THE MORNING OREONIA', THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1908. 15 FINE FURNISHED FLAT. Cloire in; all roomi large and airy; everything new; sleeping1 porch, front and back porches; will sell at big sacrifice; leav ing city and must use mo&ey in travel ing. Both phones, 3126. FOR RENT 8. 5 and 6-room modem flats, - walking distance. West Side; rent reasona ble to permanent tenants. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. i FOR RENT Flat 444 Park st. 6 rooms and 2 rooms In attic; iireplace and f urnaci-; new and modern; no children; $35. Phone Tabor 763. MODERN fiats, all sUes. for rent. East and West Sides, Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. MODERN 6-room flat, furnace, fireplace, porcelain bath, set tub. veranda, shades; reaaonable. Main 2160. BLEOANTLY furnished flats, rent reason able; also unfurnished flats; janitor serv-ioa- 401 10th st. Apply flat E. 0-FOOM modern ni.hed; adults, phone B 2229. fiat, furnished t Inquire b.'!t E. r unfur Alder or 6-ROOM. modern, front and back porches, 412 per month F. P. ijhaushnesFv, Archer Place. Phone Tabor 644. MODKRN 6-room flat, 368 13th st $"27.50. Inquire Wakefield, Fries '2J Stark st. rent Co., M9 TAYLOR Modern 4-room flat, fur nished; piano included; gas and electric lights; no children. MODERN 4 and 6-room fiat, near 23d and Washington, noon, Pacific- 1240. reasonable. Call fore- HoasekeepLna Rooms. THE MERCEDES. One elegantly furnished housekeeping Suite S20; one beautifully furnished suite, hot and cold running water, both phones, modern conveniences, 32. The Mercedes, 'joth and Washington sta THE best housekeeping rooms In the city fur the money. $10 to $2.', for two rooms. Strictly modern. The Glendora. 19th am. Courti. one block from Washington. Phone Main 6:JSO. SUMMER visitors to - the city can secure cool. Inviting housekeeping and single lodging-rooms reasonable, location con venient and attractive. 555 Morrison. THE NEWCASTLE, corner 3d and Harrison St.. nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, alfo single rooms; every convenience; rea sonable. Main W0. BRICK building; newly furnished housokesp inr rooms; single and in suites; $2.50 and 13 oer week. 350 Hawthorne ave, near Ciand ave. THE SANGER! Washington and Trinity, between lth and 2oth; newly furnished J and 3-room housekeeping apartments; private baths. ROOMS for light housekeeping; also single mnm for vouiiK men: modern conven iences; central. 82 K. 10th sl Phone fciast 168. THREE larce connect In rooms furnished complete for housekeeping, private bath and pantry, large porch, $20. 05 East Mh North. - I CLEAN', well-furnished suite of housekeep ing rooms; every convenience; first floor $15. 242 Clay, cor. 7th st. Main 1700. FOR RENT Suites of 2 unfurnished house keeping rooms, with gas stove; $1.25 per week. ZS- r,. lamnm hi. 2 Fl'RNISHED housekeeping rooms. $12.; also large room, housekeeping privileges $K. 360 11th. - 1 3 ROOMS, nartlv furnished. modern, to adults; choice neighborhood : walking dis tance. 24 Grand ave. North. 1 SUITE clean, well-furnished keeping rooms, ground floor ; 268 3d. front house no children. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms; can be used for light housekeeping. 7o E. 10th North. TWO lovely furnlehrd housekeeping rooms; sink, water and bath; low rent. oMJ Petty grove st. HOl'SB. 2. rooms, closets, gas, etc.. fur nished for housekeeping; rent reasonable. 555 5th t. THREE unfurnished rooms; bath, nicely papered; shade?, yard, near hills West Side. Main 44tH. SI'ITB nicelv furnished housekeeping rooms. vry convenient; lawn, flowers, porch. 515 20th St., Portland Heights. WAYNEWOOD 109 N.- ISth, newly fuf nlshed 2 and 3-room suites; running wa ter: fine location. DESIRABLE unfurnished rocmp. brick building, centrally located, saving car fare. 211 Vi Second, corner Salmon. THREE oi keeping J effei son four nicely rooms; Rood st., cor. 10th. furnished location. house- StHi l nn WEEK no. lares clean furnished house keeping rooms, laundry and bath. 184 Sherman St.. South Portland. TWO or three nicely furnished rooms, close in. gas. bath, phone; adults; cheap to right parties, 5oo Hawthorne ave. THREE connecting rooms, hath, gas, phone, yard. Sherman. very desirable, 604 24 St., cor. 3 OK 4 unfurnished room, every room light moclrrn conveniences, nrcpiace, veranaa references. Main 2160. 4f.l EAST Morrison, corner St. newly fur ntshed housekeeping suites, electric lights, baths; i ates reasonable. N LiKLY furnished, also suite unfurnished housekeeping rooms Cambridge bldg., 3d nnd Morrison, room .16. THE M1LNER. 3501-4 Morrison, corne Park, modern housekeeping apartments, furnisnea or unrurnisrea. LARUE, cool rooms, completely furnished. 1-tti North loth; gas range, launury. Ma: 5 173. Walking distance. PLEASANT furnished housekeeping rooms, single or en suite; close walking distance prices reasonable. Morrison. BEAUTIFULLY U rated bay-window, unfur nisnea s-room suit in centrally locati. apartment-house, K05V3 Jefferson, cor. 5th, 4 CLEAN, light rooms; bath, sink 602 Front. furnished housekeepln large yard ; $16 month, HOUSEKEEPING rooms: every convenience new furniture, in private residence; $8 and $12. Norm loin. SOS 13TH at., housekeeping suites, modern conveniences, also small sleeping room $5; no children. VERY beautiful 3-room flat, elegantly fur nisihed; private residence; no children. 429 3d st. THE ELMS Houst keeping rooms, com pietely furnished 2 and 3-room suites Phone, bath. heat. 101 14th t. DON'T search, strangers. 202 14th st.. tw comfortably furnished, cool front rooms. gas, range, bath. $22. 435 MAIN. cor. 12th 3 unfurnished base ment rooms for housekeeping; $10 per month. 2lM CROP BY. m ar Steel bridge; entire lower floor: gas range, modern house; all con' venlenccs. FOR RENT Houpckeeping rooms. 1SS Arthu: rt.. near Front; fine view. Inquire 267 Oak, room 2. CONNECTING front rooms; vety desirabl laundry privileges; modern; no chlldre 347 Market. VERY desirable lie-ht housekeeping single rooms; home privileges; reasonable. 5S7 Washington. Pacific 2611. BEAUTIFULLY furnished, quiet, cool front room; also housekeeping rooms; modern, very reasonable. 2.15 13th. 435 MAIN, cor. 12th Furnished housekeep ing rooms: $ per month and up; centra 3 NEWLY furnished housekeeping room 2:iO V North 1Mb at., near Lovelcy. PLEASANT rooms, furnished for house keeping; no cnuoren. nth st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. SiO 7th si quire 335 Montgomery, corner Tth. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, 95 11th st., cor. Stark. NICELY furnished nousekeeplng rooms, close In. 300 H 4th st. 40i 4TH Nicely furnished housekeeping room; gas, bath, also single rooms. 3 MODERN up-to-date furnished housekeep ing rooms. Phone M 6551. 367 3d st. FURNISHED housekeeping roms. 149 13 th st., between Morrison and Alder sts. Js'ICELY Everett, two-room suite. FOR RENT. Uousekeeptnc Boon HE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.; newly furnished, fully equipped ior nouse- keenin. including iras ranges, wan tne free use of electric lights, hot water, baths. larre retention room and laundry room, furnished apartments from $10 up: also single rooms; wnn similar conveniences. $2.00 per week up. There is nothing In comparison in the city for the money. This place will bear inspection. Short dis tance from union uepot. laae o- or 16th-st. cars going north, get off at Mar shall at. Fhone Main 677L No dog allowed. HE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 631H Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot wa ter, iree path, irte pnone, noin hoots; nice suites from $12 up. THE ON EON T A. 1ST 17th St.. near Yamhill. thoroughly iumisnea, gas range, not ana cold water in each apartment, both tele phones and Laths free; terms reasonable; no children. DL'LTS 6 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, close in and en West Side, near car. on Porter at.; terms reasonable; ref erences. Phone Sell wood 110, 664 B. 6th st. NICELY furnished walking distance. 4 housekeeping rooms, 6th at. Ixouses. i'HEN YOU MOVE you always need SOME lurniture. BUY AT NO-RENT prices; the sav ings will exceed eost of moving. WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING; oc cupy one-half: collect rent on balance. MOKGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO.. Grand ave. and E, Stark. Phone East 2029. ACRE cleared and perfectly level, only few blocks to car; best carllne in city; this acre is a beauty and the price Is only $1150. Call early to aee It. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. 1S.00 5-room cottage, corner Broadway and ancouver ave.; modern convenience; want ing distance from Steel bridge. Key next uoor. FOR RENT Modern 6-room cottage, close In, Last Side. $20; also one for $16. in quire 408 Tillamook sc. MODERN 8-room house, newly tinted. 3S9 Harrison, near Park. Fairchlld, 15 luast 15th st. Phone East 2154. MODERN 6-room house; cement basement. stationary tubs, furnace, lawn. Holladay Park; $22.50. East 5716. FOR RENT Part of a furnished cottage, with bath, gas, phone, nice shade. 531 Mor rison st. OR RENT S-room modern, on carllne. ber of Commerce. house. West Side, $25. Call 513 Cham- -ROOM strictly modern, in Sunnyslde, on carllne, $20. Call 513 Chamber Com merce. ROOM hou?e. close in ; first-class condi tion, reaaonable rent to desirable ten ante. Smith's Rental Agency, 103 Sherlock bldg. MODERN 7-room house. newly tinted throughout; fine lawn, J1 East Flanders. 1'h one East 585 a FOR RENT 5-room cottage, bath, pantry, gas ; two blocks from E. Ankeny car, near 2Sth and Ash. Home C 1860. NEW modern 5-room cottage, 495 Starr St. Inquire 1:1)4 North 13th St.. corner Petty grove. CO Modern 7-room ccner house, gas, elec tricity, porcelain plumbing. 742 Clinton. Phone Sellwood 807. FOR RENT S-room modern near 23d st. East Main. FOR RENT A six-room house, 509 East Caruthers. Inquire at 440 East Clay. FOR RENT House, 8 rooms. 575 East Mor rison, cor. 14th. Inquire 26 1 Oak, room 2. ROOM house, modern improvements, ply 459 East 8th N. Phone E 2377. $0 5-ROOM house, nice lawn. M. V. car, 4529. W est avenue -4o, isortn. Main FOR RENT House of 7 rooms; bath, electric ity. Call 4j 7th. -ROOM hou-e for rent. Apply 459 East 8th .ortn. HOUSE of 14 rooms. SO N..17th, near Wash ington. Apply 53 N. ISth, corner Davis. NEW 8-room colonial house, corner, $25. i'none wooaiawn ijyw. 6-ROOM cottage, 573 Madison St., gas; good conaition; key at -od Chapman sc. WE rent houses and flats. Haveratlc Gallagher, 3CiVj Wrashlngton sL Furnished Houses. PARTY leaving city wlnhes to rent small. completely furnished house on Council Crest. modern ly convenient; dancing-room, large porches; cheap to responsible people. Phone Main 5667. -ROOM furnished cottage, corner E. 8th and wyeant sts.. porcelain bath and elec tric lights; large lawn ; roses; $22.50. Phone Pacific 250. 8-ROOM house furnished, at Long Beach, Newton station, ocean front; very desir able; reasonable rent. Room 10, Hamil ton bldg. MODERN eicht-room house. furnished: adults; for July and Aug. GUsan St., near 23rd. M uo. oregonian. 7 ROOMS. East Side, walking distance, Bel mont st., c ri. Munroe, J.t y wasn.. suite 00. FURNISHED HOUSE Furnished 4-room bungalow and bath, 2 lots, near Mount Scott car. Inquire 1041 E. 19th st., N. $30 NEWLY completely furnished 6-room modern nouse, wanting Distance. v Mill St.. Main 6447. 368 TAYLOR Furntehed 6-room house for rent ; modern, desirable location; no chil dren. -ROOM furnished cottage, apply between 31 and 4 o clock at 1-4 North 1 tn between Glisan and Hoyt. FURNISHED 6-room cottage. modern con- venienccs. t all mornings. Phone East 2463. 37 East 17th. 3-ROOM furnished fiat, alcove, bath and gas. Inquire 125 N. 14th. NEW 6-room houe furnished. 772 E. Yam- 1 hill. Phone B 165. East NICELY furnished 6-room flat. West Side, walking distance. Phone Main 213. FOR RENT Furnished cottage for three months. Inquire bis Northrup st. MODERN 6-room house, close in. room 40. Washington bldg. Inquire Houses for Rent Furniture for BaI. BEST transient bouse In city. 32 rooms; furniture and carpets fine; 6th st.. near Washington ; bargain if taken at once. Inquire 243 Stark st. Fhone Main 1976. A 1176. FURNITURE 5-room flat, mahogany furni ture, velvet carpets, draperies, 2 rooms rented $20; rent $25; must sell, account of sickness. 3S6 Park. Pacific 441. SUNNY'SIDE snap. seven-room. modern h"us. two lots, flowers, fruits and maples; $3350. Telephone owner, Main 30U1. NEWLY" furnished, 7 rcoms. for sale cheap. Inquire a Furniture Co.. JSO 1st. 4714 Taylor, Cohn Bros. NICELY furnished 7-room house, with without piano and sewing machine. West tide; cneap rent. i'hone Alain ."60. SACRIFICE sale furniture house, good condition. 60 st. N.; no agents. Lf 9-room East 13th FURNITURE of 11 rooms, house modern; sen ciieap. fiiuii-e nmgnoornooa; rent $4U. MODERN, nicely furnished 6-room flat, for rent, furniture for sale. 20S 14th st. A 316Q. NICELY furnished 8-room flat; Clay : 1 1th: furniture and carpets fine. Stark st. 12 NICELY furnished houfekeeping rooms; all full; 6th st. Rent $40. 243 Stark st. NICELY furnished modern 5-room flat; 5th et., close, a Bargain btarK st. 6-ROOM cottage for rent; part of furniture : for sale. xu Han st. Summer Resorts. LOTS and cottages for sale, 4 cottages for rent. Gearhart pane u. u. jjurano, uear- hart. Or. SEA VIEW New cottage, finely furnished. choice location. 1 49 Porter st. A 4100. FURNISHED cottage at Seaview. Wash. Main 6o"l. 655 Savier st. FIVE-room furnished cottge. Ocean Park, until Aug. 5. 30 Phone K VERY desirable bungalow, A S73L Seaside. Phone FOB RENT. Summer Resorts. HALCYON LODGE Nicest place on the Beach: accommodations for large rarniiy The Knoll, beautifully situated, for three for four. Shady pines, tent with kitchen for three or four. All in perfect condi tion and very pleasant. Address Mrs. C W. Knowles, Seaside. Oregon. HERMOSA. PARK, SEASIDE. For rent, two new, modern 6-room cot tages; fine plumbing, electric lights, well furnished, fireplaces, 3$-foot -erandas. free fuel; 2 blocks of beach. See Johnson, 204 Mohawk bldg. A 4321, Main 6007. NEW 6-room furnished cottage, with fire places and running water, near beaview, "Wash., for month of August; $00. V 71, Oregon Ian. SEAVIEW Remodeled 7-room house, fur nished., fireplace, good water. Apply 3io 11th. Main 1147. 1 1 FOR RENT 5 -room cottage at Gearhart, nicely situated and well furnished. pnone Pacific 543. MODERN 7-room furnished cottage, ccean front, central location. Seaside. Or. O 67, Oregonian. WANTED To rent for season comfortable cottage at Gearhart or North Beach. Phones A or Main 2363. COMPLETE furnished 7-room house, beach lot, on riage. Seaview, for seaeon; reasona ble rent. Main 4&96. CENTERVILLB. North Beach, 4-room cottage. completely lurnished, 1 block from ocean. 639 Williams ave. FOR RENT One furnished room on the ridge at Sea View, Wash, Fhone Tabor 763. SIX-room furnished bouse Park, Or. Inquire Mr. 0688, A 5315. at Gearhart Wills', Main FOR RENT 4-room cottage at Long Beach, near Newton, furnished. Phone Main 1611 or A 1614. FURNISHED tent for July; cottage and tent after August 1 (or season. Seaside. East 2409. LONG BEACH, Wash., small comfortably furnished cottage for July. Apply 300 Jef ferson. Telephone A 545. FOR RENT. $60. or sale. $600, completely furnished cottage at Gearhart. D. J. D'URAND. Gearhart, Or. FOR RENT t-room furniehed cottage at Seaview, Wash., for July or season. Phone C 1810. FIVE-room cottage at Seaview. furnished. all wood for season, can wiuiam. iioiu Washington bldg. MRS. SARAH CHAMBERLAIN, private board and rooms; home cooking. Long Beach, Wash. FOR RENT Long Beach, 7-room furnished miagc: central. por particulars, pnone East 4735. Stores. FOR RENT Brick buiiding. 20x100, suit able for bakery and restaurant, general merchandise, billiard ball or moving pic tures; best location in Woodburn, or. Inquire 1041 E. 10th st. N., Portland'. FOR. RENT. 2700 square feet for light manufacturing, on carllne. close in. rea sonable rates. P. Shaughnessy, Archer Place, opposite station. STORE and 4 rooms, suitable for confec tionery, ice cream parlor or poolroom. $Jo per month. 801 Front st., cor. Gibbs. In quire witnin. i STOR.S for rent, fine light store, rear en trance, very central; lent $40. 127 lit a , near Washington. Woodward, 104 2d. Office's. CHOICE central Washington at. offices, Buchanan bldg. ; best location ; reason able rent. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, Southeast corner 3d and Oak. DESK room for desirnble party in one of the best locations in city. Inaulre Voom 8 Cantert ury bldg., 3d and Wash- ington. OFFICES to rent In the Worcester and Hamilton buildings at moderate rate. Ap ply to Robert Strong, 710 Ccrbett bldg. GROUND FLOOR desk room, furnished or unrurnisnea, ootn pnones inciuaea, iio to $20. Sengstake & Lyman. 90 Fifth st. SOME of the finest kind of office room and desk room for rent; most reasonable rates. 320-327 Corbett bldg. COURT rooms, $12.50 up; outside rooms on Washington or Filth -0 up. 31a B wet land bldg. FOR RENT A few offices In Couch Apply room 808. THE MILNER, 350 Morrison, of flees on seconu noor, large rooms, reasonaoie. Halls. FORESTERS HALL, west half of eighth floor Marqram bldg. for meetings, lodges, etc. E. M. Lance, sec.. 518 Oregonian bldg. THE AUDITORIUM, ' 208 3d St.. large hall to rent for meeting?, dances, etc.. on Friday and Saturday nights. KOOMING-HOC6E OPPORTUNITITES. Arnold St Co., Main 7311. 351 Morrison st. Devlin ft Firebaugh. 608-9 Swetland bldg. W W. WILLIAMS, 413 Marquam building. BUSINESS CHANCES. A NO. 1 restaurant, $650. 17 rooms, nicely furnished, good loca tion. $000. 25 rooms, a snap, $1700. 33 rooms, 1 block from postofflce. a money-maker, $2200. C. S. ARNOLD & CO.. 351 Morrison st. STATIONERY and art store; a nice, clean stock; lias a steady trade; invoice about $1400; for quick sale. $900; just the place for man and wife or two ladies; if you want a nice business, pick this up. 611 Swetland bldg. WANTED Partner with $650 for a legiti mate business; a gut-eage proposition; will stand the closest investigation; the best location on the coast; A 1 reference given and required. A B 70. Oregonian. GENERAL merchandise store, 35 miles from Portland; one or tne Dest openings 111 Oregon, $13,000; will buy real estate and business. May-Hoiland Co., 67 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE business; steady, sober part ner wanted to show land, etc.; pay active man $150 to $200 month; little money re ouired. Particulars 248H Stark st. ; BOARDING-HOUSE, in 9-room flat; cheap rent; all the boarders mat can namne at good prices; $500; this is a snap. 511 Swetland bldg. INTEREST In restaurant and lunch coun- ir: win ciear ivu 'v u , aim am. price $450; has made one man rich; why not you; run parucuiara at 111. ei. birr KR shoo, two chairs, will Invoice aood location; 10?.' rent. - uorgesior block. SALOON, cheap; good money-maker. For particulars can ai urcgon iioiei oet. 10 a. a. ana a r. ja. CIGAR confectionery store for sale: best reasons for selling 10th st. 414 GUsan, corner of "RESTAURANT for sale, dolnrr good business good location; price s.iJa. tan xu. Y2 Burnslde st. CITY salesman, with small capital, for large soft drink manufacturing ; win pay $100 month salary. CONFECTIONERY and Ice cream parlor, op posite cars St. JOnn, lVV -n- jersey si., good business; dry town; cheap rent. ! WANTED A young man with $500 for posi tion of trust with corporation, can room 4, S50 H Morrison St. FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery stand on Washington; a oarsain; must sei account of sickness. M 71, Oregonian. i FURNITURE of 6-room flat, close in: rent t'Zb; one room rentea at iu per uontn, must sell; $125. oil Swetland bldg. HOTEL and saloon; best equipped resort in Fortlana; win sen at a sacrincc. i Corbett bldg. FOR SALE Cash grocery etere. with liv ing rooms; a snap. r-noiio rtxiuv ABSTRACT business cheap; best proposition going. Answer jlj; ai, urcfonian. A DELICATESSEN and rrocery stoos:. quire 154 Grana ave., cor. neinwui. BARBER SHOP for stale, with 2 chairs; cheap rent. Y 73, oreaonian. PARTNER at once. In moneymaker; $300. Look this up. oil swetiana oiog. BONVILLE Pub. Co. stock $100 a Jhare. 415 Marquam bldg.. city. I CASH grocery store for sale. 6al Morrison. BUSINESS CHANCES. 15-ROOM FLAT $400. Here is the greatest snap in months; the carpets are Brussels, good as new; hard wopd furniture, all in goodt condition; rooms mostly in housekeeping suites; loca tion good. COME QUICK if you want a BARGAIN. ELLIS. YORK ft CO.. 3264 Washington st., room 201. BETTER INVESTIGATE THIS. ST-room rooming-house. good location, well furnished ; mostly housekeeping ; rent only $125. with lease; clears $10o a month above all expenses. Here is a BIG BAR GAIN at $2000, part cah. balance easy. ELLIS, YORK & CO., 326 H Washington st. , room 201. HAVE YOU $190? Bring it in quick, and we will put It in with some of our money and make you 26 per cent net. Do not hesitate. Act promptly. "ASK THE MAN." Butterworth-Stephenson Co.. Inc. 317 Abington Bldg. Main S529. SALOONS. I buv and sell saloons In and out of Se attle. I now have listed all of the good buys in Seattle. I can sav") you time wnen looking and money whev buying. MIKE QUINLAN, the ranker. 609 First ave., with the Sundwall Cash Register Co. I HAVE a SDlendid ooeninc for a cash re tail hardware t-usiness in Portland; very little 1 rr a ulred. This is an ex ceptional opportunity-, and if you want a small paving hardware business call and get particulars. R. F. Bryan, 505 I Chamber of Commerce. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab- I llshed 1RU51 furnishes free information on ! opportunities in mercantile or manufac turlng lines, citv or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 204-205 Abington Bldg. ONE of the best retail country stores In Lane County. Or. : doing nice business; will sell stock and rent buildings; party must liRve At :iO0O rash. This Is splendid opening. Investigate, Address j Lock Box 21. Fall Creek. Or. FOR SALE Water right on lake that will de velop 10C0 horsepower, all the year;' 15o0-ft. fall: fed bv nemetual snow: onlv 12 miles from Prairie City, Grant Co.. Or.; only $1200 cah for a few days. Address W . A. Luce, John Day, Or. REAL ESTATE man wantn brierht man i partner to show land, etc.; can make $100 to ?2u0; no experience necessary; very little cash required. Particulars Multnomah In vestment & Realty Co., 386 Washington st., room 11. ARB you interested in Klamath County lands-? $1300 down and $500 per year for three years Will secure 500 acres, good land, well lo cated; proposition open for a lew days oniy. For particulars address Secretary, Box 5o8, Portland, Or. I WANT a partner, a good, steady, reliable man, that is not afraid or worK; sucn man can have an exceptional opportunity with old established business: $1000 re quired. For further Information call on my agent at 511 Swetland budg. FOR KALE General merchandise stock. about $4500; good country town and lo cation: build intc for sale or rent. Have other business. Lock box 13, Sheridan, Or. HAVE a customer for a first-class hoteL country or city: also one for a first-class roominghouse, not over $4o00; give full particulars. Kinney & Stampher, 531-2 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Young man with some capital to take half interest In two country news papers and job printing business ; good proposition. Inquire personally Fitx Maurice, Hotel Oregon. FOR SALE An old-established cash gro cery bufnness, prominent corner, cloee in, on the West Side; good lease; cheap rent; might consider some exchange. AE 73, Oregonian. FOR SALE First-class laundry in best in land city in Western Washington; no comDetltion : will sell all or controlling in terest. For particulars address J. E. Leonard & Co., Chehalis. Wash. HOTEL in R. R. division town: large pay roll from shorts, roundhouse, coal bunKers. etc. 1 know this business personalty to be a money maker. May-Holland com pany, 627 Corbett bldg. MAY-HOLLAND COMPANY, INC. 627, 628 Corbett Bids. Main 3.-.17 A 2772. Business Investments. Real Estate and Timber. I : INTEREST in a bona fide business that "will pay you 20 per cent on xur invest ment: win stand strictest investigation: this La worth looking up. 607 Buchanan bldg. 286 Waeh. WANTEDPartner In established real es tate office to show land, etc; no experi ence necessary; can easily made $150 per month; only $150 required. Koom 01 Swetland bldg. ONE of the best 25-room hotels in Wash ington Countv. together with real prop erty; finely furnished and doing good busi ness. SHOO. May-iiouana i-o., o-: cor bett building. nav xncial attention to business open ings serore buying, can us un unu what we can ofTer you. Phone Main 44. Klnnev & Stainpher, 531-32 Lumber Ex change bldg. SPECIAL Owner of a .restaurant does the pnnt Inp a n nsnt t8 rt ner to ne casn 1 er, etc. : will oav active man $4 a day; $250 required. Call 248 Stark St. PARTNER wanted, real estate business: well- Mtah vhc orr re: exoerience not necessary, Investigate this. 411 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. FOR SALE Hardware store and imple ments; value 510. uou; aiso nouse ana iuur lots: rood location: terms reasonable. Aa- dress L. Box 264, Athena, Oregon. WE have a fine 28-room hotel in Willamette Va ov .-i limit 1'uu miles irom roruanu, i&in rush, balance real estate: will bear Investigation. May-Holland Co., 627 Corbett bldg. TWVK'T YOIT KNOW WTe can give you a special price on any mining stock or bond? F. J. Catterlin & Co.. 125 Abington bldg. FOR PALE 40-room hotel, wen iumisnea. nhnan IORB. ( eariHK u)U HCl iuuiii.ii. nrhe S2D00. Address box 111, St. John, Or WOODY ARD, etc.. partner wanted; will pay actice man $lOO a monrn now; experience not necessary : $6J0 will handle it. Par ticulars- 24SH Stark st. DENTAL office (advertising) fine location. Oregonian. LEAVING CITY Real estate business, fine location, nice lurniture. rent iv; iw buys. W 73. Oregonian. prhawerY for sale In fine dairy country. owner has otner dubius; a. suuy n wucu at once. ti oo. ciregonian. annn rooic -wants partner to handle the cash and do buying; $150 required. 272 Fourth. 14. ROOMS rood furniture near Court House. onlv 3650. Standard Investment Co., 25 5th st. MUST sell my business, meat market and ! grocery at once; good steady trade and location. Address C 61, Oregonian. SOLID grocery, partner wanted: sidW re quired, securea; pay juu mommy. Call 248X4 Stark st. FOR SALE First-class confectionery store; itood location; cheap ir taken soon. Ad- drefie lock box 180, New berg. Or. 25-ROOM. modern rooming-house; center "business district; 2 -entrances. Come quick if you want this. t27 Corbett bldg. AUSTRIA-HUNGARIAN restaurant outfit for sale, cheap. Inquire Cohn Bros Fur niture CV- ISO 1st st. will invest $10,000 and take active interest In flrst-claes manufacturing or wholesale business. Answer X 61, Oregonian. twr ROOMING HO'l5B at 167 West Park I st is for sale; pric reasonable. Inquire Mr. Strong. 214 Lumber ncnangf lldg. BNAF 23 room, well ways full; $1300.. bldg. furnished; Room 301 rooms al- S wetland MANUFACTURING Partner wanted with $&50; money goes Into business to enlarge it; pays big. cau o e-tar at. DRUG store In a town near Portland; will Invoice about $2000; splendid opportunity for a physician. A L 74. oresonlan. GAS and electric fixture business, estab- ilshed and doing good business, wants partner; $600 required. 627 Corbett bldg. LADY'S barber shop; halrcutting N. 4th and Burns: de sts. 25 c. 12 CIGAR STAND. $275: owner will guarantee you S5 a day. caui siara . HYPNOTIST, with subject. wanted to travel, at once. K 59. Oregonian. RARRER ShOD. 4 chairs. Cor sale. 1 j. 4th st. BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS OPENINGS. IN A NEW TOWN. Lamont, Important terminal point on I the new SDOkane. Portland Ac Seattle itau- road now on the market. Best openings In the West for all lines of business and all the professions. Exceptional oppor tunities for investment in lots. Round houses, machine shops, blacksmith shops. section houses, freight and passenger dT3ft ani manv other Imurovements toe Installed by railroad company. It will be a big pay-roll town. In a rich agricul tural country. A town with something to back it up. Write for maps and litera ture to the Fred. B Gnnnell Company, sole agents, Terminal bldg., Spokane, Wash. INVESTMENT of $10,000 will secure in Boise. irom tna cjaD'toi noiei wmuanv, representins: the creditors of the former : owner, five (5) years' leaee on the Capitol Hotel, Buffet. Restaurant, together wh complete outfit, furniture, fixtures and stork, all in firstt-lBwi condition: managed at the present by private party for the benefit of the creditors. This hotel pays now more than expenses, and cost original ly close to $25,000. For further Informa tion and particulars, communicate with or apply to Robert A. McAfee, cashier. First National Bank. Boise. Idaho." FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. LET US BE TOUR BANKERS. WE LOAN MONEY TO ALL HONEST EMPLOYES, WITHOUT SECURITY. NO MORTGAGE NO INDOKSER. LOWEST RATES. EASIEST PAYMENTS. EVERY Sl PAID ttV FT RKDUCKS COST. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US TOD A 1. EVERYTHING STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. CALL. TELEPHONE. WRITE. STATE SECURITY CO., 70 Dekum Bldg. HOURS 8 A M. TO 6 P. M. WED. AND SAT. EVGS.. TO 8. THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rothchild bldg., cor. 4th and Wash. ine recoirmxed hanic or tne waiio- earner. A iprk hnnwkocner. machinist. engineer or employe can obtain money of us on his note without security. $1. return to im .$4 a Mo. $30 Return to us $S a Mo. $50 Return to us $13.35 a Mo. conndentlai: no unpleasant inquiries. Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc. STAR LOAN AIIENCY. Money loaned on salary or chattel mort- srare: business ronflrientlaL Mo. Semi-aio. w Kiy. $75 return $50 return $30 return to us. . ..$20.00 $10.00 $5.00 . . 13.3 ft b. bo j - 8.00 4 00 2 $15 return to us. . 200 lie KAY BLDG.. . 4.00 2.00 1-00 cor. 3d and Stark stk. MONEY advanced salaried people and others upon tneir own names witnout securuj ; cheapest rates, easiest payments; others in oo principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN. 223 Abington bldg.. 106 3d. WE pay the highest cash for Title Guar antee & Trust Co., Oregon Trust & sav ings Bank, Merchant time certificates German-American time certificates. We buy and sell Home Telephone bonds. Cohn Bros., ISO First st. SALARY and Mortgage loans to salaried em ployes and on Pianos. Furniture, ware house Receipts, Hoiees, Insurance Policies ana all kinds of securities. JNEW ERA LOAN & MORTGAGE CO.. 205 Abington Bldg. WE will buv your telenhone bonds and stock and pay the highest cash price ior ureguu Trust, Merchants National or i me uuui- antee accounts. The E. 1 Fraiey CO., Chamber of Commerce. MONET oaned on ratarirs: no'other security; my system is best for railroad men, clerks. bookkeeeners. streetcar employes ana otnere business confidential. F. A. Newton, 511 Buchanan bldg., 2SQi Washingn et. j $7000 to loan on improved city property; will Joan in lees amounts; no nnmeiuRo charged. Address A. J. Winters, 306 Oak st., or phone Main 7225 or A 6133. I BUY Oregon Trust. German American, Title Guarantee, Merchants accounts, tele phone bonds and other collateral. i nos. McCusker, 205 Couch bldg. Main t4U. WE loan money on diamonds and jewelry at reasonable interest ior ing or , time. A. & M. Delovage, jewelers, 200 Washington st. I WILL exchange city or country property for telenhone bonds or otner collateral. Thos. McCihsker. 2u5 Couch bldg. Main 7646. . WrE buv Oreeon Trust & Savings, Merchants' National, uue uuarariee i rust ac counts for cash; also stocks and bonds. 611 Corbett bldg. $100,000 to loan in rums of $1000 or more to suit. 6 to 7 cer cent on improvta realty. M. G. Griffin. 26 Stark, opp. Cham, of C LOAN3 on rtal estate, chattels or personal security. W. A. Hat nn way, j.u w asiuiig- ton bldg Pacific 1832 CASH paid for telephone bonds, Title Guar antee ana Oregon j.rusi. n. w. uoaaara, 110 2d. MONEY TO LOAN in sums of $1000 to $10.- 000 or more, on improved properly, taay & Seiple. 6-1 MonawK biug. MONEY to loan in large or Bmall amounts. Thos. McCusker, liOo Couch bldg. Main 7640. A LOAN for the aoktng, salary or chattel. The loan Co.. -tio ueKum mag. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral Loans on dwellings $500 to S 1500, 2 or 3 yrs. v ara. attorney, Aiisicy mag. Main MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages i contract. W. II. Nunn. 65S Sherlock bldg. State funcis loaned. 6 ner cent. AV. E. Thomas. Mate agt. Multnomah Co. 4UU c. or com. $15,000 TO loan on Improved property; commission, n ti, uregonian. Loans Wanted. WANTED Two loans of tlOOO each, 8 per ; cent, on good and improved real estate; no agents. S TO, oregonian. I WANT loan of S2000 on new flat worth 8500. Room 40 Washington bicg. ju. 1253. WANTED Money on building oparations in city; first mortgage. V 60. Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $2000. Improved real estate. Farrlngton. 416 Com. Club bldg. FHSONAX. DEEPEST WRINKLES, SMALLPOX PITS and all Imperfections or the scalp, nair and face removed. iu?ts developed. perfluous hair removed by the latest French method; all the rage in Paris; no electricity: faces bleached: booklet iree. PROFESSOR AND MADAME MAUCOTT, Facial institute. 146 11th st., bet. Alder and Morrison. FURS. FURS. FURS. Now is the time to attend to your furs. No charge for storage, when repairs amount to $5. Goods callled for. Remodelling, re oalrins: and re-dying skillfully done at Summer prices. Old mink blended to look like new. Ladies call and see process. A. Reiner, practical furrier, expert fitter. 663 Washington st. Phone A 5472. SEXINE Pills make men end women strong. $1 a box, 6 buxta $5, with run guarantee for all forms of nerve weakness. Address or call the J. A. Clemennon Drug Co., cor. 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland. Or. YOU can't work when you don't sleep well; Paimo Tablets maxe you sieep anu vivo rnn ur earl v nerves: T0c a box. 6 boxes $2.50. All druggists, or address the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co.. Portland. dr SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and cotton i Root Pills, sure remeay ior oemyeu periods, $2 per box or 3 boxes $5. Dr. , Pierce, 181 U 1st st. rRT-A;s jmiiLs for rent, all sizes: SI. 50 month keps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips leneu. rrouipi cans nnu un liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark. MRS. OBROCK Mtsseuse, baths, salt glow. alcohol rub, cream massage; reierences 282 K Park. Main 24Q3; A 2734. "Mm a. CourtwriEht. skin and scalp treat ments; laciai aeiormmeB corrected; piastic surgery. l j lie oner uiag. iu.. ou, a uvj. LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Dr Ketcnum, graauate; auvics iree. 170H 3d st. Main 8 i0- MOLES, wrinkles. superfluous hair re- 1 moved. airs. m. bldg. Pac. 135. D. Hill, 330 Fliedner 1 LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorensr Nerve macy, 227 Morrison St.. bet. 1st and 2d. PILES cured without operation by a well established pnysician. dui -iu, cij. DRS. ATWOOD; private hospital; maternity cases: good care; terms ngm. aq. aiisky d 9 BALM OP FIGS for all female diseases. 54 Bast 13th st. ortn. i'none n euo. PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely, mi people; circular 10c ia s. PERSONAL. . MEN'S DISEASES CURED. PERMANENTLY. If you have any disease that you have ; recently contracted, or that has become j chronic, we will cure It. If you have ; piles, constipation, rheumatism, prostatic disease, or stricture call on us and we will cure vou. Don't delay. IMPONDERO-THERAPY CO (INO 508 Merchants Trust F.ldg. Entrance S26H Washington st., cor hixtn. LADIES. If you wish to avoid the knife, come to us! We rure all female diseases: Constipation. piles, rheumatism, neural gia. ail forms of nervous and blood dis eases. Consultation ftee. 1MPONDERO-THERAPY CO (INC.), 50S Merchants Trust Bldg. Entrance 326 Washington St.. cor 6th. SWEDISH trained nurse. Heislncfors rradu- aie. cures rneumatism. stomacti trouoies and nervous disorders by hand rubbing, , ticim sweat ana tub baths : both sexes. 7 East 11th st., one door from East An- 1 aeny car. pnones East 260. Home B 1803. SUITS pressed while you wait, BOc. To visit ers 01 fort iana noteis and to public at large: Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor's. do ma sr.. next to the oxford Hotel. Ladle sktrte pressed. 50c. Feathers and boas 1 cleaned and curled. Phone Main 464. LADIES Ask your druggist tor Chlchestars iJiamona Brand Pius. For 23 years known as tne pest, sarest. iieiian;e. thkc no otner. C hi Chester s Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. PERSONS of marriageable age. either s desiring acquaintance or companion, sen a 10c for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau, 181 1st St., cor. Yamhill. GERMAN. French. SDan'sh and other for eign textbooks and literature a specialty. A. Wr. Schmale Co., 229 1st st- SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. j DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, United States Reclamation Service. W ashington. D. C. June 19, U08. The United States Reclamation Service will sell at public auction at Cold Springs Dam, located about six miles from Hermlston. Oregon, be&rinnine at 10 o'clock A. M.. Saturday, July 11, property consisting of work horses, scrapers, railroad plows, disc har rows, cultivators, dump wagons, harness. bulldlnes. tents, track tools, office furni ture, commissary supplies, heavy timbers. gasoline engines, power pumps, water tank, oil tanks, and miscellaneous tools. FRANK PiERCE. Acting Secretary. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned will receive bids at his office in the City of Hood River, Oregon, up to July 15, inclusive, for transcribing and indexing all records of Wasco County In any way anecting real estate situatea in Hood River County, all transcripts to be i typewritten in record books to be furnished by Hood Kiver county, .tsias snouia speci fy the amount per folio of 100 words for transcribing ana inaexing saia recoras separately. A bond in the sum of $3000 will be required to insure tne faithful per formance of the contract. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. r A. j. JJUltK 1 , County Judge of Hood Kiver County. NOTICE. Bids will be received at room 200. Ore gonian bldg, up to and Including, July i&. ivus, tor tne transportation ana cart age of all editions of The Oregonian and evening ueiegram to the postonice. ex press offices, trains, boats, streetcars, i irom August i., to August, l. iyuu. For information as to amount of work and time required apply to the mat Una clerk, either newspaper, from 2 to 5 o'clock any afternoon. The right to reject any or a;i bias is reservea. OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. July 2, 1908. NOTICE Bids for the construction of a 88- room brick hotel and department store will be received before and until July 15, 1904. The owners hereby reserve the right to re ject any and all bids. Only bids delivered bidder in person will be considered. Bonded security will be required. Plans and eoecifU-atiuns will be furnished In Kla math Falls, Klamath County. Or., where building Is to be erected during Summer and Fall of 9J3. L. Jacobs & Co., nuunatn rails, June 23, CS. Masters Notice. NORWEGIAN steamship Guernsey, Paul Jorcenson master. from ban r rancisco; neither the master nor the undersigned consignees of the above-named veseel will be repponeible for any debts that may oe contracted by the crew. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO. Miscellaneous IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the District of Oregon in tne mHitfr of Tsrael Korn. bankrUDt. The un dersigned will receive sealed bids up to 12 o clock noon of Tuesday. Juiy i. i, for the stock of furniture, hardware, stoves; etc.. located at 24;i t ront m.. .romano. ur.. of the inventory value cf $752.72. Inven tory is on file at the office of the under signed and property may ne inepeciea. on application. i frrnna cnocK or iu oer ceni ol ui amount offered must accompany each bid 1 and the .sale is made subject to confirma tion by the court. Dated Portland, or.. Jiny o. loos. R. L. SAB1N. Trustee. 7 First St. ARCHITECTS, contractors, engineers, get Pacific Builder & Engineer, aia itn. com. LOST AND FOUND. LOST (Brown horse, weighs 900 pounds, Rirtrlefoots under saddle, six years oia. also black horse weighs 110O pounds, was turned loose from the Dexter stable nre i July 6. Return to 12th and Jefferson at- , Phones: M 1961; A 424ft LOST 1 bay mare, S50 lbs., brand 33 - on loft chmi t pr. nnn i ctrv mare. w ins.. branded 2 on left shoulder and Y on left stifle; heavy Mitchell buggy, harness old. bridles not mates, with the blinds stamped on metal S. B. x 74, oregonian. LOST On June 28, black horse with white sDot on forehead and on nose ; weignv about VJ.-.O. are 14: lost between Beftv- erton and Cedarvilie; rewara- return 10 N. Garbarino, 2 miles south of Beaverton, or 34S Water St., portiana. LOST Sorrel horse, roached mane, white ennt on foreheaQ: hina ieet wnue turned loose Monday night from Dex ter Stable's fire. Address 67 N. 9th at. Phone Main 1014, A 15S7. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vator! returned same day. uronu Main 474, A 1374. Portland curiea iair Factory. H. Metzger. LOST on Portland Heights. June 22, black and white nointer doc: collar, no name; has extra toe on rtgnt nma xoot; noerai reward. Phone Main filb. t.ost wrednesdav afternoon about 3 o'clock; draft on Brown, Shirley : co., ionaon. . Knr'and in favor or wm. MacKenzie. Finder please return to 302 Worcester Blk. LOST A watch and a fob made or black beads and goia neaas or bwrsuks. r-ie return Oregonian; reasonaoie rewara. rtrayrd from Dexter Stables during fire Monday night, one wnue norse. jvoore Townstnd Creamery, phone Main 4077. PARTY who took purse off Meier & Frank counter duly a is Known, .rie-ase leave Oregonian office and avoid trouble. LOST Long black puree containing 2 $5 bills and N. P. pass irom .rortiano. lo aeaiue. Return to Scott Hotel. T.rRT Foh- told letter: set with Rhine stones: biacK siiK riPDon; rewaru. iiv 6th st. T,nRT Ladv's cold watch, July 6, on Oregon City car; monogram on case, l,. a. rnont Jennings Lodge, Farmer 8X1. Reward. LOST Gold-handle umbrella, monogram "R. S. F. .Return 10 ciregonian oitice. Reward. tist Purse containing wedding ring, ti opal rings ann some money. nemrn vaqtI at Montavllla. Liberal Reward. LOST Lady's smoked spectacles in gilt frame. Bring to room , Mammon, ana re ceive reward. LOST Irish Setter dog. red. female, near First and Davis sis.; rewara. iircuiaxiou Dept.. Oregonian WILL the young lady who lost her purse In Knight's Shoe oiore cau ai omce; FOUND One small brlndle cow. Address p. o. hox is JUNE 30 we took in one stray mare. Nobby Stables, J-tn ana r lanaere. BUSFKESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD, 833 Morrison, cor. Tth. Ac cordion and an ire piaitinr ana pinking. Accountants. , E. H. COLLIS, 824 Worcester blocK. public accountant and estate agent. Auaiung. ; investigating, systematizing; permanent keeping of books and records a specialty THE GEO. T- MURTON AUDIT CO., 318 Chamber of Commerce, office systematix inz and general accounting. Established BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Architects. BT. J- HEFTY, room 203 Gerllnger bldg.; 3d and Alder. Aseayers and Analysts. .) MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory 1 and ore-testing woric. im Morrison sc. PAUL BAUMEL, assayer and analyst. Gold' dust bought. -0 Alder st. Wells Ac Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists and assay era. 24 V Washington. Bicycle and Electrical Repairing. SHAW A MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en-t gin and electrical repairing. 32C Stark at. Chiropody. WM. DEVENY and Estelle Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists, parlors 303 Gerllnger bldg., southwest corner 2d aud Alder. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. room S30 FUedner bldg. Phone Pac 135. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg.. Portland. Dancing. LESSON, 25c Open-Air Summer Dan ring School; opening today and this evening Prof. AVal. Wlllson's School. 3S6H Wash ington st.. bet. West Park and loth sta Dog; and Horse Hospital. Dr. C. E. Brown. D. V. S. D. C. M. Dog, horse hospital, 106 N 6th st Union Trans to. Feed b cores. ( E. L, COOPER & CO.. hay. grain, feed. Union ave. East 1517. B 1517. Gasoline Engines. Stationary, marine. electric equipments, , launches, accessories, wholesale, retail; engine repairing. Reierson Machinery Co.. Harries, and Saddlery. THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale sad dle and harness mnfn bO-so 1st. Main 2i Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO., purchasers of hides, pelts. wooi. iurs. tanow, cia rucoers, meia:s ana sacks. 312 Front SL - Launches and Yachts. FOR charter and sale marine hardware. gasoline engines. See Heyes. lil Madison. Leather an jTindings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S58. Leather and findings: Stockton sole leather ai:d cut stock; fuil line Eastern Jumbos. 181 Front st. CHAS. L. MASTIC & CO.. 74 Front, leathe of every description, tap mtrs'. Jindlnge. Machinery. ICE machines. Complete installation. Arm strong Machinery' Co., Spokane, Wash. EMIL, THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil of oevcia. a 41.UO. .fine 3.J4. Pac. L'L'cva. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NOR THRU P. 415-16-17 Dekum Bldg . Third and Washington Sts, Phone, office. Main 349. Residence, E. 102S. Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN A CO., jobbers, paints, oils. Class, sash and doors Cor. 2d and Taylor. F. E. Beach & Co., the Pioneer paint Co., Window glass and glazing. 135 1st. M. 1334. Patent svnd Pension At torneys. PROTECT your Ideas. We can patrnt it. jnouiton & acotey, attorneys, 504 Colum bia bldg., Portland, Or. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. PATENTS, trade-marks, copyrights. A. J. juatter, m commonwealth biug. J. J. HIRSHHEIMER, pen:sion and patent attorney, rooms o--L iacoa Diug. Photo Engravers. PERFECT printing plates. Hicks-Chattea engraving co., corner Zd and Alder sta DESIGNERS, photo engravers, Nelss & Con- naway. lOO Id St. A 4573, M. 7319. Rubber Stamps. ALSO trade checks and all office goods. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark st. Both phones 1407., Signs. FOSTER & KLEIfcER, SIGNS. The largest sien-makers in the North west, 6th and Everett sts. Phone Private' exchange 05. Home A 115. Safes. DIEBOLD SAFE & LOCK CO. John B. Da- . tits sa st. .Bargains in Zd-hand safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d st. Safe at factory prices. Second-hand safes. Showcase, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE James I. Marshall Mfsr. Co., showcase, . cabinets, store and office fixtures. 2S Couch st. Main 2703. ' BANK FIXTURES, SHOWCASES. , BIRDSALL, HAMILTON BLDG. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., office, and commodious, rour-story brick ware-1 house, with separate iron rooms and fire-1 proof vault for valuables, N. W. corner of 2d and Pine ats. pianos and furniture; moved and packed for shipping. Main, 606. A 1906. OLS EN-ROE TRANSFER CO General transferring and storage, safes pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 200 Oak St., bet. Front and 1st. Telephone Main 547 or A 2247. Street Paving. : WARREN Construction Co., street paving,; sidewalks ana crossings. 314 LumDer ix. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., at, Portland omce, 4U-J-4 Worcester oioi:k.i Typewriters. NEW and second-hand typewriters, all; maaes. repairea, 00 iu reniea ; anu state agents the Visible Fox. The Type writer Exchange. 84 3d st. Main 606- j SPECIAL prices, all makes rented, sold, re-j paired. P. U- C". co., zji diarK. .oaain iif. Veterinary Colleges. BAN FRANCISCO Veterinary college, nexti season begins aepi. ur. k.. iveane, ; pres. 1818 Market st. Catalogue free. Wholesale Jobbers. WADHAMS ti CO., wholesale grocers, man ufacturers, gummisaiuu wcivuauii. via. and Oak. Cordwood bought and sold in carload lot only. Addresc uz wens r argo omg. FIRST-CLASS fir cordwood. sold in car load lots oniy; o. w . r. aiam o.jmo. BANKS. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R, W- HUH ttsnier, GEORGE W. HOYT ....Assistant Cashier: S E CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashlef TR AN OA LI liLMlKAb DAWm.TiU BUSINESS. United States Depository, nrofti and letters of credit issued, avail able in all parts of the world. Collections a bpccik-ii-j .. L LADD & TILTON BANK POR I laa u, Jis.. , Established 1859. Capital fully paid 11.000.000 01 Surplus and undivided profits .. 4OO.OOO.O0 OFFICERS: W. M. LADD President EDWARD COOKINGHAM ..Vice-President W. H. Ul R. e. HOWARD, JR Assistant Cashier J W. LADD Assistant cashier WALTER M. COOK Assistant Cashier INTEREST PAID ON x iji m iefuaiia AND teAVl.i ACCJC 1 1 O. Arrmmti of banks, firms, corporations and individuals solicited. We are prepared to furnish depositors every xaciiuy consistent with good banking. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $1,500,000. No loUrest raid, on account, 1 rs.i ro n