Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 04, 1908, Image 1

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e v
Auto Parade Triumph
of Floral Beauty.
Water Carnival at Midnight Is
an Inspiring Sight.
Procession Moves Vt Jtlver From
Lower Harbor to Ross Island.
Crowds in Streets Catch
Festival Spirit.
A. M. Fioral parade, accom-
4 panted by battle of roses
IP. M. Start of long distance
! automobile races on Base I.!ne road.
T:.".0 P. M. B:ast Side school chll-
dren's parade, followed by street
f festival.
T 1:30 and 8:30 P. M Walter Dam-
I rr.srh. New York Symphony Or-
chestra and Norcilca, at the Armory,
J Tenth and Couch.
Millions of roses, hundreds of miles of
bright hunting, tons of serpentine, myr
iad rings and banners, scores of novel
ties, big dally parades and special fea
tures are all doing their full share to
make the reign of roses an "eventful week
In the history of Portland.
Rut the keynote of success, the feature
which is giving the annual festival Its
unparalleled success Is the responsive
enthusiasm of the people. This spirit of
loyal support lias been manifest from
the fit st, and with the succeeding days
nf the celebration there has been no fall
ing away of loyalty. Rather It has been
Out until well Into the night for the
"Spirit of the Golden West" parade, the
populace was astir again bright and early
yesterday morning for the decorated autot
procession. The attendance, was nearly
as great as at the Illuminated parau.
and It Is conservatively estimated that
there were 61,000 people on the streets
at 10:15 o'clock in the morning, when
the column moved.
How Crowds Spent the Day.
And again last night the same great
enthusiastic, loyal multitude flocked to
the river to see the Venetian water car
nival and procession of Illuminated water
craft. The intervals between those two
big events of the day were spent in walk
ing about the street throwing serpentine
and confetti or in viewing for the last
time the marvelously beautiful rose ex
position at the Oriental building. Twenty-five
thousand people gave up their
entire day to the Rose Festival. Fifty
thousand additional visited one or both
the procession features.
Today's programme Is the most elabor
ate yet held. This forenoon will be given
up to the big floral procession and at
tendant battle of roses. The afternoon
will be devoted to the big automobile
racing events. It is believed more than
100.000 people from Portland and Mult
nomah County will view the racing
events from one part or other of the 14
mile course. At night the - East Side
will have the center of the stage with
the children's parade on Grand avenue
and the masque street carnival follow
ing the parade.
Auto Parade Two Miles Long.
Both the auto parade and the water
carnival of last night were momentous
entertainment events. The auto pro
cession was nearly two miles in length,
and there were many fine features in
:he column. The parade moved prompt
ly at 10:15, and passed over the line
of procession at a speed of 10 miles
an hour. Decorations were mainly In
roses, although many other plants and
rrcens were used to good advantage.
Scotch broom was used effectively on
many cars.
Machines of every variety appeared
!n the column, and the number of
mtns In use in Portland, as developed
ay the parade, was a surprise. There
was most every kind of auto, from the
all but obsolete machine of a few years
ago, to the spick and span car of the
present year. Not a few were com
pletely bedded In roses and bright
bunting! Art In decorative effect was
achieved by no less than 25 of the
participants. The car that attracted
most attention was Miss Izetta Jewel's,
which was banked in roses and sur
mounted by two Teddy bears, engaged
in tossing roses to the crowds. Occu
pants of several autos showered the
crowd with roses. '
V. C. T. V. Entry Applauded. '
On one auto 20,000 pink roses were,
used. This was entered by the W. C.
T. U., and committees from that organ
ization planned and effected the dec
oration of a big touring car with their
own hands. Eight young women
gowned in white rode in the .auto,
which was applauded all along the line.
On both sides of the river, the pro
cession was viewed by the thousands of
people who turned out. The procession
swept gracefully across the Morrison
street bridge, passed through the East
Side business center and returned over
Continued on Page u. .
Animal Hears In Crossing Creek and
Falls With President Beside Him
Xo Harm Is Done.
WASHINGTON. June 3. While fording
a stream in Rock Creek Park yesterday
afternoon. President Roosevelt was
thrown from his horse Into about two
feet of water and was In danger of1 Injury
from the fallen animal's hoofs, but es
caped without suffering any further than
a good ducking.
The President was riding on a new
horse and in ascending 4he bank after
crossing the creek the animal reared.
The President leaned forward and slack
ened the reins, thereby avoiding pulling
the horse over backwards. On reaching
the top of the bank, the horse reared
again and stood up straight on his hind
legs. Although -ar. Roosevelt leaned for
ward, the horse went over backwards Into
the rocky bed of the creek.
Mr. Roosevelt escaped being caught
under the horse In its fall by slipping
from the saddle. He fell In the stream
beside the animal - and, to avoid being
struck by its feet in its struggle, got out
of the way quickly. The horse turned
over in the opposite direction -from him
and was quickly recaptured. The PresI
dent remounted and rode for an hour and
a half before returning to the White
House. .
Mrs. Roosevelt was with her husband.
Occupants of several carriages which had
crossed the creek ahead of him spread
rumors of serious injury, which were
promptly denied.
Company C, Fourteenth, Champion.
A'ancouver Post Stands High.
WASHINGTON, June 3. Company C,
Fourteenth Infantry, made the best tar
get record for the season of 1907, accord
ing to figures made public at the War
Department today. The individual figure
of Troop D In the Philippines was 8S.79,
considerably higher than in the United
States, where the individual figure of
merit was 79.63.
In the qualifications in the classes of ex
pert riflemen, sharpshooters and marks
men, there was a material net decline in
the United States in 1907. while in the
Philippines there was an increase.
The organizations in the United States
leading In target practice in 1907 were the
Department of the Lakes, the Vancouver
Barracks Post, the Fifth Regiment of
Cavalry, the Fourteenth Regiment of In
fantry and Troop F. Second Cavalry. In
the Philippine Islands the Department of
the Vlscaya led the. several departments
with a merit of 79.45.
Professor C. A. Duniway to Be Pres
ident of State-Cnlversity.
PALO ALTO, Cal.. June 3. Professor
C. A. Duniway today accepted the offer
to become president of the University of
Montana, and he will assume his new
duties on September 1. He has been for
some time a member of Stanford Uni
versity faculty, distinguishing himself In
the history department. , He graduated
from Cornell In 1892. He Is the third
member of the history faculty to leave
Stanford In the last three months, One
going to Yale, and another to Harvard.
Twenty Shipwrecked Men Picked Up
by Brazilian Ship.
RIO JANEIRO. June 3. It is stated
that the Brazilian training-ship. Benja
min. Constant,, which is on a voyage to
Yokohama, picked up 20 shipwrecked
men on Wake Island, a possession of the
United States in the Pacific Ocean.
Death Is Sequel to Party.
CHICAGO, June 3. Mrs. Mary Dohr
mann, living at 69 Tell Court, and her
three children, were found dead early to'
day. having been asphyxiated by gas es
caping from a stove. Mrs. Dohrmann
last night entertained a children's party
In honor of the birthday of her eldest
daughter.- The company, broke up at . 10
o'clock and from that time until today,
when the bodies were found by neighbors,
nothing was seen or heard of them. A
rubber-tube which conveyed the gas toN
a small cooking stove was . found de
tached and It is supposed that it slipped
off during the night and filled the house
with gas.
It's Ip to Him.
Effective When Vote Is
Newly-Elected Officials Sub
ject to Its Provisions.
Additional Members Supreme Court
to Be Chosen In November Leg
islature Must Provide Pro
portional Representation.
SALEM, Or., June 3. (Special.) The
constitutional amendments and bills
adopted by the people at the election last
Monday will go into effect as soon as
the vote thereon can be . canvassed and
the result proclaimed by the Governor.
This will probably be three weeks yet.
as some of the County Clerks are always
slow in sending in returns. Most of the
amendments and initiative measures
have no immediate effect, however.
though they will be In full force as
soon as the proclamation has been issued.
Recall Effective at Once.
The recall amendment' Is .self-execu
tory and will be effective at once. It
provides that "25 per cent of the voters
of an election district may compel an
officer to -stand for re-election at a
special election to be held within 20 days
for which election other candidates may
be nominated. The reasons for the re
call and the defense of the officer may
be printed upon the sample ballots in not
to exceed 200 words each. No provision
Is made as to the manner in which nom
inations shall be made for the special
election. Recall petitions cannot be filed
until an officer has occupied his position
six months, or, in the case of a member
of the Legislature, until the Legislature
has been in session five days.
K More June Elections.
The act Instructing members of the
Legislature to . vote for the people's
choice for Senator will, of course, never
be effective as an imperative law, but
as a moral Influence upon the Legisla
ture its significance will be determined
next January.
The amendment changing the time of
holding elections from June fo November
111 take effect in 1910.
If the amendment has passed Increas
ing the number of Supreme Judges from
three to five, though it now seems Im
probable, there will be two Judges to
elect at the! November election this year.
for itjs so provided in the amendment.
Nominations must be by convention, as
sembly of electors or by petition. ' -
If both fishery bills have been adopted.
each will stand, except that If there be
any conflicting provisions the act re
ceiving the largest affirmative vote will
prevail. "
More Chances for Minority.
The proportional representation amend
ment merely authorizes the Legislature
to provide a system of election by which
minorities shall be assured of represent
ation in all -offices to which two or more
persons are to be elected. The amend
ment does not prescribe the manner in
which this shall be accomplished, but
leaves the Legislature to adopt any one
of a number of plans . of atttainlng it.
The amendment authorizes the Legisla
ture to enact laws permitting the voter
to express his second and third choice
or laws requiring that the pej-son elect
ed shall receive a majority of the votes
cast for the candidates for the office.
As this measure increases the opportuni
ties of minority parties and as the direct
primary tends to loosen party ties, there
is strong 'probability that the two to
gether will result in minority parties se
curing more representation than that to
which they would be entitled upon their
actual party strength.
The corrupt practices act limits the ex
penditures of candidates in primary cam
paigns to 15 per cent of the salary for
Continued on Page 6.
Wtert the Votes Came From.
Wedding With MUs Hoyt In Church
Converted Into Italian Garden.
Honeymoon in Europe.
NEW YORK. June 3. (Special.)
wedding of Henry Ladd Corbett, son of
Mrs. Henry W. Corbett, of PortlandOr.,
and Miss Gretchen Hoyt, elder daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reese Hoyt, was
celebrated today at noon in St. Barthol
omew's Church by the Right Rev. David
H. Green, bishop coadjutor, assisted by
Rev. Lelghton Parks, rector of the
. The church decorations were unique
and as fine as have ever been seen in
New York. The body of the church was
turned Into an Italian garden, laid out
t v
I.rwla Klxn, Shipbuilder, Wlio.e
Torpedo-boat Are Criticised By
Russian Douma.
with bay trees. The pews along the
side- were marked with tall globe
topped bay trees, from the bases of
which grew white and pink peonies.
Great clusters of peonies were tied to
every ' pew on the nave. The chancel
was a miniature Italian garden, with Its
baytrees arranged in line, huge rows of
rhododendrons and peonies giving the
effect of growing flowers.
Misa Elizabeth Hovt was her slster'i
maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were
the Misses D. S. Hovt. a rnn-
sin of the . bride.." Lorraine Roosevelt,
Edith Landon. Dorothy King and Anita
L. Feabodv all of New York. All of
the attendants carried Klllarney roses.
Elliott Corbett was his ' brother's best
man and the ushers were Hamilton Cor
bett. another brother. Roflprirk UaMaov
of Portland, Or., William Boulton. Jr..
Arthur Page, Rlchara Derby. Gardner
Perry, Gordon Parker and Henry Parker,
or this city.
The bridal pair will sail for Eurona
next week, and will remain abroad all
Summer, Spending a portion of the time
motoring in England and France. On
their return here thev will resiria In
Portland, where the bridegroom is in
Returning Roses Because of Hand
some Vote for University Bill.
EUGENE, Or., June 3. (Special.) The
friends of the University of Oregon here
are Jubilant over the result of the elec
tion, and besides Joining with the stu
dents In their celebration of the event,
they are preparing. to reward Multnomah,
as far as they can, by sending to the
Portland Rose Festival the most and best
roses that frow tn Eugene.
The school children' are today, working
with the Commercial Club and the Wom
en's Auxiliary of the club, and they will
send tonight and tomorrow night to Port
fandthe best that the city has In roses.
The people are all Jolrrrng in this en
deavor to show Portland that they ap
preciate her loyalty to the State Uni
versity. '
Sergcant-at-Arms Arrives.
DENVER. June 3. Colonel John I.
Martin, of St. Louis, sergeant-at-srnis
of the Democratic National Convention
arrived here today and will remain un
til after the close of the convention.
Preparatory to the final meeting of the
preneral committee on arrangements, . a
list of assistant sergeant-at-arms Is
being prepared. The total number wUl I
be about 600. " I
Ho! for Oregon and the Millennium.
fir' , -s f - , $
Final Figures Will Be
Around 1700or 1800.
Nearly All Show Steady Gains
for the Democrat.
Malheur Comes In With Double Its
Former Estimate Lake, Too,
Goes for the Governor.
Other Returns.
Governor Chamberlain's plurality over
Cake, for United States Senator will be
about 1700. He now has 1546. Complete
returns from a large number of counties,
received by The Oregonian yesterday, in
crease previous estimates. For example,
Malheur, which had previously been in
the Chamberlain column by 100, nearly
doubles that plurality by giving him 196,
with five small precincts still to hear
from. Cake's previous lead of 18 In Ben
ton County Is cut down to eight, while
in Clatsop the full vote raises the Demo
crat's plurality from 300 to 357. Crook
County, too, with nearly all votes
counted, gives Chamberlain a lead of
224 over his competitor. The Oregonian
last night received the lull vote of Doug
las, showing that each Senatorial candi
date has 1890 votes. Effort was made to
verify these figures, but the office at
Roseburg had been closed. If this is
correct. It shows a slight loss to the
Democratic candidate. Gilliam County
comes In with only 20 for the Republican
nominee, while Lake, hitherto in dispute,
adds 70 to the Chamberlain column. Lane
County, however, as the country precincts
are heard from, continues to add to the
Cake figures. In Wallowa County, with 11
out of 20 precincts. Cake has a lead of
113 which will probably reach 200. Marie,
with every vote, counted, shows Just 11
for Cake, while Multnomah, with the
count complete and a total of more than
25.000- for the two candidates, shows Just
991 for the Governor.
Mr.- Cake has carried 19 counties and
Mr. Chamberlain 13, counting Douglas a
tie. The state at large, outside of Mult
nomah, on the vote ao far at hand
has given Chamberlain a plurality of
652. Seventeen counties out of 33 are
complete and most of the others are
practically complete. It Is not probable
that the final returns will make a dif
ference of more than 100 votes in Gov
ernor Chamberlain'a plurality one way
or the other.
Baker" ...
Benton . . .
Coos .....
Crook ...
IXu(tla ..
Gilliam" ..
Oram ....
Harney- . . . ,
Josephine. ..
Lincoln ..
Linn .....
Malheur ...
Marlon" ..
357 !
1. sni
2. H44
1,R!M. 1.8i0
4! 42K
3417 2SMJ
V.oAo! V.120
71H .-!
207! .173
2.74.V 2.073
4S2' r,M
l.Mi! 2.3HH
:..! 7.-..-.
3.21l 3.2O0
' V.iA.-i' V.354
430' 312
50' 4.-.1
2.27 3 2.0-J7
Morrow ......... fiO'
Polk J I 221
Irion ....
Wallowa .
WaW ....
Wheeler ..
YamhillM ...
joo ' ....
2.-.I ....
100! !
1.01 if-
Chamberlain's plurality.
"complete ofrtolal.
Complete unofficial.
"Estimated and Incomplete.
Socialists for Prohibition.
LITTLE ROCK. Ark.. June 3. Arkansas
Socialists in convention here today de
clared for state-wide Prohibition and con
demned lynching and anarchy .
A Little Touch on the Fish.
Senator Gave Her $75,000 and Ti
oga Lodge to Abandon Suit
for Divorce.
NEW YORK, June 3. Senator
Thomas C. Piatt will be compelled to
pay to the law firm of Marsh, Wins
low & Weber J2471 expenses, which
they paid for Mrs. Lillian Janew'ay
Piatt, the Senator's wife, durins the
pendency of her suit for separation.
This was the verdict of a Jury in the
Supreme Court, which heard testimony
in the case yesterday.
The terms of agreement between the
Senator and Mrs. Janeway Piatt at the
time of their separation became public
for the first time during the hearing
yesterday. It appears the Senator
agreed to pay his wife $73,000 in lieu
of all her claims upon him. besides
recognizing her as the absolute owner
of Tioga Lodge, the Piatt Summer
home at Highland Falls, and several
other smaller pieces of property which
had been deeded to her by the Senator.
In return, Mrs. Piatt agreed to dis
continue the suit for absolute divorce
and also not to - make any demands
upon him for support. .
Shtppy's Theory: "Do Others Before
They Do You."
DETROIT, June 3. Today's features
of the convention of the International
Association of Police Chiefs were an
extemporaneous talk at the morning
session -by Chief Shlppy, of Chicago,
who scouted the golden rule theory of
dealing with offenders, and a revlew
of the Detroit police this afternoon.
"There might have been a time in
Chicago when the golden rule was fol
lowed by the police, but the new rule
Is: 'Do others before they do you.' "This
later rule." he said, "worked very well
when I was attacked recently in my
own home by a supposed anarchist."
Captain Henry Curran, of Nashville,
one of the veterans of the chiefs, eject
ed a negro from a restaurant today.
The Chief was Just about to order his
breakfast when the negro entered and
sat down on the next stool to the
Southern officer.
"He didn't seem willing to leave,"
said Captain Curran, afterward, "so I
took him to the door. Did I throw him
out? Yes, I guess that's about the size
of It." -
Workman Leads, but Three Others
Hang to Ills Flanks.
MEDICINE- BOW, Wyo., June 3. At
noon today 15 horses and riders still re
mained In the endurance race. All are re
ported In good condition and all. It Is pre
dicted by the veterinarians In charge,
will be In at the finish at Denver.
All of the horses have passed Rawlins,
243 miles,- from Evanston, - the starting
point, and eight went through Medicine
Bow, 003 miles from Evanston, this morn
ing. Workman, Means, Kern and Ed
wards are leading in a bunch. These four
riders left Medicine Bow early this morn
ing and stopped for lunch at Lookout,
28 miles west of Laramie.
Means, Kern and Edwards declare they
will hang to the flanks of Workman's
horse, if they do not outfoot him before
Cheyenne Is reached. -
Several Thousand Men Will Be
Given Employment.
NEW YORK. June 3. President
Underwood, of the Erie Railroad, Is
sued Instructions today that all that
roads' carshop3 should be placed on a
ten-hour basis. It Is the intention of
the company to immediately begin re
pairing all equipment which has been
Idle by reason of lack of business. Th
resumption of work will give employ
ment to several thousand men.
East Regains Confidence.
NEW YORK, June 3. Signs of re
turning confidence are to be seen on
the hotel registers all over the city, for
the buyers from out-of-town firms have
been tiocking in of late, seemingly on
every train. A remarkable instance of
this is at one hotel, where from a sin
gle St. Louis drygoods house 20 buyers
are staying. In former years 15 buyers
from the larger houses in the West
were usually the limit to be sent here
at one time, and In a Presidential year
the number was much less, as a rule.
"I,et iee, Whom Shall
on First t "
I Start In
Hatred of Dreyfus
Breaks Out in Paris.
Removal of Bones to Pantheon
Causes Outburst.
Glorification of Main Who Forced
Justice to Dreyfus) Enrages Fa
natics, and Groniis Mingle
With Cheers aft Pantheon.
PARIS, June 3. Preparations for the In
terment tomorrow of the remains of Emil
Zola, the eminent Jiof.elist. with full Na
tional honors In the E'antheon, the Temple
of Fame, are now icomplete. The cere
mony will "be elaborate and Impressive
and almost Identical with that observed
when the body of Victor Hugo, the last
great Frenchman to be so honored, waa
transferred to the Bantheon.
Revives Drejyfus Feud.
The realization that Zola Is to be glor
ified, not so much as a reward for his
prodigious activity In , literature, but be
cause he was the first jsreat leader In the
Dreyfus case, which nouted the general
staff of the army and Iforeed the govern
ment to purge Itself of the charge of so
cial Injustice, has re ved whatever is
left of the old animosities that ten years
ago divided France ird o two hostile
camps. The anti-Drey 1 us papers are
today heaping Insults iqion the memory
of Zola as the "traduce r of France" In
his novels, and alleging 'that translations
of his works disgrace the country. The
reactionary agencies p ilnly are trying
to provoke antl-Zola m mlfestatfons for
tomorrow. 1
Today, In accordance with the arranged
programme, the remains, which have been
lying under a striking liust of the great
novelist in the Crmeterj of Montmarte',
ere borne In a simple' hearse, followed
by the members of the Igion of Honor
and a few friends, to the Pantheon, where
the coffin was placed tfpon a high cata
falque erected In the mil idle transept, be
neath r high cupola. :
Groans Mingle AV Ith Cheers.
Thousands of persons who gathered
around the Pantheon nilsed cheere and
groans, the chcera predominating, as the
hearse passed, and an a.ttempt by a few
rowdies to start a hotri.lle manifestation
proved a failure. It h as been decided to
close the Pantheon aijler the ceremony
tomorrow and to reopen it on Saturday
for the public. '
La Libre Parole publishes an extract
denouncing the govern'roent and Parlia
ment In the foulest laitjjuage jOT tne dei
fication of Zola, alleging It will convert
the Pantheon into a sem er.
The anti-Dreyfusards have also deco
rated walla with posters, setting forth
Continued on l-"aK 5
Foreijnt .
Douma will cnsur purcliise of torpedo-boats
from Nixon. ras 3. .
Removal of Zola's body M Pantheon revive
Dreyfucr feud In Paris Page 1.
Nations I.
Two-rent postage betwteen United Ftt
and Gieat Britain sag n In effect. Pag
3. i
Roosevelt narrowly esr-ai pes injury by fall
from horse. Page l.
Victims of Cabrera (vranny appeal to
United States to Intervene. Page 4.
Senator Tlatt ordered to pay claim of
wife's lawyers. Page 1.
New York bank teller commits tulcids
when frauds are dls covered. Page fi.
Benson's prosecutor ac fuses him of with
holding evidence. fuse 5.
Flood. in Montana grewv worse and com
pletely block Nortrtern pacific Road.
Page 4-
English Derby won by Signorlnetta. an
outsider. Page 1.
Port. and defeats I-o Aoif.eles by scor of
5 to 2. Page 7. - ,
Programme for great autoj road races today.
Page 7.
Pacific Coatst.
Detective Burns sues Dai Young for libel.
Page 2. f
Peoples new laws go In fleet vhen result of
vote Is formally announced. Page 1.
Idaho Democratic State tCtonvention spilt in
two on Dubois; riot, narrowly averted.
" Page 5. '
Plot to blow up Glendale Opera House fall
because fuse burns out.. . Page 8.
Commercial auid. Mauine.
Produce merchants declare lu per cent com
mission project off. PtsKe 17.
Eastern wheat markets weakened by de
clines abroad. Page 17.
Violent fluctuation In stock, market. Page 17.
Local Inspectors decide the Captain Charles;
Ilailey, of the Tatooah, is not guiky.
Page 10.
Tort land and Vicinity.
Result of election in MJultnumah County.
Page 12.
Succe.s of Rose Festival grrovy. Page 1.
Admen guests of naval men on board tha
warships. Page 16.
Judge Cameron announces J. J. Fltzgera'd
Chief Deputy District .Attorney. Page 12.
Great floral parade and auto races Rcwa Fes
tival programme Unlay., Page 11.
East Side to have children's parade and
maked carnival tonighrt. Page 11.
Prizes awarded for exhibits of roses at the
exhibit. Page 11.
William I Hlggina Portlands oldest pioneer
resident, aead. Page 12.
Crow' on warships so great officer are
obliged to cio& gangways at 3 P. M.
Page 12.
Pacific Notrhwest benefits Trom Method let
Episcopal General Conference. Page in.