12 TIIE MORNING OREGON! AN, SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1908. ON PACKAGES OF cuifc sumd Cakes r- in "i nU-J3 j;ato - - is a "merit mark" as well as our trade-mark and is the buyer's guarantee that contentsof packages are first class in every respect We are makers of " ABETTA BISCUIT," 5c per package Sold everywhere INSIST ON YOUR DEALER FURNISHING YOU WITH "SWASTIKA" BRAND SAVE THE LABELS THEY ARE VALUABLE ASK YOUR DEALER OR SEND US YOUR ADDRESS FOR PARTICULARS iscuit Company, Portland, Or. Pacific Coast THE trial of some new Ashing nets during the past -week resulted in the appearance of several un usual kinds of fish in some of the mar kets. Most of them were not for sale, but were, even so, rather Interesting to the housekeeper who likes to see and try new things. Possibly the "new animal" that someone la always de manding may be found In the so-called "angel" or "rat fish," which certainly looks as If It had been undecided whether to be fish or flesh when it grew up. It was new to me, and no one could tell me whether It was good to eat or not. Hake was another fish not often seen in the market here, though much eaten abroad. Fish prices generally seemed to be a. little lower. Black bass was 30 to 35 cents a pound, striped bass and sea trout about 20 cents, catfish, sole, salmon and crop pies 15 cents, black cod, halibut, hake about 12 cents, and silver smelt, her ring, flounder and perch 10 cents a pound. Shad cost 15 to 20 cents each. and shad-roe 20 cents a pound. Cali fornia pomplno cost 65 cents a pound this week. There were New York clams at 10 cents a dozen, as well as the usual razor clams at 15 cents a dozen, and the. hard-shell kind at 5 cents a pound. Cooked crawfish cost 40 cents a dozen, and crabs are still to the fore, although there Is no "r" in the month, as tradition warns us there should be if we are to enjoy crabs, oysters, and pork. Poultry prices are unchanged. There were no pigeons to be had, apparently, and "broilers" were inclined to be small and scarce at 40 to 60 cents each. Strawberries are very Inviting, though still high In price. Some of the fine Hood River berries were 25 cents a box, but the Mount Tabor ber ries at 15 and 20 cents were decidedly good both as to looks and taste. Goose berries at ly, to 10 cents a pound, loganberres and red raspberries at 15 cents a small box, and blackberries both the round kind and the long "Mammoth" variety, at 10 to 16 cents, give variety to the fruit stands. Ap ricots are better In appearance than last week. They cost about 60 cents a basket. Some of the best looking pineapples I have seen- lately were of fered at 25 cents. Fresh pineapple Is particularly useful for salads, now that celery is almost unattainable. There are peaches already, but they are mostly of the tint of the one which caused disaster in the case of the late lamented John and Susan Jones, and are probably intended more for orna ment than for use. Cherries are 15 and 20 cents a pound; cantaloupes 35 cents each, and mangoes 5 cents each. Beams and peas are about the same in price as last week, but seem better in quality. The new red sweet pota toes are in; and cucumbers are get ting much more plentiful and cheap. Good tomatoes are still scarce, and the price of green peppers is still rather high. There is not so much aspara gas to be seen, but it is still very good at 10 to 15 cents a pound. New beets, carrots and turnips suggest a number of dainty vegetable dishes, including Russian salads of several varieties. Head lettuce Is very good Just now. Try a delicate lamb stew, with new carrots, peas and stewed- lettuce some day when you want an, easy dinner. Use a little mint. If you like, and don't overcook the lettuce. in the Chamber of Commerce building, tenants of the main floor of the byilding yesterday presented him with a handsome Rookwood vase. SATURDAYJBPECIALS. On sale today: 75c fancy hosiery 47c; women' 25o fancy hose 15c; 2 clasp French lisle gloves 25c All dress goods and silk remnants one half marked price. Boys' blouse waists 25c Mount Hood shirts 25c; 75c bureau scarfs 49c Great special bargains in all departments. McAllen & McDon nell, Third and Morrison. Hnnnn shoes fir the feet. Roenrbfer. ATTENTION IS ATTRACTED Roses In the Chamber of Commerce Building XJnuffnally Fine. "W. A. Storey's exhibit of roses In the main corridor of the Chamber of Com merce Building attracted large crowds to that building throughout the day yes terday. Mr. Storey held a similar exhibit during the Rose Festival last year, but the present display for exceeds it in every way. An arrangement has been made by Mr. Storey, Frederick V.- Holman, H. M. Grant, Robert Smalz and other rose growers to maintain an exhibit In the Chamber of Commerce building through out the rose season. Mr. Storey's roses will be on exhloit until tonight. Monday Dther growers will have a display. The present exhibit includes some rare speci mens. Many of them Mr. Storey con ildcrs even finer than those for which no received awards In the recent compe tlon. The collection is divided into three groups, the center group being made up Df Caroline Testout roses. Included in :he collection is a specimen of the Grover Cleveland variety, an especially hand Home red rose which Mr. Storey lntro Juced into Oregon. Among the other rarletles of red roses shown by him are the following: TJlrich Brunner, Charles Iiefever, King f Sweden, Black Prince, Grass au Tep Htz. Jacqueminot, Xavler Olibo and Earl f Pembroke. Among the other varieties .n the exhibit are specimens of the Duch ss of Portland. Prince of Bulgaria, M!l 1 red Grant, Mrs. David McKee, Florence Pemberton. As a token of their appreciation of Mr. Itorey's courtesy In Installing the exhibit "We Sell Cheap for Cash" A SHAD SPECIAL Columbia River SHAD 5c Each Salmon Eggs for Trout Fishing The only place in Portland to get them. No delivery for less than $1. OREGON FISH CO. The only exclusive fish house in Portland. WEST END OF MADISOS-STREET BRIDGE. Phones A-1024, Main 1024. If you want the best the market af fords in Poultry, Oysters and Fish Be sure and call on G. COVACHsCO. 275 First St. "We handle this line only. . WEST SIDE DELIVERY ONL.T. Phones A-3535, Main 635. BEST EASTERN HAMS SLIGHTLY FIRE SMOKED 12 i3 lb. Skamokawa Butter, roll. ........ 55t Creamery Butter, roll. Dairy Butter, roll. . . . . ,...40 Pull Cream Cheese, lb .....15 Eggs, dozen 20 Ranch Eggs, strictly fresh, two dozen 45 Chickens, lb 16, 17 La' Grande Creamery 264 Yamhill. CHICKENS 17c lb. Best Butter, roll ...50 RANCH EGGS, 2 dozen ..4o Chinook Salmon, 2 lbs.........25 Halibut, 3 lbs. for 25 SHAD ROE, lb.. 15 LARGE SHAD, EACH 15 Crabs 10 to 15 Columbia Fish Co. THIRD AND ANKENY, Phones: Main 5. A 5556. Buyers' Attention 80x100. , 5-room house, university Park. S1300. 87x110. 7-room modern house. Portsmouth. $2250. 50x100 House, lots with alley. Ball Bun water, streets Improved Wlllumbla. For Rent. B-room, new, modern cottage, $13.00. A. W. BAGLEY. Portsmouth, take St. John Can, Phone Woodlawn 2144. THE ONLY ABSOLUTE SAFETY IS IN PAYING GASH rcnfi U 1 11 Jy 0PLE Main 1412 First and Taylor Sts. Home A1412 Special for Saturday Only CARNATION CREAM, 3 FOR. , 9 LBS. FRENCH PRUNES 7 LBS. NAVY BEANS. . . ... . , . . ...25 25 SUGAR, 18 POUNDS FOR $1.00 COMB HONEY ..... ... , 10 1000 MATCHES . . . . . . . . 5 13 BARS SOAP 'H.!iKWK..M.i. .25 1 GALLON SYRUP .45 PACKAGE POSTUM . ....,.-.. 20 TWO DOZEN RANCH EGGS 45c CREAMERY BUTTER, ROLL. ..... 50 BEST CREAMERY BUTTER, ROLL. ..-.,.55 GOOD TABLE BUTTER, ROLL 45 1-quart bottle Salad Oil 25 2 cans Pineapple ... ... .25 Extra Standard Peaches,- can ...... . 15 Extra Standard Pears, can. . ..w,w;wa.ai..,15 Extra Standard Plums, can . ..... .r.-. .... ..... ... ... . 15 FREE BASKET WITH EVERY $3 ORDER 2 large Ivory Soap 2 packages Acme Matches 8 bars D. C. Soap . '7 bars Toilet Soap . C" ari :-; ;. ti ,.25 ...... 25 BUY YOUR GROCERIES WHERE QUALITY IS CONSIDERED Pure, Clean Made aad Good. You Run No Rink. They Comply With All Food Lam and Are Guaranteed to Pleaae the Most Particular People, i ....81.75 .... 500 ....SI. 25 ............ jae . . ...&x.oo 4U0 6O0 40t 25 30 25d OLIVES Bulk Olives, Queen, extra lare, per gallon. .......... Bulk Olives, Queen, extra large, per quart........... Bulk Olives. Manzanilla. rjer srallon - - Bulk Olives, Manzanilla, per quart... . Bulk Olives, ripe; gallon tins. . .. ....... Bulk Olives, rlne. rjer nnart Cama Olives, Queen, 32-oz. grlass uama uiives, wueen, i-oz. glass Cama Olives, Queen, 10-oz. glass Spanish Cylinder, Queen. 14-oz. glass....... Heinz Manzanilla Gem..... Mission Ripe Olives, pint .............. 25 Ehmann's Ripe Olives. 12-oz. glass 30 Stuffed Olives with'Sweet Peppers, 6-oz. glass.................. iqa Stuffed Olives with Sweet Peppers, 10-oz. glass... 2S J. P. S. Pitted Queen Olives, S2-oz. glass ..Stl'lh J. P. S. Pitted Queen Olives. 16-oz. glass 75 OLIVE OIL Ehmann's Olive Oil, quart bottles. ................. t Art Ehmann's Olive Oil, pint bottles I.T"!" 50? Ehmann's .Olive Oil, half-gallon tins. ..................... .. oji Ehmann's Olive Oil, gallon tins " "t 'K ! Kicelle French Olive Oil, quart bottles -.--... ......... SlOft Nlcelle French Olive Oil, pint bottles . rin Nlcelle French Olive Oil. half -pint bottles I 'J -' Giuseppe Italian Olive Oil, half-pint bottles 2J Giuseppe Italian Olive Oil, gallon tins ...... 'st-fr-'n Giuseppe Italian Olive Oil, half-gallon tins I.."lS5l"Rft Holland Nut Oil, finest for mayonnaise, gallon tins. . Domestic Salad Oil, quart bottles .ITCH "ioi Domestic Salad Oil. pint bottles ....... '' Domestic Salad Oil, gallon tins ................. i ?!, Domestic Salad Oil. 5-galloa tins , , . 1 , . .!.'!"!; j.5Q 3 LBS. JUSfO MOCHA AND JAVA COFFEE or-j ftft RELIABLE GOODS Test our fancy Hams and Bacon and see If they are not superior tn quality and flavor. , Fancy Ranch Eggs, and Cookies. Full . Cream Cheese. Dainty Crackers, "Wafers Heinz 67 Varieties, the kind that contain no preservatlves. Preferred Stock Canned Goods, packed wherever the best la grown. D. C. BURNS CO. 208 - 210 THIRD STREET, BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON. There's this difference between the cocoa habit and the coffee habit: Cocoa makes you healthier, stronger, steadier, better able to do your share. Does coffee? LESSTHANJk CEN72UCUP Is made with scrupulous, con scientious care and old-fashioned attention to cleanliness, purity, goodness and quality. No cocoa at any price can be better or more delicious. Your grocer sells and recommends it. D. Ghlrardelll Company San Francisco The cacao tree rrawi on the warm low lands and In the valley tributary to the coast. The valleys adjacent to Guayaquil produce the greatest Quantity of any dis trict In the world. In UKK there were 4S2T cacao plantations or farms in Ecua dor, with a total of trx, rnn. ular Reports, If men only realized how great an asset In life is a retentive memory they would take care to see that their children's memories were properly trained. The sim plest method consists in learning every day a few lines by heart. None of our facul ties can be trained so easily as that of memory. Stuttgart amlUeablatt. R. P. Roblln. Premier of Manitoba, has announced that the government within 60 days will begin the construction of 1000 miles of telephone and telegraph lines. This is a part of the public ownership's policy, which will Involve aa expenditure of 10.000,000, .