THIS MORNIJfG OREGONIAN. SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1908. Portland Agents for "Nemo" Corsets'Estelle" Corsets, Gossard "Lace Front" Corsets, La Grecque Corsets Expert Fitters 2d Floor Merchandise Purchased on Credit Today, Monday and Tuesday Will Go on Your July Accounts Portland's Largest and Best Store Open Tonight Until 9:30 eier Fraik Store's Satwday Shopping Bulletin S1 Tonight 9:30 Eighth Annual " June White Bflys-LastDay-Every White Article Reduced 19 Children's $4.50 Dresses $1.98 Children's $5.00 Dresses $2.42 Misses' and children's high - grade Wash Dresses at an unusually low price All new, beautiful styles in linen and French ginghams Sailor and Buster Brown styles in blue, tan, white, also black and white checks made with large sailor collar and cuffs of white pique Full-pleated skirts All are well made and fin ished and the greatest value ever offered at the price Splendid as sortmentAges 4 to C A 14 Values-up to $5 pW.ff.V Misses' and children's -white Lawn Dresses, in Russian and jumper styles; low neck and short sleeves, trimmed with lace and inser tion and full pleated 6kirts; apes 6 to 14 years; best regular values up CI Oft to $4.50 each: your choice at.P l.U Entire stock of White Suits and Dresses on sale at low prices. Second Floor. 6 to 9:30 SPECIALS Women's $4 Wash Suits at 95c Each Great Saturday night sale of women's white lawn Shirtwaist Suits, a very large variety of styles; waists are trimmed with embroidery and inser tion; skirts trimmed with bias folds and insertion; values up to Qf $4.00 each, on sale at, special. J $1.00 Gowns 59c Tonight, 6 to 9:30, special lot Nain sook Gowns, made low neck and 6hort sleeves, trimmed in lace and ribbon; all sizes; best regular $1.00 CQ values, on sale at, special, ea.'' 50cSuspenders35c Tonight, 6 to 9:30, 1000 pairs "Presi dent" Suspenders for men, new webs and coloring; every pair put up in a handsome box; best 50c val ues, on sale tonight at, box. JJv Couch Covers 89c Tonight, 6 to 9:30, 1000 Oriental Stripe Couch Covers, combinations of red, blue, green and brown ; four pat terns, fringed all around; 50 inches wide, 3 yards long; regular OQ. $1.25 values, on sale at, ea. 50c Belts 19c Each Tonight 6 to 9 :30, 2000 Belts, includ ing Wash Belts, Leather Belts and fancy Gilt Belts, in white, black, brown, tan, gray, etc. ; values 1 Qs up to 50c each, on sale at, ea. 50c Towels at 34c Tonight, 6 to 9:30, Webb's all-linen grass-b leached hemstitched Huck Towels; best regular 50c val ues, on sale at, special, each."C Silkoline 9c aYard Tonight, 6 to 9:30, 5000 yards of the best quality fancy Silkoline, in light grounds, floral designs, in all the best colorings and combinations; a Qs great special value at, the yard. Basement Specials On sale tonight, 6 to 9 :30, 1000 fancy Crystal Vases, 16-inch size ; great spe cial value at this low price, ea..l5 500 Lawn Sprinklers of solid brass, best lawn spray on the mar- J A. . ket; regular $1.00 values, at. Bargains in Silverware and Cut Glass, on sale in the "Big Basement Store. Italian Silk Vests Pink and Blue $3.50-$4Vals. At $2.75 Each Special lot of women's Italian Silk Un dervests, plain and embroidered fronts, in dainty effects ; well made and finished. Regular $3.50 to $4.50 val- CO 7 L ues, at this special price, ea. J Corset Headquarters Portland agents for " Nemo " Corsets, Gossard "Lace Front" Corsets, "Es telle and La Grecque Corsets all the newest models and the only expert fitters in the city. If you want style and com fort in corsets, you must come here. On sale in Corset Department, second floor. JewelryBarg'ns Handsome Cameo Belt Pins, large cameo, mounted in rose gold, for either en belt or brooch pin; $1.00 values. J'C 65c Veil Pins long, plain bars, in Ro man or polished gold; also good A .7L for collar pins; great value, ea."C Beauty and Collar Pins, all one piece, joint and catch; every one guar- 1 Q anteed; great value, special, ea. -'C Special in Belt Pins, novelties in gold, silver and Pompeiian gold, with or with out fancy stones; regular C 1 LQ $2.50 values, special, each.S'-' 75c jet Hat Pins, flat, oval and LQf ball shaped; great -value, each.'' 75c Rhinestone Brooches, pretty bars and brooches in endless assortment; CQ wonderful values, special, each.'' Sheet Music at 5c- 12V2C-15C Our entire stock of Sheet Music divided into three lots; all the newest "hits" in vocal and instrumental music are includ ed many of the favorites will be found in the 5c and'lc lots; thousands and thousands of pieces to select from. Mail and phone orders will receive our prompt and careful attention. Sheet Music De partment, balcony, rear of the Main Floor, and near Alder-street entrance. Portland Agents for Butterick Patterns. Gas Stoves, Refrigerators and all hot weather housekeeping helps on sale in the Basement Store at the lowest prices. $10 Lingerie Dresses $ 5 . $7.50 Lace Coats at $2.98 Walking Skirts $4.65 Ea. Great Saturday bargains in Portland's lead ing Cloak and Suit Store Second floor "Women's. lingerie Princess Dresses,' in dotted swiss and mull; made up with lace and embroidery yokes, lace and embroidery-trimmed, others trimmed with black velvet ribbon and insertion; colors are pink and white, blue and white, lavender and white, black and white, also checks and plaids ; also plain white and light blue; all new, pretty styles; fl? C A. regular $10.00 values, at this low price. Special lot of women's white Linen Lace. Coats, made in semi-fitting effects; pointed front' and back, Jap sleeve; P. K. strapped; the best regu- TO QQ lar $7.50 values, on sale at, special, ea. p.iF O Special lot of women's Walking Skirts, in Panama cloths and serges; black, navy, Copenhagen and brown; plain flare and full pleated 6tyles; trimmed with bias folds and taffeta silk bands; ( values up to $12.50 each, on sale at. J Novelty Chemise Bargains $ 1 0-$ 1 2 Underskirts $7.15 Great Saturday sale of Novelty Chemise at very low prices; materials of fine. nain sook and cambric, elaborately trimmed in dainty Val. laces and torchon laces, edg ings and insertions; dainty embroideries and insertions, medallions, tucks, beading and ribbon; great values. Buy all you want at the following special low prices: $6.00 and $6.50 Chemise $3.93' $2.50 Chemise for $ 1 .69 Each $8.50 and $10 Chemise $6.75 $3.50 and $4 Chemise at $2.87 Women's very fine cambric and lawn Underskirts, made with wide flounces and trimmed in dainty laces, embroideries, tucks, insertions, medallions and fl? f 1 C ribbons; regular $10.00 and $12.00 values, on sale at this low price,- ea.P' Great June White Sale of our entire stock of Undermuslins. Let us show you. 2000 Ostrich Plumes mis. REGULAR $9.50 PLUMES $4.95 REGULAR $12.50 PLUMES $6.95 REGULAR $10.50 PLUMES $5.95 REGULAR $14.00 PLUMES $7.95 Great special Saturday sale of new Ostrich Plumes, .four immense lots, all highrclass im ported feathers, in black, white and colors; 14, 16 and 18-inch sizes. Plumes will be more popular than ever this coming Fall season; an unusual opportunity to effect a big saving by anticipating your wants now. Take advantage. $9.50 val. $4.95$ 1 2.50 val. $6.95 $10.50 val. $5.95 $14 val. $7.95 Women's and misses' split straw and fancy braid sailors, "Knox" block; all the nv ef fectsfor hot-weather wear; ea., 50c to $0.00 New Flowers and Foliage, half regular prices. Trim'd Dress Hats on sale at very low prices. Saturday Is "Children's Day" Toys at Very Low Prices Regular "10c to 50c Garden Sets on sale at this low price, the set, 7& to 39 35c Water Wings, on sale at, sp'l. .25 25c to $1.00 Sailboats, each, 19c to 89 15c Garden Picks on sale for, each.ll Regular 10c Sprinklers for, each. ..7 23c Water .Wings on sale for, sp'1..19 Regular 75c Air Rifles, at, each..49 Sand Cars, with eight feet of track; regular 25c value, on sale at, special.. 18 Sand Sets, on sale at this low price. 19 II Chinese Parasols at, each, 11c and 19 Reg. 15o Chinese Lanterns, 2 for. .25 All kinds of Beach Toys at low prices. Hammocks, Camp Stools and Summer Furniture at low prices take advantage. Baseball Goods at 15 Off Third Floor Gloves, Mitts, Bats,' Balls, Masks, etc.,' are all included in this striking reduction. Boys' Baseball Suits, the regular $1.75 values, on sale at, special, the suit.'.98 Boys' Indian Suits, the best regular $1.75 values, on sale at, special, suit.. $1.39 Boys' Rough Rider Suits, with hat; the regular $1.75 value, at, the suit.. $1.39 Great sale of all Go-Carts and Baby Carriages, Third Floor. Take advantage. Velocipedes, Tricycles, Handcars, etc., etc., at low prices, on ,sale on Third Floor. Men's 50c and 75c Neckwear On Sale for Today at 29c Each Men made 500 dozen men's fine Neckwear at a very attractive price today; all this season's prettiest four-in-hands made reversible or French fold; in light and dark colorings; beautiful patterns in endless assortment; regular 50c and 75c values; buy all OQ you want of them today at, each.-'C 100 dozen men's , fine Overshirts in plain and fancy colorings, soft attached collar, plain white and tans, also fancy stripes ; all sizes; the best regular $2 CI CQ values, on sale today at, each. V Men 's two-piece Bathing Suits of navy blue flannel, well made and finished ; 1 O O best regular $2.00 values, suit. V wir Men's Muslin Nightshirts, plain white and fancy trimmed; 50o values, today at. .33 Poros-Knit Underwear for men, shirts and drawers, all sizes; 50c vals., garment.. 382 's lisle thread Form-Fitting Underwear, 'pink, blue and ecru; nicely CQ s and finished; the best regular $1.00 values, on sale at this low price. C Men s lisle thread, Union suits, in blue, white and ecru, all sizes in shirts QO and drawers; the best regular $1.50 values, on sale at this special price. OC All White .Goods on sale at extremely low prices today. Take advantage of sale. Underwear For Women At Low Prices Broken lots of women's Knit Underwear in several styles, including high neck, long sleeves, low neck, no sleeves; vests, also union suits, with high neck, long sleeves, knee and ankle length; the best regular 7oe values, on sale at Ar this special price, the garment. "J Women's fancy weave low-neck, sleeve less Undervests, taped neck and arm; also fancy lace yoke styles ; all 1 O sizes; regular 20c values, each. Women's Richelieu and swiss ribbed Un dervests, low neck, sleeveless style, very nicely made and finished; regu- 1 J s lar 25c values, on sale at, each. V Women's lace-trimmed, low neck, sleeve less Undervests, swiss ribbed, all sizes; best 35c values, at, each.. Ladies Hosiery 3000 pairs of women's fine Hosiery, in cluding plain lisles, fancy lisles, silk lisles, lace hose ; also fancy checks, Stripes and plaids; black, white, tan, gray, green, pink, light blue, etc.; all new, pretty effects, selling regularly at prices up to 76c a pair; your OQf choice at this special price, pair. &y $3 Veils $1.98 Great Saturday sale of 2000 "Merry Widow" Veils of handsome net, 14 yards square, edged with silk ribbon all the way round; black, white, brown, Co penhagen, light blue, etc.; fl 1 QQ best $3.00 values, today at.P 'O 25cRibbons 1 6 c 50cNeckw'rl9c 5000 yards of plain and fancy Taffeta Silk Ribbons, 3 and 3Vi inches wide ; full assortment of the very best shades; reg ular 25c value, at, special, yard..l6J 500 Lace and Net Jabots, 10 inches long; beautiful patterns; the regular 1 Q 50c value, on sale at, special ea. -'C Great sale of 7000 women's Handker chiefs, embroidered and hemstitched, col ored crossbar; reg. 10c and 120 I w values, at this very low price, ea wV Entire stock of White Ribbons, White Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Laces, Embroid eries, Parasols, Muslin Underwear, etc., at June Sale prices. Let us show j'ou. 6 to 9:30 SPECIALS 50c Hosiery at 17c Tonight, 6-to 9:30, 3000 pairs of chil dren's lace Hose, beautiful patterns to select from; black, tan brown, pink, light blue, etc.; sizes 5y2 to 1 f ' 8Vi; best 50c values, at pair. 1 w Alarm Clocks 73c Tonight, 6 to 9 :30, 1000 Alarm Clocks every one warranted to proye a sure disturber of the peace and wake you on the dot; great value, ach. .73 20c Ribbons 8cYd. Tonight, 6 to 9:30, 5000 yards of Taf feta Ribbon, 2 and 3 inches wide, com plete line or colors; regular 20c values, at this low price, yard. A $1.75 Corsets 49c Tonight, 6 to 9:30, broken lines of women's Corsets, black and white, all good models; regular $1.75 AGs values, at this low price, pr. w 25c Neckwear at 9c Tonight, 6 to 9:30, great sale of 1000 women's white embroidered Lawn Turnovers, Stocks and Sets; the best 25c values, at this low price, ea..9 10c Ruching at 5c Tonight, 6 to 9:30, 1000 lengths of Neck Ruching, 13V-inch -lengths, in black, white and colors; best CTf 10c values, at this low price. Paper Racks at 39c Tonight, 6 to 9 :30, special lot of fancy Straw Paper Racks, good styles; the best regular 50o and 60c val- J Q ues, on sale at, special, each. J'v $1.50 Bench 78c Tonight, 6 to 9:30, great special lot of 3-ft. Lawn Benches, strongly built, comfortable model; the $1.50 7flf values, on sale at, special, ea. "v $5 Settees $3.35 Tonight, 6 to 9 :30, special lot of green Hanging Settees, 48 inches long; hun by heavy chains; best $5 CJ 1 I values, on sale at, each. J' Bedspreads $2.05 Tonight, 6 to 9:30, white Marseilles Bedspreads, fringed and cut corners; best patterns; regular $2.50 vals., special, each, $2.05 NO GROUNDS FOR RAISE Insurance Men Declare Advance on Portland Risks Unreasonable. Local Insurance men declare that the only reason for the sudden rise of 23 cents on all Portland risks within the conflagration district Is the fact that the Insurance trust in Ban Francisco needs the money. The possibility of such an increase is offered by the laws of Oregon, they say, and since the Southern companies saw an opportunity, the raise was made. In surance agents insist that their names be withheld in discussing the sudden raise, but they are practically unanimous in de nouncing the action of the companies. "There are at present . only 67 lire in surance companies represented in this state," said an agent, "and there ought to be at least 157. The companies de clare that there is an extra hazard, but as a matter of fact it is no greater than a general conflagration hazard. Tha big Insurance companies control the situation and whenever they need money they simply make c victim of Portland and raise the rates. They do so simply because they can, for the laws of Oregon are such as to offer every in ducement for this kind of thing. "And our laws are such as to make it practically impossible for a local com pany to organize and do a general Are Insurance business. However, I heard a great deal of talk on the streets today about organizing a local company. "Every well-informed insurance man in Portland knows that the Increase is ab solutely unjustifiable and he knows that the companies did it simply because they need the money." Prisoners Break Rock' at Profit. CHEHALIS, "Wash.. June 26. (Spe cial.) County Commissioner C. D. Young has made an interesting state ment as to the cost of operating the big Lewis County rock quarry at Mesklll. The expense for six months' time was $10,075, and the total re ceived from the sale of rock for that period was approximately $10,800, leaving- a balance on the right aide of the ledger. Besides this rock, no account Is taken of the rdck used by Lewis County on its roads. A total, of 497 cars of rock was crushed between Sep tember 1, 1907, and June 1, 1908. . Id Jamaica tuberculous disease Is ex tremely uncommon among- the whites, when it occurs In negroes, they quickly succumb to it. the: situation. , Meat Riots in almost every city in the East and Middle West, because of the advance in the price of meats. The people stoning the shops and boycot ting the butchers. The butchers cry ing, "We are as helpless as you are,' the big packers, the Beef Trust, are raising the price of meat on us." In Portland, the price of meat the lowest in the United States. The peo ple rallying around Smith, the man who is fighting the same old Beef Trust, the same Big Six who are put ting meat at starvation 'prices else where and who could do It and would do It In Portland if it could capture Smith. FRANK I. SMITH MEAT CO. II three markets: 'FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST" 226 Alder St., Between 1st and 2d Sts. 512 Williams Ave., Near Russell Street. 791 Mississippi Ave. (the old De Francq Market). . BEEF. Leg of Beef for soup 3 Plates of Beef 6 Brisket of Beef 5c Liver 5 Necks of Beef .' - 5d Plate Corned Beef 6d Brisket Corned Beef 6 Shoulder Roast Beef Tti and 8 Chuck Roast Beef ft and S Shoulder Beefsteak &C Lean Corned Beef ...Hit Rump Roast Beef, end cut o Rump Roast Beef, choice IOC Prime Rib Roast Beef, sixth, seventh and eighth rib . Round Roast Beef . Round Steak 10? Hamburg Steak IOC Beer Tongues, rougn tnramea Flank Steak Prime Rib Roast, first 5 ribs., Sirloin Roast Beef Loin Steak , Sirloin Steak Prime Rib Roast Beef, rolled "T"-Bone Steak, best cut li Mb Steak, short cut 1 R Porterhouse Steak, the best 15 ....15 ::-m SPRING LAMB. Sprlnsr Lamb, hindquarters . Spring Lamb Loin Chops ... Sprinar Lamb Rib Chops Spring Lamb, f rontquarters . VOTING MUTTON. Shoulder of Mutton Shoulder Mutton Chops Legs of Mutton, large .. .. Frontquarters of Mutton Legs of Mutton, small ....... Loin Mutton Chops Rib' Mutton Chops OREGON PORK. Pig's Heads . 5 Pig's Fet .K Pig's Hocks .....8 Shoulder Roast Pork 10 Whole Shoulder Pork ......lie Pork Sausage . 12 H Center Cuts. Shoulder Roast Pork ..... Legs of Pork ; J 2 Mi Shoulder Pork Chops .12 Fresh Side Pork 12 Corned Side Pork 12Vi Dry Salt Pork 4? Snare Ribs 12 Leaf Lard, fresh 12 Leg of Pork, fancy cut J5J Loin Roast Pork 15c Loin Pork Chops 15 Rib Pork Chops 15 Dried Beef, by the piece 15 VEAL. Veal Shanks 6 Necks of Veal 8 Breasts of Veal lO Legs of Veal 12 Leg Roast of Venl. small cut 12 Shoulder Roast of Veal 12 Shoulder Veal Cutlets 12 Rump Roast Veal 15 Loin Veal Cutlets 15 Rib Veal Cutlets ...i..... .15 HAMS AND BACON. Hams, whole 15 Half a Ham. either end 15 Sliced Ham, first' cut ........20 Sliced Ham. from the center 25 Smith's Sugar-Cured Breakfast Bacon 17 Sliced Breakfast Bacon 20 SUNDRIES. Boiled Hams, whole 25 Boiled Ham. sliced 30c Beef Tongues, boiled 25 Smith's pure Lard in 5-lb. pails 60 Liver Sausage lO Head Cheese lO Bologna Sausage lO Frankfurt Sausage 10 ' CHICKENS. Fancy dry-picked, milk-fed Oregon Chickens 15 and 18 FISH. Shad 5 Halibut. 3 lbs 25 Black Cod 12 Chinook Snlipon 12 Razor Clams 12 Sturgeon .' lO Oyrfters, pint 30