TIIE- 3IOnNI" OREGONTiX. FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1908. 17 FOR RENT. .Furnished Room. TWENTY thousand dollar have been spent t modernise the Burkhard building, East Burns! de. Grand ve.. I'nlon ave. ; It has been jut In ft rst -class cond 1 1 ton i n every re 0pect; baths, hot and cold water have hepn Installed In all the outside rooms; slvam heat, gas and elertrio fixtures all through the building; th- furniture Is the best that money could buy and the rooms are large and airy and very desirable; all of the old tenants were obliged to move on account of the alteration; flrst-rlaes rooms can be had at a vry reasonable prlne; the name has been charged to the Savoy Hotel, K. Burn side. Crrand and Union avca. Phontw B 1 275. East 177it. Arata Bros. , Props. fi-ROOM modern upper fiat, furnished In oak, private, and easy walking -distance. Pa cific li!84. 401 EAST MORRISON, cor. E-ast 8th. newly furnished rooms; three blocks east of Grand ave. LA RGB tront room, with closet, suitable for one or two gentlemen; ute of bath. 133 N. ISth. Phone CulT. Unfurnished Itooms. 'MILNER BUlXi." 330 ft MORKISON ST. Desirable unfurnished rooms; single or ensuite; with modern convenience.; best location; reasonable rental. FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooms for small family, upstairs; gas, $14 per month. Including water. 05 N. 13th t. Rooms With Hoard. BMKK1.Y HALL 300 Jefferson, bet. 5th and Uh, pleasant rooms with or without flrnt-clairs board; live blocks south Port land hotel; elegantly located for tourist, transient or permanent guests. PORTLAND Women's Union, 18th year; rooms with boar J, uee of sewing-room, use of library ; Women's Exchange. Addre-ss Mis. Ella Kawllngs, Supt., 510 Flanders st. NICELY furnished front rooms, with board; strictly home cooking ; modern conven iences; walking distance ; $0 per week. The Llndell, Suy Market st. NICELY furnished back parlor with board, suitable for 2 or 3 S'lults; home cooking; rat(s reasonable. 349 Jefferson. Phone Main 5MJ6. THE BAliTON. Runny outside rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water; first-class table; most reasona ble rates. 455 Aluer. THE MARLYN, Washington and 17th. well furnished rooms, hot and cold water, home cooking, permanent or transient. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen, walking distance, reasonable. Phone Pacific 1400." 388 5th st. , THE COLONIAL, comer 10th and Morrison: cosy, clean, comfortable; good table; low rates. Call and see. KLEOANTLY furnished front room, with good table board. In Nob Hill residence; every thing first-class. A 75, Oregonian. NICE large room with flrst-lass board. The Sterling, 535 Couch. OLYMPUS Rooms and board. $5 week and up. 141 Lownsdale, cor. Alder. BOARD and room for two; walking distance; f6 per week. 328 Clay. Phone Main 51Mi3. FURNISHED rooms with board. To Oxark. 35 11th st. Apartments. THE WESTMINSTER 6th and Madison Bts. ; most beautiful apartments in town; all appointments and conveniences first-class and up-to-date In every re spect; Inspection Invited ; in center of city, only four blocks from postoffice. WELLINGTON COURT, beautiful furnished 4-room apartments, hot and cold running water, private baths; telephone and jan itor service; strictly modern throughout. Cor. 15th and Evrett. THE SHEFFIELD Unfurnished 3-room apartment, with bath ; new, modern and fully equipped for convenience; fine loca tion, saves carfare. Appiy to janitor, 7th and Jefferson sts. JUNE IB Beautiful unfurnished 5-room housekeeping apartment with bath and all modern conveniences. Including telephone, gas and electric light. Y 074. Orcgonian. THE MARLBOROUGH 21st and Flanders. A 5-room apartment, every modern con venience. If OB HILL Sumptuous 6-room apartments; every modern convenience; reasonable rent. Inquire 194 1st et. 401 TENTH i and 6-room steam-heated apartments ; private entrance ; reasonable rent. Flat E. THE CHETOPA, 18 Flanders street, modern 4 rooms unfurnished ; steam heat, eleva tor, city phones. Apply to Janitor. BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent. 12th and Columbia. "The Bratntree." Flats. MODERN flat of S rooms, centrally located. West Side, Nob Hill district, janitor, steam heat. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablng ton bldg. FOR RENT Thoroughly modern 4-room flat, hardwood floors, walking distance, $25. Mrs. A. Larry, room GO. Washing ton bldg. MODERN flats, all slzei, for rent. East and West Sides. Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak, Phone Exchange 72 PLEASANT small fiat: gas, bath; walking distance; unfurnished; also 1 furnished. Inquire 231 Hall st. NEW 5-room upper flat, 4 closets, electricity, gas and bath. Call at East Yamhill, bet. ' 12th and Kith. NEW modern 4 and 5-room flats, one fur nished, fireplace. Williams ave. Phone . East 1719. VERY desirable 4-room flat, first floor, cen trally located, steam heat. Inquire 325 Ablngton bldg. WEST SIDE Two 5-room flats, just com pleted, very artistic. 711 and 713 Kear ney. DESIRABLE 3-room flat. bath, laundry, etc.; 1'0-mlnute walk to 3d and Washing ton. 47a Williams av.. East 1184. $30 For rent, lower 6-room flat, 15th and Davis sts. ; all modern conveniences ; no children Phone East 4701), forenoons. LOWER 3-room furnlshod flat for housekeep ing; steam heat. Inquire 2.':i Filedner bldg., -K loth and Wash. MODERN 8-room lower flat, best location, close In. Park and Harrison sts inquire 229 1st. TWO fine flats, 8 room. 427 Clay, 695 Everett. Sheeny Bros., Yamhill st. Main 3072. NEW 5-room lower corner fiat. Inquire on premises. 529 Everett or phone Main 4337. FURNISHED 6-room flat, close in. inquire 271 7th. electric lights. Housekeeping Rooms. MOST desirable room for housekeeping, fronting street; large, airy, newly papered, painted. 534 Morrison. 814 CLAY ST. Pleasant front rooms, rea sonable; adults; references. Call even ings or phone Main S091. - NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms ; modern conveniences; private family. 05$ Williams ave. BEAUTIFULLY located bay-window, unfur nished 2-room suite in centrally located apartment-house, HOft' Jefferson, cor. 5th. THE JEFFERSONIAN, 514 Jefferson, S-rooin suite, completely furnished, all modern conveniences. Main 5-132. YOU WILL BE PLEASED. M1LNEK BLDG., 350 MORKISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. 461 WAST MORRISON, cor. East th; newly furnished housekeeping rooms; 3 blocks tast Grand ave. TWO completely furnished housekeeping rooms, everything modern, phone Main - 0O67. l-o North 16th st. TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms, gas. bath. 978 E. Yamhill. Phone Tabor 1810. Z OR 8 rooms, modern, clean and light; ex cellent location, near Steel bridge. 291 Crosby. 361 14TH. two large light furnished house keeping rooms, $16, including gas for cook ing; phone. TWO clean, light rooms, completely furnished housekeeping; gas, bath, yard, $12. SO month. 692 Front. TWO nice ground-floor housekeeping rooms, clove in. Inquire at Studio. 163 West Park. A FLAT of 4 rooms completely furnished, modern, also three outside connecting rooms furnished for housekeeping. 563 Irving st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, close In. 3O0ft 4th st. TWO very deal ra bie housekeeping rooms; ground floor. Call 186 Chapman st. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts.; newly furnished, fully equipped for house keeping, including gas range, with the free use of electric lights, hot water. bat"hs, large reception room and laundry room; apartments from $16 up; also single rooms ; with similar conveniences, $2.50 per week up. There Is nothing in comparison in the city for the money. This place will bear inspection. Short distance from Union Dnpot- Take "S"'or 16th-st. cars going north, get off at Marshall st. phones Main 6771. A 4560. No dogs allowed. THE HARTFORD. 21 st and Flanders sts. The most beautifully furnished house keeping apartments in the city. 3 room suites; private bath, reception hall, hot water all the time; janitor service. Free phone; return call bells; nothing lacking and the prices are reasonable, no children. THE HARTFORD. 21st and Flanders sts. THE OXEONTA housekeeping apartments, 1ST 17th st.. near Yamhill; thoroughly renovated and clean throughout; hot and cold water, baths, telephone, etc.. on each floor; modern and reasonable in price THE GAYOSO, Grand ave. and E. Stark. 2 and 3-room suites, why not have apart ments possessing modern conveniences ? Electric elevator, steam heat, hot water, new brick building; very reasonable terms. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS, 031ft Washington, cor. 20tb Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free, bath, free phone, both floors; Hire suites fr4.m $12 up- MODERN residence. 6 minutes' walk to Postoffice; 4-room apartment. ground floor; furnished complete for housekeep ing. Including piano; adults only; reason able. 2l2 lOth. Ill N. USTH, Nob Hill; nicely furnished ground -floor miites: reasonable walking iiistan.ee. A 4-047, Pacific 8. Evenings and Sunday. WAYXEWOOU, 109 N. ISth Newly fur nished housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water, walking distance. HOUriE KEEPING and sleeping rooms, free phone, bath and electric light, reasonable rent. 4.s2 Washington st. FOR RENT 3 or 4 furnished housekeeping rooms' 449 6th st. Main 4538. FOR RENT Pleasant furnished housekeep ing rooms. 2 N. 16th st. The Newcastle, 402ft 3d st., furnished house keeping; single rooms, reasonable. Main SuO. Houses. HOUSES FOR RENT. $20.00- For 6-roum modern house. No. S99 Kerhy st. $1G.OO For new 5-room modern cottage. No. 103, Sumner St.. near Piedmont car barns. $13. Oft For new 5-room cottage, modern, No. 64 Fremont st. $15.00 For new 5-room cottage, modern, No. 929 Minnesota ave. $15.00 For 5-room modern cottage. No. 864 Gantenbein ave. ; nice Iocs tion. $12.00 For 5-room modern upper flat, Nc. 965 Borthwick st. $11.00 For 4-room modern lower flat. No. 966 Borthwick st. $11.00 For 5-room cottage. No. 919 Mich igan ave. $10.00 For 5-room cottage. No. S7 Shaver st. $10.00 For small 3-room house. No. 153 Sumner Bt. $15.00 For two furnished housekeeping rooms. No. 765 Commercial at. THOMPSON & OCiDEN. 848 Mississippi ave. Thones: Woodlawn 202. C 200S. WHEN YOU MOVE you always need SOME furniture. BUY AT NO-RENT prices; the sav ing will exceed cost of moving. WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING: oc cupy pne-half ; collect rent on balance. MOKOAN-ATCHLEY. FURNITURE CO. Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone East 2929. GOOD 6-room cottage, cor. 13th and E. Burn eide, large yard, lawn, fruit trees and roses, full basement. IJurnace, fixtures, shades. Apply John H. Hall, Sol Chamber of Com merce. Both phones. 5-ROOM cottage w-ith rooms in basement. 11th st.. near Hoyt. Handy to freight depots; rent only $18.50. Smith's Rental Agency. 442 Sherlock bldg. FOR RENT Desirable 6 and 7-room houses for rent; well located. Inquire 325 Ablng ton bldg. 7-ROOM house, partly furnished, 3d and E. Glisan. For price and key call 325 Lum ber Exchange. BEAUTIFUL, modern 5-room cottage, large lot, $15. I. O. Royce. 1158 Prince St., Woodstock. 1 FOR RENT 7-room cottage. 201 N. 23d. corner Kearney; rent $30. Inquire 628 Everett or 102 Sherlock bldg. FOR RENT New. modern C-room house, near Hawthorne Park. Rent reasonable. Phone Main 5879. MODERN 6-room house on East 10th st. Inquire room 14 Mulkey bldg. Phone Pae lcttc 1541. MODERN 6-room house, 190 McMillan; key at 188 McMillan, near east end Steel bridge. 6-ROOM modern house, corner, newly tinted throughout. 310 Williams, " cor. Cherry. Phone K. 4218. 7 ROOMS, bath. In good order, 123 13th, near Washington. Sheehy Bros. Main 8072. MODERN 7-room house. newly tinted throughout: fine lawn. 931 East Flanders. Phone East 5452. FINE 9-room house, good I aw a and roses; cor. 144 li and East Ankeny; Ankeny car. MODERN 5-room cottage. 415 Hancock st., $16 ur month. Inquire 408 Tillamook. $2i Modern 7-room house, lawn, shades, 3 blocks north Steel bridge. 215 McMlllen st. FIVE-ROOM modern cottage. 514 E. 21st st. W. W. or W. R. car. WE rent houses and fiats. Ha vers tic & Gal lagher, 343 Washington st. $18 A modern 5-room cottage. 76 Thurman st., near 23d. Phone Main 2o94. 8-ROOK modern house, corner, $25. Phone Woodlawn 1799. Furnished Houses. NICELY furnished 6-room modern house, ianu, big porch, choice location, one )lot-k from 23d street car. half block from W carline: would rent all or part of it to responsible party without chil dren. W 94. Oregonian. Phone Main 8523. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 5-room cot tage, every modern convenience, electric and gas light, beautifully located. Ap ply 591 Glisan st. FURNISHED flat. 6 rooms and bath; full basement, furnace; corner E. 27th and Stark. $35; no children. Sengstake tfe Lyman, 90 5th st IRVINGTON 8-room furnished house, June to September; all conveniences, gas, elec tric light, nice lawn, flowers etc. ; cheap to responsible party. Phone East 5314. 6-ROOM 'furnished flat for Summer, from June 1. Inquire mornings at 766 Irving and 23d. References. VERY pleasant upper outside flat: neatly furnished, modern : walking distance, in quire 233 & Hall st. COZY furnished flat, with piano and large porch. West Side, close In; reasonable to responsible party. Phone Main 5159. -ROOM house, nicely furnished; rent rea sonable; East Burn side, near 20th. Phone Private Exchange 20. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Modern fur nished house for Summer. 1085 Vaughn st. Phone Main 5934. J U L Y and A ugust. f urn jshed 5-room cottage; piano; walking distance; West Side. Phone iio'l. References. WELL furnish?d house, lawn, flowers, fruit; rent reasonable to right party. 40 Umatilla ave. FOR RENT Modern 4-room cottage, fur nished. Phone Woodlawn 1010.. FOR RENT Four-room furnished cottage. 2 06 Arthur st. Phone Main 6801. COM P LET ELY furnished 8-room tipper flat, with piano. 42 Ciay st. Phone Main 8277. FURNISHED 3 or 4-room flat; bath. gas. 014 E- 21st st. W. W. or W. R. car. Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE of two housekeeping rooms for sale; reasonable. Inquire 223 Pino st., room 24. ALL or part of furniture of 8-room house, nice location. East Side. Phone East 1852 or B 1420. FURNITURE of 8-room flat for sale cheap; a bargain: rooms full. 202 14th Ft. FURNITURE of 5-room flat for sale at sac rifice; very central. 311 5th st. FOR RENT. Furnished Houses. FURNITURE 5-room cottage. completely furnished, golden oak; good as new. 323 Mason, corner Rodney. FURNITURE of 10room house; nearly new; bargain if taken at on-ce. 14t Lownsdale Summer Resorts. FOR RENT Well-fumlPhed 4-room cottage at Seaside; choice location, convenient to beach and has fine large porch; from now to August 15 at reasonable rent. Portland Trust Company of Oregon, 3d and Oak sts. 7-ROOM cottage for rent at Sea View, Wash. Apply 1193 Williams. Phone Woodlawn 1705. 4-ROOM cottage at Ocean Park to rent for two months. Inquire 26 17th St., near Taylor. Stores, FIRST and second floors 25x100 new mod ern brick building, wholesale district; low Insurance. Five years' lease; reason able rent to responsible tenant. T 969 Oregonian. TWO large-size stores In new building; prom inent street. West Side; $30. E. H. Collls. 824 Worcester block. NICE store, central. $40 per month, lease. Apply 127 11th st. 50x100 STORE rr-om. 7th and Oalt, for rent. See Merrill. IPS 7th. Offices. TWO large rooms on second floor at 84 ft 3d st.. Eood for- tailor or light manufac turing plant; will partition if necessary Portland Trust Co. of Oregon, southeast corner 3d and Oak. "JUST WHAT YOU WANT MILNER BLDG," SGOft MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL, REASONABLE. RALEIGH BUILDING. 6th and Washington, best location in city; rear and front of fices, $10 up. OFFICES to rent in the Worcester and Hamilton buildings at moderate rate. Ap ply to Robert Strong. ?10 Corbott bldg. 'COURT rooms $12.50 up; outside rooms on Washington or Fifth $20 up. 315 Swot land bldg. FOR RENT A few offices la Couch bldg. Apply room 808. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT June 1. 15.000 square feet warehouse space, with trackage facilities; brick building, 13th and Kearney; low in surance rate; electric elevator. Inquire Tull & Glbbs. ROOMING-HOUSE OPPORTUNITIES. Arnold A Co.. Main 7311. 351V. Morrison st. Devlin Flrebaugh. 606-9 1; wetland bids. Ellis, York & Co.. 201 Merchants Trust bltfc. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE The exclusive agency for Ore gon and Washington for an article which is without a peer and is very extensively used. I am unable to give it the attention it deserves. Call or address George M. Gage, room 28, Raleigh bldg., Portland, Or. SPLENDID location for grocery and gen eral merchandise; modern comer store, 3i"th and Belmont (Sunnyside, for rent; good residence district, meat market ad joining; reasonable rent. . Don't miss this. WANTED Information regarding good busi ness lor sale: not p?-ticular about char acter, size or location; prefer to deal with owner. Give price and full descrip tion. Address Darbyshire, box 5984. Rochester, N. Y. C. S. ARNOLD & CO.. Hotel Brokers, 351 ha Morrison st. "We have hotels and rooming-houses of all size from 5 to 2(i0 rooms. 10 rooms, 2 blocks from P. O. ; $250 will handle this; easy terms. FOR SALE Confectionery, ice cream and cigur stand; fine location; doing good business; must be sold on account of hav ing other business to attend to; very low rent; price $950. Phone Main 526. WANT to buy small rooming-house. 10 to 15 rooms, from owner; pay itpot cash for good place; reasonable price. State low est price, owner only. Give address aJid phone. M 997 FOR SALE Candy store, one of the best in the city; must sell at once on account of sickness; long lease; cheap rent; will Inventory $3000; will sell for $16u0. K 997. Oregonian. CANDY, confectionery and fruit store, can make $250 to $30O in profit. Money loaned on all deals. Particulars Multnomah In vestment & Realty Co., 386 Washing ton st.. room 11. WE pay especial attention to nustness open ings. Before buying, call us up and see what we can offer you. Phone Main 4486. Kinney ft 6 tamp her. 031-32 Lumber Ex change bldg. WANTED Practical office man with $2000 to Invest with us In an established mer cantile business on good salary ; will bear closest Investigation. O 997, Oregonian. PARTY with $L000 and ambition to be something can have rare opportunity to make honest fortune In short time. Box C M5, Oregonian. I HAVE a most desirable site for apart ment house. If taken at once special bargain will be given. Thos. McCusker, 2U5 Couch bldg. Main 764b. BOARDING-HOUSE with 23 nicely furnished rooms ; 1 7 steady boarders ; rent $3o per month. In a first-class location for aula. Inquire Y 987, Oregonian. DON'T YOU KNOW We caa give you a special price on any mining stork or bond T F. X, Catterlln Co., 125 Abington bldg. GROCERY store for sale, with good trade; all clean, new stock ; will Invoice about $800; good reason for selling. N 995, Oregonian. AN interest in the best manufacturing propo sition on the Pacific Coast can be secured by party with executive ability and $5000 cash. Address K 918, Oregonian. ON account of death, furniture, store, lease, .fixtures, for saJe at sacrifice. 312 First. DEEP-SEA fishing ; good grounds, close to market; chance to make big money. For particulars address R. X Voeth, Newport, Or. 6ALOON OHd-establlshed business, frood milling and logging town, in Washington. $4500 will handle. Particulars, address B 982. Oregonian. FOR SALE Saloon doing good business, $4O0 stock and furniture; if tnk:n today, $5u0 buys 1L Room 530 Lumber Ex change. FOR SALE General store in good town; no opposition in dry goads or hardware. Call room 530. Lumber Exchenge. BARBBR shop. 2 chairs; rent only $7; cheap for cash; good location. Inquire M. Arm strong, room 233 Worcester block, city. RESTAURANT; free rent; clearing $6.50 a day ; can be had very cheap; good trade; good location. Cull 191 4th st. FOR SALE A nice cigar, fruit, candy and slue-shining stand; good location; $500. 295 East Morrison st. TIRED or hired help; will sell half Interest In one of the best located saloons. West Side. N 993. Oregonian. FOR SALE Good little shoe-reparrlnT shop; best location town. Inquire 38 Burnslde. FOR SALE Newspaper in small live town. $1300; good jobbing trade. Address F 996, Oregonian. FOR SALE Good saloon, with independent lease; take beer where you please. 31 North 4th st. WOODY ARD Partner wanted; owner will guarantee you at least $159 monthly; $600 required. Call 248 Stark st. ROOMING-HOUSE, transient trade, mak ing $175 per month; lease; terms. Owner, 88 a 6th st.. room 20. BEST located office and rooming houfe build ing, "Washington street; lease for sale. L 993, Oregonian. PRACTICAL manufacturer, with established plant and trade desires backer. F 994, Oregonian. 40-ROOM hotel, well furnished. clearing $200 per month. Price $300. Box 111, St. John. HOTEL with bar; want honest partner $8K required. Call 24S& Stark st. FOR SALE Double-bowl washstand-. suit able for barber shop. 12 N. 4th st. BUTTER, egg and produce store at a bar gain. Call 248 Stark st. $450 MEAT market, horses, wagons and all fixtures. , .h. st. .East S578. BUSINESS CHANCES. GENTLEMEN You are eo busy with the Rose Feat i val and ,1 don t bl ame you, for it is a dandy. So I will not bore you with advertising; but if you want some of the beet things on this good old earth, come and see my list. Banking nusiness, barber shops, furniture stores, greenhouse, meat markets, sporting goods stores, gents furnishing gooc. clothing stores, pressing and cleaning, livery stablee, billiard par lors, cloak and suit houses, hardware, ad vertising billboards. docks and whan, grain business, shoe irtores, office fixtures, doctors) offices, bakeries, drugstores, con fectionery and cigar Mores, grocery stores, hotel and rooming-house s, skating rinks and theaters, manufacturing; restaurants, houses and lots. aloons. stationery and novelty t-tores, timber lands, -wholesale stores and many mora that I can mention, all listed , by strictly first-class experienced men In thle line: I will not handle anything without merit and flrst-clas in emery respect. 627 Curbett bldg. SURETY INVESTS ENT CO. Main 353 7 A 2772 620-627-628 CORBEljT BLDG. My business Is youx ' business and Your business is my business. Consequently our business is mutual. Come and let us talk together. If you want to get in or out of .business. I can help you. R. B. MAY. MGV1. NEW AND STRICTLY MODERN. 60 acres, strictly modern anl exceptionally well arranged; hot and cold nunntnK water, team heat and electric lights' In ail rooms, thoroughly furnished in flrst-Cla5 manner; this place will clear $:iO0 monitbly and can be handled with 5250O cash. ,air will con sider good mortgage on real esaate security; rent very reasonable. CrU for particulars, DEVLIN & FIREBAUCKH 5o8-5o9 Swetland Bldgi I HAVE 250 acres of top orcharrT land in Hood River district : want live .man with small capital to join me In put&'.ng it on the market ; if you haven't the qualifica tions don't waste my time; an exoallent op portunity for an Eastern man. Address B 993. Oregonian. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab lished 18iJ3) furnishes free information oa opportunl ties In mercantile or mi vnufao turlng lines, city or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 204-205 Ablngton Bldg. ' WANTED Partner who has had experflemce In commercial lines, in going concern itaying at present time, under existing slack, con ditions, $:X to- $400 a month clear; .$1500. Fullest investigation; a splendid change for a man not over 35 years of age. Box 108, Portland. FOR SALE 60-room hotel, close to business center; low rent, long lease; full of giMSts; this place is modern, newly furnished, steam heat, gas, bath, electricity, plemty of linen and dishes, range and piano. &ee owner. Easy terms, also thorough 1 in spect ion. B 983, Oregonian. 50 NEW improved Hilo Penny or (5c peanut vending machines will earn $4." weekly for you and not Interfere with you r ot h er work. $2340 yearly profit on $600 investment. Beware of unscrupu lous imitators. Hilo Gum Co.. Inc.. 302 Commercial bldg. REAL ESTATE man wants bright man as partner to show land, etc.; can make $150 to $20O; no experience necessary; very lit tle cash required. Particulars Multnomah Investment & Realty Co., 886H Washing ton st., room 11. $600 PER YEAR income, besides rapidly increasing values, new store building, hardwood floors, central, suburbs, Xor $400(i; terms. 416 Rothchild bidg. ON account of deatn, furniture store, lease, fixtures, for sate at sacrifice. 312 Front. WANTED Backing by experienced miner to hunt for rich mine lost in the 6i?, near Gold Beach. Or. Address A. P. Field, St. John. 12-ROOM flat, furnished complete, rooms all rented; central location; must sell on ac count of sickness; reasonable. D 998, Ore gonian. PA RTX ER wan ted for store ; must be steady, sober man; experience not neces sary ; pay you $25 a week; $350 required. Call 24Si Stark st. 2-CH AIR barber shop ; good busi nese ; sell cheap; half cash, easy payments. G 971, Oregonian. WANTED Partner for brick business: best shale in state; close to Portland. D 787, Oregonian. IF YOU have $500 you can have half Interest in fine established motion picture theater. Particulars 293 Burnslde. See Newman. RESTAURANT We have absolutely the best buy in the city, and $800 will do the work. 511 Swetland bldg. . 14 ROOMS, $000. rent $37.50. all rented; furniture good, excellent location; $275 cash. Main 8738. WANTED Rooming-house. furnished, rent by month. 60O Jefferson st., Vancouver, Wash. 60-P.OOM lodging-house for rent, with or without dining-room. furnished. 374 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE or trade 10.000 shares Cardiff Coal Co. stock; make offer. J 993.. Ore gonian. LADY from Vienna (Europe), experienced In hair dressing or face steaming, wants part ner or position. Address V 886, Oregonian. PAYING bakery and confectionery, Kalama, Wash., established 30 yearB; price $550. Particulars 193 4th st. FOR SALE 22 rooms, nicely furnished ; 2 years' lease ; no agents. Phone East 6344. 93 U; Union ave. RESTAURANT and coffee house, doing good business; investigate. 347 Morrison st. PARTNER in ladles' tailors A dressmaking; good business. 125 10th st. BONVILLE PUB. CO. stock $10 per share and going up. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. SALARY. LOANS. TO HONEST LMPLOVES. "GIVE" YOUK NOTE. "GET" $10 TO $100. "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY." EVERYTHING STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK ? 6TATE SECURITY COMPANY. 704 DEKUM BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WEDS. AND SATS. UNTIL 8 P. M. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Kothciiild bidg., cor. 4th and Wash. The recognized bank of the wage-earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employe can obtain money of us on his note without security. $15 Return to us ... $4.00 a Mo. $30 Return to us $S.O0 a Mo. $50 Return to us $13.35 a Mo. Confidential; no unpleasant luquirle. Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc ETA It LOAN AGENCI. 2u9 McKay Bldg., Cor. Third and Stark. Are you earning a salary? You can get money from us on your note. Business con ' fidentlal; no unnecessary inquiries. Mo. Semi-Mo. Wkly. $75 Return to us ....$20.00 $lo.uo $5O0 0 Return to rs 13.33 6.65 3 35 tO Return to us 8.00 4.00 2.J0 15 Return to us 4.00 2.U0 1.00 Office open A. M. to 8 P. M. SALARY and Mortgage loans to salaried em ployes and on Pianos. Furniture, Warehouse Receipts. Horses, Insurance Policies and all kinds of securities. NEW ERA LOAN & MORTGAGE) CO.. 2u6 Ablngton Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people and others upon their own name without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 60 principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN, 223 Abington bldg.. 100 3d. Money loaned on salaries; no other security; my system te best for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar employes and others; business confidential. F. A. Newton, 611 Buchanan bldg., 266 Washington st. TO LOAN Large and small amounts on good real estate security. Straight loans, low rate of interest. C. F. Pfluger A Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg, 2d and Mor rison sts. NOTICE Money to loan on improved real esiate in sums from $30O to $5000. Cost Commercial Co.. 504 Dekum bldg. Main 7342. MONEY to loan for building purposes; can be repaid in monthly installments. Call for particulars. Columbia Life & Trust Co.. 14 Lumber Exchange bldg. WB BUY Oregon Trust A Savings. Merchants' National, Title Guarantee A Trust accounts for cash; alo stocks and bonds. 511 Cor bett bldg. $100,000 to loan In sums or $1000 or more to suit, 6 to 7 per cent on improved realty. JdL G. Griffin, 266 Stark, opp. Cham, of C FLNANCIAL. Money to Loan. $20.000 TO LOAN on improved city , prop erty; will loan In less quantities. A. J. Winters, 306 Oak St. phone Main 7225, A 5133. WB loan money on diamonds and jewelry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. & M. Delovage. jewelers, 269 Washington st. I BUY Oregon Trust. Title Guarantee and Merchants accounts. Thus. McCusker, 205 Couch bldg. Main 7646. $50,OOO.TO loan In sums of $1000 and up wards on real estate at 6 and 7 per ceuu Fesrera. 335 Chamber of Commerce bldg. LOANS oi real estate, chattels or personal security. W. A. Hathaway, 10 Washington bidg. Pacific 1832. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. J5. Thomas, state agt.. Multnomah Co, 4O0 C of Com. MONET loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. W. H. Nunn, 658 Sherlock bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral security. C. W. pallett, 304 Fenton bldg. $3600 OR less, 6 per cent, reai esiate. Far rlngton, 416 Commercial Club bldg. Loans on dwellings $500 to $1500. 2 or 3 yrs. Ward. attorney, Allsky bldg. Main 7326. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg. Loans Wanted. WANT to borrow $25o for one year; will give mortgage on 3 acres improved farm. Call 325. Lumber Exchange. WANT $20,000 loan, first-class risk. C 995, Oregonian. WANT ED To borrow $3000 ; real estate. Jarrlngton, 416 Commercial Club bldg. f FECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS The City of Idaho Falls. Bingham County. State of Idaho, has never defaulted on any interest payment due on its bonds. Notice Is hereby given that the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Idaho Falls. Bingham County. State of Idaho, will on the 17th day of June. 1908. at the hour of eight C8 o'clock P. M. of said day, open and consider bids for the" purchase of the following described spe cial assessment local Improvement bonds of Local Improvement District No. 2 of the City of Idaho Falls Bingham Coun ty. Idaho, to wit: $16,024.23 bonds of such denominations as shall hereafter be provided in the ordinance authorizing their Issue, bearing interest, payable semi annually, at not to exceed six per cent per annum ; Interest payable on the first days of August and February, respec tively, at the office of the Treasurer of said City or at such banking house or trust company in the City of New York as may hereafter be designated by the Mayor and Ccmraon Council, at the op tion of the holder of said bonds. Said bonds shall be payable in equal install ments, annually, and shall run lor a period of five years from and after the date of their Issuance, such annual In stallments to be payable on the date of any interest payment due on the said , bonds. The principal sujn of the said bonds, and the interest" thereon, shall be payable out of the local lmprot ement fund created for the payment of the cost and expense of the street Improve ment contemplated in said district; the street Improvement contemplated being the curbing, guttering and macadamizing of certain streets and portions thereof within the limits of said Local Improve ment Dlstriot No. 2 of the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho, and the funds derived from the sale of the said bonds shall be used for such street improvements. All bids sub mitted for the purchase of said boncis must be securely sealed, addressed to J. V. McCarroll, City Clerk, Idaho Falls. Iriaho, and must be plainly marked on tli outside of the envelope: "Bid for lcal Improvement Bonds. District No. 2, Idaio Falls. Idaho.' The right is re seirved to rcjert any and all bids and to .call for new bids. Dated this 26th " day' of May. 100S. D. G. PLATT, Mayor. Jk W. McCARROLL, City Clerk. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS The City of Idaho Falls. Bingham County, State of Idaiio, has never defaulted on any inter est payment due on Its bonds. Notice Is hereby given that the Mayor and Com mon Council of the City of Idaho Falls, Binglham County. State of Idaho, will on the 17th day of June, 19U8. at the hour of efc-tht S P. M. of said day, open and consider bids for the purchase of the following described special assessment sewerage. Improvement bonds of local sewerage improvement district No. 2 of the City of Idaho Falls. Bingham County Idaho, to wit: $4703.71 bonds of such denominations as shall hereafter be provide! in the ordinance authorizing their issue, bearing interest, payable senii- . annually, at not to exceed six 6 per centum per annum; interest payable on the first days of August and February, re spective, at the office of the Treasurer of said city or at such banking house or trust company in the City of New York as may bie designated by the Mayor and Council sat th option of the holder of said bond. Said bonds shall be payable on or beflowe a date not to exceed ten I lO) yeart from and after the date of their lssua nee, and may be paid In ten equal installments to be paid at the date of an;v interest payment date. The principal sum of said bonds and the in terest thereum shall be payable out of the local improvement fund created for the payment of the cost and expense of sueh Improvement. The funds derived from the sale of said blonds is to be used for the payment of t"re cost and expense" of constructing- or (boiildlng a sewer system or sewerage disposal works, and portions thereof, within local sewerage improve ment district No. 2 of the City of Idaho Falls. Idaho. .All bids submitted for the purchase of said bonds must be securely sealed, addresst-d to J. W. McCarroll, City Clerk. Idaho Fallfl. Idaho, and must be plainly marked) on 'the outside of the envelope: "Bid for Sewerage Improve ment Bonds, District No. 2, Idaho Falls. Idaho." The ria. ht is reserved to rejeat any and all bids and to call for new bids. Dated this 26th day of May. mus. i. G. Piatt. Mayor J. V. McCarroll. City Clerk. BPECIAIL NOTICES. Mlsca lloneous. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. The undersigned, as administrator of the co-partnership eslaue of McAllen & McDon nell, of which Jontn T. McDonnell Is de ceased, hereby give) notice that from and after the 12th day of June, 1908, at the hour of 10 o'clock V. II , at the store of McAllen & McDunn ell. Third and Mor rison streets. Portland, Oregon, the under signed will receive proposals for the pur chase of the stock of goods, wares and merchandise and the fixtures which belong to said co-partnership- estate of McAllen & McDonnell. Said sale is subjecC to the confirmation of the County Court Of the State of Ore gon for Multnomah County and all per sons offering to purqhase said property must specify the amot'nt. either in gross or percentage, of the invoice price of said stock and fixtures whtcii they will pay for the same and must deposit with the ad ministrator a certified check, payable to the order of the administrator, equivalent to ten per cent of the amount so offered, which shall be forfeited to the eatd co partnership estate if the offer is accepted and the sale confirmed and the purchaser falls to pay the balance of the purchase price immediately after ponflrmation. Stock and Inventory maiy be seen at said tore. , . t. Mc ALLEN, vflmlnistrator. BEACH A SIMON. Attorneys for Admin istrator. Dated Portland, Oregon. June 2. 1W8. ARCHITECTS, contractors. engineers, get copy Pacific Builder and Jtnglneer. 815 Chamber Commerce. PERSONAL. PERSONS of marriageable age. either sex, desiring acquaintance or eontpanlon. send luc for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau. 181 1st st. YOUNG electrician wants to muke acquaint ance of young lady to assist financially in stocking lflO-acre farm;. objecA matrimony. V 993. Oregonian. OFFICES AND APARTKENTS. MTLNER BLDG.. 350 V MORB ISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. LOST powers restored by Dr. Lovens' Nerve Tonic Tablets. 26c box. Eystst'U's Phar macy, 227 Morrison St., bet. 1st and , 2d. Mme. Court wright, skin and scalp b-eatments; facial deformities corrected; plasti: surgery. 225 Filedner bldg. M. R042. A 2069. MRS. QJ3ROCK Masseuse, baths, a alt glow. alcohOl rub, cream massage; references. 282 Park. Main 2403. A 27 34, LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum, graduate; advice free. 170 & 8d st- Main 8770. LADY'S barber shop ; halrcuttlng 252. 12 North 4th and Burnslde sts. SOUVENIRS, oil paintings, cheap; orders taken. 247 5th st. PILES CURED without operation by a. well established physician. Box 270. citj-. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 54 East 13th st. North- Phone E 4034, MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 830 FUedner bldg. Pao.V 1S5. PERSONAL. AN educated young man of noble character, who possesses good busii.ess ideas, alone In the world, lonely and unsophisticated, wishes to meet a young lady widow who would like to share his loneliness, and be willing to assist financially in opening first-class cafe In or near city, netting good income for both. Strictly business; will give good references. Objeut soon, matrimony. Tritlers need not reply. Address F. De Harak, 09 U 6th St.. Port land. FURS, FURS, FURS. Now is the time to attend to your furs. No chatge for storage, wlnn repairs amount to $5. Goods called for. Remodelling, re pairing and re-dying skillfully done at Sum mer pri.es. Old mink blended to look like new. Ladies call and see process. A. Reiner, practical furrier, expert fitter. 663 Wash ington s Phone A 5472. SWEDISH trained nurse. Heleingfors gradu ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubies and nervous disorders by hand rubbing, steam, sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 East 11th St.. one door from East An keny car. Phones East 260. Home B 1803. BUTTS pressed while you wait, fiOc. To visitors of Portland hotels and to public at large: Suits pressed at 60c at Gilbert, the tailor's, 6 6th sc., next to the Oxford Hotel. Ladles' skirts pressed, 60a. Feathers and boas cleaned and curled. Phone Main 4964. MMB. A. A. LUCKEY, . Pyscho-magnetlc and suggestive thera peutics; a full line of electrical appliances; newest and most Improved electric blanket. All diseases successfully" treated. Room 30, .'S.'tO Morrison st. Main 2011. LADIES Ask your d-rugKlst for Chlchestors Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods, $2 per box or 3 boxes $5. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st st. WILL the party who notified the police of the death of Lestur Walling in Vancouver, B. C, please call up Charles Walilng? Phone East 91. bet. 7 A. M. and 6 P. M. FREE OF CHARGE. Swaml SataAanda. dally free private readings; everybody welcome. Hotel Ma foil, 5th st., 247 Room 4. QUIT YOUR HABITS. Dr. Lane cures whisky, morphine, opium and tobacco habits; no money until cured. 354 Montgomery. Phone A 3629. PRESS suits for rent, all sizes; $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed oa, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 3o9 Stark. WIDOW past 40 desires the acquaintance of rntleman with good comfortable home of his own; object matrimony. O 889, Ore gonian. PACIFIC INTRODUCING CLUB A boon for lonely people; come and get acquaint ed; many homes secured and people made happv. Circular 10c. 229 V lt st. DR. ISABELLA MACK1E. Women and children's specialist, room 10 Milner bldg.. 350 Morrison, phone Main 4521. A 1644. Residence phone 7320. GERMAN. French. Spanish and other For eign Dictionaries, Text Books and Litera ture German books a specialty). JL. W. Schmale Co.. 229 First . Mrs. Sophia Selp, reliable spirit'l r'dngs; 302 Alleky bldg. Public circles Tues. Frl. eve. DR8. AT WOOD: private "hospital; maternity cases; good care; terms right. Ad. Alisky b. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Brown horse, white stripe in face covering one nostril, weighs 1409; also dapple gray, short heavy set. weighs 14ou; strayed from Irvington racetrack May 31. Liberal reward for return or notify S. R. Howell, Vancouver. Wash. LOST May 24, ladies gold watch and fob, with gentleman's topsiz ring In red rubber tobacco sack; return Oregonian. office and receive reward. LOST Tuesday night, corner 2d and Mor rison, small black purse, containing $ 15 In gold and some silver. Phone Tabor 1520. FOUND Where iiair mattresses are reno vated, returned same day. 228 Front. Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. LOST Gold-plated handled umbrella; left in toilet of the Olympla, 3U Washington nt. Kinder please return to Olympia bar. receive reward ; -valued account present. LOST On Washington st. Saturday eve ning, watch f'ib, quarter raised head. Phone Main 7621; reward. PACKAGE of blue silk at Washington St., between 2oth and 17th. Fmder will kindly return 434 Chamber of Commerce bldg. LOST Clover-leaf pin ; crescent pearl In center; reward.. A. Larsen, povey Bros. Glass Co. LOST Young bitch fox terrier; brown head, ears and tail; answers tb Trixie; reward return. H. H. Emmon, 65 Wash. LOST Near 1st and Alder sts., gold enam eled Co. H. O. N. G. pin; reward; return to 12a 3d st. LOST Sack carpet-layer's tools, bet. 1st and Tavlor and east end of Steel bridge. Return Edwards Co., 191 1st. Reward. LOST Silver watch, Hampden movement, please return same to 321 1st st. and get reward. LOST Lady's gold watch, with initials "E. M. C." Return to F. li. Jesse. Teicgraui composing loom; reward. THE party who picked Up collarette at tirarni theater Thursday evening call Pa cific 2oH or 4"2l 2d and receive reward. LOST A plain gold bracelet, diamond set ting. nej,r West Park and Alder, Tuesday evening. Apply F 6, Oregonian. Reward. Lost June 3. mounted elk's tooth; Initials O. H. A. 142. Finder return to Scandinavian-American Bank. Reward. LIBERAL reward for return of lady's fur lost at Grand Theater. Monday evening 545 Yamhill bt. LOST Locket, engraved "B. R. S." Return to Oregonian ofiice and receive reward. BUSLNiSSS DIRECTORY. ' Accountants. E. H. COLLIS, 324 Worcester block, public accountant and estate atjent. Auditing, In vestigating, systematizing; permanent keep ing of buoks and record a specialty. THE GEO. T. MURTON AUDIT CO.. 818 Chamber of Commerce, of ilea systematlxias; and general accounting, itabliahed lbWU. Architect. 6EAS1DB bungalow. See Johnson, 204 Mo hawk bids. Main 5607. A 4321. As sayers and Analysts. Wens & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists and atfayers. 204 Wellington. MONTANA ASSAY OFF1CU Laboratory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison st. PAUL BAUMEL. assay er and analyst. Gold dust bought. 207 Aider st. Bicycle said Electrical Repairing. CHAW A MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en gine and ilectrical repairing. iLM Stark sU Chiropody. WM. DEVENY, and Estelle Devenjr, the only scientific cblropodbJU. parlors 203 litmw bldg.. 162 2d ht. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 330 Flieduer blug. phone Paciuc 135. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portiand. Dancing. "WALTZ, two-step, three- step and stage dancing lessons 25c. Prof. Wal Wlllson's school. 3862 Washington st, between W Park and 10th st- Both phones. PROF. RINGLER'S acacemy; correct dancing. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Morrison. Phones. Detective Agencies. BRUIN DETECTIVE SERVICE CO. Rooms 37-36 Hamilton bidg. Phones Main 494 3. 'A 2545. Electric Signs. ' ELECTOR IC SIGNS Sola and rented. Port land Electric Sign Co.. 44 2d at. Main 8479. Peed Stores. EX L. COOPER & CO.. hay. grain,-feed, 128 Union ave. East 1517. B 1617. Hooseclea nlng. JAPANESE house-cleaning Co. and Burn ishing Brass Works. 2 N. 4th st. A 5063, Pac. 2126. M. N. Frank. Jonk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO.. purchasers of hides, pelts. wool. xurs. tauow, oia. ruooers, znoisJs ana uroni sw BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ' Harness and, Saddlery. THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale saddle and harness mantra.. 80-86 lu Main 226. Launches and Yachts. FOR charter and sale: marine hardware gaa ollne engines, fceo Heyes. 171 Madison. Leu t her and Findings. J. A. STROWBRlDGtJ LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1Jn'.8- Leather and findings; Stock ton so le lea ther and cut stock; t uU line Eastern Jumbos. 18 Front ot. CHA.S. L. MASTICK & Co., 74 Front, leather of every description, tap ntfrs.' nndloss M usicai. EM1L TH1ELHORN. violin teacher, pupil at Sevcik. A 410O. Pine 334. Pac. 299. Osteopathic Pnysicians. DR. R. B. NORTH K UP, 415-16-17 Dekum Blag., Third and Washington Sts Phone, ofiice. Main J49. Residence. E. 1028. Patent and Pension Attorneys. PROTECT your idea. We can patent it. Moulton & Scobey, attorneys, 604 Colum bia bldg., Portland, Or. R- C. W RIGHT, domestic and foreign pat cuts; infringement cases. 604 Dekum. J. J. HIRSHHE1MER. pension and patent ai tornsy, rooms 2o-2l Labba bldg. PATENTS, trade marks, copyrights. A. J. Matter, 616 Commonwealth biOg. Photo .Engravers. PERFECT printing plates. Hlcks-Chattea Engraving Co.. corner 2d and Alder sts. DESIGNERS, photo engravers. Nets & Com naway, lo9 2d bU A 4573. M. 7319. Rubber Stumps. ALSO trade checks and all oftics goods. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark st. Both phones 1407- PainlH, oils and ;iuss. RASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Co.-. 2d and Taylor. feigns. FOSTER & KLEISKU. SIGNS. The largest sign-makers In the North west, 5th and Everett sts. Phono Private Exchange 55. Home A 1155. ELMER J. WALLACE art signs and office lettering. 327 Stark. Pacific 1566. spiritualist. ATTENTION! NOTED A KKI VA L. ZOLA MILFORD IS HERE BY REQUEST. The people no longer question the btrange and mysterious powers of Zoia Milford, the world-renowned clairvo unt. The crowds which till her parlors every day is unde niable proof that the people of Portland are anxious to consult a genuine psychic. Zola Milford is here to help thuse who need help. If your heart is heavy. If in trouble, have ill luck, bad health or misfortune, call on this gifted woman at once. She Is a clairvoyant by nature, a. medium by divine gift. No matter what your trouble, she will help you. -She tells your name, whom and wiien you will marry, with name and date; gives reliable advice on btisUie. deeds, patents, wills, friendship, love, mar riage, divorce, chances, travels, bales, and in fact every question of importance to Lie human race. She reunites n iends in bonus of love and affection and causes quick and happy inarriufco with the one of your choice. Hours 9 to 9. Special rate today and to morrow. SATISFACTION GIVEN OR NO FEB AO OfclPTED. Do not forget the name and address. ZuLA MILFOKD. 3u-9 -j FJK'i H ST. 2iO SIGN ONLY NAME ON DOOR. PHONE MAIN 3544. FREE! FOR ONE WEEK MORE. BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREK One of my. CONSULTATION READINGS. Always Consult the Beat PROFESSOR KH1MO. Greatest living asLral dead-trance clair voyant of the uge; adviser on business and all affairs of life; tells your full name and what you called for, whom, you will marry, huw to control the one you love, even though miles away ; reunites the sepu.iateu; gives secret powers to control; does ail others advertise to do. Oil ice. No. 3 and 4 Grand Theater bid... 352 Vs Wash. st. M. 1267. KAPILA; MYSTIC of Delhi. India; Clatr oyant. Advisor; lELLij jou o averj thin. Fee -Jc. 4U9 m Washington at. MRS. SOPHIA SE1P circki tonight, S o clock, 2jc. 3u2 Alisky bldy., ad and idorrison. Readings auuy. vMATTHEWS Lectures and free tests every night, b o'clock; reading Xicc. J4va Ota st. Phone- Pacilic 1733. PROF. NIBLO. Clairvoyant. Bring this advertisement for free test. 303Va Washington bt. JOHN SLATER has left this city. Watch tins coluinu for liis return. MRS. BAXTER REYNOLDS, the well-known spiritualist medium, 4fe9Ja Wash. st. MAY ANDREWS, card reading at .Main. 25c. Phouu Main 7548. Safe. DIEtBOLD SAFS & LOCK CO. John K. Davis. 66 3d st Bargains in second-hand sales. THE MOSLEK SAFE CO., luS 2d st. Safes at factory prices. Second-hand safes. bhowcase. Bunk and Store Fixtures. THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co., showcases, cabinets, score and cilice fixtures. 2o Couca st. Pacilic 2181. R, H. BIRDS ALL, designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton Ll!g. Main 5536. CHICAGO FIXTURE CO., showcases, office. fixture- 181 Madison. Phone Main 5237. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., vfnc and commodious tour-story brick warehouse, with separata iron rooms and Are-proof vault for valuables. N. W. corner of 2d and pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved ana packed for shipping. Main 696, A 1996. CITY TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, Bob Ash by end Judd Fish. Furniture and piano moving, baggage, freight and general hauling. Ofiice loj Front st. Phones Main 62. A 1162. OLSBN-KOB TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes, pianos aud furniture moved and racked tot shipment. 2o9 Oak St.. bet. Front and lau Telephone Main 647 or A 2247. tttreet Paving. WARREN Construction Co.. street parinj, sidewalks and crossings. 314 Lumber Exch. THE BARBEUt AJaiiPHALT PACING CO., 1 Portland ofiice, 402-3-4 Worcester block. Typewriters. NEW and second-hand typewriters, all makes, repaired, sold and rented; also state agents the Visible Fox. The Type writer Exchange. 84 3d St. Main 606. BPEC1AL pries, all makes rented, sold re paired. P. D. C Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. Wholesale Jobbers. WADHAMS & CO., wholesale grocers, man uf acturers, oommUsion merchants, 4th and Oak. Wood. WOOD Big body fir, 4-foot. $5; sawed, 50c extra. Winter supply will receive out prompt attention. Hawthorne Fuel Co. Phone East 315. XANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland. Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $ 1.500, 00 i No Interest xld on accounts MERCHANTS' NATItXAL BANK PORTLAND. OB. J. FRANK TVATsON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-Prlden'. R. V. HOYT Caeblei GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant t'ashlej S. E. CATCHING 2d Assistant Casulel TRANSACT GENERAL BANKLN3 BUSINESS. United State Depository. DraftB and letter of credit Issued, arsjl' able In all parte of th world. Collections a specialty- LADD TILTON BANK PORTLAND. OR. Established 1S59 Capital fully paid $1,000,000.0(1 Surplus and undivided profits.. .. 400,000.0 OFFICERS: W. M. LADD Freildnt EDWARD COOKINGHAM. . . . Vlco-Prasldant W. H. DUNCKI.EY Cashier R. 6. HOWARD. JR Assistant Cashier J. W. LADD Assistant Cashier WALTER M. COOK As-istant Cashier INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Accounts of banks, firms, corporations and Individuals solicited. We are prepared to furnish depositors every facility consistent with good banking.