3 THE MORNIjSG OREGOXIAN. SATURDAY, JUNE 13. 1908, Annual June White Days WHITE GOODS REDUCED inEvery Section lipman-Wolf e?s Annual June Sale of Muslin Underwear All regular stock of Muslin Undfrwear at reduced prices as follows : Drawers 29c-$lL00 Gowns 68c to $lp.S0 Chemise 59c to $lL00 Skirts 90c to $?3.75 Corset Covers 32c? $9.25 $1.65 Skirts at, $1.10 Women's White Cambric f Skirts, deep flounce, cluster tucks and hemstitching, trimmed in variety of eff CJ 1 1 A fects. Values to $1.65. Saty j. .P 1 J- v $2.25 Skirts it $1.39 Women's White Camhaic Skirts, deep ilounce or embroidery i nd tucks, values to $2.25, or. , $1.39 $3WhiteSkirts$1.69 Women's White Cambric Skirts, extra quality, daintily trimmed with embroid ery, tucks, lace, etc. Val- (t?! CO ues to $3.00. Sale price. 057 $6 White Skirts $2.98 Women's White Cambric Skirts, extra quality deep flounces, trimmed with in sertions and lace edgings. tO QQ Values to $6. Sale price Pi.70 40c Corset Covers 29c Women's Cambric Corset Covers, circu lar neck; lace and insertion, OQ etc. Values to 40c t $1 Corset Covers 59c Women's Cambric Corset Covers, dain tily trimmed with laces, insertion, bead ing, etc. Values to $1.00. Sale CQ price, 'for today ,.. Every Article REDUCED $1.35 Corset Covers 85c Women's fine Nainsook Corset Covers, prettily trimmed with fine laces, em broidery, ribbon, etc. Values QC. to $1.35. For this sale, only 0JC C1 CTZ Nainsook ft G?1 Irt pl.b9 cor.et Covers $1.1U Women 's extra Corset Covers, values to $1.65. sale only fine quality Nainsook exquisitely trimmed, For this $1.10 $1.35 Nightgowns at 85c Women's Cambric Gowns, with high, low, circular, square and V-shaped neck; values to $1.35. For OC. this sale, only.: OiJC $1.65 Nightgowns $1.10 Women's fine Nainsook Gowns, daintily trimmed with fine laces, insertions, etc. Values to $1.65. For 1 f this sale, only pi.lVJ $2 Nightgowns $1.29 Women's Longcloth Gowns, circular slip-over neck, yoke of embroidery, etc. Values to $2.00. For this 1 OQ sale, only pl,tiJ $2.50 Nightgowns $1.65 Women's extra quality Nainsook Gowns, slip-over circular neck, dainty trimmings of fine laces, insertions, etc. C1 fiEJ Values to $2.50. Sale price. P JJ Reg. 65c Drawers 39c Women 's Cambric Drawers, deep flounce with lace insertions; value JQ 65c. Sale price, only 85c Drawers Pr. 59c Women's Cambric Drawers, wide ruffle, trimmed with fine laces, etc. CQ Values to 8oe. Sale price iJUC $1.25 Drawers at 85c Women's fine Drawers, made with wide ruffle and elaborately trimmed; QC values to $1.25; sale O $1.65 Drawers $1.10 Women's extra quality Cambric and Nainsook Drawers, variously trimmed in dainty effects $1.65. Values to CI 1 f For this sale, only. . .P A v $2.00 Drawers $1.45 Women's fine Drawers, deep flounces, trimmings of dainty lace and insertion, including Vassar and circu- Cl A C lar styles; values to $2, at. . .P 1 tJ "NEMO," "SMART SET," AND "C. B." CORSETS imam), July DELINEATOR and BUTTERICK Patterns Now on Sale Our Entire Stock of Parasols Reduced Owing to the backward season, we place on sale our entire new Summer stock of Para sols at reduced prices; including: LINEN PARASOLS Plain, fancy bor ders, embroidered dots and figures. PONGEE PARASOLS Hemstitched, tucked, fancy colored borders, colored em broidered effects and Oriental borders. TAFFETA PARASOLS White, black, brown, tan, green, navy, royal blue, gray and Dresden effects. Regular $1.50Parasols Only 95c Regular $2.50 Parasols for $1.65 Regular $3.50 Parasols for $2.35 Regular $4.00 Parasols for $3.00 Regular $5.00 Parasols for $3.75 Sale of Graduation Fans Values to' "$2775 at 98c T White, spangled,' and lace fans, in varied as sortment, for graduation purposes. Regu lar values to f $2.75. nn Saturday salf OC Lisle Race Hosiery 35cualityforl9c Women's bl'ick lisle lace boot or allover lace4 stockings, : a great variety of patterns, best 35c Aquality. Sale price , . 19c Children's Stockings Children's; Fast Black lxl Ribbed Cotton Stock ings, dof ible heels and toes, guaran- "1 teed fa? t black, 20c quality I C ManTrs. Rug Samples at 14 of Real Value 5000 manufacturers' Rug samples, all bound ready for use, including all this season's best patterns, in Axminster, Velvet Wilton and Tapestry Brussels by far the best value of the season. Only 5000 will be sold not more than 1 dozen to a customer. 27-54-in. Axminster Rugs for $1.39 27-54-in. Wilton Velvet Rugs $1.19 27-54-in. Tapestry Brussels Now 79c $1 Fancy Box Paper 69c Box of one pound of best quality Linen Fabric Paper, note size, unruled, and three packages latest style en velopes to match, in the new shad.es. fZQ Regular $1.00 values . ..." OIC Belt Pins and Buckles I Notion Sale Bargains Reg $2.50 Values 78c Our entire stock of $2.50 Belt Pins and Buckles, all choice designs, in rose gold, sterling silver, pearl and black 7Q finish. Choice Saturday OC 50c Beauty Pins at 23c A special purchase of gold-filled Beauty Pins, with extra good pin and clasp, in many cnoice patterns. rjo Regular 50c values. and Pepper SISalt Shakers 43c Glass Salt and Pepper Shakers, in many choice shapes, with fancy sterling silver tops. Saturday sale price, a a q TJV pair, only. 5c Shelf Paper, lace edge, all colors, 10 yds for 4 15c Children's Hose Supporters 8 5c box Gas Tapers, never drip 3 35c Acme Sanitary Belts, each 11)0 35c Invisible Hair Nets, all shades 23 35c Hair Roll Retainers, with side comb at tachment 23 25c. box Hair Pins, shell or amber, straight or crimped 18 6c Asbestos Stove Mats, large 4 25c Side Combs, shell or anber 18 10c Dutch Cleanser 8 15c White India Linen 11c Regular 15c India Linen, yard H Regular 50c 'White Persian Lawn 29 Regular 35c White Lingerie Plaids 19 25c Butcher Linen Finish Suiting lo Combination Suits 63c Women's fine quality Swiss ribbed combinations, price 63 DODGES THE NOOSE Billek's Reprieve Causes Wild Scenes in Chicago. r-RISONERS JOIN IN CHEERS When Murderer's "eck Is bared for "oosc, Judge Landis Grants Ap jjciil Knthusiasm on Streets Infects Those In Jail. CHICAGO. June 12. (Special.) Herman Billek was saved from a mur rlerer's death on the scaffold today by the granting of an appeal to the Su preme Court of the United States just s he had bared his neck in the death chamber in preparation for the hang man's noose. Dramatic intensity marked the day's proceedings in the sensational fight made for the man's life. Judge Landis, of the United States District Court, who j-esterday denied the condemned man a writ of habeas corpus, today made possible the appeal to the Na tion's highest tribunal, and ordered the execution stayed. Scenes of wild disorder occurred at the County Jail, when a vast throng of morbidly curious persons, crowding the streets around the building, learned the news. The crowd cheered madly, waving hats and handkerchiefs in the air. The excited mob pressed around the jail entrance so that a score of police stationed there to keep order had to fight the most enthusiastic back with , clubs drawn. The cries of those in the street were heard by the prisoners in the jail, who instantly and instinctively divined the cause. Then pandemonium broke loose within the structure as well as with out. Tier after' tier of prisoners took up the cheering and continued it for more than 30 minutes, as did those in the street. Judge Landis decided that the prisoner had the right to appeal from the decis ion denying the writ of habeas corpus. The case wll now be carried to the higher Federal tribunal, and Billek will be given a respite until that body has passed upon the constitutionality of the question involved. The hour set for Billek's execution was. 11 o'clock and Billek, who now has an In definite lease of life ponding the decieior . of his appeal, would have been hanged in -stantly had the judge declined to graf ,t the order. mercial department of" A'bany College were held in the First U6 Uted Presby terain church in this city, tonight. Ben jamin Eddy, Register or f the United Land Office at Roseburg; delivered the address to the class, j md Alfred C. Schmitt, cashier of the,' First National Bank, of this city, alsir, made an ad dress. Degrees from the complete three year commercial course ; were awarded to the following st udents: Nelson Wilbur, of -Oakland; Fi ancls Arnold, of Scio; Hubert Birtchf t, of Jefferson: Charles C. Curry, of (Oakville; Pauline Burcn, oi Albany, an?. Blanche Lennox, of Albany. Diplomas for the shorthand course were given W. J. Pat t. arson, of Oakland; Minnie Halsey, o Albany; Nettie Thompson, of Lebau on: Bertha Newton, of Molalla; Jeanett e Bounds,, of Baker City; Kula Wright; Df Albany, and Ce cil Knox of Albanr r. HILL ARRIVSAT BERLIN Xew Ambassad. yr Soon to Be Re ceived by Kaiser. BERLIN, June 12. Dr. David Jayne Hill, ex-American Mf nister to the Netherlands, and who succeeds Oharlemange Tower as Ambassador ti , Germany, arrived today. He has taken .1 .he apartments in the Hotel Adla, which t ere occupied by Jules Cam bon. the Fren eh Ambassador, pending the reconstructior i 0f the French Embassy building. Dr. Hill csi lied on Secretary von Schoen this aftern on and will be received by Chancellor vron Buelow at noon tomorrow. The Empoi .-or will grant an audience within twr , or three days. i - recalls OLD CHIEF Utah Convention Sends Greet ing to Cleveland. INSTRUCTS FOR BRYAN Democratic Delegates Must Vote as Unit at Denver Demand for Pro gressive Policy Is Keynote of the Convention. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, June 12. In the fervor which attended the instruction of six delegates to the Denver conven tion for William J. Bryan, the Democrats of the state did not forget the last Dem ocratic President of the United States. A little while before adjournment this evening the convention ' instructed the chairman to mail this letter to Grover Cleveland: Th Democrats of Utah in convention as sembled, remember gratefully your friend ship for Utah while President. With Just party pridfe we point to your services for the party and for the country. "With sorrow BILLEK'S MOTHER . OVERCOM.E Aged Parent Faints When She He ars Good News. CLEVELAND, June 12. Mrs. "Bar bara Billek. mother of Herman illek, when told of the appeal grant d by Judge Landis, which will mean i v new lease of life for the fortune-tellf r, ex claimed: "Oh. my God'. God be prals ;d. He saved my boy." The mother, who has been 111 for sev eral months, and near deatli, during the strain of the last few day.s , fainted. She is said to be in a precarf ous con dition. ? SIX ARE GIVEN DiGREES Students Graduate From J Jbany Col lege Commercial DerVjrtment. ALBANY, Or., June especial.) The graduating exercises of the com- f L ft ? f - - t ! Ssh - ,j -r : nrnnn rnnrr rr r r-nn.ii iiM.t m nrnvii i wir -nrn-r wn iiirininrfii'""""""nwMfi-if"rini a jrViirniamftianfiiTmowitt HERMAN BILLEK, THE REPRIEVED MURDERER, DAUGHTER, EDA. AXD HIS we have learned of your recent Illness and with one accord we pray that your life may be prolonged for many years, that the country may be blessed with the wisdom of your counsel. There was some opposition to the ref erence to Mr. Cleveland's services to the party, but the convention, after being reminded that he had signed the bill which had made Utah, a state, adopted the letter by an overwhelming majority. Favors Progressive Policy. The temporary chairman, Frank B. StenhrnB nf Salt Tiftlro HpclarpH fitrnncrlv for a progressive policy. . I "In 1904," he said, "we listened to the voice of the tempter and nominated for President a reactionary, so far as this onward march is concerned, and he got a million and a half votes less than the previous candidate." Tlie speaker carefully refrained from mentioning the prospective nominee at Denver, 'and it was not until a debate began on the dimensions of the platform committee that the delegates were per mitted to release their pent-up Bryan enthusiasm. On the committee recommendation N. T. Porter, of Davis County, was elected permanent chairman. Ex-Congressman Brigham H. Roberts and W. H. King made short speeches, the address of the latter consisting largely . of an attack upon President Roosevelt. Judge O. W. Powers also spoke. Vote as Unit for Bryan. The platform, which was promptly adopted, is a general reaffirmation of Democratic principles and concludes with instructions to the National delegates to vote as a unit for the nomination of W. J. Bryan and to abide by the unit rule in other matters. Frank K. Nebeker, of Cache County, was made National committeeman. The delegation to Denver will consist of Abel J. Evans, O. V. Powers, William H. King, S. S. Smith, Samuel Newhouse and i Mrs. H. J. Hayward. BETTING ON CREDIT Attempt to Establish System Causes Arrests. LIVELY DAY AT GRAVESEND CUTS OFF THREE LIVES JEALOUS MAX MURDERS . TWO PERSONS, THEN HIMSELF. Triple Tragedy Follows Lodger's Charge Against Landlady - - and His Chum. DENVER. Colo., June 12. In a Jealous rage tonight Charles E. Byers shot and killed Mrs. May E. Boren. landlady of a lodging-house, followed this by murder ing Edward Smith and then killed himself. Byers. and Smith were lodgers at' Mrs. Boren's house. Smith was a recent ar rival, having come at the solicitation of his friend Byers. Last night he made accusations against Mrs. Boren and Smith and as a result was ordered from the house by the woman. Tonight he was granted an interview with Mrs. Boren and the shooting followed. Mrs. Boren came here two years ago from Howard, Kan. A year ago she was divorced from her husband, J. P. Boren. who still resides with two of their chil dren at Howard. Two Bookmakers in Jail and Much Confusion Attending Arrests Po lice and Prosecutor Deter mined to Enforce the Law. GRAVESEND, N. Y., June 12. -An at tempt was made to establish the English svstem of credit betting at the race tracks In the metropolitan district today. Under this system no money is passed and no settlements are made at the track. Early in the day at Gravesend Dick Weldon, a bookmaker, was arrested for accepting a wager and was taken to the Coney Island Police Court for arraign ment. The arrest caused much excite ment and great tension. Ray Bcllnger, a bookmaker in the field, also was arrested, while making a book on the first race. He was taken to the Coney Island Police Court. Betting went on under the credit system, but It caused much confusion. No important races were scheduled at Gravesend today, but there were S0O0 persons at the track. The track is owned by the Brooklyn Jockey Club, of which P. J; Dwyer is president. Assistant District Attorney R. H. El der, of Kingp County, had announced that there would be no betting at Grave send if he could prevent it and that, if he found the betting openly done, he would proceed against the management on the charge of maintaining a gambling place. That the new law .prohibiting betting would be enforced was made plain when Police Commissioner Bingham ordered two deputy commissioners and an in spector to take a number of police to the Gravesend track. ALBANY, N. Y.. June 12 In a letter today addressed to the various Sheriffs of the state. Governor Hughes calls upon those officials to see that the provisions of the Hart anti-race track gambling laws are enforced. LEAPS TO STREET AND DIES Lawyer Accused of Robbing Rail roud Escapes by Suicide. WATERTOWN, N. Y.. June 12. James B. McCormick, aged 38. an attorney and brother of N. J. McCormick, the former New York Central agent, arrested last night on charges of forgery Involving al leged theft of railroad funds, leaped from the top of a five-story office building to the pavement today and died a few hours later. McCormick was arrested last night charged with grand larceny, it being al leged he had participated with his brother in an alleged fraudulent settlement. fiwoP tan nhfw at Rotenrhr. Blood Humors Commonly cause pimples, boils, hives, eczema or salt rheum, or some other form of erup tion; but sometimes they exist in the system, indicated by feelines of weakness, languor loss of appetite, or eeneral debility, without causing: any breaking out Hood's Sarsaparilla expels them, renovates, strengthens and tones the whole system. This is the testimony of thousands annually. . Accept no substitute, but insist on having Hood's Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets Slerl Trust Story Denied. LON DON, June 12. The doubts ex pressed as to tlte trutli of tli announce ment in the Iron and Steel Trades Jour nal yesterday that a great combination had recently been effected in the British steel tiad with a eap:tal of SaTS.OOVW. ars confirmed by inquiries made In the best informed quarters -today. Firms which were alleged to be connected with the amalgamation deny all knowledge of its existence. NERVOUSNESS Or a debility of the Nervous System. Impondoro-Therapy Treatment will not only give you new, vigorous and mental activity, but. it will build up the entire system, increase the appetite, improve the diges tion,' stop that tired feeling, and make you enjoy a good sleep at night. Health means wealth and success, and with out health you cannot accom plish anything. mswt I M PONDER 0-THERAPY TREATMENT "Will do all that is claimed, and we can give you refer ences to prove it. Call and see us about your condition. Impondero-Therapy Co. "508 Merchants Trust Building, roiuiuu, vsicguu. LIVE WHOLESOME BUBBLING OUT-OF-DOORS Short Stories In Cash Prizes to Contributors to SUNSET MAGAZINE The June Issue Telia All About the Offer