13 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1908. FOR RENT. Room With Board. BLAKELY HILL. 300 Jefferson, pleasant rooms with first-class hoard, liot and cold water, beautiful grounds, center of city ; elegantly located for tourist, transient or -' permanent guests, phone A r.'t4.. PORTLAND Women's Union. 20th year: rooms with board, use of sewing-room, use of library; Women's Exchange. Ad dress Mrs. Ella Rawllngs. Supt., 510 Flanders st. R)OM and board in private family. 14 th st. IbS Apartments. JULY 1 Modern. ui-u-daie "-room un furnished arnnmenr. with every known convenience, including bath, steam heat, hot and fld water, gas ranee, refriger ator, telephone. pas and electric iight free. J 'AS. Oregon tan. THE SHEFFIELD Unfurnished 3-room apartment, with bath; new. modern and fully equipped for convenience; line loca tion, saves carfare. Apply to janitor, 7th and Jefferson sts. THE MAJESTIC, 300 C:ay St., near West Park, elegant new apartment, unfur nished; four rooms and Lath. heat, hot water, phone. Close in; vacant July I. COLUMBIAN apartments. 11th and Colum bia, front 4 -room modern apartment, un furnished, excellent location ; reasonable rent. , 461 EAST Morrison, corner 8th, suites of 2 and 3 rooms; completely furnished; clean, modern. BEAUTIFULLY furnished a -room apartment to responsible people; references required. The Mordant. Everett m., cor. lth. BEAUTIFUL Colonial 6-room apartment house, large verandas, reduced rates. bt0 Flanders. THE CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders. 4 -room apartment. $32.&Q. Apply to the Janitor. BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent. 12th and Columbia, "The Bralntree." MODERN 6-room upper flat, attic and base ment, on Stont st., $23.50: 7-room corner house, CSO Jefferson st., $18. Inquire 2'tO ment, on Stout st., $1:3.50; 7-room corner Stout, cor. Madison. NEW 5-room flats, bath, pas. electric fix tures, shades, fireplaces, cement floors and washtuhs In basement. Apply on prem ises. East 15th and Oak. or 405 E. Davis. FIXE, modern upper fiat of 0 rooms, fin ished attic, etc.; choice location. 23d and Johnson sts. ; rents $35. C. H. Korell, 251 Washington. 137.50 5-ROOM modern, steam-heated; Wellington Flats; 525 Everett, near 15th. Apply V. L. Morgan, 213 Abing ton bldg. MODERN flats, all sizes, for rent. East and Wrest Sides, Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. ' 6-ROOM modern flat at 2d and Montgom ery; 10 minutes walk from Postoffice. Apply F. Sealy, 275 Morrison St., corner 4th. MODERN flat of 5 rooms, centrally located. West Side, Nob Hill district, janitor, steam heat. The Ames Mercantile Agency, .Abing ton bldg. EIGHT rooms, with yard, porch. 605 Everett. near 2lst. Sheehy Bros., 2S2 Yamhill. Main 3072. BEAUTIFUL new 3 or 4-room furnished flat" private entrance, bath, 5 minutes to postoffice. 3S3 5th st; adults only. $40 Very desirable 6-room modern flat, steam heat, hot water, excellent location. 422 Columbia st. VERY desirable 3-room flat, every conveni ence. 20 minutes' walk to 3d and Wash ington. 4i2 Williams ave. E 1184. TWO large flats; every convenience, heat, hot water, janitor service. 715 Johnson phone A 1Q7H. VERY desirable 4-room flat, first floor, cen trally located, steam heat. Inquire S25 Ablngton bldg. MODERN 5-room lower flat, best location, close in. Park and Harrison sts Inquire 229 :st. $30 For rent, lower 6-room flat, 15th and Davis sts.; all modern conveniences; .no children. Phone East 4769. forenoons. MODERN" 5-room flat, steel and gaa rnnsc, window shades, cement basement. 209 H Halspy st. 6-ROOM flat; fireplace, gas, porcelain bath, stationary tub, veranda; reasonable If per manent. Main 2160. 565 EVERETT Lower five-room flat; all light rooms; rent $33; no children. A 4rii5. 5-ROOM upper flat, all modern conven iences. Ml East Yamhill, or East 1710. 5-ROOM flat, all light rooms, good loca tion. Inquire at 608 Union ave. N. $11.50 3 rooms, with basement, telephone and water; gas for cooking. 525 Mill st. NEW flat for rent. 208 17th st., near Tay lor. Housekeeping Rooms. 354 SALMON, 3 rooms, ground floor, fur nished or partly furnished for housekeep ing; 1 upstair. CONNECTING housekeeping rooms, very de sirable, walking distance, no children. 347 Market. Phone A 2904. WAYNEWOOD. 100 N. WTH Newly fur nished housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water, walking distance. SUITES of two, elso single neatly furnished housekeeping rooms, cheap. Union block, 91 4 First. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, modern conveniences, large yard. 515 20th st., Portland Heights'. FRONT suite furnished housekeeping, piano, ground floor, adults only ; modern. 202 10th at., near Jefferson. TWO front rooms, completely furnished for housekeeping: $12 month. 245 North 17th, cor. Marshall. 308 1STH ST. Front alcove suite, light housekeeping, modern conveniences; also small suite. $9. BEAUTIFULLY located bay-window, unfur nished 2-room suite In centrally located apartment-house. 305 Jefferson, cor. 5th. LARGE front room and kitchen, nicely fur nifhed for housekeeping; sewing machine. u;y Porter st. TWO nicely furnished front rooms for hoi' keeping; gas, bath; walking distance. $12. 211 Sherman. LARGE, light, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas range, running water; $3.50 up. Ao-'l1 Alder st. 3 FRIGHT unfurnished housekeeping rooms, modern ; easy walking distance, Holladay ave. Phone East 2 1 ; i 2. $6 NICE large front room, furnished, housekeeping, lady, walking distance. 321 Chapman, near Clay. SUITE of 2 pleasant, nicely furnished house keeping rooms in good neighborhood; gas, bath. 228 East 2oth st. ; reasonable rent. - 461 EAST Morrison, corner Sin. suites of 2 and 3 rooms; completely furnished; can, modern. THE ELMS Housekeeping rooms, completely furnished 2 and 3-room suites. Phone, bath, l:eat. 101 14th st. TWO nice ground-floor housekeeping rooms, clone In. Inquire at Studio, 163 West P-rk. Ft,R RENT 3 completely furnished house keeping rooms; bath, gas, phone. 145U 11th EFIXCLE room, furnished for housekeeping; fc-.r.s range, bath, phone, laundrv. 105 N ltt;h st. WELLINGTON COURT, beautifully furnished II-roomed suite, strictly modern through- THREE nice furnished housekeeping rooms, gar. water, bath; adults. luti i.th st. n! ONE front housekeepir s suite within walk ing distance. 370 E. Morrison st. NICELY furnished housekeeping roor-A cloav in. 300H 4th st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished and un furnished. 1 N. Union ave. 3 OR 4 furnished housekeeping rooms; pri vate bath ; no other roomers. 554 Taylor. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, all conveniences, cheap. 540 Morrison st OFFICE and housekeeping rooms for rent. 145'j Sixth st. 189 13TH ST. Two completely furnished housekeeping rooms, modern; adults only. NICELY furnished rooms in private family. 403 Montgomery st. FOR RENT. House keeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.; newly furnished, fully equipped for house keeping, including gas ranges, with the free use of electric lights, hot water, baths, large reception room and laundry room; furnished apartments from $16 ut; also single rooms; with, similar conveniences, $2.50 per week up. There is nothing in comparison m the city for- the money. This place will bear Inspection. Short dis tance from Union Depot. Take 'S" or 3ith-st. cars going north, get oil at Mar shall st. Phone Main 6771. No dogs allowed. THE GLENDORA HOTEL. 19th and Couch sts., wiil furnish a few housekeeping rooms to suit tenants; the cheapest In the city; $12 and up; baths, steam heat, both phones, electric light, fine lawn and ver andas, billiard and pool halls, all free. THE ONEONTA housekeeping apartments, 387 37th st.. near Yamhill; thoroughly renovated and clean throughout; hot and cold water, baths, telephone, etc., on each floor; modern and reasonable In price THE GAYOSO. Grand ave. and E. Stark, 2 and -3-room suites, why not have apart ments possessing modern conveniences T Electric elevator, steam heat, hot water, new- brick building; very reasonable terms" TH E ROWLAND A PARTMENTS. 631 Vi Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot wa ter, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice suites from $12 up. 4 LARCH rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping, with ail modern conveniences; walking distance; at 111 North 21st St., near Gltsan. Phone Main 3740 or call be tween 5 and 7 P. M. Wednesday; adults. THE NEW CASTLE corner 3d and, Harri son st., furnished housekeeping rooms; every convenience; single or en suite; reasonable. Main 800. THREE very pleasant nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; large kitchen and pantry, bath, free phone, nice yard, no children. 307 North lith st. ROOMS for light housekeeping; also single rooms for young men; modern conven iences; central. 82 E. 10th st. Phono East 16S. $14 PER MONTH, 2 clean front rooms; or dinary conveniences; adults; references; call evenings, 314 Clay, or phone Main 3891. THE SANGERT Washington and Trinity, between 19th and 20th ; newly furnished !i and 3-room housekeeping apartments; private baths. FOR RENT 1 unfurnished housekeeping rooms upstairs. 67 N. 13th St., gas; $14 per month, including water. TWO or three-room modern flat, nicely fur nished, reasonable. 20S 11th st, THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 229 Vb 1st St. NICE furnished front room, with or without use of kitchen. Call 214 13th Bt. 1 looses. WHEN YOU MOVE you always need SOME furniture. BUY AT NO-RENT prices; the sav ings will exceed cost of moving. WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING; oc cupy one-half; collect rent on balance. MORGAN-ATCHLEY, FURNITURE CO. Grand ave. and E. Stark- Phone East 2029. DESIRABLE 9-room house. No. 64 E. 18th st. N., with hot water heat, electric light, gaa; large lot. quantity of fruit; for rent cheap. Apply F. M. Batchelor, 215 Couch bldg. FOR RENT 7-room substantial home, lawn, front and back, 240 E. 2d st. North., walking distance; choice residence dis trict; shade trees and flowers; $25. 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 703 Irving st., near 21st, $35. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 608-9 Swetland Bldg., Cor. 5th and Wash. HOUSE of 14 rooms, suitable lor boarding or rooming-house: water in each room. 30 N. 17th st., near Washington. Apply 63 N. ISth, corner Davis. FOR R ENT 4 and fi-room cottages, close In on 2 carlines; one $12 and the other $13. Phone Main 7734, or call room 530 Lumber Exchange. MODERN 8-room house, newly tinted, 389 Harrison, near Park. Falrchild, 175 Ev 15th et. Phone East 2154. $27.50 MODERN 6-room residence, attic and furnace, walking distance. Inquire 691 E. Washington st. 7 ROOMS, modern, corner 17th and Yamhill; walking distance; $30. Sengstake & Ly man, 80 5th st. $17.50 5-room cottage, 284 Crosby at.; walk ing distance, near Steel bridge. Sengstake & Lyman, 90 5th st. 6-ROOM cottage; gas, bath, full basement; Gibbs and Hood. Room 10 Hamilton bldg. Phone Pacitlc 4288. FOR RENT Desirable ft and 7-room houses for rent; well located. Inquire 325 Ablng ton bldg. MODERN 7-room house, newly tinted througlsnt; fine lawn. 931 East Flanders Phone East 5S52. MODERN 5-room cottage, nice yard, fruit, Shaver and Montana ave.. $15. Phono Main 3547. NEW, modern, 7 -roomed house, 147 Bast 27th st., bet. Belmont and E?. Morrison. Phone B. 1808. FOR RENT Brand new modern cottage. East KTth and Hawthorne ave., $20. Call 101 4th st 8-ROOM house with shades and linoleum; central East Side. Inquire 21 East 7th St., corner Aeh. 5-ROOM cottage, gas and bath. Inquire 5C8 Third st. PORTLAND Heights Cottage, 4 rooms, gas and Bull Run water. A 4017. PORTLAND HEIGHTS bungalow, 6 rooms, eaa, electricity. A 1712. $16 7-room house, 405 East Couch, corner Grand ave., walking distance. Furnished Bouses. CLOSE In, East Side, furnished 5-room cot tage, July and August; reasonable to re sponsible parties. 512 E. Burnside. East 3727. COMPLETELY furnished new 5-room bun galow; hardwood floors, gas. electricity; July 1 to September 1; no children; rent $35. Phone East 5917. CHEAP house for rent, stove, dlntng-room furniture. 547 Montgomery st. Phone Pa cific 443. BEAUTIFUL 8-room furnished house for Summer; ro children; references. 747 East Madison. $25 Furnished modern 6-room houpe; piano, sewing machine; East Side, Phone Sell wood 506, from 9 to 4. 9-ROOM furnished house. N. I6th st., $55 per month; 2 roons now rented for $25. H 41, Oi egonian. $20 Completely furnished 5-room cottage, close in. Bast Side; neat and clean. Sell wood 289. IN Sunny side. 8-room furnished house for 2 months or 1 year unfurniphed. 196 E. 30th st. Phone Tabor 1657. NICELY furnished 8-room home, modern conveniences, piano. Phone 553S. 213 13th, Wednesday morning. A FURNISHED modern flat, piano, $35; couple to board. Main 3620. FOR RENT 7-room cottage, completely fur nished. Inquire 19! 14th et. Phone A 2133. 3-ROOM furnished flat, alcove, bath and gas. Inquire 125 N. 14th. MODERN C-room house, close in. Inquire room 40, Washington bldg. A NICELY furnished modern 5 or 6-room house, family of three. Phone B 1127. FURNISHED house for rent. 915 East Salmon: $25. B 2267. Houses for Rent Furniture for Snlsw FURNITURE, bought new 6 months ago, for 7-room house, for sale at sacrifice. Call at 554 Morrison st. Also 6 roomj on 4th st., close In, for $150; rent $15; if sold this week. NEW furniture of nice 8-room house for sale ; owner must leave town ; nice lawn and lot of roses; price $250; terms If de sired. B 142, Oregonian. $175 FURNITURE of 4 large rooms, every room light and In good condition. In quire room 9. 205 .Morrlscn. MODERN 7-room furnished cottage, ocean front; season, $150. Seaside, Or. Ad dress D 28, Oregonian. FURNITURE of 5-room cottage for sale, cot tage for rent to buyer. 84 West Park, near Stark. MODERN 8-room house for rent; some fur niture for sale. 175 E. 23d. FOR RENT. Summer Resorts. FOR rent at Sea view. Wash., Captain Schneider's new first-class furnished 10 room cottage: hot and t old water and barn for two horses, one block from de pot. Address Captain H. Schneider, Sea view, Wash. FOR SALE or; trade 6 and 2-room cot tage, 2 lots, furniture. Seaside, Clatsop, near Lockslev Hail, for house and lot in East Portland. Inqulna 1355 Garfield ave.. East Portland. BETTER than the ridge, new house, seven rooms, furnished. Sea view. Ocean Side Railway, near stations and postoffice. W. G. Cox. 222 Failing, bldg. A 5-ROOM cottage, newly furnished, with fine range and fireplace, SS5 for season; located Long Beach. Wash. Inquire of W. C. Morden. Ilwaco Wash. OCEAN front, 7-room furnished home with fireplace, for the season; desirable loca tion. Sea View. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. SPECIAL at Seavlew. new house, seven large rooms, furnished, west side of rail way, near stattions; bargain. Thos. O'Neal, Seavlew, Wash. LONG BEACH. WTash.. small comfortably furnished cottage for June and July. Ap ply 30O Jefferson. CENTERVILLE Very comfortably fur nished 4-room cottage, $60 season. Phone East 3248, between 8 and 10 A. M. SIX-room furnished houso at Gearhart Park, Or. Inquire Mr. Wills. Main 6688, A 6515. MODERN 7-room furnished cottage, ocean front ; season, $1C0. Seaside. Or. Ad dress D 28. Oregonian. RENT Complete nicely furnished cottage at Seaside, by the week, month or season. Write to C. H. Frecemeder, Seaside, Or. BEAUTIFUL 8-room bungalow for rent at Gearhart Park. For Information address Mrs. Theodore Kruse. Clatsop, Oregon. RENT or sale, furnished cottage at Tioga, North Beach, lots 100x100. J 48, Oregon ian. FOR RENT 4-room cottage at Long Beach, near Newton, furnished. . Phone Main 1614 or A 1614. 1 FOR SALE, $600, or rent, $85, completely furnished cottage at Gearhart. Call or phone Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. FOR RENT Desirable 4-room furnished cot tage near Locksley Hall, Seaside. Phone East 3684. FOR RENT At Seaside, small furnished cottage, $5 a week. Phone East 1244. GEARHART 5-room cottage, nicely situ ated and well furnished. Phone Pacific 543. OCEAN PARK 5-room cottage, for July, $30. Phone E. 5163. TWO furnished cottages at Seavlew, Wash. Main 6071. 655 Savier st. Stores. FIRST and second floors 25x100 new mod- ern brick building, wholesale district; low Insurance. Five years' lease; reason able rent to responsible tenant. T 963 Oregonian. CHOICE location on 6th at., 17x70. For terms apply to PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, Southeast corner 3d and Oak. 0 50x100 BRICK building, Merrill building, 7th and Oak, by the month or lease; also 100x100 cement basement. Merrill, 103 7th. FOR RENT Two floors and basement, wholesale district; low rtnt, steam heat; long lease. H 38, Oregonian. STORE, 130 ISth, near Washington. Sheehy Bros., 282 ?4 Yamhill. Main 3072, Offices. $20 A MONTH will rent one of the best of fices in the Rottochlld bldg., fronting on Washington street, second floor. Inquire of H. P. Palmer, 213 Commercial Club bldg. Main 8609. LARGE, neat office room, single or en suite, second floor Raleigh bldg., modern; very reasonable. Chicago Dentists, 323 Vi Washington st. COURT rooms, $12.50 up; outside rooms on Washington or Fifth $20 up. 315 Swet land bldg. OFFICES to rent In the Worcester and Hamilton buildings at moderate rate. Ap ply to Robert Strong. 710 Ccrbett bldg. HAVE desk room, moderate cost; best loca tion In city; give reference and state busi ness. R 44, Oregonian. THE MILNER,- 350 Morrison, offices on second floor, large rooms, reasonable. DESK room In flre-proof building, near Washington st. D 42, Oregonian. FOR RENT A few offices in Couch bldg. Apply room 80S. DESK room and offices for rent; most rea sonable rates. 320-327 Corbett. bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE OPPORTUNITIES. Arnold & Co.. Main 7311. 351 4 Morrison st Devlin & Firebaugh.- 508-9 Swetland bldg. Ellis, York & Co., 201 Merchants Trust bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES. DELICATESSEN Restaurant, the prettiest and cleanest place on the East Side; bus iness is good. If you see it you will like It- Call 325 Lumber Exchange. GOOD Japanese restaurant for sale. I have been many years in this; can make money, oatisfactory. Address 231 Burn side. BEST location in city for a plumbing shop; good proposition to the right man. Apply Younger Grocery Co., 20th and Spring, Portland Heights. FIRST-CLASS location for a barber shop; will make- good proposition to first-class barber. Apply Younger Grocery Co., 20th and Spring. Portland Heights. DON'T YOTJ KNOW We can give you a special price on any mining stock or bond? F. J. Catterlln & Co., 125 ADington bldg. SALOON for sale, close in on Washington st. ; first-class place, long lease; cheat; rent; price reasonable. A B 14, Oregon ian. SALOON paying $200 month, 2 pool tables, good location; can be bought cheap. 627 Corbett bldg. PARTNER wanted In good paying butcher shop. 242 N. 17th. Small capital re quired. BUTTER, egg and produce store; partner wanted; little money required; pay you $100 month. Call 248j Stark st. ELEGANT apartment house, 40 rooms, 2 and 3-room suites; priate baths; good terms. 627 Corbett bldg. FOR SALB cheap, fine hardwood floor skat ing rink. Address D. I Avery, Marsh fleld. Or. SMALL 9-room house, can be bought very cheap; this Is a cracker-Jack for the price. 627 Corbett bldg. CASH STORE Partner wanted; pay you $125 month; $05O required; secured. Call 248 Stark et. GROCERY, with living rooms in rear, low rent; mostly cash trade. 627 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE for less than invoice, grocery and confectionery at 634 Commercial sL, corner Morris. PARTNER wanted !n good paying butcher shop. 242 N. 17th. Small capital re quired. 18 ROOMS, well filled; good furniture; on account of sickness will sacrifice; $450. 209 Clay. 40-ROOM hotel, well furnished, clearing $250 per month. Address box 111, St. John. Or. RESTAURANT, long lease, low rent, fine location; doing $40 day; lease is worth all asked. 62T Corbett bldg. WANTED Good hustler, as cashier and man ager In restaurant; Jlttle money required. 272 4th st. FOR SALE Grocery stock and fixtures, worth $1200. for $050. E ST, Oregonian. POST CARD stand for sale; a bargain. Call 49 N. 3d st. BONVILLE Pub. Co. stock $100 a share. 415 Marquam bldg., city. LUNCH counter, etc., for $500 ; can clear $200 a mom. Call 248i Stark st. . SALOON for sale at a bargain if taken at once. Inquire at 211 McKay bldg. WANTED Partner with small capital for C-cent show O 44. aragaclaa. BUSINESS CHANCES. INVESTMENT of $10.0Oo will secure In Boise, Idaho, from the Capitol Hotel Company, representing the creditors of the former ; owner, five (5) years leaee on the Capitol Hotel, Buffet. Restaurant. together with complete outfit, furniture. fixtures and stock, all in flrst-claes condition; managed at the present by private party for the benefit of the creditors. This hotel pays now more than expenses, end cost original ly close to $25,0o0. For further Informa tion and particulars, communicate with or apply to Robert A. McAfee, caehler. First National Bank. Boise, Idaho." WANTED Partner with some money to clear a profit of at least $2000 to $5000 in 500-acre land deal; great opportunity for one with a few hundred dollars; money needed to prepare land for mar ket. Land that Is worth $75 per acre we could sell for $20 per acre. It was bought at a great bargain, and will sell one-half interest at a bargain. No agents; only party who has the money and time to help place property. Answer giving full particulars. Box S 49. Oregonian SURETY INVESTMENT CO. Main 3517 A 2772 626-627-628 CORBETT BLDG. My business is your business and Your business is my business. Consequently our business Is mutual. Come and let us talk together. If you want to get In or out of business. I can help you. ROB'T B. MAY. MGR. A PAYING GROCERY STORE. One of the best grocery stores In this city for sale, a large family trade, old established business; the owner-wants to retire, fine stock, fine f ixt ures. and we guarantee the business to be on a pay ing basis. We Invite you to investigate. Price $2500. Nice Btore and 6 living rooms upstairs; rent $50 per month, 3 or 5 years' lease. Grussl & Gantoer. 265 Washington st.. coiner 3d. room 1. BEST BARGAIN EVER. 10 rooms, beautifully furnished a few months ago with Axmlnster carpets and highest grade furniture; fine location, near postoffice; reasonable rent, clearing $71 per month; $30O cash, and balance monthly. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH, 608-9 Swetland Bldg., Cor. 5th and Wash. BAKERY FOR SALE. Bakery business In Southern Oregon town; doing about $50O per month; must be sold by July 1; good reasons for selling; $K handles It; price includes stock, utensils and fixtures- DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 608-9 Swetland Bldg., Cor. 5th and Wash. 18 ROOMS, fairly well furnished, a good . money-maker, only $S50. 25 rooms, well furnished. $174)0. We have others; some very good bargains. See us before buying. C. S. ARNOLD & CO.. Hotel Brokers. 351 Morrison. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab lished 1895) furnishes free information on opportunities in mercant lie or manufac turing lines, city or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 204-205 Abington Bldg. WE have for sale 6000 shares Butte Boya Consolidated Mining Co. stock which we can deliver at 4 cents per share. This is the lowest price at which this stock has been offered and is a special bargain. The L. Y. Keady Investment Co.. 337-339 Chamber of Commerce. UNDER the heading of timber claims you will find a valuable homestead proposi tion In Clark County. Wash.. offered. This Is not only a business chance, but the chance of your lifetime. THE OPPORTUNITY" COMPANY, 526 Lumber Exchange bldg. FURNITURE of 36-room. thoroughly mod ern house in the heart of the business center doing an excellent business. 15 private baths, hot and cold running water, electric light, steam heat, good lease; will sacrifice and make terms to responsible party ; no agents. R 34. Oregonian. ALL propositions handled by us are direct from the owner; we are sub-agents for nobody. If you want to buy or sell city property or business propositions it will pay you to see us THE OPPORTUNITY COMPANY, 526 Lumber Exchange bldg. HAVE $1000 and services to invest In strict ly legitimate business which will stand closest investigation ; manufacturing pre ferred. Address, stating nature of busi ness and where Interview may be had. H 37, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE man wants bright man as partner to show land, etc.; can make $150 to $200; no experience necessary; very lit tle cash required. Particulars Multnomah Investment & Realty Co., 386 Washing ton st., room 11. FOR SALE Creamery doing good business in fine dairy country; irarket established; first-class outfit; owner has other busi ness demanding attention. Special terms if taken by July 1. Address R 4."., Ore gonian. ROOMING-HOUSE. 27 rooms, well located, $1500; a snap. Housekeeping, 10 rooms, furniture new. In 4 housekeeping suites, all rented, rent $30. leaving a good in come over all. 5J 1 Swetland bldg. WANTED Partner In established real es tate office to show land, etc., experience not necessary ; office on ground, floor. Room 614. Swetland bldg., corner 5th and Washington sts. HALF Interest In new job printing and weekly paper office, at your own price; good money maker; must sell quick. See O. R. Ball. Am. Type Foundry. Stark and Second, Portland. UNUSUAL opportunity for active man of good habits with small amount of. money to invest to secure position with company dealing in giltedge real estate securities. N 46, Oregonian. WE pay especial attention to business open ings. Before buying, call us up and see what we can offer you. Phone Main 4486. Kinney & Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Ex change bldg. SMALL hotel with bar and pool room most elegantly equipped resort in city; entirely new; owner will sell at a big sacrifice. 627 Corbett bldg. . CONFECTIONERY, candles, cigars, tobacco, on Williams ave.; rent $10 per month, with living-room and lease. J 36, Ore gonian. RESTAURANT, 5 tables. lunch counter, good location and permanent trade; price is very low; ask to see it. 325 Lumber Exchange. HAY, feed and grain business, old estab lished; owner retiring; can be bought for a song; you can make no mistake; In vestigate. 627 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE: Meat market, doing a fine bus iness; owner must go to Alaska; It will stand a close investigation. Call room 630 Lumber Exchange. PARTNERS wanted in reliable real estate firm; have good business and large list of property. Room 530, Lumber Ex change. FOR SALE Old-establtehed clothing and gents furnishing business; , reason of sale, ill health. Address Box 326. Aberdeen, Wash. RESTAURANT, doing a good business In a fine location, $700 if sold at once. 511 . Swetland bldg. FOR SALE Sawmill, shingle mill, about five million feet timber: a snap. Address owner, H. Bigelow. Oregon City, Or. FOR SALE cheap, rooming house of 20 rooms; swell location. 353 u Y'amhlll st., one block from Portland Hotel; owner. SPECIAL Live man with $1500 wanted; will pay you $150 monthly salary, besides profits. Particulars 248Vi Stark et. PAYING bakery In lively town on coast, good location. Inquire H. H. Belding, with I. Gevurtz & Sons, Yamhill st. PARTNER wanted for strictly cash business; $300 required; will pay you $4 a day. Call 248 Stark st. CIGAR and confectionery, paying $5-$10 a day. $400; restaurant, a dandy, $600. 511 Swetland bldg. MANUFACTURING plant for $5250; will sell all or Va interest; investigate. s 46, Ore gonian. SALOON In good Waehingion town, old established business; a good money-maker. G 10, Oregonian. HARDWARE business, old established, one of the best in the city; reason for selling, parties retiring. 627- Corbett bldg. PARTNER wanted to Bhow land, etc.; quickly learned; pay active man $150 month. Par ticulars 2481 Stark St. CIGAR and candy store on 6th St.; a nice, clean stock; a sna-p if taken at once. $4O0. 511 Swetland bjdg. CIGAR and confectionery; best buy In city; only $300. 318 Alisky bldg., 3d and Mor rison. FOR SALE Bakery, only one in country town of 2000. Price $400. A 28, Orego nian. CASH GROCERY; living rooms; $650. 248 Stark st. BARBER shop for sale cheap. gonia-Q. L 15 BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED Party to invest $550 in a real estate deal that will pay you a bonus of . $90 and 6 per cent interest in your money. This will stand the cif sest investigation. THE OPPORTUNITY COMPANY, 520 Lumber Exchange b'.dg. ENERGETIC resident of Salem who can spare a few hours daily to manage a blanch business, $1000 required, will pay $100 to $150 per month, tfee "Manager," Willamette Hotel. 1 to 2 P. M. today, or - write 209 Commonwealth bldg.. Portland. SPLENDID chance for the right party with some capital to open a sanitarium on a small scale ; curative qualities of the water are unsurpassed. Address "Sani tarium." 54 Union block, Portland, Or. I AM organizing company for motion pic ture circuit ; desire two men, with some capital, as managers; state age. expe rience; amount of capital. F 3S, Ore gonian. WE have a purchaser for a hotel in small town. In Oregon ; must be a first-das' proposition. What have you to offer ? THE OPPORTUNITY COMPANY, 526 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE A moving picture house In Southern Oregon; good reasons for selling; everything above board; making fine re turns j. rice $'KK, Includes everything; easy rent. Apply F 41, Oregonian. ONE of the finest grocery stores In Port land, sales $35,000 to $40,000 yearly; takes $5000 to handle this; perfectly equipped; this Is a gilt edge business. 627 Corbett bidg. ' FOR SAJE $4o00 cash wil buy a first-class business, suitable for lady or gentleman, which cleared $5000 for the last five years In Boise. Address Room 42 Falk bldg., Boise, Idaho. WHOLESALE fruit and produce, business In a thriving city 100 miles from Portland; doing $30,000 to $40,000 business yearly; no competition. 6J7 Corbett bldg. SNAP. $1500 Meat market and grocery for sale; must sell this week; owner going East. E 4K Oregonian. BAKERY, only one In town of 1200 popu lation; good territory. I have other busi ness. Stock and fixtures. $500. Address S 25, Oregonian. $3500 BUYS handle factory near Portland, established trade; 100 per cent profits; terms $150 per month, two years' time, without interest. M 43, Oregonian. WANTED Partner for wholesale and re tail meats; business growing so can't han dle alone. Particulars Northwestern In vestment Co., 103 Fourth st. $650 BUYS lease for ten years on fine manu facturing plant; good trade, $25 a day net profits; other interests prevent my operating. J 44, Oregonian. GOOD opening for grocery business, hotel and restaurant in building is open at present; will rent or sell the building. T 30, Oregonian. CREAMERY for sale; doing a fine busing; onlv one in town; sickness the cause; located at St. John, Or. SALOON Want partner; $500; extra good place Call 248'j Stark frt. ITNANCIAI. Money to Loan. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MONEY MONEY. MONEY. SALARY. LOANS. TO HONEST EMPLOYES. "GIVE" YOUR NOTE. "GET" $10 TO $100. ' "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY." EVERYTHING STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK? STATE SECURITY COMPANY. . 704 DEKUM BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. lO 8 P. M. WEDS. AND SATS. UNTIL 8 P. M. IllllililliSIII THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rothchild bldg., cor. 4th and Wash. The recognized bank of the wage earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employe can obtain money of us on his note without security. $15 return to us $4 a Mo. $'JO Return to us $S a Mo. $50 Return to us $13.35 a Mo. ConMdential; no unpleasant inquiries. Special ra,tes on pianos, furniture, etc. STAR LOAN AGENCY. Money loaned on salary or chattel mort gage ; business confidential. Mo. Semi-Mo. Wkly. $75 return to us $20.00 $10.00 $5.O0 $50 return to us.... 13.35 6.65 3.25 $30 return to ua 8.00 4 00 2.O0 $15 return to us.... 4.00 2.00 1.00 209 McKAT BLDG.. cor. 3d and Stark sis. E pay the highest cash for Title Guar antee & Trust Co., Oregon Trust S Sav ings Bank, Merchant time certificates. German-American time certificates. We buy and sell Home Telephone bonds. Colin Bros., ISO First st. SALARY and MortKage loans to salaried em ployes and on Pianos. Furniture, Warehouse Receipts. Horses, lusurauce Policies and ail kinds of securities. NEW ERA LOAN & MORTGAGE CO.. 2u5 Abinglon Bldg. . MONEY advanced! salaried people and others upon their own name without security; cheapest, rates, easiest payments; offices in 66 principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN. 223 AbinKton-bldg., 106 3d. Money loaned on salaries1; no other security; my system is beat for railroad men. clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar employes and others: buiness confidential. F. A. Nwton. 611 Buchanan bldg.. 2a(i Washington et. WE will buy your telephone bonds and stock and pay the highest cash price for Oregon Trust. Merchants National or Title Guaran tee accounts. The E. L. Fraley Co., 418 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan for building purposes; can . be repaid In monthly installments. Call for particulars. Columbia Life & Trust Co., 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. W0 BUY Oregon Trust.& fcavings. Merchants National, Title Guarantee &. Trust accounts for cash; also "locks and bonds. 611 Cor bett bldg. $50,000 TO loan In sums of $1000 and up wards on improved city real estate at 6 and 7 per cent. Ferrera, 335 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WE loan money on diamonds and jewelry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. & M. Delovage, jewelers, 09 Washington st. HAVB $1200. $17u0, $2u00 and $6u00 trust f unds""" to loan on real estate at low rates; give description of property. Ad-dress M 26, Oregonian. $200,000 to loan In sums or $1000 or more to suit, fl to 7 per cent on improved realty. 4. G. Griffin. 260 Stark, opp. Cham, of C. MONEY to loan on real estate, anywhere and any sum; $100 and ud; see us. Vaughn & Burt. 402 Corbett bldg. LOANS on real estate, chattels or personal security. W. A. Hathaway, 10 Washington bldg. Pacific 1832. MORTGAGE LOANS, reasonable rates. Geo. K. Clark, John W. Cook, 336 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 54o7, A 3252. FOR SALE 1 000 shares of Butte Boys min ing stock, cheap. Inquire Esmond Hotel. T. Huntington. CASH paid for telephone bonds, Title Guar antee and Oregon Trust. H. W. Goddard, 110 2d. TO LOAN $1200. $1700 and larger sums on real estate. H. W. Goddard, 110 2d. State funds loaned. per cent. W. E. Thomas, gtate agt.. Multnomah Co. - 400 C of Com. WILL make several small loans on city property. Call room 40. Washington bldg. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. V. H. Nunn. 558 Sherlock bldg. TO LOAN $10,000 at 7 per cent on Improved property. Address X 893. Oregonian. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekuin bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral ecurity. C. W. Pallett. 304 Fenton bldg. Loans on dwellings $500 to $1300, 2 or 3 yrs. Ward, attorney, Alisky bldg. Main 7326. Loans Wanted. WANTED $1500 for 1 year. 8 per cent, on gooU timber claim, by reliable party. Phone A 5C7S. WANTED To borrow $1750 for 3 years on Improved city real estate worth $4500. F 30, Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $2000, improved real estate. Farrington. 416 Com. Club bldg. PERSONAL. BALM OF FIGS for ail female diseases. 54 East 13th st. North. Phone E 4034. LADY'S barber shop; halrcuttlng 25c. 12 N. 4th and Burnside sts. PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely, single peoole; circular 10c 229 1st st. , PERSONAL. DEEPEST WRINKLES. SMALLPOX PITS and all imperfections of the scalp, hair and face removed, busts developed, su perfluous hair removed by the latest French method; all the rage in Paris; no eiectricitv; faces bleached; booklet free. PROFESSOR AND MADAME MARCOTT, Facial Institute. 146 11th at., bet. Alder and Morrison. FURS, FURS, FURS. Now Is the time to attend to your furs. No charge for storage, when repairs amount to $5. Goods callled for. Remodelling, re pairing and re-dying skillfully done at Summer prices. Old mink blended to look like new. Ladies call and see process. A. Reiner, practical furrier, expert fitter. 563 Washington st. Phone A 5172. SEXINE Pills make men and women strong. $1 a box. 6 boxes $5, with full guaran tee for all forms of nerve weakness. Ad dress or call the J. A. Clemenson nrug Co., cor 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland. Or. SWEDISH trained nurse. Helslngfors gradu ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles and nervous disorders by hand rubbing, eteam sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 East 11th st., one door from East An keny car. Phones EaBt 260, Home B 1S03. MME. A. A. LUCK EY", Psycho-magnetic and 1 suggestive thera peutics; a full line of electrical appliances, newest and most Improved electrical blanket. All diseases successfully treated. Room 30, 350tfc Morrison at. Main 2011. SUITS pressed while you wan, nnc. To visitors .of Portland hotels and io public at largo: Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor's. 66 6th mt.. next to the Oxford Hotel. Ladles' skirts pressed, 50c. Feathers and boaj cleaned and curled. Phone Main 4064. YOU can't work when you don't sleep well; Palmo Tablets make you sleep and give you steady nerves; 50c a box. 6 boxes $2.50. All druggists, or address the J. A. Clemenson Dtuir Co., Portland. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chicnesters Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are Bold by druggists everywhere. DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods, $2 per box or 3 boxes $5. Dr. Fierce, 181 1st st. DRESS suits for rem. ah sizes; $1.6o month keeps your clothes cleansd. pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sowed. Prompt calla and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 300 Stark. MADAM HOSGROVE has just arrived from Chicago and opened manicure parloi-s at 3.J4 Yamhill; will go to residence If re quired. Phone A 2029. PERSONS of marriageable age, either sex, desiring acquaintance or companion, send 10c for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau. 181 H 1st st. GERMAN, French. Spanish and other For eign Dictionaries. Text Books and Litera ture (German books a specialty). A. W. Svhmale Co.. 229 First it. LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorene?' Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25c bc-x. Eyssell's Phar macy, 227 Morrison St., bet. 1st and 2d. LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum. graduate; advice free. 170 3d st. Main 8770. MRS. QJ5ROCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow, alcohol rub. cream massage; reference. 282 Park. Main 2403. A2734. Mme. Courtwrlght. skin anu scaiD treatment; facial deformities corrected: plastic surgery. 225 Flledner bldg. M. 5042. A 206tt. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 330 F'dedner bldg.. Pac. 1.15. PILES CUT RED without operation by a well established physician. Box 270. city. DPS ATWOOD; private hospital: maternity cases; good care: terms rlirht Ad. Alisky b LOST AND FOUND. LOST An Irish setter dog, 10 months old. collar reading F. S. Wilson, 763 Broad way. Fleas return or call up East 5'.'7l or Main 1770 and receive reward; last seen Sunday the 20th. PARTY that removed money from lady's handbag at Castilian Grille Monday even ing is known and had better return same at once and avoid trouble. FOUND Where nair mattresses are reno vated, returned same day. 228 Fron'.. Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Hatr Factory. H. Metsger. LOST June 20, lady's rain coat, on road between Portland and llillsboro. Kinder please return to Mrs. E. F. Noland. 511 N. 21st st. ; reward. LOST Overcoat, buggy cushion. ldi-cur- tains, laprobe and small seat in runaway near 26th and Powell. Finder please phone . Tabor 885. LOST Vicinity of Courthouse, lady's purse containing money and gold watch. Itc turn to 313 5th st. and receive reward. LOST Bay mare, newly shod, about soft lbs., near Woodlawn; reward. Phone East 553. REWARD for young Scot eh collie dog ; white collar and legs, license 1S74. Tele phone Main 2566.. LOST 2 black cocker spaniel pups, male, bob tails; one has white breast. Phone Sellwoud 728; reward. STRAYED from Willamette Height1 Sunday 3-months-old white collie pup, with brown spots. Phone Main &2tN; reward. LADY'S watch. Elgin, diamond Kotiing, monogram I. C. ; movement No. 1 2,776. 4r-, generous) reward. Phone Woodlaw n 15S. FOUND Cocker Spaniel pup dog, owner may have same by calling 1S7 la 3d st. 61'fcClAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR PURCHASE OF MU NICIPAL BONDS. Notice is hereby given that the under signed Recorder of the City of Oakland. Oregon, will receive at his office in said city up to 5 o'clock P. M., July 14. IUuS, sealed proposals for the purchase of mu nicipal water bonds of the City of Oak land. Oregon. Said bonds are of the de nomination of $500 each and aggregate $15,000. run for 20 years and bear 5 pr cent interest, payable semi-annually. Bids may be for tjie whole or any proportion of such Issue. The Council will on said date consider all proposals received and reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids should be sealed and marked "Proposal of for the Pur chase of Oakland Water Bondf." For fur ther information apply to the undersigned. E. M. Brooks. Recorder of the City of Oakland. Oregon. By order of the Council. SEALED PROPOSALS, indorsed "Proposals for Naval Hospital Buildings" will 1p re celved at the Bureau of Yards and Docks. Navy Department. Washington, until 11 o'clock A. M. July 3 lf08. and then and there publicly opened, for constructing three buildings and their connerting pass ages for Naval Hosi-ital at the U. S. Navy Yard. Puget Sound. Washington. X-Mans and specifications will be furnishrd by the Bureau or by the Commandant of the Navy Yard named upon deposit of $25 as security for their return. R. C. HOLLYDAY. Chief of Bureau. SEALED brds will be received until 11 :30 A. M. Saturday. June 27. ll'OS, for uno double drum electric hoist for the dry dock. Particulars may bo obtained by applying to the undersigned at the office of The Port of Portland, City Hall. John P. Doyle, clerk of the beard. Miscellaneous. A SPECIAL MEETING TO TAKE THE place of the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of THE COMSTOCK GOLDEN GATE MINING COMPANY will be held at the office of the company. No. 402 Santa Marina Building. 112 Market street, San Francisco. California, on MON DAY', the 20th day of June. 1008. at 2 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing a board of directors to serve for the en suing year, and for the consideration and transaction of an$- other business that may be brought before the meeting. R. HEWSON. President. F. H. URMY. Secretary. ARCHITECTS, contractors. engineers, gut copy Pacific Builder aud JT-Dfiioeer. 315 Chamber Commerce. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. E. H, COLLIS. 324 Worcester block, public accountant and estate agent. Auditing, in vestigating, systematizing; permanent keep ing of books and record a specialty. THE GEO. T. MURTON AUDIT CO.. 818 Chamber of Commerce, ofuce systematizing and general accounting. Established 1801. ARTHUR BERRIDGE. 307 Chamber of Com merce, opena, investigates, closes books of account; general practice. Main 1531. Assayers and Analysts. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work, 186 Morrison st. PAUL BAUMEL. assayer and analyst. Gold dut boucht- 207 Alder st. Wells & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists and aa 9 ay era. 204 Vi Washington. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Bicycle and Kiectricul Repairing. EUAW & MITCHELL Bicycle, gaaoitne. en gin and electrical repairing. U26 Stark u Commission Merchants, TAYLOR, Y'OUNG St CO., ship brokers, com mission meichaulsv SLerlock bldg., Portuuad. Chiropody. WM. DEVENY, and Estelle Deveny. the onlj' scientific chiropodists, puriors 203 Drew bldg., 162 2nd. 1'hoiie Main 13ol. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hlli. room Flieuner blug. phone Pacific 135. Dancing. WALTZ, two-step, three-step and stage dancing lesions 25c. Prof. Wal Wiiison a school, ot0 Washington st., between W. Park and loth tt. Both imones. Feed fetures. B. L. COOPER & CO., hay. grain, feed. 123 Union ave. East 1&17. B 1017. Harness ana baddxery. THE George Lawrence Co., wiioltaaie adUi and tutrix mantra.. 6o-to6 1st. Mam 22tL J uuk. Hi deb and 1'elta. L. SHANK & CO., purchasers of bides, pelta. wooi. lura, lanow, oia rutioer. metais ana Jiz runt m L i tin c ties and a ch ts. FOR charter and sale: marine hardware, gas oline engines. See Heyes, 171 Madison. Leather und ! indixues. J. A. STROVYBUlDGhi LEATHER CO. Es tablished lb5v Leather and Undingb; Stock ton sole leather and cut slock; full Una East era Juui boa. lis 9 Front et. CHAS. L. M ASTICK. & CO., 74 Front, leather of every description, lap nifrs. nndinica EMIL THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil of Sevclk. A 410U. Pine 334. l ac 2&d. Osteopathic l'h.vti'iantt. DR. It. ii. NURTHKUP, 415-ltj-li' Dekum liiuK-. Third aud Washington Sts. Phone, of lice, iia.iii 34U. Residence. K. 1U2S. Patent aud Pension Attorneys. PROTECT jour idea. We can patent IU Moultun & Scobey, attorneys, Co4 Colum bia bldg., Portland, Or. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents; Inirnigement cases. u04 Dekum. J. J. HlUSilHElMEK. pi-nsion and pateat at torney, roimia 2o-l Labbd bldg. PATENTS, trade marks, cc.j lights. A, J. Matter, 018 Commonwealth blc. Photo Kngravei . PERFECT printing plates. Hicks-Chatten Engraving Co., corner id and Alder 01s. DESIGNERS, photo t l.gnt vei . Nuiw & Coa naway, loy 2d et. A 4uT3. M. 7310. Rubber Stumps. ALSO trade checks and ail of lice goods. D. C. Co., 231 tiiaifc st. Uuth phones 1407. 1'uinlH, oil?, und Glasit. RASM USSEN & CO., JobOers, paints, oiis, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d und Taylor. Slgus. FOSTER At KLiSlSKK. SIGNS. The largest sign -makers in the North west, 5th and E.rctt bis. Phune Private Exchange 60. Homo A lloii. ELMEit J. WALLACE, art tigns and ofnoe lettering. 32 T Stark. l'acitic lOliti. bptrUuullbts. FREE I FOR ONE 'AEEIC MORE. BRING THIS Al AND KECEIVB ABbULUTELl' FREE One of lay. CONSULTATION READINGS. Always CuUiult Liiu Best FUOKEtaSiJU KiilMO. . Greatest liviug asti ui dead-trance clair voyant of the aK'u; udiur un business aud au aiiaiis u JUc; Lclis uur mil name aud what jou called 1M', wlium yuu will many. Uuw 10 couirul the ouo you love, ovaa though mi K-s away; luunucs tho separated; KH secret ioiv era .0 control ; docs till o tiiers ad verJsu to do. 01 ice. No. 3 and 4 0.1'aiid TucaLer biu., 3m J J,a Waail. St. M. 12u. KAP1LA; Miai'lc of Lie in. India; Clair vojuiiv. .Utiui; 'i iuL yuu ui eveiy- lliuifc;. Fee 2.j.. 311 JUoirisuU at. MME. DE HKU.OG, the u ;id.,riul psychic; IU reading jil. 3io Taj. m ti MRS. STEVENS, lVrtiund's r.iiablu paluiiat ami ciairwy:iiit, 313 ',s allium, cor. Tut. iUV ANOJKEVVa, cura leaumtf at 325 iiaxa, 2c. Piiono .iium 7i45. MRS. BAXTER REVNOLD. JbJ ljZ W ash ingioti st.. liitL 1. D1EBOLD SAFE & LUL'K CO. John E. Davis t 3d si. iiai tfaiiLtf in seconu-liand sale. THE MUtiLEK SA1? E Co., OjH 2d at. baled at factoiy prices. tecuiiii-ha.ua safes. bbuncuw, Uauk aud btoi jt ixturea. THE James 1. Marshall Mt. uo., uno weaves, cabinets, h tore .uid olUcc uxtuie. ii Cuuca fct. Pacific 21bL. K. H. R1RDSALL, designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hauiniun hie;- Main 633d. Moruge and 'Irunsfcr. C. O. PICK Transfer 6c aiuiute Co., of tie and cuminuuiuua ioLu-sioi bi icic v. ai ehouse. with suparaLd iron rooms and tire-proof vault lor tti.uabbs, N. . coiner o 2d and pine fcta. Piano and furniture nioveil and packed for shipping. Mam oliti, A 1UUU. CITY TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Bob Ash by and JuiiU Fin. Furmtuie and i.uuo muvii.ii, baggage, freignt and general hauling. Of:lct luj Froiit st. l'hoijtd Main A 1102. OLbEN-liOii 'JKA.N.-i'KtL CO. Oeneral transferring and at or ago. safes, pianos' and tuinuure moved aim oacked fol shipment. Oak St., bet. Front and Ltt. Telephone Main 647 or A 2247. Street Paving. WAKKEN I'onstruci um Co.. street pavln r. sidewalks and crossings. 314 Lumber Excn. THE BARIiER Az.il I'll ALT PACING CO.. aC Portland office, 4U2-3-4 Worcester block. Typewriters. NEW and second-hand typewriters, all makes, repaired, sold and rented; ala Biale agents the Visible Fox. The Ty pa writer Exchange. 84 3d st. Maia 600. SPECIAL prices, ail makes rented, eoijt, re paired. P. D. C. Co., 23i Staik. Main 140T. Veterinary Collrgea. SAN FRANCISCO Veterinary college, next season begins Sept. 1 r. J r. C. Keane, Pres. 1HKS Market si. Catalogue Tree. Wholesale Jobber. WAUHAMS tfc manufacturers. 4th and Oak. CO.. wholesale grocers, commission merchant J. Wood. WOOO Big body fir, 4-foot, $0; sawed. 60c extra. Winter supply will receive our prompt attention. Hawthorne Fuel Co, Phone East ;U3. E. Stii and I law thorn a MERCHANTS' NATIONAL RANK PORTLAND. OR. 3. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vlce-rrlden: R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGH W. HOYT Ass.stant Cashln S. E. CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashier TRANSACT' GENERAL BAN KIN 3 BUSINESS. United States Depository. Drafts and letters of cr d!t lwued. avail able In all parte of the world. Collections & kpeclalty- LADD & TILTON BANK PORTLAND. OR. Established 1809 Capital fully paid $1,000,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits.... 400.ua0.0d OFFICERS: W. M LADD President EDWARD COOKINGHAM Vice-President W. H. DL'NCKLEY Cashier R. S. HOWARD. JR Assistant Cashr J. W. LADD Assistant Cashier WALTER M. COOK Asm Is Lam CoahW INI EREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSIT:! AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Accounts of banks, firms, corporations and Individuals solicited We are prepared to furnish depositors every facility consistent with good banking. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,300,000 Mo interest paid, on, accounta. 1