15 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN. SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1908. FOB RENT. Flat. FLAT 4 rooms and sleeping-porch, modern, nearly new: furnace, hardwood floors, shades, screens, walking distance. Apply forenoons on premises. S61 larrabee St.. Mrs. Welch. Tel. C 1656. FIVE-ROOM modern ftat at Second and Montgomery. Apply F. Sealy, 10 minutes' walk from post office. -75 Morrison, corner 4th. . 37.50 B-ROOM modern, steam-heated; Wellington Flats; b'lo Everett, near l.'.th. Apply W. Li. Morgan, 213 Ablng ton bldg. MODERN flats, all slzos, for rent, East' and West Sides, Portland Trust Cjmpany of Oregon, S.v E. cor. id ard Oak. Phone Exchange 72. VERY desirable 4-roora fiat, first floor, .cen . trally located, steam heat. Inquire 323 Abington bids. MODERN 5-room lower flat, best location, close in. Park and Harrison sts Inquire 2Jy 1st. $30 5-room furnished haueeker-ping flat, bath and ground privileges. 144 11th St. Pacific 3c".. 30 For rent, lower flat. 15th and Davis sts.; all modern conveniences; no children. Phone East 476. forenoons. TWO large flats; every convenience, heat, hot water, janitor service. 715 Johnson St. Call phone A 1678. WEST SIDE upper flat. 6 rooms on floor, 1 room finished in attic, f -J.fiO. In quire 2ti0 Stout st.. corner Madison. EKJUT rooms, with yard, porch. U5 Everett,, near 21 t. Sheeny Bros., 282' Yamhill. Main 3072. FOR RENT G-room flat, walking distance. West Side; rent very reasonable. M. E. ,ee. room 411, Corbett bklg. &-ROOM strictly modern flat on 12th st. ; rent reasonable. M. E- Iee. room 411, Corbett bldg. t1..V 5 rooms, with basement, telephone and water; gas for cooking. SliTi Mill st. ;;ct Two-room furnished flat; yard privileges. Pacific 305... 144 11th at. 0 NH'R ft-room flat, close In, good condition. See janitor. 20 Hall et.. rear cottage. NEW flat for rent, 2uS 17th St., near Tay lor. Fl'RMSHKD Ti-room flat, close in. electric lights. 271 '7th st. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GLEXDORA HOTEL, 10th and Couch sts., will furnish a few housekeeping rooms to suit tenants: the cheapest In the c-ity; $12 and up: baths, steam heat, both phones, electric light, fine lawn and ver andas, billiard and pool halls, all free. CLEAN, well furnished housekeeping rooms, two or three connecting. $1 week each room; front part of cottage, very low; 4 room house also.-all West Sid river. Ap ply room 31 Raleigh bldg.. 323 k Wash ington. THE ONEONTA housekeeping apartments. 387 17th st., near Yamhill; thoroughly renovated and clean throughout; hot and cold water, baths, telephone, etc.. on each floor; modern and reasonable in price - THE GAYOSO. Orand ave. and E. Stark. 2 nnd 3-room suites, why not have apart ments possessing modern conveniences? Electric elevator, steam heat, hot water, new brick building; vary reasonable terms THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. C:U4 Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot wa ter, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice mites from $12 up. $14 PER MONTH. 2 clean front rooms; or dinary conveniences; adults; references; call evenings. 314 Clay, or phone Main 3Ml. TWO very pleasant and well furnished housekeeping rooms in a very desirable location; close in. very reasonable. 410 2d. THREE furnished housekeeping rocms, with parlpr, porch, and yard; adults. Main 4413. 5o."i Yamhill. 72 MONTGOMERY, 2 pleasant front rooms furnished for housekeeping, gas, bath, $14 per month. SINGLE. al5 suite furnished housekeeping rooms. $2.50 week. .Union block, 91 1st. room 1U. LIGHT housekeeping suite, also single room, reasonable; bath and phone. 687 Wash ington. Pacific 2691. COOL, clean, modern, walking distance, two cars; four rooms; pay you to look. Call 10 to 5. 422V 'JefTerson. "WAYNE WOOD, 109 N. 1TH Newly fur nished housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water, walking distance. ESPECIALLY desirable for Summer, front rooms, large, airy, newly furnished, pa pered ; good location. 534 Morrison. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or en suite; walking distance; prices reaBonaoie. 535 Morrison Bt. THE JEEFERSONIAN. 514 Jefferson St.. 2 and 3-room suites, etrictly modern house. Main 5432. BEAUTIFULLY located bay-window, unfur nished 2-room suite in centrally located apartment-house. 305 H Jefferson, cor. 5th. ONE suite nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. Call at 69SL Everett, or phone Main 5968. 4GI EAST Morrison cor 8th. newly fur nished housekeeping suites. 3 blocks eaat Grand ave. a TH H ELMS Housekeeping roome. completely heat. 191 I4th st. TWO nice ground-floor housekeeping rooms close In. Inquire at Studio. 163 West Park. SUITE 2 rooms completely furnished, gas cooking. $3; one housekeeping room, $2.50. 230 Larrabee st. TWO or three rooms, well furnished for housekeeping, with light and phone. 573 Irving st. TWO neatlv furnished rooms for housekeep ing. Including kitchen, sink, water, free phone. $h month. onJ Jlth si. 250 N. 39TH Neatly furnished housekeeping rooms; gas range, electric light, bath, phone; reasonable. TWO suites housekeeping rooms, newly fur ntshed ; $12 month; block carline. 005 Johnson. XEWbV-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; running water, gas. bath, phone; $3; walk ing distance. 362 1 Hawthorne. 2 NICELY furnished front rooms for house keeping. 553 Everett. 22 12TH Housekeeping rooms for rent, centrally lecated. 606 FLANDERS ST., bet. 14th and 15th, fur nished housekeeping rooms. 250 N. floor. IflTH Neatly furnished flat, lower all conveniences. ENTIRE lower floor in a modern flat; nicely furnished. 208 11th st. NICELY furnfehed housekeeping rooms, close In. 300 4th st. FURNISHED cheap. 207 new, housekeeping rooms, Sherman st. Pacific 435. A SUITE of modern housekeeping rooms for rent cheap. 2'itS 4th. T H RKE nlcly furnished housekeeping rooms; good location. 392 Jefferson St., cor. loth. $184 unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 2d floor, all conveniences. 450 Park st. 2 OR 3 housekeeping rooms, with gas. 443 East Davis. Bouses. $15 8-roc.m house, modem improvements; eight ly location. Grocery, N. W. cor. Chapman and Jefferson. $27.50 MODERN 6-room residence, attic and furnace, walking distance. Inquire 691 E. Washington st. T ROOMS, modern, corner 17th and Yamhill; walking distance; $30. Sengstake & Ly man. 90 5th st. MODERN 8-room house, newly tinted. 39 Harrison, near Park. Fairchtld, 173 E. 15th st. Phone East 2154. NEW, modern 5-room bungalow, very at tractive; best car service. Phone mornings. East 2170. 5-ROOM cottage. Jackson and Park su?. Call 441 West Park. ELEGANT cottage, porcelain hath, shades; $13. 1158 Prince St.. Woodstock. MODERN 5-room cottage. 415 Hancock St., $16 per month. Inquire 408 Tillamook. $14 ft-room cottage on Russell, near Union. Inquire 610 Rodney ave. FOR REST. Houses. WHEN VOU MOVE you always need SOME furniture. BUY AT NO-RENT prices; the sav ings will exceed cost of moving. WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING; oc cupy one-half: collect rent on balanca. MORGAN-ATCHLEY. FURNITURE CO. Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone East 2920. DESIRABLE P-room house. No. 64 E. 18th st. N., with hot water fceat, electric light, gas; large lot. quantity of fruit; for rent cheap. Apply F. M. Batchelor, 215 Couch bldg. FOR RENT 7-room house; modern Im provements. 240 E. 2d N- Inquire 231 E- 2d N. $16 Modem 5-room house; ga, electricity, porcelain bath. 334 Caruthers, near 6th. Main 4b29. MODERN 5-room cottage, nice yard, fruit. Shaver and Montana ave.. $13. Phone Main 3347. 4 MODERN 7-room house, newly tinted throughout; fine lawn. 931 East Flanders. Phone East 5-S52. FOR RENT Desirable 6 and 7-room houses for rent; well located. Inquire 320 Ablng ton bldg. STRICTLY modern S-room house, corner, $25. Phone Woodiawn 17U9. NEW, modern 6-room house at Montavllla, H block from car, $13. Phone East 2:n7. Furnished Houses. $350ft SPLENDID new 8-rnnrn dwelling, fur nished; corner lot, 75x100. .spacious porch, superb location, near Sellwood or Oregon ' City carline; 25 minutes from town. The Spanton Co.. 270 Stark st. Main 2828. FURN ISHED houses. 4 and 7 rooms, 4 room flat and part of cottages, all west side of river; very low rents. Apply room 31 Raleigh bldg., 323 Washington. FOR RENT A neatly furnished, modern 5 room cottage, nice neighborhood. Apply f.i5 Olisan st. NICELY furnished modern 7-room house In Irvington. for 3 or 4 months, from July 1. Phone East 151!. CLOSE In, East Side, furnished 3-room cot tage, newly papered and painted. Phono Sellwood 2h9. FOR RENT 7-room furnished house, mod ern. Portland Heights. Call mornings. Main 7540. ON East Sloe modern 5-room furnished cot tage. Call phone Sellwood 3o7, after 6 P. M. or all day Sunday. FURNISHED apartment. 5 rooms; every mod ern convenience! The Marlborough, 21st and Flanders sts. ELEGANT home on Noh Hill, suitable for private family or boarding house. Ad d ips W 30, Oregon inn. FOR RENT Furnished house, 707 Hoyt st. Phone Main 2432. FOR RENT 7-room .cottage, completely fur nished. Inquire 191 14th et. Phone A 2133. MODERN -room house, close In. Inquire room 40, Washington bldg. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room cottage. Ap ply 87 East 27th. Phone t-asi n4. 7-ROOM furnished house for July and Aug ust; no children. Apply SSS N. 23d st. FOR RENT Modern 4-room furnished cot tage. Phone Woodiawn lfilo. FURNISHED house for rent. 915 East Salmon; ?25. B 2267. House for Rent Furniture for Sal, 9-ROOM house, well located: cement base ment, furnace, bath, hot water, gas, elec tricity, vard. flowers; six rooms nicely and newly furnished; we will rent 2 un furnished and 2 furnished rooms upstairs and' pay $20; price $0n0, $250 cash and balance easy installments. 6O0 4th St., near Sherman. A 3494. ELEGANT FURNITURE. Clo.e-in flat; piano, fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch, extra rice; will sell at big pneriflee; party leaving city. Both phones, 3128. A, NEW 8-room house, cor. 9th and Broad way rts.. Hoiianay Aaaition; carpeis anc kitchen range for sale. Inquire of owner, 474 Broadway st. NEW house for rent, some furniture for sale ; reasonable. 047 Montgomery st. Phone Pacific 443. NICE furniture 7-room residence, piano and sewing machine. Phone Main 8500 after 0:30 P. M. IF you want .a beautifully furnished 10-room home, cheap, call Jto jonnaton; line to ' cation for rooming-house. LEAVING city, must sell household furni ture and first-class piano. 560 2d St.. near Grant. MODERN 8-room house, furniture for sale. 175 East 23d st: FURNITURE of four-room cottage for sale. Kent $10. 913 E. Yamhill. 6-ROOM modern cottage ; carpets, gas stove and linoleum, for sale. Inquire 407 11th st. FURNITURE of 7-room modern house; hShise rents for l$a5. Call Bijou Theater. 126 7th. Summer Resorts. STOP PAYING RENT AT THE BEACH. We have a lot 50x100 with a small house, that we can sell for a email pay ment down and the balance In monthly payments; only two blocks from depot and half block from the ocean, at Long Beach. MANCHESTER WILSON. 508 Wells-Fargo Bldg. FOR RENT Choice cottage at Seaside, near beach and walk; has two lots, well fenced and fine large porch. Reasonable for Season. PORTLAND TTtT'ST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak sts. HOTEL SUNSET. CenterviUe Station; best of accommodations at the beach; tents, large grounds for games, one block from ocean, full view from all sides; special rates for families. Address Mrs. Dedman, Long Beach. Wash. . box 55. , FOR SALE A bargain. 6 and 2-room cottage, 2 lots, furniture. Seaside, Clatsop, near Locks ley Hall. Inquire 1355 Garfield ave.. East Portland. A 5-ROOM cottage, newly furnished, with fine range and fireplace, $85 for season; located Long Beach. Wash. Inquire of W. C. Morden. Ilwaco Wash. AT SEASIDE Modern house, furnished. Ocean View, for season and 4-room cqt tage until July 10, cheap. Phone East 2829 LONG BEACH. Wash., small comfortably furnished cottage for June and July. Ap ply 300 Jefferson. FOR SALE or rent, a new 6-room cottage, with fireplace, at Gearhart Park. Or. In quire at 443 N. 21st. St., Jacob Krlmbel. RENT Complete nicely furnished cottage at Seaside, by the week, month or season. ' Write to C. 11. Precemeder, Seaside, Or. FOR RENT 6-room house, completely fur nished, at CenterviUe. Long Beach. "Wash. Apply C. C. Smith, 401 McKay bldg. FOR RENT 5-room furnished .cottage at Sea side, opposite Locksiey Hailt $i0 for sea son. Cottel Drug Co., First and; Sherman sts. SEASIDE furnished cottage for rent: rea sonable; pleasantly located, near Colonial. B 172b. l&o E. iJn. FOR RENT- One of the best G-room cot tnges on North Beach. near Seaview, Wash. Address Y 24, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL 8-room bungalow for rent at Gearhart Park. For information address Mrs. Theodore Kruse. Clatsop, .Oregon. tt m RENT 4-room cottage at Long Beach. near Newton, furnished. Phone Main 1614 , or A 1614. FOR SALE. $60u, or rent. $85. completely furnished cottage at Gearhart. Cail or phone Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. FOR SALE 2 choice lots at Seaview. In quire phone Main 2004. TWO furnished cottages at Seaview. Wash. Main 0071. 0oa faavier st. SIX-room furnished house at Gearhart Park. Or. Inquire Mr. Wills. Main 6088, A 5515. Stores, FIRST and second tioors 23x100 new mod ern brick building, wholesale district low insurance. Five years lease; reason able rent to responsible tenant. T 90S Oregonian. STORE with basement, cement floor suit able for millinery, dry goods or furni ture; rent $20. at 700 Union ave.. near Cook. ' STORE building, flat upstairs, good for light manufacturing, at Montavilla, $13. Phone East 2.MT. CORBETT bldg.. large roomy office for rent cheap if taken at once. 410 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT. Stores. NEW store, brick, plate front, steam heat, gas, wired for electricity, fine light back room. back entrance, basement; near Washington and 11th ; cheap rent; lease. H. Hale, room 20, 88 6th st. Offices. LARGE, neat office room, single or en suite, second floor Raleigh bldg., modern; very reasonable. Chicago Dentists, 323 Washington st. COURT rooms, $12.50 up: outside rooms on Washington or Fifth $20 up. -315.Swt-land bldg. OFFICES to rent in the Worcester and Hamilton buildings at moderate ,rate. Ap ply to Robert Strong. 710 Ccrbett bldg. THE MILN'ER, 350 ft Morrison, offices on second floor, large rooms, reasonable. FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bldg. Apply room 808. DESK room and offices for rent; most rea sonable rates. 320-327 Corbett bldg. Miscellaneous. - FOR RENT June 1, 16.000 square feet warehouse apace, with trackage facilities; brick building, 13th and Kearney; low In surance rate; electric elevator. Inquire Tull & Gibbs. FOR RENT In Market block, space for storage, autos, etc. Inquire 3d and Clay sts. . FOR RENT 4 block. Belmont and Grand ave., suitable for woody ard or machinery. 40 2d st. Phone Main 5579. ROOM rXG-HOFS E OPPO RTC N ITITB9. Arnold A "o.. Main 7311. 351ft Morrison st. Devlin & Firebaugh. 0O8-9 Swetland bldg. Ellis. York & Co., 201 Merchants Trust bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES. $525.00 Buys a well-established confectionery business on Mississippi ave. If you aie looking for a good location and a small paying business and cheap rent, do not fail to see us in regard to this buy. THOMPSON & OGDEN, MS Mississippi ave. Home Phone A 20o8. Woodiawn 202. FOR SALE Bottling worlw In Portland, ca ps Die of clearing energetic man $-'. per day ; sickness reason for selling price, in cluding building, all latest machinery for bottling and manufacturing oda and min eral waters and materials on hand. $25no; cah or equivalent. Address P 33, Ore gonian. FURNITURE of 30-room, thoroughly mod ern house In the heart of the business center doing an excellent business. 15 private baths, hot and cold running water, electric light, steam heat, good lease; will sacrifice and make terms to responsible party; no agents. R 34, Oregonian. 28-ROOM housekeeping apartment; two years lea; . rent; good location; $100. it room transient house; good location; $0. 1 8-room transient house; good location ;, $.VH. 12-room housekeeping apartment; $475. 209 ft 4th et. Main 2039. A 2S24. YOUNG man or lady to take charge of local retail branch ladies goods wen known Eastern line; $3000 to $5000 necessary, investment secured by. party well- known here. K 20, Oregonian. WANTED To buy one-half interest in old- established real estate office with gool honest man who can exchange references. E 27, Oregonian. FINE equipped, well-paying motion picture theater outside or city ior saie cneap. Newman Motion Picture Co.. 293 Burn side st. SALOON in heart of city, low rent. long lease; a nrst-ciass proposition; jdUO cash, will handle. Apply Owner, A E 8, Orego nian. CIGAR and candy stand; will pay you $4 to $5 clear everv day after all expenses are paid: $325 gets it today. Call 48 ft Stark st. WANTED Practical man to open butcher shop in connection with the largest wnoie- saie and retail grocery store in me city Call 281 3d sU COLLECTOR wanted by solid Arm a part ner: pay you $12a monthly salary, besides profits; small capital required, secured. Call 24& ft Stark et. RARE chance; want man for specialty busi ness; $2700 required; duties easily iearneo; pay you $50 weekly salary and the profits are immense. particulars iiia'.a oiar. ei A FINE paying established merchandise busi ness i or saie , pui w;nec ii ivc .p.nr, . e"- opportunity for one or two young men. For . i rn.nn'n A A t- C 39 Arppnn Ih n ICE cream store, furniture and fixtures for saie anu store iur iciiii utxi6, v.. cash ; for particulars inquire at Calef isrOS., ODD HtUHL JUUn JHUU Bl. PARTNER wanted with $2000 to Invest in a good paying ana weii-esiftuiismu business; a big money-matter, kj ol, ore gonian. TJON'T YOTJ KNOW TTe can givs you a special price on any mining stock or bond? F. J. Catterlln A Co.. 125 Abfngton Diag. WANTED A lady to take one-half interest In a laundry, requiren; money mi goes into the business. Particulars at 191 4th st. SALOON for sale, close in on Washington rent; price reasonable. A B 14. Oregon ian. FOR SALE Restaurant and lunch counter. doing $30 business daily; iuu, .i.o casn, balance $20 per month. Room 530 Lum ber Exchange. HOTEL Country town, netting $300 month ly; trial given and terms to suit: must sell; make me an offer. H 26. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted In good paying butcher strop. 242 N. 17th. Small capital- re quired FOR SALE) cheap, fine hardwood floor skat ing rink. Address D. L. Avery, Marsh field, Or. RESTAURANT One at $400. rent. $40; an other at $350. rent $40; both in excellent locations. Call "ft 1st. RESTAURANT Rent $50. price $650; an other for $300. rent $23. Northwestern Investment Co., 1U3 Fourth. SALOON and billiard parlor; this can be bought together or separate; very low. 627 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE for less than invoice, grocery and confectionery at 634 Commercial St., ' corner Morris. 18 ROOMS, well filled; good furniture; on account of sickness will sacrifice; $450. 209 Cla A SNAP A good paying saloon, 2 years' lease; owner must sell on account of sick ness. Call 141 N- 0th. BONVILLE Pub. Co. stock $100 a share. 415 Marqu&m bldg., city. MUST sell at once, meat market and gro cery; party leaving town. T 9, Oregonian. FOR SALE Confectionery and cigar store. 16 X. 6th st. UNITED wireless bought for cash from com pany; will trade for property. P. O. Box 4. Portland. WANTED Partner in real estate office; good references given; $H0 required. Room 530 Lumber Exchange. SOOO SHARES of Woodman Mining Co., (In corporated) cheap; development "work cost $100,000. L 6, Oregonian. PARTNER In upholstery business, fine trade and good location; cheap rent ; $3P0 re quired. 127 11th et.. near Washington. FOR SALE Comer grocery in thickly set Ued suburb, doing fine business. W 32, Oregonian. 2-CHAIR barber shop doing good business; dine flxtuhes; very low rent; paying $100 month above expenses. 627 Corbett bldg. PARTY wanted to share in sub-divielon of tract In high-class residence district; $2000 required. George Veasey, Danmoore Hotel. BAKERS A money-maker. Bakery on prin cipal street, cheap rent, brick oven; good business. Address X 33. Oregonian. MODERN bakery, confecticnery and lunch parlor, up-town, paying business. X 37, Oregonian. BARBER SHOP for sale cheap. L. 15, Ore gonian. A CIGAR and confectionery store for sale; good reason for selling. ISO Madison. TWO-CHAIR barber shop outfit for sale cheap. Inquire 204-206 2d st. POST CARD store for sale cheap by owner. Call 49 N. 3d st. SALOON for sale at a bargain if taken at once. Inquire at 211 McKay bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE for sale; snap; must be sold to pay off debt. E 30, Oregonian. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED A man to buy half interest in a wen estabusnea Dusmess, sumw vu-o Is A fairly good judge of livestock, to buy for market; this is one of the best oppor tunities to become a member of a firm which is well established, has a great fu ture before it, splendidly located, with the best chance to make money. It bears the closest 'inspection. It will require about $7000 to buy into the business; will Invoice. . There is also a 400-acre farm included. For further information inquire of OTTO & HARKSON, 133 ft First- St. WANTED An energetic, clean-cut travel ing salesman with reterence. wnv c show results on good specialty lines, who has no objections to traveling six months during the year over Washington, Ore gon. Idaho and Montana, and who can command $150O cash, to buy half interest In an established manufacturer's agency business in this city. If you can fill the above requirements, address G 21, Oregonian. SURETY INVESTMENT CO. Main 3517 A 2772 626-627-62S CORBETT BLDG. My business is your business and Your business is my business. Consequently our business is mutual. Come and let us talk together. If you want to get in or out of business. I can help you. ROB'T B. MAY, MGR. HALF-INTEREST in new printshop: job of fice and weekly paper; thriving city. Ex penses light and profits large; will sell ialf interest at less than cost on account of change of location of owner; must sell immediately. See O. R. Ball. American Type Founders' Co., cor. 2d and Stark sta., Portland. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab lished 1A95 furnishes free information on opportunities in mercantile or manufao turing lines, citv or country., THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 204-203 Ablngton Bldg. PARTNER. To taka a quarter interest in established business and do outFlde work; salary fioo a month; must have personality, education and commercial experience; $1mM; not over 35 years of age. Box 108, Portland. FOR SAIJC Rooming-house In Boise, Idaho, new. steam heated. 15 rooms, fine location, flrst-class In every particular; best rent; a money maker. Address for particulars. M- J. Penney, room 42 Falk Bldg.. Boise, Idaho. REAL ESTATfi man wants bright man as partner to show land, etc.; can make $150 to $20O; no experience necespary; very lit tle cash required. Particulars Multnomah Investment & Realty Co., 386ft Washing ton st., room 11. ER B W ER y near Portland doing big busl rtfs; capacity 30.000 yearly; ice plant pays running expenses; will sell part or con trolling interest; salaried position, $18'.) year. 627 Corbett bldg. WE pay especial attention to business open ings. Before buying, call us up and see what we can offer you. Phone Main 44H0. Kinney & Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Ex change bldg. FOR SALE or rent, furniture of S-room modern house; can be used as housekeep ing suite: good location. West Side; ev erything the best; a bargain. A 19, Ore gonian. FOR SALE 10OO to 4000 shares of Butte Boys Consolidated mining etock at 4c per share for cash; must have money; don't answer unless you mean business. E 29, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted to help manage old-established business; experience not neces sary; references exchanged; man I want, not his money. Room 3 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. HOTEL, 3 Btorles. 28 rooms, all full, lot 50x100. good location: $1000 cash, balance per montn; net income ? "'" Kinnev ft Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Ex change bldg. Main 44S. WANTED Partner for wholesale and re tall meats; business growing so can t han dle alone. Particulars ?Jortn western m vestment Co., 193 Fourth st. wAYTF.n Partv with business experience. to Invest with us $2000 in a mercantile proposition that will stand tne -closest i vestigatlon. X 19, Oregonian ' REAL estate broker needs .a partner to take charge of offices; will guarantee $.0 . .... . - - " 1"!. LA weeKiy; rererences Kicn. ?w ,..M.. money fully secured C 29. Oregonian. WAVT.Rn Partv with S35O0 to join me in large fruit land proposition in Rogue River Vallev: will bear fullest investigation. P 35. Oregonian. WE have a proposition where one or two men with a large amount of energy and a small amount of caDital can make big money. 415 Columbia oiag. tt r r t ' t t-v ih,a tn mttot lolv nr vontlAmnn with .-t inn., In li-iia 1 f nt pttit-1 0 that will pay big dividends. Address AC 2D, oregonian. CASH store, center of city, doing business of $35 cash daily; I am sick, will sell et invoice and give discount anu in ins. A D 23, Oregonian FOR SALE A good business !n McMinn vllle In phonograph and electric goods. For Vartioulars, inquire of J- G. Fletcher, McMinnville, Or. Ti u v nnlv one in town of 320O popu intion- rnod territory I have other busi ness. Stock and fixtures. $500. Address S 25, Oregonian. FOR SALF. Paying newspaper and job of r,t.t in iiva town in the Willamette Val ley; $1400. Well equipped. Address J 0. care Oregonian. GOOD opening for grocery business, hotel unrt restaurant in building is open at present; will rent or sen tne ouuatng. T 30. Oregonian. GROCERY, with 2 nice living rooms, doing flr.e business; low rent; mostly casn traae will sell very cheap. 627 Corbett bldg. a a nnv itia Innailnn ihMn rT1 1 IflTIP lease ; grand opportunity for .ive man. 627 Corbett bicig. RESTAURANT for sale; newly fitted: bar gain if taken at once. S i.5, Oregonian. HARDWARE STOCK wanted; state price and where located. Ad a. oregonian. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. National, Title Guarantee & Trust accounts ior casn ; auo iuua uuu uvmu. - oeit uiu. pash for Title. Oreiron Trust, Mer chants and wi erman-American bank ace, also telephone bonds. Cohn Bros., ISO First st. rmk Jtr TRITBY at 511 Corbett building can invest your money without charges where it will pay you per cent net, with the best security in rorunnu. ou,uuu j. j ivu iu HM,io v. wvvv " v up wards on improved city real estate at 6 ' and 7 per cent. Ferrera, 335 Chamber of commerce Diug. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry i reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. Ss M. Delovage. Jewelers, 209 Washington st. $100,000 to loan in sums or $1000 or more to suit, n to t per win uu untiivo iMiif, G. Urimn. zoo aturK. opp. vuam. ui MONEY to loan on real estate, anywhere and any sum; siou ana up; see us. .Vaughn & Burt. 402 coroett Diag. LOANS on real estate, chattels or personal security. W. A. Hathaway, 10 Washington bldg. Pacinc jews. , TO loan, $6000 or $7000 on good real estate security; no agents; no commission, aq dress X 35. oregonian. $1000. or less amounts, on approved . rea Mtnt security. J. K. STIPE, 223 Chamber of Commerce. CASH paid for telephone bonds, Title Guar antee ana Oregon ifunu xi. w. uouunru, 110 2d. NOTICE Money to loan in sums f $300 to $5000 on improveu rem esiaic oniy. coast Commercial -u., aut ucmiw uiug. TO LOAN $1200, $1700 and larger sums t real estate. H. W. Goddard, 110 2d. Gtate funds loaned. per cent. W. E. Thomas, state agt.. Multnomah Co. 400 C c Com. WILL make several small loans on city property. Call room 40, Washington bldg. MONEY loaned on - real estate mortgages or contracts. W. H. Nunn, 558 Sherlock bldg. TO LOAN $10,000 at 1 per cent on Improved property. Addrew; X B83, Oregonian. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekuin bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral security. C. W. Pallett. 304 Fen ton bldg. Loans on dwellings $500 to $1300. 2 or 3 yrs. Ward, attorney, Aliaay bldg. Main 7320, FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. $$$$$$$$$$fff $$$$$$$$$$ MONEY MONEY. MONEY. SALARY. LOANS. TO HONEST EMPLOYES. "GIVE" YOUR NOTE. -GET" $10 TO $100. "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY." EVERYTHING STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK ? STATE SECURITY COMPANY. 704 DEKUM BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. 1 0 6 P. M. WEDS. AND SATS. UNTIL 8 P. M. $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$i$i$$$ THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rothchlld bldg., cor. 4th and Wash. The recognized bank of the wage earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employe can obtain money of us on his note without security. $15 return to us $4 a Mo. $30 Return to . us $8 a Mo. $50 Return to us $13.33 a Mo. Conadential; no unpleasant inquiries. Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc. STAR LOAN AGENCY. Money loaned on salary or chattel mort gage; business confidential. Mo. semi-Mo. WKiy. 75 return to us. ...$20.00 $10.00 $5.00 30 return to us 13.35 6.65 3.25 $3 return to us.... 8.00 4 00 2.00 $15 return to us 4.00 2.00 1.00 209 McKAY BLDG.. cor. 3d and Stark bls. SALARY and Mortgage loans to salaried em ployes and on Pianos. Furniture, w axenouse Receipts. Horses. Insurance Policies and all kinds of securities. NEW ERA LOAN A MORTGAGE) CO.. 206 Abington Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people and others uvoj ineir own n&mua witnoui ocuriiy; cneapest rates, easiest payments; office in 66 principal cities ; save yourself money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN, 223 Abington bldg.. lOOft 3d. Money loaned on salaries; no other security; my system is oeet tor rauroaa meat cwrn, bookkeepers, streetcar employes and others: business confidential. F. A. Newton, 611 Buchanan bldg., 266ft Washington st. WB will buy your telephone bonds and stock ana pay tne nigneet casn price ror Oregon Trust. Merchants National or Title Guaran tee accounts. The E. L. Fraley Co., 418 Chamber of Commerce. I BUY Oregon Trust, Title Guarantee. Mer chants accounts, bonus ana other col lateral. Thos. McCusker, 203 Couch bldg. Main 74i. MONEY to loan for building purposes; can De repaid in monthly installments, tan for particulars. Columbia Life & Trust Co., 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. Loans Wanted. HAVE an "on or before" purchase money mortgage of $ i otto bearing per cent interest, will discount same making it net purchaser w dcp cent : property close in and worth today over 5 times face of mortgage; no agents, o oregonian. , fiOft SHARES United Wireless Telegraph Co. preferred stock. Submit nest otter to Rosenfield, 81 Beach st.. New York. N. Y. NOTICE We can place your money on im proved citv or farm property, nrst mort gage; gilt-edge; S per cent Interest; no cnarges. coast commercial to., ou yesura bldg. Main 7342. WE have $23,500 five-year 6 tr cent mort gage, secured by wheat larm vaiuea at $70,000. Owner will sell on basis yield 7 per cent. Inquire McCargar, Bates & Lively, Falling biag. LOAN of S500 wanted from private party by business house; interest payaoie monthly. Address Am at, oregonian. WANTED $6000 for three years at S per cent on Hood River fruit land. Aaaress Y 32, oregonian. WANTED To borrow $2000. improved real estate. Farrington, 410 Com. Club biug. LOST AND FOUND. LOST This morning from Johnson Creek ranch, one black horse with white race, very fleshy; weight between 1300 and 1400 lbs. If found return to Barbagelata Bros., commission house. Union ave. and East Main, and receive reward. LOST Lady's irold watch and fob; 'W. F. and E. F." on fob: lady's picture and chil dren in back; Elgin works, bet. Grand avenue and Williams avenue. Last Mae reward. Return to On gonian office. FOUND Where hair mauretiees are reno vated, returned same day. 22S Front- Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. LOST Thursday, a pair of green kid gloves. etitched with black, size Oft, between otn and Oak and 1st and Ankeny. itewaru. Return to Oregonian. LOST A nocketbook containing $400, letters. cards, etc., also a Forester of America re ceipt; return same to H15 Commercial bldg.. ana receive rewara iw. LOST Knlehts Templar Masonic emblem, inscribed A. P. Goss. St. Croix. No. 50, Chapter No. 44, Commandery 14. Return to 234 Broadway ana receive rewara. IXiST On streetcars Tuesday, Royal Arch Maion emblem witn name or m. cox Vickeburg, Mies. Return to Oregonian of fice. T)ST Irish Terrier, answers name "Tim," has hair off side in two places. Liberal reward for .return Dr. A. C. ianton, JViac ieay bldg. LOST Sunday, June 14, engraved gold locket and chain; reward. Return bOl First st. LOST or stolen from 83 1st St.. Fox Terrio: "Dick"; collar on, black spotted belly and body. Liberal reward. J. Harman LOST Oblong brown purse, containing $5 In gold, some silver and key. Return to 1H1 lUtn, cor. xamnui; rewara. LOST White bulldoe: brown spots on back dark face and ears, collar on. E 2415, Res. 189 Cherry. Reward. REWARD for the return of two Axminster rugs lost Tr. tired ay morning, June u H. Van Houten, 570 Couch. TrvsT Wednesday niht. main cold ring, dta mond setting; finder liberally rewarded; re turn to Oregonian ofnee. LOST Black shepherd dog, answers to name Mack; return to WZ ttark St., receive re ward. LOST Novelty cross, with six-stone set ting. Reward. 203 Corbett bldg. PERSONAL. M M E. A. A. LL'CKEV. Psych o-marnetic and suggestive thera peutics; a full line of electrical appliances, Bpwpjrt and moat imnroved electrical blanket. All d lseases successf u 1 ly t reated. Room 30, 350 ft Morrison st. Main xon. GOOD team, wagon and camp outfit; good camp cook; understand habits of game and fish, would take out party all Sum imer at reasonable rates; start from Grants Pass. A 13. Oregonian. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichestors Diamond Brand Pills, b or years Known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. -Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by drucglets everywhere. A TRITE. vontlomnn fiO Vtars Old. SOnV means, seeks acquaintance of true lady with means that needs a true nusoauu. A 17, Oregonian. DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton itoot fills, sure remeuy iur periods, $2 per box or 3 boxes $5. Dr. .fierce, iom -st DRE.SH suits for rem. aii sixes: $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons ewea on, rips eewea. rrumpi van m un liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 3u Stark. nCDOOVQ n m,rrl(iirakl, o ff A I hT IPX, 10c for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau. Ji ist st. r.r.PMAN. French. Snanlah and other For eign Dictionaries. Text Books and Lltera tur (German books a specialty). A. W. Bchroale Co.. first sc. t FOR reliable reports and evidence in all ; lines of detective work, call up the N. Y. JjeieClW AKCUbj, AHO A Vllljlt. A lfrST. LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum, graduate; aavice iree. 17014 3d st. ata4. siu. URR ORROCK Masseuse, baths, salt clow. alcohol rub, cream massage; references. 282 Park. Main 2403. AZ784. PILES CURED without operation by a well SStaoiianea pnjiti.iu- xu iv, vti.jr. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 54 East 13tn st. rsortn- r none PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely, singli people; circular ioc. zivvn ist St.- DRS. ATWOOD: private hospital; maternity cases; gooa cars; terms ngau a a. jlixmkj d. PERSONAL. THE GLENCOE SANITARIUM. located at 354 Montgomery St.. all mental anu ous diseases treated; the whisky, rnor phlne. opium and cocaine habits cured in 4S hours; we guarantee no pain or "Utter ing; no money until cured and thor oughly satisfied. Call and investigate our method of treatment, the fundamental principle of which is the destruction of that craving which prompts the desire ior the drug or stimulant, phone . A 3029. DEEPEST WRINKLES. SMALLPOX PIT3 and all Imperfections of the scaip. " and face removed, busts developed, su perfluous hair removed by the latest French method; all the rage in Paris; no Plprtrlfltv far. am klannhAil hnnklpt free. PROFESSOR AND MADAME MARCOTT, Facial Institute, 146 11th st.. bet. Alder and Morrison. SEXINE Pills make men and women strong, 1 a box. 6 boxes $.. witn full guaran tee for all forms of nerve weakness. Ad dress or call the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co., cor. 2d and Yamhill ots. Portland. Or. SWEDISH trained nurse, Helslngfors gradu ate, cures rheumatism, stomach trouoies and nervous disorders by hand rubbing, steam sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 East 11th st., one door from East An keny car. Phones East 260, Home B 1S03- SUITS pressed while you wait. 60e. To visitors oi fortiana note is ana to pumic at ir.rge: Suits pressed at 00c at Gilbert, the tailor's. 66 6th st., next to the Oxford Hotel. Ladies skirts pressed. 60c. Feathers and boas cleaned and curled. Phone Main 4964. YOU can't work when you don't sleep well; palmo Tablets make you sleep anu give you steady nerves; 30c a box, 6 boxes $2.50. All druggists, or address the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co., Portland. Mme. Courtwrlgbt, sk;n ana scatp treatments; facial deformities correctea; plastic surgery. 225 FUedner bldg. M. 6042. A 2069. LADY'S barbershop; haircuttlng 2tc. l N. 4th and Burnside sts. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. i-- Hill, aao ueaner Diag. no. WANTED Second-hand motion-picture ma chine and films. V 1. Oregonian-. 6 FECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. OFFICE Constructing Quartermaster. Fort Mason, San Francisco Cal., June 10. iwu. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 A. M. and at of fice Constructing Quartermaster, Honolulu. 11. T., until 8 A. M., July 15, lu8. and then opened for the construction, plumbing and electrio wiring of lO buildings at Port Shafter. H. T.. In accordance with plans and specifications on file here and in of fice Constructing Quartermaster, Honolulu, H T. For further information and nec essary blanks apply to Constructing Quar termaster. Honolulu. H. T.. or to the undersigned. Deposit of twenty-five dol lars required to Insure return of plans etc Envelopes containing proposals to be indorsed "Proposals for Public Build ings. Fort Shafter, H. T.." and addressed to Constructing Quartermaster. Honolulu, H. T.. or Major George JlcK. Williamson, Quartermaster, U. S. A., Fort Mason. Cal. PROPOSALS FOR PURCHASE OF MU NICIPAL HUWM. Notice is hereby given that the under signed Recorder of the City of Oakland. Oregon, will receive at his office in said citv up to 5 o'clock P. M., July 14. 1008. sealed proposals for the purchase of mu nicipal water bonds of the City of Oak land, Oregon. Said bonds are of the de nomination of $n00 each and aggregate $15.00O, run for 20 years and bear 5 per cnt interest, payable semi-annually. Bids may be for the whole or any proportion of such issue. The Council will on said date consider all proposals received and reserves the right to reject any and all bids Bids should be sealed and marked "Proposal of for the Pur chase of Oakland Water Bonds." For fur ther information apply to the undersigned. E M. Brooks. Recorder of the City of Oakland. Oregon. By order of the Council. WE have for sale 6000 shares Butte. Boys Consolidated Mining o. hwh ... can dollver at 4, cents per share. Tbis is the lowest price at which this stock has been offered and Is a special bargain 1 he L. Y. Keady Investment Co., 337-JJ Chamber of Commerce. BRITISH BARK KELBURN Neither the master nor the unoersigneu will be responsible tor any debts that may be contracted by the crew. G. F. Neame & Co. Miscellaneous. PROCLAMATION. Whereas, Tr ere was submitted to the electors of the Port of Portland. Multno mah Countv. State 'of Oregon, at the last general election held on Monday. June 1, 1!08. as required by law, an Initiative pe tition for "an act -to propose by Initiative petition certain amendments to that certain act of the Legislative Assembly t of the State of Oregon establishing and Incorporating the Port of Portland, filed In the office of the Secretary of State March 1. IrtOl, and published in tle Gen eral Session Laws of the State of Oregon for the vear llU. on pages 417 to 433. both inclusive, as amended by two certain acts of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon filed in the office of the Secretarv of State both on February 2, nwvi T.nhiichpil in the General Ses- elon'Laws of the State of Oregon for the year 1003. on pages 333 to 3."i, both in clusive, and pages o.t! to a 1. 001 n m nrt hv which amendments so prooosed the corporate powers of the Port of Portland are hereby enlarged so as to authorize and empower am t tha xni of Portland, to establish and maintain an efficient towage and pilotage service on the Columbia River Bar and tho. rniiimhln and Willamette rivers between the corporate limits of the Port of Portland and the sea. tnrougn tne in strumentality of said the Port of Portland; and for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this act. to authorize and emoower the Port of Portland to .... 1 a.,ri iiiiinnw' of bo ml a not ex ceeding in the asrrregate . the si-m of $500,000. and to levy special taxes not exceeding in the aggregate one-twentieth of 1 per cent upon all property, real or personal, situate within its boundaries and which is by law taxable for state and county purposes ; anu. n.., or. thp uith cl.iv of June. 190S, the secretary of the Port of Portland, in my presence as president of said the Port of Portland, did canvass the votes given for and against said law; and. u-htrAn. it was ascertained and . deter mined upon such canvass that there were 30 111 votes cast for said proposed iaw and 4204 votes against the same, and that said law received an affirmative majority of the total number of effective votes cast thereon and entitled to be counted under the provisions of law. Now therefore. I. C. F. Swigert. as prcsi den of the Port of Portland, State of Ore con, in obedience to and by virtue of the power anu aumnruy d-h 1.. j -5 v.A.11- mnkf nnd issue this proela mation to the people of the Port of Port ' land. Multnomah County, State or Oregon and do announce and declare . v . . 1. numhrr of votes cast m the Port of Portland at said election for and against said proposed law was as hereinbefore stated, and that said pro posed law received an affirmative major.ty h tnrai number of votes cast thereon aT.Hiift 10 hA counted under the pro iaw an A that said law here inbefore mentioned shall be and Is In full force and effect as amendatory of the charter of the Port of Portland. State of Oregon, from the date 01 tnis procia 111 office of the Port of Port land this lflth day of June, A. D. 1008. By the president. p SWIGERTi Tresldent the Port of Portland. (Seal) JOHN DRISCOLI.. Serretnry the Port of Portland. Filed June 1. 1!0K. JOHX HRISCOLT.. Secretary the Port of Portland. AFTER June 18. 11108, I will not be reapon e'ble for any debts contracted by Mrs. B. C Scheel. Signed. E. C. SCHEEL. ARCHITECTS, contractor.. engineer get rnnv Pacific Builder and JtoliLneer. US Chamber Commerce. BUSINESS JCmECTORT. AcCOOHltMltS. B. H. COLJ-,IS. 824 Worcester block, publlo accountant " - a.uiui,,, .in vestigating', ayfitematlzing ; permanent keep. . . .b. nnd reoarfitf a .ueclaltv. THE GEO. T. MURTON AUDIT CO.. 818 Chamber of Commerce, ofnee ayatenuttUiug ana genr ..... .o... ARTHUR BERRIDGE. 30T Chamber of Com merce, opens. Investigates1, closes books of account; general practice. Alain 1531. Assayera and Analysts. W.lla A Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists and aesayera 204)4 Wabhington. MONTANA A3SAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing wora. lao saorri.ua su PAUL. BAUMEL. assayer and analyst, dust bought. 207 Alder su Commission Merchants. TiVTlR. YOUNG A CO.. ship brokers, com- mission merchant., Sherlock bldg., Portland. Bicycle and Electrical Repairing. shaw tc MITCHBLI Bicycle, gasoline, an Els. and electrical repairing. 8Z6 Stark at. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Chiropody. VM. DEVENY. and Estelle Deveny. the only M-ientific chiropodists, parlors 203 Djer bldg., 102 2nd. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room b30 Fliedner b-UK- Phone Paclfio 135. Dancing. WALTZ, two-step, three-step and stags dancing lessons 25c. Prof. Wai Will son a school, 3&6 Washington St.. between W. Park and loth st. Both phones. PROF. RINGLER'S acauemy; correct dancing. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Morr lon. Phoues. Feet fttorea. B. L. COOPER ft CO., bay, grain, feed. 121 Union ave. East 1517, B 1M7, (iasoiine .ngme. Stationary, marine, electric equipments launch es, accessories, w holt tale, re tull; engine re pairing. Keu-reon Machinery Cu., I42--4-0 Mor Harness ana baddlery. THE! George Lawrence Co., wholesale saddle and harns nmnfrs.. 80-fed Main rtti. Junk. UlUes and Pelts. L. SHANK 4fc CO., purchasers of bides, pelts, wool, furs, ta.iow. old rubbers, xuslals ana sacks. 312 Front m- Luuncbes and Yachts. FOR charter and sale: marine hardware, ga ollne engines. Ste Htyei, 171 Madison. Leatner and 1- in dings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858- Leather and hndiugi; Stock ton sole leather and cut stock; I uU 1ms. Eastern Jumbos. i&D Front st. CHAS. L MASTICK A CO., 74 Front, leather of every description, tap nifrs.' findings EMIL TlilELllOKN, violin teacher, pupil ul Buvclk. A 41uO. Pine i'ae. 2Ut. Osteopathic Phybichuu. DR. 1C B. NORTH it UP, 415-10-17 bekum iiiug.. Third and Waiiii;giun dta. Pboue, uffice. Main J4U. Residence. . E. 1028. Patent and Fensluo Attorneys. PROTECT your Idea. We can patent It. Moulton Be tcobey, attorneys, ou. ioium bla bhlg.. Portland. Or. K. c. WKliiHT, domestic and foreign pat enta; inirinueinem cases. oo ijeaum. J. J. HIKSHHBIilKU. pension and patent at torney, romis JAi-Zl iabDS Diag. PATENTS, trad, marks, ccpyrlghta. A. J. Matter, ol& Comniouweallb uicg. Photo ling-rovers. PERFECT printing plates. HIcks-Chatt.il engraving io., corner za ana Aider sts. DESIGNERS, photo engravers. News A Coa- naway, lou Xd st. A 4oi4. u. ?iiiw. Kubber Stamps. ALSO trade checks and all otttce goods. P D. C. Co., 2J1 Stark st. Both pbon.s 1VJ.. Paints. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, saslt and doors, lo-. ana layior. Signs. FOSTER Ac KLEISEK. SIGNS. The lari;?t sisn-makers In the North west. 5th arid Everett sis. l'houe Privata Exchange uj. Home A 1155. ?L,MEIt J. WALLACE, art signs and ofilc. lettering, xl stark, l-'aciuc looo. Spiritualists. FREE! FKR ONE WsCK MOREL BRING THIS AD AND. KECEIVH ABSOLUTELY; FREE One of my. CONSULTATION HEADINGS. Always Consult tho Best PUOFESSOlt KlIIUO. Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; adviser on business and all aftairs ol lite; tells your tull name and vthat you called for. whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, evea though miles away; reuuites the separated; gives secret powers to control; uoes all others udvertise to do. Ottlce, No. 3 and 4 Grand Theater bldg.. HJm Wash. st. lilil. KAP1LA; ilVSTIC of Delhi. India; c'lair- voyaut, Ad.'isor; 1 LLLt; yuu of every thing. Fee 341 W lonibOU St. Jilts. sol'HIA SKIP is still lu the ring, und douia tiuiiiebS at Hie old btattu, dally. All&ky bldg. MRS. BAXTER REYNOLDS. 4S1 la Wash ington St.. llat 1. MRS. STEVENS, 1'urtland'a i-ellable palmist and clairvoyant. latnhlll, cor. ttn. MME. DE HEItfOU, the wonderful psychic; life reudlugs $1. Taylor su MAY AN UK EWS. caru reauing at Mala. 'ja- 11iju. Alain 7o48. bates. D1EBOLD SAFB & LOCK CO. John E. Davis. Qii 3d st- raigaiiui iu seconu-iuuia saies. THE MOSLElt SA-b'Jd CO.. lost 2d St. baxe4 at factory prices. Secuiid-hand safes. bhowcuse, ltunk and btore 1 1 a t ures. THE James 1. Marshull Allg. Co.. showcases, cabuiets. .Lore unu olttc. mttuios. 2& Cwuca st. Pacluu 21S1. R. H. BIRDSALL, designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co., ? Hamilton bliig. Mala CoJd. btorage and Transfer. C o. PICK Transfer Ac Storage Co.. otnc 'and commodious lour-.tory biicA warehouse, with separate lrun rooms and tire-proof vault tor valuubUs, N. W. corner of 2d and pine sts. Piano and furniture moved aud packed for shipping. Main oud, A lttrtL CITY TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Bob Ashby and Juiid Fisn. Fnrnlture and piano moving, baggage, freight and general hauling. Office 1UJ Front st. Phones Main t&. A 11(12. OLSEN-KOE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes, rlar.os aud lurn.ture moved and packed tor shipment. 20M Oak St.. bet. Front and 1st. Teiopnou. Main 647 or A 2247. Street Paving. WAHKEN Construction Co., street pavlr.j. sidewalks and crossings. 314 Lumber Each. THE BARBER AtHPHALT PAVINU CO., at Portland ofiice, 402-H-4 Worcester block. Typewriters. NEW and second-hand typewriters. all makes, repaired, sold and rented; also state agents the Visible Fox. The Type writer Exchange. 84 3d st Main 6UU. SPECIAL, prices, all makes rented, solik re paired. P. D. C. -Co.. 231 Stark. Main 140T. Veterinary Colleges. SAN FRANCISCO Veterinary college, next season begins Sept. 15. Dr. C. Keane, Pres. 1818 Market st. Catalogue free. Wholesale Jobbers. v WADHAMS ai CO., wholeaal. grocers, manufacturers. commission merchants. 4th and Oak. Wood. WOOD Birr body fir, 4-foot. o; sawed, 60a extra. Winter supply will receive our prompt attention. Hawthorne Fuel Co. Phone East 31a. K. Sih and Hawthorne. caUKS. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON ...President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGB W. HOYT Assistant Cashier 8 K CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashier TRANSACT GENERAL, BANKING! BUSINESS. United States Depository. Drafts and letters of credit issued, avail able In all part, of th. world. Collections a specialty LADD & TILTON BANK PORTLAND, OR. Established 1859 Capital fully paid $1,000,000 09 Surplus and undivided profits.... 400,000.00 OFFICERS: W M. LADD President EDWARD COOKINGHAM Vice-President W. H. DCNCKLEV Cashier R S. HOWARD. JR Assistant Cashier j w. LADD Assistant Cashier WALTER M. COOK Assistant Cashier INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Accounts of banks, firms, corporations and Individuals solicited. We are prepared to furnish depositors .very facility consistent with good banking. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Oregon. Capital, and surplus, fi.500.000 No Interest paid on account.