THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1908. 13 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. EUBOPKAW PLAN MODKBN RESTAURANT COST ONE I HOTEL CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS Portland's New and Modern HoteL Rates $1 per Day and Up ; European Plan. Free Bus I WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Props. 4Rt Centralis' Completely New FIFTH kiFJTT'i'rH-Si Moat Centrally 1b..v i i ivKrTj j m la Every Room. . , -afc r if f aW I . auruTK u wuicuicuici iuviuuju ynuuc s ma ctci; auuaaa. j iritsitti'a ro with private bath Elegant Cafe and Grill. 'Bus ... 1 meets all trains. THE Park St. Bet Morrison and Alder CALUMET HOTEL l 5 siseiy 9BE8 B$fc$s V4Jmjs-"pp -i -l wn n -i r i u.u . Anfrifss J and Esropeas Sample J. F. DAViES, President St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50c TO $1.50 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION IS mm Acquits Lawyer of Extortion. NEW YORK, June 19. A Jury today found Carl Fischer-IIansen, the lawyer, not guilty of the charge of extorting $15,000 from Joseph E. O'Brien, of Phil adelphia. BAILS' METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. June 19. Maximum tem perature, 61 degrefs; minimum. 47 degrees. Htver reading at 8 A. M., 21.1 feet; change In last 24 hours, rise of 0.2 foot. Total rainfall C5 P. M. to S P. M.). .03 inch; total rainfall since September 1. Kt07, 3S.60 inches; normal rainfall. 43.36 inches: de ficiency, 4.76 inches. Total sunshine. June 18, 6 hours. 6 minutes; possible sunshine, 15 hours, 48 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level) at 5 P. M., 30.01 Inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at S P. M.. Pacific time. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The pressure continues high over the California coast, while a moderate depres sion overlies British Columbia. General rains have fallen in consequence over Ore gon. Washington. Idaho and Western Mon tana during the day. A depression also overlie. Nevada, but appears to be devoid of energy, clear skies prevailing over Cal fornla, Nevada and Utah this evening. Tem peratures are considerably lower east of the mountains, where they now range decidedly below the seaso.ial average. The Indications point to continued showery weather over this forecast district Satur day. It will probably be warmer over Southern Oregon. THB RIVER. The stags of the "tt'lllamette River at Portland this evening was 21.2 feet, a rise i s i nv- trr u ! i fci x. -' h it V ft.. HEAIXK? A RTKKS FOB TOURISTS tad COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Soecfad rate mad. tn families and sin gle veatlemeo. The Kpanafrement will be pleased ax au time to show room and rlre prices. A mod ern Turkish bath es tablishment in the hotel. H. C. BOWERS, Manager. MILLION DOLLARS. OREGON ! Located Modern Improvements Imperial Hotel Seventh and Washington PbiL Metschan & Sons, Props. v Rates 51.00-$1.50-$2.(XJ Remodeled and Refurnished Perkins Hotel AND WASHINGTON STREETS lotated. Larue, lljrht sample rooms. Every . . Rates (1.00 and up. W. SweOand, Mgr. A Strictly Firt-CIa and Modern Hotel Containing 170 Rooms. Only American end European Hotel In Portland. aLenff Distance Phones In Every Room. Anto Bus Meets All Trains. Rats AmsiiosA. $2.00 per da? and u it-Rate- European, $1.00 per day sod up. Per month, .Ingle room and board, $45 to $45 according to room. For two. $75 to $119. Board without room $30 per month COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS As Well as Other Travelers Who Come to Portland and Make Their Home at "THE CORNELIUS" Corner Park and Alder, are all delighted with Its ap pointments and furnishings situated on block from the clanging: street cars, one is assured of a grood night's rest. Several large sample rooms in the hotel. Rates Single, $1.50 and up; double $2.30 and up. DR. C. W. CORNELIUS. N. K. CLARKE, Proprietor. Manager. b N0RT0NIA HOTEL ELEVENTH, OFF WASHINGTON ST. I Portland's Newest and Most Modern! cotei ADsoimeiy tire frooi Rates to Kamtlli 'lna Oar Bus Meets All Tral Snltem, with Bsths, for Travelima Mcsm C O. DAVIES, Sac and Treas. THE DANM00RE Portland's new hotel. 475 Washington, corner lata til. Heilla- Theater. Enropeaa plan 41.00 and TJ Bus meets all trains. DAN J. MOORE. Proprietor. Hotel Moore Clatsop Beech, Sea side, Or. Open all year. For Infor mation apply at The Danmoore. THE HOTEL LENOX Portland's newest and most modernly furnished Ho tel Third and Main Streets. Fronting on the beau tiful City Plaza and adjacent to business center. EUROPEAN PLAN RATES $1.00 DAY AND UP Free Bus to and From Trains. Up-to-Date GrilL Telephone in Every Room. Private Baths. of 0.1 foot since this morning. This Is the crest of the flood and on Saturday the river will begin to fall, probably to 21.0 feet by Sunday morning. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Cloudy, with prob ably showers; southwest winds. Western Oregon Cloudy, with probably showers, warmer south portion; southwest winds. Western Washington Cloudy, with prob ably showers; southwest winds. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Cloudy, with probably showers. Wind. STATIONS. Baker City.... Bismarck Boise , Eureka. ........ Helena Kamloops. . . . . . North Head.... Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento. . . , Salt Lake San Francisco.. Spokane . . Taconia Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla 600.00 8NW 76 0.0014 NW 620.0l 8,NE 88 0.00!10jNW 6810.12 12 W Pt cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy -Cloudy, 620.0H. . calir ft. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy r2O.46;201SW 640.00!20!W 69 0.02 16IW solo.ooi 4SB 60 0.02 j 4IN 78i0.O0jl4!S 76:0.0010iNW 620.00)14lV 6H1 T. (ltiiS 5fi T. U4:SW 62O.04! 4E 64 1 0.00 (18 iW u?t. cloud: Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudl Cloudy Pt. cloud. Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy ' J.. LODHOLZ, Local Forecaster, temporarily in charge. Rejuvln aids digestion. At all saloons. AMUSEMENT. BAKER THEATERp,lonA"6Vn Geo. I. Baker, Gen. Manager. Matinee Tonight Last Two Times. "THE SWINDLER." By Howard Russell, popular member of .Batter etock company. An Instan taneous fuiccees. Evenlnir nrlees 2."e 3Te- a Or. Matinee. 15c. 25c Next week, starting tomorrow matl- a no Henrietta. THE STAR Musical Comedy Week of June 14. 1908. TWO SHOWS EVERY EVENING. First at 7:30. Second at 9:16 P. M. Lower Floor, 25c: Balcony. 15c. Matinees Daily. 2:30 P. M.. 15c. THE ARMSTRONG Ml'SICAL COMEDY COMPANY Offer the new Military Musical Satire, "GENERAL MIX-UP." THE GRAND-Vaodeville de Luxe Entire Week of June 15, 190S. aiLLE. MARZELLO'S Troup of Wonderful Trained Birds. WEBB-ROMALO TROITE. Acrobatic Novelty. F. F. MONTREfiSA. That L A. T. S. E. Man, Showlnc "DON JUAN." Besides a Host of Other Big Acts. MARQUAM GRAND Pantages Advanced Vaudeville Attractions, lVMIinl ALL THIS WKEK THE TEN COLORED KNIGHTS. An absolutely tew and original act consist ing of colored comedians in singing, dancing ana monologue. SPECIAL AEDED ATTRACTION. TORCAT AND TRAINED BOOSTERS, AsniBted by the dainty and vivacious Mile. Flor. d'Allza. Three nerformances dallv. Popular Prices. Curtain at 2:30, 7:30. 9 P. M. THE 10 A. M. to 12 P. M. SYMPHONY CONCERTS 'AT 2i30 jy the Orchestra of Whits & Gold. TOXIGHT AT 8il5 A Big- Scream in Two Acts, "THK JOLLY WIDOW." Hear Marguerite La Ponte, 'Tm Look ing for the Man Who Wrote the Merry Widow Waltz." "A SWELL SHOW" says) everybody. Every nlgrht this week. LYRIC THEATER Both pliones: Main 4685. Home B 1026. Week commenclnar Mondav. June 15. third week of the famous Blunkall-Atwood Stock company in the powerful Industrial drama '"CAPITAL AGAINST LABOR" Matinees Tuesday. Thumdnv Kniurrinv and Sunday. Price 10c and 20c. Every evening o.iu. riicw luc, aiuc ana one xoxea ouc unice open io a. m. to 10 F. M. DANCING BARGE Will Leave Foot of Waahlngrtoa Street Every Nlfrht at 8 o'clock. ' Good Music; Fine Wax Floor. Admission 50c Tor Four Hours Nice Dancing. Tickets On Sale at the Dock. MEETING NOTICES. KAI8ERINB AUGUSTA LODGE! NO. 6. will have its Dlcnlc Sundav. June 21. at East inth and Duck st., 2 blocks north from the crema tory, gellwood. Gentlemen. 25 cents land ladles free. , OREGON LODGE NO. 101. A. F. AND A. M. stated communi cation this (Saturday) evening, 8 o'clock. Masonic rTemple, West Park and Yamhill. Work F. C. Aatrrai Vl.ll. KfAthnkn dlally invited. By order W. M. A. J. H AND LAN. Sec. Splendid entertainment tonljcht In United Artisans' Hall, Abington bide.. 3d at.; mu Bic. elocution, dancintr Us aoeclal features Everybody Invited, come and brine your friends. A small admission fee at the door. refreshments and specialties extra. Brins; your pockethooke. A rich treat for ail who wish to pass a pleasant and profitable even ing. Don't fail to come. Tonight. Abing ton bldg.. Artisan Hall. FUNERAL NOTICES. TSCHARNBR In this city. June 18, at the mmuy resiaence. sao carutners street, Mrs. Margaret Tscharner. aged 41 years. Friends invited to attend the funeral aervices, which will be held at Hoi man 'a chapel, corner Third and Salmon streets, at 1 P, M. today fSaturday). Interment River View Cemetery. ALLISON In this rity, June 18. at the fam ily residence. i oO fcast Salmon street, Charles E. Allison, aged 50 years, 1 month, 10 days. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the above residence at 1:30 P. M. today (Saturday), June 20. Interment River View Cemetery. Denver and Salt Lake papers please copy. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Funeral DlreeU ors. 20 3d st. Lady assistant. Phone M. 507. J. P. FINLET BON. Funeral DlrMrtore. Third aod Madison. t'boDe Mala ft. A 150ft. Dnnnlnr. McEntee m Gllbauafhu Funeral 1I reaglors. 7th Js Fine. Phone M. 4 HQ. Lady aart. ZEI.LEH-BYR.NFS CO.. Funeral nireet- mrm. tl Rn ell. East 08. Lady sMiitan ft. W. 8. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 Kaaa Alder. Lad aaaistant. Fhona East 6S. Grand Central Station lime Card 60CJTUKK.N PACIFIC. Iarlnc Portland- Boseburg Passenger ...... Cottage Grove Passenger . California Express ....... Can Francisco Express.. West Biae Corvalll, Passenger Sheridan passenger ...... Forest Grove Passenger ... Forest Grove passenger Arrlvln Portlaad Oregon fcxpreas Cottage Grove Passenger. Hoseburg Passenger Portland Express West Side CorvalUs Passenger ...... Sheridan Passenger ...... Forest Grove Passenger... Forest Grove Passenger. . . 8:15 a. m. 4:15 p.m. I 7 iS p.m. 1:80 a m. T:00 am. I 4:10a.m. 11:00 a. m. B:40 p. m. 7:15 a m. Ill:.10 am. I 6:80 p. m. iu:ia p.m. 0:85 p. m. 10:30 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 8:50 P. m. NORTtlEKN PACIFIC. Leavtaa- Portland I Tacotna and Seattle Express. 8:30 a m. ortn uoasi a cnicago l.lmltea..l 2:00 p. m. Overland Express 111:45 p. w. Arriving Portland I North Coast Limited. . Portland Express Overland Express 7:00 am. 4:15 p.m. s:a p.m. OREGON KA11.RO AD NAVIGATION CO. Leaving Portland Pendleton passenger ........... Chicago-Portland fioeclal 7:18 8:30 8:15 6:00 8:00 8:45 8:50 6:15 a. m. p. m, a, m. Spokane Flyer Kansas city a- Chicago Kxprasa. Arriving Portland Spokane Flyer . Chi.. Kan. City St Portland Ex. . Chicago-Portland Special p. m. p. m. Pendleton passenger ASTORIA St COLUMBIA RJVKB. lavlna Portland Astoria St Seaside Express..... Astoria & Seaside Express..... Arrivlna Portland- 8:00 a. i 0:00 p. i Astoria A Portland Passenger. 12:15 n. m Portland Express 10:00 p. m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COT lieavlna Portland C. P. R. Short Line. via. Bnokan. 8:15 p. m. 11:45 p. m. 8:O0 a. m. 7:00 a m. Seattle Arriving Portland P. R. Short Line, via finav.n. Via Seattle Jefferson-Street Station SOUTHERN I'ACLtiC. Leaylna Portlaad Dallas Passenger ..... Dallas Passenger ..... 1:40 4:15 Arrivino- Portlaad Dallas Passenger ..... Dallas Passenger . . . . , 110:15 I 5:50 OREGON KLKCTR1C RAILWAY. Arrivlna Portland Wllsonviile Local 7:05 8:15 Salem and Intermediate Local. . m. m. . m. . m. . m. m. . m. . m. . m. . m. m. . m. m. . m. . m . m. . m. Wllsonviile Local Salem and Intermediate Express. Salem and Intermediate Local Wllsonviile Local Salem and Intermediate Express. Salem and Intermediate Local. . Salem and Intermediate Express. Leaving Portland Salem and Intermediate Local... Wlisonvllle Local 10:80 11:20 1:20 3:45 4:00 5:40 8:16 6:23 7:35 8:85 Salem and Intermediate Express. Salem and Intermediate Local. . . Wllsonviile Local 11:10 12:05 Salem and Intermediate Express. Salem and Intermediate Local. . . 3:05 8:30 4:23 :05 Wllsonviile Local Salem and Intermediate Express. MEET ME THERE HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Franklin-Barnes Market Friedman Packing Company. Inc. Meats, Poultry. Fish. Vegetables. 103-f Thlni street, aotn pnones. fina Mnntlpa Lasto Mantle. 25e, th. UBS manilKS .Qual of th best Soo mantle on the market. Barrstta, 41U Mot- rlson. Both phones. U'nnj 6000 cords first-class 4-foot Sr twu wood, fs per cora delivered. Phone Main 4435. Kala Cra.k Fuel Cem- pany. 408 Corbett Blag. l.1 1 i cut Flowers always fresh from lullol our own conservatories Martin ft Forbes. 4T Washington st. Both phon.s. Co&l A Ice Company. ' opposite City Library. Botn pnones. Electric Fixtures J "."SS? 'gS price, are right. - All work guaranteed. western mecifip vy m ot cmn .ire.u -ri Knives. Forks and all Sllver- riatiug ware replated as good as new. Oregon Plating Worka, 16th and Alder. Mala Win a O'Malley St Neuberg.r. 827 Wuh- 'uu Ington street, rnone Main ra4. Free delivery. A gallon of 10-year-old Ingla- nook Port. fir cord wood. 4 ft.. S5.0O: uwtd J 6.00. Hard wood and coal. Tard 287 B. Morrison St. , rnones tu jco, n mq -iAO Kemmerer coal, th. best Wyoming wm coal; gives more beat ana less ash. Churchley Bros.. 13th and Marshall sts. Phones Main uai: A aaai. WHERE TO DINE YegetarianCaf e wl.Hday- d.mTr 39c. with ice cream. 1 1 A- M. to 8 P. M C, CHRISTENSEN OPTICIAN Fourth Floor Corbett Bldr. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES . (FOR CASH ADVERTISING.) Following; rates will be given only when advertising is ordered to run consecutive days, Daily and Sunday lutraes. The Ore gmlan charges tlrst-time rate each insertion for classified advertising that is not run on consecutive days. The first-time rate Is charged for each insertion in The Weekly Oregonian. "Rooms." "Rooms and Board." "House keeping Rooms," "Situations Wanted," 15 words or )ess, 15 cents; 16 to 0 words. 20 cents; 21 to 25 words; 25 cents, etc No discount for additional insertions. Matrimonial and Clairvoyant, ads. one time rate each insertion. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 80 cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 60 cento, etc. first Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. Above rates apply to advertising paid in advance only. All book entries will be charged in lines 14c per line for first In sertlon and 7c per line for each consecutive insertion. Special rates on contracts given on application. "NEW TODAY." (gauge measure arate 14 cents per line, first Insertion; 7 cents per line for each additional Insertion. TELEPHONE ADVERTISEMENTS For the convenience of patrons The Oregonian will accept advertisements for publication in classified columns over the telephone. Bills Tor such advertising will be mailed imme diately and payment Is expected promptly. Care will be taken to prevent errors, but The Oregonian wilL not be responsible for MTnni In HrlVrtlaimnla to -rn nrsr that telephone. Telephone: Main f.0.0; A 6095, J? BW TODAY. RICH! RICH! RICH! 35 acres, $75 per acre. Elevated building site overlooking the 'Willam ette River. In one of its most attractive, charm ing and picturesque spots. Only 25 miles from Portland. Soil very rich and productive. An excellent investment. Delightful lor a home. THE JAC0BS-STINE COMPANY Co-Operative Farm Lands Depart ment, 148 Fifth Street, Portland, Or. Holladay's Addition The one BEST place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE residence property of the city. SEEING IS BELIEVING BETTER (TO and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and the Im provements going: on. The Oregon. Real Estate Company 88 V4 Third street, Portland, Oregon. 6th-St. Income Business Property S11.50O CASH AVI I J, HANDLE IT. Price $20.000 Income S118 per month from one-story buildings. Pays 6 per cent net nowl oan be improved to pay 15 per cent. M It la a good thine to hold. SENGSTAKE & LYMAN 90 FIFTH ST. Notice to Investors and Contractors Owner of a large house and extensive grounds is leaving the city, and will sell at great sacrifice. For particu lars inquire of M. E. LEE Boom 411 Corbett Bldg. 10 Investment Two flats, corner E. Stark; room for two more flats, lot 87x100: well built and always rented; handy to both Mor rison and Ankeny cars. Price $5400; .2400 cash. .3000 6 per cent. SENGSTAKE & LYMAN 90 Fifth Street Mortgage Loans, Lowest Rates Real Estate, Insurance A. H. BIRRELL SM McKay Bid.. Sd Stark. CIVS MS A CALL. NEW TODAT. SNAPS IfJ LAUD BUYS i Forty acres good land. 10 acres under cultivation, more easily cleared; some green timber; 6-roony house, barn 46x46, etc; young orchard, line spring water, 1 mile trom school and 4i miles from good rail road end river town. Personal property: 1 horse, buggy and harness, cultivator, har row, chickens, household furniture and all crops, etc., for only Clioo. 100-acre homestead relinquishment; on state road 3i miles from railroad and boat landing, about 5 acres cleared, box house, 14x30, water piped to house from line spring; J acres nice bottom land, easily cleared: about 1,000.000 feet of green pil ing timber; small orchard; best of soil and a bargain at $12(10. 12 acres, positively the best buy In the country; 8 acres in best variety of apples (Income alone from epples last year over 8U3GO). balance of land under fine state of cultivation: 6 or 7-room house, 2 barns, and all other necessary outbuildings; 14 mile from school. 3 miles from river and rail road station; 1H miles country town and 6 miles from Vancouver on gravel road. Price .4000; terms can be arranged. 20 acres. 15 acres under nne state of cul tivation, 2 acres orchard: fine new ft-room house, large barn, etc.; 3 miles from river and railroad town. 6tt miles from Vancou ver. Including the following personal property: 1 horse, buggy, harness, wagon, cow, SO chickens, hay In barn, cordwood, nouaehold furniture and canned goods. Price 43500; half cash, balance at 6 per cent. Before huying for a home or an Invest ment let us ehow you our properties. We can suit you and save you money. THOMPSON SWAN Cltlsens Bank Bldg., Vancouver. Wash. SNAP! NAP! Beautiful Country Home short distance outside city limits, con sisting of 3 acres of land, 8-room modern house and barn, bearing or chard of 150 trees apples, cherries, plums and prunes; windmill and tank, with running water in house and barn. This place is an ideal country home with all the advantages of quick transportation, being only 35 min utes' ride on the Waverly-Woodstock car. Will be sold at a very low price, on terms to suit purchaser at 6 per cent on deferred payments. W. L. PAGE, 204 Failing Building. 315 Acres, $35 PerAcre Twenty-five Miles From Portland Here you can make one of the most beautiful homes in Oregon, overlook ing the Willamette River in one of its most charming sections. 60 acres in cultivation, 80 acres al most ready for the plow. Remainder coverpd with very valuable body of fir piling: and large body fir. Excellent boat landing: on the water front. This is simply another of those fine bargains which w have ferreted out and offer you. Act Quickly, for it will jgo soon. That 340 tract we told you of last week was taken uv tne lust man wno saw it. The Jacobs-Stine Company Co-Operntlve Farm Land Department, 14H Fifth St Portland, or. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY 500 Feet on O. R. & N. $8500 H. P. PALMER 213 Commercial Club Bids;. Main 8699. A 2653. Owner Leaving City Will sell fine home, with extensive grounds, at great sacrifice for cash. Inquire of M. E. LEE Boom 411 Corbett Bldg. Ideal Homesite CHEAP Holladay Park 100x100 feet, northwest corner E. 19th and Multnomah streets: all im provements in and paid; two carlines and good view. ' Price only $3200. Look this up. HARDING & REYNOLDS CO, S15 Chamber of Commerce. $10,000 cash will handlo fine quarter block. Nob Hill, on lMtn street, scutn of Johnson. Four modern 9-room houses. Income S142 per month: houses alone vorth the money: balance 6 per cent. Owner's sacrifice, your gain; lew nays oniy; pays nearly 8 per cent. FRAN7C BOLLAM, 128 Third Street. Stop Paying Rent , $300 DOWN $15.00 per month on balance BTTTB a new 5-room Bungalow and 33 1-3x100 lot, on Kast Morrison carllne. SENGSTAKE A LYMAN. m Fifth St. FOR SAJLE REAX ESTATE. CHOICE lot near can -t Seaslda, Or. cheap. AS1 82 Oregonian. SNAP UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARB HELD AT THIS OmCB FROM THB FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRE SENTING YOfR CHECKS AT THE ORE GONIAN OFFICE: B 9. 13. 20. 21, 23. 24. 82. C 8. 8. 16, 21. 22. 29. 34, 874. 1) 1. 8. 17. 14, 25k 808. E 1. 3. 6. 11. P 6. 11. 17, 29. 24. 25. 28, 893. 883, 998. O 22. 999. H 1, 11. 20, 9S5. J 3. 0, 8. 23, ac. 995. K 9S5 1 7, 10, 13. 15, 17. 19. 22. 23, 23. 987. M , 8. 11. 15. 17. 22. 24. N 8, 14. 16. 18. 21. 23. 21. 6. 7. 12. 18. 19. 788. 920, 991. 998. P 2. 6. 0. 11, 12. 14. 31. 0S2. 90S. K 2, 10. 13. 18, 20. 24, 26, 29, 34. 86, 903, U95. 8 1 13. 988. T 7. 9. 11. 15. 17. 18, 19. 968. V 7, 11. 13. 14, 16. 9 S3. W 16, 22. 23. 25. 979. 995. X 8. 11. 14. 16. 977, 996. XXX. V 11. 17. 19. 20. AB 5, 6. 10. 14, 17. 22. 25. AC 8, 15. 20. 24. 26. AU l, 3. 6. 13. 20. 22. 25. 26. AB 8. 8. 12. 13. 14. 22. AP 8, 6. 9, 19. 26. ESAL KaTATB iiKAirm As draws, F. V. A Co. If. S348. S3 Hamlltoa bL Baker, allnd A.. 213 Attn too bids. Chapln A Herjow, 832 Chamber of Commerce. Compton. t. F. Pac A Aloig. 100 Abtncloa bl. Cook. B. S. A Co., 507-S Corbett bids. Croesley Co.. 708-9 Corbett bids- M. ISO. Ooddard. H. W Mrin and A '743. 110 2d sL feantnsa St Co., Mala 1SS. 206 Orecoalaa. Klnaey St Stampber, 631-632 Lbr. Sx. M. 4486. las, ii. B., room 411 Corbett bnlldlns. MaU St on Borstal 104 Id St., 822 EL Barmaids. CDonaeU. J. F-. M. 45SI A A2S61. 20 Stark. Palmer, H. P., 213 Commercial Club bid. M 8699, A 2653. Psrrlsh. Watklos St Co., 250 Alder st. Porter A French. 607 Commercial bids. Reed. Fields. St Tynan. M. 7004. AX8.11. 101 2d. Schalki Geo. D.. 164 Stark St. Main 892, A892. Sharker. J. P. St Co.. 12214 Sixth st. awenssoB, A. F. st Co.. 204). Waehlnrtoa sc. The Oregon Real Estate Co 8i Third at. (HoUsday Addition.! . Veteran land Co.. 822 Chamber of Commerce. Waddell. W. O.. SOB Lumber Exchanse bids. White. B. F.. 22714 Washington St. FOR SALE REAt, ESTATE. A SNAP. 3 acres of very fine land, in cultivation; living springs; only 16 minutes' ride from business center; for J1800. upon eas? terms; three lots, panw distance out In any other direction will cost you as much; here Is a chance. RuhbpII A Houston, 444 Sherlock bldg., 83 3d st. SNAP 5-room modern cottage, full brick basement four fruit trees, plenty of ber ries and flowers. 80x100 lot. west front. across the river on East 8th.. walking distance, only $4300. f.UtW cash. FRANK BOLLAM, 12S Third st. MAKE AN OFFER. 6-room modern house and store. Sunny- side, 30x100; owner leaving the city, must sell at once. FRANK BOLLAM, lUS 3d st. $500 DOWN, $35 monthly, will buy' a swell 6-room Home, lust completed, in fioiia day Park Addition, on Multnomah st.; Hardwood floors, two fireplaces, tinted; best plumbing; .3500. 11. P. Palmer. 213 Commercial Club bldg. Main 6699. A 26.X $2250 6-room modern house. In AlMna, near etrePtcar; hniuw Is nearly new; full lot; full cement basement, bath, pantry, closets, gas and electric light; fixtures all In; large porch, and Is worth $500 more money; must be sold. C. B. Lucas; 320 Corbett bldg. $650 2 lots In Rose City Park, one Mock from carline: finest Dart of the addition. level and on the grade ot the street; fine nr trees; terms. Mancnesier flc wusuii, 508 Welis-Fargo bldg. $3:100 Strictly modern, 6-room houeet 12 minutes to the heart of the city, on Im proved street: select neighborhood; $&U0 cash, balance like rent, at 6 per cent. A. A. Hoover. 6S1 E. loth. Sellwood 777. (1100 WILfla buy IH6xlM feet within 3 blocks of streetcar line; thfee lots are high and slpht ly. In pood location and just the place to build a home; 2tK cah, balance per month. C. B. Lucas, 320 Corbett bldg. J1250 BUYS modern cottage, corner lot, near carllne. owner leaving city and wants to raise money. For particulars Inquire ot M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. FULL lot and new. modern 0-room house. Am leaving city, price very low for quirk sale: good terms. See owner on premises. Due East Everett st. FROM OWNER. New modern 5-room cottage at Firland, block and half to carline; easy terms; like paying rent. Address L 7, Oregonian. 6 ROOMS, full lot, full basement, fine location- We guarantee you can't duplicate this for the price, $2750, terms. Let us prove it. Call 613 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSES for sale In all parts of the city; acreage close In, and farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 4486. Kinney 4 (Stamp her, 53132 Lumber Exchange bldg. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BY EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATT Y. D. A- TUFTS. 803 WASHINGTON ST. FOR SALE by owner, an 8-room modern house, one block to car; part cash ; bar gain If taken at once: Also 6-room cot tage. Phone East 4 Hit. SELLWOOD on Spokane avenue, iot 50x100, with small house and well fitted up; place to keep chickens. Inquire Elkhorn Market. Phone Bell wood iM)5. 5 ROOMS, full lot, fine lawn, fruit and flowers; a great biff bargain, only $1700; will sell or trade for close in acres. Cail 613 Chamber of Commerce. $looo BUYS T-room house, water in" lot 40x 1O0 and Just 50 feet to car. 5-cent far; $400 rash, rest $10 month. Call room 5o0 Lumber Exchange. 2100. 700 down, 5-room modern cottage on East Stark st. ; gas and electricity; fin lawn, large basement. 106tt East Wash. Phone Tabor 1708. WE are elHng cottages on easy terms, from $1200 up; call at 5o7 Alberta St., and we will show you a few now being completed. State Land Co. T-ROOM house. Highland. New. modern; a big snap. $3250. John P. Sharkey Co 122 0th st. Main 550. A 2537. MODERN 8-room house, easy walking dis tance, near Steel bridge; a bargain. ?4S50, terms. No agents. Y 35. Oregonian. 6-ROOM cottage, 50x100 corner, 1 block from A. car; fine location ; $6o0 cash, balance terms. lo84 E. 15th st. X. Owner. VERT choice acre at end of Waverly-Rich-mond line, fine view, good soil ; price $1500. Call for McGrath. Main 3177. 13000 New modern 6-room house, Holladay fartx. Aaomun. jv ucr. x'iiujio ra.&x. 2756. PORTLAND HEIGHTS residence; fine view; only $4000. Puree, &m chamber of Com merce. Mai n 7309. CALL upon us for bargains in choice houses. lonen s neramon. i noiit oast ouu, C 1993 cor. of 15th and Halsey. NEW, modern, tt-room house. block from car; owner; terms; Montavllla. Phone East 2367. AT actual cost, on easy terms, a 6-room new residence on xuuy improved street, corner lot. Owner 601 Buchanan bldg. FOR SALE For good buys In homes or lots. gains. Phone mornings. Woodlawn 136. $1550 Nice now cottage. 7C6 East 6th, near n..ih- flora to rar: bath. cas. fto. Own. 208 4th. Main 3000. $140 CASH buys 63xl00 feet. S. D. Watts, 627 Meridian St., Montaville. Phone Tabor 673. $2200 NEW 6-room cottage; terms. Owner ODllgea io tic ii. a in ui i a ovs wgrtcaier bldg. MODERN new 5-room bungalow, nice loca tion. Montavina; suuu; terms, owner. Phone Tabor 31L 8NAP If taken at once, 6-room cottage. See owner, li -ast 4itn, near ueimont. TWO lots in Nob Hill. For information ad dress AD 26. oregonian ko agents. FOR SALE 8-room house and lot. Apply Ko7 iortnrup st. FOR SALE A choice lot at Seaview. Phone Main 2004. CHOICE lota, best locations. Dollen & Herflmaa. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HALF ACRE TRACTS. We are offering the best thing in acre r half acre tracts in Portland: water mains laid and term of only 310 caslt and $10 per month. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO 110 2d SL. INVESTIGATE THIS SNAP! ! For sale, 8-room hou&e, furnace, grate, with or without furniture and lurnishiiiers; cement walks, fruit trees and flowers; $1000 cash, balance. paymnnts. same as rent. See owner at 676 East Ankcuy t. cor. 10th or Phone East 108. BEALT1FUL new 6-room bungalow; 2 large bedrooms, nice clothes closets, large recep tion hall, porcelain bath, living-room, dining-room and large kitchen, with pantry, porcelain sink, with back; electricity, nice front and rear porche?, with lights; every thing modern; good neighborhood; lot fiox 100 feet. Price $l7oo. $louo down, balance on time. Ralph Ackley, 6u3 Corbett bldg., oth and Morrison sts. $o000 8-room. modern house, on East Burnside, in one of the best resldencu districts, full size lot. fine roses and other shrubbery; house strictly up-to-. date, cement basement, porcelain baths, etc. ; cash, balance long time at 7 per cent. MANCHESTER & WILSON. 508 Weils Fargo bldg. FOR SALE CHBAP SO acres good land on main county roud; fenced, cross-fenced; or chard, all kinds borries, 12 hs-ad dairy cat tle, good team horsee. all kinds farming im plements, bouse, 2 barns, crop in, separator, hogs, 20 acres cleared; 30 miles to Port land, ft from Woodland. For information address J. B. Lamar, Etna, Clark Co., Wash. $1000 cash will handle 6-room modern two story house, full brick basement, gas, sewer and electric lights, full plumbing, cement walks, both street enrnor. nice shrubbery. East '-'Sth and Irving; bal ance & years 7 per cent. PRANK. BOLLAM, 128 Third st. NEW HOUSE ON HANCOCK STREET. Commodious modern house on two lots, with all modern Improvements, corner East 3lst and Hancock streets. Jus north of new concrete bridge; easy terms HANCOCK STREET BUILDING CO.. Room 11, Northeast corner td and Madison. Phone Main 5002. ATTRACTIVE- 6-room thoroughly modern residence, west of 15th st. and between Morrison and Hawthorne avo., corner lot. cement bapement, hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace. everything io make a home omplf te. Prt-e $."i2"0; terms. Western 'okboon trust co., 14 Chamber of Commerce, WALNUTS. I am offering for sale choice land set to walnuts to be cared for for four yearn. 16 miles from Portland on electric, car line; terms to suit you; other excellent fruit land for sale. W. E. BURKE. 620 Chamber of Com. bldg. GOOD house, barn, iot 80x125, high, dry. gently sloping; grass, shade, roses, mag nificent trees loaded with cherries, apples, splendid neighborhood; Improved streets, elect ric-llgtitud ; near carllne, schools, good stores; K500; terms. Owner, 203 Mlsner st., Montavllla. Tabor 271. $16on 6-rom house and lot 50x133; good plumbing. $1650 New, modern 4 -room, bungalow, 1 blocks from car; tenrm. $2500- Modern 6-room house. Upper A 1 bina. Many other bargains. S. C. Priest ley, 410 Dekum bldg. READY for occupancy, 8-room modern house, complete inside and outride, bar gain for a party wanting same for home. East Side, good neighborhood, lot 50 by 100; 4H0. will accept small payment, to reliable party. A D 25. Oregonian. SEVEN acrvs or ton acres near Council Crest carline. at $350 per aero; beautiful site for country home; owner could at tend to business in Portland; this prop erty will rife in value rapidly. Chapia & llerlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. MUST SELL My beautiful home in Irvlngton. 627 Han cock st.. between 16th and 17th; price $4750, $1250 cash, balance $35 per month. Sep owner. 607 Couch bldg. Phone A 3213. ONE Ar'HB AT RIVKUDALE. Ten minuu-s' wulk from train; hih and sightly; tine view of river and part of Portland ; several large fir tree's; price $1500. Chapln & Herlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. UIHLEY TRACT. Oregon City carline, acreage. In culti vation, best of land. 2 acres or more. C. W. Risley, owner. Rlsley Station, P. O. Milwaukle. FOR SALE A beautiful home, modern In every respect, shower bath and hot watr heat; price $3500; $1500 cash, balance t'irms. Phono Woodlawn 2167 or 771 E. 8th St.. cor Beech. FIVE-ROOM cot-tag; $3000, $1000 cash; house welt built and on extra large lot; fruit galore; rlve-minute car service; reason for selling is the need of seven rooms. Phone owner. East 4073. $2650 MODERN 8-room two-story houso, corner, small lot. on Clinton St.. $500 down, balance easy terms. FRANK BOLLAM. lira Third st. 17 ACRKS, with house, barn and some fruit; Steven and a half miles from Port land; line soil; this is a line buy; sea us; price Is too low to print. Chupin tfe llerlow. 332 Chamber of Commerce. $1650. BY OWNER. $500 DOWN. 6-room house, 3 lots, fruit, garden, lawn, block from car, near Lent s. No. 120 0th ave. Come out or phone owner, Eat 2532. 5-ROOM cottage, with bath, electric light. gas; nice lawn, sjgntiy location on West hide, near Hamilton ave; reasonable terms Inquire at room 405 Hotel Danmoore, 14th, and Washington. CHOICE acreage; grows everything; best wainut iana in jregon ; cioee in on Salem Electric line; $125 up per acre : easy terms. A. S. Draper, room 26 Lafayette bldg., 6th, cor. Washington. ACREAGE. now under crop; any tiz3 tracts, one and a hair miles from Beavor- ton; $200 per acre; finest of soil. Chapin & Herlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE by own-ir. modern 6-room bungalow, two lots; electricity a? tvax; a snap if taken at once. Call at 1149 Stevens, or phone Tabor 10. 6 0x5 Corner Union ave. and Wygant; fine for stores, with ilats above ; $1550; also in, same block, 35x100 for $sr0. Culver, ti3 Chamber of Commerce. LEAVING citv. will sacrifice new modern 6-room house, concrete ba.-ement. fur nace, corner lot, lawn, roses; $3000; terms. 3"JO E. 33d st. Phone Tabor l5. LOT 40x100. East 7th, near Broadwav, $1300; If 35x100, only SlL'5; good street, walk. Culver, 623 Chamber of Com " merce. $2400 DESIRABLE six-room bungalow lire place, ga.-, bath, electricity. $:ioo, $20 monthly. East 44th, three blocks south Hawthorne. Tabor 1768. TWO bargains in quarter blocks; Irvlng ton and Holladay Park; $3200 and $4)"u; best to be had for the money, rhapin & Herlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. J. M. KERR A CO.. Real estate, farms. 208 Stark st,, room 10. A 5148. Main 1222. $;oo Beautiful lot on Broadway M., near 28th; street Improved. I. Miller, 410 Cham ber Commerce. BEAUTIFUL modern home on Eacrt Burn filde for $fi0OO; only $500 cash. C. J. Owen & Co., 303 Lumber Exchange. LOT In Montavllla 75xloo), near carline. for $750. C. J. Owen fc Co., 3o3 Lumber Ex change. Iiooo choice bungalow site, low down, near Heights carline; view of entire jcity. B. S. Cook & Co.. 60S Corbett bldg. LARGE house. Wept Side, very sightly, fruit trees; price $3500, with terms. Partic ulars 103 Fourth. MT. TABOR FMne building site can be bought. Call 1577 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 320 NEW 9-room house on Broadway, Irvlnc ton. Owner. 508 Fenton bldg. 75x100 feet. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Sightly modern. S-room home; your own terms. Call room 40, Washington bldg. BEST bargains In bungalows. Dollen 4j Herdman $1700 0-room house; sickness has caused a sacrifice. Room 8. SOfe 3 2d, A 2838.