Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 16, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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the aronxiXG oregomax. , Tuesday, jtjxe 16, ioos.
3 lota In block 54, town of Linnton,
1 lot in Tremont place, $60.
3 lots in block 2. Glenhaven Park. $150.
5 lots in block 6, Boston Addition, $150.
4 lots in block 2, Boston Addition, $120.
4 lots in block 3, Boston Addition, $120.
6 lots in block 3. Boston Addition, $180.
1 Jot (corner;, block 1, Bui field Addi
tion. $30.
4 lots, block 2, Burflcld Addition. $120.
Si lots In block 8, Burtield Addition,
4 lots in block 1, Glenhaven Park. $120.
,2 lots In block 5, Glenhaven Park,
Most lots adjoin Rose City Park and
nre nice and level. These lots will bo
itmveyed by quitclaim deed and title to
ame is based on Sheriff's tax deed. In
quire at romn 14. Mulkey bids., corner
2d and Morrison sts. ,
r ir.vriL crest view property.
55x H'o feet, sent It? slope, unobstructed
view of beautiful Tualatin Valley; an home site. Price $550; easy terms.
Wh at.
ft rooms and hath, tinted ails, fire
place, three bedrooms, very neat and nat
ty. ehoi e Ini ation; $500 cash -will handle
this, balance monthly payments.
122 Vs 6th st.
6 rooms and bath, tinted walls, nicely
finished interior, fireplace, furnace heat,
cement basement, choice location, nice
view of citv. river and mountains; $jooo
cash will handle this, balance monthly
122 0th fit.
SWELL 6-room house. Just completed, on
Multnomah .st., in Holluday 1'ark Addi
tion: hardwood floors in hall, livlngroom
and lihrarv; beautifully finished : -this houve
to worth more than the price we are ask
ing, J?:;roo. on which we will take a small
cash navmont and the balance monthly.
?! ! 3 O ni m ere i a 1 Club Bide . .
Main s;:m. a
A NICE large 5-room houe on East Th
street, center of East Portland, walking
distance, brick basenu nt. fins and bath,
f till lot. cherries, pears, apples, logan
berries, gooseberries, strawberries, cur
rants and nice home; close in. for $5bot;
lot alone worth the mony.
M A It TIN J . B IG L E Y.
132 Third street.
BKACTIRL little home for Rale or ex
rhange in St. flouts county, Missouri; 7
roum house, with bath, furnace, irranitold
ceiiar, water, electric light, fixtures, ebb,
window shades, screens; lot 200x150 feet,
stable. chleken-hou?e. runs; fine rustic
Summer house; all fenced; for $0000. For
particulars address Mr. W. I. Lawrence,
1 1 '3 Union ave.
FINE SUBURBAN HOME of 9 4 acres,
near Milwaukie and the Oregon City car
line: land lays nice, is all clear and
under cultivation; new 4 -room house and
good barn; 40 young fruit trees. 2 acres
in small fruit; price only $5500; terms.
C. F. Pflugor & Co.. room 14. Mulkey
Bldg., 2d and Morrison sts.
W EST SIDE $4500. easy payments. 7
rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace,
full cement basement, ' hot-water heater;
about 2 vears old: faces south. In select
neighborhood; f 1HM cash. balance to
suit; no phone inquiries. E. J. Daly. 222
FaHins bldg.
On carline near piedmont, new modern
cottage. 5 rooms and attic, concrete foun
dation, basement, cement walks, laun
rirv tubs and iloor: electric and gas fix
tures, porcelain bath, wash basin, toilet
and sink. $2000; terms. Inquire at 244
Sell wood st.
13200 PINE fi-room house on nice 50x100
lot in livington; full brick basement, gas,
stationarv wash tubs, porcelain bath tub.
patent toilet, oto. ; this is a rare buy, a
good home and a fine investment. C. F.
Pllnger & Co., room 14, Mulkey bldg., 2d
and Morrison sts.
$U00 WILL enable you to call your own
a good 5-room cottage on nice 50x100
corner lot. close in and right on the W.
R. carline; full concrete basement, fruit
t .-ees. Terms if desired. Apply at C. K.
Pfiuger & Co., room 14. Mulkey bldg., cor
ner 2d and Morrison sts.
BEAUTIFUL building site. 100x100, on the
f out h west corner of E. 1 3th and Division
Pts.. facing Larid's tract. Price only
$1X00 for the whole quarter block; must
sell at once. C. F. Plluger & Co., room
14. Mulkey bldg., corner 2d and Morri
son sis.
AT a bargain ; a fine residence lot In either
Richmond or. Center Additions; they were
taken in trade and I shall be glad to sac
rifice thorn below the market price, or will
exchange in part payment on an automo
bile; lots within block of carline. Phil
Gevurtz 173-175 1st st.
flloo Will buy 160x154 feet within 3 blocks
of streetcar line: these lots ate high and
sightly; In "good location and just the
place tc build a home; $2o0 cash, balance
$15 per montii. C. B. Lucas. 320 Corbett
Flat, close in. everything new. modern. 4
bedrooms, sleeping porch, den. servants'
quarters, will sell piano, pictures, briea
brac, etc.; leaving city. Both -phones 3120.
A NICE quarter block in Cole's addition
apples, pears and blackberries, on It, will
make a fine residence site; $1500.
132 Third st.
$;;:mo Strictly modern, ti-room houee, 12
in inn tea to the heart of the city, on lm
1 u oved st reel ; select nei s-hborhood ; $5o0
cash, balance like rent, at 0 per cent. A. A.
Hoover. 5M E. loth. Sell wood 777.
New modern 5-room cottage at Flrland,
block a'nd half to carline; easy terms; like
paying rent. Address 1 7. Oregonian.
BUNGALOW for sale; large rooms, fine
plumbfnir. co.-rter 18-foot alley: good loca
tion; $2350; liberal terms. H. W. Lemcke,
Corbett bldg. Main 1177; A 2035.
- D. A. TUFTS.
FOR SALE A few small lots on 4Sth and
49th st., near Hawthorne ave.. from $.VM)
on vour own terms. H- Gordon, room 332.
Sherlock bldg.
$700 100x100 on Denver ave., near Killings
worth. jltoo 100x100 in Piedmont. Gordon S.
Ogden. 416 Chamber of Commerce.
SELLWOOD on Spokane avenue, lot 50x100.
with small house and well fitted up;
place to keep chickens. Inquire Elkhorn
Market. Phone Sellwood 9o5.
WANTED Comer, possibly two lots. Wal
nut Park, Piedmont, or nearby, only bar
gains considered. State location and price.
J 8. care Oregonian.
GRAND home, extensive grounds; owner is
forced to raise money at once and will
saqrifice for cash. See me at once. Jas.
C. lxgan. 411 Corbett bldg.
20 LOTS near Hawthorne ave.; just the
thing for contractor and builder. M. E.
Lee, room 411 Corbett bids.
IRVINGTON Modern house, full lot; owner
leaving; accept half value; $3000 cash. X
10, Oregonian.
IRVINGTON Two fine lots for sale, near
car. great bargain for cash. X 17, Ore
gonian. ACR E. close to Mount Scott car. perfectly
level and built all around; only $1200.
325 Lumber Exchange.
$1250 Fl'LL lot. 3-room house, close to
cur and close In; $650 wiil handle It.
Call room 530 Lumber Ex.
WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS --Sightly modern,
s-room home; your own terms. Call room
40, Washington bldg.
$1530 Nice new cottage, 706 East 6th. neat
Beech; close to car; bath, gas, etc. Owner,
208 -4th. Main 3990.
HAVE client for body of good timber. Ore
gon. Northern California or Washington.
Must be able to deliver.
521 Corbett Bldg.
TIMBER Lands wanted. C. J. McOracken
304 McKay bid.
RARE chance to realize big money: 60 acres.
2o under plow, balance slashed and burned.
5 acres in hay. 5 acres in oats. IVj acre
car rout, apples, pears, prunes, plums; ,-room
new house, barn, milk-house; 2 horses. 5
milch cows. 3 hogs, 2 bulls, 40 chickens,
milk separator, light wagon, spring wagon.
Iron truck wagon, plows, harrows, plt-nty
spring water; place sloping south. 16 miles
from Vancouver, miles from railroad
station, county road: price $3SO0; $22)
down, balance 5 year at 6 per cent; some
swale land. 311 Worcester bidg.
I am going to sell my fruit and poultry
farm, surrounded by the 3 famous hot min
eral springs, St. Martins. New Mineral and
Collins Springe. Market here for everything
you produce; 00 acres choice apple land. 00
acres waste for pasture and wood; 0-roonv
house, about 6 acres in orchard; fine spring
piped in house; good cow, horse and buggy,
tools, about 300 chickens; a strictly self
supporting home for $3100; terms. Write me
and I will meet you with a rig. H. Gra
ham, Home Valley, Wash.
$2500 ONLY A nioe 40-acre farm in Mult
nomah County. 23 miles east of Portland;
18 acres under cultivation, good large
barn and other outbuildings; nice 2 -acre
orchard, good springs, running water all
vear around ; finest of soli, aome good
timber; an ideal place for the man who
knows how to appreciate a good farm.
or a short time only at that prloe. C.
K. Pfiuger & Co.. room 14. Mulkey bldg.,
corner 2d and Morrison sts. -
10o ACRES fine land, old house and barn.
20 acres clear, 20 aer-s slashed, about :.0
fruit trees; tio acres can be cleared for 2-o:
No 1 land for strawberries, apples, prunes;
lavn high; no frost, fine running water;
miles northeast from Vancouver; 1 mile to
school 6 miles to railroad station; snap,
$12O0; cash down. $600; balance 5 years.
311 Worcester bldg.
SECTIONS of the best wheat land In
Eastern Oregon; must be sold to settle an
estate- tracts to suit; terms cash; rail
road runs through lands; j mile to good
town; 1 visit the lands every -two weeks;
any wishing to go. write me, giving
phone number. G. E. XcClure. 1034 L.
Morrison at.
80 ACRES. 10 acres swale land. 25 acres In
hay. grain, potatoes, about 50 good fruit
trees lo to 15 years old, good house and
barn, milk separator, 6 milch cows. 2 hogs,
chickens. 17 miles northeast from Van
couver, countv road. 3 miles from railroad
station; all for $2000; $000 down. 311 Wor
cester blug.
MIST go now. owner of 160-acre valley
farm, retiring, offers farm. 21 bead of
stock. 30 acres cleared, house, barn, fine
hunting and fish'ing. good neighbors,
$2250; $1000 cash, balance 5 per cent. Box
187. Yaquina, Lincoln Co., Or.
AN A 1 farm of 23 acres in Union County,
with everything in first-class condition;
good reason for selling; terms; price
$11,000. 607 Buchanan bldg., 2SU-Va Wash
ington st.
40 ACRES. 4 acres in hay, balance slashed,
good bam, house. pring water, 16 miles
from Vancouver. 2 miles from railroad;
only $00o. Swedish Land & Immigration,
31 1 Worcester bldg-
4S0 ACRES wheat land, 1 mile from Wasco,
fully Improved. 20O acres in wheat, balance
Summer fallow. Price $30 per acre, half
ca?h. balance half the crop until paid. 627
Corbett bldg. t
CHICKEN RANCH, well stocked, acres
ground, horse, wagon and all implements
nrcessarv for such; reasonable price., J.
Walker, 183 3d.
THREE ten-acre tracts near Portland: two
on easy terms. E. F. Krueger. 303 Com
monwealth bldg.
FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olmsted
Land Company. Salem, Or.
W VXTED G-room strictly modern home,
worth about $3000, within walking distance
of East Burnslde and Grand and near
East Side High School; west of 24th st.
Will pay $2000 cash, balance assumtd.
XXX, Oregonian
WANTED 0-room strictly modern home,
worth about $3000. within walking dis
tance of East Burnslde and Grand and
near East Side High school; west of 24th
st.; will pav $2000 ca3h. balance as
sumed. H 20. Oregonian.
WANTED Real estate brokers to handle
Clatsop Beach property in acre tracts. Van
Dusen & Co., agents, Astoria.
LOTS in thriving town, railroad junction
preferred: would consider lots with, build
ings. G 23, Oregonian.
WANTED Farm; will "pay cash and new
modern house. Upper Albina, $2000. O 18,
WE want to buv income property $5000 to
$15.000 for customers. Give full particu
lars. Box 325. city.
050-ACRE' stock and dairy ranch, Yamhill
County; good buildings, fruit, lots of grass
and water; phone and water in house;
have stock on place which will sell reas
onable; 12 head are now giving 50 gal
lons per day; will lease above to respons
ible party for term of years. Loren
Seward, Vancouver. Wash. , Phone Far
mers 12S.
FOR SALE or trade for city property, farm
of . so acres on Lewis River, 30 in culti
vation, balance fine, level pasture, 0-room
house, large barn, about 3O0 bearing
fruit trees of all kinds, line spring water,
10 acres 'timber, near sawmill; daily boats
to Portland; cash price $20OO; for terms
. see owner at 302 Front st.
WELL-KNOWN collector of antique firearms
and war relics, old prints, engravings,
some relics from White Houee also suit of
armor, etc.. worth $2000, will exchange
part or complete for steamboat or launch;
what have you? Address AF 15, Oregonian.
A BARGAIN 160 acres fine wheat land, all
In cultivation, well located, small house and
barn, worth $20 acre, will sell on easy terms
or exchange for city property; pay or take
difference. Address J. Cy Smith, 26 Ham
ilton bids.
OWNER of a large block of stock in estab
lished corporation will sell or exehaoge
Tor ranch, stock of merchandise or real
estate. What have you? L. A. Andrews,
64 u 6th st.
AN A 1 farm of 23 acres in Union County,
with everything in first-class condition;
good reason for selling; terms; price
$11,000. 607 Buchanan bldg., 2S6 Wash
ington st.
I WANT to trad good Income-bearing Port
land real estate for a clean hardware stock
not to invoice over $10,000; correspondence
treated confidentially. Y 19, Oregonian.
80 ACRES 5 miles from Cape Horn on
North Bank Railroad exchange for tour
ing car in good condition. Address F
tS3, Oregonian.
EXCHANGE for good Valley farm, business
property, residence; stock of merchandise,
value $20,000. Add. cor. Broad & Olney.
A 20-room rooming house in the heart ot
the city for sale or trade cheap; better
Investigate this. 007 Buchanan bldg.
2861. Washington st.
WILL exchange our stock general merchan
dise; inventory about $12,000, for desirable
income-bearing real estate. Reliable Mer
cantile Co., Independence, Or.
A FINE timber ckxlm. G.0O0.OOO, exchange
for improved farm or Portland residence.
327 -Worcester blk.
FARM in Willamette A'alley to exchange
for house and lot in Portland. Ralph
Ackery. 603 Corbett bldg.
WE will buy, sell "or trade i f or what vou
have. 007 Buchanan bldg., 2S6'i Wash
ington st.
IF YOU want to buy, sell or trade, see
Stevenson & Taylor. 311 Buchanan. 2S6j
IF vou want to buy, cell or trade hou-e. lot,
farm or business, see what we offer. 325
Lumber Exchange.
640 ACRES wheat land to exchange for res
idence, fcratih, 411 Buchanan building.
CITY property to exchange for lafge auto
mobile. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg
WILL trade for what you navo.. Gum Smlta,
411 Buchanan bldg.
80 ACRES good land to trade for city prop
erty or rooming-house. M 17, Oregonian.
EQUITY In fine building lot. close in. for
good piano. Address Box 35, City.
50 ACRES of timber on Mt. Scott line, near
Foster road, to sell cheap. Boggers, 143
Government locations, 827 Worcester blk.
IF I was giving away $20 gold pieces, would
vou come and get them? The 3,500,000 of
fir timber I am offering tonight for $1000
is just the same thing. But when you are
down and out. what you going to do? The
hest you can. That is me. 627 Corbett
Chicago, New Orleans. Seattle.
829 Chamber of Commerce.
WE are constantly acquiring fine tracts of
timber for sale and are headquarters for
lumber enterprises of all kinds. Phone
Main 4480. Kinney' & Stampher, 031-32
Lumber Exchange bldg.
FOR SALE 5.000.000 feet good saw timber,
cedar, spruce, hemlock; 1GO acres deeded
land; good transportation facilities, near
Chinook. Wash. Address P 4. Oregonian.
FOR SALE 160 acres N. P. settlers scrlpf
Can be laid on surveyed or unsurveyed
land. Guaranteed. Cheap If taken at
once. Donald McM aster, Vancouver, Wash.
WE always have the best timber in Oregon
and Washington; buy. sell or trade. Inde
pendent Timber Co., 616 Rothchild bldg.
FOUR good homestead timber locations; un
surveyed land. near sawmill and road. A
F 24, Oregonian.
THREE yellow pine claims; Government lo
cation. 323 Washington' at. P. A. & C.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
HANDSOME bay mare, 8 years old. weighs
110O pounds, sound,, combination riding
and driving, single or double; price rea-
. eonable. Phone Sellwood 1173 or address
K 990, Oregonian.
NOTICE Auction sale today at 10 A. M.
sharp! at Dexter stables, 45 North 4th st.
22 head of horses and mares, buggies, wa
gons, harnesses, saddles. A. Richmond,
LIGHT team, harness, 2i wagon, buggy,
for sale or trade for heavy young, sound
team (mares) and heavy wagon. X 7,
FOR SALE A delivery horse, weight 1100
lbs. ; price $50. National Market, cor.
Grand ave. and East Burnslde. Phone
East 42. I
ON B beautiful sorrel mare. 6 years old,
sound and gentle, also 2 cheap delivery Phone East 4S04.
FOR SALE One 1300-lb. team, wagon and
harness; one brown team, drivers. "Pa
cific Stables. East 3d and Pacific.
FOR SALE Two fancy driving mares;
standard bred; worth the money.' Charles
Frey, Milwaukie. Or.
25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho
tel 'bus. saddles, harness, cheap to close
out. ' Hubert & Hall. 266 4th St.
2 SADDLE ponies for sale; gentle for chil
dren. 569 Overton st.
HORSES, mares, rigs and hamn of all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
FOR snaps on second-hand automobiles call
on Portland Motor-Car Co.. 526 Alder.
WHITE steamer runabout, guaranteed first
class running order. Phone Mam S12.
1907 STODDARD-DA YTON touring car, top
and glass front; $1000.
1907 Stevens-Duryea. top; $1250.
1906 Franklin. $1000.
1907 00 H. P. Haynes. top; $1500.
These cars have been traded in on Pierce
and Cadillac and must be sold at once;
no reasonable offer refused.
16th and Alder. M 6470.
AN automobile, good for aightseeing; wl!l
carry 10 persons; will sell or exchange for
real estate. Address E. B. Rodman, 5o3
Alder st.
20-HORSE power Franklin, touring car. At
condition, for sale or trade, for real estate.
V 983, Oregonian.
SH UM AN, $500, upright grand piano, used
6 months,, cheap. 617 Tourny bldg. Pacific
BRAND-NEW $400 piano only $250; $15 down,
balance $5 per month. Call 3oO Alder.
An exceptionally well built gasoline
freighter, of light draft and large carry
ing capacity, but under the 35-ton limit,
so that it can be readily and legally
operated by two men The vessel is 60
feet long, with a 13-foot beam, and is
equipped with a 20-horse engine of first
class make. She la now at Umatilla, Or.,
in care of James Atchison, who will
show her.
For price and terms address
621 Bailey bldg., Seattle. Wash.
60 SEWING MACHINES, slightly damaged,
at very low prices.
Singer, Wheeler & Wilson. Domestic.
Household, Standard, New Royal and others.
100 second-hand machines at your own
price: old machines taken in exchange;
machines sold on monthly or weekly pay
ments; no Interest on &n tract sales.
35 Morrison st.
DOES your talking machine, violin, mando-
lin, guitar, banjo, piano or musical Instru
ment of any kind need repairing? If po,
G raves M usic Co. . Ill 4th st. , is bet ter
prepared to handle this work than any
other firm in the Northwest, having a com
plete and fully equipped repair shop. Phone
us your trouble In this line. Main 1433,
Home A 1433.
To visit our place before you order your
stoves, furniture, carpete. because we carry
a full line of new and as good as new
r stoves, carpets and all sorts of furniture, of
which we can satisfy the taste of everyone.
People's Auction House, 167 Front St., near
Morrison. Telephone Main 5670.
FOR SALE New and second-band billiard
and pool tables; easy payment; we rent
tables, with privilege of buying; modera
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Baike-Collender.
40 Third st.
FOR SALE. CHEAP 32 thoroughbred Here
ford bulls, from 1 to 4 years old. Inquire
C. P. Hall, at Union Stock Yards, or C.
Minsinger, care Star Sand Co.. foot 15tu
THE FORD AUCTION CO. is buying all
kinds of second-hand furniture and paying
"the best price" in cash. East 9SS. B
A BRAND NEW 3-chalr high-class barber
outfit; used only one month; will sell cheap
and on easy terms. W. L. Morgan, 213
Ablngton bldg.
FOR SALE r4-horse boiler and engine, run
2 Summers; good as new, for $100. Hart
man Engine & Erie Boiler. Call room 530
Lumber Ex.
UP-to-date house-boat, with launch house
and swimming tank;, reasonable. K 6,
OLD VIOLINS and stringed Instruments
bought, sold and exchanged. L. Winters. 318
Tllford bldg.. 10th and Morrieon sts.
EDISON and Powers machines, song slides,
supplies rented, bought, sold and exchanged.
Newman. 293 Burnslde.
MUST be sold, fine, gentle riding- and driv
ing horses. Kerron, 827 East loth, 'cor
ner Halsey.
REMINGTON typewriter. 5x7 camera and
outtit, cheap. 95 H Russell st.
supplies, slides, films for rent. 165Vj 4th st.
BICYCLES, new and second-hand; repair
ing done. 189 Morrleon.
BARBER'S 10c, 25c, 2-chair shop for sale.
18ft Morrison.
DENTIST to take charge of country practice
for Summer. K 21. Oregonian.
WANTED An experienced roof-slater to go
to country town. Appiy 84 Front st. .
WE SECURE positions for our members; spe
cial membership. Y. M. C. A.
WANTED Good salesman. Call 2 to 5 P.
M. room 10. 351 Morrison st.
WANTED Experienced kitchen help for res
taurant. Call 335 Ankeny st.
WANTED Photograph coupon and portrait
agents; new offer. Cutberth, Dekum bldg.
YOU will find the Rose City 5-cent cigar to
be the best you can purchase.
EXPERIENCED shoe salesman, 323 Wash
ington St.. rooms 39-41. P. A. & C. Co.
WANTED Wood turner. Address Frank
M. Brown. Salem, Or.
BARBER wanted. 205 Morrison at.
p 703 In covntry town; must be able to
ride and drive; $70 to start.
P 796 In town in Southern Oregon. $1500;
must have mining experience.
P 799 Must know shoe business; $70.
P 803 Used to handling men; executive
ability; $1800.
402, 403, 404. 403 Swetland bldg. ,
WANTED An energetic, clean-cut trave.-
ing salesman with reference, who can
show results on good specialty lines, who
has no objections to. traveling six months
during the year over Washington. Ore-,
gon, Idaho and Montana, and who can
command $1500 In cash, to buy ialf in
terest in an established manufacturer's
agency business In this city. If you cau
fill the above requirements, address G 21,
WANTED Real estate salesman with clean
record to handle high-class property. Ap
ply Delaura Beach Company, room 5,
Lafayette bldg. Ask for Mr. Custer.
WE WANT A MAN of ability as business
manager for local concern; good salary;
must invest at least $3500: money well se
cured. Don't answer unless you mean
business. No agents. Give phone number
for appointment. Address S 097, Orego
nian. 10,000 POSITIONS.
For graduates last year; men and
women to learn barber trade in eight
weeks;1 help to secure positions; graduates
earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert in
structor; tools free; write for catalogue.
Moler System of Colleges. 35 N. 4th St.,
Portland, Or.
WANTED For IT. 6. Army, able-bodied un
married men, between ages of 18 and 35.
citizen of UnUed States, of good charac
ter and temperate habits, who can speak,
read and write English. Aprly to recruit
ing offices. Alnworta block. Third and Oak
sts., Portland, Or.
MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster
ing and bricklaying, day and night classes,
no books, free catalogue ; special low
tuition; easy installments. Covne National
Trade School, 23-240 Eighth St., San
WANTED Two or three men to slash 20
acres of small timber; good wages; rip
sawyer for box factory, $2.25; mill hands,
$2 up: others.
12 North 2d st. Both phones.
TRAVELING salesman of ability to carry
first-class side line of men's gloves on com
: mission; state territory and present line;
references. Address for two weeks A. S.
Bloch & Co., Glove Manufacturers. 3378 24th
St., San Francisco, Cal.
Employment Office Men's Department.
26 North Second -St.
Phones. Main and A 1526.
Help' Free to Employers.
LOCAL corporation desires first-class so
licitor; must be well educated and a good
business getter. Address, giving full in
formation. J 23, Oregonian.
WANTED Five firstclasa salesmen for high
grade Industrial proposition; salary after
first month. People's Safe Deposit Com
pany, Dekum bldg.
WANTED Reliable man for active interest
in real estate office; can easily make $125
per month. Call room 318 Alisky bldg.,
cor. 3d and Morrison.
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tics; easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while learning. Watchmaking, En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle.
MOVING PICTURE machine operators earn
$25 to $35 wfekly; easy work; short hours;
learn the business in short time; terms rea
sonable. See Newman. 293 Burnslde.
SUBSCRIPTION solicitors, liberal commis
sion, German weekly newspaper, 21,0o0
subscribers. St. Josephs Blatt, Good
nough bldg.
BOOKKEEPER for general office work, one
with some R. R. office experience pre
ferred ; state age. experience, salary and
references. F 1L Oregonian.
WANTED at once an all-around harness
maker; must thoroughly understand
'Landis" machine. S. J. Frank, Hood
River, Or.
WE want a few more wide-awake, hustling
salesmen to handle our line of trees, shrubs,
etc.; some choice territory open; commission
advanced. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or.
MANAGER for new enterprise who can In
vest $i50O. capable of handling sales
men; salary $150 and commission. A D
5, Oregonian.
WANTED Boye to take orders on commis
sion ; ruf-rtlers earn good wages. Apply 31
Russel bldg.
1 For Men 250 Burnslde Street.
Phone Main 5094.
12 North 2d at. Both Phones.
WANTED -Salesmen, all lines; bookkeepers,
stenographers and clerical men. Commer
cial Abstract Co., 407-8-9 Com. Club bidg.
WANTED First-class moving-picture oper
ator; salary $:i5 weekly. Newman's Motion
Picture Co.. 293 Burneide.
SALESMAN, all lines; bookkeepers and sten
ographers; city or country. P. A. & C.
Co., 323 '-a Washington, rooms 39-41.
WANTED Photographic operator; must be
first-dare; also ret6uchers. Cutberth, De
kum bldg.
WANTED Baker, at once; muat be first
class bread and pastry man. Address C.
G. Ballorel, Dufur, Or.
sion all the year; enter now. 630 Wor
cester block.
A BOY to drive wagon ard make himself
useful around store. Apply 354 Seventh.
SHORTHAND by private lessons, dav or
night classes, $6 and $4. Phone Wood
lawn 1518.
LADY owning typewriter, for seashore with
dramatic organization: also a cook; per
centage. 603 Goodnough bldg.
WANTED Girl for general housework: family
of 4 adults, lrvington. Phone East 3234.
WANTED Experienced chambermaid at
Hotel Franklin. 13th and Washington sts.
WANTED Hand lroners and machine girls.
wyci tx jiuuso uiiui, u ana r.verett.
GIRL for general housework, willing to go
WANTED French governess for two chil
dren (native). 695 Davis, near King.
WANTED Anr experienced cook for small
family; wages $35. Phone Main 3068.
COMPETENT girl for general housework. 451
10th st.
YOUNG- lady wanted at orce to learn bar
ber's trade; gcod wages. 12 N. 4tji st.
GOOD girl for general housework. 658
Broadway. lrvington. Phone C 1327.
WANTED A ycung girl to take care of
baby 2 years old. Call 778 Hovt.
WANTED Girl, general housework; only
two in family. 721 Johnson.
WANTED Girl for cooking and general
housework. 648 Love joy st.
A GIRL for general housework: small fam
ily; references. Phone E 1652.
GIRL for general housework; good wages.
670 Lovejoy St.. near 21st.
GIRLS wanted to work in paper box fac
tory. 23 Front st.
WANTED Young lady experienced in photo
studio. Cutberth. Dekum bldg.
GIRL for general housework. 346 Clifton,
corner 7th, between Lincoln and Jackson.
WANTED Girl to do general housework.
Apply 3S1 10th st.. corner Montgomery.
WANTED An experienced waitress at the
Hob art -Cur ti, 14th and Jefferson.
WANTED An experienced girl to do second
work. Apply 215 St. Clair st.,
MAUDE ROESRLER Communicate with Mrs.
Dewey, 687 Clackamas St., at once.
WANTED girl for general housework;
family of 3. 275 6th st.
DINING-ROOM girl wanted for hotel; good
wages. 81 N. 6th.
WANTED A waitress at 163 13th st., cor.
AN experienced dining-room girl immedi
ately. 535 Couch.
GIRLS wanted for laundry work; good
wages, steady work. Troy Laundry Co.
GIRLS, 1ft years and over, to work !n fac
tory. Apply at once. Ames-Harris-Nevllle
Co., 5th and Davis sts.
WANTED Good reliable girl 'to do general
housework and cooking; 2 in family; Irving
ton. C! 1372. 4
WANTED Cooks, waitresses, chambermaids,
house girls, vumen, for day work ; several
others; good wages.
Large list Of new positions dally.
.. Ladles' Department. 205 Morrison st.
GOOD home for congenial young lady to con
valescent; two adults, boy 5 years; must be
good plain cook ; general Susework for
small cottage; most washing aent out. Call
169 Arvln st.. 1 block north Stuart's Sta
tion. Mt. Scott carline.
343 Wash. St.. cor. 7th, ;trstairs.
Phones, Main and A 2692. .
Help Supplied. Free to Employers.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
and cooking; good wages if competent.
Call at 483 Hassalo St. or telephone East
GOOD girl for housework, 3 adults, all busi
ness people ; no lunch to get. Call after
6 P. M., 408 Broadway. During the day
call 505 Swetland bldg.
WANTED Experienced cook and second
girl, city reference required. Apply 231
7th st.. cornex Main.
WANTED A housekeeper, willing to work
and able to take charge of linen room.
Apply 741 Washington.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. lavi Co.. 6o0 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WANTED Middle-aged woman to help in
small private boardinc house. Apply be
tween 3 and 4 o'clock. 355 Couch sU
Ladies' Department, 205 44 Morrison St.
Phones Main 1062 A 1406.
343 H Washington st., corner Tth., upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED Capable, middle-aged woman for
(permanent position; no fritters need an
swer N 18, Oregonian.
GIRL for general housework. 770 Flanders
TEACHERS High school. $60 to $85; high
er grades, $50 to $70; commercial, ' $75;
principals, $75 to $100. Payne-Fisk Teach
ers' Agency, 1210 Williams ave. Both
FIRST-class ladies' tailor, male or female;
highest wages paid to right party. 420
AMATEUR or professional actors of good
character. Summer vacation. seashore.
Dramatic Club. 603 Goodnough bldg.
young people happy with good positions.
029 Worcester block. Phone Main 4504.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
BY an A-l dry goods, furnishings, clothing
and shoe man. position as buyer or man
ager by August 1. Good window trimmer,
card writer, advertising and all-around
man; best of reference, steady, sober and
energetic, single; age '24. Will not con
sider anything except steady PDsition. At
present employed. F 25. Oregonian.
BY professional man of excellent character
and executive ability as office man; priv
ate secretary, cashier or typist; best ref
erences and business ability. B IS, Ore
gonian. WANTED Situation by Easter man of
large experience, as accountant, statisti
cian or cashier, with prospect of advance
ment and permanency. Address W.. room
511. Fenton bldg.
WANTED Position as bookkeeper. Invoice
clerk and general office work in lumber
office; Al references. S 22, Oregonian.
BY two young men. well educated and
strangers in city who are not afraid to
work, positions of any kind, honorable
nature, with firms where advancement is
given for faithfulness and meritorous ap
plication. A E 24 Oregonian.
WANTED Position as salesman and win
dow trimmer In men's furnishing or as
sistant trimmer with drygoods concern;
bet)t of references from the East. A F
25 Oregonian.
PRACTICAL gardener wants work at
private ptace; can care for horses and
cow; handy, all-around; references; city
or country. A E 23. Oregonian.
MAN and wife wish situation ; wife house
keeper and dressmaker; man to take care
of garden and stock ; thoroughly compe
tent. Address A F 22, Oregonian.
YOUNG married man wants employment,
can drive livery wagon and clerk in sitore;
well acquainted with city ; or work in
wholesale house. J 24, OregiMium.
A GERMAN gardener, sober and steady,
wants position on private place; have ex
perience in care of horse, cows and chick
ens. A F 23, Oregonian.
COAL and gas ranges cleaned and repaired
at your own home; made like new by ex
pert workman; reasonable charges. AE 11,
MIDDLE-aged German with reference, able
to do gardening or any kind of work,
wants positloa on private place. K 5,
WANTED Position as fcreman of labor
ers; excavating. street grading, etc.;
strictly reliable and temperate. O 25,
Oregonian. 1
WANTED Situation In printing office by ex
perienced young man. Will Herd. 18S
13th st., Portland.
HARNESSM AKER wants work; has had
six years" experience; country shop pre
ferred. The Sherman, 123 12th st..f r. 9.
FIRST-CLASS Chinese cook wants position;
family, porter, or work any kind. Home
phone A 3S56.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants position
running repairs; will leave city. M 7,
WANTED Position as teamster, porter or
watchman or any kind or work; strictly
temperate. N 20. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED man wishes position in fur
niture store doing cabinet work. 762
Savier. corner 23d, Rudolph Moser.
POSITION wanted as railway bridge and
building man ; good references. Address
G. Allen, Hotel Houston, Portland.
MAN. handy at anything, work In a mill,
not afraid of hard work. AD 24, Orego
nian. DISHWASHER and Took, man. want to
know more about the business; little
wages. H 24. Oregonian.
CHEF wishes a position: sober, competent;
good hotel or restaurant. A E 25. Ore
gonian. JAPANESE youth wants light housework.
A E 11. Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants work in garden, or
any outside work. J 22. Oregonian.
A YOUNG Japanese wants position in city;
speaks Engliwh. H 21. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS cement finisher wants work.
Address H. Oedding, Front and Madison sts.
JAPANESE Employment Office, male and
female. 249 Couch bL Phone Main 6521.
Japanese Employment Co. furnishes all kind
help. 268 Everett. Main 4059, A 4073.
A GOOD Japanese boy wants work in pas
ture or farm. A F 20. Oregoniah.
CAKE baker position wanted as second
hand. Address 525 Clay st.
Bookkeepers and Stenographer.
REFINED, educated young woman. Under
wood -operator, desires position stenog
rapher or cashier In restaurant, phone 8
to 9 mornings.. Main 0iU3.
WANTED Position by stenographer, six
years experience, thoroughly experienced
In law work; rapid and accurate, good
speller; salary $0O. H 23. Oregonian.
FOR a good stenographer, experienced or be
ginner, phone Clerical Office, Main 45o4.
Tested and certified.
Bookkeepers and Stenorraphera.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and book
keeper desires permanent position ; city
references. Phone Main 29:1.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants good per
manent pceition. L S, Oregonian.
WANTED Clerical work by experienced
young woman. J 21, Oregonian.
ART LA MODE. 181 6th st.. opposite the
Portland. Main 3378. A 5326. High-class
. ladies' tailoring department, gowns and
wedding trousseaus; special prices this
week for commencement dresses.
GOOD dressmaking done at reasonable
prices; special rates to working girls.
Phone Main 4394.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing bv day.
Miss Chism, room 3. M 6771, A 1560.
GIRL right from Norway wants position to
do housework, private family. Phone
Main 8359.
WANTED A good position as housekeeper;
transient preferred. Address G 20, Ore
gonian. MIDDLE-AGED widow lady wishes position In
widower's family as housekeeper; thoroughly
competent. Mount Tabor. 00 East 36th st.
WANTED Work by a lady to do washing
and ironing. Phone Pac. 2190.
YOUNG woman wishes day work, any kind ;
good laundress; strictly reliable. K 25,
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If
so. we need you; complete outfit free.; cash
weekly- Write for choice of territory.
Capital" City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
WANTED Two or three good men for a
proposition that is never turned down ;
good contract, exclusive territory. 40 'A
Raleigh bWg.
WANTED agents and general traveling
agents. Call between 1 and 6. 2S5 4th.
WANTED Wide-awake and pliable sales
men; liberal terms; excellent territory;
outfit furnished free; a good opening. For
particulars address with references, Ore
gon Nursery Company. Salem, Or.
AGENTS to sell nn easy-selling line of
skirts, waists and petticoats and household
goods on the installment plan; liberal com
missions an-i big money for hustlers. "F. D.
Sherman. 2G2 3d.
WANTEI Hy young traveling man. perma
nent furnished room In either rooming
house or private family; I a it. nreferred;
desire one located on the West Side north
of Washington and west of 1Mb st.; Kinly
state terms and conveniences. A D 20,
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
UNFURNISHED modern house on West
Side; one or two years from August 1 5
preferred; can furnish references. A E
26. Oregonian.
WANTED Manufacturing siiace, 25x50 or
about, for printing business; rent $20 to
$30; good light. K 7, Oregonian.
YOUNG LADY wants room, or hoard
and room with small private family. L lo,
WANTED at once 4. 5 or fi-room furnished
house; must be complete; rent reason
able. Call 305-6 Commercial Club bldg.
RESPONSIBLE party will care for house
. while owner is away. J 23. Oregonian.
SMALL 4-room cottage In suburbs; state
rent. Address C 82. care Oregonian.
And any thing else you have to sell.
Main 5655. A 4121.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highc-st price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 62 N. 3d st. Phone Pacific -1722.
WANTED Live cub bear, lion and any
other live wild animals. Bv R. stenztsl
Fur Company, Salt Lake City. Utah.
WANTED All kinds of second-hand furni
ture. We pay "the price" in cash. East
OSS, B 2311.
WANTED Well-bred English setter, male;
must be young and well broken. E 16, Ovv-
I PAY cash for household goods. Savage &
Pennell Fur. Co., 345 1st st. Phone 300.
READY money paid for furniture; better
prices than a dealer. Phone Ea.t 5SSS.
WANTED A little girl to board; nice home.
Main 8394.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East lo;7.
WANTED Second-hand motion-picture ma
chine and films. V 1, Oregonian.
Furnished Rooms.
535 EVERETT, furnished room, suitable for
one gentleman, walking distance; rent $15.
Phone A 1561.
BRIGHT, well furnlnhed room modern con
veniences, walking dintance, residence dis
trict. Phone Main 3'il2. 361 loth st.
NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for
two; fine location. Phone East 2013. 4o7
Holladay ave.
TWO rooms for gentlemen in mcdern. pri
vate home; well furnished; reasonable. 547
PLEASANT front room for 2 gent lemen,
hot and cold water, central; reasonable.
292 12th st.
LARGE furnished front room In private
family, modern conveniences, very reason
able. 442 Third st. AB 13. Oregonian.
181 ',4 FIRST ST., cor. Yamhill, nicely fur
nished rooms, en suite or single; reason
able; permanent or transient.
THE EKTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 H
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
THE WILLAMETTE 322 Stark St., large
light rooms, well furnished, single or en
suite, 60c to $ L day; Jii.SO to $5 week.
FRONT suite," ground floor, nicely furnished,
including piano, two beds; reaonab'e. 292
loth, near JciTcr.-n. ,
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front alcove
room ; also side room ; modern conven
iences, close In; references. ;;o: 12th st.
$10 per month Front room, modern conveni
ences, centrally located. 34 L Hdrr!ton.
Phone Main 8737.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia; mod
ern rooms, bath, 50c to $1 a day, $2 to
$4 week.
HOTEL Oxford, corner 6th and Oak; sin
gle or en suite; modern conveniences;
rat?s very reasonable. Main XX.
$2.50 WEEK One nice room for rent; best
location; walking distance; gas, bath, phone
175 14th st.
FRONT and back parlor, single or en suite,
strictly modern; reasonable. 494 Morrison
St.. flat 10.
NICELY furnished room In private family:
bath, gae. phone. 448 Taylor st. Phone
Main 577S.
NICELY furnished rooms $!.. up per week;
tnfcals If desired. Hotel Mason. 247 5th.
262 12TH, a suite of lovely furnished rooms
for two or four gentlemen.
VERY nicely furnished sleeping room; all
conveniences. 4S5 Clay st.
MAXWELL HALL. 207 14th st.; light rooms
with running water; rates reasonable.
HOTEL ROY AT 1081 4th; nice rooms. $1.50
to $5 week. 50 cents, $1 night.
NICE front room for two. 414 5th st. Thr.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5
wk. ; also transient rooms. 313 Morrison.
NICELY furnished rooms, also front and back
parlor. 170 N. 16th st.
TWO nicely furnished rooms;-near White
Temple. Phone Main 2992.
.Furnished Rooms.
Parties looking for pleasant and comfort
able rooms, with all modern conveniences,
for the Summer, will find Just what they
want at the SAKG ENT HOTEL, corner
Grand and Hawthorne aves.
One of I'ort land's mobt elegant apartment-houses
situated on same tLreet, (6th),
and only 4 blocks from postotfice; rooms
single and en suitt; rales reasonable.
THE GLENDORA HOTEL, 19th and Couch,
near Washington, haa the best rooms In
the city, $7.50 per month and up; single
or ensuite, with or without boaui; baths,
steam heat, eU-ctric lishts, both phones,
large grounds, parlor with piano, billiard
and pool tables; all free to ifuestA.
THE GAYOSO, Grand ave. and Ea3t Stark,
why not have the best value for your
money? Well furnished rooms with steam,
heal, hot water, bath and elevator; new
brick building with all modern conven
iences; look these up; they will please
LARGE residence, 5 minutes from postof
fice. to be mado a bachelor's hall; large
rooms, hot and cold water; hot water
hea-t". bath, grates, closets, both phones,
quarter block, lawn: reasonable to perma
nent lemen. Address L 987. Orego
Large, light and neatly furnished rooms;
hot water heat, hot and coid water, baths
and phone; transient. $1; special rates by.
the week. Phone A1330. 381 Yamhill st..
N. W. cor. West Park.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sts. Newly furnished throughout;
new buildings, suitej with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phone Main,
7195. Long-distance phones in all rooms.
One elegantly furnished outside room;
hot and cold running water and all mod
ern conveniences ; very reasonable. The
Mercedes, near 20th and Wellington sts.
HOTEL GLEN WOOD, 2d and Salmon New
and elegantly furnished ; hot and cold
water in every room, private baths, steam
heat ; transient. $1 and up; special rates
by week or month.
HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th
first-class furnished rooms, single or en
suite; e cry modern convenience. $3 week
ly up; daily, 75c up; special monthly rates.
Main 5647. j
IONIAN COURT Elegant 3 and 4-room resi
dence apartments, new, including all mod
ern convenience-; save carfare; also one 4
room apartment; completel v furnished. Ap
ply Janitor. 1Mb and Couch.
THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay window
and other ouinhie rooms ; electric lights,
baths, etc.; $2.50 week up. 269H Wash
ington. HOTEL KEN YON. ISth and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite ; aL-o
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496.
THE WESTMINSTER, bth and Madison sts.,
'handsomely furnished bachelor rooms; tverf
modern convenience; terms reasonable; only
4 blocks from postoff ice.
THE GENEVIEVE Newly furnished,
steam heat, bay window room, walking
distance, $3 a week. Tel. M 7410. 445
Columbia sU
HOTEL PHILIP oflers the very best of out
sido new modern rooms; lo public free
baths; run right; $4 week. 5th and Burn-si-ie.
Rooms With Board.
BLAKELY HALL 300 Jefferson. between
5th ami 6U1. nicely furnished rooms wit h
first-class board ; beautiful grounds; cen
ter of city ; reasonable terms; elegantly
-located fop tourists, transients or perma
nent guests.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 20th year;
rooms with board, use of sewing -room,
use of - library ; Women's Exchange. Ad
dress Mrs. Ella Raw lings, Suyt., fill)
Plunders st.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. with or
without board. In Nob Hill private resi
dence; all modern conveniences; large
yard. Address B 82. care Oregonian.
NICELY furnished front rooms, with board;
strictly home cooking; modern conven
iences; walking distance; $6 per week.
The Lindell. 200 Market.
LA RGE. airy rooms, excellent board; mod
ern convenience ; hot and cold water; ex
tensive grounds ; walking distance. 617
Kearney. Pacific 31-4. A 261S.
Sunny outside rooms; steam heat, hot and
cold water; first-class table; most reasona
ble rates. 455 Aider.
A FURNISHED room In a private family,
with or without board, suitable for one or
two gentlemen. 427 3d st.
NICELY furnished front room w ith board,
home cooking, walking distance, suitable
for 2 gentlemen. Main 54im. :s:i5 6th st.
PLEASANT front room with board In private
family ; all conveniences. 91 N, 17th st.
Phone Pacific 312.
THE COLONIAL, corner 10th ana Morrison;
co.oy. clean, comfortable; good table; loir
rates. Call and see.
THE MARLYN, Washington and I7th. well
furnished rooms, hot and cold water,
home cooking, permanent or transient.
ROOM and board for two lcung ladles or
nin; walking distance; reasonable. 621
East, Morrison.
EL ICG ANT large room, stylish new corner
house, electric light. walking distance;
reasonable. Phone Main 2219.
TWO gentlemen to. room and board; private
family. I 'hone and bath. 54 4th st.
NICELY furnished rooms with board; also
table boarders. 452 Morrison, corner 13th.
APARTMENT for rent. The King Hill
apartments. 171 King st.
NICELY furnished rooms at the Valtamont,
376 Yamhill st., corner West Park.
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozark
225 Uth st.
FR EE rent till July 1st ; reduced rates for
Summer; beautiful Colonial tl-room apart
ment house: large verandas. 660-662 Flan
ders. TH tO M 1LNKR, 3501:, Morrison, cor. Park.
Modern Hppartments1, furnished or unfur
nished. VERY deal rah le apartments ; large rooms,
modern conveniences; fine location; steam
heat ; rent reasonable. 401 loth.
lumbia; modern -J -room unfurnlnhed apart
ments; excellent location; reasonable rt-nt.
NEW LY furnished apartments. modern
conveniences, iwo and thr--e room suites;
reasonable. 461 E. Morrison st.
STRKTLY modern 5-room upper and lower
Ilais; almost new, close in. good view,
pVnty litf !it. large room?. 229 and 233
Knott. Inquire 225 Knott.
$3' For rent. Icwer 6-room flat. 15th and
Davis sts.; all modern conveniences; no
children. Phone East 4769. forenoons.
TWO large flats; every convenience, heat,
hot water, janitor service. 715 Johnson
st. Call phone A lilTS.
) EIGHT rooms, with yard, porch. 6!f5 Everet
nea r i sr. fcnecny Lros., 22 --j 1 aiphlll.
Main 3n72.
ELEGANT 4-room Mat. etrtctly modern; walk
ing distance. Tel. B 12i5. Iter. ween 9 and
11 A. M.
VtRY desirable 4-room flat, first floor, cen
trally located, steam heat. Inquire 325
Abington bldg.
FOR RENT 4-room. steam-heated furnished
flat, modern, electricity, pas. bath. Cottel
Drug Co., First and Sherman sts.
6-ROOM upper, flat. 264 Stout st.. n-vir Madi
son; also 7-room house, 5(,9 Jefferson st.
Inquire 260 Stout st. Phone Main 5S53.
5-ROOM modern lower flat, within walking
distance. West Side. E. T. Taggart, 416
Chamber of Commerce.
MODERN 5-room lower fiat, best location,
close in. Park and Harrison sts Inquire
229 1st.
0-R0OM upper flat, modern, near the Steel
bridge. Inquire ;;0ii Larrabee st.
ENTIRE lower floor in modern, fiat, nicely
furnished, close In. 20H 11th st.
2SS 16TH Nearly new modern 5-room flat.
$1S. Inquire W. L. Morgan. 213 Abington.
FURNISHED 5-room flat, close in, electric
lights. 271 7th st.