THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY. JUXE 19, 1908. WHITE GOODS Reduced in Every SectionAll Muslin Underwear and Children's Ready-to-Wear Garments Much Reduced n 500 Women's Silk and Net Waists Reg. Vals. to $20 for $5.95 Friday Bargain Day we offer the event of the season in NEW Silk and Net Waists. Every waist is positively new this season. No old on shopworn waists are offered in this sale. These waists will create a veritable buying sensation today, when the full significance of this great offer becomes known. Hundreds of new waists in all the most fashionable materials, such as Messaline, Peau de Cygne, Jnp Silk and Novelty Net Waists, in white and ecru, made in dainty, lace-trimmed effects, with fancy yokes style of waist and elbow sleeves; also in embroidered and tailored styles. that conforms with the season's styles, and whatever Almost any waist you select you secure values that cannot be duplicated for less than double the sale price up to $20.00. Never in any waist sale have we given such sensational values as await you. Waists selling regular ly to $20.00, Friday.. Neckw'r Sale $3 Vals. at $1.98 "White and colored hand-embroidered Net and Lawn Bows and Jabots, very pretty designs;- also white lace and embroidered Yokes, Coat Sets and Neckwear Novel ties : $2.50 to $3.00 val- tf - QO ues on sale at . . . . .N .IO $l-5o-$2 Val. 98& SomVif , pur very best Neckwear goes into this, Friday sale lot. Regular $1.50 to $2.00 QO values, on. sale Friday. ... yOC 'Kerchiefs at 10c Hand-embroidered Initial Hand kerchiefs, dainty wreath designs, all linen, regular 15c "1 quality; Friday bargain..; XiC li2-Yard Veils $2 Vals. 69c Black, White and Colored Chantilly and Tuxedo Veils, 1 yards long, large assort ment to choose from. Values to $2.00, Friday. 69c Colored and White Wash Goods Remnants Half Price Hundreds of short lengths 2 to 12 yards of white and colored Wash Goods, : this season 's best wash materials, such as Printed Batiste, Voile, Lawn, Organdie, Madras, Silk Plumetis, etc. 15c Wash Goods 8c yd. 35c Wash Goods 18c 20c Wash Goods, 10c 40c Wash Goods 20c 25c Wash Goods 1 2 Vic 50c Wash Goods 25c 30c Wash Goods 15c 60c Wash Goods 30c i i , 1.75 S?K Gloves $1.09 New Leather Shades Pongee and Brown Black and White The greatest Silk Glove Bargain of the Summer at any Portland Store; fulf 16 button length silk gloves, with clasps at wrist, made of fine heavy silk, double tipped fingers. All sizes, in black, white, all the new leather shades, pongee and brown. Regular $1.75 vals. $1.09 For Friday Bargain Day .25 - $1.50 Silk Gloves 75c Elbow-length Silk Gloves in black and white, full elbow length, double-tipped fingers, standard make, all sizes. A special purchase enables us to offer this regular F" $1.25 and $1.50 value Friday at Z OC $5 Women's Sweaters at $2.95 Mannish Knitted Jackets for women for outing, outdoor exercise, cool evenings made in the smart, newest coat sweater shape, in white, cardinal and gray. Newest fancy and plain weave, with pockets. Selling regularly to $5.00, Friday , .... v t villi laiiwj $2.95 $38 Silk Dresses $17,75 An assortment of 45 new Silk Dresses in two piece effects, princess gowns and jumper suits, made of plain and fancy striped taffeta silks and rajah silks. Some are trimmed with braid, others are made with lace yoke and sleeves. All skirts are made in the newest plaited and gored styles. Colors are black, brown, navy, Copenhagen, tan and gray. Sold I ' Efc regularly to $38.00. For Friday Fjj Hosiery Sale a I ; i, Importers' French and German Sample J Hosiery in All Sizes, Styles and Colors y . Jf if Values Up to $1.25 a Pair W. j jj V IBj? Every year a New York importer of fine Hll' jhjtfy I t - LM French and German Hosiery sends us his A V5V7 zGf samples of the year's novelties and staple j. O patterns. They don't bother to classify fvj 1 , JOk the hosiery as to price, but invoice all val- A3jf ues, all colors, all styles and all sizes in one yfj ' ' ' . u big lot. A lot of 50 dozen "Onyx" ' AS i & V Hosiery is also included. So you get 35c, f Vti I f Y A 50c, 75c; 85c, $1.00 and $1.25 OQj, I l ffi Millinery News Extraordinary Vals. to $45.00 at $9.95 .. Pattern Hats, Exclusive Tailored Hats, Imported Models the very finest and smartest creations of the year go at this one low price of $9.95. The ostrich feathers and paradise feathered aigrettes alone are worth more than what we ask for the entire hat. But clearance of all Summer Hats is now in order. Hence this remarkably low price $9.95 None on approval None C. O. D. or exchanged See them in our windows. 5000 Yds.. Embroidered Corset Cover Edges Re2. Vals. to $1.75 Yard at 39c UStmml Friday i hmm r Bargain Day at Lipman- Wolfe's; 5000 yards Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Corset Cover Edges in a 1 . I. . Values to $1.75 Yd, 39c Me LOROSE Perfect Massage and Toilet Cream hns no equal. Excellent for the com plexion, wrinkles, pimples, blackheads, CHAPPED HANDS and FACE, etc.; does not grow hair or turn rancid, and has a very dainty odor suggestive of fresh flowers. Defies sun, wind and Ofl, dirt. Large beautiful .lC 5i)c jar vsv Melorose Face Powder The perfection of toilet dainties. Has a delightful odor, soft and velvety. 3ft in sticks." Positively the best Jjl powder in the world. 50c box 4. Melorose Rouge Unlike and very superior to any mother. Notliinp could induce you to use Oftr any other kind after once using J!, $1 Box, Special Price This Week, this perfect Rouge, iic box WILI.ARO WHITE CO.'S Vaucaire 69c UALKGA TABLETS Vesciflora Wonderful Liquid Hair Food. Bv its use the hair rapidly Krows long, luxuriant and beautifully glossy. It will positively jrrow hair where the roots are not (lend. Dandruff disappears after first application. I.AUIKS will find this preparation to be best in the world. Positively DOES NOT leave the hair oily and sticky. TJ;sTe0eLu!:79Cents The Greatest Silk Event of the Season The greatest Silk Sale of the season Friday the lowest price at which grood, stylish, dependable Silks were ever-sold in Portland. 2500 yards Hairline Stripe Chiffon Taffetas for jumper suits and shirtwaist suits, in a full range of colors. The best 85c Silks ever shown. For Friday Sale dk 111C cau ciuciy 1U w pi Ul, y dl u ...... . . . -j. . . . . . See the costume majo of these beautiful Silks in the big Third-Street Window Display. No phone orders will be filled, none sent C O. D. or on approval. Plan to be here early. 47c Curtain Samples at 89c We have just secured another lot of Manufacturers' Imported Lace Cur tain Samples, including this season's best patterns in Brussels Net, Batten berg, Irish Point and Arabian Cur tainsthe better part of curtains that sell from .V $10 to $25 a Pair Lengths i and and Arabian colors. i yards long, white lriday sale, each .' . . 89c Manufactu'rs' Rug Samples QnSale Today at Only One-Fourth Real VaL . , 5000 Manufacturers' Rug Samples, all bound ready !for use. including all this season's best natterns in Axminster, Velvet Wilton and Tapestry Brussels by lar the best value ot the season. Only 5000 will be sold not more than one dozen to a customer. 27x54 Inch Axminster Rugs at $1.39 27x54 Inch Wilton Velvet Rngs at $1.19 27x54 Inch Tapestry Brussels at 79c Men's Shirts 79 Cts. 1 ... i V 7 J Men's Negligee Shirts, made of fine madras, oxfords and percales, in light, medium and dark colors; one pair detached cuffs with, each shirt. Values to $1.50, Gingham Remnants Important Friday sale of Gingham and other remnants in domestic section short lengths of Ginghams Madras, Per cales, Challies, Japanese Crepe, etc., 3 , to 8 vards in length. Fridav bargain Lday at ..GREAT REDUCTIONS