THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, JUXE 9, 1903. 13 FOR RENT. .furnished Rooms. ON E large front room, with bath and elec tric light, suitable for two, private family. 2W 7th St., cor. Madison. NEAT, light room, bath, phone; suitable for student; $5 per month. 15 N. 17th. ONE large front room, rlctly furnished. 229 5th St., between Sal men and Main. THE EL WOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5 wk.; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison. FL'HMSHED room, right down town ; clean; only $2. 265 3d. Unfurnished Rooms. FOUR unfurnished nousekeeplng rooms for small family. upstairs; pas, $14 per month. Including water. 65 N. 13th t. FOUR unfurnished rooms In heart of city, $10 per month. Call 85 5th st. Rooms W ith Board. PORTLAND Woman's Union, 20th year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room, use of library ; Women's Kxchange. Ad dress Mrs. Ella Rawlings, Supt., 010 Flanders st. TWO large sunny rooms In new cottage. East Side, close In: all the comforts of a cosy, attractive home; good home cook ing. Phone B 2ti27. BLAKELY HALL, CW0 Jefferson, between 5-th and 6th, nice, cool rooms, with flrst clnss board : center of city ; beautiful place for summer home. A 3345. BELLWOOD HOTEL, under new manage ment : rates by week reasonable. A. C. Brown, proprietor, lath and Umatilla ave. Sellwood car. THE BARTON. Bunny outside rooniB; steam heat, hot and cold water; first-class table; most reasona ble rates. 455 Alder. NICE front room with first-class board In private family; all modern conveniences. 91 North 17th st. Phone Pacific ;1S2. THE MARLTN. Washington and 17th, well furnished rooms, hot and cold wattfr, borne cooking, permanent or transient. YOUNG man wishing board in private fam ily, call at 56$ GUsan. between 17th and 18th. THE COIjOXIAL. corner 10th and Morrison: cosy, clean, comfortable; good table; low rates. Call and see. NICE front room with board., for two. In private family. 656 Glistan. Main 2174. ETJTTES or single rooms, with board. 615 Mor rison st., cor. 16th. NICELY furnished rooms with board; also table boarders. 462 Morrison, corner 13th. OLYMPUS Rooms and board, $5 vjeek and up. 141 Lownsdale. cor. Alder. FURNISHED rooms with oard. The Osark. 235 Uth st. Apartments. THE WESTMINSTER 6th and Madison sts. : most beautiful apartments In town: all appointments and conveniences first-class and up-to-date in evory re spect; inspection invited ; in center of city, only four blocks from postoffice. IONIAN COURT Elegant 3 and 4-room residence apartments, new. including all modern conveniences; save carfare; also one 4-room apartment, completely fur nished. Apply janitor. 18th and Couch. TIT E SHEFFIELD Unfurnished 3 -room apartment, with bath; new, modern and fully equipped for convenience; line loca tion, saves carfare. Apply to Janitor, 7th and Jefferson sts. COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS, 11th and Co lumbia, 4-room unfurnished apartment, modern conveniences, excellent location, reasonable rent. JUNE 15 Beautiful unfurnished 5-room housekeeping apartment with bath and all modern conveniences, including telephone, gas and electric light. Y 874, Oregonian. THE CHETOPA. 18th-Flanders st., modern, 4 rooms unfurnished; steam heat, eleva tor, city phones. Apply to Janitor. NOB HILL Sumptuous 6-room apartments; every modern convenience; reasonable rent. Inquire 194 1st .:. COMPLETELY furnished ft-room apart ments. The Marlborough; new furniture; reference. Inquire janitor or Main .1004, HARRISON COURT, 5th and Harrison Un furnished p.partment, 2 rooms and bath ; all modern conveniences, phone Main 514S. FURNISHED 5-room apartment; no children; rent $82.50. The Ormonde, 606 Flanders st., apartment 32. BEAUTIFUL 6-room apartment for rent. 12th and Columbia. "The Bralntree." WE have 4, K and 6-room flats to rent; good locations; the best in the city: it will pav vou to see us before renting. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. OF OREGON, Southeast corner 3rd and Oak. ' FOR RENT 3-room modern flat, gas range, linoleum on kitchen floor, shade, gas and electric fixtures; rent very reasonable; walking distance. West Side. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. ONE upper 4-room and 2 lower 4-room modern flats; rent only $15. Gantenbein. near Stanton. Smith's Rental Agency, 442 Sherlock bldg. M. 2413. A 3466. MODERN flats, all sizes, for rent. East and West Sides Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S E. cor. 8d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72 NEW, modern 2 and 3 -room furnished, un furnished flats. 5 minHtes postoffice. 304 H Montgomery, bet. 5th and Gth sts. Adults only. VERY desirable lower flat; everything mod ern : large, light rooms; nice yard and roses; choice West Side location. D. G. Woodward. 104 Second st. 8-ROOM corner flat, all mcdern conven iences. ' Inquire of Mrs. R. Stott. 208 Park. '4-ROOM steam-heated furnished flat, mod ern, up to date. Cottel Drug Co., 1st and Sherman. NEW modern 4 and 5-room flats, one fur nished, fireplace. Williams ave. Phone East 1719. MODERN 6-room upper flat, cook stove, furnace. 36S1 13th st. Call 455 Mar ket. STRICTLY modern corner upper and lower flat. 2 "3 and 233 Knott. Inquire 235 Knott. FOR RENT Modern 4-room flat, furnace, health room, walking distance. Mrs. A. Larry, room 60. Washington bldg. VERY desirable 4-room flat, first floor, cen tral ly located, steam heat. Inquire 325 Abtngton bldg. (30 For rent, lower 6-room flat. 15th and Davis . sts. ; all moaern conveniences; no children. Phone East 470i, forenoons. MODERN 5-room lower flat, best location, close In. Park and Harrison sts Inquire 220 1st. TWO large flats; every convenience, heat, hot water, lanitor service. 715 Johnson st. iall phone A 17S. TWO fine flats. 8 room. 427 Clay, 0!5 Everett. Sheehy Pros.. Yamhill st. Main 3072. FURNISHED 5-room flat, electric . lights, close in. Inquire 271 7th. Housekeeping Rooms. THREE or four nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; good location. ;iW2 Jefferson st., cor. 10th. THREE-ROOM modern upper flat, neatly furnished in goldon oak. in private house, close in. Pacific 12S4. BEAUTIFULLY located bay-window, unfur nished 2-room suite in centrally located apartment-house. Jefferson, cor. 5th. THREE very desirable housekeeping rooms, gas. bath, both phones, walking distance. Adults. 00 Hawthorne. COM PLETELY furnished housekeeping rooms, en suite or single; rent reason able. 665 Irving. A 3S82. 2-ROOM suite furnished for housekeeping, $3.50 per week, modern house. 341 Harri son. Phone S":T7. The Newcastle. 402 3d St., furnished house keeping; single rooms, reasonable. Main So0. 361 I4th. two housekeeping rooms. $15; one large front room $S; smaller room $6. 8-ROOM flat; cozy, modern, central, private residence. 421 3d. 189 13TH ST. Two r.icely furnished house keeping rooms; adults only. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, close In. 800 4th st. wo rooms for housekeeping, 229 0th st. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.; newly furnished, fully equipped for house keeping, including gas range, with the free use of electric lights, hot water, baths, large reception room and laundry room; apartments from $18 up; also single rooms; with similar conveniences, $2.50 per week up. There Is nothing in comparison In the city for the money. This place will bear - Inspection. Short distance from Union Depot. Take S' or 16th-st. cars going north, get off at Marshall st. Phones Main 6771. A 4580. No dogs allowed. THE HARTFORD. 21st and Flanders sts. The most beautifully furnished house keeping apartments in the city, 3 room suites; private bath, reception hall, hot water all the time; janitor service. Free phone; return call bells; nothing lacking and the prices are reasonable, no children. THE HARTFORD, 21st and Flanders sts. THE GLENDORA HOTEL, 10th and Couch sts.. will furnish a few housekeeping rooms to suit tenants; the cheapest in the city; $12 and up; baths, steam heat, both phones, electric light, fine lawn and ver andas, billiard and pool halls, all free. THE ONEONTA housekeeping apartments, 187 17th st.. near Yamhill; thoroughly renovated and clean throughout; hot and cold water, baths, telephone, etc.. on each floor; modern and reasonable In, price THE GAYOSO, Grand ave. and E. Stark. 2 and 3-room suites, why not nave apart ments possessing modem conveniences? Electric elevator, steam heat, hot water, new brick building; very reasonable terms. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 63144 Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnluhed housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice suites from $13 up. MODERN" residence, six minutes' walk to postofflce; four-room apartment furnished for housekeeping ; two beds, piano ; rea sonable; no children. 242 10th, near Jef ferson. WELLINGTON COURT, beautifully furnished 4-room apartment, private bath, hot and cold water, ohono and Janitor service; strictly modern throughout. Cor. 15th and Everett. TWO large, clean, connecting furnished housekeeping rooms; two beds, bath, sink, gas; first floor; reasonable; no children. 511 Everett. $7 NICE large front room, with bay win dow to lady for housekeeping; walking distance. 321 Chapman, near Clay. Main 57 5. THE SANGERT Washington and Trinity, bet. J nth and 20th; newly furnished 2 and 3-room housekeeping apartments; private baths. CLEAN, well furnished housekeeping rooms, west side of river, $1 week each. Front part of cottage and small flat cheap. Particulars room 31, 323 fc Washington. $1.50 WEEK up. large clean furnhthed house keeping rooms, laundry and bath, 184 Sherman st.. South Portland. 291 CROSBY ST., near Steel bridge, three rooms, entire lower floor; modern house; all conveniences. FOUR housekeeping- rooms, eleotrlc lights, gas range, porcelain bath, walking dis tance. Call 10 to 5. 422 Jefferson. LARGE, well furnished room, housekeeping privileges, walking distance, private home. A C2t;o, forenoon or evening. 461 EAST Morrison, cor. 8th, newly fur nished housekeeping" suites. 3 blocks east Grand ave. HOUSEKEEPING Upper flat, four large sunny rooms, unfurnished. 227 E. 40th. Phone Tabor 903. ONE single housekeeping room, with gas range, full electric light. 609 Johnson st.. North Portland. TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms; gas and furnace heat, private flat; very central. V 987, Oregon Ian. THE ELMS Housekeeping rooms, complete, 2 and '3-room suites. Phone., bath, heat. 191 14th st. TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms, gas. bath, phone Tabor 1S10. 978 East Yamhill. WAYNE WOOD. 109 N. 18th Newly fur nished housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water, walking distance. TWO completely furnished housekeeping rooms, everything modern, phone Main 60t7. 140 North liith st. TWO nice ground-floor housekeeping rooms, close in. Inquire at Studio. 163 West Park. 8 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with bath; central; 5 minutes of postoffice. Phone A 5727. 313 FIFTH Housekeeping rooms for 2; cheap. Hons WHEN YOU MOVE,, you always neeU SOME furniture. ' BUY AT NO-RENT prices; the sav ings will exceed cost of moving. WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING: oc cupy one-half ; collect rent on balance. MORGAN-ATCHLEY. FURNITURE CO. Grand ave, and E. Stark. Phone East 2929. MODERN 7-room house. newly tinted throughout; flne lawn. 931 East Flanders. Phone East 5S52. 5-ROOM cottage. $13: 7-room cottage, $18; 4-room flat, $10 ; all west side river. Par ticulars room 31, Raleigh bldg., 323 Va Washington st. FOR RENT Desirable 6 and 7-room houses f or rent; well located. Inquire 325 Abtng ton bldg. BEAUTIFUL, modern 5-room cottage, large lot, $15. I.0. Royce. 1158 Prince st., Woodstock. MODERN 8-room house. 195 N. 15th st; rent $35. Inquire 11. Feenkman, 469 Clay t.. city. Main 2840. MODERN 8-room house, newly tinted. 389 Harrison near Park. Fairchild, 175 E. 15th st. Phone East 2154. MODERN 6-room cottage, nice yard, fruit. Shaver and Montana ave, $15. Phone Main 3547. FOR RENT 7-room cottage. 201 N. 23d, corner Kearney ; rent $30. Inquire 628 Everett or 102 Sherlock bldg. $27.50 MODERN 6-room residence, attic and furnace, walking distance. Inquire tiy 1 E. Washington st. MODERN ti-room house on East 10th st. Inquire room 14 Mulkey bldg. Phone Pac Icflc 1541. 7 ROOMS, bath, in good order, 128 13th, near Washington. Sheehy Bros. Main 3072. LARGE S-room house, yard, centrally lo cated. $30 month. 94 E. 11th, corner E. Washington. 6-ROOM new cottage, modern every way, fine yard. i)G0 Williams ave. MODERN 5-room cottage. 415 Hancock St., $16 per month. Inquire 408 Tillamook. 6-ROOM house at 129 E. 29th St., N. Phone East 5797. FIVE-ROOM modern cottage. 514 E. 21st st. w. W. or W. R. car. WE rent houses and flats. Haverstio & Gal lagher, 343 Washington st. 8-ROOM modern house, corner, $25. Phone Woodlawn 1799. , FOR RENT 5-room cottage, good location; $12.50 per month. Call 334 Jackson st. o-ROOM cottage, modern, on carline! Phone Sellwood 995. Furnished Houses. NICELY furnished (J-room modern house, piano, big porch, choice location, one block from 2-'rd St. earllne, half block from W carline; would rent all or part of it to responsible party without children. W 9S4, Oregonlan. Phone Main 85 23. 6-ROOM cottage, west side river, furnished $20; unfurnished $13. 4-room flat fur nished $15 ; unfurnished $10. Particulars room 31, Raleigh bldg., 323 Washing ton. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 5-room cot tage; every modem convenience; electric and gas light, beautifully located. Apply 591 GUsan st. WELL-FURNISHED house, not far from "The Oaks"; lawn, fruit, flowers; $30, in cluding water and phone. 490 Umatilla. Sellwood car. FURNISHED flat. 6 rooms and bath: full basement, furnace; corner E. 27 th and Stark. $35; no children. Sengstake & Lyman, 90 5th st. 6 ROOMS, furnished, modern house, for Summer; Kearney near 19th; rent $22 50. F. Bollam. 123 3d st. FOR RENT A modern 7-room house with 4 rooms completely furnished for houeakaep ing; large yajtf- AAA drwik ftl. FOR RENT. Furnished Houses. 7-ROOM house, strictly modern, partly fur nished; E. 3d and Glisan. For price and key. call 325 Lumber Exchange. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Modern house for Summer; beautiful view. 1085 Vaughn st. Phone M 2712. COSY furnished flat, "with piano and large porch. West Side, close in; reasonable to responsible party. Phone Main 51 50. NEATLY furnished 6-room apartment; laum and shrubbery, walking distance; reasonable. Call 583 Main st. IRVINGTON 5-room modern house; clean, well-furnished; yard; permanent tenants; references. East 3981. COMFORTABLY furnished 6-room cottage; gas and bath; $22 per month. 865 East Everett. HOLLADAY Addition 6-robm modern fur nished house, adults only, from June 18 to September IS. J S, Oregonian. $30 NICELY furnished modern 6-room house, lawn, roses. Room 6. 343 Washington. Main 4529. FURNISH ED house on Willamette Heights for Summer months. Apply 386 32d St., N., cor. Thurman. FOR RENT CHEAP 8-room house, furnished throughout. Call 751 Kearney et. Main 6855. FINE 9-room house; good lawn and roses; cor. 14th and aet Ankeny ; Ankeny car. COM PLETELY furnished 8-room upper flat, with piano. 40216 Clay st. Phone Main 8277. FURNISHED 3 or 4-room flat; bath. gas. 514 E. 21st st. W. W. or W. R. car. House for Rent Furniture for Snlsw GREAT bargain Furniture of S-room house for sale. iKxlOO lot, lawn, lots of roses, etc. Owner must leave city July 1; rent $25. A nice home for someone, cheap. Phone B 1420; East 1852. FURNITURE 5-room cottage, completely furnished, golden oak; good as new. 323 Mason, corner Rodney. FOR RENT 6-room furnished house, Sea view, Wash. ; vegetable garden and wood for season. Call Main 5319 or A 5263. SEVEN rooms; Axminster rugs, heavy brass beds, Jewel and Malleable ranges; central C14 Buchanan bldg. Summer Resorts. SEA VIEW. For Pale Several choice building lots, pome ocean fronts, also new 5-room house and lot near station. Vanduyn & Walton. 6 1 5 Chamber Commerce. SMALL furnished cottage facln-g beach at Sea view for June ; rent $15. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. SMALL furnished cottage. Long Beach, Washington, June and J uly. 300 Jeffer son, between 5th and ftth. 6-ROOM cottage at Seaside, large porch, fireplace, hot and cold water, bath.. Phone Main 4562- 6-ROOM cottage. Seaside, west of Locksley Hall. Phone Woodlawn 1752. 1142 Union ave. N. FOR SEASON. 6-room furnished cottage, Seaside, ocean front. Inquire 681 Glisan. Main 4203. A FINE 7-room furnished seaside cottage, for the season. Ocean view, finest location on beach. Apply to Andrew Kan Co. TWO cottages at Seavlew, Wash. Main 6071. 655 Savler st. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 6-room cottage at Seaside. V 995, Oregonian. SEASIDE Furnished cottage overlooking; ocean, for rent. Phone East 2829. Stores,. FIRST and second floors 25x100 new mod ern brick building, wholesale district; low insurance. Five years lease; reason able rent to responsible tenant. T 968 Oregonlan. Ft Hi RENT Storage room, 25x100, partly decked; electric elevator; on U. R. Company track. Front st., between Taylor and Sal mon. Inquire' 172 1st St., near Yamhill. Main 6481. A 16SL FOR RENT 3 floors in basement in best located building in retail district; good lease ; over 1 1 ,000 square feet of floor. Address P. W. Custer, 5 Lafayette bldg. 2-YEARS' lease, flne location for tailor, mil linery or most any business. Call after noons; rent $40. 127 11th st. Offices. FINEST kind of office rooms and deek rooms for rent; most reasonable rates, 320 Cor bett building. OFFICES to rent In the Worcester and Hamilton buildings at moderate rate. Ap ' ply to Robert Strong. ?10 Corbett bldg. COURT rooms $12.50 up; outside rooms on Washington or Fifth $20 up. 315 Swet land bldg. FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bldg. Apply room 808. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT June 1, 15,000 square feet warehouse epace, with trackage facilities; brick building, 13th and Kearney; low in surance rate; electric elevator. Inquire Tull & Gibbs. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. STAR LOAN AGENCT. 209 McKay Bldg., Cor. Third and Stark. Are you earning a salary? Tou can get money from us on your note. Business con fidential; no unnecessary inquiries. Mo. Semi-Mo. Wkly. $75 Return to us ....$20.00 $lt.oO $5 00 tt Return to L'S 13.35 ti.Go 8 33 0 Return to us 8.00 4.00 2.J0 IS Return to us 4.00 2 00 1.00 Office open 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. SALARY and MortKage loans to salaried em ployes and on Planus. Furniture, Warehouse Receipts, Horses, Insurauce Policies and ail , kinds of securities. NEW ERA LOAN & MORTGAGE) CO., 205 Ablngton Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people and others upon their own name without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments ; offices In 66 principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. TOLMA.V, 223 Abington bldg., 106 3d. Money loaned on salaries; no other security; my system Is beat for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar employes and others; business confidential. F. A. Newton, 611 Buchanan bldg., 2bC Washington st. TO LOAN Large and small amounts on good real estate security. Straight loans, low rate of interest. C. F. Pfiuger & Co., room 14 Mulktvy bldg, 2d and Mor rison sts. . MONEY to loan for building purposes; can be repaid In monthly Installments. Call for particulars. Columbia Life &. Trust Co., 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. NOTICE Money to. loan on improved real estate In sums from $300 to $5000. Cost Commercial Co.. 504 Dekum bldg. Main 7342. WB BUY Oregon Trust St Bavings. Merchants' National, Title Guarantee & Trust accounts for cash; also stocks and bonds. 611 Cor bett bldg. $5O.00t TO loan in sums of $1000 and up wards on Improved city real estate at 6 and 7 per cent. Ferrera, 335 Chamber . of Commerce bldg. WE loan money on diamonds - and jewelry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. & M. Delovage. Jewelers, 269 Washington st. I BUY Oregon Trust, Title Guarantee and Merchants accounts. Thos. McCusker, 205 Couch bldg. Main 764 6. $100,000 to loan in sums or $1000 or mors to suit, 6 to 7 per cent on improved realty. 4. G. Griffin. 266 Stark, opp. Cham, of C. MONEY to loan on real estate, anywhere and any sum ; $100 and up; see us. Vaughn & Burt. 402 Corbett bldg. LOANS on real estate, chattels or personal security. W. A. Hathaway, 10 Washington bldg. Pacific 1632. MONEY to loan on timber claims or farm property by private party from $200 to $1000. Address P 2, Oregonian. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, state agt.. Multnomah Co. 400 C of Com. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. W. H. Nunn, 668 Sherlock bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral security. C. W. Pallett, 304 Fen ton bldg. $3600 OR less, 6 per cent, real estate. Far rlngton, 416 Commercial Club blcg. Loans on dwellings $300 to $1500. 2 or 3 yrs. Ward, attorney, Alisky bldg. Main 7320. TO LOAN $10,000 at 7 per cent on improved property. Address X 993, Oregonlan. A LOAN for the caking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg. $1150 to loan on city reai ttih Wawiilngtoa, M$m Gall Room FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. $$.$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. SALARY. LOANS. TO HONEST EMPLOYES. "GIVE" YOUR NOTE. . "GET" $10 TO $100. 'ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY." EVERYTHING STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK? STATE SECURITY COMPANY. 704 DEKUM BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WEDS. AND SATS. UNTIL 8 P. M. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rothchild bldg., cor. 4th and Wash. The recognized bank of the wage-earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employe can obtain money of us on his note . without security. $15 Return to us $4.00 a Mo. $30 Return to us $8.00 a Mo. $50 Return to us $13 35 a Mo. Confidential; no unpleasant inquiries. Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc. Loans Wanted, TOMORROW we offer our first issue of $."0,000 worth of first mortgage 7 per cent bonds. Interest payable semi-annually; terms 3 to 7 years, at 9i cents on tho dollar. Bonds in denominations of $500 each. All money and interest payable through one of Portland's best trust companies. We reserve the right to redeem the bonds any year, but agreo to pay 1 per cent per annum premium in addition to the 7 per. cent for every year of the unexpired terms. This is gilt-edged. G 6. Oregonian. WANTED, SPECIAL Have you money to loan on Improved real estate gilt-edge se curity, close in? 1 can iilace the follow ing amounts at good Interest: $"O.0OO, $30,000. $2.".0on. 413,000. $12,000, $10,00i. $4000. $30OO. $2000, $1200. $1000. Abstracts to date. Titles .perfect. M. G. Griffin.. 260 Stark st. WANTED By a client, $1200 for 2 to 5 years at 8 per cent interest to be secured by first mortgage on new 2-story house and 2 lots In suburbs, worth double or more money wanted. Gruber, 617 Com mercial block. WHY 6 PER CENT? I can Invest sums from $100 up. either all cosh or monthly Installments at 23 per cent. Absolutely non-specutati ve, i-et me prove it to you. Bank references. 001 Buchanan bldg. In quire for J. E. Arnett. WANTED $1000 on gilt-edged security; will pay 7 per cent semi-annually and irive 5 per cent bonus; principals only. E 14. Oregonian. NOTE for $250, secured by mortgage on 30 acre improved farm, due in one year. Will allow liberal discount. Call 325 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Money to loan. 1 have many clients who want to borrow on good se curity. Gruber, 617 Commercial block. WANTED $5000' on A 1 security at 7 per cent semi-annually; will pay bonus; no agents. P. 6, Box 4. WANTED $250, 4 months; real estate secur ity. T 992. Oregonian. W A NT ED To borrow $3000 ; real e st a te. Farrington, 416 Commercial Club bldg. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Between 4th and 5th. on Morrison, Thursday, June 4. gold charm on fob; monogram and full name on same. Finder kindly return to John Crouse Banks. 140" 2d st., and receive reward ; no questions asked. FOUND Where hair mattreeees are reno vated, returned same day. - 228 Front. Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. LOST Sunday, June 7. English setter dog, one year old. black and white ticked; re ward. W. E. Carson, Honey man, Hard ware Co. FOUND A pocket wallet last Monday, be tween Seattle and Portland; belongs to E. J. Moran; valrable. Address M. Pliner, 428 Stark st. LOST One. gray horse, dark mane and tail; brand 22: lost near Woodstock; reward offered L. C. Myers. Woods tork. Or. LOST Small hay horse. War forehead, scar on right hind foot ; return 2C8 Hassala; reward. LOST Friday night on West Sid. a long . mink fur neck scarf; finder please return 63Ci Flanders st. ; reward. LOST Between Morrison bridge and E. 2Sth st. N., one pair ladies shoes; tag from . Eggert Young. Telephone E. 253.S. LOST Between Oswego and Portland, one bundle of ladles' clothes. Reward. Main 1940. L LOST Leather, black note hook, 5x8; find er please call up Main 6090; reward. FOUND One bay horse; weight 900 lbs. 343 Williams ave. Tel. East 4451. LADY'S barber shop; haircuttlng 25c. 12 North 4th and Burnside sts. LOST Friday night, otter collarette; lib eral reward. Harris Trunk Store. 1 LOST Buggy seat and strap, reward at 505 Alder sc. Apply for LOST Locket, engraved "B. R. S." Return to Oregonlan office and receive reward. ROOMING-HOUSE OPPORTUNITIES. Arnold ft Co.. Main 7311. 351 Morrison st. Devlin Flrebausb. C0S-O frwtttland bldg. Ellis, York St Co., 201 Merchants Trust bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES. CONTRACTING BUSINESS Partner want ed ; profits large; little money required and experience unnecessary. Call 248 Stark st. DON'T YOU KNOW We can give you a special price on any mining stock or bond ? F. J. Catterlln Jk Co.. 125 Ablngton bldg. $lgO0 ROOMING house of 27 rooms, cen trally located, doing fine business; owner must leave on other business. For In formation call room 530 Lumber Ex. 25-ROOM rooming-house in heart of city; tran sient trade; $200O; termn. Call afternoons and see owner; all new furniture. 127 11th st. FOR SALE Horce shoeing and general repair shop with power and gas light, doing good bup'ness. reason for selling, am going away. T 686, Oregonian. GOOD paying business clearing over $3000 per year; owner leaving city and will sell or exchange for house and lot. Ad dress H 14. Oregonian. BUTTER, egg and produce store; partner wanted; must have $600; pays big. Call . 24Si Stark st. MANUFACTORY requiring an investment or $1000; salary of $150 month for ffrmces; 100 per cent profit. 627 Corbett bldg. RESTAURANT A genuine snap; location can't be beat In city; $HC0; or will take partner. If good cook. 511 Swetland bldg. BARBER shop on Washington St., 3 chairs, eleprant fixtures, fine business, high-class trade. 627 Corbett bldg. RESTAURANT Desirable location: must sell at once: snap; $250. Gordon S. Ogden. 41-6 Chamber of Commerce. FURNITURR and upholstery business for sale; good location: good store; cheap rent. Call afternoons, 127 11th st. WOOD BUSINESS Energetic man with $600 can clear $150 to $200 a month. Par ticulars 248 Stark st. $250 TWO-chair barber shop. East Side; flne location. Hirstel, S8Vi Third st.. room S. EAST SIDE RESTAURANT Just the place for two ladies cr man and wife; $300. 511 Swetland bldg. 40-ROOM hotel, well furnished. clearing $200 tier month- Price $300. Box 111, St. John. RESTAURANT and lunch counter, good lo cation and established trade; only $500. Call 325 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Honest partner with $200. for traveling motion-picture show; profits $10 to $0 daily: particulars 293 Burnside. CASH STORE Want partner willing to start Call 2484 Stark st. . BARGAIN The swellest furnished ' little transient house In the city; clears $175 per month. 349 H Ankeny st. Owner. FOR SALE A nice cigar, fruit, candy and shce-shining stand; good location; $500. 295 East Morrison st . NEjW plan in a shoe Jobbing business, esta lished; $2000 required to increase business: DO you want to buy a saloon? I will sell you mtno, the Baltimore. 301 Hawthorne ave. Come and investigate. CIGAR, confectionery and grocery store for 34 1ST COr. A11U. BUSINESS CHANCES. SURETY INVESTMENT CO. Main 3517 A 2772 - 626-027-H28 CORBETT BLDG. My business Is your business and Your business is my business. Consequently our business is mutual. Come and let us talk together. If you want to get in or out of business, I can help you. ROB'T B. MAY, MGR. BUSINESS man to take 1-3 interest In local corporation; capital stock 10,000; now doing a flne business and with a bright future; present owner of stock must go East to protect other Interests; purchaser must assume presidency and general man agement, which carries salary of $50 a week; $2500 cash necessary; the goods and business are in sight. ELLIS. YORK & CO.. 326 Washington. Room 201. A HEAD bookkeeper and cashier, experi enced, thorough, competent, sober and re liable, with general office experience, and with highest of references, desires to lo cate in Portland, with large wholesale house. Former office position, head book keeper and cashier for wholesale grocery company. K 9S7. Oregonian. HALF-INTEREST in new prlntshop: Job of fice and weekly paper; thriving city. Ex penees light and profits large; will sell half interest at less than cost on account of change of location of owner; must sell Immediately. See O. R. Ball, American Type Founders' Co., cor. 2d and Stark sts., Portland. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab lished 1895) furnishes free Information on opportunities in mercantile or manufac turing lines, city or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 204-205 Ablngton Bldg. DOCK and wharf privileges; long lease and low rnt; old-established hay, grain and feed business can be bought, together or separate; will sell for 1-3 its value: where can you get dockage In this city? This is gilt-edge and will be snapped up soon. 627 Corbett bldg. SNAP. Saloon with 50-room hotel overhead; good fixtures. Including safe, desk, glass ware and register; license paid one month; $600 cash will take care of this propo sition. Specht, 338 Chcmber of Commerce bldg. SACRIFICE sale. $:O00. half cash. SO acres on Columbia River, fenced, cross-fenced ; two houses, barn, 50 acres pasture, 30 acres fruit land, 2O0 bearing trees, alt kinds berries, 500 cords wood; well watered. Address A C 1. Oregonian. REAL ESTATE man wants bright man as partner to show land, etc.; can make $150 to $200; no experience necessary; very lit tle cash required. Particulars Multnomah Investment &. Realty Co., 3S6H Washing ton St., room 11. ROOMING house, special bargains; 38 room, new apartment huse; fine location 50 rooms, 5th t. : cheap rent ; $-4O0; terms; 15 rooms. Nob Hill, nicely fur nished: owner away; make offer. M. E. Lent. 24-3 Stark. WANTED Information regarding good busl ness lor sale: not particular about char acter, size or location;, prefer to deal with owner. Give price and full descrip tion. Address L. Darbyshire, box 6984. Rochester, N. Y. FOR SALE Canuy store, one of the best In the city: must soil at once on account of sickness; long lease; cheap rent; will inventory $3000; will sell for $1600. E 997. Oregonian. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS Owner wants reliable partner: experience not neces sary and little money required; will pay active man 4Jro a month at least. 1'ar tlculars 248 Stark st. FOR SALE or exchange, furniture and un dertakine business In a good lively town ; reason "gone blind." Call at 969 Williams avenue and Going. Woodlawn 18(17. WE pay especial attention to business open ings. Before buying, call us up and see what we can offer you. Phone Main 4486 Kinney & Stampher, 631-82 Lumber Ex change bldg. OWNER of a large block of stock in es tablished corporation will sell or exchange for ranch, stock of merchandise or real e.state. What have you? L. A. Andrews, 64 Vj th st. TO TH1C SMART SET Bohemian restaurant, cozy and secluded : seven elegant furnished Toomfl In connection ; wine privileges; this la a gold mind ror a craekerjack. U2i Cor bett bKlg. FOR RENT To responsible party, two up per floors, consisting of office rooms and loupe nana; long lease ana nig monov maker; will sell furniture cheap. F 2, Oregonian. IF you want to get Into a good legitimate buslnesp and can invest $300 to $2000, I have got a money-making enterprise that wlli stand close investigation. Particulars At 191 4th st. PARTNER with $400 and business ability to engage In the manufacture of patented article; will net large returns. Call and investigate before it is too late, partic ulars by F. Fuchs, 221 Morrison. BEST 11-room transient house in city; best of carpets and furniture; if wanting such a place, investigate this before buying. Owner, 87; 6th st. PARTNER wanted half Interest In pood butch ershop for sale at invoice to right man; good location: good business. The Crown Business Exchange, room 417 Marquam. GENTLEMEN, do you want me to give you the finest office furniture to be had in one of the best offices in the Corbett bldg. ? If so, call at C27 Corbett bldg. RESTAURANT, partly furnished; will rent cheap; you can make money with this place. Inquire Stockholm Saloon, Flan ders and 6th sts. RESTAURANT Owner does the cooking and wants partner to be cashier, etc.; $400 required; secured; pays well. Call 248 Stark st. SINGLE lady with about $100 for good paying business; must travel; experience unrequired. Room 5. &51H Morrison, 3 to 5. ROOMING or boardinghouse, all full, three blocks from Postoffice; will sell cheap if sold at once, or trade for real estate. Cull 193 West Park st. HOTEL of 46 rooms, bar, etc. Owner can't depend on hired help and wants partner; can clear $150 a mnnth each; $800 re quired. Call 248 Stark st. WANTED Man $150 cash, average $30 weekly and expenses ; experience unre quired; those meaning business only call. Room 5, 351 A Morrison. GROCERY One of the finest In city; very completely equipped; good business, long lease, low rent; am going to Alaska. 627 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE A good business In McMlnn vllle In phonograph and electric goods. For vartlculars. Inquire of J. G. Fletcher, McMlnnvllle, Or. OLD established corner grocery; will sell cheap If taken at once; no agents. C 14. Oregonian. SHOOTING GALLERY for sale cheap. Call at No. 1 North 3d st. RESTAURANT doing an excellent business: must sell at once; snap, $350. Address Y 2. Oregonian. SALOON for sale, cheap. 415 24th and Vaughn st. Andrew Johnson, proprietor. PERSONAL. GENTLEMAN wants lady to Invest In plat ting proposition ; matrimony considered. O 983, Oregonian. LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorens' Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25c box. Eyssells Phar macy, 227 Morrison St.. bet. 1st and 2d. LADIKS, examine the superior quality and merit of the Sperilla corset, demonstrated at Suite 26, Mllner bldg.. 350 Morrison st. Mme. Courtwright. skin ana scalp treatments; facial deformities corrected; Dlastic surgery. 225 Flledner bldg. M. 5042. A 2068. MRS. Q-BKOCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow, alcotrol rub, cream massage; references. 282 Park. Main 2403, A2734- $25.00 REWARD for the whereabouts of A. L. Kesler. Address Mrs. A. L. Kesler, Gresham, Or., R. No. 4. LADIES Whatever your ailment, call oa Dr. Ketchum, graduate; advice free. 170V& 3d st. Main 8770. FILE8 CURED without operation by a veil established Dhyslclan. Box 270. city. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 54 East 13th st. North, Phone E 4034. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 330 Flledner bldg. Pac. 135. Mrs. Sophia Selp. reliable splrlfl r'dngs; 802 Alteky bldg. Public circles Tues. Fri. eve. DRS. ATWOOD: private nospltal; maternity cases; good care; terms right. Ad. Alisky b. WANTED Second-hand motion-picture ma chine and films. V L Oregonlan. PERSONAL. FURS. FURS, FURS. Now Is the time to attend to your fur. No charge for storage, when repairs amount to $5. Goods called for. Remodelling, re pairing and re-dying skillfully done at Sum mer prices. Old mink blended to look like new. Ladies call and tree process. A. Reiner, firactlcal furrier, expert fitter. 663 Washi ngton st. Phone A 5472. DEEPEST WRINKLES, SMALLPOX PIT and all imperfections of the scalp, hair and face removed, busts developed, su perfluous hair removed by the latest French method; all the rage in Paris; no electriclt v ; faces bleached ; booklet free. PROFESSOR AND MADAME MARCOTT, Faciei Institute. 146 11th St.. Bet. Alder and Morrison. SWEDISH trained nurse, Helsingfors gradu ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles and nervous disorders by hand rubbing, steam sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 East 11th St.. one door from East An keny car. Phones East 200, Home B 1S03. SEXINH Pills make men and women strong, $1 a box. 6 boxes $5, with full guaran tee for all forms of nerve weakness. Ad dress or call the J. A. Cemenson Drug Co., cor. 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland, 'Or. MME. A. A. LUCKEY. Psycho-magnetic and suggestive thera peutics; a full line of electrical appliances, newest and most improved electrical blanket. A 1 1 diseases successful ly t reated. Room 30, 350 u, Morrison st. Main 2011. 6UITS pressed while you wait, 60c. To visitors of Portland hotels and to publlo at large: Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor's. 66 6th st., next to the Oxford Hotel. Ladles skirts pressed. 60c. Feathers and boas cleaned and curled. Phone Main 4904, YOU can't work when you don't sleep well; Palmo Tablets make you sleep and give you steady nerves; 50c a box, 6 . boxes $2 50. All druggists, or address the J. A. CI em en son. Drug Co., Portland. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chlchestors Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods, $2 per box or 3 boxes $5. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st st. FREE OF CHARGE. Swaml atananda, daily free private readings; everybody weloome. Hotel Ma son, 5th St., 247i Room 4- PACIFIC INTRODUCING CLUB A boon for lonely people; come and get acquaint ed; many homes secured and people made happy. Circular 10c. 229 Vi let st. DRESS suits for rem, alt sizes; SI. So month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. PERSONS of marriageable age. either sex, desiring acquaintance or companion, send 10c for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau. 181 1st st. GERMAN. French. Spanish and other For eign Dictionaries, Text Books and Litera ture (German books a specialty). A. W. Schmale Co.. 229 First St. BPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master. Fort Mason. San Francisco, Cal. Mav 11- 1908. Sealed, proposals, in tripll cate. will be received here until 11 A. M., and at Office Constructing Quartermaster, Honolulu. H- T.. until 8 A. M.. June 10, 1008. and then onened for the construction, plumbing and electric wiring of ten build ings at Fort Shafter. H. T.. in accordance with plans and specifications on file here and in office Constructing Quartermaster, Honolulu, H. T. Fur further information and necessary blanks apply Constructing Quartermaster, Honolulu H. T., or to the undersigned. Envelopes containing pro posals to be Indorsed "Proposals for publlo buildings. Fort Shafter, 11. T.. and aa dressed to Constructinsr Quartermaster, Honolulu, H. T-. or Major George McK. Williamson, Quartermaster. U. S. A., Fort Mason, Cal. GENERAL DEPOT, Q. M. DEPT., JEFFEK SONVILLE. I ND.. June 2. 190$. Sealed proposals In triplicate, endorsed on cover Proposals for Q. M. huppiles, and ai dressed to undersigned, will be received here until 10 o clock A. M., Juno zz, j:uj for waieon parts, iron, ranee parts, kitchen utensils, stationery. and miscellaneous supplies, required for Manila, P. 1.. as per schedule, which will be furnished on application to this Depot and the Depots at New York and San Francisco, frerer- ence given to -articles of domestic produc tion or manufacture. The right is re served to reject or accept any or all bldi or any part thereof. Further informa tion furnished on application. Georgo ftunien. Assistant wuarturmastsr-uenerai, U. S. Army, Depot Q. M. CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S OF- flee, Vancouver Barracks, Wash., Juno 6, 1908. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this office until 11 o'clock A. M., June 19, 1908, and then publicly opened, for furnishing the labor and ma terial required to paint the Hospital at Vancouver Barracks, Wash., and for other repairs. Full Information furnished on application to this office or to the Quarter, master, Vancouver Barracks. Wash. The United States reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Envelopes contain ing proposals should be Indorsed "Pro posals for repairs to Hospital" and ad dressed to the,Constructing Quartermaster, Vancouver Barracks, Washington. SEALED proposals In duplicate will be re ceived at the office of the Quartermaster General, U. S. Army, until 2. P. M. June 25, 3908. at which time and place they will be opened In the presence of bidders, for the construction and complete equip ment of two. three and four twin-screw steel steamers for submarine mine serv ice of the War Department in accordance with conditions, specifications and draw ings, which can be obtained by applica tion to the Quartermaster-General, U. S. Army, Washington, L. C. Proposals to be marked "Proposals for building sub marine mine planters." Miscellaneous. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. The undersigned, as administrator of the co-partnership estate of McAllen & McDon nell, of which John T. McDonnell Is de ceased, hereby gives notice that from and after the 12th day of June, 1908, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M , at the store of McAllen A McDonnell, Third and Mor rison streets, Portland, Oregon, the under signed will receive proposals for the pur chase of the Btock of goods, wares and merchandise and the fixtures which belong to said co-partnership estate of McAllen & McDonnell. , . Said sale is subject to the confirmation of the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Multnomah County, and all per sons offering to purchase said property must specify the amount, either in gross or percentage, of the Invoice price of said stock and fixtures which they will pay for the same and must deposit with the ad minibtrator a certified check, payable to the order of the administrator, equivalent to ten per cent of the amount so offered, which shall be forfeited to the said co partnership estate if the offer is accepted and the sale confirmed and the purchaser falls to pay the balance of the purchase price Immediately after confirmation. Stock and inventory may be seen at said store. D. Mc ALLEN, Administrator. BEACH & SIMON, Attorneys for Admin istrator. Dated Portland, Oregon, June 2. 1908. ARCHITECTS, contractors. engineers. get copy Pacific Builder and Engineer. 315 Chamber Commerce. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD, 336 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac cordion and knife plaiting and pinking. Accountants. ARTHUR BERRIDGE. 307 Chamber of Commerce, opens, ihvestlgates, closes books of account; general practice, phone Main 1531. E. H. COLLIS. 824 Worcester block, public accountant and estate agent. Auditing, in vestigating, systematizing; permanent keep in r of books and re con is a suecialtv- THE GEO. T. MURTON AUDIT CO.. 818 Chamber of Commerce, office systematizing and general accounting. Established 1899. Assayers and Analysts. Wells & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists and aasayers. 204 hi Wc&hington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison st. PAUL BAUMEL. assay er and analyst. Gold Bicycle and lectrlcal Repairing. EHAW 4k MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline. en- Chiropody. WM. DEVENT, and Ee telle Deveny, the only scientific chiropodist, parlors 203 Drew bldg.. 162- 2d st. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and. Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 330 Flledner bldg. Phone Pacific 133. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com mission xnercuania, bneriocJt Diag., Portland, BUSINESS DIRECTORS. Dancing. WALTZ, two-step, three- step and stage oancing lessons 23c- Prof. Wal WilUon's school, 3b0 V Washington at.. between W. Park and 10th st. Both phones. PROF. RINGLER'S acaaeiny; correct dancing Cor. Grand av. and J. Morrison. Phones. Detective Agencies. BRUIN DETECTIVE SERVICE CO. Rooms 37-j8 Hamilton blCg. tione Main 4943. A 2S45. Dog and liorse llutpital. Dr. C. B. Brown, D. V. S. D. C. M. Dog, horse hospital, 196 N 0th eu Union Trans Co. Feed Mores. E. L. COOPER & CO.. hay, grain, feed. 12 Union ave. East 1617, H 11L Gasoline .ngiues. Stationary, marine, electric equipments launch es, accessories, wholesale, retail; engine re pairing. K tier son Machinery Cv., Muff 1 1 o u (ec lea ning. JAPANESE house-cleaning Co. and Burn ishing Brass Works. jn. 4th st. A j0tib, Pac 2126. M. N. Frank. Junk. Hide and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO., purchasers of hides, pel to, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, memls acd sacks. 312 Front sc liurnesfi and Saddlery. THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale saddls and harntfls manfrs., 80-bB 1st. Main Launcbes and Yachts. FOR charter and sale: marine hardware, gas oline engines. See Heyts. 171 Madison. Leu t her and l-'indlngs. J. A. STROWBRIDGfcj LEATHER CO. Es tablished 18G&. Leather and findings; Stock ton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbo. 169 Front C CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front, leather of every description, tap mfrs. nndloxs Musical. BM1L THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupU of fcovcik. A 4100. Pine 334. p&c. 2ttd9. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTH K U P, 410-16-17 Dekum Bldg., Third and Washington Sta, Phone, office. Main 349. Residence, E. 1028. Patent and Pension Attorneys. PROTECT your idea. We can patent It. Moulton & Scobey, attorneys, 694 Colum bia bldg., Portland, Or. R. C. WRIGHT, domestlo and foreign pat ents; infringement cases. 604 Dekum. J. J. HIRSHHB1MBH, pension and patent at torney, rooms 2o-21 Labbe bldg. PATENTS, trade marks, copyrights. A. J. Matter, 618 Commonwealth bldg. Photo Engravers. PERFECT printing plates. Hleks-Chatte Engraving Co., corner 2d and Alder sts. DESIGNERS, photo engravers, Neles & Con naway, 1U9 2d at. A 4S73. M. 7319. Rubber Stamps. ALSO trade checks and all office goods. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark st. Both phonos 1407- Palnts, OiU and Glass. F. R. Beach & Co., the Pioneer Paint Co. Window glass and glazing. 135 1st. M. 1334. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, points, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Signs. FOSTER & KLEISER. SIGN'S. The largest sign -makers in the North west, 5th and Everett sts. Phone Private Exchange 55. Home A 1155. ELMER J. WALLACE, art lgns and office lettering. 327 Stark. Pacific ldtiti. Spirit nulls ta. FRiE! FOR ONE WEEK MORE. BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE One of my. CONSULTATION READINGS. Always Consult the Beat PROFESSOR K111MO. Greatest llvlug astrul dead-trance clair voyant of the age; adviser 011 busiuusa and all a it airs of life; tells your full name unJ what you called fjr, whom you will marry, how to control the one you luve, eveu though miles away ; reunites the separated; glvea secret uowcrg to control; Uues all others advertise to do. Office, No. o and 4 Grand Theatur bldg., Wash, su M. 127. K-APILA; illSTIC of Delhi. India; Clair voyant, Advisor; TELLjj you of over thing. Fee 20c. 4tni3 Washington ttu PROF. N1BLO. Clairvoyant. Bring this advertisement for free test. 303 Washington st. MRS. BAXTER REYNOLDS, the well-known spiritualist medium, 4buy Yuh. sl. MAY ANDREWS, car a reading at 025 Main. Mc. Pbon Main 7b4o. DIBBOLD SAF3 St LOCK CO. John E. Davis. 66 3d et- Bargain In second-hand sales. THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d St. Safes at factory prlcs. Second -hand safes. Showcase, Bank and Store Fixture. THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co., showcases cabinetu, store and oflic fixtures. H Couca st. Pacltlo 218L R. H. BIRDS ALL, designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 556. Storage and Transfer. C O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., of flee and commodious xour-utory brick warehouse, with separate iron rooms and fire-proof -vault for vaJuablts, N. W. corner of 2d and Pine sta Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main oiMj, A liOti, CITY TRANSFER & STORAGE) CO. Bob Ashby und Judd Fish. Furniture and piano moving, baggage, freight and general hauling. Office 103 Front st. Phones Main t2, A 1162. OLSEN-KOB TRANSFliR CO. General transferring and storage, Tufftsy pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 200 Oak nU, bet. Front and let. Telephone Main 547 or A 2247. Street Paving. WARREN Construction Co.. street paving sidewalks and creasing. 314 Lumber Exch. THE) BARBER AfcHPHALT PAVING CO.. at Portland office, 402-3-4 Worcester block. Typewriters. NEW and second-hand typewriters, all makes, repaired, sold and rented; also state agents the Visible Fox. The Type writer Eichante. 84 3d st. Main 608. SPECIAL prices, all makes rented, soltjji re paired. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark, Main 1407. Wholesale Jobbers. WADHAMS & CO., wholesale grocers, manufacturers. uoinmiaion merchants. 4th and Oak. Wood. WOOD Big body fir, 4-foot, $5; sawed, 60c. extra. Winter supply will receive our prompt at ten' inn. Hawthorne Fuel Co. Phone East 315. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,300, COO No Interest paid on account. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashlei 8. E. CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashier TRA XS A Ci' f i K -N K HAL BAN KIN 3 BUSINESS. United States Depository. Drafts and letters of crd!t issued, avail able In all parte of the world. Collections a specialty LADD A TILTON BANK PORTLAND. OR. Established 1859 Capital fully paid $1,000,000.09 Surplus and undivided profits.... 400.000.00 OFFICERS: W. M. LADD President EDWARD COOK INGHAM Vice-President w. li. jJCiujvL.fc y Cashier R. S. HOWARD. JR Assistant fnthlAf J. W. LADD Assistant Cashier WALTER M. COOK Assistant Cashier INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Accounts of banks, Arms, corporations and individuals solicited. We are prepared to furnish depositors every facility consistent