Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 27, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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down and Aberdeen with the long end of
the score. Roberts singled between first
and second, scoring two runs. Clynes flew
out and Hulen singled, scoring two more
.Spokane 6, Aberdeen 3. Killilay pitched
a good game for the Indians, but was
relieved by Wright in the ninth, when
Killilay showed signs of weakening. At
no stage before the lucky eighth could the
Indians find Califf to advantage, nine men
being left on bases. Hulen made a sen
sational catch of a drive over first, catch
ing Van Buren off third for a double.
Stevens' error in right field and an unpop
ular decision by FTary at the plate count
ed two runs for the Black Cats in the
sixth. Score: R.H.B.
Aberdeen 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 03 8 3
Spokane 0 0010005 '6 1 3
Batteries Califf and Spencer; Killilay
Wright and McCarter.
Umpire Frary.
atorday Specials
Home ASftered
Portland Regains Lead
Fourteenth Inning Bat
ting Rally.
Ilaftery Scores Another Home Run
. and Kinsella Heads Off One by
Passing Easterly Bernard
Makes Feature Play.
Yesterday's Results.
Portland 9. Los Angeles 5.
San Francieco 3, Oakland 1.
Standing of the Clubs.
Portland . . . .
Pan Francisco
Oakland . ....
7 17:14
141 Pi 111
31 S3, 41 39
IX)S ANGET-ES, Cal., June 26. (Spe
rial.) After pitching good ball for ten
innings. Hosp and some of his men blew
tip badly in the fourteenth and Portland
ran away with another game that should
have gone to the locals by a score of
6 to o in nine innings, but was won by
the Beavers by 9 to 5 in 14 innings. Rank
errors by some of the locals and careless
performances that resembled bone-heads
account for the victory.
It was another game of hard batting
and both Kinsella and Hosp were slugged
around the lot. Another home run came
to Raftery and, as luck would have it,
there was a man on first base to chase
in. Perrine was hooted for some of his
rulings and the big crowd of 2000 took it
By defeating; Los Angeles In the
third straight game McCredle's co
horts yesterday again attained the
premier position In the race for the
league pennant. The Portland slug
gers have seemingly rounded to and
are a most dangerous bunch when
once they commence a batting rally.
Let us hope that the boys will keep
up the good work and return home
in flrst place. After tomorrow's
game Portland goes to San Francisco
for a series of seven Eames with
the Seals and then return home for
a stay of four week.s
out on Kinsella for deliberately passing
Kasterly twice to avofd a possible hit.
-These were wise acts, for Easterly had
bumped the center fence with a double
that scored two runs In the seventh, but
the fans thought Kinsella was a cheap
. sport.
Three singles scored the first Portland
run, and a single and a homer the next
two. A pass, steal, error and a single
made the next one and in the fourteenth
two singles, a double, a steal and three
errors by Los Angeles made four runs.
Los Angeles scored its first on two
singles, a steal and an error, and the
next four on two doubles, three singles
and a hit by pitcher.
Bernard's running catch of a short pop
fly to right field and his resulting double
play to Delmas was the fielding feature.
The score:
, . . AB. K. IB. PO. A. E.
Bernard. 2b 6 1 0 5 8 0
i!fn"' ?1 - 7 1 2 0 1
Ijlllon. lb . 7 0 3 12 1 0
Brashear. rf 6 0 0 1 0 1
pmlth. 3b 6 0 112 2
KMK If 1 4 4 5- 5
Tirlma. as a i 2 3 2.-1
Kasterly. o ' 4 1 18 2 1
lioap, p 6 O 1 2 4 O
Totals 53 B 14 42 19 e
AB. R. IB. PO. A. E.
Cooney, ss 7 2 1 8 2 o
Jtyan. 3b 6 3 3 3 3 0
Itaftery. cf 5 2 3 4 0 0
SicArdie. rf 5 0 2 0 O o
ftawey. If 8 112 0 0
1'anziir. lb 3 1 1 14 0 0
Johnson. 2b 5 0 1 2 8 1
Madden, c 7 0 1 14 3 1
Kintsella. p 5 0 0 0 2 0
Totals 4B a 13 42 13 2
Los Angeles ..0 00001 400000 00 6
Hits 0 100225100111 014
Tortland 1 02001 10000004 !)
Hits 8 130011010000 313
Two-hape hit? Cooney, Easterly. Dillon,
3yan. Home run Raftery. Sacrifice hits a
Johnson 2. Raftery 4. Kinsella. Stolen bases
Fmlth and Ellis. Rassey and Danzig. Double
plays Bernard to Delmas. H'wp to Delmas
t- Dillon. Left 'on haws Los Angeles 8'
Portland. 10. First base on balls Off Hosp"
P: off Kinsella. 2. Hit hy pitcher Rernard
Danzicr. Struck out By Hosp, 6: by Kinsella.
12. Time of game, 2 hours and 60 minutes.
Lmplre, Perrine.
Seals Defeat Commuters.
Francisco won from Oakland today by
a 3 to 1 score. Score:
,. , AB. R. IB. PO. A. B.
A an Haltren, cf 4 o 0 2 0 0
Haley. 2b 4 0 0 3 6 0
Heltmuller, rf 4 1 10 0 0
Kasan, ss 4 o 2 O 4 0
lis. c 4 0 0 1 1 O
Jlogan. lb 4 0 2 13 1 0
Altman. 3b 2 0 0 2 3 1
Cv.ik. cf a 0 1 3 1 0
Dellar, p 8 o 1 0 4 0
Total 32 1 7 24 20 1
AB. R. IB. PO. A. B.
Mohler. 2h 3 0 0 2 1 0
Hlldebrand, rf 3 0 0 3 0 0
llfinrierson. cf 4 0 0 1 0 0
Williams, lb 2 0 0 12 0 0
Melchoir, rf 3 113 0 0
Zelder. c 3 1 2 2 6 0
Curtis. Sb 2 12 110
I.a Lanee, c 1 o o 1 1 o
Jones', d 4 0 0 0 4 1
Berry, c 2 0 2 2 1 0
Total 27 3 7 27 14 "l
Oakland 0 001 0000 0 1
Hlte 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 07
tan Francisco 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 3 3
Hits 0 O O 1 J o 1 4 7
Two-base lilts Eagan. Zelder. Sacrifice
hits Berry, Mohler. Stolen bases Altman,
"Williams. Zelder, Curtis. Double play Zel
der to Curtis. First base on balls Off
liellar 5. Hit by pitcher Williams, Altman 2,
Curtis. struck out Ry Dellar 1, by Jones
3. Passed ball La Iinge. Time of game
.1 hour 35 minutes. Umpire O'Connell.
Spokane 6; Aberdeen 3.
SPOKANE. Wash., June 26. (Special.)
"Sailor" Roberts, a young semi-pro., won
the game for Spokane when he batted for
Killilay in the eighth, the bases full, one
Seattle 7; Tacoma 1.
SEATTLE, Wash., June 26. (Special.)
Seattle did some great batting today in
the eighth inning; and scored six runs off
Baker, Tacoma's new southpaw. McKune
led off with a hit and the next man was
safe- on a fielder's choice. Lussi sacri
need and Burnett's error allowed the first
run to score. Graham fanned, but Fortier
clouted the ball to center, and Allen, who
followed, did the same thing, totaling
four runs. Then Frisk drove the ball over
the fence and brought Allen in ahead of
him. Carey, the next man, hit but died.
Allen allowed Lynch to score in the sec
ond by trying to run him down between
third and home when two were out and
he had an easy chance at first. A base
on balls, a steal and Graham's hit gave
Seattle her first run In the fourth. The
score: R.H.B.
Seattle 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 7 10 5
Tacoma 0 1000000 01 5 2
Batteries Allen and Fortier; Baker
and Shea.
Umpire Black.
Vancouver 1-4; Butte 2-3.
VANCOUVER, B. C, June 26. Vancou
ber and Butte broke even in a double
header today. Scores:
First game
R.H.E.I R.H.E.
Butte .2 10 0Vancouver 1 7 1
Batteries Hall and Arbogast; Harkness
and Kreitx.
Second game
R.H.B.I R.H.E.
Vancouver 4 5 6 Butte 3 5 2
Batteries Erickson and Arbogast; J
Thomas and Bener.
Won. Lost. Pet.
St. Loui, , 37 25 .5ft7
Cleveland ' 35 24 .593
Chicago 35 2t .574
Detroit 32 29 .525
Philadelphia 28 31 .475
Boston 27 3H .429
New York 25 34 .424
Washington 22 36 .379
Chicago 8 ; Cincinnati 5.
CHICAGO, June 26. The locals won to
day by taking advantage of the visiting
pitchers' loose work and two of their mis
plays. Score:
R.H.E. R.H.E.
Chicago 8 10 1, Cincinnati 5 11 3
Batteries Fraser and Kling; Spade,
Rhoades and Schlei.
Umpires Rudderham and Klem.
New York C; Boston 0.
NEW YORK, June 26. McGinnity
pitched a clever game today and shut out
the Bostons. Score:
R.H.E. R.H.E.
Boston 0 3 lNew York ....2 8 1
Batteries Flaherty and Graham; Mc
Ginnity and Bresnahan.
Umpires Johnstone and Rigler.
Pittsburg 10; St. Louis 1.
ST. LOUIS, June 26. The Pittsburg
team handled St. Louis roughly here to
day and won the second game of the
series, 10 to L Score:
R.H.E.I R.H.E.
St. Louis 1 6 3 Pittsburg 10 15 0
Batteries Raymond. Sallee. Hieein-
botham and Bliss: M add ox and Gibson.
Won. Lost.
Chicago 35 2o
Pittsburg 3B 25
New York ....84 25
Cincinnati 31 28
Philadelphia 26 27
Boston . .-...27 34
St. Louis 22 37
Brooklyn 21 S3
Philadelphia 6; New York 2.
PHILADELPHIA, June 26. Philadel
phia today defeated New York by knock
ing Manning out of the box in the third
inning. Score:
R.H.E.I R.H.E.
New York 2 4 Philadelphia ..6 9 1
Batteries Manning, Cheebro and Klel-
now; Coombs, Vickers and Powers.
Washington 8; Boston 0.
BOSTON. June 26. Washington profited
by the wildness of two Boston pitchers
and by batting opportunely won today's
game, 8 to 0. Score:
R.H.E.I R.H.E.
Washington ..8 12 1 Boston 0 10 4
Batteries Falkenburg and Street; Pru-
ltt, Burchell and McFarland.
St. .Louis 4 ; Detroit 2.
DETROIT, June 26. The home team
had their regular line-up for the first
time in five weeks, but lost to St. Louis,
4 to 2. Score:
R.H.E.I R.H.E.
Detroit 2 9 0!St. Louis 4 9 3
Batteries Willett and Schmidt; Howell
and Spencer.
Cleveland 4; Chicago 2.
CLEVELAND, June 26. Cleveland de
feated Chicago today, 4 to 2, making it
three straight and moving into second
place. Score:
R.H.B.I R.H.H.
Cleveland 4 7 OlChlcago 2 5 8
Batteries Rhoades and N. Clarke;
Walsh, Manuel and Sullivan.
Tri-Clty League Game at Vaughn
Street Grounds Today.
One of the best games of the Tri
Clty League season is scheduled for
the Vaughn-street grounds this after
noon, when the West Side team is
slated to meet the East Side nine com
mencing at 3:30 o'clock. Both teams
are in splendid condition' and as both
are anxious to improve their percent
age a good game can be expected. The
teams will line up as follows:
West Portland. Position. East Portland
Olney P Robinson
Antelne C Brock
R. Parrott IB Kennedy
Johnson -B. .......... . Barrel!
Day .......-....- .3B. ........ . Tauscber
Kobideau ......... .SS. ........ .. Meyers
Hlnkle LF Magnus
Drei. nen ......... CF. ............ . Lerch
McElwaln RF; Duvall
Declared Victor In Eleventh Round
in San Francisco.
POUGHKEEPSIE, June 26. Columbia
won the gentlemen's four-oared race by
one length; Cornell was second leading
Pennsylvania by four lengths. Syracuse
and Wisconsin did not enter.
f 9
I Eweiry
1 0ftlhi Sunlit 1
FomraseTiIj . jj
Aft $12 $35.00 $ 1
Store Operas zX 9
Quits in Eleventh Round of Go
With Jimmy Walsh.
Cleverness in Early Rounds Does
Not Avail Opponent Jim Gard
ner Bests Kyle Whitney
at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 26. In the
first of the main boxing events at the
Coliseum tonight a scheduled 15-round
bout between Jimmy Carroll and Jimmy
Walsh, one of Carroll's seconds threw a
towel into the ring In the 11th round and
ended an uneven contest. Walsh wa
much the stronger of the two boys and
was the aggressor throughout. Carroll
showed much cleverness in the early
rounds, but Walsh's superior strength
finally wore him down. The men were
billed to fight at 118 pounds, but Carroll
looked much lighter.
The final event, a 15-round go between
Jimmy Gardner, of Lowell, and Kyle
Whitney a local colored boxer, was end
ed in the same manner as the first, by
one of Whitney's seconds throwing a
towel in the ring at the beginning of the
13th round to save his principal from fur
ther punishment. Whitney was the ag
gressor in the first olght rounds, the vet
eran contenting himself with allowing
the ambitious colored man to wear him
self out.
In the ninth round Gardner appeared
to take new Interest In the affair, and
from then on until the 12th administered
a severe beating to the colored boy. At
the beginning of the 13th round Gardner
swung a glancing blow to the local man's
head and Whitney's second threw a towel
into the Ting to avoid further punishment.
Goodyear Rubber Company and
Selling Xlnes to Meet.
The second game of the season between
the baseball teams representing the Good
year Rubber Company and the Ben Sell
ing Company will be played on the
Vaughn-street grounds Sunday morn
ing. No admission will be charged.
On the occasion of the flrst meeting be
tween the teams the clothiers were vic
torious and their opponents are now out
for revenge. The game will start prompt
ly at 9 o'clock Sunday morning and a
rattling good game is expected. The
teams will line up as follows:
Sellings. Position. Goodyeare.
Watrus C McDowell
Berger P Albert
Gray IB P. Albert
Politz 2B Bauer
Mitchell 3B R. Fordner
Stutt SS Morton
Tvery LF Garrigus
Moore. Hansen CF F. Fordner
Evans RF Carney
Meteor Loses to Little Schoonei
Hamburg at Kiel.
KIEL. June 26. The race for
schooners, run in connection with the
Kiel regatta, was won by the Ham
burg a German yacht. The Meteor,
with Emperor William personally at
the helm, finished second, 16 seconds,
corrected time, behind the Hamburg.
The Germania, owned by Lieutenant
Krupp von Bohlen-und-Halbach, hus
band of Bertha Krupp, and of which
much had been expected, lost her flrst
race by more than five minutes.
Pigeon Flies 508 Miles in 693 Min
utes In East.
WASHINGTON, June 26. Seven hom
ing pigeons of the Washington Homing
Pigeon Fanciers, started from Napanee,
Ind., for Washington, and the record of
the United States for this sort of race
.was broken, a pigeon making the- dis
tance of 508 miles in 693 minutes,
speed of 1284 yards a minute.
La Grande 18, Pendleton 9.
LA GRANDE, Or., June 26. (Spe
cial.) The second game of the series
with Pendleton resulted in a score of
18 to 9 in favor of La Grande.
. La Grande Expects Big Crowd.
LA GRANDE. Or.. June 26. (Spe
cial.) There will be at least two spe
cial trains into La Grande on the morning-
of the Fourth from various points
in the Grande Ronde Valley to attend
the big celebration planned for this
Jockey Club Again Causes Arrest of
Released Bookmaker.
NEW YORK. June 26. The determina
tion of the Jockey Club to make use
of the arrest of Melville Collins to secure
a Judicial Interpretation of the new anti
betting law was indicated today, when
Collins was again taken before Judge
Bischoff and charged wtih violating the
new law by making a wager at the
Sheepshead Bay track.
Collins was arrested several days ago
by a detective employed by the manage
ment of the Sheepshead Bay track and.
was held in bail by a magistrate. He
was charged with having received $5
wagered upon the result of a horse race.
count ry Run by Auto Club.
The Portland Automobile Club will hold
a country run Sunday and all the mem
bers of the1 organization are urged to par
ticipate with their machines. The assem
bly point will be in front of the Oregon
Hotel and the start will be made promptly
at 10 o'clock in the morning. The desti
nation will be Sandy Postofflce, and a
general good time is assured all who
make the trip.
Ames Agency Non-Suited.
The case of the Ames Mercantile
Agency against H. F. Gerspach, of the
Oregon & Washington Boating Com
pany, was non-suited by Judge Bron
augh, in the Circuit Court yesterday.
The agency sued . for J525 alleged- due
on a boom of ties shipped from Lewis
River to St. Helens, the claim having
been assigned for collection.
And all other new records now on sale at
Graves' Music Company, HI Fourth street,
Just north of Washington.
Rejuvln aids dlger:ion. At all saloons.
is absolutely free from all sub
stances that interfere with nutri
tion and digestion. The name
is a guarantee of its purity.
Fop sale by all Grocers
Baseball Today
3:30 P. M.,
Twenty-fourth and Vaughn Streets.
For .Tri-City League Championship.
General Admission 25c.
m raping1
Folding Steamer Chair
Regular Value
AVickersham Thought to Have Good
Chance Yesterday's Scores.
The finals In the tennis tournament
to determine the ownership of the
Ladd cup will be played today at 3
o'clock on the Multnomah Club courts.
Brandt WIckersham has two legs on
the pun. nnd If wind tnrtav will b-
Some Its owner. Wickersham has
shown more Improvement and played
more consistently than any other man
In the tournament, and If he wins, it
will be because of this, for he has given
heavy odds to every opponent. The
public is invited to the finals, no charge
being made. Yesterday's scores are as
WIckersham (owe 30) beat Black
(scratch) in three straight sets in 7-5,
6-2. 6-3, the upper half of the semi
finals. The first set was the only one
in which Black had a chance. Black
plays a steady, careful game and
showed much good tennis, but his op
ponent's brilliant work won out. Bel
linger (owe 16 1-6). beat Andrews (owe
4-6) 6-4. 6-1, 6-0. In a match replete
with brilliant rallies, the veteran fight
ing to the last. Bellinger will meet his
old opponent and partner in the finals.
In the consolations, Farrell beat Fail
ing 2-6, 6-4, 6-1. Webster beat Humph
rey 6-4. 6-4. Finals in the doubles will
start today at 4:30.
Butte Wants to Quit League.
SPOKANE, Wash., June 26. Word
comes from Butte to the fffect that
Folding Camp Stool
the fans over in the mining city are
souring on Rues Hall and the North
western League and are howling for
an "east of the mountains league." It
Is said that a league of teams from
fb! .CI- !
For $7000, -we offer the above thoroughly modern, new 8-room dwelling, with
grounds 63x100, located No. 741 Broadway; one of the best, in midst of select
homes, and must be. sold at once. Cash wanted, but make proposition.
Phone Main 345
Regular Value
east of the Cascades comprising Butt,
Bozeman, Dillon, Ogden, Salt Lake and
Pocatello has been suggested and that
the plan is meeting with much encour
agement. :-c.x,
I jf i