1 THE MOKXIXG OKEGOMAX, WEDNESDAY. JULY 1, 190S. 1 POLO PLAY FUST IE1 Changes in Regulation Have Resulted in Making More Speedy Game. ROUGH WORK FROWNED ON Particular Mention Is Made About Dangerous Cross-Riding by Contestants Who Are Overzealous. Polo has been played under entirely new conditions in the United States this season, and the changes have made tha play brisker than in many seasons. Formerly tournament matches be tween teams of four were in four pe rods of 15 minutes each of actual play. Two minutes were allowed after each goal and seven minutes between periods, the rests not to be counted os actual play. .Besides, two minutes were also allowed to change ponies whenever there was ten minutes of consecutive play. The time conditions led to a slow game and brought many a finish to the puzzling time between daylight and dark, when the ball was as hard to see as though playing in a fog. There are no finishes in the gloaming under the new rule. It reads: "In match games between teams of four there shall be ten periods of six minutes each unless otherwise agreed. "Three minutes shall be allowed be tween all periods for change of ponies, except at the end of the fifth period (half time), when seven minutes shall be allowed. A saddling bell should be sounded three minutes before the seven minutes have expired." There is a rush to the fray at the call of time and no stops between goals, the men changing sides as quickly as they can and at the line-up the referee throwing In the ball. Changes in Timing. "A number of suggestions are needed to referees ami to the club holding tournaments as a consequence of the changes of timing, which are to be printed very soon," remarked H. L. Herbert, chairman of the Polo Asso ciation, recently.. "For instance, as to details, the ref eree should be provided by the club with two ponies having uags for balls attached to the saddle and he should also be provided with a suitable whis tle. The referee should call the cap tains or a member of each of the com peting teams together at least 15 min utes before the time announced for the game and decide by a toss of a coin the choice of ends. "The club should appoint goal judges and the referee direct him as to their position and duties. The timekeeper should be provided with score sheets and Instructed to sound the saddling bell 10 minutes before time to play. All players should be notified to be on the field and in position to -play. Two bells .should be sounded a half minute berore time. One bell on time is the signal to throw the ball. "The referee must require the teams to separate sufficiently to permit the ball to be thrown between them on the ground. The ball must be thrown on time, even If all the players are not in their places. When fouls or safety plays are seen by the referee he should declare them without waiting for them to be claimed, and report his action to the keeper of the score at the first op portunity or at the end of the period. "When goal has been made the play ers must return promptly to the mid field and line up for play. The time so consumed Is playing time. Knds shall be changed after every goal. The ref eree should gallop to the scoring stand and report the name of the player who made the goal and the team Ic is to be credited to; also any penalties against either team. Then the referee must throw the ball between the players as promptly as passible. "The referee must stop the game on account of a foul, in which event the scoring of time should be stopped by sounding the whistle, or he may per mit the game to continue and declare the penalty to the players, and at the end of the period to the scorer. The referee may seek information as to dis puted goals, safeties or fouls from the goal judges at either end and from the players. If a discussion is likely to follow the time should.be stopped. Rough Play Is Barred. "Dangerous crossing, reckless swing ing of the mallet, zigzagging in front of a player, crooking a mallet when not on the same side of the pony as the ball, bumping at an angle dangerous to a player or his pony, punching with the elbow and all violations of the rules should be promptly, penalized by the referee. He cannot be too severe in these matters. "When the ball crosses a side line it is out of bounds, and shall he put in play by the referee throwing it between the contestants (who shall line up as at the beginning of the game) toward) the middle of the field and parallel to the goal lines, at the point where it went over the boards. He shall throw from outside the side boards. " hen the ball crosses an end line it is out of bounds, and the side defending the goal at that end is entitled to a knock-In. the ball being placed on the line nt the point which is crossed, but in no cas.e nearer to the goal posts or to the side boards than 10 feet. "When the time limit, six minutes, of any period, except the last, expires, the timekeeper's bell shall be rung, but the gamo shall continue until the ball goes out of bounds or a goal is made or the referee stops the game for a change of ponies. The referee shall en deavor that, in stopping the game, the ball is in such a position that neither side shall be favored thereby." The effect of the change of times is to Keep the ponies at speed through out, hut It does not tire them any quicker than the old procrastinating game used to do. The advice to ref erees from Chairman Herbert 1s to fa cilitate rlay under the new conditions. CALLS EDWARD HYPOCRITE French General Says King "Wants War With Germany. FARIS, June , Zi. (Special.) General Galllfet. the former French Minister of War. does not believe that King Edward deserves the credit he Is getting as the Prince of Peace. On the contrary, he has openly declared in an Interview with a French journalist that If war comes and he thinks it is Inevitable. It will be main ly due to the Intrigues of the King of England. "For yeara," the General said, "King Edward has dons little but annoy his tmoarlal Beobav.' tha- Kaiser. In every WTHN W RULES possible way, and although Wllhelm has shown much more patience than one should expect from a man of his fiery temperament, the time must soon come when he can stand these continuous prov ocations . no longer, and then we shall have the war. I will even go so far as to say that war Is what King Bdward de sires, because Germany is robbing Eng land of her commercial supremacy, and the time is not very far when the Ger man navy will compare favorably -with the British. "At the present Great Britain may still 'be considered ruler of the sea, but In five, or. at the most, ten years, she will have been passed by both Germany and the united States. King Edward wants war to get a chance to destroy the Ger man navy before it gets to be too strong, but it is to be hoped by all patriotic Frenchmen that he will not succeed in dragging France into a struggle where wa should have to bear the brunt of the bat tles and probably gain nothing, while England, after annihilating the German navy, would not care a rap what hap pened to her allies." GROVE FULL OF TREES Chautauqua Grounds Possess Many Natural Advantages. "That beautiful oak Is worth $1000 to the Chautauqua," remarked William McMurray, general passenger agent when seeing the large, rugged tree that stands hy the entrance to Gladstone Park. There are many such trees In the park. In fact, nature seldom affords such favorable conditions for an ideal Chautauqua ground. The geritle rolling surface, stud ded here and there with prominent out croppings of basalt rock, the large oval shaped lake, with its sloping banks; the long stretch of gray, slender firs; the numerous picturesque camping sites, these, together with an ideal athletic field, are some of the natural advantages of the park. The conveniences, though not commen surate with the natural advantages, are quite sufficient to meet every demand of all the needs of the assembly. A large water tank supplies the numerous hydrants with abifndance of good water. Buildings and grounds are well lighted by elec tricity. Two large buildings have recently been erected and many general improve ments made. The Chemawa Indian Band will play every evening at 7:15. Other musical treats wilt be the solos of Miss Pearl Johnson, the violin work by Pro fessor Le Roy and the selections by the Willamette girls and the Philomath Male Quartet. Miss Eva Benson will be the Chatauqua accompanist. BRAZIL INVITES MANUEL Asks Portuguese King to A'isit For ' mer Crown Colony. LISBON', June 2:. (Special.) The Brazilian Government has sent a cor dial Invilktion to the young King Man uel to visit Brazil, and thus carry out the journey contemplated by his mur dered father, King Carlos. It is doubtful, however, whether the King can accept, as there is no money avail able to pay for the journey, and it Is feared that an attempt would be made to assassinate him in Brazil. The King's first trip abroad will be to England, where 1 will pay a state visit to King Edward and Queen Al exandra. Arrangements for this visit will be made at the time of the Brit ish mission to the King, headed by Prince Arthur of Connaught, for the purpose of delivering the Order of the Garter to the young King. The mis sion is expected to arrive here Septem ber 20. ANARCHIST LOVER'S CRIME Italian Murders Fiancee Who Insist ed on Church Wedding. GENOA. June 27. (Special.) A ter rible affair occurred here on Thursday. A young anarchist named Giuseppe Ragonieri was engaged to a girl of deeply religious turn of mind, who naturally wanted their marriage to take place in church. Giuseppe re fused to give his consent to this, and she therefore wanted to break off the match. This so maddened her lover that he decided to first kill her and then himself. On Thursday when the young girl came out from church, Ragonieri fired two shots at her, wounding her sei. ously. Believing he had killed her, he then placed the revolver against his own temple and firing twice blew his brains out. ALWAYS LEADER IX POLITICS Career or Sherman, Begun at Vtica, Expands to National Scope. James Scholocraft Sherman, running mate of William H. Taft, is a Repre sentative in Congress from the Twenty- fifth New. York, the Oneida district. He is chairman of the Republican Congres sional campaign committee and Is one of the leaders in the House of Repre sentatives. He was born in TJtica, N. Y.. in 1855. He is the son of General Richard U. Sherman and Marv Schoolcraft Sherman. When he was a child his parents moved to a farm just outside the limits of the City of L'tiea. There the boy was raised. His parents were cultivated peo ple of the American type. His fath,e was one of the most popular men, per sonally, In the whole State of New York. As a boy Sherman attended the com mon schools of New Hartford and Utlca. He afterward entered Hamilton College, where he graduated with distinction in the class of 1878. He is a member of the Sigma Chi Greek letter fraternity. Elihu Root is also a graduate of the same college and a member of the same fraternity. Sherman was one of a family of five children: two of his brothers and a mar ried sister are still living. In 1S81 he marrried Miss Babcock, a daughter o.f one of the most prominent attorneys of Utica. Several children have been born of this union. On leaving college Sherman studied law. He was admitted to the bar in 1SS0 and st!U practices his profession in Utica. He is president of the Utica Trust & Deposit Company and has manu facturing business connections. For years he has been interested in politics and has always been a staunch Republican. In 1SS4. before he was 30 years of age, he was elected Mayor of Utica, ordinarily a Democratic city. In 1S95 he was chairman of the Republican state convention and, with the exception of one term, has been a member of Con gress since 1SS7. Out of Utica have come several of the great political leaders of the country. It was the home of Roscoe Conkling. Ho ratio Seymour and Francis Kernan. Ward Hunt. Associate Justice of the Su preme Court of the United States, lived! there, and Asa Gray, one of America's greatest botanists, called Utica his home! Recently Mr. Sherman came before the whole people of the country in connec tion with the Harriman-Roosevelt con troversy anent campaign funds. Mr. Sherman made public a letter addressed to him by the President in which the lat ter denied having asked Mr. Hariiman to raise $250,000 for the campaign of liKH. This letter was written in con nection with Mr. Sherman's having in formed the President that Mr. Harrlma had told him he would not support the AMUSEMENTS. HEILIG THEATER and Washington. Phones: Main 1 and A 1122. TWO PERFORMANCES TODAT The Distinguished Actor - MR. ROBERT MANTELL Today at , "The Merchant of Venice." Tonight at 8, 'Hamlet." Tomorrow Night. "Othello." Kriday Nljrtit, "Kinc Ixar." Saturday Afternoon. "Macbeth." Saturday Night, "Kin Richard in." Evenings, J1.60 to 50c; Matinee, tl to 25c. BAKER THEATERp,lonA3M80,n Geo. L. Baker, Manager. Three Important events this week. Last week of season for Baker Stock Company. Last week for all time in their old bo ma theater and Hoyt's screaming,-farce, "A BUNCH OF KEYS." Pun. merriment, music and laughter. Get your seats early for all week. Night prices, 25c. 33c. 50c Matinee. 15c, 25c. Matinee Saturday only. MARQUAM GRAND Pant ages Advanced Vaudeville Attractions. TONIGHT AND ALL. THIS WEEK, THE I--OCR COMJtAlES Whirlwind comedy producers, a New York comedy success, direct from the metropolis, second to none, and CHARLES HARRIS "The Lamp-Post Inspector and the Gibson Girl." Harris Is a celebrated comedian ; you'll laugh In spite of yourself. Three per formances dailv. Popular prices. Curtain at 2:30. 7:30. 9 P. M. ' THE GRAND-Yaudeville deLuxe Entire week of June 29. 1008. ELTON POI.O ALDO TROUPE America'. Greatest Casttne Artist. HILL. CHERRY AND HILL Comedy Bicycle Artists. F. F.' MONTRESSA That I. A. T. S. E. Mas Exhibiting the latest thing In motion pic tures. Time and prices remain the same. LYRIC THEATER Both Phones: Main 485. Home B 1028. Week commencing Monday. June 29, 1908. Fifth week of the famous Blunkall-Atwood Stock Company In the thrilling domestic drama. ,.A HERO IN RAGS." Magnificent production. Matinees TueBday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday Prices 10c and 20c. Every eve ning at 8:30. Prices 10c, 20c and 30c. Boxes 50c. Office open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. THUS . BATHS OPEN B A. M. TO 11 if. M. Concert at 2. Tonight 8:15, in Alrdome.' the merry squall of Xun. "A lOST BABY" Matinee Saturday, 3 P. M. Dog Circus, 4:15-9:15. Cars First and Alder. DANCING BARGE Will Leave Foot of "Washington Street Every Kisbt at 8 o'clock. Good Music; Fine Wax Floor. Admission 60c for Four Hours' Nice Dancing Tickets On Sale at the Dork. party bo Ions; as Mr. Roosevelt was its leader. Mr. Sherman is a member of the Butch Reformed Church and takes a lively in terest in its affairs, being treasurer of the church and president of the board of trustees. Forest of Stone in Australia. London Globe. In Albany, in Australia, is to be seen a stone forest, in other words, petrified trees. The trees are of a gray stone. It is suggested sa an explanation of the strange phenomenon that in the depths of past ages the forest was in full vegeta tion, and then through some upheaval of the earth it was buried in eand. Little by little water acting on the sand pene trated the branches and solidified. The wood gradually disappeared under the layer of stone and in time took its form. Then in succeeding years the winds again carried away the sand, and the forest appeared anew, but of 6 tone. Rejuvin aids digestion. At all fountains. The telephone service of Switzerland Im operated bv the government. AUCTION SALES TODAT. At tfie Cottage Waffle Restaurant, 146 flth st-. near Alder. Sale at 10 o'clock. Baker & Son, auctioneers. At 37 Kast Morrison, the Ford Auction Co. will sell furniture at 10 A. M. C. X. Ford, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. HAWTHORNE LODGE, NO. 111. A. F. AND A. M. Stated Communication this (Wednesday) evening, at 8 P. M.. West Park and Yamhill sts. Work In the M. M. degree. Officers will be present at 7:30. Visiting breth ren welcome. C. E, MILLER, Sec, WASHINGTON LODGE, NO. 4ft, A. F. AND A. M. Stated communi- l-.muii u,lB vanesayj even ins:, s n'rOiulr Ln.t Cf Yt T.. u. M. M. degree. Visitors welcome! Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Sec. ATTENTION, COMRADES OF THE O A. R. The funeral of our late comrade, Jacob Mandell, Co. K. 46th N. Y. Infantry, will take place today at 1:30 P. M. from Fin ley's undertaking rooms. All comrades of the Q. A. R. are In vited to attnd. W. W. JAQUES. Commander. A. C. SLOAN, Adjutant. HASSALO LODGE. NO. 15. I. O. O. F. Members are requested to meet at our hall on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. July 1, to pay a fraternal visit to Samaritan Lodge iso. 2. . course, secy. SAMARITAN LODGE, NO. 2. I. O. O.F. Regular meeting; this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Installation of officers. Visitors welcome. M. OSVOLD, Sec. PIED. JOHNSON At her home, 2520 North Grand avenue, St. Louis, Mo., June 20. Mrs. Jane Atkinson, beloved wife of Thomas John son, and sister of Mrs. A. H. Forstner of Portland. Or., and Mrs. Squire Farrar. Salem, Or. SCHOMP In this city June 3ft. at the fam ily residence, 130 E, 27th St.. Robert T. Schomp, a. native- of Ohio, aged 67 years. Funeral notice later. LEWIS At Berkeley, Cal., Sylvester Haxen, father of r . a. Lewis and Mrs. m. t Smith, of this city. FCXEBAL NOTICES. SAULCER The funeral services of Spencer ijaulcer will be held at the Laurel wood M. E. Church at 2:30 P. M. today I, Wednesday). Friends Invited. Interment at Multnomah Cemetery. EDWARD HOLM AX CO., Funeral Direct era, 20 3d st. Lady assistant. Phone M. 607. a. P. FINLET AY BON. nnarai Directors. Third and Madison. Phone Mm In 9. a 1399. Donnlnc. M cEntee m Ollbanan. Funeral It rectors. 7th Pine. Phone M. 40. Lady mtti. KELLER-BYRNES CO.. Funeral Direct em. 878 Rom eU. Kaat 1ft. Lady assistant. W. A. DUNNIXO. Undertakes 414 .Ladjr assistant. Pbom East &. NEW TODAY. Abstracts!?! vers Abstract Truat Co. Suite Portland Co. Bank. M. 660. -. - A 4223 FOR this month w. will Mil watches for tno amount loanea ana on. month, in terest at Unci. MraraV 141 ad at- near Aider, Grand Central Station Tims Card SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving: Portland Roseburg Passenger Cottage Grove Passenger.. California Express San Francisco Express ...... West Side Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger ArrlviBc Portland Oregon Express Cottage Grove Passenger Roseburg Passenger Portland Express West Side Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger ..... Forest Grove Passenger ...... 8:15 a. m. 4:13 p. m 7 :45 p. m. 1:30 a. m. 7 :00 a. m. 4:10 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 5:40 p. m. ? -1 : m 5:30 p. m. 11:15 p. m. 6:35 p. m. 10:30 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 2:50 p. m. NORTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving Portland Tacoma and Seattle Express. . . . North Coast & Chicago Limited.. OverSjSfcd Express ........... Arriving? Portland North Coast Limited Portland Express Overland Express 8:30 a. m. 2:00 p. m. 11:45 p. m. 7:00 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 8:33 p. m. OREGON RAILROAD ft NAVIGATION CO. Leaving; Portland Pendleton Passenger Chicago-Portland Special Spokane Flyer Kansas City & Chicago Express.. Arrivinar Portland Spokane Flyer Chi.. Kan. City & Portland Ex.. Chicago-Portland . Special Pendleton passenger 7:15 a. m. 8:30 a. m. 8:15 p. m. 4:00 p. m. i 8 :V) a m. 9:45 a. m. 8:50 p. m. 5:154). m. ASTORIA COLUMBIA RIVER. ieavinx roniana i Astoria & Seaside Express ! R:O0a. m. Seaside Special (Saturday only).' 2:30p.m. Astoria & Seaside Express J 5:30 p.m. Arriving; Portland I Astoria & Portland Passenger. . .112:15 p. m. Portland Express '10:00 p.m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Leavins; Portland C. P. R. Short Line, via Spokane. 8:15 p. m. Via Seattle 11:45 p.m. Arriving Portland C- P. R. fhort Line, via Spokane. S:00a. m. Via Seattle - T:O0, m. Jefferson-Street Station SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Leavins; Portland , Dallas Passenger 7 :40 a. m. Zal1as Passenger 4:13 p.m. Arriving; Portland Dallas Passenger 10:15 a m. Dallas Passenger 5:50 p.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Arriving; Wilsonville Salem and Wilsonville Salem and Salem and Wilsonville Salem and Salem and Portland Local , Intermediate Local Intermediate Intermediate Local Intermediate 7:05 a. m. 8:15 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 11:20 a. m. 1:20 p.m. 4:45 p. m. 4 :00 p. m. 5.40 p. m. 8:15 p. m. 0:25 a. m. 7:35 a. m. 8:35 a. m. 1Mla m Express. Local. . . Express, Local . . Express. Intermediate Intermediate Portland Salem and Leaving; Salem and Intermediate Local Intermediate Intermediate Local Intermediate intermediate Local Intermediate Wilsonville Salem and Salem and Wilsonville Salem and Salem and Wilsonville Salem and Express. Local ! 1 : 1 0 p. m. Express, Local z:3 p. m. 3:30 p. m. 5 : 10 p. m. 6:05 p. m. C CHRISTENSEN OPTICIAN Fourth Floor Corbett B'.dff. WH15RE TO DINE. Hot Wptthpr nit No me"- Vege- nui uesiueruiittrlaJ1 Cafe 105 6th st.. near Washington. NEW TODAT. SPECIAL AUCTION Tomorrow (Thursday next) at 2 P. M.", at 175 E. 13d st., cor. Yarrhill st., we are in structed by Mr. C. M. Zandow to sell the Furniture, carpets, etc., including parlor Davenport, rattan and cobbler-seat rockers, parlor carpets, pictures, hall and stair car pets, sideboard, bedroom sets, springs and mattresses, toilet ware. heaters. stands, etc. Take Sunnyside -:ar to ;3d st. Sale tomorrow (Thursday) at 2 p. M. BAKER & SON, Auctioneers. $6600 SPECIAL SNAP 11 improved acres, 5-room house ; on electric line; 5 cent fare; y2 cash; cheap at $1000 an acre ; will exchange for house and lot in city. Frank Bollam 128 Third Street. An Investment Four fine nine-room houses on Nob Hill, paying: 142.50 per month; can be increased. This is a very fine property, with lots 100x100. in fine locality where houses are never vacant. A safe and sure investment; J19. 000:. 410.000 cash, balance 6 per cent, will handle it. Martin J. Higley 132 THIRD STREET. 9 NET $15,000 for 3-story flat with lot; 12 bed rooms, 4 parlors, 2 reception halls, 2 dining-rooms and 2 kitchens. All modern conveniences. Will sell furniture if wanted. On 13th st.. near Salmon. Was built for home and not to sell. Location cannot be beat for exclusive boarding: and lodging house. This Is better than 4 uer cent In savings bank. Terms. No phone Infor mation. R. H. BLOSSOM 818 Chamber of Commerce. ice $1.0 per box at Gilman's.ill Wash ington street, near 10th today. PARTNER WANTED In an A-l sawmill proposition; $6000 re quired. It will pay you to investigate this. It's a winner. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 82 Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage Loans, Lowest Rates Real Estate, Insurance A. H. BIRR ELL tt McKay Bid.. 3d Stark.1 OIVS MS A CALL. FOB SALE KKAL ESTATE J. M KERR CO.. A Hat Mtate. farms. 2SS Stark It., room 10. A 5US. Main 1222. 10 ACRES of aightlr around, -suitable .for platting, 'on good car Una, $3600. Call room 40 Washington bldg. $2400 Bwiutlful nw home. S30O: $20 month ly; 3 block acuta Hawthorn.. B. 44th. Dr.. XJarll&c. Annies 0 NEW TODAT. on'tWait COME OUT TODAY AND SEE - Corner Lots $100 Inside Lots $ 85 TERMS: $10 Down and $5 Monthly 10 Discount for Cash Improved streets, 5-cent fare, good soil. Title guaranteed perfect. No building restrictions, and imme diate possession. AGENTS AT TRACT EVERY DAY, INCLUDING SUNDAYS. Take Montavilla car at corner 3d and Morrison streets, get off at the corner of Villa and Hibbard streets, Montavilla branch office; for further particulars call office. C. P. WELLS 231 Worcester Building. Phone Main 3253. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, F. V. & Co., M 1(340, 83 Hamilton bl Baker. Alfred A., 215 Abington bldg. Chapln A Herlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. Compton. J. F., Pac & A 1848. 100 A blr.pt on bl Cook. B. S. & Co.. 507-8 Corbett bldg. Crossley Co., 708-8 Corbett bldg. M 7855. Goddard, H. W. Main and A 1743. 110 2d st Jennings & Co. Main 18 A. 206 Oregon lan. Kinney & Stampher, 531-532 Lbr. Ex. M 4436. Lee. M E., room 411 Corbett building. Mall & Von Borstel, 104 2d st, 392 E Bumslde. O'Donnen, J. P., M. 4561 & A 2561. 230 Stark Palmer, H. P., 213 Commercial Club bldg. M 8099, A 2W3. Parrish, TVatkins & Co., 250 Alder st. Reed, Fields & Tynan. M 7004, A 3651. 102 2d Schalk, Geo. t., 264 Stark st. Main S92. A 892. Sharkey. J. p. & Co.. 122 H Sixth st. Swensson, A F. & Co., 253 "Washington st. The Oregon Real Estate Co., SS4 Third st. (Holladay Addition.) Veteran Land Co., 822 Chamber of Commerce Waddel, W. O., 30ft Lumber Exchange bldg. White, B. F., 227 hi Washington st. TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 24 TRACTS sold. 20 more left, of choice walnut, fruit and vegetable land; 30 min utes ride on Salem Electric line on coun ty road, county school, churches, stores and physician; $125 to $235 per acre while it lasts; easy terms to parties who will improve the property. Deal direct ; no agents. L 66, Oregontan. $3600 Half cash, beautiful and strictly mod ern 6-room residence; large living and dining-room, reception hall, artistic open stair way, three bedrooms, finest bathroom equip ment, full basement, cement foundation, laundry trays, etc.; perfect in every detail. H. W. Lemcke, Corbett bldg. Main 1177, A 2635. SOMETHING NEW. Ask about our Home Certificates, they eimplify' the method of raising the neces sary amount to make the nrst payment on your new home. Bl'TTERWORTH-STEPHEXCON CO.. Tnc 317 Ablngton Bldg. Main 85iy. TERWILLIGER homestead on the West Side, three carlines through the prop erty, ten minutes from business center; graded street, cement walks, fine view; lots from $400 up. Phone M 3177. A 4450. J. C. Costello, 331 Chamber of Cora. IF you are looking for property come to our office and see our list; if anything suits you. take the owner's name and make your own deal with him Home seekers' Information Bureau, 333 Cham ber of Commerce. ONLY S1000 For nice 6-room house, only 2 years old; fine garden lot near Mt. Scott car; terms. Ja. C. Logan, room 411 Corbett bldg. BEAUTIFUL Irvington lot. East 21st, near home, Holladay Park; owner leaving city. A D 44, Oregon ian. FILE listings in sight; no handling of cards; our solicitor will call: complete outfit, $6.50. Main 5634. NEW house; bath, porch, lots roses, fruit garden, 125x100; $2000; also house, install ments. 429 3d. 10 ACRES close in, splendid location. For particulars, address Owner, E 32, Ore gonlan. 13 LOTS, 60x100. West Side, 30 minutes out; Improved, high, level; $900; $250 down, $30 montn. J O. uretonian. $2300 5-room cottage modern, Failing st.. near wimams av. oee owner at once. Terms. Or phone East 2535. $700 CORNER lot. 28th St., East Holladay Addition; this district Improving rapidly. 416 Chamber of Commerce. $1550 Nice new cottage. 768 East 6th, near Beech; close to car; bath, gas, etc. Owner, 208 4th- Main S090. MODERN new 5-room bungalow, nice loca tion, Montavilla; $2000; term. Owner. Phone Tabor B1L CALL Sellwood 1262. will build ycur house after your plans, terms; houses for rent. Wilkin. HOLLADAY PARK ADD., new modern 6-room house, $3000; terms. Owner. Phone East 2756. $1100 5-room cottage, lot 50x100, nice roses, close to Brooklyn car; terms, $900 cash. Room 503 Lumber Exchange. BEAUTIFUL 8-room Colonial house, cor ner. $4600; S500 down, $25 monthly. Phone Woodlawn 179$. ACRES, H acres, at one-third less than surrounding property; easy terms. Ryder, 83 5th st. Main 5536. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Sightly modern. 8-room home; your own term. Call room 40. Washington bldg. FOR SALE 60-room hotel, $12,000; a snap. Call owner by phone. vA 257. 6-ROOM house and full lot, near carllne; $1500. O. M, Smith. Main 3960. RAIH ADDITION TRACT FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. NO commission charged for selling prop rty. No advance asked our purchasers In your price. List your property with me on this new plan. $4500 for a nice new 6-room modern house on Willamette Heights; $1500 cash. $1400 Modern house, full lot, in Feurers 'Addition; 6 rooms. 3-00 -5-room house, close in on East Side, walking distance; cement walks, cement basement, gas range, etc. $(5O0 cash, balance $ 20 per month, nice bungalow, full lot, near Hawthorne ave. $2700 14-room house and lot on Over ton st., near 19th; $1500 cash. Must be old. $3300 5-room bouse, full lot, bearing fruit, near Union eve.; walking distance. $(10O A nice quarter block in Coles Ad dition ; fruit, berries, etc. This quarter block Is cheap at $15K and is the same one that we advertised last we-k at. that price. This must be sold, rfs the owner needs money and has jut it down $400 below its value o he can realize on it Immediately. This is the cheapest buy in the city. $45-K) 5-room house full lot, fruit and berries, on East 8th st., in the heart of East Portland, close in A short walk. $300 per acre, 10 to 20 acres near Oak Grove. $25004i acres, a n'ce home, near the city ; 4-room house and barn ; 3 ht acres In cultivation. $2500 Ten acres on Section Line road. 1M miles from the reservoir feast). $6o0 per acre for 11 acres 150 feet from streetcar line; 10 acres clear, good house and barn, plenty fruit, berries, gar den; would make a good home, near the city. LANDLORDS AND NON-RESIDENTS. I will rent your houses and stores and col lect your rent for 2 per cent of monthly rent if rents amount to $50 and 1 per cent if it amounts to over $50 per month. $3100 8-room house, modern, in. Pied mont, full lot. one clock f rnn car line. MARTIN J. H1GLEY, 132 Third Street. NEW 5-room modern bungalow, right at carllne. large lot. wood fiber plaster, tiled In kitchen and bath; walls tinted, recep tion hall, electric light fixtures, porcelain bath, lavatory and sink, 3ii-gallon tank, lawn graded ar.d seeded. 3 coats of paint, two bay windews; this is worth $-250. If taken today, $1450. Terma Call at my office, 612 Couch bldg., C. A, Shep pard. owner. TAKE your good luck when opportunity offers it. $2700 For a nice corner with modern 6-room well built house, in fine neiph borhood. close in. As low as $500 cash with easy payments taken. $3200 For a nice corner, with well built 7-ioom bungalow, fine neighborhood, close In. Worth $4000. F. FUCHS, 221 H Morrison -st. $2000 Strictly modern up-to-date new cot tage; you cannot find ita equal in the city for lees than $2750; nothing will give us more pleasure than to show this cot tage; only 10 minutes to heart of city by car and block from carllne; cannot build the house for what you can buy the house and lot for, and terms are about the same as paying rent. PORTER & FRENCH. 607 Commercial Bldg., Cor. Wash, and 2d FOR SALE OR TRADE. 2-ACRE Chicken ranch, all stocked with thor oughbred Barred Plymouth blocks and Rhode Island Reds; Jerbey cow. 5 chick enhouses, new barn, 7-room house, fruit of all kinds and running water; fi blocks from Miiwaukle car barns. Call at Browning s Baths. 146 1st. Phone Pacific 1487. RENTER, PLEASE1 LOOK THIS UP. All modern, brand new cottage, can pos itively be bought for less than it cost to build the houw to say nothing of the $7o0 lot the house occupies; block from car line and but 10 minutes down-town; terms the same as rent. See Porter & Frenc'.i, 607 Commercial bldg., 2d and Washington. IRVINGTON S-room house and lot, 50x100. on Hancock St., near 16th; only $5000; a good buy. S-room cottage, near Tillamook St.; needs sdme repairs but is a snap at $4O0O. 5-room cottage and 2 lots at $4000. Choice building lot at $1500. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. GUARANTEED as advertised. 20 acres. mile to Salem Electric line. 24 cleared, some beaver dam, choice walnut, apple or vegetable land; finest soil in Oregon; on two county roads; close to county school, stores and churches. Price $-23 per acre, one-third cash, balance 0 per cent. Deal direct; no agents. L 07, Oregonian. SOMETHING NEW. PRICE $2500. TERMS. Almost completed, 5-room bungalow, strictly modern, on Sellwood carline. only 12 minutes out on river bank; get off at Gratten's prove and go 1 block west. Ap ply on premises or K. Hoard, owner and builder. 354 College st. $3250 6-room modern house, in Central Al blna, corner lot, best location; rooms are large and airy; large, light closets, bath, fantry and sewing-room, best of plumb ng. cement basement and walks; every thing first-class and up-to-date. Terms. C. B. LUCAS, 320 Corbett bldg. WE offer for sale in Irvington and Holladay Park Additions at reasonable prices and terms twenty (20) new. attractive and Ftrictly modern residences ranging in value from $3300 to $10,000. Beautiful homes, complete in every detail and all in m-9t desirable location1. H. W. Lemcke. 210-211 Corbett bldg. Main 1177, A 2635. MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Very neat 6-room cottage in Creston, good surroundings, nearly new and mod ern throughout, full lot; if good refer ences are given will sell with very small cash payment. Western Oregon Trust Co., 14 Chamber of Commerce. WALNUTS. I am offering for sale choice land set to walnuts to be cared fox for four years, .. 16 miles from Portland on electric car line; terms to suit you;,, other excellent fruit land for sale. W. E. BURKE. 620 Chamber of Com. bldg. RICH SOIL. 10-acre tractB on West Side, S. P. line, and near Oregon Electric line, deep, black soil, all level, ' practically all clear; $70 to $150 per acre. Easy terms. Western Oregon Trust Co., 14 Chamber of Com merce. MUST SELL My beaut.ful home in Irvington. 627 Han cock st., between 10th and 17th; price $4700; $1250 cash, balance $35 per month. See owner, 607 Couch bldg. Phcne A 3213. $2650 Two 5-room cottages on lot 53x100, at East 36th and Hawthorne ave.; terms. $1350 cash or will sell one-half for $1425; terms, $725 cash, rest $10 a month at 7 per cent. Room 530 Lumber Exchange Phone Main 7734. A MODERN house of 8 rooms, with lOOxlOO feet, in the most desirable part of Holla day Addition, within easy walking distance; price much below actual value for quick eale. W. O. Waddel. 309 Lumber Ex change. SICKNESS FORCES SALE. Must Bell my home. 0-room house. 3 lots, fruit, garde a, block from car, near Lents, $ 1 600. Half cash. See me. 26$ E. Morrison. $3000 HOUSE In Irvington, a real bargain, M block ' from carline. will rent for $25 per month; new furnace and. just newly tinted, in best location. Address A. H. Hickman, P. O. Box 245. ONE good 6-r.oom house and barn close to graded school, near streetcar line, close to Oregon City; $000 cash, call 2o3j First et. R. R. Roberts. $3750 50x100 on Clay ft., near 14th. fine lo-' cation for flats; nothing a cheap in this vicinity. W. O. Waddel, 30 Lumber Ex change. $200 CASH, balance monthly, strictly modern 5-room cottage; good location; price $19."0. H. W. Lemcke. Corbett bldg. Main 1177, A 2635. $15.000 Whole block, close in, income on part of block $912 year, balance good for man ufacturing or warehouse site. Apply Fuhr, Osborne Hotel, East Side. 94 -ACRE, modern 6-room house, basement, poultry houses, park, fruit, berries, flow ers, 2 blocks W. W. tar; must be sold. T 67. Oregontan. 17-ROOM house, well furnished; cheap rent, good location; net Income $104 month; must sell at once on account of leaving city. 86 Park et. $1250 1-roora cottage. Jot 50x100. on East 15th, near Brooklyn car and Milwaukie car; terms, $30O cash," rest $10 a month. Room 530, Lumber Exchange. ' HOUSES for sale In alt part of the city; acreage close In. and farms In Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 44S6. Kinney & Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. $1000 FOR a 9-room cottage and lot 50 by 100 feet at Seaview, Wash. Phone Wood lawn 1C22 or Woodlawn 1653. or write owners. 834 Kerby st. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BY EXPERT PEAL ESTATE ATT'Y. D. A. TUFTS. 303 WASHINGTON ST ALMOST new 5-room bungalow on carllne, within walking distance; a nice little home and in good location; easy terms. Ella M. Smith. Main 1176, A 1176. A CHOICE lot at Seaview. Inquire 202 . Stark st, ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SPANTON S SPECIALS. $1800 A bargain, on carline. close - in. 5 room house, full basement, barn, etc., lot 50x100; property not pew but cheap. $2200 New 5-room bungalow, lot 50x100, S5O0 cash, balance easy. . $2250 New 5-room bungalow, desirable location, lot 50x100; $300 cash, bal ance $20 per month; 6 per cent. $2300 New 5-room cottage. full lot; terms; cash $200, balance 20 per month. $2500 Five rooms and attic; cottage near W. R. carllne; full lot, easy terms; good buy. 92600 Beautiful new California bunga low, panelled walls. Dutch kitchen, large porch, full corner lot; $tK0 cash, balance easy. $3000 Splendid new 7-room cottage, den and sewing:room additional, ex ceptionally well built, good loca tion; terms, or will trade for farm. $3000 Good 6-room corner dwelling, good locality, fully and well furnished; will sell $500 cash, $25 per month. $4000 Charming new 6-room house in Rose City Park, lot 75x100; this Is a very desirable house; terma THE SPANTON CO.. Main 2828. 270 Stark St. HALF ACRE TRACTS. We are offering the beat thing In acre r half acre tracts Id Portland; water mains laid aad terms of only $10 cash and $10 per month. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO. 110 2d SL BEAUTIFUL WEST SIDE HOME, NOB HILL DISTRICT. $$500 -Modern S-room dwelling. fuil concrete basement and finished attic; hardwood floors and 2 fireplaces; full lot, 60x100 feet, south front. A most choice location. . . JAMES J. FLY NX, 512 Chamber of Commerce. FROM OWNER. TWO TO EIGHT CHOICE LOTS AT TKEMONT PLACE. About seven block from the end of the W.-W. carline. 25 minutes' ride from 3d and Yamhill sts.; good car service; two of these lots are set out to garden truck, with a small cottage on same; easy terms; lots 40x120, with alleys. Address W 67, Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SPECIAL. $400 Choice building fite, with good' view and city water, at $4o0 per lot; this la one third below adjoining prices and when sold cannot be duplicated. See It and you will buy. j. c. Mclennan, Phone Pacific 1453. 315 Oregonian. . 3 ACRES. All cleared, living spring.' no rock, no gravel, . , For $1800; Easy Terms. 16' minutes from business center on the new electric line ; beats anything on the market; you will agree with me when you oe it; will be sold without reserve; first come first served. Call room 2o9 Wash ington bldg., cor. 2d and Washington. IRVINGTON 6 large rooms, outside sleeping room, hath and toilet separate, toilet in basement, gas rar.ge. gas and electric fix tures, furnace, fireplace, pasa pantry, with cold water coils in cooling cupboard; cooler In kitchen, ehades to alt windows; every thing that you would want to have In your own home; lot lOOxloO; half block to street car line: let us show it to you. Cady & Seiple. 322 Mohawk bldg. MT. TABOR HOME. HALF ACRE. BEAUTIFUL TREES AND SHRUBBERY, 6-ROOM HOUSE, FINE VIEW; $2750 H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club bldg.. Main 8GU9. A 653. FOR SALE CHEAP 80 acres good land on main county roud; fenced, croas-f enced ; or chard, all kinds berries, 12 head dairy cat tie, good team horses, all kinds farming Im plements, house, 2 barns, crop in, separator, hogs, 20 acres cleared ; 30 milea to Port land, 9 from Woodland. For information address J. B. Lamar, Etna, Clark Co., . Wa&h. A SNAP. 3 acres of very fine land, in cultivation; living springs; only 15 minutes ride from business center, for $1800, upon easy terms; 3 lots, same distance out In any other di rection will cost you as much; here t a chance. Ruseell & Houston, 444 Sherlock bldg., 83 3d st. 6-ROOM modern houw, half block from Al berta carline, on N. 15th et. ; $600 down, balance $20 per mo. Sunnyside 5-room modern cottage, strict ly up-to-date; a genuine snap; $2725. 511 S wetland bldg. CHEAP HOME. Double house of ft rooms, fractional lot, almost walking distance. East Side ; you could rent one part for $8 nr $10 per month. Price $1350. J. J. Oeder, cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. A RATTLING GOOD BUY. $2600 Large 2-story 6-room hou se on E . Madison St.. near E. 37th; improved street, large lot. fine shrubbery; house newly painted and- tinted; $500 cash. bal. same as rent. Conklin Bros., 302 Rothchlld bldg. 26 PER CENT NET. $190 cash handles. This is an oppor tunity for the small man; get In early and avoid the rush: don't pass this up. , BUTTER WORTH STEPHENSON CO,. Tno 317 Abington Bldg. , Main R52!. j READ THIS. . ! Do you want an irrigated farm for $200, 1 $10 down and $10 per month, better than; Government land? Let me tell you about; It. Thos. McCusker. 205 Couch bldg. Maim 7646. WILL SEL AT BIG SACRIFICE. Close-in furnished fiat. Everything new! and fine; big bargain ; sleeping porch, lots)1 of room. Will phow only interested buyers.) Both phones. 3126. 210 Abington bldg. LEAVING PORTLAND. - Owner of home compelled to leave the, city wltl sell home very cheap. Call at 210 'Abington bldg. and will take you to pi ace. - 60 ACRES, cheap. , situated where acrej tracts are In demand; 50 per cent profit can be made bv platting this into acre tracts- Room 212 Rcthchlld bldg., 4th1 and Washington. . FRACTIONAL lot near Park and Hall sts., at very reasonable figure; suitable for swn, bungalow: good location for business men.j Phone East 4073 evenings1. $2600 6-room new modern home; cement baw-f ment, laundry tray, pewer; on East Madl pon, near East 40th St.; easy terms. Conk-: lin Bros.. 302 Rothchlld bldg. GOOD Investment, owner must sell, well located block In North Alblna. $3O00 cash, balance first mortgage payable in 1 to 3 years; no agents. Y 68. Oregonian. HOMES. HOMES. HOMES. Hirtsell has them to selKln any part of the city and some are special bargains, far cheaper than you can build. 88' 3d st. (2.000---plendid Investment, new apart-, ment bldg.. paying 10 per cent net. close in. West Side, worth $22,500; terms. AF 41, Oregonian. 12-ROOM house with all modern improve ments In South Portland. 2 blocks from S. car, only $."500. Hartman 8c Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. NEW modern 5-room house near Stewart Station, Mt. Scott carllne; $100 down. $15 a month to right party. C. W. Wells, uwner. Phone Tabor 660. $1800 Attractive 4-room modern cottage on improved street: $3'M cash, balance month lv. H. W. Lemcke, Corbett bldg. Main 1177. A 2S35: ' IRVINGTON HOLLADAY. Very attractive home; owner will sell very cheap; new, modern, close in: beauti ful location; full lot. Both phones 3126. IF you have foresight you will investigate this. 220x300. in Portland, at half Its worth; terms. Gordon S. Ogden, 413 Chamber of Commerce $1550 50x126 and 5-room modern cottage on Sellwood carllne; terms'. W. O. Wad del, 309 Lumber Exchange. 7-ROOM house. Highland. New"; " modern; a big snap. $.'250. John P. Sharkey Co., 122 6th st. Main t50. A 2537. VERY choice acre at end of Maver'.y-Rich-mond line, fine view, good' soil: prlc $1500. Call for McGrath. Main 3177. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER Lands wanted. C. J. McCracken 304 McKay bldg. FROM owner, large or small timber tracts. Murdock & Young, 407 Buchanan bldg. .a