f) THE MOKMXti OKEGOXIAN, SATURDAY. JUNE 6, 1908. 3 Pair Beauty Pins 25c Children9 s Dresses 39c Portland Agents Ladies' Home Journal Patterns . Agents for the Famous Royal Worcester Corsets PETTICOATS of striped seersucker or plain chambray. Just the thing for common wear, as they are very easy to launder. Made with .deep double Spanish flounce and regularly .sold at $1.00 each, spe- day Sa".. 69C CHILDREN'S DRESSES AND ROMPERS, plain or fancy materials. They come in & va riet3r of styles and in ages from 1 to 8 years. Indispensa ble for the child to wear while playing out of doors; 60c and 65c OQ vals., spl...OVC Beauty Pins in many styles; some gold-plated, others with enamel tops. Values regu-' larly 15c the pair; rjpj sp'l Saturday, 3 prs.. -OC Italian Coral Beads in pink Combination Waist Sets, con sisting of links, scarfpin and studs. Various settings to choose from. Regularly $1.50 or $1.75 the set, for only $1.19 Veil Pins in bar style, with stone settings or signet tops. All the new ideas in veil pins. or red colors; 16 inches long, in graduated style. A genu ine coral; very spe- QjJ cial Saturday, string. OOC Any Robe in the Store Today at $5.00 Regular 35c values. 15. Saturday special at. Today we make a clean sweep of all our embroidered French batiste and lawn 1 I J Edges and Insertions in white Valenciennes laces, V CLl LiCLCGS i2 to 2y2 inches wide. Bought at so small a figure that in these we offer the bestbargain of the season. Regularly 75V worth from $1.25 to $2.25 the dozen yards, on sale at this low price. Robes, and without reserve, every one will be sold at $5.00. Today is the wind-up of a very successful sale. A few have been mussed in -the show ing. The values run from $10.00 to $20.00 and even higher; all today. $5.00 . f u Store Open out Ui Rose Show Vistitors Take Advantage of Last Day Men's Underwear va. at 49c Just the right weight for present wear and a full line of sizes to select from. The weaves are Swiss rib and fancy balbriggan ; colors, cream, white, pink or blue. 75 dozen on sale Saturday, so supply your needs for months to come and save money for yourself. Regularly 75c the A Q garment, special only tt Golf Shirts, made of madras or chambray in neat patterns; stripes, checks or dots. 60 dozen bargainized for today's selling. $1.25 shirts, special at the low QQ. price for today of only QkJK Traveling Bags for men or 'women. An extra quality leather, made with brass locks and catches; $7.50 values for 5.89 to day, and $7.00 grades, t?C ACk special, at only p.fcT MEN'S SWEATER COATS AND OUTING SHIRTS Men's Sweater Coats, in maroon, navy or gray. Neatly trimmed; an extra good quality at $4.00: special at, ea $3.49 Men's Outing Shirts, in silk mix tures, tan, blue, cream or gray; the best regular $2.50 val- &J 7Q ues, at this low price. P ' Feather Boas and Scarfs lU Less G8& 0 9 mm fill WW Anyone who dons evening gowns has use for these beautiful silk . headthrows and feather boas. Rich, handsome affairs the scarfs are pleasingly patterns silk crepe, the boas soft and fluffy, in many colors. Regardless of former price, they all go today at gardless of former J Women's, misses' and chil dren's Hose, worth to 20c the pair, offered at this low price for today. The women's are a fast black, seamless hose that give splendid service. The children's are lxl rib style with double heels and toes. They are fast color, wear well and look well. Mind you, worth 20c the pair, 1 O fo g choice today I C Women's Gloves, 1 or 2-clasp Mocha, in blacks or browns; regular $1.25 to $1.75 CQ. Special today. -Vc vals. Veils Lace, chiffon or square Net Veils, worth $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 each; 61 QO on sale at, special. .V O An extraordinary bargain in women's Vests. Not one in the lot ever sold for less than 25c and several 30c and 35c values. All sizes. They come in low neck, sleeveless style; high neck and long sleeves; high neck and short sleeves or low neck and short sleeves. Swiss or elastic "I 7 ribbed. Choice C Today we continue the mar velous Friday bargain and of fer "Mother's Friend" brand of boys' waists, a good assort- gment to choose from; waists regularly 50c to boc OQ each, today OZC A 11 So rts of Women's O Bargains in the Shoe Dept. All day Saturday the values offered in women's and misses' tan or white canvas Shoes will be without prece dent. With an immense stock to se lect from and experienced salesmen to fit your foot, no other store in Portland offers such inducements to the purchaser. Shoes for men, on sale after 6 P. M. only: Men's Oxfords Our entire line of $5, $6 and $7 grades is on sale from 6:30 to 9 at just one dollar the pair less than regular. Supply your wants from these high-class 41 f( goods and save P JJ Men's Shoes and Oxfords Of tan, Russia calf, patent leather, gun metal, kid or French calf. In button, blucher or regular lace style. An excellent assortment to select from and values from $4.00 An qq the pair; special for the exceedingly low price of only Ip2l0 titer Garments Sell at Half r rice This is the last day of this half-price sale, and it behooves the economists who care for stylish apparel to bestir themselves, or miss the bargain of their lives. No other store could claim such attention on the same sort of an offer, for here is the best assortment of styles, and the best garment values to be had on the Pacific Coast. Discriminating fashion followers, have supplied their wants here for years, and now they are coming by the hundred to save on the same garments that they were so well pleased with when they saw them at regular price. Waists, Suits, Skirts, Coats, Kimonas, Wrappers, Raincoats, outside garments of every description, and even Silk Petticoats are included. 50. $1. 00, garments your choice for l2!Z8?or $10.00 $2.00 garments d - rr your choice for? Vvl Any $33.00 d"j y Cf garment for J 1 0J $5. 00 garmen t s tf Q Ca your choice for Any $75.00 garment for Any $75.00 dQ7 Crt $5.00 $10.00 gar ments, choice Any $100.00 Cfl flfl garment for pOl.UU These prices are only samples' of the values given, all qualities go at the same reductions at this great sale women's outer garments, HALF PRICE Sale Untrimmed Dress Hats Special for Today at 25c Smooth or rough Braids, hand made, over wire frame; horsehair dress turbans and shapes; Cuban body hats; chip-flop hats, horse hair hood hats and chip braid hood hats. In the assortment is to be found all colors and the cheapest in the lot was marked at 50c; from that values run to $3 each, and the styles and values are so unusually good that these savings are decid edly better than the average. Priced today only at low price of, only. 25c Children's Hats in Cuban body hats, chip braids, horse hair hats, white or colored leg horns, etc. 'Tis easy to choose from this lot fitting headwear for the little ones to wear with Summer dresses, and the values run as high as $2.50 each. You save on the average about half. We advise early attendance for these are sure to go aq rapidly at, each . Ot Great Sale Lace Curtains at $4.75 Save today again on these handsome curtains. An assortment containing 45 patterns to choose from; in filet, tambour, soutache, Brussels, Irish Point and novelty designs. Today closes the sale and those who fail to supply their needs must miss one of the best drapery bargains of the year. We bought them at a very low price, taking a liberal quantity.- Regularly these curtains are worth from $6 to $10 the pair. Decorate your home with them and tt i j --profit by this bargain. The pair Great Chinaware Bargains Specials in Notions Today 5c in a 5 Curling Irons with folding handles, 10c vals., special.. Kid Hair-Curlers, 1 dozen nackfltrp ; PYfrfl lonir anA x- 0-7 worth 10c pkg. ; special Dress Shields, with lace edge; 25c grade. Today, the pair, -1 T low price of C Kleanwell Eubber Sponges, for the complexion, ,65c grade, yfl C snecial. onlv JC Chamois Skins for toilet use; 30e values, special. Gem Toilet Paper, in rolls of five ounces each. Worth 5e a roll,0 special, 35c dozen, or each $2.25 Chop Dishes, t1 Cf selling for only P 20c Shelf Paper, with lace edges; 10r yard pieces; 5e value; 1 Cr special, 3 for A VC Decorated Sherbets and Plates, worth $14 the dozen, tQ Cft selling now for only. .PJ Decorated Ramekins and Stands, worth $3.50 the dozen. tiJO OC special during this sale. Chocolate Cups and Saucers, in decorated patterns; . l?? ff worth $9.00 dozen PU.UU Same, worth $24 the ?1 O ff dozen, for iplO.UU Chop Dishes, worth t1 ?7 $2.50, special at Cracker Jars, regu larly $3.50, eacli $2.25 Specials Placed on Sale this Evening From 6 P. M. to 9:30 P. M. Only Ostrich Plumes $1.05 Up In our Millinery Section this evening we have on sale Ostrich Plumes at the lowest prices ever quoted on goods of this grade. These plumes are guaranteed to be made from genuine ostrich stock; the colors are black or white. No richer or more satisfactory trimming can be found for a hat, and at these prices the values are extraordinary. .$1.05 5 $1.30 $3.00 ti ee value.P J $4.00 dJO AC value.VU HT-. Z. ,7-iPec'aze Saturday evening. These come with 1 or 2 VVOmen S IVlOCna VJlOVeSci&sps; coiors black or brown., Gloves of high class CQ and regularly $1.25 to $1.75 the pair; special from 6 to 9:30, for low price of only, per pair JCJC O J- f ) iic- Prf fornc ne awn or batiste, with embroidered front, cuffs and collar. JllirLWUlal M. UltClfld All that remain from our great sale of the last three days, QQ and worth from $2.50 to $5.00 each, for the low price of only, per pair IOC J-fgff f-frQt or wear witn the low shoes now so popular. These are in fancy brown and tan, of dlUll iiUoC the most desired shades. No man can be over-supplied, aniQPaJ-Cf. this is an excellent opportunity to save. 25c grade, special rallSOUC linen. Finished ' with hemstitched hem. V or 4-inch Af, Jlv.Z..JL-Of pure linen. Finished ' with r-c" ' K.1 11 C d wide. An excellent 25c grade, but bargainized for today's selling. Buy today and save 6c on each one; special FLORIDA WATER In small bottles. Our 1 E 25c values: SDecial this evening at XOC SEEDS Either flowers or vegetables; all of the best grades, special, 1 dozen packets 10c VIOLET TALCUM POWDER Put up by Roger & Gallet; 25c value, this evening, can. COAT HANGERS Of good form, finished with black enamel; 15c values, for 19c 15c 10c Bargn Counter Neckw'r 10c Our bargain Counter at the west end of the Knit Goods Aisle U already well known. Saturday evening will greatly increase its popularity. Here we have on sale from 6 to 9:30 neckwear and belts at unheard-of reductions. There are .embroidered linen 01 fancy; collars, odds and ends of neckwear that sell regularly froiu 25c to 65c each, and broken lines of btlts that usually sell from 25c to 50c each. Special this evening, choice of the entire lot at the low price of, only 10c j