8 THE MORNING- OREGOXIAX. MONDAY. JUNE 29, 1908. LUCK OP BEAVERS TURNS THE TRICK Timely Hits Bring Victory for Portland and Score Is 3 to 2. GRAY OUTPITCHES GROOM Two Brilliant Kuiuiing Catches, One by Bassey and One by Oakes Are Features Crowd of 4500 Sees the Game. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Yesterday's Results. Portland 3, Los AngeleB 2. Oakland 6-L San Francisco 2-5. Standing of the Clubs. 5) CLUBS. .1: Portland Los Angelea . . . Oakland San FranclBco . 14 11 71. 14 101131 14 8;15 .5.-l .521 .474 .4G3 Lost Sl:i540 43 149 LOS ANGELES, Cal., June 28. (Spe cial.) Hard luck, with the Beavers' swats, beat Dolly Gray today In the clos ing game of the series before 4500 fans. The Jocals lost the second game of the week that they should have won. Timely hits spelled out the victory, for Gray should have beat Groom, but the Beav ers' luck was too much. Bassey made a beautiful long running foul catch in the fourth inning, running at top speed into the bleacher wire fence to get the ball. He bounced back like a rubber ball, but had to quit the game, as he had hurt his leg on the board part of the fence. This was one fielding feature, and trie other was the great running catch by Oakes In deep center. He ran with the ball for 100 yards, and then Jumped up and turned in the air and caught it facing the crowd. The locals started their only runs when Ryan Juggled Delmas grounder in the third inning. Easterly sacrificed Del to second and he stole third. Gray fanned and then Bernard walked and stole second. Oakes walked and Dillon scored Delmas and Bernard with a double over third base. Groom, held them safe after that. The Beavers made their first two on Danzig's single and Madden's triple to right that Brasher ran up on and failed to get. Madden scoring on DelmaB' error of Groom's Sad grounder. The last came from Johnson's pass and two steals and McCredie's hit to right. The score: LOS ANGELES. A.B. R. H. P.O. A. E Bernard. 2b 4 1 1 2 2 0 Oakes. cf 3 0 1 1 0 0 Dillon, lb 4 O 18 0 0 Brahear. rf 4 O 0 1 0 0 Smith, 3b 4 O 1 2 2 0 Kills. If 4 0 1 4 0 0 Delmas. sa 4 1 1 0 2 1 Easterly, c 2 0 0 0 2 0 Gray, .p 4 0 1 0 1 O Total . 33 2 T 27 9 1 PORTLAND. A.B. R. H. P.O. A E Cooney, ss 4 0 2 1 O Ttyan. 3b 4 0 O 1 1 1 Raftery. cf 2 0 0 2 0 0 Johnson,- rf.-2b .1 1 O 8 1 0 Bassey, If 1 0 O 1 0 0 Casey. 2b 3 0 1 0 8 0 Danzig-, lb 3 1 1 7 1 O McCredle, rf 4 0 1 8 0 0 Madden, c 4 1 1 7 1 0 Groom, li 3 O 1 1 1 0 Total . 31 3 3 27 SCORE BY INNINGS. 9 Los Angeles 0 0200000 0 2 Hits 0111112O 0 7 Portland 0 0002000 1 3 Hits 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 5 SUMMARY. Two-bass hits Dillon. Ellis. Three-base hit Madden. Sacrifice hit Easterly. Stolen bases Johnson 2, McCredle, Bernard. Oakes. Delmas. Double play Smith to Dillon. First base on halls Off Gray 3, Groom 3. Hit by pitcher Raftery. Struck out By Gray, 9; Groom, 7. Time 1:43. Umpire Perrine. BOTH PITCHERS ARE HARD HIT r c a 3 ' Jones and Hopkins Lose Game Each In San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. June 28. Oakland hit Jones hard in the morning game and won from San Francisco by a score of 5 to 2. In the afternoon San Francisco landed on Hopkins in the seventh, winning by a score ol to 1. Morning game: MORNING GAME ' OAKLAND. A.B. R. IB. P.O. A. E. Van Haltren. cf 3 0 0 1 0 0 Haley. 2b 4 1 2 4 4 0 Heitmuller, rf 3 1 O 1 0 ' 0 Kairan, ss 4 1 a 1 4 O Lewis, c 4 O 0 1 3 0 Hogan. lb 4 1 1 13 0 1 Altman, 3b 4 1 1 2 2 0 Cook. It 3 O O 1 0 0 Wright, p 4 0 11 4 0 Total 33 5 8 27 17 1 SAN FRANCISCO. A B. R. IB. P.O. A. E. Mohler, 2b 3 0 1 2 3 0 Hlldebrand, If 4 0 1 2 0 0 Henderson, cf ....... 4 12 3 0 0 Williams, lb 4 O 1 10 0 0 Melchoir. rt 4 1110 1 Zeider. ss 4 0 0 1 5 0 Curtis. 3b 4 0 0 3 2 0 Berry, o 4 0 15 0 0 Jones, p 3 0 0 0 1 1 Total 34 2 7 27 11 2 SCORE BY INNINGS. Oakland 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 5 Hits 1 0 0 4 0 1 O I 0 S Pan Francisco. 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 O 2 Hits 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 7 SUMMARY. Two-base hits Haley, Hogan. Altman, Eagan. Wright. Home runs Melchoir. Sac rifice hits Heltmuller. Zeider. Van Halt ren. Stolen bases Heltmuller. Double plavs Zeider to Mohler. First base on bails Off Wright 2. Hit bv pitcher Cook. Struck out By Janes 2. Time 1:20. Um pire O'Connell. AFTERNOON GAME. OAKLAND. A.B. R. IB. P.O. A. E. Van Haltren, cf 4 0 o o 0 1 Haley. 2b 4 0 0 1 5 1 Heltmuller, rf 4 0 0 3 0 0 Eagan. ss 4 1 3 3 3 0 Lawls. c 3 O O 2 2 O Hogan. lb 4 0 II 12 0 0 Altman. 3b ... 3 0 O O 1 0 C ook. If 2 0 1 :t 0 1 Hopkins, p .....3 0 0 0 2 0 Total 31 1 4 24 13 3 SAN FRANCISCO. A.B. R. IB. P.O. A. E. Mohler. 2b 3 2 2 1 4 0 Hlldebrand, If 2 0 o :t 0 0 Henderson, cf 4 0 O 2 O 0 Williams: lb 4 O 1 8 3 1 Melchoir. rf 4 0 0 3 0 0 Zeider, ss 3 112 2 0 Curtis. 3b 2 0 0 1 0 0 Berry, c 3 1 1 4 1.1 Sutor. p 3 1 1 3 1 0 Total 7 5 6 27 11 2 SCORE BY INNINGS. Oakland O 1 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 1 Hits O 1 0 0 1 1 0 O 1 4 San Francisc-o.l 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 5 Hits 1 0 O 0 0 1 4 0 6 SUMMARY. Two-base bits Cook, Mohler. Sacrifice hits Hlldebrand. Berry. Lewis. Stolen bases Zeider. Double plays Curtis to Zeider to Williams. First base on balls Off Hopkins ::: off sutor 1. struck out Bv Hopkins 2: by Sutor 3. Time 1:35. Umpire O'Connell. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. Won. Lost. Pet. Snokane 32 2 .615 Tacoina 2. 24 ..",47 Vancouver 30 27 .52.1 Seattle 28 33 .4.VJ Butte 19 2.1 .432 Aberdeen 25 34 .424 Aberdeen 5, Spokane 1. SPOKANE, Wash., June 28. (Special.) Aberdeen made a show of Spokane today, 5 to 1. Thompson had. the Spokane bat ters at his mercy and the one run was a gift, Mahon letting Mackin score from third on a short drive, an error by Moore putting Mackin in position to score. Jensen was miserably supported, but even at that hardly pitched up to his best form. He hit three batsmen. The Indians' infield was away to the bad, Mackin and Chandler being rhe worst offenders. In the seventh inning, Camp bell completed the circuit on a series of four bad throws, taking one base at a tinfe off each misplay. Pitcher Roose velt has been released by Spokane. He has been in poor shape ell year. West cott, a new infielder. has reported and Quinn has another pitcher coming. Ta coina opens here tomorrow for eight games, playing one tomorrow postponed from two weeks ago and two on the fourth. "Red" Ehret has been signed by Lucas to take Black's place tomorrow. The score: R.H.E. Aberdeen 0 0 0 1 0 1 S 0 0-6 8 4 Spokane ..00000000 11 2 6 Batteries Thompson and Spencer; Jen sen and Roberts. Butte 13, Anaconda 5. BUTTE, Mont., June 23. Butte ran away with the game, the visitors playing a headless game. Score: R.H.E.I R.H.E. Butte 13 15 lj Anaconda 6 9 3 Batteries Wilson and Kane; Morris and Walker. Umpire Dwyer. Chehalis 9, Hoquiam 8. CHEHALIS, Wash., June 28. (Spe cial.) Chehalis 9, Hoquiam 8, was the result of today's ball game. Batteries Chehalis, Quick and Doerr; Hoquiam, Eaton and Bailey. Umpire, Downs. A3IERICAN LEAGUE. St. Louis 6, Cleveland 1. ST. LOUIS, June 28. St. Louis Increased their hold on first place by defeating Cleveland 6 to I before the largest crowd of the season. Score: R.H.B-I R.H.E. St. Louis 6 10 O'Cleveland 1 3 4 Batteries Dineen and Stephens; Spen cer, Joss, Thlelman and Clarke. Umpires Davidson. Detroit 10, Chicago 5. CHICAGO, June 28. Detroit defeated Chicago ,in a game marked by heavy hit ting today, the score being 10 to 5. Score: R. H. E. R.H.E. Detroit ......10 12 1 Chicago 5 14 4 Batteries Mullin, Summers and Thomas; Schmidt, Altrock, Walsh and Sullivan. Umpire Weaver. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Chicago 3-2, Cincinnati 1-0. CHICAGO, June 28. Chicago won both games today. Score: First game R. H. E. R. H. E. Chicago .......3 5 lCincinnati 1 7 0 Batteries Reulbach and Kling; Camp bell and McLean. Umpire Klem. Second game R- H. E. R. H. B. Chicago 2 10 OCincinnati 0 3 0 Batteries Pfeister and Kling; Weimer and Schlei. St. Louis S-l, Pittsburg 6-4. ST. LOUIS, June 28. Pittsburg took both games of a double-header from St. Louis today, the first 6 to 3 and the sec ond 4 to 1. Score: First game R. H. E. I R. H. E. St. Louis 3 9 2jPittsburg 6 9 1 Batteries Raymond, Lush and Hos tetter; Willis and Phelps. Umpire Rud derham and Emslie Second game R. H. E. R. H. B. St. Louis .....1 6 lPittsburg 4 8 1 Batteries Higglnbotham and Bliss; Camnitz and Gibson. Umpires Emslie and Rudderham. MUCH INTEREST IN SPDRT TRAPSHOOTERS IN CONTEST FOR TROPHIES. Caldwell Captures Inman Medal, and Cullison and Stoddard Win "Cups.- The regular weekly shoot of the Mult nomah Rod and Gun Club, - which was held at St. John yesterday, was marked by the participation of a large number of trapshooters who had not been out for some time. The meet was highly success ful and the two new cups offered were captured by Stoddard and Cullison. Stod dard also won the Dupont trophy. W. W. Caldwell captured the Inman medal by breaking 49 out of 50 clay pigeons, during which he broke 41 in a row. Cul lison took second place in this event by breaking 48 out of the 50 targets. The new trophy cup, which was won for the first time by Jack Cullison, is offered in open competition and yester day's victor carried off the prize by breaking 73 out of the 75 targets shot at. Caldwell was second in this event. The two new cups and the Dupont trophy are to remain in competition until some marksman shall win them twice consecutively, when they shall become the permanent property of the successful gunner. A great deal of interest has been aroused in the Multnomah Rod and Gun Club by reason of the challenge to a team shoot issued by the Rose City Gun Club, and next Sunday morning at the Fulton grounds, a team of marksmen from the Multnomah organization will be delegated to shoot against the repre sentatives of the new club. The scores of yesterday's shoot are as follows: . Shot at. Broke. Pet. Cullison 75 73 07 Caldwell 75 72 SO Collier 100 a Warner . ..75 RS !H Stoddard 75 7 00 Howe 75 fi7 (M Phangle. R 75 72 S3 Abraham 75 72 S3 Hudson 75 60 SO Geiser SO 4(1 SO Sbnngle, F -. SO 39 7S f'arlon 75 r.s 7S Thornton 75 r.rt 75 Sternberg lot) 70 70 Montgomery . .' 75 50 G7 Mrs. Young SO 30 flu Home, L 75 43 fiS Young, L 75 " 36 48 HOWARD HARD HIT Woodburn Indians Hammer Him Over Diamond. LOCALS PLAY POOR GAME West Portland Loses to Visitors by Score of 7 to 2 Frequent and Timely Batting by the Farmer Team, Wins. The Woodburn Indians invaded Port land yesterday afternoon and played cir cles around the much-touted West Port land aggregation of Tri-Clty League won ders, and won the contest, which -was witnessed by nearly 2000 persons, by a score of 7 to 2. That the visitors did not make twice that number of scores was due to the extra exertion used by Pitcher Howard when his teammates commenced booting and kicking the sphere to dif ferent parts of the enclosure. The West Siders could not have behaved worse had they tried to throw the game. The Woodburn lads started oft In the second Inning by annexing a brace of aces, while the best the home team could do was to chase a lone one over. This gave Woodburn the lead and "Southpaw" Bowen, seemingly desired nothing better, for the one lone run scored in the sec ond by the West Siders was all they were entitled to and a miscue was responsible for the other score. The Woodburn lads are a gingery lot, but not extraordlnarly good with the stick, although yesterday they were credited with annexing 14 safeties. Any one who witnessed how close some of these hits came to being errors will not doubt the assertion that the visitors se cured just twice as many hits as they would ordinarly be entitled to. Secretary Smith Absent. The strangest feature -of yesterday's game was the absence of the secretary of the Tri-City League, who made him self quite officious on the coaching line during Saturday's game. It is possible that had he shown as much partiality for the West Portland team as he dis played on behalf of the East Side team Saturday, the Milliners might have braced up some and played something like a baseball game. In spite of the many errors and the length of time taken to play the game, there were a number of bright features to the contest, and while most of the crowd was disappointed at the weak showing made by the West Side team against Bowen's pitching, they were well satisfied with the contest as a whole. "Silk O'Laughlin" (Brother Jack) Ran kin held the Indicator and was the real candy as the autocrat of the diamond. One thing is certain regarding Jack's umpiring, and that is that should Silk O'Laughlin ever see him at work, it will be to the tall and uncut for the premier of the American League. At that Jack performed very well. He rendered his decisions promptly and with good Judg ment, and incidentally there was no pro test raised at any of his decisions. Michel a Strong Batter. Michel, the crack outfielder of the Woodburn team, started after a batting record during the game, and in the first four trips to the plate he rapped out safeties, but on his last appearance he forced a -man at second and thus spoiled a perfect batting record for the day. Ray Hinkje, the left fielder for the home team, pulled off the prettiest catch of the day when he nipped one oft his shoe tops in the seventh Inning. Archie Parrott seemed to be the only West Sider who could touch the offerings of Bowen with any degree of certainty, for the chtlbby first-sacker took two of the four bingles allowed by the Woodburn man. Robideau fanned three of the four times he faced Bowen, and on his last trip to the plate popped an easy infield fly. Game In Detail. The score follows: WOODBURN. A.B. R. IB. P.O. A. B. Mangold. 2b 5 1 O 5 4 0 Shorey. sa 1 1 1 2 0 White, c 6 1 2 6 2 0 Fay. 3b 5. 0 2 O 1 1 Michel, If . . , S 2 4 0 O 0 Lavier, lb 4 1 1 12 0 0 Huddleston, cf 8 1 2 3 1 1 Poland, rf 5 0 2 0 0 0 Bowen, p 4 0 0 0 O 0 . Total 45 7 14 27 10 2 WEST PORTLAND. A.B. R. IB. P.O. A. E. Drennen. cf 4 O 0 2 1 O Schmeer, Be 4 0 0 1 1 3 Antolne, c S O 1 7 1 0 R. Parrott. rf 4 O 0 0 0 1 Day. 3b 3 1 0 1 5 .2 Robideau. 2b 4 0 0 1 3 2 Hlnkle. If 3 1 I 2 0 0 A. Parrott. lb 4 0 2 12 1 1 Howard, p 3 0 0 1 4 0 Total , 32 2 27 16 B SCORE BY INNINGS. Woodburn 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 2 0 7 Hits 0 4 1 12 2 0 4 0 14 West Portland O 1 O 1 0 0 l 0 O 2 Hlta 1 2 0 0 000 0 1 4 SUMMART. Struck out By Bowen 7. by Howard 5. Bases on balls Off Bowen 3. Two-base hits Poland. White. Stolen bases Antolne 12). Hlnkle. Shorey, White. Mangold. Hit by pitched ball Mangold. Bowen. Howard. Left on bases West Portland 7. Woodburn 14. Time of game 2:10. Umpire Jack Rankin. SALEM MAKES BAD ERRORS Loses Game to East Portland by Score of 7 to 3. SALEM, Or., June -.28. (Special.) A bad series of errors on the part of the home team and a bunch of good hits by the visitors in the first Inning enabled East Portland to score five runs this afternoon in the Tri-City League game. The final score was 7 to 3 and but for the bad beginning Salem might have won. Two-baggers by Nace and Lawrence, of Salem, were the chief features of the game after the sensational work at the start. The score: R H El R H E East P 7 9 liSalem 3 7 4 Batteries Hurlburt and Brock: .Rob inson and Heyser. Umpire Giles.. CLOTHIERS BEAT GOOD YEARS Ben Selling Players the Victors by Score of 12 to 5. The Ben Selling team succeeded in de feating the Goodyear Rubber Company team yesterday for the second time this season. The score was 12 to 5, and the feature of the game was the heavy bat ting of the clothiers. The line-up was as follows: Goodyear Ben Selling. Position. Rubber Co. Watrous c McKlnnon Berger P . J- Albert Orev IB C. Albert pollt 2B B. Fordney Michel SB Bauer Stutt SS Morton Burns CT-. .... F. Fordney Evans-Hansen RF Garrlgus Lavery LF Powell "Pioneers" Trim "Apostles." The Vancouver Pioneers Invaded St. PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY WHOLESALE AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. SCOTT ft MUNSLLL, 321 a Morrison. BE ALL ft CO.. 321 Hawthorne ave. CHAS. H. DODD, N. 18th and Upshur. A. H. AVER1L.L, MACH. CO., 320 Belmont. OREGON MOLINE PLOW CO., 820 E. Mor'an. JOHN DEERE PIOW CO., E. Yamhill 4b 2d. J. A. FREEMAN ft SON. 340 Belmont. A. S. JACOBS CO., 168 Front. MITCHELL, LEWIS ft ST AVER, E MoT ft 2d. RACINE-SATTLEif CO., 260 E. Water. , ANYTHING MADE FROM PLATE STEEL MARINE IRON WORKS. St. John. ART GLASS AND MIRRORS. POVEY UUOS. CLASS CO.. 5lt Flanders. ASBESTOS MATERIAL. GlLLEN-CHAMBEliti CO., 00 N. Front AUTO AND BICYCLE SUPPLIES. ARCHEK, COMBS tc WI.NTEKd CO., dutf Oak. EALLOU & WRIGHT, till th. AUTOMOBILES. H. L. KEATS AUTO CO.. fcO tfth at. AWNIXCH, TENTS. DUCK. wrLLAMETTH TENT AND AWNING CO., 23-28 N. Front at. BABBITTS, SOLDER, ETC PACIFIC METAL H'KS., 7J N. Hu. BAGGAGE AND TRANSFER. BAG. & OMN1UUS TRANS. CO.. Ota & Oak. BAGS, BURLAP AND TWINS. W. C. NOUN UAU CO., 28-34 1st St. AM E6-H ARRIS-NEVILLE CO., 66 N. Bth. BAKERIES. -ROYAL BAKERY CO., lUh and .Everett. ' BUTTERNUT BREAD CO.. 2d Columbia. U. E. BAKERY, 7th A Burnslde. CALIFORNIA BAKERY. B. 3d and Burnslde. BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY SUPPLIES. NORTHROP & STUKUlti CO., 8. N. Front. BAND INSTRUMENTS AND REPAIRS. CHAS. B. YORK & CO., 227 ij Stark. BARBER FURNITURE SUPPLIES. LBW IS-Sl'KXGEK stP. CO, Morrison tt 10th. BELTING AND MILL SUPPLIES. GRATOX & KNIGHT MFG. CO.. M 1st at. NOTT-DAVIS CO.. 40 1st St. PAGE BELTING CO., 06 1st St. BELTING, PACKING AND HOSE. PACIFIC COAST RUBBER CO.. 9-11 N. 1st. BICYCLE AND BICYCLE SUNDRIES. BALLOII & WRIGHT. S6 6th St. PACIFIC COAST RUBBER CO.. S-ll N. 1st. F. P. KEENAN CO., 1B0 4tn. BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES. BRUNSWICK-BALKE COL'DER CO.. 49 Sd. BLACKSMITH AND LOGGERS TOOLS. E. L. TAYLOR & CO., 211 Oak at. BOOKBINDERS. LOVEJOY LINCOLN, 126 1st. BOOKSELLERS. THE J. K. GILL CO., 13S 3d. BOOTS AND SHOES RUBBER GOODS. DOUGHERTY-FITHIAN SHOE CO.. 60 Sth. GOODMAN BROS. SHOE CO., 80 Front. KRAUSSE BROS., 73 lat at. PRINCE SHOE CO.. 86 Sth St. PACIFIC COAST RUBEER CO., 8-11 N. lit. C. R. WINS-LOW CO.. 188 4th. BOTTLES, CORKS, DEMIJOHNS. HBITSHU, GRANT & CO.. 44 Front St., drug and manufacturers' agents. PORTLAND JUNK HOUSE. 304 FronL BOX MANUFACTURERS. STANDARD Box & Lbr. Co.. Pine. El Water. EAST SIDE BOX & LUMBER CO., E Water and Taylor. UNION BOX LBR. CO.. ft. Montgomery. PORTLAND Collapsible Box Co.. St. John. Folding- coops, grates a specialty. BREWERIES. HENRY WEINHARD, 13th and Burnslde. PORTLAND BREWING CO.. 20th & Upshnr. ENTERPRISE BEER AGCY., 13th & Johnson. MT. HOOD BREW. CO.. Haw. & E. Water. STAR BREWERY. E. 3d Burnside. BREWER. BOTTLER SUPPLIES. BILDERBACK CRANE CO.. 52 1st. BROOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. BLAKE. M'FALL CO.. 68-i2 Front. ZAN BROS., INC., 50-52 Front. BUGGY, AND AUTO TOPS. DtTBRUILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 2d & Taylor. BUILDING MATERIALS. P. T. CROWE & CO.. 1 Front at. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. 8. BIRKENVVALD CO.. 304 Everett. BUTTER, EGGS, MILK AND CREAM. T. S. TOWNS END Creamery Co., 18 Front. BRANDES CREAMERY, 127 let. SANITARY Milk & Cream Co.. 6th A Salmon. WASHINGTON CREAMERY CO.. 413 Wash. OREGON CREAMERY, 106 4th. PORTLAND DAIRY ASSN. 208 2d. All retail Milk and Cream delivered In bottles. LA GRANDE CREAMERY CO.. 204 Yamhill. BUTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY. BVERDING & FARRELL, 140 Front. HENRY EVERE1NG, 45-47 Front. PAGE & SON, 120 Front at. D. C. BURN'S CO., 210 3d. TOWNSBND St. van SCHOONHOVEN, 14T lat. CARPETS AND DRAPERIES. J. Q. MACK & CO.. 86-88 3d. , CASKETS, UNDERTAKERS SUPPLIES. OREGON CASKET CO.. lol 5th at. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. MARSHALL BROS.. Chamber Commerca. CHEESE. PORTLAND CHEESE CO.. 191 3d. CHINESE AND JAPANESE GOODS. CANTON BAZAAR. 80 6th St. CHURCH GOODS. ALBERT JANITS CO.. 401 Washington. CIGARS AND PIPES. SIO. SICHEL & CO.. 92 3d. SCHILLER CIGAR FACTORY, 281 Wash. THE HART CIGAR CO., 115 3d. CLOAKS AND SUTTS. J. M. ACHESON CO.. 6th and Alder. COAL AND WOOD. THE PACIFIC COAST COAL CO.. 249 Wash. St. BANOTELD-VESEY FUEL CO.. 80 Sd. F. B. JONES & CO., 181 E. Water. PORTLAND FUEL CO.. 287 E. Morrtoon. COFFEE, TEA AND SPICES. CLOSSBTT & DEVERS. 1-1 N. r-runt. DW1GHT EDWARDS CO.. Front and Couch. GERMAN-AM. COFFEE CO.. 24 Front. BOYD T. CO.. 90 1st St. DEFIANCE TEA CO.. 54 Front. PORT. COFFEE & TEA CO.. Vine & FronL CONCRETE MACHINERY. BEALL & CO., 321 Hawthorne. CONFECTIONER JOBBERS. ALDON CANDY CO.. 10th and Giiaan. J N. MATSCHEK CANDY CO.. 270 1st at. MODERN CON FECT'RY CO., 13th A HoyL CORDAGE BINDER TWINE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO.. 14th & Northrup. CORNICES AND SKYLIGHTS. J. C. BAYER. Front and Market. BURKH ART & WEAVERSON. 305 4tl. H. HI RSCH BERGER, 247 Ankeny. MOORE, MEAGHER & CO., 42 1st. COSTUME R. t CHICAGO COSTUME HyuSE, SS8 Morrison. CRACKERS AND CONFECTIONERY. PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. ' CREAM SEPARATORS. EMPIRE CREAM SEP. CO.. 8M N. eth. CROCKERY, ENAMEL AND GLASSWARE. EASTERN MFG. CO., 46 Front. Mfg. Agt. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS. M. SELLERS & CO., dm and. Pine. DAIRY CBEAMCRf SUPPLIES. DE LAVAL DAIRY SUPPLY CO., 107 1st. MONROE it CRISELL. 143 Front. DENTAL, 6UPPLEES. ARCHER & SCHANZ CO.. 6th and Oak. DRY GOODS. FLBISCHNER, MAYEri & CO., Front Se Ash. MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. DRAPERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. MKLAS & ENGBLHABUT. 414 Morlson. DOORS, SASH. MILL WORK. KELLY. THORSEN & CO.. 52-54 Union Ave. GEO. AINdLIE & CO.. 16ch and Pettygrova. OREGON PLANING MILLS. lth & Vaughn. FRANK SCHMITT & CO.. 195 E. 8th. PORTLAND MILL & FIX. CO.. 441 E. Mor. John yesterday and trimmed the Apos tles, of the Tri-City League, in both games of a double-header. The scores -were 3 to 1 and 6 to 3. Vancouver used her star pitchers. Con cannon and Pender, and the Apostles WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. BLUM AUER-FRANK LKUU CO. CLARKE, WOODWARD DRUG CO., 9th ft H. DRUGGIST SUNDRIES. PACIFIC COAST RUBBER CO., U-ll N. 1st. ELECTRIC AND GAS FIXTURES. BARKkiTS, 406-4L2 Morrison. MORPUSON ELECTRIC CO.. 281 Morrison. ELECTRIC MACHINERY SUPPLIES. WES lfcK.N ELEC'l KlC W u., 61 ttin. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENG. CO.. 213 2d. ELEVATORS AND REPAIRS. PRBCEMKDER & TUEKCK BiiOS.. 2o8 Mad. ENGINES AND BOILERS. A. H. AVtKILL MACH. CO., 12 Belmont. QUIXCY ENGINE WKS., 102 lau FENCE AND WIRE WORK. I E. PORT. F. & w. WKS., 3U5 E. Morrison. FIRE APPARATUS. A. Q. LONG. 4i-47 N. Sth. FIREPLACES AND TILES. "BARRETT'S," 408-412 Morrison. FISH AND OYSTERS. PORTLAND FISH CO.,. 4 Front. CHLOPECK FISH CO., 178 Burnslde. FLOUR MILLS. PORTLAND FLOURING CO., 1st & Stark. JOBES MILLING CO., St- John. Portland. FOUND ERIES, CASTINGS. PACIFIC I. & S. WKS., E. Buroslde Brldgs. FRUITS, EGGS, POULTRY AND MEATS. DHYER, BOLL AM dt CO.. 128 Front. FRUIT AND PRODUCE. BELL A CO., INC.. 108-115 front. PEARSON-PAGE 'XX, 131-133 FronL GAZE & COMPANY. 130 Front. W. B. GLAFKE CO., 108 Front. MARK LEVY & CO.. 121-123 FtonL DAVENPORT-THOMPSON CO., 144 Froat. TEMPLETON ft GRAHAM, 125 Front. DAVENPORT BROS.. 150 FronL KANE ft COMPANY. 151 Front. M'EWBN & K OS KEY. 128 Front. FURNACES' AND REGISTERS. J. C. BAYER. Front and Market. TUB W. G. M'PHERSON CO.. 328 Gllsan. MOORE-MEAGHER CO.. 42 1st. FURNITURE. PETERS & ROBERTS FUR. CO., Front-Davis. HEYWOOD BROS, ft WAKEFIELD. 148 10th. F. 8. HARMON ft CO.. 14th ft Johnson FICHTNER-BRISTOW ft CO.. 161 E. Watar. FURNITURE AND DECORATORS. ART FURNITURE CO., 44S Hoyt St. FURNISHING GOODS. MEIER ft FRAXK COMPANY. GASOLINE LAMPS, LIGHTING SYSTEM. H. W. MANNING SUPPLY CO., 43 3d. GASOLINE ENGINES. H. L. KEATS AUTO. CO.. 64- 6th. GRADING AND ROCK MACHINERY. BEALL ft CO., 321 Hawthorne. GRAIN AND BAGS PATER SON, SMITH ft PRATT, Board of Trade Bldg. CAMPBELL-SANFORD-HBNLEY Co., L. Ex. W. A. GORDON CO.. Concord bldg. GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED, CEREALS. THE M'MILLEX GRAIN CO.. 13th ft Kearney. M'CLURB-KILTON CO.. 607 McKay bldg. ALBER6 BROS. CO., Front ft Main. COLUMBIA MILLING CO., E. 2d ft Market. KIRTS ft YOUNG, 291-295 FronL GKAPUOPHONES. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH Co.. 371 Wash. GROCERS. ALLEN ft LEWIS, 44-54 Front St. LANG ft COMPANY. 2-8 1st St. MASON-EHRMAN ft CO.. 5th and Ererett WADHAMS ft CO., 4th and Oak. WADHAMS ft KERR BROS.. Hoyt and 4th. GROCER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. D. C. BURNS CO., 210 3d. GUNS AND FISHING TACKLE. H. T. HUDSON ARMS CO.. 110 3d. HARD WALL PLASTERS. THE ADAMANT CO., 433 Worcester bldg. HARDWOOD FLOORING. PORT. H'DWOOD FLOOR CO.. 26 Yamhill. HARDWARE, MACHINE SUPPLIES. FAILING. HAINES ft M' CALM AN, Front at. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. BREYMAN LEATHEK CO.. 6th and Oak. GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., 80-86 lat at. W. H. M'MONIBS CO., 24 Union ava. HATS AND CAPS. TANHAUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 FronL HAY, FEED, BUTTER, EGGS. LENSCH BROS.. 241 Front st. J. D. HENXESSY ft CO., 105 Front. THE- STEPHENSON CO.. 234 Front. HAY AND MILL FEED. W. A. GORDON CO.. Concord bidg. HEAVY SAWMILL MACHINERY. WILLAMETTE I. ft S. WKS.. Front ft 17th. ' HIDES. FURS, WOOL KAHN BROS.. 191 Front. - HOP MERCHANTS. KLABER. WOLF ft NETTEB, Worcester bL HARRY L. HART, 229 Worcester bldg. J. W. SBAVEY HOP CO.. 110 Sherlock bldg. A. J. RAY ft SON, 334 Sherlock bldg. O. WEIDNER ft CO.. Russell bldg. HOISTING CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY. Willamette L ft S. Wks.. Front and 17th. HORSE AND WAGON COVERS, ETC. WILLAMETTE TENT . AND AWNING CO., 23-29 X. Front St. HYDRAULIC RAMS. COLUMBIA STEEL CO., 146 10th. ICE CREAM AND BUTTER. SUNSET CREAMERY CO.. 281 1st. ICE CREAM MANUFACTURERS. HAZEl.VVOOD CREAM CO.. 3d & Hoyt. S WETLAND ft SON. 273 Morlson. j WEATHERLY CREAMERY CO. 4:i! E. Salmon. ICE AND COLD STORAGE. PORT. ARTIFICIAL ICE CO.. ltstr. & Upshur ICE, COAL AND COLD STORAGE. INDEPENDENT COAL ft ICE Co.. 3ft3 Stark. LIBERTY COAL ft ICE- CO., 812 Pine. CRYSTAL ICE ft STORAGE CO.. 432 E. Sal. ICE AND REFRIGERATING MACHINERY. HARRIS ICE MACHINE Wke., 174 E. Water. IRON AND STEEL. PAC. HARDWARE ft S. CO.. 22d ft Nlcolal. IRON. STEEL, WAGON MATERIAL, ROBERTSON H" WARE ft Steel Co.. 67 Front. J. E. HASELTINE ft CO.. 45 2d. IRRIGATION PUMPS EQUIPMENTS. BYRON JACKSON IRON WKS.. 310 Oak. KODAK PHOTO SUPPLIES. PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 149 3d. LEATHER. CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO., 74 Front street. LAUNCHES. RETERSON MACHINERY CO.. 182 Morrison. LIME, CEMENT, FLOUR. NOTTINGHAM ft CO.. Front and Alder. LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER. THE J. M'CRAKEN CO., 231 Plr.e. P. L. CHERRY CO.. Lumber Ex. Bldg. LITHOGRAPHERS BUSHONG ft CO.. Park and Oak. SCHMIDT Lithograph Co., Wells-Fargo bldg. LIVESTOCK COMMISSION. , PORT. UXIOX STOCKY'DS. 17th ft Vaughn. LOGGER BLOCKS, TOOLS. COLUMBIA STEEL CO.. 148 lOtb. LOGGING MACHINERY. Willamette I. ft S. Wks.. Front and 17th. LOGGING SHOE MANUFACTURERS. THEO. BERGMAN'N SHOE CO.. 621 Tnurman. LOOSE-LEAF SYSTEMS. HOWE. DAVIS ft KIL.HAM. 1CII 2d. PACIFIC STATIONERY ft PRINTING CO.. 203-205-207 Second st. LUMBER. PORTLAND LUMBER CO.. foot Lincoln. STAND. BOX ft LBR. CO.. Pine ft E. Water. EASTERN ft WEST. LBR. CO.. N. Front at. NORTH PAC. LBR. CO.. 306 Wella-Fargo bl. ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO., Portland. JONES LUMBER CO.. 4th ft Columbia. OREGON WASH. LBR. CO.. ft. Hamilton. were practically helpless before their de livery. Hoover and Keeler, the St. John pitchers, were found frequently and at opportune times, with the result that Vancouver had no trouble in piling up enough runs to cinch both contests, WHOLESALE MARINE HARDWARE. BEEMAN-SPAULDINU- OOO U. 71 Front. MARINE STEAMBOAT MACHINERY. WILLAMETTE 1. ft S. n KS., Front at lith. MARINE HARDWARE. CHAS F. BEEBB CO., 1st and Ankeny. MACHINERY MERCHANTS. PORTLAND jdACHi.NEKi CO.. 62 1st. &IMMERM AX-WELLS-BROWN. 2d and Ash. MEATS. FRANK L. SMITH CO.. 226-228 Alder. UNION MEAT CO.. 4th and Glisan. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. FLEISCHNtit. MA i En it Co.,. Front ft Aah. M1LLINFJJY. v BUTLER-SCHU'lr. CO., 66 Sth. CASE ft HEIST CO., 5th and Oak. LOWEXGAKT ft CCi, 9284 Front. MINING MACHINERY. HAMMOND M G. Co.. t lat. MONUMENTS. BLAESING GRANITE CO., iB7 3d. 6CHAMEN-BLA1R CO., E. End Mad. Bridge. IMHOFF ft M1XAR, 3:i5 E. Morrison. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 2e IsL NURSERY STOCK, J. B. PILKIXurois. loot i .11.0111. OPTICIAN MANUFACTURING. D. CHAMBERS, 12b 7th l ORGANS, CHURCH AND PARLOR. E1LERS PIANO HUUSU, Wash. & fata sta. OYSTER GROWERS. TOKE POINT OYSTER CO.. 28 2d. ORNAMENTAL GI.A.HH ft MIRROR WKS. F. H. WAGNER ft CO.. 412 Da.la. PAINTS AND oifLS. FISHER, THORSEN ft CO., ront and Mor rison. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., 188-190 2d. F. E BEACH, 135-137 let. RASMUSSE.V ft CO.. 194-1D6 2d. OREGON PAINT ft VARNISH CO.. 98 Grand. BASS-HUETER PAINT CO.. 13th ft Raleigh. W. P. FULLER CO., 60-64 Front. C. C. CLIXE OIL ft PAINT CO 148 1st. NEW BRA PAIXT ft VARNISH CO.. 172 IsL DAVID M. DUNNE CO., 19lh ft Sherlock. TIMMS. CRESS ft CO.. lh t. KELLY, THORSEN at CO.. 52-54 Union ava. PAPER AND SHELF BOXES. PORTLAND PAPER BOX CO., 208 Oak. F. C. STETTLER. 10th and Gilsan ats. PAPER AND STATIONERY. BLAKE, M'FALL CO.. 68 -72 Front. J. W. P. M'FALL. 106 Front. PHONOGRAPHS. SHERMAN, CLA1T ft Co.. 6tn ft Morrison. HOVENDKN-SOULE PIANO CO.. 372 Mor'sn. PIANOS. EILBRS PIANO HOUSE, W'aab. ft Park sta. SHERMAN, CLAY ft CO., 6th and Morrison. HOVENDBN-SOULE PIANO CO., 872 Mor'sn. REED-FRENCH PIANO CO.. 6th ft Burnslde. TICKLES. VINEGAR, ETC. KNIGHT PACKING CO.. 4J4 East Alder. PLATING. OREGON PLATING WOKKS. 16'.h and Alder. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KL1XE, 84-86 Front. THE GAULD CO.. 9-15 Front at. PORK AND PROVISIONS. SINCLAIR PROVISION CO.. 40 N. Front POSTAL CARDS. D. M. AVERILL ft CO., 1U2 N. 6th. PORTLAND POST CARD CO., 12 5th. POULTRY, BUTTER, EGGS, FRESH MEAT TOFT ft COMPANY, lot Front. BUCHAXAN-BEHRENS 'CO.. 75 Front. WILLAMETTE Fruit ft Prod. Co., 88 Union. SOUTHERN OREGON COM. CO., W. H. Mo- Ccrquodale, 85 Front. RUBY ft CO., 286 Couch, Commission, Hides, Pelts.. Wool. POTATO AND ONION BUYER. JAS. H1GU1XS Co.. HO Front. Pnone 60OS. POWDER AND DYNAMITE. CAL. VIGORIT POWDER CO.. 182 Madison. POWER TRANSMITTING MACHINERY. Wlllanietta 1. ft S. Wka- Front and 17th. PUMPING MACHINERY. HENRY R. WORTHIXGTOX. to 1st at. DEANE STEAM PUMP CO.. 70 1st at. RAILS, CARS AND LOCOMOTIVES. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO.. 324 C. ot Com. REFRIGERATING AND ICE PLANTS. THE W. G. M'PHERSON CO.. u2 Glisan. KICK. PORTLAND Rica M',1 Co., 514 Com'wth bldg. ROAD ft STREET-MAKING MACHINERY. BEALL ft CO., 321 Hav. morne. ROOFING MATERIAL. PARAFFIN E PAINT CO., Commonwealth Wd. 8AILS, TENTS, AWNINGS. PACIFIC TEXT ft AWNING CO., 2T N. lat. SAWDUST. PORTLAND SAWOLS1' Co.. 3S5 Front. SAWMILL MACHINERY. A. H. AVERILL MACH. -CO.. 320 Belmont. THE MACHINE MFG. AGENCY. 70 1st St. PORTLAND IRON WKS.. 14th and Norhrup. MULTNOMAH IRON WKS., 248 Grand. SAW MANUFACTURERS. SIMONDS MFG. CO.. 85 1st su SAWS, MACHINE KNIVES, ETC. E. C. ATKINS ft CO.. INC.. 60 lat st. SCHOOL FURNITURE, SUPPLIES. N. W. SCHOOL FURNITURE CO.. 244 3d. SCRAP IRON iSD MACHINERY J. GIMOX ft BRO.. 244-246 Front. SEEDS AND POULTRY SUPPLIES. J. J. BL'IZEK. 18S Front. PACIFIC SEED CO.. 201 FronL PORTLAND SEED CO.. Front and Yamhill. SEWING MACHINES. S. S. SIGEL (Singer. Wheel.). 335 Morrlaon. SHINGLES CAR LOTS. UNIVERSITY LBR. ft SHINGLE Co.. C. of C. SHIRTS AND OVERALLS. H. WOLF ft SONS. 73-75 lat. SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. HERTSCHE BROS. 220 Oak. SIGNS. ' FOSTER ft KLE1SER, Everett and 5th. SMOKESTACK. B. TRENKMAN ft CO.. 102 X. 4th. SODA WATER MANUFACTURERS. PIONEER SODA WORKS. 416 Water. STEEL BEAMS, CHANNELS, ETC. PACIFIC 1. ft S. WKS.. E. Burnside Bridge. STEAM TABLES, HOTEL RANGES. OREGON SHEET METL, WKS.. 146 Front. STEEL CASTINGS. COLUMBIA STEEL CO.. 146 10th. STEEL RIVETED PIPE. B. TR EX KM AN ft CO.. 102 X. 4tli. STOVES AND RANGES. M FELLERS ft CO., 6th and Pine. CRIBBBN ft SEXTOX" CO.. 17th and Upshur. LOW EN BERG ft GOING CO.. 13th and Irving. STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS. NORTHWEST BRIDGE CO.. 512 Worcester bld SYRUPS, PRESERVES, JAMS, ETC. PACIFIC COAST SYRUP CO.. 24 Front N. TANKS. B. TRENKMAN ft CO., lo2 X. 4th. TANKS, BARRELS, KEGS. FINKE BROS.. 183 Madleon. OREGON COOPERAGE CO.. ft. Market. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS. E1LEHS PIANO HOUSE. Wash. & Park sta. TINPLATE SHEET IRON. PACIFIC METAL WKS.. 73 N. 2d. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. NATIONAL Trajiafer ft Storaxe Co.. 71 1st. HOLMAN TRANSFER CO.. 8-12 Front. OREGON AUTO-DESPATCH CO.. 13 1st at. CITY TRANSFER ft Storage Co., 103 FronL OREGON TRANSFER CO.. i:tl X. Sth. NORTHWESTERN TRANSFER CO.. 45 IsL TRUNKS AND BAGS. MULTNOMAH TRUNK CO.. 121 E. Water. PORTLAND TRUNK MFG. CO.. 3d ft Plae. HARRIS TRUNK CO.. 132 th. Home Team Wins at Elma. Newports, of Tnccmn, met a crushing de feat in the ball game played with Elma. The score was 21 to 3 in favor of the horn team. The Newports were out WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST. ROSENFELD-SMITH CO.. 41 FronL TRUSSES, ELASTIC HOSIERY. GINNEVER ft WHITTLESEY MF. CO.. 64 6th TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. L. C. SMITH ft BRO. L. ft M. Alexander). 170 Sth. UNIFORMS. CHARLES OOOPEY ft SON. 309 Oak sL WAGON AND TRUCK WORKS. NORTH PAC. WAGON WKS.. 5lo GILaaa. WALL PAPER. HENRY RRRGKH CO.. R'S 1st. WARM AIR HEATING BURKHA1.T W EAVKKSON. ao5 4th. WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS. JAC'OBSE.N-IIADE CO.. 308 Davis. WINES AND LIQUORS. RLUMAUEK ft HOCH, los 4th. W. J. VAN SCHUYVER ft CO.. 105 2d. ROTIICHILD BROS., 20-26 N. IsL HENRY FLECK EN STL IX ft CO., 204 2d. MIKB JACOB ft CO.. 61 Front. KOll.N". CHAS. & CO., 3d and Pine. K. ZIMMERMAN ft CO.. 81 Front. H. VARWIG ft SON. 231 Front. MIX LB AND LIWCOBS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. F. BOTEFL'lllt i Co.. 31 nd Ash. WU1L AND 1NSLLATI.D WIRE. JOHN v. koe.bL1.no c ao.Na CO., ul 1st. WIRE AND IKON WOKKS. PORTLANO W'li'.E I. v KS . id at Everett. WIRE ROl'E. JOHN A. ROEBUMj S co.So CO.. 91 1st. WIRE ROPE. LOGGING TOOLS. 8. B. HICKS c SONS CO.. 44 1st. F. B MALLORY & CO.. 231 Pine street. WOOLENS AND TRIMMINGS. GARRATT & lDf.Nu. 92 lt. FINANCIAL ABSTRACT OF TITLE. PACIFIC Title jt Trust Co.. '-oi Falling bldg. SECURITY Abstract ft Trust. 7 C. of Com. ACCOUNTANTS. ALEX C. RAE. 4('6 and 4ui" McKay bldg. W. R. MACKENZIE. .2 Wurctustcr otock. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. LESTER HERR1CK ft HERR1CK. Wella Fargo bldg BONDS AND MORTGAGES. H. B. NOBLE. 312 Coirimt-rcial bitig. t BONDS AND STOCKS. OVERBECK a; COOtvc Co.. C. of Corn. CIVIL ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS. ELLIOTT ft SCOGOIX. -vl McKay biog. FARM LANDS. WMHINGTOX it oRLuOX CO.. 108 2d at. FINANCIAL AGENT. FRANK A. JACKSON, ratling bldg. FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. LAMBLRT-WH1TMEU CO., lu" Sherlock. W. J. CLEMENS. Commercial Cub bldg. HENRY HEWETT ft CO.. 223 Sherlock bldg. HALL ft VAN FR1DAGH. 44 Concord bldg. D. W. HOELE1XG ft CO.. 311 Stark. E. L. PETTIS ft CO., 109 th. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES. MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK. N. J.. Falling bldg. NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE OF MIL WAUKEE. Concord bldg. LIVESTOCK INSURANCE COMPANY. NATIONAL Livestock Ins. Assn., lu Laiay ette. 6th and Washington sts. MECHANICAL ENGINEER. TRUMAN J. GL.OVe.R Col Aich.il) Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. WILLIAM MAC MASTER. Worcester bid. RENTALS. DONALD G. WOoiv. ALU. 104 2d st. REAL ESTATE. KNAPP ft MACKEV, 7 Chamber of Com. WAKEFIELD. FRIES ft CO.. 229 Stark. STOCKS, BONDS AND GRAIN. DOWN1XG-HOPK1XS CO.. Hul-4 Couch Bidg. TLMLBEn. LANDS. JAMES D. LACE ft CO., S2U C. of Com. FREDERICK A. KRIBS, 32S Cham, of Com. EMBODY ft BRADLEY CO., 7n8 C. ot Com. MAGIXXIS ft SON tur. Tbr. Co.), 403 McKay T. H. CURTIS. 250 Alder at. C. C. SHAY. 304 Ablligton bldg. WHITTEN ft BRYANT. 635 Cham, of Com. RETAIL ART PICTURES AND FRAMES. KELLER THE ART MAN. 471 Washington. CHR1STIANSON ART CO.. 375 Stark. AUTOMOBILES. FRED A. BENNETT. 4U5 Alder. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. 86 Iflth at. CROWE-GRAHAM Motor Co., Wash, ft 15th. COVEY ft WALLACE Motor Co.. 16th ft Alder AUTOMOBILES. SECOND-HAND. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., 624 Alder. BUILDERS' HARDWARE, TOOLS. J. J. KAODERLY. 130 1st. AVBRY ft CO.. 48 3d. COLEMAN HARDWARE CO.. 109 3d. CARD ENGRAVERS. W. G. SMITH It CO., 3a noir. wash. bldg. CHINA, GLASSWARE. POTTERY. BAILED ft CO., 424-426 Wastlltigtou. DRUGGISTS. KNIGHT DRUG CO.. 3o7 Washington. EYSS ELL'S PHARMACY. 227 Morrison. GRADON ft KOEHLLMt. 1st and Mala. ELECTRIC AMI GAS FIXTURES. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE CO. 41111 Wish. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. C. R. HANSEN. JR., men, 26 X. 2.1; women, 343 Washington. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN AND PA CIFIC STATES CONSOLIDATED. 2d and Burnslde. FARM PRODUCE AND MEAT BUYER. HAKhl WOOL) MARKET Co.. 1st ana .Ajuer. FISH, GAME AND POULTRY. MACE'S MARKET. 151 4tb. COLUMBIA FISH Co., 3d and Ankeny. G. COVACH ft CO.. 275 1st. FLORISTS. CLARKE BROS., 2s8 Morrison. UARTiX & FORBES. 347 Washington. FURNITURE. CARPETS. ETC. COHN BKOS., 1SO-1S2 1st. GROCERS AND MERCHANDISE. (Mull Orders., RICHET COMPANY, 112 FronL A. H. BELL, b5 Front. JONES' CASH STORE, 80-82 Front. FRANKLIN ft CO.. 132-134 FroiTu HAIR STORE. T. W. HANEBUT, 308 Washington. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. J. C. P. WESTENGARD, 2!J Front. HOTELS. THE ESMOND HOTEL.. Front and Morrison. LAUNDRIES. CITY LAUNDRY. 8:h unu Flanders. TROY LAUNDRY CO., 109 Sth. U. S. LAUNDRY CO., Grand ave. ft Salmon. MEAT MARKETS. HARRY WOOL. MARKET Co.. 1st and Aldar. JONES' MARKET, 161 4th. BOSTON PACKING CO.. 1st. ft Burnslda. 84 ft Ankeny. MONEY LOANED ON JEWELRY. PIONEEK LOAN OF ICE, 13 X. 3a. UNCLE MEYERS, 143 3d. STANDArlD LOAN OFFICE, 189 3d. RELIABLE LOAN" OFFICE. 61 3d. ORIENTAL RUCL ATIYEH BROTHERS. 334 Washington. PLUMBING AND" HEATING. JACOBSOX LE TEMPLE CO., 308 Davla. H. CLAUSSEXIUS ft SON. 125 11th. T. J. JOHNSTON CO., 2u9 Washington. J. T. SHEA. 2d and Ankeny. WILLIAMS ft BEGGS. 25 Sth. SILK WAISTS, SKIRTS, ETC. SING CHONG ft CO.. 333 Morilaon. played all through the game and no match for the Elma boys. The eame teams will play here tomorrow. Elma has not lost a single game yet this sea son, and has by far the strongest ama teur ball team in Southwestern Washing ton this year. t