14 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JULY 9, I90S. tfOR SALE REAL rSTATB. A SPLENDID INVESTMENT. One and a half miles outside the city limits, itmc distance from ft cent eleetrlc car. 3 miles from general postofftce; 100 acres of excellent land, suitable for subdivision Into 5 and 10-acre tracts. soil and location specially adapted to fruit raising. 15 acres In cultivation, balance second growth flr timber; fine, strong spring; beautiful view; good roads. Price only S1O0 per acr, half cash, balance 6 per cent. Investigate; no better opportunity to make money will ever knock at your door. 8MALL FARM HOMES ON OR NEAR NEW ELECTRIC LINE 13 acres. 6 In cultivation, nice new house of 4 rooms, good barn and out bouses, stock and Implements Included. 2000. half cash. 15 acres, all in cultivation, nne nome of C rooms, acres walnuts, 4 acres cherries, at a sacrifice. $.1250, half cash. 10 acres, all in cultivation; 4-room house, barn. etc.. (1800. $1350 cash. We have secured bargains in email and large farms on the new electric line to Hillsboro and Forest Grove to be in op eration by Septetmber 1. The prices on these excellent farms are very reasonable and we gladly take you out to Judge for yourself. We have some choice acreage for sale 8 miles from Portland postofflce. within city limits, finest soil, all level, close to iectrlc car, city water piped to place. This location is building up rapidly in to one of Portland's finest residence dis tricts. Can be handled with little money. A nplendld Investment; would be es pecially suitable for fine gardening, hot houses, etc. For full particulars call at our office. THE CROS6LEY COMPANY. Inc.. 708 ar.d 700 Corbett bid Phones Main 7 8 .-,5. Home A 5722. A GOOD BUY 50x100,, on Knott ave.. bet. Rodny and Union; lot is well worth $2500; price $2Tx0; $500 down, balance easy terms. Acreage A snap; 23xl7o, Ave blocks from Fouth d st. -car, on a good road ; fine for chicken ranch: price $760; $400 down, bal ance eafty terms. 100x100 eloie to Country Club grounds and O. R. A N. ; no restrictions, and a good bargain ; price $850; $250 down, balance terms. Good ft-room house on Bast Flanders; newly tinted and in fine shape; a bargain at $3800; $500 down, balance easy terms. fl-room house in Irvlngton. full size lot, good location, price $3750; $500 down, bal ance terms. 6 -room house on Multnomah, rente for $30 per month, and leased for 1 year; price viSOO; $2000 down, balance 6 per cent. One 60x100 lot on Multnomah Ft., good location and worth $1500; price $1130 cash. Acreage Acre tract, faces on Sandy road; close to Country Club, has Bull Run water; price $1300; cash, balance easy terme. A real good buy lOOxWO in Irvlngton, corner lot in finest location; owner moved out of city; price $3000; cash, balance terms. $1650 buys ft-room house In Willamette, ftOxloo lot with fruit trees; good view of river; 3 block from car; $500 down, bal ance easy terms. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Bankers. Chamber of Commerce. HALF ACRE TRACTS. We are offering the best thing In sera r half acre tracts In Portland; water stains laid and terms ot only S10 cash and (10 per month. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO, 110 3d St. ACRE TRACT. $2000 All cleared, small 4-room house and variety of fruit trees; close to car line; fine neighborhood. Building lots for bungalows. $.i00 Cheapest full-size lots on the market; 3 carllnes. $100 50x200. close to river; fine neigh borhood; walking distance. $3000 100x100. unobstructed view of the river and finest building lots on the East Side. FRED C KING. B0 Commercial blk., 2d and Washington ate. CHOICE lot in Holladay. John Irving and Irvlngton addition cheap, soon be all sold; number very select homes, 6 and 7 rooms, also a mansion or two; very rea sonable; few bungalows at cost. Now Is the time to secure a home In the most fashionable part of Portland. For fur ther particulars call at office, corner 15th and Halsey st. Broadway, Irvlngton cars. Phones: Office. C 1993; East 896. Residence, C U08; C 1271. DOLEN A HERDMAN. 93700 Strictly modern 6-roora house in Piedmont, this house ts new and Is mod em In every respect; full lot. cement walks and retaining walls, fruit trees and flowers. An ideal home. Was built for a home, but owner is leaving city and must be sold; terms. C. B. Lucas. 320 Corbett bldg. $1:00 CASH on a strictly modern 5-room cottage on E. Grant, In very fine neigh borhood, near new 18-room school: cor ner lot. 50x00; paneled dining-room; house Juit completed; $2000; open even ings. East Side Investment Co., 37th and Hawthorne ave. Tabor 1147- 100x100 BUSINESS corner, with two good houses on Hawthorne ave.; not far out, In best location; no better Investment in city; small amount of cash is required to handle this, and the price is right. M 72. Oregonian. $4800 7-room modern house, lot 50x100. on carllne. central East Side; cement walks, gas and electric lights, hot water heat; terms. See owner, 392 East Morrison st. No agents. A SNAP. 3 acres of very fine land. In cultivation; living spring; only 15 minutes' ride from business center, for $1800, upon easy terms; 3 lots same distance out In any other di rection will cost you as much; here Is a chance. Russell A Houston, 444 Sherlock bldg., S3t 3d st. FOR SALE Mountain View ranch, over looking Columbia River and mountains eastward. 120 acres, good house, barn, orchard, small fruits, etc.. -0 acres clear of roots and stumps, more partially cleared, tome timber; terms. L. L. Moffett, room 423 Lumber Exchange bldg- 11600 WILL enable you to call your own a good 5 -room cottage on nice 50x100 corner lot. close in and rlffht on the W. R. carllne; full concrete basement, fruit trees. Terms if desired. Apply at C. F. Pfluger A Co., room 14, Mulkey bldg.. cor ner 2d and Morrison sts. BEAUTIFUL bulldlnc site. 100x100. on th southwest corner of E. 13th and Division sts.. facing Ladd's tract. Price only $1800 for the whole quarter block: must sell at once. C. F. Pfluger A Co., room 14 M ulkey bldg.. corner 2d and Morrison sis CAN YOU -"EAT THIS? Only $200 for an Irrigated farm In best part of Oregon. $lu down and $ 10 per month; Government" compete with this. Thos. McCusker, 205 Couch bldg. Main 7646. I.'kiO Lot 50x100. restricted neighborhood, all improvements in. Including cement sidewalks, only 15 minutes out and nothing but swell residences. Pay me $5t cash and 3 per cent monthly. See owner, room IS. Hamilton bldg. Main 4610. TERW1LL1GER hon.estead on the West Side, three carllnes through the prop erty, ten minutes from business center; graded streets, cement walks, fine view; lots from $400 up. Phone M 3177. A 4450. J. C Costello, 331 Chamber of Com. DOES THIS INTEREST YOU? For $35,000 you can buy better than 50 feet in business district on Washington st. A paying Investment now. See us. F. J. ("ATTERL1N A CO.. Room 3. Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHAXUK. WE have for sale or trade a first-class drug stock. located In Western Washington city. It's a good proposition for a good druggist. For particulars address J. E leonard A Co.. Che halls. Wash. A $1 2.000 Klickitat hill fruit and farm tract to trade toward Portland home or business property. Ft ank Lee. 147 Vs Front st- riRST-class general merchandise store to exchange for farm property. F 60, Ore gonian. FOR SALE or exchange, suburban home, large rounds, fruit, garden ; owner leav ing city. W 73. Oregonian. MODERN 8-room house for farm close to New berg or Forest Grove. M 70. Ore gonian. 20-ROOM hotel In good country town to exchange for farm property. H 68. Ore gonian. OLDS tou.rinr car to exchange for real estate or $1100 cash. phone B 2126. Tabor 1153. C IF you wsnt to buy or sell or exchange hour, lot. farm or business for something else, call 51S Chamber Commerce. A FINE timber claim, 6.OOO.000. exchange for improved farm or Portland residence. Worcester blk. 4 ACRJSS wheat land to exchange for res idence. Smith, ell Buchanan bldg. TO EXCHANGE. ACREAGE TO EXCHANGE Beautifully located, plank walk lead ing to electric carllne. good house, brick basement, hot and cold water, bath, double parlors, bay windows, magnificent view, water piped into house and to barn from spring, nice barn and all out buildings, fruits, berries, ornamental trees and shrubs, convenient to graded school, including 12th grade. stores, churches, etc.; will trade for house and lot. HENKLE & HARRISON. 217 Abington bldg. 60 ACRES, about 30 miles from Portland ; right on county road and railroad; about 4 acres In wheat, 13 acres in oats, 1? in pasture, 15 beaverdam land with tine ash wood; balance timber; good 8-room house, with basement; large porch and attic; fine well, never dry; also creek; good or chard; $6500, half cash; would take Port land real estate for balance. 325 Lumber - Exchange. 10-ACRB highly improved farm, with ex cellent house, only 10 miles from Portland, close to railroad station; 8 1-3 cents fare to Portland: this place will make an ex cellent home; price only $4500; part cash. or will take good Portland property. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. 1 WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg WANTED REAL ESTATE IF YOU WANT TO TURN SOME PORT LAND PROPERTY INTO CASH, some under the general price in its neighbor hood, mail plat of tract, with lot or lots, or land marked on same, or description and location, with lowest cash price, to V 57. Oregonian. Nothing too small, nothing too big. to be considered, only it must be a CASH RAISING proposition as to value Ail details strictly confidential K If so desired. WANTED A 6 or 7-room bungalow. Wanted A new 7 or 8-room house, close in. on West Side. Wanted Quarter block in Holladay Ad dition. FRED C. KING. 506 Cammercial blk., 2d and Wash. WE WANT to list a number of 5 to 7-room modern houses, both cheap and medium priced. We have customers for such for cash and on payments. Cady & Seiple, 322 Mohawk bldg., 3d and Morrison. WANTED From owners only. 5 to 8-room modern house, worth from $1000 to $35O0. Can pay down $8u0 to $1000, balance on monthly payments. Address P 72, Ore gonian. WANTED SHINGLE MILL. I want to buy a good up-to-date shingle mill, with one or two upright saws; pre fer a location on the North Bank road; state full particulars in first letter. Address O 71, Oregonian. WILL pay cash for 2 lots in or arouna Portsmouth or University. Must be good residence lots and must be a bargain. Ad dress, N 72. Oregonian. WANTED Lots in Piedmont or some other restricted district; price must be right. O 72. Oregonian. I WILL pay cash for a good residence lot on West Side, not too far out. if cheap. M. C. Davis. 16 Hamilton bldg. Main 44J10. WANTED 5 or P-room modern cottage, be tween Holladay and Hawthorne aves. A D 58, Oregonian. FOR SALE TIMBER LAND. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA. JAMES D. LACEY CO.. Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. WE are constantly acquiring fine tracts of timber for .sale and are headquarters for lumber enterprises of all kinds. Phore Main 44S6. Kinney & Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. YELLOW pine timber claims, located Just released from Blue Mountain Forest Re serve. Phone Pacific 1612. Room 39, 1651 4th st. TIMBER. 2 claims. Crook County, Or., yellow pine, 4 million, 73c per M. Owner X 7L Oregonian. CHOICE YELLOW PINE CLAIMS. Government locations. S27 Worcester blk. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. FROM owner, large or small timber tracts. Murdock A Young, 407 Buchanan bldg. TIMBER Lands wanted. C. J. McCracken 304 McKay bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. 20 ACRES, Oregon City; fine uoil, small house and barn, some fruit, 500 cords stand ing timber, well and creek; price $15o0. Angeles. 411 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. LINCOLN CO. orchard and dairy lands, near deep sea harbor and railroad; mild climate, pure water; improved and un improved; $7 to $40 per acre. O. G. Dal aba. Elk City, Oregon. FOR reliable information on small acre age, dairy or fruit land call or address O. W. P. LAND CO., Immigration Bureau. 1st and Alder sts. 80 ACRES good fruit land, beautiful loca tion for Summer resort. Price $3000. In quire 900 East Glisan. FOR SALE Lincoln County dairy ranches, timber claims C. J. Smith Realty Co., W aid port. Or. Fl N E stock ranch 500 acres for sale on easy terms. X 72, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. BUY AHEAD of developments and reap the benefit of advance in values. This principle applies to irrigated land, too. . Our Palnuse Orchard Tracts in the Washtucna Valley are celling to im provers and settlers. Get in before improvements send prices up. We have railroads and plenty of water NOW. So you can make your home there right away. If you want town lots Palouse Falls is the place. This town will soon have 3 transcoatlnental railroads running through It. Then you will hear more about it. But don't wait. Call or write for printed matter today. THE PALOUSE IRRIGATION A POWER COMPANY, 246 Stark at. Portland. Or. 40 ACRES, 14 mile northeast of Vancouver, I Vj mileu from the railroad, Vi mile to church and school, level land, 15 acres in hay, potatoes and garden truck; 15 acres slashed ready to burn; 10 acres pasture; good house and barn. 3 cows, heifer, hogs, chickens, ducks, horse, harnesses, wagon, buggy, plow, milk separator; fices two county roads; crop nnd all $2500; half cash. 100 acres, 15 cleared. 10 slashed. HO acres swale land, house and barn, 25 fruit trees, timber burned, easy clearing. 19 miles from Vancouver, H-j miles to sawmill, i mile to school. 4 miles to railroad, elevation 1120 ft.. $1000. Swedish Land & 1 rami gat Ion Co., 311 Worcester bids. BEST 340-ACRB GRAPE PROPOSITION IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. MUST SELL Price $8000, terms on half: rich dark red soil ; S acres vineyard, f am-' lly orchard, apples, plums, almonds, figs, grape cuttings rooting. 15 acres corn. 15 acres hay. second cutting now in progress, stream running through, irrigation ditch, all stock and farming equipment, horses, cattle, hogs, chickens, full ?et of black smith tools, placer, mine, good head of water; all crops go" with possession. Ad dress ELMER S SHANK, Grants Pass. Or. FARM- 25 ACRES- F.VRM PR 1CE- -$;r,oo- -PRICE Cheapest and completest place on the Salem electric line; rich soil, splendid 11 rooin house, completely furnished; all farm tools; warehouse, barn, 3 cows. 5 heifers, horse, wagon, buggy, growing crops of fruit, hay. potatoes, etc. Apply to my agents. WHITING A ROUNTREE. 82 H Third st. $2600 ONLY A nloe 4u-acre farm in Mult nomah County, 23 miles east of Portland; 18 acres under cultivation, good large barn and other outbuildings; nice 2-acre orchard, good springs, running water all year around; finest of soil, some good timber; an Ideal place for the man who knows how to appreciate a good farm. For a short time only at that prioe. C. F. Pfluger A Co.. room 14, Mulkey bldg., corner 2d and Morrison sts. $8.00 PER acre will buy a choice tract of unimproved land consisting of 320 acres situate on the Little Kalama River, ten miles from Woodland in Cowittx County, Wash., well watered, some level, some rolling and some hilly, hut all fine land, suitable fc r farms or first-class stock ranch. Rallrcad being surveyed through the land; improved farms and school near. S. G. LANE. Woodland, Washington. GREAT BARGAIN 160 acres orchard land, 10 acres In bearing fruit. 40 acres clear and In cultivation, remainder finest kind of apple land, within 13 minutes' 'walk of Mosler- Snap at $6000. or $37.50 pr acre. Worth ut least $50 per acre. U I T LAND INVESTMENT CO-20-327 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. GOOD FARM BUYS. 72 acres, all good rich land, half under cultivation, several thousand feet of good green saw timber, mile from sawmill, fine new hard-finished 6-room house, barn 60x60, woodshed, chicken-nouses, orchard, etc.; good well ar.d running water, place fenced and cross-fenced, in fine neighbor hood, Vt mile from country town, R- F. D. mail' and telephone ..service. Including good team, wapon. new buggy and har ness, spring wagon. 4 milch cows, rake, cultivator, plow. 60 chickens, all crops, etc. All for only $5SuO. $1800 cash, bal ance 3 or 5 years at 6 per cent Interest. 160 acres all good rich land, 70 acres under fine state of cultivation. 50 acres more very c-a-sily cleared, some timber. Land lies level and is excellent soil. New 2-story, 7-room house, new barn, 4ux5Q and a set of old buildings. 2 orchards, good wells, place' fenced and cross fenced; in thickly settled locality on tine graded road, 1 mile frcm railroad tow n and 9 miles from Vancouver; R. F. D. mall and telephone service. Some per sonal property and all crop? ro with place if sold soon, for only $9600, $3500 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent intei est. One of the best dairy and stock ranches in the state. SO acres nice level land, 15 acres in cultivation, balance easily cleared; new 4-room cottage, good outbuildings, nice family orchard ; good well, place fenced and cross-fenced; 2i acres in strawber ries. i mile from gra'ded school. miles from country railroad town and S miles from Vancouver, on fine level, graded road. Price, $2500, terms. Vancouver is, only 6 miles by electric line from Portland. Write or call and get our list, with illus trated booklet before buying. THOMPSON A SWAN. Citizens National Bank. Vancouver. Wash, GREATEST LAND SALE IN OREGON'S HISTORY. There is now offered for sale a tract of 300,000 acres of the Oregon Military road grant lands In Lake and Harney counties, as fine land as can be found in the world, and thle magnificent property, large enough for 11,092 farms and homes, is being prac tically given away to the 11,902 persons who apply for a farm before they are all sold. In addition to th farm, each pur chaser to given a business or residence lot In the additions to Lake view, the county seat and the coming metropolis of South ern Oregon. The farms range in size from 10 acres to 1000 acres. One undi vided farm and one lot together will be sold for only $2imj. payable 510 a month, and each purchaser will receive, free of charge, a warranty deed for the lot and a war ranty deed for a farm large enough to employ his time practically the year round, and if well tilled will make him independent for life. There Is practically no limit to the variety of fruit and crops that can be raitied on this land. It has been said that one good investment beats a lifetime of labor. Here is your oppor tunity. Put your monthly savings where you will have something worth while at the end of the year. OREGON VALLEY LAND CO., 831 Chamber of Commerce. FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olmsted Land Company. Salem. Or. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. LOST Brown horse, weighs 900 pounds, singlefoots under saddle, six years old, also black horse, weighs 1100 pounds, was turned loose from the Dexter stable fire July 6. Return to 12th and Jefferson sts. Phones: M 1901; A 4246. 5-YEAR-OLD dark brown mare, a beauty, perfectly safe for ladle to drive, side-spring top buggy and harness, used six weeks; parties going away. 95 East 30th, Sun nyside. $100 CASH will buy stylish dark bay horse; good traveler, fearless of all ob jects; gentle and suitable for lady to drive. A E 58. Oregonian. FOR SALE 1 span delivery horses, 5 and years old; 1 driving mare, 5 years old; 1 delivery mare; 1 delivery horse, weighing 1150 lbs. Phone East 4S04. 226 Russell st. EXCHANGE Improved 24-acre farm adjoin ing Winlock. Wash.; rich garden and fruit land. Address D. L. Brace, Che halls, Wash. FCR BALE Team, harness and delivery wagon; bargain If taken this week; price $225. Phone East 768. Call 423 E. 6th et. FOR SALE Fifteen well-broke horses. Phone Gresham 3S0. Address Sam Strebln, Troutdale, Or. GOOD, cheap mare, rubber-tired tuggy and harness for sale at once; 'must sell. Call room 326 Lumber Exchange bldg. 25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho tel 'bun. saddles, harness, cheap to close out. Hubert & Hall. 266 4th St. THREE teams young draft horses. 1500 to 1 700 pounds. E. R. Frank, 436 Gold smith st. FOR SALE Hcrse, buggy and harness; very stylish horse. 49 4th st. A FINE horse, buggy, sulky and harness. Inquire at 2Df Burnside st,. near 5th. 2& BAIN WAGON, new set of team harness. Kedderley barn, 16th and Jefferson sts. SECOND-hand rubber-tire top buggy. 303 East Morrison st. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery. Automobiles. 1907 STODDARD-DATTON touring car, top and glass front; $1400. ltK7 Stevens-Duryea, top; $1250. 1906 Franklin; $S50. These cars have been traded In on Pierce and Cadillac and must be sold at once; no reasonable offer refused. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 16th and Alder. M 6470. AN automobile, good for sightseeing; will carry 10 persons; will eell or exenange for real estate. Address E. B. Rodman, 503 Alder at. 50 H.-P., 1007 model, fine condition, com plete in every detail; leaving city; must sell or exchange. Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg AUTOMOBILE Stevens Duryea, guaranteed to be in first-class condition, with $500 equipment, for $1400. O 74. Oregonian. WILL trade Coos Bay property for touring car in good condition. A B 6U, Oregon ian. IF you want a first-class 35 h. p. auto at less than half cost you can get it of P 54, Oregonian. KRANICH A BACH parlor grand piano, near ly new, for sale $500; original cost $1000. Phone Main 5902. Miscellaneous. 67 NEW DOCTORS' Any wishing to purchase at low price small medical library or instruments, in cluding urinal test case, hand or buggy caee, address P 73, Oregonian. HAVE your roof painted with "Elasto" ; inexpensive; aaas years wear; good on any kind of roofs. Northwest Roofing Co., 511 North 22d st. Phone Main 4897. MY complete office for sale, consisting of fire-proof safe, L. C. Smith Typewriter, desk, chairs, rug; will sacrifice at once. Call at room 326 Lumber Exchange bldg. GASOLINE launch, 31 feet, canopy top, 15 H. P., 4-cyiinder engine, brass finishings, quarter-sawed oak decks, complete, with boathouse. A 42, Oregonian. YAMATO WOODYARD The best flr wood cut from big timber, for Winter supply. $5 to $5.50. E S1S B 1S67. East 6th and Main. ONE French correspondence course In I. C. S., complete with phonograph records and text books; cost $70. What offers? X 69 Ore gonian. MOTOR BICYCLE in flrst-class condition; price $40. Apply evenings, 634 Borth wick st. TWO National cash registers and 2 fine computing candy scales, 195 4th. cor Taylor. NEW L. C. Smith Bros.' typewriter; latest; cheap for cash, phones East 531. C 17rt2 Address F 57, Oregonian. OLD VIOLINS and stringed instruments bought, sold and exchanged. L. Winters, S18 Tilford bldg.. 10th aud Morrison sts. ENGLISH SETTER, male. 2 years old, good-looker and a fine worker, $60. Inquire 658 Halsey or 311 Dekum bldg. SEWING machine, bed springs, spring counter BcaJe?, awning, signs, miscellaneous furniture. 770 Union ave. N. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover 313 Water st. phone Main "451. COCHIN CHINA BANTAMS for sale In quire R 54. Oregonian, FOR SALE Parti-colored pedigreed Cocker Spaniel puppies. 6ol Love joy st. GOOD second-hand safe at & bargain. C 6S, Oregonian. FOR SALE Brindle bull bitch, 2 years old. 334 Sherlock bldg. MOV I NO-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, slides, films for rent. ltW 4th st FOB SALE. - MlaeeXlaneon PUBLIC AUCTION SALE I have, been instructed by the contractors of the North Bank Road to sell at public auction. July , 190S. at 11 o'clock A. M.. for spot cash, to be knocked down by the hammer to the highest bidder, one complete hydraulic plant, consisting of the following machin ery, viz: One 66x16 Tatum A Bowen boiler. One 60x16 Fairbanks-Morse boiler. One Advance pump, 14x2Uxl4xl2; weight of this pump about 10 tons. One Fairbanks-Morse pump. 16x3x12 ; weight on this pump about 4 tons. One oil-burner outfit, feed pumps, about 1600 ft. S. 10 and 12-inch pipe; also build inc and whatever else is with said plant. Said plant Is located about four blocks beyond the Acme Lumber Mills, near St. John. Take St. John car and get off at Northern Hill. J. F. WILSON. Auctioneer. 60 SEWING MACHINES, slightly damaged, at very low prices. Singer. Wh-eler A Wilson. Domestic, Household. Standard, New Royal and others. 100 second-hand machines at your own price: old machines taken In exchange; machines &oId on monthly or weekly pay ments; no interest on -0ntraot sales. S. S. SIGEL, 35 Morrison st. FOR SALE TILLAMOOK COUNTY WARRANTS. IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO S5000. parties interested call Maglnnis A Son, 403-4 McKay bldg. FOR SALE New and -econd-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; w rent tables, with privilege of buying: modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Baike-Collender. -i9 Third st. $250 Barber ehop, excellent location, on East Side; large living rooms attached; income over $100 per month, clear of all expenses. Inquire room 8 Canterbury bldg., 3d and Washington sts. HELP WANTED MALE. COURTNEY'S. Wanted If you can earn a better sal ary, if you can command it by sheer abil ity, if you can show us that you are a high-grade competent man whom we can confidently put before an employer, who must appreciate your ability and will buy your services so much cash for so much value call and we can save you a vast amount of trouble and expense In obtaining just the position you desire. INEXPERIENCED MEN. DON'T CALL. COURTNEY'S. 402, 403. 404. 405 Swetland bldg. 10,000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year : men and women to learn barber tride in eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert in structor; tools free ; write for catalogue. Moler System of Colleges. 35 N. 4th St., Portland. Or. 2 PAINTERS $3. 9 hours; 4 bridge car penters $2.75. company work, f ree fare; extra gang foreman $75; quarrymen $2.50; milker $35; blacksmith and woodworker $3; hay hands $1.50 and board; R. R. labor ers, teamsters and trackmen, Oregon and Washington and California; free fare. C. R. HANSEN, JR.. 26 N, 2d st. WANTED For U. 8. Army, able-bodies, un married men, between ages of 19 and 35, citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Apply to re cruiting officer, Ains worth block, 3d and Oak sts., Portland, Or. WANTED Pilot and engineer for boat In freight and passenger service; no li cense; permanent position must invest $500. For full particulars write to Idaho Navigation & Railroad Co.. 2523 E. Pacific Ave., Spokane, Wash. BARBERS' BOARD OF EXAMINERS will hold examination July 13, 14 and 15. at 167 H First street. All permits that ex pire on the above date will be revoked unless the parties appear for examination. T. M. Leabo, secretary. MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster ing and bricklaying, day and night classes, no books, free catalogue; special low tuition; easy Installments. Coyne National Trade School, 239-240 Eighth St., San Francisco. c. it. Hansen, jr. Employment Office Men's Department. 26 North Second st. Phones Main and A 1526. Help fr-ee to employers. WANTED One closer and two canvassers. Want experienced men with good record. Best contract on the Coast. Address, White Sewing Machine Co., 470 11th St., Oakland, Cal. WANTED Young man in our fur depart ment to learn the fur business; also young man to learn window trimming, one with experience ' preferred. Sllverfield's, 4th and Morrison. MAN with references to Bolicit and collect; experienced man to go with you and teach you the business; opportunity for promotion to salary position soon. 409 Macleay bldg., 286 Washington. TUNNEL superintendent, one with railroad and water tunnel experience preferred; salary $150 and expenses, up; none but first-class men will be considered. m R. C. HANSEN, Jr.. 26 N. Second. WANTED Tea and coffee agent for wagon route, in city In Eastern Oregon; estab lished route; wagon equipment on the grounds; state references and experience. Grand Union Tea Co., 473 "Washington. WANTED Single young man to travel and learn good paying business; references. Call 10 A. M. to 2 P. M., room 1. The Mercedes. 20th and Washington st. WANTED Reliable man to be cashier, etc.. In restaurant, as partner; $250 required; will pay active man $4 a day and board. Particulars 248" Stark st. WANTED Local salesman, every town Ofegon and Washington; big commission. Address 209 Commonwealth bldg., Port land. WANTED A high-grade salesman to sell A 1 stock; extra liberal inducement to a comp'etemt man; give references Ad dress A C 69, Oregonian. WANTED Reliable man for active inter est In real estate office ; can easily make $125 per month. Call room 10, 253a Wash ington. LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op tics; easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learning. Watchmaking, En graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle. WB want a few more wide-awake, hustling salesmen to handle our line of tres, shrubs, etc.; some choice territory open; commission advanced. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or. PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL. Worcester block. In session all the year; enter now. Phone Main 4504. WANTED Young man (with rig preferred for city salesman; libeyU offer. Apply 231 Oak st. WANTED A good house-to-house solicitor, with references; steady work. Boom 39 Hamilton bldg. JAPANESE or Chinese porter. Call between 11 A. M. and 2 P. M., The Grotto, ISO 3d. Jake Hahn. WANTED All-round dentist: must be li censed ; good salary and commission. Chi cago Dentists, 6th and Washington. WANTED (Salesman for article used in every house; big commission. Call 209 Commonwealth bldg. "WANTED 10 teams to do grading and gen eral team work. G. K. faowitt & Co., Montavllla. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 250 Burnside Street. Phone Main 5694. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP. CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. 12 North 2d St. Both Phones. WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers, stenographers and clerical men. Commercial Abstract Co.. 407-8-9 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED Man to furnish us with copy of last city directory for cash. 625 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED An experienced grocery shipping porter. Call Lang & Co.. 1st and Ankeny. WANTED Foreman for clearing gang. Room 31, 323V.: Washington St. COUPON agents; beet offer in the city. Rem brandt Studio. 404 Abington bldg. OaLP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. DAY and evening classes in session all the year, any subject. Business University, Worcester block. HELP WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG lady wanted at once to learn the barber trade; good wages. 12 N. 4th st. EHTRTM AKFJRS wanted. Jacobs Shirt Co., 21 Stark st. WANTED Experienced arm waitress at once. Royal Club Restaurant, 63 JC. 6th st. GIRL wanted for second work, 63r Everett. I corner 2 1 6 X HELP WANTED FEMALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Wanted Cooks for boarding-houses, out of the city. $40 to $50; 3 hotel cooks. $35 to $50; family cooks, $30 to $35: 2 wait resses, country hotel, $30. room and board ; 6 waitresses, city, $8 up ; house keepers, $12 to $25: 6 second girls. $20 to $30; 10 house girls. $20 to $35; cham bermaids, $25. room and board; chamber maid for country hotel. $30. Fare paid to several positions out 6f the city. Large list of other positions too numer our to mention here. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles Department 20." Morrison St. Phones; Main 1062; A 20 &4. GIRLS, in ye&ra and over, to work In fac tory. Apply at once, Ames-Harrls-Nevilie Co., 5th axd Davis sts. 6 LAUNDRY girls $1.40 to $1.50 and up a day; 1 4 waitresses, city, country and beaches; 7 chambermaids, city and coun try; 4 hotel cooks; 16 familv cooks; 35 family house girls; 4 second girls; 2 nurse girls; 2 plain laundresses for wash ing and Ironing table clothes etc, at Seaside hotels. $30 and found. MANY NICE PLACES. HANSEN'S' LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. WANT TODAY Three cooks, $40. $50 and $60; eix cooks and general housework, $20. $30 and $40i two second girls, $30 and $35; one dishwasher, $20; four waitresses, $25, $30, $.",5, $40; two housekeepers (under 40), $20, $15. 2t'92 4th. Main 5413, A 2824. EXPERIENCED lady canvasser. $10 per week and commission ; salary every Satur day noon; must be a worker; nice easy selling line; give telephone number If pos sible. O 60, Oregonian. YOUNG lady bill clerk, by wholesale drug company; must be experienced; $15 per week. Address with reference, N 70, Ore gonian. W A NTED Tea cher or ot h er ed uca ted lady: special work with mothers of grammar school pupils. $50 month; references. T 74, Oregonian. YOUNG woman stenographer and general office assistant; must be competent, neat and satisfied with small salary to start. T 73, Oregolan. WANTED Competent, middle-aged woman for general housework; family of three; no washing; wages $0. Apply 509 Bu chanan bldg, 9 to 12. ST. LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY Housekeep ers, cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, sec ond girls, houeemaids. 2o9 4th. Main 5413. A 2S24. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladles' Department 206& Morrison St. Phones: Main 1C62; A 2064. WANTED Competent girl for general house work: must be good cook; small family. 75 North 22d St., cor. Everett. WANTED Girl for general housekeeping. 422 East 16th at., N., Irvlngton. Phone E 3255. WANTED Experienced telephone exchange operator; give age, references, salary. O 70. Oregonian. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co . 603 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Lady solicitors; an attractive proposition for agent and customer. Call 111 10th st.. ask for Mr. Coyle. PUBLIC stenographer can have private office for small amount of work. Apply 439 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Millinery apprentices, good op portunity to learn the business thoroughly. Frcleys, 3d and Salmon. FIRST-CLASS cook wanted at once to go to beach for two months. Phone East 215. 229 Grand ave. South. EXPERIENCED saleswoman, gloves, hos iery, umbrellas. Lennon's, 3u9 Morrison street. RELIABLE girl for general housework : small family. 182 East 14th at. phone East 2175. WANTED Lady to keep house for gentleman, also take care of little girl. Apply 414 2d St., cor. Hall, between 10 and 11 o'clock. WANTED Good girl for general house work ; German girl pref-erred. 601 Schuyler, corner 15th st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY 343H Washington St., corner 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 26it2. WANTED An experienced finisher on ladies' tailored suits, wteady employment. Call at 566 Hoyt. WANTED Competent girl for general house work. 209 North 22d st. GIRL for general housework, small family. 794 Kearney St.. cor. 24th. WAITRESS wanted at Morris Restaurant, 229 Wash. St. Long hours. WANTED Experienced helper on coats. NIcoll the Tailor, 108 3d st. COOK and waitress wanted. Call 225 West Park. Phone Pac. 2907. WOMAN to make beds. Dewey House. 26 North 3d. WANTED Girl for general housework. 692 Hancock St.. Irvlngton. WANTED A fcirl to assist with housework. 269 14th near Jefferson. GOOD girl for general housework in email family. Apply 822 Marshall. WANTED Lady as housekeeper for hotel. Call 1S3 Holladay ave., after 10 A. M. WANTED Girl for housework; small fam ily; new house. 570 East Madison st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. GENTLEMAN with considerable experience wishes position In "office of attorney or ab stract company, city or country: small sal ary to prove capabilities. AE 70, Ore gonian. I WISH to represent some good, reliable wholesale h.ouse In acting as their repre sentative In the Rogue River Valley dur ing fruit season. R 63. Oregonian. YOUNG man, best references, desires posi tion in gentlemen's clothing and furnish ing store. Phone East 2V32. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, with good ref erence, open for engagement. E. I. Gilbert, 1244 E. Madison. AN old man, with steady habits, wants light job; can read, write and figure. AC 70, Oregonian. M I scellanei-ns. PILE-DRIVER engineer and derrick run ner, stationary or traction engine; also experienced with electrical units up to 25 K. W. P 69. Oregonian. : 1 GOOD Japanese boy wants position to do housework, chambermaid or wait table. 315 Couch st. Home A 4518. SITUATION wanted by A 1 carpenter fore man; hustler, twelve years' experience in East. A C 56. Oregonian. YOUNG man wishes a position in store; Is also an experienced driver; city references. A B 72. Oregonian. WANTED Position by all-around country printer ; Oregon or Washington ; refer ences. G. Boyle, Monmouth. Or. 1 DENTIST wants position with dentist In state: good worlman; references. Ad dress V 72, Oregonian. LACE CURTAINS cleaned and stretched, 3 pairs $1 ; called for and delivered. 47 N. 8th. 1 CHINESE First-class cook, wants position, restaurant, hotel, boarding-house or fam ily. Home phone A 3856. YOUNG lady wants to go to Beach with ft WANTED Second-hand pool table, first respectable people, care for child. Phone class condition, with outfit. Address A A Jii.. can aiier o r. m. WINDOW, housecleanlng. floors redressed, a specialty. Main 6573. evening 8. 122 North 7th st POSITION wanted by an A 1 locomotive en glneer; logging or stationary work. A B 73. Oregonian. JAPANESE first-class cook wants situation, family or hotel, in city or country. S 69, Oregonian. WANTED Position as night watchman; best of references. A B 57, Oregonian. YOUNG JAPANESE boy wants situation to do cooking or housework. O 73 Oregonian. STEAM engineer wants position In small plant in city. W. H. Reichlein, 73 E. 6th st. N. COREAN boy, experienced cook, wants po sition. Phone Main 7932. Pacific 350. A PERMANENT position as collector on commission. R 70, Oregoni&n. SITUATIONS WATE3 MALE. Miseel la neons. GENTLEMAN, aged 29. desires position as hotel clerk ; has had many years' expe rience; absolutely reliable, sober sjid of good habits: or employment of other char acter A D 74. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED German desires position understands gardening, horses and house work ; looks more for good home than high wages. Address A D 56, Oregonian. M ECH ANIC AL electrician, temperate, com plete set of tools, can do all repairing; ten years at trade; wants position as private chauffeur. A C 59, Oregonian. GERMAN barkeeper wishes position at once in good house ; non-union ; thoroughly ac quainted with the trade. A D 73. Orego JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish all kinds help. 268 Everett. Main 4659. A 4073. SITUATION, WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG lady with 1, yearn experience in stenography and general office work wishes position with little or no stenography: will begin on small salary. N 71, Oregonian. CHRISTIAN young woman; best references, wants position as cashier or office helper. A F 73. Oregonian. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker would Uke engage ments by the day. Pacific 495. Housekeepers. WIDOW would be companion or housekeep er to lady or gentleman of means; re cently left without home, uraccurtomed to obtaining employment as a wage-earner. I cannot find where I belong; reference. Y 26. Oregonian. LADY housekeeper would like to get posi tion housekeeper In hotel, city or country. X 70. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by young lady as child's nurse or second work. X 73, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. ST. LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY Housekeep er?, chambermaids, waitresses, cooks, sec ond girls and general housework. 2094 4th. Main 5413. VIOLINIST Lady, wants to r'sy fr vaude ville, hall or barge dances, experienced orchestra leader. Call or write 184 Sher man st. Phone 2024 Pacific, Portland. Or. MAN and wife, young, want position in any place of trust; wife good cook, house keeper, husband good general man. Ad dress A D 67, Oregonian. STRONG German girl, speaks no English, wishes place for general housework. Phone Main 2929. FIRST-claea cook wants position cook, hotel or camp, country ; would like boy 11 years old. G 72. Oregonian. WIDOW, with boy of 7. wants ptaoe as cook in small boarding-house or hotel ; no ob jection to country. A C 72, Oregonian. BY midle-aged woman, place to care for in valid or old person; good sewer: Christian home preferred; reference. East 4009. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position as cook or chambermaid; thoroughly experienced. N 69, Oregonian. HAIRDRESSING, scalp treatment, face massage, by competent lady from Vienna,, 25c. Main 5905. BY middle-aged woman, place as seamstress1; good for fine sewing and making over dresses. Phone E. 4009. ENGLISH girl would like second work or general housework. Main 2174. 656 Gli ean. GOOD Japanese girl wants situation to do cooking and housework ; speaks English well. T 70. Oregonian. ELDERLY woman wants place as chamber maid or second work. S 72, Oregonian. GOOD telephone operator wants exchange; state hours and salary. R 71, Oregonian. WANTED Place as chambermaid by Swed ish girl. 767 Savler st., corner 23d. WANTED Work by day: no half days; ref erences. Woodiawn 1611. LAtY wishes washing. Ironing and house cleaning. N 74, Oregonian. . LADY wants work by day or hour or H day; all kinds of work. Phone Pacific 1395. DAY work wanted by first-class colored woman. Phone A 3545. WANTED AGENTS. ATTENTION agents, Mexican Drawn Work Waist Patterns, latest novelty; better than the Pongees ever were; unlimited possibilities; men and women earn $10 a day, crew managers $25; get busy before too late. Write today tor samples and exclusive agency. H. GOLDBERG A SONS. Importers. Omaha, Nebraska. AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? It bo, we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED Well-furnished house of 8 or 10 rooms, In good residence district, for one year or more, from August 1, by responsi ble family of three adults.' Address, giving location and brief description. V 41, Ore gonian. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. EL cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. IF you are going out of the city for the Summer and wish to have reliable party care for your I-ome. drop me a card; no chi ldren, best of references. 8 7L Ore gonian. WANTED By August 1. 4 to 6-room cot tage, close In on West Side; must be thoroughly modern, large rooms, good sized and cultivated lawn. R 73, Orego nian. 8 OR 4 months. 5-room furnished cottage In Holladay Add., or nearby; references given and property well taken care of. AB 59. Oregonian. B MARRIED couple would like board ami rooms In private family. Address Theodore Ahlenfeld. Phone Main 7954. 422 Washing ton st. YOUNG lady, employed, wants board and room in private faxnily, close in, reason able. R 72, Oregonian. WANTED To rent for season comfortable cottage at Gear hart or North Beach. Phones A or Main 2363. WANTED To rent 3 unfurnished rooms. Phone Pacific 2329. South Portland. MODERN house six or seven rooms; reason able rent. X 74, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR. FURNITURE. And any thing else you have to selL PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main 5655. A 412L WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d st. Phone Pacific 1722. WANTED Covered buggy, with extra long bed, in good condition, with pole and steel tires. Cash if price is low. O 68, care Oregonian. - WANTED To buy. rent or lease a core drill suitable for prospecting coal; must be In good shape ; mail full particulars to 71 Front st. WANTED TO BUY Visible Typewriter; must be in good condition and cheap. Address 302 Swetland Bldg. E 56, Oregonian: WANTED A duck lake for this season; would rent or buy. Address Box 5S8, Port land, Or. WANTED Copy of last city directory, for cash. Phone East 1662. B 1662. Brown Yale Company. WANTED Second-hand bookstore ; must be in good order and cheap. Phone Tabor 1742. WANT home for little girl twenty months old. Phone East 4603. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. CLOTHING Phone M 1851 83 N. 3d. Highest prioe paid; prompt attention. WANTED Second-hand hydraulic barber chair. P 70, Oregonian. WANTED Uaed cash register; will pay cash. Phone Main 1433 or 1433 1 NOTICE to hunters I am personally ac quainted with the best fishing and hunt ing grounds In Southern Oregon and will offer my services as guide and furnish conveyance. For terms and particulars write A. L. P. O. box 129. Ashland, Or. FOB KENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL PALMER, cor. Park and Alder, un der new management; thoroughly reno vated throughout; rooms ( single or en suite; ' transients, $1; special rates by the week; free bath and phones. Mrs. X. A- Kills, prop. IF you ar; looking for the best rooms In the city for the monsy. phone the Glen dora for particulars; rooms $5 to $15; strictly modern 19th and Cuuch. on block from Washington. Main 620. THE MERCEDES. One nicely furnished outside room. $12; one elegantly furnished room, all modern conveniences, only $4 per week. The Mercedes. 2-0 th and Wash. sts. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington sts. Newly furnished throughout ; new buildings, sultej with baths, hot and cold water in every room. Phone Main 7195. Long-distance phones in all rooms, HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th nrt class furnished rooms, single -or en suite; every modern convenience. $3 week ly up; dally, 75c up; special monthly rates. Main 5647. THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay window and other outside rooms; electric lights, baths, etc.; $2.50 week up. Transients, 269Va Washington. $10 PER MONTH Beautiful front room, well- furnished. Including bath and phone ; Ideal location. In select neighborhood. 327 West Park. PACIFIC HOTEL, 814 Columbia at. 1 block from Salem Eleotrio depot; running water in all rooms; free bat a and phone; 5oc to $1 iay; $2.50 to $4 week. HOTEL KENTON. 18th and Washington Modern rooms, single and en suite; aU housekeeping; running water; private and free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 49tL, THE BARTON. Sonny outside rooms; atoam heat, ho and cold water; most reasonable rates. 455 Alder. , FURNISHED room, private family, suitable for two gentlemen, with or without board. 427 3d. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 827 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. 446 TAYLOR, near 12th, nice oool, single front room for gentleman; private family; Modern; reasonable. LARGE, nicely furnished front room, withj privileges of kitchen and dining-room. 214 13th at. TWO lovely furnished front rooms; phone, bath. 189 7th st.. opposite Portland HoteL NICELY furnished outside rooms. $1.50 to $2.50 per week; phone and bath free, && X. 14th. Phone Main 6963. FOR comfort and rest try the Hotel Mentoj rooms all newly furnished and up-to-date. Fine river view. 183 Holladay ave. NICELY furnished rooms, all modern con veniences, opposite Hotel Portland, 1S1 6th st. A 5326. THE AUDITORIUM. 208 H 3d. newly fur nished, elevator, baths, hot, cold water la each room; permanent and transient. $8 Large. bright, newly fumiahed room; quiet, central ; fine porcelain bath. gas. 325 12th st. Phone Pacific 2102 A 3702, HOTEL OXFORD, corner 6th and Oak; sin-' gle or en suite; modern -conveniences; rates very reasonable. Main 88. THE WILLAMETTE, 322 H Stark St., large light rooms, well furnished, single or en suite, 50c to $1 day; $2.50 to $5 week. THE RANVLPH. 3d and Columbia; mod era rooms, bin, 50c to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk. ROOM for rent. Call mornings. 1 East 9th, near Ankeny st. THE DORMER. 283 13th. beautiful rooms, modern, every convenience; $2.50 and up. TWO furnished rcomi, 129 East 12th st. Phone E 2801. Call forenoon. $8 UP, newly furnished rooms, bath, gas; quiet; 6 minutes from postontice. 232 Mill. TWO cool, cory furnished rooms in private house. 547 Yamhill st. $S UP, newly furnished rooms, bath, gas; quiet; 6 minutes from postoffice. 232 MllL LARGE sunny room with bay window. 474 Washington, cor. 14th st. THE EL WOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5 wk; also transient rooms. 343 Morri. $8 LIGHT, clean furnished single room. Phone, bah. 416 Taylor, cor. 11th sC MAXWELL HALL. 20 r 14th, clean, light rooms, hot water every room; reasonable. Rooms With Board. FIRST CLASS rooms and board. $5.50 per week; all conveniences; cool rooms, good home cooking, also table board. $4.00 per week. Aster House, Seventh and Mad ison. PORTLAND Women's Union, JOth yean rooms with board, use of sewing-room, use of library; Women's Exchange. Ad dress Mrs. Ella Kaw lings. SupL. 610 Flanders at. BLAKBLY HALL, 300 JefTerson, delightfully oool rooms, with first-class board; beautiful grounds, finely located for tourists; tran-, slent or permanent guests; center of city; reasonable. FINE large room, new house, choicest loca tion, central, reasonable; breakfasts and dinners; also neat, cool room, $5 month Main 2219. 258 1 1TH One large front alcove room, suitable for 2 gentlemen; also, single room ; all conveniences, with board, pri vate family. ROOMS with or without board, reasonable rates. 434 Burnside at., corner 11th. Phone Pacific 567. THE MARLYN, Washington and 17th, well furnished rooms, hot and co.d water, home cooking, permanent or transient. 33 NORTH 17th, one block off Washington; well furnished rooms, modern ; board op tional. LARGE, airy rooms, hot and cold water, modern conveniences; extenelve grounds, walking distance. Pacific 314; A 2618. BOARD and room, $5 per week, with two in room. 208 5th st. NICELY furnished rooms with, board; also table boarders. 452 Morrison, corner 13th. FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozark, 225 11th st. THE COZY, 195 7th, cor. Taylor Vice, large rooms, with or without board COSY front room for lady; two meals; good Home. Phone Main 6485. ROOM and board suitable for one gentleman. 574 GUsan St., cor. 18th. Amtrtments. IONIAN COURT Elegant 3 and 4-room, reception hall and bath residence apartments- new, including all modern conven iences; walking distance; terms reason able. Apply Janitor, ISth and Couch. FURNISHED 4-room apartment for three or four months; complete, modern and very convenient. Apply to Janitor, The Shef field, 7th and Jefferson sts. COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS. 11th and Co lumbia, four-worn modern apartments, furnished and unfurnished ; reasonable rent. BEAUTIFUL newly furnished 4-room apart ment; centrally located; West Side. W 69, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent. 12th and Columbia. "The Brain tree." Flats. 565 EVERETT Lower b-room flat, rooms newly tinted; rent $33; no children. A 4595. MODERN 6-room lower flat, best location, close in. Park and Harrison ti Inqulrs 229 1st. FLAT for rent; 6 rooms; modern Improve ments. 449 7th. FOR RENT Modern 5-room upper flats adults. 169 E. 15th St., n-aar Belmont. NEW 6-room flat, newly tinted. 230 North, 18th St., near Lovejoy St.; rent reasonable. NEW and modern 4-room unfurnished flats. 5 minutes to postofflce. Phone Tabor God. NEW, modern 4-room furnished-unfurnished flat, 5 minutes to postofflce. 3&3 5th si. 6 AND 7-room modem flats; neat, not . water, Janitor service, 7 15 Johnson, A. 164 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS.