Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 04, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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Statement No. 1 Legislators
May Shrink Below 46, the
Needed Number.
Opponents of Governor Look Around
to See if Necessary Votes May
Be "Withheld The Cru
cial Six.
Should three Statement No. 1 Repub
lican Representatives In the Legisla
ture refuse to vote for Chamberlain,
Democrat, for United States Senator, on
the first day's ballot, and should seven
Statement No. 1 Republicans thereafter
refuse to vote for him in joint assem
bly, or should the three or the seven be
absent from the balloting. Chamberlain
could not be elected. Although promi
nent Statement No. 1 Republicans of
the Legislature declare that they will
support Chamberlain, because they are
pledged to the "people's choice," ru
mors were afloat yesterday that sev
eral Statement No. 1 Republicans will
either decline to vote for Chamberlain
or will be absent.
In the Legislature will be C2 State
ment No. 1 members, of whom 39 are
Republicans. The majority needed to
elect the United States Senator is 46.
If Chamberlain can muster only 45
votes on joint ballot, he cannot be
elected. The narrow margin of seven'
votes more than that number, in the
statement ranks, has caused many per
sons to speculate on the possible de
feat of Chamberlain. That efforts will
be put forth on the Republican side to
pull away seven or more Statement One
members from Chabmerlain is expected
by Chamberlain's Democratic support
ers, many of whom are dubious as to
Chamberlain's ability to Jiold them In
Should Representative P. H. Bone
brake, of Benton, adhere strictly to his
pledge to support for United States
Senator the choice of the majority
voters, that will absolve him rrom sup
port of Chamberlain, since Chamber
aln did not receive the majority of the
votes cast for Senator by the people,
on account of several thousand votes
caRt for the Prohibition and Socialist
candidates. For this reason ' Bone
brake is not classed as a Statement
One Legislator.
Statement No. 1 Republicans, if acting
Independently of other Republicans, will
be able to organize both houses of the
Legislature with the aid -of Democrats.
Republican caucus In the Senate will
be controlled by 13 Statement No. 1 men,
but in the House will be controlled by
17 anti-Statement No. 1 men that is. If
the Republicans in caucus should array
themselves on the statement Issue. This
means that the Senate Republicans, if
abiding by caucus, can elect a State
ment No. 1 President, and the House Re
publicans can elect an anti-Statement
It is to be expected that Democrats
and some Statement No. 1 Republicans
will endeavor to unite, regardless of
party lines, for election of Statement No.
1 President and Speaker. Should they
succeed in uniting, the anti-Statement
Republicans will be shut out. But this
is not likely. In the organization of the
two houses, party lines are sure to be
drawn to some extent, at least, since
Statement No. 1 members took no pledge
to abstain from so doing. Consequently,
It is not unlikely that caucus in each
house will be held. In that event, the
Senate may have a Statemont No. 1
President and the House an anti-Statement
A. W. Orton, of Multnomah, is a can
didate for Speaker and his friends hope
to line up the Statement No. 1 House
members for him. both Republican and
Democratic. Democrats will probably be
quite willing for such an arrangement,
in the Interest of Chamberlain, in both
houses. Opposed to Orton will probably
be C. N. McArthur, of Multnomah and
Clackamas, anti-Statement one. J. U.
Campbell, of Clackamas, Statement one,
is also an aspirant. McArthur was read
ing clerk of the House In 1905 and is
the only Multnomah Legislator who is
a practicing lawyer. For President of the
Senate T. B. Kay, of Marion, Is expected
to be an active candidate, A. J. John
son, of Benton, who was chairman of the
State Republican Convention last month.
is an aspirant. Both are Statement one
men and have announced they will vote
for Chamberlain. Ben Selling, of Mult
nomah, Statement one, may also be a can
didate. Jay Bowerman, of Gilliam, Sher
man and Wheeler, opposed to Statement
one, is mentioned as a candidate.
Official Count Is Necessary to De
cide Issue.
TOLEDO, Or., June S. (Special.)-
Complete unofficial returns are as fol
lows for Lincoln County: Hawley 615
AVhItney 170; Bean 630, Brix 107; Bailey
449, Emery 186; Cake 482. Chamberlain
625; Campbell for Railroad Commissioner
699; Bryson. Prosecuting Attorney, 689;
Barrett, Joint Senator, 613; Jones, for
Joint Representative, 601. James H.
Ross was re-elected Sheriff by 125 plural
ity; Ira Wade, Republican, re-elected
County Clerk; O. B. McCluskey, Repub
lican, re-elected Treasurer by 599 ma
iorlty; John Kentta. Republican, elected
Commissioner by 202 votes; R. P. Goin,
Republican, elected School Superintend
ent; Walter Ball, Republican, elected
Assessor by 414; Z. M. Derrick, Democratic-Republican,
elected Surveyor; Dr.
Carter. Republican, Coroner. County
High School carried by at least 300. The
Prohibition vote is so close it will take
official count to decide. It Is impossible
to get the vote on tho amendments until
the official count.
Keturns Are Complete," but -Xot
ASTORIA, Or.. June 3. (Special.)
Complete unofficial returns from- every
precinct In Clatsop County give Cham
berlain a majority of 357 over Cake for
the Senatorship, and give Moore a ma
Jorlty of 17 over Morton for Commis
sioner, thus electing the entire Repub
lican Legislative and county tickets. The
vote received by the respective candi
dates was as follows:
Congressman Ellis 1510, Jeffery 442,
Sanders 302. Shaffer 214.
United States Senator Amos 204, Cake
S87. Chamberlain 1244, Cooper 235.
Railroad Commissioner Altchison 1323,
Hamilton 345, Newell 238. Young 419.
Legislature Lelnenweber. Republican,
1781; McCue. Republican, 1622; Wooden,
Democrat, 814.
Republican Ticket Throughout Fares
Very Well.
EUGENE, Or., June 3. Forty-six pre-
District. County. Statement 1.
1. Marlon T. B. Kay.
2. l.inn
3. I.ane
4. l.inn-I.ane
.". Douarlas -
Jarluon L.
Josephine .... ...... ............... H.
Benton-Polk A.
Vomhiii - -
. .
Wasco .........
Crook-KJamath-Lake .........
Oilliam-Sherman-Wheeler .....
Morrow-Umatilla-Unton , ,
I'nion-Wallowa .
Holdover senators are In black type.
District. County. Stetement 1.
1. Marion O: L. Hattenbcrg.
H. D. Patton.
I.lnn . ...1.
8. Lane ...
. . ...... rt.
Josephine ........
Douglas-Jackson ..
10. Clackamas
3D. Clatsop'
20. Columbia
21. Crook-Klamath-Grant-Lake
22. Morrow-Umatilla
23. Vmatllla
24. rnlon-Wallowa.
25. Baker
2rt. Union :
2". Harney-Malheur
28. Gllllam-Sherman-Wheelcr .
29. Wasco .... ...... .......
..C. A.
. .J.
. S. F
Statement No. 1 a-
Anti-Statement No. 1
Totals : - -
Jjepuni ca "'-"-V; m l
Kepuoucan itiiu'Dimcgj.". -
Democrats (Statement No. 1)
Total Statement "no."i 'in joint Assembly
Pleased to support candidate receiving
States Senator.
cincts out of 50 give Cake 1745, Cham
berlain 2073. .
R. S. Bean lias a lead of 2D to 1 over
both competitors. Bailey 2 to 1 over
Emery. Hawley beats Whitney Z to 1.
T. K. Campbell for Railroad Commis
sioner and Kdwln Bryson for Prose
cuting Attorney are polling; a big Re
publican vote. Bean', Calkins and Eaton,
Republicans, are the Representatives.
E. U. Lee, Republican County Clerk.
H. L. Brown, Sheriff, Is the only Demo
crat on the county ticket elected. It.
R. Chrisman. Judge; R. E. Eastland,
Treasurer; B. F. Keeney, Assessor; W.
B. Dlllard. School Superintendent;
Charles Collier, Surveyor; H. M. Price,
Commissioner, and William Gordon, all
Republicans, elected by big majority.
Lane goes dry by 500.
On the constitutional amendments
the raise In Legislators' pay loses heav
ily: location of state Institutions car
ries slightly;; increasing Circuit Judges
loses sllghtiy; changing time of elec
tion carries heavily. The referendum
measures that will carry In Lane are
308 and 314. The University bill will
have a majority of 1500 or more in
Lane. The compulsory pass bill Is
snowed under badly, and the Armory
appropriation may lose when the final
count Is in. The Initiative measures
that will carry will be both fish bills,
the recall, compulsory Statement No. 1,
majority Instead of plurality rule,
Huntley bill and probably Hood River.
It Is Impossible to get the count on
these measures, the several precincts
reporting on only special candidates in
whom they have an interest. The equal
suffrage amendment loses and the
Reddy amendment Is snowed under.
The county high school carries 4 to 1.
Cake's Lead in the County Will Be
About 250.
PENDLETON. Or., June 3. (Special.)
By getting nearly every vote in the out
lying precincts, the prohibitionists have
Increased their lead in Umatilla County
to nearly 800, the same vote toy which
they lost In their light of four years ago.
Cake's lead is 246, with about 75 votes
In two small precincts to be accounted for.
The ballot boxes are all at the Clerk's
office and the official count was started
this evening. It will not be completed,
however, before tomorrow noon.
Later returns make no other changes
in the results announced yesterday. The
licenses for Pendleton's 26 saloons all ex
pired May 31. Two failed to take out 30
days' licenses yesterday and are, there
fore, on the permanently retired list.
Other saloonkeepers are planning to close
up as rapidly as possible and comply
with the law.
Pendleton was one of four precincts in
the county to give a wet majority, it
being 200. The Reddy amendment car
ried in the town but lost in the county.
Saloons Stronger in Country Dis
tricts Than in Salem.
SALEM, Or., June 3. (Special.) Com
plete unofficial returns for Marion County
give Cake 3216 votes. Chamberlain 3205.
but there arc doubtless Inaccuracies in
the figures due to difficulty In taking fig
ures over the phone. The university ap
propriation bill was defeated here by 1500
majority. The official count was com
menced today, but will not be completed
for two days. - - t
One of the strange features of Marion
County election was that Salem went wet
by only 60 votes, while the county went
wet by 600. It Is an almost universal rule
that the country vote Is more strongly
dry than the city, but Marion is an ex
Chamberlain Strong and County
May Go Dry.
OREGON CITY, Or., June 3. (Special.)
Governor Chamberlain has carried
Clackamas County by 510 votes, accord
ing to the unofficial returns which are
now complete on United States Senator.
Cake received 2134 and Chamberlain 2644.
-The official count will be made tomor
row and will not change the result,
though there is a vey slight chance that
the count may reverse the vote on Pro
hibition. The county has apparently gone
wet by about 60 votes, and the local op
tion people have a faint hope that the
official count will disclose enough errors
to swing It their way. There is no good
foundation for this expectation, however.
Vote in Ten Klamath Precincts.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., June 3. Full
Anti-Rtatement 1.
J. . Smith.
M. A. Miller, Iem.
I. H. Bingham. :.'.'
F. J. Miller.
Albert Abraham. ,
L. Mulit, Dem.
D. Norton.
W. C. Chase.
J. Johnson.
II r-nlHwi-ll. llfm
W. D. Wood.
i. E. Hedces,
H. R. Albee.
Dan Kellaher.
C. W. Nottingham.
8. C. Bnub.
J. B. Coffey.
Ben SelllnK.
..A. A. Bailey.
r-W. T. Scholfleld.
. . N. J. Sinnott.
G. H. Merryman.
Jay Bowftrman.
W. G. Cole.
..C. J. Smith, Dem.
..Turner Oliver. Dem '":', Vi
C. W. Parish. - J
J. Si. Hart.
W. N". Barrett.
Anti-Statement 1.
I.. T. Reynolds.
S. A. Hughes.
A. C. Llbby.
A. M-Jnkers. Dem -
M. Philpot. Dem
M. Brown.
Allen Eaton. 1.. E. Bean.
-v. W. Calkins.
Oeoris Jones. E H. Applegate.
m. 1j. ueainiuu. u..
. I. N. Muncy.
-J. C. Smith.
.D. H. Miller. Dem.
" M. Purdln. Dem.
t A. Buchanan.
p. H Bonebrake.
' ' C. . L. Hawley.
B. F. Jones.
'M. F. Corrlgan. Dem. J. W. Bones.
. G. Reals.
' S. A. D. Meek.
' Charles Hlncs.
R. H. Greer
J. IT. Campbell.
'Linn E. Jones.
W. A. Dlmlck.
. C. N. McArthur.
R. S. Farrell.
..T. D. Abbott. .
F3. J. Jaeger.
J. Brady.
J. Bryant.
O. Couch.
C. J. McDonald.
L. M. Davis.
W. Orton.
J. Clemens.
D. Mahone.
C. Altman.
I C. McCue.
C. A. Lelnenweber.
E. W. Conyers.
H. A. Rraitaln.
H. P. Belknap.
T. J. Mahoney.
Barrett. I.. l. Mann.
Henry aicft-inney.
Richardson. ,
W. ti- urooRs.
.Y.Y.Y.V. . . W. J. Mariner.
, W. F. Jackson. Dem
. ...H. C. Dodds. J. L. Carter.
Senators. Representatives.
1 S3
U 27
.SO B(l
.13 2H
30 60
' "a
majority of people's votes tor United
returns from 10 out of 12 precincts In
Klamath County give Cake 711 and Cham
berlain 636. Other results: Joint Senator
Merryman, Republican voters' choice,
962; Springer, Democrat, Statement No. 1,
616. Joint Representative Belknap, non
committal, 862; Brlttain. Republican, non
committal, 727. For Railroad Commis
sionerCampbell, Republican, 916; Robert
son.. Democrat, 538. So far local option
Is 79 ahead, with no likelihood that the
two precincts to hear from will change
the result.
County Votes "Wet and Gives Cake
133 Plurnllty.
HILLS BORO, Or., June 3. (Special.)
County Clerk Goodman, assisted by
Judges C. E. Kindt and H. G. Finch,
today completed the official connt on all
candidates, with results as follows: For
Congress. Hawley, 2461; Richards, 106;
Staver, Pro., 379; Whitney, 892. Supreme
Judge, Bean 3141, Bright 414. Brix 268:
Food and Dairy Commissioner, Bailey
2465, Emery 976. Hosklns 392; United States
Senator, Cake 1911, Chamberlain 1778, Amos
208, Cooper 120; Railroad Commissioner,
Campbell 2574, Robertson 1196; District
Attorney, Tongue 2940, Kauffman 739; joint
Senator, Barrett 3114, Kuykendall 647. The
Republican Legislative ticket was elected
by majorities from 98 to 500. J. W. Bailey
was elected Clerk by a bare majority of
14. The count on amendments wnl be
made tomorrow. Prohibition received
16S5. while the wet vote was 2090. Cor
nelius Is not dry, as at first reported.
Official Count Shows, Hawley Far
Ahead of Whitney.
CORVALLTS, Or., June 3. (Special.)
The official vote was canvassed today and
following are the figures on state off!
cers: United States Senator, Chamber
lain 1063, Cake 1071; Cake's plurality 8;
Railroad Commissioner, Campbell 1660;
Supreme Justice, Bean 1816, Bright 179,
Brix 99; District Attorney, Bryson 1701:
Food Commissioner, Bailey 1275, Emery
723, Hosklns 142; Congressman, Hawley
1389, Whitney 676.
Cake and Chamberlain Each Receive
1800 Votes.
ROSEBURG, Or., June S. (Special.)
Cake 1890, Chamberlain 1890, Is the
unofficial count as shown by the re
turns, now all in. Part of the returns
were received from distant precincts
by telephone, and a great many errors
vlll probably be discovered when the
official count is made. The vote on
prohibition exceeded the expectation of
the dry element, prohibition carry
Ing by 416 majority.
Cake 1192-Cliambcrlain 1109 Is the
' Result on Senator.
MARSHFIEiLD. Or., June 3. (Special.)
Practically complete returns for Coos
County give Cake 1192 and Chamberlain
1109. The county has voted wet by a ma
Jorlty of 38. It was the closest contest on
the saloon question ever In the history
of Marshfield or Coos County. The re
sults were not positively known until
this evening.
Chamberlain la 160 Votes Behind
Republican Opponent.
M'MrNNVILLB. Or., June 3. (Special.)
Complete unofficial returns for Yam
hill County give Cake 160 plurality over
Chamberlain. Beals, for joint Senator,
has 333 over Laughlin. The vote for other
candidates as, compiled yesterday is not
materially affected. Maloney, Democrat.
Is elected County Recorder over Nickell,
Republican, by nine votes.
Gilliam Cake's by 20.
CONDON. Or., June S. Unofficial re
turns give Cake a lead over Chamber
lain of about 20 votes in Gilliam Coun
ty. Condon gave the Governor a maior
Ity of five. Jay Bowerman, for State
Senator, carries the county by 67 vote
and will pull out of the district with
more than 300 votes. William J. Mar
iner, of Blalock, Statement 1 Independ
ent candidate, is elected and W. F
Jackson, another Statement 1 candi
date for the Legislature, leads R. Is.
Donnelly,; Republican, by 1 votes with
This woman says Lydia E.
Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound
saved Iter life. Read her letter.
Mrs. T. C. "Willadsen, of Manning,
Iowa, writes to Mrs. Pinjtham:
'1 1 can truly say that Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound saved my
life, and 1 cannot express my gratitude
to you in words. For years I suffered
with the worst forms of female com
plaints, continually . doctoring and
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without help. I wrote you for advice,
followed it as directed, and took Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
it has restored me to perfect health.
Had it not been for you I should have
been in my grave to-day. I wish every
Buffering woman would try it."
. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured t housands of
women who have been t roubled with
dplacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down
feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion, dizzinessjor nervous prostration.
Why don't you try it ?
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
She has jruided thousands to
health. Af)fires. Irnn, Mass.
few procincts to hear from throughout
the district. Gilliam County is dry by
a score of votes, Condon voting wet by
20 votes.
Cake Gets 25 in Wasco.
THE DALLES, Or., June 3. Contrary
to estimates, the final count gives Cake
25 majority In Wasco County. The .coun
ty is wet by 2S3, determined by the city
votes. The county precincts went nearly
all dry. County ticket results show the
election of Bean, Bailey, Emery, EUls
and .Altchison; .Prosecuting Attorney
(Wasco returns only), Wilson, Republi
can; State Senate, N. J. Sinnott, State
ment One; Representatives, J. L. Carter,
Statement Two; H. C. Dodds, Statement
One; County Judge, A. E. Lake; Sheriff,
Levi Chrisman; Clerk, Angle; Treasurer,
Gunning; Commissioner, Stoughton; As
sessor, Koontz; Superintendent, Neff;
Surveyor, Mohr; Coroner, Burkett,
Malheur Is Xearly Complete.
VALE, Or., June 3. (Special.) Latest
returns from Malheur County, with five
small precincts yet to hear from, give
Cake 559, Chamberlain 775. Ellis carries
every precinct. No definite word on the
amendments. County officers elected are
McCullock, Prosecuting Attorney; Par
rish. Senator: Brooks, Representative;
Richardson, County Judge; Odell, Sheriff;
Mulkey, County Cierk; Payne, Assessor;
Halliday, Treasurer; Milligan, Superin
tendent; Payne, Coroner. Three hundred
majority against county high school; 200
for prohibition.
Partial Count in Curry.
GOLD BEACH. Or., June 2. Full re
turns from two precincts out of 14 in
Curry County give Cake 42 and Chamber
lain 50. For Joint Senator for Coos and
Curry: Hume (Ind.), 39; Chase (Rep.),
34; McLain (Dem.), 28; three precincts
heard from. For the Legislature, four
precincts heard from: Muncy (Rep.), 65;
Doyl (Ind.), 64. All on the state ticket
are Statement No. 1.
Local option carried by a big majority
In the precincts heard from.
Josephine Is on Dry List.
GRANTS PASS, Or., June 3. United
States Senator on the state ticket and,
County Senator, Sheriff and Treasurer
have gone Democratic. The county as a
whole goes dry by a vote of about 300.
Officers of the county elected are:
Sheriff, J. W. Russell; County Clerk, S.
F. Cheshire; Treasurer, J. T. Taylor; As
sessor, E. Pollock; School Superintend
ent, Lincoln Savage; Coroner, F. D.
Strieker; County Commissioner,. H. S.
Woodcock; Surveyor, Fred Mensch.
Marion's Votes Are Certain.
SALEM, Or., June 3. (Special.)
Marlon County's Statement No. 1 Re
publican members of the Legislature
today declared their Intention to vote
for Chamberlain for Senator. H. D.
Patton, O. L. Hatteberg and A. C.
Libby asserted today th'at they will
vote for Chamberlain. They made this
assertion many times during the cam
paign and their position has been well
Result in Polk County.
DALLAS, Or., June 3. Unofficial re
turns from all the precincts in Polk
County give Chamberlain 1354 and Cake
1133, a majority of 221. Local option
has a majority of 361. Jones, joint Rep
resentative, Statement One, Is elected.
C. L. Hawley, noncommittal. Is elected.
The Republican state and district ticket
is all elected. The Republicans elect the.
county officers except Sheriff and Treas
urer. Wallowa Is Cake's by 100.
JOSBPH, Or., June 3. Little reliable,
unofficial data on state officials is ob
tainable yet. Cake carried Wallowa by
100. Oliver, Democrat., defeats Rumble,
republican, for Joint Senator. County of
ficers elected: Olmstead, Marvin, Boat
man, Belt, Miller, Conley, Long, Ketcham,
.Locke. The U. of O. was defeated by
250 votes.
Oliver" for Joint Senator.
LA GRANDE, Or., June 3. Late re
turns from Wallowa County show that
Turner Oliver, Democratic candidate for
Joint Senator, carries Wallowa and Union
Counties over Rumble, the Republican.
Oliver is a Statement One man. There
is no change in the state ticket as an
nounced yeerday other than this.
Union and Wallowa went dry.
Linn's Vote for Nominee.
ALBANY, r., June 3. (Special.) F.
M. Brown, the only Republican elected
to the Legislature from Linn County,
says that he will live up to his pledge
when he signed Statement No. 1, and
will vote for Chamberlain for United
States Senator.
Octopus Better Than Expected.
NEWPORT, R. L, June 3. The board
of Inspection watching the trial of the
Wood-Carving Sets
A complete line of Pyro
praphic Outfits, including
free lessons in burning.
Prices from ....$2 to $7
carry everything in the lino
of Gouging Tools; set of (i
tools, $1.35; separate
tools, each 35
HOME A6171-6172
submarine Octopus left Washington
tonlRht with a report that the craft
worked much better than they ex
(Continued from First Page.)
one year, and In general campaifrns to
10 per cent of one years salary, uiuuB
any candidate may spend $100 in each
eamra 1 en The expenditures of close
relatives and partners are deemed those
of the candidate himseir. mrormauon
oar.h candidate Is to be print
ed In a pamphlet, to be distributed by the
Secretary of State, as in me
initintive and referendum measures at
present. Each candidate must pay for
the space he occupies In the pampniei.
the limit being one page. Treating is
forbidden, as also Is electioneering on
election day. Candidates and party man
agers must file a sworn .statement of
their expenditures and contributions
within 15 days after election. Promising
official appointment is forbidden, as also
are corporation contributions. Paid po
litical advertisements must be marked
as such.
Single Tax and "Woman Suffrage Are
Snowed Under.
There is widespread interest in the
various initiative and referendum
measures that were voted on at Mon
day's election, but owing to the fact
that returns from the outside counties
are coming in slowly. It is difficult to
determine the outcome of the vote upon
all of them. Among those that have
evidently passed are the University of
Oregon appropriation bill, the consti
tutional amendment permitting the lo
cation of state institutions at other
places than the seat of government, the
amendment changing the time of state
elections from June to November, the
recall amendment, -the proportional
representation amendment, the corrupt
practices act, the Stateemnt No. 1 in
struction amendment, the grand jury
amendment, the bill treating Hood
River County, the Port of Portland bill,
and both fish bills.
Woman suffrage Is beaten by at least
15.000 vote, and the single-tax amend
ment is snowed under. Other meas
ures that have met defeat are the ar
mory appropriation bill, the amend
ment increasing the pay of members of
the Legislature, the free-pass bill, the
Reddy bill and the amendment increas
ing the number of Judges of the Su
preme Court. '
Glllnettera' Fish Bill.
T 2 02
No .16,111
Majority y S.803
"Open Town" Bill.
T 21 '"2
No .-22.11-i
Majority No 742
Single Tax.
Yes 20,82(1
No .27.41.1
Majority No 6.S89
Yes S0.S70
NO .14,62'J
Majority Te 15.748
Statement No. 1 Amendment.
Ys '. 2.77.".
No -ii-am
Majority T 15,531
Proportional Representation.
Yes 22.BB2
No ..16.lri6
Majority Yes '6.506
Compillsiry Passe.
Yes 14.555
No 26.3:12
Majority No 11,777
Armory Appropriation.
Tes .21,436
Rose Festival visitors will find here as fine
a line of leather goods as is to be seen west
of New York. We earry only goods of the
best makes, and our guarantee goes with
every piece sold. Orders taken for artistic
"nietal monograms.
Initials burned
Homeopathic Medicine Cases
and quick - act
ing homeopathic remedies, one may oftimes ward off
serious illness. Cases of Morocco leather, horsehide,
pigskin and monkey hide, holding from to 24 bot
tles. Prices from 50c to $4.00.
Cases filled as requested.
Liquid Colors for
Staining the Lamp
Globes and Lanterns
Majority No
lniveraity Appropriation.
, 3i.r.n
Majority Yes 5.424
Woman Suffrage.
Yffs 14 222
Majority No 0.8W
Wheelman's Bill.
No .
. J0.45S
Majority Yes
Port of Portland Bill.
No B.4
Majority YfS 8,710
Corrupt Pmctii-es Bill.
Ym 27.432
No 12.57S
Majority yea 14,854
Grand Jury Amendment.
. Majority yes
8,1 TO
Hood River 1'onnty.
Yes 24.1S8
No 1H.222
Majority yes 13.0H0
lKlslators Increased Pay.
Y 12.204
No 32.480
Majority no 19,11)2
8tterlng State Institution.
Yes 24.K57
No 20.040
Majority yes 3,711
Supreme Court Amendment.
Yes 18.229
No .....' 24.8S8
Majority no 6.659
For November Klectlons.
Yes 31.440
No 9,22a
Majority yes 22,223
Sheriff's I'rtsoners Feedina Bill.
Yes 21.182
No 10.470
Majority yes 4.700
Three Men Embark at Vancouver on
Perilous Trip to Portland.
VANCOUVER. B. C, June 3. (Special.)
In an open 18-foot centerboard sailboat,
Lionel A. Bernays and two companions
left Vancouver tonight for Portland,
which they hope to reach in eight days.
The boat Is an olilj skimming-dish, and
has been purchase. for the use of the
Mission to Seamen at Portland and As
toria. She has been rechristened the
No Opiates or Drugs
Mix a half ounce 04W Virgin Oil of
Pine with two ounces of glycerine and
a half pint of good whisky. .Shake well
and use in teaspoonful doses every four
It Is claimed this formula will
strengthen weak lungs, heal the bron
chial tubes, check a cold quickly and
cure any cough that is curable. It
will break up an ordinary case of the
"grip" In a few days. Being free from
opiates and drugs, it is far preferable
to the ordinary cough mixture.
The necessary ingredients can be
secured at small cost from any good
drug store, and easily prepared in jour
own home. Virgin Oil of Pine is put
up for dispensing only in half-ounce
vials, each vial securely sealed in a
small, round wooden case. Rank imita
tions have been put out to resemble it
In name and style of package. These
are essentially Ineffective and often
cause nausea. Be sure to get the genu
ine. Look for the. name -Virgin Oil of
Pine tcompound pure, guaranteed under
S"rlal No. 451, prepared only bv lach
Chemical Co.. Cincinnati. O. Virgin Oil
of Pine is always carried in stock by
the following wholesale druggists:
Langley & Michaels Co.. San Francis
co. Cal.; Coffin & Reddington, San
Francisco, Cal.; Kirk, Geary & Co.', Sac
ramento, Cul.: The Idaho Drug Co.,
Lewiston, Idaho.
free ou pieces purchased.
io home is
c o mplete with
out one.
It is often ne
cessary to re
lieve some slijjht
a i 1 ment. With
one of these
cases filled with
a f c w pleasant
Don't Make E ne
mies of Your Eyes
If the letters run together
when you read and your eyes
blur, ache or feel sandy, you
require glasses. . There is no
doubt about it. The first pair
of glasses should be selected
with jjreat care. So should all
other ones. A consultation
with our optical expert at the
first sign of eye trouble will
save you many hours of mis
cry and dollars of expense.
Guiding Stnr and her skipper is the Bon
of Rov. A. K. Bcrnays, of Portland, chap
lain of the Institute. She will call at
Victoria for charts, and after that will
lay a course for the Columbia. Her crew,
who are all sailors, will keep watch, and
Vancouver waterfront prophets predict a
disastrous ending to the trip, as the boat
is quite unfitted for such a cruise.
To keen the plaKue of rabbits from destroying-
the pastoral Industries of Australia.
10.1.".2 miles of publl ami private rahhlt
nettert fences have been erected at a cost
of 4.0O).OO0. Queensland slona spends R0.
Ooo a year In erecting and maintaining
fences to keep nnt the pest
General Demand
of the Well-informed of the World hat
always been for a simple, pleasant
and efficient liquid laxative remedy ol
known value; a laxative which physi
cian's could sanction for family use
because its component parts are
known to them to be wholesome and
truly beneficial ia effect, acceptable
to the system and gantle, yet prompt,
In action.
In supplying that demand with its
excellent combination of Syrup ol
Figs and Elixir of Senna, the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along
ethical lines and relies on the merits
of the laxative for its remarkable
That Is one of many reasons why
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is
given the preference by the Well
informed. To get its beneficial effects
always buy the genuine manufac
tured by the California Fig Syrup Co.,
only, and for sale by all leading
druggists. Price fifty cents per bottl.
who has
or any chronic or
has now the opportunity to be
During June we treat all
cases of
Investigate this and learn of its
sure and permanent results.
Merchants Trust Building,
Sixth and Washington Streets,
Entrance 326i2 Washington St.
Office Hours: 10 A. M. to 8 P.
M.; Sunday, 10-12 M.