First st-, near Wash
ington. Portland.
WANTED First-class all-around candy
maker. Don't apply unless you can give
first-class references as to character and
ability. State age. married or single.
Will pay good wages to steady man that
knows his business (country). B 66,
WANTED By one of the largest art glass
manufacturing concerns on the Coast, a
first-class representant for high-grade
lamp shades and electric fixtures. for
Portland and Oregon; give references. H
77. Oregonian.
WANTED Reliable man for real estate of
fice; references and some cash required;
splendid permanent position; $25 per week,
also J iberal commission. Call or adresa
Pacific Business Exchange, 303 Washing
ton St.. suite 4.
MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster
ing and bricklaying, day and night classes,
V no books, free catalogue ; special low
tuition; easy Installments. Coyne National
Trade School, 239-240 Eighth St., San
200 ACRES of land to clear; will let as one
contract or will let several small contracts
to responsible parties.
608 Wells-Fargo bldg.
c. n. Hansen, jr.
Employment Office Men's Department.
2$ North Second St.
Phones Main and A 1526.
Help free to employers.
MAN with references to aollclt and collect;
experienced man to go with you and teach
you the business; opportunity for promotion
to salary position soon. 409 Macleay bldg.,
286 Washington.
WANTED An automobile driver, Pope To
ledo. Must understand his tuslness. Ad
dress Clackamas Health Resort, Oregon
City, Or.
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tics; easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while learning. Watchmaking, En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle.
WANTED Man to learn mining broker
age business; good pay; no soliciting or
capital required. T. W. McOovern, 832
Market, San Francisco.
WANTED Young man at ence to learn
barber trade ; steady work, union shop ;
, terms reasonable. Call 772 Mississippi
ave., city.
MEN wanted. Apply 7 o'clock this morn
ing. McMahon Bros'., brick yard, 42d
and Division sts.
LIVE salesmen -can make from $100 to $400
per month selling lots for the Spanton
Co. Every assistance given with the best
selling proposition in Portland. Only live
workers need call. The Spanton Co., 270
Stark st.
GIRLS, 1C years and over, to work In fae
. tory. Aply at once. Ames-Harris-NevlUs
Co., Oth and Davis its.
10 waitresses, $8 to $10 week; 4 chamber
maids, $20 to $30; camp cooks, $30 to $40;
5 boarding-house cooks. $30 to $45; cooks
for private families. $25 to $35: 15 first
and second house ginis, $20 to $30; clerks
for country stores, $15 to $25; waitress
for camp, $30; factory girls, others.
Large list of new positions dallv.
Ladies' Department, 205 Morrison.
Phones Main 1062, A 2064.
ers, chambermaids, waitresses, cooks, sec
ond girls and general housework. 209
4th. Main 6413.
343 H Wash. St., cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phones Main and A 2692.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
Thoroughly experienced and competent,
wanted In several departments.
BRIGHT, active saleswoman; must be well
acquainted in city; good proposition for
righ t party ; no canvassing. W 75, Ore
gonian. WANTED- A woman to help cook and wash
dishes with other lady cooks. Address
Clackamas Health Resort, Oregon City,
A middle-aged lady, who can give
good references. Apply to Superintendent,
Olds. Wortman & King.
Ladles' Department 205 Morrison St.
Phones: Main 1062: A 2064.
WANTED Reliable colored girl or woman,
with reference, for cooking and general
housework. Phone Main 6548.
GOOD, plain cook at Children's Home. Call
forenoons between 10 and 12. 887 Corbett
843 H Washington at., corner 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2602.
WANTED Good, reliable girl or middle
aged woman for general housework; must
be experienced cook. Apply 194 East 12th.
WANTED Refined, capable womnn for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co. 609 Roth
chlid bldg.. 4th and Washington.
tem, places you quickly' In position. Busi
ness University, Worcester block.
HOUSEKEEPER for two young men, single
couple or woman, in exchange for board
and lodging. Phone Woodlawn 2294.
A-l CHAMBERMAID. $25. room, board ;
A-l 15-year-old girl to tend to baby, $15,
room, board. 209 4th st. Main 2039.
W1ANTED Girl to do cooking in family of
three; references required. Apply at 689
Flanders st.
WANTED Young lady housekeeper for a ho
tel; must be first-class, 183 Holladay ave.
Call after 10 A. M.
WANTED Immediately, woman cook, pri
vate boarding-house. 181 11th st. Phones
A 3580, Main 5330.
ESTABLISHED house can place a woman of
tact and business ability; no office work.
L 75, Oregonian.
WANTED Reliable girl for general house
work and cooking at 816 Lovejoy st.
WANTED Girl for housework; email family;
good wages; evenings free. 578 MadLson.
WANTED Girl for general housework; good
wages; small family. 874 Savler st.
GIRL to assist with housework; small family;
lower flat. 652 Kearney et.
WANTED An experienced chambermaid at
The Nortonia Hotel.
COMPETENT second girl who Is good wait
ress. 387 12th st.
A DINING-ROOM srlrl; steady work. Apply
at Glendora Hotel, 19th and Couch.
YOUNG lady wanted at once to learn the
Ka phar tuH - arnnH uia van 1 "VT . . t
YOUNG lady wanted at once to learn the
barber trade; good wages. 12 N. 4th sL
WANTED 'Experienced pantry woman. An
ply 148 5th st.
GIRL wanted to assist with general house
work. Apply 747 Glisan st.
WANTED Girl for housework; good wages
small family. 570 East Madison.
WANTED A good body-Ironer.
Laundry Co.. 231 Arthur st.
WANTED A girl for general housework
Apply 682 Hancock at Irvington.
W AN TED Girl for general housework 1 n
family of two; must be good cook, quick
and neat; good wages to competent person.
Call at 705 Chamber of Commerce bldg.,
between 3 and 5 P. M. Monday.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
HIGHLY educated. thoroughly reliable
younit man, speaking and writing English,
German and French, wants position of
some kind, has experience m real estate
business, clerking, handling men; best ref
erences. AC. 76, Oregonian.
Z WISH to represent some good, reliable
wholesale house in acting as their repre
sentative in the Rogue River Valley dur
ing fruit season. R 60, Oregonian,
POSITION wanted by experienced coach
man, strictly reliable and can furnish
first-class references. AF 75. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants position as bookkeeper
with responsible firm, permanent. Address
X SO. Oregonian.
STRICTLY first-class master mechanic,
charge of large manufacturing plant or
steamboat company or timber mill and
logging machinery or position requiring
m ec-h anical abd lit y ; references. D 63,
HOTEL manager with wife, wants position
in first-class hotel, city or country; knows
aeiaiis or Dusiness; can get results; ref
erences. J 72. Oregonian.
STEADY, reliable young married man wants
position in wholesale house or other In
side work ; Al references. F 76, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED Janitor and watchman, re
liable and responsible, wants any kind
employment ; unaerstanas poultry. F 77,
GOOD Japanese boy wants situation, cooking
and housework; speak English well. Et 79,
JAPANESE couple wants position as cook
and general housework. AD SO, care Ore
gonian. GOOD experienced hard ware. Implement,
plumber and tinner wishes position.
city or country, h bo, oregonian.
CHINESE First-class cook, wants position,
restaurant, hotel, boarding-house or fam
ily. Home phone A 3856.
PHOTOGRAPHER who can retouch desires
to work in photographic studio, any city,
Japanese. Kuwahara, 148 N. 14th st., city.
JAPANESE youne boy. honest and gentle,
wants chamber work or any kind hotel
work, s 121 N. 15th.
JAPANESE, experienced cook, wants situa
tion on Summer resort on coast. Pacific
A RUSTLING youn Englishman of good
Li 69, Oregonian.
NICE Japanese boy wants situation for any
kind ox housecieaning worn, ad 76, ore
gonian. YOUNG German carpenter, 8 years' exper
ience, wishes position as neiper. t 94,
Japanese employment office; furnishes all
kinds of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6521
A GOOD Japanese boy for heuaework, H
84. Oregonian.
A YOUNG Japanese boy wants any kind of
work, a S3, uregonian.
YOUNO Japanese boy wants situation at any
kind of worn. AaoresB u z, uregonian.
A JAPANESE boy wants position to do
JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish all
kinds help. 268 Everett. Main 4659. A 4073.
STEAM engineer wants position in small plant
in city. W. H. Relchleln, 73 E. 6th st. N.
YOUNG Japanese wants a position as house-
ooy; speaKs ingiisn. aaj an, uregonian.
COREAN boy, experienced cook. In family
or notei. Fnone juain obis,' jacinc ato.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
FOR a good stenographer, substitute or per
manent work, phone Business University,
Main 4504. Good workers
STENOGRAPHER desires position; willing
to start wiin small saiaxy. 7 1, ure
DRESSMAKER, first-class fitter, excellent
designer on fancy gowns, wishes engage'
ments. Phone Pacific 186. 86 12th st.
X" ixva J. -vunoo ui coaiuaniiiB. dim . aiaia auu
Summer dresses reasonable. 427 Salmon
SEAMSTRESS would like sewing by day.
Phone Pacinc mo..
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the
day, experienced, pnone i aoor 483.
SEWING wanted by the day; elderly worn
an, experienced. N 79, Oregonian.
LADY housekeeDer wmild like to get nosl
tlon housekeeper In hotel, city or country.
X 70. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED nurse wants work by
or week. Phone Main 1528.
PERMANENT Christian home and salary of
25 per month for obedient, capable little girl,
age 13. Apply by letter only. Mrs. Lola
G. Baldwin, city.
FIRST-class cook wants position cook, hotel
or camp, country ; would like ooy 11
years old. g iz, uregonian.
ATTENTION agents, Mexican Drawn Work
Waist Patterns, latest novelty; better
than the Pongees ever were; unlimited
possibilities; men and women earn $10 a
day, crew managers $25; get busy before
too late. Write today for samples and
exclusive agency.
H- GOLDBERG & SONS. Importera,
Omaha. Nebraska.
AGENTS WANTED Can you aell goods? Il
so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash
weekly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
or 10 rooms In good residence district for one
year or more, from August 1, by responsi
ble family of three adults. Address, giving
location and brief description. V 41, Ore
gonian. WANTED Lease on building for manufac
turing and wholesale purposes, with 15,000
square feet floor space. Including base
ment ; must be within Glisan, Johnson,
Tenth and Fifteenth sts. AC 77, Orego
nian. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
WANTED By August 1. 4 to 6-room cot
tage, close in on West Side; must be
thoroughly modern, large rooms, good
sized and cultivated lawn. R 73, Orego
nian. WANTED 5 to 7-rcom furnished cottage
at Seaside. Or. Give full particulars. J.
J. Jennings, 206 Oregonian bldg. Phones
Main 1SS, A 2183.
WANTED TO RENT Small house., or two
or three rooms on Portland Heights for one
year. State terms and location. T 81, Ore
gonian. DESK ROOM wanted by reliable Insurance
man; references. State terms and loca
tion. T 82, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent, houseboat.- furnished
or unfurnished. Address C. II. Craghead,
260 E. Water st.
WANTED A 5 or 6-room flat. West Side,
walking distance, modern. Phone Main
NICE modern bungalow. five or more
rooms, in good locality ; must have nice
yard and lawn. A 67. Oregonian.
BUSINESS girl, good references, wants room
with breakfasts In private family, vicinity
of Irving and 21st sta. Y. W. C. A.
WANTED Small, well-furnished house,
nicely located, short time. Address Mrs.
Bolton. "The King." 309 Jefferson.
MODERN house six or seven rooms; reason
able refit. X 74, Oregonian.
. 1
WANTED House of 14 to 20 rooms. In pood
condition. West Side. Phone Main 7504.
WANTED House of 14 to 20 rooms, fn good
condition, West Side. Phone Main 7604r
And any thing else you have to sen.
Main 5655. A 4131.
WANTED Men'a cast-off cloth Ins; and
shoes; we also buy nousenoia xurnismngs,
highest pries paid. Call at the "Fall
Deal." 62 N. 8d st. Phone Pacific 1722.
WANTED Core red buggy, with extra long
bed. In good condition, witn pole and
ateel tires. Cash it price is low. O 68,
care Oregonian.
WANTED Second-hand phonograph and rec
ords; also motion picture mac nine, t none
Main 6458.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
a. nen uon always given, rnone juast j.Jti,
CLOTHING Phone M 1851 83 N. 8d,
a oigneai pnoe paia; prompt attention.
WANTED A second-hand safe, about fouf
ornve reet ntgn. v 7, oregonian.
WANTED A little girl to board; nice home.
Valti S)(U
WANTED Used cash register; will pay cash.
Furnished Rooms.
HOTEL PALMER, oor. Park and Aider, uni
der new management ; thoroughly resio
vated throughout; rooms single or en suite!
transients, 1 ; special rates by the week!
free bath emd phones, Mrs. N A Hillsi
IF you are looking for the beat rooms 14
the city for the money, phone the Glen
dora for particulars; rooms $5 to (15i
atrictly modern. 19th and Courh, 004
block from Washington. Main 6JH0.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 18th and Wash'
lug ton sts. Newly furnished throughout)
new buildings, suites with baths, hot ana
cold water In every room. Phone Maid
7195. Long-distance phones In all room
HOTEL BUSH MARK. Washington and 17th
first-class furnished rooms, single or en
suite; every modern convenience. $3 week
ly up; dally, 7&c up; special monthly rate
Main 6647.
THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay wlndo
and other outside rooms; electrio lights,
baths, etc.; $2 50 week up. Transients
269 Washington.
LARGE front room, nicely furnished, wiUi
closet, phone and bath ; everything nic4
and clean; Ideal location; rent verx res
sonable. 327 West Park, near Clay.
214 Columbia st. 1 block from Salem HLeotrlti
depot; running water In all rooms; free batt)
and phone; 60c to $1 day; $2.60 to $4 week
HOTEL KENTON. 18th and Washington-
Modern rooms, single and en suite; als4
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 494
NEAT and nicely furnished room, with extra
large closet, with private family, closet
suitable for two gentlemen; very reasonable
304 12th st. Main 3353.
Sunny outside rooms; steam heat, hoi
and cold water ; most reasonable rates
466 Alder. t
HOTEL ST. REGIS 6TU 6th St., best furl
wished rooms in oity. $2.60 to $6 per waeki
60c to $1 per night. Transient tr&dj
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and hatha free. 327 4
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea,
NICELY furnished outside rooms, $1.50 to
$2.60 per week; phone and bath free. Si
N. 14th. Phone Main 6963.
THE AUDITORIUM. 208 3d. newly fun
nlshed. elevator, baths, hot, cold water 11
each room; permanent and transient.
258 H 13TH ST. Nicely furnished roomsl
private family; new house; every con
venience ; gentlemen only; reasonable.
HOTEL OXFORD, corner 6th and Oak; ein!
gle or en suite ; modern conveniences)
rates very reasonable. Main 88.
NICELY furnished front room, with larg
alcove, suitable for two persons. East AU
der st., near 20th. Phone B 1621.
NICELY furnished front room or rooms en
suite, bath, gas, phone, on carline. 6S
3d st.
THE WILLAMETTE, 322 Stark st., larg
light rooms, well furnished, single or eo
suite, 50c to $1 day; $2.60 to $5 week.
WHY live In close rooms? We have good
outside rooms; electric lights and bath,
phone; $6 per month up. 31 2d.
CLEAN, Newly furnished rooms at reason
able prices ; all modern convenleacea. 30$
10th st.
$8 AND UP, clean, comfortable furnished
rooms; phone, bath. ' 415 Taylor, cor, lltb
NICELY furnished front room suitable fol
one or two gentlemen ; all modern con
venlences. Call at 666 Hoyt.
181 FIRST ST., cor. Yamhill, nicely fur
nished rooms, reasonable; both phones, bath;
permanent or transient.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d 'and Columbia; mod era
rooxnB, bath, 60c to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk,
HOTEL ROYAL. 108 4th; nice rooms,
$1.50 to $5 week, 50 cents, $1 night.
TWO ccol, cozy furnished rooms In privatf
house. 647 Yamhill st.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 t
$6 wk; also transient rooms. 343 hi MorrL
THE DORMER. 283 13th, beautiful rooms,
modern, every convenience; $2.50 and up.
MAXWELL HALL. 207 14th. clean, light
rooms, hot water every room; reasonable.
1 '
NICELY furnished rooms, also housekeeping
rooms. 208 oth st.
NEWLY furnished rooms, with gas and bath.
451 E. Yamhill, cor. 8th.
$14 Large, light, airy room, all modern con
veniences, 141 13th, cor. Alder.
LARGE front room, ground floor, newly fur
nished, $2.60. 395 3d st.
FURNISHED room, conveniences, $1 per
week. 566 Johnson.
Booms With Board
BLAKELY HALL, 300 Jefferson, large, de-J
lightfully cool rooms. with first-class1
board; beautiful grourds; for location,
comfort and price, cannot be equaled la
PORTLAND WomenJs Union. 20th year;
rooms with board, use of sewing-room
use of library ; Women' s Exchange. Ad
dress Mrs. Ella Raw lings, Supt., 61ft
Flanders at.
THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morrlaon,
3 blocks west of Portland Hotel ; special
Summer rates; large, airy rooms, with
good board, by week or month.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room, hot
and cold water, with board, strictly first
class; beautiful lawn. 181 11th., cor. Yam
hill. Main 5330, A 3680.
A WIDOW owning her home has 2 pleasant
rooms to rent, with good home board, all
home comforts; references. Call 690 East
Burnside st.
LARGE front room with board for two; resi
dence location: walking distance, reason
able. 624 E. Morrison.
MARRIED couple would like board and
room In private "home; must be modern
AF 78, Oregonian.
THE MARLYN. Washington and 17th. well
furnished rooms, hot and co.d water,
home -cooking, permanent or transient.
GOOD room and board for gentleman, also
table board. 574 Glisan st., cor 18th.
FOR RENT Room and board, 810 Marguerite
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozark
225 11th st.
IONIAN COURT Elegant 3 and 4-room,
reception hall and bath residence apartments-
new. including all modern conven
iences; walking distance terms reason
able. Apply janitor, ISth and Couch.
lumbia, furnished and unfurnished mod
ern apartments; excellent location and
moderate rents.
WELLINGTON FLATS $37.50 6 - room
modern, steam-heated : 625 Everett, near
15th. Apply W. L. Morgan, 213 Abington
JULY 15 Modern unfurnished 5-room apart
ment, with bath, telephone, gas and elec
tric light ; West Side. AF 76. Orego
nian. THE IRVING. 21st and Irving; 4-room mod
ern apartment, good janitor service, rea
sonable rent. Apply janitor.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished 4-room apart
ment. The Irving, cor. 21st and Irving;
see Janitor.
THE CHETOPA. ISth and Flanders, mod
ern 4-room unfurnished apartments. Apply
to Janitor.