IK MUKXTXG- OKEGONIAX SATURDAY, JUXE 6, 1908. 15 FOR RENT. Room With Board. BLAKELY HALL 3O0 Jefferson, bet. ftth and tVth, pleasant roomn, with or without fii-nt-clas board; five- blocks south Port land Hotel ; elegantly located tor tourist, transient or permanent guests. PORTLAND Women's Union. 18th year; rooms with board, 1100 of sewing-room, use of library ; Women's Exchange. Address Mis. Ella Rawlir.gs, Supt., 510 Flanders st. NICELY furnished front rooms, with board; strictly home cooking; modern conven iences; walking distance; $tf per week. The Llnaell, 2titt Market st. THE CLAY Corner 2d and Clay, nicely fur nished rooms, with board. $5 and $5.50 per week; very comfortable; Just like home. THE BARTON. Eunny outside room's; steam heat, hot and cold water; first-class table; most reasona ble rates. 455 Aid or. THE MARLYN, Washington and 17th. well furnished rooms, hot and cold water, home cooking, permanent or transient. BOARD and room for two; walking distance; $tt per week. 328 Clay. Phone Main 5963. FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozark. 225 JIth st. Apartments. THE WESTMINSTER 6th and Madison sts. ; most beautiful apartments In town ; all appointments and conveniences first-clad and up-to-date In every re spect ; inspection invited ; in center of city, only four blocks from postoffice. THE SHEFFIELD Unfurnished S-room apartment, with bath; new, modern and fully equipped for convenience; line loca tion, saves carfare. Apply to Janitor, 7th and Jefferson sts. JUNE 15 Beautiful unfurnished 5-room housekeeping apartment with bath ana ait modern conveniences. Including telephone. gas and electric light. Y 74. oregonian. THE MARLBOROUGH 21st and Flanders. A 5-room apartment, every raoderu con venience. NOB HILL Sumptuous ti-roorn apartments; every modern convenience; reasonable rent. Inquire li4 1st st. 401 TENTH 4 and 6-room steam-heated apartments ; private entrance ; reaionable rent. Flat E. THE CHETOPA. 18 Flanders street, modern 4 rooms unfurnished ; steam neat, elev tor, city phones. Apply to Janitor. BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent. 12th and Columbia. lhc uraintree. Flats. MODERN flats, all size, for rent. East and West Sides. Portland Trust Company of Oregon. 8. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phons Exchange 73 AN out-of-the-ordinary lower flat; large, light room, fireplaces and furnace, lawn ana roses; cnoice west Bide locution, u. u Woodward. 104 2d m. PLEASANT small flat; gas, bath; walking distance; unfurnished; also l furnished, Inquire 2.11 Hall st. NEW 6-room upper flat, 4 cloeete, electricity, gas and bath. Call at Eat Yamhill, bet. 12th and 13th. NEW modern 4 and 5-room flats, one fur nished, fireplace. Williams ave. Phono East 171. FOR RENT Modern 4-room flat, furnace, health room, walking distance. Mrs. A. Larry, room 60. Washington bldg. VERT desirable 4-room flat, first floor, cen trally located, steam heat. Inquire 325 A bin g ton bldg. WEST SIDE Two 5-room fiats. Just com pleted, very artistic. 711 and 713 Kear ney. $3 For rent, lower tf-room flat, l,"th and Davis sts. ; all modern conveniences ; no children Phone East 47t'., forenoons. A fl-ROOM newly finished modern upper flat, reasonable to rigrht party. U4 North loth, cor. Flanders. Phone Pacific 1S7. MODERN 5-room flat, combination steel and gas range, window shades. 2uU Hal Bey at. LOWER 3-room furnished fiat for housekeep ing; titeam heat, inquire 231 Flledner bldg,, loth and Wash. MODERN 5-room lower flat. best location, close In. Park and Harrison sts Inquire 22 1st. TWO fine flats, 8 room. 427 Clay. 5 Everett. Sheeny Bros., Yamhill st. Main 3u72. NEW B-room lower corner fiat. Inquire on premises. 52Vi Everett or phone Main 4337. FURNISHED 5-room flat, electric lights, close In. Inquire 271 7th. NICE 5-room flat. Inquire of janitor, rear cottage. 230 Hall st. Housekeeping Rooms. THE ONEONTA housekeeping apartments, lb7 17th st.. near Yamhill; thoroughly renovated and clean throughout; hot and cold water, baths, telephone, etc., on each floor; modern and reasonable in price THE GAYOSO, Grand ave. and E. Stark. 2 and 3-room suites, why not have apart ments possessing modern conveniences? Electric elevator, steam heat, hot water, new brick building ; very reasonable terms. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS, e3I Washington, cor. 20th Nlceiy furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice suites from $12 up. 18.00 Four unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Also new furniture live rooms complete for housekeeping House ha nine rooms; rent of unf urnbihed rooms pays .:a!f rent. Con veniences; bargain. 450 Park st. THE SANGER.T Washington and Trinltv. bet. Utth and 2th; newly furnished 2 and 3-room housekeeping apartments; private . bath. I OR 4 furnished housekeeping rooms In pri vate family ; lower Moor; piano, steel and gas range; reasonable to young couple. In quire 327 Hall st., bet. 0th and 7th sts. IHRKK clean, nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping at low rates ; free phone and bath, hnt and cold water, gas range and light. OWi Irving st. Phone Pacific 2. MODKKX residence, ft minutes" walk P. O.. 4-room apartment, furnished complete for housekeeping. 2 beds, piano; adults only; reasonable. 02 ltrth, near Jefferson. -.111 N. TfTH. Nob Hill; nicely furnished ground-floor miltes; reasonable walking distance. A 4047, Pacific 8. Evenings and Sunday. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, free phone, hath and electric light, reasonable ,rent. 482 ht Washington st. 2 3 furnished or unfurnished rooms, pii. electric lights. East Side. Phone Wood lawn 1733. 814 .CLAY ST. Pieairant front room, rea sonable; adults; references. Call even lng or phone Main 3811. NICF1LY furnished housekeeping rooms; moa'ern conveniences; private family. 653 Williams ave. BEAUTIFULLY located bay-window, unfur nlshni 2-room suite In centrally located apartment-house. 305Vi Jefferson, cor. 5th. THE JEiFFERSONIAN, 514 Jefferson. 3-room suite, completely furnished, all modern conveniences. Main 5432. THE HY, LAND Morrison St.. opposite High School ; swell furnished housekeeping suits and furvished rooms. YXOU WILL HE PLEASED. MTLNFJR. BLDG.. 35oU MORRISON ST. MODERM. CENTRAL, REASONABLE. THREE or four nicely furnished housekeep ing room, good location. 302 Jefferson st., cor. .10th. 461 BA ST MORRISON, cor. East 8th. newly furnished housekeeping rooms; 3 blocks east Grand ave. TWO completely furnished housekeeping rooms, everything modern. Phone Main fi0ti7. 140 North ltfth st. TWO newly f rrnished housekeeping rooms. ga;. bath. 78 E. Yamhill. Phone Tabor 1M0. TWO clean. Urflt rooms, completely furnished housekeeping; as, bath, yard, $12.SO month. 012 Front. TWO nice ground-floor housekeeping rooms, close in. Inqjiire at Studio. 103 West Park. FOR RENT Pleaant furnished housekeep ing rooms. 220 .N. Itith st. LOVELY 3-room and 5-room flats, fur nished; central; jo children. 429 3d st. The Newcastle, 4024, 3d st.. furnished house keeping; single roocir, reasonable. Main 600. JflCELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 530 Couch st. NICELY furnished hociaeheeplng rooms, clow In. floods 4th at. - FOB RENT. Housekeeping: Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.; newly furnished, fully equipped for house keeping. Including gas range, with the free use or electric ugnis, not water, natns, large reception room and laundry room apartments from $16 up; also single rooms with similar conveniences, $2.50 per week up. There Is nothing In comparison In the city for the money. This place will bear Inspection. Short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or lOth-st. cars going north, get off at Marshall ut. phones Main 0771. A 4300. No dogs allowed. THE HARTFORD. 21st and Flanders sts. The most beautifully furnished house keeping apartments in the city. 3 room suites; private bath, reception hall, hot water ail tne time; lanltor service, tree phone; return call bells: nothing: lackin and the prices are reasonable, no children. THE HAKTr UKU 21st and Flanders sts. WAYNE WOOD, 309 N- ISth Newly fur nished housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water, walking distance. , Houses. HOUSES FDR RENT. $20.00 For 6-room modern house. No. 699 Kerbv st. $16.00 For new 5-room modern cottage, No. 103 Sumner at., near Piedmont car barns. $15.00 For new 5-room cottage, modern No. 64 Fremont st. $15.00 For new 5-room cottage, modern. No. 929 Minnesota ave. $15.00 For 5-room modern cottage. No. 804 Gantenbeln ave.: nice location. $12.00 For 5-rocm modern upper flat, No. ttorthwick st. $11.00 For 4-room modern lower flat. No. ko Hortnwu-k st. $11.00 For 5-room cottage. No. 819 Mich igan ave. $10.00 For 5-room cottage. No. 87 Shaver st. $10.00 For small 3-room house. No. 15 Sumner st. $15.00 For two furnished housekeeping rooms, iso. ivii commercial st. THOMPSON & OGDEN. 848 Mississippi ave. Phones: Woodiawn 202. C 2008. WHEN YOU MOVE you always need SOMS zurntture. BUY AT NO-RENT prices; the sav lnes will exceed cost of mo vine-. WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING: oc cupy one-ha if ; collect rent on balance. MORGAN-ATCHLEY. FURNITURE CO. Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone East 2929. 5-ROOM cottage with rooms in basement. 11th st., near Hoyt. Handy to freight depots; rent only $18.50. Smith's Rental Agency. 44 sneriock blag. PORTLAND HEIGHTS New. modern 7 room bungalow, choice neighborhood, beautiful view, $35; no children. Phone j-"acinc 90. FOR RENT Desirable 6 and 7-room houses lor rent; well located. Inquire 325 Ablng- . ion mug. 7-ROOM house, partly furnished, 3d and E. Glisan. For price and key call 323 Lum per ixenange. BEAUTIFUL, modern 5-room cottage, large 101, su. 1. u. Jttoyce, lioS Prince st Woodstock. FOR RENT 7-room cottage. 201 N. 23d. corner Kearney; lent sau. Inquire tt8 FOR RENT New. modern 6-room house, near Hawthorne Park. Rent reasonable-. Phone Main 6S7U. FOR RENT Cottage' 551 Glisan. betwoen 3 6ih and 17th North. Max Smith, 88 16th st. North; no phone. S-ROOM house, modern improvements, best view, furnished or not, for rent cheap. 252 Glbbs st. MODERN tf-room house on East 10th st. Inquire room 14 Mulkey bldg. Phone Pac icfic 1541. MODERN ti-room house, 190 McMillan; key at 188 McMillan, near east end Steel bridge. 7 ROOMS, bath, in good order. 128 13th, near W ashing ton. Sheeny Bros. Main MODERN 7-room house. newly tinted throughout fine lawn. 931 East Flan d era Phone East 5K52. NEW 5-room cctiage, $14. J. Orchard, 546 East 30th. Phone Setlwood 502. FINE 9-room house, good lawn and roses; cor. 14thynd East Ankeny; Ankeny car. MODERN; 5-room cottage. 415 Hancock St., tu per montn. inquire 4US Tillamook. $2H Modern 7-room house, lawn, shades, 3 blocks north Steel bridge. 215 McMillen et. HOUSE for rent East Side; phone owner. Main 00 1 . a 38i4. FIVE-ROOM modern cottage. 614 E. 21st st. W. W. or W. -R. car. WE rent houses and fiats. Haverstie A Gal lagher, 343 Washington st. $18 A modern 5-room cottage. 766 Thurman si., near 23d. Phone Main 2o94. 8-ROOM modern house corner, $26. Phone Woodiawn 1719. Furnished Houses. AN elegantly-furnished six-room house in t'entral Alblna; a bargain to desirable par ties for a year or more. Call or address, Crston Pharmacy, Creston Station, Mount Scott Line. Arleia, Or. FURNISHED flat. 6 rooms and bath; full basement, furnace; corner E. 27th and Stark. $35; no children. Sengstake Lyman, 90 5th st. IRVINGTON 8-room furnished house, June to September; all conveniences, gas, elec tric light, nice lawn, flowers, etc.; cheap to responsible party, phone East 5314. VERY pleasant upper outside flat; neatly furnished, modern; walking distance. In quire 233 Vi Hall st. 6-ROOM furnished flat for Summer, from June 1. Inquire mornings at 706 Irving and 23d. References. 6 ROOMS, furnished, modern house, for Mmmer; .Kearney near lWtn; rent $22.50. F. Bollam, 128 3d st. COZY furnished flat, with piano and large porch. West Side, close' in; reasonable to responsible party, phone Main 5150. 7-ROOM house, nicely furnished : rent rea sonable : East Burnside, near 20th. Phone Private Exchange 20. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Modern fur nished house for Summer. 10S5 Vaughn st. Phone Main 5934. NICELY furnished new modern 7-roora house; healthful location. 776 East Tay lor. Phone East 3297. JULY and August, furnished 5-room cottage; intinu, wajKiiiB uiBiuuL-B, west aiae. i'none 6877. References. FOR RENT Modern 4-room cottage, fur- msnea. none w ooaiawn it;iu. FOR RENT Four-room furnished cottage. 206 Arcnur si. rnore main u&ui. FURNISHED 3 or 4-room flat; bath. gaa. 014 a., aisi st. vv. vv. or w. t. car. COMPLETLT furnlehed 8-room upper flat, with piano. 402 Clay st. Phone Main 8277. LOVELY home of 8 roc ms, furnished; yard. central; price si a. 4- aa. House for Rent Furniture) for fifties IF you want a beautifully furnished home. an reauy ror Keeping house, call at 566 Johnston St.. Nob Hill district; owner go ing away, will sell at much less than cost; everything same as new; velvet carpets, mahogany and quartered oak furniture; see this and you will buy. Splendid chance for any one wishing to keep roomers; quiet locality, block to car; rent $40; 10 rooms, toilet on two floors, hot water, bath; price $750. Cost $1100. ALL or part of furniture of 8-room house. nice location, Jbast bide. Phone East 1832 or K 1420. FURNITURE 5-room cottage. completely iurmsnea. goiaen oatc; good, as new. 323 Mason, corner Rodney. FURNITURE of 10-room house; nearly new bargain if taken at once. 149 Lownsdale pt. FURNITURE of 5-room flat for sale at sac rifice; very central. 311 5th st. Summer Resorts. 'OR SALE. $0O0; or rent, $85, completely furnished cottage at Gearhart. Call or phone Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. FOR RENT for season Well furnished 6- E. Llebe, Seaview, Wash. 7-ROOM cottage for rent at Sea View, asn. Appiy 1 iua Williams. Phone Woodiawn 1705. FOR RENT Nieely furnished 5-room cottage at oeacioe. into, urcgoman. Stores. NICE store, central. $40 per month, lease. jLi2Uf jl i xitn st. FOR RENT. Stores. FIRST and Becond floors 25x100 new mod ern brick building, wholesale district low Insurance. Five years' lease; reason able rent to responsible tenant. T 80S . uregonlan. FOR RENT Storage room. 25x100. partly decked; electric elevator; on U. R. Company track, r ront st,. Detween xayjor ana sal mon. Inquire 172 1st st., near Yamhill. Main 6481, A 1861. FOR RENT Two stores. 15 rooms upstairs. 2i0 16th at., near Pettygrove; rent ju. F. BOLLAM. Successor Bollam. GrussI & Hlgley, 128 3d st. TWO large-size stores in new building; prom inent sLreet, West Side; $30. il. Joms, 324 Worcester block. Offices. "JUST WHAT YOU WANT." "MILNER BLDG.," 350? MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL, REASONABLE RALEIGH BUILDING. 6th and WTashineton, best location in city ; rear and front of fices, $10 up. FINEST kind of office rooms and deek room for rent : most reasonable rates. 3-0 Cor bett building. OFFirES to rent in the Worcester and Hamilton buildings at moderate rate. Ap ply to Robert strong. 7iu (jornett Ding, COURT rooms $12.M up; outside rooms on Washington or Fiitn ro up. 315 bwet- land bldg. FOR RENT A few office lit Couch, bldg. Apply room 808. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT June 1, 15.000 equare feet warehouse pace, with trackage facilities surance rate; electric elevator. Inquire Tull ROOMING-HOUSE OPPORTUNITIES. Arnold Co., Main 7311. 351 Morrison st. Devlin 4k. Flrebaugb. 608-9 bwetland bids. Ellis. York & Co.. 201 Merchants Trust bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES. NEW AND STRICTLY MODERN. 60 rooms, strictly modern and exceptionally well arranged; hot and cold running water, steam heat and electric lights in all rooms. thoroughly furnished in first-class manner; this place will clear $300 monthly and can be handled with $25oo cash, or will con sider good mortgage on real estate security; rent veary reasonable. Call for particulars. DEVLIN & FIREUAUGH. 5i8-5oW Swetland Bldg. SPLENDID location for grocery and gen eral merchandise: modern corner store, 37th and Belmont (Sunnysid-e), for rent; (rood residence district, meat market ad joining; reasonable rent. Don't miss this. FOR SALE Confectionery, ice cream and cigar stand; fine location; doing good business; must be sold on account of hav ing other business to attend to; very low rent; price $950. Phone Main 826. WANT to buy small roomintf-house. 10 to lo rooms, from owner; pay upot cash jor good place; reasonable price. State low est price, owner only. Give address and pnone. m try . RESTAURANT for sale, cheap, $300 cash will handle it; rent is free; good money maker; this Is ail right and nlll stand investigation. Close In. West Side loca tion. Call 191 4th st. SMALL restaurant, central location, any live man can au we 11 nere ; your expenses won't eat you up. only work yourself and don't pay all out for hired help. 627 Cor bett bldg. FOR SALE Candy store, one of the best in tne city; must sell at once on account of sickness; long lease; cheap rent; will inventory $3000; will sell for $10o0. 7 997, Oregonian. WE pay especial attention to nusiness open ings. Before buying, can ns up and see what we can offer you. Phone Main 4480. Kinney & Stampher. 631-82 Lumber Ex change bldg. WANTED Practical office man with $2000 xo invest wun us in an estaoiisnea mer cantile business on good salary; will bear closest Investigation. O 997, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE, best location In city. new furniture, low rent and good lease; it is worth your while to investigate this. 027 Corbett bldg. BOARDLN'G-HOUSD with 23 nicely furnished rooms ; 17 steady boarders ; rent $30 per month. In a first-class location for sale. Inquire Y 987, Oregonian. DON'T YOU KNOW We can give you a special price on any mining stork or bond? F. J. Catterlln A Co.. 126 Ablngton bldg. GRAND opportunity for man with $1500 to buy interest in estabiisnea business, i have more than I can do. Oft ice man preferred. 627 Corbett bldg. GROCERY store for sale, with good trade; al: clean, new stock; will invoice about $800; good reason for selling. N 9A5, Oregonian. ON account of death, furniture, store, lease. nxtures, zor saie at eacrince. 312 First. DEEP-SEA fishing; good grounds, close to market; chance to make big money. For particulars address R. E. Voeth, Newport, Or. SALOON Ofld-established business, g-ood milling and logging town, in Washington. $4500 will handle. Particulars, address B 982. Oregonian. SNAP Cigar, candy and ice cream parlor; very thing for man and wire; near ball grounds. 763 Thurman; 16th or 23d car. BARBER shop. 2 chairs; rent only $7; cheap for cajh; good location, inquire M. Arm strong, room 233 Worcester block, city. $8000 BUYS hardware and grocery store; cash Dusiness; gooa town; write. a vva, ure gonlan. IN Corbett bldg.. fine office of 3 rooms. fixtures, furniture, etc.; -viii be sold at half of cost. Call today. 627 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE A nice ciEar. fruit, candy and shce-shlning stand; good location; $o00. 205 East Morrison St. SALOON for sale at a sacrifice on account of death, zats riurnsiae st. .twey at bvja Grand ave. N. - TIRED or hired help; will sell half interest 61de. N 993, Oregonian. FOR SALE Good little ehoe-repairinar shop; best location town. Inquire 308 Burnside. FOR SALE Newspaper in small live town. $130o; good Jobbing trade. Addreas 996, Oregonian. WILL pay cash for half interest in good real estate 01 nee. can at once. oo i-iUiuDer Exchange. ROOMING-HOUSE, transient trade, mak ing $175 per montn; lease; terms. Owner, 88 Vz 8th st.. room 20. PRACTICAL manufacturer, with established plant and trade desires backer. F 994, Oregonian. 40-ROOM hotel, well furnished, clearing $200 per montn. trice uu. jox ill, St. John. IF YOU have $500 you can have half interest in fine estab'ished motion picture theater. Particulars 293 Burnside. See Newman. FOR SALE 22 rooms, nicely furnished; 2 years lease; no agents, .rnone .East 5344. 9314 Union ave. DRUGSTORE for sale; would sell fixtures and implements alone; $.Ki0 to $1000 re quired. R 995, Oregonian. RETAIL BAKERY, one of the beet lo cations in city. briCK oven, cheap rent; good opening1 for lunch room. X 984, Oregonian. BEST located office and rooming-house buitd- Ing, Washington St.; lease for sale. L 993, Oregonian. WANTED Partner for brick business; best snale in state; ciose to portlanu. D 787, Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade 10.000 shares Cardiff Coal co. stock; make oner. J 993. Ore gonian. FOR SALE Double-bowl washstand, suit able for barber ahop. 12 N. 4th st. RESTAURANT and coffee house, doing good Dusiness; investigate. t-i i Alorrison St. LEASE for sale, fine location for nickel- odian. A. L. Jones. 260 Alder st. CIGAR STAND, good location; will sell cheap, ioj -tn tsx FIRST-CLASS meat market and grocery for sale; good business. P 994, Oregonian. $450 MEAT market, horses, wagons and an nxtures. v u ixtn st. .feast 3a78. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. ELLIS. YORK & CO.. 201 Merchants Trust bldg., 326 Washington, S. W. corner Sixth st. A FEW OF THE BEST BUYS. Are found in the follcwing list. But wt have others; all styles, all sizes. all prices. If you want any kind of roominK house that Is on the market in Portland, we can show It to you. Terms may be arranged on any. See us quick; NOW Is the TIME TO BUY. THE ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND. 27 rooms, in best residence district, near 13th and Morrison sts. ; running hot and cold water in every room, steam heat, car pets velvet, Axmlnster and brussels; fur niture mahogany. B. E. maple, weathered and quar. oak; rent only $125; lease; re ceipts $375 a month. This is the best proposition In residence section in the city. Price $3500. HERE IS A PRIZE. 17 rooms, rifrht near business center fine corner dwelling, extra well furnished; steam heat: best 3 years' lease in city; clears $100 a month. See It and you will buy it; price $1700, $lO50 down. BEAUTIFUL AND A BARGAIN. 10 rooms in fine location, south of Mor rison St., furniture good as new, quartered oak, H. E. maple, iron beds, hair mat' tresses, excellent carpets, running water In rooms, entirely modern house; pay you $00 a month; price only $950. sGOOD AND MODERN. 20 rooms, near business center In resl dence location; furnace, gas, porcelain bath: furnished new 2 years ago; every thing good. We can sell this at a price that is $500 below the actual value. Don't delay if you want a bargain. NEARLY NEW. AND CLEAN. 14 rooms; all one floor, well located; 10 housekeeping. 4 single rooms; furnished new year ago; always full and pays $60 month clear; rent $55. with lease. Price $1000; cash. $650. RESTAURANT. One of the largest, most centrally lo . cated restaurants in the city; furniture and equipment first-class: rent only $Uo. with lease 2 years; this is the best nrnnrtsltion for sale: duriner the a met month of May has cleared $300 over all expenses; has cleared $600; price, $3000; a snap. ELLIS. YORK & CO., Room 201, 326i Washington st. SURETY INVESTMENT CO. Main 3517 A 2772 626-627-628 CORBETT BLDG. My business is your business and Your business ts my business. Consequently our business is mutual. Come and let us talk together. If you want to get In or out of business. I can help you. ROB'T B. MAY, MGR. SMALL clothing and gents' furnishing goods store at busy suburban location, doing business of $700 a month; rent $45; lease 2 years; fine opportunity to get a big pay ing and rapidly growing business for $1500. ELLIS. YORK & CO.. Room 201. 320ft Washington st HALF-INTEREST in new printshop; Job of fice and weekly paper; thriving city. Ex penses light and profits large; will sell half Interest at less than cost on account of change of location of owner; must sell immediately. See O. R. Ball, American Type Founders' Co., cor. 2d and Stark sts., Portland. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab lished 1835) furnishes free Information on opportunities In mercantile or manufac turing lines, city or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 204-205 Ablngton Bids. FOR SALE 60-room hotel, close to business center; low rent, long lease; full of guests; this place is modern, newly furnished, steam heat. gas. bath, electricity, plenty of linen and dishes, range and piano. See owner. Easy terms, also thorough in spection. B PS3, Oregonian. GOOD FOR LITTLE MONEY. Creamery store, handling ice cream, but ter, eggs, etc., and doing a good business In Portland's best suburb; only $3oO. ELLIS, YORK & CO.. Room 201, 326ft Washington st. 60 NEW improved Hilo Penny or (5c) peanut vending machines win earn weekly for you and not Interfere with your other work. $2340 yearly profit on 4600 investment. Beware of unscrupu lous imitators. Hilo Gum Co.. Inc.. 302 Commercial bldg. REAL ESTATE man wants bright man as partner to show land, etc.; can make $i.0 to $200; no experience neceapary; very lit tle cash required. Particulars Multnomah Investment & Realty Co., 3b6ft Washing ton st., room 11. FOR SALE The exclusive agency for Ore- gun and W as rung ton tor an article which is without a peer and is very extensively used. I am unable to give it the attention It deserves. Call or address George M . Gage, room 28, Raleigh bldg.. Portland, Or. INVESTORS wanted In legitimate placer proposition; investigation solicited. T vv&, Oregonian. FOR SALE General store In good town. about it 00 population and good farming country ; no opposition in dry goods and hardware; $4000 stock. Room 030. Lum ber Exchange. RELIABLE real estate man wants a steady. sober partner; duties easily learned and little money required; owner will guaran tee active man at least $150 a month. Particulars 248 ft Stark st. CANDY, confectionery and fruit store, can make $250 to $.100 in profit. Money loaned on all deals. Particulars Multnomah In vestment & Realty Cc, 3S6ft Washing ton st.. room 11. ROOMING or boarding-houe. all full, three blocks from Postornue; will cell cheap If sold at once, or trade for real estate. Call 393 West Park St. FOR SALE Saloon, fine location, bar fix tures and furniture go with place; long lease. This is a good buy. Call today; price $1600. Room 530, Lumber Exchange. PARTNER wanted, cwner will teach you a business that will pay you at leat $a a week; little money required. Call 24s ft Stark st. FOR SALE Saloon, old established busi ness, $400 stock and nxtures, if taken to day $500 buys it. Room 530, Lumber Ex change. WANTED Backing by experienced miner to hunt for rich mine lost in the 60s. near Gold Beach, Or. Address A. P. Field, St. John. 2-CHAIR barber shop; good business; sell cheap; nail casn, easy payments, u Wtl, Oregonian. 14 ROOMS, $600, rent $37.50, all rented; fu rniture good, excellent location; $-1 a cash. Main 8738. FOR SALE $3DO buys 2 pool tables and confectionery if taken at once. Room boO, Lumber Exchange. 60-P.OOM lodging-house for rent.- with or without dining-room. furnished. 34 Hawthorne ave. SPECIAL contracting firm wants a reliable partner; duties easily learnea; pronts are large; $500 required. Call 248ft Stark st. PAYING bakery and confectionery, Kalaraa. Wash., estabiisnea 3U years; price $500. Particulars 193 4th st. WANT partner with $150 to start good-pay ing, legitimate business. r 996, Oregonian. PARTNER in ladies tailors & dressmaking; good business, jd linn st. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. $100,000 to loan in sums or $1000 or more to suit, o 10 1 per uwui uu uiifiuvoa reaiiy. v.. G. Griffin, 266 Stark, opp. Cham, of C. $50,000 TO loan in sums of $1000 and p- warus on reai wmic l una. j per cenu Ferrera, 335 Chamber of Commerce bldg. LOANS on real estate, chattels or personal security, vv. a. atnaway, iu Washington bldg. Pacific 1832. State funds loaned. 6 per cenu W. J. Thomas, state agt.. Jauiinoman u. w u of Com. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or . . - TJ XT Vnnn KKO C).a. 1.1.1. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral $3500 OR less, 6 per cent, real estate. Far- rington, io (commercial viuo oiag. Loans on dwellings $500 to $1500, 2 or 3 yrs. ward, attorney. Aiisny Ding. Main 7326. TO LOAN $lo.OOO at 7 per cent on improved property- Address a ww, oregonian. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Xjoan Co., 410 U ex urn Diag. WANTED $250, 4 months; ity. T 902, Oregonian. real estate secur- FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. SALARY. LOANS. TO HONEST EMPLOYES. "GIVE" YOUlt NOTE. "GET" $10 TO $100. "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY." EVERYTHING STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK? STATE SECURITY COMPANY. ' 704 DEKL'M BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WEDS. AND SATS. UNTIL 8 P. M. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rothchild blug., cor. 4th and Wash. The recognized bank of the wage-earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employe can obtain money of us on his note without security. $15 Return to us $4.00 a Mo. $30 Return to us $8.00 a Mo. $50 Return to us $13.35 a Mo, Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries. Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc STAR LOAN AGENCY. 209 McKay Bldg., Cor. Third and Stark. Are you earning a salary 7 You can get money from us on your note. Business con fidential; no unnecessary Inquiries. Mo. Seml-Mo. Wkly. $76 Return to us .... $20.00 $10.00 $6 00 fO Return to v 13.35 6.65 3 35 CO Return to us ..... 6.00 4.00 2. JO lb Return to us 4.o0 2.O0 1.00 OOlce open 0 A. U. to 6 F. M. SALARY and Mortgage loans to salaried em ployes and on Pianos, Furniture, Warehouse Receipts, Horses, Insurance Policies and ail kinds of securities. NEW ERA LOAN & MORTGAGE) CO.. 206 Abinrton Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people and others upon their own nanus without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; oftic&s in 66 principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton bids., 106ft 3d. Money loaned on salaries; no other security; my system is beat for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, streutcar employes and others; business confidential. F. A. Newton, 611 Buchanan bldg., 2&Uft Washington u TO LOAN Large and small amounts on good real estate security. Straight loans, low rate of interest- C. F. Pi'luger As Co., room 14 Mulkey blug. 2d and Mor rison sts. NOTICE Money to loan on Improved real estate In sums from $300 to $5000. Cost Commercial Co.. 504 Dekutn bldg. Main 7342. . . MONEY to loan for building purposes; can be repaid in monthly installments. Call for particulars. Columbia Lite 6t Trust Co.. 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. WE) BUY Oregon Trust & Savings. Merchants' National, Title Guarantee it Trust accounts for cash; also blocks and bonds. 611 Cor bett bldg. $20,000 TO LOAN on Improved city prop erty; will loan in less quantities. A. J. Win ters, 306 Oak st. Phone Main 7220. A 5133. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at reasonable interest for long or short time. A. & M. Delovage, jewelers, 2b Washington st. Loans Wanted. WANTED A private loan for 1 or 2 years of $2000 on improved residence property; will tav 7 oar cent interest but no ancnts' com mission. Phone Pacific 1330. WANT to borrow $250 for one year; will give mortgage on 30 acres Improved farm. Call 325 Lumber Exchange. WANTED $2500 or $3000 for 1 year; se- Oregonian. "WANTED- $10i0 for three years, 7 per cent. on modern tf-room bungalow, worth $uoo. W 897. Oregonian. AT discount. $000 contract 7 per cent, city property. Call room 5, 343 'i asuingtou st. I BUY Oregon Trust, Title Guarantee and Mercnants accounts. Tnos. ittccusKer, -u Couch bldg. Main 7646. WANTED $S50 for three years; real estate security. r vai, oregonian. WANTED To borrow $3000; real estate. I arrlngton, 416 Commercial Club bldg. SFKC1AL NOTICLS. Proposals Invited. SEALED proposals in duplicate will be re ceived at tne orrice ot tne yuanerniasir General. U. S. Army, until 2. P. M. June 25. 1008, at which time and place they will be opened In the presence of bidders, for the construction and complete equip ment of two. three aud four twin-screw steel steamers for submarine mine serv ice of the War Department in accordance with conditions, specifications and draw ings, which can be obtained by applica tion to the Quartermaster-General, V. S.j Army. Washington, D. C. Proposals to be marked "Proposals for building sub marine mine planters." SEALED BIDS for printing the report of tne City upertntenaent or bcnoois ior tne school year 10u7-4'8 will be received until 2 P. M. Thursday, June 11, at the office of the City Superintendent in the City Hall. Bids must specify the price per page for lkw) copies. The right is resered to reject any and all bids. Frank Rigler, Supt. of City Schools. 31 iscella neo us. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. The undersigned, as administrator of the co-partnership estate of McAllen & McDon nell, of which John T. McDonnell Is de ceased, hereby gives notice that from and after the 12th day of June. U0S, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M . at the store of McAllen & McDonnell, Third and Mor rison streets, Portland, Oregon, the under signed will receive proposals for the pur chastt of the stot'k of goods, wares and merchandise and the fixtures which belong to said co-partnership estate of McAllen & McDonnell. Said sale is subject to the confirmation of the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Multnomah County, and all per sons offering to purchase said property must specify the amount, either in gross or percentage, of the invoice price of said stock and fixtures which they will pay for the same and must deposit with the ad ministrator a certified check, payable to the order of the administrator, equivalent to ten per cent of the amount so offered, which shall be forfeited to the said co partnership estate If the offer is accepted and the sale confirmed and he purchaser falls to pay the balance of the purchase price immediately after confirmation. Stock and inventory may be seen at said store. D. McALLEN. Administrator. BEACH & SIMON, Attorneys for Admin istrator. Dated Portland, Oregon, June 2, 1003. ARCHITECTS, contractors. engineers, copy Pacific Builder and Ttfifiineer. Chamber Commerce. get 315 PERSONAL. DRESS suits for rent, ali uixem; $1.0O month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons ewed on, rips eewed. Prompt calls and de liveries). Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. PERSONS of marriageable age, either sex. desiring acquaintance or companion, send 10c for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau. 181ft 1st st. YOUNG electrician wants to make acquaint ance of young lady to afsi.it financially In stocking 150-acre farm; object matrimony. V 003. Oregonian. GERMAN. French. Spanish and "other For eign Dictionaries, Text Books and Litera ture (German books a specialty). A. W. Bchmale Co.. 229 First at. OFFICES AND APARTMENTS. MILNER BLDG.. 33oft MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL, REASONABLE. LOST powers restorod by Dr. Lorens' Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25c box. Eyssell's Phar macy, 227 Morrison St.. bet. 1st and 2d. Mm. Court wrigbt. skin ana ecatp treatments; facial deformities corrected; plastic surgery. 225 Flledner bldg. M. 6042. A 206ft. MRS. QBKOCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow, alcohol rub, cream massage; references. 282 Park. Main 2403. A2734. LADIES Whatever vour ailment, call on Dr. Ketcbum, graduate; advice free. 170 ft 3d st- Main 8770. FILES CURED without operation by a well established physician. Box 270. city. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 54 East 13th st. North. Phone E 4034. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. S3v Flledner bidg. Pac, 135. IRA, comvanicate Immediately with Nell. WIU hear something of interest to you. Mrs. Sophia Selp, reliable spirlt'l r'dngs; 302 Alteky bldg. Public circles Tues. Fri. eve. DRB. ATWOOD: private hospital; maternity cases; ood care: terms right. Ad. Allsky b. LADY'S barber ohop; haircutting 25c. 12 North 4th and Burnside st. SOUT"EN.I R S, il paintings, cheap ; orders taken. 247 Bth st. . i rB80MAL AN educated young man of noble character, who possesses good busir.ess ideas, alone in the would, lonely and unsophisticated, wishes to meet a young lady or widow who woulcT like to share his loneliness, and be w filing to assist financially in opening firttt-ciass cafe In or near city, netting good, income for both. Strictly business; wlU give 00(1 references. Object soon, matrimony. 1 ri tiers need not reply. Address F. De Harak, 6Hft 6th st., Port land. , FLRS, FIRS, FL'KS. Now Is thet time to attend to your furs. No charge tor. storage, when repairs amount to $5. Goods, called, for. Keuiodelliiig. re pairing and re-dying skillfully done at Sum mer prk-es. Old mink blended to look like new. Ladies call and see process. A. Reiner, practical furrier, expert fitter. 603 Wash ington st. Phone A 5472. YOL'NG man of 31 of ace. srood character. wishes to make the acquaintance of a young lady regarding marriage ; no ob jection to wftiow with children, and some money to build home in the country. On4y parties with good character and intentions neea repiy. i-met Rroenrr. care i. HuBser, Koute 1. RickrcalL Or. 6UITS pressed while you wait, ftOu. To visitors or rorimna ncteis ana to puoitc at large: feuits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor's. 0 tilh st.. next-to the Oxford Hotel. Ladies' skirts pressed. 50c. Feathers and boas Cleaned and curled. Phone Mam -ivu. MM Em A. A. LUCKEY. Pyscho-manetik; and suKgestlve thera peutics; a full line of electrical appliances newest and motet improved electric blanket, AU diseases successfully treated. Room 30, 3.KM- Morrison st. Main 2011. SWEDISH trained nurse. HelcinEfora gradu ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles ana nervous azsoruers ry nana ruDDing, steam, sweat and tub baths: both sexes. 7 Eut 11th st., one door from East An- LADIES Ask yonr druggist for Chlchesters Uiamona brand .fills. or io years Miown as the hw nwffwt Keliuhle. Take no otner. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. DR. SANDERSONS CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills, euro remedy for delayed periods, $2 per box or 3 boxes J-r, Pierce, IS 1 1st st. WILL the party who notified the police of the death of I-pstpr Wallinir In Vancouver, B. C, please ct-Jl up Charles Walling? i'none Kn.sl ui, ben. 7 A. i. anu o r-. ai. VRKR OW rHATt(7E. Swaml Satanahda. daily free private readings; everybody welcome. Hotel Ma son, 3th st.. nil Room 4. OFTIT Yfll'R HABITS. Dr. Lane cures -whisky, morphine, opium and tobacco habits1; no money until carta. 854 Montgomery. Phone A 3023. PACIFIC INTRODUCING CLUB A boon for lonelv neonie: come and et acquaint ed; many homes s-ured and people made happy. Circular ue. --' LOST AXT FOUND. LOST Between 4th and 5llT. on Morrison Thursday. June 4. irold charm on fob monomam and full name on same. Finder kindly return to John Ciouse Hanks. 110 2d st., and receive reward; no iiuestiona asked. LOST Lady's imitation aligator purse, con taining two valuabte papets drawn in my favor; will pay reasonable reward for re turn of same. C. is. i aimer, 1100 Gladstone ave. WILL party by name Peterson losing valise about 7 years ago b. Portland and! Cas cade Locks kindly jiotiiy Mrs. jacousen. . West ave., Fort land. -r. LOST May 24. ladies srold watch and fob. with gentleman's topiia ring in red rubber tobacco sack; rctumi uresoman onice and receive reward. FOUND Where nair nattreees are reno vated, returned same) day. 228 Front. Main 474. A 1374. lirtiand Curlsd Hair actory. H. Metxger. I,( ST On East Side : black collie eheoherd dvg, brown spots around eyes. Return or notify tetannaia iox & xumoer -o., or phone W oodlawn lba. LOST Gold-plated handled umbrella; left in toilet of the Olympia, 30i Washington receive reward; valued. account present. LOST On Washington t. Saturday eve ning, watch fob. quarter raised head. LOST Friday night, lare pig skin purse, containing money and valuable papers. Phone Last listilt; reward. LOST Clover-leaf pin; cirescent pearl in center; reward. A. jansen, rovey .tiros. Glass Co. LOST A t automobile races,, bunch of keys ; one numbered 505; reward. C. A. Wad dell, b5 1st Ht. LOST Friday afternoon, a lady's opal set ring; finder please plione ouuiawu 51 ; reward. A PLAIN gold bracelet, diamond setting, with inscription on liieide. Return to Oio gonian; reward. LOST Young bitch fox terrier; brown head, ears and tali; answers to Trixie; reward return. H. H. Emmons, 3if Wasn. LOST Near 1st and Alder sts., gold enam eled Co. H. O. N. G. pin; reward; return to 122 3d st. LOST A plain gold bracelet, diamond set ting, near West Park and Alder, Tuesday evening. Apply F 0. Oregonian. Reward. WILL finder leturn new long black kid gloves to 552 Morrison at. ? Reward. BLACK silk jacket, white satin Uninc;, near Steel bridge; reward. Phone M Git-S. LCiST Small purse, containing gold coin and ring. Phone Pacilic SOO; reward. LOST Locket, engraved "B. R. S." Return to Oregonian office and receive reward. BUSLN LbC DIRECTOR Y. Accountants. B. H. COLL1S, 824 Worcester block, public accountant and estate u&ent. Auditing, In vestigating, stemutiziu ; permanent keep ing of books ana lecoic a specialty. XHB G EO. T. M U RTON AUDIT CO. , 31 8 Chamber of Commerce, of nee systematizing ana general accounting. Established Ibbht. Architects. SEASLDE bungalow. See Johnson, 204 Mo hawk bldg. .Main 5Go7, A 431. Aayexs awl Amiiysta. Wells & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists and assay era. 204 Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-tesilng work, loti Morrison st. PAUL BAUMBU assay er and analyst. Gold dual bought. Ml Aider sU Bicycle and Electrical Repairing. BHAW & MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoune, en gine and electrical repairlug. &tt titark sU Chiropody. WM DEVENT, and Eetelle Deveny, the only scientific chiropodist, parlors 203 Lumw bldg 102 2d au Phone Main 130L Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 330 Fliedner bldg. phone Pacific 135. Commission Merchants. 'TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com nihision merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland. Dancing. WOKKEKS' Educational and Amusement Club gives a "Ghost's Hop" Saturday even ing June 6, 7:30 to 12. The ghosts will walk at midnight. A. O. t W. Hall, Sell-ing-Hirsch blug., 386fe Washington, be tween Park and 10th. Admission 25c. All welcome. WALTZ, two-step, three- step and stage dancing lessons 25c. Prof. Wal Wrllion's school, 3S0 Hi Washington St., between W. Park and 10th st. Both phones. PROF. RINGLER'S academy; correct dancing. Cor. Grand av. and E. Morrison. Phont. Detective Agencies. BHU1N DETECTIVE SEHVICE CO. Rooms 37-38 Hamilton bldg. Phones Main 4843, A 2545. Electric Signs. ELECTRIC SIGNS Sola and rented. Port land Electric Sign Co.. 44 2d st. Main 847d. Feed Stores. B. L. COOPER & CO., hay. grain, feed. 128 Union ave. East 1517, B 1617. Gasoline Engine. Stationary, marine,-electric equipments launch es, accessories, wholesale, retail; engine re pairing. Reierson Machinery Cc. 182-4-6 Mor Housecleaning. JAPANESE house-cleaning Co. and Burn ishing Brass Works, 2 N. 4th 84. A SOUS, pac 212 L 2i. Fru BLtol-NLS DUtLlTOttY. Junk. Hide ana Pecs. L. SHANK & CO., purchasers of hides, peltsv Wool, lurs, tailovr, old rubber, metals antl sacks. 312 Front at Harness and Saddlery. TKB George Lawrence Co., wholesale saddis and hariits nmnfis.. 8u-8G 1st. Main 2iu. Launches and Yachts. FOR charter and sale: marine hardware gas ollne engines. See litres, 171 Madison. Lcutiier and x-indings. J. A. STKO'.VEKIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished is5t. Leather aud findings; Stock ton sole leather and cut stock; full line Easteru Jumbos. ;&9 Front at. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front, leather of every description, iap infra. findings Musical. EMIL THiELHORN, violin teacher, pupil of fievclk, A 41oo. Pint 34. Pac 217 : Osteopathic Physicians. DR. 'H. B. NOKTIiitL'F, 415-10-17 Lekuni Bid.. Third aud Washington Sts. Pnone, office, MiUn 34tf. Residence. E. 102S. Patent and Pension Attorneys. PROTECT your Idea. We can patent it. ; Moulton 4. Scobvy. attorneys, 604 Colum-' bia bltJ.g., Portland, Or. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents; infringement cases. 0O4 Dekum. J. J. HIRSHHEIMEU. pension and patent at torney, rooms Labb bldg. PATENTS, traue marks, copyrights. A, J. ' Matter, 5ia Commonwealth hlcLu. 1'bolo Engravers. PERFECT printing plates. Hlcks-Chatteo Engraving Co., corner 2d and Alder sts. DESIGNERS, photo engravers, Neiws & Coa naway. Iu9 2d at. A 4573, M. 731. Rubber Stamps. ALSO trade checks and all office eoods. P. D. C. Co., 21 Stark st. Both phones 1407. Pniuts, oils and ilan. RASM L'SSEN & t'o., jobbers, paints, oils. gia3t. sasli and dooiS. Coi". 2d and Taylor. feigns. FOST E it & K L E IS E It. SIGNS. The larg.-st sign-makers in the North west. 5th and Everett sts. Phone Private Exchange 55. Home A 1155. ELM Eft J. WALLACE, art jiigus and office lettering. agi fatark. Pacilic 1500. Spiritually La. ATTENTION ! NOTED AUiiiVAL. ZOLA MILFUKD IS HEIiE BY REQUEST. The people no longer yuLStiun the strange and mysu-iious powers of Zoia Milford. the world-renowned cuiirvoyant. The crowds which fill her parlors every day Is unde niable proof that the people of Portland are anxious to consult a genuine psychic. Zola AJiUoid is heie to help toos who need help. 11 your heart is heavy, U in trouble, have 111 luck, bad health or misfortune, call on tins gifted woman at once. the is a clairvoyant by nutuie, a ineuium by divine gift. No matter what your trouble, she will help you. She tells your name, whom und when you will marry, with name and datf gives reliable auvice on business, deeds, intents, wills, friendship, love, umi- riae, divorce, chances, travels, sales, and in fact eve-y question of importance to the human race, the reunites friends in bonus of love and a flection und cimon quick and happy marriage witii the one of your cnolcc. Routs 0 to 0. Special rated touay and to morrow. SATISFACTION GIVEN OR NO FEB AC CEPTED. Do not forget the name and address. ZOLA Mll.FOHD, 3uu . i' lFlH toT. 1 KO SIGN ONLY NAME O.N DOOR. PHONE MAIN 3544. FREE! FOR ONE WEEK MORE. BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVH ABSOLUTELY FREE One of my. CONSULTATION READINGS. Always Consult tne Heat PROFESSOR EU1MO, Greatest living astral dead-trance clalr voyaut of the uyt; adviser on business and ail affairs oi Hie; tells your lull name uui what you called for, whom ou will many, how to control the ore you love, evia though miles away ; reunites the separated; gives secret powers to control; does ail others advertise to do. Office, No. 3 and 4 Grand Theater bid a.. 3o- Wash. si. id. 107. KAPILA; MYSTIC of Delhi. India; Clair voyant, .u vibor; i r-L-ijij you oi every thing. Ff -Oc. 4uy'3 WaaliiiiKion st. PROF. NTULO. Clairvoyant, limits tins advertisement for free test. 303 Wasnington su J OH X IS LATER has left this city. Watch Litis coi am ii ror ins return. MRS. liAXTER REYNOLDS, the well-known spiritualist nieoium, 'a u asn. st. MAY ANDREW'S, card reading at 3o Main. oc. rcun main jtrta. D1EHOLD SAFS & LOCK CO. John E. Davis. tto 3d st itaa gains in secind-hand safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO., loS 21 st. Safed at factory prices, becond-nanu safes. bhowcuse. liunk and Mure 1 ixtures. THE James 1. Marshall Mfg. Co., showcases.; caDinetft, store anu oiuce nxtures. 6 (Jouca st, i'ucinc 2181. R. H. BIRDS ALL, designer; agent M. Winter LamOtr to., t nummon uicg. Alain &53tk j CHICAGO FIXTURE CO., showcases, office fixtures, lb I AlaaiSon. Pnone Main C237. - Murage and Transfer. C. O. PICK Transit r Ac Storage Co., office ana commoaious lour-siory iru-ic warehouse, with separate iron rooms and nre-proof vault for valuables, N. W. corner of 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main oUti, A lObtt. CITY TRANSFER &. STORAGE CO. Bob Ashby and Judd Fish. ; Furniture aiid piano moving, baggage, i freight and general hauling. Ofiice luJ Front st. Phones Main ti-, A lli2. OLSEN-ROE 1 RANSKEK CO. Gener.al transferring and storage, safes, i pianos and lurimure moved and packed for' shipment. 2U0 Oak St., bet. Front and Xau Telephone Main 647 or A 2247. j Street Paving". WARKEN Construction Co.. street pavinj. i sidewalks ana crcesings. oil i,umoer t,xcn. THE BAHBEH AtHPHALT PAVING CO.. at Portland oince, ui-j-- vv orcester oioca. Typewriters. NEW and second-hand typewriters, all makes, repaired, sold ana rentea; ai3 state agents the Visible Fox. The Type writer Exchange. 64 3d at. Main 000. BPECIAL prices, all makes rented, . solf re paired. P. D. C. Co., 11 star, Alain I4t7. Wholesale Jobbers. WADHAMS & CO.. wholesale grocers. manufacturers. oom mission merchants. 4 th and Oak. Wood. WOOD Hip body lir. 4-foot. $.'; sawed, 50.5 extra. Winter supply win receive our prompt attention. Hawthorne Fuel Co. Phone East 315. CaKS. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK POR1 J-.AND. OR. J. FRANK WATaON President L. DURHAM Vlce-Priden-. R. W. HOYT . Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier fi. E. CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashier TKANSAOT r.KAL cAAKl.N J BUSINESS. United State. Depository. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. LADD & TILTON BANK rU K TEA N D, (JR. Established 1803 Capital fully paid $1,000,000.09 Surplus and undivided profits.... 400,000.00 OFFICERS: W. M. LADD President EDWARD COOK INGHAM Vice-President W. H. DCNCKLEY Cashier R. S. HOWARD. JR Assistant Cashier J. W. LADD Assistant Cashier WALTER M. COOK Assistant Cashier INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Accounts of banks, firms, corporations and Individuals solicited. We are prepared to furnish depositors every facility consistent with good banking. FIRST .NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,500,000 No interest paid on accounts.