TTTE 3I0RXIXG . OREG0XIA3?. SATURDAY, MAT 23, 190S. 13 OPEN SESSION HELD Federated trades Council En gages in Debates. SINGLE TAX AND LIQUOR E. S. J. McAllister Defends Single Tax an Ralph R. Dunlway At-.' tacks It Stone Speaks for Prohibition. Speaking before an open meeting of the Federated Trades Council last night, E. S. J. McAllister declared that, regardless of whether or not the' pending single tax amendment to. the state constitution should be adopted by the people In June, the single tax theory as a whole would be submitted by Initiative petition at the general election June, 1910. . Mr. McAllister made this announcement in the course : of a debate on the tax amendment, he supporting the amendment, while Ralph R. Dunlway opposed the meas ure as being radical and impracticable. While the subject Advertised to- be debated was the pending single tax amendment, Mr. McAllister -stole a march on his opponent and spent most of his time In a discussion of the plan of taxation proposed by Henry deorge. In this connection -the -speaker -said he was opposed to the assessment of personal property for the following reasons: That it is impossible to as sess this class of property Justly,- be cause ft encourages ' perjury, because it Imposes the burden of taxation on those least able to bear It, and because It places a fine on labor and industry and a premium on idleness. Mr. Mc Allister said he did not care how much confusion and litigation might follow should the single tax amendment -be adopted in June, since he considered the present system iniquitous, and un just and for that reason did not con sider that technicalities should enter Into the consideration of the. subject In concluding, he announced ' himself In favor of abolishing, .all taxes .and the substitution '- therefor of a single tax on land and that no other tax be levied and collected. '. In responding, Mr. Dunlway attacked the amendment as an extreme and dangerous . experiment. He maintained that the measure had. been . drawn crudely, with no saving clause, and for that reason, if adopted, its enforcement would .'result unquestionably in endless confusion and-litigation before its actual construction and effect could be deter mined legally. He suggested that sucn a disastrous result would follow its adop tion at this time that the men who are advocating this revision in the system of taxation would be discredited. It was for that reason, commented the speaker, that the friends of the amendment apparently were relenting In their vigorous campaign for tbe amendment in order to present at one time the single-tax doctrine at the election two years hence. Mr. Dunlway was Interrupted twice with questions by slngle-taxers In the audience who sought to confuse him in his argument but in both cases his re plies effectually silenced the. disturbers and materially strengthened the telling points he -made against . the proposed amendment. Temperance versus prohibition was discussed by E. W. Etone, aeeretary of the V,. M. C. A., who advocated pro-, hlbltlon, and John A. Goldrainer, who defended the temperate use of lntoxi . cants. Secretary Stone Insisted that liquor was the evil of the saloon and that the only way to dispense with the saloon was to have prohibition and enforce It. He pointed out that one third of the United States is already under absolute prohibition, while the saloons were being driven out of the country rapidly. The reason for the elimination of the saloon, he said, was because of Its corrupt Influence in politics. The saloon was denounced as a lawbreaker and the home of criminals. Mr. Goldrainer sought to prove that the real cause of Intemperance lies in the industrial system, that the econ omic conditions of the country and not the liquor itself are responsible for so much drunkenness. He declared that an Improvement in labor conditions would be attended by a decrease in in temperance. W. R. McGarry was scheduled to de bate the "recall" amendment with W. 8. U'Ren. Its author, but he failed to attend the meeting. Mr. U'Ren was given 15 minutes in wnlch to explain the amendment. H. G. Parsons, who presided at the meeting, spoke In favor of the bill proposed by the Ashing in terests of the lower Columbia River. Walter C. Farnham, Democratic candi date for State 'Senator, also spoke in the Interest of his own candidacy. He announced that he was for Statement No. 1 and on that platform hoped to defeat John B. Coffey, one of the reg ular Republican nominees for the Uu per House of the Oregon legislature. About 100 laboring men attended the meeting, which was held in the Bar tenders' Hall. 20RH First street. "Secret Service" Cloaca Tonight. At the Baker the usual matinee will be lven this afternoon, and this, with to ' nifht' performance, will close the week's run of Gillette's famous play, "Secret 8erv wheh haa been delighting large audl tncea at every performance. 'Te Toreadors Today. This i the last day to witness 'Tha Toreadors" at the Star Theater. Thla merry musical comedy haa caused thousand to laurh for it is the best of the attractions that have been given be the Armstrong Company. "Swretheaxte and Wire. Beginning with the mattnee tomorrow, the Armstrong Company, at the Star Theater, tvtM appear In a new musical comedy, "Sweethearts and. "Wive." Mr. Armstrong says this is the best attraction he hasgnen in Portland. 'Nell i wynne" Matin. 4 1 This afternoon will be signalised by the Allen Stock Company in a repetition of that splendid romantic costume drama Nell Gwynn.' There will he another per formance tonight. COMING ATTRACTIONS. . 4101111 Drew Coming. Tie attraction at the-Hetllg Theater next Friday and Saturday nights. May 29 and 80. with a matinee Saturday, will be he famous American acttor. John Drew, and his excellent company In the delightful comedy "Why Smith I-eft Home." . Tomorrow afternoon the Baker Stock CVmpny lir open th aK with the great Proadhurst Farce-comedy, -Why Smith Ift Horn." which In one of the bigsest laush Ettlera on the ata. today. . '. "rndrr Tw FlaV Monday. , The final offer-in of the Allen Stock Com . pany at the Lyrlr ji-M pe a (trand revival cf "trader Two Flaaa." the greatest apee- tactllar play of modern time. In which Vema Feltoa and every member of the Amusements What tbe Frees AgesUa Say. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. MODERN BEST41SASI COST ONE smiJOK DOLLARS. HOTEL OREGON J CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up I I ' European Plan. Free Bus WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Props. : Contrail? Located aaajMwcWay-M im&l Lena- Distance) Fkm it ii lai Krery Room. HOTEL PERKINS . ; Fifth and Washington Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN Room, $1.00 to $3.00 Per Day According to Location THE Park St. Bet. Morrison and Alder CALUMET HOTEL J. F. DAV1ES, President m a a p K'SI St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50c TO $1.50 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION It 1U Portland's newest and most modernly furnished HcA tel Third and Main Streets. Fronting on the beau tiful City Plaza and adjacent to business center. EUROPEAN PLAN RATES $1.00 DAY AND UP Free Bus to and From Trains. Up - to - Bate GrilL Telephone in Every Boom. Private Baths. A WORD WITH YOU! ..TTTT7 aOrTTVTTTT TT TC? 3?sVt!,sii km mhm company ""expects to make a great Impres sion on the public Next Week at the Marti u a m. Hardeen. the handcuff kins, snrt the sreat est picker of complicated locks in the world, will be one of the feature acts offered by th Fantajrea circuit at the Marqu&m Grand The ater text week. It will be an a H-star bill. . Serea 8amois Comloc The Seven Samols will head the next bill at the Grand, commencing Monday after noon. There are whirlwind acrobats from Arabia and one of the best troupes of the kind Imported to America. AT THE VATOKVILA.K THEATERS. ' Chlldrrn's Mattnee Today. Take the children to the Mirquam Grand this afternoon to see Cam! lie and her cele brated pack of leaping- hounds. Animals of such rare Intelligence have never txen veen In Portland before. The Bell trio. In popu lar selections, and Bert Wlgrain, the funny cartoonist and Jugcrler. are great. Hjurlgwa at the Grand. Harrigan, the juggler, who is a comedian and a monologist. Is the head liner at the Grand this week, topping a programme of rare excellence. Harrigan is a show In him self, but there are other of much merit. Wants $75 for Her Bog.' Stella McKern filed suit In the Cir cuit Court yesterday against Constable Lou Wagner and E. J. Davey to recover the posseaslon of a white Spitz dog valued at 175. In case the dog.can- HEAIXHlARCERa FOR TOOtlSTO and COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. SpertaJ rmtea vade to families ajid aln gla 'sentlexneu. The manacemeot wilt be pleawxi tU all time to ahow room and aivr prloc A mod ern Torklah bath ee tabliahment In - tbe hotel. H. C. BOWERS. Manager. - Modern Improvement Imperial Hotel Seventh and Washington PhiL Metschan & Sons, Props. Rates 51.00-$L50-$2.00 First-Claa Check Restaurant Connected With Hotel A Strictly First Class and Modern Hotal Containing 170 Rooms. Only American and European Hotel in Portland. lumoc Distance Phones in Every Room, at Bus Meet " All Trains. R atee American, S 2. 00 p er day an A up. Rates European, $1.00 per day and up per month, single room and board, $43 to 965 according to room. For two. $75 to $119. Board without room $80 per month N0RT0NIA -HOTEL KLEVENTH, OFF WASHINGTON ST. Portland's Newest and Most Modern! Hotel Absolutely Fire Proof American Rarte. to Famntea aid Ewropeam Oar fens Meeta All Trains Sample Suites, with Baths, (or Traveltac Mem.. C O. DA VIES, Sec and Trass, THE DANM00RE Portland's new hotel. 475 Washington, corner 14tau opp. Hellfsr Theater. Enropesa plan, $51. 00 and Up. Bus meets all trains. DAN J. MOORE, Proprietor. Hotel Moore Clatsop Beaeh, Sea side, Or. Open all year. For lnfor niatloa apply at The Dinmoore. HOTEL LENOX Cor Pnrk and Alder. 1b the most modern and elegantly appointed hotel in Portland rates moderate located In the very center of the business district, yet quiet. A number of small sHmple rooms, also a number with 100 to 150 feet of table space, with perfect light. Our omnibus meets all trains. ... . European plan $1.50 per day and. up. . - N. K. CLARKE (formerly af Portland Hotel), DR. C. W. CORNELIAS, Proprietor. Manager. not be produced she asks the payment of money. She asks, further damages of $25, as Wagner and DaVey wrong fully took possession of the dog March 7 last, according to the complaint. For more than a month Mrs. Kern has been endeavoring to have Wagner give up the dog, she alleges. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLANT). May 22. Maximum tempera ture. 64 degreea; minimum, 48 degrees. River reading at 8 A. M.. 14.3 feet; change In last 24 hours, none. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M.). .03 inch; total rainfall since Septem ber 1, 1907. 38.07 Inches; normal, 41,61 Inches; deficiency. 3.54 inches. Total sunshine May 21. 3 hours, 12 "minutes: possible sunshine, 15 hours. 11 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level), at o P. M, 30.18 Inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observational taken at 5 p. M.. Pacific time. May 22. W BATHER CONfDTTlONS. The hhjrh area over the Pacific Northwest continues to drift slowly northward and is now central over Northwest Washington. Clear klee prevail in consequence over the entire Pacific Flone and Plateau rnrton thie evening. Temperatures were higher over Oregon and Eastern Washington. Light ralni fell during the day over Western Montana Indications point to fair and- warmer weather Saturday over this entire forecast district. FORECASTS. For the 28 hours ending midnifrht, Mav 2 Portland and vicinity .Fair and warmer northerly winds. W'eetern Oregon and Western Washington Fair and warmer; northerly winds. F astern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair and warmer. , i. Lormox-z. Vnrtmjme nsmporsjily in chArsna. MEDICAL BUILDING Park and Alder Streets mm ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY Barber. Dr. 8. I., den fiat Formerly M Leay bids. Phone Main 1409. A 1409. and Cwnty Medical Society. EQUI. DR. MARIE D., formerly Oreonian bids., suite 324-5. Main 239. Ferris. I)n. F. B. M O. J., dentists For merly Macleay bids. Suite 211. Main 1939. French. Dr. C. Gertrude, physician Form erly Dekum bids. MinL714. A 4S1T. Hawke, Dr. C. B.. physician and surgeon Formerly Oregon, bids. Main 1312. A 6404. Hiratel. Dr. Eds, dentist Main 1409. A 1409 Holbrook. Dr. Millard K-. dentist For merly Macleay bids. Suite 401-2-S. M. 8319 Hyde, Dr. Leon Willet. physician and aur on Practice limited to senito-urlnary diseases Formerly Fleldher bids. Mala 263. A 1SS3. Larkbi. Dr. Geo., dentist Formerly A til lis ten bids. Phones Main 57S. A 2744 Loomls. Dr. Bryon B.. dentist Formerly Oregonian bids. Phone A 3318. Perkins. Dr. T. dentist Formerly Rus ael bids. Suite 40T-&. Main 1312. A E404. Rlsss. Dr. J. O., dentist Main 1409. A 1409- Bosendorf, Dr. Max, physician and skin spe cialist, formerly Berlin. Germany Of fice. 815-310. Phone Main 6060. Timms. Dr. Kdna O.. physician Formerly Marquazn bids. Phones Main 714. A 4917. Walsamot, Dr. F. II., dentist Formerly Hamilton bids. Phone Main 2200. Watson, Dr. Alfred dentist Formerly Ablnston bids. Phones Main 578. A 2744. Xouns. Dr. i. , deatist Suits 416-17 Phone Main 6819. ' Ziexler. Amelia and Fred J., physicians and sura-eons Phones Main 6S2. A 4043. AMUSEMENTS. BAKER THEATERPBonAM5r6S,n .Matinee" Today. Last Time Torwht. Geo. L. Baker, Gen. Manaser. One of the sreatest auccesaea on the Amer ican and European stase of today. "SECRET SERVICE," By William Gillette, author of Sherlock v" Holmes. Evenins Curtain, 8:05 Matinee, 9:05. Evenlns Prices: 25c, 85c, 50c Matinee, 15e, 25c. Next Week, starting tomorrow matinee, "Why .Smith Left Home." THE STAR Musical Comedy TWO SHOWS EVERY EVENING, 7:30 and :15 P. .M. Lower floor, 25c; bal cony, 15c; matlneea daily at 2:S0 P. M., 15c Week of May 17. 190S. The Armstrong Musical Comedy Company Offers "THE TOREADORS." In which is introduced a real Spanish bull fiftht. Two Vaudeville Specialties in Addition. LYRIC THEATER Both Phones: Main 4685: Home, A 1026. Week commencing Monday. May 18. P. R. Allen presents Miss Verna Felton and the Allen Stock Company in the comedy drama, "SELL G WYNNE." Matinees Tuesday, , Thursday. Saturday and Sunday. Prices noc and 20c. Every evenlns at 8:15. Prices 10c. 20c and 30c Boxes 50c. Office open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. MARQUAM GRAND Ail This Week. Pantages Advanced Vaudeville. Three Per formances Dally. Popular Prices. Cur tain at 2:30. 7:30 and 9 o'clock P. M. LIGHTNING PROGRAM. The Bell Trio, Mile. Camilla's leaplns Greyhounds, Le Morris & Co.. Wise and Milton, Bert Wipglne. Sisters Marrion, Jean Wilson, Blograph presenting- "Ths Mexry Widow Walts erase." The Grand Vaudeville de Luxe Entire Week of May 18. 1908. JAMES HARRIGAN. The orlplnal Tramp Juggler and Monologlst. ROBERT H. HODGE AND COMPANY. "Thoubles of Bill Blithers, a Bachelor." F. F. MONTRES9A, That I. A T. S. E. Man "On Time." Exhibiting "A Bridal Couple Dodging Cameras." ' TIME AND PMCES REMAIN THE SAME. THE Tyrolean concerts In the sheltered air dome. 2:30-8:30, and Breton's Flying Auto daily, 3:30 and 9:30. Sae th most thrill ing act fn America. Chutes, Scenic Mill, "The Tickler," Figure Eight, Skating, Bowling. Dancing. Park open 2 to 12. "25 Minutes From Alder St." Baseball RECREATION PARK Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-Fourth Sts. OAKLAND : VS. : PORTJ-AND May 19, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24. r Games begin weekdays 3:30 P. SI., Sunday 2:30 P. M. Admission Bleachers, 25c; Grand stand, 50c; Boxes, 25c extra. Chil dren: Bleachers 10c, Grandstand 25c. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys under 12 free to Bleachers Wednesday. MEETING NOTICES. - In the Goepel Ball. 48 East flth St. S., meetings are being conducted every evening thla week Cexcept Saturday) at 7:45. by C. W. Rosa, of Kansas City., Mo., and Jamea Harcua. of Everett. Wash. COMRADES OP UNCOLN OARPIELD POST. NO. a. G. A. R.. and comrades, are invited to attend the funeral of our. late comrade, Thomas Ftzglbbon, Company G. Third New York Cavalry. Services at the Cathed ral, 14th and Iavls. 2 P. M. Saturday, May 2.1. Interment at G. A. R. Cemetery.- J. W. CURRAN, Commander. DIED WIQGIN tn this city at the late residence, 208 Union, avenue. Miles R. Wiggin, aged 61 years, 8 months and 5 days. Funeral notice later. FUNERAIt NOTICES. CAMPBELL At the family residence, near Greshara, Or.. May 21. Robert B. Camp bell, aged SO years. 2 months and 17 days. The funeral services will be held at the above residence at. 10:45 A. M. Sunday. May 24. Friends Invited. Inter ment River View. FITZOIBBON May 21. at the family resi dence. 449 Clay St., Thomas Fitssglbbon. aged 65 years. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at ths Cathedral cor ner 15th and Xavls sts.. at 2 P. M. to day (.Saturday). Interment Q. a. R. Cemetery. EDWARD HOLM AX CO.. Funeral ni.-.ft- ora, 220 3d at. Lady assistant. Phone M mi. Lady assistant. Phone M. 607. . P. rrVLEY t026. ftnnoral Director. Third and Madisos. Fbon Mala B. A 1&09, Don nine. McKntee m Gllbmnch.' aPuae-ml i rectors. 7th Pine. Phune M. 430. Idy mmU BILER-BYKNES CO, FUneral Dlreet mn. 1H BaaaeU.. East 10K. Idy a&sUtanl. P. A. DUNXKO. Undertaker. -414 Kast Llder. Llr assist ant, Pboaa aat aa. if Erand Central Station rime Card SOCTURN PACLFIC. Leavina; Portland ' Eosebuxs; passen&er ......... Cottars Q rove Passengar .... California Express .......... Sac Francisco Express West Side Corvallls Passenrer ......... bheridan Passenger ......... Forest Grove passenger ...... Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Ore go a lux press Cottage Grove Passenger..... Rose burg Passenger Portland Express ............ Went Side Corvallls passenger Sheridan Passenger ......... Forest Grove Passenger. ..... Forest Grove Paissentrer .1 8:15 a. m. .1 4: id p.m. -I 7:45 p.m. . 1:30 a. m. .'l 7:00 a.m. .1 4:10 a.m. 111:00 a. m, 5:40 p. m. 7:15 a. m. .111:0 a.m. . I 6:30 p. m. Ill: id p-ia. 6:35 p. m, 10:30 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 2 :M p. m. NORTHERN PACIFIC. Lea v Ins; Portland I Tacoma and toeattle Express. .. .1 S:90 North coast & Chicago Limited. , auoo p. m. '" n.ysa n.A:eo p. Arriving; Portlands I North Coast Limited... Portland Express Overland Express . -.i 7:00 am. 4:15 p.m. 8:85 p.m. ORtXiQN RAILROAD NAVIGATION CO. Lea vine: Portland Pendleton Passenger ........... Chicago-Portland Special ., Spokane Flyer Kansas City A Chicago Express. Arri riiis: Portland Spokane Flyer Chi., Kan. City & Portland Ex. . Chicago-Portland Special Pendleton passgfifer 7:15 8:30 8:15 tt:O0 8:00 ft:45 8:50 5:15 P- xn, p. m. a. m. a. m. p. nx, p. m. ASTORIA . .ft COLUMBIA KIV ER. Lenvlna; Portland Jatoria Seaside Express. . aatoria A. (seaside Express. .. .. Arriving; Portland- Astoria & Portland Passenger. Portland Express 8:00 a. i 0:00 p. i 12:15 p. m. 10:00 p. m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Lea vine; Portland . I C. P. R. Short Line, via. Spokane I 8:35 p. m.' Seattle ll:45 p. so. Arriving Portland J C. P. R- Short Line, via Spokane ( 8:00 a m. Via Seattle I 7:00 a.m. 'Jefferson-Street Station bOUTULKN ACL AC. LaTins; Portlaad Dallas, Passenger ..... Dallas Passenger ..... Arriving Portland- Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenxer . . . . , T:40 a. m. 4:15 p. a. ..110:15 a. m. .1 5:00 p. m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Arriving; Portland Wilsonviile Local Balem and intermediate Local. . Wilsonviile Local Salem and Intermediate Express. Salem and Intermediate Local... Wllsonvilie Local . .-. . Salem and Intermediate Express. Salem and intermediate Local.. Salem and Intermediate Express. Leaving; Portland Salem and intermediate Local... WlLaonvUle Local , Salem and Intermediate Express. Salem and Intermediate Local... Wilsonviile Local Salem and Intermediate Express. Salem and Intermediate Local... Wilsonviile Local Salem and Intermediate Express. 7:05 a. m. 8:15 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 11:20 a m. 1 :'J0 p. mv 3:45 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 5:40 p. m. 6:15 p. ax. 6:25 a m. I 7:35 a. m. 8:35 a. m. 11:10 a. m. 12:05 p. m. 2:05 p. m. S:30 p. m. 4 :23 p. m. 6:05 p. m. WHERE TO DINE Anstro- Hungarian Restaurant 247 Taylor, between 2d and 3d, Best place In town to eat at a normal price. Try as today. Wash. Sunday dinner 85c, with Ice cream. Jl A. M. to 8 P. M. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Franklin-Barnes Market Friedman Packing Company, inc. Meats, Poultry. Fish. Vegetable 105-7 Third street. Both phones. Haa Mantlna Laato Mantle, -25c, the UHS ill amies equal of the best 85s mantle on the market. Barretts. 410 Moi rlscn. Both phones.- , Wnnii 0000 cords flret-class 4-foot Or t uuu wood, $5 per cord delivered. Phone Main 4435.' Eagle Creek Fuel Coxar pany. 408 Corbett Bldg. SffltinriArv Did yu kIMw there was OIUIIUIIUI jr R stationery store at 240 Morrison street, near Third. Stationery and Blank Books. Davis ft Kllburn. A . 161L Flnrict Cut Floiiers always fresh from - lulll our own conservator lea Martin & Forbes. 847 Washington st. Both phones. "Tift! Bock Springs Coal Independent vunm Coal ft Ice Company, opposite City Library. Both phones. Electric Fixtures J "b'0iv ySSJ prices are .right. All work guaranteed. Western Electric Work a qi Sixth street. Pint. no Knives, Forks and all Silver A itiuug ware replated as good as new. Oregon Plating Works, 16th and Alder. Main 2575. A 2575. AVitiA OMalley ft Neuberger. 827 Wash 1UC lngton street, Phone Main 2394. Free delivery. A gallon at 10-year-old Ingle nook Port. 81.50. Wnnil Th Portland Fuel Co. Seasoned IIUUU fir cord wood. 4 Xt, $5.50; sawed, SO.OO. Hard -wood and coal. Yard 287 E. Morrison st- Phones B 26, B 1026. pnnl Kem merer coal, the best Wyoming vuui coa;. gives more heat and less ash. Churchiey Bros.. 18th and Marshall sts. Phones Main 931: A 3981. UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE held at this office FROM THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRE RENTINO YOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE GONIAN OFFICE: A PIT. 91S. U1H. 820. 922. 923. 95a. 954, 972. B SOT. 900. 928. er.1. 952, 953, 9G1. C 8S8. 904. B59. 900. 1 K85. 2S, 928. 951, 954 956, 959, 974. ' E 710. 1)15. 925. 987. 959. F 87. 901, 951, 952, 954. 958. G 8ti2, or.. 930. 9:12. H 882, 891. 895. 50. . J 906. 918. 931. 951, 958. K 905 955 1 L 51.' 9"i. 904. 935. 940. 952. 953. M "HO. 898, 000. 907. 939. 959. N 57. 951, 954, 955. 957, 58, Bo9. I O 788. 920, 957, 958. P 937.' 958. 959. 9B2. , R 592. 889. S.-.2. 950, 9?3. 957, 901. S 916. 928. 945. 953. 954. MR2. T 929. 934. 935, 951. 953. 954. 959. V 349. 906. 926. 928. 932, U33, 935, 841, 944. 948. 951, 954. 958. W 194. 900. SOS. 905. 018, 951. 852.' 954. 986. X 312. 900, 901. SIS 921. 953, 954. 955, 961. Y 905. 850. 952. 58. . . AB 005. 951, 9.17, 962. 964. 966, 969. AC 952. 94, 965. 970. 973. AI 54. 964. 966, 968, 1170. AH 951. 953. 964. 965. 968. NEW TODAY. HOME, SWEET HOME! FortMiiiouth i-room, new cottage; BOX 100: terms. S60O. Wlllumbla New, 5-room bungalow, only $250 cash. $1900. University Park Neat 6 -room house; fruit, garden; east front; 60x100. 81SOO. Portmnouth X e w, modern, 7-room house: easy payments; alley; 75x100. S2500. M nearly Junction Modern, 8-room, iile:'.; home; fruit; barn; lOJxlOO. S.3SOO. Hoiue Lola, 50x100. at S400 to $600. A. W. BAGLKI, Portsmouth. rt. John Car Phone Woodlawn 2144. $500 Down Buys a home; balance monthly. ' We have three new 5 and 6-room houses. to be sold $1800 to $2800 Easy Terms CHAPIN & HEEL0W, 832 Chamber of Commerce. COOK & TRUBY Real estate, timber lands, general brokerage business. Phone A 2184. Boom 611, Corbett Bull ding. NEW tOBAT. MAPLE HURST ACRES In Johnson Creek countrv. Wichita Station, on O. W. P'. Ry. Two to eight acres in a tract; $300 to $400 per acre. Easy Payments Crops prowinff on the $400.00 acres. Small investments for finest of soil. Fruit and vegetable land cheap. CHAPIN & HERL0W, 332 Chamber of Commerce. The one BEST place in Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL. CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE residence property of the city. SEEING IS BELIEVING BETTER fro and see the many CHOIOff resi dences under construction and the im provements going on. The Oregon Real Estate Company 88 Third street, Portland, OreROn. IRRIGATED FRU1TLANDS EASY PAYMENTS Over a million dollars already spent on improvement by the United States Government. Have 30 acres patented land under- Umatilla project which will sell In 10-acre tracts at J60 to $90; ten-year payments. 6 per cent Interest. Address A. C. Crawford, East 2nd street, Hermiston. Oregon. Mortgage Loans, Lowest Rates Real Estate, Insurance A. H. BIRRELL. " ttti McKay Bid-.. Sd at Stark. OIVK MJC A CALL. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES (FOB CASH ADVERTISING.) Following rates will be given only whea advertising i ordered to run -consecutive days. Dally and Sunday Issue, xhe Ore gonian charge Unit-time rate each insertion for classified advertising that is not run on consecutive days. - Xhe ttrst-tim rate is charged for each Insertion in iue Weekly Oregonian. "Kuoms," "Rooms and Board, "House keeping Rooms,' "Situations Wanted IS words or less. 15 cents; 10 to v Moras, 0 cents; 21 to 2ft words, 24 cents, etc f Ko discount for additional Insertions. Matrimonial and clairvoyant ads, one-time rate each insertion. L IS Dr-B ALL OTHER HEADS, except New Tday' cents for 16 words or less; IS to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 26 words, fiu eents, eto. ilrst Insertion. Kach additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one inomth. Above rairS "apply to advertising paid in advance only. aU 'took entries will be charged in lines 14c per lnefor first In sertion and 7o per line for each consecutive insertion. jpechtl ratea on contracts given on application. "NEW TODAY," gauge measure agate), 14 cent per line, first Insertion; 1 cent per line for each additional Insertion; TELEPHONE ADVERTISEMENTS For the convenience of patrons The Oregonian will accept advertisements for publication in classified columns over the telephone. Bills for such advertising will be mailed Imme diately and payment Is expected promptly. Care will be taken to prevent errors, but Tbe Oregonian will not be responsible fur errors in advertisements taken over the telephone. Telephone: Main 7070; A 1670. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care Tbe Oregonian, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed In sealed envelopes. Mo stamp Is required on such tetters. REAL. ESTATE JB -ic.Aff.irna Andrews, F. V. A Co. Id. SS49. 83 Hamilton si. Baker, Alfred 215 Ab tag ton bldg. Chapln & He now, 832 Chamber of Commerce. Compton, 4. F. Pac. fc A1S4S. 100 Abingum bL Cook. B. S. ft Co., 507-8 Corbett bldg. Cross. ey Co., Corbett bldg. U. iS5&, Ooddard. B. W., Main and A 1743. 110 2d at. Botchklas. C R. ft Co.. 1C 1065. 808 C of G. Jennings ft Co., Ualn 188. 206 Oregonian. Kinney ft Stamp her, 531-532 lAr. Ex. M. 4488, Xjss, IT. X... room all Corbstt building. Mall ft Ton Borstal 104 2d st, 892 S. Buraslds. 0Donaeu, J. F., M. 4561 ft A2561. 230 Stark. Palmer, H. P., 213 Commercial Club bldg.. M. 6690, A 2653. Psrrlsb. Watkins sY Co., 250 Alder st. -Poiter ft French. 807 Commercial bldg. Reed. Fields ft Tynan, M. 70O4. A3651. 102 2d. Rose City Realty Inv. Co., Mercbanu Trust bl. Bchalk, Geo. D.. 264 Stark at. Main 802. A8C2 Surety Investment Company, rooms 628-27-28 Corbett bldg., opp. tRobert B. May and W. Lawrence). Sharkey, J. p. ft Co.. 122 Sixth at. fiwtnasoa, A. F. Co., 2&S Waahlngtoa at. The Oregon Real Estate Co., 83ft Third at. Holladay Additions Veteran Land Co., 822 Chamber of Commerce. Waddell. W. O 309 Lumber Exchange bldg. White, B. F.. VZiy Washington st. Woodburn Oregon .Immigration Bureau. Zimmerman. 521 Corbett bldg. Main 1675. , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $2100--GOOD 5-room cottage, with 60x100 feet, on Corbett. near Meade st. A real bargain; torms easy. Parrish, Watkins & Co., 250 Alder st. IRVTNGTON $5500, 6 rooms, new; handsome place; large lawn ; every modern conven ience; terms. ,E. J. Daly,. 222 Falling bldg. . FOR SALE New 5-room and bath bunga low, lot 50x100. nice location Momavllla; price $200o; terms. 3903 E. Washington. 6-ROOM cottage, porcelain bath, gas, elec tricity; full lot. fruit and roses. Inquire 409 East 27th, South. VERY choice acre at end of Waverly-Rleh-mond line, fine view, good soil; price $1500. Call for McGrath. Main 8177. DON'T r-ay rent. $5 per month for a largs lot, convenient to car. Start today. Purse, 623 Chamber of Commerce. , M 7309. 7-ROOM bouse. Highland. New. modern; a big snap. $3250. John P. Sharkey Co 122ft OLh st. Main 650. A 2537. RISLEY ACREAGE. Oregon City carllne. C. W. Rlsly, owner, Risley's Station, P. O. Milwaukte. MODERN 8-room residence. restricted neighborhood. City View Perk; bargain. $24U0. Particulars 103 4th st. TWO of best located lots in Belle Crest, overlooking Country Club grounds; owner leaving city. Phone East 4172. GOOD INVESTMENT. Upper Alblna. three 5-room cottage, one 4-room flat. Inquire 628 Williams. FOR S A LE 7-room m od ern b un galo w ; n i ce locat ion I $2700; term. Owner. Phone WoodJawn 187, forenoons. SfN'N YSirxE 7-room modern house, lot 63x100. large shade and fruit trees a beautiful home. $2H00. 511 8 wetland bl'dg SNAP Lots in Peninsular Addition No 2 near Swift packing plant, cheap. Phone East Sill. NEW 5-room house, 100x200 lot, many fruit trees, only $1750 a snap. Call 825 Lum ber Exchange. $2400 New 6-room modern bungalows, $300 $20 monthly. East 44th, near Hawthorne! Dr. Darling. BARGAIN Business lot ana 6-room house In Sunnyeide, $2250; part cash. Phone B 1762 LARGE, new colonial 8-room house. $44)00 $500. $25 monthly. Owner, Woodlawn 1"0! B17AP Modern 6-room house, nice lawn, neai car; $1600. D 7S8, care Oregonian. FOR SALE By owner, 6-room house, lot 85x70. 310 Cam I hers st. HAVE you $8000 to invest and couple of lots to trade; snap. R 962, Oregonian. MY 8-room twme, 49 Bast Ash, for $3500 If taken at once. East 3011. Holladay's Addition ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE." - HALF ACRE TRACTS. We are offering the best thing la acre er half acre tracts la Portland; water mains laid and terms of only $10 cash and $10 per month. CHURCH ILL-MATTHEWS CO, . 110 2d at. HOU&E AND LOT $500. 5-room huse. lot 40x100; Montavllla car line; chickens and sheds, etc.; $000; pay ment $50a) down, balance terms to suit. 5- room house, big lot, $1250, payment $60o. balance terms. 6- room houee and lot. Unlversltv Park. 1 blocks from St. John car. cash $.V0. bsi. 86O0 terms. Particulars City Realty Bro kerage & Trust Co., 553 Chamber of Com- bldg., 3d and Stark. Phone Main FINE HOME. A modenv 7-room house, fireplace and furnace, laundry tubs, ery large bath room, one bedroom has large alcove, ex tra large closets; walls are tinted, built in china closet, pass pantry, 'very pretty stairway, hall seat, polished floors, cove ceilings, large porch, corner lot, sur rounded by nice homes. 2 blocks from Ankeny carllne. , HENK.LE ft HARRISON, " 217 A 1 lngton Bldg. $S0 CASH, balance of $470 in monthlv pav ments of $:o win buy a fine CORNER HALF ACRE, with city water, near trol ley and fine macadam road. 25 minutes ride from 1st and Alder sts. Would mske flne chicken ranch or sub-isVan home. This is a mony-saver and a money-maker; no agents. Owner. N JJ32, OregonI;.. EAST SIDE BUNGALOW. 4-room cosy bungalow and "s acre of -ground. Summer kitchen, woodhouse. chicken-house and chickens, large variety of fruit trees and berries; only one block from car. This is a bargain and the price is only $15K; terms. J NO- P. SHARKEY CO., 122 6th st NEW hotel building and stores. South 1st St.. $15,000. House, 7 rooms. East Morrison St.. $18f0. 11 acres, 1 mile from Oregon City. $1000. 320-acre farm near Salem; good soil; $J0 peri acre. E. H. COLLIS. S2 Worcester bldg. Phone Main 6567. ABOUT 1200 tax titles will he sold by Wash ington County. Or., at public auction. May 27. 1008. The list includes property in West Portland Heights. West Portland Place and Hyde Park addition to Port . iHnd. Bee descriptions Sheriff's office, Hlllsboro, Or. 5-ROOM new and modern cottage, price $1850; lot 101x104. 1 a blocks from Mt. Scott carline. close In; fruit, shade trees, berries, etc. We have a choice list of now and modern places, all sires and locations; terma easy. Garland ft Shelton. ll 4th WEST -SIDE. New 5-room cottage In Southern Port land. Just being completed, full lot, 1 block from carline, $2OO0. easy terms; this is a neat place; cement walks. HENKLE ft HARRISON, 217 Ablngton Bldg. NEW 7-room house. Just completed, full concrete basement, furnace. electric light, porcelain plumbing. 2 blocks from 2 carlines, 41th and East Madison; price $200; will sell on any reasonable terms; make us an offer. Portland Realty A. Trust Company. lOft Second st. CLOSD IN, EASY WALKING DISTANCE LOT. For Home or Flat. Owner needs money; lot easily worth $200 more than asked; full lot; all Improvements paid; no agents. Phone Main or A 3126. A NUMBER of exceptionally good bargains In Irvington, Holladay and John Irving Additions; 2-story residences, bungalows; lots from $000 up. terms. Phones East S'J and C 1093. Office cor. 15th and Halaey sts.. Irvington. Broadway car. J. E. " Dolen. - FOR SALE 4 acres on north bank of Co lumbia, 12 miles from Vancouver; spring on land, part of which Is rented; private road to river; sell cheap if takvn at once. AMERICAN TECHNICAL BOOK CO., 301 Arcade Bldg., Seattle. Wash. CALL UP OWNER. East 23:t2. For a 100x120 on corner; fruit, garden, lawn, 6 rooms on ground floor; two rooms unfurnished; all large rooms; will finish to suit; $1000. terms. X 961, Oregonian. 2. 3 OR 4-ACRE tracts In best of fruit- and garden land on Johnson Creek. Wichita Station on O. W. P. Ry., $300 to $400 per acre and most of It has crop growing now. Crispin ft Her low. 832 Chamber of Commerce NEW 5-room cottage, bungalow style, just completed; full size lot; two carlines;, 200 feet south. Hawthorne eve on 50th; 15 minutes from city; price $2000; $300 down, balance rent installments. Inquire 106 2d st. OWNER leaving city will sacrifice new mod ern 6-room house; concrete basement, fur nace, corner lot 50x100, lawn, roses; 1 block south. Hawthorne ave. : $3000, terms. 320 E. 33d.f Phone Tabor 285. 5 OR 6-ROOM house for a $500 cash pay ment and balance monthly; we have one for $18oo, one for $2100 and one for $2850; good car service, ehapin & Herlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. ARTISTIC HOMES. We build 'em; nifty ones; don't cost much; Installments; let's talk It over with Butterworth, the Bungalow Man, 317 Ab lngton bldg. Main 852ft. WEST SIDE LOT. Good lot on Mill St., near 17th; $2500; good terms. HENKLE ft HARRISON. 217 Ablngton Bldg. $2300 New 6-room cottage, pantry, bs seg ment, bath, woodlift, combination fixtures, close to cars and school; $500 down. Would take lots for part. Owner, B 011, Oregonian. $2100 FULL lot, 60x100 feet, with good 5 room cottage, on Corbett street. nar Meade. Investigate this. .Sold on -ea?y terms. Parrish. Watkins dfc Co., 250 Alder st. BOUSES for sale In all parta of the city; acreage close In. and farms In Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 4486. Kinney ft 6tamplier, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. BY OWNER, 8-room house, modern, with carpets and other furnishings; lot 56x100; cars stop In front of house; must be sold at once at a bargain on terms or cash. 676 East Ankeny, corner 19th. PIEDMONT SNAP. Three lots, corner Kiilingsworth and. Haight ave.; owner. Address B, 292 Clay st. Mean business. LOTS on small monthly payments; good in vestment stocks; house for $S25 and up Address p. G. Herner, Belmont and E. 34th. Phone B 2369. THIS WEEK SPECIAL BARGAIN LOTS. TAKE ALBERTA-ST. CAR. JOHN B. MATTHEWS. OFFICE 27TH AND ALBERTA. FOR SALE: Homestead relinquishments, $200 and up, also improved farms for sale; essy terms. John H. Moeller, 155 13th st.. North., Portland. Or. FOUR houses on tract In residence district, paying good interest on SlO.OoO; $9000 takes it; dealing direct with owner. K t63, Ore gonian. . . $1750 Modern ft-room cottage near Sunny side; terms $700 cash, balance to suit; this is a bargain; investigate. State Land Co., 13314 1st st. LOT 25xlt0, with D-room house; full cement basement, with furnace and laundry; gas all through house; price $3800. By owner. 613 Clay. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BY EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATTT. D. A. TUFTS, 803 H WASHINGTON ST. SNAP Must sell before May 25, new 5 room modern cottage. $300 cash, balance $15 per month. Owner, 1186 East 18ih N. Take Alberta car. $50 CERTIFICATE on Waverly Heights lot for sale at half price; must be taken, at once. Address A F 61, Oregonian. $12S5 South Portland quarter block, east front, sewers; close to car; terms. Owner. Main 3990. $1550 Nice new cottage, 706 East 6th. .near Beech: close to csr; bath, gas, etc Owner, 2Q8 4th. Main 30O0. m SACRIFICE sale, corner, walking distance nostofflce, only $5500; no agents. Leek BoS 285. : $3250 New residence. 6 rooms, cement basement, gas. electricity; worth $U750. 774 East Yamhill 24th. BY owner, well-located 5-room cottage. 645 Tacoma ave.. Sell wood, for $1650; terms. LOT, 44th and East Stark; $25 down. $19 per month- Apply at tent. $50 WAVERLY certificate for sale cheap, og trade. Phone evenings. Be 11 wood 1242. I1 1 11 l c3 101.0