Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 04, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Lucky Three-Bagger in Third
Comes at Right Time.
Score Is 5 to 2.
Steadies Down AVhen Needed and
Performs Nobly Xagle Is Badly
Stung in the Whirlwind Third.
Kinsclla Makes First Score.
Yesterday's Results.
Portland fi. Los Angreles 2.
Oakland 7, San Francisco ft.
Standing of the Clubs.
I.03 Armeies
pRn I'rancteco
I 41 n 141 27i. wo T
:t;Hi i Kil 27;. 4111 J
!23;sji3SS9;Ut3 . I t
This way-worn old world is full of
handy things, but you'd have to
scratch the list over with a fine-tooth
comb before you'd find anything- hand
'ier than that three-base hit that Ote
Johnson poked out in the third inning.
It came at a time when it was needed
badly and was as handy as a safety
pin to a lady cyclist who had ripped
her bloomers ten miles from mother.
Ask any one of the crowd out to see
the matinee and they will tell you
there was one inning of baseball and
eight of freeze and anxiety. The one
inning? was the third, and Mr. Nagle,
who hurled for the visitors, was stung
for four safe blfilets and a grand total
of four clangers to the bell. Kd Ivin
sella performed for the home talent
and it must be said in all candor, that
he came out of the skirmish decorated
with horse shoes and the rest of tho
junk that superstitious ones lay at the
altar of the God of good luck. At
times he was as uncertain in his de
livery as the Johnny who expects to
get his first kiss from his new gal. He
issued seven promissory notes, only
one of which was presented for collec
tion. Straightens Up in the Pinch.
When the pinch came and Los An
geles threatened to assault his sang
froid, the big bridegroom settled down
and there was nothing doing. Once
this happened in the fifth. Nagle
clouted one for two bags after East
erly, who broke into the game because
Happy Hogan had retired, had walked.
Bassey missed spearing Nagle's wallop,
but he didn't miss Easterly, who was
trying to make third. He heaved the
bail to Johnson and the trick was
done. Kinsella then walked Oakes,
putting two on lue pegs. Hope began
to ooze and the temperature of fear
jumped to 106, but "Wheeler skied to
Casey and Kinseila slipped Captain
Dillon three wind caroms.
While having Kinsella In mind, it's
just as well to tell how he beat out an
infield hit for a single and scored the
first run. Casey tried to help out, but
he failed. Ryan singled and "Wasn't
it awful, Mabel," Raftery struck out.
With two in the brine. Babe Danzig
hit to right, scoring Kinsella and tak
ing second because Kitty Brashear
fell. Two on the pillows and Bassey
coming up. He came up and Nagle
walked him to lay for Johnson. Right
thinking, but screwy guessing.
Johnson Does the Big Stunt.
The ex-captain of the Dutch, just
leaned against one of Mr. Nagle's
choicest and the ball traveled over the
Infield like a shell hurled from a 13
inch gun. Oakes tried to get In its
way and he did the Brashear specialty
of taking a grass toboggan. In the
meanwhile Ryan, Danzig and Bassey
raced home and Ote perched himself
at third. Nagle lost Cooney on four
wide ones and while Hogan was think
ing how bad his shin hurt, foxy
Cooney ran to first and kept on going,
stealing second without an effort or
protest. Whalen wound up the canto
by whiffing for the second time. ,
The fifth run was the result of a
double steal. Casey was in 'the morgue
when Ryan drove out his second
bingle. Raftery singles and they
worked the double steal. Raftery
drew Hogan's fire to second. The peg
was bad and when the ball kissed off
Delmas' glove It hit Raftery and went
to the outfield. Ryan scoring.
A base on balls to Dillon in the
fourth after Wheeler had become a
wind-jammer, hooked up with singles
by Brashear and Smith, scored Dillon.
In the ninth Ellis hit one of Kinsella's
straight ones for three bags. East
erly's left field poke scored him. Ka
gle's foul that Bassey made a brilliant
catch of, made it two out, but right on
the heels of this came passes to Oakes
and Wheeler, filling the bases. Cooney
took care of Dillon's Infield swat and
the agony was over.
The score:
Official Score in Full.
A.B. K. IB. P.O. A. E.
Oake. cf 2 0 0 0 0 0
Wheeler. 2b 4 0 O 1 3 1
union, lb s i o n a. o
Brashear. rf 4 0 1 1 0 0
Smith, 3b 3 0 110 0
Kills. If 4 1110 0
Delmas. ss 4 0 1 4 0
Hogan, c 1 0 O 4 O O
NaKle. p 4 0 1 S 4 2
Easterly, c 2 0 1 3 0 0
Total 31 2 5 24 13 3
AB. K. IB. P.O. A. E.
Casey, 2b 5 ' 3 2 1
Ryan, rf 4 2 2 1 0 o
Itafterv. cf 4 0 1 1 0 0
IlanziR, lb 4 1 2 lO 0 0
Bassey. If 3 1 1 2 1 0
Johnson, .tb 4 0 1 3 4 1
foonev. ss 3 n 0 1 2 0
Whalon. c 4 0 1 6 2 0
Kinsella, p 3 110 3 0
Total 34 0 9 27 14 2
Los Angeles ..0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2
Base hits ..0 0021000 2 5
Portland 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 5
Bass hita ..10420110 9
Struck out By Kinsella. 6; by Nacle. 5.
Bases on balls Off Kinsella. 7; oft Naslo.
1. Two-base hlta Xagle. Three-base hits
Johnson. Ellis. Sacrifice hits Kinsella.
Stolen bases Oakes, Cooney Ryan. Hafer
ty. Bassey. Hit by pitched balls Smith,
Oakes. First base on errors Los Angeles,
2: Portland. 2. Left on bases Los Ange
les. 8: Portland. 8. Time o game 1:55.
Umpire O'Connell.
Seals AVln ia Eleventh.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 3. In an 11-
innlng game today Oakland won from
San Francisco by a score of 7 to 6.
AB. R. BtL PO. A. B.
Hlldebrand. If 5 2 2 ' 3 2 o
Mohler, 2b 5 2 2 4 6 0
Williams, lb S 1 2 14 1 1
Mel( hoir. rf B O 1 3 1 0
Z. ider, ss B 1 2 2 4 1
Piper, cf H 0 1 o 0 0
McArdle, 3b 5 0 1 1 .6 0
Ufrry. c...., 3 0 1 3 4 0
Jonf.", p 4 0 1 O 2 0
Henley, p 1 0 0 0 0 1
Totals 45 13 2 2
.No one out when winning run scored.
AB. R. BH. PO. A. B.
Van Haltren. cf i 1 3 5 o 0
Haley. 21 5 1 2 2 0
Hoitmuller. rf 1 4 2 O 1
Kalian, 4 2 1 1 5 2
Cook. If f O 1 0.0 0
Hoean. lb .. 5 0 1 18 2 0
Altman, 3b 5 1 2 0 4 1
Lewis, c 4 12 5 10
Wright, p ...... 3 0 1 2 6 0
Totals 42 7 18 33 20 4
San Francisco 0 000203100 0 6
Hits 1 001413 111 it 13
Oakland 3 0 0 O 0 3 0 0 o 0 1
Hlls 4 1 1 1 O 3 1 2 1 3 18
stolen bases 'elder, riner. Heltmuller.
Home run Heitmuller. ba. ritioe hits Wriclit.
Van Haltren. Hlldebrand, Haley. Lewis. Mel
choir Cook. Mohler, McArdle. Double plays
McArdle to Williams to Berry, Melchoir to
Urry to Williams. First base on balie Off
Jone 2, off Wright 2. Struck out By Wright
4. Wild pitches Wright 2. Time of game
Two hours. Umnire Perrlne.
St. Ixmls 8; Pittsburg 4.
PITTSBURG, June 3. St. Louis took a
loosely played game from Pittsburg to
day, 8 to 4. Score:
Pittsburg 4 8 3 St. Louis ....8 11 1
Batteries Young, Willis and Gibson;
Raymond, Fromme and Ludwlg.
Detroit 2; Cleveland 1.
DETROIT, June 3. Detroit's infleld
shifted about owing to Coughlln's injury,
stopped Joss' winning streak today.
Score :
Detroit 2 11 1 Cleveland 1 6 0
Batteries Willett and Schmidt; Joss and
N. Clarke.
Philadelphia 11; Washington 5.
PHILADELPHIA, June 3. The Phila
delphia Americans bunched six of their
hits with four errors by Washington In
two innings today and won the same, 11
to 5. Score:
Washington -.5 6 5 Philadelphia .11 8 5
Batteries Falkenburg, Burns, Cates and
Street; Bender and Smith.
Boston 6; New York 1.
NEW YORK, June 3. Boston made it
three out of four from New York by de
feating the local team, 6 to L The score:
R.H.B-I R.H.E.
Boston 6 14 lj New York 1 7 1
Batteries Glaze and McFarland; Orth
and Blair.
New York 3; Boston 0.
BOSTON, June 3. Mathewson held Bos
ton to four scattered hits and struck out
11 men today, shutting the locals out,
3 to 0. The score:
R.H.E. R.H.E.
New York ....3 7 1 Boston ...0 4 1
Batteries Mathewson and Needham;
Young. Ferguson and Bowerman.
Umpire O'Day.
Brooklyn 2; Philadelphia 1.
BROOKLYN, June 3. Lumleys home
run hit in the third Inning today won the
game for Brooklyn. The score:
R.H.E.I R.H.E.
Philadelphia 1 6 2 Brooklyn 2 8 1
BatterieB Sparks and Dooln; Rucker
and Bergen.
Umpire Rudderham.
No Game at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS, June 3. St. Louls-Chlcago
game postponed; rain. .
Like Nelson, He Engages In a Fen
Dreams About the Game.
Bob Fitzsimmons, ex-heavyweight
champion. Is in Portland, waiting for
the time to roll around when he will
do a stunt In one of the local theaters.
He Is accompanied by Mrs. Fitzsim
mons. The lanky Australian still has a
notion that he can fight some, and
thinks so little of Stanley Ketchel that
he (says he can whip him In four
With Fltz and Battling Nelson in the
city, Portland just now Is entertaining
two ex-champions, and both have a
right to dream If they w'ant to. Fitz
is welcome to his opinion as to the
fighting ability of Ketchel, but there
are a few fight fans here who Jour
neyed all the way to San Francisco to
see that fight he lost to Jack O'Brien.
They have also seen Ketchel In action,
so they cannot be blamed If they smile
when they read what Fitz has to eay.
A lot of them smile, also, when they
hear Nelson declare that he will whip
Gans in July. There was a time in
Ruby Robert's career when he, perhaps,
could have taken Ketchel's scalp, but
that was aeons ago. The Cornishmau
says that Burns Is too light for a
heavyweight and that Jack Johnson
can whip Tommy. He picks Gans to
whip Nelson, and now It will be Inter
esting to get Nelson's opinion as to
what chances he thinks. Bob would
have against either Burns or Ketchel.
Yet both are free to dream on If it
makes them feel any better.
Six Yachts Off From Marbiehcad on
6 75-Mile Course.
MARBLEHEAD, Mass.. June 3. Six
yachts got away today in the Marblehead-to-Bermuda
race over a course of 675
nautical miles. The racers are divided
into two classes, class B Including craft
over 70 feet and less than 90 feet racing
length, and class C for yachts 50 feet and
less than 70 feet rating. The contestants
are: Class B. Esperanza, Dovish and Seu
prah; class D, Marchioness, Wenona and
Edith Alna.
Navy Team Easily Wins Saseball
Game at Annapolis.
ANNAPOLIS, Md., June 3. The Army
and Navy ball game today attracted a
crowd of 10,00. The West Point nine was
hopelessly outclassed, Douglass' pitching
proving a puzzle, while Hyatt, West
Point's pitcher, was batted very freely
and his support was bad. Score by in
nings: R.H.E.
Navy 2 8 0 3 0 3 0 0 16 14 6
Army 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 36 612
Batteries Douglass, Lanphere and
Hambsch; Hyatt. Gouzer and McCoach.
Bases on balls Off Douglass, 1; oft Hy
att, 3; off Lanphere, 1. Struck out By
Douglass, 1; by Hyatt, 3. Umpire Rlgler,
of the National League.
Road Contests Over Gresham
Course This Afternoon
Draw Many Entries.
Cars Make Circuit in Practice at Al
most a Mile a Minute Arrange
ments Made for Handling
the Large Crowds.
Take O. W. P. electric trains leaving First
and Alder streets at 11 o'clock and every half
hour thereafter. Train of ten cars leaves
East Water street and Hawthorne avenue
at 12 noon.
All spectators are cautioned to leave Port
land not later than 12:30 o'clock or they may
not be able to see the sDort.
The grandstand la located on the Base Line
Road, a short distance from th etracks, where
cars will discharge passengers.
Automobile parties will be Admitted along
the course until 12:30 o'clock. This rule in
cludes all manner of vehicles, which will be
accommodated in a large Held directly across
the Base Line Road from grandstand.
The Base Line and Section Line Roads will
be closed to all vehicle except excursion
parties at lO A. M. and the Third Infantry,
O. N. G., will go on social duty at that hour
for the purpose of enforcing this rule.
Everything is in readiness for the big
automobile road races to be held on the
Base Line and Section Line roads this af
ternoon, and when Starter De Camp sends
the machines off on the BO-mile Jaunt at 1
o'clock it is estimated that thousands of
persons will be on hand to witness the
f ompetltion from the grandstand and ad
jacent points.
The intense interest in this event is
caused by the fact that It will be the
first country automobile race ever held in
the Pacific Northwest. For the purpose
of witnessing the event a special car of
automobile dealers and enthusiasts Is
coming from Seattle and will arrive here
this morning. Fernando Neson and party
and several San Francisco motor enthu
siasts are in the city and will be in at
tendance at the races this afternoon, and
Harry L. Keats received word last night
that about 25 autoists from Spokane
would likewise reach the city this morn
ing. At 10 o'clock this morning a special
electric train will convey the Third Infan
try, O. N. G., to the scene of the races
and the guards will be dispersed along
the Base Line and Section Line roads for
the purpose of policing the track and
preventing pedestrians, vehicles and stray
animals from encroaching on the track
over which the autos will fly In the ef
fort to make records.
Dangerous Points Are Marked.
The members of the Portland Automo
bile Club committee in charge of the rac
ing programme yesterday visited the
course and completed all preliminary ar
rangements. For the benefit of the driv
ers in the races, large signs heralding the
approach to each dangerous turn or point
of the course have been strung across the
road at an elevation of 20 feet. This was
done in order that a driver coming be
hind another car may have Borne guide
in case of dust being thrown by the car
The grandstand has been erected and is
In readiness for the races. It is a spa
cious affair, although not very preten
tious, and will furnish ample accommoda
tion and comfort for between 6000 and
SOOO people.
All of the machines entered in the race
were on the course yesterday and several
hundred persons congregated at the dif
ferent viewpoints to watch the racers in
their tryouts. All the machines worked
splendidly, and the only expression of re
gret heard about the course came from
the drivers themselves, who deeply sym
pathize with the unfortunate William Fol
berth, who was severely injured and his
Oldsmoblle car wrecked in Tuesday's ac
cident. Folberth is not as badly injured
as was first believed, and Is now doing
nicely at Good Samaritan Hospital.
100 Miles Under Two Hours.
Many of the enthusiasts express their
belief that the 100-mile event will be
made in considerable less than two
hours. They base their belief in the
timed performances of several of the
machines yesterday afternoon. Christo
pherson In the Stoddard-Dayton and
William Wallace in the Thomas Six made
the circuit of the track, 14.4 miles, In 13
minutes, and Howard M. Covey, in his
Cadillac, made the route in less than
16 minutes. It was reported that Mur
ray Page In the Locomobile covered the
course in less than 15 minutes, although
he was not regularly timed.
These were merely tryouts. and if the
machines can make such splendid time
in that manner it is figured that they
can equal a mile a minute in competition.
A large crowd of spectators assembled
at the Twelve Mile House yesterday and
took a keen delight in watching Covey.
Page, Wallace, Christophersen and Dodd
make the turn at that point. All of them
took the corner in the neatest manner
Starter E. L. DeCamp was enthusiastic
In his praise of the Portland road race
course, and says that it Is the finest in
the United States with the Ormonde
Beach straightaway as the only possible
exception. DeCamp was formerly a race
driver himself, but has retired from that
strenuous game to take the pleasant task
of traveling for the Continental Tire
C. W. Stlmson, of Seattle, who will act
as referee in' today's races, is one of
the most enthusiastic motorists of the
Pacific Northwest. He has witnessed
many of the prominent races in the
United States, and was picked as the
most efficient judge for the Portland
Several of the cars originally entered
were compelled to withdraw, owing to
unavoidable accidents. Three of the cars
were put out of commission in railroad
wrecks, and a similar number came td
grief through minor accidents on the
track in the tryouts, which will preclude
their starting.
Special Train Service to Scene.
The Portland Railway, Light and Power
Company has arranged to run a series of
special trains to the scene, and all who
desire to witness the races are requested
to take the cars as early as possible be
fore 12:30 o'clock. The electric trains
will leave First and Alder streets every
half hour, commencing at 11 o'clock.
Each train will consist of several large
cars and extra trailers will be added as
demanded by the patronage. A ten-car
train will leave East Water street and
Hawthorne avenue at 12, noon. Tickets
will entitle each passenger to the found
trip and a seat in the grand stand as well.
The Auto Club advises all persons to
purchase tickets before boarding the cars
and avoid delays. The list of entries for
the two events are as follows:
Kntries for the 50-Mile Race.
No-. 1, White steamer, Harry Johansen,
No. 2, White steamer, William Sllmmon,
No. 3. Pope-Hartford, W. F. Dodd, driver.
No. 4. Cadillac. Howard M. Covey, driver.
No. 5. Pope-Hartford, William D. Wal
lace, driver.
No. 6, Oldsmoblle. William Folberth,
No. 7. Thomas 40. W. A. (Jill, driver.
No. S. Stoddard-Dayton, S. Christopher
eon, driver.
No. n. Klsselkar. Dr. C. B. Brown, driver.
(Oldsmoblle has been scratched owing to
accident to Driver Folberth Tuesday night.)
Entries for 100-Mile Race.
No. ' 1, White steamer, William Sllmmon,
No. 2, Cadillac, Howard M. Covey, driver.
No. 3, Pope-Hartford. W. F. Dodd. driver.
No. 4, Thomas Six, William D. Wallace,
No. 5. Oldsmoblle, H. O. Harrison, driver.
No. 6, White steamer, Fred Dundee,
driver. -
No. 7. Thomas 40. w. A. Gill, drover.
No. 8. tftoddard-Dayton, S. Christopher
son, driver.
No. 0. Studebaker. W. Cooper, driver.
No. 10, Locomobile, Murray Page, driver.
No. 11, Studebaker. Harry Bell, driver.
No. 12, White steamer, Harry Johansen,
Official of the Uncm.
The officials are as follows:
Referee, C. W. Stlmson. of Seattle.
Starter. E. L. DeCamp. L. Therkelsen,
Jr., assistant.
Judges. J. C. Ainsworth. 'C. M. Swiggert.
Louis Russel.
Clerk of course. So Blumauer.
Timers. Ed Morgan, w. B. Fleckhelmer,
Jr. A. K. Mackay, Jack King, A. B. Mc
Vllpln. Scorers, F. J. Raley. Morton Insley,
George Klelser, Fred P. Baumgartner.
Umpires Gay Lombard, H. G. Carter, R.
B. Blodgett.
Announcer, C. J. Cook.
Physicians, Dr. Harry McKay. Dr. San
ford Whiting. Dr. Herbert Hegele.
Race committee. L. Therklesen, Jr.,
chairman: M. C. Dickinson. Walter Beebe,
Julius Meier, J. A. McPherson, Ben Trenk
man, W. IL Warrens. J. B. Yeon, R. H.
Godard, Tom Word. George Kleiser.
Prizes for the 50-mlle race, first prize,
cup donated by Archer, Combs & Winters;
second prize, cup donated by Campbell,
Jsakln Segar Company; third prize, trophy
donated by Morgan-Atchley Furnlture Com
pany. Prizes for the 10o-mll race, first prize,
Werame trophy; second prize, cup donated
by J. H. Burgard; third prize, cup donated
by Portland Automohlle Club.
Belmont's Norman III, the Big Fa
vorite, Runs Seventeenth Book
makers Reap Rich Harvest.
LONDON, June 3. A rank outsider,
Signorinetta, owned by E. Glnistrelll and
quoted in the betting at 100 to 1 against,
today defeated all the American, British
and French cracks, and captured the
Derby stakes, valued at 6500 sovereigns
and the greatest prize of the turf world.
The Italian horse simply cantered home
from the hot favorites by two lengths.
A neck only divided the second horse,
the Duke of Portland's Primer, and third,
Barclay Walker's Llangwm. The time was
2:39 "4-5. Mercutio led to the mile post,
when Belmont's Norman III drew to the
front. The American horse, however, go
ing down hill, was overhauled by Moun
tain Apple, ridden by Lyne, an American
Jockey. Lyne held the lead with Sig
norinetta, Primer and Llangwm, ridden
by Maher, another American jockey, in
close attendance until the quarter-mile
home, when Signorinetta, the only filly
in the race, came on with a rush and
romped home in the easiest fashion.
Mountain Apple was fourth.
i Delay at the Start.
Some delay was caused at the post by
Azote and Vamose breaking the tape,
but ultimately a good sturt was effected.
Only one of the favorites flattered his
supporters at any point in the course.
This was Mountain Apple. Not since
Jeddah, another 100 to 1 outsider won the
Derby in 1S9S, has there been such utter
rout of favorites. Signorinetta has never
been seen to advantage. She could only
reach fifth place in this year's New Mar
ket stake. It is probable that the filly did
not carry more than $25 of the public's
money and her victory was received with
black dismay.
The quoted price on her, 100-to-l,
was purely nominal; the layers were
giving any price asked. Except from
the bookmakers, who had reaped per
haps the richest harvest of their lives,
there was not a cheer to proclaim the
victory of the Italian entry. The only
horse considered a possible winner to
secure a place was Llangwm, with
Maher up. Both Norman HI and Sea
.sick II started well enough, and made
the running in the early part of the
race, but they soon fell Into the ruck.
Seasick II finished sixth. King Edward's
Pierrier 13th, Norman -III 15th, and
Azote 17th. Signorinetta le the first
filly to win the blue ribbon since the
victory of Shotovers in 1882.
Biggest Crowd in Years.
Lured by the fact that at least half
of the horses which were to run in the
historic Derby were considered possible
winners, the largest crowd that has been
seen in many years assembled at Epsom
Downs. Special trains from distant
points In the provinces brought thou
sands and a hundred special trains left
the various terminals in London crowded
to suffocation for the famous racecourse.
The procession by road made its start
during the night. Later the fashionable
racegoers came on In coaches and motor
King Edward and Queen Alexandra, the
Prince and Princess of Wales, the Duke
and Duchess of Connaught. and other
Learned to Drink Coffee AVhcn a Baby.
If parents, realized the fact that cof
fee contains a drug caffeine which is
especially harmful to children, they
would doubtless hesitate before giving
the babies coffee to drink.
"When I was a' child in my mother's
arms and first began to nibble things
at the table, mother used to give mfc
sips of coffee. As my parents used
coffee exclusively at meals I never
knew there was anything to drink but
coffee and water.
"And so I contracted the coffee
habit easily. I remember when quite
young, the continual use of coffee so
affected my parents that they tried
roasting wheat and barley, then ground
it In the coffee-mill, as a substitute
for coffee. '
"But it did not taste right and they
went back to coffee again. That was
long before Postum was ever heard of.
I continued to use coffee until I was
27, and when I got Into office work, I
began to have nervous spells. Espe
cially after breakfast I was so nervous
I could scarcely attend to my corre
spondence. "At night, after having coffee for
supper, I could hardly sleep, and on
rising in the morning would feel weak
and nervous.
"A friend persuaded me to try Pos
tum. My wife and I did not .like it at
first, but later when boiled good and
strong it was fine. Now we would
not give up Postum for the best coffee
we ever tasted.
"I can. now get good sleep, am free
from nervousness and headaches. I
recommend Postum to all coffee drink
ers." "There's a Reason."
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek. Mich. Read "The Road to Well
ville," In pkgs.
Ever read the above letter? A new
one appears from time to time. They
are genuine, true, and fall of human
heart interest.
In this two-days' sale, com
mencing today, the Carpet
Department offers at much
less than their regular
prices, two room sizes in
Wilton Rugs 8 ft. 3 in. by
10 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft. by 12 ft.
These floor-coverings dis
play a variety of rich effects
in designs and color combin
ations medallion centers
and Oriental patterns, in tan
selecting floor-coverings of
Jliiwf IIS ipitiltpSlii i
and red, brown and cream, etc. Those who intend
this weave and quality should not overlook the opportunity offered in this sale.
8 ft. 3 in. by 10 ft. 6 in. "Wilton Rugs;
regular price $40.00, special $27.50
9 ft. by 12 ft. Wilton Eugs; regular
price $45.00, special' :. .$30.0O
1 -v
c tout)
members 6f the royal family went down
by train.
The numerous American contingent in
cluded Mr. and Mrs. William K. Vander
bilt. August Belmont and Mr. and Mrs.
Perry Belmont. Commander John H. Gib
bons, the naval attache at Londan and
Mrs. Gibbons; Captain Sydney A. Cloman,
the military attache and Mrs. Cloman;
Mrs. Phillips, General Leonard Wood and
Mrs. Wood. Colonel George Andrews and
Richard Croker.
' American Horse Favorite.
The Derby was made particularly Inter
esting from the American point of view
by the fact that for the first time in the
history of the race, Norman III. an Amer
ican colt, owned by August Belmont, of
New York, was the favorite, while
William K. Vanderbilt's French-bred
colt, Seasick II, also occupied a very
good position in the betting.
The Derby was won last year by Rich
ard Croker's Orby, but this year Mr. Cro
ker had no horse entered. The Derby
has been won three times by Amer
icans: By Mr. Croker in 1907. by Pierre Loril
lard in 1SS1 with Iroquois, and by the late
William C. Whitney In 1901, with the Eng
lish horse, Volodyovski, leased for the
year from Lady Meux.
The oldest Derbygoers say that there
never was a happier day or such a great
crowd at Epsom Downs. It Is certain that
never In recent years has so much enthu
siasm been evinced. From early morning
all the roads leading to the Downs had
been crowded with vehicles. So thick
were they that on the main thoroughfares
motor cars and carriages had to move at
a snail's pace.
Test Case Is Dismissed.
HONOLULU. June 3. The case of
United States District Attorney R. W.
Breckons, who was arrested on a charge
of having attended a prizefight, In order
to test the validity of the law on the
subject, was dismissed today, a nolle
prosequi being entered.
Other College Games.
At Princeton Princeton, 9; Amherst, 0.
At Cambridge Harvard. 4; Brown, 0.
At New Haven Holy Ooss. 1; Yale, 0.
Japan's Emperor has 30 residences, each a
model of comfort.
i 4
The Great American Prima Donna
Who will sing tonight with Damrosch's New Tork Sym
phony Orchestra at tne Armory says:
"The more I ntte my Kimball
Piano the better I like it."
Damrosch says:
"The Klmbnll Pin no ha a n
pure, refined, powerful tone."
Hundreds of other great masters of music enthusiastically
Indorse and use the Kimball.
Kimball Pianos, Grands and Uprights
Purchase tickets at principal hotels, drugstores, cigar stores and Oregon
W. P. Ticket Office, First and Alder streets. Those going by train must pur
chase tickets before boarding cars.
Take Oregon Water Power trains
corner First and Alder streets!
Fare, round trip, including admis
sion to grandstand, $1.
Trains leave every half hour from
9:30 A. M. to 2 P. M.
Those going in vehicles must leave
city early, as roads are positively
no excep-
closed to traffic at
People in vehicles buy tickets at any
of above places or at entrance to course
on Base Line or Section Line roads. Ad
mission 50c per person.
A large field opposite grandstand
reserved for vehicles.
A ten-car train will leave East Morrison and Water
Streets at 12 noon today. Ten cars carry 1000 people
CQ 103.2-