Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 04, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Store Closed Today from 10 to 1, That Our Employes May View the Parade
Exceedingly rich robes in a wide variety of designs and materials. Hare
one for dainty Summer dress or evening wear; save from $5 to $25.
Regular values ranging from $10 Women's Union Suits, knee
to $30, on sale all this week length, low-necked; wool, elastic
at this reduction ribbed, lace-trimmed, umbrella
Shirtwaist Patterns, with embroid- knee; regular 65c value, 1Q
ered fronts, collars and cuifs; 0n special sale at, the suit. .C
regular prices $2 to $o; they U T , ' .
go on special sale at I& Women's Vests, swiss ribbed, low
Embroidered shirtwaist fronts, necked style, an excellent quality
'"values selling at from $2 QO garment, nicely finished; OQ-
io $2.50; on special sale... 'OC regularly worth 45c ea., at.."'
10c Ribbon Sale Repeated
The bargain is still to be had by Thursday buyers. If you knew as well as
we how gentrously good the values and assortments are, you would surely
be here early. Buy these supplies now. ON SALE AT THE BARGAIN
The ribbons come In fancy plnlds. Ptrlpe3, changeable effects and plain
colors. Widths run from 34 inches to 6 inches. It's a special clean-up of
Spring- styles: and, though the values run to,65u the yard, these 71
Ribbons sell Thursday, at yard 41C
SATIN TAFFETA RIBBON'S, extra quality. In all the leading colors, in
widths varyinjr from to 4 inches, at the following low prices:
v6-lnch, worth Sc the yrd 5 ., '4 Inches, worth 21c the -:u-d...l5
1H inches, worth 10c the yard..7 2 Inches, worth 2ic the yard...lic
Hi Inches, worth 18c the yard.-J) II 3 inches, worth 30c the yard
17 inches, worth 18c the yard..7V:C II inches, worth 40c the yaid...a9?
7 tJ?-T-
Embroidered swiss
handkerchiefs, with
hemstitched or scal
loped edge. Sell reg
ularly for 15c, 20c
or 25c each; Thurs
day's price
Irish linen in cam
bric finish, a splen
did . grade selling
regularly at 20c ea. ;
i or g-incQ hem
stitched border; for
Portland Agents Royal Worcester Corsets
I 12V2C
77 WW
Shop Th
We want out-of-town people to share with Portland residents in these thrilling specials; we'll show them how low good merchandise can
be sold. Whether you want to buy or want a favor come to Portland's most progressive store; rest, writing or lunch rooms at your service
Decorated Haviland China V2 Price
Just the articles most needed, in exquisitely beautiful decorations and
dainty, charming' shapes. It's a noteworthy sale as to values and
assortments, as well as the merit of the ware concerned. In addition
to the phenomenal savings to be had on chinaware, are extra special
values in silverware and cut-glass.
70e Olive Dishes, special at. .3o
$2.50 Olive Dishes, special. $1.25
$1.35 Bon Bons selling for, ea.68
$2.40 Bon Bons, selling for $1.20
Reg. $1.00 Salads selling for.50
$9.00 Salads selling for, ea $4.50
$1.45 Sugar and Creams for.73
$6.75 Sugar and Creams at $3.38
$2.30 Chocolate Pots, sp-'l.$1.15
$5.00 Chocolate Pots, sp"l.Sj2.50
$2.75 Tea Pots, special at. $1.38
$4.00 Tea Pot Sets, special $2.00
Regular $3.00 Tea Pot Sets, includ
ing sugar and cream, set.. $1.50
Regular $15.75 Tea Pot Sets, in
cluding sugar and cream.. $7.88
$2.75 Jelly Jars, special. . .$1.38
$3.90 Jelly Jars, special. . .$1.95
$2.25 Chop Dish, special. .$1.13
$6.50 Chop Dish, special. .$3.25
Cut Glass Spec' Is
Various articles of the famous Lib
bey's Cut Glass are specialized dur
ing this June sale. Visit our Crys
tal Room; it's a sight worth seeing.
Nappies worth $2.75 for. . .$1.75
Nappies worth $3.50 for... $2.45
$4.00 Nappies, special .... $2.95
$4 Spoon Trays, fancy $2.95
Regular $7.23 Spoon Trays,
fancy shape, special, each. $5.50
Oval Dishes worth $3.50 at $2.50
Oval Dishes worth $5.50 at $4.00
$5.00 low Bowls, special... $3. 95
$6.50 low Bowls, special.. .$4.35
Berry Bowls worth $6 for.$4.40
Berry Bowls worth $8 for $5.90
Berry Bowls worth $15.. $10.50
Berry Bowls worth $18.. $12.95
Berry Bowls worth $24.. $18.75
$12.75 Water Glasses,- dz.$10.50
$15.00 Water Glasses, dz.$11.95
$32.50 Water Glasses, dz.$25.90
$36.00 Water Glasses, dz.$29.75
Cake Baskets, value $2.65. $1.95
Spoon Trays, value $2.45. $1.90
Bread Trays, $2.45 value. $1.50
$4.90 Baking Dish, special. $3.90
$5.10 Sugar and Cream for $3.98
3- pc. Tea Set, value $8.50. $6.75
4- pc. Tea Set, value $11.75 $9.25
$3.10 Nut Bowls, sp'l....$2.48
$4.30 Crumb Tray, Scraper $3.40
Tall Confection Stand, $2.65 value,
on special sale at, each. .. .$2.05
Almond Dish, regularly 95c. 75
Notion Snaps
HAIR PINS in a large box; as
sorted sizes of wire pins;
worth 10c box, social at "
SAFETY PINS of the best qual
ity; nickel-plated; 1 dozen on the
card; small or large size; have
guarded spring; special sale C,
price for Thursday, card
PINS, 400 in a paper; worth C
5c; special, 2 papers for.....
TOILET SOAP English violet or
oatmeal; much in demand by hotel
and boarding-house keepers; 5c
cakes, special 3; or, OC
the dozen, special at. . . . .
pint bottles; 15c values, on Q
special sale at, the bottle.... O
WHISK BROOMS, with plush
tops; regularly 35c each; Of)f
on special sale at, each... ""
ENVELOPES, commercial shape,
in plain white, large or A '
small; 25 in pack; special...."
with the words, "Portland, Ore
gon"; regularly 35c box; OC
special sale price, the box.."'''
1200 Pairs Lace Curtains "Ae $4. 75
Don't deny yourself the luxury of a peep through these 45 dif
ferent styles in high-grade Window Hangings, at savings of
$1.25 to over $5.00 the pair. The most attractive possible pat
terns iri filet effects, tambour, soutache, Brussels, Irish Point
and novelty designs. They come in cream, ecru or white. Mind
you, there are 1200 pairs in the lot, and these provide for a busy
day's selling; plentiful quantities that all may be supplied and
selections so wide that all will be pleased. They sell regularly
at $6.00,-$7.50, $8.00, $9.00, and even $10.00 the pair. The entire
assortment placed on sale Thursday, jmday and dy4 7 iFv
Saturday at the low price of, the pair, only iP 7&M
Sample Muslin Underwear One-half
Portland women have been intensely enthusiastic concerning this sale, and with reason, for the
values are astonishingly good. The dainty woman fairly revels in the exquisite assortment she
finds; either French hand embroidery, tastefully done in small, simple designR, or intricate and
elaborate effects; then there are domestic pieces, lavishly decorated with handsome laces and em
broideries. The assortment is still very complete: drawers, corset covers, chemise, gowns, petticoats
and combination garments. Your choice of a sample line of nearly fJ A fT P?"''
5000 pieces, reduced to the low price of only ttrxLtT 1 IIk1
A UReady-MadeApparelHalf
Suits, costumes, coats,
wraps, waists, petticoats,
skirts, kimonos, dressing
sacques, raincoats, every
thing in the line of wom
en's outer apparel on sale
at half price
Be one of the thrifty thousands
who are benefitting by the phe
nomenal values featured in this
sale. Secure the most correct
attire' from Portland's largest
and best style store and pay only
half the regular price.
Our tremendous business in women's wear comes because we sell high-grade ap
parel at very modest prices for this sale, the prices already low are cut squarely
in half Discriminating style-seekers will be here in large numbers. The first
comers have widest choice. .. '
White Canvas
Oxfords $1.49
To be comfortably and fashionably
shod, yon must have tan or white
low shoes. Buy now and you'll save
FORDS, in 6 styles. We also include
6 good styles in black kid in this
assortment. Values to
$2.50 pair, Thursday-.
in white or colors. Over 3000 pairs
in the lot, including 4 styles in black
kid; values' to $3.50;
Thursday, the pair
WOMEN'S OXFORDS, in tan or
white. In this lot is an assortment
larger than the entire stock o.most'
stores. Light or heavy soles; high
or low heels. Values to
$5.00 the pair, special..
ly -to-wear
Outing H
CALF OXFORDS. Many styles and
patterns, including all the most
wanted styles. Values JjO 2Q
to $4.00 pair, special. .. V"01'
New Shipment Oriental Rugs
In our opinion, the most artistic com
binations of color blending and soft
richness of finish ever shown in this
part of the Northwest. These are
extraordinarily fine goods that will
appeal irresistibly to the lover of the
beautiful in floor-coverings. We in
vite the inspection and criticism of
all rug connoisseurs. The lustrous
sheen of the finsh, the exquisite
beauty of the designs and the soft,
harmonious blending of colors com
bine to make these rugs marvels of
richness. The prices are exceeding
ly modest, considering the unusual
high quality. There are Daghistans,
Bokharas, Gonmunds, Kasaks, Kis
kilems and Khivas. In room sizes.
Heatherhloom Petticoats
On Sale at One-third Less
Come in a great variety of styles, with double flounce. Colors, royal blue, brown, light or dark
gray, green, red, cardinal, champagne, cream, leather, tan and black. f 7V
$6.00. Choice of any of these Thursday m. m. titoo
Sell regularly at $1.75 to
SWISS SHOPPING BASKETS In fancy weaves; fitted with two heavy handles. Very
specially priced for Thursday only at
This includes Hats for vacation wear, picnics, Autumn, riding, fishing, golfing or shopping; in fact, hats for all sorts of out-door use, in misses' and women's models. They are made of rough or smooth
braids, light weight, and decidedly smart tailored effects. A large assortment of styles and colors. We also include a number of Children's Sailors in Buster Brown WJ A J U DD flT
style, with ribbon bands and streamers. Your choice of any hat in the above-mentioned assortment Thursday for
Says Article Dealing WHh Land
Frauds in the Chronicle
Was False. '
SAN FRAXCISCO, Juno X Charging
that he had been libeled in an article
printed in the Chronicle on May 30 In con
nection with the Perrin-Benson land
fraud cases. Detective "William J. Burns
applied for and was granted a warrant
by Judge Cabanlas for M. H. De Young
today. Mr. De Young subsequently ap
peared before Judge Cabaniss and gave
ball in the sum of $50.
Burns bases his action against Mr. De
Young on. the construction placed in the
article in question on the statements of
P. Snell in an affidavit made by Snell
In connection with the application of Dr.
iidwln 8. Perrin, who was sentenced to
one year in the penitentiary for land
frauds, for a new trial.
Will Walk Back From Atlantic.
NEW YORK. June 8. Jules Lepleux. a
landscape gardener, who during the last
13 months walked from San Francisco to
New York by way of New Orleans and
8t. Lvuist left this morning upon a pe
destrian tour which will end in Market
street, San Francisco.
Mr. Lepleux is a member of the Hor
ticultural Society of California and dur
ing his Journey has tarried in several
cities to exchange ideas in landscape
Xo .Ground for Suit Against United
OH Company.
DENVER, June 8. With reference to
the suit filed yesterday at Florence,
Colo., against the United Oil Company's
officers by Jacob Wallace, a stockhold
er. In which a receivership and 81,000,
000 damages are sought, President
Crawford Hill of the company said
"I deny all the charges cited in the
complaint and do not know any reason
why the suit should have been insti
tuted. The affairs of the company have
been conducted to the best of my abil
ity since I became its president eight
years ago, after the death of my father.
The majority of the stock of the United
Oil Company is vested in my family,
and it would assuredly be inconsistent
if I should wilfully mismanage its
"The Standard Oil Company buys our
oil, as it has done for years; but out
side of that, we have no business agree
ment with that company."
Olyropla Beer. "If the water." Brew
ery's own bottling. Phones, Main 671,
A 84T.
Langdon Provides Against Possible
Killing of Evidence.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 3. District At
torney Langdori filed a suit this after
noon in the Police Court dismissing the
Parkside bribery indictments against
Abraham Ruef and charging Ruef with
the crimes mentioned in the Indictments
by a complaint on information. This
suit Is brought for the purpose of obtain
ing the testimony of James L. Gallagher,
which is material and vitally important
to the graft prosecution for use in trials
against Ruef, if by any reason thel
witness Gallagher, may not be present
in court.
AH the evidence against Ruef will be
presented in the Police Court and this
evidence, even though Gallagher should
be killed, as has been threatened and
once attempted, will be available at the
actual trial of Ruef in the Superior
Roosevelt Will Not Intercede.
NETW YORK, June 3. President Roose
velt has Just refused to Intercede for an
old Union army veteran who Is now serv
ing time for the part he took recently in
smuggling articles from France into this
country. The appeal to the President was
made In behalf of Austin Montayne, who
until recently was connected with a firm
of importers. Montayne is now in the
prison hospital on Blackweil's Island in
feeble health. Montayne was sentenced to
four months' imprisonment and several
other Indictments were found against him
in addition to the one on which he was
Double Murder in Arkansas.
STUTTGART, Ark., June 8. Other
than to say his sister had been wronged,
Ben Oliver, a young farmer who was
lodged in the county Jail at Dewitt last
night, charged with the killing of his sis
ter and her husband, a man named
Stanley, can give no reason for hia
"Silent" Smith's Great Fortune.
NEW YORK, June 8. Transfer Tax
Appraiser William P. Gregg, of Port
Jervis, has made his report to Surro
gate John B. Bweezey on the estate of
James Henry Smith, who at the time of
his death while in Japan on a tour
around the world resided at Tuxedo
Park, Orange County. The personal prop
erty is valued at 821,2-10,447.96, of which
812.016,033.60 Is In bonds. The real estate
Cor. Fourth and Washinctoa Sta
is 82,416.057.50. Debts and expenses of ad
ministration are 81,690,577.08, leaving 821,
965,957.48 for distribution to the legatees.
Appraiser Gregg finds thaf there is
$4,088,918 on which the I per cent transfer
tax Is collected, and $17,652,127.48 for the
5 per cent tax. The state will receive
823.495.55. His wife, Annie Armstrong
Smith, will receive $3,000,000.
A New Feature for Children "Begins in the Next Issue of
"THE DONAKIN CIRCUS" is the story of a picture-book
that came to life, illustrated by Howard
Cort, the well-known children's illustrator. As the
weeks go by all the familiar friends of the children,
who make their home in the circus, step from the
pages of this wonderful book and take part in
pageants, tournaments and dramatic adventures.
' The story of what happens in the pages is told in
Start the Children With the Beginning of the Story, SUNDAY, JUNE 7