13 THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN SATURDAY, MAY SO, 1DOS. FOB SATE REAL ESTATE. "SPANTOX'S SPECIALS." 91400 18 minutes on car line; new 4-room dwelling, lot 6fxU3; small payment down, balance $10 pr month. $2000 Equity $luu; will sell or exchange 9-room dwelling on East Salmon su; lot 47UaxlW. 12200 Big bargain, 15 minutes on carline; lot 5uxlo0; 8-room dwelling, large porch, lota of rosea; terms. $2500 iesirable bungalow, corner lot, 50x loo; 10 minute Hawthorne-ave. car; terms. $2000 SSunnywide; R-room cottage, corner lot, 6txlH; very desirable; terms. $3500 b-rom -dwelling, corner lot, 6vxl00; 17 minutes on W.-W. carline; term. $3CO0 6-room attractive dwelling, lot 5X loo; 17 minute by Unlon-ave. car; terms. . $5200 Complete farm of 45 acres, Wash ington County: orchard, all kinds of berries, 3 kinds of nuts. 4 acres potatoes, 2 acres oata, cowa, hordes, chicken good houee, barn and other nouses and every known farm Implement; terms. $110 per acre; large list of splendid to farms, on Portland, Salem & Hllls $118 boro Electric line; some of these are especially good buys. THE SP ANTON CO., Main 2S28 270 Stark street, A 2828 Ground Floor. SUBURB AX HOME AT MOUNT TABOR. On QUI lam at., half a block from the Base Line road; we have the prettiest half anre that you can find anywhere ; beauti ful shade trees and any number of large Cherry, apple, pear and plum treea; mag nificent view of Portland ; -room house, not new, but la a plastered houee and has just been newly painted and papered; at $2750 this Is the best buy in the city; half cash wlU handle, balance three years at 7 per cent. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club bid. Main 8009, A 2653. HALF ACRE TRACTS. We are offering the beat thine in acre or half acre tracts la Portland; water wains laid and terms of only $10 cash and $10 per month. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO.. 110 2d at. CALL UP EAST 2532 For any of these; $1300 8 rooms near Union ave. and Shaver, $700 down. $2000 6 rooms. Marguerite ave; large lot; half cash. $2OO0 5 rooms, Creston; modern; $350 down. $3000 5 rooms, Bunnyside; a beauty; corner; half cash. 000 Timber claim, 5,000,000 t set. UAKEH & STIGER, 288 East Morrison. TRVINGTON HOMES. 8-room thoroughly modern houee; ha re ception hall, beamed ceilings, paneled dining-room, cove ceiling "In parlor, built-in buffet, bookcase In den; gas and electricity; timed walls; fireplace and furnace heat; cement basement; choice location, near l4th si.; very easy terms; will accept vacant lot in Xrvlngton aa part cash. The price is $00. TERMS. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO., 1224 6th St. NEW, modern 6-room cottage, corner lot, ooxlOU; good location. 1 block from car line; price S2000; terma. New. strictly modern 6-room house, lot BOxloo, full cemon basement; gas and electricity, everything handy; 1 block from Alberta carline; price $2000, $300 down, $20 a month. We have some good buys in homes on "Union ave. J. M. KERR & CO., . SOS Stark at., room 30. EAST BURNS1DE DISTRICT. We have several choice homes for eala In the Bast Burn side district, ranging- in price from a few thousand dollars to one that la cheap at $10,0oO; if you wish to have your own house built,' we can sell you a lot at a reasonable price. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club bldg.. Main fcOyV. A 2053. THE FINEST ACRE TRACTS. Near Portland, beautifully located for coun try homes, on Oregon City carline, 25 mln utee' ride; beat soil, all cleared, spring water; three acres or more, with 6-room, plastered houae, vineyard, fruit treea, out houses, etc. ; easy terme. L, "W. RE1NHARDT, Oak Oruve Station. TPOITR MTI.ES OUT. 67 acres of fine land all level and In cultivation; no hilla to pull over; Just nice for an auto run; no buildings; an ideal place; some bearing fruit; handy to good scnooi; gooa eon. HENKLkl & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. DO YOU WANT A HOME? A new 6-room houae within 6o limit, iK-mlnuta service: cost $1000 to build; two large lota with lawn, shade, fruit, finwAn. tfinlen and hen nark; best offer; terms. Phone Tabor 1420 or ask for G. Moss at 105 2nd. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. 7 rooms and bath; a comfortable home and 3 lots; spienuia location; ana a. ei jr fine view; not utiw, out in excellent cuuur Hon. $4500. JN'O. P. SHARKWV CO., 122 6th St. ACREAGE. 80 acres Just north of Ltnntoav, 8 miles from city on line of new elwctrlc road, near the river; OoOO to 7o0o cords of wood on the place, and the price is only per acre, liasy terms. J no. P. Sharkey Co., 1224 th at. OKVl-lVW BARGAIN. $3000 for a well-built 7 -room bung-alow with a tfVe full corner lot on East Davis St.; a beautiful home; $2500 cash, balance on tune. F. FUCHS, 221 H Morrison St. FRACTIONAL lot "on East Davis St., be tween lth and 22d; 33x100. for $000; easy terms. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club bldg. Main 890. A 2653. IN Hood River Valley, close in. 4 acres In young stanuara, appies anu pcacnrn, unu- ttful building spot among oaKs, lovely view, i.tr-ul Knniiner home, neighborhood unsur passed, price cut for limited time; terms. 7-ROOM modern bungalow, complete; tinted, moduru plumbing fixtures, shades, ainseoted dining-room. 00x100 lot, $2700; $400 cafh, balance easy terms. Phone owner, Woodlawn 197. forenoons. tviP tUM rash. 6-room house, and lot. uh furniture: fruit trees and grape vines. bearing; goKl view : home evenings, aleo Haturday, Sunday, Monday, 696 Umatilla ave., Sllwood- . , . - .-v rn. 1 Art In 17 nm T3 m t-Lt U"V A V ....... -- block and a half from carline; fine house being Duut nvu uum mrso, uwht must sll. Manchester & Wilson. DOS Wella-Fargo bldg. $3000 b'OUR nice lots 150x130 feet, corner Vancouver ave. and Skldmore St.; sewer, gas; water In. F. W. Hells, 915 Williams ave. acreage close In. and farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 4480. Kinney 4k fitampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. V wil T I1 naw R.MATn t-iinpnlftic ml Hctlw modern in every respeotj two lots, on r.aac sine; nne ip, uv (luai uexutco. kthk'Ti.y modern ft-room house. S4tlOO: t- room hou. $3700; small cash payment, balance $25 monthly. Owner. Phone - woodlawn iv. HOLLA DAY ADDITION ffntendld opportun- Ityl Huy home at cost: fireplace, hardwood floors; moaera; leavunc oivyj Tory out terms. K ka, Oregonl&a. THIS WEEK SPECIAL PARGAIM LOTS, TAKK AUltK lA-M. t Al JOHN B. MATTHBW3. OFFICE 2TTH AND ALBERTA. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BT 2&XPEHT HEAL ESTATB ATTI, D. A- TUFTS. 803H WASHINGTON BT. OWNER must, sell S lots, corner, fruit, gar den, 6 .rooms, ground floor, block Mount tk-ott car, $1700; $1000 down. Call 2S3 Two LOTS. 100x100 feet on 23d St.. near Thurman. at very low figure; this la a real bargain; see us for terms. Parrish. Watkins & Co.. Aider st. HOLLA DAY'S ADDITION Beautiful lot. lm proved, graded, near two carllnes, all new home; positively the cheapest; terms. R Oregon lan. LKATTIFVL new 8 -room colonial house, rornrr, $4600, easy monthly payments. Owner, phone wooaiawn iiv. TWO Sfrea, half price; Investigate at once; IS minutes' ride. N Vi, Oregonlan. FOR SALE By owner, a new, modern 7- room house. tast ein rvortn Li 50x100. tn Central Atbina. cheap. Phone c 1S21, or O Oregomaa. FOR 8 AXE REAL ESTATE. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. View Property. A block with unobstructed view of city and mountains; close to carline; choice location. $2750. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO., 122 6th St. EAST SIDE. EASY TERMS. 7 rooms and bath; beamed celling, paneled dining-room, reception hall, tinted walls; streets improved; cement eidewalks, roses, etc.; full cement basement; furnace and fireplace; $1550 cash and $20 per month will handle this, and the price is $475o. JOHN P. SHARKEY CO., 122 6th SL NEW hotel building and stores. South 1st St., si.t,uou. House, 7 rooms. East Morrleon at., $1800. 11 acres, 1 mile from Oregon City. $1000. 320-acre farm near Salem; good soil; $20 per acre. E. H, COLLIS, 324 Worcester oldg. Phone Main 6567. GOOD house, barn, lot 80x125, high, dry. gently sloping; grass, anaae, roses, mag nificent trees loaded with cherries, apples, splendid neighborhood; improved, streets, electric-lighted; near carline, schools, good stores; $2500; terms. Owner, 20a Misner St., Monta villa. Tabor 27L WISE UP. What you pay the rent man, added to what you pay on that lot, will buy a home in a few years. See Butterworth, "the Bungalow Man," 317 Ablngton bldg. Main 8529. CHOICE acreage; grows everything; beat walnut land in Oregon; cioee in oh ohjciu Electric line; $125 up per acre; easy terras. A. S. Draper, room 26 Lafayette bldg., 6th, cor. Washington. ARTISTIC HOMES. We build 'em; nifty ones; don't coat much; installments; let's talk it over with Butterworth, the Bungalow Man, 317 Ab lngton bldg. Main 6529. 1900 Modern 6-room house from owner; lull lot, iun cement ua&t;iicn., -net-graded, sewer in, paid for; 6 large fruit trees, close in. one block to car. Call room 530 Lumber Exchange bldg. VERNON" SNA P lOOxlOO corner lot, on e block from Alberta carline, witn tf-room house, woodshed and) garden; price $1200, caeh $500. Call on premises, 1086 East 21st et. Xorth. CHEAP LOTS. 8 fine lots, each extra size, block ef Haw thorne ave. ; owner leaving city, selling at sacrifice. Phone, 8 to 10 A. M., Main or A 3126. $2400 INVESTMENT PAYS 12 PER CENT. two nearly new o-room coiuigcs, urw lawn, roset shrubbery and fruit treea; will sell both or separate. Haveretlo & Galla gher, 343,4 Washington at. $2200 Snap; desirable corner, E. Main and J.itn St.; aiao insiae, xtw; cement wutv, etc.; walking distance; fine home or flat site. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. 33x100 ON E. Davis, between 20th and 22d; uuu; easy terma. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club bldg., M. 8099, A 2653. EAST PORTLAND HEIGHTS By owner. well but it, modern o-room cottage, pas, electricity, good lawn, fruit and roses. Sellwood 330. FOR SALE $3000; 7-room modern houae. large iol, viuil w it uuuv iui va cant lota In upper Alblna or Irving ton. Phone Tabor 754. 8 HOUSES Must be sold; I will help you pay for home. P. u. Hemer, beimont ana E. 3&th. Phone B 2369; office open even ings. DON'T pay rent. $5 per month for a large lot, convenient to car. aiarx tocay. x-urae, 823 Chamber of Commerce. M 7309. $1550 Nice new cottage. 7C8 East 6th, near Beech; close to car; oain, gas, etc, uwuer, 20d 4th. Main 3y90. J. M. KERR St CO., Real estate, farms, 263 Stark St., room 10. A 5148. Main 1222. 7-ROOM house. Highland. New. modern; a big snap. ajoo. jonn . snaraey co, 122i 6th St. Main 650. A 2537. BARGAIN Business lot and O-room hoase in sunnysiae. .-ov; pari. casn. raon B 1702- TWO of beat located lots in Belle Crest, overlooking Country Club grounds; owner leaving city, phone East 4172. $1285-r South Portland quarter block, east front, sewers; cioae to car; terms, uwner, Main 3990. FOR SALE New bungalow, 6 rooms and bath ; moaern, ciose iu ; owner; no agents; for location and terms. K 90S, Oregon lan. ONE acre near ML Scott carline. house, 64 fruit trees, I2w strawnerry plants, also other berries. 325 Lumber Exchange. VERT choice acre at end of Waverly-Rich- mond line, fine view, good soli ; price $1500. Call for MoGrath. Main 3177. FOR SALE in small tracts, 400 acres finest fruit lanj in uosier vauey. leaven port Bros., 150 Front at. SNAP Lots In Peninsular Addition No. 2, near Swift packing plant, cheap. Phone East 3711- 6-ROOM plastered house, basement, full lot. fruit, garden, city water, i4 blocks to car; $7i0, terms, w viz. oregoman. THAT fine new 6-room residence, 774 E, Yam hill and 24th, $3250; worth $3750; easy terms. FOR SALE 5-room furnished cottage, all new, good location. 46 Shaver st. $175 LOT for $100, restricted district bar gain, must be sold. Phone bell wood ot&. FOR SALE FARMS. STOCK RANCH, must sell: 240 acres, all fenced, is good tillable land, plenty of water for irrigating, puts up 150 tons of mixed hay annually and is 40 acres more of good grain land; 2 4-room houses, 2 barns, school 150 yards; on military road, 12 miles east of Mitchell, Wheeler Co. Price $19 per acre; iwu cash or exenange, oaiance on time to suit. Apply aa 1st st. A LOVELY LITTLE HOME! Of 10 acres, on Estacada carline within 10c limit. 10 acres all under cultivation; good house and barn, good orchard; also sm.au iruit; ail unaer xence; price aov; $10OO cash, balance reaaonanie time. OTTO & HARKSON. 133 H First St. OWXER will sell fine 20-acre farm on O. W. P. electric line; land all cleared, level and best soil for fruit or garden; 6-room house, arn and other buildings; good well, garden and orchard; an ideal home and a place to make you a good income; price $3200; easy terms. iv ysi, uregonian. MUST go now, owner of 160-acre valley farm, retiring, offers farm. 21 head of stocK, au acres cieareo, no use. barn, nne huntine and fishing. rood neighbors. $2250; $1000 cash, balance 5 per cent. Box 17. laquma, Lincoln Co., or. FINE fruit land, acreage and terms to suit. at foot Mount Scott on South ; Macadam road; mostly highly cultivated; balance fine timber; running water. Inquire room 405 Ablngton niog., or owner, r eecnien, cor, 6th and Stark, The Quelle. FARMS. How about that farm? We have any thing you want, from 6 acres up. Wash ington and Oregon. J. M. KERR & CO.. SOS Stark st., room 10. SO ACRES, 20 under plow and in grain, 10 cleared, 10 milch cows. 5 yearlings. 3 hogs, 1 bull, team and new harness, 'vtagon. plow, harrow, milk separator, plenty water, house and paras. $1S00; cash down, $1000. 311 Worcester bldg. 3000 80 ACRES fine apple land. 12 acres cleared and planted to apples, some bear ing; good house and barn; beat buy of the seaaon. Manchester & Wilson. 008 Wella-Fargo bldg. $1510 20 ACRES In the heart of the apple district; good house, tarn and well, chicken houae and yard; muat be aold at once. Manchester & Wilson. COS Wells Fargo bldg. $5O0 TEN-ACRB orchard in the Hood River district; 6 acres planted to New towns and Spltxen bergs. Price $1500: $.O0 cash. $25 a mont h. M anchester A Wilson. 508 Wella-Fargo bldg. MOMER apple lands 2 5-acre tracts at $100; 1 6-acre tract at $150; 1 - 7-acre tract at $150; also others; terms; all bargains. See owner. T 970, Oregonian. RARE opportunity JO acres high-grade Mosler apple land at $75 i-er acre. ad Joining land held at $120; time given. T 171, Oregonian. DO you want a fruit farm given to you? If so, call and learn our sym; thre Uf money In it for you. 627 Corbet t bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. WAY ABOVE THE AVERAGE. 72.28 acres, situated in the famoua Logan Valley, Clackamas County all clear ex cept 3 acres in timber, good house, barn and a lot of other buildings on good road, rural delivery, dally cream route, tele phone in house, large orchard, variety of fruit. 5 acres of potatoes, balance In grain and hay, personal property 1 registered Jersey bull, 10 cows, 5 of them registered Jerseys, 20 hogs. 3 horses, 2 sets of heavy harness, 1 set single harness, buggy, hack, farm wagon, new mower, rake, cultivator, 2 plowa. harrow, drill, seeder, cream sepa rator, all dairy utensils, two stands of bees, a lot of small tools; all for f7600 IX sold soon; terms. OTTO & HARKSON. 133i First St. FIVE seres, all in cultivation; fine 6-room cottage with fireplace, with all the furni ture except the carpets ; good bam, with crop all in; 1 cow, 2 calves, 1 single wagon , all farm lm piemen ts ; lefts of fine shrubbery, orchard full -bearing, 60 trees; everything in fine shape; 10 miles from Portland; fine road, on electric eurvey. 1 mile from R. R. station. Price $2250. This la a sacrifice. Sweet, 204 Corbet t. bldg. STOCK ranch for sale 162 acres, 160 acres range adjoining. $3640. 126 miles from Portland Well 'watered. grassed and fenced; 200 head of cattle fattened year ly; suitable for cattle, sheep, hogs or dairy; sure a fortune could be made here; railroad and river shipping facilities on property; local passenger and freight trains daily. See Thomas Withycom.be, COW Commercial blk. FOR SALE: 57 y acres adjoining Clacka mas Tavern and health resort; modern . buildings, mineral water springs, land un der cultivation, hay bailer and all farm Implements; 12 miles from Portland. 3 miles from Gladstone on O. W. P. line; 4 miles from Oregon City. For sale lot buildings' worth alone. Address R. F. D. Box 5, Ho. 2. A. Erlckson. Oregon City, Or. I HAVE some extra good buys In farm land. ootn hiastern and W eatern Oregon, on which I can give good terms, and the price is right; X know my land and can tell you all about It; you will have to come to the of fice, as I have no outside boosters. Geo. W. Turner, 415-16 Bothchiid bldg., 287H Wash ington st. A FIRST-CLASS chicken ranch, well stocked, also norse and wagon; price reason aoie. Inquire J. Walker, 183 3d. 40 AND 80 acres piling timberland near river. cneap. ao-acre ranch $uuo; ltio acres fuuu. Joseph Parker, Scappoose, Oregon. TO EXCHANGE. NO 1 stock of harness and saddlery goode. machinery, tools, nxtures, shop, atore Duiid Ing and lot; will trade for small ranch and some cash or will take other small profits and some cash, or will sell half cash balance on time to suit; In on a of beat farming sections in Willamette Valley; reason for selling, my eyes are falling me. F 885, Oregonian. $3500 STOCK merchandise for sale at discount. or exenange tor wnat you nave ll ua t must go East by 15th of next month. Ad dress 412 Olney st-. city. 20 ROOMS, furnished, close to center of city, pays over $100 per month net; will exchange for real estate. Room 16 Wash ington bldg. Main 5741. FOR SALE or exchange for telephone bonds or Title deposits. 20 lots or less, near Irving ton. Call 836 Chamber of Com merce, CONFECTIONERY store, sale or exchange for timber claim or raocn; vaiue aoout $1250. Address owner, box 201, Oregon City, Or. EXCHANGE OR SALE Paying general store; best coast resort in Oregon; lu.wo visitors last year; $3000. P. O. Box 182, Newport, Or. ROUGH and dressed lumber to exchange for runabout or touring car. state maw and price of car la first letter. D 980, Oregonian. 150 acres land, (platted) in 0 and 10-acre tracts, level, water pipea over iana. a. M. Hawley, Home Valley, Wash. Phone M 479. SOME of the best unimproved apple land in the Hood River valley ror part casn and modern residence on East. Side. A 978. Oregonian. GOOD business property and residence to ex change for farm in valley; rents $150 per month; value $17,000. Address 412 Olney ut.t -clty. UNIMPROVED acreage near Oregon City car, for lots or residence, jast bias. a. 979, Oregonian. GROCERY store and restaurant to exchange for farm or acreage near Portland. azi Lumber Exchange. IRRIGATED farm land for a 7-passenger automobile. Write, describing car and where it can be seen to P 977, Oregonian. I WANT photo business in good town ; ex change 6-room heuse In Portland. J 973, Oregonian. IF YOU want to buy, sell or trade, see Stevenson A Taylor, 311 Buchanan. 2S0fe Washington. REAL ESTATE to exchange lor auto. Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg. 640 ACRES wheat land to exchange for res idence. Smtlh, 411 Buchanan building. MODERN house to exchange for vacant lota Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg. BY cwner, $7000 Income property for ranch n-w land f i v full TiH.rricula.rB. a. B73 BUY, sell, exchange. Swank ft Co., room 8. SStt 3d. Pacific 1756. 8000 pairs of spectacles to exchange for any thing I can use. J 976, Oregonian. WILL trade for what you have. 411 Buchanan bldg. Qua Smith, WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Information regarding a g-ood house and lot for sale, in or within 25 miles of Portland. Prefer dealing with owner only; state price, location and give lull description. Aaoress x uarDysnire, Box 6984, Rochester, X. WANTED To buy one or two residence lots, with or without six-roow dwelling, between Wasco and1 Tillamook,- as far east as 28th. State cash and term price. Address R 977, Oregonian. WANTED 2 lots or more, with house, where I can keep a cow, handy to cars, for about $3000 spot caeh; muet be good value; leave description and lowest price witn F. FUCHS, 2214 Morrison st. WANTED 6 or 7 -room house on full lot can ay $500 cash, balance 4 years' time. FOUR rooms, bath and pantry, full base ment, 2 lots, etc. Mount ecott district $1400, terma A E 961, Oregonian. WANTED Well Improved small fruit farm near railroad. Full particulars; no agents. L 79, Oregonian. WANTED 7-room house, one or more lots; bargain ; Ml. Tabor preferred. D 975, Oregonian. WANTED 6 or 7 -room house on full lot; can pay &oo cash, balance 4 yearr time. j 83. uregonian. WANTED TIMBER LANDS AM looking for a good tract of about 50, 000,000 to 100.000,000 feet of timber. Give details and map showing how timber Is located. Address B 067. Oregonian. WANTED Bargain in timber lands, single quarters up to 1000 acres. O 788. Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS wanted. C. J. McCracken, 804 McKay bldg. TOR SALE TTMBKRLANDS. FOR BALD 100 acres good timber; deeded land, title clear; will cruise 4,000,000 feet; 3 miles from Chinook, Wash.. nar North Bank R. R. extension. What am I offered? Terms cash. B 853. Oregonian. TIMBER claim, open for immediate filing. 7,000,000 feet merchantable timber. Loca tion fee 82300. A. W. Nelson & Co.. La fayette bldg., cor. 6th and Wash. sts. 45.000.000 YELLOW fir, Columbia River, best quality, situation and terms; with or without mill. Charles H. Pratt. Hotel Franklin. TIMBER for exchange; 3,500.000 feet fir, for Title Guarantee. Merchants National. Ore gon Trust or telephone bonds. Andrews, 627 Corbett bldg. 8.O00.000 TIMBER CLAIM open for Immediate filing; location fee $400. A. W. Nelson & Co., Lafayette bldg., cor. 6th and Wash, sts. WB always hare the best timber in Oregon and Washington; buy, sell or trade. Inde pendent Timber Co., 616 Rothchild bldg. CHOICE YELLOW PINE CLAIMS. Government location. 827 Worceater blk. TIMBER 9,000.000 fet fir; if sold now will take $2700 cash. 627 Corbett bldg. 320 ACRES good timber land, $3500 price. Adam Lewis. Eileen, CaL FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. timber lands. Oregon. Washington. California, james d lacey a co. Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. 629 Chamber of Commerce. - portlan d . RELINQUISHMENT 160 acres, suitable for timber entry, 5.SOO.O00 feet; excellent timber, choice location: U mile from river in large timber belt. Southwestern Oregon Buy direct from owner, $1400 Box 14 7-, Newport. Or. WE are constantly acquiring fine tracts of timber for sale and are headquarters for lumber enterprises ox all kinds. Phone Main 4486. Kinney as b lamp her. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. TO INVESTORS. If you are looking for a No. 1 proposi tion in timber, see me before buying; I can give you pine or fir, well located, and in good-sized tracts. C. J- McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. FOR SALE Homestead relinquishment, 80 acres, in Linn Co., on the Santiam River. miles from Ca scad la Soda Springs. Address R 976. Oregonian. CHOICE homesteads In Oregon; we locate .. you. Silver Lake Land Co.. 721 Marquam bldg., Portland. Or. WILL SELL 40 acres good timber land In Douglas County, Or. V 972. Oregonian. FOR BALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harnr FOR SALE or exchange for city or suburban real estate, 2 new light delivery wagon-, one set blacksmith's tools and machinery; a lot of -new wagon stock, poles 2x2 to 4x4, shafts 1 to 2, spokes 1 to 3-inch, rims lhk to 1H. double jnd singletrees and Iron trimmings. 10?; Russell St., Lower Alblna. Phone Woodlawn 1370. FOR SALE 18 head of sound, well broke all around horses, single ana douoie; some good drivers. Will sell right. 182 East 84th St.. near Taylor. Phone Tabor 1112. FOR SALE) CHEAP Two first-class double express rigs complete, 1 wagon and Harness and good business. Stand 3d and Davis. Phone Woodlawn 853. WANTED Team of mares, wagon and har ness for farm use; will trade good lot; price $400. See M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg., 131 3d St. M 4010. A BARGAIN Gray horse, good worker, single or double, weignt 3 w pounas. v years old ; price $75. 191 Ivy. Phone Woodlawn 3C13. FOR SALE Standard-bred road mare, one of tne best; leaving city ; can go me route right. C. E, Sands. 221 West Park. 25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho tel 'bus, saddles, harness, cneap to close out. Hubert & HalU 266 4th St. FOR SALE Fine dark bay driving mare, 8 years old. Fred Valu Mt. 'labor. Phone Tabor 777. HORSES for sale, W. J. Kelly. Overland Stables, 6th and Glisan. WANTED Gentle driving mare, about 1200 lbs., for lady to drive. pnone iast 44. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. Zw Montgomery. TEAM of good work horses, new harness. Phone Pacific 876 or A i.b7o- AutomoDUea. 1907 STODDARD-DAYTON touring car, top and glass front; $iow. 1907 Stevens-Duryea, top; $1250. 1906 Franklin, $1000. ' 1907 60 H. P. Haynes, top; $1500. These cars have been traded in on Pierce and Cadillac and must be sold at once; no reasonable offer refused. s COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 16th and Alder. M 6470. RUNABOUT wanted, must be In fine .con dition; will consider no old machine; must be cheap for cash. B 977, care Oregonian. FOR SALE, cheat). 1907 5-seated, 4-cyIinder automobile in nne conumon. can Chamber of Commerce. HORSE for sale ; dark brown, 7 years old:. weight lttoO pounds, call tne stable at East 6th and Main. TOURING car, 4 cylinder, up-to-date, fine condition; Ben or exenange. iaii. oo 4tn. GENTLE, well-broke young team, weigh 2600, horse and mare; cheap. 651 Hood st. REAL ESTATE to exchange for auto. Smith, 411 Buchanan blug. FOR SALE Cadillac runabout, good new. Inquire Portland Motor Car Co. OLDS runabout with rumble seat; owner leaving city; a snap. X 9u, Oregonian. Pianos. $15 WILL buy $95 certificate on Etlers Pi ano house; redeemable at face value. Phone Tabor 1723, evenings. X 974, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Expiring June 6, $72.50 Eilers Piano House certificate for $20. Phone fee II- wooa iutt. A PIANO for sale or for rent. Phone A 1522. Miscellaneous. IT WILL PAY YOU To visit our place before you order your stoves, furniture, carpeta, because we carry a full line of new and as good as new stoves, carpets and all sorts of furniture, of which we can satisiy tne taste or everyone. People's Auction Houee, 16 1 Front st., near Morrison. Telephone Alain ootu. FOR SALE Columbia Commercial Granho- phone, complete with dictating tube re cording and repeating needles, clariphone and 20 blank records; outfit new, used but 6 months; no reasonable otter refused. Y 971, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR RENT 1 9x10 logging engine. 1 7x10 logging or hoisting. 1 6x8 hoisting. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO., 324 Chamber of Commerce. RHODE ISLAND REDS Eggs from the grand single-comb unbeaten color cham pion "Rex Glory," mated to 10 daughters and sisters. $2.50 for 14; other pens. $1.75 up. Rex Keds Kancn, uaiiara. wasn. FOR BALE New and second-band billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. B runs wick - Balke-Col lender. w u nira sc. FOR SALE Two launches at a bargain if taken this week; A-l condition, new en gines ; speediest on the river for the horsepower; both entered In Carnival pa rade. Main on&i. for v RALE New houseboat of 4 rooms one of the nrettieat on the river; will trade for goo a. lot or acreage. ti u i Oregonian- FOR SALE Two cottages, 683 and 6S7 Hoyt st., to be removed from the premi ses, inquire oi tne owner, u. inter, 640 Taylor st. PUNCHING bag, practically new. pear- shaped, "Reach' bag and steel platform. $10.50 value, lor sale $6. a boa. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE One good glass wall case, .also showcase to mai.cn. r-eopie a Auction House, 167 Tont st. pnone Main 5tt70. LAUNCH Elegantly finished, equipment in cludes searchlight and boathouse; seats 15. K ftOO. Oregonian. OLD VIOLINS and stringed instruments bought, sold and exchanged. L. Winters, 31a Tllford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts. 7ixl0 MUNDY logging engine and two teams of horses, weight 3200 and 2&00. A. Crawford, Toledo. Wash. TWO twin Pelton water wheels. 6 feet, com plete; full set of nozzles, 2 tanks 2300 1200 gallons. 46 2d st. HANDSOME Fox Terrier puppies, reason able; also two pretty kittens to give away. - Phone Pacific 76 or A 2676. MOTOR BOAT FLIRT and boat-house. A-l shape, reasonable. F. Lind. 118S Union ave. N. AT a bargain, 12 restaurant tables, gas range, refrigerator, 8-foot counter, at 106 Union ave. COW and twin calves for sale; good milker; fine cow for family; $60, no less. J 975, Oregonian. MOTION PICTURES, machines, song slides, supplies, rented, lowest prices. Newman, 293 Bumelde. FIRST-CLASS dry cordwood. live fir, $4.75 cord. Yamataka Co., 344 East 7th et. FOR SALE Macaw parrot, very tame. Ap ply 69S Glisan. Moving-picture exchange Machines, sup plies, slides, films for rent. 165 4th st. FOR ALE New 18-foot 6 H. P. gasoline launoh; canopy top. L 977, Oregonian. FOR SALE English setter pups. 607 Lovejoy st. GOOD second-hand Hall safe avt bargain. Ad dress Y 908. Oregonian. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. HOME BUILDERS. ATTENTION! Do you want to save money? We are In a position to furnish you plumbing goods and pipe for less than you can get them for clseweher. PIPEI PIPE! PIPE! See us for your pipe wants: we have on hand the largest stock in the North west of pipe, both new and second-hand, either black or galvanised, in fcises from in. to 14 In. Let us save you money. MACHINERY! MACHINERY! We carry a complete stock of second hand machinery, pulleys, gears, belting, etc., which we are selling at very low prices. CABLE! CABLE! We have Just received two carloads practically new cable in sizes from hk in. to l1 in., all lengths. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT.' All our ads are positively guaranteed. M. BARDB & SONS. 347-3i53 Glisan St., Corner Eighth. N. E. Corner Fourth and Glisan Sts. MOVING PICTURE MEN. ATTENTION. We have opened today great stock of machines, new fllma. and all thtnge for the business; we can set you up in the businesa from A to Z and teach you to operate. Look at our new Edison ma chine, stereopticon combined, for $75. We stock exhibition models and Powers ma chines. The Laemmle Film Service, 419 Marquam bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. A LEADING distillery of Kentucky offers most attractive commission proposition to high-class salesmen for the sale of whisky In bond ; applicants must be well ac quainted with saloon trade and come highly recommended. Address with fullest par ticular and references. Cloudcroft Distilling Co., 46 American National Bank bldg., Louisville, Ky. lO.Ouu POBITlOrfo. For graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructor, tools tree; writs for catalogue. Molar System of Colleges, 35 N. 4th at.. Portland. Or. KEEP your Job, double your wages; sell our montniy payment sicanesa uu -dent policies on the side; experience tin necessary; others do thia; you can; write. North American Accident Co., Epler Block. Seattle. District agents wanted. WANTED For U. 6. Army, able-bodied un married men. between ages of 18 and 85, citizens of United Stats, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Apply to recruit ing offices. Alnsworth block, Third and Oak eta., Portland, Or. WANTED Partner; a good reataurant cook; must be a flret-crass au-arouna cook, aooer and reliable, to take half interest in a good paying restaurant: a small amount of money will do. with a whole lot of ability. oil few et land bid?. BAKERS 2 first-class men wanted, one for ferred; part interest in business to the right men if arrangements made at once; only sober men need apply. 800 3d ave., Aberdeen, Wash. WANTED An energetlo man of gootf ad dress, well acquainted in the city, to learn the real estate business; good pay to a man willing to hustle; give age. references, Shone number, etc.. In first letter. Address L 97 L Oregonian. WANTED Wide-awake and reliable sales men; iioerai terms; ei;etcnv icnuuw, v.. fit furnished free; a good opening. For particulars address with references, Ore gon Nursery Company. Salem, Or. STENOGRAPHER Young man with expe rience at both stenograpny ana statement work for railroad accounting office; must come well recommended both as to ability, habits and character. F 979. Oregonian. RELIABLE men to sell a quick-selling line of household goods on the Installment plan ; liberal commission, no former ex perience necessary: bis money for hust lers. J. D. Sherman, 202 Third. MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster ing and bricklaying; day and night: no books; positions secured; free catalogue. Coyne National Trade School, 230-240 8th st., San Francisco. C. R. HANSEN, JR. Employment Office Men's Depart meat. 26 North Second St. Phones. Main and A 1524. Help Free to Employers. WAVTFin Thorouehlr competent man cook for first-class interior hotel; good wages to good man; fare paid. Write with reference to Hotel prlneville. Prine- ville. Or. SALESMAN IN DOMESTICS, A thoroughly experienced, and. compe tent man wan tea. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op tics; easy terma; positions secured; money earned while learning. Watchmaking, En graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle. WANTED Young man to take half inter eat In real estate office, only a little money needed, balance to be paid, out of business. 1424 2d st., room 10. THIRTY real estate salesmen; new city tract; new scheme; large commission; get your money every day. Judson, 409 Couch bldg., Tuesday, between 8:30 and 10. ALL-ROUND office man, bookkeeper and stenographer combined; give phone, also salary expected and references. J 97L Oregonian. WANTED Energetic, honest young man who can furnish a horee to solicit work with my wagon. Staples, the Jeweler, 162 1st street. NOTICE. The Columbia barber shop will be open for business all day today, from 8 A. M. to 11 P. M. 361 1st st., tor. Mill. TRACK foreman on construction, $90 and board. C. R. Hansen. Jr., 26 N. 2d st. THE Park barber shop will be open for busi ness all day today, from 8 A. M. to 11 P M. 212 4th St., near Salmon. WANTED Twenty bright boys to sell souvenir postals during carnival week; large commissions. Inquire at 66 6th St., room 1. WANTED A good watchmaker; $20 per week; must have references. J 977, Ore gonian. fiTUDY LAW In sesrton all the year. Port land Law School, Worcester block. Phone Main 4504. TEN laborers and carpenters at Multnomah field, 8 o'clock Saturday; good wages. . Call for Dean. WANTED Boys over 16 years old to carry Oregonlans. Apply City Circulation Dept., Oregonian Office. MEN and boys, sell Rose Carnival canes, etc. ; big money; lowest wholesale prices. Call 370& East Morrison, room 26. Adams. WANTED A boy, about 16 years of age, for offioe work and as messenger. Apply The Bradstreet Co., Worcester block. GOOD, strong boy, over 17 years, to learn moulder's trade. Portland Iron Works, 495 Northrup. WANTED A strong, willing; boy In cake department; nieht work. Royal Bakery, 11th and Everett sta STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 250 Burnside Street, phone Main 5694. WANTED Hustling young man as partner for office; no fake. Address L 976, Ore gonian. . BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, dry goods and hardware salesman. P. A. C. Co., 323 Washington st.. rooms 39-41. FIRST-CLASS sausagemaker. also wagon driver. Apply Harry Wood Market Co., 1st and Alder. FIRST-CLASS harneesmaker for country shop; steady work at god wages. Address Palmer & Denham, Baker City, Or. WANTED Executive, technical, clerical and! sales men, all lines. Commercial Abstract Co., 406 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED Experienced and reliable young man as bookkeeper and cashier; state sal ary expected. X 975, Oregonian. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP. CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 12 North 2d st. Both Phones. WB SECURE positions for our members; spe cial membership. Y. M. C. A. BOY wanted to work In grocery. Call at 602 Washington St. WANTED All-around dentist; steady position. Chicago Dentists, 6th and Washington st. WANTED A man and wife to do chores and housework. B 975, Oregonian. WANTED 2 couch makers, steady work. 60 Front, cor. Davis. HIGH-CLASS, energetic business salesman; compensation large. 213 Commercial blk. BARBER wanted. 250 1st st. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED A man to drive a well. Inquire 103 N. 9th t. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS. 16 years and over, to work In fac tory. Apply at once. Amee-Harr la-Neville Co., 6th and Davis sta. 10 EXTRA waitresses. $2 a day, no fee; 5 extra waitresses. $10 a week, for one or two weeks; housekeepers, cooks, chamber maids, waitresses, others. OPEN TILL 1 TODAY. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 8434. Washington st., corner 7th, upstairs. WANTED Lady stenographer with $30O to lnveat in corporation, salary $50 per month and one-fourth the net profits, which will net $50 per month more. Call suite 47-4S Miluer bldg., Morrison and Park sts. WANTED Lady stenographer, $10 a week to begin ; muet be experienced, accurate and operate Remington typewriter. Call 415 Oregonian bldg., between 10;3O and 12 o'clock A. M. today. WANTED Young woman billing clerk for wnoiesaie house; must nave experience in extension work and operate Remington type writer. K 979, Oregonian. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 843 Vi Wash. St., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phones, Main and A 2692, Help Supplied! Free to Employers. JACKET AND SKIRT HANDS. Thoroughly experienced and competent; none other need apply. OLDS, WORTMAN ft KING. YOUNG woman for general houaework r to assist with it; good wages, gooo location, small family. 726 Weldler St., Irvtna;ton. Phone East 4169. WANTED Woman to take care of baby year old during part of tne aay; young lady living- at home preferred. E 9b2, Oregonian. SHORTHAND lessons by experienced stenog rapher and teacher; $6 per month day les sons. 681 Vancouver ave. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages paid. Call at 410 Holladay ave., or phone East 658. WANTED Body lroners and starch ere. Ap ply Star Laundry Co., Union ave. and East Ankeny st. EXPERIENCED waist and coat makers, best wages for experienced. help. 405 FUedner bldg. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavi Co., 600 Roth child bide, 4th and Washington. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladles' Depart menu 205 Morrison St. Phones Main 1062 A 1400. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. . $43 H Washington at., comer 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. GIRL wanted for general housework; small family; good wages. 414 Holladay ave. Tel. East 1286, A NEAT girt to assist with housework In flat; 2 In family; give phone number. K 983, Oregonian. 6T. LOUIS LADIES' EMPLOYMENT OF FICE 230H Yamhill; good help and situa tlona, all kinds. Main 6413. GIRL for light housework: hours from 6:30 A. M. to 12 M., and from 6 to 8; family of 2. Call mornings, 692 Broadway. WANTED A middle-aged woman for house- Keeping ana piain cou&iuk. v si-, nlan. WANTED Young lady to assist In dental office; give phone number. C 962, Ore gonian. A GOOD reliable g-lrl wanted tor housework and cooking; 4 In family; good wages. Call at 620 East Ankeny. T.inv riomnnstrator for toilet preparations; must have good complexion be fluent talker. aaa nns st. STENOGRAPHER. Apply 129 let st. P. J. Cronin Co. GIRL for general housework. Apply 315 11th, cor. Clay. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 686 Lovejoy st. GIRL to assist in general housework, family of 3. 566 East yamniu. rast 4j. (ITIL for cook and general housework. Ap ply 676 E. Madison st. Phone East 3045. GIRL for general housework. Call 712 E. Taylor st. BOOKKEEPING Private lessons. $4 month- Phones Pacific 948. A 4948. WANTED Middle-aged woman for house keeper; small no me. do. wiw, urugumau. GOOD dining-room girl at once. Hotel Glen dor a. Phone M 62SO. WANTED An experienced second girl at 163 j 2th st., corner jaorrison. WANTED An experienced cook and second girl. Phone Main auea. WANTED Experienced waitress. Call Council Crest ice cream parlor at once. COOK wanted out of town, good wages. 550 Hoyt st. WANTED A competent girl for housework. Apply 770 Marshall. YOUNG LADY wanted at once to learn the barber trade. 12 r. in st. EXPERIENCED dtnlng-room girl immediate ly. 635 Couch, corner iotn. WEST SIDE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 22944 1st st. Phone A 3380. WANTED Girl lor general housework, to sleep at home. wu worinru?. A COMPETENT woman to do general house work. lo44 tseimoni sx. i.ei. laoor av. WANTED A chambermaid. 204 Madison. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. STENOGR A PHERS should take our special drills, nignt scnooi, tor Deiter eaitLries. . Business University, Worcester dioch. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. MARRIED man, 25. college education, 5 years' experience as bookkeeper and sales man, deaires position with chance to ad vance; best references. N 974, Orego nlan. NEAT-APPEARING young man of good edu cation and business ability desires position in any capacity. Address D 979, Orego nian. POSITION wanted by experienced book keeper, accustomed to handling collec tions and correspondence. C 979, Orego nian. Miscellaneous. YOUNG man from the East would like Job In private place or would take work of any kind; some experience in garden work, good reference. Address or call E. Waugh, 83 10th st. X. WINDOW trimmer and card writer wants position ; three years' experience ; excellent reference; married; have fine air brush, sx 979, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED married man seeks steady po sition; security furnished for one of trust; not afraid of work. O. Tribon, 1132 Bel mont. WANTED By man and wife, situation an cooks taking charge of logging camp. H 085, Oregonian. WANTED By experienced man, by June 1, position as grocery salesman; best of refer ence. P 976, Oregonian. WANTED By man and wife, middle-aged, no children, to work and manage a farm. Address 19 and 20 Madison bldg. MAN 35. Dane, Just from the East, position as coachman or janitor or anything; good appearance. E 981, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants position; references. Call or address 1091 B. Mor rison st. GOOD Japanese boy wants work at general housework ; speaks well. H 981, Orego- YOUNG Japanese boy wants position of any kind. E 90. Oregonian. JAPANESE Employment Office, male and female. 240 Couch at. Phone Main 652L EXPERIENCED chauffeur desires a position. 460 Wash. st. Phone Main 1830. Japanese Employment Co. furnishes all kind help. 268 Everett. Main 4659, A 4073. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Tftookkeepera and Stenographers. YOUNG woman desires office position; takes dictstlon di(t-ct on Underwood typewriter; flrst-clasa references. H 9t, Oresonlan. FOR a good stenographer, experienced or beginner., phone Clerical Office, Main 450. Tested and certified. Dress makers. ART LA MODE. ISt 6th st.. opposite the Portland, Main 3378. A 5326 High-class lad lea' tailoring department, gowns and wedding trousseaus; special prices this week for commencement dresses. GORED skirt made from $3.50 up. B 2267, or 725 Hawthorne ave. FASHIONABLE! dressmaking and ladies' tail oring. SMS Savltr. Phone Main 6544. K1NDDRGARTNER will care for children aft ernoons for board, in private family. F t7S, Oregonian. Housekeepers. WANTED Position as first-class cook or man ager large hotel; first-class buyer; has grow ing daughter, can fill any position; city or country. G 97V, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY competent hotel house keeper wants postlon, city or beach ; best references. Address S iiS4, Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper fnr hotel or lodging-house. Phone M 18S5, room 10. Miscellaneous. COMPETENT young woman wishes the care or cnuaren ror the season; will go to coast. Address H 0S7, Oregon lan. WANTED To go out by day or hour to do nrst-ciass ironing, private families, w 00a l.iwn 1535. WOMAN wants day work. Phone Tabor tU4. EXPERIENCED cook wants position, private zamuy or ooaraing-nouse. Phone Pacino 1011. MEN'S old clothing, shoea Hlgheat prioet pai a. ts4 -i. sa. Phone Pacinc ley. WANTED AGENTS. 100 AGENTS wanted to sell toilet articles at 60 per cent commission. Washington Chemical & Dentifrice Manfg. Co., Col vlUe, Wash. WANTED Experienced solicitors, ladles or gentlemen, 10 call on pnysiciana ana dent ists. Call room 48. Mllner bldg.. Morri son and Park. AGENTS WANTED outside of city, first- class proposition. iaaies or gentlemen. Give references. P, G. Herner. 1112 Bel mont st., Portland. AGENTS wanted to sell our high-grade trees. snruDs, etc. uuint rurmsnea tree: com mission advanced each week; good terri tory open. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or. AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goodsT If so, we neea you; complete ouint tree; casn weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co., Saturn. Or WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED Board and room, with pleasant family surroundings, by young einele gen tleman. Address, giving rates, L W8, Ore gonian. WANTED By responsible parties, 12-roora norne; unfurnished; West bide, close in. M 980, Oregonian. KJNDBRGARTNF.R will care for children aft- ri 11 id ui uwu u, iu yi ivaio xauiiij . a- w a, Oregonian. YOUNG man desires room and two meals a day in private family. Give particulars In full. O 978. Oregonian. A LADY wants room and board in private family. Y 976. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WBJ PAY TOP PRJCE3 FOR FURNITURE. And any thing else you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO., Main 0006. A 413L WANTED In or near Vancouver. Wash., or Portlands one or two good Jersey cows; must give good milk and plenty of IV; state age and price wanted. Address F. G. Zieg ler. Port Blakely, Wash. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, hlgheat price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 N. 8d at. Phone Pacific 1722. WANTED TO BUY Rifle, prefer Winches ter, 22 special; state price. T 969, Ore gonian. A COPY of Bellinger & Cotton's Code; state condition and price. Address box 27, Irrlgon, Or. I PAY caah for housencld gooda. Savage J Pennell Fur. Co.. C45 1st. Phone 860. BEADf money paid lor furniture: bette prices than a dealer. Phone East 5888. ePOT caah paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. FOR RENT. FURNISHED room, $1.50 week; room with housekeeping privileges, $2 week. 30 21st at. N., corner Washington. FURNISHED OK UNFURNISHED. MILNER BLDG.. 3504 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. Furnished Rooms, HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Washington Modern rooms, single and en suite; also housekeeping; running water; private and free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496. COMFORTABLY furnished, light room; bath, steam heat, electric light, hot water always, both phones. Apartment 4, The Chetopa, lhth and Flandors. THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison sts., handsomely furnished bachelor rooms; ever modern convenience; terms reasonable; only 4 blocks from post off ice. THE GENEVIEVE Newly furnished, steam heat, bay window room, walking distance, $3 a week. Tel. M 7410. 4ia Columbia at. HOTEL SAVOY, 545 1st St., rooms by day or week; reasonable rates ; strictly first class. LARGE front room., ground floor, excellent jucuuon, warning iuhuuii;o. mhvoic ah- ily. cheap. 395 3d St.. corner Harrison. . $8 Large, bright, newly furnished room; quiet, central, fine porcelain bath. gas. 325 12th st. Phones Pacific 2lu2, A 3702. 258 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms in private family; new; every convenience; gentlemen only; reasonable. BRIGHT, newly furnished room; running water? two cloeets, walking distance. Phone Main 3312. 301 10th. THE ANKENY Swell furnished rooms at 349 Ankeny, corner 7th. Phonea. bath, reasonable. HOTEL THORNTON, under new manage ment, newly furnished, rates very reason able, centrally ioca:ed. 271 3d st. 172 E 32D Very desirable room for 2, with i..,.i-f0r r. - li. K 1 r-L- tn Sunnvsldft nnil ML Tabor carline; 5-minute service. THE- STEWART HOUSE, 205 Washington at., furnished rooms by the day, week, month; transient, 50c. THE ESTES Good rooms, reaaonable; naw furniture, telephone and hatha free. 327 s Stark, corner 0th. Mr. Maud J. Eatea lSl 1ST ST. Comer Yamhill, nicely fur nished rooms, permanent or transient, bath, both phones. NICELY furnished suite, and rooms, modern conveniences, suitable for two or more per sons. 213 13th. VERY pleasant large front room, newly fur nished, suitable for two gentlemen, walk ing distance. Phone A 349u. NICELY furnished front rooms, modern, very reasonable, every convenience. 180 17th St., cor. lamniii. . NICELY furnished front room. all con veniences; reasonable. 493 Everett, hear 14th N. THE CADILLAC, Sd and Columbia; newly furntehed rooms, single or en suite; eaay walking dlatasce from center of city. SINGLE OR EN SUITE. MILNER BLDG.. 350H MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. LOVELY rooms. elegantly furnished, transient; S depot car to door. 4U 3d.