Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 11, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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We are offering liie bMt thing In acre
mr hall acre tracts In Portland; water
mains laid and term of only XIO cuh
Ad $10 pr month.
110 2d ML.
CHOICE lot Jn Holladay, John Irving and
Irvlngton addition cheap, soon be all
sold; number very -select homes, 6 and.
7 rooms, also a mansion or two; very rea
sonable; lew bungalows at cost. Now Is
the time to secure a home ia the moat
fashionable part of Portland. For fur
ther particulars call at office, corner
loth and Halsey st. Broadway, Irvlngton
cars. Phones: Offloe, C 19U3; East 896.
Residence. C loOS; C 1271.
ONE BLOCK, near Rock Island Club;
beautiful river view and mountain scenery.
Mu3t &ell at once.
1 acres on Oregon City line, very
highly improved. Fine sightly place.
Must ro at once.
9-room house in City View Park, new
and strictly modern; $3000. See this,
easy terras.
One fine River View lot at $1050.
i O- W. P. LAND CO..
First and Alder St 9.
New 6-room modern bungalow, right at
carline; large lot; siuewaUts. wood-fiber
plaster; tiled in kitchen and bath; re
ception hall, columned arch, closets, con
crete wall, basement, porcelain bath, lav
atory ink; 3o-gal. tank; bay window, window-seat;
wired; wood-lilt; worth $3000;
will be Bold for $'J100; $250 down. C. A.
Sheppard, 612 Couch bldg. Owner.
NEW map, showing territory 25-mile radius
i of Portland, giving al the new railroads,
completed and In course of construction,
new electric lines, bridges and tunnels,
county roads, townships, ranees and sec
tion numbers.
Price $1.00. mounted on linen, $1.-5.
700 Corett Bldg.
TUB scenery from this place is a luxury;
7-room new house, with all the- modern
conveniences; 3 lots,, with plenty of fruit,
berries and garden room; faces on two
streets and ie 1 blocks from car and 1
biook from the Salem Electric; If you want
pomethlng good at a moderate cost, this is
it. George U. Turner, 416 Rothchild bldg.,
Portland. Or.
THE scenery from this place Is a luxury;
7-room new house, with nil ..the modern
conveniences; 3 lots, with plemty of fruit,
berries and garden room; faces on two
fftreeta and Is 1 blocks from car and 1
block frcm the Salem Electric; if you want
. something good at a moderate cost, this is
it. George W. Turner, 401 Rothohlld bldg.,
Pnrtlund, Or.
IB ACHES of the finest kind of garden 1-and;
adjoins city limits; half mile from carline
or R. R. station; sold very reasonable If
taken at once.
508 Welle-Fargo bldg.
H. R. Butler Mgr. Hood River branch
office. Hood River Hotel.
24 TRACTS sold. 20 more left, of choice
walnut, fruit and vegetable land; 30 min
utes' ride on Salem Electric line on coun
ty road, county school, churches, stores
and physician; $125 to $235 per acre while
It lats; easy terms to parties who will
improve the property. Deal direct; no
agents. L 66, Oregonian.
$3700 6-room new house, strictly modern
('Piedmont ) ; full lot east front ; bearing
fruit trees, cemest walSs, basement and
retaining walls, furnace heat, everything
la first-class; owner leaving city; must be
sold; terms.
Corbett bldg.
The swellest 5 -room bungalow In "Hol
lndtiy Addition; built for a home; beauti
ful finish; every modern convenience; com
plete in every detail; full corner lot; only
2 blocks from Broadway car; price $5700.
F. J. Catterlln & Co.. Room 3 Chamber
of Commerce.
S acres of very fine land. In cultivation;
living spring; only 15 minutes' ride from
business center, for $1800, upon easy terms;
3 lots same distance out In any other di
rection will coat you as much; here is a
chance. Russell A Houston, 444 Sberlock
bldg-, 3d st.
beautiful villa, tracts the smallest lOOx
1T0, which I will sell at speculative prices
($600 end up) ; meet me at end of Rose
City Park carline any evening this week
between 6:30 and 8:30 o'clock. F. I.
TERWILLIGER homestead on the West
Bide, three carline through the prop
erty, ten minutes from business center;
graded streets, cement walks, fine view ;
lots from $400 up. Phone M 8177. A
4450. J. C. Costello, 331 Chamber of Com.
$.r4;0 will buy $1300 equity In nice strictly
modfrn, neatly furnished cottage and full
corner lot; balance in $15 monthly pay
ments; owner in sick and must leave city.
627 Corbett bldg.
$lKr0 8-room house In "Wood lawn; plas
tered, tinted, wired, gcod plumbing, fine
bnsement; 30 chickens, good cow; graded See S. Thornton. 134S E. 8th 8t,
OWNER offers new, modern 6-room house
for sale; full basement, fireplace, cement
walks, east front, nice lawn and garden;
price $4:toO, terms. 1137 Williams ave.
Take the U. car to "Walnut Park.
1 .
Beautiful modern home, 8 rooms. In
heart of Irvlngton. lot 50x100, beautiful
lawn, trees and flowers, owner leaving.
Call 607 Couch bldg. A oil 13.
ACRE cleared and perfectly level, only few
blocks to car; best carljne in city; this are
is a beauty and the price Is only $1160.
Call early to see It. Call 518 Chamber
$6To TAKES fine view residence lot west of
Both; cement walk, curbs, water in and
paid; only $115 down, bal. $10 per month,
6 ier cent. Jas. C. Logan, room 411 Cor
bett bldg.
FOR SALE House and 3 lots; high state of
cultivation; near l.aurelwood Station; a
bargain for cash. 621 Corbett bldg. Main
WHO wants a dandy modern 5-room cottage
one block from enr and 3 blocks from
si-hool for $2250 on terms? H 7L Ore
gonian. 6 ItCKMS and reception hall, modern Im
provements; shrubbery, fruit trees, cheap
on account of leaving city. Call 432 Prea
cott st.
fi-ROOM modern house, near Union ave;
$2t0 cash, bal. $25 month; $2500. State
Iund Co.. 133 First St.. Room 1.
$12iKV Fine building lot 100x100, corner loth
and Wygant sis., one block Alberta car.
Phone Katt 6308.
ACRH, absolutely clear and level, near Myrtle
Park Station on Mount Scott carline, $1100.
Call 326 Lumber Exchange.
NEW 6-room bungalow; modern; river view
Htret improvement, at Grattun's Grove, oa
Sell wood line. Owner. 354 College st.
FOR SALE l.Vacres unimproved land near
Haverton; a bargtUn for cash. 621 Cor
bt tt bldg. Main M43.
FOR SALE 60-room hotel, $12,000; a snap.
Call owner by phone. A 257.
BELLE CREST let, east front. block car,
choice. Owner. Sell wood 370.
LARtlE. new 8-room colonial house. $4000;
$300. $30 monthly. Phone Woodlawn 1799.
FROM owner, large or mall timber tracts.
Murdoch & Young. 407 Buchanan bldg.
TIMBER Lands wanted. C. J. McCracken
304 McKay bldg.
64 ACRES, near Estacada carline; 1 acres
In orchard; running water, fine soil; $1700.
hulf cash. Western Oregcn Trit Co.. 14
Chamber of Commerce. Main 137.
FOR reliable Information on small 'acre
age, dairv or fruit land call or address
O. W- P. LAND CO..
Immigration Bureau. 1st and Alder sts.
30 ACRES good fruit land, beautiful loca
tion for Summer resort. Price $3000. In
quire iK)9 East Glisan.
100 ACRES' Improved hay and dairy farm,
45 acres In cultivation. 20 miles out. on
electric line. B 73. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Lincoln County dairy ranches,
timber claims. C. J. Smith Realty Co.,
Waldport. Or.
FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olmsted
Land Company. Salem. Or.
F3NE homestead relinquishment ntr
Portland; good soil. $27 Worcester bldg.
5 H acres, 6 miles from Portland on
Salem carline, all cleared and under culti
vation; good house and barn, about 3
acres of young orchard, all fenced; about
3 minutes- walk from car;- price S55UO;
terms $3000 cash, balance. 2-3 years.
5 acres, about 10 miles from Portland,
adjoining little town, nice young orchard,
all fenced; fairly good houe; horse,
wagon, harness; some chickens; price
10 acres. aH under cultivation, good 7
room house, barn and other buildings:
good 3 -acre orchard, consisting of cher
ries, pears, apples and prunes; land level,
about 8 miles from Portland on Estacada
carline; price $3500, $2000 cash, balance
reasonable time. This is a splendid little
place and is offered a great deal cheaper
than anything In that locality. It U a
133 First St.
160 acres. 40 acres cleared. 2 million
feet fir timber, several springs used for
irrigation, 150 apple trees. 2 years old,
good condition ; 8-room house and barn ;
$4750, cash $1750.
10 acres. 1 mile out, 3 acres cleared,
set to strawberries and apples; running
water through place, a small house, some
timber; 1250, half cash.
SO acres, 8 miles out, unimproved.' very
rich soil; lies well for apple orchard,
covered with hazel cherry brush and
fir timber; $25 per acre if taken within
10 days. This will double In one year.
40 acres unimproved, very rich shot
soil and adapted to Winter apples; located
In the apple belt, a good investment;
$1500. $800 cash.
ltVO acres, close to Husum. unimproved,
about 50 acres good fruit land, balance
rolling; 2 million feet fir timber; 1
miles from White Salmon River.
R. FIELD & CO.. White Salmon, Wash.
BUY AHEAD of developments and reap
the benefit of advance in values. This
principle applies to Irrigated land, too.
Our Palouse. Orchard Tracts in the
Washtucna Valley are selling to im
provers and settlers. Get In before
improvements send prices up. We
have railroads and plenty of water NOW.
So you can make your home there right
away. If you want town lots
'Palouse Falls is the place. This town
will .soon have 3 transcontinental
railroads running through It. Then you
will hear more about It.
But don't wait. Call or write for
printed matter today.
246 Stark st.
Portland. Or.
40 ACRES, 14 miles northeast of Vancou
ver, lj miles from the railroad, H mile
to church and school, level land, 15 acres
in hay. potatoes and garden truck; 15
acres slashed ready to burn; 10 acres pas
ture; good house and barn, S cows, heifer,
hogs, chickens, ducks, horse, harness,
wagon, buggy, plow, milk separator; faces
two county roads; crop and all. $2500,
half cash.
160 acres, 15 cleared. 10 slashed, 60
acres swale land, house and barn. 25
fruit trees, timber burned, easy clearing,
Il miles from Vancouver, 1 hi miles to
sawmill. mile to school, 4 miles to rail
road; elevation 1120 feet. $1000. Swedish
Land & Immigration Co., 311 Worcester
FINE dairy farm of 50 acres, 1 mile to
railroad ; choice, level bottom land, all
tiled and in cultivation; fine 10-room
plastered house, 2 good barns, good or
chard, 10 acres hops trellised and wired,
2 hop-houses, .wlndmiN, mower, raka,
cultivator rake, hop spreader, baler and
water tank : price $7750 This Is a bar
gain, but must be sold to settle estate.
Choice 38-acre fruit farm. 16 acres In
prunes, grapes, pears, cherries, strawber
ries ; fine new 8-room house, new barn,
spring water; $5000, will take a Portland
residence in part payment. T. H. Little
hales. Forest Grove.
Orchard- land in small tracts in the
famous Klickitat Hills, oa the Installment
Also some very fine bargains In small
Improved places with bearing orchards,
from $35 an acre up. Call and get full
5 Welte-Fargo bldg.
Branch office Hood River Hotel, Hood
' River. H. R. Butler, Mgr.
MUST SELL Price $8000, terms on half;
rich dark red soil; 8 acres vineyard, fam
ily orchard, apples, plums, almonds, figs,
grape cuttings rooting, 15 acres corn, 15
acres hay. second cutting1 now in progrejw,
stream running through. Irrigation ditch,
all -stock and farming equipment, horses,
cattle, hogs, chickens, full eet of black
smith tools, placer mine, good head of
water; all crops go with possession. Ad
Grants Pass, Or.
755 acres, in Benton County, 2Vs miles
from good reliable shipping point, 165
acres under cultivation. fairly good
house, 2 large barns, good orchard, all
under fence, running water, about S,
000.000 feet of timber; price $12.50 per
acre; reasonable terms. There is a lot of
srtock on this place; can be bought at
market value.
133 Mi 1st st.
Cheapest and completest place on the
Salem electric line; rich soli, splendid 11
room house, completely furnished; all farm
tools; warehouse, barn, 3 cows, 5 heifers,
horse, wagon, buggy, growing crops of
fruit, hay, potatoes, etc. Apply to my
agents. '
82 H Third st.
$6.00 PER acre will buy a choice tract
of unimproved land consisting of 320
acres situate on the Little Kalama River,
ten miles from Woodland In Cowlitz
County. Wash., well watered, some level,
some rolling and some hilly, but all fine
land, , suitable fcr farms or first-class
stock ranch. Railroad being surveyed
through the land; improved farms and
school near.
8. G. LVNE, Woodland, Washington.
One 7-acre tract for $7o0 and one 64
acre tract all cleared. $700. These are 9
miles west of Portland and 2H miles from
a good country town and on proposed new
electric line. We have both larte and
small tracts near Tigardville. Beaverton
and Hillsboro and ReedviUe. See us be
fore buy! or. 607 Buchanan bldg.. 286
Washington st.
Finest small farm of 12 85-100 acres, 1
miles from Tigardville station new electric
line; big new 7-room house, large new
barn, 2 cows, chickens, crops, all go with
the place; well at the house live spring;
the best of soil; price $2150; $700 cash, baL
time. Western Realty Investment Cu.
Best of berry, fruit or vegetable land In
from 5 to 10-acre tracts; land level; good
water; V naile store and nostoffice.
Phone 477. Home Valley. Wash.
LINCOLN CO. orchard and dairy lands,
near deep sea harbor and railroad; mild
climate, pure water; improved and un
improved; $7 to $40 per acre. O. G.
Dal aba. Elk City, Oregon.
under the general price in its neighbor
hood, mail plat of tract, with lot or lota,
or land marked on same, or description
and location, with lowest cash price, to
V 57, Oregonian. Nothing too small,
nothing too big. to be considered, oniy it
must be a CASH RAISING proposition as
to value All details strictly confidential
if so desired.
I want to buy a good up-to-date shingle
mill, with one or two upright saws; pre
fer a location on the North Bank road:
state full particulars in first letter. Address
O 71. Oregonian.
WANTED To buy. at once, a house and lot
about J3500 to $4500. somewhere in the
vicinity of 26th and Thurman sts.; this is
a cash proposition if I can find what I
want. G 72, Oregonian.
I WANT from owners only several small cot
tages. $7iK to $2000, $100 to $300 down,
balance small monthly payments. Thos.
McCusker, Couch bldg. Main 7646.
LOT. 50x50, Nob Hill, north of Washington
st. and west of 22d st. . Address AF 58,
WANTED On Portland Heights or other good
locality, 5 or 6-room residence; state price
and location. AD 78, Oregonian.
WANTED 6 or 7-room bouse, not farther
out than 15th st., on or near Ankeny
line. Phone Tabor 831.
PARTY desiring to build will pay cash for
lot. not over $1350. P 78. Oregonian.
RESIDENCE lot or lota for Oregon Trust
secouot of about $800; give location and
price Orel letter. F TO. Oregonian.
10 acres in crop, garden and orchard;
new depot on Oregon Electric line; good 8
froom house, barn and outbuildings; must
sell, rent or exchange; best bargain on the
211 Commercial Bldg.
I WILL trade a fine lot In Point View
Addition in St. John for a good young
driving horse, weight about 1200 pounds,
and good rubber-tired top buggy and har
ness. A 71, Oregonian.
FOR SALE or trade for unimproved real
estate, lO-h. p. Cadillac runabout ; first -class
condition; price $300. Address A 79,
EXCHANGE Improved 24-acre farm adjoin
ing Wlnlock. Wash.; rich garden and fruit
land. Address D. L. Brace, Chehalis,
A $12,000 Klickitat hill fruit and farm
tract to trade toward Portland home or
business property. Ftaak Lee. 147 hk
Front st.
A FINE 5-room modern cottage near Wil
liams ave.. in Central Alfcina, to ex
change for a small farm near Portland.
aiue $ zouu- a 4U. uregonian.
640 ACRES Eastern Washington wheat land
for eetern Oregon or V ashlngton land.
AD 77, Oregonian.
FOR SALE or exchange, suburban home
large grounds, fruit, garden ; owner leav
ing city. W 73. Oregonian.
$1500 EQUITY in 8-room bouse, near Union
ave., for lots or acreage close In; State
Land Co.. 133 First St.. Room 1.
OLDS touring car to exchange for real
estate or $1100 cash. Phone B 126,
Tabor 1153.
100-ACRH farm in Willamette Valley to trade
for city property. Ralph Ackley, 603 Cor-
bett bldg.
A FINE timber claim. 6.000,000, exchange
for improved farm or Portland residence.
327 Worcester blk.
20 ACRES near Hood River, half cleared,
improved, forPortland suburban property.
AB 77, Oregonian.
6-ROOM cottage, frac comer. West Side, for
lots or acreage. G. E. Walling. 243 Stark st.
WANT small house built In exchange for
choice building lots. Knowies. Oak Grove.
640 ACRES wheat land to exchange for res
idence. Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg.
WILL trade for what you have, Qun Smith,
411 Buchanan bldg
As you wish, fir or pine, any sized tract
from single claim to large tract. I can
give you timber for immediate operation
or a tract to hold as an investment. See
me before buying. C. J. McCraken, 304
M'CKay Diag.
Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle.
829 Chamber of Commerce.
WE are constantly acquiring fine tracts of
timber for sale and are beadqu,arters for
lumber enterprises of ail kinda Phone
Main 44S6. Kinney & Stamp her, 031-32
Lumoer mxenange oiag.
TIMFiDR clfim open for Immediate filing; 120
acres, z.&w.uw reet, $200. A. w. Nelson &
jo., Jaxayette Diag.
-Government locations. 327 Worcester blk.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
TEAM ranch mares, $100; team camp
norses, ov; gentte pony tor cnnaren, so;
fine buggy horse. $125: 3-ln. waeon.
good shape, $65; soring wagon. $35; 20
sets single and double harness, all prices,
some good second-hand tents. 275 Haw
thorne ave.
WANTED To purchase a good horee. sulta
ble for furniture delivery wagon: weight
about 1200 pounds. I. Gevurtz & Sons, 173
let st.
FOR SALE 1 black mare and buggy, fam- C
ily broke, between 1100 and 12o0, or will I
sell separate. Tamllnson & Cassidj". 211
Washington st.
FOR SALE Team, harness and delivery
wagon ; bargain if taken this week ; price
$225. Phone East 768. Call 423 E. 6th et.
FOR SALE Fifteen well-broke horses.
Phone G res ham 389. Address Sam St re bin,
Troutdale, Or..
GOOD, cheap mare, rubber-tired buggy and
harness for sale at once; must sell. Call
room 326 Lumber Exchange bldg.
A BARGAIN if taken this week, fine driv
ing horse, buggy and harness. Phone A
25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho
tel 'bus. saddles, harness, cheap to close
out. Hubert A Hall. 266 4th st.
THREE teams young draft horses, 1500 to
1700 pounda E. R. Frank. 436 Gold
smith st.
$850 GOOD tearo, new wagon and harness;
also 100 cords of wood; close In; half
cash. Box 131. Forest Grove. Or.
ONE good team of horses, harness and wagon
cheap, f276, and true puller. 313 Water
st. Phone Main 7461.
FOR SALE Hcrse, buggy and harness; very
stylish, horse. 49 4th st.
WANTED To buy a horse for general
delivery. Call 12S 1st st.
24 BAIN WAGON, new set of team harness.
Kedderley barn, 16th and Jefferson sts.
SBCOND-hand rubber-tire top buggy-. 303
East Morrison st.
RELIABLE delivery horse and panel wagon
for sale cheap. Phone Woodlawn 899.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 244 Montgomery.
FOR SALE Heavy young team.
Fuehalke. Courtney Station. O. W.
J907 STODDARD-DAYTON tourtnr car, top
and glass front; $1400.
1907 Btevens-DUryea, top; $1250.
1906 Franklin; $860.
These cars have been traded in on
Pierce and Cadillac and must be sold at
once; no reasonable offer refused.
16th and Alder. M 6470.
AUTOMOBILE $250, bicycle $20. other ar
ticles too numerous to mention, , photo
graphic tent, double roof; cameras, dlffer-
ent sizes. Apply Applegate Pho'to Co .
2 North 6th st.
SECOND-HAND automobile, fine condition,
4-cy Under, carry six persons, for sale
cheap or exchange for real estate or acre
age. Hall, 266 Fourth st.
AN automobile, good for sightseeing ; will
carry 10 persons; will sell or exchange for
real estate. Address EL B. Rodman, 003
Alder st.
60 H.-P., 1907 model, fine condition, com
plete In every detail ; leaving city; must
sell or exchange. Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg
WILL trade 2-cylinder Ford touring car for
city or 'country property. 621 Corbett
bldg. Main 8143.
WILL trade Coos Bay property for touring
car In good condition. A B 69, Oregon
ian. AUTOMOBILE Stevens Duryea, guaranteed
to be In first-class condition! with $500
equipment, for $1400. O 74. Oregonian.
KRANICH A BACH parlor grand piano, near
ly new, for sale $50u; original cost $1000.
Phone Main 5962
ENGLISH BETTER, male. 2 years old,
good-looker and a fine worker. $60. Inquire
658 Halsey or 311 Dckum bldg.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover. 313
Water st. Phone Main 7451.
FOR SALE Gasoline wood-saw, as good as
new; on terms- 621 Corbett bldg. Main
FOR SALE Complete set of butcher's fix
tures, cheap. 319 Williams ave., corner
THOROUGHBRED Pomeranian spiti puppies
6 weeks old for sale. 1585 East Yamhill,
corner West ave.
GOOD fresh cow for sale, price $42. West
ave. and Section Line road. Phone Tabor
FRESH blackberries for sale,
K 74. Ore-
FOR SALE Parti-colored pedigreed Cocker
spaniel puppies. 001 ixvejoy st.
supplies, slides, films for rent. 165 4lq st.
50O TONS practically new steel I beams.
sizes from 4-in to JW-m. ; aii lengtns.
50 Iron tanks, from 10 to 3000 gallons
KK tons angle, flat, bar and rod iron,
in all lengths. -
100 tons flat sheet iron for roofing
siding, etc., all sizes and in perfect con
dition. JO0 tons black and galvanized corru
gated roofing iron, all brand-new, which
we are selling far below the wholesale
50 tons practically new galvanized
smooth wire, continuous length.
25 tons chicken wire netting, all sixes.
100 tons grate bars, all kinds and
1O0 tons steel shafting, all sizes.
Large quantity of second-hand gas fix
tures, at one-fourth regular price.
Pipe in all sizes and kinds, H-lnch up,
galvanized or black, new or second-hand.
We also carry in stock pipe fittings of all
kinds, including valves, cocks, etc. All
our pipe is guaranted to have perfect
bh reads and couplings.
200 tons steel cable, sizes from -tnch
up to lx -inch. Will cut in lengths to
we carry in stock both new and second-hand
steel rails of all kinds. sls
from 8 lbs. to 90 lbs.; fishplates and
spikes. Also about 200 tons of con
tractors rails, all sizes and lengths.
OF CHICAGO of second-hand pulleys,
gears, sheaves, shaft boxes, all kinds,
and belting in sizes from 1-tnch to 36
inch, both in leather and rubber and in
new and second-hand.
347-853 Glisan street, corner Eighth,
Northeast corner Fourth and Glisan sts.
2000 CORDS of good fir wood, standing, 3
miles from R, R. station, downhill pull;
very chean if cut this Summer.
508 Welte-Fargo bide.
IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $5000,
parties interested call Maginnls A Son,
403-4 McKay bldg.
FOR SALE: New and r-econd-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments; wo rent
tables, with privilege of buying; modern
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender.
9 Third st.
HAVE your roof painted with "Elasto" :
Inexpensive; adds years' wear; good on
any kind of roofs. Northwest Roofing Co.,
511 North 22d st. Phone Main 4SU7.
MY complete office for sale, consisting of
nre-proof safe, L. c Smith Type writer,
desk, chairs., rug; will sacrifice at once.
Call at room 326 Lumber Exchange bldg.
GASOLINE launch, 31 feet, canopy top, 15
u. p., 4-cynnaer engine, brass finishings.
quarter-sawed oak decks, complete, with
Doat house, a 4z. Oregonian.
YAMATO WOOD YARD The best fir wood,
cut from big timber, for Winter sur nlr,
$5 to $5.50. E Si 8. B 1867. East 6th' and
GOOD 21-foot launch. 4A-h. t. 4-cvcla en
gine, with canopy, lights, bell, whistle; fine
condition; a bargain for cash. F 73, Ore
MOTiON-PiCTLKiS macnln films. sonr
elides, etc., for rent; also bought, sold
ana exchanged; lowest rates. Newman,
293 Burns ide.
LARGE size cash register, a bargain: will
take part cash and portion trade. Phone
Detween o ana , A 174 or can szz 4tn
st., see machine.
TWO National cash registers and 2 fine
computing candy scales. 195 4th cor.
NEW L.- C. Smith Bros. typewriter: latest
cheap for cash. Phones East 531. C 1722.
AaarMs f t, tregonian.
FOR SALE, cheap, one oaten t Eureka car
pet, rug loom with attachments; would
traae tor norse. ti a, oregonian.
BRAND new Werner edition of Encyclo
pedia Brltannlca, 31 volumes In all. 44T
Stephens st.
OLD VIOLINS and stringed instruments
bought, sold and exchanged. L. Winters,
818 Tllford bldg., 10th at.d Morrison sts.
FOR SALE, to remove, house, No. SS 13th
st. Pi. .
FOR SALE Cheap for cash, 7-foot steel
range. Inquire 354 Bumside st. '
WANTED An ujrf-to-date and modern
warehouseman and snipping cierK. thor
oughly familiar with agricultural imple
ments and machinery. In replying, give
age. exp sriecce and rf erences. ot her wise
application not considered. Address AF
77. oregonian.
WANTED First-class all-around candy-
maker. Don't apply unless you can give
first-class references as to character anq
ability. State age. married or single.
Will pay good wages to steady man that
knows his business 1 country ). a bo.
YOUNG man to learn real estate business;
must be a "live wire" and honest, well
acquainted in city; give address and phone.
XXX 203, Oregonian.
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tics; easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while learning. Watchmaking, En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Beattle.
REAL ESTATE man wants hustler for half
$150 per month, can room di Aiisay Didg.
3d and Morrison.
WANTED Partner with $250 take interest
in good paying business; can make $150
per month; Investigate. Room 25 Concord
PARTNER with $50 to Invest in small road
show; gilt-edge proposition; no objection to
talented amateur. Address D 74, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED man to run and care for
automobile, also to help in garden. An
dreas R 77, care Oregonian, stating age,
experience and references.
WANTED First-class pressor on ladles' and
gents' goods. Address Parisian Steam
Cleaning and Dye Works. Good wages.
Astoria, Or.
WE want a few more wide-awake, hustling
salesmen to handle our line of trees, shrubs,
etc.; some choice territory open; commission
advanced. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or.
WANTED 3 experienced shoe salesmen,
best pay to real live men. Sample Shoe
Store Co., cor. 1st and Madison sts. .
BRIGHT, active saleswoman ; must be we!l
acquainted in city: good proposition for right
party; no canvassing.
WANTED Steady man to work In store as
partner: will pay active man $4 a day; $250
required. Call 248 Stark st.
WANTED High-class man shirt polisher
and finisher. Salary $20. American
Laundry Co, Boise. Idaho.
MAN wanted with $160 take Interest new
(business; guarantee $100 month. A 66.
WANTED Partner with small -capital for
motion-picture chow; must travel. New-,
man, 293 Burnside.'
WANTED Bright boy for real estate and In
surance office. Apply in own handwriting,
stating salary expected. - B 74, OrVgoniao.
WANTED Air-round dentist; must be li
censed; good salary and commission. Chi
cago Dentists. 6th and Washington.
WANTED Salesman for article used in
every house; big commission. Call 209
Commonwealth bldg.
INTELLIGENT boy wanted in lumber office:
. must be willing to work and learn. Ad
dress In own handwriting, B, box 722, city.
PARTY to Join in the sale of large tract
of city property, large profits, small capi
tal required. A 69. Oregonian.
For Men 250 Burnslde Street.
Phone Main 5694.
12 North spd st. Both Phonea
WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers,
stenographers and clerical men. Commercial
Abstract Co.. 407-8-9 Commercial Club bldg.
WANT a good candymaker, with $150. for
good proposition. Address Y 70, Orego
nian. COUPON agents; best offer in the city, Rem
brandt Studio. 404 Ablneton bldg.
YOU will find the Rose City 5-cent olg-ar to
be the best you can purchase.
WANTED Aa experienced waiter at the
Hill Hotel.
i WANT a live salesman, for city work. Call
at 184 Morrison st.
WANTED Snlnglers at 825 NortA 10th st.
Wanted If you can earn a better sal
ary, if you can command it by sheer abil
ity, if you can show us that you are
a high-grade competent man whom we
can confidently put before an employer,
who must appreciate your ability and will
buy yjur services much cash for so
much value call and we can save you
a vast amount of trouble and expense
In obtaining Just the position you desire.
402, 403, 404. 405 S wetland bMg.
For graduates last year: men and
women to learn barber trade in eight
weeks; help to secure positions; graduates
earn from $15 to $26 weekly; expert in
structor; tools free; write for catalogue
Moler System of Colleges. 35 N. 4th St..
Portland, Or.
WANTED For U. S. Army, able-bodies, un
married men, between ages of IS and 85,
citizens of United States, of good charac
ter and temperate habits, who can speak,
read and write English. Apply to re
cruiting officer, Alns worth block, 3d and
Oak sts., Portland, Or.
no 1 a examination July 13. 14 and 1$. at
167 First street. All permits that ex
pire on the above date will be revoked
unless the parties appear for examination.
T. M. Lea bo, secretary.
MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster
ing and bricklaying, day and night classes,
no books, free catalogue : special low
tuition; easy installments. Coyne National
Trade School. 239-240 Eighth C. San
Employment Office Men's Department.
SS North Second st.
Phones Main and A 1616.
Help free to employers.
DAIRYMAN and hog raiser, with family.
ior management of a 50 -acre farm, witn
R. D. and telephone. S. P. station 2 miles.
State previous experience. Address box
87, route 1, Gervals, Or.
MAN with references to solicit and collect:
experienced man to go with you and teach
you the business: opportunity for promotion
to salary position soon. 409 Macleay bidrf..
286 Washington.
MAN and wife, no children, to care for coun
try place, stock, lawn, etc.; state fully ex
perience and references. Address C Tl,
WANTED Local salesman. every . town
uregon ana Washington; big commission.
Address 209 Commonwealth bldg.', Port
land. WANTED Reliable man for active Interest
in real estate office; can easily make $125
per month. Room 10, 253 Washington.
WANTED A good house-to-house solicitor.
witn rererences; steady work. Room 89
Hamilton bldg.
LIVE salesmen can make from $100 to $400
selling lots for the Spanton Co. Every
assistance given with the best selling
proposition In Portland. Only live work
ers need call. The Spanton Co., 270 Stark
WANTED 40 men and 20 women to appear in
"The Spoilers." at the Marquam Grand
next week. Apply box office Sunday af
GIRLS, 1C years and over, to work m rec
tory. Apply at once, AmesrHarrls-NevUie
Co., eth and Davis sts.
WANTED Waitresses, chambermaids.
cooks, house girls, second girls, etc.
Large list of new positions daily.
Ladles' department, 205 Morrison.
Phones Main 1062. A 2064.
200 ACRES of land to clear; will let as one
contract or will let several small contracts
to responsible parties.
508 Welle-Fargo bldg.
WA NT TODAY Three cooka, $40. $50 and
$tiO; six cooks and general housework, $20,
$30 and $40; two second girls, $30 and $35;
one dishwasher, $20; four waitresses, $25,
$30, $35, $40; two housekeepers (under 40),
$20. $15. 209 4th. Main 5413, A 2S24.
ers. cooks1, waitresses, chambermaids, sec
ond girls, housemaids. 209 4th. Main
SIX young ladies to work in a show at The
Cake: no experience required : $10 a week.
Call today 10 to 12, Manager Blitz, 331
uiisan st.
ST. LOUIS LA IDES' A G BNC Y H ou se keep
ears, chambermaids, waitresses, cooks-, sec
ond gins ana general nousewor. w
4th. Main 5413.-
INTELLIGENT young lady with experience
and references as maid and companion for
elderly lady ; good wages. AF 79, Ore
WANTED Woman to go out of town to
cook for family of four. Phone Tabor
781 or call 1094 East Taylor st. Mt. Ta
bor car.
WANTED Girl who understands cookini
and general . housework; small family,
good wages. 770 Johnson st.
GIRL for general housework. 3 in family;
a good place for right party. 367 Knott
st. rnone J vai. n;ast iair.
Ladles' Department 205 Morrison
Phones: Main 1062; A 2064.
WANTED Girl for general housekeeping.
422 East 16th St.. N., Irvlngton. Phone
E 3255.
WANTED Experienced telephone exchange
operator; give age, reierences, salary.
O 70. Oregonian.
WAJNTED Girl to do cooking in family of
t hree ; references required.. Apply at
Si Iverfl eld's, 4th and Morrison sts.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 603 Rotn
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WANTED Lady solicitors; an attractive
proposition for agent and customer. Call
ill lotn st., ask ior Air. (joyie.
GOOD, sober, eteady man at once as col
lector ; $1000 cash security required. ail
Swetl&nd bldg., cor. 5th and Washington.
WANTED Second and third help la kitchen;-
German, Swedish preferred. Wo
man s Exchange. 183 10th st.
WANTED Millinery apprentices, good op
portunity to learn the business tnorougniy.
CTtueys, 3d ana Baimon.
WANTED Girl to assist with light house
work; small family;-good wages. 597. Main
st.. near zist. Phone Main twos.
WANTED Good girl for general house
work ; German girl preferred. 601
Schuyler, corner 15th st.
343 Washington at., corner 7th, upstairs.
pnone uam zouz. -
WANTED Lady to keen house, also to take
care of little girl. Call between 9 and 10
o clock, 414 za et., cor. tia.11.
GIRL to do plain cooking and general house
work; small family; no washing. 490 20th,
Portland Heights. A 4376.
WANTED First-class experienced' waitress,
Call "The Ferns." 150 11th, near Morn
eon st.
WAITRESSES, city, Shanlko, 2 Heppner,
Kent uaresr. cooks, .k; aisnwasners, ao
mestlcs. "Drake's," 205 Washington.
WANTED A girl to do chamber work and
assist in dining-room. 71 Kusseii st.
9 N. 3D ST. Lady ticket-seller for moving
WANTED A woman cook for private board
ing-house. 183. 11th St. Main 5330, A 3580.
YOUNG girl to assist with housework, fam
ily of 2. 252 E. 36th St.
WANTED 2 middle-aged ladies to solicit;
good pay. Call mornings, 169 Porter.
GIRL for general housework, family of 3.
Mrs. Wilbur, 780 Lovejoy.
MAN and wife or woman to work on farm.
Call 429 Main St.
WANTED Experienced lady presser. Phone
Mr. Hamilton, East 4737.
GIRL wanted, 14 or 16 years old, for assist
ant light housework. 626 South 3d.
WANTED An experienced waitress at the
HU1 Hotel.
YOUNG lady wanted at once to learn the
barber trade; good wases. 12 N. 4th St.
291 Stark St.
Jacobs Shirt Oo.
WIANTED 3 good waitresses for Sunday
afternoons only; confectionery stand; good
place and good pay. Answer before noon
today ; references. AB 73. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
HIGHLY educated. thoroughly reliable
young man, speaking and writing English.
German and French, wants position of
some kind, has experience in real estate
bustnees. clerking, handling men; best ref
erences. AC, 76, Oregonian.
I WISH to represent some good, reliable
wholesale house in acting as their repre
sentative in the Rogue River Valley dur
ing fruit season. R 69. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by experienced coach
man. strictly reliable and can furnish
first-class references. AF 75. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, best references, desire, posi
tion in gentlemen's clothing and furnish
ing store. Phone East 2632.
PARTY having adv. F 11 in Oregonian of
June 14 please write AB 75, Oregonian.
YOU NO at torney . good h abi t a e xce 1 len t
references, 5 years law stenographical
experience. 3 years' practice in general
law and abstract work, desires to form
partnership with established attorney or
flrzn. Address P 75. care Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN, aged 29. desires position as
hotel clerk: has had manv vvara etnn-
rience; absolutely reliable, sober and of
good habits; or employment of other char
acter. A D 74, Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN with considerable experience
w isnes position in orrice or attorney or
abstract company; city or country; small
salary to prove capabilities. AE 70, Ore
gonian. 1 - - - - 1 1 ' e
HOTEL manager with wife, wants position
details of business; can get results; ref
erences. J 72 Oregonian.
RELIABLE, steady machinist wishes to wor
ocii up iu puwcr-iiuuBn or engine-room in
or out of city or on river steamer. D 73,
WANTED Posttion by all-around country
pnuier; ureion or w asningion; reier-
YOUNG Japanese boy wants a situation In
store, hotel or anywhere else in town.
F 72. Oregonian.
JAPANESE experienced cook wants post
lion m summer resort on coast. pacino
2148. 121 N. 15th st.
CHINESE First-class cook, wants, position.
restaurant, notet, Doaramg-nouse or lam
ily. Home phone A 3856.
TWO handy, all-around carpenters, not booze
fighters, will work reasonable. T 71, Ore
gonian. Satisfaction guaranteed.
JAPANESE cook wants situation cooking.
general housework, in family. Phones
Pacific 986, A 4577.
SITU A TI ON W ANTE D LoEfTin g cam D.
scaler or timekeeper ; experienced, sober
and- reliable. Address L . Oregonian.
GERMAN barkeeper wishes position at once
la good house; tnorougniy acquainted.
A RUSTLING young Englishman of good
character wants a position of any kind. L
69. oregonian.
PHOTOGRAPHER who can retouch desires
to work in photographic studio, any city,
Japanese. Kuwahara. 148 N. 15th st.. city.
EXPERIENCED Job compositor, English and
German, wishes situation, city or country.
G 69. Oregonian.
j ArA."N cam young do , nonwi mixi.,
wants chamber work or any kind hotel
Q 101 x- i;h
CHAUFFEUR machinist. best references,
experience 3 years, satisfaction guaranteed
or no pay. ivui c imornson.
YOUNG man. with some knowledge of
drafting, desires position. B 69. Orego
WILLING young Japanese boy wants any
IrlnH ihapV v jit- -riiiTi t rv "V TT r-
NICE Japanese boy wants situation for any
kind of housecleanlng work. AD 70. Ore
JAPANESE boy wants to do housework or
schoolboy. 252 1st St. A 5032.
Japanese employment office; furnishes all
kinds of help. 24 Couch st. Jfnone m.. eazi.
YOUNG JAPANESE boy wants situation to
do cooking or housework. O T3 Oregonian.
A JAPANESE boy wants position to do
houeework. G 73. oregonian.
JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish all
kinds help. Zos Everett. Main eooa, A.4od,
JAPANESE wants job as porter in saloon or
store. C 60. Oregonian.
COREAN boy, experienced, good cook, wants
position 01 any Kina. rnone .racinc dou.
STEAM engineer wants position in small plant
in city. w. h. Keicniem, j. wtn st. r
srrcATiox, wanted female.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
FOR a good stenographer, substitute or per
manent wora. puone business ijnivcrsiiy,
Main 4504. Good worxers
POSITION by competent lady bookkeeper and
billing clerk; wnoie&aie nou&e experience,
L 72, Oregonian.
WIDOW would be companion or housekeep
r to ladv or gentleman of meane : re
cently left without home, uraccustomed to
obtaining employment as a wage-earner.
I cannot find where I belong; reference.
Y 26, Oregonian.
LADY housekeeper would like to get post'
tion housekeeper in hotel, city or country.
X 70, Oregonian.
FIRST-class cook wants position cook, hotel
or camp, country; would like boy 11
years old. 72, uregonian.
NICE experienced girl wishes to work and
000k or housekeeping work by the month
for a nice family, pnone Tabor 555.
EDUCATED lady would like position In
doctor's office; references. Address B
68. Oregonian.
LADIES' shirtwaists laundered; hand
washed. Ring up East 4310, and will call
ror them.
WOMAN cook and helper for camp or ranch.
209 4th. Main 2039, A 2S24.
ATTENTION agents, Mexican Drawn Work
Waist Patterns, latest novelty; bette
than the Pongees ever were; unlimited
-nosslbllitles: men and women earn $10 a
day. crew managers $25; get busy before
too late. Write today for samples and
exclusive agency.
H. GOLDBERG A SONS. Importers,
Omaha. Nebraska
GET wise to a fast-seller; no fake; 200 pet
cent pront; aon t miss mis opportunity.
For full particulars address 107 3d st.
room .
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If
so, we need you; complete outnt free; casu
weekly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital city Kursery jo., eaiem. or.
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats,
stores, offices, roo mine-houses, etc Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon, S. B. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
IP1 vou ar mtn out of the city for th
Summer and wish to have reliable party
care for your tome, drop me a card; no
children, nest of rererences. a. ui w-
WANTED By August 1. 4 to 6-room cot
tage, close in on West Side; must be
thoroughly modern. large rooms, good
sized and cultivated iawn. . o, uicttu
with gas, permanent, if reasonable; state
terms ana locauon. s iv. uieBum
NICE modern bungalow. five or more
rooms, in good locality; must have nice
yara ana iawn. a 01. rjm.i.
4 OR 5-room furnished house, not to ex
ceed $17.50 per montn, near carnne.
72, Oregonian.
twa wriiir Strictly modern cottage, bunga
low or house, with yard; permanent, no
children, fnone a.
W ANTED At once, 2 modern housekeeping
rooms, by man ana wue, in a mooern npme.
X To, uregonian.
MODERN house six or seven rooms; reason
able rent. JL i. uregonian.
WANTED to rent By family of adults.
modern cottage or bungalow in gooa res
idence distri ct on West Side. 6 or T
rooms and bath. Address B 69, Oregonian,
stating location and rental, or phone Mala
2174 after 6:30.
or 10 rooms in gooa nwaence awincx ror on
year or more, from August 1, by responsi
ble family of three adults. Address, giving
location and brief description. V 41. Ore
gonian. WANTED Lease on building for manufac
turing and wholesale purposes, wiin ia.ow
square feet floor space. Including base
ment; must be within Glisan, Johnson,
Tenth and Fifteenth Sts. AC 77, Orego
nian. WANTED 2 rooms and board for gentle
man, wire and little aaugnter. irvingion
district preferred; state terms. Address R
75. Oregonian.
NOTICE to hunters I am personally ac
quainted with the best nsmng ana num.
ing grounds In Southern Oregon and will
o ft er my ser v 1 cea as gul de and turn 1 s h
conveyance. For terms and particulars
write A. L- C., P. O. box 120, Ashland.
And any thing else you have to selL
Main 5655. A 412L
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing anl
shoes; we also buy housenoia furnisnings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 N. 3d st. Phone Pacific 1722
WANTED Covered buggy, with extra Ions?
bed. in good condition, witn pole and
steet tires. Cash if price is low. O 6S,
care Oregonian.
WANTED From 12 to 20 rooms, rooming-
house, part ugnt nouseKeepmg. gooa lo
cation ; cash ; through owner only. AS
75. Oregonian.
WANTED ?n a refined family of adults, ft
little child to board; terms reasonable. F
69. Oregonian.
WANTED A duck lake for this season;
would rent or buy. Address Box 588, Port
land. Or.
WANTED-Copy of last city directory, fop
cash, ftione East looz. n iooj. jrown
Ya!e Company.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given, jfnone mast 1067.
CLOTHING Phone M 1851 83 N. 3d.
Highest price paid; prompt attention.
WANTED Second-hand hydraulic barber
chair. Jf tu, uregonian.
WANTED Used cash register; will pay cash.
.Phone Main 1433 or A 1433.
Furnished Rooms.
HOTEL PALMER, cor. Park and Aider. US-
aer new management; thoroughly reno-
vated throughout; rooms ( single or en suite;
transients, $1; special rates by the week;
free bath and phonea Mrs. N. A. Hills
IF you are looking for the best rooms in
tne city ior tne money, pnone tne uien
dora for particulars; rooms $5 to $15;
strictly modern lth and Couch, one
block from Washington. Main 6280.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sts. Newly furnished throughout;
new buildings, suites with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phone Main
7195. Long-distance phones in all roomaj
HOTEL BUSH MARK. Washington and 17th
nrst-ciass lurnisnea rooms, single or en
suite; every modern convenience. $3 week
ly up; daily, 75c up; special monthly rates.
Main 5647.
THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay window
and other outside rooms; electric lights,
baths, etc. ; $2-50 week up. Transients.
269 Washington.
214 Columbia st. 1 block from Salem Blectrta
depot; running water in all rooms; free bath
and phone; 50c to $1 ay; $2.50 to $4 week.
HOTEL KENTON. 18th and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; al&o
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496.
$10 PER MONTH Beautiful front room,
well furnished. Including bath and phone;
Ideal location, in select neighborhood. 3-7
West Park.
Sunny outside rooms; Bteam heat, hot
and cold water; most reasonable rates.
465 Alder.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 827 14
Stark, corner 6th. Mra Msvud J. Estea
TWO lovely furnished front rooms; phone,
bath. 189 7th St.. opposite Portland
NICELY furnished suite, suitable for 4
youns men. with use of piano; $6.25 per
week. 4191,9 Wash., bet. 10th and 11th.
NICELY furnished outside rooms. $1.50 to
$2.50 per week ; phone and bath free. 86
N. 14th. Phone Main 6053.
FOR comfort and rest try the Hotel Mento
rooms all newly furnished and up-to-date.
Fine river view. 183 Holladay ave.
THE AUDITORIUM. 208H 3d. newly fur
nished, elevator, baths, hot, cold water 19
each room; permanent and transient.
NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, with
privilege of kitchen and laundry. Call at
609 Everett, or Phone Main 5968.
25S 13TH ST. Nicely furnished room
private f ami ly ; new house ; every con
venience; gentlemen only; reasonable.
HOTEL OXFORD, corner 6th and Oak; sin
gle or en suite; modern conveniences;
rates very reasonable, llain SS.
THE WILLAMETTE, 822' Startc st., large
light rooms, well furnished, single or en
suite, 50c to $1 day; $2.50 to $5 week.
$8 Large, bright, newly furnished room;
quiet central; fine porcelain bath, gas. 325
12th St. Phone Pacific 2102, A 3702.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia; modern
rooms, bath, 50c to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk.
THE DORMER, 283 13th, beautiful rooms,
modern, every convenience; $2.50 and up.
BEAUTIFULLY furnlsheiV parlor, cool, quiet
modern, very reasonable. 215 13th.
HOTEL ROYAL. 108"4th; nice rooms,
$1.50 to $5 week. 60 cents, $1 night.
FOR RENT Front suite, .with bath and
gas. 246 7th st.
TWO large front rooms and one small one
for rent at 188 West Park.
394 COLUMBIA, corner 10th, well furnished
room, modern conveniences.
TWO furnished rcoms, 129 East 12th st.
Phone E 2801. Call forenoon.
TWO cool, cozy furnished rooms In private
house. 547 Yamhill st.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to
$5 wk; also transient rooms. 3434 Morrt
$8 LIGHT, clean furnished single room,
phone, bath. 416 Taylor, cor. 11th st
ONE nicely furnished front room; private
family. 33S Tillamook St., near Union ave.
MAXWELL HALL. 20 T 14th. clean, light
rooms, hot water every room; reasonable.
LARGE front room and alcove, also -single
room, with or without board. 170 N. 16th.
NICELY furnished rooms, also housekeeping
rooms. 208 6th st.
Booms With Boar
THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morrison.
8 blocks west of Portland Hotel ; special
Summer rates; large, airy rooms, with
good board, by week or month.
BLAKELY HALL, 300 Jefferson, large, de
lightfully cool rooms, with first-class board:
beautiful grounds; for location, comfort and
price, cannot be equaled in city.
NICELY furnished room adjoining bath,
first-class table, home cooking, private,
modern, reasonable. 521 Couch.
MARRIED couple would like board and
roem In private home; must be modern.
AF 78, Oregonian.
ROOMS with or without board, reasonable
rates. 434 Burnslde St.. corner 11th.
Phone Pacific 567
A NICE front room for two, with board, at
494 Morrison, flat 11; modern and reason
able. THE MARLYN. Washtrgtcn and 17th, well
furnished rooms, hot and co.d water,
home cooking, permanent or transient.
83 NORTH lTth. one block onT Washington;
well furnished rooms, modern; board op
tional. FRONT rooms with or without board.
6th st. Phone A 3622.
BOARD and room. $5.50 per week. 324
Clay, near 7th. Phone Main 5963.