Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 18, 1908, Page 14, Image 14

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FOR SALE By owner. East Side, fine
neighborhood, new eight-room modern
house, full cement basement, furnace,
small barn, large lot. fruit and roses.
Price ?i000; about $4000 cash will han
dle, principals only. M 24. uregoman.
140 CASH huvs a''xlW feet. S. L. Watts.
.127 Meridian st., Montaville. phone Tabor
Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle.
829 Chamber of Commerce.
WE are constantly acquiring fine tracts of
timber for sale and are headquarters for
lumber enterprises of all kinds. Phone
Main 44S6. Kinney & Stampher, 531-32
Lumber LxchinKe bias.
WE have a timber claim. 3.5oo,0o0 feet, that
we will sell for Its assessed value, f lfioO:
ir you are a timber man you know what
this means; worth $4ut0 to $5000. 627
Corbett bldg.
FOR CASH I will pell at $7 per acre 100
acres of Douglas County sugar pine tim
ber, situated within 2 miles of the
Southern Pacific Railroad. Owner. Y 23.
FOR SALE 5.00O.0O0 feet good saw timber,
cedar, spruce, hemlock : ItiO acres deeded
land ; good transportation facilities, near
Chinook, Wash. Address P 4, Oregonian.
FOR SALE 160 acres N. P. settlers' serin
Can be laid on surveyed or unsurveyed
land. Guaranteed. Cheap If taken at
once. Donald Master, Vancouver, Wash.
WE always have the best timber in Oregon
and Washington : buy, sell or trade. Inde
pendent Timber Co.. 516 Rothchild bldg.
WANTED Timber or homestead relinquish
ment. A.uofl.ooO to 12.OO0.000; give price
and particulars. Harmon, Concord bldg.
FOT'R rood homestead timber locations: un
surveyed land, near sawmill and road. A
F 24, Oregonian.
Government locations. 827 Worcester blk.
WANTED 6-room strictly modern home,
worth about $3000, within walking dis
tance of East Burnside and Grand and
near East Side High school; west of 24th
St.; will pay $2o00 cash, balance as
sumed. II 20, Oregonian.
WA NTED 0 or 7-room modern house or
bungalow from $3(mmi to $5000, In good
neighborhood. R 25, Oregonian.
IRVINGTON or Holladay. ,V(-room house
or bungalow; must be bargain. V 25, Ore
gonian. LOTS in thriving town, railroad Junction
preferred; would consider lots with build
ings. G 23. Oregonian.
WANTED 5 acres or more noar Portland;
will deal with owner only. State particu
lars. W 25, Oregonian.
WE want to buy Income property $5000 to
$15.000 for customers. Give full particu
lars. Box 325. city.
WANTED Farm ; will pay cash and new
nioilern house. Upper Albina, $2600. O 18,
"WANTED To buy from owner 5 to. 10
acres near Portland. L 25, Oregonian.
I have 12 acres only 4 miles from city
limits on a fine road, alt lies level; quarter
mile to a graded school, handy to R. R.
station; all clear and in grass; dome bear
ing cherry trees. Will trade this for a
good 5-room cottage in city.
217 Ablngton Bldg.
FOR EXCHANGE) 40-acre farm near Forest
Grove; good Improvements; 25 acres of
choice bottom land, fine young orchard of
3 acres, good house and new barn ; about
25 acres hill land with fir timber; running
water; price $26ofl; this is surely a good
buy. as other land around the Grove is
selling for about Sioo per acre; will take
In about $200o worth of Portland property.
RALPH ACKLE3Y, 603 Corbett Bldg.
10 ACRES, all in cultivation, right at a
tion, on West Side line; fine level valley
land: make an elegant country home; sale
or trade.
100 acres', nearly all in cultivation; fine
proposition to subdivide; terms. 126 Abtng-
ton bldg.
Fine modern 7-room house, quarter
Mock Hoyt St., corner, for acreage or un
improved lots; value $6u00. Will assume
some incumbrance.
V2S 3d St.
HOOD RIVER By owner. 20 acres fine land.
4 miles from Hood River; 2 acres bearing
orchard. 3 acres 3-y ear-old and 4 acres 1
year; buildings1, tools, etc. ; will take Port
land property in part payment. AC 24,
5 TO 15 acres for your equity In modern
house, will assume mortgage and give
terms on land; fine fruit or chicken ranch,
unimproved. Cobb, 008 Wells-Fargo bldg.
I WANT to trada good income-bearing Port
land real estate for a clean hardware stock
not to invoice over $10,000; correspondence
treated confidentially. Y 10, Oregonian.
FINE equipped, good paying motion pic
ture theater, near Portland ; will ex
change for lots or acreage. Call quick.
Box L 23. Oregoi ian.
80 ACRES 5 miles from Cape Horn on
North Bank Railroad; exchange for tour
ing car in good condition. Address F
0S3. Oregonian.
EXCHANGE for good Valley farm, business
property, residence; stock of merchandise,
value $20,000. Add. cor. Broad & Olney.
A $12,000 Klickitat hill fruit and farm
tract to trade toward Portland home or
business property. Fiank Lee, 147 &
Front st.
A FINE timber claim, 6.000.OOO, exchange
for improved farm or Portland residence.
327 Worcester blk.
LOTS at Newport, Or., sale or trade; $10
down and $5 a month. Cobb, 508 Wells
Fargo bldg.
IF you want to buy, sell or trade house, lot,
farm or business, we have many offers.
325 Lumber Exchange.
IF you want to buy, eell or trade houe, lot.
farm or business, see what we offer. 325
Lumber Exchange.
EXCHANGE) 16o acres land, fine for apples
and small fruit, for house and ground in
Portland. P 27, Oregonian.
,8-ROOM modern house. Highland. $2?O0;
what have you got? State Land Co.,
1332 First st.
640 ACRES wheat land to exchange for res
idence. Smtih. 411 Buchanan building.
EQUITY In fine building lot. close in, for
good piano. Address Box 325, City.
WILL trade 'or what you have. Gua Smith,
411 Buchanan bldg.
TIMBER Lands wanted.
304 McKay bldg.
C. J. McCracken
28 '-3 SECTIONS of the best wheat land In
Eastern Oregon: must be sold to settle an
estate: tracts to suit; terms cash; rail
road runs through lands; mile to good
town; I visit the lands every two weeks;
any wishing to go, write me. giving
phone number. G. E. II eC lure. 1034 E.
Morrison st.
120-ACRE farm, one mile of Oregon City
car and 8 miles to Portland; well located,
running water; can be subdivided, or od
dairying and truck farm: price right; will
sell part. Pun 823 Chamber of Com
merce. Main 73irt.
MUST go now. owner of 160-acre valley
farm, retiring, offers farm. 21 head of
stock. 30 acres cleared, house, barn, fine
hunting and Ashing. good neighbors,
$2250; $1000 cash, balance 5 per cent. Box
1S7. Yaquina. Lincoln Co., Or.
CHICKEN RANCH, well stocked, acres
ground, horse, wagon and all Implements
necessary for auch; reasonable price,, J.
Walker, 183 3d.
TEN acres1 8 miles east of Portland; 10 min
utes' walk from Jennie Station, on Esta
cada line; cleared and level: a snap. E..
F. Krueger. 3t3 Commonwealth bldg.
40 ACRES best level land near Beaverton.
on Shoil's ferry road; lots of cord wood ,
close in; $65 per acre. Owner, J 5, Ore
gonian. HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 40 acres, near
sea coast; price $60. Geo. Wilson, Ne
canlcum. Clatsop Co., Or.
FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olmsted
Land, Company. Salem, Or.
We are opening in Lake and Harney
Counties the Oregon Military Road Land
Grant, for sale and colonization, in the
folio wins: subdivisions, at $200 per farm,
payable $io per month:
H lMM-acre farms.
12 640-acre farms.
400 160-acre farms.
5O0 80-acre farms.
1020 40-acre farms.
4OS0 2ft acre farms.
5074 10-acre farms.
Five acres of each of the 10-acre tracts
will be under Irrigation on date of open
ing. This tract comprises 300.000 acres of as
fine lands as can be found in the world.
Where property values are rapidly in
creasing. Where there are no aristocrats.
Where the sufferer from hay fever,
asthma and consumption finds relief.
Where the overworked business man
can rest and recuperate.
Where one never needs a vacation.
Where the water is pure, soft and plen
tiful. Where the air is pure and invigorating.
Where taxes are low.
Where there are no public debts.
Where the laws protect both the In
vestor and the settler.
Where you have neither cyclones, hur
ricanes nor destructive wind storms.
This Is your real opportunity to make
yourself independent and comfortable and
provide a good home and a revenue for
your family.
830 Chamber of Commerce. '
ONLY $12.50 AN ACRE.
120 acres of fine apple land, in the best
apple district in Oregon, near the Mount
Hood carllne now in ccurse of construc
tion; on main road, near school; all easily
cleared. This land is cheap today at
$25 an acre, and will be worth twice
that amount inside of 18 months. You
cannot possibly make a mistake by buying
this land at even $25 an acre. This dis
trict Is bound to develop Into the best
apple proposition in the state. We have
an excellent list of farm properties for
C07 Commercial bldg., err. 2d and Wash.
All In cultivation, 000 apple trees In full
bearing. 8 years old, last year's crop 2300
boxes, which netted $1 per box; full crop
this year; also 31 large cherry trees and
25 pear trees in full bearing; nice S-room
house, fine fence, fine road all the year;
1 miles from R. R. station, close to
Portland; improvements are worth the
price asked; price $4500, terms.
Main and A 5700. 204 Corbett Bldg.
$2500 ONLY A nlro 40-acre farm in Mult
nomah County, 23 miles east of Portland;
18 acres under cultivation, good large
barn and other outbuildings; nice 2-acre
orchard, good springs, running water all
year around ; finest of soli, some good
timber; an ideal place for the man who
knows how to appreciate a good farm.
For a short tfme only at that price. C.
F. Pfluger & Co., room 14, Mulkey bldg.,
corner 2d and Morrison sts.
mile from Tjgardville electric statior,
all In cultivation, 0 acres of beaverdam,
fenced on 2 sides; ltys fine; running
stream, on fine road. You can see station
from place. Don't mi6S this, $2400,
SWEET. 204 Corbett Bldg.
950-ACRE stock and dairy ranch, Yamhill
County; good buildings, fruit, lots of grans
and water; phone and water in house;
have stock on place which will sell reas
onable; 12 head are now giving 50 gal
lons per day; will lease above to respons
ible party for term of years. Loren
Seward. Vancouver, Wash. Phone Far
mers 12S.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
HANDSOME bay mare, 8 years old, weighs
j ivv puunas, snuna, comnination riding
and driving, single or double; price rea
sonable. Phone Seliwood 1173. 707 East
10th st.
$235 BUYS chunky bay team, mare and
horse, 8 and 9 years, weight 2750, and har
ness; $185 pair chunky mares. 5 and 7
years, weight 2200, and harness; $15
chunky sorrel team, 5 and 6, weight 100,
and harness; can be seen at Dexter
Stables, 45 4th st.
I WILL exchange a nice lot at Long Beacn,
jjiik view or. ocean. ior iaay s driving horse
and buggy. See M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton
uiag. jaam 4 tun.
$85 BUYS handsome little chunky bay pony,
i jirt a, wt-if(iii i Kina ror cniidren ;
can be seen at Dexter Stables. 45 4-th st.
Phone Main 25S6.
ONE beautiful sorrel mare, 8 years old.
sound and gentle, also 2 cheap delivery
horses. Phone East 4804.
25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho-
iei dur, aaaaies, Harness, cneap to close
out. Hubert & Hall. 266 4th st.
FOR SALE 5-yr-old gentle mare, would
n- eaiioiibc. orso.
6- YEAR-OLD horse, and buggy, harness;
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kiuqs ior saie. Montgomery.
FOR SALE Horse and wagon; time given.
1007 STODDARD-DAYTON touring car. top
" friaiD num.. nuu.
10O7 Stevens-Duryea, top: $1250
1906 Franklin; $850.
These cars have been traded In on
Pierce and Cadillac and must be sold at
once; no reasonable offer refused
16th and Alder. M 6470.
AN automobile, good for sightseeing; will
in" v pciaoiiw. win eeii or exchange for
real estate. Address E. B. Rodman, 503
Alder st.
AUTOMOBILE. '07. model Orient, buck-
for realty. 617 Tourny. Phone Pacific
20-HORSE power Franklin touring car, Al
ivi oaio ui tor reai estate.
V 983, Oregonian.
FOR snaps on second-hand automobiles call
kiaiiu wuiur-Lar o. oo Aiaer.
WHITE steamer runabout, guaranteed first-
"""" ui ucr. x-1 i u ii b Aiam alii.
BRAND-NEW $400 piano only $250; $15 down,
u""tc ro per monin. Lan aoo Aider.
60 SEWING MACHINES, slightly damaged.
Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, Domestic,
Household, Standard, New Royal and others.
100 second-hand machines at your own
price: old machines taken In exchange;
machines eold on monthly or weekly pay
ments; no Interest on ffintsact sales.
S3S Morrison sL
FOR SALE: New and second-hand billiard
ana pool tables; easy payments; we rent
tables, with privilege of buying; mod era
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender.
40 Third st.
THIS Is a snap. If taken today; furniture of
f i win nuuac. x u i t. ocoii car. get
off at Clarks Station. ft block west on
left-hand side.
A BRAND NEW 3-chalr high-class barber
uukiiL , urcu uiiij vmw uiuum , wm sen cneap
and on easy terms. W. L. Morgan, 213
Abington bldg.
SNAPS Singer, Wheeler & Wilson and New
Home sewing machines; drop-heads, bran
new. Inquire 475 Morrison, cor. 14th,
evenings after 7 P. M.
CHANCE to buy Some fixtures cheap, coun
ters. 2 show cases, large refrigerator 12
restaurant tables, lot dishes. 106 Union
OLD -VIOLINS and stringed Instruments
bought, sold and exchanged. L. W inters. 313
Tilford bldg.. loth and Morrison sts.
EDISON and Powers machines, song slides.
supplies rented, bought, sold and exchanged.
Newman, 293 Burns lde.
FOR SALE Band of 30 head high-grade
Angora goats. H. E. Noble. 812 Com
mercial blk.
supplies, slides, Alms for rent. 165 4th st.
FRESH cow for sale. 1101 Division st.
Phone Tabor 15 SO.
FULL-BLOODED St. Bernard dog for sale
E, E. Jenkins. 36S Stevens st.
THOROUGHBRED Scotch collies for sale.
412 Constance et., take Union ave. car.
TWO fresh cows, four and five gallons a day
price $42 each. Phone Tabor 1609.
BICYCLES, new and second-hajad; repair
ing done. 189 Morrison.
Every reader of The Oego
nian is a possible buyer. These
readers can be reached at the
breakfast table every morning
through The Oregonian, and
The Oregonian only.
A few test advertisements
will convince you that The Ore
gonian is the "Real Estate"
and classified newspaper of the
Pacific Northwest. Its classi
fied pages have hundreds of ad
vertisements each day and its
complete news and real estate
happenings make it a most de
sirable newspaper to have about.
An exceptionally well built gasoline
freighter, of light draft and large carry
ing capacity, but 'under the 35-ton limit,
so that It can be readily and legally
operated by two men The vessel la 60
feet long, with a 13-foot beam, and is
equipped with a 20-horse engine of first
class make. She Is now at Umatilla, Or.,
In care of James Atchison, who will
aliow her.
For price and terms address
621 Bailey bldg., Seattle. Wash.
FOR SALE, CHEAP 12 thoroughbred Here
ford bulls, from 1 to 4 years old. Inquire
C. P. Hall, at Union Stock Yards, or C.
MInsinger, care Star Sand Co.. foot 15tU
Employment Office Men's Department.
26 North Second St.
Phones. Main and A 1526.
Help Free to Employers.
WANTED Salesman to handie locally on
commission basis gilt-edged Industrial stock
in well established paying concern, with
ample assets; none but strictly high-class
man need apply. Address for interview,
V 21, Oregonian.
WANTED Thoroughly competent hotel
man to take the management of city
hotel; must have practical experience and
give references; state full particulars In
your flrat letter. Apply N 24. Oregonian.
MAN with reference to solicit and collect;
experienced man to go with you and teach
you the business; opportunity for promo
tion to good salary position soon. 409
Macleay bldg., 286 Washington st.
WANTED Young man with $50 to phoi
property; can easily clear $10u a month.
225 5th fit.
I HAVE a good opening for a man to se
cure a half interest in a well-paying real
estate office for a small amount of money.
607 Buchanan bldg., 262 Washington st.
WANTED Frve firstclass salesmen for high-
first month. People's Safe Deposit Com
pany, Dekum bldg.
THREE experienced shoe salesmen ; also
lady cashier for our new store which will
open Saturday. Sample Shoe Store Co.,
corner 1st and Madison.
EXCELLENT chance for young man; good
character and ability; must invest $2700.
Give phone number. Address P 26, Ore
gonian. WANTED 2 live agents, also have a good
paying proposition to let; must have some
capital. Call' 91 ii 1st St., second floor,
room 45.
SUBSCRIPTION solicitors, liberal commis
sion, German weekly newspaper, 21.000
subscribers. St. Josephs Blatt, Goodnough
bldg. .
WANTED Reliable man for active interest
In real estate office; can easily make $125
per month. Call room 318 Allsky bldg.,
corner 3d and Morrison.
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tics; easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while learning. Watchmaking, En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle.
WE want a few more wide-awake, hustling
salesmen to handle our line of trees, shrubs,
etc.; some choice territory open; commission
advanced. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or.
WANTED Active young man; experience
unnecessary; office position and interest;
$250, part cash, balance out of business.
518 Commonwealth bldg.
MOVING PICTURE machine operators earn
$25 to $35 weekly; ea,sy work; short hours;
learn the business In short timej terms rea
sonable. See Newman, 293 Burnside.
BOOKKEEPER for general office work, one
with some R. R. office experience pre
ferred; state age, experience, salary and
references. F 11. Oregonian.
COMPLETE fine Edison motion picture out
fit, including 5000 ft. feature film, etc.;
will exchange for lots or acreage. Box
L 22, Oregonian.
WANTED High-grade salesman, real es
tate or life Insurance experience pre
ferred. Call at 14S Fifth St.. upstairs,
ask for Mr. Marthello.
WANTED 2 sash cutters and one frreman
of sash and door department'. W 23, Ore
gonian. TWO paperhangers, with tools, at 601 Mary
land ave.; $3.25 for S) hours; come ready
to work.
WANTED Boy to take orders on commis
sion ; rustlers earn good wages. Apply 31
Russel bldg.
SERVICES of partner with $300 wanted at
once. For particulars call at 511 Swetland
For Men 250 Burnside Street.
Phone Maip 5694.
12 North 2d st. Both Phones.
WANTED First-class meatcutters. top
wages. Harry Wood Market Co., 1st and
Alder sts.
WANTED Salesmen, all lines; bookkeepers,
Btenogrephers and clerical men. Commer
cial Abstract Co., 407-8-9 Com. Club bldg.
SALESMAN, all lines; bookkeepers and sten
ographers; city or country. P. a. & C.
Co., 3234 Washington, rooms 39-41.
WANTED One or more first-class stove
mounters. Apply to Albion Stove Works.
Ltd.. Victoria.
W" ANTED- Photographic operator; must be
flrst-clae; also retouchers. Cut berth, De
kum bldg.
sion all the year; enter now. 650 Wor
cester block.
GOOD all-around, general jobbing black
smith. 371 N. 17th st.. between Savler
and Thurman.
WANTED Photograph coupon and portrait
agents; new offer. Cutberth, Dekum bldg.
WANTED 4 coffee and tea solicitors at 214
Main St.; good commission.
TWO good advertising solicitors. Kredt
Printing Co.. 4tH 1st st- Call 8:30 A. M.
WANTED Wrood turner. Address Frank
WANTED Office boy: steady position. Ad-
uu iiuiKiwrmng. al. 20. oregonian.
BOY with wheel, acquainted with city: $7
week. Apply 1284 5th st.
LEATHER CUTTER wanted by tbA P. J.
Cronin Co.. 129 Ust at
We are receiving a constantly Increas
ing number of calls for high-grade men
from employers, and are unable to fill
many of them, owing to the lack of effi
cient men.
A clerical man of any kind, a salesman,
executive, technical or professional man
We can save you a vast amount of time,
trouble and expense In rinding the po
sition you desire.
402. 403. 404. 405 Swetland Bldg.
WANTED An energetic, clean-cut trave.
ing salesman with reference, who can
show results on good specialty lines, who
has no objections to traveling six months
during the year over Washington. Ore
gon. Idaho and Montana, and who can
command $1500 in cash, to buy half In
terest in an established manufacturer's
agency business in this city. If you can
All the above requirements, address G 21,
WANTED Real estate salesman with clean
record to handle high-class property. Ap
ply Delaura Beach Company, room 5,
Lafayette bldg. Ask for Mr. Custer.
For graduates last year; men and
women to learn barber trnde in eight
weeks: help to secure positions; graduates
earn from $15 to $25 weekly: expert in
structor; tools free; write for catalogue.
Moler System of Colleges, 35 N. 4th st-.
Portland, Or.
WANTED For U. 6. Army, able-bodied un
married men, between ages of 18 and 35,
cftizen3 of United State, of good charac
ter and temperate habits, who can speak,
read and write English. Apply to recruit
ing offices. A ins worth block. Third and Oak
ta., Portland, Or.
A STEADY, honest and reliable man, mar
ried; no children, to take care of horses;
must give reference; none but thoroughly
experienced and competent man wanted.
Apply between 0 A. M. and 5 P. M.. at
Olds. Wortman & King stables. East 7Ui
and Flanders.
To take a quarter interest in estab
lished business and do outside work; sal
ary $100 a month; must have personality,
education, and commercial experience;
$1000; not over 35 years of age. Box
IPS. Portland.
WANT A middle-aged man for small home
ranch near city; must be willing to bach,
understand horses, cows and gardening. I
am willing to give use of 5 acres and
some monthly salary; none but steady and
sober persons need apply. G. H. Danraeier,
Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington.
MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster
, Ing and bricklaying, day and night classes,
no books,- free catalogue; special low
tuition; easy installments. Coyne National
Trade School. 239-240 Eighth St., San
TRAVELING salesman of ability to carry
first-class side line of men's gloves on com
mission; state territory and present line;
references. Address for two weeks A. S.
Bloch & Co., Glove Manufacturers, 3378 24th
St., San Francisco. Cal.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
nousework; small family; good wages. Tele
phone Mrs. Johann Poulsen, East 751, or
can 43 tiafsalo st.
LADIES We want lady agents to sell our
goods and make money. Only first-class,
respectable ladlps with references need
apply. 64 6th St., bet. Oak and Pine.
Ladies' Department, "05 'i Morrison St.
Phones Main 1062 A 1406.
WANTED Competent girl to do general
housework in small family; must be neat.
Apply 00 park, St., mornings.
SHORTHAND by private lessons, day or
1 a t. v ir.ii)
S43' Washington St., corner 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED First-class millinery saleswomen,
Apply, stating full experience to J. S.
Graham,. Inc.. box 223. Seattle, Wash.
GIRL to assist in cooking and light house
work; small family, nice room. Apply
xorenoon. J4 orth .id.
WANTED First-class trimmer. Apply,
stating experience, to J. s. Graham, Inc.
box 223, Seattle. Wash.
GIRL for plain cooking and washing; two
in family; $25 a month. Apply 144 N
lltth St.. near Hoyt.
WANTED 20 experienced lady clothes iron
era at nnnfl I'ltu T.a ntilpv Of-Vt nnH 'EM..
ders. '
2 in familv. 1K2 TTaat 14th at Phno c"at-t
WANTED Girl for general housework. 3
In family; good wages for the right girl.
821 Kearney st.
WANTED Young lady assistant In office.
Apply oy letter in own handwriting to
;oiumDia Mining to., city.
WANTED A good girl for general house
worn; a good nome. i. t. Hurlbut, 440
i mcago st.. st. jonn.
" -t ' u xi. n aLriiUKiapner ior 11 Rill
worn in reai estaie omce. xt i. orego-
11 1 U II.
MARRIED lady to take care of house for
free rent. Call before 0:30 or 4 to 6 to
day. 32 Mill.
WANTED Middle-aged lady to assist with
nousework and care of children; no wash
ing, tan (ou vvasco st.
ELDERLY gentleman f'.-Igar store), Chinese,
juiHinese cooks, coast; waitresses Mood
River, $25). "Drake's," 206 Washington.
WANTED Young lady stenographer, a be
ginner orercrreo. can bth st. room
6, between 3 and 4.
WANTED Housekeeper, between 25 and 30.
ior out or iown. uau j jo 6th st., room
o, between l and 3 o clock.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. viavi Co., 603 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
GOOD woman cook in private boarding
house; good place for right party. 251
7th st.
SALESLADIES' for gloves, hosiery and um
brellas; must have references. Lennon's,
SOO Morrison.
RELIABLE, trustworthy girl for second
work. 695 Davis, near King.
WANTED An experienced girl to do second
work. Apply 215 St. Clair st.
GIRLS wanted for laundry work; good
wages, steady work. Troy Laundry Co.
GIRL for general housework, small flat,
family of 2. 722 Johnson st.
GIRL for housework at beach. Phone B
GIRL for general housework, willing to go
to beach; small family. 649 East Ankeny.
WANTED Girl to do general housework.
Apply 3S1 10th st., corner Montgomery.
WANTED Good working housekeeper;
must cook well, family of twy. Pac. 1460.
WANTED Young woman to assist at beach.
Small family. 776 Johnson st.
GOOD girl for general housework. 65S
Broadway. Irvington. phone C 1327.
GIRL for general housework. 653 Washing
ton st.
WANTED A little girt to board; nice home.
Main 8394.
GIRL to assist In cooking and general house
work; three In family. 471 Main st.
GIRL or nice woman wanted. 220 Vi 1st St.,
room 5.
NEAT girl for general housework;
adults. Apply SOS Clackamas st.
CAPABLE1 girl to assist with housework and
children. 319 Tillamook st. East 2V8.
GIRL for cook and general housework. Ap
ply mornings, 740 Weidler st. Irvington.
WANTED A good dressmaker, by the day.
Call 42 Vs North 6th st.
SECOND girl wanted, family of 2. apart
ment Iris Apartments, 3V2 Third st.
WANTED Good girl to assist with kitchen
work; wages $25. Apply 77 West Park st.
WANTED Girl for cooking and general
housework. 648 Love joy st.
YOUNG lady wanted at once to learn bar
ber's trade: good wages. 12 N. 4th st.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Flanders st.
GIRL for general housework. 346 Clifton,
corner 7th, between Lincoln and Jackson.
GIRI6, 26 years and over, to work In fac
tory. Apply at once. Ames-Harris-NevUle
Co., 6th and Davi sts.
WANTED TODAY Flrs-t and second cooks
for boarding-houses and private families ;
. waitresses, chambermaids, housekeepers.
second gfr!s, girls for general housework,
. others; good wages.
Large list of new positions daily.
Ladles' Department 205 Va Morrison St.
WANTED, as demonstrator, a lady of re
finement and education, over 25. having
had successful experience in soliciting in
the better class of homes; permanent po
sition and good pay to the right one. Call
between 11 and 12 A. M. today on E. J.
Stanley, Hotel Lenox.
WANTED Good reliable girl to do general
housework and cooking; 2 in family; Irving
ton. C 1372.
843: Wash. st.. cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phones, Main and A 2692.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
WANTED High-grade. nearly dressed
saleslady, life insurance or real estate
experience preferred. Call at 14$ Fifth
st., upstairs, ask for Mr. Marthello.
A thoroughly experienced and compe
tent saleswoman for our silk department.
THE Meier & Frank store wan'ts a good,
bright saleswoman for their art em
broidery department; good steady posi
tion for a competent person.
TBACHER'fv High school, $60 to $SR; higher
graaes, to $io; commercial, i;; prin
cipals, $75 to $100. Payne-Fisk Teachers'
Agency, 1210 Williams ave. Both Phones.
makes young people happy with good po
sitions. 629 Worcester blk. Phone Main
GOOD gentleman and lady solicitors, op
portunity to earn $5 day. Call A. M. 201
Tilford bldg.
$2 WILL start any young man or lady in
a steady business; good income. AB 22,
FIRST-class ladles' tailor, male or female;
highest wages paid to right party. 420
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WANTED Position as office assistant or
salesman, over 3 years' experience whole
sale and retail cigars; can do general
office work; best of references. O HI,
EXPERT accountant, systematizer and gen
eral office man, J2 years" exuerience. de
sires position, married, age 33; highest
credentials, p 23. Oregonian.
WANTED By competent office man, posi
tion where, if mutually satisfactory, finan
cial interest may be acquired. A E 16. Ore
gonian. EXPERT bookkeeper and experienced cash
ier from the East desires position. Phone
Pacific 744.
WANTED Position as bookkeeper, invoice
clerk and general office work in lumber
office; A 1 references. S 22, Oregonian.
LICENSED chauffeur wants position; good
driver; good references. AB 24. Orego
nian. WANTED A place on a dairy farm to
learn the business. Address W. E. Arnold,
670 Wilson st.
POSITION wanted by a first-class hotel en
gineer; best of references furnished. X 21,
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants position
running repairs; will leave city. M 7,
WANTED Position as teamster, porter or
watchman or any kind of work; strictly
temperate. N 20, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED man wishes position in fur
niture store doing cabinet work- 762
Savler, corner 23d, Rudolph Moser.
JAPANESE Employment Office, male and
female. 249 Couch st. Phone Main 6521.
YOUNG man and wife want work on farm
or private place. A F 11, Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants position In city; speaks
English. H 21, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED dishwasher wants job; $9
per week and board. Phone East 1085.
Japanese Employment Co. furnishes all kind
help. 268 Everett. Main 4659. A 4073.
WANTED By sober. Industrious, active
man, position as receiving or shipping
clerk, timekeeper, to take charge of ware
house, collector or any clerical position;
salary no object, wants work; A-l refer
ences. AB 21. Oregonian.
WANTED By sober, industrious, active
man, position with some lellable rice
firm; has years of experience, is just from
the Texas rice belt; thoroughly compe
tent In all branches of the rice business;
A-l references. Address 916 Haight ave.
WANTED Position of any kind for the
Summer by yomg man. a university grad
uate and experienced high school teacher.
Have had completed stenography course.
Can use any typewriter with standard key
board. P 25. Oregonian.
MAN and wife wish situation ; wife house
keeper and dressmaker; man to take care
of garden and stock; thoroughly compe
tent. Address A F 22, Oregonian.
A GERMAN gardener, sober and steady,
wants position on private place; have ex
perience In care of horse, cows and chick
eiis. A F 23, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-aged German with reference, able
to do gardening or any kind of work,
wants position on private place. K 5,
EXPERIENCED young man, stenographer,
df.sires permanent position ; best of ref
erences. Phone Main 29t3. C- L. Cad
wallader. WANTED Position as foreman of labor
ers; excavating, street grading, etc. ;
strictly reliable and temperate. O 25,
GARDENER, thoroughly 'experienced In
f lowera and vegetables of all descrip
tions; for residence only. L 21. Ore
gonian. WANTED Situation in printing office by ex-
icncea young man. will Herd, 188
13th st.. Portland.
FIRST-class Japanese cook w:its position
in small family. Phone Pacific 986'
Home A 4577.
WANTED Position as dav or night watch
man; experienced; good references.
Watchman, 660 Nehalem ave., city.
l YOUNG Japanese. honest and gentle,
wishes situation as waiter In small grill.
AF 13, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS all-round cook; steady and
economical; state wages. AB 20, Ore
gonian. YOUNG man 25. experienced driver, wishes
position as notei ous driver. Y 22. Ore
gonian. H A R Nij SSM A K E R wants work ; has h ad
y iars experience; country shop pre
ferred. The Sherman. 13 12th st.. r. 9.
JAPANESE cook wants position in city;
"k o wee a. ureRonian.
YOUNG man wishes position an field drafts-
iii an ,11. ii cngiiirci . ij t oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi-
vv"n.ujm.j iw uis on docks pre
ferred; city references. AD 21, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED lady stenographer desires
ixwiLiim . i iiutri wuoa macnme preferred ;
city references. AD 20. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and book
keeper desires permanent position; city
references. Phone Main 2991.
FOR a good stenographer, experienced or
neginner, paone C lerical rnce. Main 4504
Tested and certified.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants good
permanent posiqon. j Oregoniaa.
Dresama kers.
ART LA MODE, 181 6th st.. opposite the
Portland, Main 3378. A 5326. High-class
ladies' tailoring department, gowns and
wedding trousseaus; special prices this
week for commencement dresses.
SEWING neatly done; shirt waists and Juve
nile work a specialty; prices reasonable.
A 5048.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, excellent fitter
on fancy gowns, wishes engagements.
Phone Main ttawtt. 33 N lftth st.
DRESSMAKING in families; alterations nv
objection. Phone Tabor 228.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by day.
Miss Chism, room 3. Main 6771; A 4560.
House k eep era.
MIDDLE-AGED widow would like position
as housekeeper In widower's family, or
care of Invalid. AB 23. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED widow lady wishes position in
widower's family as housekeeper; thoroughly
competent. Mount Tabor. 209 East 36th st.
COMPETENT woman housekeeper in widow
er's family; good home in city. P 21, Ore
gonian. Nurses.
A YOUNG lady would Mko position in doc
tor's office. Has had hospital experience.
A 2553.
YOUNG lady wishes place like a home In
family of two to work for room and board;
privilege of piano. Call East 4201.
EXPERIENCED young married woman
would like the care of one or two chil
dren; no objoctlon going to beach. Y 25
AN experienced teacher will teach any sub
ject, any grade, or will start a child in
music for board and room; best of refer
ences. J 4. Oregonian.
COMPETENT and reliable young woman
wishes day work, any kind; fine laundress.
P 24, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED and reliable chambermaid
desires work in private family or hotel;
references. P 22, Oregonian. .
COLORED WOMAN, wash. iron, wait table,
cook dinner or sweep by day. Phone East
COMPETENT woman wants day work.
Phone Pacific 37.
LACE CURTAINS carefully home laundered.
40c a pair. Phone pacific 21RV
LAUNDRESS; go out by the day. Pacific
WANTED Wide-awake and reliable sales
men; liberal terms; excellent territory;
outfit furnished free; a good opening. For
particulars address with references, Ore
gon Nursery Company. Salem, Or.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? H
so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash
weekly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
WANTED Two or three good men for a
proposition that is never turned down ;
good contract, exclusive territory. 40 Vi
Raleigh bldg
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, fiats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
UNFURNISHED modern house on Wrest
Side; one or two years from August 15
preferred; can furnish references. A E
26, Oregonian.
WANTED Good board with large, pleasant
room or suite for couple, within six
blocks of East 2sth and Burnside sts.
Phone Prlv. Ex. 48. room 46, mornings.
WANTED To rent 6 or 7-room cottage bv
July 5; will pay about $25 rent; would
like near Hith or 23d-st. carline, north.
R 2i, Orenonian.
WANTED By adults, the care of furnished
apartments or house; excellent care; would
can fruit. Y 21, Oregonian.
5 OR 6-ROOM modern house. East Side,
near Hawthorne ave.. east of 30th st. or
Portland Heights. B 16. Oregonian.
WANTED 3 unfurnished housekeeping
rooms; centrally located. Address 151 'a
- N. 17th St.. Portland.
WANTED Modern .completely furnished 6
or 7-room houre, in good locality. M 22-,
RESPONSIBLE party will care for house
while owner is away. J 25 Oregonian.
WANTED FurnUhed cottaee at Nve Creek
Juno 22 to July 10. T 25. Oregonian.
WANTED Good typewriter; must be In
good order and cheap. Address 575 Gideon
st., Portland.
READY money paid for furniture; better
prices than a dealer. Phone East 5SSS.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
WANTED Second-hand motion-picture ma
chine and films. V 1, Oregonian.
WANTED 2d-hand hammock; state price.
P 20, Oregonian.
I PAY cash for household goods. Savage &
Pennell Fur. Co., 345 1st st. Phone 360.
And any thing else you have to sell.
Main 5655. a 4121.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
suoes; we aiso Duy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 N. 3d st. Phone Pacific 1722.
WANTED Live cub bear. lion and any
nve wna animals. iy a. stenzel
Fur Company, Salt Lake City, Utah.
WANTED 8 to 12 h. p. 4-cycle marine en
gine; must be in good shape and cheap.
T 24, Oregonian.
WANTED Second-hand wheel chair; must
in buw repair. inquire at room 8i!,
Good Samaritan hospital.
Furnished Rooms.
HOTEL Oxford, corner Gth and Oak; sin-
6' ii Bimei mouern conveniences;
raU3s very reasonable. Main SS.
115 12TH, near Washington, parlor bed
room, suitable for 2 ladies or gentlemen,
gas, bath and phone, $3.50 per week.
$2 PER week furnished room In prlvp.te resi
dence, moaern conveniences. iiA Love joy,
near 23d.
NEWLY furnished rooms, hot and cold run
ning water, hot-water heat. 2ol 14th st.
cor. Taylor. Main 4lOO.
TWO rooms, first-class, suitable for gentle
man, on Park block. Phone Pacific 1270,
535 EVERETT, furnished room, suitable for
one gentleman, walking distance; rent $15
Phone A 1501.
NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for
two; fine location. Phone East 2013. 4u7
Holladay ave.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable: new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 -a
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
THE WILLAMETTE Stark St., large
light rooms, well furnished, single or en
suite. 50c to $1 day; $2.b0 to $5 week.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front alcove
neom; also side room; modern conven
iences, close in; references. 303 12th st.
TWO furnished rooms at 666 Johnston very
reasonable. Call forenoons.
MAXWELL HALL, 207 14th, clean, light
rooms, hot water every room; reasonable.
NICELY furnished front room; bath, gas
phone. 227 7th st. Main C217.
SPECIAL rates, men. 6 minutes walk P. O.
Rooms $6, $10 month; bath. 203 10th st.
NICELY furnished rooms $1.50 up per week;
meals if desired. Hotel Mason. 247 5th.
NICELY furnished rooms at 67 North 14th,
between Davis and Everett.
262 12TH. a suite of lovely furnished rooms
for two or four gentlemen.
HOTEL ROY AT 1084 4th; nice rooms, $1.50
to $5 week, 50 cents. $1 night.
$9 Nicely furnished room, gas and bath.
141 13th. cor. Alder.
THEJ EL WOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5
wk.; also transient- rooms. 343 Morrison.
Furnished Rooms.
Parties looking for pleasant and comfort
able rooms, with all modern convenience,
for the Summer, will find just what they
want at the SARGENT HOTEL, corner
Grand and Hawthorne aves.
One of Portland's most elegant apartment-houses
sttuattd on same etreet, (6th),
and only 4 blocks from postoitiee; rooms
single and en suite; ratts reasonable.
THE GLENDORA HOTEL. 19th and Couch,
near Washington, has the best rooms in
the city, $7.50 per u.onth and up; single
or ensuite, with or without board; baths,
steam heat, electric lights, both phones,
large grounds, parlor with piano, billiard
and pool tables; all free to gusu.
THE GAYOSO, Grand ave. and East Stark,
why not have the best value for your
money? Well furnished rooms with steam
heat, hot water, bath and elevator; new
brick building with all modern conven
iences ; iook these up ; they will please
LARGE residence. 5 minutes from postof
tice. to be made a bachelor's hall; large
rooms, hot and cold water; hot water
heat, bath, grates, closets, both phones,
quarter block lawn; reasonable to perma
gentlemea. Address L 9S7. Orego
Large. light and neatly furnished rooms;
not water heat; hot and cold water, baths
and phone; transient. $1; special rates by
the week, phone A 1356. 3bl Yamhill st.,
N. W. cor. West Park.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sts. Newly furnished throughout;
new buildings, suites with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phone Main
715. Long-distance phones iu ail rooms.
One elegantly furnished outside room;
hot and cold running water and all mod
ern conveniences; very reasonable. The
Mercedes, near 20th and Washington sts.
TILL Sept. 15. large, airy, newly furnished
room including large closet, dressing
room, running water, piano, fireplace ;
suitable for two; excellent board, home
cooking; terms nominal. 504 Flanders.
HOTEL GLEN WOOD. 2d and Salmon New
and elegantly furnished; hot and cold
water in every room, private baths, steam
heat; transient, $1 and up; special rates
by week or month. .
HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th
nrst-class furnished rooms, single or en
suite; every modern convenience. $3 week
ly up; dally, 75c up; special monthly rates.
Main 5647.
ONE nice downstairs front room and 1 up
stairs front room for rent, gentlemen pre
ferred; also set of housekeeping rooms.
JSS West Park.
THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay window
and other outside rooms; electric lights
baths, etc.; $2.50 week up. 696 Wash
ington. PACIFIC HOTEL 214 Columbia st, 1 block
west of Salem Electric depot; running wa
ter in all rooms; free bath and phone; 50o
to $l day; $2.50 to $4 week.
HOTEL KENTON. 18th and Washington
Modern rooms. . single and en suite; al.iO
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 406.
THE GENEVIEV E N o w 1 y furnished,
Bteam heat, bay window room, walking
distance. $i a week. Tel. M 7410. 44
Columbia st.
HOTEL PHILIP oflers the very best of out
side new modern rooms; 10 public free
baths; run right; $4 week. 5th and Burn
side. COMFORTABLY furnished front and hack
parlor, suituble for one or two gentlemen;
running water, electric light, very central.
211 12th.
$12 LARGE furnished front room, includ
ing washing a nd mending. Inquire room
0. 205 Morrison.
250 7TH Very nice room, suitable for one or
two gentlemen; centrally located, modern
NICELY furnished outside suite with use of
piano, reasonable. 4ul)V, Wash., bet. loth
and 11th.
BRIIGHT. well furnished room. modern
conveniences. walking distance. Phone
Main 3.S12. 361 Tenth st.
NICELY furnished front room for one or
two gentlemen in quiet place. SO1 West
NICELY furnished room, suitable for one
or two gentlemen; reasonable. 444 Haw
thorne ave. Phone East 315.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia; mod
ern rooms, bath, 50c to $1 a day, $2 to
$4 week.
NICE furnished rooms at 471 Morrison st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
THREE unfurnished rooms. $12. including
gas, water; modern flat. Across Steel
bridge. 402 Ross st.
Rooms With Board.
BLAKELY HALL 300 Jefferson, between
mi tiiiu wit, mcciy lurnisnea rooms wun
first-class board ; br-autiful grounds; cen
ter of city; reasonable terms; elegantly
located for tourists, transients or perma
nent guests.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 20th year;
rooms with board, use of sewing-room,
use of library; Women's Exchange. Ad
dress Mrs. Ella Rawlings, Supt., 610
Flanders st.
ROOM and board $4.5r per week, lovely
yuiei nome-iiKe place, nume cooking. 6U4
Guild ave.. near North Pacllic lumber
ELEGANT large room, new, stylish house.
waiKing distance; $21! month each for
three, $25 each for two. Write 5o3 Mar
Sunny outside rooms; steam heat, hot and
cold water; first-class table; ntost reasona
ble rates. 455 Alder.
FIRST-CLASS table board, $4 per week,
good home cooking. Aster House, Seventh
and Mauison.
NICE rooms, with board, suitable for two.
modern, close In. I' hone East 722. 81
East Sth st. North.
Fl RST-CLASS room and board. $5.5,0 and
$6 per week. Aster House, 7th and Madi
fon. ROOM and board, private family, one or two
young men ; 10 minutes' walk. Pacific
LIGHT housekeeping suite, also single room,
reat-onable; bath and phone. 5&7 Wash
ington. Pacific 2(ill.
NICELY furnished front room with board,
home cooking, walking distance, suitable
for 2 gentlemen. Main 5400. 3Vt5 6th st.
ROOM and board for two; heme comforts;
modern conveniences ; walking distance;
prictts reasonable. 4S8 Market st.
THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morrison;
cosy, clean, comfortable; good tab.e; low
rates. Call and see.
THE MARLYN. Washington and 17th. well
furnished rooms, hot and cold water,
home cooking, permanent or transient.
ROOM and board for two young ladies or
men; walking distance; reasonable. 624
East Morrison.
A FURNISHED room in a private family,
with or without board, suitable for one or
two gentlemen. 427 3d st.
BOARD and room, walking distance; $6 per
week. 323 Clay. Phone Main 5163.
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozant.
225 11th st.
TWO gentlemen to room and board; private
family. Phone and bath. 584 4th st.
ROOM and board for one or two parties in
suburbs; reasonable. V 20. Oregonian.
ROOMS with board, private bath, gas. 74S
E. Taylor; good neighborhood
NICELY furnished rooms with board; also
table boarders. 452 Morrison, corner 13th.
FURNISHED apartment. IS room. ivery
modern convenience. The Marlborough,
21st and Flar.ders t's.
TO responsible party, furnished apartment.
"The Irving." References required. M 3731
or A 3731.
lumbia; modern 4-r.iom unfurnished apart
ments; excellent legation ; reasonable rent.
A 3-room flat, cozlly furnished, modern,
central, lovely yard; no children. 421 3d.
BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent.
12th. and Columbia. "The BraJntre,
- r