Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 08, 1908, Page 16, Image 16

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Portland Agents for "Vudor" Porch Shades and "Ostermoor" Mattresses Just Arrived
Portland Agents
8 A. M. to 9. A. M.
$ 1 .25 Pictures at 78c Each
8 to 9 A. M. Special lot of embossed
dining-room pictures, size ' 19x23
inches, framed in two-inch fancy
black mouldings; regular 7Q
$1.25 values on sale at, each. .. OC
Women's Hosiery 9c Per Pair
8 to 9 A. M. 5000 pairs of women 's
black cotton Hose, seamless leg and
foot, fast black and stainless; all
sizes, 20c values on sale at this Q
low special price, per pair. . . . . .
$1.00 Lawn Sprays 74c Ea.
500 Fountain Lawn Sprays, 74r
best kind, $1.00 values at
1000 10-quart tin sprinklers, well
made, best '50c values on sale OQp
at the special price of, each.. yOt
Curtain Remnants Half Price
8 to 9 A. M. Thousands of remnants
of curtain materials, swiss, madras
nets, all lengths, all grades; your
choice for one hour at Xfo
one-half the regular price
On sale in the curtain dept., 3d floor.
50c Scrub Brushes 28c Each
8 to 9 A. M. 1000 hand scrub and
rail brushes, all solid backs, pure
bristles; regular 50c values, OO
on sale at this low price, each. .""OL
25c Writing Papers at 12c
8 to 9 A. M. Odds and ends in good
writing papers, all sizes and styles,
25c values on sale at this low 1 O
special hourly sale price
W omen's Sunbonnets at 15c
8 to 9 A. M. Great special lot of
women's, misses' and children's sun
bonnets, in white and colors, "
wonderful value at, each Ai?V
All trimmed hats at very low prices.
$ 1 .50 Sewing Tables 98c Ea.
8 to 9 A. M. In Toy Dept., 3d floor;
special lot. of sewing tables, made of
oak. varnished, 19x3(1 inches; has
yard measure and double QQ
swing; $1.50 value at, eaeh....5'OC
8 to 9 A. M. 3000 yards of Turkey
red table damask, best pat
terns, good width, 50c value. . .OIC
1 P. M. to 2 P. M.
Patent Leather Belts 18c Each
1 to 2 P. M. 2000 patent leather
belts for children,, black, white, red
and brown, cap pistol pocket at
tached ; great special value at 18
Great Bargains in the Basement
1000 7-pin coat . and hat 11
racks, great value at, each.... 1C
500 sets of Japanese table mats, six
mats in set, on sale at the "1 Q
very low price of, the set IOC
35c Scissors and Shears 19c
1 to 2 P. M. 1000 pairs of scissors
and shears, all sizes and shapes, every
pair warranted 35c values, on sale at
this remarkably, low special 1Q
hourly sale price, the pair. . . 7 C
Camp Stools Very Low Priced
1000 camp stools, carpet fijl Q
seat, $1.50 values, each. . ,-P AU7
1000 camp stools with
back and carpet seat pl0
1000 camp stools, $1.25 value. ..98
$1.50 Bedspreads for $1.12
1 to 2 P. M. In the linen department,
3000 hemmed Marseilles pattern bed
spreads, gi-eat variety; best $1.50 val
ues; buy all you want of 1 Q
them at. special, each PXX
Boys 50c Underwear 1 5c Ea.
1 to 2 P. M. Great special lot of
boys' balbriggan underwear, in sizes
18 to 26, good made; regular 50c val
ues on sale at this ridiculous- " !
ly low price, per garment J. OC
Bntterick Patterns
pass by
spend the
9 A.M. to 10A.M.
Feather Bed Pillows for 79c
9 to 10 A. M. 500 feather bed pil
lows, good filling, covered with blue
and white stripe A. C. A. ticking;
great special value at this 7Q
very low special price, each...
35c Cake Plates 19c Each
9 to 10 A. M. In the basement china
store 1000 fancy German china cake
plates, assorted decorations, values
up to 35c each; on sale for; 1 Q
rhis one hour at, special, each.
Women's 20c Undervests 8c
9 to 10 A. M. 2000 women's Riche
lieu rib cotton undervests, low neck
and sleeveless, all sizes; regular 20c
values; buy all you want at O
this remarkably low price, each..0'
Extension Rods at 7c Each
9 to 10 A. M. 5000 white end exten
sion rods, extend to 54 inches; buy all
you want of them this hour at T
the low special price of, each...
Untrimmed Hats at 10c Each
9 to 10 A. M. in the millinery depart
ment; great odd lot of untrimmed
shapes in flats and small ef. 1 A
fects; marvelous values at, ea. vw
500 Suitcases at $1.55 Each
9 to 10 A. M. In the trunk dept., 500
vacation suitcases, 24 in. long, linen
lined, full leather cor- d?l CC
ners, brass lock and bolts. P 0J
20c Laces at only 5c the Yard
9 to 10 A. M. 5000 yards of white
and ecru imitation lace and insertion,
2 to 4. inches wide; best patterns, val
ues up to 20c a yard, on sale C
at this wonderfully low price. . . .OC
35c Ribbons on Sale 7c Yard
9 to 10 A. M. 5000 yards of soft
6-inch messaline ribbons, all colors,
for hat trimming bows, fancy work,
etc., 35c values on sale at the 7
rema'rkably low price of, yard. . .
$6 Sweater Coats $3.85 Each
9 to 10 A. M. Women's and Men's
sweater coats, pure wool, (DQ QC
white, gray, $6 values pO.OiJ
2 P. M. to 3 P. M.
50c Wash Belts at 19c Each
2 to 3 P. M. 3000 women's wash
belts in embroidered and plain tail
ored styles, white grounds, with col
ored embroidery, all sizes; at 19
Great Bargains in Misses' Shoes
Misses' all patent colt blucher ox
fords, heavy soles, low heels. Prices:
Sizes 5 to 8, $1.50 values, pair. . .99
Sizes SY2 to 11, $1.75 vals., pr.S1.19
Sizes 11 y2 to 2, $2.00 vals., pr.$1.39
Outing Flannels at 6c a Yard
2 to 3 P. M. 15,000 yards of new
outing flannels in light and dark col
orings; best patterns, great special
value at this low price. . Take fig
advantage of this. Per yard...."
$2.75 Hammocks $1.85 Each
2 to 3 P. M. Great special lot of
high-grade hammocks, " 36x82 inches,
hard wood spreaders, throw-back pil
low, best weave and col- C1 QC
orings; $2.25-$2.75 vals. . .N -OO
Children's Sleeping Garm't 79c
2 to 3 P. M. Special lot of children's
white knit sleeping garments, ages
6 to 12 years, best styles and regular
$1.25 values ; your choice for 7Q
this one hour 2 to 3 each. . . C
Men's 50c Underwear at 29c
2 to 3 P. M. Great special sale of
men's Balbriggan underwear, pink,
blue and ecru, all sizes in shirts and
drawers; best 50c values on OQ
sale one hour only at, garment.
WVfC 91o10a wH
- Meier (fS
Wednesday "Hourly Sales
Today the first of the series of Summer "Hourly Sales" The time of the year when we
clean up all small lots and odds and ends of seasonable and staple merchandise at quick selling
prices Hundreds of money-saving opportunities the economical shopper cannot afford to
Remember the articles below are on sale during the advertised hour only
day here and profit by these unusual offerings Visit the soda fountain in
On Sale From 10 A.
$1 Dressing Sacques
on Sale at 39c Each
In the waist dept., 10 to
11 A. M., women 's lawn
dressing sacques, made
with large round collar
trimmed with ruffle and
one-inch stitched bands,
cheeks, figures, etc., pink,
blue, , lavender, white,
black, etc., $1.00 OQ
values, each OC
Women's Oxfords at $ 1 .88 Pair
10 to 11 A. M.-i-Women's patent colt
blucher oxfords, tip toes, Cuban heels,
extension soles, also patent colt, plain
toes, all new stvlish shapes, d1 OQ
all sizes, best $3.00 values. . .P 00
Mennen's Talcum Powder 2c
10 to 11 A. M. 5000 cans of Mennen's
famous borated talcum powder for in
fants, women, shaving, sunburn, etc.,
etc., value extraordinary for 1 O
this hour at, the can C
Children's 50c Hosiery 1 7c Pair
Infants', and children's lace hosieryr
pretty patterns, black, white, tan, red,
pink, blue, etc., all sizes; 50c values,
on sale at this remarkably low "I J
special price, per pair C
50c Writing Paper at 23c a Box
10 to 11 A. M. "Brandon" linen writ
ing paper, 50 sheets of paper and envel
opes to match; regular 50o. value, on sale
this hour only at the extraordi- O0
narily low price of, per box fciOC
15c Flannelettes at 10c a Yard
10 to 11 A. M. 2500 yards of new flan
nelettes, in dots, stripes, Japanese and
Persian: designs, 36 inches wide, hand
some colorings and effects, best 1 Oz
15c values on sale at, per yard. . . "C
Fine 35c Hosiery at 15c a Pair
10 to 11 A. M. 500 dozen men's fancy
hose, great assortment of the very best
styles, patterns, colorings and combina
tions, all sizes; regular 35e val- 1
ues, on sale at, per pair .IOC
25c Wash Goods at 15c a Yard
10 to 11 A. M. 50 pieces of imported
dimities, in all the newest and prettiest
styles for fsummer dresses, best patterns
and colorings, regular 25c value, "I C
on sale at this low price, yard. . . . A OC
$ 1 .25 Kid Gloves at 47c a Pair
10 to 11 A. M. 1000 pairs of women's
2-clasp kid gloves of standard manufac
ture; black, white and colors ; sizes 534
to 7y2; regular $1.25 values on A 7
sale at this verv low rjrice. nair. . C
No Mail or Phone Orders Filled for
On Sale From 3 P.
Fine Waists, Vals. to
$6.50 at $1.95 Each
3 to 4 P. M. Great odd
lot of women's fine waists
in silks, lawns, batiste
and wool, made fancy or
plain tailored and trim
med in lace, embroidery
and tucks; great assort
ment; values np to $6.50
up to $6.50
each; on sale
at each
Women's Oxfords at 99c a Pair
3 to 4 P. M. 500 pairs of women's don
gola oxfords, patent tip, medium heels,
round toe, all sizes, marvelous QQ.
values at this low price, pair. . . .''C
Fine Leather Skins $1.39 Each
3 to 4 P. M. 1000 new leather skins,
including all the leading colors; excep
tional value at this low dJ
price, each picture dept. . . . P
Women's Undervests 11c Each
3 to 4 P. M. 3000 women's low neck
sleeveless undervests, nicely trimmed
with deep lace, well made and finished,
all sizes, 22c and 25c values; on 11
sale at the low price of, each C
Nickel Plated Kettles at 98c Each
3 to 4 P. M. In the basement store,
1000 No. 8 nickel plated tea kettles, well
made, best grade; great special value
for this one hour at the extra- QO
ordinary low price of, each IOC
Sale of 45c Traycloths 28c Each
3 to 4 P. M. In the main floor linen
department, 1000 satin damask tray
cloths, best styles; regular 45c values
on sale this one hour 3 to 4 OQ.
at the very low price of, each....OG
Men's $2.00 Vests at 98c Each
3 to 4 P. M. 1000 men's fancy Summer
vests, washable, fancy tans grays,
checks and stripes, ' sizes 35 to 44. great
assortment; regular $1.50 to $2 QQ.
values on special sale at, each 5OC
'WEDNESDAY, J TXT 8, 1908.
Frank Store
M. to 1 1 A. M. Only
$25 Tailored Suits
Reduced to $5.45 Ea.
IP to 11 A. M. Women's
tailored suits, eton style,
fancy gray and tan
checks and mixtures,
jackets are trimmed in
taffeta silk and fancy
braid, skirts are full
pleated, good assortment,
values up to A C
$25 each...... PO.0
Summer Reading at 7c a Copy
10 to 11 A. M. 5000 copies of Summer
reading, paper covers, hundreds of popu
lar titles by well-knowTn authors; buy all
you want of them this one hour at 7
the low special price of, the copy.. C
50c Veiling on Sale at 10c Yard
10 to 11 A. M. 5000 yards of face veil
ings, including Tuxedo nets, chenille dot
ted effects, good assortment of colors ;
values up to 50c a yard, on sale "1 flf,
at his low special price, yard. . . vC
$6.00 Cut Glass Bowls at $3.99
10 to 11 A. M. 300 fine cut glass berry
bowls, 8-inch size, three different cut
tings to select from; regular $6.00 val
ues, on sale at this very low 4jQ QQ
price, each basement. tpO575
20c Tooth Brushes at 9c Each
10 to 11 A. M. 5000 tooth brushes; four
rows of good, stiff bristles, women's and
men's sizes, best 20c values, on sale
at this exceptionally low special Q
price for this one hour at, each. . . .
Matting Rugs Sale at 32c Each
10 to 11 A. M. In the carpet depart
ment, 1000 good matting rugs, in neat
floral designs, size 30x60 inches; phe
nomenal value at this unusually OO
low price for this one hour, each..
Boys 50c Shirts on Sale at 25c
10 to 11 A. M. 500 dozen boys' unlaun
dered white shirts, linen bosom, rein
forced, sizes 12 to 14; regular 50c val
ues, for this one hour the spe- OC
cial sale price is, each. . . ... ... . . .
60c Wash Silks at 35c a Yard
10 to 11 A. M. 1500 yards of polka dot
Japanese wash silks, very pretty styles
for Summer waists and dresses, all col
orings and combinations; regu- OCp
lar 60c value on sale at, yard OiJC
25c Tailored Collars at 6c Each
10 to 11 A. M. 100 dozen women's tai
lored collars, colored, striped effects, in
marvelous assortment, sizes 12 to 14;
regular 25c values; buy all you fig
want of them at this low price, ea.
These "Hourly Sale" Offerings
M. to 4 P. M. Only
Women's Shirtwaist
Suits $3.50 val. 59c
3 to 4 P. M. Women's
white lawn and batiste
shirtwaist suits, very
pretty styles and mate
rials; waists are tucked
and trimmed with em
broidery and insertion;
full skirts, with insertion
trimming; values CQ
$3.50; on sale at,
5000 Turkish Towels 9c Each
3 to 4 P. M. 5000 unbleached Turkish
bath towels, good sizes, the grade other
stores ask 15c each for; buy all Q
you want of them this hour for....'C
12c Wash Goods 6Vc a Yard
3 to 4 P. M. 200 pieces of fine printed
lawns and batistes in handsome styles;
great variety; regular 12c RA.t
values on sale at, the yard C
$1.50 Chiffons at 35c a yard
3 to 4 P. M. 1000 yards of 45-inch
chiffon for evening gowns, white, with
colored designs and borders, values up
to $1.50 a yard; on sale at ' OP
the extremely low price of yuC
$1.25 Val. Laces 19c Doz. Yds.
3 to 4 P. M. 100 dozen "round thread
and French Valenciennes laces and in
sertion, y2 to iy2 inches wide, best pat
terns; regular $153 1 Q
values, special, doz. yards. 57 C
Men's 50c, 75c, Neckwear 25c
3 to 4 P. M. 200 dozen Men's Fine Silk
Four-in-Hand Ties made reversible or
full French fold. Best patterns and col
orings. Regular 50c and 75c OC
values on sale at, each iiJC
$3.00, $4.00 Parasols at $1.98
3 to 4 P. M. 500 high-grade parasols,
white, black, pongee and all the leading
shades and combinations; regular $3.00
and $4.00 values on sale at $1 QQ
this lpw special price, each. . .Y 50
the New Directoire
Portland Agents "Nemo Corsets
Plan to
11 A. M. to 12 M.
$14.00 Silk Skirts for $6.45
11 to 12 A. M. 200 women's black
taffeta silk walking skirts,- made in
full pleated and plain flared effects,
trimmed with satin folds, bias taffeta
folds and narrow bands; CC AC
values up to $14.00, for...J0.rO
$3.00 Pictures Each $1.19
11 to 12 A. M. 100 beautiful oil
paintings, framed in 6-inch ornamen
tal frames, 25x30 inches; f iq
regular $3.00 values at J) i 1 5
Bargains in Children's Shoes
Children's white, pink and blue kid
sandals, one strap; also patent leather
vamps, turn soles and spring heels.
82 to 11, $1.25 values, pair 59
lH2 to 2, $1.50 values, pair.... 69
Ruffled Swiss Curtains $T.27
11 to 12 A. M. 1000 pairs of ruffled
Swiss curtains, dots, figures and
madras patterns, good quality, great
est values ever offered l 07
at this low price, pair. . . .P 1 u
35c Paper Napkins 16c Doz.
11 to 12 A, M. Odds and ends of
fancy paper napkins, all high-grade
napkins of the best pattern and qual
ity; 35c values on sale at "1 f
this low price, per dozen OC
$ 1 .00 Aprons at 69c Each
11 to 12 A. M. Great special line of
gingham aprons, extra large size, with
pockets well made and finished; staple
patterns ; $1.00 values on sale fiQ,.
at the very low price of. .... ,05C
50c Rompers , at 35c Each
11 to 12 A. M. Children's rompers
in light and dark blue chambrays, also
pink and blue stripes, made with long
or short sleeves for children 1 OC
to 6 years of age; 50c Values. . OOC
1000 Comforters $1.59 Ea.
11 to 12 A. M. 1000 full size silko-
line-covered comforters, filled with
white laminated cotton,
best patterns, at
11 to 12 A. M. 10,000 yards of imita
tion torchon lace and insertion, y2 to
2y2 inches wide, values up to )g
10c a yard, on sale at, yard ;fciC
4 P. M. to 5 P. M.
Rogers Berry Spoons 95c Ea.
4 to 5 P. M. 1000 Rogers "1847"
berry spoons in fancy patterns, great
special values for one hour at QC
this very low price, each 5OC
Boys and Girls Hose 9c Pair
4 to 5 P. M. Good, strong, black
. cotton Hose for boys and girls, fine
and heavy rib, seamless and fast
black, all sizes, 20c values, on Q,,
sale for this one hour at, pair. . .57C
Brussels Carpet Samples 98c
4 to 5 P. M. Manufacturer's samples
of Brussels carpets, great variety of
patterns and colorings, 27x54 inches,
fringed; wonderful values at QQ
this low special price, each. . . ,5OC
Meier & Frank Coffee 21c lb.
4 to 5 P. M. 10,000 lbs. of Meier &
Frank's celebrated Mocha and Java
coffee, equal to the best 40c grades;
buy all you want at this O 1
low special price, per pound. .
Wool Dress Goods 25c Yard
4 to 5 P. M. 3500 yards of wool
mixed dress goods, suitable for chil
dren's dresses, etc.; best 50c value
on sale at this very low spe- OC
cial price for this hour, yard. .
12Vac Pearl Buttons, 2 doz. 5c
4 to 5 P. M. 1000 dozen white pearl
buttons, two and four-hole styles,
splendid quality; regular 10c and
12y2e values on sale at this C
very'low price 2 dozen for.., t
Belts One Dollar Each
A J:
12 M. to 1 P. M.
25c Lace Trimmed Pants 1 7c
12 to 1 P. M.-1000 pairs of women's
lace trimmed pants, made with French
band and trimmed with deep lace; all
sizes; best 25c values. They go on
sale for this one hour at the 1 T
very low price of, the pair. . . A C
35c Mirrors for 19c Each
12 to 1 P. M- -500 Celluloid Mirrors,
good glass, celluloid back, best 35c
values on sale for this one - Q
hour only at this price, each . . . 1 5C
40c Belt Buckles at 19c Each
12 to 1 P. M. Special lot of bolt
buckles in good styles and quality,
oxidized and gilt finishes, all shapes
and sizes, 40c values, on Isale IQ
at this special low price, each. 57 G
Steamer Chairs Low Priced
Folding hammock and steamer chairs,
canvas back and seat, with arms and
foot rest; $1.50 values, each.. $1.23
$1.75 values at, special, each.. $1.39
Without arms, $1.25 values, at..98
Men's Summer Coats for 59c
12 to 1 P. M. Great special lot of
men 's Summer coats in gray imitation
alpaca, and gray and blue washable
duck, all sizes; regular 75o CQ,
values on sale this hour at.... O 2C
40c Embroideries at 15c Yd.
12 to 1 P. M. 2500 yards of cambric
corset cover embroidery, neat, pretty,
serviceable patterns, in great variety;
values up to 40c a yard; on 1 C
sale at this low price, yard....JC
Men's $1.00 Golf Shirts 50c
12 to 1 P. M. 300 dozen men's golf
shirts, madras and percale; all sizes;
best patterns, in wonderful assort
ment; best $1.00 values on PA
sale at this very low price OvJC
17c Ruching at 5c Per Box
12 to 1 P. M. 2000 boxes of tourist
ruching, 3 yards in a box, all good,
desirable styles. Regular 17c values
on sale at this remarkably C-
low special price, the box. ...... OC
No mail or phone orders will be
filled for "Hourly Sale" items.
These hourly sales are money-savers.
5 P. M. to 6 P. M.
75c Toilet Water 49c Bottle
5 to 6 Pa M. 500 bottles of willow
violet, adorable toilet water; regular
75c value on sale at this low A Q
special price, per bottle xITC
200 Suit Cases $2.98 Each
5 to 6 P. M. 200 imitation horn alli
gator leather-cornered suit cases, linen
lined, shirt fold, brass lock and bolts,
24-inch size, $4.00 value, dJO QQ
on sale for this hour at. . .Pi570
$12.00 Porch Swings $6.95
5 to 6 P. M. Flemish and weathered
oak porch swings with chains, very
handsome model; regular $10.00 'and
$12.00 values on sale at (jJC QC
this low price, each J)U50
Men's Bath Robes $2.98 Each
5 to 6 P. M. Men's fancy blanket
bath and lounging robes in dark grays,
dark blues, gray and white ; well
made, full sizes, best pat- QJO QQ
terns, $5.00 values at. . . '. .tJO
Boys Fine Blouses 18c Each
5 to 6 P. M. 500 dozen boys' blouse
waists in fancy red and blue figured
prints, light and dark figured per
cales, plain blue and gray I Q
chambrays, ages 4 to 14 years. . OC
Men's Muslin Night Shirts 29c
5 to 6 P. M. 100 dozen men's muslin
night shirts, plain and trimmed styles,
all sizes, good material, best 50c
values on sale at this special OQ
low price for this hour, each. 5C