THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, . MAY SO, 190S. 11 WIFE LIKES STAGE May Hirsch Leaves Home to Become Actress. HUSBAND GIVEN DIVORCE Four Other Matrimonial Yokes Lift ed by Judge Gantenbein Perry Ii. "Witbeck Wants Decree Against Annette 'Witbeck. Because May Hirsch liked the stage better than her husband and family Charles E. Hirsch obtained a divorce in the Circuit Court yesterday morning. He said his wife is now palying with a com pany at Butte, Mont., and is known by her maiden name. May Enright. Hirsch is employed by the Wells-Fprgo Express Company. He said he always did what he could to make home pleasant for his wife, but that she insisted upon breaking up the home to satisfy her de sire to, see the world and have a good time. That was a year ago, and al though she has spoken once or twice, said Hirsch, of coming back, she lias never done so. Thf couple were married February 4, 1903. They have one child, years old, and of this the father obtained the custody. Judge Gantenbcin granting the decree. Four other divorces were granted yes terday mornlmr. four fo wives and one to a husband. Minnie A. Hughes said that her husband Milton 3. Hughes, was of such Jealous disposition that he would not permit her to speak to mutual friends without giving her a scolding. She also said lie had abused her, and had made numerous false accusations against her fidelity to him. The couple were married at Lewiston, Idaho, December o, 1S.S3. They have three grown children. The decree was granted. Ina M. Douglass testified that Bruce Douglass began a course of Inhuman treatment upon the wedding day. and continued It ever since. She asked and was granted the privilego of resuming her maiden name. Abraham. On May 27, last year, she said, he pounded her face until it was swollen, sandwiching a few curses between the blows. They were married June 6, 1906. Judge Gantenbein thought the cause sufficient for a divorce, and granted it. Bessie Mueller obtained a divorce from Paul Mueller on the ground of desertion. They were married at Kverett, Wash., July 10, 1902. Mrs. Mueller was granted a divorce, and permitted to resume her former name. Mrs. Bessie Creswell. Chris Peterson secured a decree of divorce from Viola Peterson on a statu tory charge, involving L. St. John. Mr. Teterson married in 3902, at Ogden. Utah. He was granted the custody of their adopted child, Ethel. The case of Bertha Helscg against Charles Helseg, which was to have been tried yesterday, was postponed for one week. Perry Ij. Witbeck has filed suit against Annette Witbeck. to obtain a divorce. He asserts that In November, 190T, she con tracted the habit of drunkenness. He ac cuses her of having visited restaurants and grills of questionable repute, and of Indulging In boisterous repasts at un seemly hours. He also says the house was neglected and the children left to go without their meals. The couple were married at Bay City, Mich., April 23. 1902. They have two children, aged S and S years respectively, of which the husband asks the custody. NOTES OF THE PROBATE COURT Personal Property of McAllen & Mc Donnell Estate to Be Sold. Dan McAUen obtained an order from the County Court yesterday di recting him to sell the personal prop erty belonging to the partnership es tate of McAllen & McDonnell. This personal property consists of about ICO.OOO worth of dry goods. It is probable that it will bo sold at private sale, although the court gives Mr. Mc Allen. the executor, the right to use his discretion in the matter. The real estate belonging to Mr. McAllen and the heirs of tho late John T. McDon nell is valued at $40,000. Under McDon nell's will Florence McDonne is the sole legatee. The estate of Mary J. Hamilton, val ued at $7000. was admitted to probate In the County Court yesterday. O. W. Eastliam was appointed administrator, to serve under $3000 bonds. Mrs. Ham ilton died May 16. Her heirs are: I.ouis A. McDonald. Losia Jones. Delia Moffett and Helen Sherman, daughters; W. J. Hamilton, a son living at Mof fett Springs, Wash.: Daisy F.astiiam. Kmma Hamilton. Fred H. Hamilton and Bessie Dollar. C. Henri I.abbe was appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Henry Binlth by tho County Court yesterday. Appraisers were also appointed as fol lows: Thomas N. Strong. K. D. Cham berlain and Edward Joost. Smith died April 7. The final account In the estate of A. L I,ittle, filed with the County Court yesterday by C. A. Bell, the executor, shows the estate to have been worth $2226.20. Of this amount there Is a balance on hand of $1441.31. LA ROSE PLEADS XOT GUILTY Charged With Killing H. Neuman. Case Set for July 2. Jack La Hose pleaded not guilty yesterday afternoon before Judge Gan tenbein to the charge of murder in the first degree. The Information charges I.a Rose, who has been etyled the "gaspipe thug." with killing Hyman Neuman at 11 A. M. May 12. The on slaught vipon the pawnbroker was made with a blunt instrument, pre sumably a pipe. The carte against La Rose is to be tried July 2. L. W. Humphreys and Jay H. Upton, his attorneys, appeared in court yesterday, and submitted with out argument a demurrer to the Infor mation, on the ground that It does not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action. The demurrer was overruled by the Court, after which Deputy District Attorney Haney asked the prisoner If he was ready to enter his plea. He replied in the affirmative, and without apparent emotion said he was not guilty. ;uiie Denied Injunction. Judffn Gantenbein denied the appli cation of James C. Stuart, of the Pally Guide, for a writ of Injunction against the City Council In the Circuit Court yesterday. The Guide, which has re cently been putting out a daily edi tion, put In a bid together with the Evening Telegram and the Dally Ab stract, for the City's advertising. The Guide's bid was the lowest, but the contract was awarded to the Abstract. Judge Gantenbein sustained the con tention of City Attorney Kavanaugh that the Guide has not a bona fide daily circulation at present. Merchants National Bank Sued. Suit to recover $19,501.90 from the Merchants National Bank was filed In THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. ItROPIAN PLX MODhRN RESTAURANT COST ONE MILLION DOLLARS. ! HOTEL OREGON I CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS Portland's New and Modern' Hotel. - Rates $1 per Day and Up European Plan. Free Bus WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Props. Centrally Located iIP jf !'" Dlatanc Phoaa m t Krery Rooaa. HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN Room, $1.00 to $3.00 Per Day According to Location THE Park St. Bet. MorrUon and Alder CALUMET HOTEL J. F. DAViES, President Tl :r i rr m K , "v -i " St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50c TO $1.50 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION i ire in a-i :i i killing TOE HOTEL LENOX Portland's newest and most modernly furnished Ho tel Third and Main Streets. Fronting on the beau tiful City Plaza and adjacent to business center. EUROPEAN PLAN RATES $1.00 DAY AND UP Free Bus to and From Trains. Up-to-Date Grill. Telephone in Every Room. Private Baths. suEVm) OUR OMNIBUS MEETS DR. C. W. CORNELIUS. Prop, the Circuit Court yesterday by the Hawthorne estate. The complaint al leges that between March, 1S9S, and February, 1908. the estate deposited with the bank, and drew out only $399,163.21. It will be the contention of the bank that the $19,000 was drawn out by W. B. Cate, who had full authority to act for the estate. The plaintiff, on the other hand, will hold that the bank owes the money, Cate having no authority to act. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. May 29. Maximum tempera ture. 67 degrees; minimum. 44 disrees. River reading- at S A. M.. 14 feet: change in Imt 24 hours, rise of 0.1 foot. Total rain fall 15 P. M. to 5 P. M.). 0.0S inch: Total inc. September 1, 1907. 3S.26 inthes; nor mal rainfall. 42.04 Inch.; deficiency. S.7 inches. Total sunshine May 2. 5 hour.. 54 minutes: porsible sunshine. 15 hour. 24 minutes. Barometer creduced to sea-level) at P. M.. 30.15 inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. , The relative positions orttae hllh area over the Oregon coast and the depressions over British Columbia and Nevada, respect ively, remain practically the same a this morning. General rains hav. in conse quence fallen over Western Washington. Western Oregon, southern Idaho and North ern Nevada during the day. Fair weather, however, prevails over California. Tempera ture., were decidedly lower over the entire Pacific Slope and Plateau region, and now range considerably below the seasonal aver- The indications point to alfliiiir waather. KEADOr ASTERS FOR TOURISTS ml COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. RneciaJ rat to famllle and stn-g-le gentlemen. The nuuutjrement will be pleaded st all times to show rooms and give price. A mod em Turkish bath es tablishment in th hoteL H. C. BOWERS. Manager. Modern Improvements Imperial Hotel Seventh and Washington Phil. MeUchan & Son, Prop. Rates 51.00-$1.50-$2.00 Firtt-Class Check Restaurant Connected With Hotel A Strictly First-Class and Modern Hotel Containing 170 Rooms. Only American and European Hotel in Portland. Long Distance Phones in Every Boom, Auto Bos Meets All Trains. Bate American. $2.00 per day and up. Rates European, 81-00 per day and up. Per month, single room and board. 845 to 805 accord Ins to room. For two. $75 to $113. Board without room $S0 per month N0RT0NIA HOTEL BLBVESTH, OFF WASHINGTON ST. Portland's Newest and Most Modern Hotel Absolutely Fire Proof American Rjtr. to Famnieej nnd Enopeu Oar Bna Meeta All Trmlnaj Sample Suite, with Bath, for Trarcllnc Men. C O. DAVIES, Sea. and Traas. THE DANM00RE Portland's hotel. 475 Waahlnarton, 14th., opp. Ileitis Theater. European plan- 91.00 and Up. Bus meets all trains. DAN J. MOORE. Proprietor. Hotel Moore Clatsop Beach. Sea side. Or. Open all year. For Infor mation apply at The Danmoore. HERE'S THE LATEST We have Just discovered the foot that the big; floral parade passes The Cornelius twice once on Alder and once on Park street. "THE CORNELIUS" Is Portland's latest first-class hotel. Cleanliness and grood service is our motto. Several largre sample rooms containing 100 or more feet of table space. ALL TRAINS. K. K. CLARKE, Mpr. with showers over this entire forecast dis trict Saturday. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Cloudy with showers: westerly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington cloudy with showers; westerly winds. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Cloudy, with probably shower. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at 5 P, M.A Pacific 4 13 STATIONS. Baker,- City Bismarok.. Boise Eureka Helena North Head.... Pocalello Portland . . Red Blurt Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake San Francisco.. Spokane Tacoma Tatooeh Island. Walla Walla... su;o.ooh;n 7S.O.O0 18 JiE 82! T. I12 NW 62i0.OO;lSiN 720.201 4jSW . B0O.10;24iNW SSiO-lX) INW 37 O.05 15 NW 7i.O0ll2IN BC 0.06. 4 E 7 0 OO 4 NW 7410.001 USE 6 0.00 12 NW IPt. cloudy IPt. cloudy ICloudy Pt. cloudy Jtaln (Cloudy IPt. cloudy icjoudy IClear Cloudy Cloudy iPt. cloudy ICloudy Pt. cloudy (Rain ICloudy. 'Clear . -I 54 0.121 4 N . .1 B2 0.01 221 W . . eo-o.0012 sw T. Trace. L. LODHOLZ. Local Forecaster, temporarily in charge. Tans! Tana! Tans! at Koaenthal'e. AMUSEMENTS. m ll The Rose Festival's BIG NIGHT SHOW OPENS TONIGHT Saturday, May SO at MULTNOMAH ATHLETIC FIELD 20th aad Mask. Sta. And Continues NIGHTLY During . Rose Festival AND CARNIVAL OF NAPLES ACRES OF REALISTIC SCENERY SftO PERFORMERS OUTDOOR STAGE BALLETS, AND ACRO BATIC SPORTS. TERRIFIC EARTHQUAKES AND FIERY DESTRUCTION OF CITY AND EACH NIGHT, PAIN'S $1500 FIREWORKS Popular Prices Seats for 6000. Enormous New Grand Stand. Advance Sa !e Now Open At IV. E. Cor. 6th and Alder Sti. Star Theater EXTRA Beginning Monday Matinee June 1st For the Entire Week, BATTLING NELSON Will appear each performance and spar three rounds with his sparring partner, in connection with .the Arm strong Musical Comedy Company. This is the only chance to see Battling Kelson before his 45-round fight with Joe Gans at Colma, July 4th. BAKER THEATER0 nAMcJI80,n Geo. L- Baker, General Manager. Matinee 2:15. Tonight Laat Time. Famous Baker Stock Company In George Broadhurst's rattling1 farce comedy, "WHY SMITH l-EfT HOME." One continual scream of laughter and fun. Evening performance 25c. 85c. 60c Mati nees 15c. 2&c. Next week, starting tomorrow matinee "The Half Breed." MARQUAM GRAND Pant ages Advanced Vaudeville. Three Per formances Dally. Popular Prices. Cur tain at 2:80. 7:30 and 9 o'clock P. M. HARD KEN, The Handcuff King, the wizard of locks, who has mystified the police and lock ex perts of the world; no shackles invented will hold him. Zarro Trio, comedy bicyclists; Barnes and West, comedy singers, dancers; Jean Wilson; illustrated song; Blondey Robtnson Co.. comedians and vocalists; Chick. Piper. Gray & Co., comedy sketch; the biograph. moving pictures. The Grand Vaudeville de Luxe Entire Week of May 25. 1808. SEVEN ( 7 ) SAMOW Arabian rapid-fire Acrobats. POTTER AND HARTWELX Comedy Acrobats. "The Man With Two Heads." F. F. MON'TRKSSA. That I. A. S. T. E. man "on time," Exhibiting "The Legend of a Ghost." Time and prices remain the some. Next Week: 13 Pekln Zouaves. MEETING NOTICES. Thars will be a meeting this (Sunday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. In Washington Masonic Hall, ii 8th and K. Burnslde. for tit purpose of -completing the or ganization of Washington Commandery. All who desire to unite In this undertaking are Invited to be present. A special Invitation Is extended to Knights Templar who hold membership outside the jurisdiction of Ore gon. By order of the committee. INTMA-N WAR VETERANS OF N. P. C The funeral of our deceased comrade. P. J. Mann, will be held from his late . resktence, 441 Third, at., Sunday, at S P. M. Please attend. OTTO KLEEMANN, Grand Adjutant. INTHAN1 WAR VETERANS OF N. P. C. Tou are requested to assemble at Mulkey building at 2 P. M. today (Saturday), to par ticipate In the Memorial day parade. OTTO KLEEMANN. Grand Adjutant. rUNERAI NOTICES. JOHNSON At Good Samaritan Hospital. May 27, Nels Johnson, aged 48 years. Funeral services will be held at Hoi man's chapel, Sunday, at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Inter ment Rlverview Cemetery. MORGAN St. John, Or., Mey 28, at her residence, Mrs. Margarita Morgan, aged 82 years, 6 months'. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Hoi man's chapel, cor ner Third and Salmon sta,, ax 2:30 P. M. Sunday, May 31. COL.BURN At :30 A. M. on Friday. May 2. Mrs. A. J. Col bum, aped 70 years, 9 months, 23 days. Funeral services at her home. Oak Grove, Sunday, May 31, at 2 P. M. SJOBLOM The funeral services of the lata Otto William Sioblom will be held at Hoi man's chapel, corner Third and Salmon sts., at- 2:30 P. M. today (Saturday). Friends Invited to attend. Interment Rlverview Cemetery. MANN The funeral of P. J. Mann will be held at his late residence, 411 3d st.. next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock Friends Invited. Please omit flowers. Services at the grave private. DIED PECK At her late residence. 105 East 7th st.. May 28. Amelia F. Peck, aged 61 years, months and 11 days, wife of Otto Peck. Notice of funeral will be gives later. EDWARD HOLM AN CO,, Funeral Direct rm. 220 3d st. Lady assistant. Phon M. 507. J. F. FIN LEV HON. Funeral Directors, Third and Madlsosv. Pbosw kUUa , A !&. Damning, McEntee m Ollbaugti. Funeral Di rector. 7th Pine. Phoas M. 430. Lady test EELLER-BYRNFH CO.. Faaeral D1rn . X1 KoaeeU. East 108. Lady asetetaatw F. B. DUNNING. Cndertaaa AMl'SEMENT. HPIFin THEATER AlJJIUlVJ 14th and Washington Phones Main 1 and A 1122 This 8:15 Afternoon This 8:15 Evening JOHN DREW In the Delightful Comedy "MY WIFE" Prices $2.00. $t... si. 00. 73c. SOc. THE STAR Musical Comedy TWO SHOWS Every Evening 7:S0 and 8:15 P. M.- Lower Floor. 25c; balcony, 15c: MATINEES daily at 2:S0, 15c. Week or May 24. 11I0S. THE ARMSTKOM; MISICAL COMEDY (OMFAN V Offer the Howling: Musical Farce. Entitled "SWEETHEARTS AND WIVES." THREE HIGH-CLASS VAUDEVILLE AT TRACTIONS. LYRIC THEATER Both Phones: Msin 4685; Home B 1026 week Commencing Mondav. May 25. Fare well Ween cf the Allen Stock Company in Ouida's Celebrated nlay "1""DER TWO FLAltS" See Cigarette's Darin Ride; See the Great Sand Storm, Positively the Best Production cf the Season Next "Week the Blunkall-Atwood Company Opens fn the Australian Play "THE BUSHRANGER" Baseball RECREATION PARK Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-Fourth Sts. SAN FRANCISCO vs. PORTLAND May 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. TWO GAMES DECORATION DAY 10:30 A. M. 2:30 P. M. Games begin weekdays 3:30 P. M.; Sunday, 2 :30 P. M. Admission Bleachers, 25c; Grand stand, 50c; Boxes, 25c extra. Chil dren: Bleachers 10c, Grandstand 25c. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys nnder 12 free to Bleachers Wednesday. USE 8:30 Tonight in the Airdome, Allen Curtis and clever cast of mus ical comedy stars present the breezy song-show, Jakey.Mikey and Ikey Merry' Widow Chorus, all the late song hits and elaborate scenic and electrical investiture. Dancing Afternoon and Evening. Skating, Bowling, Centodeon, Scenic Mill, "Tickler," Figure Eight, etc. Farewell Concert Tyroleans, Breton's Leap-the-Gap. "15 Minutes From Alder Street." FAST EXCURSION STEAMER Chas. R. Spencer ASTORIA AN1 RETURN, SUNDAY, 8 A. SI. - - FARE, fl.00 Washlngon-at. Dock. WHERE TO DINE VegetarianCaf e 'I1-afiSS 35c. with Ice cream. 11 a, M. to 8 P. M. Austro-Hungarian Restaurant S4T Taylor, between 2d and 8d. Best place in town to eat at a normal price. Try m today. Grand Central Station lime Card BOUTH-EKJS PACIFIC .Leaving Portland ftoeeburg Passenger ....... Cottage Qrova Passenger California Express Ban Francisco Expresa...., West tilde Corvallls passenger .... Sheridan passenger ....... Forest orove Passenger Forest Grove passenger . Arriving: Portland Oregon ixpresa , Cottage Grove Passenger. . Roseburg passenger , Portland Expres .......... Wat Side Corvallia passenger ....... Sheridan Passenger Forest Qrova Passenger... Forest Orove passenger..., f 8:15 e m. .1 4:15 p.m. .) 7:43 p.m. J 1:30 a. m. ? 7:00 a.m. .1 4:10 a.m. 11:00 a. m. o:0 p. m. 7:15 a. m. 111:30 a m I B:H0 a m . 111:15 p-m. 6:35 p. m. 10:30 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 2 :M p. m NORTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving; Portland 1 Tacoma and Seattle Express.... 8:30a.m. isortn coast & cnicago Limited. . I 2:00 p. zn. Overland Express .,..111:43 p. m. Arriving Port! n n 6 I North Coast- Limited. . 7:00 a.m. 4:16 p.m. 8:35 p.m. Portland Express .... Overland Eaprass . . OKKtiON KA1JLKOAX) A NAVIGATION C O. Leaving; Portland Pendleton Passenger ' Chicago-Portland Special Spokane Flyer Kansas City & Chicago Express. Arriving; Portland' Spokane Flyer , Chi., Kan. City & Portland Ex. . Chicago-Portland Special Pendleton Passenger 7 :15 a. i 8:30 a. i 8:15 p. i 0:00 p. I 8:00 a. i 9:45 a. i 8:50 p. i 5:15 p. l AbTORIA fc COLUMBIA RIVER, Lea vine: Portland Astoria & Seaside Express Astoria & Seaside Express Arriving; Portland -Astoria & Portland Passenger. . Portland Express 8:00 a. i 6:00 p, i 12:15 n. 10:00 p. CANADIAN' PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Leaving Portland C P. R. Short Line, vis. Spokane 8:15 p. i Seattle 111:45 p. i Arriving; Portland I C. P. R Short Line, via Spokane! 8:00a. i Via Seattle 7:00 a. i Jefferson-Street Station SOUTHERN PACL11C. ' Leaving: Portland Dallas passenger . . . . , Dallas Passenger ..... Arriving Portland Dallas passenger . . . . , Dallas Passenger .... 7:40 a. m. 4:15 p. sa. 10:10 a. m. 5:50 p. m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Arriving Portland Wllsonville Local 7:05 a, l Salem, and Intermediate Local.. 8:15 a. i Wllsonville Local 10:30 a. l Salem and Intermediate Express. 11:20 a, i Salem and intermediate Local... 1:20 p. i Wilsonvllie Local 3:45 p. i Salem and in'-er mediate Express. 4:00 p. i Salem and Intermediate Local.. 5:40 p. Salem and Intermediate Express. 8:15 p. l Leaving Portland Salem and Intermediate Local... 6:23 a. i Wllsonville Local ' 1 7:35 a. i Salem and Intermediate Express.! 8:35 a. l alem and Intermediate Local fll:lOa.i Wllsonville Local 12:05 p. i Salem and Intermediate Express.! 2:05 p. i Salem and Intermediate Local... 3:30 p. i Wllsonville Local I 4:23 p. i Salem and intermediate Express.! 5:05 p. i NEW TODAY. Mortgage Loans, Lowest Rates Real Estate, Insurance A. H. BIRRELL ZZ MrK.y Bids.. 3d staza. GIVE MJk A CALL. MEDICAL BUILDING ' Park and Alder Streets 'tM9- E3S 3 si ALPHABETICAL DIRECTOR! Barber. Dr. S. J.. drntUt Formerly Ml! Lcay bids. Phon. Main UOa. A 140. City and County Medical Society. EQUt. DR. MARIE D.. formerly Oregonlan bids.. ulte S24-. Main 230. Ferrl. Dr.. F. E. O. J., dmtlsl For merly Uacleay bids. Suit. 211. Main 1S39 French, Dr. C. Gertrude, physician Form erly Dekum bldg. Main 714. A 4917. Hawke. Dr. C. E.. physician and nreon Formerly Oregon, bldg. Main 1312. A SI04. Ulrstcl, Dr. Ed... dentUt Main 1408. A 1409 llolbrook. Dr. Millard K.. dentUt For merly Marleay bldg. Suite 401-2-3. M. 8319 Hyde, Dr. Leon Willet, physician and sur geon Practice limited to genito-urinary Formerly FUlauer bldg. Main 263. A 1S63. Larkm. Dr. Geo., dentist Formerly Ablng ton bldg. Phones Main 678. A 2744. Loomis, Dr. Bryon K.. dentist Formerly Oregonlan bldg. Phon. A 3318. Perkins. Dr. T. L., dentUt Formerly Bui sel bldg. Suite 40T-f. Main 1312. A 0404. RlgS. Dr. J. O.. dentist Main 1409. A 1409. Boscndorf, Dr. Max, physician and kin spe clailst, formerly Berlin. Germany Of fice 315-310. Phone Main 0060. XI mm. Dr. Edna O., physician Formerly Marquam bldg. Phones Main 714. A 4917. Walgamot, Dr. F. II.. dentist Formerly Hamilton bldg. Phone Main 2290. Watson. Dr. Alfred P.. dentist Formerly Ablngton bldg. Phones Main 378. A 2744 Young. Dr. f. Q., dentist Suit 418-17 Phone Main 5819. Zlegler, Amelia and Fred J., physician, and surgeons Phone. Main CS2. A 4t43- UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FROM THE FOLLOWIXR ANSWKK CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRE SENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE GONIAN OFFICE: A !ir.:i. 957. !R4, 170. 971. 972. 077. B K14. UK2, . !Xif. ft'. 97:i, 075, 978. C U02, 950, 057, U62, 0U3, UB7, 970, 071, 976. 7S. SISi 1) S54. 9HS. D69. E !M7, 901. 933, 939. 063, 069, 070, 971, 873, 977. F 795. 813, SS4, 935, 059. 1163. 904. 969, 973, 17. 977 G 790. 927, 930, 037. 061. 064. 07.1, 074. H 22, 8117. 953. 960. 905 t'72, 972, 075, 9S.1. 0117. .1 2115. 003. 907, 042. 931. 067. K 961, 1163. 3. OliS. 070, !71. 074. L 940, 041. 042, 052, 803, 972, 073, 077. M 7112, OKI. 1162. 072. 505, AOS, 014. 926. 961. 065. 060. 070. 074. 7S, Jir.ll. 057, !IMI. 962. 6, 069. 073. P 5. -9H1. 05. HOB. 0611. 970. 971. 973. K 71. 1164. 07. 976. 077. 978. 9S0. U 605. 8H2. 901, 065, 966, 90S, 971, 073, 975. 970. 904. T 4)25. 053. 064, 967. 075. 076. V 933. 9111. 003. 960. 973. 976. 977. W 050. !C5, 067. 069. 973, 072, 081. X :21. 0t)2. 0'.5. 06. 087. V 952. 967. 9I1H. 976. AB HGl, 972. 973. AC 052, 900. 070. Al 051. 952, 061. 064. 065. 067. 074. AE 0.V). 053. 955. 005. 066. 967. Ai" 596. 952, 953. 056. 903, 964. NEW TODAY. ONLY TWO -THIRDS ACTUAL VALUE Acres Right on the Willamette; all cleared and in cultiva tion. No waste land. Excel lent for fruit, dairy, grain or stock. Near projected electric road. $30 per acre ; terms. THE JACOBS-STINE CO. Co-operative Farm Lands Department 148 Fifth Street WHOLESALE HOUSE LOCATION First-class location for wholesale or manufacturing business, corner, lOOx 100, center of business district. Another corner, 50x100, for same purpose, close in. CADY & SEIPLE, 322 Mohawk Building, A 2411. Phones Main 1859. 20 ACRE FARM FOR SALE BY OWNER On O. W. P. electric line; land Is all cleared and in cultivation; aoil cannot be excelled for fruit or eardenlnfr; 6 room house, good barn, chicken house, other buildings; orchard and garden. A snap at $3200; easy terms. Call or address 218 Worcester Block. COOK 6 TRIM Real estate, timber lands, general brokerage business. Phone A 2184. Boom 511. Corbett Building. Irvington Home $6500 In the swell part. Is offered for sale for a short time by the owner. Has 6 large rooms and fine sleeping: porch. House is new and grounds elegant. Call up C 1208 In the mornings, or ad dress P. O- Box 115. (No agents.) ENGLISH WALNUT GROVES in YamhMl County, Oregon, for pale Jn to 10-acre tr&rtn. on Installments. Trees cared for 5 year. W B. Ktreeter, E. E. 1 or iran or M. B. .Tamen. room 201, Roth chlld bldg.. Portland, Oregon. NEW TODAY. Stop That Rent! $5 Monthly Will buy you a lot in RAILWAY ADDITION 400 Choice Lots to Choose From Corner Lots $100 Inside Lots $ 85 Telephone Bonds and Sav ing's Accounts Accepted at Face Value Improved Streets, 5-Ceat Pare, Good Soil, Title Guaranteed Perfect, No Building Restrictions, and Immediate Possession. AGENTS AT TRACT EVEEY DAY, INCLUDING SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. Take Montavilla car at corner Third and Morrison streets, get off at the corner of Villa and Eibbard sts., Montavilla branch office; for further particulars call office G. P. WELLS 231 Worcester Building. Phone Main 3253. Cheap Building Lots See the lots we are selling from $500 to $800 each on Thompson, Tillamook, Hal sey, Schuyler, Broadway, Weidler, Clackamas and Wasco streets. MALL 6 VON B0RSTEL 104 Second and 392 E. Burnside Holiday's Addition The one BEST place in Portland to buy. GKOORAPHICAL, CENTER and MOST DKS1RABLE residence property of the city. SEEIJiG IS BELIEVING BETTER po and use the many CHOICK resi dences under construction and the Im provements going on. The Oregon Real Estate Company 88 14 Third atreet, Portland, Oregon. Money to Loan on first-class inside property. Oregon Life Insurance Company, third floor Corbett Building, Portland, Oregon. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES (FOB CASH ADVERTISING.) Following rate will be given only when advertising Is ordered to run consecutive days. lair and bun day lwue. The Ore gonlan charges tint-time rate each Insertion for class tiled advertising that U not run on consecutive day. The first-time rate la charged for euch Insertion in The Weekly Oregonlan. "Kooma," "Rooms and Board, "House keeping Booms." "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less. 15 oenUj 10 to 20 words. 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 26 cents, etc JNo discount tor additional insertions. Matrimonial and clairvoyant ads, one-time rate each insertion. UNDER ALT. O TILER HEADS, except "New Tday," ItO cents for 1A words or less; 16 to 20 words, aw cents t 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half) no further discount un der one month. Above rnvrt apply to advertising paid In advance only. Ail book entries will be charged In lines 14c per ine for Unt in sertion and 1c per line for each consecutive Insertion. Special rates on contracts given on application. "NEW IOOAY," gauge measure agate) 14 cents per line, first insertion 1 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always be inclosed in sealed envelopes. No stamp is required on suoh letters. TELEPHONE ADVERTISEMENTS For the convenience of patrons The Oregonlan will accept advertisements for publication in claHftitted column over the telephone. Bills for such advertising; will be mailed Imme diately and payment Is expected promptly. Care will be taken to prevent errors, but The Oregonlan wilt not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken over the telephone. Telephone: Main 7070: A 1670. I BAL ESTATE DEAJLERS. Andrews, F. V. A Co. If. 8340. S3 Hamilton si. Baker, Alfred A., 210 Ablngton bldg. Chap in A Henow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. Compton. V. Pac Sc A 1848. 100 Ablnstoa L Cook. B. S. A Co., 507-8 Corbett bldg. Crosaley Co., 70&-9 Corbett bldg. Id. 7855. Goddard. H. Msin and A 1748. 110 2d st. HotcMUss. C. R. Co.. 1C 1065. SOS G of G. Jennings A Co.. Main ISA. 205 Oregonlan. Kinney A SUoptaer, 531-532 Lbr. Ex. M. 4480. Lse, If. B., room 411 Corbett building. Vail A Von Borstal 104 2d at., 802 SL O'DonacU, J. F.. M. 4561 A A2501. 230 Stark. Palmer, H. P . 218 Commercial Club bldg.. M. 8609. A 2633. Parrtih. Walk Ins A Co., 250 Alder at. Porter A French. 607 Commercial bldg. Reed, Fields A Tynan. SC. 7004, AS651. 102 2d. Bcbalk, Geo. 204 Btark at. Main 802. A3S2. Surety Investment Company, rooms 626-27-28 Corbett bldg., opp. Po toff Ice. iRobsrt B. May and W. Lawrence). Bbarkey, J. P. A Co.. 122H Sixth at. ftweaasoa. A. F. A Co., 2&a Washington at. Tbs Oregon Real Estate Co., 88ft Tnlrd at. (Holladay Addition.) Veteran Land Co., 822 Chamber of Commerce. Waddell. W. O . 800 Lumber Exchange bldg. vv'hlte. B. F.. 227 ft Washington St. Wood burn Oregon Immigration .Bureau. Zimmerman, 621 Corbett bldg. Main 1675. FOR BATE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE New 5-room and bath bunga low, lot 50x100. nice location Montavilla; price 12000; terms. 1003 E. Washington.