Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 09, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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We are offering the beat thing- In acre
or half acre tracts In Portland: water
mains laid and termi ot only 10 cash,
and 410 per month.
110 2d au
50x100 EACH.
One block south of Hawthorne avenue,
on 33rd st., beautifully located In one of
the ilnest residence sections on the East
Wide; line car service, only a 15 minute
ride from First and Alder street. Price
$!25 each, one-third cash. Owner room 4,
We design and build bungalows, cottages
and anything In the house line; artistic
homes Is our stunt and specialty; we draw
plans and specifications, and furnish them
free, ir we build for you. "Ask the Man."
Butterworth-Stephenson Co., Inc., 317
Abington bldg. Main 8529.
FI N E SUBURB AN HOME of 9 acres,
near Milwaukee and the Onegon City car
line; land lays nice, is all clear and
under cultivation; new 4-room house and
good barn; 4 0 young fruit trees, 2 acres
in small fruit; price only $5600; terms.
C. F. Pfluger & Co., room 14, Mulkey
Bldg., 2d and Morrison sts.
A LOVELY 9-room strictly modern house;
flrst-ciajss in all its appointments; owners
leaving -the city: must sell at once at
great sacrifice; property is worth $5500;
if taken at once can be bought for $4000;
part cash, balance on long time; this must
' be seen to be appreciated. Address A B 4,
GOOD house, barn, lot 80x125, high, dry,
gently sloping; grass, shade, roses, mag
nificent trees loaded with ch-erries, apples,
splendid neighborhood; improved streets,
electric-lighted; near carline, schools,
good stores; $2S0u; terms. Owner, 20 a
Misner st., M on ta villa. Tabor 27 L
21 acres on Johnson Creek and O. W. P.
carline, 0 mlie out. cleared, best of soil,
no gravel; cheaper by 5100 per acre than
acjo.ning land ; will sacrifice for immediate
sale. Vanduyn & Walton, 616 Chamber
VE.-T Side, easy payments, $4500, 7 rooms,
hardwood tioors, fireplace, furnace and
hot water heater, full cement basement,
about 2 years old; faces south. In select
nelKhborhood : a bariraln: S10O0 cash, bal
ance to suit. E. J. Daly, 222 Falling bldg.
ONE to 30-acre tracts, the best and near-
15 minutes ride on the new electric car
line from heart of city will take you to
this tract; Investigate at once. F. Breaks,
44-4 Sherlock bldg
Owner wishes to make quick sale of fine
hi block between Union and Williams ave.;
all Improvements; will give terms. Ad
dress A 13, Oregonlan.
Owner must have money for fine lot;
best ' residence district; all improvements;
60x100; call morning 106 Third St.,
Room 210.
At Mt. Tabor, near Prettyman ave.,
evry modern convenience; two full lota,
J:i500. (ieo. K. Clark. John W. Cook.
Chamber of Commerce. Phone. Mala
5407. A 3252.
BEAUTIFUL, quarter-block, being the south
wee t corner of East 13th and Division sts.,
facing Ladd's tract; price $1800 cash. Must
sell at once. Call at room 14, Mulkey bldg.,
corner Second and Morrison sts.
CHOICE acreage; grows everything; best
walnut land in Oregon; cloee In on Salem
Electric line; $125 up per acre; easy
terma. A. S. Draper, room 26 Lafayette
bldp., 6th. cor. Washington.
AT RIVERDALE, by owner, $3200; good 6
room house; wide double veranda; 4 lots;
spring rain to force water through house
and grounds; best plumbing; lots of fruit;
fine view. Phone Tabor 1057.
HOUSES for sale In all parts of the city:
acreage close in, and farms in Oregon ana
Washington. Phone Main 4486. Kinney &
Stampher, 531-82 Lumber Exchange bldg.
FULL LOT, new, modern 6-room house, near
East Ankeny car barn; owner leaving city;
price very low; good terms.
W. O. W ADD EL, 3o9 Lumber Exchange.
GOOD 6-room house, 80x130, ground all In
fine garden; bargain at $1800. Highland
Realty Co., corner Alberta at. and Union
60x65, COR. Union ave. and Wygant. fine
for stores with flats above; also In same
block 35x100; make offer; want money.
Culver, 622 Chamber Commerce.
ACRE tract Joining Carson Heights for only
$600: easy terms; ideal for home and in
vestment. M. E, Lee, room 411 Corbett
PRICE $1000 Convenient. comfortable
home, Irvington; full lot, bitulithic
pavement; bearing fruit trees. I8tb and
Thompson, phone E. 60S.
$1650 Nice new cottage, 7C6 East 6th, near
Beech; close to car; bath, gas, etc. Owner,
208 4th. Main 8990.
Real estate, farms. 263 Stark: st room
10. A 6148. Main 1222.
FOR 10 days, 6-room house, $1200; plumbing
and lights are In; fine lot. Inquire 1112 Bel
mont. B 2389.
$650 CHOICE building lot near Hawthorne
ave.; easy terms. M. E. Lee, room 411
Corbett bldg.
BEAUTIFUL new 8-room colonial house,
corner, $4600, easy monthly payments.
Owner, phone Woodlawn 1799.
CHOICE building lots for aale In all parts
of the city. Washington & Oregon Realty
Co., 108 2d St., Portland.
6UNNYSIDE Snap; 6-room bungalow: a
beauty; the beBt buy In Portland; $2725
611 Swetland bldg.
SNAP lots $0x100. Highland park. $T60.
Highland Realty Co., corner Alberta t
and Union avenue.
FOR 6ALE We have some good buys in
city lots; size of lota 60x150. Room 630,
Lumber Exchange.
$1000 6-ROOM house. corner lot; fruit
trees and berries and lota of rosea; good
FOR SALE In small tracts. 400 acrs finest
fruit land in Mosler Valley. Davenport
Bros., 160 Front st.
BY owner. $5000 Income property: will
take $3000 building, 18 rooms. X 999.
Oregon lan.
MODERN 6-room house, nice location, ex
change for lots and some cash. O 982.
IRVINGTON Flae 6-room home for sale,
beautiful lot, choice, location. Phone C 1208
In morning a $o200. Terms,
7-ROOM house. Highland. New. modern;
a big snap. $3250. John P. Sharkey Co
122 6th st. Main 650. A 2537.
OREGON CITY carline acreage, in cultivation,
best of land, 2 acres or more. C. W. Ris
ley, owner, Rlsley Station, P. O., Mllwaukle,
FOR SALE or exchange. Improved poultry
and fruit farm. 430 Worcester bldg.
Main 1940.
VERY choice acre at end of Waverly-Rlch-mond
line, fine view, good soil; price
$1500. Call for MoGrath. Main 3177.
MODERN new 5-room bungalow, nice loca
tion, Montavtlla; $2000; terma. Owner.
Phone Tabor 311.
IDEAL site for residence; full lotj Portland
Heights; $1100. terms. Have ratio & Galla
gher, S4S Washington st.
7-ROOM bungalow, modern In every respect,
$2760; easy terms. Phone Owner, Wood
lawn 197.
$1283 South Portland quarter block, east
front, sewers; close to car; terma Owner,
Main 31)90.
$30,000 Close in business corner; monthly in
come $175; splendid future; owner. C 3, Or
egonlan. INVESTIGATE THIS Mcdern 6-room house
E. 28th st. ; on carline; very reasonable;
only $1000 cash. Owner, A 15, Oregonian.
LOT 50x126. close In; West Side; $3500; only
$1000 cash. Owner. A 14, Or.egonian.
BALE by owner, nice house, comer lot. on
carline; terms If desired. S 5. Oregonlan.
SNAP Lota In Peninsula Addition No. 2,
near EwUt Packing Plant, cheap. East 8711.
On Gilliam St., half block from the
Base Line road; we have the prettiest
half acre that you can find anywhere;
beautiful shade tres and any number of
large cherry, apple, pear and plum trees;
magnificent view of Portland; 6-rcom house
not new, but is a plastered house and has
Just been newly painted and papered; at
$27 50 this is the best buy in the city;
half cash will handle, balance three years
at 7 per cent.
213 Commercial Club bldg.
Main S699, A 2653.
7 rooms and bath, reception hall, beamed
ceilings, paneled dining-room, tinted walls,
fireplace, gas and electric, cement basement,
furnace heat, etreet improved, cement side
walk, modern in every respect, walking
distance; $1550 cash will handle this and
the balance $20 per month. See us about
JNO. P. SHARKEY CO., 122 6th st. -
CHOICE lot. Holladay Park; $1350; owner
leaving city. Main S245.
16 In cultivation; 4 acres oak grub; 142
young fruit trees, good house and barn;
close to school; 2 miles from good Val
ley town on R. F. D. ; price $2000.
Mostly Improved; 700 full -bearing fruit
trees; good buildings; close to school -and
railroad; price $2500.
100 ACRES.
Several tracts of 100 acres, all In cul
tlvatton; tine boII and nicely -situated.
These places are located 75 miles Bouth
of Portland, close to good town, cream
ery, fruit canrery and good market. I
can recommend these as excellent buys.
Prices $60 and $ per acre.
204 Corbett Bldg.
80 ACRES In the Rogue River Valley: 2-3
of this is fine Tokay grape land, balance
best apple, peach and pear land ; small
house and other small buildings; good well
and running water; this Is one of the best
tracts In the Valley and can be bought for
80 acres adjoining the above, fins apple,
peach or pear land ; part cleared ; price
616 Couch bldg., 4th St., near Wash.
FOR SALE by owner. 10 acres 1 miles
from Canby. on S. P.. 23 miles from
Portland; 3 acres potatoes. 2 acres straw
berries, 2 pasture, all kinds of garden
truck, prune, apple, pear, cherry and
walnut trees; good house. 1 arn and
chicken house; good horse, new wagon
and harness; all tools and chickens; new
furniture, everything for housekeeping; a
good, clean home and desirable; am going
to California. Price $2300. Apply owner,
John Taylor, or Canby postoftice.
22 acres. 2 miles from Beaverton. with,
fi-room houso, baru, chicken-houBe. wagon
shed, etc. ; 1 acre In cultivation. 2 acres
in apples, pears, plums, cherries, etc. ;
all for $7000 or can sell the 10 acres with
the house and orchard for $5000.
213 Commercial Club bldg.
Main 8699, A 2653.
STOCK RANCH, must sell; 240 acres, all
fenced, Is good tillable land, plenty of
water for irrigating, puts up 150 tons of
mixed hay annually and Is 40 acres more
of good grain land; 2 4-room houses. 2
barns. Bchool 150 yards; on military road,
12 miles east of Mitchell. Wheeler Co.
Price $19 per acre; $1000 cash or exchange,
balance on time to suit. Apply 9 1st st.
80 acres in Multnomah County three mile
from boatlanding and R, R. station, good
7-room house, large barn, nice orchard,
several acres In cultivation; given awaV for
215 Abington Bldg.
SORER up now and grasp this bargain;
$."-500 for ft beautiful farm; highly Im
proved, on Willamette River, boatlanding
and handy to Salem electric cars, with
all stock. machinery, furniture and
crops; $;W)0v cash, balance 7 per cent, or
might take good city property. F. Fuchs,
221 Morrison st.
$4300 40 acres, best of land, with bumper
crop, all the stock, machinery and fur
niture, close to prosperous village, 8 miU
city limits of Portland; $250O cash, balance
6 per cent.
F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison St.
STOCK and dairy farm of over 600 acres. In
Yamhill County; must be sold to close an
estate; very cheap and on favorable terms;
call and get particulars.
Attorney for Executor,
C13 McKay bldg.
MUST go now, owner of 100-acre valley
farm, retiring, offers farm. 21 head of
stock, 30 acres cleared, house, barn, fine
hunting and fishing. good neighbors,
$2250: $10K) cash, balance 5 per cent. Box
.187. Yaqulna, Lincoln Co.. Or.
FOR SALE $2500. 56 acres; 80 in culti
vation; 1 mile from R. R. : mile to
school. to church; $1500 cash, rest time
to suit. Address W. A- E, General Deliv
ery, Slayton, Or.
102 ACRES. Willamette Valley. 45 acres
clover, fine dairy and fruit ranch, stock
and improvements go with place. Chas.
S. Iliff, Independence, Or Box 111.
80 ACRES 17 miles northeast from Vancou
ver; 10 acres ewale land; 6 milch cows,
hogs, chickens, milk separator; $2000; $600
down. 311 Worcester bldg.
SNAP 150 acres 2 mllee of North Yamhill;
all In cultivation and in crop; good terms.
Inquire 61 & 2d st.
FOR SALE A 32-acre tract near Gate,
Or., with 2 cottages, orchards, at $2500.
Write to Charles Hoelde. Mill City.
A SNAP 60 acres of good fruit land near
Gntes R- R-; good house, orchard, $1000.
Chas. Hoedle. Mill City, Or.
CALL and learn our system; we are giving
away fruit farms m the Grants Pass tokay,
grape district. 627 Corbett bldg.
80 ACRES fruit land, partly cleared, good
soil, $2000; terms; might take city prop
erty. Hatfield & Smith, 165 4th st.
Two adjoining claims; 3.75Q.0OO each;
open for Immediate filing; price $450
each; 10.000.000 claim in Siletz territory,
near good road, store and postoftice, $1500.
Lafayette Bldg., cor. 6th and Wash.
45.000,000 large, smooth, green yellow
fir, 1 miles of deep" water on Columbia
River, Oregon side ; smooth ground, with
gentle slope through right of way to boom
ing water; a snap for a few days only.
611 Swetland Bldg.
Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle.
829 Chamber of Commerce.
WE are constantly acquiring fine tracts of
timber for sale and are headquarters for
lumber enterprises of all kinda Phone
Main 4488. Kinney A Stampher. 631-32
Lumber Exchange bldg.
FOR SALE 5.000,000 feet good saw timber,
cedar, spruce, hemlock; 160 acres deeded
land; good transportation facilities, near
Chinook, Wash. Address p 4, Oregonlan.
CHOICE homesteads In Oregon: we locate
you. Silver Lake Land Co., 721 Marquam
bldg., Portland, Or.
WE always have the best timber in Oregon
and Washington; buy, sell cr trade. Inde
pendent Timber Co., 616 Rothchlld bldg.
HOMESTEAD relinquishment; 6,000.000 fir
and Bpruce. Siletz: $600. Subject imme
diate tiling. Cummins, 60S Rothchlld bldg.
FOR SALE Homestead relinquishment In
Siletz Basin, for $600; will cruise 5 000
000. Address Box 191. Fall City. Or.
IF you want some good timber lands, come
and see us ; will trade for anything you
have. 627 Corbett bldg.
Government locations. 327 Worcester blk.
FEW timber claims and homesteads 50
miles from Portland. 211 Allsky blk.
320 ACRES good timber land. $3500 price.
Adam Lewis. Eileen. Cal.
TIMBER LANDS wanted. C J. Mc Crack en.
804 McKay bldg.
TO TRADE Fruit land for ciy lots. H 998,
Oregonian. '
WILL trade for what you have. Qua Smith,
ell Buchanan bldg.
WILL sell or trade 1000 shares Antioak
Leather. V 5, Oregonlan.
WILL eell or exchange for nice house and
grounds in Portland, Or., 40 acres fine land,
deep black loam, 4 acres tall green timber.
26 acres timothy and clover, 1 acre assorted
fruit, berries and 7 acres Winter apples;
present crop about 1O00 bushels ; -frame
barn, 66x96, will hold 100 tons of hay, 4
room, finest range in. the West (
mile to sawmill), one ml'.e to echool, dally
mail and telephone: 8 miles to WashougaJ :
new road buiiding will shorten to 5
miles; good hunting and fishing ; will eell
cash, bal. long time, low Interest; price
$3000. Inquire of U SV. Hutchinson, Wash
ougal. Wash, (owner), or 325 Lumber Ex
change (Agt.).
$4000 9-ROOM house, Irvington.
$5500 Sale or exchange, 1 block Ash
land, Or.
SWANK, room 8. 88 3d.
Paclnc 1756, A 2638.
To exchange for Portland or Willamette
Valley real estate.
309 Abington Bldg.
GOOD East Side lots or timber land for
Alaska Petroleum & Coal stock or British
Columbia Amalgamated & Coal or Tele
phone bonds. V 6, Oregonian.
EXCHANGE OR SALE Paying general
store; best coast resort in Oregon; 10,ov0
visitors lart year; $34X0. P. O. Box
Newport, Or.
FOR SALE or trade for real estate, nice
profitable business clearing $150 per month
and good prospeote for the future. L. G.
Condon, 420 Hawthorne ave.
GOOD paying business, clearing over $3OO0
per year; owner leaving city and will
sell or exchange for house and lot. Ad
dress H 14, Oregonian.
FOR EXCHANGE: $10,000 dairy ranch, close
to Vancouver, to exchange for Portland
property of equal value. Merrifield In
vestment Co., Vancouver.
WILL sell or exchange for city residences,
nice paying store at Newberg; good rea
son for selling. Particulars 1U3 Fourta
820 ACRES at $10 per acre; will trade for
city property or acreage ; for sale by
owner. Inquire at 33 6th N.
BY owner, $3500 Income property for ranch,
hotel or grocery; give full particulars. Ad
drees O 2, Oregonian.
HIGH -CLASS stock In manufacturing en
terprise to exchange for city property or
automobile. W o, Oregonian.
FINE home. East Side, to exchange for
Income property West Side; will pay cash
difference . Address D 14, Oregonlan.
FINE home, East Side, to exchange for
income property West Side; will pay cash
difference. Address D 14. Oregonian.
COTTAGE, 4 lots, Tacoma. value $1200, for
lots or acreage at Linn ton or the Penin
sula. Address Lock Box 285, Portland.
IF YOU want to buy, sell or trade, see
Stevenson St Taylor, 311 Buchanan, 286
IF you want to buy. sell or trade house, lot,
farm or business of any kind, see us. 325
Lumber Exchange.
160 ACRES wheat land, all cultivated; want
city property or rooming-house. M 4, Ore
gonlan. 640 ACRES wheat land to exchange for res
idence. Smtlh, 411 Buchanan building.
MODERN house to exchange for vacant lots.
Smith. 411 Buchanan bldg.
CHOICE home to exchange for large tour
ing car. Address D 13, Oregonlan.
MODERN home to exchange for large tour-
inp car. Address D 12. Oregonian.
WANTED From owners or agents, corner
lot or quarter block south of Morrison and
west of 5th st., with or without improve
ments; In replying give location of prop
erty, price and terms. R 990, Oregonlan.
WANTED House 5 or 6 rooms on good-sized
lot. East Side, handy car, within S miles gen
eral PoMoffice; state full particulars; owners
only. G OHO. Oregonian.
CASH for any lot convenient to Alberta
st. car; give ad-dltion, block and lot num
ber and price. B 15, Oregonlan.
WANTED To buy from owner 5 to 10
acres near Portland. Box ADS. Ore
gonlan. WANTED to Invest $60,000 to $150,000 In In
side city income property; full particulars
in first letter. B 5. Oregonlan.
WANTED A 5 or 6-room cottage with good
view; only owners apply. P 9S3, Ore
gonian. BIX or 7-room house. East Side; must be
modern and a good buy. B 33, Oregonian.
FIVE-ROOM mcdern cottage; must be a
snap for cash B 11. Oregonlan.
MODERN residence, $3500; half cash, balance
in fine lots on carline. C 4, Oregonian.
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
$2S6 BUYS pair chunky bay mares. 8 years,
' weight 2400 lbs., harness and 2!4-ln. wagon,
with box and spring seats; $190, a pair of
bay honsep, 9 years, weight 2300 lbs., and
harness; $185, a chunky team, weight 2500.
9 yeara, and harness; $85. a chunky black
mare, 8 years, weight 1100 lbs.; all In from
railroad work. Can be seen at Dexter Sta
bles, 45 4th st.
A BARGAIN Fine bay mare, combination rid
ing or driving, single or double; 1100 pounds,
8 years old. Phone Sell wood 1173 or address
K 990, Oregonian.
HANDSOME bay mare. 6 years old, weighs
1100 pounds; sound and .very stylish
driver; safe for lady's use; also new rubber-tired
runabout and harness; sell sep
arately. Call 108 3th St.. Just off Wash
ington st-
ONE span or 5-year-old dapple gray geld
ings, low, blocky, smooth built, without
any blemishes and good lookers; the best
mated team anywhere; weight 3000 lbs.
P. L. Kenady. Woodburn, Or.
SNAP $135 buys pair of matched browns;
blocky-built, 7 and 8 years eld; welgti 1150
each. Call today, stable 12th and Stark
Bts. Also light Studebaker wagon; new.
25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho
tel 'bus. saddles, harness, cheap to close
out. Hubert & Hall. 266 4th st.
FOR SALE Driving mare; a beauty for
lady to drive; 5 years old. Phone East
4S04. '
FOR BATE 6 head of good all-around
horses, from 1000 to 1300 pounds. 182 E.
S4th st. Phone Tabor 1112.
WELL broke, gentle young team, weigh be
tween 2500 and 260O, cheap, horse and
mare. 649 Hood st
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness ot all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments: we rent
tables, with privilege of buying; modera
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Baike-Collender.
49 Third st.
The best fir wood for Winter supply,
cut out of big timber, $4.50 to $5. Phone
East 818. B 184S7. E. 6th and Main.
A BRAND NEW 8-ehair high-class barber
outfit; used only one month; will sell cheap
and on eay terms. w. L. Morgan, 213
Abington bldg.
OLD VIOLINS and stringed Instruments
bought, sold and exchanged. L. Winters, 318
Til ford bldg., ,10th and Morrison sta
ON SALE Five complete new Edison motion
picture outfits, including 2000 ft, film and
song slides. $150. 293 Burnslde.
EDISON and Powers machines, song slides,
supplies rented, bought, sold and exchanged.
Newman. 203 Burnslde.
FOR SALE Miscellaneous furniture, mat
tresses, couches, chains, bedroom set ; must
be sold before Friday. Call 127 11th st.
20-HORSB power Franklin touring car, Al
condition, for sale or trade for real estate.
V 983. Oregonian.
FOR -SALE Large roll top desk, nearly new;
price $60. Telephone M 2201.
SPEED launch. 30 h. p. engine and boat house,
excellent condition; bargain. J 2, Oregonian.
SODA fountain and tank for sale or trade.
-Phone East 4476. 303 Larrabee.
GOOD second-band Hall safe at bargain. Ad
dress Y 908. Oregonlan.
supplies, slides, films for rent. 165 4th st.
NO use Tor wall map of city; call and make
an offer. 515 Cham, of Com. Pacifio 1955.
FOR SALT: One of the prettiest houeeboata
. on the river; will trade for lot. Main 1963,
An exceptionally well built gasoline
freighter, of light draft and large carry
ing capacity, but under the 15-ton limit,
so that It can be readily and legally
operated by two men The vessel is 60
feet long, with a 13-foot beam, and Is
equipped with a 20-hbrse enpine of first
class make. She is now at Umatilla, Or.,
in care of J araes Atchison, who will
show her.
For price and terms address
621 Bailey bldg.. Seattle. Wash.
60 SEWING MACHINES, slightly damaged,
at very low prices.
Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, Domestic,
Household, Standard, New Royal arid others.
100 second-hand machines at your own
price r oid machines taken In exchange;
machines sold on monthly or weekly pay
ments; no interest on contract sales.
835 Morrison st.
To visit our place before you order your
stoves, furniture, carpets, because we carry
a full line of new and as good as new
stoves, carpets and all sorts of furniture, of
which we can satisfy the taste of everyone.
People's Auction Houee, 167 Front at., near
Morrison. Telephone Main 5670.
1907 STODDARD-DAYTON touring car. top
and glass front; $1000.
1007 Stevens-Duryea. top; $1250.
1906 Franklin, $1000.
19M7 50 H. P. Haynes, top; $1600.
These cars have been traded In on Pierce
and Cadillac and must be sold at once;
no reasonable offer refused.
16th and Alder. M 6470.
AN automobile, pood for sightseeing-; will
carry lO persons; will sell or exchange
for real estate. Address E- B. Rodman,
503 Alder et.
CHOICE home to exchange for large tour
ing car. Address D 13, Oregonlan.
FOR snaps on second-hand automobiles call
on Portland Motor-Car Co.. 626 Alder.
A FINE) $450 piano for sale cheap. B 1420,
East 1852.
P 671 Combination man, good person
ality, to work Into better position In large
bank in country; $1000.
P 667 Best opportunity In the city for
live mun, splendid contract.
P 673 calls for man- with executive
ability, who will work out of stenographic
work into more responsibility ; $900.
402, 403, 404, 405 Swetland bldg.
WANTED Real estate salesman with clean
record to handle high-class property. Ap
ply Delaura Beach Company, room 6,
Lafayette bldg. Ask for Mr. Custer.
For graduates last year; men and women
to learn barber trade In eight weeks; help
to secure positions; graduates earn from
$15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructor, tools
free; writs for catalogue. Moler System of
Colleges. 35 N. th at., Portland. Or.
WANTED For U. 6. Arm?, able-bodied un
married men. between nges of 18 and 35,.
citizens of United Statc, of good charac
ter and temperate habits, who can speak,
read and write English. Apply to recruit
ing offices. Ainsworta block. Third and Oak
sts., Portland, Or.
WE WANT A MAN of ability as business
. manager for local concern; good salary;
must invest at least $3500; money well se
cured. Don't answer unless you mean
business. No agents. Give phone number
for appointment. Address S 997, Orego
nian. MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster
ing and bricklaying, day and night classes,
no books, free catalogue; special low
tuition; easy installments. Coyne National
Trade School, 239-240 Eighth at., San
WANTED Man to sell tickets for show
company; can make $4'K)0 this season;
must invest $300 as security and half in
terest; no fake; located steady in Port
land. Call Room 409 Couch block.
R. R. CLERK for general station work,
ticket selling, baggage, etc. ; $i;5 : bond re
quired ; experienced man preferred ; no tel
egraphy necessary.
4 bridge carpenters, $3.
C. U. HANSEN, JR., 26 N. 2d st.
Employment Office Men's Department.
26 Norm Second St
Phones. Main and A 1526.
Help Free to Employers.
WANTED One well educated man to rep
resent us in Portland and vicinity; only
those capable of earning $1500 a year
need apply. Address DoUd. Mead & Co.,
Arcade bldg., Seattle, Wash.
WANTED Capable advertising solicitor;
experienced in bulletin work preferred;
big salary to right man. Apply room 13,
No. 7 1st st.
YOUNG man graduating from High school
commercial course, desiring opportunity to
progress call 110 Union ave. Wednesday
morning, 8 to 9.
LEARN watcnmaalng, engravln and op
tics; easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while learning. Watchmaking, En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle.
WANTED Man with $150 cash, can make
good salary; experience unrequired ; han
hle your own money; Investigate. Room
5, 351 Morrison st.
PROMINENT clothing store wants 3 first
class salesmen for clothing, shoes and
furnishings.. Apply with reference and
salary expected. B 14, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED advertising and subscription
solicitors, Catholic and German magazines;
liberal commission. -Benedictine Press,
Goodnough bldg.
WANTED Reliable young man as secretary
of construction company ; a good future
assured, $li50 cash required. Address H 1,
For Men 250 Burnslde Street.
Phone Main 6694.
WANTED A-l moving picture operator. Call
at Scott Hotel, Tuesday at 2 o'clock. J. H.
WANTED A strong, willing boy In cake
department ; night work. Royal Bakery,
11th and Everett sts.
12 North 2d st. Both Phones.
TRAVELING salesman for good side line,
. must have regular territory. 45-47 Union
WANTED Neat young man with small capi
tal as partner in well-established real es
tate business. 225 6th st.
WANTED 2 machine men and stock cutter
for sash and door department. Pittock &
Leadbetter Lumber Co., Vancouver, Wash.
WANTED Boys to take orders on commis
sion; can earn $10 week. Apply 31 Rus
sel bldg.
PHOTOGRAPHER First-class operator and
retoucher; must understand arlsto paper
thoroughly. Cutberth, Dekum bldg.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, salesman
all lines, country and city. P. A. & Co.,
323 Washington, rooms 39-41.
COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer,
flour milling business. Address Y 1, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Practical shlnglers; apply J.4 X
Bradfleld, 3018 North 29th St., Tacoma.
Phone Sunset 7679. Home A 420S.
WANTED Salesmen, all lines; bookkeepers,
stenographers and clerical men. Commer
cial Abstract Co., 407-8-9 Com. Club bldg.
WE SECURE positions for our members; spe
cial membership. Y. M. C. A.
BARBER WANTED Steady Job for a good
man. 122 N. 6th st.
WANTED Photograph coupon and portrait
agents; new offer. Cutberth, Dekum bldg.
WANTED Bright, nice-looklne boy to sell
flowers. Phone A 5345.
WANTED One first-class waiter. Apply at
41 3d st. Peerless Saloon.
WANTED Clerk. Apply news stand Union
BARBER wanted, at once. 1683 E. 13th st.
Sellwood car.
WANTED Two good traveling salesmen.
Address G 1, Oregonlan, giving experience.
YOU will find the Rose City 5-cent cigar to
be the best you can purchase.
BARBER, wanted; steady Jobs 1st et.
WANTED Superintendent for sawmill; must
be experienced, reliable, understand every
branch of saw and planing mill work:
best of references required. Address D
16, Oresonian.
WANTED One first-class cloak and suU
saleslady; none but experienced need apply;
reference required; good salary. Parisian
Cloak 8c Suit House, Spokane, Wash.
THE Meier & Frank store wants experienced
sewers In their cloak department; altera
tion rooms. Apply at once.
GIRLS, 16 years and over, to work In fac
tory. Apply at once, Ames-Harrls-Nevllle
Co., 6th and Davis sts.
HOUSEKEEPER for a first-class hotel, $50,
room and board; must be experienced; 7
chambermaids, 21 waitresses, cook, second
girl, same family, country, $35 and $25.
Girl for candy store, $7 a week; glri for
a tea store, $4 a week; others.
343 Washington St., cor. 7th.
WANTED Hotel cook, city, $35; 8 cooks for
private families, $30 to $40; 4 waitresses,
$25 to $35; chambermaid, girls for general
housework, others.
Large list of new positions daily.
Ladles' Department, 205& Morrteon st.
In several departments we want ex
perienced and competent saleswomen.
Thoroughly experienced and competent
help wanted.
WANTED A girl between 15 and 17 years
of age to help with house work on a
small ranch ; references required and
riven. Address Riverside Farm. Coyote,
843 Wash, st., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phones. Main and A 2002.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
can secure good position and satisfactory
wages according; to competency. Apply
410 7th st.
WANTED An experienced girl for cooking,
light housework; no washing; good wages.
Apply In the morning. 88 N. 21st. Phone
Main 1172.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavi Co., 009 Roth
chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington,
Ladles' Department. 206 Morrison St.
Phones Main 1062 A 14O0.
843 Washington st.. corner 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED Young woman of refinement,
thoroughly reliable, as housekeeper In
family of 8. Phone Wood 485. 7S6 Cleve
land ave.
WAITRESSES, city. $7, $9; Coast, $25;
women cooks, Coawt, $40; domestics-.
"Drake's," 205 Washington.
WANTED Reliable girl for general house
work and cooking at Seaside for season;
small family. 5S1 Marshall st.
WANTED Good plain cook for small house
hold on West Side. Apply 659 Everett,
or phone Main 1482.
WANTED A good girl for general house
work and cooking. Apply mornings, 3S9
12th st.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework. Call at 615 E. Alder st., cor.
E. 16th.
ORDINARILY experienced girl for light
housework; 5-room flat; two in family. 722
FICE. 230 Yamhill; good help and situ
ations; all kinds. Main 5413.
YOUNG LADY Experienced clerk preferred,
to learn; small wages to start. Cutberth,
Photographer, Dekum bldg.-
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework; good wages. Apply 42
Ella Bt.. betV 20th and 21st.
GIRL for cooking and general housework for
the Summer and the Co act July 1. COO Tay
lor st.
TWO experienced waitresses for first-claps
restaurant: steady positions. Call 335
Ankeny, Hotel Scott bldg.
LARGE business firm desires a woman not
under 30 who Is trustworthy and energetic;
experience not necessary. S 988, Oregonlan.
GIRL for general housework; must be com
petent ennk; 4 adults; wages $25. Phone
Main 4152.
WANTED Experienced second girl in small
family; good wages; must have references.
Call 722 Park ave.. corner St. Clair.
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work. 705 Overton at.
BOOKKEEPING Private lessons. $4 per
month. Phones Pacific 948. A 4948.
WANTED Girl for hotel, experience not nec
essary. Good wages. Apply 81 N. 6th st.
229 1st st. Phone A 3380.
NEAT young girl to wait table. 11:30 until
2. Woman's Exchange, 133 10th st.
WANTED Girl for the beach to take care
2 children at a hotel. GS5 Marshall.
WANTED Experienced waitresses; good
wages. The Hill. 23d and Washington.
GIRL or woman wanted for light housework.
453 4th st.
GIRL to assist light housework, family of
3. 566 East Yamhill, cor. 13th. East 4843.
YOUNG lady wanted at once to learn bar
ber's trade; good wages. 12 N. 4th st.
WANTED Girl for genera housework; 8 In
family. Call mornings. 703 Hoyt st.
WANTED Good Ironers In hand laundry. 345
Yamhill st. Phone Main S405.
COMPETENT maid, three In family. Apply
at once East 0O71.
WANTED A girl to do general housework.
Apply at 684 Everett st.
WANTED A girl for cigar and fruit store.
132 Grand ave.
WANTED: Girl for llcht housework, 1054
Qui m by st. Phone Pacific 523.
GIRL-wanted for general housework. Apply
256 12th .st. .
GIRL to assist In cooking and general house
work; three in family. 471 Main.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 15
Ev 17th, corner E. Ash.
WANTED An experienced urirl to do second
work. Apply 21-5 St. Clair st.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply morntnge. 731 Kearney et.
WANTED Girl to do housework. Call 414
East Clay.
WANTED An experienced cook and second
girl. Phone Main 3068.
WANTED Lady cook for roadhouse; good
wages. Inquire room 1. 205 Morrison st.
EXPERIENCED dining-room girl wanted at
53 North 18th St., cor. Davis.
WANTED Girl for second work. 190 King
WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for
light housework; Call 447 10th st.
EXPERIENCED cook, also dining-room girl,
immediately. The Sterling, 535 Couch.
WANTED A chambermaid at 204 Madison st.
WANTED Man and wife to work on East
ern Oregon stock ranch; no children, good
wages and long Job for the right people.
F. A. Young, Inquire 175 North 16ta sL
from 5 to 7 F. M Portland, Or.
STENOGRAPHERS and bookkeepers will
find a helping hand at the Bualne&s Uni
versity, 6S Third street. Secure good po
sitions now.
DRAMATIC club wants two more for sea
shore; fine vacation. Miss Griffith, 603 Good
nough bldg.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
YOUNG man with business college educa
tion, wants position; office work preferred;
references If required. C 10," Oregonlan.
YOUNG man. fair stenographer, wishes to
do light office work evenings; salary no
object. E 3 3, Oregonlan.
POSITION as bookkeeper and general office
work; 8 years' experience; good refer
ences. T 6, Oregonian.
WANTED Situations as courier-chauffeurs
by Englishmen (brothers), tope t her or
single; 30.0o0 miles European experience;
London, Paris. Brussels; French spoken,
siight German; careful drivers ; all run
ning repairs. ACS, Oregonlan.
HOTEL STEWARD, Just from the East,
wishes position as steward and storekeeper
or manager and steward, city or country;
best of references as to honesty and abil
ity. N 998. Oregonian.
A SPECIALIST in livestock, poultry-raising
and fruit-growing would like to correspond
with part lea in these lines who are in need
f superintendent or foreman, in OreKon,
Washington or Idaho. D 11, Oregonian.
MAN. 24V, Just from the East, wishes posi
tion as porter; 4 years experience; handy
at anything; not afraid of work; city
or country. Address E 1, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by middle-aged man,
with experience in men's furnishings and
shoes; or as collector; can lve refer
ences. A C 2. Oregonlan.
YOUNG man of 20. has had experience as
timekeeper; also has some knowledge of
bookkeeping, wants position. R 996, Ore
gonian. BY YOUNG man, 24. single. A-l watch
maker, expert hard eolderer, repairs
clocks and Jewelry of any kind ; no to
bacco or liquor used. W 2. Oreponlan.
THE ALPHA, Mrs. B. A. Melbourne. Mgr.
Nicely furnished bay -window and tark
rooms; bath, electric lights, etc.; tran
sient. 269 Washington st.
BULGARIAN boy. 17. wants any kind of
work In town or light work two weeks
without wages and after small wages;
speaks little English. 35 N. 2d st.
SALESMAN Several years experience In
general merchandise, wants position, city
or country. A B 3. Oregonian.
NIGHT watchman, 2 years' experience, wants
steady position. Call or write A 11, Ore
gonian. FIRST-CLASS watchmaker and Jeweler wants
position: will go out of town; own tools;
state wages. E 10. Oregonian.
YOUNG man. :o. having ten years' offl-V
and floor experience with one house, seeks
position. W 992. Orej-onian.
WANTED Job as private chauffeur by re
spectable young man of 20; no experience;
best references. Address AB 2, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED elevator man wishes posi
tion; salary a consideration. A D 2, Ore
gonian. FIRST-i'LASS all-round cook; steady and
economical; reasonable wages. . P 007,
MAN. 34, single, position private family ;
good reference; city or county. O 15,
EXPERIENCED chauffeur desires situa
tion; careTul driver; all running repairs.
A C 4, Oregonian.
WANTED Work on a ranch by a young
man in city; single and of good character
Y 999. Oregonian.
WINDOW CLEANING, floors redressed and
polished. Phone Main 797. 2'JO Burnslde
st. Thomas Green.
HOUSECLEANING or any kind; dwellings
or flats a specialty. Fisher, phone Main
JAPANESE couple want position; man as
experienced cook and wife good second
girl, in family or hotel. E 11. Oresonian.
GOOD Japanese girl wants position at house
work in family. E 12, Oregonlan.
DANE. 35. place on farm ; not afraid of
work. C 12. Oregonian.
PLANING-M1LL man wants Job. Addreas
J. D. Duncan. 2d and Ankeny sts.
MAN and wife wish foreman job. practical
farming or dairying. O 996, Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants position to do house
work. G 14, Oregonian.
JAPANESE Employment Office, male and
female. 240 Couch st. Phone Main 6521.
ALL-AROUND carpenter wants work by day
or job. F 14, Oregonian.
Japanese Employment Co. furnishes all kind
Jielp. 208 Everett. Main 4659. A 4073.
WANTED "Carpenter work, by day or Job.
F. STROM. 1237 E. 14th st. N., city.
WANTED Employment on a farm or other
work out of town. F 9S5, Oregonian.
PA INTER wishes to contract roof wo rk.
Phone Main 1031.
GENERAL housecleaning by day or hour.
Thompson. Pacific 731.
Bookkeeper! and Stenographers.
WANTED A position as stenographer by a
young lady of a year's experience; mod
erate salary; has own machine. G 9S5,
FOR a good stenographer, experienced or be
ginner, phone Clerical Office, Main 4504.
Tested and certified.
YOUNG girl, willing worker, capable steno
grapher, typewriter. $30 month: years' ex
perience. Miss Doty. Main 5558.
GOOD stenographer desires position; good
penman, accurate and can spell; best ref
erences. Call B 132.
BOOKKEEPER First-class, knowledge of
shorthand, wants temporary or perma
nent employment. G 99S. Oregonian.
Drews maker a.
ART LA MODE, 181 6th st.. opposite the
Portland, Main 8378. A 5320 High-class
ladles' tailoring department, gowns and
wedding trousseaus; special prices this
week for commencement dresses.
FIRST-CLASS drcsmnaker on fancy gowns or
waists wishes engagements. Phone Main
6581. 471 Morrison.
DRESSMAKING in families; alterations no
objection. Phone Tabor 228.
YOUNG lady would like to take care of
sick; experienced; good reference. Phono
Tabor 248.
A POSITION as child's maid or nurse. 31
N 16th st.
LADY wants position as housekeeper in hotel
or good roomlnR-housp. Miss A. C. Clifton,
General Delivery, City.
GIRL likes to do general house-work. Call
at 554 Petty grove St., corner 17 th.
M 1 seel la neo us.
EXPERIENCED manicurist wishes position;
understand facial massage, scalp treatment
and hairdressing. Main 22. Room 42.
CAPABLE woman wishes day work; fine
lingerie preferred; 25c per hour. Phone
Pacific C96.
WANTED Indies' washing to do at home
by neat, experienced woman. Phone East
WORK bv day or hour, by capable woman.
Phone Main 4394.
EXPERIENCED cook wants position. Phone
Pacific 1011 after 8 A. M.
YOUNG woman wishes day work any kind;
strictly rellabie; good laundresje. T 9il, Ore
gonian. SEWING by day or week. Address Dress
maker, 170 Tark, or phone Pacific 304.
WANTED Two or three good men for a
proposition that is never turned down ;
good contract, exclusive territory. 40
Raleigh bldg.
WANTED Two or three experienced lady
solicitors, stork proposition: money mak
er for workers. 40 Raleigh bldg.
AGENTS $3.00 per day salary guaranteed.
CaU 2So 4th st.
WANTED Wide-awake and reliable sales
men; liberal terms; excellent territory;
outfit furnished free; a good opening. For
particulars addreos with references. Ore
gon Nursery Company. Salem, Or.
WANTED Eneigelic agents having teann
and delivery wagons to sell a new non-alcoholic
carbonated drink; also all kinds of
odas and mineral waters, on liberal com
mission. Call feoO Savier st.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods T It
so, we need you; complete outfit free; caiti
weekly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
AGENTS WANTED Automatic telephone
receiver-holder; both hands free; exclu
sive territory to reliable parties. W. J.
Mogrldpe. Spokane. Wash.
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Truirt Company of Oregon. S. E. cor, 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchance 72.
FLAT of three or more rooms, with bath and
sink for two adults; state location and
terme; best references. P. O. box 232,
MAN and wife, no children, would like to
look after home during parties' absence
for living rooms; best of references. Ad
dreas Y 3, Oregonian.
ROOM and board- by young man tn private
family; no objection to East Side; state
price, location, etc. In first letter. Address
F 13, Oregonlan.
REFINE lady dcires suite rooms, private
family, board optional; must be central.
West Side; references; prefer to furnleh.
G 999, Oregonian.
A LADY would like to exchange Wheeler A
AVilson machine for room and board. A
D 4. Oregonian.
WANTED 7 to 8-room modern furnished
house; vicinity of Irvington. Wakefield.
Fries & Co.. 220 Stark.
And any thing else you have to selL
Main 6666. A 4111.
WANTED Men's cast-oft clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishing,
highest price paid. call at the "Fair
Deal," 62 N. Sd st. Phone Pacific 1723.
WANTED Live cub bear, lion and any
other live wild animals. Ily R. Stenzel
Fur Company. Salt Lake City, Utah.
I PAY cash for household goods. Bavmz A
Pennell Fur. Co.. 343 1st. phone 800.
READ t money paid for furniture: better
prices than a dealer, phone East 888S.
WANTED Second-hand motion-picture ma
chine and films. V 1. Oregonian.
WANTED Second-hand furniture. We pay
"the price." East 988, B 2311.
WANTED Good Incubator and brooder;
Plate price and make. C 11, Oregonian.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always Riven, pbone East 1067.
ONE good sleeping room, with bath; pri
vate family. 754 Albina ave., L car.
Furnished Room.
Parties looking for pleasant and comfort
able rooms, with all modern conveniences,
for the Summer, will find just what they
want at the SARGENT HOTEL, corner
Grand and Hawthorne aves.
THE GLEN DORA HOTEL, 19th and Couch,
mar Washington, has the best rooms in
the city, $7.5o per month and up; single
or ensuite. with or without board; bathe,
steam heat, electric lights, both phones,
large grounds, parlor with piano, billiard
au-i pool tables; all free to guests.
THE UAYOSO, Grand ave. and East Stark,
why not have the best value for your
money? Well furnished rooms with steam
hut, hot water, bath and elevator; new
brick building with all modern conven
iences ; look these up ; they will please
One of Portland's most elegant apart-ment-housvs
situated on same eireet, 4.6th ,
and only 4 blocks from postoffice; rooms
single and en suite; rates reasonable.
Large, light and neatly furnished rooms;
not water heat; hot and cold water, baths
and phone; transient. $1; special rates by
the week, phone A 1354. 361 Yamhill st.p
N. W. cor. West Park.
LARGE residence. 5 minutes from postof
tice, to be made a bachelor's hall; large
looms, hot and cold water; hot water
heat, bath, grates, closets, both phones;
quarter block lawn; reasonable to perma
nent gentlemen. Address L 987, Orego
nlan. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th. and Wash
ington ts Newly furnished throughout;
new building; suites with baths, hot and
cold water In every room. Rhone Main
7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms.
THE MERCEDES Newly and elegantly
lurnished rooms; hot and cold running
water, return call bells. both phones;
every convenience; reasonable. The
Mercedes, 2oth. near Washington.
HOTEL GLEN WOOD, 2d and Salmon New
and elegantly furnished ; hot and cold
water in every room, private baths, steam
heat; transient, $1 and up; special rates
by week or month.
TWO large connecting rooms suitable for two
to four persons congenial to each other; two
people, 2u; tour, fu. Glendora Hotel, 19th
and Couch.
NICELY furnished front rooms, with board;
htrlctly home cooking; modern conven
iences; walking distance; $6 per week.
The Llndetl, 269 Market.
HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th,
first-class furnished rooms, single or ea suite;
every modern convenience, 3 weekly up;
aally 75c up; special monthly rates. Main 6647
HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping; running water; private and
tree baths; rates reasonable. Paclno 49.
BEAUTIFUL fro lit room, clean and well
lurnished. suitable for one or two gen
tlemen; rent very reasonable. Call before
2 P. M., 327 West Park.
THE WESTMINSTER. 6th and Madison sts.,
handoineiy furnished bachelor rooms; every
modern convenience; terms reasonable; only
4 blocks from pos toff ice.
THE GENEVIEVE Newly furnished,
steam heat, bay window room, walking
distance, $3 a week. Tel. M 7410. 44a
Columbia st.
THE WILLAMETTE 322 Stark St., largf
light rooms, well furnished, single or en
suite. 60c to $1 day; $2.50 to $5 week.
CLEAN, beautifully furnished rooms at th
Ankeny, 349 Ankeny St., cor. 7th.; bath
and phones.
FU Ft RENT Nicely furnished room, centrallj
located, suitable for one or two gentlemenj
reasonable rent. 1S8 West Park st.
NICELY furnished rooms; electric lights
phone; hot water all hours. 494 Mor
rison st.. Flat 10.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia; mod
ern rooms, bath. 50c to $1 a day, $2 tl
$1 week.
LARGE front room, with closet, suitable foi
one or two gentlemen; use of bath. 13
N. ISth. I'hone 3u27.
HOTEL PHILIP, 5th and Burnslde New,
mouern, complete; all outside rooms; 10
free baths; rooms $4 up wk. 75c. $1 day.
LARGE front room, ground floor: walking
distance, private family, for couple; rea
sonable. 395 3d st.
258 13TH ST., nicely furnished rooms in
private family; new; every convenience!
gentlemen only; reasonable.
THE E3TES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
tark. corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estsa
LARGE, very pleasant, modern private
room; nice yard, large porch, close in. 63.
THB KING, 300 Jefferson, nicely furnished,
new and modern, cars direct from depot;
day rates 5uc up, or $2 per week up.
6S LUCRET1A ST. Nicely furnished room)
walking distance; modern conveniences.
HOTEL ROY AT, 108 4th; nice rooms, $1.60
to $5 week, 50 cents, $1 night.
THE ARTONIA Rooms, hot and cold water:
fine location. 128 W. Pork st.