IP THE MORNING OREGOXIAX. SIONDAT, JUNE 8, 1908. KEAX. KSTATB DEAJLEB&, Andr.w r. V. tCa. M. 3348. 33 Bamlltoa M. Baker. Alfred A., 213 Ablogtoo bids. Ctoapln A Heriow, 832 Chamber of Commerce. Compton. . F. r-ac A AIMS. 100 Ablnctoa bL Cook. B. 8. A Co.. 507-S Corbett bids. Croaaley Co.. 708-8 Corbett bids. la. 1830. Coddard, H. W.. Main and A 1743. 110 2d at. Botcbklaa. C. B. A. Co.. 1C 1066. 803 a of C. Jennies' A Co., Main 188. 208 Oreaxmlaa. Kinney A Stampher. 531-632 J,br. Ex. M. 4M. Lea. M. K.. room all Corbett building. Mall A Ton Borstal 104 2d at.. 392 B. Buraalda, CDonaell. J. F.. it. 4581 A A2S61. 230 Btark. Palmer. H. P.. 213 Commercial Club bids.. M. 8698, A 2653. Pariiih. Watkln. A Co.. 280 Alder at. Potter A Freaco. 607 Commercial bids. Reed. Flelda A Tynjm. M. 7004. AS631. 102 2d. tVhalk. Geo. D.. 264 Stark at. Main 382, AS92. Sharkey. J. P. A Co.. 122 M giith at. Swenaaoa. A. F. A Co.. 2odia Washlostoa at. The Or.son Real Etat. Co.. S8i Third at. (Holladay Addition.) Vetera Land Co.. 822 Chamber of Commeroa. W.Mell. W. O.. S08 t-nmber Exchansa bids. . White. B. F.. 227H Washington at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CHICKED RANCH and orchard. Within the city limits. Kant 36th St.; 6 acres. Between Irvlngton anfHose City Park. Bearing orchard of over 150 trees: i'i acres of berries; fruit will bring f.'OO to $700 this year. lIouFe, barn and outhouses. All In crop and highly cultivated. "Will be swell residence district In few years and make owner rich. Price $1100 per acre. $2500 cash, balance 6 per cent. " Or will sell half at $2pOO cash. THE PROSSLBV COMPAN'Y. INC.. 708 and 709 Corbett Bids. Phones: Main 7855. Home A 6722. HALF ACRE TRACTS. We are offering the best thins In acre or half acre tracts In Portland: water mains laid and terms of only $10 caaa and $10 per month. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO, 110 2d at. SUBURBAN HOME. AT MOUNT TABOR. On Gilliam su. half block from tha Base Line road; we have the prettiest half acre that you can find anywhere; beautiful shade trees and any number of lare cherry, apple, pear and plum trees; magnificent view of Portland; 6-room house, not new. but is a plastered house and has Just been newly painted and papered; at $2760 this is the beat buy in the city; half cash will handle, balance three years at 7 per cent. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club bldg.. Main 889t, A 2653. THE BUNGALOW FACTORY." We design and build bungalows, cottages and anything In the house line; artistic homes is our stunt and specialty; we draw plans and specifications, and furnish them free. If we build for you. "Ask the Man." Buttet'worth-titephenson Co., Inc., 317 Ahfngton bldg. Main ST20. GOOD house, barn, lot 80x126, high, dry. gently sloping; graBs. shade, rosea, mag nificent trees loaded with cherries, apples, splendid neighborhood; Improved streets, electric-lighted; near carllne, schools, good stores; $2500; terms. Owner, 20fi Mlsner St., Montavllla. Tabor 271. AC'tE SUBDIVISION BARGAIN. 21 a-rt-s on Johnson Creek and O. W. P. carllne, 6 miles out. cleared, best of eoll, no gravel; cheaper by $100 per acre than adjoining land; will sacrifice for Immediate sa.e. Vanduyn & Walton, 615 Chamber Commerce. . $1800 6-roomi house in Woodlawn; plaster ed, tinted, gaod plumbing, tine basement. 50 chickens, good cow, graded street. $lar0 4-room house, plastered, wired, good plumbing, fine basement; would rent. See S. Thornton in Woodlawn. SWELL 6-room house Just completed in Hol laday Addition, on Multnomah. St.: two fireplaces, hardwood floors, etc.; $3500. H. P. PALVER, 213 Commercial Club bldg.. Main 86118. A 2653. CHOICE acreage; "grows everything; best walnut land in Oregon; close in on Salem Electric line; $125 up per acre; easy terms. A. S. Draper, room 26 Lafayette bldg., 6th, cor. Washington. THIS WEEK SPECIAL BARGAIN LOTS. TAKE ALBERTA -ST. CAR. JOHN B. MATTHEWS. OFFICE 27TH AND ALBERTA. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BT EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATT Y. D. A. TUFTS. 803H WASHINGTON ST. BrMTCtid 1 1 . , 1 .. w i : i. -J i ' i earn iu mil n ui inn i: i l jr , acreage close in. and farms m uregon and Washington. Phone Main 4488. Kinney A Stamplier, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bids. PRICE $4000 Convenient, comfortable ' home. Irvington ; fui lot, bitullthic pavement; hearing: fruit trees. 18th and Thompson. Phone E. 668. $1550 Nice new cottage. 766 East 6th. near Beech; close to car; bath. gas, etc. Owner, 208 4th. Main 3990. J. M. KERR & CO., Real estate, farms. 268 Stark at., room 10. A 5148. Main 1222. FOR lo days. 5-room house, $1200; plumbing and lights are In; fine lot. Inquire 1112 Bel mont. B 23S9. BEAUTIFUL new 8-room colonial house, corner, $4600. easy monthly payments. Ownpr, phone Woodlawn 1709. BY owner. $3000 income property; will take $3000 building. 18 rooms X 9!S, Oregonlan. MODERN 6-room house, nice location, ex change for lots and some cash. O &S2, Oregonlan. IRVINGTON Fine 6-room home for sale, beautiful lot, choice location. Phone C 1208 in mornings. $625o. Terms. 7-ROOM house. Highland. New, modern: a big snap. $3250. John P. Sharkey Co 122 ft 6th st. Main 550. A 2537. 7 $100 CASH. $25 month, buys 8-room house, near Union ave. ; $2500. State Land Co., 133 ft 1st st. OREGON CITY carllne acreage. In cultivation, best of land, 2 acres or more. C. W. Ris ley. owner, Risley Station, P. O., Mllwaukle. FOR SALE or exchange, Improved poultry and fruit farm. 430 Worcester bldg. Main i 040. VERY choice acre at end of Waverly-Rlch-mond line, fine view, good soil ; price $1500. Call for MoGrath. Main 3177. 12400 HANDSOME new bungalows, $300; $20 ' monthly ; 3 blocks south Hawthorne on 44th. Dr. Darling. SOxSO East Ankeny, west of 24th; concrete walk, swcr, water, gas; $1650. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. FULL LOT, East 36th, near Burnslde; nice residence district; reduced to $2250. Cul ver. 623 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN new 5-room bungalow, nice loca tion. Montavllla; $2000; terms. Owner. Phone Tabor 311. IDEAL, site for residence; full lot; Portland Heights: $1100, terms. Haverstlc & Galla gher, 3434 Wahington st. 7-ROOM bungalow, modern In every respect, $2750; easy terms. Phone Owner, Wood lawn 107. $1285 South Portland quarter block, east front, sewers; close to car; terms. Owner, Main 3900. $30.000riose In business corner; monthly In come $175; splendid future: owner. C 3, Or egonlan. SNAP 8-room residence. City View Park; this week. $2500; $500 cash. 103 4th st. A NEW 8-room house, on St. John carline. 50 xl00 lot, $1150. Term. L 950. Oregonlan. SALE by owner, nice house, corner lot, on carllne; terms If desired. S 5. Oregonlan. CHOICE, full lot and -room house. Oilcan st. near 22d. Inquire 742 Johnson st. SNAP Lots In Peninsula Addition No. 2, near wilt Packing Plant, cheap. East S71X FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' CLOSE IN EAST SIDE) HOME. 7 rooms and bath, reception hall, beamed ceilings, paneled dining-room, tinted walls, fireplace, gas and electric, cement basement, furnace heat, street Improved, cement side walk, mortem in every respect, walking distance; $1550 cash will -handle this and the balance $20 per month. See us about this. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO., 122 6th St. CONCRETE BUNGALOv. "West slope of Mt. Tabor; ft moms and bath; strictly modem; lot 85x90; $700 cash, balance $25 per month. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO., 1224 6th st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $ltyw) Extra choice building site (corner), 8 city lots, with unobstructed mountain View. J. C. McLennan, 315 Oregonlan bldg. A SNAP Three 50xl00-ft. lots, taken Itt trade, situated in most popular residence suburbs, will be sold at a price much lower than the prevailing price for cash or in stallments. If you want a home site cheap, see Philip Gevurtz, 173-175 1st st. FOR SAL13 An elegant, strictly modern, up-to-date bungalow, Holladay's Addition, corner 80x100. streets improved, within a block of both carlines; 8 rooms, hard wood floors, beam ceilings, veneered wain scoting, tlie bathroom, furnace, cement basement, stationery washstand. fine lawn. north front. Price $0000, ft cash. Address Owner. 1) 3, Oregonlan. $3000 BELOW. MARKET PRICE. Suburban place of 22 acres, all highly cul tivated, rich loam" soil, no rock or gravel. Tunning water, fine neighborhood ; In fact, en Ideal place for a home or-money-maker; 6ft miles from Portland P. O., near Mll waukle and the Oregon City and Sellwood cars. Get particulars at once of B. Lw Hagemann, 206 Pine St. $4250 Strictly modern 8-room house In sight ly location. In Upper Alblna; terms. $3000 Fine 8-room house, close to business section of ForestT Grove, with half ocre of land; very desirable; easy terms. $2750 Good house and full lot within walk ing distance, in tipper Alblna. TVHALLEY. 613 McKay bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP SO acres good land on main county roud; fenced, cross-fenced; or chard, all kinds berries. 12 head dairy cat tle, good team horses, all kinds farming Im plements, house, 2 barns, crop In. separator, hogs-, 20 acres cleared; 30 miles to Port land, 9 from Woodland. For Information address J. B. Lamar, Etna, Clark Co., Wash. NEW hotel building an& stores. South 1st St.. $15,000. House, 7 rooms. East Morrleon st., $18oo. II acres, 1 mile from Oregon City. $1000. 320-a ere farm near Salem; good soil; $20 per acre. E. H. COLLIS. 324 Worcester bldg. Phone Main 6567. $2250 6-room modern house In Alblna, near streetcar; house is nearly new. full lot, full cement basement, bath, pantry, clos ets, gas and electric lights; fixtures all complete. This Is a bargain and must be sold In the next few days. C. B. L-ucas, 325 Corbett bldg. SUBDIVISION SNAP. Fractional SO acres on Salem Electric, only 5 miles to city limits; beet of soil; lies exceptionally well and no waste land; the cheapest buy on the market for quick sale. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. SPLENDID modern 9-room house, with cor ner lot roxluO feet, in beautirul resi dence section of the city, corner lltM and Market sts.. will be sold at a reasonable figure. See us for particulars. Parrlsh, Watklns & Co.. 50 Alder st. "ASK THE MAN" About bungalows and cottages. We are designers and builders of moderate-priced and artistic homes on Installments. Butterworth, Stephenson Co., Inc., 317 Ablngton bldg. Main 8529. NEW BUNGALOW.. At Mt. Tabor, near Prettyman ave., every modern convenience; two full lots, $3500. Geo. K. Clark. John W. Cook, 336 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 6407, A 3252. BUNGALOW FOR SALE. Fine residence lot on Kast 27th st., near Francis ave.; take W. W. car; will build 6 or 6-room bungalow to suit; easy in stallments. Chas. L. Schieffelin, 270 Stark st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. block, choice location, near Page home, 2 blocks from carline, adjoining property priced at $6000; muat be sold this week. Price $350. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO-, 122 6th St. WOODM ER E. 2 choice lots, $450 takes them. 3 blocks from carline. i One acre In Firland. cheap if taken at once; all Improved, fine location. HIRST EL, SSVfc Third St., Room 8. A BARGAIN I MEAN IT. Nice lot. 50x100, In St. John, on Jerse) St.. for $400; value $65ft. . J. J. OEDER. J Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. AN Ideal country home of seven acres. house, barn, orchard, etc.. six miles rrom Portland and eight blocks from Salem Electric station. Must be sold at once. A 99!. Oregonlan. $550 QUARTER block. 100x100. one block from carllne; high and sightly; on im proved street : fine building site; a small . payment cash, baalnce to suit. . C. B. Lucas. 325 Corbett bldg. SEVERAL full also fractional lots. East Side, walking distance. Hawthorne Park, fine sur roundings; good home or flat sites; $1700 and up. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. IF you are looking for a cottage or bunga low at a bargain, come and see us. for we have some snaps if taken soon. J. M. Kerr & Co., 26S Stark St., room 10. FOR RALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA, JAMES D LACEY ft CO.. Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. 629 Chamber of Commerce. Portland.' WE are constantly acquiring fine tracts of timber for sale ana are headquarters xor lumber enterprises of all kinds. Phone Main 4486. Kinney A Stampher, 631-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE 5.000,000 feet good saw timber, cedar, spruce, hemlock; 160 acres deeded land ; good transportation facilities, near Chinook, Wash. Address P 4, Oregonlan. 2.000,000 FEET Government pine claims, positive guarantee; fee $250. F 909, Ore gonlan. CHOICE homesteads In Oregon; we locate you. Silver Lake Land Co., 721 Marquam bldg.. Portland, Or. WE always have the best timber in Oregon ana asmngton; ouy, sen or trade. Inde pendent Timber Co.516 Rothchild bldg. FOR SALE Homestead relinquishment in Slletz ttastn. for $t; win -cruise 5.000. 0OO. Address Box 101, Fall City. Or. CHOICE YELLOW PINK CLAIMS. Government locations. 827 Worcester bile FEW timber Qualms, and homesteads 50 miles from Portland. 211 Allsky blk. 820 ACRES good timber land, $3500 price. Adam Lewis. Eileen. Cal. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. AM looking for a good tracfc of about 50, 000.000 to 100.000,000 feet of timber. Give details and map showing how timber la located. Address E 067. Oregonlan. TIMBER LANDS wanted. C- J. Mc Crack en, 804 McKay bldg. WANTED FARMS. WANTED Information regarding a good farm for sale; not particular about loca tion; wish to hear from owner only, who will sell direct to buyer; give price, de scription and state when possession can be had. Address L. Darbyshire, box 4984. Rochester. N. 'Y. FOR SALE FARMS. A SNAP 60 acres ot good fruit land near i Gates R. R-; good house, orchard, $1000. Chas. Hoed le. Mill City, Or. 80 ACRES fruit land, partly cleared, good soli, $2t00; terms; night take city prqi rty. .Hatfield. & Smith. X&ft 4th sC FOR SAXE FARMS. 60 ACRES In the Rogue- River Valley; 2-3 of this Is fine Tokay grape land, balance best apple, peach and pear land; - small house and other small buildings; good well and running water; this is one of the best tracts In the Valley and can be bought for $3400. 80 acres adjoining the above, fine apple, pea ch or pear land ; part cleared ; price $1200. BIGGS L-AXD CO.. - 616 Couch bldg.. 4th st., near TVash. FOR SALE by owner. 10 acres 1 ft miles from Canby. on a. f.. nines rrom Portland; 3 acres potatoes, 2 acres straw berries, 2 pasture, all kinds of garden truck, prune, apple, pear, cherry and walnut trees; good nouse, r arn and chicken house; good horse, new wagon and harness: all tools and chickens; new furniture, everything for housekeeping; a good, clean home and desirable; am going to California, Price f23UO. Appiy owner, John Taylor, or Canby postofnee. BEAVERTON FARM. 22 acres. 2 miles from Beaverton. with -room hous?. barn, chicken-house, wagon shed, etc.; 1 acre in cultivation. 2 acres in apples, pears, plums, cherries, etc; all for $7000 or can sell the 10 acres with the house and orchard for $5000. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club bldg. Main 8099. A 2653. STOCK RANCH- must sell; 240 acres, all fenced, ft is good tillable land, plenty of water for Irrigating, puts up 150 tons of mixed hay annually and la 40 acres more of good grain land ; 2 4-room houses. 2 barns, school loo yaras; on military roaa, 12 miles east of Mitchell. Wheeler C). Price $10 per acre; $1000 cash or exchange, balance on time to Bult. , Apply 9ft 1st st. FOR SALE 160 acres unimproved land, good for dairying or fruit growing, well watered, contains about 2.000.000 feet good fir and cedar timber, within three miles .forest urove ana jjtiiey a. tt. sta tions; assessed valuation is $2150; will accept $2000; -easy terms. Address E 883, Oregonlan. SPLENDID FARM BUY. $4300 W acres, best of land, with bumper crop, all the stock, machinery and fur niture, close to prosperous village. 8 mlltas city limits of Portland; $2500 cash, balance 0 per cent. t F. FUCHS, 2216 Morrison St. STOCK and dairy farm of over 600 acres, in Yamhill County; must be sold to close an estate; very cheap and on favorable terms; call and get particulars. JOHN T. WH ALLEY, Attorney for Executor, 613 McKay bldg. MUST go now, owner of 160-acre valley farm, retiring, offers farm. 21 head of stock, 30 acres cleared, house, barn, fine hunting and fishing. good neighbors. $2230; $1000 cash, balance 5 per cent. Box 187. Yaqulna, Lincoln Co.. Or. WILLAMETTE VALLEY dairy and stock farms and large bodies of fine fruit lands that can be divided Into tracts to suit buyers; price $10 to $50 per acre. J. H. Moran. Monmouth. Polk County. Or. 102 ACRES. Willamette Valley. 45 acres clover, fine dairy and fruit ranch, stock and improvements go with place. Chas. S. Iliff, Independence, Or Box 111. WE have some choice farms from 6 acres up", at a. bargain; just what you are look ing for Come and see us about them. J. M. Kerr & Co., 268 Stark st., room 10. FOR SALE A 32-acre tract near Gate, Or., with 2 cottages, orchards, at $2500. Write to Charles Hoelde. Mill City. TO EXCHANGE. 104O-ACRE wheat ranch, near lone. 400 acres wheat. 400 acres Summer-fallow, balance pasture; 10 head horses and farm implements. For Portland property or Valley land. Price $5,000. Northwestern Investment Co.. 193 4th st. A QUARTER section in Gilliam County. In wheat, for sale or exchange; buyer gets one-ourth of crop. Will exchange for acreage in Valley, or make easy terms. R 9U7, Oregonlan. $4000 9-ROOM house, Irvlngton. $5500 Sale or exchange, 1 block Ash land, Or. SWANK, njom 8, 8Sft 3d. Pacific 1756, A 2838. GOOD East Side lots or timber land for Alaska Petroleum & Coal stock or British Columbia Amalgamated & Coal or Tele phone bonds. V 6, Oregonlan. EXCHANGE OR SALE, Paying general store; best coast rcaort in Oregon; 10,000 visitors lat year; $3000. P. O. Box 1S2, Newport, Or. FOR SALE or trade for real estate, nice profitable business clearing $150 per month and good prospects for the future. L. G. Condon, 420 Hawthorne ave. HALF section wheat land In Morrow County for sale or exchange; can use Improved or unimproved land near Portland. R 998. Oregonlan. FOR EXCHANGE $10,000 dairy ranch, close to Vancouver, to exchange for Portland property of equal value. Merrifield In vestment Co., Vancouver. BY owner, $3500 Income property for ranch, hotel or grocery ; give full particulars. Ad dress O 2, Oregonlan. WILL trade new 7-room house, two lots, at Coos Bay. for Portland property. F 990, Oregonlan. HIGH-CLASS stock In manufacturing en terprise to exchange for city property or automobile. W 6, Oregonlan. IF YOU want to buy, sell or trade, see Stevenson & Taylor, 811 Buchanan, 2&Qft Washington. FOUR acres, house, barn, good town, for city property; 2tl miles from Portland, S. P. R. R. ; owners only. N 999. Oregonlan. IF you want to buy. sell or trade house, lot. farm or business of any kind, see us. 325 Lumber Exchange. 160 ACRES wheat land, all cultivated; want city property or rooming-house. M 4, Ore gonlan. IF you want to buy. sell or trade, see us. We do things. 010 Buchanan bldg., 2SGi Wash. st. 640 ACRES wheat land to exchange for res idence. Smtlh, 411 Buchanan building. MODERN house to exchange for vacant lots. Smith, 411 Buchanan, bldg. TO TRADE Fruit land for city lots. H 998, Oregonlan. WILL trade for what you have. Gui Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg. WILL sell or trade ' 1000 shares Antloak Leather. V 5. Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Real estate salesman with clean record to handle high-class property. Apply Tuesday A. M.. Del aura Beach Company, room 6, Lafayette bldg. Ask for Mr. Cus ter. WANTED From owners or agents, corner lot or quarter block south of Morrison and west of 5th t., with or without improve ments; in replying give location of prop erty, price and terms. R 900, Oregonlan. WANTED House 6 or 6 rooms on good-sized lot. East Side, handy car, within 3 miles gen eral Postoffice; state full particulars; owner only. G 986, Oregonlan. WANTED To buy from owner 6 to 10 acres near Portland. 293 Burnslde. Phone Main 8458. WANTED A 6 or 6-room cottage with good view; only owners apply. P 983, Ore gonlan. MODERN residence, $3500; half cash, balance in fine lots on carllne. C 4, Oregonlan.- FOR GALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. A BARGAIN Fine hay mare, combination rid ing or driving, single or double; lioo pounds, 8 years old. Phone Sellwood 1173 or address K 990, Oregonlan. ONE span or 5-year-old dapple gray geld ings, low. biccky, smootn cunt, witnout any blemishes and good lookers; the best mated team anywhere; weight 3000 lbs. P. L. Kenady. Woodburn, Or. MARE, handsome. Intelligent and good driver, absolutely reliable for ladles or children; also harness and one open and one covered buggy. 792 Lovejoy st. 25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho tel bus, saddles, harness, cneap to ciose out. Hubert & Hall. 266 4th st. FOR SALE 6 head of good all-around horses, from 1000 to 130O pounds. 182 E. 84th st. Phone Tabor 1112. WELL broke, gentle young team, weigh be tween 2500 and 2600, cheap, horse and mare. 649 Hood st HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for salk 294 Montgomery. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. ROOFING AND BUILDING MATERIAL). 1000 new cement blocks. Genuine coal-tar, $4 barrel. Genuine coal tar. $4 barrel. Genuine coal tar, $4 barrel. v Genuine coal tar. $4 barrel. ROOFING PAPER ROOFING PAPER. 1000 rolls, ft. V 2. 3-ply, all in flrst- ciass snape. Va-ply. $1 square. 3-ply, 51-25 square. 2-nlV. 1 7.1 nnnnrP 1000 rolls Paragon deadening felt, A-l snape, si per roll. Corrugated iron, painted and galvanized. wire nails ? Keg. PIPES PIPES. lO.ooo feet new, 3. 4 and 6-in. pipe. 2'on feet new 12-in. pipe. $1.75 foot. 200O feet new 10-tn. - nine. $1.50 foot. 50.000 feet 1-inch pipe, largest amount oi second-hand pipe in tne city. we oip pipe, wnich makes t as gooa as galvan ized, free of charge..1 All kinds cast iron soil pipe and fit tings. H AR D W A R E H A RD WARE. 500 vises, practically new. fHHiO picks, mattocks. Carload crowbars. Several carloads wedges and sledges. CO tons new sash weights. Any amount bolts and nuts. Grindstones. Blocks, ropes and cable. " Staples, $2 per keg. 5000 single and double-bit axes. 50 iron and wood wheelbarrows. WIRE WIRE. Telephone, hop and fence wire. Poultry netting. , Sinks, bathtubs. M AC HI X E R Y MA CHINERT. 12-H. P. gasoline hoist. 2-H. p. gas engine and pump. 8-H. p. boiler. 12-H. P. boiler. 8 54x16 boilers. 1 35-H. P. engine. 3 4-mold Berg brick press. 1 brick plant mixer. 36 Iron cars. Lot 16-lb rails. 1 looo-gallon wood tank. 1 6000-gaIlon tank. 2 30uo-gallon tanks. 2 2000-gallon tanks. Several smaller size tanks. Pulleys, iron and wood. Sheaves, wheels and drums, y rO0 new steel sheaves. Cogwheels, bevel gears. Flour mill machinery. Boxings, hangers, shafting, belting, leather and rubber. All kinds of rubber packing. Babbitt metal. 2ft and 3-lnch fire hose. Sprocket chain. Dynamos, all sizes and makes. Grate bars. All sizes rails, suitable for all pur poaes, cut In lengths to suit. Mortiser machine. 20,000 capacity sawmill; snap. 50 tons sheet iron. Carload I beams. All kinds of steam coils. Sprocket chain. We positively are the largest dealers and carry the largest stock of second hand merchandise in the city. If In need of anything that is manufactured from iron, seo us. as we can save you money. Mall orders promptly attended to. We buy. sell, trade or exchange anything in the second-hand pipe or machinery line. no matter how small or large. J. SIMON & BRO.. 244 to 250 Front st.. main offices 490 to 41)tf Front St., 844 to 352 Water St. HOME BUILDERS. ATTENTION! Do you want to save money 7 We are in a position to furnish you plumbing goods and pipe for less than you can get them lor elsewhere. bee us for prices. PIPE! PIPE! PIPE! See us for your pipe wants; we have on nana tne largest stock in the jNortn west of pine, both new and second-hand, either black or galvanized. In sizes from 1 -in. to J. 4 -hi. iet us save you money. MACHINERY! MACHINERY! We carry a complete stock of second- nand machinery, pulleys, gears, belting, shafting, bar iron fend steel, etc., which we are selling at very low prices. CABLE! CABLE! We have just received two carloads practically new cable, in sizes from yk-in. to li -in., all lengths. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. All our ads are positively guaranteed. M. BARDE & SONS. 847-353 Gllsan St., Corner Eighth. X. E. Corner Fourth and Glisan Sts. WE HAVE FOR SALE An exceptionally well ' built gasoline ireignter. or ngnt arart ana large carry ing capacity, but under the 15-ton limit, so that it can be readily and legally . operated by two- men The vessel is 60 ieet long, with a l.t-root beam, and is equipped with a 20-horse engine of first class make. She Is now at Umatilla, Or., In care of James Atchison, who will show her. For price and terms address BENTON COUNTY IRRIGATION CO 621 Bailey bldg., Seattle. Wash. BXTBXSIOX TABLE weathered oak. $15; weathered oak buffet, $16; No. 8 cook stove, $0; iron beds. $2; sewing machines from $2.50 up to $25; hardwood dressers. $7.50: hardwood bedroom suite, $12.50; hotel dressers, $4.50; commodes. $1.50; refrig erators, $5. Carpets, rugs, linoleum, all sizes; tents and camp furniture for sale cheap. Anything in housefurnishinga. Call us up or come and examine our large stock. Western Salvage Co., 2uth and Washington sis. Main 110H . 60 SEWIXG MACHINES,, slightly damaged, at very low prices. Singer, Wheeler & Wilson. Domestic, Household, Standard. New Royal and others. 1W second-hand machines at your own price: old machines taken in exchange; machines sold on monthly or weekly pay ments; no interest on contract sales. S. S, SIGEL, 335 Morrison st. IT WILL PAY YOU To visit our place before you order your stoves, furniture, carpete, because we carry a full line of new and as good as new stoves, carpets and all sorts of furniture, of which we can satisfy the taste of everyone. People's Auction House, 167 Front St., near ' Morrison. Telephone Main 5670. $50 ROLL TOP desk, $25; fine cook stove, $7.50;- dressers, $5; couches, $2.50; iron beds, $2; $125 cash register, $75; campers outfits cheap; tents. $3 up; mantel folding beds, $5. If you want bargains, call us up. McGrath Furniture Co., 66 North 8d, bet Davis and Everett. FOR SALE: New and second-hand Millard and pool tables: easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap pricea Brunswick-Baike-Collender. 49 Third st. YAMATO WOOD YARD. The best fir wood for Winter supply, cut out of big timber. $4. 50 to $5. Phone East 818. B 1867. E. 6th and Main. A BRAND NEW 8-chalr high-class barber outnt; used only one month; will sell cheap and on easy terms. W. L. Morgan, 213 Abtngton bldg. TWO twin Pelton water wheels. 5 feet, com- 1200 "gallons. 46 2d st. OLD VIOLINS and stringed Instruments uougnt. soia ana exenangea. i. winters, m& Til ford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts. ON SALE Five complete new Edison motion picture outnts. including zooo it. nim and. song slides. $150. 293 Burnslde. EDISON and Powers machines, song slides. supplies rented, bought, sola ana exchanged. Newman, 203 Burnslde. 20-HORSR power Franklin touring car, Al condition, ror sale or traae ior real estate. V 963, Oregon inn. - FOR SALE Large roll top desk, nearly new; price $60. Telenhone M 2261. SPEED launch. 30 h. p. engine and boathouse, excellent condition; bargain. J 2, Oregon ian. BICYCLES cheap; new and second-hand; also repairing. 189 Morrison, near bridge. GOOD second-hand Hall safe -ni bargain. Ad dress Y 908. Oregonlan. MOVIXG-PICTURE BXTHANGB Machines, supplies, slides, films for rent. 165 4th st. HOMER PIGEONS for sale cheap. Address P. O. box 26. Carlton, Or. NO use for wall map of city; call and make an offer. 515 Cham, of Com. Pacific 1955. FOR SALE One of the prettiest houneboats on the river; will trade for lot. Main 19G3. Automobiles. 1907 STODDARD-DAYTON touring car, top and glass front; $1600. 1907 Stevens-Duryea, top; $1250. 1906 Franklin. $1000. 3907 60 H. P. Haynes. top; $1500. These cars have been traded in on Pierce and Cadillac and must be sold at once; no reasonable offer refused. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 16th and Alder. M 6470. FOR snaps on second-hand automobiles call -on, Portland Motor-Car Co.. 626 Alder. DECKER Bros. $600 upright grand piano cheap; cash or terms. 617 Tourney bldg. Pacific 244. A FINra $450 plane for sale cheap, B 1420, East 162. HELP WANTED MALE. 10.00O POSITIONS. For graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $10 to $29 weekly; expert Instructor, tools free; writs for catalogue. Moler System of Alleges. 3S N. 4th St., Portland. Or. WANTED Experienced, reliable chauffeur to drive six-cylinder Winton machine through Oregon and Washington with small touring party. Five or ?ix weeks' trip. Special inducement to right party, Address for particulars, John B. Maher. 118 Yakima avenue North Yakima, Wash. WE WANT A MAN of ability as business manager for local concern, good salary; must invest at least $3500; money well se cured. Don't answer unless you mean business. No agents. Give phone number for appointment. Address 997, Orego nlan. WANTED Camp cook. $60 up; bench car penter, $3.75; sander, $3.00; sash and door machine men, $2.50 to $3.50: mill and yardmen, $2 up. Large list of new positions every day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., 12 North 2d st. Both phones. MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster ing and bricklaying, day and night classes, no books, free catalogue; special low tuition; easy Installments. Coyne National Trade 8chool. 239-240 Eighth St., San Francisco. C. R. HANSEN. JR. Employment Office Men's Department. 26 North Second St. Phones. Main and A 1526. Help Free to Employers. WANTED One well educated man to rep resent us in Portland and vicinity; only " those capable of earning $1500 a year need apply. Address Dodd. Mead & Co., Arcade bldg.. Seattle, Wash. MAN to assist in private boarding stable and drive private carriage when required. Apply 14th and Yamhill sts. O. R. C. Stable. WANTED rOne first-class cloak and su'.t saleslady; none but experienced need apply; reference required ; good salary. Parisian Cloak & Suit House, Spokane. Wash. WANTED Capable advertising solicitor; experienced In bulletin work preferred; big salary to rLght man. Apply room 15, No. 7 1st st. LEARN watchmaking, engraving and. op tics; easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learning. Watchmaking, En graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle. WANTED Man with $150 cash, can make good salary; experience unrequired; han hle your own money; investigate. Room 5, 351 Morrison st. WANTED Reliable young man as secretary of construction company; a good future assured, $250 cash required. Address H 1, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED advertising and subscrip tion solicitors. Catholic and German mag azines, liberal commission. Benedictine Press, Goodnough bldg. WANTED To give out contract to bank out of timber at Milwaukie, Or., 1000 cords of fir wood. Call Kirk Hoover, 313 Water St., Portland. DENTIST wanted; all-around man; $30 to $40 per week. Chicago Dentists, 6th and vv ashlngton. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 250 Burnslde Street. Phone Main 6694. WANTED Honest partner with $200, for traveling motion-picture show; profits $10 to $30 daily; particulars 203 Burnslde. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP. CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., 12 North 2d st. Both Phones. TRAVELING salesman for good side line, must have regular territory. 45-47 Union WANTED Neat young man with small capi tal as partner In well-established real es tate business. 225 6th st. WANTED 2 machine men and stock cutter for sash and door department. Pittock & Leadbetter Lumber Co., Vancouver. Wash. WANTED A boy 16 or 17 years to work around store. Answer, giving rererence, size, etc. Address A B 1. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, salesman all lines, country and city. P. A. & Co.. 3234 Washington, rooms 39-41 COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer, flour milling business. Address Y 1, Ore gonlan. ON SALE Five complete new Edison mo tion picture outfits. Including 2000 ft. film and song slides, $150. 293 Burnslde. WANTED Instrument man for stadia work, experienced. Call room 32 Washington bldg. 8 A. M. Monday. WANTED Practical shinglers; apply J. J. Bradneld, 3018 North 29th St., T acorn a. Phone Sunset 7679, Home A 4208. WANTED Salesmen, all lines; bookkeepers, stenographers and clerical men. Commer cial Abstract Co., 407-8-9 Com. Club bldg. DOUBLE ENTRY bookkeeper; give age, references and salary expected. Box 2, Condon, Or. WB SECURE positions for our members; spe cial membership. Y. M. C. A. WANTED Several boys to take orders. Ap ply 31 Russell bldg. WANTED Photograph coupon and portrait WANTED Two good traveling salesmen. Address G 1, Oregonlan, giving experience. WANTED Barber. 432 Washington. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Reliable girl for general house work and cooking at Seaside for season; small family. 581 Marshall st. WANTED Good plain cook for small tiouse hold on West Side. Apply 659 Everett, or phone Main 1482. TWO experienced waitresses for first-class restaurant ; steady positions. Call 335 Ankeny, Hotel Scott bldg. AN experienced nursemaid, must be willing to go to coast; good wages. Call 730 Hoyt st. WOMAN for plain cooking and assist house work ; small family, adults; gooa wages. 291 West Park. LARGE business firm desires a woman not under 30 who Is trustworthy and energetic; experience not necessary. S 988, Oregonlan. WANTED Girl for general housework; plain cook; small family. 6.l Hoyt, near 20th GIRL for general housework ; must be com petent vrk; aauits; wages Phone Main 4152. WANTED A g! rl for general h ouse work and cooking, family of 3 adults. 735 Flanders, between 22d and 2-lrd. WANTED Experienced second girl in small family; gooa wages; must have references Call 722 Park ave.. corner St. Clair. WANTED Woman to do general housework; must sleep at home, inquire at 307 North 22d st. A GIRL for general housework; good wages; small family. Phone H3. looz from 10 until 2. THOROUGHLY competent girl for general housework ; small ramiiy ; gooa wages. Apply mornings. 791 Overton St., cor. 24th. WANTED Girl to cook an d ass 1 st In housework ; must be good plain cook . Ap ply mornings. 231 24th st. X. WANTED Competent girl for general house work. 705 Overton st. WANTED Girl to do housework. Call 414 East Clay. BOOKKEEPING Private lessons. $4 per month, fnones wrmc sms, a 44. GIRL wanted for general housework. 447 WANTED Girl for hotel, experience not nec essary. Good wages. Apply 81 X. 6th st. WEST SIDE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 229 1st st. Phone A WANTED Experienced girl for general houseworg. zia i4tn st., cor. salmon. WANTED Girl for the beach to take care 2 children at a hotel. o85 MarshalL WANTED An experienced waitress. The Colonial, corner loth and Morrison. YOUNG lady wanted at once to learn bar ber s trade; gooa wages. 13 IS. 4th st. WANTED Experienced waitresses; . good wages, ine urn, zta ana Washington. GIRL to assist light housework, family of 9 Kaa t -, vMkiii iotk ioio o. um JJaat, jl omiiiiii .vr. iulu, cool ioio. WANTED A girl to do general housework. Appiy at do Jveretc st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS. 16 years and over, to work in fae . tory. Apply at once. Ames-Harrls-Nevllle Co., 6th and Davi sts. WANTED TODAY. Cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, house keepers, factory girls general housework; good wages. Large list of new positions dally. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Department. M6ft Morrison st. SALESWOMEX. In several departments we want ex perienced and competent saleswomen. SKIRT AND JACKET HANDS. Thoroughly experienced and competent help wanted. OLDS, WORTMAX & KIXG. WANTED Several good salesladies; live, up-to-date, good talkers preferred. Call at 148 6th st., upstairs; ask for Mr. Mar t hello. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Wash, st., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phones. Matn and A 2692. Help Supplied Free to Employers. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework can secure good position and satisfactory wages according to competency. Apply 410 7th st. WANTED An experienced girl for cooking, light housework; no washing; good wages. Apply in the morning. X. -1st. phone Main 1172. WANTED Refined, capabl woman for re sponsible position. Vlavt Co.. 609 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladles' Department. 205 ft Morrison Bt, Phones Main 1002 A 1406. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. t43ft Washington St.. comer 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. GIRL 16 or over to take care of baby from 7 A. M. to 3 P. M. 390 ft Morrison St., ask for housekeeper. GIRL 'to wait tabic, good wages, steady work.- 204 4th st. GIRL to assist with housework. , 269 14th, near Jefferson. WANTED Girl for light housework, 1054 Quimby st. Phone Pacific 523. WANTED An experienced cook and second girl. Phone Main 3C68. GIRL wanted for general housework. Apply 256 12th st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply momingc?. 731 Kearney ft. WANTED Competent child's nurse. Apply 783 Flanders st.; references required. WANTED Lady cashier at the Newport Restaurant, 53 3d. WANTED Chambermaid at 204 Madison st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Man and wife to work on East ern Oregon stock ranch; no children, good wages and long job for the right people. F. A. Young, inquire 175 North 16th st., from 5 to 7 P. M-. Portland, Or. STENOGRAPHERS and bookkeepers will find a helping hand at the Business Uni versity, 68 Third street. Secure good po sitions now. DRAMATIC club wants two more for sea shore, fine vacation. Miss Griffith, 603 Goodnough bldg. - WANTED A cook at the Oxford Restau rant, 335 1st St.; $15, short hours. WANTED An experienced cook at the Sterling, 535 Couch st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Hook keepers and Clerks. POSITION wanted by experienced office man, bookkeeper and cashier; no objection to leav ing city. X 983, Oregonlan. POSITION as bookkeeper and general office work; 8 years' experience; good refer ences. T 5. Oregonlan. WANTED By young man, position on river; that of freight :lerk preferred. R 994, Oregonlan. RELIABLE accountant of wide experience wants situation. Phone Pacific 2185. Miscellaneous. A-I CHEF, haa been employed in finest ho tels, clubs and sanatariums. East and West, alrto in France, England and Ger many; familiar with all fancy and plain cooking, all latest dishes; excellent meat cutter and pastry cook; best manager in large or smaller kitchen; strictly sober and very neat; desires position where such man's ability and best service will be ap preciated, city or country; will give good references. Address J. F. De Hazak, O&ft 6th st., Portland. Or. HOTEL STEWARD, just from the East, wishes position as steward and storekeeper or manager and steward, city or country; best of references as to honesty and abil ity. N 998. Oregonlan. BY YOUNG man, 24. single, A-l watch maker, expert hard solderer, repairs clocks and Jewelry of any kind; no to bacco or liquor used. W 'J, Oregonlan. WESTERN HOUPECLEANING CO. We do all kinds of house and window cleaning. Give us a call. Both phones, A 1907, Main 6359. GOOD practical gardener would like work at private place; can take care of horses, rigs, cow; handy all-around; references. E 909, ' Oregonlan. J A PA NESE boy wants position at house work; help in kitchen; small wages. Ad dress 121 15th St.. Japanese Mission. YOUNG man. 30. having ten years' office and floor experience with one house, seeks position. W 992, Oregonlan. WANTED Job as private chauffeur by re spectable young man of 19: no experience; good references. Address AB 2. Oregoniai. FIRST-CLASS all-round cook ; Bteady and economical ; reasonable wages. p 997. Oregiinfan. FIRST-CLASS Chinese cook wants position, restaurant, hotel or boardlnghouse. Home phone A 3S56. WANT a position, by Chinese, private fam ily and boarding-house., for cook. M 99l, Oregonlan. JAPANESE, young boy. wishes situation to do housework or any kind. N 3, Oregonlan WANTED A situation by Japanese; Jani tor, chamber or housework. o3 N. 4th st. WANTED Situation by a first-class egg can- dlr. A. K., 37 uoucn st. MAN and wife wish foreman Job. practical JAPANESE Employment Office, male and female. 249 Couch st. Phone Main 652L Japanese Employment Co. furnishes all kind help. 208 Everett. Mam 4tKu. a 4073. WANTED Employment on a farm or other work out of town. F 9R5, Oregonlan. G RNE R A I j hou sec leaning by day or ho ur. Thompson. Pacific 731. SITUATION' WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED A position as stenographer by a young lady of a year's experience; mod erate salary; has own machine. G 985. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER and typewriter would like position; $30; willing worker; good refer ences. Miss Doty. Main 5558. EXPERIENCED stenographer. Underwood or L- C operator, desires position. Phons 8 to 8:30 mornings. A 1856. FOR a good stenograpber. experienced or beginner, phone Clerical Office. Main 4504. Tested and certified. Dressmakers. ART LA MODE, 181 6th st.. opposite the Portland. Main 3378. A 5326. High-class ladies' tailoring department, gowns and wedding trousseaus; special prices this week for commencement dresses. SEWING b the day by experienced dress maker. Phone Tabor 483. LADY wishes fancy or plain sewing by day or at home. Phone Sellwcod 744. Housekeepers. LADY wants position as housekeeper in hotel or good rooming-house. Miss A. C. Clifton, General Delivery, Cfcty. COMPETENT lady housekeeper with elderly couple- Addross H. K.., 722 Tenlno ave, Sellwood. SITUATION WANTED FEIALE. Domestic. JAPANESE- lady wants housework in family. Apply 252 1st st. JAPANESE girl wants position family. 1st BL 250 Miscellaneous. REFINED young woman desires a cashier ship. Phone mornings, 8 to 8:30. A 1856. EXPERIENCED boardins-hotiso cook wants position. Phone Pacific 1611. WANTED Washing and houseckaning by day. Call up at 6, A 4019. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Wide-awake and reliable sales men; liberal terms; excellent territory; outfit furnished free; a good opening. For particulars address with references. Ore gon Nursery Company, Salem, Or. AGENTS WANTED Can you sell woods? If so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash, weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. AGENTS WANTED Automatic telephone receiver-holder; both hands free ; exclu sive territory to reliable parties. W. J. Mogridge, Spokane, Wash. WANTED Two or three good men for a proposition that Is never turned down; good contract, exclusive territory. 40 ft Raleigh bldg. WANTED Two or three experienced lady solicitors, stork proposition; money mak er for workers. 40j Ralejgh bldg. WANTED1 TO RENT. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor, 84 and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. MAN and wife, no children, would like to look after home during parties' absence for living rooms; best of references. Ad dress Y 3, Oregonian. REFINED lady desires suite rooms, private family, board optional ; must he central. West Rifle; references; prefer to furnlth. fj 000. Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE. And any thing' else you have to sen. PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main 6655. A 412L WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishing, highest price paid. Call at the 'Fair Deal," 62 N. 8d st. Phone Pacific 1724. WANTED Live cub bear, lion and any other live wild animals. By R. Stenzel Fur Company, Salt Lake City. Utah. WIDOW with nice home, no children, will give motherly care to one or two children, 429 E. Davis st. I PAY cash for housencld goods. Savage 4 pennell Fur. Co.. 345 1st. Phone 300. READ Jf money paid for furniture: better pricea than a dealer. Phone East R&ttS. WAXTED Second-hand motion-picture ma chine and films. V 1, Oregonian. 6POT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always riven. Phone East 1067. FOR RENT. Furnished Boon SARGENT HOTEL. EUROPEAN" PLAN. Parties looking for pleasant and comfort able rooms, with all modern conveniences, for the Summer, will find just what they want at the SARGENT HuTEU corner Grand and Hawthorn; ave. THE GLEN DO It A HOTEL. 19th and Couch, near Washington, has the ut-st rooms In the city, $7.50 per month and up; single or ensuite, with or without board; baths, meam heat, electric Hunts, both phones, laro grounds, parlor with piano. oillltLrd and pool tables; all free to uetts. THE GAYOSO, Grand ave. and East Stark, why not have the best vulue for your money? Well furnished rooms with steam heat, hot water, bath and elevator; new brick building with all modern conven iences; iook, these up; they will please you. THE ANGELUS. COR. fiTU AND JEKFERSON. One of Portland's must elegant apartment-houses eituated on same eueet, (lith), and only 4 blocks from pjstof lice; rooms single and en suite; rates reasonable. THE YAMHILL. Large, light and neutly turnlshed rooms; hot water heat; hot and cold water, baths and phone; transient. $1; special rates by the week. Phone A 1356. 3bl Yamhill st., N. W. cor. West Park. LARGE residence. 5 minutes from postof fice. to be made a bachelor's hall; larye rooms, h.it and cold water; hot water heat, bath, grates, closets, both phone.s; quarter block lawn; reasonable to perma . iient gentlemen. Address L 9S7. orego nian. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. I3th and Wash ington sts Newly furnished throughout new building; suites with baths, hot and cold water In every room. Phone Mala 7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms. IONIAN COURT Elegant 3 and 4-room residence apartments, new. Including all modern conveniences; save carfare; alo one 4-room apartment, completely fur nished. Apply Janitor, Ibtn and Coucn. THE MERCEDES Newly and elegantly furnished rooms; hot and cold running water, return call bells. both phones; every convenience; reasonable. The Mercedes, 20th. near Washington. HOTEL GLEN WOOD, 2d and Salmon New and elegantly furnished; hot and cold water in every room, private baths, steam heat; transient, $1 and up; special rales by week or month. TWO large connecting rooms suitable for two to four persona congenial to ach other; two people, four, jio. Glendora Hotel, 19th and Couch. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th, flr3t-class furnished rooms, single or a suite; every modern convenience, $3 weekly up; dally 75c up; special monthly rates. Main 5647 HOTEL HENYON, 18th and Washington 3d odern rooms, single and en suite; also housekeeping; running water; private and free baths; rates reasonable. Paclfio 4U&. THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison sts., handsomely furnished bachelor rooms; ever modern convenience; terms reasonable); only 4 blocks from postoffice. BEAUTIFUL front room, clean and well fur nished, suitable for one or two gentlemen; rent very reasonable. Call before 2 P. M-. 37 West Park. THE ALPHA. Mrs. B. A. Melbourne, Mgr. Nicely furnished bay-window and back rooms ; bath, electric lights, etc. ; tran sient. , 200 ft Washington st. THE GENEVIEVE Newly furnished. steam heat, bay window room, walking distance, $3 a week. Tel. M 7410. 4ii Columbia st. THE WILLAMETTE 322 i Stark St., large light rooms, well furnished, single or eu suite, 50c to $1 day ; .5i to ia week. CLEAN, beautifully furnished rooms at the Ankeny. 340& Ankeny st., cor. 7th.; bath and phones. $ 10 Bright, newly furnished room ; fine porcelain bath, gas, quiet, central. 325 12th st.; both phones. Pacific 2102. A 372. LARGE front rooni, with closet, suitable for one or two gentlemen; use of bath. 133 N. 38th. Phone 3027. HOTEL PHILIP. fth and Burnslde New. modern, complete; all outside rooms; 10 free baths; rooms $4 up wk, 7uc, $1 day. $10 PER MONTH Front room, modern conveniences, private nome ; gentleman preferred. 414 7th st. 18114 1ST ST. Corner Yamhill, nicely fur nished rooms, permanent or transient; bath, both phones. 2584 13TH ST., nicely furnished rooms in private family ; new; every convenience; gentlemen only; reasonable. THE E3TES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 6s Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Kates. THE KING. 39 Jefferson, nicely furnished, m?w and modern, carB direct from depot; day rates 5tc up. or $2 per we k up. 58 LITCRETIA ST. Nicely furnished room; walking distance; mooern conveniences. THE ARTONIA Rooms, hot and cold water; fine location. 128 W. Park st. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5 wk. ; also transient rooms. 3-43 ft Morrison. s