THE MOKMNG OREGONIAN,' MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1908. ASSEMBLING OF PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY SILVERTON COUPLE MARRIED FLEET IS WHOLESALE WHOLESALE WHOLESALE WHOLESALE 8 BEGUN Beady to Start Long Voyage Around Two-Thirds of World. HONOLULU TO ENTERTAIN lans Unique Ceremonial of Bestow al of Gifts When All Kinds of Fruits in Inland Will Be As sembled Begins August 5. SAX FRANCISCO, June 21. The as sembling of the Atlantic fleet of IS warships and six auxiliaries in this harbor for me start, on July 7, on the voyage around two-thirds of the world, from San Francisco to Hampton Roads, ha? already besun. Seven of the bat tleships, including the flagship of Rear-Admiral Charles S. Sperry, the Connecticut, are here and all of the auxiliaries are in this vicinity. Be side the Connecticut, the battleships now in the harbor are the Louisiana, Ohio, Minnesota, Kansas, Vermont and Georgia. The West Virginia is at Hare Island. Supplies are already be ing taken aboard of the supply ship Culgoii and the refrigerator supply ship Glacier, and the Ajax, collier; Tanther, repair ship; Relief, hospital ship, and Torktown, dispatch boat, are being put in readiness for the long voyage. All Ships in Iort July 3. By July 3, at the latest, all of the warships of the Atlantic fleet will be in this port, and the ships of the Pa cific fleet also will be assembled here before that date, to remain until after the departure ot the Atlantic fleet. The Virginia, which Is now at Bremer ton Yard, will arrive here the latter part of the month. The Nebraska, New Jersey and Rhode Island are now at Bremerton, and will arrive here to gether June 30. The Wisconsin, now on Puget Sound, Is due June 26, the Illinois Juno 24, the Kearsarge June 23, and the Kentucky July 2. July 4 the combined fleets of the At lantic and Pacific will take part in the celebration here, and three days later the battleships of the Atlantic fleet will depart for Honolulu, where they are scheduled to arrive July 14. The auxiliaries will have preceded them by one week, and will have unloaded sup plies for the fleet and steamed away from Honolulu before the battleships arrive. Start Summer Cruise August 5. The entire Pacific f t, under the command of Admiral L.vinburne, who will succeed Admiral Dayton soon, will start August 5 for a Summer cruise' to Samoa and the Philippines. The cruisers will take in tow on this cruise the little black vessels compris ing tne Atlantic and Pacific torpedo flotillas. Previous to the start the torpedoers will be taken in tow by the cruisers on a trip down the Coast as far as San Diego and possibly to Jlagdalena Bay, as an experiment. At Honolulu plans for the entertain ment of the officers and men of the American fleet are assuming definite shape. One of the features of the pro gramme will be an old-fashioned Hawaiian "hookupu." This is a cere monial bestowal of gifts. These may be of various kinds, but in the present instance it will be gifts of fruits. From all over the islands fruits of every sort which grow here and are ripe at this season will be sent to Honolulu to ar rive at the same time as the fleet. Great interest is being taken in this part of the plans by the native Hawalians all over the islands, and it is believed the contributions will be ample and generous. LIGHT DOCKET IN' LINN Remaining Liquor Cases Will Prob ably Be Dismissed. ALBANY, Or., June 21. (Special.) Judge George H. Burnett will con vene Department No. 1 of the State Circuit Court for Linn County in this city tomorrow morning. There is a light docket and the only feature of the session will be the trial of David "F. Young, charged with assault with a dangerous weapon. In a fight last Fall Young slashed Joshua Ballard with a scythe. This case has been postponed several times. The case against Edward Perdu, whose trial last term resulted in a disagreement, will be dismissed this term, owing to the absence of wit nesses. The remaining appealed liquor cases will also probably be dismissed, because Detective W. L. Pason, who was the chief witness for the state, has left the country to avoid arrest on perjury charges growing out of his denial that he had served a prison term in Wisconsin. BOYCOTT AFTER ELECTION Grant County Torn Over Result of Prohibition Vote. BAKER CITT. Or., June 21. (Special.) It is possible that a neighborhood feud may bo a result of the Grant County, elec tion on prohibition, according to those who have visited that section in the past few days. In Canyon City there is talk of a boycott being organized by liquor men and their friends on merchants who took an active part in the recent temperance contest. Xew Church at Montesano. MONTESANO. Wash., June 21.-(Spe-cial.) Montesano is to have a new church edifice, built by the Episcopal denomina tion. The site has been secured on Spruce street and the building will be commenced soon. At a meeting this week Charles L. Springer was elected warden; J. E. Calder, treasurer, and A. B. Graham, clerk. Services will be held twice a month. Heard Imaginary Band. ALBANY, Or., June 21. (Special.) A stranger giving the name of W. A. Klein was found yesterday wandering In the woods near this city hunting for a brass hand which lie could hear playing, and upon examination was committed to the State Insane Asylum. He had many delusions. Nothing could be learned re garding his family or residence. Contest for Goddess. ALBANY, Or., June 21. (Special.) An interesting contest is in progress here for the selection of a Goddess of Liberty for the coming three days' Fourth of July celebration. The leading contestants are Misses Ethel Swank, Tlllle Eckert, Flo Dannals and Gertrude Taylor. rh r Ci? 5k f - V MR. AND MRS. J. W. VIXACKE. SILVERTON, or., June 21. (Special., Two of Silverton's popular youug people, J. W. Vinacke and Miss Emma Heinz, were married at the home of the bride's parents last Friday night. Rev. H. R. Salis bury, pastor of t"he Methodist Episcopal Church, performed the cere mony. As a honeymoon trip the newly - wedded pa.i- left for Iowa, where they will spend some weeks. TO DISTRICT WILL- SPEXl) $125,000 THIS SUMMER. A'cw Building Will Accommodate 1700 Pupils Large High School Also to Be Erected. With the opening of the public schools next September, three new buildings and additions to three buildings already con structed will be ready for occupancy. These new buildings and additions will cost $123,000 and will provide accommodations for approximately 1700 pupils. The largest buildings which will be completed for the Fall term are the Albina Homestead school near Union avenue, and the Rich mond school near Hawthorne avenue and forty-ninth street. Each of these build ings will contain eight rooms and provide accommodations for 350 pupils. It is in tended as occasion requires to make ad ditions to these schools, it being pos sible to increase their capacity to 18 rooms. The addition of eight rooms to the Arleta school will make that an 18-room building, and furnish much needed ac commodations in that growing district. The four-room addition to the Sellwood school will be available in the Fall and a six-room addition to the Shaver school in Lower Albina will also be openedi The six-room building at Peninsula completes the list of additional structures which will take care of the increased attendance next Fall. The increase in attendance this year over last year is estimated at 10 per cent, end it is expected that next year's at tendance will show even a larger increase. The Board of Education has purchased a lot on Rodney avenue and Knott street, on which it is proposed to erect a school building. The plan is, however, to defer the erection of this building until the present property on Williams avenue is sold, and the proceeds used to defray the expense of the new structure. Should this sale not be made within a reasonable time, in all probability bonds will be Issued for the new building. This will mean that the operations will have to be postponed until the next tax levy has been made. Bids for the new High School to be erected in Albina are to be opened on Thursday, June 25. This building will cost $250,000 and will require at least a year for its completion. CHOSEN FOR THIRD YEAR Oregon City School Superintendent Elected Additions Planned. OREGON CITY, Or., June 21. (Spe cial.) Walton C. McKee has been re elected superintendent of the Oregon City schools for his third year at a salary of J1200. Robert F. Goetz. of Gravelford, Or., has been elected instructor in the high school and Miss Gertrude Nefzger has been chosen grade teacher, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Retta Seoggan. Several improve ments will be made to the city schools during the Summer vacation. It is planned to add four rooms to the East ham building and a special meeting of the taxpayers will be called for the pur pose of authorizing a bond issue for this improvement. The directors will install a new heating and ventilating system in the Eastham building and will repaint' the Barclay building. George Frey has been elected janitor of the Barclay build ing and County Superintendent Gary has been given the use of the High School rooms in that building for a Summer school for teachers. FIRST REPAIR HIGHWAYS Woolgrowers Put Roads in Shape to Haul to Sales. BAKER CITY, Or.. June 21. (Special.) Repairing the county roads over Dixie Mountain, so that six and eight-horse teams can haul loadB of wool to Austin, is one of the features that precedes the wool sales in Baker City. From Austin the wool is shipped over the Sumpter Val ley Railroad to the warehouses here. Large quantities of the product is coming from the lower John Day country this year for the first time in Baker s his tory. Heretofore all the wool raised in that section was marketed at Shaniko, but the growers have found it easier to haul by teams to Austin and ship over the narrow guag3 road to Baker than to make the former tedious drive to Shaniko. Busi ness men here are taking a deep interest in the first sales day, June 22. Missouri Boy Burled. LYLE, Wash., j'une 21. (Special.) Lee Putnam, killed at The Dalles by being struck by a rock, and buried at Hartland, near here, was born in Mis souri in 1879. He came to Hartland 25 years ago. He enlisted in Company H of the First Washington; and served through the Philippine campaign. He carried a bullet-wound from this. His father is Judge J.- R. Putnam, of Gold-, endale, and he leaves, besides his father, two brothers in Ellensburg. J. J. and Ernest, and two slstere, Mrs. Charles Berry, of Ellensburg, and Miss Pearl Putnam, of Goldendale. Pretty Wedding at The Dalles. . THE DALLES. Or..' June 21. (Specials One of the prettiest weddings of the year occurred at Zion Lutheran Church on Tuesday last at 11 o'clock A. M., when John G. Heimrlch, of this city, was mar ried to Miss Anna Stubling. only daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stubling. Rev M. E. Bouiton officiating. The church I 4 1 was beautifully decorated with white blossoms and palms, a mass of white ascension lilies adorning the candln liRhted altar. Fred Weigel. R. E. Bur gett. Otto Keller and G. E. Gelinsky, of Portland, acted as ushers. The bride's attendants were Mrs. L. A. Danenhower, of Portland, matron of honor, and Misses Frieda Rueter. Emma Brune and Louise Cramer, bridesmaids. Arthur C. Stubling acted as best man. Following the cere mony a wedding breakfast was given at the home of the bride's parents to about 60 intimate friends, after which Mr. and Mrs. Heimrlch departed for a wedding journey to Victoria and other Puget Sound cities. They will be at home to their friends in The Dalles after July 1. Sunday Excursions From Albany. ALBANY, Or., June 21. (Special.) The first of the annual series of Sunday ex cursions from Albany to Newport and Yaquina Bay was run today. Excursions 'will run every Sunday during the Sum- illCl. CLING TO FORLORN HOPE Pendleton Saloonmen Insist Local Option Election Was Illegal. PENDLETON. Or.. June 21. ODecial.V That the saloonmen and the few property owners who are dissatisfied with the re sult of the recent election have no inten tion of giving up because Judge Bean refused to grant the temporary injunc tion prayed for. is stated by their at torneys. Just what the next move will be, however, has not been decided upon. When the fight Is started again Mon day it will be carried to the Supreme Court of the state and possibly to the Supreme Court of the United States. The first injunction suit filed has not been abandoned and is still In court. This may be taken up and argued an altogether new suit with new allegations may be filed. It is believed, however, that the course which will finally be taken will be to ignore the proclamation, submit to ar rest and then carry the criminal case up on an appeal. Want Agent at Lyons. ALBANY, Or., June 21. (Special.) The State Railroad Commission held a session at Lyons yesterday to hear the request of the people of that town for an agent to take care of the business of the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad. For years the C. & E. maintained an agent at Lyons, but after the sale of the road to the Harriman Interests a policy of retrenchment began and the agencies at Lyons, Kingston and other points were abolished. In a complaint filed with the Commission the people of Lyons assert there are three stores there and considerable shipping is done and an agent is imperatively needed to handle this shipping and also the passenger traffic. The hear ing yesterday was conducted by Com missioners Campbell and Aitchlson. Boy With Gun Must Be Good. ALBANY, Or., June 21. (Special.) Louis Williams, 10-year-old son of A. G. Williams, of Lebanon, was given a hearing in the Juvenile Court here yes terday on a charge of shooting Essie Morgan, a 14-year-old girl, with a 22 caliber rifle. He was paroled in the custody of his father, pending good be havior. Several shots were fired at the Morgan house and one bullet went through the window. The Morgan girl went to the door to see who was shoot ing, when a bullet struck her in the fleshy part of the leg. An investiga tion indicated that young Williams had done the shooting. More Lights for Albany. ALBANY, Or., June 21. (Special.) First street, Albany's leading business thoroughfare, will probably be lighted permanently with strings of incandes cent lights extending from Washington street to Lyon street. The street is to be lighted in that manner during the three days' celebration of the Fourth of July this year, and arrangements are being made so that the lighting may be made permanent. School Has Cash In Treasury. PENDLETON. Or., June 21. (Special.) After closing one of the most success ful school years in the history of the city the Pendleton school district has a cash balance on hand of $7000, according to the annual report of Clerk Livermore. The total expenditures of the district amounted to $32,000, of which $20,000 was for teachers' salaries. The balance on hand is nearly twice as large as the bal ance on hand at the close of last year. Extend Telegraph Service. PENDLETON, Or., June 21. (Special.) On account of the increased business on the line of the O. R. & N. the company has been compelled to put three new night telegraph operators at stations in this county which formerly had no operators at all. The stations are Hllgard, Huron and Duncan. Freight business has been increasing at an enor mous rate. Timely Rain in Rogue Valley. GRANTS' PASS. Or., June 21. (Special.) Recent heavy rains throughout Rogue River Valley give assurance of heavy crops. Farmers and berry-raisers are Jubilant. Potatoes, berries, vegetables and small fruits of every description have all received benefit from the rain. The Rogue River melons, for which this valley is famous, will be greatly in creased in size and quality. Pilot Rock Presbyterians Organize. PENDLETON, Or.. June 21. (Special.) A Presbyterian church has been organ ized at Pilot Rock and a movement hav ing for its purpose the erection of a house of worship will soon be inaugur ated. The elders of the new organlza- AUKICfLTUKAi. -IMPLEMENTS, BCOTT & Ml.NSliLL, s!l to. ilurrison. BEALL 4 CO., 321 Hawthorne avt. CHAS. H. DODD. N. 18th and Upshur. A. H. AVERILL MACH. CO.. 320 Belmont. OREJON MOLIXB PLOW CO., 320 E. Morn. JOHN" DBEHB PLOW CO., E. Yamhill & 2d. J. A. FREEMAN & SON, 340 Belmont. A. S. JACOBS CO., 1H8 Front. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVES, E Mor & 24. RAC1NE-SATTLEY CO.. JO E. Water. ANYTHING MADE FKO.U PLATE STEEL. IdARLNH lr:o.N WORKS. St. John. Alt X GLASS AM) MXKKOJK4. POVEl iRG. uLASo cx.. oui & jj'iandera. F. H. WAGNER & CO.. 412 Davi. ASBESTOS MATERIAL. GILLEN-Cri.i JlUEnS Co.. uo .N. Front. ALTO AND III C VILE SLi'PLlES. ARCfciEit, Cuiiiid c Wl.MEKto CO.. uti Oak. lALLOU & WRIUHT. ! ttlb. ' AUTOMOBILES. H. L KEATS AUTO CO.. BO 7th at. AWNINGS. TENTS, UUCK. WILLAMETTE! TEXT AND AWNING CO., 23-29 N. Front at. BABBITTS, SOLDER. ETC PACIFIC A1KXAL WKli., 14 .. 1M. BAGGAGE AND TRANSFER. BAG. Sc OMNIBUS TKANS. CO.. Bui A Oak. BAGS, BURLAP ANO TWINE. w. c noon uau to., lo-34 1st ;. AMES-H ARRIS-NEVILLE CO.. 50 N. 6th. BAKERIES. ROYAL BAKERY Co., llth anil Everett. BUTTERNUT BREAD CO., 2d & Columbia. U. S. BAKERY. 7lh 4i BurnMde. CALIFORNIA BAKERY, E. 3d and Burnslde. BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY SCPPI-JLES. NGit'i'HitOP & SiLRCiS Co.. tf. N. Front. BAND INSTRUMENTS AND REPAIRS. CHAS. E. YORK & CO., 227V4 Staik. BARBER FURNITURE SUPPLIES. LEWis-ste.noek TSU1J. CO, Morrison 10th. BELTING AND MILL SUPPLIES. GRA TON & KNIGHT MFG. CO.. fil 1st at. NOTT-DAVIS CO., 40 1st St. PAGE BELTING CO., 60 1st St. PACIFIC COAST KUU14EK CO.. D-ll N." 1st. BICYCLE AND BICYCLE SUNDRIES. BALLOtI & WRIGHT. SB 6th St. PACIFIC COAST RUBBER CO.. 8-11 N. 1st. F. P. KEEN AN CO.. 190 4th. Rll.I.nitn ivn Tfim. tari.ks. BRUNS VVICK-BALKE COL'UER CO.. 49 3d. BLACKSMITH AMI LOGGERS TOOLS. E. L. TAYLOR & CO., 211 Oak si. BOOKBINDERS. LOVEJOY & LINCOLN, VM 1st. BOOKSELLERS. THE J. K. GILL CO., 135 3d. BOOTS AND SHOES RUBBER GOODS. DOUOHEKTY-FITHIAN SHOE CO.. 65 5th. GOODMAN BROS. SHOE CO., 30 Front. KRAUSSE BROS.. 73 1st St. PRINCE SHOE CO.. RS 5th St. PACIFIC COAST RUBBER CO.. 9-11 N. 1st. C. R. WINSLOW CO.. 188 4th. BOTTLES, CORKS, DEMIJOHNS. HBITriHU. OKANT & CO.. 44 Front St.. druff and manufacturers' agents. PORTLAND JUNK HOUSE, OT4 Front. BOX MANUFACTURERS. STANDARD Box & Lbr. Co.. Pine. E. Water. EAST SIDE BOX & LUMBER CO.. E Water and Tavlor. UNION BOX & LBR. CO.. ft. Montgomery. PORTLAND Collapsible Box Co., St. John. Folding; coops, grates a specialty. BREWERIES. HENRY WEINHARD, I3th and Burnslde. PORTLAND BREWING CO.. 20t.h & Upshur. ENTERPRISE BEER AGCY.. 13th & Johnson. MX. HOOD BREW". CO.. Haw. & E. Water. 6TAR BREWERY. E. ?rt & Burnslde. BREWER. BOTTLER SUPPLIES. BILDERBACK & CRANE- CO., 52 1st. BROOMS. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. BLAKK, M'FALL CO.. 08-72 Front. ZAN BROS.. INC.. 80-52 Front. BUGGY AND AUTO TOPS. DUBRU1LLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 2d & Taylor. BUILDING MATERIALS. F. T. CROWE & CO.. 1 Front et. BUTCHERS" SUPPLIES. S. BIRKENWALLi CO.. 3U4 i;verett. BUTTER, EGGS, MILK AND CREAM. T. S. TOWNS iON D Creamery Co., 18 Front. BRANDES CREAMERY. 127 lat. SANITARY Milk & Cream Co.. 6th & Salmon. WASHINGTON CREAMERY CO.. 413 Wash. OREGON CREAMERY, 106 4th. PORTLAND DAIRY ASSN, 208 2d. All retail Milk and Cream delivered in bottles. BUTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY. EVERD1NG & FARRELL, 140 Front. HENRY EVERDLXG, 45-47 Front. PAGE & SON, 120 Front St. D. C. BURNS CO., 210 3d. TOWNSEND & van SCHOONHOVEN. 147 1st. LA GRANDE CREAMERY CO., YamhilL CARPETS AND DRAPERIES. J. G. MACK & CO.. 8U-SS 3d. CASKETS, UNDERTAKERS' SUPPLIES. OREGON CASKET CO.. 101 5th at. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. MARSHALL BROS.. Chtmber Commerce. CHEESE. PORTLAND CHEESE CO.. 191 3d. CHINESE AND JAPANESE GOODS. CANTON BAZAAR, 60 th St. CHURCH GOODS. ALBERT JANITS CO.. 4U1 Washington. CIGARS AND PIPES. SIG. SICHEL & CO.. S2 3d. SCHILLER CIGAR FACTORY, 281 Wasb. THE HART CIGAR CO.. 115 3d. CLOAKS AND SUITS. J. M. ACHESON CO.. 5th and Alder. COAL AND WOOD. THE PACIFIC COAST COAL CO.. 249 Wash. St. BANFIELD-VESEY FUEL CO.. 80 3d. F. B. JONES & CO., 181 E. Water. PORTLAND FUEL CO.. 287 E). Morrieon. COFFEE, TEA AND SPICES. CLOSSETT & DEVERS. :-7 N. r-ront. DWTOHT EDWARDS CO.. Front and Couch. GERMAN-AM. COFFEE CO., 24 Front. BOYD T. CO., 90 1st St. DEFIANCE TEA CO., 54 Front. PORT. COFFEE & TEA CO.. Vine & Front. CONCRETE MACHINERY. BEALL & CO., 321 Hawthorne. CONFECTIONERY- JOBBERS. ALTON CANDY CO., 10th & Glisan. J. N. MATSCHEK CANDY CO.. 270 1st nt. MODERN CON FECI" RY CO.. 13th & Hoyt. CORDAGE BINDER TWINE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO.. 14th & Northrup. CORNICES AND SKYLIGHTS. J. r. BAYER. Front and Market. BURKHART & WKAVERSON, 305 4th. H. H1P.SCHBERGER. 247 Ankeny. MOORE. MEAGHER & CO.. 42 1st. COSTUME B, CHICAGO COSTUME HOUSE. 383 Morrison. CRACKERS AND CONFECTIONER! PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. CREAM SEPARATORS. EMPIRE CREAM SEP. CO., 49 N. 6th. CROCKERY. ENAMEL AND GLASSWARE. EASTERN MFG. CO.. 46 Front. Mfg. Agu CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS. M. SELLERS & CO.. 5th and Pine. DAIRY CREAMERY SUPPLIES. DE LAVAL DAIRY SUPPLY CO.. lo7 1st. MONROE & CRISELL, 143 Front. DENTAL SUPPLIES. ARCHER & SCHAN.Z CO., 5th and Oak. DRY GOODS. FLBISCHNER. MAYER ft CO., Front ft Ash. MEIER ft FRANK COMPANY. DRAPERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. NIKLAS ft ENGELHARDT. 414 Morlson. DRUGGISTS. BLTTMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. CLARKE. WOODWARD DRUG CO.. 9th ft H. tion are John P. McManus, II. H. Gil bert, YV". A. Gilliam and Miss Eva Belts. lieu ii ion Wheeler County Pioneers. MITCHELL, Or., June 21. (Special.) The Wheeler County Oregon Pioneers will hold their annual reunion at the DOORS, SASH, MILL WORK. KELLY. THORSEN & CO.. 52-54 Union Ave. GEO. AINSLit; a CO., lbth and Peltjgrove. OREGON PLANING MILLS. 19th & Vaughn. FRANK SCHMITT & CO.. 195 E. 8th. PORTLAND MILL & FIX. CO.. 411 E. Mor. DRUGGIST SUNDRIES. PACIFIC COAST RLBBC.K Co., 9-11 N. 1st. ELECTRIC AND GAS FIXTURES. BARRElXa, 4(8-412 Morrison. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO., 281 Morrison. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE CO., 490 Wash ELECTRIC MACHINERY SUPPLIES. Vi LSlfcKA ELEC1 KiC , 61 tilh. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENG. CO., 213 2d. ELEVATORS AND REPAIRS. PRECEMKDEK & TUERCK BROS., 208 Mad. "ENGINES AND BOILERS. A. H. A fc-KlLi. MACH. CO.. -0 Beimont. QL'INOY ENGINE KS.. 102 1st. FENCE AND WIRE WORK. E. PORT. F. 4i W. WKS.. 3o5 E. ilorrlson. FIRE APPARATUS. A. G. LONG, 46-47 N. 5tl. FIREPLACES AND TILES. "BARRETI S." 408-412 Morrison. FISH AND OYSTERS. PORTLAND FiSH CO.. Ji4 Flout. CHLOPECK FISH CO., 178 Burnslde. FLOUR MILLS. PORTLAND FLOURING Co., 1st & Stark. JOBES MILLING Co., St. John. Portland. FOUNDEKIES, CASTINGS. PACIFIC I. & S. WKS., E. Burnslde Brldus. FRUITS, EGGS, POULTRY AND MEATS. DRYER, BOLLAM & CO.. I2S Front. FRUIT AND PRODUCE. BELL & CO., INC., 1U9-115 front. PKARSON-PAGE "0.. 131-133 Front. GAZE & COMPANY. 130 Front. W. B. GLAFKE CO.. 108 Front. MARK LEVY & CO., 121-123 Front. DAVENPORT-THOMPSON CO.. 144 Front. TEMPLETON & GRAHAM, 125 Front. DAVENPORT BROS., 150 Front. KANE & COMPANY, 151 Front. M'EWBN & KOSKEY. 129 Front. FURNACES AND REGISTERS. .T. r. BAYER. Front and Market. THB W. G. M'PHERSON CO.. 328 Glisan. FURNITURE. PETERS & ROBERTS FUR. CO., Front-Davis. HSYWOOD BROS. & WAKEFIELD, 148 10th. F. S. HARMON & CO., 14th & Johnson FICHTNEK-BRISTOW A CO., 161 E. Watr. FURNITURE AND DEC JKATOR3. ART FURNITURE CO.. 448 Hoyt St. FURNISHING GOODS. MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. GASOLINE LAMFS, LIGHTING SYSTEM. H. V . MANNING SUPPLY CO., 43 3d. GASOLINE ENGINES. H. L KEATS AUTO. Co., 64 6th. GRADING AND ROCK MACHINERY. BEALL Sc CO., 321 Hawthorne. GRAIN AND BAGS PATERSOX. SMITH & PRATT, Board of Trade Bldg. CAMPBELL-SAN FORD-HENLEY Co., L. Ex. W. A. GORDON CO., Concord bldg. GRAIN. FLOUR. F'EED, CEREALS. THE M'MILLEN GRAIN CO., 13th ik Kearney. M'CLURE-KILTON CO., 507 McKay bldg. ALBERS BROS. CO., Front & Main. COLUMBIA MILLING CO.. E. 2d & Market. KIRTS & YOUNG. 291-295 Front. CRAPHOPHONES. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO.. 371 Wash. GROCERS. ALLEN ft LEWIS. 44-54 Front at. LANG & COMPANY. 2-8 1st St. MASON-EHRM AN CO.. 6th and Everett. WADHAMS & CO., 4th and Oak. WADHAMS & KERR BROS.. Hoyt and 4th. GROCER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. D. C. BURNS CO., 210 3d. GUNS AND FISHING TACKLE. H. T. HUDSON ARMS CO.. 110 3d. H.ARD WALL PLASTERS. THE ADAMANT CO.. 433 Worcester bldg. HARDWOOD F-LOORING. PORT. H'DWOOD FLOOR CO., 286 Yamhill. HARDWARE, MACHINE SUPPLIES. FAILING. HAINES it M CALMAN. Front at. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. BREYMAN LEATHER CO., 6th and Oak. GEORGE" LAWRENCE CO., 80-80 1st at. W. H. M'MONIBS CO.. 24 Union ave. HATS AND CAPS. TANHAUSER HAT CO.. 5:i-K Front. HAY, FEED, BUTTER, EGGS. LENSCH BROS.. 241 Front St. J. D. HENNESSY & CO., 11)5 Front. THB STEPHENSON CO.. 234 Front. HAY AND MUX FEED. W. A. GORDON CO.. Concord bldg. HEAVY SAWMILL MACHINERY. WILLAMETTE I. & S. WKS., Front & 17th. HIDES, FURS, WOOL. KAHN BROS.. 101 Front. HOP MERCHANTS. KLABER, WOLF & NETTER. Worcester bl. HARRY L. HART, 229 Worcester bldg. J. W. SEAVEY HOP CO.. 110 Sherlock bldg. A. J. RAY & SON. 334 Sherlock bldg. O. WEIDNER 41 CO.. Russell bldg. HOISTING CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY. Willamette I. & S. Wks., Front and 17ih. HORSE AND WAGON COVERS. ETC. WILLAMETTE TENT AND AWNING CO.. 23-29 N. Front St. HYDRAULIC RAMS. COLUMBIA STEEL CO., 146 loth. ICE CREAM AND BUTTER. SUNSET CREAMERY CO.. 281 1st. ICE CREAM MANUFACTURERS. HA7.EI.WOOD CP.EAM CO.. 3d & Hoyt. S WETLAND SON. 273 Morlson. WEATHERLY CREAMERY CO.. 432 Salmon. ICE AND COLD STORAGE. PORT. ARTIFICIAL ICE CO.. lbth A Upshur ICE. COAL AND COLD STORAGE. INDEPENDENT COAL & ICE CO.. 353 Stark. LIBERTY COAL & ICB CO.. 312 Pine. CRYSTAL ICE & STORAGE CO.. 432 E. SaL ICE AND REFRIGERATING MACHINERY. HARRIS ICE MACHINE Wks.. 174 E. Water. IRON AND STEEL. PAC. HARDWARE ft S. CO., 22d ft NlcolaL IRON, STEEL, COKE, COAL. THE CHAS. F. BEEBE CO.. 1st and Ankeny. ROBERTSON H'WARE ft Steel Co.. 67 Ftont. J. E. HASELTINE ft CO.. 45 2d. IRRIGATION PUMPS KOriPMENTS. BYRON JACKSON IRON WKS.. 310 Oak. KODAK PHOTO SUPPLIES. PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 149 3d. LEATHER. CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO., 74 Front street LAUNCHES. REIERSON MACHINERY CO.. 182 Morrison. LIME, CEMENT, FLOUR. NOTTINGHAM ft CO.. Front and Alder. LIME. CEMENT. PLASTER. THE J. M CKAKBN CO.. 231 1'ir.e. P. L. CHERRY CO.. Lumber Ex. Bldg. LITHOGRAPHERS RUBHONQ ft CO.. Park and Oak. SCHMIDT Lithograph Co.. Wells-Fargo bldg. LIVESTOCK COMMISSION. PORT. UNION STOCKY'DS. 17th ft Vaughn. LOGGER BLOCKS. TOOLS. COLUMBIA STEEL CO.. 146 loth. LOGGING MACHINERY. Willamette I. & S. Wks., Front and 17th. LOGGING SHOE MANUFACTURERS. THEO. BERGMAXN SHOE CO.. 621 Thurman. LOOSE-LEAF SYSTEMS. HOWE. DAVIS ft KILHAM. 109 2d. PACIFIC STATIONERY ft PRINTING CO.. 203-205-207 Second st. MARINE HARDWARE. BEEMAN-SPAULDING-WOOD'D. 71 Front. camp grounds on Sarvice Creek on June 25, and 27. Thursday, Friday and Sat urdaj'. Dedicate Church at Hermiston. PENDLETON, Or., June 21. (Special.) BaDLists at Lmatilla County to the LUMBER. PORTLAND LUMBER CO.. foot Lincoln. STAND. BOX & LBR. CO., Pine ft E. Water. EASTERN ft WEST. LBR. CO.. N. Front C NORTH PAC. LBR. CO., 306 Wells-Fargo bl. ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO.. Portland. JONES LUMBER CO.. 4th ft Columbia. OREGON & WASH. LBR. CO.. ft. Hamilton. MARINE STEAMBOAT MACHINERY. WILLAMETTE i. A: S. v KS., f lollt Ai llth. MACHINERY MERCHANTS. PORTLAND MACHINERY CO.. Oi 1st. MMMEKMAN-WELLS-BROWN. 2d and Ash. MEATS. FRANK L. SMITH CO.. 226-228 Alder. UNION MEAT CO., 4th and Glisan. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. FLEISCHNnilx. MAlhtt a CO., F 'ront ft Ash. MILLINERY. BUTLER-SrHC'iii, Co., ui 5th. CASE ft REIST CO., 6th and Oak. LOWBNGAKT ft CO., 92-94 Front. MINING MACHINERY. HAMMOND Ml-G. CO.. 54 1st. MONUMENTS. BLAESING GRANITE CO.. 267 Sd. SCHAMEN-BLA1R CO.. E. End Mad. Bridge. IMHOFF ft ill.NAK, 335 E. Morrison. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, 268 1st. NURSERY STOCK. J. B. PILKlNuio.N. tool Yamhill. OPTICIAN MANUFACTURING. T. CHAMBERS. 129 7th St. ORGANS, CHURCH AND PARLOR. EILEKS PIANO HOUSE, U asll. Ac I ark sta. OYSTER GROWERS. TOKE POINT OYSTER CO., 29 2d. PAINTS AND OILS. FISHER. THORSE.N ai CO., Front and Mor rison. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. 18S-190 2d. F. E BEACH, 135-137 1st. RASMUSSEN ft CO.. 194-196 2d. OREGON PAINT ft VARNISH CO.. 93 Grand. BASS-HUBTER PAINT CO.. 13lh ft Raleigh. W. P. FULLER CO., 60-64 Front. C. C. CLINE OJL ft PAINT CO 148 1st. NEW ERA PAINT ft VARNIH CO.. 172 1st. DAVID M. DUNNE CO., 19th ft Sherlock. TIM MS, CRESS ft CO.. 14 !st. KELLY. THORSEN e CO., 52-54 Union ave. PAPER AND SHELF BOXES. PORTLAND PAPER BOX CO.. 208 Oak. F. C. STETTLEK, loth and Glisan sts. PAPER AND STATIONERY. BLAKE, M'FALL CO.. 68- 72 Front. J. W. P. M'FALL, 106 Front. PHONOGRAPHS. SHERMAN, CLAY ft Co., Uth ft Morrison. HOVENDEN-SOULB PIANO CO., 372 Mor'sn. FIANOS. EILERS PIANO HOUSE. Wash, ft Park sta. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO., 6th and Morrison. HOVENDEN-SOULE PIANO CO., 672 Mor'sn. REED-FRENCH PIANO CO.. 6th ft Burnslde. PICKLES. VINEGAR, ETC. KNIGHT PACKING CO.. 474 East Alder. PLATING. OREGON PLATING WKS., 128 Lownsdale. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, &4-6B Front. HE GAULD CO., 9-15 Front et. PORK AND PROVISIONS. BINCLAIR PROVISION CO.. 40 N. Front. POSTAL CARDS. D. M. AVERILL & CO., 1U2 N. 5th. PORTLAND POST CARD CO.. 12 5th. POULTRY, BUTTER, EGGS, FRESH MEAT TOFT & COMPANY. 101 Front. BUCHANAN-BEHRENS CO., 75 Front. WILLAMETTE Fruit ft Prod. Co., 88 Uniom. SOUTHERN OREGON COM. CO., W. H. Mc- Corquodale, 85 Front. RUBY & CO., 28 Couch, Commission, Hides. Pelts, Wool. POTATO AND ONION BUYER. JAS. HIGG1NS CO.. 110 Front. Phone 0908. POWDER AND DYNAMITE. -CAL. V1GORIT POWDER CO.. 182 Madison. POWER TRANSMITTING MACHINERY. Willamette I. ft S. W ks.. Front and 17th. PUMPING i ACHINERY. HENRY R. WORTHINGTON, 7t 1st at. DEAN'E STEAM PUMP CO.. 70 1st at. RAILS, CARS AND LOCOMOTIVES. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO.. 324 C. of Com. REFRIGERATING AND ICE PLANTS. THB W. G. M'PHERSON CO., J28 Glisan. RICE. PORTLAND Rtce MM Co.. 514 Com'wth bldg. ROAD STREET-MAKING MACHINERY. BEALL ft CO.. 321 llav. morne. ROOF1NO MATERIAL. PARAFFIN E PAINT CO., Commonwealth bid. BAILS. TENTS. AWNINGS. PACIFIC TENT & AWNING CO., 27 N. let. SAWDUST. PORTLAND SAWDUST CO.. 35.1 Front. SAWMILL MACHINERY. A. H. AVERILL MACH. CO.. 320 Belmont. THE MACHINE MFG. AGENCY. 70 1st at. PORTLAND IRON WKS., 14th and Norhrun. MULTNOMAH IRON WKS., 248 Grand. SAW MANUFACTURERS. SIMONDS MFG. CO.. Si 1st st. SAWS, MACHINE KNIVES, ETC. E. C. ATKINS ft CO.. INC.. 60 1st st. SCHOOL FURNITURE, SUPPLIES. N. W. SCHOOL FURNITURE CO.. 244 3d. SCRAP IRON AND MACHINERY J. SIMON ft BRO.. 244-246 FronL SEEDS AND POULTRY SUPPLIES. J. J. BUTZEK. 188 Front. PACIFIC SEED CO.. 201 Front. PORTLAND SEED CO., Front and Yamhill. 8EWINO MACHINES. S. S. SIGEL (Singer. Wheel.). 335 Morrison. SHINGLES CAR LOTS. UNIVERSITY LBR. ft SHINGLE Co.. C. of C. SHIRTS AND OVERALLS. H. WOLF & SONS. 73-76 1st. SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. HERTSCHE BROS. 229 Oak. SIGNS. FOSTER ft KLEISEH. Everett and Bth. SMOKESTACK. B. TRENKMAN ft CO.. 102 N. 4th. SODA WATER MANUFACTURERS. PIONEER SODA WORKS. 416 Water. STEEL BEAMS. CHANNELS, ETC. PACIFIC I. ft S. WKS.. E. Burnslde Bridge. STEAM TABLES, HOM5L RANGES. OREGON SHEET METAL WKS.. 146 Front. STEEL CASTINGS. COLUMBIA STEEL CO.. 146 10th. STEEL RIVETED PIPE. B. TREXKMA.N ft CO.. Iu2 N. 4th. STOVES AND RANGES. Sf SELLERS & CO.. 6th and Pine. CRIRBBN ft SEXTON CO., 17th and Upshur. LOWENBERG ft GOING CO.. 13th and Irving. STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS. NORTHWEST BKIDGB CO.. 2(i9 Stark. SYRUPS, PRESERVES. JAMS. ETC. PACIFIC COAST SYRUP CO.. 24 Front N. TANKS. -B. TRENKMAN ft CO., 102 N. 4th. TANKS, BARRELS, KEGS. FINKE BROS.. 183 Madison. OREGON COOPERAGE CO.. ft. Market. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS. EILERS PIANO HOUSE. Wash, ft Park sts. TINPLATE SHEETIRON. PACIFIC METAL WKS.. 73 N. 2d. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. NATIONAL Tranefer ft Storage Co.. 71 1st. HOLMAN TRANSFER CO.. 8-12 Front. OREGON AUTO-DBS PATCH CO.. 13 1st St. CITY TRANSFER ft Storage Co., 103 Front. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 134 Bth. NORTHWESTERN TRANSFER CO.. 45 1st. TRUNKS AND BAGS. MULTNOMAH TRUNK CO., 121 E. Water. PORTLAND TRUNK MFG. CO., 3d ft Pine. HARRIS TP.UNK CO.. 132 6th. number of 150 are ftathered at Hermiston to attend the annual session of the County Association of that denomination. Tho three-day session will be brought to a close today with the dedication of Her miston's new $5000 church. .lemuesoH v saous uv uS TOBACCONIST. ROSENFELD-SMiVH Co., 41 Front. TRUSSES, ELASTIC HOSIERY. GINNEVER ft WHITTLESEY MF. CO.. 64 Bth TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. L. C. SMITH ft BRO. IL. ft M. Alexander). 170 6th. UNIFORMS. CHARLES COOPEY ft SON. 309 Oak it. WAGON AND TRUCK WORKS. NORTH PAC. WAGON WKS.. 5th ft Glisan. WALL PAPER. HENRY BBRGER CO.. l'JS 1st. WARM AIR HEATING. BURKHART ft WEAVEKSoN. 3u5 4th. MOOKE-MEAGHER CO.. 42 1st. WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS. JACOBSEN-BADE CO.. 3o8 Davis. WINES AND LIQUORS. BLUMAUER At HOCH. loS 4th. W. J. VAN SCHUYVER ft CO.. 106 2d. ROTHCH1LD BROS., 20-26 N. 1st. HENRY FLECK EN STEIN ft CO., 204 2d. MIKE JACOB ft CO.. 61 Front. KOHN. CHAS. ft CO.. 3d and Pine. F. ZIMMERMAN CO.. 91 Front. H. VARW1G ft SON. 231 Front. WTNES AND LIQUORS WHOLESALE! AND RETAIL. F. BOTEFUHR & CO.. 3d and Ash. WIRE AND INSULATED WIRE. JOHN A. ROEBLING S aO.S CO., 91 1st. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE I. UKS., 2a a Everetb WIRE ROPE. JOHN A. ROEBL1NO S SONS CO., 91 1st. WIRE ROPE, LOGGING TOOLS. S. B. HiCKS ft SONS CO., 44 1st. F. B. MALLORY CO.. 231 Pine street. WOOLENS AND TRLMMJNGS. GARRATT ft YOUNG, 92 1st. FINANCIAL ABSTRACT OF TITLE. PACIFIC Tine ft Trust Co.. 204 Failing bldg. SECURITY Abstract ft Trust. 7 C. of Com. ACCOUNTANTS. ALEX C. RAE. 4i6 and 407 McKay bldg. W. R. MACKENZIE, 224 Worcester block. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. LESTER HEKRICK ft HERRICK. Wells Fargo bldg BONDS AND MORTGAGES. H. E. NoBLE. 312 Coiumtrcial bldg. BONDS AND STOCKS. OVERBECK ft COOKE CO.. 32i C. of Com. CIVIL ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS. ELLIOTT ft SCOGG1N, 2U7 McKay bidg. FARM LANDS. WASHINGTON ft OREGON CO.. 108 2d it. FINANCIAL AGENT. FRANK A. JACKSON. 327 Failing bldg. FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. LAMBERT- VH 1TMER Co., 107 Sherlock. W. J. CLEMENS. Commercial Club bldg. HENRY HEW ETT ft CO., 228 Sherlock bldg. HALL ft VAN KRIDAGH, 44 Concord bldg. D. W. HOELBING ft CO., 311 Stark. E. L. PETTIS ft CO.. 109 4th. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES. MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK. N. J., Falling bkig. NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE OF MIL WAUKEE. Concord bldg. LIVESTOCK INSURANCE COMPANY. NATIONAL Livestock Ins. Assn.. 10 Lafay ette. 6th and Washington sts. MECHANICAL ENGINEER. TRUMAN J. GLoVElt, Oul McKay bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. WILLIAM MAC MASTER. oU2 Worcester bid. i RENTALS. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 104 2d it. Real estate. KNAPP ft MACKKY, 7 Chamber of Com. WAKEFIELD. FRIES ft Co.. 229 Stark. STOCKS, BONDS AND GRAIN: DOWN1NG-HOPK1NS CO.. 2ol-4 Couch Bldg. TIMBE'tt LANDS. JAMES D. LACE Y At CO.. 2U C. of Com. FREDERICK A. KRIBS, 328 Cham, of Com. EMBODY ft BRADLEY CO., 70S C. of Com. MAGINNIS ft SON tor. Tbr. Co.). 403 McKay T. H. CURTIS, 250 Alder 9t. C. C. SHAY. 304 Ablr.fjton bldg. WHITTEN ft BRYANT. 635 Cham, of Com. REfAIL A IT PICTURES AND FRAMES. KELLER THE ART MAN, 471 Wuslimgtos. CHKiSTIANSON ART CO., 375 Stark. AUTOMOBILES. FRED A. BENNETT. 41,0 Aider. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. 86 10th at. CROWE-GRAHAM Motor Co.. Wash, ft 15th. COVEY' ft WALLACE Motor Co.. 16th ft Aldel AUTOMOBILES. SECOND-HAND. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., 524 Alder. BUILDERS' HARDWARE. TOOLS. J. J. KADDERLY. 130 1st. AVERY ft CO.. 48 3d. COLEMAN HARDWARE CO.. 109 3d. CARD ENGRAVERS. W. G. SMITH ft CO.. 3d uoor. Wash. bldg. CHINA. GLASSWARE. POTTERY. BAlLEl ft Co.. 424-426 Washington. DRUGGISTS. KNIGHT DRUG CO., ool Washington. EYSSELL'S PHARMACY, 227 Morrison. GRADON ft KOEHLER. 1st and Main. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. C. R. HANSEN, JR., men, 2B N. 2d; women. 343 Washington. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN ft PACIFIC STATES, Burnslde and 2d. FARM PRODUCE AND JIEAT BUYER. HA Kit 1 WOOD MARKET CO.. 1st Ui.d Aluer. FISH. GAME AND POULTRY. MACE'S MARKET, lol 4Ih. COLUMBIA FISH Co., 3d and Ankeny. . G. COVACH & CO., 275 1st. FLORISTS. CLARKE BROS.. 2a Morrison. MARTIN & FORBES. 347 Washington. FURNITURE, CARPETS. ETC. COHN BROS., 1SO-IS2 1st. GROCERS AND MERCHANDISE. (Mail Orders. RICHET COMPANY, 112 Front. A. H. oo riom. JONES' CASH STORE, 80-82 Front. FRANKLIN ft CO.. 132-134 Front. HATH STORE. T. W. HANEBUT. 30S Washington. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. J. C. P. WESTENGARD, 283 Front. HOTELS. THE ESMOND HOTEL. Front and Morrieon. LAUNDRIES. CITY LAUNDRY. 9th and Flanders. TROY LAUNDRY CO., Iu9 5th. U. S. LAUNDRY CO., Grand ave. ft Salmon. MEAT MARKETS. HARRY WOOD MARKET Co.. 1st and Alder. JONES' MARKET. 161 4th. BOSTON PACKING CO.. 1st ft Burnslde, 3d ft Ankeny. MONEY 1VOANED ON JEWELRY. PIONEER LOAN OFFICE, 13 N. 3d. UNCLE MEYERS. 143 3d. STANDARD LOAN OFFICE, 189 3d. RELIABLE LOAN OFFICE. 61 3d. ORIENTAL EUfl. ATIYEH BROTHERS. 394 Washington. PLUMBING AND HEATING. JACOBSON DE TEMPLE CO., 3U8 Davla, H. CLAUSSENIL'S ft SOX, 125 llth. T. J. JOHNSTON CO., 2u9 Washington. J. T. SHEA. 2i and Ankeny. WILLIAMS ft BEGUS, 25 5th. SILK WAISTS. SKIRTS, ETC. SING CHONG ft CO.. 233 Morrison. Oregon People in Chicago. CHICAGO, June 21. (Special. ) Oregon people registered at Chicago hotels today as follows: From Portland Henry C. Jeffers, at the Auditorium Annex; George G. Peil, at. the Kalserhof.