THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1908. ' 15 DECLINE IN WHEAT Prices Working Down to New Crop Basis. MAY OPEN AT 75 CENJS Export Flour Trade Is Quiet, but Market Is Still Quoted Firm. -Light Business in Barley and Oats. There is sill some demand from Cali fornia for wheat, but it is not active as tt was recently. The prices that were paid on California account were several cents above export values, and with the subsi dence of the Southern buying, the local market Is dropping back to the export basis. The trade yesterday quoted club wheat at 88 cents and bluestem at 90 cents. Supplies in the country are practically exhausted and the million or so of bushels left to sell will doubtless be taken before the season closes if the holders are willing to let go. There is a difference of opinion as to what prices the new crop will open at. but It is believed by many It. will be on the basis of 75 cents Coast, or 60 to 65 cents In the interior. All will depend on weather conditions from now on. Trading in the oats market Is quiet. Prices at present are fairly steady, but cannot be held much longer, and a decline to the new-crop basis is looked, for soon. The Barley market is very slow. The export demand for flour Is light, but prices are firmly quoted and there is no likelihood of any slump. The local move ment in the past month has been much better than In the early part of the season. A steady demand is reported for mill feed and an Increase in sales is looked for asMhe dry season approaches. FLKNTY OF CALIFORNIA FRUIT TODAY Straight Car of Apricots and Mixed Car of Peaches and l'liinm Will Arrive. A straight car of apricots and a mixed caf of peaches and plums will arrive from California today. The apricots will be quoted at JH4H.23. the peaches at Wc(l and the plums at $1 per box. Large receipts of strawberries naturally caused a weak berry market yesterday. At the morning market Clark -Seedlings sold as low as $1.50 per crate and common berries at $1.25. On Front street prices ranged from $1 to $1.75 per crate. Continued large ar rivals are expected for the next few days. Among the arrivals yesterday were one car each of bananas, lemons Garnet Chili potatoes, onions and mlxffl vegetables. Three cars of oranges are due this week. Fruit Prospects in the West. A New York fruit receiver, who has been investigating conditions in the 'West, is quoted by the Journal of Commerce as follows: "Last year about 100 carloads of Spitzen berg apple.? in boxes were sent from Oregon and Washington, while this Fall, if all goes well, nearly double that quantity will ie whipped. In Newtown pippins the same situ ation exists. From Watsonvllle, Cal., last season about 350 carloads of Newtown pippins were sent out, the great bulk of which went to England. The crop of the.-e apples In that section may equal 000 carloads this Fall. In Colorado the freeze did much damage and they will have about luoo carloads of box apples. mcstly Winesap. Jonathan and Rome Beauty, in place of about HOW carloads ex pected. Weekly Grain Statistics. The weekly grain statistics of chants' Exchange follow: American visible supply "Bushels. IS. 024.OO0 . .. .4H.012.IXK) . . . .28, ItH.IKH) . .. . lll.7S2.OIM) . . . .1S.47S.OOO ,"0.204.00O li.'i.lSO.OOO .'. . .44,175.000 27.943,000 Decrease. 2,053.000 1.1 02.000 1,020,000 1.3S4.O00 2. 125,000 2-.7O7.OO0 2.521.OO0 153.000 232.000 320,000 June 15, 10O8. 11(07. June 17 June IS, ltmti. 1H03. l'.W 4. ajune 10, June l. June 10, ino:t. June 18. 1H02. June IT, 10O1 . . June 18. looo. . June 19. 1S19. . Increase. Quantities on passage Week Week Week ending ending ending June 13 .Tune 0 June 15. '07 For Bushels Buxhels Bushels V. K. 22.5H0.0CK 23.120.01K 28.100 000 Continent ,.1040.000 15,120.000 10,840,000 Totals ...37.200,000 World's shipments. Week ending June 13 From Bushels V. S.. Can.. .3,Ort5,Ooo Argentina . .. 3,224, ooo Australia ... 72,000 India Pan. ports.. 421,000 Russia 1.44S.0OO 3S.240.000 4,8.000,000 flour Included Week Week ending ending June 0 June 15, '07 Bushels Bushels a.SOR.OOO 3.377.OO0 2. ; io, oik) 24S.W0 3.K1K.0O0 240.000 - 800.000 1 .050.000 1.700,000 148, OOO 1.1-52.000 Totals 8,233.000 7.506.000 11.145.000 Wool (Sales This Week. A wool sale will be held at Ontario on Thursday of this week when $2 500,000 pounds will be offered. The sheepmen of Harney County will furnish a large part of It. The quality of the wool this year is excellent. The Argus says 100.000 pounds were sold there recently to a Boston buyer at 13 4 cents. The second Shanlko sale Is scheduled to occur today and there will be a sale at Condon Friday. . Country Produce Markets Slow. The country produce markets were dull yesterday. Poultry arrivals were light, but the only demand was for large Spring chickens. The local trade In eggs was slow and Jobbers found it almost impossible to In terest outside buyers. Butter moved actively at last week's quotations Advances In Provision List. Advances of half a cent on breakfast bacon and dry salt cured meats and a similar rise 'In lard prices are noted In a new provision price list Issued yesterday. Bank Clearings. Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes terday were as follows: ., . Clearings. Balances. Portland $1,247,775 SHUTS" Seattle 1,218.310 lot! 5B Tacoma 8,v.l,::i -si Spokane 1.140.SI7 203,456 BOARD OF TKADE QUOTATIONS. Grain, Flour and Feed. WHEAT Track prices: club. SSe per bushel; red Russian, otic; bluestem Doc' Valley, Ssc: ' FLOUR Patents. $4.83 per barrel straights, $4.05f 4.55: exports. S3 70;- Val ley. $4.45; i-saek graham, $4; whole wheat. $4.25: rye. $5 50. M1LLSTVPFS Bran. $25ft 2rt per ton middlings, $:i.50r shorts, country. $28 50: city, $2S: wheat and barley chop. $27 50 BARLEY Feed. $25 per ton; rolled $27. 501128.50; brewing, $20. OATS No. 1 while, $27.50 per ton; gray, HAY Timothy. Willamette Valley, $17 per ton; Willamette Valley., ordinary, $15; Eastern Oregon. $1S50; mixed $10; clover, $14; alfalfa. $12; alfalfa meal, $20. Meats and Provisions. - LRESSED MEATS Hogs. fancy. Sc per pound; ordinary, 7c; large, ric; veal, extra. 8c; ordinary, 6ff7c; heavy, 5c; mut '"on. fancy, KfrOc. HAMS Hams, 10-13 lb., 15c per pound; 14-10 lb.. 14 Sc; 18-20 lb.. 144c. BACON Breakfast, 15(?23c per pound; picnics, 10c; cottage roll, 11c. .DRY, SALT AND SMOKED Regular snort clears, smoked, llc per pound; un smoked. 10H:c: .unsalted bellies, lo-l.l lbs., smoked, 10$ 13c; 10-13 lbs., unsmoked. 12c; clear bellies, unsmoked, 13c: smoked," 14c; shoulders.' lie: pig tongues, $19.50. LARD Kettle leaf. ls, 12c per pound; 5s. 12c; 50s. tins. 12'tc: S. rendered, 10s, 11 c; 5s. W54c; compound, 10s, "ic. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. BUTTER Extras, 25c per pound; fancy, 4c; choice. 2ic; store, 16c. EGGS Oregon. 17 4 18c per dozen. CHEESE Fancy cream twins. 13c per pound; full cream triplets. 13c; full cream Young Americas. 14c; cream brick, 20c; Swiss blk.. 18c; limburger, 2oV. POULTRY Mixed chickens. 12124 lb 1 fancy hens, lie: roosters, 9c; fryers, IT'S" ISc: broilers-, I718c: ducks. old, 15c; Spring. I5r20Hc; geese, s9c; turkeys, alive. 18gl8c for hens, 14 10c for gobblers; dressed, 17 19c. Fruits and Vegetables. APPLES Select, $2 50 per box; fancy, $2; choice. $1.50 ordinary, $1.25. POTATOES Old Oregons. Si 110 per hundred: new California, 2ii24c per pound. FRESH FRUITS Oranges, fancy. $3.25 gi 3.75; lemons. $46T4.75; strawberries, SI 1.75 per crate; grape fruit, $2.753.2o per box: bananas, S'.soc per pound; cherries, $11x1.25 per box; gooseberries, 5c per pound, apricots. $1S1.25 per crate; cante loupes, $4.00: blackberries, $11.25 per crate: peaches, 00c $1 per crate; plums. $1 per crate. ONIONS California red $1.651.75 per sack; Bermudas. $3 per crate; garlic, 1-5 liOc per pound. VEGETABLES Turnips, $1.50 per sack; carrots, $1.50 1.75; beets. $1.75; parsnips. $1.25; cabbage, $1.50 iff 2 per cwt.; beans, 10c per pound; head lettuce, 12Vs15c per doz. : cucumbers. 504; $1 doz. ; asparagus. $1.25gl.50 box; eggplant. 20c lh. ; parsley, 25c per dozen; peas, Sc per pound; peppers, 20c per pound; radishes, 15c per dozen; rhubarb, 2ff?3c per pound; spinach. 3e per pound; cauliflower, $2.50 per crate; green corn, 50c per dozen; tomatoes, Mississippi, $2.25 per crate; artichokes. 20c per dozen. JOBBERS' QUOTATIONS. Groceries. Nuts. Etc. DRIED. FRUITS Apples, 74c per pound: peaches, 11&124C: prune. Italian, 5fl04c; prunes, Frenclu 3ft 5c; currants, unwashed, cases, t)Uc; currants, washed, cases. 10c; figs, white, fancy, SO-pound boxes. 04c. COFFEE Mocha. 242Sc; Java, ordinary 17.2rtc; Costa Rica, fancy, 1820c; good, lottisc; ordinary. 12;&Hc per pound; Ar buckle. $16.50; Lion, $15.75. RICB Southern Japan, 55ic; head, 64 7c; Imperial Japan, 64c. SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails. $2 per dozen; 2-pound talis. $2.05; 1-pound flats, $2.10; Alaska pink, 1-pound tails. 95c; red, 1-pound talis, $1.45; sockeyes, 1-pound tails. $2. SUGAR Granulated, $6.25: extra C. $5.75; golden C, $5.05: fruit and berry sugar. $0.25; plain bag. $0.15; beet gran ulated, $0.05: cube (barrels). $0 05; pow dered (barrels). $6.50. Terms: On remit tances within 15 days deduct 4c per pound; if later than 15 days, and within 30 days, deduct 4c per pound. Maple sugar, 15 18c per pound. NUTS Walnuts,' 164 ISc per pound by sack; Brazil nuts. 16c; Alberts, Kjc; pecans, 10c; almonds, l418c: chestnuts, Ohio, peanuts, raw. S4c per pound; roasted. 10c: pinenuts. .1012c; hickory nuts. 10c; cocoanuts, 00c per dozen. SALT Granulated, 15 per ton; $3.15 per bale; half ground, 100s, $12 per ton; 50s, $13 per ton. BEANS Small white. 5c; large white, c: pink. 4c; bayou, 4c; Lima, Oc; Mexi can red. (c. HONEY Fancy. $3.503.75 per box. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 00 pound sacks, per barrel. $7; iner grades. $5.5006.50: oatmeal, steel-cut. 45-pound sacks. $8 per barrel; O-lb. sacks. -$4.25 per bale; .split peas, per 100 pounds. $4.25'4.80; pearl barley. $4.50W5 per 100 lbs.; pastry Hour. t it-pound sacks, $2.73 per bale; flaked wheat. $2.75 par case. Conl Oil and Gasoline. REFINED OILS Water white. Iron bar rels. lOUc; wool barrels, 144c. Pearl oil, cases, 18c; head light. Iron barrels. 124c; cases. 104c; wood barrels. 164c. Eocene, rasti, 21c. Special W. W., iron barrels. 14c; wood barrels, l&c. Elaine, cases. 28c. Extra star, cases, 21c: GASOLINE V. M. and P. naphtha, iron barrels. 124c; cases. 194c. Red Crown gasoline, iron barrels, 16 4c; cases. 224c: motor gaBoline. Iron . barrels. 154c; cases, 224c; SO gasoline. Iron barrels, 30c; cases, 37 4c; No. 1 engine distillate, iron barrels, 9c; cases, 16c. Kops, Wool, Hides, Ktc. HOPS 1007. prime and choice. SS54C per pound; olds, 2fc:24c per pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon, average best, 6 l!ic per pound, according to shrinkage; Valley. 1018124c. . MOHAIR Choice. lS184c per pound. CASf'A RA BARK 34 (5)4 4c per pound. HIDES Dry. 12W124c: dry calf. No. 1, tinder 5 lbs.. 14 16c: culls, 2c per lb. less; salted hides. 3c; salted calf. Oc; green (unsalted), 1c per lb. less; culls, 1c per lb. less; sheepskins, shearlings. No. 1 butchers' stock, each, 2530c: short wool, No. 1 butchers' stock, each, 5(60c; me dium wool. No. 1 butchers' stock, each 75c $1.0O; long wool. No. 1 butchers' stock, each $1 25(ri 1.50; horse hides, salted, each, according to size, $2.00(h'2-50; dry, accord ing to size, each, $1.00 1.30; colt's hides, each. 25cff50c; goat skins, common, each, 15fj25c; Angoras, with wool on, each, 30c $1.50. IT-RS No. 1 skins. Bear skins, as to size. No. 1, each, $5.00 IO; cubs, each, J 1 Si 3; badger, prime, each, 25(ffi50c; cat, wild, with head perfect, 30$r50c: house, 520c; fox, eommon gray, large prime, each. 40 50c; red. each, $3tf?5; crops, each, $5fft!l5; silver and black, each, $100;iOO; fishers, each, $5W8; lynx, each, S4.50S)6: mink, strictly No. 1, each, according to size, $1 3; marten, dark northern, according to size, and color, each, $10 15; marten, pale, ac cording to size and color, each. $2,50 4; muskrat, large, each, 12 15c; skunk, each, roi?f.40c; civet or polecat, each, 5(3 15c; otter, for large, prime skin, each, $610; panther, with head and claws perfect, each. $2'S,3: raccoon, for prime large, each. 50T5e; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3.50ir 5.00; prairie (coyote), 60c$1.10; wolverine, each. S6S8.00. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices Quoted locally on Cattle, Hheep and Hogs. Trade was quiet in the livestock market yesterday. The liberal receipts of several days past have made the supply somewhat in excess of the demand. Prices, however, hold steady, except on mixed sheep, which are quoted slightly lower. Receipts yester day were 150 cattle, 300 sheep, 216 hogs and 330 lambs. The following prices were current on live stock in the local market yesterday: Hogs Best, $06.25; medium, $5.T56; feeders, no demand. Cattle Best steers, $4.75: medium, $4.23 &4.00: common, $3.50(8 3.75: cows, best. $.1.73; common, $3.25(93.50; calves, $4.505. Sheep Best sheared wethers. $4; mixed, $3.;5'd3.75; Spring lambs; $4.505. Eastern Livestock Markets. CHICAGO. June 15. Cattle Receipts about 20. OH); market, steady to strong. Beeves. $57.S5; Texans. $4.65 6: West erns, $4.0O0; stockers and feeders. S- 5.50: cows and heifers, $2.406.50; calves, $4.50-25. Hogs Receipts, about 5200; market. 50 lower. Light. $5.25(3 5.73; mixed, $5.30(31 5.72 4; heavies. $5.2505.75; roughs. $5.25 5.45: good to choice heavy, $5.4505.75; pigs, $4.35(6 5.32: bulk of sales, $5.60j'5.73. Shtep Receipts about 20.000; market, steady. Natives, $3.40(!r5.4O: Westerns, $3.40 (&5.40; yearlings. $4.80gi 5.20; lambs,. $4,250 6.60; Western lambs, f 5. 25 S 6.23. OMAHA, June 15. Cattle Receipts, 7800; market, for best strong, others slow. Na tive steers. $5 7; cows and heifers, $3.50 06.50; Western steers, $3.756 25; Texas steers. $30(5.50; range cows and heifers, $2.7505: canners, $2.253.50: stockers and feeders, $303.10; calves, $; bulls and stags. $2.75()5.30. Hogs Receipts 12.000; market, weak to 5c lower. Heavy, $5.5005.60; mixed. $5,474 (6 5.50; light, $5.450 5.52 4; pigs, $4,500:5.25; bulk of sales. $5.47 4 0 5.52 4. Sheep Receipts. 4600; marke. steady. Yearlings. $405.50; wethers, $4.5005.40; ewes. $4(5.25; lambs, $5.506.35. Dried Fruit at Now York. NEW YORK, June 15. Evaporated apples for future delivery were rather firmer, while the spot market continued very quiet with fancy quoted at 100104c; choice, 89c; prime, 647ic; common to fair, 54 64-c- Prunes are in jobbing demand .with spot quotations ranging from 34 to 13c for Cali fornia, and from 5 4 to lOc for - Oregon fruit. Apricots are very easy In tone with choice quoted at 100104c; extra choice, ll114c, and fancy, 12 13c. Peaches, unchanged. Raisins are dull with loose Muscatels quoted at 44 064c; choice to fancy seeded at 64 074c; seedless, at 5tic, and London layers at $ Metal Markets. NEW YORK, June 13. The London tin market was higher with spot quoted at 129 and futures at 129 15s. The locaL market was dull with quotations Tanging from 28.10 to 28. 50C. Copper was unchanged in both markets. Lead declined to 12 10s Od in London. The local market was quiet and unchanged. Spelter was unchanged at home and abroad. Iron was higher at 51s 74d In London for Cleveland warrants. Locally no change was reported. Wool at St. Lonis. ST. LOUIS, June 15. Wool steady; Ter ritory and W'estern mediums, 13016c; fine mediums, 10013c; fine, 9010c. TRADERS WILL WAIT Politics Interferes With Specu lation in Stocks. PRICE CHANGES SMALL Importance Attached to the Outcome of the Year's Crops Though Money Is Abundant, the De mand for Bonds 19 Small. NEW YORK, June 16. With the debates assembling at Chicago for the opening to morrow of the Republican National conven tion, attention today centered largely on po litical matters. This chief effect was to make operators disinclined to enter market com mitments at this time. Much of the dis cussion in Wall street turned on the pros pective form of the platform and particularly such planks as may have to do with ques tions directly affecting 'capital and . labor. Some attention was given to suggestions of possible surprises1 in the results of the con vention. The total of. the day's sales shows a lapse, again Into something like the dull ness that prevailed early last week. . The vast importance attached to the out come of 'the year's crops is conspicuously shown in the weekly Interviews with the rail road officials. This . week's views on the subject from that sourae were hopeful- with the notable exception of Chairman Hlll. of the Great Northern board, who promulgated from Washington the view that the crop prospect held out small hope of bringing into service the freightcars now lying idle in the United States. Traffic officials generally, while speaking confidently of the crop promise, had no Improvement to report in the tonnage movement and gave no predic tion of Immediate change in this respect. Confidence In the crop outturn did not seem to be Impaired by reports of need of warmth and sunshine in the Southwest, where flood damage was mentioned. Money continued to work easier in New York in response to the addition to the re serves shown by Saturday's bank statement, the cessation of the gold outflow and the continued gain of cash by the banks on Sub treasury . operations. Notwithstanding the further accumulations in bank reserves, the Investment demand for bonds is reported less and the bond market Is showing the effect of the large additions to the supply, The movement of stock prices was almost a repetition of that of Saturday. Declines of the first hour were slowly recovered and the day's changes were trivial. 'Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value, $1,705,000. United States bonds were un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. Birl. Amal. Copper l,00O 674 00-"Vs Am. Car & Foundry.. 200 344 344 3414 do prd i)gu Am. Cotton Oil 500 31 35 304 Am. Hide & L. pfd 17 Am. Ice Securities ... 500 20 25ii 26 Am. Linseed 9 Am. Locomotive 484 do pfd ioi Am. Smttng & Rfng.. 3,200 75 4 74 75 do pfd 3X 1)9 H8 9S4 Am. Sugar -Refining 120 Am. Tobacco, pfd . 200 904 yo S9U Am. Woolen 300' 234 23Vi 23:J Anaconda Mining Co. . 1,200 43 42 42'.;, Atchison 400 HH4 804 8u " do Pfd 100 93 93 93 Atlantic Coaet Line 00 Bait. & Ohio GOO 884 89 894 do pfd 87' Brooklyn Rapid Transit 1.400 47 4 4 47 Canadian Pacific 1,600 159 15S4 1594 Central Leather 200 25 254 25 do pfd 93 Central of New Jersey 185 Chesapeake &Ohio... 1,000 444 43:14 444 Chicago Gt. Weetern.. 14)0 64 64 64 Chicago & N. W 200 150 149 4 149 4 Chi., M. & St. Paul. . 5,100 133 131 4 1324 C, C. C. & St. Louis. 500 554 604 54 Colo. Puel & Iron 200 20 4 264 25Vi Colo. & Southern S0 .Tl 31 3t do 1st pfd 2U0 58 58 68 do 2d pfd 200 49 4 4 9 49 Consolidated Gas 7u0 123 123 1224 Corn Products 300 16 16 16 Delaware & Hudson 1S8J Denver & Rio Grande 25' do pfd 644 Distillers' Securities .. 200 33 "4 334 33 4 Erie 5,300 19 17 1S4 do 1st pfd '.. 1,400 34 33 32 do 2d pfd 700 234 22 22V- Ceneral Electric 100 1339J 133 1334 Great Northern pfd .. 2,400 130 120 130'i Gt. North. Ore. Ctfs.. 200 5!) 59$ 594 Illinois Central 800 129 129 12S4 Interborough-Met .' 104 do pfd 7S0 284 284 284 International Paper .. 100 104 104 10' do pfd .'. 65 International Pump 23 Iowa Central 200 16 164 1" Kansas City Southern 234 do pfd 56 ' Louisville & Nashville. 100 109 109 io7t4 Mexican Central IRCi Minn. & St. Louis 200 27 27 4 27' Minn., St. P.& S. St.M. TOO 110 110 1104 MIsfouH Pacific 200 474 474 474 Miss., Kan. & Texas.. 300 26 26 27 do pfd 100 664 H04 60 National Lead 800 66 65 5Vi New York Central I04 N. Y.. Ontario & Wes. 100 50 40 404 Norfolk & Western.... 100 69 60 68 North American 100 60 60 60 Northern Pacific 700 l.':0 135 135 Pacific Mail loo 25 25 244 Pennsylvania 2,600 121 4 120 121 4 People's Gas 91 Pitt.. C. C. & St. Louis 72 PresL-ed Steel Car 500 27 27 27 4 Pullman Palace Car.. 100 159 159 158 Railway Steel Spring. 354 Reading 34.700 112 111 1124 Republic Steel 2(0 17 17 17 do prd 5o0 66 65 664 Rock Island Co 4"0 174 17 17 do ptd 3,4oo as 3:1 3:14 St. L. & S. F.. 2d pfd 600 28 27 4 27 St. Louis Southwestern 16 do pfd 35 Sloss Sheffield S. & I. ioo 50 50 404 Southern Pacific 2.8"o 854 85 86 do pfd 2,160 118 118 118 Southern Railway .... 500 17 174 17 do pfd 20O 454 45 454 Tennessee Copper .... 200 36 36 36 Texas & Pacific 23 Tol., St. L. & West.. 200 20 19 19 do pfd 200 44 44 ' 44 Union Pacific 43,700 145 1434 144 do pfd 200 83 834 82 United States Rubber 25 do pfd 200 93 92 92 United States Steel ..11,800 374 30 374 do pfd 700 101 l?,i 101'.-. Utah Copper 30 Vlr. Carolina Chem 224 do pfd IO04 Wabash 200 11a; nfc iou do prd 400 23- 23 23 Westlnghouse Electric l.OOO 40 . 44Vj 44 4 W'estern Union 300 66 55 'J " 55 Wheeling & Lake Erie 61 Wisconsin Central .... 162 Total sales for the day, 13,000 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK, June 15. Closing quota tions: U. S. ref. 2s reg,104 IN Y C G S4s.. 924 do coupon. .. .104 4 North Pacific 3s. 714 U. S. 3s reg....l01 .North Pacific 4s. lOl do coupon. ... 101 I South PacfTIc 4s. 854 U S new 4s reg.120 ! Union Pacific 4s. 102 do coupon. .. .122 IWiscon Cent 4s. . 87 Atchison adj 4s. HS (Japanese 4s 80 D & R G 48 9141 fetocks at London. LONDON, June 15. Consols for money. 87 7-16;. do lor account, 874. Anaconda ... 8.75 N. Y. Central. 106.50 Norflk & Wes 70.23 do Tjref S3.O0 Atchison .... 82.7i do pref . . . . 90.00 Bait & Ohio. 91.25 Ont & West.. 40.50 Can Pacific... 16-3.07 4 ! Pennsylvania 62.00 0.50 37.25 17.75 47.00 80.37 4 86.00 37.75 Ches & Ohio. 35.25 Hand Mines.. Chi Grt West 6.75 'Reading C. M. & S. P. 130,00 ISouthern Ry. . ue Beers. 1 1.37 4 D & R G 25.5)) do pref. . . . G5.50 Erie 1S.50 do 1st pf . . 35.50 do 2d pf.. 25.00 Grand Trunk 13.37 4 111 Central. . .133.00 L & N 110.00 Mo. K. T.. 27.73 do nref South Pacific. U Pacific pf. . U. S. Steel do pref. . . 104.00 w abash do pref. . ... . Spanish 4s. . . . Amal Copper. 12.0O 24 00 92.50 CS.75 Money Exchange Etc. NEW YORK, June 15. Money on call easy, 141 per cent; ruling rate, 14 per cent; closing bid, 14 per cent; offered at 14 per cent. Time loans quiet and easy; 60 days. 2tfS 2 4 per cent: 90 days. 24 2 per cent; six months, 343 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 34 4 per cent. Sterling exchange firm, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at $4.87 for demand and $4.8545 for 60-day bllla . Commercial bills, $4.8495. Bar silver 54c Mexican dollars 47c. Government bonds steady; railroad bonds Irregular. LONDON. June 15. Bar 'sliver steady. 24 d per ounce. Money 48' l-er cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 1 7-162 per cent; three months bills is 1 7-16 2 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. June 15. Silver bars. 54c. Drafts, sight, 10c. Drafts, telegraph. 12 4 c. Mexican dollars, nominal. Sterling on London. 60 days. $4.86; sight, $4S7. . Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. June 15. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances in the gen eral fund exclusive of the $130,000,000 gold reserve shows: Available cash balance $240,061,106 Gold coin and bullion 32.1S2.077 Gold certificates 30,078.090 QUOTATIONS- AT SAX FRANCISCO. Prices Paid tor Produce in the Bay City Markets. SAX FRANCISCO. June 15. The follow ing prices were quoted in the produce mar ket today: Vegetables Garlic, 4944c; green peas. $12; string beans. 24ff5c; asparagus, 3 6c: tomatoes, 50cBl; eggplant, 5ta)Sc. Butter Fancy creamery. 23c: creamery seconds, 22c; fancy dairy, 22c; dairy sec onds, 21c. Cheese New, 11 11 4c; Young America, 13134c. " Eggs Store 22c; fancy Tanch, 23c. Poultry Roosters, old. $3.504.50; roost ers, young $7.5010; brcilers. small, $2.50 3: broilers, large. $3.5O4.50; fryers. $6(g7; hens. $4fi 8; ducks, old. $41i'5; youti $5S7. Mlllstuffs Bran, $3233; middlings, $33 6 36. Wool Spring. Humboldt and Mendocino, 15c: Mountain, 4fiSo: South Plains and San Joaquin 7&9c; Nevada, 9I2c. Hops New and old crops. 14S0c; con tracts, 8 ig 11c. Hay Wheat. $16 17.50; wheat and oats, $12(51.7; alfalfa, $9if?13; stock. $S 10; straw, per bale 55(590c. . Fruits Apples, choice. $2.25; common, 35c; bananas, $13.50; Mexican limes. $.(? 6.50; California lemons, choice, $3; com mon, 75c; oranges, navels, $2.503.50; pineapples. $1.503.50. Potatoes Early Rose, 90c $1; Oregon Burbanks, $1.251.35. Receipts Flcur, 5828 quarter sacks, wheat,' 15 centals; barley, 4215 centals; oats, 535 centals; beans, 800 sacks; corn, 50 cent als; potatoes. 2710 sacks; bran, 120 sacks; middlings, 20 sacks; hay, 982 tons; wool, 73 bales; hides. 1110. Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON", June 15. Closing quotations Adventure . .$ 1.75 Parrot 23.00 Allouez 27.00 Quincy 84.00 IShannon 13. 50 Tamarack ... 67.00 iTrlnity 12.87 4 ll'nited Copper 6.75 Amalgamated 67.25 Atlantic 15.30 Bingham 05 Cal & Hecla.675.00 Centennial . . 23.O0 Copper Range 72.0") !U. S. Mining. . 34.50 I IT. S. Oil. .. . 25.25 - 42.00 . 5.00 . 5.75 Dalv West... 10.024 'Utah .. FrSnklln 8.87 4 -Victoria Granby 100.OO Winona Isle Royale.. 18.30 Mass Mining. 3.73 Michigan . . . 93.00 Mohawk 61.00 Mont. C. & C. .50 Old Dominion .14.50 Osceola 90.00 (Wolverine ...130.00 (North Butte. . 67.75 iButte Coal... 23.00 'Nevada 11.75 leal & Ariz.. .108.00 I Ariz Com 17.30 iGreene can... 11.00 Dairy Produce in the East. CHICAGO June 14. On the Produce Exchange- today the butter market was steady. Creameries, 19fe 23c; dairies, 17 21c. Eggs steady, at mark cases included. 144c; firsts, 144c: prime firsts, 164c. Cheese steady, 10 12c. NEW YORK. June 15. Butter Easy: creamery special. 24 24 4c; extras. 23 g 24c; Western factory firsts, 19420c. Cheese Firm, state full creameries spe cials, 11(812c. Eggs Irregular: Wrestern firsts, 154 164c; seconds, 14 4 15c. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. June 15. Coffee futures closed steady, net unchanged to five points lower. fales. 6730 b.ags. July, 5.90c: Sep tember, 5.855.90c; December, 5.85(?5.'.Wc: March. 5.85c. Spot, quiet; No. 7' Rio. 6e: No. 4 Santos, 8c. Mild, dull; Cordova, 9 12c. Sugar Raw, steady: fair refining, 3.80c; centrifugal. 06 test. 4.93: molasses sugar, 4.64c. Refined, steady; crushed, 6.10c; pow dered, 5.50c; granulated, 5.40c. . New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK.. June 13. Cotton futures closed steady. Closing bids: June and July. 10.24c; August.' 10.05c; September. 9.76c; October. 9.42c; November and December 9.27c; January, 9.33c; February. 9.20c; March, 9.18c. Elgin Butter Market. ELGIN. 111., June 15 Butter, firm, 23c; sales for the week. 1.102.000 pounds. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS C. W. Higglns to Saruh J. Llndstrom. lot 18. block 6, Southern Portland. .$ 1,200 E. B. Holmes et al to Donald S. Ames, lot 14. block 34, Irvlngton 1.100 Anselm Boskowlt to Robert B. Beat and wire, lots 13, 14, block 16., Cen- i tral Albina l.25 W. H. Watt to James Juror, lot 3, block 1. Watt's Addition 150 William J. Whlteman and wife to Selma Nelson, lot 11, block 1. Maria 10 J. C. Roberts and wife to M. B. Ren shaw. SoxloO feet beginning at north east corner of lot 5, block 16, Han son's Second Addition 1 J. C. Roberts and wire to M. B. Ren shaw, lot 5, block 16. Hanson s Sec ond Addition 1,000 Max Asmus and wife to Nellie Elking- ton, lot 10, block 6, Walnut Park.. 4,600 F. H. Shaw and wife to Fritz Matthias and wife, north 4 of lot 10, block 22. Albina 4,000 H. I. Davenport and wife to Sara C. Barry, 10 acres commencing at north east corner of southeast 4 ' ac tion IS, township 1 south, range 1 east 2,350 Davis Investment ComDany to George W. Clark, lot "12,- block 2, Wibelg Heights 550 The Munroe Land Company to Pearl Scott, lot 16, block 11, Highland Park .". 400 Mary V. Shelby to H. M. Carlock, blocks 1, 2, 3, 4. Carshel Addition.. 1 H. M. Carlock and wife to Mary V. Shelby, blocks 6, 6, 7, 8, Carshel Addition 1 A. Welch and wife to M. F. Brady, lot 14, block 11, Central Albina 3,600 P. A. Marquam, Jr. to Frank B. Gib son, lots 10. 20, 21, block 45.- West Portland Park 10 Arleta Land Company to Norman Draper, lot? 16, block 13, Arleta Park No. 2 10 Security Savings & Trust Company to S. A. Parks, lot 14, block 33, Belle Crest 10 Rose A. Marshall to J. T. Marshall. 60x100 feet beginning at Intersection of south line of Everett street with west line of Ella street, block 30, "Klng's Second Addition 10 Charles E. Bryson and wife to Fred A. Chamberlain, lot 5. block 7, Mount Tabor Villa Annex 275 Arleta Land Company to Fred Harty, lot 9, block 18. niberta. 90 Charles Ga-niere and. wife to Frabces G. Cowing, east 4 of lot 1, and east 4 of lot 2. block 285, East Portland.. p,700 M. W. Wilklns to A. J. Cochran, lots 1. 2. block 121, Woodstock 1,000 O. G. Gamnians and wife to E. W. T?l- dredge, lots 5, 6, block 14). Evelyn 230 Mary McCarthy to Michael J. Ryan, east 4 of lots 3. 4, block 5, Elizabeth lrving's Addition 3,5fl0 Jesse Hobson, trustee, to Edwin Wag- r ner, lot 6. Cove Addition 600 Arleta Land Company to Layton T. Sebolt. lot 17. block 12, Blberta 250 R. H. Shearman and wife to Thomas Boggess, lots 14, 15, block 3, Oak hurst .. 400 Christine Becker to Alvlna Hagen. lots' 17, IS, block 15. Southern Portland 1,400 John M. Harris Deardorff to Lucretla Shriner, lot 23. block 41, Tremont.. 150 Frank S. Hallnck and wife to Albert .Millsap. lot 22. block 4, Arleta Park No. 3 1,600 J. B. Godfrey and wife to B. L. Bar nett. lot 3. block 12. St. John Park Addition to St. John 1,450 Charles Adams and wife to Nellie M. Rteyens, lots 11, 12, block, 32, ' Berke ley 200 William Forrest to Margaret Forrest, undivided 4 of that part of Emanuel Himmon and wife donation land claim in section 3, township 1 south, range 2 east, containing IO acres beginning at point 7.32 chains east of north west corner of said donation land claim in said section 3 go Total $34,573 Havs your abstracts mads br the Security Abstract & Trust Co.. 7 Chamber ot Com. Olympla Beer. "Irs the water." Brew ery's own bottling;. Phones, Mala 671. A 2467. WHEAT PIT BEARISH But News of the Day Is in Fa vor of Bulls. CLOSING IS IRREGULAR September Delivery Is Firm at Chi cago and the Other Options Are Weak Corn Is ' Easy, Oats Are Dull. CHICAGO. June IS. Sentiment in the wheat market was bearish all day, not withstanding the fact that news of the day was generally in favor of the bulls. All of the foreign grain markets were strong, with the exception tat Paris. A number of the smaller longs were active sellers, all day. There was buying of September Yjy a lead ing elevator concern.' The market closed Irregular. The September delivery was firm and other options rather weak. July opened Y,c lower to c higher at OHi $$c. sold ofT to SS"jc and closed at 8Sc. The corn market was weak early In the day on selling of July corn by cash, inter ests. July closed at eowVttfiHc. Trade In oats was quiet and prices moved within a narrow range. July closed at 434 c. , Provisions -were rather weak at the start, owing to a &c decline in live hogs, but soon advanced on buying by local packers, which held the market Arm the balance of the day. July pork closed unchanged, lard was 25c higher and ribs were up 5c. Leading futures ranged as follows; WHEAT. Open. High. Tjow. Close. July $ .805 $ ,84 $ .884 September ..; .8i .Srt-14 .85Vj ,6Vt Dec., old .jj . .SOvs -SO7 -s"s Dec, "new ... S7 .87 .S9t .87 CORN. July fiSti .664 . .6H September ... .65- .06 .0.V .6oV December ... .55 .57Vj .55 .57 May 55y4. .57 .55 .57V OATS. July, old 43li .43 .431, .4314 July, new ... .42Vd .42 .44 .4214 September ... .36 .30 .35. .30 May 38 .84 .38Vj .38 PORK. July ...14.07 14.20 14. 02 14.12 September .14.37H 14.42 14.30 14. 57 LARD. July 8.80 8.824 8.774 8.804 September ... 8.90 9.00 8.90 8.07 4 October 9.00 9.074 9JJ0 - 9.05 SHORT RIBS. July 7.75 7.82 4 7.75 7.SO September ... 7.95 8.074 7.05 8.05 October . 8.05 8.124 8.05 8.124 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Easy. Wheat No. 8, 96c$1.03; No. 2 red. 92 934c. Corn No. 2, 67(ffi?74e; No. 2 yellow, 694670c. Oats No. 2 white, 634c; No. 3 white. 60 524c. Rye No. 2. 79c. Barley Fair to choice malting, 45055c. Flax seed No. 1 Northwestern, $1.25. Timothy seed Prime, $3.80. Short ribs Sides, lloose) $7.50iff7.804. Pork Mess, per bbl., $14.1244814.23. Lard-Per 100 lbs.. $S 724. Sides Short, clear, (boxed) $7.76f8. Whisky Basis of high wines, $1.35. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 23,600 29,800 Wheat, bu 18.200 78.600 Corn, bu 475. 2in) 230,000 Oats, bu.- 174.4HMI 337,300 Rye. bu .1,000 1,000 Barley, bu 48,400 8,500 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK, Jupo 15. Flour Receipts, 13,800 barrels; exports. 12,300 barrels. Mar ket quiet and unchanged. Wheat Receipts. 38.000 bushels; exports, 172,960 bushgis: sales, 2,000,000 bushels futures and 10,000 bushels spot. Spot, steady, No. 2 red, 98c el&vatoY and 95c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, $1,144 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter, $1.05 I. o. b. afloat. With the exception of a brief opening firmness, due to higher cables and foreign buying, wheat -was generally depressed all day by better weather news and liquidation, closing 4 p ic net lower. July closed 96c; September. 93 4 c Hops and wool Quiet. Hides Firm. Petroleum Steady. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. June 15. Wheat ana barley steady. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1,674 1.70; milling, $1.701.72. . Barley Feed $1,22 4125. Oats Red. none; wtilte, $1,474 1.57 4 ; .grays. $1.451.50. Call-board sales: Wheat Dec., $1.50. Barley Dec. $1.26 Iff 1.28. Corn Large, yellow, $1.00' 2. Visible Bupply of Grain. NEW YORK. Juns 15. The visible sup ply of grain Saturday, June 13. as compiled by the New York Produce Exchange was as follows: Bushels. Decrease. Corn 2.818.0OO 60B.0O0 Oats 5.402.OOO 1,152,000 Rve 24.000 33.000 Barley 1,800,000 27,000 Kuropean Grain Markets. LIVERPOOL. June 15. Wheat. July 7s 8d; September, 7s d; December, 6s Hd. English country markets 6d to Is higher. French country markets slow. . Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA. June 15. Wheat, unchanged; bluestem. 88c; club, hoc; red. 84c. SWELL PRETENDER'S ARMY Four Thousand Troops Mutiny to Join Mulai Hafld. WASHINGTON. June 15. The Ameri can Minister at Tangier has reported to the Department of State that the garri son at Alcazar, a town 50 miles from Tangier, after having killed the com mander, have declared for the pretender. The Minister states that the Governor is said to have been sent to Fez as a prisoner. TANGIER. June 15. The details of the revolt of 4000 of the troops of Sultan Abd-el-Aziz army at Kasr-el-Kebir have been, received. The Sultan's troops were going from Tangier to Rabat, and upon the arrival of 100 of Mulai Hafid's horse men, the soldiers, despite the protests of their officers, mutinied and proclaimed Mulai Hafid as Sultan. The officers were made prisoners. AT THE HOTELS. Hotel Portland C. S. Pierce. Rochester; C. F. Otto, New York; Mrs. G. W. Otterson, New-some; W. E. Earle. St. John; H. T. Brown and wife, Los Angeles: K. R. Mac Guffey, Washington: A. Gregorv, E. D. Bradbury. Oakland; T. H. Blending and wife. New York: W. F. McKenney, San Francisco: R. Modjeskl, B. B. Carter. Chi cago: G- H. Sweeney and wife. Pueblo; Is. M. E. Barrett. Denver; Florence Barrett, Denver; J. C. Hyde. New York: F. R. Whlt eomb. Seattle: M. H. Kelly, Duluth; R. D. Harvey, New York; J. T. Norton, San Farn clsco; D. B. Peck, New York; E. L. Borden, Providence; Miss J. L. Ridlon, Fall River; T. R. Whltcomb, H. L. Ralston, Seattle; O. J. Olson. St. Paul; G. Rosenheim, M. G. Norden. New York; E. G. Konlg, San Fran cisco; G.- S. Polllck. New York; T. F, Greajes. J. M. Mullen, H. D. Dietrich, San Francisco; H. M. Mead and wife. Los Angeles; G. W. Noble, Chicago: F. J. Day and wife. Iowa; D. Benioff. New York; F. E. Herthriem and wife, Seattle: C. N. Kitchell, New York; J. D. Hoge, Seattle; L. B. Walker. San Francisco; Mrs. L. S. Roberts, Spokane: F. M. Falk and wife, carl Alder, Baker city; F. M. Clough. Chicago; L. F. Rockwell. New York; Dr. E. B. Merchant, DOWNING -HOPKINS CO. ESTABLISHED 189S BROKERS STOCKS --BONDS- - GRAIN Boucht and sold for ' Private wires Kcoms 201 to 204, Minneapolis: H. J. Miller. Aurora: L. I Martin. Cheboygan; D. P. Wickersham. "U. S. nr.; E. Hagen. Chicago. The Oregon. Albert Running Hans Olsen. St. John; George W. Johnson and wife, Denver Andrew O. Hoff. Beemer: William Ryan and wife. Butteville; C. McGovern, Chicago; Archie C. Brown. La Grande; D. B..Hnpkins, Eugene; Nat Relss. New York; H. E. Borland. Seattle: H. S. Smith. L. Eliott. San Francisco; Charles H. Willard. Denver: John C Piver. San Francisco: Paul Little. E. B. Lockhart. Spokane; Mrs. T. E. Flaherty. Philadelphia; F. L Quigg and wife. Seattle: Frank E. Smith. Elgin: A. Dillon, Downs; Dr. Leroy Lewis. Dr. W. J. Wlsecurve. McMinnville: C. D. Gabrielson. Salem; A. N. Lindsay. San Francisco; E. Allenberg and wife, city; W. E. Bordan and family. Mrs. Walker. The Dalles; R. A. Black and wife, Aberdeen: Mrs. J. Dubie, Salt Lake; Mrs. M. D. Payne, Bloom Ington; Mrs. M. B. Ashley, Spokane G. M. Dorrance. St. Paul; F. E. Veness, WInlock; W. C. Kilty. Karl King. Ben R. Chandler. Eugene; W. B. Sherman. Grants Pass; J. G. Johnston and ' family. St. Paul; Hush McCall. La Grande: Idn At. Freeman. De troit; L. S. Marx. Seattle; W. I.. Rand"fj and wife, Middleton; P. W. Patterson and. wife, St. Louis: Mrs. M. E. Walker. Ger trude Walker. The Dalles: c. E. Wheeler and wife. Ellensburg; Clyde A. Aken and wife. Pocatello. -The Imperial Bertha Baldwin. Prine vllle; Paul Uttle. Spokane; i. B. Haley, Corvallis; o. Campbell and wife, Astoria; F. J. Carney. Astoria; Dr. F. R. Davis. R. M. Wooden, Rainier; M. F. Davis, Union: Cora M. Davis. Nora W. Webb. Margaret Idderm, L'nion; Ida Dysart. Marv Dysart, Salt Lake; E. Devoto. San Francisco; J. H. Booth. Al bany: I. T. Nlcklln, R. S. Booth. A. C. Woodcock. Dr. M. L. York, Eugene: 11. M. Kindale. San Francisco; Mrs. T. T. Widman. Centralis; W. E. Belford. Houlton; F. E. Alley. Roseburg; J. M. Smith. San Fran cisco; H. C. Sampson. J. G. Webber. Grants Pass; G. Bultman. St. Paul: C. W. Thomp son, New York; W. R. Cummington, Canyon City; Stephen A. Lowell. Canyon city; A. J. Monroe. Durkee; J. C Bowman, Echo; A. L. Rice, Independence;. C. D. V. Bocker and wife, Carlton; H. E. Hendrv. Granite: A. C. Shutes, Lillian Shutes, Seattle: J. C. Shaw, Albany; Dr. II. L. York. Eugene; Miss Vie Sayers, Moro; Mary H. Hendricks. Eugene; Nellie McLachen. Ia Grande; L. R. Payne. Chicago; Mrs. J. L. Kincald, lone; Mrs. J.. C. Robinson, Madras; J. M. Murrav. Inde pendence; D. H. Weygant. Salem; Miss M. McAIees, Montreal: E. Raines, Seattle; M. Wlngarter. Westpolnt: G. Philbrook. Olym Pia: A. A. Petty. Moro: B. Jennings. Kelso; G. Crawford, o. Crawford. Hoppner; C. A. Ferguson, Seattle; W. F. Bradslmw. The Dalles; A. Garfield and wife. Bandon; Mrs. W. C. Chase. Coqtillle; P. N. Todd. Tillamook: H. C. Gest. Yamhill; M. Marvin. Independence; A. J. Ward. White Salmon; F. H. Viirk. Vancouver: M. H. Hendricks, city; L. P. Davidson, Ione;-F. W. Davis. Vnlon: Mrs. Harmon, Mrs. Houston, Mon mouth; J. O. Booth. Grants Pass. St. Charles F. Brown. Seattle: E. S. Myttlng. city; E. E. Bonvorth. Canby; I C. Baldwin, Hood River; Phlll Merwln. city; H. D. Michael, North Bend; Elmer C. Peters. San Francisco; G. R. Ingram, HarrLburg: Cha?. E. Mills.' Woodburn; Thus. Buckly. New Orleans; George Brown Orient: Dan Smith, Skagway: F. B. Tefft, Beavcrton; P. M. Christensen, Lexington; Will Keliv, Rainier: W. B. Butterfield, l'nion: W. S. Hall. C'.ats kanie: Wm. D. Stlllwell. Tillamook; Chas. Rodgers and wife, city: E. Woodall. Iong brook; I. Booth. Hopewell; T. B. Allen. North Bend: C. R. Barnhart. Cornelius; F. W. Ho'. lenbeok. Vancouver; B. S. Qulnn and wifn, Butteville; Golds Dleckhoff. Kelso; Mrs. K. Harlmar, Connecticut: Frank Rose and wife, Mrs. M. S. Beaulleu. Raymond; W. J. Thomp son and wife. Cosmo-polls'; J. H. Ret-s and wife. Plainfield: G. T. Hill, West Kelso: H. C. Wick. Seattle: D. Summers. Kalama; C. H. King and wife. Vancouver; I. Irnhrohn and wife. P. Tehmkaher, Anna Tehmkaher,; Mrs. C. N. Hamilton, city; E. W. Nelson. L. C. Wright. Stayton: S. L. Jlan emy, Hoqualm; W. Thurston and wife. Carl ton: H. Lamphear, J. Lamphear. Kent: J. J. Burk, Dundee; Mrs. .E. P. Lindberg. Dun dee: Andrew Lee and wife. Cape Horn: R. Hyden. city; J. H. Skell. Watsonvllle; G. C. Beavers and wife, St. Helens; P. M. Chrlst enson. Lexington; George Halleck, J. Brown ell, Castle Rock: W. J. Barnard and wife. Home Valley; Ben E. Grebell. G. C. Still mahn. Hillman Brendel, Tangent; Mrs. 0. Hughs. Ridgevllle: C. C. Woodford. Elk City; John Gilman, city; A. J. Douglas, Dufur; Mrs. C J. Nlchola, Vancouver; G. A. Thom as, White Salmon; Miss Masie linker, Jeffer son; Miss Lillie Snyder, Buena Vista; J. W. Renjra, Centralia; Ed. Thomson, Eureka. The Dunmoore. E. H. Corbett. Portland; R. C. Ashhury, Gold Hill: L. P. Holdel. Hlllsboro; Mrs. Jessie Shoem, Portland: Grace E. Noth, Mrs. H. S. Reed. Mrs. Deiphlne North. Kingston; Mrs W. T. Stephens, Portland: Miss Cordelia Goffe, Duluth: S. B. Brown. Portland; Mrs. G. C. Mapes Elgin; B. F. Schaffer. Seattle; G. A. Peterson. Astoria: J. M. Caldwell. Mrs. John Gardner. Columbus; R. W. Smith and wife. Kelso; G. L. Gray. Newport. The Calumet. W. B. Russell. . McMinn ville; John E. Boys, wife and family. Jen nings Lodge; A. Nathan and wife. Seattle; H. N. Aldrlch. Bridal Veil; J. C. Wilson, City; C. L. Witster, Los Angeles; Mrs. Cooper. Seattle; H. E. Binder, Spokane; A. Fleck, Seattle; Joe Morris and wife. New York City; H. Speer, iCanin; J. II. Smith, Vancouver; W. S. Wlstrand. Chicago; Bert Heyes Vancouver; C. R. Gettls. Van couver; Dick Fitzgerald. J. Hunter Wilson, New York City; James Marzelo. W. H. Wolfe, Chicago; R. L. Black. Los Angele?; E. L. Miller, Denver; Bert Walton and wife, New York City; J. K. Hutchinson and wife, San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. Mar zella. Miss Marzella. New York City; T. W. Williams and family. Grants Puss. The Lenox F. T. Sherwood. E. J. Martin, Seattle; A. D.Shineff. Denver; Mrs. v. V. Lawk. Irving; c. I. Hooghkirk ami wife, C. WIegand, Rainier; c. Wright, Castle Rock; J. Still. San Francisco; c. Chermoer. Omar Okerman, Kelso; H. Ashton and wife. Van couver; C. McAlbster. Gleuwond; Mrs. It. Call. Seattle; Dr. Jackson. Tacoma; C. J. Grlwez. Celestlne Grlsez. A. J. Grlez. San Francisco; R. Mareyer. Spokane: w. p.' Porif, San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Fonk. Irving. PHYSltlANS ClIRR SKIV -WITH SIM PLE IIEHEIIV, Noted Oxema eclaliMt Comments on a l'roven Specific for Skin Disease. Physicians everywhere continue their praise for ordinary oil of winterpreen in a wonderful specific for Kczoma and other itchinjr skin diseases. This liquid, pure and clean as water, externally ap plied has instant fffect. A few drops on the burning, itching; sore causes in stant relief, and a short continued use gives a complete cure. Dr. C. B. Holmes, of Silver City, Miss., is bo enthusiastic about this remedy D. D. I. Prescription that he declares in a letter to "the D. D. T. Company of Chicago that 'his fzrrnt remedy In as near a specific for Kczeina lis Is quinine for malaria. "1 have been usinr your D. D. D. for four years with gratifying; results," writes Dr. Holmes. There are thousands of other physi cians who use D. D. D. Prescription, the oil of wlntorgreen specific. D. I). D. cures and it is so clean to use. If we did not know what D. D. D. will do we would not recommend it to our friends and patrons, Woodard, Clarke & Co. Call at our store anyway and let us see the nature of your skin trouble. - HAND FOE TOtkET AND BATH Fingers roughened by needlework catch every stain and look hope lessly dirty. Hand Sapolio re moves not only the dirt, but also the loosened, injured cuticle, and restores the fingers to their nat ural beauty. ALL GE0CERS AND DRUGGISTS Si rSiTWVs cash and sa margin. Couch Building Telephone A22S74 TRAVELERS' CUIJDE. Eastern Excursion Rates June 5, 6, 19, 20; July 6, 7, 22, 23; August 6, 7, 21, 22. Chicago and return $72.50 St. Louis and return. 67.50 St. Paul, Minneapolis," Duluth, Superior, Winnipeg, Port Ar thur and Sioux City and re turn $60.00 Ninety-Day Limit Stopovers Allowed. 2 TRAINS DAILY 2 ' THE ORIENTAL LIMITED THE FAST MAIL For tickets and sleepijncr-car reser vations call on or address H. Dickson, C. P. and T. A., 122 Third St., Port land, Or. Tel. Main 680; A 2286. PORTLAND KT LIGHT POWER CO. I CABS E. Tlckrt Office and Waitlnc-Room. l'lrst and Alder Streets FOR Orcpron City (, 6:30 A. M.. and everr 80 minutes to and includinc 9 P. M.. then 10. U P. M. ; last car 12 mldnicht. resham. Borinjc. Lajele Creek, L&ta eada, Cazadero, rairview and Trout dale 7:13. 11:13. 11:13 A- M.. 1:13. 8:43. 6:13. P. M. FOB VANCOUVER. Ticket office and A-altlng-room Second and Washington streets. ' A. M. 6:15, 6:00, 7:25. 8:00, 8:83, 9.10. U:M. 10:30. 11:10. 11:60. P. M 12:30. 1:10. 1:50. 2:30. 8:10. S:.',0, 4.30. 6:10. 5:60. 6:30. J:US. 7:40. 6:15. D:l!5. 10:25& ll:46t- On Third Monday In Every Month the Laht Cur Leaves itt 7:03 P. M. Daily excupt Sunday. Dally except Monday. REGULATOR LINE FAST STEAMER BAILEY GATZERT Hakes round trips week days, except Friday, to The Dalles, fare ,2.30. Leav ing Portland 7 A. M., leaving Tha Dalles 3 P. M.. arriving Portland 9 P. M. SUNDAYS Round trip to Cascade Locks, leaving Portland 9 A. M., ar riving back 5 P. II. r are 81.00. Steamers DALLES CITY and CAPITAL CITY Operate daily, except Sunday, between Portland and The Dalles, calling at all way landings for freight and pas sengers. First-class accommodations for wagons and live stock. A LUCK STREET LOCK. Phone Main t14. A 5112. tamburg -American. WEEKLY SKRVICE TO LONDON PARIS HAMBURG A OIIiUALTAK SAVUuS GENOA by .Large, Luxurious Twin Screw Et earners; all modern appointment. 908 Market St.. Sua Francinoo, and R R, Office la 1'urtlund, Ageuts. s CANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN UNI 10,000 Ton Twin-Screw Passenger Steamer Direct to Norway, Sweden and Denmark Sailing from New York at noon. Hellifr Olav...June 2:C, F. Tiotgen, July 30 United States.. July 9:Oscar II July li3 baloon, $75 and up; Second cabin. $57.50. A. . JobnMin Co, Minneapolis. North Pacific S. S. Co's. Steamihip Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday at 8 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third St., sear Alder. Both phones, M. 1314. H. Young, Agent. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND S. S. CO. Only Direct Steamers and Daylight Sailing,. From Ain.sworth Dock, Portland, 9 A. M. 8. S. Hoe City. .June iO, July 4, etc. S. Mate of California, June 27. July H. Krom I.ornbard St.. San Francisco. 11 A. M M. . Stale of California, June 20. July 4. 8. ti. Ite t fly, June 27, July 11. etc. J. W. HANSOM. Owk Agent. Mnin 'JOS Ainsworth Dock M. J. KOt'Illi, Ticket Agent. 142 3d St. Plionts Main 402. A 1402. STR. CHAS. R. SPENCER KOU ASTORIA Monday, Weiluexiiuy and Friday, 7 A. SI. Returns it 1. tl. THE DALLES Turaday, Thursday and Saturday, 7 A. M. Returns io I'. SI. Landing:, WanhiuK'ton-street Dock. pake: i.oo. mai.-v sum. COOS BAY LINE Th steamer BREAKWATER leave. Port land every Wednesday at 8 P. AL from Oak fttreet dock, for .North iieod. Mar tide Id and Cooi liuy points. Freight received till 4 P. M. on day of Bailing. Passenger fare flrst clabs, $10; cond-ciasi, $7, Including berti) and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Waiihlnetou atreetJ- or Oak-street dock. C. GEE WO The Well-Known Reliable CHINESE Root and Herb DOCTOR Has made a UIu study of roots and herbs, and S In that study discovered iriulnc In the world his wondertul trunmi remedies. I'oisims or Irus:fl Used He Cures Without Operation, or Without the Aid of the Knife. Ho guarantees to cure Catarrh. Asthma. Lung. Throat, Kheuma tlsm. Nervousness. Nervous Debility, Stom ach. Liver. Kidney Troubles; also Lost Man hood. Female Weakness and All Private Diseases. A SURF CANTER CCRK. Just Received from l'ekine. China Safe, Sure and Reliable. IK YOU ARE AF FI.ICTF.D. DON'T DELAY. DELAYS ARB DANGEROUS. If you cannot cal, write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents In stamps. CONSULTATION Jr REE. The C. Oee Wo Chinese Medicine Co, . ln2Ms First St.. Cor. Morrison, Portland, Oregon. Please Mention This Taper. FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound Sav in and Cotton Koot Pills. th t)st and only reliable remedy for FKMAI.E TROUBLES A'0 IKKKCirKAKITIES. Cure the most obstinate rases In 8 to 10 days. Price $1! per box. or 3 boxes $5. Sold by druKKlsts everywhere. Address Dr. T. J. PIERCE, 181 First St., Portland. Oregon. Phone Main 1965. remedy for Gonorrniee, Gleet. Spormatorrhota, WhitPf, unnatural de? Prtrnta Matuioa. tion of mucous mem &TheEvaN8 GhemiOhO", branes. lion-astHnsenti flol by Imirsista, or aent 1c plain wrapper. V MrriMiv .f fin lo b 4r. lheM V IS aiNorexTi,o.r"l e. . t