14 THE MORXIXG OKECtOINIAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1908. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. J!"0 CASH and $15 a month will buy a. brand new cottage, 5 rooms, price $1800, located In that beautiful Firland station. 1 block from Mt. Scott car, lot Mtxioo; this place Is a beauty, having concrete foundation, hot and cold water, elec tricity, porcelain bath, patent toilet, sink, china closet, pantry, closets, beautifully plastered, tin tins and varnished. Do you think this will last long? Garland & Shelton, li 4th et. 1400 8-ROOM modern house one block from streetcar, in central Alblna; lot 00x100; bath, pantry, cloiiets, full cement basement, large poich: walls nicely tinted, nice lawn. Price reduced from $2709 and ;must be sold In tbs next few days; half cash. C. B. LUCAS. 820 Corbett bids. SOMETHING NEW. PRICE 2o00. TERMS. Almost completed, -room bungalow, strictly modern, on Eellwood carltne, only 12 minutes out on river bank; get oft at Gratten's Rrove and go 1 block west. Ap ply on premlnes or R. Hoard, owner and builder. 3.14 College at. COUNCIL. CREST. Four of the choicest lots in Council Crest Park, with a magnificent view; $2000 cash. H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club bldg. Main KtSJW. A 2633. 3 ACRE3. 9 Only 13 minutes by electric carltne from business center; this is positively the best little acre proposition in or about the city; I can sell it for $1800 upon easy terms. Inquire 20ft Commercial bide.. 2d and Washington. READ THIS. Do you want an irrigated farm for $200, $10 down and $10 per month, hetter than Government land? Let me tell you about It Thos. McCusker, 205 Couch bldg. Main 7640. OK SALE One of the few lots left In Holladay Park, now for sale by owner; it's a snap. 50x100, facing south, with all up-to-date Improvements, a few blocks from B carMre. Phone C 1077. MUST SELL My beautiful home in Irvington, 627 Han cock St.. fcitwen 16th and 17th; price $47.10: $12.10 ra?h, balance $:t3 per month. S-e owner, 6U7 Couch bldg. Phcne A 11213. UAROB strictly modern 8-room residence, near Hawthorne, extensive grounds, for sale very reasonable,- as owner is leaving city. For particulars inquire of M. E. Lec, room 411 Corbett bldg. 2 BIG lots 50x124, in Rob Roy (Scotch), worth $22.1 rach. 5 blocks from W.. W. car; water street., 5c fare; offer the bunch at $17.1 each. Gregory McGregor, S25 Mohawk bhlg., 3d and Morrison sts. G50 MODERN 8-room two-story house, corner., small lot. on Clinton St.. $500 down, balance easy terms. FRANK ROLL AM. 12S Third st. JORNER, 100x100, all Improvements in and pairl. SwelJest part of Irvington, only $:v2."b; we are ready to prove this Is a positive snap. Call 513 Chamber Com merce SOUSES for sale In all parts of the city; acreage close In. and farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 44S6. Kinney & Htampher. 531-32 Lumber p:xchange bldg. FOR SATE TIMBER IiANDS. R BALE Relinquishment of 320 acres fine level land In Douglas County, Wash., about 2 mil from Columbia River, across river from Hanford Irrigation Co. land; near crop sin g of new Milwaukie road; elegant K..11; subject to de?rt claim entry. Price $2HK). Absolute title can be secured with out living on land by buying N. P. script at $8.25 per acre. Addresa E. S. D., box 8S0. Seattle. WE ARE OFFERING A third Interest In one of the best saw mill plants near Portland; your money is amply secured ; we court the closest in vestigation ; If you are looking for un limited opportunities on a small invest ment call on THE VETERAN LAND CO.. 822 Chamber of Commerce. 1300100 ACRES homestead. 2 hours' drive from Vancouver; good farm and frutt land, water, etc., worth $3000 or $40410 when proved up. $2(H0 buys timber claim 3.1 miles from Portland, over million feet green timber; a good stream nf water. Pacific Business Exchange, 303 Washington Bt., room 4. RELINQUISHMENT IN THE SILETZ. 9 million feet timber, good shanty, near county road, telephone line, store, postofnee, and good stream, $1,100. If you want a good homestead, see this one. A. W. Nelson & Co., Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Washington. FOR SALE by owner 640 acres on tide water stream, 3 miles above tide, fine driving ft ream, tract cruises 1 5, 000. 000 feet good nr. easily logged. Price $10,000. Agents need not reply ; will answer only bonaflde buyers. Address T. P. O. box 668, Rose burg, Or. INVESTORS. It will be worth your while to exam ine my list before purchasing, as I have some very fine investments in the way of timber lands; can give you single claims or large tracts in either pine or fir. C. J. McCracken. 304 McKay bldg. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON, WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA. JAMES D. LACEY & CO.. Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. 820 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. HOMESTEADS, homesteads, T homestead clulms in one body, 60 miles south from Portland; fine soil, good roads, 13 miles from railroad. Swedish Land & Immigra- tlon Co., 311 Worcester bldg. CV'E are constantly acquiring fine tracts of timber for sale and are headquarters for lumber enterprises of all kinds. Phone Main 44S0. Kinney & Stampher, 031-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. BTOCK In finest proposition In Oregon, fully paid, no assesments ; is paying dividends today; will bear full investigation; will trade for Portland residence property. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. U0 ACRES in Douglas County, Or., $10 per acre; will take Portland real estate up to $.1000. Write P. O. box XXX, Goldendale, Wash. FOR SALE. 3.000.000 feet good saw timber; cedar, spruce, hemlock; 160 acres deeded land ; good transportation facilities; near Chinook, Wash. Address P 4, Oregonlan. 40 ACRES yellow pine at a bargain. T 75. R 25 E. LOUIS SALOMON & CO.. 233 Stark St.. near 2d. FlMRER lands for sale, 800 acres in Lake County, Or., $750 per acre; will take Port land real estate up to $3000. Write P. O. box XXX, Goldendale, Wash. MILLION timber claim, near Drain. Or., open for Immediate filing; price $250. A W. Nelson & Co., Lafayette bldg., corner 6th and Washington. M0 ACRES in Josephine County, Or., $10 - per acre; will take Portland renl estate up to $2.vw. Write P. O. box XXX, Golden dale, Wash. ZAN locate party of 6 on good timber claims in large belt of timber. Call Cle land. Main 6S0O, B 2462. M 36, Oregonlan. 1,4.10.000 feet yellow pine- R. 81 E.. W. M.; north fork John Day River; $1000 cash. N 30. Oregonian. CHOICE YELLOW PINE CLAIMS. Government locations. S27 Worcester blk. X FOR SALE FARMS. 120 ACRES, eight mliee from Salem, with 7 room house and barn; good land for. fruit or crops; 120 acres cleared, balance timber; timber will cut 20.000 cords; must be sold to close an estate; price $18 per acre. K . 41, Oregonian. (2700 125 ACRES of fine land In apple district. 1.500.000 of pine and fir timber on place, half mile from sawmill; good house and barn, on good road. MANCHESTER & WILSOtf, 508 Wells-Fargo bldg. tflr?T go now; owner of 160-acre Talley farm, retiring, offers farm, 21 head of stock, 80 acres cleared, house, barn, fin hunting and fishing. good neighbors, $2250; $1000 cash, balance 5 per cent. Box 187, Yaquina, Lincoln Co., Or. 10 ACRES fine soil, well cultivated, small house, barn, chicken sheds, etc.; front ing on the county road ai.d the Willam ette River; near Oregon City electric line; very reasonable t-tr a few days, B. L. Hagemann, 266 Pine st. 160 ACRES, with fruit trees, house, barn, springs, creek, 20 miles northeast from Vancouver. 4 mile to railroad; $1000, terms. Swedish Land & Immigration Co., 311 Worcester bldg. JTRFIT land for sale cheap, 225 acres 2 4 miles northwest of Carson and St. Martin Hot Springs railroad station. Write G. A. NatzeL Carson. Wash FOR SALE Lincoln County dairv ranches, timber claims. C. J. Smith Realty Co., Waldport. Or. FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olmsted Lnd Company, Salem. Or. FOR SALE FARMS. CLARK COUNTY BARGAINS. 148 acres, 12 miles from this city, 3 miles from railroad town and 2 miles from country town, church, graded schools1, etc. ; 40 acres under cultivation, 2,000.000 feet merchantable saw timber, 100 acres fenced and cross fenced, 6-room house, barn 56x72, fine dairy houfe. and all other necessary outbuildings. This is an Ideal stock and dairy ranch and there is enough timber on the place to pay for it. Price $&H0. 10 acres on Vancouver Heights, fine mod ern house, large barn and fully equipped for chicken raising, water in the house and yards. This is an ideal home and the best investment that is offered in the city today. Price $0000; half cash, balance can run 3 or 5 years. 6 per cent. 40 acres 9 miles from this city and 24 miles from country town, church, stores, etc.. 23 acres under cultivation, balance slashed, burned and seeded, place fenced and crosj-fenced, living stream and good well at house, 4-room house, barn 60x60. granary, chicken and hog houses, etc.. 8 cowd, bull, team, wagon, harness, plows, narrow, mower, rake, crope; in fact every thing on the place but a few personal ef fects. Owner must sell on account of sick ness in family. Price $2S0; $1500 cash. - If you ere looking for a home or an in vestment see our Hat; we can suit you and save you money. THOMPSON & SWAN. Citizens Bank bldg., Vancouver, Wash. $2500 Will buy a 40-acre farm, 30 acres under cultivation, balance in timber. Is watered by small creek and 8 good springs, water can be piped on any part of the field; has small house and barn not finished; water piped to house and barn; has some young fruit trees, about 20 acres In oats and wheat; some potatoes and garden; on good road; it has about 40O cords of standing timber; it is 2 miles from town and street car; terms $1000 cash balance reasonable time. Owner savs it is a sacrifice. OTTO & HARKSON, 133 1st St. FRUIT LAND BARGAINS IN MOS1ER. OREGON. We offer fruit land at $.'!0 per acre, north $75 per acre, and other fruit land at $40 to $.10 per acre that is worth $100 to $12.1 per acre. Will sell on small monthlv payments, In the great Hood River valley. Mosier. Or. Call and get 5 or 10 acres. It will make you money by ho-lding same. FRUIT LAND INVESTMENT CO... 320 to 327 Corbett bidg. HERE Is a buy that will suit ono or three parties. 160 acres, all can be cultivated. 12" acres now in cultivation and in crop. This tract of land can be subdivided in three tracts of 42. 56 and 62 acres, with running water and road on each place. The property, is in good condition and the buildings are fair. Close to good Yamhill County town; price for the whole tract $.10 per acre. If interested see Geo. W. Turner, 415-16 Rothcliilrt bldg., Port land. Or. Home phono A 1013. DAIRY FARM Close to Washougal. 34 acres all under fence and cross-fenced, 20 acres in high cultivation, good 5-room he use, fine stone cellar. 2 good w ells, fine barn, 35x36, mower, rake. 2 plows, cultivator, harrow, some fruit, 2 good stoves, fireplace; nice and sightly. $2100, cash. Me sure and see this, 19 miles from Portland. SWEET. 204 Corbett bldg. Main or A 0790. S0O-ACRE wheat ranch. 6 miles from lone, all fenced and in cultivation; regular farm buildings, consisting of house, barn, granary, etc. This farm produced about 4.1000 in wheat last year. The owner needs money and will srll cheap. H. P PALMER. 213 Commercial Club bldg. Main 8690. A 2653. FOR SALE Fine fruit farm of 38 acres, OOrt Italian prune trees, 4 acres grapes, 2 pears and cherries, t strawberries, bal ance all in cultivation except 2 acres pas ture ; fine new S-room house, new barn, spring water, nice rolling land ; if taken at once crop goes with place. $3000; easy terms; one of the best In Oregon. Address D 3S, Oregonlan. BTOCK ranch of seven sections In the fam ous Alberta country ; well watered and best of shelter; well fenced, good out range, corral and stables, fine house; price right, and an exceptionally good bargain. Fur ther particulars address S. M. Robbius, 335 Chapman St., Portland, Or. $3200 WILL buy a fine orchard of 6 acres, close to depot, with 6-room dwelling and barn; two acres bearing, balance one year old; a fine home with a growing income. 21 acres, 4 miles out, 16 acres In full bear ing; a snap at $15,000. J. W. Wiedrick. Hood River, Or. 184 ACRES rich river-bottom land, grow hops, walnuts, grain, potatoes, fruit; house, barn; 30 acres timber, balance clear; 3 miles from railway and town of 1S00; ad joining land sells $80 to $100. Sell at $60 per acre. No agents. Terms. Address, A B, 34 Oregoniaji. APPLE- LAND. KLICKITAT HILLS. The finest apple land in the Northwest In tracts from live acreB up to SO; easy terms; within 6 miles of Columbia River and R. R. depot; no irrigation needed. MANCHESTER & WILSON. 508 Wells-Fargo bldg. ON THE WILLAMETTE FIVER. 35 acres, well cultivated, highly pro ductive soil, facing county road and Wil lamette River, near Oregon City electric; only 10 miles out; very reasonable price for a few days. B. L. Hagemann, 266 Pine st. 125-ACRE ranch for sale, 15 acres bottom land, cleared, under fence, part in oats, family orchard, creek running through place, ideal for Irrigation; small house and outbuildings, garden, etc. ; fine stock and dairy country. Price, $10 per acre. H. M. Laws, Blk City, Or. WANTED 160 to 200 acres of land suit able for farming when cleared, near car line, and not more than 35 miles from Portland, or over $33 an acre; answer at once, as party Is waiting. Porter & French, 607 Commercial bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED -5 or 6-room cottage, near car line, from $1500 to $2000. with pay ments of $5(K down and quarterly or monthly payments thereafter; must be a good proposition. Call at 607 Commercial bldg. WANTED Modern 5 or 6-room cottage or bungalow; $250 down, $25 per month ; Please give particulars in first letter. R 38. Oregonian. WANTED 'Modern 8-room house bat ween Grand avenue and E. 12th st., Yamhill and Davis st. Buyer S 38. Oregonlan. WANTED A lot In Vernon; must be a bar gain. Harding & Reynolds Co., 3!5 Cham ber of Commerce. Phone Main 5677. - - 8 TO 6 ACRES on or near R. R. station on road, 4-room house, river springs. L 88, Oregonlan. WANTED Residence In Irvington, from $3500 to $.1000; must be a bargain. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. FOUR or 5-room bungalow must have all modern conveniences. Address P. O. Box 578. WANTED A house, comfortable home; will pay for it with farm. N 30. Oregonian. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. FROM owner, large or small timber tracts. Murdock & Young. 407 Buchanan bldg. TIMBER Lands wanted. 304 McKay bldg. C J. McCracken TO EXCHANGE. IF you have a house, lot, farm or business that you wish,, to exchange for something elae, we can accommodate you. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. WELL located East Side grocery store to exchange for property or sell for cash, big discount; owner must change climate. See Smith. 2S2 Russell st. AN OLD established business for sale or trade cheap; good reason for selling. Call at Star Real Estate Office, corner Third and Yamhill sts HERE Is a good chance; Will trade 7 lots with 6-room cottage for land not too far out. Houston, 444 Sherlock bldg. HTGH-class Industrial stock to exchange for feal property, automobile or team. Y 87, Oregonian. IF YOU want to buy, sell or trade, see Stevenson & Taylor, 31 1 Buchanan. 286 & Washington. A FINE timber claim, 6,000.000. exchange for Improved farm or Portland residence. .127 Worcester blk. 20 ACRES near city, house, barn, wood enough to pay for It; easy terms or ex change. 430 Worcester bldg. Main 1940". WANTED Good hog ranch, exchange for income property and cash, close to trans portation; give details. E SS, Oregonian. IF you want to buy. sell or trade house, lot, farm or business of any kind, call at 325 Lumber Exchange. 640 ACRES wheat land to exchange for res idence. Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg. TIMER interests for B. C. Amalgamated Coal stock, in pool or free. H 48. Oregonian. WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith, 411 Buchanan bids. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE! Two modern new flats, 6 rooms each, rented $75 per month, also cottage rented for $35, full corner lot, across river on Tay lor street, Hawthorne Add., walking dls- tance, value $12,500; pays nearly 10 per cent; will trade for vacant fraction lot West Side; prefer corner close in, suitable for apartments or flats. Will assume some In cumbrance. FRANK BOLLAM, 128 Third st. TEN acres, nearlv all cleared, high state of cultivation, excellent soil, good crops now growing, wen rencea. gooa water. -room house, barn, chicken houses, black smith shop; HO fruit trees, horse, cows, chickens, wagon, all implements. This is a fine little faryn. right close to Mil waukie; value itfuOO; will sell half cash or will take Portland property up to $4000; would consider good residence. Call 325 Lumber Exchange. WE have 12 acres only 4 miles from city limits on a fine road; all lies level; quar ter mile to a graded school, handy to R. R. station; all clear and in grass; soma bearing cherry trees. Will trade this for a good 5-room cottage in city. HENKLE & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. 160 ACRES In Polk County, Or. ; unimproved, land, $1600. to trade for residence in city and pay some cash difference. HENKLE & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton Bldg. A $12,000 Klickitat hill fruit and farm tract to trade toward Portland home or business property. Frank Lee, 147 Front st. A LIMITED amount of stock in one of the oldest cold mines in Oregon to exchange for diamonds, real estate or automobile. What have you? Address S 42, Oregonlan. A GOOD 85-horse 4-cyc)inder 7-passenger touring car, new last July, for city resi dence, acreage or farm property near Portland. G- A. Rlggs. 016 Couch bldg. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. 60 HORSES 60 At auction and without fall at Union stockyards, Portland, Or.. Monday, June 20. '03. 1 P. M. sharp. A much better and larger lot than we have shipped in this year. We will sell them all without re serve or limit. Don't fail to attend this sale, as you will find them all ages, sorts and sizes; most of them ready to go Into harness at once. TWADDLE & RICHARDS. AUCTION sale of horses, ponies, wagons, buggies, harnesses and saddles at Dex ter stables, 45 4th St., corner Ankeny, every Tuesday at 10 A. M. If you wish to buy or sell see us. as we get buyers from everywhere Also horses sold at private sale every day. Phone Main 2586. $ltfc" BUYS chunky bay team, mare and horse. 8 and 9 years; weight 2-300 lbs. ; harness and farm wagon with double box and spring seat. Ask for Mrs. Reddlng's team, Dexter stables, 45 4th st. ONE fine young horse, 8 years old. perfectly sound, weight 1150 lbs., also one fine driv ing mare, 5 years old, perfectly sound and gentle. Phone 4804. $75 BUYS the handsomest saddle pony In the city; 7 years old, weight S00 lbs.; kind for lady or children. Ask for Miss Ruse's pony. Dexter stables, 45 4th st. 25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho tel 'bun. saddles, harness, cheap to close out. Hubert & Hall. 266 4th St. FINE horse, harness, express wagon, for sale cheap. 252 Gibbs. South Portland S car. FOR SALE One young, eound, heavy mare: also some good drivers and saddlere. 162 E. 84th st. Phone Tabor 1112. FIRST-CLASS second-hand light open buggy. In good condition, cheap for cash. Main 677. RIDING donkeys or burros, all colors, for sale or trade. Merrill. 10S 7th. POPE Toledo for sale or trade. 7 passen ger; better than new. Merrill. 103 7Lh. WANTED Good 1100-lb. horse for buggy use; must be sound. 353 Glisan st. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery. FOR SALE -Horse, bugg end harness; fin est driving horse in town. 49 N. 4th, city. A ntomoDUes. 1907 STODDARD-DA YTON touring car. top and glass front; $1400. 1007 Stevens-Duryea, top; $1250. 1906 Franklin; $850.' These cars have been traded In on , Pierce and Cadillac and must be sold at once; no reasonable offer refused. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 16th and Alder. M 6470. 160 ACRES. Near Richmond, Or., first-class soil, will trade for good second-hand automobile that will seat 5 people. DIETZ-MULLER CO.. 417-18 Corbett Bldg. FOR SALE Automobile, Stevens Duryea, 4 cylinders, model 1007. fitted with top, lamps, clock, Gabrell horn; guaranteed to be in good condition; .$1400. B S7, Ore gonian. OLDSMOB1LE 24-horse-power touring car, In good running order, io exchange for - building lots or $1000 cash. 1060 Ea3t Madison st. Phone B 2128, TaV.or 1153. AN automobile, good for sightseeing; will carry 10 person; will eell or exchange for real estate. Address E. B. Rodman, 503 Alder st. FOR snaps on second-hand automobiles call on Portland Motor-Car Co., 526 Alder. OLDS RUNABOUT, good order, will trade for lot. phone Main 663, or A 1663. Piano. WTLL sell good piano for $150, at $25 down, $8 monthly, or 10 per cent discount for cash. Address P 41, Oregonlan. SMALL upright piano, mahogany case, like new. $?s.1; easy terms. 617 Tourny bldg. Pacific 244. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE: New and recond-hand billiard and pool tables ; easy payments ; wo rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 49 Third st. FOR SALE 400 pieces of timber, 0x18 inches, 28 feet long; 60 pieces, 12x16, 28 feet long; $6 per thousand; 150 piles, ji-. to 75 feet long. Kelly-Atkinson Construc tion Co., Vancouver, Wash. PLEASURE LAUNCH I will sell for cash or will exchange for real estate a 27 4 -ft launch completely equipped, $650. Address S.43, Oregonian. A BRAND NEW 3-chalr high-class barber outfit; used only one mcnth; will sell cheap and on easy terms. W. L. Morgan, 213 Ablngton bldg. GASOLINE lntr.ch, 31 feet, canopy top. 15 II. P. 4-cyllnder engine, brass finishings, quarter-sawed oak decks, complete, with boathouse. A 42, Oregonlan. CLOSING out complete candy store, fix tures, tools, stock, soda fountain, car borator, chairs, etc.; store for rent. 460 Washington st. PLEASURE launch, canopy top, 12-horse-power; fine condition, $750. Phone Woodlawn 366. FOR SALE Stereopticon. motion picture ma chine and gas outfit; views, films, etc., good as new, half price. L 39, Oregonian. OLD VIOLINS and stringed Instruments bought, sold and exchanged. L. Winters. 818 Tilford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts. WHITE sewing machines. H. G. Jones, 420 Washington st.. cor. 11th; special sale of used machines this week. COLLIB puppies (60), highest pedigree, cheap, catalogue ' stamp. C. D. Nairn, Shadeland Farm, Amity, Or. FRESH cows1, big milkers, at 709 Harold street; take Sell wood car. Phone Sell wood 1171. FURNITURE for sale. Will sell part of my furniture, steel range, etc. Call fore noon, 1306 East 8th st., N. FARMS, town property and merchandise stocks. Write J. A. Dean, Castle Rock, Wash. REMINGTON typewriter. No. 6, for sale or trade. Merrill. 108 7th. HOUSEBOAT for sale or trade. Merrill, 108 7th. - TYPEWRITER, with folding desk, at a bar gain; good as new. D 43, Oregonlan. GREAT Dane pups, thoroughbreds, for sale. Phone Gresham 87, G. B. Middleton. A-l FRESH cow with calf, phone Sell wood 99. TWO National cash registers and 2 fine com puting candy scales. 195 4th, cor. Taylor. MOVING-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machine suADliea. slides, alms txx rani. 165 4th art. IF YOU LOSE MONEY Or your pug dog, or your Sunday umbrella, you should say something about it in the want columns of "The Oregonian." Many thou sands of. honest people read these columns every day and there will be pretty large chances in your favor if you mention your loss to them. Of course, everyone in Port land recognizes that The Oregonian is the "LOST and FOUND" Medium of the City FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. gasoline launch for sale. An exceptionally well built gasoline freighter, of light draft and large carry ing capacity, but under the 35-ton limit, so that It can be readily and legally operated by two men The vessel is GO feet long, with a 13-foot beam, and is equipped with a 20-horse engine of first class make. She Is now at Umatilla, Or., In care of James Atchison, who will ahow her. For price and terms address BENTON COUNTY IRRIGATION CO.. 621 Bailey bldg., Seattle. Wash. BATHTUBS, plumbing supplies, see us for prices on your nlumblnsr work before buy ing elswhere. We can save you from 25 per cent to 50 ier cent: eet our fl cures. M. Barde & Sons, N. E. cor. 4th and Glisan sts. EDISON and Powers machines, song slides, supplies rented, bought, sold and exchanged. Newman. 233 Burn side. HELP WANTED MALE. MAN to take contract to run lath mill; on start will cut from 80,000 to 35,000 lath a day ; new machinery with everything fur nished.; company will pay 65c per 1000 for lath; 'present capacity of mill 100.000 to 125,000 a day; good reliable company; muwt give reference. Call at Red Cross Employ ment Co., 20 N. 2d St., or phone Main 52B6, A 5T35. 10,000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year: men and women to learn barber trade in eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert in structor; tools free; write for catalogue. Moler System of Colleges. 35 N. 4th St.. Portland, Or. AMERICA'S leading Catholic magazine wants a bright representative in every city in thf "West to employ agents to solicit subscrip tions and to look after our business; unusu ally attractive proposition to right men; reference required. "Western Home Journal, Denver, 'Colo. TRAVELING salesman ol ability to carry first-class side line of men's gloves on com mission; state territory and present line; references. Address for two weeks A. S. Bloch & Co., Glove Manufacturer, 337Q 2-Uh St., San Francisco, Cal. MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster ing and bricklaying, day and night classed, no books, free catalogue; special low tuition; easy Installments. Coyne National Trade School, 239-2-K) Eighth St., San Francisco. WATCH REPAIRER. A leading establish men t requires man competent to take charge of watch and jewelry repairing and engraving ; give salary, references and full particulars in first letter. R 37, Oregonia.n. CHEF, $100; second, $75; country hotel; con tract to let for two ends of a railroad tun nel ; light, power and machinery furnished ; others. C. R. HANSEN. JR.. 2ft N. 2d St. C. R. HANSEN, JR. Employment Office Men's Department. 26 North Second st. Phones Main and A 1626. Help fivte to employers. SALARIED position, advertising business, awaiting man who will Invest $1500; ex perience unnecessary; give phone. Address S 48, Oregonian. WANTED Energetic young man to travel and le,arn good paying business; references required. Call U A. M. to 1 P. M., room 1. The Mercedes 20th and Washington. WANTED First-class sticker hand, able to make quick set up from detail. Apply at mill or write Central Planing Mill, Corvallls, Or. WANTED By wholesale house, an expen- enoed bookkeeper and credit man, who Is familiar with the trade In this section; re ferences required. G 3G, Oregonian. SALESMAN covering valley territory to take fruit and produce line; must know trade; good commission. Answer, stating terri tory and give phone number. D 41, Ore gonian. WANTED Honest man for' light office work, keep plain accounts and handle the cash ; $18 per week, also small commission; refer ences; $."500 required. Particulars 303 Washington st., suite 4. LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op tics; easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learning. Watchmaking, En graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle. WE want a few more wide-awake, hustling salesmen to handle our line of trees, shrubs, etc.; some choice territory open; commission advanced. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or. WANTED Bright, energetic salesman, ex ceptional opportunity for capable man. Ap ply Delaura Beach Company, 5 Lafayette bldg. Ask for Mr. Custer. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men ilDO Bxirnslde Street. Phone Main GO 9 4. WANTED Man and wife, middle-aged, no children, to work on dairy farm. 145i First st., room 8. WANTED Tounp man as partner in fine paying proposition ; must be hustler and able to invest $100. R 40, Oregonian. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP. CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. 12 North 2d st. Both Phones. WANTED Young man stenographer with some knowledge bookkeeping. AC 41, Ore gonlan. WANTED Salesmen, all lines; bookkeepers, stenographers and clerical men. Commer cial Abstract Co., 407-8-9 Com. Club bldg. PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL. Worcester block, in session all the year; enter now. Phone Main 4504. WANTED Experienced glazier. Apply Northwest Door Co., east end Alblna Ferry. WANTED Photograph operator;' first-class; imiPt be good retoucher. Cutberth, Dekum bldg. DENTISTS wanted Oood operators, steady position, good salary. Chicago Dentists, 6th and Washington sts. WANT to Join us In new company Just forming, few good .Jobs, good wages, no fake. T 37, Oregonian. WANTED Salesmen who attend strictly to business. Call at 11 o'clock at 214 Main st. SOBER, experienced Janitor, Bteady em ployment; references. F 40, Oregonian. MAN and wife, farm, $55; no other women. Pioneer Employment Co., 16 North 2d. BARB0R Good position for man with $60, Apply Mr. Ralston. 181 Morrison st. WANTED First-class cooper. Apply Oregon Cooperage Co., foot of Market et. YOU will find the Rose City 5-cent cigar to be the best you can purchase. WANTED Photograph coupon and portrait agents; new offer. Cutberth, Dekum bldg. WANTED Ice cream maker. Apply Rebe's Confectionery. 310 Washington st. FIRST-CLASS grocery man ; answer with ref erence. A C 37, Oregonlan. - BARBER wanted for Saturday. 2SO 1st st. BaRRF.R -wanted, aia jo, iath cu HELP WANTED MALE. COURTNEYB. Wanted If you can earn a better sal ary. If you can command it by sheer ability. If you can show us that you are a high-grade competent man whom we can confidently put before an employer, who must appreciate your ability and will buy your services so much cash for so much value call and we can save you a vast amount of trouble and expense in obtaining Just the position you desire. INEXPERIENCED MEN. DON'T CALL. COURTNEYS. 402. 403, 404, 405 Swetland bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRL8, If. ve&rs end over, to work In fac tory. A..Ty at once, Ames-Harrls-Xeviile Co., fib and DavU eta. L1PMAN. WOLFE & CO. Llpman, Wolfe & Co. require exper ienced saleswomen for permanent posi tions in wash goods, gloves, leather goods, etc. Apply to Mr. Moyer. WANTED Experienced waitress for dinner, who will also do light chamberwork; wages $25. The Colonial, cor. 10th and Morrison. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGEKC7. S43la Wash. st.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phones, Main and A 2002. Help Supplied Free to Employers. SALESWOMEN Thoroughly experienced and competent, wanted In several departments. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer; must be quick and accurate, permanent position; none without experience need apply. T 38, Oregonian. - PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladles' Department 2t5Vi Morrison st. Phones: Main 1002; A 2064. WANTED Refined, capable woman tor re sponsible position. Viavi Co, 603 Roth chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 843 H Washington St.. corner 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2602. WANTED Competent girl for general housework and cooking, no washing, good wages. Phone Main 6024. WANTED A girl for general housework; good wages; small family. Apply 367 10th st. WANTED Experienced girl for housework; wages $30 Phone East 751,. or call on Mrs Johan Poulsen, 4S3 Hassalo at. MIDDLE-AGED housekeepeer for country du ties, light; no objection to ohiid. B 49, Oregonlan. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family, no washing, $30 per month. 582 Clifton. WANTED Competent girl, general house work; small family; good pay Call Main 2957. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; two in family; wages $30. Apply at room 301, The Dekum bldg. WANTED Competent girl for general housework: must be good cook and ironer; two In family. Call o53 Holladay ave. T LOUIS LADIES' EMPLOYMENT Yamhill ; housekeepers, cooks, waitresses. Chambermaids, etc. Main C41H-. BY wholesale cigar house, assistant book keeper and stenographer; state experience and salary wanted. A C 36, Oregonlan WANTED Girl to do second work and help laj&e care ui tiniv., unu "o the beach. Ill N. 22d st. B'IRST-CLASS salesladies; apply with refer ences, between 10 and 11::10 and 1:30 to 4:80. 3.S9 N. 10th st. Ask for manager. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and some housework; good wages. Ill N. 22d et. WANTED Girl for genera! housework, good wages. Call at 564 Hoyt St.. WANTED French governess for two chll 0 dren (.native) 695 Davis, near King. COMPETENT second girl, family of two. 362 3d St.. apartment 1. WANTED Girl, general housework, no washing. Call mornings. 731 Kearney st. DINING-ROOM girl wanted at 53 N. ISth St., corner Davis. TWO competent girls, one as cook and one for second work. Apply 625 Everett street. STENOGRAPHER Give full particulars and telephone number. N 41, Oregonlan. WA NTED Girl for cooking and general housework. 010 Spring st., Portland Hgts. WANTBD Experienced waitress at once; short shut. . oi WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 190 King st. WANTED Girl for general housework and cooking. 75 N. 23d st. COMPETENT second girl for private hoarding-house; good wages. 3S7 12th st. KEAT girl for general housework. 107 N. 16th at. YOUNG lady wanted at once to learn bar ber's trade: good wages. 12 N. 4th st. WANTED French governess for two chil dren (native). 695 Davis st., near Kin. GOOD girl for general housework. 658 Broadway. Irvington. Phone C 1327. WANTED Girl for general housework and cooking. 76 N. 3d st. WANTED Girl for second mornings. 215 N. 25th st. work. Call HELP W AN TED M ALE OR FEMALE. LAUNDRY help wanted: Immediately, thor oughly experienced marker and sorter (or distributor) ; man or woman ; good wages ; 6 days usually; steady work; good treat ment; addreas in own handwriting, sending any letters of recommendation and sample of marking. Prosser Steam Laundry, Pros ser. Wash. MAJ and wife to live on houseboat; woman to copk for one extra; man to look after lines, clean woodwork and be generally useful; sailor preferred. H 36, Orego nian. WANTED First-class solicitors (ladles or gents) to handle steam cookers In Ore gon and Washington. 514 Provident bldg., Tacoma, Wash. SHORTHAND. bookkeeping, grammar, arithmetic, etc.. by private lessons. Room 630, Worcester block. Main 4501. WANTED Young man or woman to wait on dining tables for board. The Beverly, Park and Yamhill sts. $2 WILL start you Into a steady paying huRlnens. O 41. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. MARRIED man with 12 years' experience as bookkeeper and clerk and 4 years as gen eral manager in general store, wants po sition; good penman; good references. T 31, Oregonian. COMPLICATED bookkeeping done by man of knowledge and experience; salary mod erate. Phone Pacific 2185. MAN with 10 years' British bank exper ience desires a position, good references. AB 40. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED Reliable man to check wood, an swer phone, etc., as partner; will pay ac tive man $10 a month; little money re quired. Particulars 24S Stark et. GENTLEMAN wishes position on orchard or ranch to gain experience; willing to work and accept small wagex H. L. King, gen eral delivery. Portland. FIRST-elass Chinese cook wants position; restaurant, hotel or boardinghouse. Howe. Phone A 3S56. SITUATION wanted, lodging camp, scaler and timekeeper, steady, reliable and ex perienced. Address M 3S. Oregonian. JAPANESE, good cook, wants position in family; wages $7 week up. K 47, Ore gonlan. RELIABLE boy, age 16, wants any kind of high school. Phone B 17R5. EXPERIENCED Job compositor wishes em ployment, small office. S 37. Oregonian. COMPETENT Japanese boy wants position, cook or housework. C 39, care Oregonian. A GOOD Japanese wants situation In family sls en ok. 42 Burn Aide at. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. WANTED by man and wife Situation In city or country; woman good aressmaaer or ladies' maid; man Al with stock or garden; references. P ?7, Oregonian. WANTED A place ith private family in the suburbs by a middle-aged man of good habits, to make himself generally useful. L 49. Oresenlan. WANTED By experienced long-distance mes- enKer. a trip anywnere East; ail Kinaa or propositions handled; best of references and bond if necessary. K 40, Oregonlan. WANTED Position in wholesale liquor houw or as oartenaer Dy married man with best references. A C 38. Oregonlan, or phone A 4647. MAN aged 45, wishes position as night watchman or janitor work; references. N 42, Oregonian. A. O. CUTLER, painting, paperhanglng and tinting; prices to suit the times. Phone Pacific 11021 JAPANESE experienced family cook wants a position at Seaside. Pacific 2148. 121 N. 15th st. JAPANESE, young boy, wants position at general houeework or any other kind of work. J 40. Oregonian. COREAN boy, first-class cook, wants posi tion at Summer resort or coast. Phone Pacific 350. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants position; all running repairs; private or lU'ery. G 40, care Oregonian. BRIGHT Japanese boy deMres position at general housework or afternoons. C 42, Ore gonian. BARBER wants work, or buy a small shop, city or country. A C 39. Oregonian. JAPANESE Employment Of rice, male and female. 240 Couch st. Phone Main 651. HONEST Japanese boy wants position, cook or housework. Pacific 1182. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. FOR a good stenographer, experienced or be ginner, phone clerical Office, Main 4504. Tested and certified. YOUNG lady, experienced bill clerk desires work; use three different typewriters. AB SS. Oregonian. POSITION by lady bookkeeper, wholesale house experience; salary $T0 per month; references, fl 41. Oregonian. Dressmakers. ART LA MODE, 1S1 6th st., opposite the Portland. Main 8378, A 5328. High-class ladles' tailoring- department, gowns and wedding trousseaus; special prices this week for commencement dresses. Housekeepers. 9 POSITION as housekeeper for bachelor or widower by widow of $4; refined, edu cated, neat, active and experienced; wages $30. D 30. Oregonlan. MARRIED woman wishes position as house keeper in roomlng-hottse; references. P 34, Oregonlan. 2 GIRLS wish positions doing general house work. 88 East 27th St. N. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED cook wants position, boarding-house preferred. Phone Main 015. WANTED Position as maid with lady trav eling, best references. Address S 40, Ore gonian. WANTED By lady, day work, washing and ironing; a good worker. Phone A 32:U. EXPERIENCED laundress wouldi like wash ing by day. Phone Main 4091. TEACHER desires private pupils during vacation. AB 41, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Wide-awake and reliable sales men; liberal terms; excellent territory; outfit furnished free; a good opening. For particulars address with references, Ore gon Nursery Company, Salem, Or. WANTED Two or three good men for a proposition that Is never turned down i good contract, exclusive territory. 40 hi Raleigh bldg. AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If so, we need you; complete outfit iree; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phc-ae Exchange 72. ROOM and kitchen unfurnished, wanted by epot-cah Irishman, for ehoe repairing and umbrella work; answer, with rrice and location, till Saturday; must be cheap. L 40. Oregonian. WANTED 2 or 8 roomn and board In pri vate family, or furnished flat, Summer, for gentleman, wife and 6-yr.-oId daugh ter; state terms. M 37, Oregonlan. WANTED To rent, a small houpe or cot tage furnished, or 3 housekeeping rooms, on Mt. Scott carline; only for 2 people. State price. R 41, Oregonian. ACCOMMODATIONS for man. wife and two children; give full particulars. N 40, Ore gonian. WANTED One or two furnished rooms, with or without board, by two gentlemen. Please state price, etc. N 37, Oregonlan. WANTED A 4 or 6-room furnished house at Seaside for the season or by the month. Address P. O. Box 460. City. LADY wants board and room in a refined family in South Portland. A S6, Ore gonian. WANTED Board and, room for lady. A 41. Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR. FURNITURE. And anv thing else you have to selL PORTLAND AUCTION CO., Main 5605. A 4121. WANTED To buy man's Vtcycle, any standard make; must have coaster brako and be in good condition; state price. P 40, Oregonlan. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d Bt. Phone Pacific 1722. WANTED Live cub bear. Hon and any other live wild animals. By 11. Stcnzel Fur Company. Salt Lake City, Utah. READY money paid for furniture; better prices than a dealer. Phone East 18U0. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. WANTED Used cash register; will pay cash. Phone Main 1433 or A 1433. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room, in de sirable location, close in; bath and phone. 410 2d st. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Stark, corner 6th Mrs. Maud J. Estes. NEWLY furnished rooms, hot and cold run ning water, hot-wator heat. 201 14th st., corner Taylor. Main 4100. LARGE, newly furnished front room, mod ern, rent rea??onable. 407 Holladay ave. Phone East 2ul3. NICELY furnished rooms with bath and gas, near Portland Academy. 403 Montgomery HOTEL OXFORD, corner 6th and Oak; sin gle or en suite; modern conveniences ; rates very reasonable. Main 6S. THE WILLAMETTE. 322 g Stark st., large light rooms, well furnished, single or en suite, 00c to $1 day; $2.50 to $5 week. LARGE bay window room, alcove, residence district; quiet; cheap for Summer. Main 3312. 361 10th. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia; modern rooms, bath. 60c to 1 a day; $2 to $4 wk. PLEASANT room, suitable for one or two nurses; close to hospitals. 5S Lucretia st. HOTEL ROYAL. 108i 4th; nice rooms, $1.50 to $5 week. 50 cents, $1 night. 83 PARK ST., at head of Oak, newly fur nished rooms by the day or week. 262 12TH 'Furnished rooms for gentlemen onlyv FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. SARGENT HOTEL. EUROPEAN PLAN. Parties looking for pleasant and comfort able rooms, with all mouern conveniences, for the Summei, will find Just what they want at the SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Hawthorne ave. THE YAMHILL. Neatly furnished rooms, hot and cold water; free baths and phone. Transiemt $1 and up. Special rates for rooms by the week. Dmlng-room In connection; strictly home cooking, family style; rates reasonable. Phone A 136. 381 Yamhill St., northwest corner W. Park. THE ANGELUS. COR. 6TH AND JEFKERSON. One of Portland's most elegant apartment-houses situated on same street. lOth), and only 4 blocks from postoftice; rooms single and en suite; ratts reaBunable. THE GLENDORA HOTSL. 19th and Couch, near Washington, has the bt;st roon-.e in the city. $7.50 per month and up; single or ensuite, with or without board; baths, steam heat, electric lit h La, both phones, laige grounds, parlor with piano, billiard an a pool tables; all free to guest. THE GAYOSO, Grand ave. and Eu3t Stark, why not have the best value for your money? Well furnished rooms with steam . heat, hot water, bath and elevator; new briuk buUdiiiR witn all modern conven iences; look these up; they will please you. v HOTEL PALMER, cor. Park and A!der, un der new management; thoroughly reno vated throughout; nxmisf slngie or ensuite; transients, $1; special ratos by the week; free bath and phones. Mm. N. A. Hills, prop. THE Otis Rooming House. t:71n Burnsido. cor. Union ave., phones Ekst 3013; B 1613; clean, large, light, well-veimlat-Ml rooms, walking distance, electric lights, gas, free bath; rates reasonable. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington sts. Newly furnished throughout ; new buildings, suitoa with baths, hot and cold water in every room. Phone Main 7100. Lone-distance phoin-i in all rooms. THE BUCKINGHAM. Thoroughly modern rooms with or without private bath, opposite Portland Hotel. 330 Yamhill. HOTEL BUSIIMARK. Washington and 17th first-class furnished rootns. single or en suite; every modern convenience. $3 week ly up; daily, 7bc up; special month .y rates. Main 5647. ROOMS. ROOMS. If you are looking for a clean, respecta ble place to room, new furnishings, reasona ble rates, call at The Urand, w7 Yamhill et. NEATLY furnished rooms in new. modern residence. 2 windows in each room, with or without board, blocks from business center; reasonable. S 30, Oregonian. IN REFINED home, well furnished, excep tionally neat rooms, pleasant surround ings, walking distance, very reasonable. 663 Washington st. 2.2o PER WEEK AND I P. Nicely furnished rooms, all modern con veniences, central, Fit' Lh -street, cars from depot. oOD Jefferson st. PACIFIC HOTEL, 214 Columbia st. 1 block from Salem Electrio depot; running water in all rooms; free bath and phone; Due to $1 ay; $2.&0 to $4 week. HOTEL KENYON, 18th and Washington Modern rooms, single and en suite; aUo housekeeping; running water; private "and free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 406 TH E GENEVIEVE Newly furnished, steam heat, bay window room, walking distance, $3 a week. Tel. M 7410. 44a Columbia st. THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay window and other outside rooms; electric lights, baths, etc.; $2.5o week up. Transients. 200 '-a Washington. HOTEL PHILIP offers the very best of out side new modern rooms; 10 public free hatha; run right; $4 week. &th and Burn side. THE BARTON. Sunny outside rooms; stoam heat, hot and cofd water; most reasonable rates. 455 A Id or. $10 Bright, newly furnlehed room; fine por celain hath, gas; quiet, central. 8115 12th St.; both phones. Pacific 2102. A 3702. CLEAN, sanitary rooms; good neighbor hood. $5, 46 and $8; gentlemen preferred. 432' 7th. THE DORMER. 23 13th: clean. light rooms; every convenience for business ieo ple; ratee reasonable. 440 TAYLOR, near 12th. nice cool single front room for gentleman, private fam ily, modern, reasonable. 181 VI- 1ST ST., cor. Yamhill; nicely furnished rooms; reasonable; bath; both phones; per manent or transient. THH ANGELUS, 272 6th, cor. Jefferson; 1 elegant front suite, also some desirable single rooms, moutirn and reasonable. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5 wk:; also transient rooms. 1431,i Morrison. MAXWELL HALL, 20T 14th. clean, lisht rooms, hot water every room; reasonable. FURNISHED rooms, 260 14th st., near Jef- ferston. NICELY furnished front room, first floor, with or without boat d -447 Main st. Room With Board. YOUNG MEN. if you want first-class room and board for $5-50 and 50 per week, all convenience, nice yard and porch, also table board $4 per week, grid home cook ing, call at the Aster House. Seventh and Madison. BLAKELY HILL, 300 Je,fferson, pleasant rooms with tlrst-class board, hot and cold w aiL r, beautiful grounds, center of city; elegantly located for tourists, transient or permanent gucsis. phone A T;i45. PORTLAND Women's Union, iJOth year; room with board, uso of sew ing-room, use of library; Women's Exchange. Ad u rest Mi s. Ella Kawlings, Supt., 10 Flanders st. A BlCArTlbTLLY furnished front room, bay window, use of phone and gas, wit h ur without board; In pleasant location. 410 2d st. Pacific 1 .;. NICELY furnished front rooms, with board; strictly home cocking; modern conven iences; walking distance; $6 per weeK The Lf udell. 200 Market. THE MARLYN, Washlrptcn and 17th. well f unuslu'ii room?, hot and co.d water, humrt cooking, permanent or transient. THE CLAY, corner 2) and Clay: ni:e front r.ioms. with hoard: $0 and $5.50 per week, with all comforts of home. S3 NORTH 17th. one block off Washington, well furnished rooms, modern; with or without board . PLEASANT room with board, private fam ily tf;rms reasonable, East Side. Phone H 1710. FVRNISHKP room, private family, suitable f..r two gentleman, with or without board. 427 3d st. NEWLY furnished room, suitable for one or two, with or without board. 47o Main st. Main 0447. THE GRIFFITH ISO Fifth st.; furnished rooms with or without board; all home cooking. PLEASANT front room with board In pri vate family; all conveniences. 01 N. 17th st. Phone Pacific S2 ROOM and board for two, $,.. V per week ; wftlklng distance. Phone Pacific 1400. 3SS oth. ROOM or rooms with board at Ifi5 N. 23d st. Phone Pacific 922. FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozark, 225 11th st. NEWLY furnished room with bonrd. walk ing distance, good location. SS? 12th bt. NICELY furnished rooms with board; also table boardurs. 452 Morrison, corner 13th. NEWLY furnlehed room in modern flat, dav enport bed, board lf desired. Gih. Apartments. FURNISH ED apartment to rent to respon Fible partfc, all outside rooms, veranda. The Irving; references. Main 37Pl, A 8731.' 461 EAST Morrison, corner 8th suites off 2 and 3 rooms; completely furnished; clean, modern. BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent. 12th and Columhia. "The Bralntree." THRJ MARLBOROUGH, 21ft and Flandere. beautiful 5 and 6-room apartments; special Summer raias.